1 import cc.squirreljme.plugin.swm.JavaMEMidletType
2 import cc.squirreljme.plugin.swm.JavaMEStandard
4 description = "This contains the standard MIDP Limited Capability Device " +
5 "User Interface which uses graphical text, widgets, and images to interact " +
6 "with the user. Unlike the MEEP Line User Interface, this requires a " +
7 "much more capable graphical system."
8 version = rootProject.version
12 javaDocErrorCode = "EB"
13 swmType = JavaMEMidletType.API
15 swmVendor = "Stephanie Gawroriski"
16 definedStandards += new JavaMEStandard("microedition.lcdui;;")
20 // ProGuard thinks this method has no side effects so it removes this
21 // however, we really do need to keep this method but we can obfuscate it
22 proGuardOptions += ["-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation",
24 "javax.microedition.lcdui.__CommonWidget__\$__CommonState__",
26 "cc.squirreljme.runtime.lcdui.mle.UIBackend",
33 api project(":modules:cldc-compact")
35 api project(":modules:meep-midlet")
36 api project(":modules:gcf")
37 api project(":modules:io")
38 api project(":modules:collections")