Cherry pick the banglets and such from wip-l1summercoat, this will be the basis for...
[SquirrelJME.git] / .idea / dictionaries / xer.xml
1 <component name="ProjectDictionaryState">
2   <dictionary name="xer">
3     <words>
4       <w>accel</w>
5       <w>anycoat</w>
6       <w>appli</w>
7       <w>backlight</w>
8       <w>baos</w>
9       <w>bitfield</w>
10       <w>bootram</w>
11       <w>cldc</w>
12       <w>codebeat</w>
13       <w>compactified</w>
14       <w>cpibm</w>
15       <w>csascii</w>
16       <w>csibm</w>
17       <w>csisolatin</w>
18       <w>dlet</w>
19       <w>dlets</w>
20       <w>ebcdic</w>
21       <w>endianess</w>
22       <w>fileselectors</w>
23       <w>fprintf</w>
24       <w>gawroriski</w>
25       <w>idleitem</w>
26       <w>ioob</w>
27       <w>jarray</w>
28       <w>javase</w>
29       <w>jboolean</w>
30       <w>jbyte</w>
31       <w>jchar</w>
32       <w>jclass</w>
33       <w>jdouble</w>
34       <w>jfield</w>
35       <w>jfloat</w>
36       <w>jint</w>
37       <w>jlong</w>
38       <w>jme's</w>
39       <w>jmethod</w>
40       <w>jnicall</w>
41       <w>jniexport</w>
42       <w>jobject</w>
43       <w>jshort</w>
44       <w>jstring</w>
45       <w>jthrowable</w>
46       <w>jvalue</w>
47       <w>jweak</w>
48       <w>lcdui</w>
49       <w>ljava</w>
50       <w>messg</w>
51       <w>microedition</w>
52       <w>midlet</w>
53       <w>midlets</w>
54       <w>multiphasicapps</w>
55       <w>narg</w>
56       <w>nase</w>
57       <w>noassert</w>
58       <w>nsee</w>
59       <w>phasic</w>
60       <w>rasterized</w>
61       <w>roro</w>
62       <w>siii</w>
63       <w>siiii</w>
64       <w>siiiii</w>
65       <w>siiiiii</w>
66       <w>siiiiiii</w>
67       <w>siiiiiiii</w>
68       <w>softkey</w>
69       <w>springcoat</w>
70       <w>squirreljme</w>
71       <w>stdint</w>
72       <w>summercoat</w>
73       <w>sysprop</w>
74       <w>tabbedpanes</w>
75       <w>targetting</w>
76       <w>textboxes</w>
77       <w>uiform</w>
78       <w>uiitem</w>
79       <w>uiwidget</w>
80       <w>ushort</w>
81       <w>vmtypes</w>
82       <w>vtable</w>
83       <w>xemulator</w>
84       <w>xjdwp</w>
85       <w>xlibraries</w>
86       <w>xsnapshot</w>
87     </words>
88   </dictionary>
89 </component>