5 I believe I am going to switch from the AGPLv3 to the GPLv3, the AGPLv3 is nice
6 but the server including bits especially when it comes to a client does not
7 make much sense and it can be difficult. For example, if I wrote a web browser
8 then the web server provider has the right to ask for the source code that the
9 client uses. I would need to have some exceptions in place. I also want to
10 invade the IoT world and AGPLv3 may cause some issues there. I have no
11 intention of leaving the GPLv3 however.
15 My new testing code seems to be much faster now.
19 Now I can resume writing ZIP files and such.
23 I need a `SeekableByteChannel` which can wrap a byte array.
27 I also need some common ZIP classes such as compression type and other things.