5 So I need a hashmap now, I think I will just have a single class and
6 implement it very simply right now.
10 Okay so throwing a `ClassCastException` but then it stops, so this
11 gives me the idea that the exception register is not being cleared on
12 handling like how it happened previously.
16 Did some exception optimizations, no checking done if all the exception
17 cases were handled already. Also finally did divide by zero check, so
18 that should work out well. Still have the make exception issue but I
19 am pretty sure I know what is going on.
23 Oh, I should not use the exception register directly when doing make
24 exceptions because then the call to the constructor might end up checking
25 that in which case bad things will happen.
29 So that fixed the issue, now I have the CCE. So I am guessing that the CCE is
30 made by the instance checker but since null is not an instance of something it
31 fails. So I need a new JVMFunction for this.
35 Actually no new method is needed, just a null skip.
39 So if the ROM is okay and SummerCoat fails, then something is wrong in the
40 suite information stuff somewhere.
44 Seems the problem went away? I guess it was due to a stale buile. But
45 RatufaCoat does not print the string name properly while SummerCoat does.
49 Now it does not work???