5 I want a service to wrap around a documentation tool so that way I have
6 that and it is not something messy like Sun's JavaDoc stuff.
10 Definitely have this idea of completely wrapping the ugly documentation
11 interface with a much nicer and cleaner one.
15 Would be useful if SummerCoat had profiling in it.
19 Pretty sure I want SummerCoat's running stuff to be in the actual VM stuff
20 now rather than later.
24 Tracking how long system calls take is cool.
28 Oh wow, `BootLibrary.init()` is causing all the libraries to be read and such
29 so that definitely is important!
33 Okay so `GameCanvas` is not actually doing any drawing on screen...
37 Also `Image.getGraphics()` completely ignores alpha channel.
41 So the 14th character in the class name is getting chopped off somehow? Can be
44 * `("java.util.PopertyPermission" "net.multiphasicapps.util.datadeque.bl`
45 * `java.util.ProertyPermission`
47 But these should actually be at the same point but they are not. So it is not
48 the class stuff it is just the string.
52 They come from TODO notes.
56 Actually it probably is `PrintStream` since I did that recently.
60 There is a threshold of 90 and the cut off on the line is exactly at 90 always
61 so this means something in `PrintStream` is chopping something off.
65 And fixed it, the at position was not being stored in a flush.
69 Seems a static constructor in DoomRPG is returning `null` which is not a
74 And the code it uses is messing with `microedition.locale` which is not
75 set in Java SE. But also probably it is not able to find a resource that
76 the game needs as well.
80 I cannot check it in SpringCoat because it is so slow.