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[SquirrelJME.git] / modules / cldc-compact / src / test / resources / lang / bytecode / TestDupXTwoIII.j
1 ; -*- Mode: Jasmin; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ; SquirrelJME
4 ; Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <>
5 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 ; SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
7 ; See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 .class public lang/bytecode/TestDupXTwoIII
11 .super net/multiphasicapps/tac/TestInteger
13 .method public <init>()V
14 aload 0
15 invokenonvirtual net/multiphasicapps/tac/TestInteger/<init>()V
16 return
17 .end method
19 .method public test()I
20 .limit stack 4
22 ; c
23 sipush 1234
24 ; b
25 sipush 3000
26 ; a
27 sipush 7777
29 ; c, b, a -> a, c, b, a
30 dup_x2
32 ; b + a -> x [a, c, x]
33 iadd
34 ; c + x -> y [a, y]
35 iadd
36 ; a + y -> z [z]
37 iadd
39 ireturn
40 .end method