Removal of old and deprecated UIForm code.
[SquirrelJME.git] / modules / cldc-compact / src / main / java / cc / squirreljme / jvm / mle /
1 // -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
2 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // SquirrelJME
4 // Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <>
5 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 // SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
7 // See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
8 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 package cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle;
12 import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.JarPackageBracket;
13 import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.exceptions.MLECallError;
14 import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.Api;
15 import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.SquirrelJMEVendorApi;
16 import;
17 import org.jetbrains.annotations.CheckReturnValue;
18 import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
19 import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
20 import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
21 import org.jetbrains.annotations.Range;
23 /**
24 * This allows access to the library class path and resources.
26 * @since 2020/06/07
28 @SuppressWarnings("UnstableApiUsage")
29 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
30 public final class JarPackageShelf
32 /**
33 * Returns the classpath of the current program.
35 * @return The classpath of the current program.
36 * @since 2020/06/07
38 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
39 public static native JarPackageBracket[] classPath();
41 /**
42 * Checks if the given brackets refer to the same JAR.
44 * @param __a The first JAR.
45 * @param __b The second JAR.
46 * @return If these are equal or not.
47 * @throws MLECallError If either argument is {@code null}.
48 * @since 2020/07/02
50 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
51 public static native boolean equals(
52 JarPackageBracket __a, JarPackageBracket __b)
53 throws MLECallError;
55 /**
56 * Returns the libraries which are available to the virtual machine.
58 * @return The libraries that are currently available.
59 * @since 2020/10/31
61 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
62 public static native JarPackageBracket[] libraries();
64 /**
65 * Returns the ID of the specific library.
67 * @param __jar The Jar to get the library ID of.
68 * @return The library ID for the given Jar.
69 * @throws MLECallError If the library is not valid.
70 * @since 2023/12/18
72 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
73 public static native int libraryId(@NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar)
74 throws MLECallError;
76 /**
77 * Returns the path to the given JAR.
79 * Note that this may or may not be a physical path, it could be a
80 * representation of the JAR file in string form.
82 * @param __jar The JAR to get the path of.
83 * @return The path of the given JAR.
84 * @throws MLECallError If the JAR is not valid.
85 * @since 2020/10/31
87 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
88 public static native String libraryPath(@NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar)
89 throws MLECallError;
91 /**
92 * Opens the resource from the input stream.
94 * @param __jar The JAR to open.
95 * @param __rc The resource to load from the given JAR.
96 * @return Input stream to the resource, may be {@code null} if it does
97 * not exist.
98 * @throws MLECallError If the JAR is not valid or the resource was not
99 * specified.
100 * @since 2020/06/07
102 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
103 @Nullable
104 public static native InputStream openResource(
105 @NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar,
106 @NotNull String __rc)
107 throws MLECallError;
110 * Returns the prefix code for the class.
112 * @param __jar The Jar to get the prefix code from.
113 * @return The prefix code in the JAR, mapped accordingly to 37 radix,
114 * will return -1 if there is none.
115 * @throws MLECallError If {@code __jar} is null.
116 * @since 2023/07/19
118 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
119 @Range(from = -1, to = 1296)
120 public static native int prefixCode(@NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar)
121 throws MLECallError;
124 * Reads a section of a JAR representation, note that the format is not
125 * necessarily in the format of a JAR or ZIP file but may exist in SQC
126 * form.
128 * @param __jar The library to read the raw data from.
129 * @param __jarOffset The offset into the raw data.
130 * @param __b The buffer to write into.
131 * @param __o The offset into the buffer.
132 * @param __l The length of the buffer.
133 * @return The number of bytes read from the raw Jar data.
134 * @throws MLECallError On null arguments or if the offset and/or length
135 * exceed the array bounds.
136 * @since 2022/03/04
138 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
139 @CheckReturnValue
140 public static native int rawData(@NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar,
141 @Range(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int __jarOffset,
142 @NotNull byte[] __b,
143 @Range(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int __o,
144 @Range(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int __l)
145 throws MLECallError;
148 * Returns the raw size of a given JAR, note that this may not be
149 * the size of a JAR file but a compiled form such a SQC.
151 * @param __jar The JAR to lookup.
152 * @return The raw size of the JAR, this will be a negative value if the
153 * JAR is virtual and its size is not known.
154 * @throws MLECallError If {@code __jar} is null.
155 * @since 2022/03/04
157 @SquirrelJMEVendorApi
158 @CheckReturnValue
159 public static native int rawSize(@NotNull JarPackageBracket __jar)
160 throws MLECallError;