Channel creation.
[TownSquare.git] / townsquare / controllers /
1 import logging, re
3 from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
4 from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to
6 from townsquare.model.user import User
7 from townsquare.lib.account import *
8 from townsquare.lib import mail
9 from townsquare.lib.base import BaseController, render
11 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
13 class AccountController(BaseController):
15 def login(self):
16 # Forward to home if logged in
17 idname = session.get('account.idname')
18 if idname is not None and len(idname):
19 redirect_to('/') #TODO: application's root, not host's root
20 c.field_errors = []
21 form_valid = False
22 if len(request.POST):
23 c.username = request.POST.getone('username').strip()
24 idname = c.username.lower()
25 acc = g.db.col(Account).find_one(idname=idname)
26 if acc is not None:
27 if acc.authenticate(request.POST.getone('password')):
28 #TODO: should use session id
29 session['account.idname'] = idname
31 #TODO: show message (with auto-redirect) or just redirect
32 redirect_to('/') #TODO: application's root, not host's root
33 return render('/account/login.mako')
35 def logout(self):
36 session['account.idname'] = ''
38 redirect_to('/') #TODO: application's root, not host's root
40 def register(self):
41 # Forward to home if logged in
42 idname = session.get('account.idname')
43 if idname is not None and len(idname):
44 redirect_to('/') #TODO: application's root, not host's root
45 c.title = 'Eaaaa'
46 c.field_errors = []
47 form_valid = False
48 if len(request.POST):
49 # Process submited form data here
50 #TODO: lots of check here
51 c.username = request.POST.getone('username').strip()
52 if (len(c.username) < 4 or len(c.username) > 25):
53 c.field_errors.append('username')
54 if (re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$', c.username) == None):
55 c.field_errors.append('username')
56 = request.POST.getone('email')
57 if (len( < 4):
58 c.field_errors.append('email')
59 c.email_confirm = request.POST.getone('email_confirm')
60 if (c.email_confirm != or len(c.email_confirm) < 4):
61 c.field_errors.append('email_confirm')
62 c.password = request.POST.getone('password')
63 if (len(c.password) < 6):
64 c.field_errors.append('password')
65 c.password_confirm = request.POST.getone('password_confirm')
66 if (c.password_confirm != c.password or len(c.password_confirm) < 6):
67 c.field_errors.append('password_confirm')
68 #TODO: custom fields (example: invitation code, referrer, introductory message)
69 form_valid = len(c.field_errors) == 0
71 if form_valid:
72 # Continue the registration
73 user = Account()
74 = c.username
75 =
76 user.passkey = c.password
77 #user.admin = True
78 vals_valid = False
79 try:
81 g.db.col(Account).insert(user)
82 except NameExists:
83 c.field_errors.append('username')
84 except EmailExists:
85 c.field_errors.append('email')
86 c.field_errors.append('email_confirm')
87 else:
88 pass
89 vals_valid = len(c.field_errors) == 0
90 if vals_valid:
91 #TODO: prepare the content
92 mail.send_administration_mail(, "Activation Code", "TODO: mail message here!")
94 #TODO: redirect
95 return render('/account/register_succeded.mako')
97 return render('/account/register.mako')
99 def activate(self, key=None):
100 idname = session.get('account.idname')
101 if idname is not None and len(idname):
102 redirect_to('/') #TODO: application's root, not host's root
103 if (len(request.POST)):
104 key = request.POST.getone('activation_key').strip()
105 if key is not None:
106 acc = g.db.col(Account).find_one(activation_key=key)
107 if acc is not None:
108 if acc.activate(key):
110 return render('/account/activate_succeded.mako')
111 #TODO: fail message
112 return render('/account/activate.mako')
114 def invite(self):
115 idname = session.get('account.idname')
116 if idname is None or len(idname) == 0:
117 redirect_to('/login') #TODO: application's root, not host's root. with redirect parameter.
118 #TODO: check config (whom can invite, the number of invitations)
119 #TODO: check session
120 return render('/account/invite.mako')