We are working with signed long (made this explicit) so use fromLong instead of fromInt.
[UnsignedByte.git] / src / Resource / Resource.project
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <CodeLite_Project Name="Resource">
3 <VirtualDirectory Name="Source Files">
4 <File Name="Assert.cpp"/>
5 <File Name="Coordinate.cpp"/>
6 <File Name="Global.cpp"/>
7 <File Name="Path.cpp"/>
8 <File Name="sha2.c"/>
9 <File Name="StringUtilities.cpp"/>
10 <File Name="Exceptions.cpp"/>
11 </VirtualDirectory>
12 <VirtualDirectory Name="Header Files">
13 <File Name="Array.h"/>
14 <File Name="Assert.h"/>
15 <File Name="Coordinate.h"/>
16 <File Name="Exceptions.h"/>
17 <File Name="GameVersion.h"/>
18 <File Name="Global.h"/>
19 <File Name="Path.h"/>
20 <File Name="sha2.h"/>
21 <File Name="singleton.h"/>
22 <File Name="smart_ptr.h"/>
23 <File Name="sqlite3.h"/>
24 <File Name="StringUtilities.h"/>
25 <File Name="telnet.h"/>
26 <File Name="Types.h"/>
27 </VirtualDirectory>
28 <Settings Type="Static Library">
29 <Configuration Name="Debug" CompilerType="gnu g++" DebuggerType="GNU gdb debugger">
30 <General OutputFile="../../lib/libubresource.a" IntermediateDirectory="./Debug" Command="" CommandArguments="" WorkingDirectory="" PauseExecWhenProcTerminates="yes"/>
31 <Compiler Required="yes" Options="-g -Wall">
32 <IncludePath Value="."/>
33 <IncludePath Value="../Sockets"/>
34 </Compiler>
35 <Linker Required="yes" Options="-O0">
36 <LibraryPath Value="."/>
37 </Linker>
38 <ResourceCompiler Required="no" Options=""/>
39 <PreBuild/>
40 <PostBuild/>
41 <CustomBuild Enabled="no">
42 <CleanCommand/>
43 <BuildCommand/>
44 <SingleFileCommand/>
45 <MakefileGenerationCommand/>
46 <ThirdPartyToolName>None</ThirdPartyToolName>
47 <WorkingDirectory/>
48 </CustomBuild>
49 <AdditionalRules>
50 <CustomPostBuild/>
51 <CustomPreBuild/>
52 </AdditionalRules>
53 </Configuration>
54 <Configuration Name="Profiling" CompilerType="gnu g++" DebuggerType="GNU gdb debugger">
55 <General OutputFile="../lib/libubresource.a" IntermediateDirectory="./Profiling" Command="" CommandArguments="" WorkingDirectory="" PauseExecWhenProcTerminates="yes"/>
56 <Compiler Required="yes" Options="-g -Wall -pg">
57 <IncludePath Value="."/>
58 <IncludePath Value="../include"/>
59 <IncludePath Value="$(HOME)/local/include"/>
60 </Compiler>
61 <Linker Required="yes" Options="-O0 -pg">
62 <LibraryPath Value="."/>
63 </Linker>
64 <ResourceCompiler Required="no" Options=""/>
65 <PreBuild/>
66 <PostBuild/>
67 <CustomBuild Enabled="no">
68 <CleanCommand/>
69 <BuildCommand/>
70 <SingleFileCommand/>
71 <MakefileGenerationCommand/>
72 <ThirdPartyToolName>None</ThirdPartyToolName>
73 <WorkingDirectory/>
74 </CustomBuild>
75 <AdditionalRules>
76 <CustomPostBuild/>
77 <CustomPreBuild/>
78 </AdditionalRules>
79 </Configuration>
80 </Settings>
81 <Dependencies/>
82 </CodeLite_Project>