First arg to latlon_to_ij is not an integer projection
[WPS-merge.git] / metgrid / src / rotate_winds_module.F
1 module rotate_winds_module
3    use bitarray_module
4    use constants_module
5    use llxy_module
6    use map_utils
7    use misc_definitions_module
8    use module_debug
10    integer :: orig_selected_projection
12    contains
14    !
15    ! ARW Wind Rotation Code
16    !
18    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
19    ! Name: map_to_met                                                             !
20    !                                                                              !
21    ! Purpose: Rotate grid-relative winds to Earth-relative winds                  !
22    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
23    subroutine map_to_met(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
24                          us1, us2, ue1, ue2, &
25                          vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
26                          xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v)
28       implicit none
30       ! Arguments
31       integer, intent(in) :: us1, us2, ue1, ue2, vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2
32       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v
33       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
35       orig_selected_projection = iget_selected_domain()
36       call select_domain(SOURCE_PROJ)
37       call metmap_xform(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
38                         us1, us2, ue1, ue2, &
39                         vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
40                         xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v, 1)
41       call select_domain(orig_selected_projection)
43    end subroutine map_to_met
46    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
47    ! Name: met_to_map                                                             !
48    !                                                                              !
49    ! Purpose: Rotate Earth-relative winds to grid-relative winds                  !
50    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
51    subroutine met_to_map(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
52                          us1, us2, ue1, ue2, &
53                          vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
54                          xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v)
56       implicit none
58       ! Arguments
59       integer, intent(in) :: us1, us2, ue1, ue2, vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2
60       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v
61       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
63       orig_selected_projection = iget_selected_domain()
64       call select_domain(1)
65       call metmap_xform(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
66                         us1, us2, ue1, ue2, &
67                         vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
68                         xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v, -1)
69       call select_domain(orig_selected_projection)
71    end subroutine met_to_map
74    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
75    ! Name: metmap_xform                                                           !
76    !                                                                              !
77    ! Purpose: Do the actual work of rotating winds for C grid.                    !
78    !          If idir= 1, rotate grid-relative winds to Earth-relative winds      !
79    !          If idir=-1, rotate Earth-relative winds to grid-relative winds      !
80    !                                                                              !
81    ! ASSUMPTIONS: 1) MEMORY ORDER IS XY.                                          !
83    !                 HAS ONE MORE ROW THAN U ARRAY.                               !
84    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
85    subroutine metmap_xform(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
86                            us1, us2, ue1, ue2, vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
87                            xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v, idir)
89       implicit none
91       ! Arguments
92       integer, intent(in) :: us1, us2, ue1, ue2, vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, idir
93       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlon_u, xlon_v, xlat_u, xlat_v
94       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
96       ! Local variables
97       integer :: i, j
98       real :: u_weight, v_weight
99       real :: u_map, v_map, alpha, diff
100       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_new, v_new, u_mult, v_mult
101       logical :: do_last_col_u, do_last_row_u, do_last_col_v, do_last_row_v
102       real :: x_u, y_u, x_v, y_v
103       real :: xlat_u_p1 , xlon_u_p1, xlat_v_p1 , xlon_v_p1
104       real :: xlat_u_m1 , xlon_u_m1, xlat_v_m1 , xlon_v_m1
105       real :: diff_lon, diff_lat
107       ! If the proj_info structure has not been initialized, we don't have
108       !   information about the projection and standard longitude.
109       if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%init) then
111          ! Only rotate winds for Lambert conformal, polar stereographic, or Cassini
112          if ((proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_LC) .or. &
113              (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_PS) .or. &
114              (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_CASSINI)) then
115             call mprintf((idir ==  1),LOGFILE,'Rotating map winds to earth winds.')
116             call mprintf((idir == -1),LOGFILE,'Rotating earth winds to grid winds')
118             allocate(u_mult(us1:ue1,us2:ue2))
119             allocate(v_mult(vs1:ve1,vs2:ve2))
121             do j=us2,ue2
122                do i=us1,ue1
123                   if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-us1+1, j-us2+1)) then
124                      u_mult(i,j) = 1.
125                   else
126                      u_mult(i,j) = 0.
127                   end if
128                end do
129             end do
131             do j=vs2,ve2
132                do i=vs1,ve1
133                   if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
134                      v_mult(i,j) = 1.
135                   else
136                      v_mult(i,j) = 0.
137                   end if
138                end do
139             end do
141             if (ue1-us1 == ve1-vs1) then
142                do_last_col_u = .false.
143                do_last_col_v = .true.
144             else
145                do_last_col_u = .true.
146                do_last_col_v = .false.
147             end if
149             if (ue2-us2 == ve2-vs2) then
150                do_last_row_u = .true.
151                do_last_row_v = .false.
152             else
153                do_last_row_u = .false.
154                do_last_row_v = .true.
155             end if
157             ! Create arrays to hold rotated winds
158             allocate(u_new(us1:ue1, us2:ue2))
159             allocate(v_new(vs1:ve1, vs2:ve2))
161             ! Rotate U field
162             do j=us2,ue2
163                do i=us1,ue1
165                   diff = idir * (xlon_u(i,j) - proj_stack(current_nest_number)%stdlon)
166                   if (diff > 180.) then
167                      diff = diff - 360.
168                   else if (diff < -180.) then
169                      diff = diff + 360.
170                   end if
172                   ! Calculate the rotation angle, alpha, in radians
173                   if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_LC) then
174                      alpha = diff * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%cone * rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi 
175                   else if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_CASSINI) then
176                      call latlon_to_ij ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
177                                          xlat_u(i,j), xlon_u(i,j), x_u, y_u )
178                      call ij_to_latlon ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
179                                          x_u, y_u + 0.1 , xlat_u_p1 , xlon_u_p1 )
180                      call ij_to_latlon ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
181                                          x_u, y_u - 0.1 , xlat_u_m1 , xlon_u_m1 )
182                      diff_lon = xlon_u_p1-xlon_u_m1
183                      if (diff_lon > 180.) then
184                         diff_lon = diff_lon - 360.
185                      else if (diff_lon < -180.) then
186                         diff_lon = diff_lon + 360.
187                      end if
188                      diff_lat = xlat_u_p1-xlat_u_m1
189                      alpha = atan2(   (-cos(xlat_u(i,j)*rad_per_deg) * diff_lon*rad_per_deg),   &
190                                                      diff_lat*rad_per_deg    &
191                                   )
192                   else
193                      alpha = diff * rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi 
194                   end if
196                   v_weight = 0.
198                   ! On C grid, take U_ij, and get V value at the same lat/lon
199                   !   by averaging the four surrounding V points
200                   if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-us1+1, j-us2+1)) then
201                      u_map = u(i,j)
202                      if (i == us1) then
203                         if (j == ue2 .and. do_last_row_u) then
204                            v_weight = v_mult(i,j)
205                            v_map = v(i,j)*v_mult(i,j)
206                         else
207                            v_weight = v_mult(i,j) + v_mult(i,j+1)
208                            v_map = v(i,j)*v_mult(i,j) + v(i,j+1)*v_mult(i,j+1)
209                         end if 
210                      else if (i == ue1 .and. do_last_col_u) then
211                         if (j == ue2 .and. do_last_row_u) then
212                            v_weight = v_mult(i-1,j)
213                            v_map = v(i-1,j)
214                         else
215                            v_weight = v_mult(i-1,j) + v_mult(i-1,j+1) 
216                            v_map = v(i-1,j)*v_mult(i-1,j) + v(i-1,j+1)*v_mult(i-1,j+1)
217                         end if 
218                      else if (j == ue2 .and. do_last_row_u) then
219                         v_weight = v_mult(i-1,j-1) + v_mult(i,j-1)
220                         v_map = v(i-1,j-1)*v_mult(i-1,j-1) + v(i,j-1)*v_mult(i,j-1)
221                      else
222                         v_weight = v_mult(i-1,j) + v_mult(i-1,j+1) + v_mult(i,j) + v_mult(i,j+1)
223                         v_map = v(i-1,j)*v_mult(i-1,j) + v(i-1,j+1)*v_mult(i-1,j+1) + v(i,j)*v_mult(i,j) + v(i,j+1)*v_mult(i,j+1)
224                      end if
225                      if (v_weight > 0.) then
226                         u_new(i,j) = cos(alpha)*u_map + sin(alpha)*v_map/v_weight
227                      else
228                         u_new(i,j) = u(i,j)
229                      end if
230                   else
231                      u_new(i,j) = u(i,j)
232                   end if
234                end do
235             end do
237             ! Rotate V field
238             do j=vs2,ve2
239                do i=vs1,ve1
241                   diff = idir * (xlon_v(i,j) - proj_stack(current_nest_number)%stdlon)
242                   if (diff > 180.) then
243                      diff = diff - 360.
244                   else if (diff < -180.) then
245                      diff = diff + 360.
246                   end if
248                   if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_LC) then
249                      alpha = diff * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%cone * rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi 
250                   else if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_CASSINI) then
251                      call latlon_to_ij ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
252                                          xlat_v(i,j), xlon_v(i,j), x_v, y_v )
253                      call ij_to_latlon ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
254                                          x_v, y_v + 0.1 , xlat_v_p1 , xlon_v_p1 )
255                      call ij_to_latlon ( proj_stack(SOURCE_PROJ) , &
256                                          x_v, y_v - 0.1 , xlat_v_m1 , xlon_v_m1 )
257                      diff_lon = xlon_v_p1-xlon_v_m1
258                      if (diff_lon > 180.) then
259                         diff_lon = diff_lon - 360.
260                      else if (diff_lon < -180.) then
261                         diff_lon = diff_lon + 360.
262                      end if
263                      diff_lat = xlat_v_p1-xlat_v_m1
264                      alpha = atan2(   (-cos(xlat_v(i,j)*rad_per_deg) * diff_lon*rad_per_deg),   &
265                                                      diff_lat*rad_per_deg    &
266                                   )
267                   else
268                      alpha = diff * rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi 
269                   end if
271                   u_weight = 0.
273                   if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
274                      v_map = v(i,j)
275                      if (j == vs2) then
276                         if (i == ve1 .and. do_last_col_v) then
277                            u_weight = u_mult(i,j)
278                            u_map = u(i,j)*u_mult(i,j)
279                         else
280                            u_weight = u_mult(i,j) + u_mult(i+1,j)
281                            u_map = u(i,j)*u_mult(i,j) + u(i+1,j)*u_mult(i+1,j)
282                         end if 
283                      else if (j == ve2 .and. do_last_row_v) then
284                         if (i == ve1 .and. do_last_col_v) then
285                            u_weight = u_mult(i,j-1)
286                            u_map = u(i,j-1)*u_mult(i,j-1)
287                         else
288                            u_weight = u_mult(i,j-1) + u_mult(i+1,j-1)
289                            u_map = u(i,j-1)*u_mult(i,j-1) + u(i+1,j-1)*u_mult(i+1,j-1)
290                         end if 
291                      else if (i == ve1 .and. do_last_col_v) then
292                         u_weight = u_mult(i,j) + u_mult(i,j-1)
293                         u_map = u(i,j)*u_mult(i,j) + u(i,j-1)*u_mult(i,j-1)
294                      else
295                         u_weight = u_mult(i,j-1) + u_mult(i,j) + u_mult(i+1,j-1) + u_mult(i+1,j)
296                         u_map = u(i,j-1)*u_mult(i,j-1) + u(i,j)*u_mult(i,j) + u(i+1,j-1)*u_mult(i+1,j-1) + u(i+1,j)*u_mult(i+1,j)
297                      end if
298                      if (u_weight > 0.) then
299                         v_new(i,j) = -sin(alpha)*u_map/u_weight + cos(alpha)*v_map
300                      else
301                         v_new(i,j) = v(i,j)
302                      end if
303                   else
304                      v_new(i,j) = v(i,j)
305                   end if
307                end do
308             end do
310             ! Copy rotated winds back into argument arrays
311             u = u_new 
312             v = v_new 
314             deallocate(u_new)
315             deallocate(v_new)
316             deallocate(u_mult)
317             deallocate(v_mult)
318          end if
320       else
321          call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'In metmap_xform(), uninitialized proj_info structure.')
322       end if
324    end subroutine metmap_xform
327    !
328    ! NMM Wind Rotation Code
329    !
331    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
332    ! Name: map_to_met_nmm                                                         !
333    !                                                                              !
334    ! Purpose: Rotate grid-relative winds to Earth-relative winds                  !
335    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
336    subroutine map_to_met_nmm(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
337                              vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
338                              xlat_v, xlon_v)
340       implicit none
342       ! Arguments
343       integer, intent(in) :: vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2
344       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlat_v, xlon_v
345       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
347       orig_selected_projection = iget_selected_domain()
348       call select_domain(SOURCE_PROJ)
349       call metmap_xform_nmm(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
350                             vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
351                             xlat_v, xlon_v, 1)
352       call select_domain(orig_selected_projection)
354    end subroutine map_to_met_nmm
357    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
358    ! Name: met_to_map_nmm                                                         !
359    !                                                                              !
360    ! Purpose: Rotate Earth-relative winds to grid-relative winds                  !
361    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
362    subroutine met_to_map_nmm(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
363                              vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
364                              xlat_v, xlon_v)
366       implicit none
368       ! Arguments
369       integer, intent(in) :: vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2
370       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlat_v, xlon_v
371       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
373       orig_selected_projection = iget_selected_domain()
374       call select_domain(1)
375       call metmap_xform_nmm(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
376                             vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
377                             xlat_v, xlon_v, -1)
378       call select_domain(orig_selected_projection)
380    end subroutine met_to_map_nmm
383    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
384    ! Name: metmap_xform_nmm                                                       !
385    !                                                                              !
386    ! Purpose: Do the actual work of rotating winds for E grid.                    !
387    !          If idir= 1, rotate grid-relative winds to Earth-relative winds      !
388    !          If idir=-1, rotate Earth-relative winds to grid-relative winds      !
389    !                                                                              !
390    ! ASSUMPTIONS: 1) MEMORY ORDER IS XY.                                          !
391    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
392    subroutine metmap_xform_nmm(u, u_mask, v, v_mask, &
393                                vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, &
394                                xlat_v, xlon_v, idir)
396       implicit none
398       ! Arguments
399       integer, intent(in) :: vs1, vs2, ve1, ve2, idir
400       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, xlat_v, xlon_v
401       type (bitarray), intent(in) :: u_mask, v_mask
403       ! Local variables
404       integer :: i, j
405       real :: u_map, v_map, diff, alpha
406       real :: phi0, lmbd0, big_denominator, relm, rlat_v,rlon_v, clontemp
407       real :: sin_phi0, cos_phi0,  cos_alpha, sin_alpha
408       real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_new, v_new
411       ! If the proj_info structure has not been initialized, we don't have
412       !   information about the projection and standard longitude.
413       if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%init) then
415          if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_ROTLL) then
417             call mprintf((idir ==  1),LOGFILE,'Rotating map winds to earth winds.')
418             call mprintf((idir == -1),LOGFILE,'Rotating earth winds to grid winds')
420             ! Create arrays to hold rotated winds
421             allocate(u_new(vs1:ve1, vs2:ve2))
422             allocate(v_new(vs1:ve1, vs2:ve2))
424             phi0  = proj_stack(current_nest_number)%lat1 * rad_per_deg
426             clontemp= proj_stack(current_nest_number)%lon1
428             if (clontemp .lt. 0.) then
429                lmbd0 = (clontemp + 360.) * rad_per_deg
430             else
431                lmbd0 = (clontemp) * rad_per_deg
432             endif
434             sin_phi0  = sin(phi0)
435             cos_phi0  = cos(phi0)
437             do j=vs2,ve2
438                do i=vs1,ve1
440                   ! Calculate the sine and cosine of rotation angle
441                   rlat_v = xlat_v(i,j) * rad_per_deg
442                   rlon_v = xlon_v(i,j) * rad_per_deg
443                   relm = rlon_v - lmbd0
444                   big_denominator = cos(asin( &
445                                        cos_phi0 * sin(rlat_v) - &
446                                        sin_phi0 * cos(rlat_v) * cos(relm) &
447                                         )   )
449                   sin_alpha = sin_phi0 * sin(relm)  /  &
450                                          big_denominator
452                   cos_alpha = (cos_phi0 * cos(rlat_v) + &
453                                sin_phi0 * sin(rlat_v) * cos(relm))  /  &
454                                             big_denominator
456                   ! Rotate U field
457                   if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
458                      u_map = u(i,j)
459                      if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
460                         v_map = v(i,j)
461                      else
462                         v_map = 0.
463                      end if
465                      u_new(i,j) = cos_alpha*u_map + idir*sin_alpha*v_map
466                   else
467                      u_new(i,j) = u(i,j)
468                   end if
470                   ! Rotate V field
471                   if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
472                      v_map = v(i,j)
473                      if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
474                         u_map = u(i,j)
475                      else
476                         u_map = 0.
477                      end if
479                      v_new(i,j) = -idir*sin_alpha*u_map + cos_alpha*v_map
480                   else
481                      v_new(i,j) = v(i,j)
482                   end if
484                end do
485             end do
487             ! Copy rotated winds back into argument arrays
488             u = u_new 
489             v = v_new 
491             deallocate(u_new)
492             deallocate(v_new)
494          ! Only rotate winds for Lambert conformal, polar stereographic, or Cassini
495          else if ((proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_LC) .or. &
496                   (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_PS) .or. &
497                   (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_CASSINI)) then
499             call mprintf((idir ==  1),LOGFILE,'Rotating map winds to earth winds.')
500             call mprintf((idir == -1),LOGFILE,'Rotating earth winds to grid winds')
502             ! Create arrays to hold rotated winds
503             allocate(u_new(vs1:ve1, vs2:ve2))
504             allocate(v_new(vs1:ve1, vs2:ve2))
506             do j=vs2,ve2
507                do i=vs1,ve1
509                   diff = idir * (xlon_v(i,j) - proj_stack(current_nest_number)%stdlon)
510                   if (diff > 180.) then
511                      diff = diff - 360.
512                   else if (diff < -180.) then
513                      diff = diff + 360.
514                   end if
516                   ! Calculate the rotation angle, alpha, in radians
517                   if (proj_stack(current_nest_number)%code == PROJ_LC) then
518                      alpha = diff * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%cone * &
519                              rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi
520                   else
521                      alpha = diff * rad_per_deg * proj_stack(current_nest_number)%hemi 
522                   end if
524                   ! Rotate U field
525                   if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
526                      u_map = u(i,j)
527                      if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
528                         v_map = v(i,j)
529                      else
530                         v_map = 0.
531                      end if
533                      u_new(i,j) = cos(alpha)*u_map + idir*sin(alpha)*v_map
534                   else
535                      u_new(i,j) = u(i,j)
536                   end if
538                   ! Rotate V field
539                   if (bitarray_test(v_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
540                      v_map = v(i,j)
541                      if (bitarray_test(u_mask, i-vs1+1, j-vs2+1)) then
542                         u_map = u(i,j)
543                      else
544                         u_map = 0.
545                      end if
547                      v_new(i,j) = -idir*sin(alpha)*u_map + cos(alpha)*v_map
548                   else
549                      v_new(i,j) = v(i,j)
550                   end if
552                end do
553             end do
555             ! Copy rotated winds back into argument arrays
556             u = u_new 
557             v = v_new 
559             deallocate(u_new)
560             deallocate(v_new)
562          end if
564       else
565          call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'In metmap_xform_nmm(), uninitialized proj_info structure.')
566       end if
568    end subroutine metmap_xform_nmm
570 end module rotate_winds_module