1 GRIB | Level| Level| Level| metgrid | metgrid | metgrid |
2 Code | Code | 1 | 2 | Name | Units | Description |
3 -----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+
4 129 | 100 | * | | GEOPT | m2 s-2 | |
5 | 100 | * | | HGT | m | Height |
6 130 | 100 | * | | TT | K | Temperature |
7 131 | 100 | * | | UU | m s-1 | U |
8 132 | 100 | * | | VV | m s-1 | V |
9 157 | 100 | * | | RH | % | Relative Humidity |
10 165 | 1 | 0 | | UU | m s-1 | U At 10 m |
11 166 | 1 | 0 | | VV | m s-1 | V At 10 m |
12 167 | 1 | 0 | | TT | K | Temperature At 2 m |
13 168 | 1 | 0 | | DEWPT | K | |
14 | 1 | 0 | | RH | % | Relative Humidity At 2 m |
15 172 | 1 | 0 | | LANDSEA | 0/1 Flag | Land/Sea flag |
16 129 | 1 | 0 | | SOILGEO | m2 s-2 | |
17 | 1 | 0 | | SOILHGT | m | Terrain field of source analysis |
18 134 | 1 | 0 | | PSFC | Pa | Surface Pressure |
19 151 | 1 | 0 | | PMSL | Pa | Sea-level Pressure |
20 235 | 1 | 0 | | SKINTEMP | K | Sea-Surface Temperature |
21 31 | 1 | 0 | | SEAICE | 0/1 Flag | Sea-Ice-Flag |
22 34 | 1 | 0 | | SST | K | Sea-Surface Temperature |
23 141 | 1 | 0 | | SNOW_EC | m | |
24 | 1 | 0 | | SNOW | kg m-2 |Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth|
25 139 | 112 | 0 | 7 | ST000007 | K | T of 0-7 cm ground layer |
26 170 | 112 | 7 | 28 | ST007028 | K | T of 7-28 cm ground layer |
27 183 | 112 | 28 | 100 | ST028100 | K | T of 28-100 cm ground layer |
28 236 | 112 | 100 | 255 | ST100289 | K | T of 100-289 cm ground layer |
29 39 | 112 | 0 | 7 | SM000007 | fraction | Soil moisture of 0-7 cm ground layer |
30 40 | 112 | 7 | 28 | SM007028 | fraction | Soil moisture of 7-28 cm ground layer |
31 41 | 112 | 28 | 100 | SM028100 | fraction | Soil moisture of 28-100 cm ground layer |
32 42 | 112 | 100 | 255 | SM100289 | fraction | Soil moisture of 100-289 cm ground layer |
33 -----+------+------+------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------+
35 # Grib codes are from Table 128
36 # http://old.ecmwf.int/publications/manuals/d/gribapi/param/filter=grib1/order=paramId/order_type=asc/p=1/table=128/
38 # snow depth is converted to the proper units in rrpr.F
40 # Tested on NCAR/RDA ds113.0 dataset. http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds113.0/
41 # Note that for ds113.0 there is one surface data file per day and 4 pressure-level files per day.