4 Vtable.AFWAICE U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ice fields.
5 Vtable.AGRMETSNOW U.S. Air Force Weather Agency Agricultural Meteorology fields (not publically available)
12 Vtable.AVN0P5WRF Grib 1 legacy Vtable for 0.5 degree NCEP AVN
13 Vtable.AWIP Grib 1 legacy Vtable for NCEP NGM 'AWIPS' grid
15 Vtable.CFSR2_web Climate Forecast System Reanalysis 2
16 Vtable.CFSR_mean Climate Forecast System Reanalysis Monthly mean from NOMADS.
17 Vtable.CFSR_press_pgbh06 CFSR pressure-level output from NCAR
18 Vtable.CFSR_sfc_flxf06 CFSR surface fields from NCAR
20 Vtable.ECMWF ECMWF files. Note that there is a wide variety of content in files called 'ECMWF output'.
21 This Vtable is a general table for pressure-level output.
22 Vtable.ECMWF_sigma ECMWF sigma-level output
23 Vtable.ERA-interim.ml ERA interim model level
24 Vtable.ERA-interim.ml.SSTMSKD Masked SST
25 Vtable.ERA-interim.pl ERA interim pressure level output
26 Vtable.ERA-interim.pl.SSTMSKD Masked SST
28 Vtable.GFDL Grib 1 legacy Vtable for NOAA GFDL
29 Vtable.GFS NCEP Global Forecast System (can also be used for GDAS, FNL, AVN files)
30 Vtable.GFS+TROP NCEP GFS including the 10 tropopause / max wind level fields
31 Vtable.GFSENS NCEP GFS ensemble files (GEFS)
32 Vtable.GODAS NCEP's Global Ocean data assimilation system
34 Vtable.JMAGSM Japanese Meteorological Agency Global Spectral Model
35 Vtable.NAM NCEP North American Mesoscale model
36 Vtable.NARR NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis
37 Vtable.NCEP2 NCEP/DOE Reanalysis (Reanalysis-2) (also called R2, CDAS2, NCEP2)
38 Vtable.NNRP NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project (Grib 1)
39 Vtable.NOGAPS U.S. Navy NOGAPS model
40 Vtable.NOGAPS_needs_GFS_soil
41 Vtable.NavySST Grib 1 legacy Vtable for SST fields.
42 Vtable.RAP.hybrid.ncep NCEP Rapid Refresh (ARW) intepolated to hybrid levels (presumably for backward compatibility with RUC)
43 Vtable.RAP.pressure.ncep NCEP Rapid Refresh (ARW) pressure level output
44 Vtable.RAP.sigma.gsd NCEP Rapid Refresh (ARW) run by NOAA GSD
45 Vtable.RUCb NCEP RUC hybrid-level output
46 Vtable.RUCp NCEP RUC pressure-level output
47 Vtable.SST Generic Vtable for SST files
48 Vtable.TCRP Twentieth Century Global Reanalysis Version 2
49 Vtable.UKMO_ENDGame U.K. Met Office model
51 Vtable.UKMO_no_heights