Remove HGT_U and HGT_V from the ARW GEOGRID.TBL files, since these
[WPS-merge.git] / metgrid / src / minheap_module.F
1 ! Implements a heap using an array; top of the heap is the item 
2 !   with minimum key value
3 module minheap_module
5    use datatype_module
6    use module_debug
8    ! Maximum heap size -- maybe make this magically dynamic somehow? 
9    integer, parameter :: HEAPSIZE = 10000
11    ! Type of item to be stored in the heap
12    type heap_object
13       type (data_node), pointer :: object
14    end type heap_object
16    ! The heap itself
17    type (heap_object), allocatable, dimension(:) :: heap
19    ! Index of last item in the heap
20    integer :: end_of_heap
22    contains
25    ! Initialize the heap; current functionality can be had without
26    !   the need for init function, but we may want more things later
27    subroutine init_heap()
29       implicit none
31       end_of_heap = 0
32       allocate(heap(HEAPSIZE))
34    end subroutine init_heap
37    subroutine heap_destroy()
39       implicit none
41       deallocate(heap)
43    end subroutine heap_destroy
46    subroutine add_to_heap(x)
48       implicit none
50       ! Arguments
51       type (data_node), pointer :: x
53       ! Local variables
54       integer :: idx, parent
56       call mprintf((end_of_heap == HEAPSIZE),ERROR, 'add_to_heap(): Maximum heap size exceeded') 
58       end_of_heap = end_of_heap + 1
59       idx = end_of_heap
60       heap(idx)%object => x
61       heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
63       do while (idx > 1)
64          parent = floor(real(idx)/2.)
65          if (heap(idx)%object%last_used < heap(parent)%object%last_used) then
66             heap(idx)%object => heap(parent)%object
67             heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
68             heap(parent)%object => x
69             heap(parent)%object%heap_index = parent
70             idx = parent
71          else
72             idx = 1
73          end if
74       end do 
76    end subroutine add_to_heap
79    subroutine remove_index(idx)
81       implicit none
83       ! Arguments
84       integer, intent(in) :: idx
86       ! Local variables
87       integer :: indx, left, right
88       type (data_node), pointer :: temp
90       heap(idx)%object => heap(end_of_heap)%object
91       heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
92       end_of_heap = end_of_heap - 1
94       indx = idx
96       do while (indx <= end_of_heap)
97          left = indx*2
98          right = indx*2+1
99          if (right <= end_of_heap) then
100             if (heap(right)%object%last_used < heap(left)%object%last_used) then
101                if (heap(right)%object%last_used < heap(indx)%object%last_used) then
102                   temp => heap(indx)%object
103                   heap(indx)%object => heap(right)%object
104                   heap(indx)%object%heap_index = indx
105                   heap(right)%object => temp
106                   heap(right)%object%heap_index = right
107                   indx = right 
108                else
109                   indx = end_of_heap + 1
110                end if
111             else
112                if (heap(left)%object%last_used < heap(indx)%object%last_used) then
113                   temp => heap(indx)%object
114                   heap(indx)%object => heap(left)%object
115                   heap(indx)%object%heap_index = indx
116                   heap(left)%object => temp
117                   heap(left)%object%heap_index = left
118                   indx = left 
119                else
120                   indx = end_of_heap + 1
121                end if
122             end if
123          else if (left <= end_of_heap) then
124             if (heap(left)%object%last_used < heap(indx)%object%last_used) then
125                temp => heap(indx)%object
126                heap(indx)%object => heap(left)%object
127                heap(indx)%object%heap_index = indx
128                heap(left)%object => temp
129                heap(left)%object%heap_index = left
130                indx = left 
131             else
132                indx = end_of_heap + 1
133             end if
134          else
135             indx = end_of_heap + 1
136          end if
137       end do
139    end subroutine remove_index
142    subroutine get_min(x)
144       implicit none
146       ! Arguments
147       type (data_node), pointer :: x
149       ! Local variables
150       integer :: idx, left, right
151       type (data_node), pointer :: temp
153       call mprintf((end_of_heap <= 0),ERROR, 'get_min(): No items left in the heap.') 
155       x => heap(1)%object
157       heap(1)%object => heap(end_of_heap)%object
158       heap(1)%object%heap_index = 1
159       end_of_heap = end_of_heap - 1
160       idx = 1
162       do while (idx <= end_of_heap)
163          left = idx*2
164          right = idx*2+1
165          if (right <= end_of_heap) then
166             if (heap(right)%object%last_used < heap(left)%object%last_used) then
167                if (heap(right)%object%last_used < heap(idx)%object%last_used) then
168                   temp => heap(idx)%object
169                   heap(idx)%object => heap(right)%object
170                   heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
171                   heap(right)%object => temp
172                   heap(right)%object%heap_index = right
173                   idx = right 
174                else
175                   idx = end_of_heap + 1
176                end if
177             else
178                if (heap(left)%object%last_used < heap(idx)%object%last_used) then
179                   temp => heap(idx)%object
180                   heap(idx)%object => heap(left)%object
181                   heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
182                   heap(left)%object => temp
183                   heap(left)%object%heap_index = left
184                   idx = left 
185                else
186                   idx = end_of_heap + 1
187                end if
188             end if
189          else if (left <= end_of_heap) then
190             if (heap(left)%object%last_used < heap(idx)%object%last_used) then
191                temp => heap(idx)%object
192                heap(idx)%object => heap(left)%object
193                heap(idx)%object%heap_index = idx
194                heap(left)%object => temp
195                heap(left)%object%heap_index = left
196                idx = left 
197             else
198                idx = end_of_heap + 1
199             end if
200          else
201             idx = end_of_heap + 1
202          end if
203       end do
205    end subroutine get_min
207 end module minheap_module