1 subroutine rrpr(hstart, ntimes, interval, nlvl, maxlvl, plvl, debug_level, out_format, prefix)
3 ! In case you are wondering, RRPR stands for "Read, ReProcess, and wRite" !
5 !*****************************************************************************!
13 use misc_definitions_module
18 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 ! HSTART: Starting date of times to process
22 character (LEN=19) :: hstart
24 ! NTIMES: Number of time periods to process
27 ! INTERVAL: Time inteval (seconds) of time periods to process.
30 ! NLVL: The number of levels in the stored data.
33 ! MAXLVL: The parameterized maximum number of levels to allow.
36 ! PLVL: Array of pressure levels (Pa) in the dataset
37 real , dimension(maxlvl) :: plvl
39 ! DEBUG_LEVEL: Integer level of debug printing (from namelist)
40 integer :: debug_level
42 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 character (LEN=25) :: units
45 character (LEN=46) :: Desc
46 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: scr2d, tmp2d
47 real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: ptr2d
49 integer :: k, kk, mm, n, ierr, ifv
52 character(LEN=19) :: hdate, hend
53 character(LEN=24) :: hdate_output
54 character(LEN=3) :: out_format
55 character(LEN=MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: prefix
57 character(LEN=9) :: field
59 integer :: ntime, idts
61 ! DATELEN: length of date strings to use for our output file names.
64 ! Decide the length of date strings to use for output file names.
65 ! DATELEN is 13 for hours, 16 for minutes, and 19 for seconds.
67 if (mod(interval,3600) == 0) then
69 else if (mod(interval, 60) == 0) then
75 if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) then
76 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"Begin rrpr")
77 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"nfiles = %i , ntimes = %i )",i1=nfiles,i2=ntimes)
79 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"filedates(%i) = %s",i1=n,s1=filedates(n))
83 ! Compute the ending time:
85 call geth_newdate(hend, hstart, interval*ntimes)
89 ! We want to do something for each of the requested times:
90 TIMELOOP : do ntime = 1, ntimes
91 idts = (ntime-1) * interval
92 call geth_newdate(hdate, hstart, idts)
93 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
94 "RRPR: hstart = %s , hdate = %s , idts = %i",s1=hstart,s2=hdate,i1=idts)
96 ! Loop over the output file dates, and do stuff if the file date matches
97 ! the requested time we are working on now.
99 FILELOOP : do n = 1, nfiles
100 if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) then
101 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
102 "hstart = %s , hend = %s",s1=hstart,s2=hend)
103 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
104 "filedates(n) = %s",s1=filedates(n))
105 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
106 "filedates(n) = %s",s1=filedates(n)(1:datelen))
108 if (filedates(n)(1:datelen).ne.hdate(1:datelen)) cycle FILELOOP
109 if (debug_level .gt. 50 ) then
110 call mprintf(.true.,INFORM, &
111 "RRPR Processing : %s",s1=filedates(n)(1:datelen))
113 open(iunit, file=trim(get_path(prefix))//'PFILE:'//filedates(n)(1:datelen), &
114 form='unformatted',status='old')
119 read (iunit, iostat=ierr) ifv
120 if (ierr.ne.0) exit rdloop
121 if ( ifv .eq. 5) then ! WPS
122 read (iunit) hdate_output, xfcst, map%source, field, units, Desc, &
123 level, map%nx, map%ny, map%igrid
124 hdate = hdate_output(1:19)
125 select case (map%igrid)
127 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dy, map%dx, map%r_earth
129 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, map%lov, &
130 map%truelat1, map%truelat2, map%r_earth
132 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, map%lov, &
133 map%truelat1, map%r_earth
135 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dy, map%dx, &
136 map%truelat1, map%r_earth
138 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, &
139 "Unrecognized map%%igrid: %i in RRPR 1",i1=map%igrid)
141 read (iunit) map%grid_wind
143 else if ( ifv .eq. 4 ) then ! SI
144 read (iunit) hdate_output, xfcst, map%source, field, units, desc, level, &
145 map%nx, map%ny, map%igrid
146 hdate = hdate_output(1:19)
147 select case (map%igrid)
149 read(iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dy, map%dx
151 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, &
152 map%lov, map%truelat1, map%truelat2
154 read (iunit) map%startloc, map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, &
155 map%lov, map%truelat1
157 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, &
158 "Unrecognized map%%igrid: %i in RRPR 2",i1=map%igrid)
161 else if ( ifv .eq. 3 ) then ! MM5
162 read(iunit) hdate_output, xfcst, field, units, desc, level,&
163 map%nx, map%ny, map%igrid
164 hdate = hdate_output(1:19)
165 select case (map%igrid)
167 read (iunit) map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, map%lov, &
168 map%truelat1, map%truelat2
169 case (5) ! Polar Stereographic
170 read (iunit) map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dx, map%dy, map%lov, &
172 case (0, 4) ! lat/lon
173 read (iunit) map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dy, map%dx
175 read (iunit) map%lat1, map%lon1, map%dy, map%dx, map%truelat1
177 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, &
178 "Unrecognized map%%igrid: %i in RRPR 3",i1=map%igrid)
181 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR, &
182 "unknown out_format, ifv = %i",i1=ifv)
185 allocate(ptr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
187 call refw_storage(nint(level), field, ptr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
191 write (0,*) 'Name of source model =>',map%source
193 ! We have reached the end of file, so time to close it.
196 if (debug_level .gt. 100 ) call print_storage
198 ! By now the file has been read completely. Now, see if we need to fill in
202 ! Retrieve the number of levels in storage:
204 call get_plvls(plvl, maxlvl, nlvl)
206 ! Fill the surface level (code 200100) from higher 200100s, as necessary
209 if ((plvl(k).gt.200100) .and. (plvl(k).lt.200200)) then
210 ! We found a level between 200100 and 200200, now find the field
211 ! corresponding to that level.
212 MLOOP : do mm = 1, maxvar
213 if (is_there(nint(plvl(k)), namvar(mm))) then
214 INLOOP : do kk = 200101, nint(plvl(k))
215 if (is_there(kk, namvar(mm))) then
216 if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) then
217 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
218 "Copying %s at level %i to level 200100.",s1=namvar(mm),i1=kk)
220 call get_dims(kk, namvar(mm))
221 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
223 (kk, namvar(mm), scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
225 (200100,namvar(mm), scr2d,map%nx,map%ny)
236 ! If upper-air U is missing, see if we can interpolate from surrounding levels.
237 ! This is a simple vertical interpolation, linear in pressure.
238 ! Currently, this simply fills in one missing level between two present levels.
242 if (plvl(k-1) .lt. 200000.) then
243 if ( (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'UU')) .and. &
244 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k-1)), 'UU')) .and.&
245 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'UU')) ) then
246 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'UU')
247 call vntrp(plvl, maxlvl, k, "UU ", map%nx, map%ny)
253 ! If upper-air V is missing, see if we can interpolate from surrounding levels.
254 ! This is a simple vertical interpolation, linear in pressure.
255 ! Currently, this simply fills in one missing level between two present levels.
259 if (plvl(k-1) .lt. 200000.) then
260 if ( (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'VV')) .and. &
261 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k-1)), 'VV')) .and.&
262 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'VV')) ) then
263 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'VV')
264 call vntrp(plvl, maxlvl, k, "VV ", map%nx, map%ny)
270 ! If upper-air SPECHUMD is missing, see if we can compute SPECHUMD from QVAPOR:
271 !--- Tanya's change for initializing WRF with RUC
274 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
275 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'SPECHUMD').and. &
276 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'QV')) then
277 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)), 'QV')
278 call compute_spechumd_qvapor(map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
283 !--- Tanya's change for initializing WRF with RUC
284 ! This allows for the ingestion for RUC isentropic data
287 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
288 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'TT').and. &
289 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'VPTMP').and. &
290 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'SPECHUMD')) then
291 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)), 'VPTMP')
292 call compute_t_vptmp(map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
298 ! If upper-air T is missing, see if we can interpolate from surrounding levels.
299 ! This is a simple vertical interpolation, linear in pressure.
300 ! Currently, this simply fills in one missing level between two present levels.
304 if (plvl(k-1) .lt. 200000.) then
305 if ( (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'TT')) .and. &
306 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k-1)), 'TT')) .and.&
307 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'TT')) ) then
308 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'TT')
309 call vntrp(plvl, maxlvl, k, "TT ", map%nx, map%ny)
315 ! Check to see if we need to fill HGT from GEOPT.
318 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
319 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'HGT').and. &
320 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'GEOPT')) then
321 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)), 'GEOPT')
322 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
323 call get_storage(nint(plvl(k)), 'GEOPT', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
325 call put_storage(nint(plvl(k)), 'HGT', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
326 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
327 "RRPR: Computing GHT from GEOPT ")
334 ! If this is GFS data, we might have data at the level of max wind speed,
335 ! or the level of the tropopause. If so, we want to replicate the pressures
336 ! at those levels (new names). The replicated names are to allow the
337 ! metgrid program to interpolate the 2d pressure array with both a nearest
338 ! neighbor AND a 4-pt technique. Those two pressures are used in ARW real
339 ! for vertical interpolation of the trop and max wind level data.
342 if (index(map%source,'NCEP GFS') .ne. 0 ) then
343 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
344 "RRPR: Replicating GFS pressures for max wind and trop")
345 if ( is_there(200100,'PMAXW ') .or. &
346 is_there(200100,'PTROP ') ) then
347 call gfs_trop_maxw_pressures (map%nx, map%ny)
351 ! Repair GFS and ECMWF pressure-level RH
352 if (index(map%source,'NCEP GFS') .ne. 0 .or. &
353 index(map%source,'NCEP CDAS CFSV2') .ne. 0 .or. &
354 index(map%source,'ECMWF') .ne. 0 ) then
355 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
356 "RRPR: Adjusting RH values ")
358 if ( is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'RH') .and. &
359 is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'TT') ) then
360 call fix_gfs_rh (map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
365 ! If upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from Specific Humidity:
368 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
369 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'RH') .and. &
370 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'TT') .and. &
371 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'SPECHUMD')) then
372 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)), 'TT')
373 call compute_rh_spechumd_upa(map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
378 ! If upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from Vapor Pressure:
379 ! (Thanks to Bob Hart of PSU ESSC -- 1999-05-27.)
382 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
383 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'RH').and. &
384 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'TT') .and. &
385 is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'VAPP')) then
386 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)),'TT')
387 call compute_rh_vapp_upa(map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
392 ! If upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from Dewpoint Depression:
395 if (plvl(k).lt.200000.) then
396 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'RH').and. &
397 is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'TT') .and. &
398 is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'DEPR')) then
399 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k)),'TT')
400 call compute_rh_depr(map%nx, map%ny, plvl(k))
405 ! If upper-air RH is missing, see if we can interpolate from surrounding levels.
406 ! This is a simple vertical interpolation, linear in pressure.
407 ! Currently, this simply fills in one missing level between two present levels.
408 ! May expand this in the future to fill in additional levels. May also expand
409 ! this in the future to vertically interpolate other variables.
413 if (plvl(k-1) .lt. 200000.) then
414 if ( (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)),'RH')) .and. &
415 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k-1)), 'RH')) .and.&
416 ( is_there(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'RH')) ) then
417 call get_dims(nint(plvl(k+1)), 'RH')
418 call vntrp(plvl, maxlvl, k, "RH ", map%nx, map%ny)
424 ! Check to see if we need to fill RH above 300 mb:
426 if (is_there(30000, 'RH')) then
427 call get_dims(30000, 'RH')
428 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
431 ! Set missing RH to 5% between 300 and 70 hPa. Set RH to 0 above 70 hPa.
432 ! The stratospheric RH will be adjusted further in real.
433 if (plvl(k).le.7000.) then
435 else if (plvl(k).lt.30000.) then
438 if (plvl(k).lt.30000. .and. plvl(k) .gt. 10. ) then
439 ! levels higher than .1 mb are special - do not fill
440 if (.not. is_there(nint(plvl(k)), 'RH')) then
441 call put_storage(nint(plvl(k)),'RH',scr2d,map%nx,map%ny)
442 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
443 "RRPR: RH missing at %i hPa, inserting synthetic RH ",i1=nint(plvl(k)/100.))
450 ! If surface RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from Specific Humidity
451 ! or Dewpoint or Dewpoint depression:
453 if (.not. is_there (200100, 'RH')) then
454 if (is_there(200100, 'TT').and. &
455 is_there(200100, 'PSFC' ) .and. &
456 is_there(200100, 'SPECHUMD')) then
457 call get_dims(200100, 'TT')
458 call compute_rh_spechumd(map%nx, map%ny)
459 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
460 "RRPR: SURFACE RH is computed")
461 elseif (is_there(200100, 'TT' ).and. &
462 is_there(200100, 'DEWPT')) then
463 call get_dims(200100, 'TT')
464 call compute_rh_dewpt(map%nx, map%ny)
465 elseif (is_there(200100, 'TT').and. &
466 is_there(200100, 'DEPR')) then
467 call get_dims(200100, 'TT')
468 call compute_rh_depr(map%nx, map%ny, 200100.)
473 ! If surface SNOW is missing, see if we can compute SNOW from SNOWRUC
474 ! (From Wei Wang, 2007 June 21, modified 12/28/2007)
476 if (.not. is_there(200100, 'SNOW') .and. &
477 is_there(200100, 'SNOWRUC')) then
478 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOWRUC')
479 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
480 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOWRUC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
481 scr2d = scr2d * 1000.
482 call put_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
486 ! compute snow water equivalent (SNOW) for NCEP RUC models
487 ! As of Sept. 14 2011
488 if ( index(map%source,'NCEP RUC Model') .ne. 0) then
489 if (is_there(200100, 'SNOWH') .and. .not. is_there(200100, 'SNOW')) then
490 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOWH')
491 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
492 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOWH', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
493 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
494 "RRPR: Computing SNOWH from SNOW")
495 if (is_there(200100, 'RHOSN')) then ! If we have snow density, use it to compute snowh
496 call get_dims(200100, 'RHOSN')
497 allocate(tmp2d(map%nx,map%ny))
498 call get_storage(200100, 'RHOSN', tmp2d, map%nx, map%ny)
499 scr2d = scr2d * tmp2d
502 scr2d = scr2d * 200.0 ! Assume 200:1 ratio
504 call put_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
509 ! Add residual soil moisture to SOILM* if initialized from the GSD RUC model or from NCEP RUC
510 if (index(map%source,'NOAA GSD') .ne. 0 .or. &
511 index(map%source,'NCEP RUC Model') .ne. 0) then
512 if ( .not. is_there(200100, 'SOILM000') .and.&
513 is_there(200100, 'SM000ruc') ) then
514 call get_dims(200100, 'SM000ruc')
515 print *,'Adjust RUC soil moisture'
516 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
517 "RRPR: Adjusting RUC soil moisture ")
518 call fix_ruc_soilm (map%nx, map%ny)
523 ! Check to see if we need to fill SOILHGT from SOILGEO.
524 ! (From Wei Wang, 2007 June 21)
526 if (.not. is_there(200100, 'SOILHGT') .and. &
527 is_there(200100, 'SOILGEO')) then
528 call get_dims(200100, 'SOILGEO')
529 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
530 call get_storage(200100, 'SOILGEO', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
532 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILHGT', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
533 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
534 "RRPR: Computing SOILGHT from SOILGEO ")
538 ! For hybrid-level input, soilgeo is in level 1 (e.g. ERA40)
539 if (.not. is_there(200100, 'SOILHGT') .and. &
540 is_there(1, 'SOILGEO')) then
541 call get_dims(1, 'SOILGEO')
542 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
543 call get_storage(1, 'SOILGEO', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
545 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILHGT', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
549 ! For NCEP RR (using the same ID as for RUC) native-level input,
550 ! may need to move PSFC from level 1 to 2001.
551 ! From TGS 8 Sept. 2011
552 if ( index(map%source,'NCEP RUC Model') .ne. 0) then
553 if (.not. is_there(200100, 'PSFC') .and. &
554 is_there(1, 'PRESSURE')) then
555 print *,'Process PSFC for NCEP RR'
556 call get_dims(1, 'PRESSURE')
557 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
558 call get_storage(1, 'PRESSURE', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
559 call put_storage(200100, 'PSFC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
564 ! For ECMWF hybrid-level input, may need to move psfc from level 1 to 2001.
565 if ( index(map%source,'ECMWF') .ne. 0) then
566 if (.not. is_there(200100, 'PSFC') .and. &
567 is_there(1, 'PSFCH')) then
568 call get_dims(1, 'PSFCH')
569 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
570 call get_storage(1, 'PSFCH', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
571 call put_storage(200100, 'PSFC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
576 ! ECMWF snow depth in meters of water equivalent (Table 128). Convert to kg/m2
578 if (is_there(200100, 'SNOW_EC')) then
579 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOW_EC')
580 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
581 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOW_EC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
582 scr2d = scr2d * 1000.
583 call put_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
587 ! Convert the ECMWF LANDSEA mask from a fraction to a flag
589 if ( index(map%source,'ECMWF') .ne. 0) then
590 if (is_there(200100, 'LANDSEA')) then
591 call get_dims(200100, 'LANDSEA')
592 call make_zero_or_one(map%nx, map%ny, 'LANDSEA')
596 ! NCEP GFS weasd is one-half of the NAM value. Increase it for use in WRF.
597 ! The GFS-based reanalyses values should be OK as is.
598 if ((index(map%source,'NCEP GFS') .ne. 0 .or. &
599 index(map%source,'NCEP GEFS') .ne. 0) .and. &
600 is_there(200100, 'SNOW')) then
601 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
602 "RRPR: Recomputing SNOW for NCEP GFS")
603 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOW')
604 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
605 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
607 call put_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
611 ! compute physical snow depth (SNOWH) for various models
612 ! As of March 2011, this is done here instead of real because we have model
613 ! source information.
614 if (is_there(200100, 'SNOW') .and. .not. is_there(200100, 'SNOWH')) then
615 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOW')
616 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
617 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
618 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
619 "RRPR: Computing SNOWH from SNOW")
620 if ( index(map%source,'NCEP ') .ne. 0) then
621 scr2d = scr2d * 0.005 ! Assume 200:1 ratio as used at NCEP and in NOAH
622 else if (index(map%source,'ECMWF') .ne. 0) then
623 if (is_there(200100, 'SNOW_DEN')) then ! If we have snow density, use it to compute snowh
624 call get_dims(200100, 'SNOW_DEN')
625 allocate(tmp2d(map%nx,map%ny))
626 call get_storage(200100, 'SNOW_DEN', tmp2d, map%nx, map%ny)
627 scr2d = scr2d / tmp2d
630 scr2d = scr2d * 0.004 ! otherwise, assume a density of 250 mm/m (i.e. 250:1 ratio).
633 scr2d = scr2d * 0.005 ! Use real's default method (200:1)
635 call put_storage(200100, 'SNOWH', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
639 ! As of March 2011, SEAICE can be a flag or a fraction. It will be converted
640 ! to the appropriate values in real depending on whether or not the polar mods are used.
642 !! If we've got a SEAICE field, make sure that it is all Zeros and Ones:
644 ! if (is_there(200100, 'SEAICE')) then
645 ! call get_dims(200100, 'SEAICE')
646 ! call make_zero_or_one(map%nx, map%ny, 'SEAICE')
649 ! If we've got an ICEMASK field, re-flag it for output to met_em and real:
650 ! Field | GRIB In | Out
651 ! -------------------------
656 if (is_there(200100, 'ICEMASK')) then
657 call get_dims(200100, 'ICEMASK')
658 call re_flag_ice_mask(map%nx, map%ny)
661 ! If we have an ICEFRAC field, convert from % to fraction
662 if (is_there(200100, 'ICEFRAC')) then
663 call get_dims(200100, 'ICEFRAC')
664 allocate(scr2d(map%nx,map%ny))
665 call get_storage(200100, 'ICEFRAC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
667 call put_storage(200100, 'ICEFRAC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
672 call mprintf(.true.,INFORM, &
673 "RRPR: hdate = %s ",s1=hdate)
674 call output(hdate, nlvl, maxlvl, plvl, interval, 2, out_format, prefix, debug_level)
681 subroutine make_zero_or_one(ix, jx, infield)
682 ! Make sure the input field (SEAICE or LANDSEA) is zero or one.
686 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: seaice
687 character(len=*) :: infield
689 call get_storage(200100, infield, seaice, ix, jx)
695 call put_storage(200100, infield, seaice, ix, jx)
696 end subroutine make_zero_or_one
698 subroutine re_flag_ice_mask(ix, jx)
700 ! Change land points from -1 to 1
701 ! Change ice points from 1 to 0
702 ! Water points stay at 0
707 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: iceflag
709 call get_storage(200100, 'ICEMASK',iceflag, ix, jx)
710 where(iceflag > 0.5) ! Ice points, set to water value
713 where(iceflag < -0.5) ! Land points
716 call put_storage(200100, 'ICEMASK',iceflag, ix, jx)
717 end subroutine re_flag_ice_mask
719 subroutine compute_spechumd_qvapor(ix, jx, plvl)
720 ! Compute specific humidity from water vapor mixing ratio.
725 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: QVAPOR, SPECHUMD
727 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'QV', QVAPOR, ix, jx)
731 call put_storage(nint(plvl), 'SPECHUMD', spechumd, ix, jx)
732 if(nint(plvl).eq.1) then
733 call put_storage(200100,'SPECHUMD', spechumd, ix, jx)
736 end subroutine compute_spechumd_qvapor
738 subroutine compute_t_vptmp(ix, jx, plvl)
739 ! Compute temperature from virtual potential temperature
744 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, VPTMP, P, Q
746 real, parameter :: rovcp=0.28571
748 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'VPTMP', VPTMP, ix, jx)
749 IF (nint(plvl) .LT. 200) THEN
750 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'PRESSURE', P, ix, jx)
754 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'SPECHUMD', Q, ix, jx)
756 t=vptmp * (p*1.e-5)**rovcp * (1./(1.+0.6078*Q))
758 call put_storage(nint(plvl), 'TT', t, ix, jx)
759 if(nint(plvl).eq.1) then
760 call put_storage(200100, 'PSFC', p, ix, jx)
763 end subroutine compute_t_vptmp
766 subroutine compute_rh_spechumd(ix, jx)
767 ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity.
771 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, P, RH, Q
773 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
774 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
775 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
776 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
777 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622
779 call get_storage(200100, 'TT', T, ix, jx)
780 call get_storage(200100, 'PSFC', P, ix, jx)
781 call get_storage(200100, 'SPECHUMD', Q, ix, jx)
783 rh = 1.E2 * (p*q/(q*(1.-eps) + eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3)))
785 call put_storage(200100, 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
787 end subroutine compute_rh_spechumd
789 subroutine compute_rh_spechumd_upa(ix, jx, plvl)
790 ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity.
795 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, P, RH, Q
797 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
798 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
799 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
800 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
801 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622
803 IF ( nint(plvl).LT. 200) THEN
804 if (is_there(nint(plvl), 'PRESSURE')) then
805 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'PRESSURE', P, ix, jx)
807 return ! if we don't have pressure on model levels, return
812 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'TT', T, ix, jx)
813 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'SPECHUMD', Q, ix, jx)
816 rh = 1.E2 * (p*q/(q*(1.-eps) + eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3)))
818 call put_storage(nint(plvl), 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
820 end subroutine compute_rh_spechumd_upa
822 subroutine compute_rh_vapp_upa(ix, jx, plvl)
823 ! Compute relative humidity from vapor pressure.
824 ! Thanks to Bob Hart of PSU ESSC -- 1999-05-27.
829 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: P, ES
830 real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: T, E, RH
832 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
833 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
834 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
835 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
839 IF ( nint(plvl).LT. 200) THEN
840 if (is_there(nint(plvl), 'PRESSURE')) then
841 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'PRESSURE', P, ix, jx)
843 return ! if we don't have pressure on model levels, return
848 call refr_storage(nint(plvl), 'TT', T, ix, jx)
849 call refr_storage(nint(plvl), 'VAPP', E, ix, jx)
851 ES=svp1*exp(svp2*(T-svpt0)/(T-svp3))
852 rh=min(1.E2*(P-ES)*E/((P-E)*ES), 1.E2)
854 call refw_storage(nint(plvl), 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
858 end subroutine compute_rh_vapp_upa
860 subroutine compute_rh_depr(ix, jx, plvl)
861 ! Compute relative humidity from Dewpoint Depression
866 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: t, depr, rh
868 real, parameter :: Xlv = 2.5e6
869 real, parameter :: Rv = 461.5
873 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'TT', T, ix, jx)
874 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'DEPR', DEPR, ix, jx)
877 rh = exp(Xlv/Rv*(1./T - 1./(T-depr))) * 1.E2
882 call put_storage(nint(plvl),'RH ', rh, ix, jx)
884 end subroutine compute_rh_depr
886 subroutine compute_rh_dewpt(ix,jx)
887 ! Compute relative humidity from Dewpoint
891 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: t, dp, rh
893 real, parameter :: Xlv = 2.5e6
894 real, parameter :: Rv = 461.5
896 call get_storage(200100, 'TT ', T, ix, jx)
897 call get_storage(200100, 'DEWPT ', DP, ix, jx)
899 rh = exp(Xlv/Rv*(1./T - 1./dp)) * 1.E2
901 call put_storage(200100,'RH ', rh, ix, jx)
903 end subroutine compute_rh_dewpt
905 subroutine gfs_trop_maxw_pressures(ix,jx)
906 ! These are duplicate pressure values from the GFS, for
907 ! the level of max wind speed and for the trop level.
908 ! The duplicates are saved with a different name, so that
909 ! the metgrid program can horizontally interpolate them to
910 ! the model domain with a nearest neighbor method.
914 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: pmaxw, pmaxwnn, ptrop, ptropnn
916 if ( is_there(200100, 'PMAXW ') ) then
917 call get_storage(200100, 'PMAXW ', pmaxw , ix, jx)
919 call put_storage(200100, 'PMAXWNN ', pmaxwnn, ix, jx)
922 if ( is_there(200100, 'PTROP ') ) then
923 call get_storage(200100, 'PTROP ', ptrop , ix, jx)
925 call put_storage(200100, 'PTROPNN ', ptropnn, ix, jx)
928 end subroutine gfs_trop_maxw_pressures
930 subroutine vntrp(plvl, maxlvl, k, name, ix, jx)
933 integer :: ix, jx, k, maxlvl
934 real, dimension(maxlvl) :: plvl
935 character(len=8) :: name
936 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: a, b, c
939 write(*,'("Interpolating to fill in ", A, " at level ", I8)') trim(name), nint(plvl(k))
941 call get_storage(nint(plvl(k-1)), name, a, ix, jx)
942 call get_storage(nint(plvl(k+1)), name, c, ix, jx)
944 frc = (plvl(k) - plvl(k+1)) / ( plvl(k-1)-plvl(k+1))
946 b = (1.-frc)*c + frc*a
947 !KWM b = 0.5 * (a + c)
948 call put_storage(nint(plvl(k)), name, b, ix, jx)
952 subroutine fix_gfs_rh (ix, jx, plvl)
953 ! This routine replaces GFS RH (wrt ice) with RH wrt liquid (which is what is assumed in real.exe).
956 integer :: ix, jx, i, j
957 real :: plvl, eis, ews, r
958 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rh, tt
962 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
963 call get_storage(nint(plvl), 'TT', tt, ix, jx)
966 if ( tt(i,j) .le. 273.15 ) then
967 ! Murphy and Koop 2005 ice saturation vapor pressure.
968 ! eis and ews in hPA, tt is in K
969 eis = .01 * exp (9.550426 - (5723.265 / tt(i,j)) + (3.53068 * alog(tt(i,j))) &
970 - (0.00728332 * tt(i,j)))
971 ! Bolton 1980 liquid saturation vapor pressure. For water saturation, most
972 ! formulae are very similar from 0 to -20, so we don't need a more exact formula.
974 ews = 6.112 * exp(17.67 * (tt(i,j)-273.15) / ((tt(i,j)-273.15)+243.5))
975 if ( tt(i,j) .gt. 253.15 ) then
976 ! A linear approximation to the GFS blending region ( -20 > T < 0 )
977 r = ((273.15 - tt(i,j)) / 20.)
978 r = (r * eis) + ((1-r)*ews)
982 rh(i,j) = rh(i,j) * (r / ews)
986 call put_storage(nint(plvl), 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
989 end subroutine fix_gfs_rh
992 subroutine fix_ruc_soilm (ix, jx)
993 ! This routine adds residual soil moisture if initialized fron RUC
996 integer :: ix, jx, i, j
997 REAL , DIMENSION(100) :: lqmi
998 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: soilm000, soilm005, soilm020, &
999 soilm040, soilm160, soilm300,soilcat
1000 allocate(soilm000(ix,jx))
1001 allocate(soilm005(ix,jx))
1002 allocate(soilm020(ix,jx))
1003 allocate(soilm040(ix,jx))
1004 allocate(soilm160(ix,jx))
1005 allocate(soilm300(ix,jx))
1006 allocate(soilcat(ix,jx))
1007 call get_storage(200100, 'SM000ruc', soilm000, ix, jx)
1008 call get_storage(200100, 'SM005ruc', soilm005, ix, jx)
1009 call get_storage(200100, 'SM020ruc', soilm020, ix, jx)
1010 call get_storage(200100, 'SM040ruc', soilm040, ix, jx)
1011 call get_storage(200100, 'SM160ruc', soilm160, ix, jx)
1012 call get_storage(200100, 'SM300ruc', soilm300, ix, jx)
1014 call get_storage(200100, 'SOILCAT', soilcat, ix, jx)
1017 (/0.045, 0.057, 0.065, 0.067, 0.034, 0.078, 0.10, &
1018 0.089, 0.095, 0.10, 0.070, 0.068, 0.078, 0.0, &
1024 SOILM000(i,j)=SOILM000(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1025 SOILM005(i,j)=SOILM005(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1026 SOILM020(i,j)=SOILM020(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1027 SOILM040(i,j)=SOILM040(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1028 SOILM160(i,j)=SOILM160(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1029 SOILM300(i,j)=SOILM300(i,j) + lqmi(nint(soilcat(i,j)))
1032 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM000', soilm000, ix, jx)
1033 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM005', soilm005, ix, jx)
1034 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM020', soilm020, ix, jx)
1035 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM040', soilm040, ix, jx)
1036 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM160', soilm160, ix, jx)
1037 call put_storage(200100, 'SOILM300', soilm300, ix, jx)
1039 print *,'fix_ruc_soilm is done!'
1041 deallocate(soilm000)
1042 deallocate(soilm005)
1043 deallocate(soilm020)
1044 deallocate(soilm040)
1045 deallocate(soilm160)
1046 deallocate(soilm300)
1049 end subroutine fix_ruc_soilm