Created a tag of the HWRF branch to use for 2012 HWRF baseline testing
[WPS-merge.git] / hwrf-baseline-20111205-1743 / ungrib / src / ngl / g2 / gf_unpack5.f
1 subroutine gf_unpack5(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ndpts,idrsnum,idrstmpl,
2 & mapdrslen,ierr)
4 ! . . . .
5 ! SUBPROGRAM: gf_unpack5
6 ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-26
8 ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine unpacks Section 5 (Data Representation Section)
9 ! starting at octet 6 of that Section.
12 ! 2000-05-26 Gilbert
13 ! 2002-01-24 Gilbert - Changed to dynamically allocate arrays
14 ! and to pass pointers to those arrays through
15 ! the argument list.
17 ! USAGE: CALL gf_unpack5(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ndpts,idrsnum,idrstmpl,
18 ! mapdrslen,ierr)
20 ! cgrib - Character array that contains the GRIB2 message
21 ! lcgrib - Length (in bytes) of GRIB message array cgrib.
22 ! iofst - Bit offset of the beginning of Section 5.
25 ! iofst - Bit offset at the end of Section 5, returned.
26 ! ndpts - Number of data points unpacked and returned.
27 ! idrsnum - Data Representation Template Number ( see Code Table 5.0)
28 ! idrstmpl - Pointer to an integer array containing the data values for
29 ! the specified Data Representation
30 ! Template ( N=idrsnum ). Each element of this integer
31 ! array contains an entry (in the order specified) of Data
32 ! Representation Template 5.N
33 ! mapdrslen- Number of elements in idrstmpl(). i.e. number of entries
34 ! in Data Representation Template 5.N ( N=idrsnum ).
35 ! ierr - Error return code.
36 ! 0 = no error
37 ! 6 = memory allocation error
38 ! 7 = "GRIB" message contains an undefined Data
39 ! Representation Template.
41 ! REMARKS: None
44 ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90
47 !$$$
49 use drstemplates
50 use re_alloc ! needed for subroutine realloc
52 character(len=1),intent(in) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
53 integer,intent(in) :: lcgrib
54 integer,intent(inout) :: iofst
55 integer,intent(out) :: ndpts,idrsnum
56 integer,pointer,dimension(:) :: idrstmpl
57 integer,intent(out) :: ierr
59 integer,allocatable :: mapdrs(:)
60 integer :: mapdrslen
61 logical needext
63 ierr=0
64 nullify(idrstmpl)
66 call gbyte(cgrib,lensec,iofst,32) ! Get Length of Section
67 iofst=iofst+32
68 iofst=iofst+8 ! skip section number
69 allocate(mapdrs(lensec))
71 call gbyte(cgrib,ndpts,iofst,32) ! Get num of data points
72 iofst=iofst+32
73 call gbyte(cgrib,idrsnum,iofst,16) ! Get Data Rep Template Num.
74 iofst=iofst+16
75 ! Gen Data Representation Template
76 call getdrstemplate(idrsnum,mapdrslen,mapdrs,needext,iret)
77 if ( then
78 ierr=7
79 if( allocated(mapdrs) ) deallocate(mapdrs)
80 return
81 endif
83 ! Unpack each value into array ipdstmpl from the
84 ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in
85 ! corresponding entries in array mappds.
87 istat=0
88 if ( allocate(idrstmpl(mapdrslen),stat=istat)
89 if ( then
90 ierr=6
91 nullify(idrstmpl)
92 if( allocated(mapdrs) ) deallocate(mapdrs)
93 return
94 endif
95 do i=1,mapdrslen
96 nbits=iabs(mapdrs(i))*8
97 if ( mapdrs(i).ge.0 ) then
98 call gbyte(cgrib,idrstmpl(i),iofst,nbits)
99 else
100 call gbyte(cgrib,isign,iofst,1)
101 call gbyte(cgrib,idrstmpl(i),iofst+1,nbits-1)
102 if (isign.eq.1) idrstmpl(i)=-idrstmpl(i)
103 endif
104 iofst=iofst+nbits
105 enddo
107 ! Check to see if the Data Representation Template needs to be
108 ! extended.
109 ! The number of values in a specific template may vary
110 ! depending on data specified in the "static" part of the
111 ! template.
113 if ( needext ) then
114 call extdrstemplate(idrsnum,idrstmpl,newmapdrslen,mapdrs)
115 call realloc(idrstmpl,mapdrslen,newmapdrslen,istat)
116 ! Unpack the rest of the Data Representation Template
117 do i=mapdrslen+1,newmapdrslen
118 nbits=iabs(mapdrs(i))*8
119 if ( mapdrs(i).ge.0 ) then
120 call gbyte(cgrib,idrstmpl(i),iofst,nbits)
121 else
122 call gbyte(cgrib,isign,iofst,1)
123 call gbyte(cgrib,idrstmpl(i),iofst+1,nbits-1)
124 if (isign.eq.1) idrstmpl(i)=-idrstmpl(i)
125 endif
126 iofst=iofst+nbits
127 enddo
128 mapdrslen=newmapdrslen
129 endif
130 if( allocated(mapdrs) ) deallocate(mapdrs)
132 return ! End of Section 5 processing