ungrib build
[WPS.git] / ungrib / src / ngl / g2 / addlocal.f
1 subroutine addlocal(cgrib,lcgrib,csec2,lcsec2,ierr)
3 ! . . . .
4 ! SUBPROGRAM: addlocal
5 ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-01
7 ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine adds a Local Use Section (Section 2) to
8 ! a GRIB2 message.
9 ! This routine is used with routines "gribcreate", "addgrid", "addfield",
10 ! and "gribend" to create a complete GRIB2 message. Subroutine
11 ! gribcreate must be called first to initialize a new GRIB2 message.
14 ! 2000-05-01 Gilbert
16 ! USAGE: CALL addlocal(cgrib,lcgrib,csec2,lcsec2,ierr)
18 ! cgrib - Character array to contain the GRIB2 message
19 ! lcgrib - Maximum length (bytes) of array cgrib.
20 ! csec2 - Character array containing information to be added to
21 ! Section 2.
22 ! lcsec2 - Number of bytes of character array csec2 to be added to
23 ! Section 2.
26 ! cgrib - Character array to contain the GRIB2 message
27 ! ierr - Error return code.
28 ! 0 = no error
29 ! 1 = GRIB message was not initialized. Need to call
30 ! routine gribcreate first.
31 ! 2 = GRIB message already complete. Cannot add new section.
32 ! 3 = Sum of Section byte counts doesn't add to total byte count.
33 ! 4 = Previous Section was not 1 or 7.
35 ! REMARKS: Note that the Local Use Section ( Section 2 ) can only follow
36 ! Section 1 or Section 7 in a GRIB2 message.
39 ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90
42 !$$$
44 character(len=1),intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
45 character(len=1),intent(in) :: csec2(lcsec2)
46 integer,intent(in) :: lcgrib,lcsec2
47 integer,intent(out) :: ierr
49 character(len=4),parameter :: grib='GRIB',c7777='7777'
50 character(len=4):: ctemp
51 integer,parameter :: two=2
52 integer lensec2,iofst,ibeg,lencurr,len
54 ierr=0
56 ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists
58 ctemp=cgrib(1)//cgrib(2)//cgrib(3)//cgrib(4)
59 if ( ctemp.ne.grib ) then
60 print *,'addlocal: GRIB not found in given message.'
61 print *,'addlocal: Call to routine gribcreate required',
62 & ' to initialize GRIB messge.'
63 ierr=1
64 return
65 endif
67 ! Get current length of GRIB message
69 call gbyte(cgrib,lencurr,96,32)
71 ! Check to see if GRIB message is already complete
73 ctemp=cgrib(lencurr-3)//cgrib(lencurr-2)//cgrib(lencurr-1)
74 & //cgrib(lencurr)
75 if ( ctemp.eq.c7777 ) then
76 print *,'addlocal: GRIB message already complete. Cannot',
77 & ' add new section.'
78 ierr=2
79 return
80 endif
82 ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to
83 ! find the last section number.
85 len=16 ! length of Section 0
86 do
87 ! Get section number and length of next section
88 iofst=len*8
89 call gbyte(cgrib,ilen,iofst,32)
90 iofst=iofst+32
91 call gbyte(cgrib,isecnum,iofst,8)
92 len=len+ilen
93 ! Exit loop if last section reached
94 if ( len.eq.lencurr ) exit
95 ! If byte count for each section doesn't match current
96 ! total length, then there is a problem.
97 if ( len.gt.lencurr ) then
98 print *,'addlocal: Section byte counts don''t add to total.'
99 print *,'addlocal: Sum of section byte counts = ',len
100 print *,'addlocal: Total byte count in Section 0 = ',lencurr
101 ierr=3
102 return
103 endif
104 enddo
106 ! Section 2 can only be added after sections 1 and 7.
108 if ( (isecnum.ne.1) .and. (isecnum.ne.7) ) then
109 print *,'addlocal: Section 2 can only be added after Section',
110 & ' 1 or Section 7.'
111 print *,'addlocal: Section ',isecnum,' was the last found in',
112 & ' given GRIB message.'
113 ierr=4
114 return
115 endif
117 ! Add Section 2 - Local Use Section
119 ibeg=lencurr*8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 2
120 iofst=ibeg+32 ! leave space for length of section
121 call sbyte(cgrib,two,iofst,8) ! Store section number ( 2 )
122 istart=lencurr+5
123 cgrib(istart+1:istart+lcsec2)=csec2(1:lcsec2)
125 ! Calculate length of section 2 and store it in octets
126 ! 1-4 of section 2.
128 lensec2=lcsec2+5 ! bytes
129 call sbyte(cgrib,lensec2,ibeg,32)
132 ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0
134 call sbyte(cgrib,lencurr+lensec2,96,32)
136 return