1 !*****************************************************************************!
5 ! Hold information about the map projection of data we read from the !
6 ! analysis files. We pass around the grid information through this !
7 ! module, rather than through argument lists. !
9 ! Variable MAP is defined to be of type MAPINFO, where MAPINFO is defined !
10 ! within this module: !
12 !*****************************************************************************!
15 character (len=32) :: source
16 integer :: igrid ! Integer referring to the type of map projection:
18 ! 3 = Lambert Conformal
19 ! 5 = Polar Stereographic grid.
21 integer :: nx ! Number of points in the X direction.
22 integer :: ny ! Number of points in the Y direction.
23 real :: truelat1 ! First true latitude (for Polar Stereo. and Lam. Conf.)
24 real :: truelat2 ! Second true latitude (for Lambt. Conformal).
25 real :: lov ! Central longitude of projection (PS and LC).
26 character (len=8) :: startloc ! "CENTER " or "SWCORNER"
27 real :: lat1 ! Starting latitude
28 real :: lon1 ! Starting longitude
29 real :: lat0 ! central latitude
30 real :: lon0 ! central longitude
31 real :: dx ! grid-spacing in the X direction (km or degrees)
32 real :: dy ! grid-spacing in the Y direction (km or degrees)
34 ! The following are WPS extensions (intermediate format version 5)
35 logical :: grid_wind ! Winds are grid_relative (true) or earth-realtive(false)
36 real :: r_earth ! Radius of a spherical earth