Fixing stanzas to appropriately break out flags and be sanitized correctly
[WPS.git] / util / plotfmt.ncl
1 ;_______________________________________________________________________________________
2 ;To run the script type:
3 ;       ncl plotfmt.ncl {input file}
5 ;       e.g.
6 ;               ncl plotfmt.ncl 'filename="FILE:2005-06-01_00"'
9 ;  This script can only be used in NCL V6.2 or later!!!!!
10 ;_______________________________________________________________________________________
12 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
13 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
14 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
16 begin
18 ; Make sure we have a datafile to work with
19   if (.not. isvar("filename") ) then
20     print(" ")
21     print(" ### MUST SUPPLY a filename ### ")
22     print(" ")
23     print("     Something like: ")
24     print("     ncl plotfmt.ncl filename=FILE:2005-06-01_00")
25     print("          REMEMBER TO ADD QUOTES" )
26     print("          Refer to the information at the top of this file for more info and syntax" )
27     exit
28   end if
30   head_real  = new(14,float)
31   field      = new(1,string)
32   hdate      = new(1,string)
33   units      = new(1,string)
34   map_source = new(1,string)
35   desc       = new(1,string)
37 ; We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer?
38  type = "x11"
39 ; type = "pdf"
40 ; type = "ps"
41 ; type = "ncgm"
43   outf = "plotfmt_bin"
44   wks = gsn_open_wks(type,outf)
46   res = True
47   res@cnFillOn = True
49   ;Open binary file
51   istatus =  wrf_wps_open_int(filename)
53   if(istatus.eq.0) then
55     ;Read header of file
56    wrf_wps_rdhead_int(istatus,head_real,field,hdate, \
57                       units,map_source,desc)
59     do while (istatus.eq.0)
61       version = toint(head_real(0))
62       xfcst   = head_real(1)
63       xlvl    = head_real(2)
64       nx      = toint(head_real(3))
65       ny      = toint(head_real(4))
66       iproj   = toint(head_real(5))
67       print("==================================================")
68       print("VAR = " + field + "__" + xlvl )
70       lat0      = head_real(6)
71       lon0      = head_real(7)
73       print("hdate         = '" + hdate + "'")
74       print("units         = '" + units + "'")
75       print("desc          = '" + desc + "'")
76       print("field         = '" + field + "'")
77       print("map_source    = '" + map_source + "'")
78       print("version       = " + version)
79       print("xfcst         = " + xfcst)
80       print("xlvl          = " + xlvl)
81       print("nx/ny         = " + nx + "/" + ny )
82       print("iproj         = " + iproj)
83       print("lat0/lon0     = " + lat0 + "/" + lon0)
84       print("head_real(8)  = " + head_real(8))
85       print("head_real(9)  = " + head_real(9))
86       print("head_real(10) = " + head_real(10))
87       print("head_real(11) = " + head_real(11))
88       print("head_real(12) = " + head_real(12))
89       print("head_real(13) = " + head_real(13))
92       if (iproj.eq.0) then         ;Cylindrical Equidistant
93         lat = lat0 + ispan(0,ny-1,1)*head_real(8)
94         lon = lon0 + ispan(0,nx-1,1)*head_real(9)
95 ;---Turn these into 1D coordinate arrays
96         lat!0     = "lat"
97         lon!0     = "lon"
98         lon@units = "degrees_east"
99         lat@units = "degrees_north"
100         lat&lat   = lat
101         lon&lon   = lon
102       end if
104       if (iproj.eq.1) then          ; Mercator
105         dx = head_real(8)
106         dy = head_real(9)
107         truelat1 = head_real(10)
108         res1 = True
109         res1@MAP_PROJ  = 3
110         res1@TRUELAT1  = truelat1
111         res1@DX        = dx*1000.
112         res1@DY        = dy*1000.
113         res1@REF_LAT   = lat0
114         res1@REF_LON   = lon0
115         res1@POLE_LAT  = 90.0
116         res1@POLE_LON  =  0.0
117         res1@LATINC    = 0.0
118         res1@LONINC    = 0.0
119         res1@KNOWNI    = 1.0
120         res1@KNOWNJ    = 1.0
121         loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (nx,ny,res1)
123         res@gsnAddCyclic = False
124         res@mpLimitMode = "Corners"
125         res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat0
126         res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon0
127         res@mpRightCornerLatF = loc(1)
128         res@mpRightCornerLonF = loc(0)
129         res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True
130         res@mpProjection = "mercator"
131       end if
133       if (iproj.eq.3) then          ; Lambert Conformal
134         dx = head_real(8)
135         dy = head_real(9)
136         xlonc = head_real(10)
137         truelat1 = head_real(11)
138         truelat2 = head_real(12)
139         res1 = True
140         res1@MAP_PROJ  = 1
141         res1@TRUELAT1  = truelat1
142         res1@TRUELAT2  = truelat2
143         res1@STAND_LON = xlonc
144         res1@DX        = dx*1000.
145         res1@DY        = dy*1000.
146         res1@REF_LAT   = lat0
147         res1@REF_LON   = lon0
148         res1@POLE_LAT  = 90.0
149         res1@POLE_LON  =  0.0
150         res1@LATINC    = 0.0
151         res1@LONINC    = 0.0
152         res1@KNOWNI    = 1.0
153         res1@KNOWNJ    = 1.0
154         loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (nx,ny,res1)
156         res@gsnAddCyclic = False
157         res@mpLimitMode = "Corners"
158         res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat0
159         res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon0
160         res@mpRightCornerLatF = loc(1)
161         res@mpRightCornerLonF = loc(0)
162         res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True
163         res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
164         res@mpLambertParallel1F = truelat1
165         res@mpLambertParallel2F = truelat2
166         res@mpLambertMeridianF = xlonc
167         res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
168         res@mpGridAndLimbOn = True
169       end if
171       if (iproj.eq.4) then        ;Gaussian
172         nlats    = head_real(8)
173         deltalon = head_real(9)
174         deltalat = 2.*(lat0)/(2.*nlats-1)
175         if (lat0 .ge. 80.) then
176           deltalat = -1.0*deltalat
177         end if
178         lat = lat0 + ispan(0,ny-1,1)*deltalat
179         lon = lon0 + ispan(0,nx-1,1)*deltalon
180 ;---Turn these into 1D coordinate arrays
181         lat!0     = "lat"
182         lon!0     = "lon"
183         lon@units = "degrees_east"
184         lat@units = "degrees_north"
185         lat&lat   = lat
186         lon&lon   = lon
187       end if
189       istatus = 0
191       ; Read 2D data
193       slab = wrf_wps_rddata_int(istatus,nx,ny)
195       slab@_FillValue = -1e+30
196       if ( then ; NOT Lambert Conformal
197          slab!1 = "lon"
198          slab!0 = "lat"
199          slab&lon = lon
200          slab&lat = lat
201       end if
202       slab@units = units
204       slab@description = xlvl +"  "+ desc
205 ;     printVarSummary(slab)
207       map = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,slab,res)
208       if ( then ; NOT Lambert Conformal
209          delete(lat)
210          delete(lon)
211       end if
212       delete(slab)
214       wrf_wps_rdhead_int(istatus,head_real,field,hdate, \
215                          units,map_source,desc)
217     end do
219   end if