1 !*****************************************************************************!
2 ! Subroutine RD_GRIB1 !
5 ! Read one record from the input GRIB file. Based on the information in !
6 ! the GRIB header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in !
7 ! the GRIB record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we !
8 ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB record, and pass the data !
9 ! back to the calling routine. !
13 ! IUNIT : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran !
14 ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB !
15 ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C !
16 ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the !
17 ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are !
19 ! GRIBFLNM: File name to open, if it is not already open. !
20 ! IUARR : Array to hold UNIX File descriptors retured from a C open !
21 ! statement. If the value of IUARR(IUNIT) is zero, then the !
22 ! file GRIBFLNM must be opened, and the value of IUARR(IUNIT) !
23 ! becomes the UNIX File descriptor to read from. !
24 ! DEBUG_LEVEL Integer for various amounts of printout. !
25 ! EC_REC_LEN : Record length for EC ds113.0 files. !
26 ! PMIN : Minimum pressure level (Pa) to process. !
29 ! LEVEL : The pressure-level (Pa) of the field to process. !
30 ! FIELD : The field name of the field to process. NULL is returned !
31 ! if we do not want to process the field we read. !
32 ! HDATE : The 19-character date of the field to process. !
33 ! IERR : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB file. !
34 ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB file. !
35 ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does !
41 ! Subroutine DEALLOGRIB !
42 ! Subroutine GRIBGET !
43 ! Subroutine GRIBHEADER !
44 ! Subroutine GET_SEC1 !
45 ! Subroutine GET_SEC2 !
46 ! Subroutine GET_GRIDINFO !
47 ! Subroutine BUILD_HDATE !
48 ! Subroutine GETH_NEWDATE !
49 ! Subroutine GRIBDATA !
52 ! File GRIBFLNM is opened, as necessary !
54 ! Variable MAP from module GRIDINFO is filled in. !
56 ! Numerous side effects from the GRIB-processing routines. !
60 ! Summer, 1998, and continuing !
63 !*****************************************************************************!
64 SUBROUTINE rd_grib1(IUNIT, gribflnm, level, field, hdate, &
65 ierr, iuarr, debug_level, ec_rec_len, pmin)
73 integer :: debug_level, ec_rec_len
74 integer :: iunit ! Array number in IUARR assigned to the C read pointer.
75 integer, dimension(100) :: KSEC1
76 integer, dimension(10) :: KSEC2
77 integer, dimension(40) :: infogrid
78 real, dimension(40) :: ginfo
80 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
81 integer :: iparm, ktype
84 integer :: icenter, iprocess, iscan, ii, isb
85 integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second, icc, iyy
88 character(LEN=*) :: field
89 character(LEN=132) :: gribflnm
90 character(LEN=8) :: tmp8
91 integer, dimension(255) :: iuarr
92 integer :: ierr, iostat, nunit
93 integer :: i, lvl2, lvl1
94 character(LEN=19) :: hdate
98 ! Variables for thinned grids:
99 logical :: lthinned = .FALSE.
100 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: thinnedDataArray
101 integer, dimension(74) :: npoints_acc
103 integer :: np, ny, nx
104 real :: Va, Vb, Vc, Vd
105 real, external :: oned
109 ! If the file GRIBFLNM has not been opened, then IUARR(IUNIT) should be Zero.
110 ! In this case, open the file GRIBFLNM, and store the UNIX File descriptor
111 ! in to IUARR(IUNIT). This way, we will know what UNIX File descriptor to use
112 ! next time we call this RD_GRIB subroutine.
114 if (iuarr(iunit).eq.0) then
115 if (debug_level.gt.0) then
116 call c_open(iunit, nunit, gribflnm, 1, ierr, 1)
118 call c_open(iunit, nunit, gribflnm, 1, ierr, -1)
128 ! Read a single GRIB record, but do no unpacking now:
130 call gribget(iuarr(iunit), ierr, ec_rec_len)
133 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"RD_GRIB1 gribget read error, ierr = %i",i1=ierr)
138 ! Unpack the header information:
140 call gribheader(debug_level,igherr,ec_rec_len)
141 if (igherr /= 0) then
147 ! Copy header information to arrays KSEC1, KSEC2, INFOGRID, and GRIDINFO
151 call get_gridinfo(infogrid, ginfo)
153 icenter = KSEC1(3) ! Indicator of the source (center) of the data.
154 iprocess = KSEC1(4) ! Indicator of model (or whatever) which generated the data.
156 if (icenter.eq.7) then
157 if (iprocess.eq.83 .or. iprocess.eq.84) then
158 map%source = 'NCEP MESO NAM Model'
159 elseif (iprocess.eq.81) then
160 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Analysis'
161 elseif (iprocess.eq.82) then
162 map%source = 'NCEP GFS GDAS/FNL'
163 elseif (iprocess.eq.89) then
164 map%source = 'NCEP NMM '
165 elseif (iprocess.eq.96) then
166 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Model'
167 elseif (iprocess.eq.107) then
168 map%source = 'NCEP GEFS'
169 elseif (iprocess.eq.109) then
170 map%source = 'NCEP RTMA'
171 elseif (iprocess.eq.86 .or. iprocess.eq.100) then
172 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 60 km
173 elseif (iprocess.eq.101) then
174 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 40 km
175 elseif (iprocess.eq.105) then
176 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 20 km
177 elseif (iprocess.eq.140) then
178 map%source = 'NCEP NARR'
179 elseif (iprocess.eq.195) then
180 map%source = 'NCEP CDAS2'
181 elseif (iprocess.eq.44) then
182 map%source = 'NCEP SST Analysis'
183 elseif (iprocess.eq.70) then
184 map%source = 'GFDL Hurricane Model'
185 elseif (iprocess.eq.129) then
186 map%source = 'NCEP GODAS'
187 elseif (iprocess.eq.25) then
188 map%source = 'NCEP SNOW COVER ANALYSIS'
190 map%source = 'unknown model from NCEP'
192 ! grid numbers only set for NCEP and AFWA models
193 write(tmp8,'("GRID ",i3)') KSEC1(5)
194 map%source(25:32) = tmp8
195 else if (icenter .eq. 57) then
196 if (iprocess .eq. 87) then
197 map%source = 'AFWA AGRMET'
201 write(tmp8,'("GRID ",i3)') KSEC1(5)
202 map%source(25:32) = tmp8
203 else if (icenter .eq. 58) then
204 map%source = 'US Navy FNOC'
205 else if (icenter .eq. 59) then
206 if (iprocess .eq. 125) then
207 map%source = 'NOAA GSD Rapid Refresh'
208 else if (iprocess .eq. 105) then
209 map%source = 'NOAA GSD'
211 print *,'Unknown GSD source'
214 else if (icenter .eq. 60) then
216 else if (icenter .eq. 98) then
218 else if (icenter .eq. 74 .or. icenter .eq. 75 ) then
220 else if (icenter .eq. 78 .or. icenter .eq. 79 ) then
223 map%source = 'unknown model and orig center'
226 IPARM=KSEC1(7) ! Indicator of parameter
227 KTYPE=KSEC1(8) ! Indicator of type of level
229 ! print *,' IPARM, KTYPE, KSEC1(9)', iparm,ktype,ksec1(9)
235 LVL1=FLOAT(KSEC1(9)) * 100.
258 ELSEIF(KTYPE.EQ.112) THEN ! Layer between two depths below surface
290 ! Check to see that the combination of iparm, ktype, lvl1, and lvl2
291 ! match what has been requested in the Vtable. If not, set the field
292 ! name to NULL, meaning that we do not want to process this one.
296 if (gcode(i).eq.iparm) then
297 if (lcode(i).eq.ktype) then
298 if ((level1(i).eq.lvl1) .or. (level1(i) == splatcode) ) then
299 if (level2(i).eq.lvl2) then
302 if (ktype.eq.100) then ! Pressure-level
304 if ( level .lt. pmin ) field = 'NULL'
305 elseif (ktype.eq.102) then
307 elseif ((ktype.eq.116.and.lvl1.le.50.and.lvl2.eq.0) .or. &
308 (ktype.eq.105).or.(ktype.eq.1) .or. &
309 (ktype.eq.111).or.(ktype.eq.112) ) then
311 level = float(200000+iprty(i))
312 elseif (ktype.eq.109 .or. ktype.eq.107) then ! hybrid or sigma levels
314 elseif (ktype.eq. 6 ) then ! max wind
316 elseif (ktype.eq. 7 ) then ! trop
318 elseif (ktype .eq. 160 ) then ! depth below sea-surface (m)
320 elseif (ktype .eq. 237 .or. ktype .eq. 238 ) then ! depth of ocean layer
322 elseif (ktype .eq. 200 ) then !column variable (TCDC,PWAT,etc.)
325 if (level .lt. -998. ) then
326 write(6,*) 'Could not find a level for this Vtable entry'
327 write(6,*) 'iparm = ',iparm,' ktype = ',ktype,' lvl1 = ',lvl1,' lvl2 = ',lvl2
328 write(6,*) 'Fix the Vtable or modify rd_grib1.F'
337 if (field .eq. 'NULL') then
342 if ((field.eq.'WEASD').or.(field.eq.'SNOW')) then
343 level = level + ksec1(19)+1
346 ! Build the 19-character date string, based on GRIB header date and time
347 ! information, including forecast time information:
356 if (ksec1(19) == 3) then
357 FCST = (KSEC1(17) + KSEC1(18))/2
359 ! elseif (ksec1(19) == 4 .or. ksec1(19) == 5) then
360 elseif (ksec1(19) == 4 .or. ksec1(19) == 5 .or. ksec1(19) == 7) then
365 ! convert the fcst units to hours if necessary
366 if (ksec1(16) .eq. 254 ) then
368 elseif (ksec1(16) .eq. 0 ) then
375 YEAR = (ICC-1)*100 + IYY
379 call build_hdate(hdate,year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
381 call geth_newdate(hdate,hdate,3600*fcst)
383 ! Store information about the grid on which the data is.
384 ! This stuff gets stored in the MAP variable, as defined in module GRIDINFO
386 map%startloc = 'SWCORNER'
387 map%grid_wind = .true.
388 ! NCEP's grib1 messages (in GDS Octet 17, the Resolution and Component Flags)
389 ! all have '0' for the earth radius flag which the documentation (written by NCEP)
390 ! says is 6367.47, but they really use 6371.229. Hardcode it.
391 ! It's not clear what ECMWF uses. One place says 6367.47 and another 6371.229.
392 if ( index(map%source,'NCEP') .ne. 0 ) then
393 map%r_earth = 6371.229
395 map%r_earth = 6367.47
398 if (ksec2(4).eq.0) then ! Lat/Lon grid
406 ! If this is global data, then the dx and dy are more accurately
407 ! computed by the number of points than the 3 digits grib permits.
408 if ( ABS(map%nx * map%dx - 360.) .lt. 2. ) then ! Check if it's a global grid
409 if ( ABS ( map%dx - (360./real(map%nx)) ) .gt. 0.00001 ) then
410 !print *,'old dx = ',ginfo(8)
411 map%dx = 360./real(map%nx)
412 !print *,'new dx = ',map%dx
415 if ( ABS((map%ny-1) * map%dy - 2.*abs(map%lat1)) .lt. 1. ) then
416 if ( ABS ( map%dy - (2.*abs(map%lat1)/real(map%ny-1)) ) .gt. 0.00001 ) then
417 !print *,'old dy = ',ginfo(9)
418 map%dy = 2.*abs(map%lat1)/real(map%ny-1)
419 !print *,'new dy = ',map%dy
422 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') infogrid(5)
423 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
424 if (icenter .eq. 7 .and. KSEC1(5) .eq. 173 ) then ! correction for ncep grid 173
427 map%dx = 0.083333333 * sign(1.0,map%dx)
428 map%dy = 0.083333333 * sign(1.0,map%dy)
430 ! correction for ncep grid 229 added 5/3/07 JFB
431 if (icenter .eq. 7 .and. KSEC1(5) .eq. 229 ) then
432 if (ginfo(3) .gt. 89. .and. ginfo(9) .gt. 0.) then
433 map%dy = -1. * map%dy
437 ! print *, "CE map stuff", map%igrid, map%nx, map%ny, map%dx, &
438 ! map%dy, map%lat1, map%lon1
440 elseif (ksec2(4).eq.1) then ! Mercator Grid
444 map%dx = ginfo(8) ! km
446 map%truelat1 = ginfo(5)
451 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') infogrid(5)
452 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
454 elseif (ksec2(4).eq.3) then ! Lambert Conformal Grid
459 map%truelat1 = ginfo(11)
460 map%truelat2 = ginfo(12)
465 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') infogrid(5)
466 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
467 ! if (tmp8(2:2) .eq. '0') map%r_earth = 6367.47
469 elseif(ksec2(4).eq.4) then ! Gaussian Grid
475 map%dy = real (infogrid(9))
478 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') infogrid(5)
479 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
480 ! If this is global data, then the dx and dy are more accurately
481 ! computed by the number of points than the 3 digits grib permits.
482 if ( ABS(map%nx * map%dx - 360.) .lt. 2. ) then ! Check if it's a global grid
483 if ( ABS ( map%dx - (360./real(map%nx)) ) .gt. 0.00001 ) then
484 ! print *,'old dx = ',ginfo(8)
485 map%dx = 360./real(map%nx)
486 ! print *,'new dx = ',map%dx
491 elseif (ksec2(4).eq.5) then ! Polar-Stereographic Grid.
502 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') infogrid(5)
503 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
506 print*, 'Unknown Data Representation Type, ksec2(4)= ', ksec2(4)
510 111 format(' igrid : ', i3, /, &
511 ' nx, ny : ', 2I4, /, &
512 ' truelat1, 2: ', 2F10.4, /, &
513 ' Center Lon : ', F10.4, /, &
514 ' LatLon(1,1): ', 2F10.4, /, &
515 ' DX, DY : ', F10.4, F10.4)
517 ! Special for NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project:
518 ! Throw out PSFC on lat/lon grid (save gaussian version)
519 if ((icenter.eq.7).and.(iprocess.eq.80)) then ! Careful! This combination may refer
520 ! to other products as well.
521 if ((field.eq.'PSFC').and.(ksec2(4).eq.0)) then
528 if (allocated(rdatarray)) deallocate(rdatarray)
529 allocate(rdatarray(map%nx * map%ny))
531 ! If nx=65535, assume the grid is a thinned grid.
532 ! Process only the NCEP grid IDs is 37 to 44.
533 if (map%nx.eq.65535) then
534 if ( (icenter .ne. 7) .or. (KSEC1(5).lt.37) .or. (KSEC1(5).gt.44) ) then
535 write(*,*) 'Originating center is ',icenter
536 write(*,*) 'Grid ID is ',KSEC1(5),' Only WAFS grids 37-44 are supported'
537 write(*,'(" ***** STOP in Subroutine RD_GRIB1.",//)')
547 ! Unpack the 2D slab from the GRIB record, and put it in array rdatarray
550 if (allocated(thinnedDataArray)) deallocate(thinnedDataArray)
551 allocate(thinnedDataArray(map%nx * map%ny))
552 call gribdata(thinnedDataArray,3447)
554 ! Calculate how many points for each latitude, and accumulate into array
555 if ((KSEC1(5).ge.37).and.(KSEC1(5).le.40)) then
556 ! Northern hemisphere:
560 np = int(2.0+(90.0/1.25)*cos(i*1.25*3.1415926/180.0))
561 npoints_acc(i+2)=npoints_acc(i+1)+np
564 ! Southern Hemisphere:
569 np = int(2.0+(90.0/1.25)*cos(ii*1.25*3.1415926/180.0))
570 npoints_acc(i+2)=npoints_acc(i+1)+np
572 npoints_acc(74) = npoints_acc(73) + 73
575 ! for row number i (where i=1 is the southern edge of the grid)
576 ! npoints_acc(i+1)-npoints_acc(i) = number of points in this line
577 ! npoints_acc(i)+1 = index into thinned array for first point of line
580 np = npoints_acc(ny+1)-npoints_acc(ny) ! Number of points in this line.
582 ! Calulate the x index (mj) of thinned array (real value)
583 mj = (nx-1.0)*(np-1.0)/(72.0)
585 if (abs(mj - int(mj)) < 1.E-10) then
586 rdatarray((ny-1)*73+nx) = thinnedDataArray(npoints_acc(ny)+1+int(mj))
588 ! Get the 2 closest values from thinned array
589 Vb = thinnedDataArray(npoints_acc(ny)+1+int(mj))
590 Vc = thinnedDataArray(npoints_acc(ny)+1+int(mj)+1)
591 ! Get the next two closest, if available:
595 Va = thinnedDataArray(npoints_acc(ny)+1+int(mj)-1)
598 Vd = thinnedDataArray(npoints_acc(ny)+1+int(mj)+2)
601 if ((Va < -999998.) .or. (Vd < -999998.)) then
602 ! Use 2-point linear interpolation.
603 rdatarray((ny-1)*73+nx) = Vb*(int(mj)+1.0-mj) + Vc*(mj-int(mj))
605 ! Use 4-point overlapping parabolic interpolation.
606 xmj = mj - float(int(mj))
607 rdatarray((ny-1)*73+nx) = oned(xmj,Va,Vb,Vc,Vd)
613 call gribdata(rdatarray,map%nx*map%ny)
616 ! Some grids are broken and need to be reordered (e.g. NCEP-II in 1997).
617 ! WPS assumes that the grids are ordered consistently with the start location.
619 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
620 "RD_GRIB1 icenter = %i , iprocess = %i , grid = %i",i1=icenter,i2=iprocess,i3=KSEC1(5))
621 if (icenter .eq. 7 .and. iprocess .eq. 0 .and. KSEC1(5) .eq. 2 ) then
622 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
623 "resetting NCEP2 dx and dy. If this is not NCEP2 data you must modify rd_grib1.f90")
624 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG, &
625 "field = %s , dx = %f , dy = %f , i10 = %i",s1=field,f1=map%dx,f2=map%dy,i1=infogrid(10))
628 ! call reorder_it (rdatarray, map%nx, map%ny, map%dx, map%dy, infogrid(10))
631 ! Deallocate a couple of arrays that may have been allocated by the
632 ! GRIB decoding routines.
636 END subroutine rd_grib1
638 real function oned(x, a, b, c, d) Result (Answer)
640 real :: x ! Proportion of the way between B and C. Between 0.0 and 1.0
643 if (abs(x) < 1.E-10) then
647 IF(abs(x-1.) < 1.E-10) then
651 Answer = (1.0-X)*(B+X*(0.5*(C-A)+X*(0.5*(C+A)-B)))+X*(C+(1.0-X)*(0.5 &
652 *(B-D)+(1.0-X)*(0.5*(B+D)-C)))