1 *****************************************************************************!
2 ! Subroutine RD_GRIB2 !
5 ! Read one record from the input GRIB2 file. Based on the information in !
6 ! the GRIB2 header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in!
7 ! the GRIB2 record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we !
8 ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB2 record, and store the data !
9 ! in the ungrib memory structure. !
13 ! junit : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran !
14 ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB2 !
15 ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C !
16 ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the !
17 ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are !
19 ! gribflnm : File name to open, if it is not already open. !
20 ! debug_level : Integer for various amounts of printout. !
24 ! hdate : The (up to)19-character date of the field to process. !
25 ! grib_edition : Version of the gribfile (1 or 2) !
26 ! ireaderr : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB2 file. !
27 ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB2 file. !
28 ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does !
32 ! Author: Paula McCaslin, NOAA/FSL, Sept 2004 !
33 ! Code is based on code developed by Steve Gilbert NCEP & Kevin Manning NCAR !
34 ! Adapted for WPS: Jim Bresch, NCAR/MMM. Sept 2006 !
35 !*****************************************************************************!
37 SUBROUTINE rd_grib2(junit, gribflnm, hdate,
38 & grib_edition, ireaderr, debug_level)
42 use table ! Included to define g2code
43 use gridinfo ! Included to define map%
44 use storage_module ! Included sub put_storage
47 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hold_array
48 parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000)
49 character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib
50 integer :: listsec0(3)
51 integer :: listsec1(13)
52 integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fcst
53 character(len=*) :: gribflnm
54 character(len=*) :: hdate
55 character(len=8) :: pabbrev
56 character(len=20) :: labbrev
57 character(len=80) :: tabbrev
58 integer :: lskip, lgrib
59 integer :: junit, itot, icount, iseek
60 integer :: grib_edition
61 integer :: i, j, ireaderr, ith , debug_level
63 logical :: unpack, expand
64 type(gribfield) :: gfld
65 ! For subroutine put_storage
69 character (len=9) :: my_field
70 character (len=8) :: tmp8
71 ! For subroutine output
72 integer , parameter :: maxlvl = 150
73 real , dimension(maxlvl) :: plvl
75 integer , dimension(maxlvl) :: level_array
76 real :: glevel1, glevel2
77 logical :: first = .true.
79 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
84 hdate = '0000-00-00_00:00:00'
94 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"Begin rd_grib2", newline=.true.)
96 !/* IOS Return Codes from BACIO: */
98 !/* -1 Tried to open read only _and_ write only */
99 !/* -2 Tried to read and write in the same call */
100 !/* -3 Internal failure in name processing */
101 !/* -4 Failure in opening file */
102 !/* -5 Tried to read on a write-only file */
103 !/* -6 Failed in read to find the 'start' location */
104 !/* -7 Tried to write to a read only file */
105 !/* -8 Failed in write to find the 'start' location */
106 !/* -9 Error in close */
107 !/* -10 Read or wrote fewer data than requested */
109 !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file.
110 !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files.
113 ! Open a byte-addressable file.
114 CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS)
119 ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record).
120 call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib)
122 ! Check for EOF, or problem
127 ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory.
128 if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then
129 if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib)
130 allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is)
131 !print *,'G2 allocate(cgrib(lgrib)) status: ',IS
135 ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file.
136 call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib)
138 call mprintf ((lgrib.ne.lengrib),ERROR,
139 & "rd_grib2: IO Error. %i .ne. %i ", newline=.true.,
140 & i1=lgrib,i2=lengrib)
145 call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG,
146 & "G2 GRIB MESSAGE %i starts at %i ", newline=.true.,
147 & i1=icount,i2=lskip+1)
150 call gb_info(cgrib,lengrib,listsec0,listsec1,
151 & numfields,numlocal,maxlocal,ierr)
152 call mprintf((ierr.ne.0),ERROR,
153 & " ERROR querying GRIB2 message = %i",newline=.true.,i1=ierr)
156 grib_edition=listsec0(2)
157 if (grib_edition.ne.2) then
161 ! Additional print statments for developer.
162 !MGD if ( debug_level .GT. 100 ) then
163 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 0: ',(listsec0(j),j=1,3)
164 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(listsec1(j),j=1,13)
165 !MGD print *,'G2 Contains ',numlocal,' Local Sections ',
166 !MGD & ' and ',numfields,' data fields.'
171 ! Once per file fill in date, model and projection values.
176 ! Build the 19-character date string, based on GRIB2 header date
177 ! and time information, including forecast time information:
180 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.FALSE.,expand,gfld,ierr)
183 year =gfld%idsect(6) !(FOUR-DIGIT) YEAR OF THE DATA
184 month =gfld%idsect(7) ! MONTH OF THE DATA
185 day =gfld%idsect(8) ! DAY OF THE DATA
186 hour =gfld%idsect(9) ! HOUR OF THE DATA
187 minute=gfld%idsect(10) ! MINUTE OF THE DATA
188 second=gfld%idsect(11) ! SECOND OF THE DATA
192 ! Extract forecast time. Assume the first field's valid time is true for all fields.
193 ! This doesn't have to be true, but ungrib is designed to decode one time-level at
196 if ( gfld%ipdtnum .ne. 8 ) then
197 if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 1 ) then ! time units are hours
198 fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9)
199 else if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 0 ) then ! minutes
200 fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) / 60.
201 else if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(8) .eq. 2 ) then ! days
202 fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) * 24.
204 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,
205 & "Time unit in ipdtmpl(8), %i is not suported",
206 & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%ipdtmpl(8))
209 ! pdt 4.8 data are time-averaged, accumulated, or min/max fields with the
210 ! ending (valid) time provided.
211 year =gfld%ipdtmpl(16)
212 month =gfld%ipdtmpl(17)
213 day =gfld%ipdtmpl(18)
214 hour =gfld%ipdtmpl(19)
215 minute=gfld%ipdtmpl(20)
216 second=gfld%ipdtmpl(21)
220 if ( gfld%idsect(5) .eq. 2 ) fcst = 0.
221 ! Compute valid time.
223 !print *, 'ymd',gfld%idsect(6),gfld%idsect(7),gfld%idsect(8)
224 !print *, 'hhmm ',gfld%idsect(9),gfld%idsect(10)
226 call build_hdate(hdate,year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
227 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 hdate = %s ", newline=.true.,
229 call geth_newdate(hdate,hdate,3600*fcst)
230 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 hdate (fcst?) = %s ",
231 & newline=.true., s1=hdate)
235 ! Indicator of the source (center) of the data.
236 icenter = gfld%idsect(1)
238 ! Indicator of model (or whatever) which generated the data.
239 iprocess = gfld%ipdtmpl(5)
242 if (icenter.eq.7) then
243 if (iprocess.eq.81) then
244 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Analysis'
245 elseif (iprocess.eq.82) then
246 map%source = 'NCEP GFS GDAS/FNL'
247 elseif (iprocess.eq.83) then
248 map%source = 'NCEP HRRR Model'
249 elseif (iprocess.eq.84) then
250 map%source = 'NCEP MESO NAM Model'
251 elseif (iprocess.eq.89) then
252 map%source = 'NCEP NMM '
253 elseif (iprocess.eq.96) then
254 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Model'
255 elseif (iprocess.eq.86 .or. iprocess.eq.100) then
256 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 60 km
257 elseif (iprocess.eq.101) then
258 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 40 km
259 elseif (iprocess.eq.105) then
260 if (year .gt. 2011) then
261 map%source = 'NCEP RAP Model'
263 map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 20 km
265 elseif (iprocess.eq.107) then
266 map%source = 'NCEP GEFS'
267 elseif (iprocess.eq.109) then
268 map%source = 'NCEP RTMA'
269 elseif (iprocess.eq.140) then
270 map%source = 'NCEP NARR'
271 elseif (iprocess.eq.44) then
272 map%source = 'NCEP SST Analysis'
273 elseif (iprocess.eq.70) then
274 map%source = 'GFDL Hurricane Model'
275 elseif (iprocess.eq.80) then
276 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Ensemble'
277 elseif (iprocess.eq.107) then ! renumbered as of 23 Feb 2010
278 map%source = 'NCEP GFS Ensemble'
279 elseif (iprocess.eq.111) then
280 map%source = 'NCEP NMMB Model'
281 elseif (iprocess.eq.112) then
282 map%source = 'NCEP WRF-NMM Model'
283 elseif (iprocess.eq.116) then
284 map%source = 'NCEP WRF-ARW Model'
285 elseif (iprocess.eq.129) then
286 map%source = 'NCEP GODAS'
287 elseif (iprocess.eq.197) then
288 map%source = 'NCEP CDAS CFSV2'
289 elseif (iprocess.eq.25) then
290 map%source = 'NCEP SNOW COVER ANALYSIS'
292 map%source = 'unknown model from NCEP'
293 call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,
294 & "unknown model from NCEP %i ",newline=.true.,
296 call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,
297 & "unknown model from NCEP %i ",newline=.true.,
300 else if (icenter .eq. 57) then
301 if (iprocess .eq. 87) then
302 map%source = 'AFWA AGRMET'
306 else if ( icenter .eq. 58 ) then
307 map%source = 'US Navy FNOC'
308 else if (icenter .eq. 59) then
309 if (iprocess .eq. 125) then
310 map%source = 'NOAA GSD Rapid Refresh Model'
311 else if (iprocess .eq. 83) then
312 map%source = 'NOAA GSD HRRR Model'
313 else if (iprocess .eq. 105) then
314 map%source = 'NOAA GSD'
316 print *,'Unknown GSD source'
319 else if (icenter .eq. 60) then
321 else if (icenter .eq. 98) then
323 else if (icenter .eq. 34) then
325 else if (icenter .eq. 74 .or. icenter .eq. 75 ) then
328 map%source = 'unknown model and orig center'
330 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 source is = %s ",
331 & newline=.true., s1=map%source)
335 ! Store information about the grid containing the data.
336 ! This stuff gets stored in the MAP variable, as defined in
339 map%startloc = 'SWCORNER'
340 map%grid_wind = .true.
342 if (gfld%igdtnum.eq.0) then ! Lat/Lon grid aka Cylindrical Equidistant
344 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
345 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
346 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17)
347 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18)
348 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12)
349 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13)
350 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(14)
351 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
352 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
353 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
355 ! Fix for NCEP 1/12 degree grids (e.g. rtgsst)
356 if (icenter .eq. 7 .and. map%dx .eq. 83000. .and. map%nx
360 map%dx = 83333.333 * sign(1.0,map%dx)
361 map%dy = 83333.333 * sign(1.0,map%dy)
364 if ((gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 0).OR.
365 & (gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 255)) THEN
366 ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6.
367 map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor
368 map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor
369 ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6.
370 map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor
371 map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor
373 ! Basic angle and subdivisions are non-zero (not tested)
374 map%lat1 = map%lat1 *
375 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
376 map%lon1 = map%lon1 *
377 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
379 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
381 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
382 call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"WARNING - Basic angle option
383 &has not been tested, continuing anyway")
384 call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,"WARNING - Basic angle option
385 & has not been tested, continuing anyway")
389 ! The following is needed for NCEP GFS, 0.5 degree output. The j-scan is in the -y direction.
390 ! In WPS, the sign of dy indicates the direction of the scan.
391 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(19)
392 read(tmp8,'(1x,i1)') jscan
393 if ( jscan .eq. 0 .and. map%dy .gt. 0. ) then
394 map%dy = -1. * map%dy
396 ! if ( map%lat1 .gt. gfld%igdtmpl(15) .and.
397 ! & map%dy .gt. 0. ) then
398 ! map%dy = -1. * map%dy
399 ! write(6,*) 'Resetting map%dy for iprocess = ',iprocess
402 elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.10) then ! Mercator Grid.
404 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
405 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
407 map%truelat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) / scale_factor
409 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(18) / scale_factor
410 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(19) / scale_factor
411 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor
412 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor
413 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12)
414 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
415 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
416 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
418 elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.20) then ! Polar-Stereographic Grid.
420 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
421 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
422 map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(14) / scale_factor
425 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(15) / scale_factor
426 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(16) / scale_factor
427 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor
428 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor
429 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12)
430 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
431 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
432 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
434 elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.30) then ! Lambert Conformal Grid
436 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
437 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
438 map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(14) / scale_factor
439 map%truelat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(19) / scale_factor
440 map%truelat2 = gfld%igdtmpl(20) / scale_factor
441 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(15) / scale_factor
442 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(16) / scale_factor
443 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) / scale_factor
444 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) / scale_factor
445 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(12)
446 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
447 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
448 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
450 elseif(gfld%igdtnum.eq.40) then ! Gaussian Grid (we will call it lat/lon)
452 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) ! Ni - # of points along a parallel
453 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) ! Nj - # of points along meridian
454 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) ! Di - i direction increment
455 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) ! N - # of parallels between pole and equator
456 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) ! La1 - lat of 1st grid point
457 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) ! Lo1 - lon of 1st grid point
458 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(14) ! resolution/component flag
459 if (tmp8(5:5) .eq. '0') map%grid_wind = .false.
460 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
461 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
463 ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6.
464 if (map%dx.gt.10000) then
465 map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor
467 if (map%dy.gt.10000) then
468 map%dy = (map%dy/scale_factor)*(-1)
471 ! Fix for zonal shift in CFSR data, following a similar fix
472 ! for global lat-lon data in rd_grib1.F
473 if ( ABS(map%nx * map%dx - 360.0) < 1.0 ) then
474 if (ABS(map%dx - (360./real(map%nx))) > 0.00001) then
475 write(0,*) 'CFSR fix: recomputing delta-longitude'
476 map%dx = 360./real(map%nx)
480 ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6.
481 if (map%lat1.ge.scale_factor) then
482 map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor
484 if (map%lon1.ge.scale_factor) then
485 map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor
487 if ( debug_level .gt. 2 ) then
488 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,
489 & "Gaussian Grid: Dx,Dy,lat,lon,nlats %f %f %f %f %i ",
490 & newline=.true.,f1=map%dx,f2=map%dy,f3=map%lat1,f4=map%lon1,
493 elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.32769) then ! Arakawa Non-E Staggered grid.
495 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
496 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
497 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17)
498 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18)
499 map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12)
500 map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13)
501 map%lat0 = gfld%igdtmpl(15)
502 map%lon0 = gfld%igdtmpl(16)
503 map%r_earth = earth_radius (gfld%igdtmpl(1),
504 & gfld%igdtmpl(2),gfld%igdtmpl(3))
505 if ((gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 0).OR.
506 & (gfld%igdtmpl(10) .eq. 255)) THEN
507 map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor
508 map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor
509 map%lat0 = map%lat0/scale_factor
510 map%lon0 = map%lon0/scale_factor
511 map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor/1.e3
512 map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor/1.e3
514 ! Basic angle and subdivisions are non-zero (not tested)
515 map%lat1 = map%lat1 *
516 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
517 map%lon1 = map%lon1 *
518 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
520 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
522 & (gfld%igdtmpl(11)/gfld%igdtmpl(10))
523 call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"WARNING - Basic angle option
524 &has not been tested, continuing anyway")
525 call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,"WARNING - Basic angle option
526 & has not been tested, continuing anyway")
530 call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,"GRIB2 Unknown Projection: %i",
531 & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%igdtnum)
532 call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,
533 & "ungrib understands projections 0, 20, 30, and 40",
535 call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,
536 & "GRIB2 Unknown Projection: %i",
537 & newline=.true.,i1=gfld%igdtnum)
538 call mprintf(.true.,LOGFILE,
539 & "ungrib understands projections 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40",
541 ! If the projection is not known, then it can't be processed by metgrid/plotfmt
542 stop 'Stop in rd_grib2'
545 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 igrid = %i , dx = %f , dy = %
546 &f ", newline=.true., i1 = map%igrid, f1=map%dx, f2=map%dy)
548 if (icenter.eq.7) then
549 call ncep_grid_num (gfld%igdtnum)
552 ! Deallocate arrays decoding GRIB2 record.
555 endif ! "first" if-block
559 ! Continue to unpack GRIB2 field.
560 NUM_FIELDS: do n = 1, numfields
561 ! e.g. U and V would =2, otherwise its usually =1
562 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.FALSE.,expand,gfld,ierr)
564 write(*,*) ' ERROR extracting field gf_getfld = ',ierr
568 ! The JMA GSM has two different grids in the same GRIB file, so we need
569 ! to process the map info for each field separately. If any other centers do
570 ! this, then processing will need to be added here, too.
572 if (icenter .eq. 34 .and. gfld%igdtnum.eq.0) then
573 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
574 map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
575 map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17)
576 map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18)
577 ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6.
578 if (map%dx.gt.10000) then
579 map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor
581 if (map%dy.gt.10000) then
582 map%dy = map%dy/scale_factor
584 write(tmp8,'(b8.8)') gfld%igdtmpl(19)
585 read(tmp8,'(1x,i1)') jscan
586 write(0,*) 'gfld%igdtmpl(19) = ',gfld%igdtmpl(19),
588 if ( jscan .eq. 0 .and. map%dy .gt. 0. ) then
589 map%dy = -1. * map%dy
593 ! ------------------------------------
594 ! Additional print information for developer.
595 if ( debug_level .GT. 1000 ) then
597 !MGD print *,'G2 FIELD ',n
599 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 0: ',gfld%discipline,gfld%version
600 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(gfld%idsect(j),j=1,gfld%idsectlen)
602 !MGD if ( associated(gfld%local).AND.gfld%locallen.gt.0 ) then
603 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 2: ',(gfld%local(j),j=1,gfld%locallen)
605 !MGD print *,'G2 SECTION 3: ',gfld%griddef,gfld%ngrdpts,
606 !MGD & gfld%numoct_opt,gfld%interp_opt,
608 !MGD print *,'G2 GRID TEMPLATE 3.',gfld%igdtnum,': ',
609 !MGD & (gfld%igdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%igdtlen)
610 !MGD if ( gfld%num_opt .eq. 0 ) then
611 !MGD print *,'G2 NO Section 3 List Defining No. of Data Points.'
613 !MGD print *,'G2 Section 3 Optional List: ',
614 !MGD & (gfld%list_opt(j),j=1,gfld%num_opt)
616 !MGD print *,'G2 PRODUCT TEMPLATE 4.',gfld%ipdtnum,': ',
617 !MGD & (gfld%ipdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%ipdtlen)
619 pabbrev=param_get_abbrev(gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1),
621 !call prlevel(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,labbrev)
622 !call prvtime(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,listsec1,tabbrev)
623 !MGD print *,'G2 TEXT: ',pabbrev,trim(labbrev)," ",trim(tabbrev)
625 !MGD if ( gfld%num_coord .eq. 0 ) then
626 !MGD print *,'G2 NO Optional Vertical Coordinate List.'
628 !MGD print *,'G2 Section 4 Optional Coordinates: ',
629 !MGD & (gfld%coord_list(j),j=1,gfld%num_coord)
631 if ( gfld%ibmap .ne. 255 ) then
632 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,
633 & 'G2 Num. of Data Points = %i with BIT-MAP %i',
634 & newline=.true., i1=gfld%ndpts, i2=gfld%ibmap)
636 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,
637 & 'G2 Num. of Data Points = %i NO BIT-MAP',
638 & newline=.true., i1=gfld%ndpts)
640 !MGD print *,'G2 DRS TEMPLATE 5.',gfld%idrtnum,': ',
641 !MGD & (gfld%idrtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%idrtlen)
642 endif ! Additional Print information
643 ! ------------------------------------
646 ! write(6,'(a10,4i8)') namvar(i),(g2code(j,i),j=1,4)
648 !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) then
649 !MGD write(6,*) 'looking for ',gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1),
650 !MGD & gfld%ipdtmpl(2),gfld%ipdtmpl(10)
652 call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"G2 Searching the g2code array (Vta
653 &ble) for this grib field %i %i %i %i %i %i ", newline=.true.,
654 & i1 = gfld%discipline, i2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(1),
655 & i3 = gfld%ipdtmpl(2), i4 = gfld%ipdtmpl(10),
656 & i5 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12), i6 = gfld%ipdtnum )
659 ! Test this data record against list of desired variables
662 MATCH_LOOP: do i=1,maxvar ! Max variables found in Vtable,
663 ! maxvar is defined in table.mod
665 if ( gfld%discipline .eq. g2code(1,i) .and. !Discipline
666 & gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. g2code(2,i) .and. !Category
667 & gfld%ipdtmpl(2) .eq. g2code(3,i) .and. !Parameter
668 & gfld%ipdtmpl(10) .eq. g2code(4,i) .and. !Elevation
669 & gfld%ipdtnum .eq. g2code(5,i)) then !Template
672 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,.TRUE.,expand,gfld,ierr)
673 pabbrev=param_get_abbrev(gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1),
676 !my_field (e.g. RH, TMP, similar to, but not the same as pabbrev)
679 !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) then
680 !MGD write(6,*) 'namvar(i) = ',namvar(i),' pabbrev = ',pabbrev
681 !MGD write(6,*) 'Parameter = ',gfld%ipdtmpl(2)
683 ! The following if-block is commented out since equivalent info can be obtained from g2print
684 ! if (debug_level .gt. 1000) then
689 ! if (gfld%fld(j).gt.fldmax) fldmax=gfld%fld(j)
690 ! if (gfld%fld(j).lt.fldmin) fldmin=gfld%fld(j)
691 ! sum=sum+gfld%fld(j)
693 ! call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,'G2 FIELD=%s MIN=%f AVG=%f MAX=%f',
694 ! & newline=.true., s1=pabbrev, f1=fldmin, f2=sum/gfld%ndpts,
698 ! need to match up soil levels with those requested.
699 ! For the Vtable levels, -88 = all levels, -99 = missing. The units
700 ! vary depending on the level code (e.g. 106 = cm, 103 = m).
701 ! The grib2 standard allows scaling of the units, so make sure the soil level
702 ! units are in cm (as used in the Vtable).
703 if ( gfld%ipdtmpl(10) .eq. 106 ) then
704 if ( ( gfld%ipdtmpl(14) .EQ. -1*(2**07-1) ) .AND.
705 ! & ( gfld%ipdtmpl(15) .EQ. -1*(2**31-1) ) ) THEN ! Some compilers cannot
706 ! handle the initial 2**31
707 ! part of the computation,
708 ! which is an arithmetic
709 ! overflow on 32 bit signed ints
710 & ( gfld%ipdtmpl(15) .EQ. -2147483647 ) ) THEN
712 glevel1 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12)
713 glevel2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(11)
715 glevel1 = 100. * gfld%ipdtmpl(12)*
716 & (10.**(-1.*gfld%ipdtmpl(11)))
717 glevel2 = 100. * gfld%ipdtmpl(15)*
718 & (10.**(-1.*gfld%ipdtmpl(14)))
720 TMP8LOOP: do j = 1, maxvar
721 if ((g2code(4,j) .eq. 106) .and.
722 & (gfld%ipdtmpl(2) .eq. g2code(3,j)) .and.
723 & (glevel1 .eq. level1(j)) .and.
724 & ((glevel2 .eq. level2(j)) .or.
725 & (level2(j) .le. -88))) then
730 if (j .gt. maxvar ) then
731 write(6,'(a,i6,a)') 'Subsoil level ',
733 & ' in the GRIB2 file, was not found in the Vtable'
736 !MGD if (debug_level .gt. 50) write(6,*) 'my_field is now ',my_field
739 ! Level (eg. 10000 mb)
740 if(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.100) then
741 ! Pressure level (range from 1000mb to 0mb)
742 level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12) *
743 & (10. ** (-1. * gfld%ipdtmpl(11)))
744 elseif((gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.105).or.
745 & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.118))then
746 ! Hybrid level (range from 1 to N)
747 level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12)
748 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.104) then
749 ! Sigma level (range from 10000 to 0)
750 level=gfld%ipdtmpl(12)
751 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.101) then
754 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.103) then
755 ! Height above ground (m)
756 if (gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 2. .or.
757 & gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 1000. .or. ! temp fix for hrrr maxref
758 & gfld%ipdtmpl(12) .eq. 10. ) then
763 elseif((gfld%ipdtmpl(10).ge.206 .and.
764 & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).le.234) .or.
765 & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).ge.242 .and.
766 & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).le.254) .or.
767 & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.200) .or.
768 & (gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.10) ) then
769 ! NCEP cloud layers used for plotting
771 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.106.or.
772 & gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.1) then
773 ! Misc near ground/surface levels
775 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.6) then
778 elseif(gfld%ipdtmpl(10).eq.7) then
782 ! If we are here then the Vtable contains a level code
783 ! which we cannot handle. Write an info message and skip it.
784 call mprintf(.true.,INFORM,"Rd_grib2 does not know abou
785 &t level code %i (field = %s). Skipping this field. If you want thi
786 &s level, rd_grib2.F must be modified", i1 = gfld%ipdtmpl(10),
792 ! Store the unpacked 2D slab from the GRIB2 record
793 allocate(hold_array(gfld%ngrdpts))
795 hold_array(j)=gfld%fld(j)
798 ! Some grids need to be reordered. Until we get an example, this is
800 ! call reorder_it (hold_array, map%nx, map%ny, map%dx,
803 ! When we have reached this point, we have a data array ARRAY
804 ! which has some data we want to save, with field name FIELD
805 ! at pressure level LEVEL (Pa). Dimensions of this data are
806 ! map%nx and map%ny. Put this data into storage.
808 !print *,'call put_storage',iplvl,my_field,hold_array(55),ith
809 !e.g. call put_storage(200100, 'RH', my_field, 1, ith)
810 ! call mprintf(.true.,DEBUG,"Calling put_storage for
811 ! &level = %i , field = %s , g2level = %i ", newline=.true.,
812 ! & i1 = iplvl, s1 = my_field, i2 = gfld%ipdtmpl(12) )
814 call put_storage(iplvl,my_field,
815 & reshape(hold_array(1:map%nx*map%ny),
816 & (/map%nx, map%ny/)), map%nx,map%ny)
817 deallocate(hold_array)
819 ! If Specific Humidity is present on hybrid levels AND
820 ! upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from
822 if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'RH') .and.
823 & is_there(iplvl, 'SH') .and.
824 & is_there(iplvl, 'TT') .and.
825 & is_there(iplvl, 'P')) then
826 call g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl)
827 !call llstor_remove(iplvl, 'SH') !We are done with SH
830 ! If Specific Humidity is present on hybrid levels AND
831 ! upper-air RH is missing, see if we can compute RH from
832 ! Specific Humidity - v2
833 if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'RH') .and.
834 & is_there(iplvl, 'SPECHUMD') .and.
835 & is_there(iplvl, 'THETA') .and.
836 & is_there(iplvl, 'TT')) then
837 call g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl)
840 ! If Temperature and Theta are present on hybrid levels AND
841 ! upper-air PRESSURE is missing, see if we can compute PRESSURE from
842 ! Temperature and Theta
843 if (.not. is_there(iplvl, 'PRESSURE') .and.
844 & is_there(iplvl, 'THETA') .and.
845 & is_there(iplvl, 'TT')) then
846 call g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa(map%nx,map%ny,iplvl)
852 endif ! Selected param.
857 ! Deallocate arrays decoding GRIB2 record.
866 if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) then
867 call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG,
868 & "G2 total number of fields found = %i ",newline=.true.,i1=itot)
873 nullify(gfld%local) ! must be nullified before opening next file
876 call mprintf (.true.,DEBUG,"open status failed because %i ",
877 & newline=.true., i1=ios)
878 hdate = '9999-99-99_99:99:99'
880 endif ! ireaderr check
882 END subroutine rd_grib2
884 !*****************************************************************************!
885 ! Subroutine edition_num !
888 ! Read one record from the input GRIB2 file. Based on the information in !
889 ! the GRIB2 header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in!
890 ! the GRIB2 record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we !
891 ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB2 record, and pass the data !
892 ! back to the calling routine. !
896 ! JUNIT : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran !
897 ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB2 !
898 ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C !
899 ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the !
900 ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are !
902 ! GRIB2FILE: File name to open, if it is not already open. !
905 ! GRIB_EDITION: Set to 1 for GRIB and set to 2 for GRIB2 !
906 ! IERR : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB2 file. !
907 ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB2 file. !
908 ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does !
910 ! Author: Paula McCaslin !
913 !*****************************************************************************!
915 SUBROUTINE edition_num(junit, gribflnm,
916 & grib_edition, ireaderr)
922 parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000)
923 character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib
924 integer :: listsec0(3)
925 integer :: listsec1(13)
926 character(len=*) :: gribflnm
927 integer :: lskip, lgrib
929 integer :: grib_edition
930 integer :: i, j, ireaderr
933 character(len=4) :: ctemp
934 character(len=4),parameter :: grib='GRIB',c7777='7777'
936 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
946 !/* IOS Return Codes from BACIO: */
947 !/* 0 All was well */
948 !/* -1 Tried to open read only _and_ write only */
949 !/* -2 Tried to read and write in the same call */
950 !/* -3 Internal failure in name processing */
951 !/* -4 Failure in opening file */
952 !/* -5 Tried to read on a write-only file */
953 !/* -6 Failed in read to find the 'start' location */
954 !/* -7 Tried to write to a read only file */
955 !/* -8 Failed in write to find the 'start' location */
956 !/* -9 Error in close */
957 !/* -10 Read or wrote fewer data than requested */
959 !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file.
960 !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files.
961 !if ireaderr =3 beginning characters 'GRIB' not found
963 ! Open a byte-addressable file.
964 CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS)
967 ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record).
968 call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib)
970 ! Check for EOF, or problem
971 call mprintf((lgrib.eq.0),ERROR,
972 & "Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num.",
975 ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory.
976 if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then
977 if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib)
978 allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is)
982 ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file.
983 call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib)
985 ! Check for beginning of GRIB message in the first 100 bytes
988 ctemp=cgrib(j)//cgrib(j+1)//cgrib(j+2)//cgrib(j+3)
989 if (ctemp.eq.grib ) then
994 if (istart.eq.0) then
996 print*, "The beginning 4 characters >GRIB< were not found."
999 ! Unpack Section 0 - Indicator Section to extract GRIB edition field
1001 call gbyte(cgrib,discipline,iofst,8) ! Discipline
1003 call gbyte(cgrib,grib_edition,iofst,8) ! GRIB edition number
1005 ! print *, 'ungrib - grib edition num', grib_edition
1006 CALL BACLOSE(junit,IOS)
1008 else if (ios .eq. -4) then
1009 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,
1010 & "edition_num: unable to open %s",newline=.true.,s1=gribflnm)
1012 print *,'edition_num: open status failed because',ios,gribflnm
1014 endif ! ireaderr check
1016 END subroutine edition_num
1018 !*****************************************************************************!
1020 SUBROUTINE g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa(ix, jx, iiplvl)
1021 ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air.
1026 real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy
1027 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, P, RH, Q
1029 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
1030 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
1031 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
1032 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
1033 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622
1035 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon
1037 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'P', P, ix, jx)
1038 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx)
1039 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'SH', Q, ix, jx)
1041 rh=1.E2*(p*q/(q*(1.-eps)+eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3)))
1043 call put_storage(iiplvl, 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
1045 end subroutine g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa
1047 !*****************************************************************************!
1049 SUBROUTINE g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2(ix, jx, iiplvl)
1050 ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air.
1055 real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy
1056 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, TH, RH, Q, P
1058 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
1059 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
1060 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
1061 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
1062 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622
1064 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon
1066 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'THETA', TH, ix, jx)
1067 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx)
1068 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'SPECHUMD', Q, ix, jx)
1070 p=1.e5*(t/th)**(1005/287.05)
1072 rh=1.E2*(p*q/(q*(1.-eps)+eps))/(svp1*exp(svp2*(t-svpt0)/(T-svp3)))
1074 call put_storage(iiplvl, 'RH', rh, ix, jx)
1076 end subroutine g2_compute_rh_spechumd_upa2
1078 !*****************************************************************************!
1080 SUBROUTINE g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa(ix, jx, iiplvl)
1081 ! Compute relative humidity from specific humidity in the upper air.
1086 real :: lat1, lon1, dx, dy
1087 real, dimension(ix,jx) :: T, TH, P
1089 real, parameter :: svp1=611.2
1090 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67
1091 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65
1092 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15
1093 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622
1095 real startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon
1097 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'THETA', TH, ix, jx)
1098 call get_storage(iiplvl, 'TT', T, ix, jx)
1100 p=1.e5*(t/th)**(1005/287.05)
1102 call put_storage(iiplvl, 'PRESSURE', p, ix, jx)
1104 end subroutine g2_compute_pressure_tth_upa
1106 !*****************************************************************************!
1108 subroutine ncep_grid_num (pnum)
1110 ! Find the grib number for descriptive labelling.
1111 ! Grib2 doesn't have a grid-number entry, so we have to figure it out
1112 ! from the parameters.
1114 use gridinfo ! Included to define map%
1116 real, parameter :: eps = .01
1117 character (len=8) :: tmp8
1119 ! write(6,*) 'begin ncep_grid_num'
1120 ! write(6,*) 'dx = ',map%dx,' pnum = ',pnum,' nx = ',map%nx
1122 if (pnum .eq. 30) then ! lambert conformal
1123 if ( abs(map%dx - 12.19058) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 614) then
1124 write(tmp8,'("GRID 218")')
1125 else if (abs(map%dx - 40.63525) .lt. eps
1126 & .and. map%nx .eq. 185) then
1127 write(tmp8,'("GRID 212")')
1128 else if (abs(map%dx - 40.63525) .lt. eps
1129 & .and. map%nx .eq. 151) then
1130 write(tmp8,'("GRID 236")')
1131 else if (abs(map%dx - 81.2705) .lt. eps
1132 & .and. map%nx .eq. 93) then
1133 write(tmp8,'("GRID 211")')
1134 else if (abs (map%dx - 32.46341) .lt. eps
1135 & .and. map%nx .eq. 349) then
1136 write(tmp8,'("GRID 221")')
1137 else if (abs(map%dx - 20.317625) .lt. eps
1138 & .and. map%nx .eq. 301) then
1139 write(tmp8,'("GRID 252")')
1140 else if (abs(map%dx - 13.545087) .lt. eps
1141 & .and. map%nx .eq. 451) then
1142 write(tmp8,'("GRID 130")')
1144 else if (pnum .eq. 20) then ! polar stereographic
1145 if (abs(map%dx - 15.0) .lt. eps) then
1146 write(tmp8,'("GRID 88")')
1148 else if (pnum .eq. 0) then ! lat/lon
1149 if (abs(map%dx - 1.) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 360) then
1150 write(tmp8,'("GRID 3")')
1151 else if (abs(map%dx - 0.5) .lt. eps .and. map%nx .eq. 720) then
1152 write(tmp8,'("GRID 4")')
1155 map%source(25:32) = tmp8
1156 ! write(6,*) 'map%source = ',map%source
1157 end subroutine ncep_grid_num
1158 !*****************************************************************************!
1160 function earth_radius (icode, iscale, irad_m)
1161 ! Grib2 Code Table 3.2. Returns the spherical earth's radius in km.
1163 real :: earth_radius
1165 integer :: iscale, irad_m
1166 if ( icode .eq. 0 ) then
1167 earth_radius = 6367470. * .001
1168 else if ( icode .eq. 1) then
1169 earth_radius = 0.001 * float(irad_m) / 10**iscale
1170 else if ( icode .eq. 6 ) then
1171 earth_radius = 6371229. * .001
1172 else if ( icode .eq. 8 ) then
1173 earth_radius = 6371200. * .001
1175 call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,
1176 & "unknown earth radius for code %i",newline=.true.,i1=icode)
1178 end function earth_radius