Merge branch 'patch-1' into develop (PR #156)
[WPS.git] / ungrib / src / ngl / g2 / intmath.f
1 module intmath
2 implicit none
4 interface ilog2
5 ! log(x)/log(2)
6 module procedure ilog2_8
7 module procedure ilog2_4
8 module procedure ilog2_2
9 module procedure ilog2_1
10 end interface ilog2
12 interface i1log2
13 ! log(x+1)/log(2) unless x=maxint, in which case log(x)/log(2)
14 module procedure i1log2_8
15 module procedure i1log2_4
16 module procedure i1log2_2
17 module procedure i1log2_1
18 end interface i1log2
20 contains
22 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
24 function i1log2_8(ival)
25 implicit none
26 integer(kind=8), value :: ival
27 integer(kind=8)::i1log2_8
28 integer(kind=8), parameter :: one=1
29 if(ival+one<ival) then
30 i1log2_8=ilog2_8(ival)
31 else
32 i1log2_8=ilog2_8(ival+one)
33 endif
34 end function i1log2_8
36 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
38 function i1log2_4(ival)
39 implicit none
40 integer(kind=4), value :: ival
41 integer(kind=4)::i1log2_4
42 integer(kind=4), parameter :: one=1
43 if(ival+one<ival) then
44 i1log2_4=ilog2_4(ival)
45 else
46 i1log2_4=ilog2_4(ival+one)
47 endif
48 end function i1log2_4
50 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
52 function i1log2_2(ival)
53 implicit none
54 integer(kind=2), value :: ival
55 integer(kind=2)::i1log2_2
56 integer(kind=2), parameter :: one=1
57 if(ival+one<ival) then
58 i1log2_2=ilog2_2(ival)
59 else
60 i1log2_2=ilog2_2(ival+one)
61 endif
62 end function i1log2_2
64 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
66 function i1log2_1(ival)
67 implicit none
68 integer(kind=1), value :: ival
69 integer(kind=1)::i1log2_1
70 integer(kind=1), parameter :: one=1
71 if(ival+one<ival) then
72 i1log2_1=ilog2_1(ival)
73 else
74 i1log2_1=ilog2_1(ival+one)
75 endif
76 end function i1log2_1
78 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
80 function ilog2_8(i_in)
81 implicit none
82 integer(kind=8), value :: i_in
83 integer(kind=8)::ilog2_8,i
84 ilog2_8=0
85 i=i_in
86 if(i<=0) return
87 if(iand(i,i-1)/=0) then
88 !write(0,*) 'iand i-1'
89 ilog2_8=1
90 endif
91 if(iand(i,Z'FFFFFFFF00000000')/=0) then
92 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+32
93 i=ishft(i,-32)
94 !write(0,*) 'iand ffffffff',i,ilog2_8
95 endif
96 if(iand(i,Z'00000000FFFF0000')/=0) then
97 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+16
98 i=ishft(i,-16)
99 !write(0,*) 'iand ffff' ,i,ilog2_8
100 endif
101 if(iand(i,Z'000000000000FF00')/=0) then
102 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+8
103 i=ishft(i,-8)
104 !write(0,*) 'iand ff',i,ilog2_8
105 endif
106 if(iand(i,Z'00000000000000F0')/=0) then
107 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+4
108 i=ishft(i,-4)
109 !write(0,*) 'iand f',i,ilog2_8
110 endif
111 if(iand(i,Z'000000000000000C')/=0) then
112 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+2
113 i=ishft(i,-2)
114 !write(0,*) 'iand c',i,ilog2_8
115 endif
116 if(iand(i,Z'0000000000000002')/=0) then
117 ilog2_8=ilog2_8+1
118 i=ishft(i,-1)
119 !write(0,*) 'iand 2',i,ilog2_8
120 endif
121 end function ilog2_8
123 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
125 function ilog2_4(i_in)
126 implicit none
127 integer(kind=4), value :: i_in
128 integer(kind=4)::ilog2_4,i
129 ilog2_4=0
130 i=i_in
131 if(i<=0) return
132 if(iand(i,i-1)/=0) then
133 !write(0,*) 'iand i-1'
134 ilog2_4=1
135 endif
136 if(iand(i,Z'FFFF0000')/=0) then
137 ilog2_4=ilog2_4+16
138 i=ishft(i,-16)
139 !write(0,*) 'iand ffff' ,i,ilog2_4
140 endif
141 if(iand(i,Z'0000FF00')/=0) then
142 ilog2_4=ilog2_4+8
143 i=ishft(i,-8)
144 !write(0,*) 'iand ff',i,ilog2_4
145 endif
146 if(iand(i,Z'000000F0')/=0) then
147 ilog2_4=ilog2_4+4
148 i=ishft(i,-4)
149 !write(0,*) 'iand f',i,ilog2_4
150 endif
151 if(iand(i,Z'0000000C')/=0) then
152 ilog2_4=ilog2_4+2
153 i=ishft(i,-2)
154 !write(0,*) 'iand c',i,ilog2_4
155 endif
156 if(iand(i,Z'00000002')/=0) then
157 ilog2_4=ilog2_4+1
158 i=ishft(i,-1)
159 !write(0,*) 'iand 2',i,ilog2_4
160 endif
161 end function ilog2_4
163 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
165 function ilog2_2(i_in)
166 implicit none
167 integer(kind=2), value :: i_in
168 integer(kind=2)::ilog2_2,i
169 ilog2_2=0
170 i=i_in
171 if(i<=0) return
172 ! WPS modification for the XL compiler
173 ! if(iand(i,i-1)/=0) then
174 if(iand(i,i-1_2)/=0) then
175 !write(0,*) 'iand i-1'
176 ilog2_2=1
177 endif
178 if(iand(i,Z'FF00')/=0) then
179 ilog2_2=ilog2_2+8
180 i=ishft(i,-8)
181 !write(0,*) 'iand ff',i,ilog2_2
182 endif
183 if(iand(i,Z'00F0')/=0) then
184 ilog2_2=ilog2_2+4
185 i=ishft(i,-4)
186 !write(0,*) 'iand f',i,ilog2_2
187 endif
188 if(iand(i,Z'000C')/=0) then
189 ilog2_2=ilog2_2+2
190 i=ishft(i,-2)
191 !write(0,*) 'iand c',i,ilog2_2
192 endif
193 if(iand(i,Z'0002')/=0) then
194 ilog2_2=ilog2_2+1
195 i=ishft(i,-1)
196 !write(0,*) 'iand 2',i,ilog2_2
197 endif
198 end function ilog2_2
200 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
202 function ilog2_1(i_in)
203 implicit none
204 integer(kind=1), value :: i_in
205 integer(kind=1)::ilog2_1,i
206 ilog2_1=0
207 i=i_in
208 if(i<=0) return
209 ! WPS modification for the XL compiler
210 ! if(iand(i,i-1)/=0) then
211 if(iand(i,i-1_1)/=0) then
212 !write(0,*) 'iand i-1'
213 ilog2_1=1
214 endif
215 if(iand(i,Z'F0')/=0) then
216 ilog2_1=ilog2_1+4
217 i=ishft(i,-4)
218 !write(0,*) 'iand f',i,ilog2_1
219 endif
220 if(iand(i,Z'0C')/=0) then
221 ilog2_1=ilog2_1+2
222 i=ishft(i,-2)
223 !write(0,*) 'iand c',i,ilog2_1
224 endif
225 if(iand(i,Z'02')/=0) then
226 ilog2_1=ilog2_1+1
227 i=ishft(i,-1)
228 !write(0,*) 'iand 2',i,ilog2_1
229 endif
230 end function ilog2_1
231 end module intmath
232 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
234 c$$$ program test_intmath
235 c$$$ use intmath
236 c$$$ implicit none
237 c$$$ real(kind=16) :: temp
238 c$$$ real(kind=16), parameter :: alog2=log(2.0_16)
239 c$$$ integer(kind=8), parameter :: &
240 c$$$ & one=1,big=Z'7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF',small=-2000000_8, &
241 c$$$ & check=Z'1FFFFFFF'
242 c$$$ integer(kind=8) :: ival, iret
243 c$$$ !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ival,temp,iret)
244 c$$$ do ival=small,big
245 c$$$ 10 format(Z16,' -- MISMATCH: ',I0,'=>',I0,' (',I0,' = ',F0.10,')')
246 c$$$ 20 format(Z16,' -- OKAY: ',I0,'=>',I0,' (',I0,' = ',F0.10,')')
247 c$$$ if(ival+one<ival) then
248 c$$$ temp=log(real(max(ival,one),kind=16))/alog2
249 c$$$ else
250 c$$$ temp=log(real(max(ival+one,one),kind=16))/alog2
251 c$$$ endif
252 c$$$ iret=i1log2(ival)
253 c$$$ if(iret/=ceiling(temp) .or. ival==0 .or. ival==check) then
254 c$$$ !$OMP CRITICAL
255 c$$$ if(iret/=ceiling(temp)) then
256 c$$$ print 10, ival, ival, iret,ceiling(temp),temp
257 c$$$ else
258 c$$$ print 20, ival, ival, iret,ceiling(temp),temp
259 c$$$ endif
261 c$$$ endif
262 c$$$ enddo
264 c$$$ end program test_intmath