Merge pull request #22 from wirc-sjsu/develop-w21
[WRF-Fire-merge.git] / Registry / Registry.EM_COMMON
1 # At the present time this file is managed manually and edited by hand.                                         
2 #                                               
3 ################################################################################
4 # Dimension specifications
6 # This section of the Registry file is used to specify the dimensions
7 # that will be used to define arrays. Dim is the one-letter name of the
8 # dimension.  How defined can either be "standard_domain", which means
9 # that the dimension (1) is one of the three spatial dimensions and (2)
10 # it will be set using the standard namelist mechanism and domain data
11 # structure dimension fields (e.g. sd31,ed31,sd32...).
13 # Order refers to which of the three sets of just-mentioned internal
14 # dimension variables the dimension is referred to by in the driver.
15 # That is, is it the first, second, or third dimension.  The registry
16 # infers the mapping of its internal dimensions according to the
17 # combination of Order and Coord-axis that are specified in this table.
18 # Note that it is all right to more than one dimension name for, say, the
19 # x dimension.  However, the Order and Coord-axis relationship must be
20 # consistent throughout.
22 # Note: these entries do not enforce storage order on a particular field.
23 # That is determined by the dimension strings for each field. But it does
24 # relate the dimspec to the internal data structures that the driver uses
25 # to maintain the three physical domain dimensions.
27 # "How defined" can also specify the name of a namelist variable from which
28 # the definition for the dimension will come; this is specified as
29 # "namelist=<variable name>".  The namelist variable must have been
30 # defined as an integer and with only one entry in the rconfig table. Or
31 # a constant can be specified.  The coordinate axis for the dimension is
32 # either X, Y, Z, or C (for "not a spatial dimension").  The Dimname is
33 # the descriptive name of the dimension that will be included in the
34 # metadata in data sets.  Note that the b, f, and t modifiers that appear
35 # as the last characters of dimension strings used # in state and # i1
36 # registry definitions are not dimensions and do not need to be declared
37 # here.
41 ################################################################################
42 ################################################################################
43 ################################################################################
45 # Lines that start with the word 'state' form a table that is
46 # used by the script use_registry to generate module_state_descript.F
47 # and other files.  Also see documentation in use_registry.
48 #                                               
49 # table entries are of the form
50 #<Table> <Type> <Sym>         <Dims>   <Use>   <NumTLev> <Stagger> <IO>     <DNAME>             <DESCRIP>     <UNITS>
52 state    real  XLAT             ij      misc        1         -     i0123rh0156{22}{23}d      "XLAT"                "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
53 state    real  XLONG            ij      misc        1         -     i0123rh0156{22}{23}d=(interp_fcn_blint_ll:xlat,input_from_file)      "XLONG"               "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
55 # It is required that LU_INDEX appears before any variable that is
56 # interpolated with a mask, as lu_index supplies that mask.
57 state    real  LU_INDEX         ij      misc        1         -     i012rh01d=(interp_fcnm_lu:xlat,xlong,dx,grid_id)u=(copy_fcnm)   "LU_INDEX"              "LAND USE CATEGORY"         ""
58 state    real  LU_MASK          ij      misc        1         -     i3h1     "LU_MASK"              "0 land 1 water"         ""
60 # znw, znu, dzs, and zs must be listed before any 3-d fields
61 # in order for the grib output module to work correctly.  The grib output
62 # module retrieves the vertical levels from these parameters.  If znw, znu
63 # dzs, and zs are not listed first, vertical level will not be encoded at 
64 # time 0.
66 state    real    znu            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh      "znu"  "eta values on half (mass) levels"  ""
67 state    real    znw            k       dyn_em      1         Z     i0rh     "znw"  "eta values on full (w) levels"  ""
68 state    real   ZS              l        misc      -         Z     irh       "ZS"                    "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS"         "m"
69 state    real   DZS             l        misc      -         Z     irh       "DZS"                   "THICKNESSES OF SOIL LAYERS"               "m"
70 # cyl : variables for trajectory calculation
71 state    real  traj_i         {ntraj}       dyn_em      1         Z     irh     "traj_i" "grid number of trajectory " ""                                     
72 state    real  traj_j         {ntraj}       dyn_em      1         Z     irh     "traj_j" "grid number of trajectory " ""                                     
73 state    real  traj_k         {ntraj}       dyn_em      1         Z     irh     "traj_k" "vertical eta level of trajectory " ""                              
74 state    real  traj_long      {ntraj}       dyn_em      1         Z     irh      "traj_long" "longitude of trajectory " ""                                   
75 state    real  traj_lat       {ntraj}       dyn_em      1         Z     irh      "traj_lat" "latitude of trajectory " ""                                     
78 # Variables from WPS
81 state    real   u_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        XZ    i1  "UU"     "x-wind component"    "m s-1"
82 state    real   v_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        YZ    i1  "VV"     "y-wind component"    "m s-1"
83 state    real   t_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "TT"     "temperature"         "K"
84 state    real   rh_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "RH"    "relative humidity"   "%"
85 state    real   ght_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "GHT"   "geopotential height" "m"
86 state    real   p_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "PRES"   "pressure"            "Pa"
87 state    real   prho_gc        igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "PRHO" "for UM data, pressure of U and V" "Pa"
88 state    real   xlat_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "XLAT_M" "latitude, positive north" "degrees"
89 state    real   xlong_gc       ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "XLONG_M" "longitude, positive east" "degrees"
90 state    real   ht_gc          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "HGT_M" "topography elevation" "m"
91 state    real   var_sso        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i012hrd "var_sso" "variance of subgrid-scale orography" "m2"
92 state    real   lap_hgt        ij       dyn_em      1        -     r    "lap_hgt" "Laplacian of orography" "m"
93 state    real   tsk_gc         ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SKINTEMP"  "skin temperature"  "K"
94 state    real   tavgsfc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "TAVGSFC"  "daily mean of surface air temperature"  "K"
95 state    real   tmn_gc         ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SOILTEMP"  "annual mean deep soil temperature"  "K"
96 state    real   pslv_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PMSL"  "sea level pressure"  "Pa"
97 state    real   sct_dom_gc     ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SCT_DOM"  "Dominant soil (top) category from GEOGRID"  "cat"
98 state    real   scb_dom_gc     ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SCB_DOM"  "Dominant soil (bottom) category from GEOGRID"  "cat"
99 state    real   greenfrac      imj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "GREENFRAC" "monthly greenness fraction" "0 - 1 fraction"
100 state    real   albedo12m      imj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "ALBEDO12M" "background albedo" "0 - 1 fraction"
101 state    real   lai12m         imj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "LAI12M" "monthly LAI" "m2/m2"
102 state    real   pd_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     -   "PD"    "dry pressure"        "Pa"
103 state    real   pdrho_gc       igj      dyn_em      1        Z     -   "PDRHO"    "dry pressure for UM data for the variables U and V"   "Pa"
104 state    real   psfc_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -      -  "PSFC_GC"     "surface pressure"            "Pa"
105 state    real   intq_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     -   "INTQ"  "integrated mixing ratio" "Pa"
106 state    real   pdhs           ij       dyn_em      1        -     -   "PDHS"  "hydrostatic dry surface pressure" "Pa"
107 state    real   qv_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QV"     "mixing ratio"        "kg kg-1"
108 state    real   sh_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "SPECHUMD"  "Specific humidity"        "kg kg-1"
109 state    real   cl_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "SPECCLDL"  "Cloud water content, liquid"    "kg kg-1"
110 state    real   cf_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "SPECCLDF"  "Cloud water content, frozen"    "kg kg-1"
111 state    real   icefrac_gc     ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "ICEFRAC"  "Sea ice fraction"  "0 - 1 fraction"
112 state    real   icepct         ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "ICEPCT"  "Sea ice percent"  "%"
113 state    real   qr_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QR"    "rain water mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
114 state    real   qc_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QC"    "cloud water mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
115 state    real   qs_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QS"    "snow mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
116 state    real   qi_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QI"    "cloud ice mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
117 state    real   qg_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QG"    "graupel mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
118 state    real   qh_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QH"    "hail mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
119 state    real   qni_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNI"   "ice num concentration"   "# kg-1"
120 state    real   qnc_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNC"   "cloud water num concentration"   "# kg-1"
121 state    real   qnr_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNR"   "rain num concentration"   "# kg-1"
122 state    real   qns_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNS"   "snow num concentration"   "# kg-1"
123 state    real   qng_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNG"   "graupel num concentration"   "# kg-1"
124 state    real   qnh_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNH"   "hail num concentration"   "# kg-1"
125 state    real   qntemp         imj      dyn_em      1        Z     -   "QNTEMP"     "temporary var for time interp"    ""
126 state    real   qntemp2        ij       dyn_em      1        -     -   "QNTEMP2"    "temporary var2D for time interp"  ""
127 state    real   t_max_p        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "T_MAX_P"   "temperature at max pressure"         "K"
128 state    real   ght_max_p      ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "GHT_MAX_P" "geopotential height at max pressure" "m"
129 state    real   max_p          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "MAX_P"     "max pressure "                       "Pa"
130 state    real   t_min_p        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "T_MIN_P"   "temperature at min pressure"         "K"
131 state    real   ght_min_p      ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "GHT_MIN_P" "geopotential height at min pressure" "m"
132 state    real   min_p          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i0d  "MIN_P"     "min pressure "                       "Pa"
133 state    real   hgtmaxw        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "HGTMAXW"    "Height of the max wind speed"       "m"
134 state    real   hgttrop        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "HGTTROP"    "Height of the tropopause"           "m"
135 state    real   pmaxw          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PMAXW"      "Pressure of the max wind speed"     "Pa"
136 state    real   pmaxwnn        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PMAXWNN"    "PMAXW, nearest neighbor interp"     "Pa"
137 state    real   ptrop          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PTROP"      "Pressure of the tropopause"         "Pa"
138 state    real   ptropnn        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PTROPNN"    "PTROP, nearest neighbor interp"     "Pa"
139 state    real   tmaxw          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "TMAXW"      "Temperature of the max wind speed"  "K"
140 state    real   ttrop          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "TTROP"      "Temperature of the tropopause"      "K"
141 state    real   umaxw          ij       dyn_em      1        X     i1  "UMAXW"      "U-component of the max wind speed"  "m s-1"
142 state    real   utrop          ij       dyn_em      1        X     i1  "UTROP"      "U-component of the tropopause wind" "m s-1"
143 state    real   vmaxw          ij       dyn_em      1        Y     i1  "VMAXW"      "V-component of the max wind speed"  "m s-1"
144 state    real   vtrop          ij       dyn_em      1        Y     i1  "VTROP"      "V-component of the tropopause wind" "m s-1"
145 state    real   erod           ij.      misc        1        -     i012rd  "EROD" "fraction of erodible surface in each grid cell (0-1)"       "none"
146 state    real   bathymetry     ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "bathymetry" "Bathymetry and topography" "m"
147 state   integer BATHYMETRY_FLAG -       misc        1        -     i0rh   "BATHYMETRY_FLAG"   "Flag for bathymetry in the global attributes for metgrid data"
149 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 #                                               
151 # Variables for Eulerian mass coordinate dynamics                                            
152 #                                               
154 # Velocities
156 # U Vel
157 state    real   u              ikjb     dyn_em      2         X     \
158      i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)       "U"                      "x-wind component"   "m s-1"
159 state    real   ru             ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "MU_U"        "mu-coupled u"   "Pa m s-1"
160 state    real   ru_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "ru_m"        ""   ""
161 state    real   ru_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "ru_tend"        ""   ""                                   
162 i1       real   ru_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         X                                          
163 state    real   u_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "u_save"
164 state    real   z_force        |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "Z_FORCE" "height of forcing input" "m"
165 state    real   z_force_tend   |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "Z_FORCE_TEND" "tendency height of forcing input" "m"
166 state    real   u_g            |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "U_G" "x-direction geostrophic wind" "m s-1"
167 state    real   u_g_tend       |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "U_G_TEND" "tendency x-direction geostrophic wind" "m s-1"
168 #                                               
169 # V Vel
170 state    real   v              ikjb     dyn_em      2         Y     \
171      i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)        "V"                     "y-wind component"   "m s-1"
172 state    real   rv             ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "MU_V"        "mu-coupled v"   "Pa m s-1"
173 state    real   rv_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "rv_m"
174 state    real   rv_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "rv_tend"
175 i1       real   rv_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Y                                          
176 state    real   v_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "v_save"                   
177 state    real   v_g            |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "V_G" "y-direction geostrophic wind" "m s-1"
178 state    real   v_g_tend       |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh     "V_G_TEND" "tendency y-direction geostrophic wind" "m s-1"
179 #                                               
180 # Vertical Vel                                          
181 state    real   w              ikjb     dyn_em      2         Z     \
182         irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "w"                          "z-wind component"   "m s-1"
183 state    real   ww             ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r         "ww"   "mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
184 state    real   rw             ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         "rw"   "mu-coupled w"          "Pa m s-1"
185 i1       real   ww1            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
186 i1       real   wwE            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         "wwE"  "Explicit vertical velocity" "Pa s-1"
187 i1       real   wwI            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         "wwI"  "Implicit vertical velocity" "Pa s-1"
188 state    real   ww_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r         "ww_m"   "time-avg mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
189 i1       real   wwp            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
190 i1       real   rw_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
191 i1       real   rw_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
192 i1       real   w_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
193 state    real   w_subs         |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh      "W_SUBS" "large-scale vertical velocity" "m s-1"
194 state    real   w_subs_tend    |       dyn_em      1         -      i3rh      "W_SUBS_TEND" "tendency large-scale vertical velocity" "m s-1"
196 # Geopotential
197 state    real   ph             ikjb     dyn_em      2         Z     \
198        irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "ph"   "perturbation geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
199 state    real   phb            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z     irhdus "phb"  "base-state geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
200 state    real   phb_fine       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -     "phb_fine"  "for nesting, temp holding interpolated coarse grid phb"  "m2 s-2"
201 state    real   ph0            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r     "ph0"  "initial geopotential"     "m2 s-2"
202 state    real   php            ikj     dyn_em      1         -      r     "php"  "geopotential"             "m2 s-2"
203 i1       real   ph_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
204 i1       real   ph_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
205 i1       real   ph_save        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
207 # Potential Temperature
208 state    real   th_phy_m_t0    ikj      dyn_em      1         -     irhd      "t"      "perturbation potential temperature theta-t0" "K"
209 state    real   t              ikjb     dyn_em      2         -     \
210        i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "thm"      "either 1) pert moist pot temp=(1+Rv/Rd Qv)*(theta)-T0, or 2) pert dry pot temp=theta-T0; based on use_theta_m setting" "K"
212 state    real   t_init         ikj     dyn_em      1         -      ird       "t_init" "initial potential temperature" "K"
213 i1       real   t_tend         ikj     dyn_em      1         -  
214 i1       real   t_tendf        ikj     dyn_em      1         -  
215 i1       real   t_2save        ikj     dyn_em      1         -   
216 state    real   t_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         -      -        "t_save"
218 state    real   th_upstream_x       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_UPSTREAM_X" "upstream theta x-advection" "K s-1"
219 state    real   th_upstream_x_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_UPSTREAM_X_TEND" "tendency upstream theta x-advection" "K s-2"
220 state    real   th_upstream_y       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_UPSTREAM_Y" "upstream theta y-advection" "K s-1"
221 state    real   th_upstream_y_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_UPSTREAM_Y_TEND" "tendency upstream theta y-advection" "K s-2"
223 state    real   qv_upstream_x       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_UPSTREAM_X" "upstream qv x-advection" "kg kg-1 s-1"
224 state    real   qv_upstream_x_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_UPSTREAM_X_TEND" "tendency upstream qv x-advection" "kg kg-1 s-2"
225 state    real   qv_upstream_y       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_UPSTREAM_Y" "upstream qv y-advection" "kg kg-1 s-1"
226 state    real   qv_upstream_y_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_UPSTREAM_Y_TEND" "tendency upstream qv y-advection" "kg kg-1 s-2"
228 state    real   ql_upstream_x       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_UPSTREAM_X" "upstream ql x-advection" "kg kg-1 s-1"
229 state    real   ql_upstream_x_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_UPSTREAM_X_TEND" "tendency upstream ql x-advection" "kg kg-1 s-2"
230 state    real   ql_upstream_y       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_UPSTREAM_Y" "upstream ql y-advection" "kg kg-1 s-1"
231 state    real   ql_upstream_y_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_UPSTREAM_Y_TEND" "tendency upstream ql y-advection" "kg kg-1 s-2"
233 state    real   u_upstream_x        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_UPSTREAM_X" "upstream u x-advection" "m s-2"
234 state    real   u_upstream_x_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_UPSTREAM_X_TEND" "tendency upstream u x-advection" "m s-3"
235 state    real   u_upstream_y        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_UPSTREAM_Y" "upstream u y-advection" "m s-2"
236 state    real   u_upstream_y_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_UPSTREAM_Y_TEND" "tendency upstream u y-advection" "m s-3"
238 state    real   v_upstream_x        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_UPSTREAM_X" "upstream v x-advection" "m s-2"
239 state    real   v_upstream_x_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_UPSTREAM_X_TEND" "tendency upstream v x-advection" "m s-3"
240 state    real   v_upstream_y        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_UPSTREAM_Y" "upstream v y-advection" "m s-2"
241 state    real   v_upstream_y_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_UPSTREAM_Y_TEND" "tendency upstream v y-advection" "m s-3"
243 state    real   th_t_tend           |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_T_TEND" "tendency theta time" "K s-2"
244 state    real   qv_t_tend           |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_T_TEND" "tendency qv time" "kg kg-1 s-1"
246 state    real   th_largescale       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale theta" "K"
247 state    real   th_largescale_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TH_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale theta" "K s-1"
249 state    real   qv_largescale       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale qv" "kg kg-1 s-1"
250 state    real   qv_largescale_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QV_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale qv" "kg kg-1 s-2"
252 state    real   ql_largescale       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale ql" "kg kg-1 s-1"
253 state    real   ql_largescale_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "QL_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale ql" "kg kg-1 s-2"
255 state    real   u_largescale        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale u" "m s-2"
256 state    real   u_largescale_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "U_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale u" "m s-3"
258 state    real   v_largescale        |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale v" "m s-2"
259 state    real   v_largescale_tend   |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "V_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale v" "m s-3"
261 state    real   tau_largescale       |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_LARGESCALE" "SCM largescale timescale" "s"
262 state    real   tau_largescale_tend  |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_LARGESCALE_TEND" "SCM tendency largescale timescale" ""
264 state    real   tau_x               |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_X" "X-direction advective timescale" "s"
265 state    real   tau_x_tend          |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_X_TEND" "tendency X-direction advective timescale" ""
266 state    real   tau_y               |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_Y" "Y-direction advective timescale" "s"
267 state    real   tau_y_tend          |     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_Y_TEND" "tendency Y-direction advective timescale" ""
269 dimspec  fslay  2     namelist=num_force_soil_layers    z     force_soil_layers
270 state    real   t_soil_forcing_val  {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "T_SOIL_FORCING_VAL" "Soil temp value for SCM forcing" "K"
271 state    real   t_soil_forcing_tend {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "T_SOIL_FORCING_TEND" "tendency soil temp for SCM forcing" "K s-1"
272 state    real   q_soil_forcing_val  {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "Q_SOIL_FORCING_VAL" "Soil moisture value for SCM forcing" "1"
273 state    real   q_soil_forcing_tend {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "Q_SOIL_FORCING_TEND" "tendency soil moisture for SCM forcing" "s-1"
274 state    real   tau_soil            {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TAU_SOIL" "SCM soil forcing timescale" "s"
275 state    real   soil_depth_force    {fslay}     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "SOIL_DEPTH_FORCE" "SCM depth at center of soil layers in forcing file" "1"
277 state    real   hfx_force           -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "HFX_FORCE" "SCM ideal surface sensible heat flux" "W m-2"
278 state    real   lh_force            -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "LH_FORCE" "SCM ideal surface latent heat flux" "W m-2"
279 state    real   tsk_force           -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TSK_FORCE" "SCM ideal surface skin temperature" "W m-2"
280 state    real   hfx_force_tend      -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "HFX_FORCE_TEND" "SCM ideal surface sensible heat flux tendency" "W m-2 s-1"
281 state    real   lh_force_tend       -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "LH_FORCE_TEND" "SCM ideal surface latent heat flux tendency" "W m-2 s-1"
282 state    real   tsk_force_tend      -     dyn_em      1      -      i3rh     "TSK_FORCE_TEND" "SCM ideal surface skin temperature tendency" "W m-2 s-1"
285 # Mass
286 state    real   mu              ijb     dyn_em      2         -     \
287      irh01usdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mu"  "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa"
288 state    real   mub             ij     dyn_em      1         -     irhdus       "mub" "base state dry air mass in column" "Pa"
289 state    real   mub_fine        ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mub_fine" "nest temp, holds interpolated coarse grid mub" "Pa"
290 state    real   mub_save        ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mub_save" "nest temp, holds orig fine grid mub" "Pa"
291 state    real   mu0             ij     dyn_em      1         -      i1          "mu0" "initial dry mass in column" "Pa"
292 state    real   mudf            ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mudf" "" ""
293 state    real   muu             ij     dyn_em      1          X     -           "muu"
294 state    real   muus            ij     dyn_em      1          X     -           "muus"
295 state    real   muv             ij     dyn_em      1          Y     -           "muv"
296 state    real   muvs            ij     dyn_em      1          Y     -           "muvs"
297 state    real   mut             ij     dyn_em      1          -     -           "mut"
298 state    real   muts            ij     dyn_em      1          -     -           "muts"
299 i1       real   muave           ij     dyn_em      1          -     
300 i1       real   mu_save         ij     dyn_em      1          -     
301 i1       real   mu_tend         ij     dyn_em      1          -     
302 i1       real   mu_tendf        ij     dyn_em      1          -     
304 #diagnostic for looking at nest position in output. A mungy version of terrain height.
305 state    real   nest_pos        ij     misc        1   -   rhu=(mark_domain)  "NEST_POS"
306 state    real   nest_mask       ij     misc        1   -   ru=(mark_domain)   "NEST_MASK"     "LOCATION OF NEST IF ANY"
307 state    real   ht_coarse       ij     misc        1   -     r                -              "STORAGE FOR LOW-RES TERRAIN"
310 # TKE
311 state    real   tke            ikj     dyn_em      2         -       r        "tke"          "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY"     "m2 s-2"
312 i1       real   tke_tend       ikj     dyn_em      1         -      
314 # variables in 3DTKE scheme (km_opt=5)
315 state    real  nlflux          ikj     dyn_em        1         Z      -      "NLFLUX"          "PRESCRIBED NONLOCAL HEAT FLUX IN 3DTKE SCHEME"         "K m s-1"
316 state    real  gamu            ij      dyn_em        1         -      r      "GAMU"            "NONLOCAL U GAMMA TERM IN 3DTKE SCHEME"         "s-1"
317 state    real  gamv            ij      dyn_em        1         -      r      "GAMV"            "NONLOCAL V GAMMA TERM IN 3DTKE SCHEME"         "s-1"
318 state    real  dlk             ikj     dyn_em        1         -      -      "DLK"             "TURBULENT LENGTH SCALE"     "m"
319 state    real  l_diss          ikj     dyn_em        1         -      -      "L_DISS"         "DISSIPATION LENGTH SCALE"   "m"
320 state    real  elmin           ikj     dyn_em        1         -      -      "ELMIN"           "FREE ATMOS LENGTH SCALE (FROM BOULAC SCHEME)"  "m"
321 state    real  xkmv_meso       ikj     dyn_em        1         -      -      "XKMV_MESO"       "XKMV AT MESOSCALE LIMIT"    "m2 s-1"
323 # Pressure and Density
324 state    real   p              ikj     dyn_em      1         -      irh       "p"           "perturbation pressure"         "Pa"
325 state    real   al             ikj     dyn_em      1         -      ir        "al"          "inverse perturbation density"  "m3 kg-1"
326 state    real   alt            ikj     dyn_em      1         -      r         "alt"         "inverse density"               "m3 kg-1"
327 state    real   alb            ikj     dyn_em      1         -      irdus     "alb"         "inverse base density"          "m3 kg-1"
328 state    real   zx             ikj     dyn_em      1         XZ     -         " "  " "  " "    
329 state    real   zy             ikj     dyn_em      1         YZ     -         " "  " "  " "   
330 state    real   rdz            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         " "  " "  " "   
331 state    real   rdzw           ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         " "  " "  " "   
332 state    real   pb             ikj     dyn_em      1         -      irhdus    "pb"          "BASE STATE PRESSURE "          "Pa"
334 #                                               
335 # Other dyn                                             
336 #                                               
337 i1       real   advect_tend    ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                          
338 i1       real   alpha          ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
339 i1       real   a              ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
340 i1       real   gamma          ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
341 i1       real   c2a            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
342 state    real   rho            ikj      misc       1         -     r      "RHO"              "DENSITY"         "Kg m-3"
343 i1       real   phm            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
344 i1       real   cqu            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
345 i1       real   cqv            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
346 i1       real   cqw            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
347 i1       real   pm1            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
348 state    real    fnm            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "fnm"  "upper weight for vertical stretching"  ""
349 state    real    fnp            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "fnp"  "lower weight for vertical stretching"  ""
350 state    real    rdnw           k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "rdnw"  "inverse d(eta) values between full (w) levels"   ""
351 state    real    rdn            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "rdn"  "inverse d(eta) values between half (mass) levels"   ""
352 state    real    dnw            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "dnw" "d(eta) values between full (w) levels"   ""
353 state    real    dn             k       dyn_em      1         -     irh       "dn " "d(eta) values between half (mass) levels"   ""
354 state    real    t_base         k       dyn_em      1         -     ir        "t_base"               "BASE STATE T IN IDEALIZED CASES"         "K"      
355 state    real    z              ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -         " " " " " "
356 state    real    z_at_w         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
357 state    real    cfn            -       misc      -         -     irh       "cfn"    "extrapolation constant"  ""
358 state    real    cfn1           -       misc      -         -     irh       "cfn1"   "extrapolation constant"  ""
359 state    integer step_number    -       misc      -         -     ir        "step_number"  ""
361 # Idealized run
362 state    logical this_is_an_ideal_run   - misc    -         -     irh    "this_is_an_ideal_run"     "T/F flag: this is an ARW ideal simulation"
364 # For the adaptive timestep restart
365 state    logical stepping_to_time       - misc    -         -      r     "stepping_to_time"         ""
366 state    integer last_step_updated      - misc    -         -      r     "last_step_updated"        ""
367 state    logical adapt_step_using_child - misc    -         -      r     "adapt_step_using_child"   ""
368 state    integer last_dt_sec            - misc    -         -      r     "last_dt_sec"              "Whole seconds for last timestep"  "sec"
369 state    integer last_dt_sec_num        - misc    -         -      r     "last_dt_sec_num"          "Fractional secs, numerator"       "sec"
370 state    integer last_dt_sec_den        - misc    -         -      r     "last_dt_sec_den"          "Fractional secs, denominator"     "sec"
371 state    integer last_dt_yr             - misc    -         -      r     "last_dt_yr"               "Relative year"                    "years"
372 state    integer last_dt_mm             - misc    -         -      r     "last_dt_mm"               "Relative month"                   "months"
374 # hydrostatic pressure vars
375 state    real   p_hyd           ikj     dyn_em      1         -      irh       "p_hyd"       "hydrostatic pressure"         "Pa"
376 state    real   p_hyd_w         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z       r        "p_hyd_w"     "hydrostatic pressure at full levels"         "Pa"
378 # 2m and 10m output diagnostics
379 state    real   Q2               ij     misc        1         -     irh01{22}{23}du    "Q2"                   "QV at 2 M"         "kg kg-1"
380 state    real   T2               ij     misc        1         -     i01rh01{22}{23}du  "T2"                   "TEMP at 2 M"       "K"
381 state    real   TH2              ij     misc        1         -     irhdu     "TH2"                  "POT TEMP at 2 M"   "K"
382 state    real   PSFC             ij     misc        1         -     i01rh01du   "PSFC"                 "SFC PRESSURE"      "Pa"
384 state    real   U10              ij     misc        1         -     irh01{22}{23}du     "U10"                "U at 10 M"         "m s-1"
385 state    real   V10              ij     misc        1         -     irh01{22}{23}du     "V10"                "V at 10 M"         "m s-1"
386 # LPI
387 state    real   LPI              ij     misc        1         -     rhdu   "LPI"                 "Lightning Potential Index"      "m^2 s-2"
389 # these next 4 are for observational nudging
390 state    real   uratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "URATX"            "Ratio of U over U10 on mass points "         "dimensionless"
391 state    real   vratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "VRATX"            "Ratio of V over V10 on mass points "         "dimensionless"   
392 state    real   tratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "TRATX"            "Ratio of T over TH2 on mass points "         "dimensionless"   
393 state    real   obs_savwt      hikj     dyn_em      1         X      -       "OBS_SAVWT"           "Internal space holding weights of each ob, for each i,j,k" "dimensionless"
395 # Other
396 state   real    rdx            -        misc      -         -     irh       "rdx"                   "INVERSE X GRID LENGTH"         "m-1"      
397 state   real    rdy            -        misc      -         -     irh       "rdy"                   "INVERSE Y GRID LENGTH"         "m-1"      
398 state   real    area2d         ij       misc      -         -     rh        "area2d"                "Horizontal grid cell area, using dx, dy, and map factors" "m2"
399 state   real    dx2d           ij       misc      -         -     rh        "dx2d"                  "Horizontal grid distance: sqrt(area2d)"   "m"
400 state   real    dts            -        misc      -         -     ir        "dts"                   "SMALL TIMESTEP"         ""      
401 state   real    dtseps         -        misc      -         -     ir        "dtseps"                "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS"         ""      
402 state   real    resm           -        misc      -         -     irh       "resm"                  "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS"         ""      
403 state   real    zetatop        -        misc      -         -     irh       "zetatop"               "ZETA AT MODEL TOP"         ""      
404 state   real    cf1            -        misc      -         -     irh       "cf1"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
405 state   real    cf2            -        misc      -         -     irh       "cf2"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
406 state   real    cf3            -        misc      -         -     irh       "cf3"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
407 state   integer number_at_same_level    -         -         -     -          -        "number_at_same_level"  ""         ""      
408 state   real    radtacttime    -        -         -         -     r         "radtacttime"              "RADTACTTIME"         "LW SW ACTIVATION TIME in s"
409 state   real    bldtacttime    -        -         -         -     r         "bldtacttime"              "BLDTACTTIME"         "PBL   ACTIVATION TIME in s"
410 state   real    cudtacttime    -        -         -         -     r         "cudtacttime"              "CUDTACTTIME"         "CPS   ACTIVATION TIME in s"
411 state   real    ltngacttime    -        -         -         -     r         "ltngacttime"              "LTNGACTTIME"         "LTNG  ACTIVATION TIME in s"
412 state   real    power          ij       misc      1         -     irh       "Power"                   "Power production"         "W"
415 # State for derived time quantities.  
416 state   integer itimestep      -        -          -         -     rh         "itimestep"             ""         ""      
417 state   real    xtime          -        -          -         -     rh         "xtime"                 "minutes since YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"      "minutes since simulation start"
418 state   real    julian         -        -          -         -     -          "julian"                "day of year, 0.0 at 0Z on 1 Jan."         "days"      
420 # input file descriptor for lbcs on parent domain                                               
421 state   integer lbc_fid        -        -          -         -     -         "lbc_fid"               ""         ""      
422 # indicates if tiling has been computed                                         
423 state   logical tiled          -        -          -         -     -         "tiled"                 ""         ""      
424 # indicates if patches have been computed                                               
425 state   logical patched        -        -          -         -     -         "patched"               ""         ""      
426 # indicates whether to read input from file or generate                                         
427 #state   logical input_from_file        -        -          -         -     -         "input_from_file"         ""         ""    
428 # indicates whether to recompute mu                                                             
429 state   logical press_adj      -        -          -         -     -         "press_adj"         "T/F flag adjust mu"         ""    
431 # Mask for moving nest interpolations
432 state    integer imask_nostag         ij      misc     1     -
433 state    integer imask_xstag          ij      misc     1     X
434 state    integer imask_ystag          ij      misc     1     Y
435 state    integer imask_xystag         ij      misc     1     XY 
436 # vortex center indices; need for restarts of moving nests
437 state    real    xi                   -       misc     -     -    r
438 state    real    xj                   -       misc     -     -    r
439 state    real    vc_i                 -       misc     -     -    r
440 state    real    vc_j                 -       misc     -     -    r
442 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
443 # Scalar (4D) arrays
445 # Moist Scalars
446 #                                               
447 # The first line ensures that there will be identifiers named moist and                                         
448 # moist_tend even if there are not any moist scalars (so the essentially                                                
449 # dry code will will still link properly)                                               
450 #                                               
451 state   real    -              ikjftb   moist       1         -     -    -
452 state   real    qv             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
453   i0rh01usdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QVAPOR"           "Water vapor mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
454 state   real    qc             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
455   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QCLOUD"           "Cloud water mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
456 state   real    qr             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
457   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QRAIN"            "Rain water mixing ratio"       "kg kg-1"
458 state   real    qi             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
459   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QICE"             "Ice mixing ratio"              "kg kg-1"
460 state   real    qi2             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
461   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QICE2"             "Ice mixing ratio cat 2"              "kg kg-1"
462 state   real    qi3             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
463   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QICE3"             "Ice mixing ratio cat 3"              "kg kg-1"
464 state   real    qs             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
465   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QSNOW"            "Snow mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
466 state   real    qg             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
467   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QGRAUP"           "Graupel mixing ratio"          "kg kg-1"
468 state   real    qh             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
469   i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "QHAIL"            "Hail mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
470 state   real    -              ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     -    -
471 state   real    dfi_qv         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
472    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QVAPOR"       "Water vapor mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
473 state   real    dfi_qc         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
474    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QCLOUD"       "Cloud water mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
475 state   real    dfi_qr         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
476    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QRAIN"        "Rain water mixing ratio"       "kg kg-1"
477 state   real    dfi_qi         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
478    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QICE"         "Ice mixing ratio"              "kg kg-1"
479 state   real    dfi_qi2         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
480    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QICE2"         "Ice mixing ratio cat 2"              "kg kg-1"
481 state   real    dfi_qi3         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
482    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QICE3"         "Ice mixing ratio cat 3"              "kg kg-1"
483 state   real    dfi_qs         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
484    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QSNOW"        "Snow mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
485 state   real    dfi_qg         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
486    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QGRAUP"       "Graupel mixing ratio"          "kg kg-1"
487 state   real    dfi_qh         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
488    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QHAIL"        "Hail mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
489 state    real   qvold            ikj    misc        1         -     rdu      "QVOLD"          "Water vapor mixing ratio, old time step"      "kg kg-1"
490 state    real   rimi             ikj    misc        1         -     irh      "RIMI"           "riming intensity"  "fraction"
491 state    real   qnwfa2d          ij     misc        1         -     i01{17}rhdu "QNWFA2D"     "Surface aerosol number conc emission"  "kg-1 s-1"
492 state    real   qnifa2d          ij     misc        1         -     i01{17}rhdu "QNIFA2D"     "Surface dust number conc emission"  "kg-1 s-1"
493 state    real   qnbca2d          ij     misc        1         -     i01{17}rhdu "QNBCA2D"     "Surface black carbon number conc emission"  "kg-1 s-1"
494 state    real   qnocbb2d         ij     misc        1         -     i01{17}rhdu "QNOCBB2D"    "Surface organic carbon biomass burning number conc emission"  "kg-1 s-1"
495 state    real   qnbcbb2d         ij     misc        1         -     i01{17}rhdu "QNBCBB2D"    "Surface black carbon biomass burning number conc emission"  "kg-1 s-1"
496 state    real   re_cloud         ikj    misc        1         -     r        "RE_CLOUD"       "Effective radius cloud water"  "m"
497 state    real   re_ice           ikj    misc        1         -     r        "RE_ICE"         "Effective radius cloud ice"    "m"
498 state    real   re_snow          ikj    misc        1         -     r        "RE_SNOW"        "Effective radius snow"         "m"
499 state    real   re_cloud_gsfc    ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_CLOUD_GSFC"  "Cloud Water effective radius"      "micron"
500 state    real   re_rain_gsfc     ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_RAIN_GSFC"   "Rain Water effective radius"       "micron"
501 state    real   re_ice_gsfc      ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_ICE_GSFC"    "Cloud Ice effective radius"        "micron"
502 state    real   re_snow_gsfc     ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_SNOW_GSFC"   "Snow effective radius"             "micron"
503 state    real   re_graupel_gsfc  ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_GRAUPEL_GSFC"  "Graupel Water effective radius"  "micron"
504 state    real   re_hail_gsfc     ikj    misc        1         -     rh       "RE_HAIL_GSFC"   "Hail Water effective radius"       "micron"
505 state    real   dfi_re_cloud     ikj    misc        1         -     -        "DFI_RE_CLOUD"   "DFI Effective radius cloud water"  "m"
506 state    real   dfi_re_ice       ikj    misc        1         -     -        "DFI_RE_ICE"     "DFI Effective radius cloud ice"    "m"
507 state    real   dfi_re_snow      ikj    misc        1         -     -        "DFI_RE_SNOW"    "DFI Effective radius snow"         "m"
508 state    real   dfi_re_cloud_gsfc   ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_CLOUD_GSFC"  "DFI Cloud Water effective radius"      "micron"
509 state    real   dfi_re_rain_gsfc    ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_RAIN_GSFC"   "DFI Rain Water effective radius"       "micron"
510 state    real   dfi_re_ice_gsfc     ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_ICE_GSFC"    "DFI Cloud Ice effective radius"        "micron"
511 state    real   dfi_re_snow_gsfc    ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_SNOW_GSFC"   "DFI Snow effective radius"             "micron"
512 state    real   dfi_re_graupel_gsfc ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_GRAUPEL_GSFC"  "DFI Graupel Water effective radius"  "micron"
513 state    real   dfi_re_hail_gsfc    ikj    misc        1         -      -       "DFI_RE_HAIL_GSFC"   "DFI Hail Water effective radius"       "micron"
514 state  integer  has_reqc          -     misc        1         -     r        "has_reqc"       "Flag for having effective radius cloud water"  ""
515 state  integer  has_reqi          -     misc        1         -     r        "has_reqi"       "Flag for having effective radius cloud ice"  ""
516 state  integer  has_reqs          -     misc        1         -     r        "has_reqs"       "Flag for having effective radius snow"  ""
518 # Other Scalars
519 state   real    -              ikjftb  scalar      1         -     -   -
520 state   real    qndrop         ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
521    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNDROP"        "Droplet number mixing ratio"        "# kg-1"
522 state   real    qni            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
523    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNICE"         "Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1"
524 state   real    qni2            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
525    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNICE2"         "Ice Number concentration cat 2" "# kg-1"
526 state   real    qni3            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
527    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNICE3"         "Ice Number concentration cat 3" "# kg-1"
528 state   real    qt             ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
529    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "CWM"           "Total condensate mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
530 state   real    qns            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
531    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNSNOW"         "Snow Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
532 state   real    qnr            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
533    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNRAIN"        "Rain Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
534 state   real    qng            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
535    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNGRAUPEL"     "Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
536 state   real    qnh            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
537    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNHAIL"        "Hail Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
538 state   real    qnn            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
539    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNCCN"         "CCN Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
540 state   real    qnc            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
541    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNCLOUD"       "cloud water Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
542 state   real    qvolg          ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
543    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QVGRAUPEL"     "Graupel Particle Volume" "m(3) kg(-1)"
544 state   real    qvolh          ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
545    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QVHAIL"        "Hail Particle Volume" "m(3) kg(-1)"
546 state   real    qrimef         ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
547    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QRIMEF"        "rime factor * qi" "kg kg-1"
548 state   real    qir            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
549    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QIR"           "Rime ice mass-1 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
550 state   real    qib            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
551    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QIB"           "Rime ice volume-1 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
552 state   real    qir2            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
553    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QIR2"           "Rime ice mass-2 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
554 state   real    qib2            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
555    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QIB2"           "Rime ice volume-2 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
556 state   real    qzi             ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
557    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QZI"           "Sixth moment ice mixing ratio" "m(6) kg(-1)"
558 state   real    qvoli            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
559    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QVOLI"           "Ice volume-1 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
560 state   real    qaoli            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
561    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QAOLI"           "Ice volume-1 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
562 state   real    qvoli2            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
563    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QVOLI2"           "Ice volume-2 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
564 state   real    qaoli2            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
565    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QAOLI2"           "Ice volume-2 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
566 state   real    qvoli3            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
567    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QVOLI3"           "Ice volume-3 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
568 state   real    qaoli3            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
569    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QAOLI3"           "Ice volume-3 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
571 state   real    -              ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     -   -
572 state   real    dfi_qndrop     ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
573    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNDROP"    "DFI Droplet number mixing ratio"        "# kg-1"
574 state   real    dfi_qni        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
575    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNICE"     "DFI Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1"
576 state   real    dfi_qni2        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
577    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNICE2"     "DFI Ice Number concentration cat 2" "# kg-1"
578 state   real    dfi_qni3        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
579    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNICE3"     "DFI Ice Number concentration cat 3" "# kg-1"
580 state   real    dfi_qt         ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
581    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_CWM"       "DFI Total condensate mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
582 state   real    dfi_qns        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
583    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNSNOW"    "DFI Snow Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
584 state   real    dfi_qnr        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
585    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNRAIN"    "DFI Rain Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
586 state   real    dfi_qng        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
587    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNGRAUPEL" "DFI Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
588 state   real    dfi_qnh        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
589    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNHAIL"    "DFI Hail Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
590 state   real    dfi_qnn        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
591    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNCC"      "DFI CNN Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
592 state   real    dfi_qnc        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
593    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNCLOUD"   "DFI Cloud Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
594 state   real    dfi_qvolg      ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
595    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "DFI_QVGRAUPEL" "DFI Graupel Particle Volume" "m(3) kg(-1)"
596 state   real    dfi_qvolh     ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
597    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "DFI_QVHAIL"    "DFI Hail Particle Volume" "m(3) kg(-1)"
598 state   real    dfi_qir        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
599    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QIR"    "DFI Rime ice mass-1 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
600 state   real    dfi_qib        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
601    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QIB"    "DFI Rime ice volume-1 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
602 state   real    dfi_qir2        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
603    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QIR2"    "DFI Rime ice mass-2 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
604 state   real    dfi_qib2        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
605    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QIB2"    "DFI Rime ice volume-2 mixing ratio" "m(3) kg(-1)"
606 state   real    dfi_qvoli        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
607    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QVOLI"    "DFI Ice volume-1 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
608 state   real    dfi_qaoli        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
609    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QAOLI"    "DFI Ice volume-1 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
610 state   real    dfi_qvoli2        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
611    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QVOLI2"    "DFI Ice volume-2 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
612 state   real    dfi_qaoli2        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
613    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QAOLI2"    "DFI Ice volume-2 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
614 state   real    dfi_qvoli3        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
615    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QVOLI3"    "DFI Ice volume-3 mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
616 state   real    dfi_qaoli3        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
617    rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QAOLI3"    "DFI Ice volume-3 times aspect ratio mixing ratio" "kg kg(-1)"
619 state   real    dfi_qke_adv   ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -      \
620    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dfi_qke_adv"   "DFI twice TKE from MYNN"      "m2 s-2"
622 #---------for ntu3m---------------------------------------------------------------------------
623 state   real    qdcn           ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
624    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QDCN"           "Mass mixing ratio for dry CN " "kg kg-1"
625 state   real    qtcn           ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
626    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QTCN"           "Mass mixing ratio for total CN" "kg kg-1"
627 state   real    qccn           ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
628    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QCCN"           "Mass mixing ratio for cloud CN" "kg kg-1"
629 state   real    qrcn           ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
630    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QRCN"           "Mass mixing ratio for rain CN" "kg kg-1"
631 state   real    qnin           ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
632    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QNIN"           "Potential ice nuclei number mixing ratio" "# kg-1"
633 state   real    fi             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
634    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "FI"             "Shape moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
635 state   real    fs             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
636    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "FS"             "Shape moment mixing ratio for snow-aggregates" "m^3 kg-1"
637 state   real    vi             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
638    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "VI"             "Volume moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
639 state   real    vs             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
640    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "VS"             "Volume moment mixing ratio for snow-aggragates" "m^3 kg-1"
641 state   real    vg             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
642    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "VG"             "Volume moment mixing ratio for rimed ice" "m^3 kg-1"
643 state   real    ai             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
644    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "AI"             "Second moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^2 kg-1"
645 state   real    as             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
646    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "AS"             "Second moment mixing ratio for snow-aggregates" "m^2 kg-1"
647 state   real    ag             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
648    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "AG"             "Second moment mixing ratio for rimed ice" "m^2 kg-1"
649 state   real    ah             ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
650    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "AH"             "Second moment mixing ratio for hail" "m^2 kg-1"
651 state   real    i3m            ikjftb   scalar      1         -     \
652    i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "I3M"            "Third moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
654 state   real    dfi_qdcn       ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
655    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_QDCN"      "Mass mixing ratio for dry CN" "kg kg-1"
656 state   real    dfi_qtcn       ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
657    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_QTCN"      "Mass mixing ratio for total CN" "kg kg-1"
658 state   real    dfi_qccn       ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
659    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_QCCN"      "Mass mixing ratio for cloud CN" "kg kg-1"
660 state   real    dfi_qrcn       ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
661    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_QRCN"      "Mass mixing ratio for rain CN" "kg kg-1"
662 state   real    dfi_qnin       ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
663    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_QNIN"      "Potential ice nuclei number mixing ratio" "# kg-1"
664 state   real    dfi_fi         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
665    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_FI"        "Shape moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
666 state   real    dfi_fs         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
667    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_FS"        "Shape moment mixing ratio for snow-aggregates" "m^3 kg-1"
668 state   real    dfi_vi         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
669    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_VI"        "Volume moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
670 state   real    dfi_vs         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
671    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_VS"        "Volume moment mixing ratio for snow-aggregates" "m^3 kg-1"
672 state   real    dfi_vg         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
673    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_VG"        "Volume moment mixing ratio for rimed ice" "m^3 kg-1"
674 state   real    dfi_ai         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
675    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_AI"        "Second moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^2 kg-1"
676 state   real    dfi_as         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
677    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_AS"        "Second moment mixing ratio for snow-aggregates" "m^2 kg-1"
678 state   real    dfi_ag         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
679    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_AG"        "Second moment mixing ratio for rimed ice" "m^2 kg-1"
680 state   real    dfi_ah         ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
681    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_AH"        "Second moment mixing ratio for hail" "m^2 kg-1"
682 state   real    dfi_i3m        ikjftb   dfi_scalar      1         -     \
683    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)     "DFI_I3M"       "Third moment mixing ratio for pristine ice" "m^3 kg-1"
684 #-------------------------------------for ntu3m----------------------------------------------------------
686 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
688 # Arrays for Specified LBCs  (lbc arrays REMOVED; Boundary arrays are now specified with the state array; see above, 20050413 JM )
690 state    real   fcx            w         misc     -         -      ir       "fcx"                  "RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE"         ""
691 state    real   gcx            w         misc     -         -      ir       "gcx"                  "2ND RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE"         ""
692 state    real   dtbc            -        misc     -         -       r       "dtbc"                 "TIME SINCE BOUNDARY READ"         ""
694 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
695 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 # Physics Related State Varibles
698 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
699 # SI - start variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization, most eventually for use in LSM schemes
700 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
702 state   real   soil_layers    i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SOIL_LAYERS"   "SOIL LAYERS"         "cm"
703 state   real   soil_levels    i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SOIL_LEVELS"   "SOIL LEVELS"         "cm"
704 state   real   st             i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "ST"            "SOIL TEMPERATURES"   "K"
705 state   real   sm             i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SM"            "SOIL MOISTURES"      "m3 m-3"
706 state   real   sw             i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SW"            "SOIL LIQUIDS"        "m3 m-3"
707 state   real   soilt          i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SOILT"         "RUC SOIL TEMPERATURES"  "K"
708 state   real   soilm          i{lin}j    misc          1     Z     i1      "SOILM"         "RUC SOIL MOISTURES"  "m3 m-3"
709 state   real   sm000007            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM000007"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
710 state   real   sm007028            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM007028"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
711 state   real   sm028100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM028100"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
712 state   real   sm100255            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM100255"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
713 state   real   st000007            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST000007"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
714 state   real   st007028            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST007028"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
715 state   real   st028100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST028100"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
716 state   real   st100255            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST100255"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
717 state   real   sm000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM000010"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
718 state   real   sm010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM010040 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
719 state   real   sm040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM040100 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
720 state   real   sm100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM100200 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
721 state   real   sm010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM010200"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
722 state   real   soilm000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM000"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
723 state   real   soilm005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM005"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
724 state   real   soilm020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM020"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
725 state   real   soilm040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM040"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
726 state   real   soilm160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM160"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
727 state   real   soilm300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM300"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
728 state   real   sw000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW000010"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
729 state   real   sw010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW010040"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
730 state   real   sw040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW040100"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
731 state   real   sw100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW100200"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
732 state   real   sw010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW010200"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
733 state   real   soilw000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW000"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
734 state   real   soilw005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW005"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
735 state   real   soilw020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW020"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
736 state   real   soilw040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW040"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
737 state   real   soilw160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW160"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
738 state   real   soilw300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW300"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
739 state   real   st000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST000010"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
740 state   real   st010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST010040"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
741 state   real   st040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST040100"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
742 state   real   st100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST100200"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
743 state   real   st010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST010200"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
744 state   real   soilt000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT000"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
745 state   real   soilt005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT005"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
746 state   real   soilt020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT020"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
747 state   real   soilt040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT040"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
748 state   real   soilt160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT160"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
749 state   real   soilt300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT300"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
750 state   real   topostdv            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "TOPOSTDV"      "ELEVATION STD DEV"  "m"
751 state   real   toposlpx            ij    misc          1     -     i012rdu "TOPOSLPX"      "ELEVATION X SLOPE"  ""
752 state   real   toposlpy            ij    misc          1     -     i012rdu "TOPOSLPY"      "ELEVATION Y SLOPE"  ""
753 state   real   slope               ij    misc          1     -     rdu     "SLOPE"         "ELEVATION SLOPE"  ""
754 state   real   slp_azi             ij    misc          1     -     rdu     "SLP_AZI"       "ELEVATION SLOPE AZIMUTH"  "rad"
755 state   real   shdmax              ij    misc          1     -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)   "SHDMAX"        "ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION" ""
756 state   real   shdmin              ij    misc          1     -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)   "SHDMIN"        "ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION" ""
757 state   real   snoalb              ij    misc          1     -     i012rhd  "SNOALB"        "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION" ""
758 state   real   toposoil            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "SOILHGT"       "ELEVATION OF LSM DATA"  "m"
759 state   real   landusef            iuj   misc          1     Z     i012rdu   "LANDUSEF"      "LANDUSE FRACTION BY CATEGORY"  ""
760 state   real   soilctop            isj   misc          1     Z     i012rdu   "SOILCTOP"      "SOIL CAT FRACTION (TOP)"  ""
761 state   real   soilcbot            isj   misc          1     Z     i012rdu   "SOILCBOT"      "SOIL CAT FRACTION (BOTTOM)"  ""
762 state   real   soilcat             ij    misc          1     -     i12     "SOILCAT"       "SOIL CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
763 state   real   vegcat              ij    misc          1     -     i12     "VEGCAT"        "VEGETATION CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
765 state   real   pct_pft_input i{npft}j    misc          1     Z     i012rh   "PCT_PFT"   "PFT PERCENTAGE BY CATEGORY"  ""
766 state   real   irrigation          ij    misc          1     -     i012rdu "IRRIGATION"    "irrigated land percentage" ""
767 state   integer   irr_rand_field   ij    misc          1     -     hrdu    "IRR_PH_FIELD"  "irrigated land percentage" ""
770 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
771 # SI - end variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization
772 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
774 # soil model variables  (Note that they are marked as staggered in the vertical dimension
775 # because they are "fully dimensioned" -- they use every element in that dim
776 state    real   TSLB           ilj       misc      1         Z     i02rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)           "TSLB"     "SOIL TEMPERATURE"   "K"
778 # Time series variables
779 state    real   ts_hour         ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_HOUR"        "Model integration time, hours"
780 state    real   ts_u            ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_U"           "Surface wind U-component, earth-relative"
781 state    real   ts_v            ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_V"           "Surface wind V-component, earth-relative"
782 state    real   ts_q            ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_Q"           "Surface mixing ratio"
783 state    real   ts_t            ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_T"           "Surface temperature"
784 state    real   ts_psfc         ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_PSFC"        "Surface pressure"
785 state    real   ts_glw          ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_GLW"         "Downward long wave flux at surface"
786 state    real   ts_gsw          ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_GSW"         "Net short wave flux at surface"
787 state    real   ts_hfx          ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_HFX"         "Upward heat flux at surface"
788 state    real   ts_lh           ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_LH"          "Upward moisture flux at surface"
789 state    real   ts_tsk          ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_TSK"         "Skin temperature"
790 state    real   ts_tslb         ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_TSLB"        "Soil temperature"
791 state    real   ts_clw          ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_CLW"         "Column integrated cloud water"
792 state    real   ts_rainc        ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_RAINC"       "Cumulus precip"
793 state    real   ts_rainnc       ?!       misc      -         -      -        "TS_RAINNC"      "Grid-scale precip"
795 # Time series of vertical profile of U, V, GHT, THETA, QVAPOR, PRESSURE
796 state    real   ts_u_profile   ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_U_PROFILE"   "Wind u-Component, earth relative, vertical profile" "m/s"
797 state    real   ts_v_profile   ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_V_PROFILE"   "Wind v-Component, earth relative, vertical profile" "m/s"
798 state    real   ts_w_profile   ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_W_PROFILE"   "Wind w-Component, vertical profile" "m/s"
799 state    real   ts_gph_profile ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_GPH_PROFILE" "Total geopotential height, vertical profile" "m"
800 state    real   ts_th_profile  ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_TH_PROFILE"  "Total potential temperature, vertical profile" "K"
801 state    real   ts_qv_profile  ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_QV_PROFILE"  "Water vapor mixing ratio, vertical profile" "kg/kg"
802 state    real   ts_p_profile   ?!k       misc      -         -      -        "TS_P_PROFILE"   "Pressure, vertical profile" "Pa"
805 # urban model variables
806 state    real   DZR             l        em      -         Z     r        "DZR"            "THICKNESSES OF ROOF LAYERS"                      "m"
807 state    real   DZB             l        em      -         Z     r        "DZB"            "THICKNESSES OF WALL LAYERS"                      "m"
808 state    real   DZG             l        em      -         Z     r        "DZG"            "THICKNESSES OF ROAD LAYERS"                      "m"
809 state    real   URB_PARAM      i{urb}j  misc      1        -     i1       "URB_PARAM" "NUDAPT_NBSD Urban Parameters" "parameter"
810 state    real   LP_URB2D       ij       misc      1        -     ir       "BUILD_AREA_FRACTION" "BUILDING PLAN AREA DENSITY"   "dimensionless"
811 state    real   HI_URB2D       i{uhi}j  misc      1        Z     ir       "HEIGHT_HISTOGRAMS" "DISTRIBUTION OF BUILDING HEIGHTS" "dimensionless"
812 state    real   LB_URB2D       ij       misc      1        -     ir       "BUILD_SURF_RATIO" "BUILDING SURFACE AREA TO PLAN AREA RATIO" "dimensionless"
813 state    real   HGT_URB2D      ij       misc      1        -     ir       "BUILD_HEIGHT" "AVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT WEIGHTED BY BUILDING PLAN AREA" "m"
814 state    real   MH_URB2D       ij       misc      1        -     ir       "MH_URB2D"  "Mean Building Height" "m"
815 state    real   STDH_URB2D     ij       misc      1        -     ir       "STDH_URB2D" "Standard Deviation of Building Height" "m2"
816 state    real   LF_URB2D       i{udr}j  misc      1        Z     ir       "LF_URB2D"   "Frontal Area Index" "dimensionless"
818 # lsm State Variables
820 state    real   SMOIS            ilj     -          1         Z     i02rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SMOIS"            "SOIL MOISTURE"     "m3 m-3"
821 state    real   SH2O             ilj     -          1         Z     i02rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SH2O"             "SOIL LIQUID WATER" "m3 m-3"
822 state    real   SMCREL           ilj     -          1         Z     i02rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SMCREL"           "RELATIVE SOIL MOISTURE" ""
823 state    real   XICE             ij     misc        1         -     i0124rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,isice)u=(copy_fcnm)  "SEAICE"             "SEA ICE FLAG"  ""
824 state    real   ICEDEPTH         ij     misc        1         -     i0124rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,isice)u=(copy_fcnm)  "ICEDEPTH"     "SEA ICE THICKNESS"  "m"
825 state    real   XICEM            ij     misc        1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,isice)u=(copy_fcnm)  "XICEM"             "SEA ICE FLAG (PREVIOUS STEP)"  ""
826 state    real   ALBSI            ij     misc        1         -     i0124rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,isice)u=(copy_fcnm)  "ALBSI"        "SEA ICE ALBEDO"  ""
827 state    real   SNOWSI           ij     misc        1         -     i0124rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,isice)u=(copy_fcnm)  "SNOWSI"       "SNOW DEPTH ON SEA ICE"  "m"
828 state    real   SMSTAV           ij     misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)       "SMSTAV"           "MOISTURE AVAILABILITY" ""
829 state    real   SMSTOT           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SMSTOT"           "TOTAL SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
830 state    real   SOLDRAIN         ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SOLDRAIN"         "soil column drainage"  "mm"
831 state    real   SFCHEADRT        ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SFCHEADRT"        "surface water depth"  "mm"
832 state    real   INFXSRT          ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "INFXSRT"          "time step infiltration excess"  "mm"
833 state    real   qtiledrain       ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "qtiledrain"        "accumulated tile drainage"  "mm"
834 state    real   ZWATBLE2D        ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "ZWATBLE2D"         "water table depth for tile drainage"  "mm"
836 state    real   SFCRUNOFF        ij     misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)      "SFROFF"           "SURFACE RUNOFF"     "mm"
837 state    real   UDRUNOFF         ij     misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)      "UDROFF"           "UNDERGROUND RUNOFF" "mm"
838 state  integer  IVGTYP           ij     misc        1         -     i02rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)           "IVGTYP"           "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY" ""
839 state  integer  ISLTYP           ij     misc        1         -     i02rhd=(interp_mask_soil:lu_index)u=(copy_fcni)           "ISLTYP"           "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY"       ""
840 state    real   VEGFRA           ij     misc        1         -     i024rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)   "VEGFRA"           "VEGETATION FRACTION" ""
841 state    real   SFCEVP           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SFCEVP"           "ACCUMULATED SURFACE EVAPORATION" "kg m-2"
842 state    real   GRDFLX           ij     misc        1         -      rh                                         "GRDFLX"           "GROUND HEAT FLUX" "W m-2"
843 state    real   ACGRDFLX         ij     misc        1         -      rhdu                                       "ACGRDFLX"         "ACCUMULATED GROUND HEAT FLUX" "J m-2"
844 state    real   SFCEXC           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SFCEXC "          "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT"   "m s-1"
846 state    real   ACSNOW           ij     misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)       "ACSNOW"           "ACCUMULATED SNOW"         "kg m-2"
847 state    real   ACRUNOFF         ij     misc        1         -     irhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)       "ACRUNOFF"         "ACCUMULATED RUNOFF"       "kg m-2"
848 state    real   ACSNOM           ij     misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)       "ACSNOM"           "ACCUMULATED MELTED SNOW"  "kg m-2"
849 state    real   SNOW             ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOW"             "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"    "kg m-2"
850 state    real   SNOWH            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOWH"            "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"      "m"
852 #state    real   RHOSN            ij     misc        1         -    i02rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "RHOSN"            " SNOW DENSITY"      "kg m-3" 
853 state    real   CANWAT           ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "CANWAT"           "CANOPY WATER"             "kg m-2"
854 state  integer  IFNDSNOWH        -      misc        1         -     i         "FNDSNOWH" "SNOWH_LOGICAL"
855 state  integer  IFNDSOILW        -      misc        1         -     i         "FNDSOILW" "SOILW_LOGICAL"
856 state  integer  IFNDALBSI        -      misc        1         -     ir        "FNDALBSI" "ALBSI_LOGICAL"
857 state  integer  IFNDSNOWSI       -      misc        1         -     ir        "FNDSNOWSI" "SNOWSI_LOGICAL"
858 state  integer  IFNDICEDEPTH     -      misc        1         -     ir        "FNDICEDEPTH" "ICEDEPTH_LOGICAL"
859 state    real   XLAIDYN          ij     misc        1         -     -         "XLAIDYN"     "Noah Dynamic LEAF AREA INDEX"       "m-2/m-2"
860 # SKIN SST
861 state    real   SSTSK            ij     misc        1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)   "SSTSK"              "SKIN SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K"
862 state    real   lake_depth       ij     misc        1         -     i012rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)        "lake_depth"         "lake depth" "m"
863 state    real   water_depth      ij     misc        1         -     i0rhd                                                   "water_depth"        "global water depth" "m"
864 state    real   DTW              ij     misc        1         -     r                                                       "DTW"                "WARM LAYER TEMP DIFF" "C"
865 # Ocean surface currents
866 state    real   UOCE            ij     misc        1         -     i0124rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,iswater)  "UOCE"  "SEA SURFACE ZONAL CURRENTS" "m s-1"
867 state    real   VOCE            ij     misc        1         -     i0124rd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,iswater)  "VOCE"  "SEA SURFACE MERIDIONAL CURRENTS" "m s-1"
869 # DFI variables
870 state   real   hcoeff         {ndfi} misc        1         -     -    "HCOEFF"               "initialization weights"
871 state   real   hcoeff_tot       -    misc        1         -     -    "HCOEFF_TOT"               "initialization weights"
872 state   real   dfi_p           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "P_DFI"           "perturbation pressure"         "Pa"
873 state   real   dfi_al          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "AL_DFI"          "inverse perturbation density"  "m3 kg-1"
874 state   real   dfi_mu          ij    misc        1         -     r    "MU_DFI"  "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa"
875 state   real   dfi_phb         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PHB_DFI"  "base-state geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
876 state   real   dfi_ph0         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PH0_DFI"  "initial geopotential"     "m2 s-2"
877 state   real   dfi_php         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PHP_DFI"  "geopotential"             "m2 s-2"
878 state   real   dfi_u           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "U_DFI"               "u accumulation array"          "   "
879 state   real   dfi_v           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "V_DFI"               "v accumulation array"          "   "
880 state   real   dfi_w           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "W_DFI"               "w accumulation array"          "   "
881 state   real   dfi_ww          ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "WW_DFI"              "mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
882 state   real   dfi_t           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "TT_DFI"               "t accumulation array"          "   "
883 state   real   dfi_rh          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "RH_DFI"               "initial relative humidity"     "   "
884 state   real   dfi_ph          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "PH_DFI"               "p accumulation array"          "   "
885 state   real   dfi_pb          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "PB_DFI"               "pb accumulation array"          "   "
886 state   real   dfi_alt         ikj   misc        1         -     r    "ALT_DFI"             "1/rho accumulation array"          "   "
887 state   real   dfi_tke         ikj   misc        1         -     r    "TKE_DFI"          "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY"     "m2 s-2"
888 state   real   dfi_tten_rad    ikj   misc        1         -     ir   "RAD_TTEN_DFI"     "RADAR POT. TEMP. TENDENCY"     "K s-1"
889 state    real  dfi_TSLB        ilj   misc        1         Z     r    "TSLB_dfi"         "SOIL TEMPERATURE"   "K"
890 state    real  dfi_SMOIS       ilj    -          1         Z     r    "SMOIS_dfi"        "SOIL MOISTURE"     "m3 m-3"
891 state    real  dfi_SNOW        ij    misc        1         -     r    "SNOW_dfi"         "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"    "kg m-2"
892 state    real  dfi_SNOWH       ij    misc        1         -     r    "SNOWH_dfi"        "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"      "m"
893 state    real  dfi_CANWAT      ij    misc        1         -     r    "CANWAT_dfi"       "CANOPY WATER"             "kg m-2"
894 state    real  dfi_SMFR3D      ilj   misc        1         Z     r    "SMFR3D_dfi"           "SOIL ICE" ""
895 state    real  dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG ilj  misc        1         Z     r    "KEEPFR3DFLAG_dfi"     "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO"             ""
897 # urban state variables
898 state    real   TSK_RURAL        ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TSK_RURAL"   "TSK for rural fraction" "K"
899 state    real   TR_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TR_URB"              "URBAN ROOF SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K"
900 state    real   TGR_URB2D        ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)        "TGR_URB"             "URBAN GREEN ROOF SKIN TEMPERATURE"  "K"
901 state    real   TB_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TB_URB"              "URBAN WALL SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K" 
902 state    real   TG_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TG_URB"              "URBAN ROAD SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K" 
903 state    real   TC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY TEMPERATURE"           "K"
904 state    real   QC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "QC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY HUMIDITY"          "kg kg{-1}"
905 state    real   UC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "UC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY WIND"          "m s{-1}"
906 state    real   XXXR_URB2D       ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "XXXR_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROOF"   "dimensionless"
907 state    real   XXXB_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "XXXB_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN WALL"   "dimensionless"
908 state    real   XXXG_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XXXG_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROAD"   "dimensionless"
909 state    real   XXXC_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XXXC_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN CANOPY" "dimensionless"
910 state    real   CMCR_URB2D       ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "CMCR_URB"            "GREEN ROOF CANOPY INTERCAPTED WATER"  "m"                          
911 state    real   DRELR_URB2D      ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "DRELR_URB"           "WATER HOLDING DEPTH ON ROOF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m"
912 state    real   DRELB_URB2D      ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "DRELB_URB"           "WATER HOLDING DEPTH ON WALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m"
913 state    real   DRELG_URB2D      ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "DRELG_URB"           "WATER HOLDING DEPTH ON ROAD IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m"
914 state    real   FLXHUMR_URB2D    ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "FLXHUMR_URB"         "WATER FLUX ON ROOF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m/s"
915 state    real   FLXHUMB_URB2D    ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "FLXHUMB_URB"         "WATER FLUX ON WALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m/s"
916 state    real   FLXHUMG_URB2D    ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "FLXHUMG_URB"         "WATER FLUX ON ROAD IMPERVIOUS SURFACE"        "m/s"
917 state    real   TGRL_URB3D       ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TGRL_URB" "GREEN ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"  
918 state    real   SMR_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "SMR_URB"  "GREEN ROOF LAYER SOIL MOISTURE"  
919 state    real   TRL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TRL_URB" "ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
920 state    real   TBL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TBL_URB" "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
921 state    real   TGL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TGL_URB" "ROAD LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
922 state    real   SH_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -       rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)        "SH_URB"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
923 state    real   LH_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -       rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "LH_URB"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"    "W m{-2}"
924 state    real   G_URB2D         ij    misc        1         -       rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)        "G_URB"  "GROUND HEAT FLUX INTO URBAN"        "W m{-2}"
925 state    real   RN_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -       rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "RN_URB"  "NET RADIATION ON URBAN SFC"         "W m{-2}"
926 state    real   TS_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -       rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "TS_URB"  "SKIN TEMPERATURE"          "K"
927 state    real   FRC_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -     i012rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)      "FRC_URB2D"  "URBAN FRACTION"         "dimensionless"
928 state    integer   UTYPE_URB2D  ij    misc        1         -     rd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)       "UTYPE_URB"  "URBAN TYPE"         "dimensionless"
929 state    real   TRB_URB4D       i{umap1}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TRB_URB4D" "ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
930 state    real   TW1_URB4D       i{umap2}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TW1_URB4D" "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
931 state    real   TW2_URB4D       i{umap2}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TW2_URB4D" "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
932 state    real   TGB_URB4D       i{umap3}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TGB_URB4D" "ROAD LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
933 state    real   TLEV_URB3D      i{umap6}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TLEV_URB3D" "INDOOR TEMPERATURE"             "K"
934 state    real   QLEV_URB3D      i{umap6}j   misc       1         Z     r      "QLEV_URB3D" "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY"              "dimensionless"
935 state    real   TW1LEV_URB3D    i{umap7}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TW1LEV_URB3D" "WINDOW TEMPERATURE"           "K"
936 state    real   TW2LEV_URB3D    i{umap7}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TW2LEV_URB3D" "WINDOW TEMPERATURE"           "K"
937 state    real   TGLEV_URB3D     i{umap8}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TGLEV_URB3D" "GROUND TEMPERATURE BELOW A BUILDING"     "K"
938 state    real   TFLEV_URB3D     i{umap9}j   misc       1         Z     r      "TFLEV_URB3D" "FLOOR TEMPERATURE"                       "K"
939 state    real   SF_AC_URB3D     ij          misc       1         -     r      "SF_AC_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM THE AIR COND." "W m{-2}"
940 state    real   LF_AC_URB3D     ij          misc       1         -     r      "LF_AC_URB3D"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM THE AIR COND." "W m{-2}"
941 state    real   CM_AC_URB3D     ij          misc       1         -     r      "CM_AC_URB3D"  "CONSUMPTION OF THE AIR COND." "W m{-2}"
942 state    real   SFVENT_URB3D    ij          misc       1         -     r      "SFVENT_URB3D" "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN VENTILATION" "W m{-2}"
943 state    real   LFVENT_URB3D    ij          misc       1         -     r      "LFVENT_URB3D" "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN VENTILATION" "W m{-2}"
944 state    real   SFWIN1_URB3D    i{umap7}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFWIN1_URB3D" "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC WINDOW"  "W m{-2}"
945 state    real   SFWIN2_URB3D    i{umap7}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFWIN2_URB3D" "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC WINDOW"  "W m{-2}"
946 state    real   SFW1_URB3D      i{umap4}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFW1_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
947 state    real   SFW2_URB3D      i{umap4}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFW2_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
948 state    real   SFR_URB3D       i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFR_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
949 state    real   SFG_URB3D       i{umap0}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFG_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
950 state    real   EP_PV_URB3D     ij          misc       1         -     rh     "EP_PV_URB3D"  "ELEC. PRODUCTION OF ROOFTOP PV PANELS" "W m{-2}" !PVP
951 state    real   T_PV_URB3D      i{umap5}j   misc       1         -     r      "T_PV_URB3D"  "PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS TEMPERATURE " "K" !PVP
952 state    real   TRV_URB4D       i{umap10}j  misc       1         Z     r      "TRV_URB4D" "GREEN ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
953 state    real   QR_URB4D        i{umap10}j  misc       1         Z     r      "QR_URB4D" "GREEN ROOF LAYER MOISTURE"          "dimensionless"
954 state    real   QGR_URB3D       ij          misc       1         Z     rh     "QGR_URB4D" "GREEN ROOF LAYER MOISTURE OUTPUT"          "dimensionless"
955 state    real   TGR_URB3D       ij          misc       1         Z     rh     "TGR_URB4D" "GREEN ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE OUTPUT"          "dimensionless"
956 state    real   DRAIN_URB4D     i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "DRAIN_URB4D" "GREEN ROOF DRAINAGE"          "mm"
957 state    real   DRAINGR_URB3D   ij          misc       1         -     rh     "DRAINGR_URB3D"  "ACCUMULATED GREEN ROOF DRAINAGE" "mm"
958 state    real   SFRV_URB3D      i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "SFRV_URB3D"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM GREEN ROOF"  "W m{-2}"
959 state    real   LFRV_URB3D      i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "LFRV_URB3D"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM GREEN ROOF"  "W m{-2}"
960 state    real   DGR_URB3D       i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "DGR_URB3D" "ROOF LAYER DEPTH WATER RETENTION"          "mm"
961 state    real   DG_URB3D        i{umap0}j   misc       1         Z     r      "DG_URB4D" "ROOF LAYER DEPTH WATER RETENTION"          "mm"
962 state    real   LFR_URB3D       i{umap5}j   misc       1         Z     r      "LFR_URB3D"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
963 state    real   LFG_URB3D       i{umap0}j   misc       1         Z     r      "LFG_URB3D"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
965 state    real   CMR_SFCDIF      ij          misc       1         -     r      "CMR_SFCDIF" "" ""
966 state    real   CHR_SFCDIF      ij          misc       1         -     r      "CHR_SFCDIF" "" ""
967 state    real   CMC_SFCDIF      ij          misc       1         -     r      "CMC_SFCDIF" "" ""
968 state    real   CHC_SFCDIF      ij          misc       1         -     r      "CHC_SFCDIF" "" ""
969 state    real   CMGR_SFCDIF     ij          misc       1         -     r      "CMGR_SFCDIF" "" ""
970 state    real   CHGR_SFCDIF     ij          misc       1         -     r      "CHGR_SFCDIF" "" ""
972 state    integer   ECMASK       ij          misc        1        -     rh     "ECMASK"  "ECLIPSE MASK"     "dimensionless"
973 state    real      ECOBSC       ij          misc        1        -     rh     "ECOBSC"  "ECLIPSE OBSCURITY"     "dimensionless"
974 state    real      elon_track   -           misc        1        -     rh     "elon_track"  "ECLIPSE LON"     "degrees"
975 state    real      elat_track   -           misc        1        -     rh     "elat_track"  "ECLIPSE LAT"     "degrees"
977 # solar location variables from radiation driver
978 state    real   COSZEN           ij     misc        1         -      rh      "COSZEN"  "COS of SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE"     "dimensionless"
979 state    real   HRANG            ij     misc        1         -      r       "HRANG"   "SOLAR HOUR ANGLE"          "radians"
980 state    real   DECLIN            -     misc        1         -      r       "DECLIN"  "SOLAR DECLINATION"         "radians"
981 state    real   SOLCON            -     misc        1         -      r       "SOLCON"  "SOLAR CONSTANT"         "W m-2"
983 # RUC LSM
984 state    real   RHOSNF           ij     misc        1         -      irh      "RHOSNF"               "DENSITY OF FROZEN PRECIP" "kg/m^3"
985 state    real   SNOWFALLAC       ij     misc        1         -      irh      "SNOWFALLAC"           "RUN-TOTAL ACCUMULATED SNOWFALL [mm]" ""
986 state    real   PRECIPFR         ij     misc        1         -      -        "PRECIPFR"             "TIME-STEP FROZEN PRECIP [mm]" ""
987 state    real   SMFR3D           ilj    misc        1         Z      r        "SMFR3D"               "SOIL ICE" ""
988 state    real   KEEPFR3DFLAG     ilj    misc        1         Z      r        "KEEPFR3DFLAG"          "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO"             ""
990 state    real   SWVISDIR          ij    misc        1         Z      r        "SWVISDIR"              "SWR VIS DIR component"  ""
991 state    real   SWVISDIF          ij    misc        1         Z      r        "SWVISDIF"              "SWR VIS DIF component"  ""
992 state    real   SWNIRDIR          ij    misc        1         Z      r        "SWNIRDIR"              "SWR NIR DIR component"  ""
993 state    real   SWNIRDIF          ij    misc        1         Z      r        "SWNIRDIF"              "SWR NIR DIF component"  ""
994 state    real   ALSWVISDIR        ij    misc        1         Z      r        "ALSWVISDIR"            "ALB VIS DIR component"  ""
995 state    real   ALSWVISDIF        ij    misc        1         Z      r        "ALSWVISDIF"            "ALB VIS DIF component"  ""
996 state    real   ALSWNIRDIR        ij    misc        1         Z      r        "ALSWNIRDIR"            "ALB NIR DIR component"  ""
997 state    real   ALSWNIRDIF        ij    misc        1         Z      r        "ALSWNIRDIF"            "ALB NIR DIF component"  ""
1000 # From P-X PBL and LSM; RS (RC) and RA also from Noah and NoahMP
1001 state    real   RA               ij     misc        1         -      r        "RA"           "AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE"            "s m-1"
1002 state    real   RS               ij     misc        1         -      r        "RS"           "SURFACE RESISTANCE"                "s m-1"
1003 state    real   LAI              ij     misc        1         -      i0124rh  "LAI"          "LEAF AREA INDEX"                   "m-2/m-2"
1004 state    real   VEGF_PX          ij     misc        1         -      rh       "VEGF_PX"      "Vegetation Fraction for PX LSM"    "area/area"
1005 state    real   T2OBS            ij     misc        1         -      r        "T2OBS"        "2-m temperature from analysis "    "K"
1006 state    real   Q2OBS            ij     misc        1         -      r        "Q2OBS"        "2-m mixing ratio from analysis "   "kg/kg"
1007 state    real   IMPERV           ij     misc        1         -      i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "IMPERV"       "Impervious surface fraction NLCD"  "percent"
1008 state    real   CANFRA           ij     misc        1         -      i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)      "CANFRA"       "Satellite canopy fraction"         "percent"
1009 state    real   LAI_PX           ij     misc        1         -      rh        "LAI_PX"       "LAI used for PX LSM"              "m2/m2"
1010 state    real   WWLT_PX          ij     misc        1         -      rh       "WWLT_PX"       "Soil wilting point for PX LSM"    "m3/m3"
1011 state    real   WFC_PX           ij     misc        1         -      rh       "WFC_PX"        "Soil field capacity for PX LSM"    "m3/m3"
1012 state    real   WSAT_PX          ij     misc        1         -      rh       "WSAT_PX"       "Soil saturation for PX LSM"    "m3/m3"
1013 state    real   CLAY_PX          ij     misc        1         -      rh       "CLAY_PX"       "Clay perent for PX LSM"    "fraction"
1014 state    real   CSAND_PX         ij     misc        1         -      rh       "CSAND_PX"      "Coarse sand perent for PX LSM"    "fraction"
1015 state    real   FMSAND_PX        ij     misc        1         -      rh       "FMSAND_PX"     "Fine-medium sand perent for PX LSM"    "fraction"
1017 # sfclay PBL variables
1018 i1      real   PSIM           ij     misc        1         -     -         "PSIM"                "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR MOMENTUM"     ""
1019 i1      real   PSIH           ij     misc        1         -     -         "PSIH"                "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR HEAT"         ""
1020 state   real   FM             ij     misc        1         -     -         "FM"                  "INTEGRATED FUNCTION FOR MOMENTUM"     ""
1021 state   real   FH             ij     misc        1         -     -         "FH"                  "INTEGRATED FUNCTION FOR HEAT"         ""
1022 state   real   WSPD           ij     misc        1         -     -         "WSPD"                "Wind Speed At Lowest Model Level (may contain vconv)"           "m s-1"
1023 i1      real   GZ1OZ0         ij     misc        1         -     -         "GZ1OZ0"              "LOG OF Z1 over Z0"                     ""
1024 state   real   BR             ij     misc        1         -     -         "BR"                  "Bulk Richardson"                       ""
1025 state   real   ZOL            ij     misc        1         -     -         "ZOL"                 "z/L"                                   ""
1027 # ysupbl variables for grims shallow convection
1028 state   real   WSTAR_YSU      ij     misc        1         -     -        "WSTAR_YSU"           "mixed-layer velocity scale from ysupbl" "m/s"
1029 state   real   DELTA_YSU      ij     misc        1         -     -        "DELTA_YSU"           "entrainment layer depth from ysupbl"    "m"
1031 # EEPS PBL  scheme
1032 state   real   pep_pbl        ikj    misc        1         -     hr        "PEP_PBL"            "TKE dissipation rate from EEPS"    "m2 s-3"
1033 state   real   pek_adv        ikjftb  scalar      1         -      i0rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pek_adv"       "TKE from EEPS"      "m2 s-2"
1034 state   real   pep_adv        ikjftb  scalar      1         -      i0rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pep_adv"       "TKE dissipating rate from EEPS"      "m2 s-3"
1036 # MYJ PBL variables; GBM PBL: EXCH_H, EXCH_M
1037 state    real   EXCH_H          ikj     misc        1         Z     r        "EXCH_H"               "SCALAR EXCHANGE COEFFICIENTS "                "m2 s-1"
1038 state    real   EXCH_M          ikj     misc        1         Z     r        "EXCH_M"               "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENTS "                       "m2 s-1"
1039 state    real  CT               ij      misc        1         -     r        "CT"                    "COUNTERGRADIENT TERM"    "K"
1040 state   real   THZ0             ij     misc        1         -      r        "THZ0"                  "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE AT ZNT"                 "K"
1041 state    real  Z0               ij     misc        1         -      r        "Z0"                    "Background ROUGHNESS LENGTH"                  "m"
1042 state   real   QZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "QZ0"                   "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT ZNT"                     "kg kg-1"
1043 state   real   UZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "UZ0"                   "U WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT"                      "m s-1"
1044 state   real   VZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "VZ0"                   "V WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT"                      "m s-1"
1045 state   real   QSFC             ij     misc        1         -      r        "QSFC"                  "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT LOWER BOUNDARY"          "kg kg-1"
1046 state   real   AKHS             ij     misc        1         -      r        "AKHS"                  "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR HEAT"                      "m s-1"    
1047 state   real   AKMS             ij     misc        1         -      r        "AKMS"                  "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR MOMENTUM"                  "m s-1"    
1048 state   integer KPBL            ij     misc        1         -     r         "KPBL"                  "LEVEL OF PBL TOP"                             ""
1049 state   real   U10E             ij     misc        1         -     hdu       "U10E"                  "Special U at 10 M from MYJSFC"         "m s-1"
1050 state   real   V10E             ij     misc        1         -     hdu       "V10E"                  "Special V at 10 M from MYJSFC"         "m s-1"
1052 #BSINGH - For CuP
1053 #~wig: added real pbl level index for output tests
1054 state   real   AKPBL            ij     misc        1         -      r        "AKPBL"                  "LEVEL OF PBL TOP"                             ""
1056 state   real   TSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "TSHLTR"                "SHELTER THETA FROM MYJ"                       "K"
1057 state   real   QSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "QSHLTR"                "SHELTER SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ"           "kg kg-1"
1058 state   real   PSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "PSHLTR"                "SHELTER PRESSURE FROM MYJ"           "Pa"
1059 state   real   TH10             ij     misc        1         -      r        "TH10"                  "10-M THETA FROM MYJ"                          "K"
1060 state   real   Q10              ij     misc        1         -      r        "Q10"                   "10-M SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ"              "kg kg-1"
1061 i1      real   CHKLOWQ          ij     misc        1         -     -         "CHKLOWQ"               "SURFACE SATURATION FLAG"        ""
1063 # MF_SHCONV variables
1064 state   real   massflux_EDKF   ikj     misc        1         -      -        "MASS_FLUX"             "MASS FLUX FROM EDKF"              "Kg m s-1"
1065 state   real   entr_EDKF       ikj     misc        1         -      -        "ENTR"                  "ENTRAINMENT FROM EDKF"            "m-1"
1066 state   real   detr_EDKF       ikj     misc        1         -      -        "DETR"                  "ENTRAINMENT FROM EDKF"            "m-1"
1067 state   real   thl_up          ikj     misc        1         -      -        "THL_UP"                "THL OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"         "K"
1068 state   real   thv_up          ikj     misc        1         -      -        "THV_UP"                "THL OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"         "K"
1069 state   real   rv_up           ikj     misc        1         -      -        "RV_UP"                 "RV OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"          "kq/kg"
1070 state   real   rt_up           ikj     misc        1         -      -        "RT_UP"                 "RT OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"          "kq/kg"
1071 state   real   rc_up           ikj     misc        1         -      -        "RC_UP"                 "RC OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"          "kq/kg"
1072 state   real   u_up            ikj     misc        1         -      -        "U_UP"                  "U OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"           "m/s"
1073 state   real   v_up            ikj     misc        1         -      -        "V_UP"                  "U OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"           "m/s"
1074 state   real   frac_up         ikj     misc        1         -      -        "FRAC_UP"               "FRACTION OF UPDRAFT FROM EDKF"    ""
1075 state   real   rc_mf           ikj     misc        1         -      r        "RC_MF"                 "RC IN THE GRID COMPUTED BY EDKF"  "kg/kg"
1077 # TEMF PBL variables
1078 state    real   te_temf        ikj     misc        1         -      rh        "te_temf"               "Total energy from TEMF PBL scheme"      "m2 s-2"
1079 state    real   kh_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "kh_temf"               "Diffusion coefficient for heat from TEMF PBL"
1080 state    real   km_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "km_temf"               "Diffusion coefficient for momentum from TEMF PBL"
1081 state    real   shf_temf       ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "shf_temf"              "Sensible heat flux from TEMF PBL"      "K m s-1"
1082 state    real   qf_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "qf_temf"              "Sensible heat flux from TEMF PBL"       "kg/kg m s-1"
1083 state    real   uw_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "uw_temf"              "U momentum flux from TEMF PBL"       "m2 s-2"
1084 state    real   vw_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "vw_temf"              "V momentum flux from TEMF PBL"       "m2 s-2"
1085 state    real   wupd_temf      ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "wupd_temf"            "Updraft velocity from TEMF PBL"      "m s-1"
1086 state    real   mf_temf        ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "mf_temf"              "Mass flux from TEMF PBL"             "m s-1"
1087 state    real   thup_temf      ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "thup_temf"            "Updraft thetal from TEMF PBL"        "K"
1088 state    real   qtup_temf      ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "qtup_temf"            "Updraft qt from TEMF PBL"        "1"
1089 state    real   qlup_temf      ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "qlup_temf"            "Updraft ql (liquid water) from TEMF PBL"        "1"
1090 state    real   cf3d_temf      ikj     misc        1         -     rh          "cf3d_temf"            "3D Cloud fraction from TEMF PBL"        "1"
1091 state    real   hd_temf        ij      misc        1         -     rh          "hd_temf"              "Dry thermal top height from TEMF PBL"       "m"
1092 state    real   lcl_temf       ij      misc        1         -     rh          "lcl_temf"             "Lifting condensation level from TEMF PBL"       "m"
1093 state    real   hct_temf       ij      misc        1         -     rh          "hct_temf"             "Cloud top height from TEMF PBL"       "m"
1094 state    real   cfm_temf       ij      misc        1         -     rh          "cfm_temf"            "Column cloud fraction from TEMF PBL"        "1"
1095 state    real   wm_temf        ij      misc        1         -     rh        "wm_temf"               "Velocity scale in TEMF surface layer scheme"      "m s-1"
1097 # MYNN PBL variables
1098 state   real   qke_adv         ikjftb  scalar      1         -      i0rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "qke_adv"       "twice TKE from MYNN"      "m2 s-2"
1099 state   real   qke             ikj     misc        1         -      irh      "qke"               "twice TKE from MYNN"      "m2 s-2"
1100 state   real   qSHEAR          ikj     misc        1         Z      h        "qSHEAR"            "TKE Production - shear"          "m2 s-2"
1101 state   real   qBUOY           ikj     misc        1         Z      h        "qBUOY"             "TKE Production - buoyancy"       "m2 s-2"
1102 state   real   qDISS           ikj     misc        1         Z      h        "qDISS"             "TKE dissipation"                 "m2 s-2"
1103 state   real   qWT             ikj     misc        1         Z      h        "qWT"               "TKE vertical transport"          "m2 s-2"
1104 state   real   dqke            ikj     misc        1         -      h        "Dtke"              "TKE change"                     "m2 s-2"
1105 state   real   tsq             ikj     misc        1         -      r        "tsq"               "liquid water pottemp variance"      "K2"
1106 state   real   qsq             ikj     misc        1         -      r        "qsq"               "total water variance"      "(kg/kg)**2"
1107 state   real   cov             ikj     misc        1         -      r        "cov"               "total water-liquid water pottemp covariance"   "K kg/kg"
1108 state   real   Sh3d            ikj     misc        1         -      r        "Sh3d"              "Stability function for heat"   ""
1109 state   real   ch               ij     misc        1         -      -        "ch"                "surface exchange coeff for heat"    "m s-1"
1110 #state   real   K_m             ikj     misc        1         -     -          "K_m"               "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT for momentum "
1111 #state   real   K_h             ikj     misc        1         -     -          "K_h"               "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT for heat "
1112 #state   real   K_q             ikj     misc        1         -     -          "K_q"               "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT for qke "
1114 state   real   edmf_a          ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_a"           "EDMF relative updraft  area - moist updrafts" "-"
1115 state   real   edmf_w          ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_w"           "EDMF vertical velocity  - mean moist updrafts" "m s-1"
1116 state   real   edmf_thl        ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_thl"         "EDMF thetaL  - mean moist updrafts" "K"
1117 state   real   edmf_qt         ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_qt"          "EDMF qt  - mean moist updrafts" "kg kg-1"
1118 state   real   edmf_ent        ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_ent"         "EDMF entrainment  - mean moist updrafts" "m-1"
1119 state   real   edmf_qc         ikj     misc        1         -      h         "edmf_qc"          "EDMF qc - mean moist updrafts" "kg kg-1"
1120 state   real   sub_thl3D       ikj     misc        1         -      h         "sub_thl3D"        "thetaL subsidence tendency from EDMF" "K s-1"
1121 state   real   sub_sqv3D       ikj     misc        1         -      h         "sub_sqv3D"        "qv subsidence tendency from EDMF" "kg kg-1 s-1"
1122 state   real   det_thl3D       ikj     misc        1         -      h         "det_thl3D"        "thetaL detrainment tendency from EDMF" "K s-1"
1123 state   real   det_sqv3D       ikj     misc        1         -      h         "det_sqv3D"        "qv detrainment tendency from EDMF" "kg kg-1 s-1"
1124 state   integer  nupdraft       ij     misc        1         -      h         "nupdraft"         "Number of updrafts per grid cell"  ""
1125 state   integer  ktop_plume     ij     misc        1         -      h         "ktop_plume"       "k-level of highest pentrating plume"    ""
1126 state   real   maxMF            ij     misc        1         -      h         "maxMF"            "Maximum mass-flux (neg: all dry, pos: moist)"   "m/s * area"
1128 #FogDES variables
1129 state   real   fgdp             ij     misc        1         -      -        "fgdp"                "Accumulated fog deposition"    "mm"
1130 state   real   dfgdp            ij     misc        1         -      -        "dfgdp"               "Fog deposition during timestep"    "mm"
1131 state   real   vdfg             ij     misc        1         -      -        "vdfg"                "Deposition velocity of fog"    "m/s"
1133 # GBM PBL variable
1134 state   real   exch_tke       ikj     misc        1         -      h       "EXCH_TKE"                 "Exchange coefficient TKE enhanced"      "m2 s-1"
1136 # Additional for gravity wave drag
1137 state   real   DTAUX3D         ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUX3D"               "LOCAL U GWDO STRESS"   "m s-1"
1138 state   real   DTAUY3D         ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUY3D"               "LOCAL V GWDO STRESS"   "m s-1"  
1139 state   real   DUSFCG           ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DUSFCG"                "COLUMN-INTEGRATED U GWDO STRESS"   "Pa m s-1"
1140 state   real   DVSFCG           ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DVSFCG"                "COLUMN-INTEGRATED V GWDO STRESS"   "Pa m s-1"
1141 state   real   VAR2D            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "VAR"                   "STANDARD DEVIATION OF SUBGRID-SCALE OROGRAPHY"   "m"
1142 state   real   OC12D            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "CON"                   "OROGRAPHIC CONVEXITY"                            ""
1143 state   real   OA1              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA1"                   "ASYMMETRY OF SUBGRID-SCALE OROGRAPHY FOR WESTERLY FLOW"         ""
1144 state   real   OA2              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA2"                   "ASYMMETRY OF SUBGRID-SCALE OROGRAPHY FOR SOUTHERLY FLOW"        ""
1145 state   real   OA3              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA3"                   "ASYMMETRY OF SUBGRID-SCALE OROGRAPHY FOR SOUTH-WESTERLY FLOW"   ""
1146 state   real   OA4              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA4"                   "ASYMMETRY OF SUBGRID-SCALE OROGRAPHY FOR NORTH-WESTERLY FLOW"   ""
1147 state   real   OL1              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL1"                   "NON-DIMENSIONAL EFFECTIVE OROGRAPHIC LENGTH FOR WESTERLY FLOW"         ""
1148 state   real   OL2              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL2"                   "NON-DIMENSIONAL EFFECTIVE OROGRAPHIC LENGTH FOR SOUTHERLY FLOW"        ""
1149 state   real   OL3              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL3"                   "NON-DIMENSIONAL EFFECTIVE OROGRAPHIC LENGTH FOR SOUTH-WESTERLY FLOW"   ""
1150 state   real   OL4              ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL4"                   "NON-DIMENSIONAL EFFECTIVE OROGRAPHIC LENGTH FOR NORTH-WESTERLY FLOW"   ""
1152 # Additional for GSL gravity wave drag suite
1153 state   real   DTAUX3D_ls      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUX3D_ls"            "LOCAL U GWDO STRESS LARGE-SCALE"   "m s-1"
1154 state   real   DTAUY3D_ls      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUY3D_ls"            "LOCAL V GWDO STRESS LARGE-SCALE"   "m s-1"
1155 state   real   DTAUX3D_bl      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUX3D_bl"            "LOCAL U GWDO STRESS BLOCKING"   "m s-1"
1156 state   real   DTAUY3D_bl      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUY3D_bl"            "LOCAL V GWDO STRESS BLOCKING"   "m s-1"
1157 state   real   DTAUX3D_ss      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUX3D_ss"            "LOCAL U GWDO STRESS SMALL-SCALE"   "m s-1"
1158 state   real   DTAUY3D_ss      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUY3D_ss"            "LOCAL V GWDO STRESS SMALL-SCALE"   "m s-1"
1159 state   real   DTAUX3D_fd      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUX3D_fd"            "LOCAL U GWDO STRESS FORM-DRAG"   "m s-1"
1160 state   real   DTAUY3D_fd      ikj     misc        1         -     rh        "DTAUY3D_fd"            "LOCAL V GWDO STRESS FORM-DRAG"   "m s-1"
1161 state   real   DUSFCG_ls        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DUSFCG_ls"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED U GWDO STRESS LARGE-SCALE"   "Pa m s-1"
1162 state   real   DVSFCG_ls        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DVSFCG_ls"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED V GWDO STRESS LARGE-SCALE"   "Pa m s-1"
1163 state   real   DUSFCG_bl        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DUSFCG_bl"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED U GWDO STRESS BLOCKING"   "Pa m s-1"
1164 state   real   DVSFCG_bl        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DVSFCG_bl"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED V GWDO STRESS BLOCKING"   "Pa m s-1"
1165 state   real   DUSFCG_ss        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DUSFCG_ss"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED U GWDO STRESS SMALL-SCALE"   "Pa m s-1"
1166 state   real   DVSFCG_ss        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DVSFCG_ss"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED V GWDO STRESS SMALL-SCALE"   "Pa m s-1"
1167 state   real   DUSFCG_fd        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DUSFCG_fd"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED U GWDO STRESS FORM-DRAG"   "Pa m s-1"
1168 state   real   DVSFCG_fd        ij     misc        1         -     rh        "DVSFCG_fd"             "COLUMN-INTEGRATED V GWDO STRESS FORM-DRAG"   "Pa m s-1"
1169 state   real   VAR2Dls          ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "VARls"                 "STANDARD DEVIATION of 2.5min-resolution topography"   "m"
1170 state   real   OC12Dls          ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "CONls"                 "OROGRAPHIC CONVEXITY of 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1171 state   real   OA1ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA1ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in West direction from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1172 state   real   OA2ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA2ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in South direction from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1173 state   real   OA3ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA3ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in South-West direction from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1174 state   real   OA4ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA4ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in North-West direction from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1175 state   real   OL1ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL1ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for Westerly flow from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1176 state   real   OL2ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL2ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for Southerly flow from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1177 state   real   OL3ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL3ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for South-Westerly flow from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1178 state   real   OL4ls            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL4ls"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for North-Westerly flow from 2.5min-resolution topography"   ""
1179 state   real   VAR2Dss          ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "VARss"                 "STANDARD DEVIATION of 30sec-resolution topography"   "m"
1180 state   real   OC12Dss          ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "CONss"                 "OROGRAPHIC CONVEXITY of 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1181 state   real   OA1ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA1ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in West direction from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1182 state   real   OA2ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA2ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in South direction from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1183 state   real   OA3ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA3ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in South-West direction from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1184 state   real   OA4ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OA4ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC ASYMMETRY in North-West direction from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1185 state   real   OL1ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL1ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for Westerly flow from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1186 state   real   OL2ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL2ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for Southerly flow from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1187 state   real   OL3ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL3ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for South-Westerly flow from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1188 state   real   OL4ss            ij     misc        1         -     i012rhd   "OL4ss"                 "OROGRAPHIC EFFECTIVE LENGTH for North-Westerly flow from 30sec-resolution topography"   ""
1190 # Additional for topo_wind
1191 state    real   ctopo             ij      misc        1         -     rdu         "ctopo"              "Correction for topography"       ""
1192 state    real   ctopo2            ij      misc        1         -     rdu         "ctopo2"             "Correction for topography 2"     ""
1194 # BEP urban scheme  variables
1195 state    real    a_u_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "a_u_bep"               "IMPLICIT FOR X-COMP."      "s-1"
1196 state    real    a_v_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "a_v_bep"               "IMPLICIT FOR Y-COMP."      "s-1"
1197 state    real    a_t_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "a_t_bep"               "IMPLICIT FOR Pot. Temp"    "s-1"
1198 state    real    a_q_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "a_q_bep"               "IMPLICIT FOR Moisture"     "s-1"
1199 state    real    a_e_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "a_e_bep"               "IMPLICIT FOR TKE"          "s-1"
1200 state    real    b_u_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "b_u_bep"               "EXPLICIT FOR X-COMP."      "m s-2"
1201 state    real    b_v_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "b_v_bep"               "EXPLICIT FOR Y-COMP."      "m s-2"
1202 state    real    b_t_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "b_t_bep"               "EXPLICIT FOR Pot. Temp"    "K s-1"
1203 state    real    b_q_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "b_q_bep"               "EXPLICIT FOR Moisture"     "kg s-1"
1204 state    real    b_e_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "b_e_bep"               "EXPLICIT FOR TKE"          "m2 s-3"
1205 state    real    dlg_bep       ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "dlg_bep"               "length scale 1"            "m"
1206 state    real    dl_u_bep      ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "dl_u_bep"              "urban length scale"        "m"
1207 state    real    sf_bep        ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "sf_bep"                "surface grid"              "-"
1208 state    real    vl_bep        ikj     misc        1         Z      -        "vl_bep"                "volume grid"               "-"
1209 state    real   tke_pbl        ikj     misc        1         Z      rh       "tke_pbl"              "TKE from PBL"      "m2 s-2"
1210 state    real   el_pbl         ikj     misc        1         Z      rh       "el_pbl"               "Length scale from PBL"      "m"
1211 # Diagnostic BOULAC PBL variables
1212 state    real   wu_tur         ikj     misc        1         -      r        "wu_tur"               "Turbulent flux of momentum(x)"      "m2 s-2"
1213 state    real   wv_tur         ikj     misc        1         -      r        "wv_tur"               "Turbulent flux of momentum(y)"      "m2 s-2"
1214 state    real   wt_tur         ikj     misc        1         -      r        "wt_tur"               "Turbulent flux of temperature"      "K m s-1"
1215 state    real   wq_tur         ikj     misc        1         -      r        "wq_tur"               "Turbulent flux of water vapor"      "- m s-1"
1217 # gfdl (eta) radiation State Variables
1218 state    real    HTOP            ij     misc        1         -      r        "HTOP"                 "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL"         ""
1219 state    real    HBOT            ij     misc        1         -      r        "HBOT"                 "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL"         ""
1220 state    real    HTOPR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "HTOPR"                "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION"    ""
1221 state    real    HBOTR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "HBOTR"                "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION"    ""
1222 state    real    CUTOP           ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUTOP"                "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR"    ""
1223 state    real    CUBOT           ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUBOT"                "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR"    ""
1224 state    real    CUPPT           ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUPPT"                "ACCUMULATED CONVECTIVE RAIN SINC LAST CALL TO THE RADIATION"         ""
1225 state    real   rswtoa           ij     misc        1         -      -
1226 state    real   rlwtoa           ij     misc        1         -      -
1227 state    real   czmean           ij     misc        1         -      -
1228 state    real   cfracl           ij     misc        1         -      -
1229 state    real   cfracm           ij     misc        1         -      -
1230 state    real   cfrach           ij     misc        1         -      -
1231 state    real   acfrst           ij     misc        1         -      -
1232 state integer   ncfrst           ij     misc        1         -      -
1233 state    real   acfrcv           ij     misc        1         -      -
1234 state integer   ncfrcv           ij     misc        1         -      -
1236 # new rad variables
1237 state    real   o3rad           ikj     misc        1         -      rdf=(p2c)      "o3rad"    "RADIATION 3D OZONE" "ppmv"
1239 # incoming optical depth derived from aerosol data
1240 state  real   aerodm    i{lsa}jm{ty}    misc        1    -   -     -
1241 state  real   pina      {lsa}           misc        1    -   -      "PINA"     "PRESSURE LEVEL OF OZONE MIXING RATIO"  "millibar"
1243 # array to hold aerosol optical depth that has been interpolated to model levels and time
1244 state  real   -         ikjf            aerod       1    -   -             -
1245 state  real   ocarbon   ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "ocarbon"         "organic carbon"          -
1246 state  real   seasalt   ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "seasalt"         "sea salt"                -
1247 state  real   dust      ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "dust"            "dust"                    -
1248 state  real   bcarbon   ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "bcarbon"         "black carbon"            -
1249 state  real   sulfate   ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "sulfate"         "sulfate"                 -
1250 state  real   upperaer  ikjf            aerod       1    -   df=(p2c)     "upperaer"        "volcanic ash"            -
1251 state  real   aodtot    ij              misc        1    -      r         "aodtot"          "TOTAL AEROSOL OPTICAL DEPTH"  -
1253 # incoming aerosol data for multiscale Kain Fritsch
1254 state  real   aeromcu   i{lsc}jm{tyc}   misc        1    -   -     -
1255 state  real   aeropcu   i{lsc}jm        misc        1    -   -      "AEROPCU"     "PRESSURE LEVEL OF AEROSOL DATA"  "millibar"
1257 # array to hold aerosol data that has been interpolated to model levels and time
1258 state  real   -            ikjf         aerocu      1    -   -             -
1259 state  real   cu_dust1     ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cudust1"           "dust 1"                     "ug m-3"
1260 state  real   cu_dust2     ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cudust2"           "dust 2"                     "ug m-3"
1261 state  real   cu_dust3     ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cudust3"           "dust 3"                     "ug m-3"
1262 state  real   cu_dust4     ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cudust4"           "dust 4"                     "ug m-3"
1263 state  real   cu_seasalt   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cuseasalt"         "sea salt"                   "ug m-3"
1264 state  real   cu_sulfate   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cusulfate"         "sulfate"                    "ug m-3"
1265 state  real   cu_phobcar   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cuphobcar"         "hydrophobic black carbon"   "ug m-3"
1266 state  real   cu_phibcar   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cuphibcar"         "hydrophilic black carbon"   "ug m-3"
1267 state  real   cu_phoocar   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cuphoocar"         "hydrophobic organic carbon"   "ug m-3"
1268 state  real   cu_phiocar   ikjf         aerocu      1    -   hdf=(p2c)     "cuphiocar"         "hydrophilic organic carbon"   "ug m-3"
1269 state  real   aerovar      ikj          misc        1    -      hr         "AEROVAR"           "Aerosol variable for MSKF"  "ug m-3"
1271 # cam radiation variables
1272 state  real    -       i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1273 state  real   mth01    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1274 state  real   mth02    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1275 state  real   mth03    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1276 state  real   mth04    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1277 state  real   mth05    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1278 state  real   mth06    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1279 state  real   mth07    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1280 state  real   mth08    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1281 state  real   mth09    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1282 state  real   mth10    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1283 state  real   mth11    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1284 state  real   mth12    i{ls}jf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
1285 state  real   pin       {ls}     misc      1    -   -      "PIN"             "PRESSURE LEVEL OF OZONE MIXING RATIO"  "millibar"
1286 state  real   m_ps       ij   misc      2    -   -      "m_ps"            "PS from MATCH on WRF grids"
1287 state  real    -       idjf aerosolc    2    -   -       -
1288 state  real   SUL      idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "SUL"        "SUL aerosol concentration"
1289 state  real   SSLT     idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "SSLT"        "SSLT aerosol concentration"
1290 state  real   DUST1    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST1"        "DUST1 aerosol concentration"
1291 state  real   DUST2    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST2"        "DUST2 aerosol concentration"
1292 state  real   DUST3    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST3"        "DUST3 aerosol concentration"
1293 state  real   DUST4    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST4"        "DUST4 aerosol concentration"
1294 state  real   OCPHO    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "OCPHO"        "OCPHO aerosol concentration"
1295 state  real   BCPHO    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BCPHO"        "BCPHO aerosol concentration"
1296 state  real   OCPHI    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "OCPHI"        "OCPHI aerosol concentration"
1297 state  real   BCPHI    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BCPHI"        "BCPHI aerosol concentration"
1298 state  real   BG       idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BG"           "BG aerosol concentration"
1299 state  real   VOLC     idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "VOLC"         "VOLC aerosol concentration"
1300 state  real   m_hybi    d     misc      1    -   -     "m_hybi"       "MATCH hybi"
1302 # new eta microphysics State Variables
1303 state   real    F_ICE_PHY      ikj     misc         1         -      rhdu     "F_ICE_PHY"            "FRACTION OF ICE"         ""
1304 state   real    F_RAIN_PHY     ikj     misc         1         -      rhdu     "F_RAIN_PHY"           "FRACTION OF RAIN "         ""
1305 state   real    F_RIMEF_PHY    ikj     misc         1         -      rhdu     "F_RIMEF_PHY"          "MASS RATIO OF RIMED ICE "         ""
1306 state   real    qndropsource   ikj     misc         1         -      r        "qndropsource"         "Droplet number source"   "#/kg/s"
1308 # cyl 3DPWP variables
1309 state   real    OM_TMP        i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)f=(c2f_interp:grid_id)    "OM_TMP" "temperature"   "k"
1310 state   real    OM_S          i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)f=(c2f_interp:grid_id)  "OM_S" "salinity"       "degree"
1311 state   real    OM_DEPTH      i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rhd   "OM_DEPTH"   "depth"     "m"
1312 state   real    OM_U          i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)f=(c2f_interp:grid_id)   "OM_U"   "u current"     "m/s"
1313 state   real    OM_V          i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)f=(c2f_interp:grid_id)   "OM_V"   "v current"     "m/s"
1314 state   real    OM_LAT        ij       misc         1        -     i012rd   "OM_LAT"  "om lat"       "degree"
1315 state   real    OM_LON        ij       misc         1        -     i012rd   "OM_LON"  "om lon"       "degree"
1316 state   real    OM_ML         ij       misc         1        -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)f=(c2f_interp:grid_id)   "OM_ML"  "om ml"       "m"
1317 state   real    OM_TINI       i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rd   "OM_TINI"   "temperature init"     "k"
1318 state   real    OM_SINI       i{nocnl}j      misc         1        Z     i012rd   "OM_SINI"       "salinity init"     "degree"
1320 #BSINGH -  added CuP related variables
1321 # CuP fair-weather cumulus scheme variables; wig, 4-Aug-2006
1322 # The slopes and sigmas are really only needed for testing so they can
1323 # be dropped to i1 level, or even a simple real within cup_driver, once
1324 # they are no longer desired for output.
1325 state   logical cupflag        ij      misc         1         -      r        "CUPFLAG"        "CuP scheme activavted, T=yes, F=no" ""
1326 state   real    slopesfc       ij      misc         1         -      r        "SLOPESFC"       "Slope of surface layer dTheta/dMixRatio" "K"
1327 state   real    slopeez        ij      misc         1         -      r        "SLOPEEZ"        "Slope of entrainment layer dTheta/dMixRatio" "K"
1328 state   real    sigmasfc       ij      misc         1         -      r        "SIGMASFC"       "Std. dev. of surface layer dTheta/dMixRatio" "K kg kg-1"
1329 state   real    sigmaez        ij      misc         1         -      r        "SIGMAEZ"        "Std. dev. of entrainment layer dTheta/dMixRatio" "K kg kg-1"
1330 state   real    shall          ij      misc         1         -      r        "SHALL"         "Cumulus type, 0=deep, 1=shallow, 2=none" ""
1331 state   real    taucloud       ij      misc         1         -      r        "TAUCLOUD"      "CuP cloud time scale for lifetime" ""
1332 state   real    tactive        ij      misc         1         -      r        "TACTIVE"       "CuP cloud formation time scale" ""
1333 state   real    tcloud_cup     ij      misc         1         -      r        "TCLOUD_CUP"    "CuP cloud duration for modifying T,QV,chem,etc" ""
1334 state   real    wCloudBase     ij      misc         1         -      r        "wCloudBase"    "CuP cloud base vertical velocity" ""
1335 state   real    activeFrac     ij      misc         1         -      r         "activeFrac"    "Fraction of PDF the forms clouds" "fraction"
1336 state   real    cldfratend_cup ikj     misc         1         -      r        "CLDFRATEND_CUP" "Cloud fraction tendency due to CuP Scheme" "fraction"
1337 state   real    cldfra_cup     ikj     misc         1         -      r        "CLDFRA_CUP"     "Cloud fraction due to CuP Scheme" "fraction"
1338 state   real    updfra_cup     ikj     misc         1         -      r        "UPDFRA_CUP"     "Updraft fractional area due to CuP Scheme" "fraction"
1339 state   real    qc_iu_cup      ikj     misc         1         -      r        "QC_IU_CUP"      "Cloud water due to CuP Scheme (in cumulus updraft)" "kg kg-1"
1340 state   real    qc_ic_cup      ikj     misc         1         -      r        "QC_IC_CUP"      "Cloud water due to CuP Scheme (in cumulus cloud)" "kg kg-1"
1341 state   real    qndrop_ic_cup  ikj     misc         1         -      r        "QNDROP_IC_CUP"  "Cloud droplet number due to CuP Scheme (in cumulus cloud)" "# kg-1"
1342 state   real    wup_cup        ikj     misc         1         -      r        "WUP_CUP"        "Updraft vertical velocity" "m s-1"
1343 state   real    wact_cup       ij      misc         1         -      r         "WACT_CUP"       "CuP cloud base vertical velocity for activation" "m s-1"
1344 state   real    wulcl_cup      ij      misc         1         -      r         "WULCL_CUP"      "CuP updraft vertical velocity at top of first cloud layer" "m s-1"
1345 state   real    mfup_cup       ikj     misc         1         -      r        "MFUP_CUP"       "Updraft mass flux for shallow-cu in CuP Scheme" "kg m-2 s-1"
1346 state   real    mfup_ent_cup   ikj     misc         1         -      r        "MFUP_ENT_CUP"   "Updraft mass flux entrainment (across layer) for shallow-cu in CuP Scheme" "kg m-2 s-1"
1347 state   real    mfdn_cup       ikj     misc         1         -      r        "MFDN_CUP"       "Downdraft mass flux for shallow-cu in CuP Scheme" "kg m-2 s-1"
1348 state   real    mfdn_ent_cup   ikj     misc         1         -      r        "MFDN_ENT_CUP"   "Downdraft mass flux entrainment (across layer) for shallow-cu in CuP Scheme" "kg m-2 s-1"
1349 state   real    fcvt_qc_to_pr_cup  ikj  misc        1         -      r        "FCVT_QC_TO_PR_CUP"   "Fraction of cloudwater converted to precip. as air rises thru an updraft layer"  "--"
1350 state   real    fcvt_qc_to_qi_cup  ikj  misc        1         -      r        "FCVT_QC_TO_QI_CUP"   "Fraction of cloudwater converted to cloudice as air rises thru an updraft layer"  "--"
1351 state   real    fcvt_qi_to_pr_cup  ikj  misc        1         -      r        "FCVT_QI_TO_PR_CUP"   "Fraction of cloudice converted to precip. as air rises thru an updraft layer"  "--"
1352 state   real    tstar          ij      misc         1         -      r        "TSTAR"          "Boundary layer time scale" "s"
1353 state   real    lnterms        ikj     misc         1         -      r        "LNTERMS"        "Liquid+ice+1 ln term for cloud fraction" ""
1354 state   real    lnint          ij      misc         1         -      r        "LNINT"          "Integrated ln term for cloud fraction" ""
1355 #BSINGH -  adde CuP related variables -ENDS
1358 # Other Misc State Variables                                            
1359 state   real    h_diabatic     ikj     misc         1         -      rdu      "h_diabatic"            "MICROPHYSICS LATENT HEATING"         "K s-1"      
1360 state   real    qv_diabatic    ikj     misc         1         -      rdu      "qv_diabatic"           "MICROPHYSICS QV TENDENCY"            "g g-1 s-1"      
1361 state   real    qc_diabatic    ikj     misc         1         -      rdu      "qc_diabatic"           "MICROPHYSICS QC TENDENCY"            "g g-1 s-1"      
1362 state   real    msft           ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_M"         "Map scale factor on mass grid" ""
1363 state   real    msfu           ij      misc         1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_U"         "Map scale factor on u-grid" ""
1364 state   real    msfv           ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_V"         "Map scale factor on v-grid" ""
1365 state   real    msftx          ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_MX"         "Map scale factor on mass grid, x direction" ""
1366 state   real    msfty          ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_MY"         "Map scale factor on mass grid, y direction" ""
1367 state   real    msfux          ij      misc         1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_UX"         "Map scale factor on u-grid, x direction" ""
1368 state   real    msfuy          ij      misc         1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_UY"         "Map scale factor on u-grid, y direction" ""
1369 state   real    msfvx          ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_VX"         "Map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ""
1370 state   real    msfvx_inv      ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MF_VX_INV"         "Inverse map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ""
1371 state   real    msfvy          ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_VY"         "Map scale factor on v-grid, y direction" ""
1373 state   real    f              ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "f"                "Coriolis sine latitude term"  "s-1"
1374 state   real    e              ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "e"                "Coriolis cosine latitude term"  "s-1"
1375 state   real    sina           ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "SINALPHA"         "Local sine of map rotation"   ""
1376 state   real    cosa           ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "COSALPHA"         "Local cosine of map rotation"  ""
1377 state   real    ht             ij      misc         1         -     i012rh056dus  "HGT"              "Terrain Height"   "m"
1378 state   real    ht_fine        ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_FINE"         "Fine Terrain Height"   "m"
1379 state   real    ht_int         ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_INT"          "Terrain Height Horizontally Interpolated"   "m"
1380 state   real    ht_input       ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_INPUT"        "Terrain Height from FG Input File"   "m"
1381 state   real    ht_smooth      ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_SMOOTH"       "Terrain Height Smoothed with External Model Topo (d1 only)"   "m"
1382 state   real    ht_shad        ijb     misc         1         -     rdf=(bdy_interp:dt)         "HGT_SHAD"        "Height of orographic shadow"   "m"
1383 i1      real    ht_loc         ij      misc         1         -     - 
1384 state   integer  shadowmask    ij      misc         1         -     - 
1385 state   integer min_ptchsz     -       misc         1         -     r
1387 state   real    TSK            ij      misc         1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "TSK"                   "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE"                  "K"
1388 state   real    dfi_TSK        ij      misc         1         -     r                       "TSK_dfi"               "saved SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE"
1389 state   real    TSK_SAVE       ij      misc         1         -     r         "TSK_SAVE" "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE, EXTRA COPY FOR SEA ICE TESTS in REAL"       "K"
1390 state   real    u_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "u_base"                "BASE STATE X WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
1391 state   real    v_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "v_base"                "BASE STATE Y WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
1392 state   real    qv_base        k       misc         1         -     ir        "qv_base"               "BASE STATE QV IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
1393 state   real    z_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "z_base"                "BASE STATE HEIGHT IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
1394 state   real    u_frame        -       misc         1         -     ir        "u_frame"               "FRAME X WIND"         "m s-1"      
1395 state   real    v_frame        -       misc         1         -     ir        "v_frame"               "FRAME Y WIND"         "m s-1"      
1396 # p_top appears as metadata between SI and real but as a state variable in real and WRF
1397 # since it is a scalar and a constant, it makes sense to have it as metadata -- there
1398 # are, however, probably post-processing programs that expect to see it as an I/O record
1399 # another problem: share/input_wrf tries to read this as metadata (fine for real reading
1400 # SI, but with model reading real output, it generates a warning when debug is > 0 in
1401 # namelist and causes repeated questions from users.  A third problem is the potential
1402 # collision between a metadata name and a field record in the I/O data
1403 # resolve this how?  Have the real program throw a switch to tell the code to get it
1404 # from the metadata?  Otherwise it's a field?
1405 state logical just_read_auxinput4  -      misc      -         -     r    "we_just_read_sst"          "1=AUXINPUT4 ALARM RINGING, 0=NO AUXINPUT4 ALARM"  "-"
1406 state logical just_read_boundary   -      misc      -         -     r    "we_just_d01_LBC"           "1=BOUNDARY  ALARM RINGING, 0=NO BOUNDARY  ALARM"  "-"
1407 state   real    mf_fft         -       misc         -         -     r        "mf_fft"                "Mass point map factor at equatorward FFT filter location"  ""
1408 state   real    p_top          -       misc         -         -     irh       "p_top"                "PRESSURE TOP OF THE MODEL"  "Pa"
1409 state logical got_var_sso      -       misc         -         -     i02rh    "got_var_sso"           "whether VAR_SSO was included in WPS output (beginning V3.4)" ""
1410 state logical v4_metgrid        -       misc        -         -     -     "v4_metgrid"               "for real, T/F: identify if this is v4 metgrid data" ""
1412 #BSINGH - Adding all these variables for CuP scheme[any var before t00]
1413 state   real    lat_ll_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ll_t"              "latitude lower left, temp point" "degrees"
1414 state   real    lat_ul_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ul_t"              "latitude up left, temp point" "degrees"
1415 state   real    lat_ur_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ur_t"              "latitude up right, temp point" "degrees"
1416 state   real    lat_lr_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_lr_t"              "latitude lower right, temp point" "degrees"
1417 state   real    lat_ll_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ll_u"              "latitude lower left, u point" "degrees"
1418 state   real    lat_ul_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ul_u"              "latitude up left, u point" "degrees"
1419 state   real    lat_ur_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ur_u"              "latitude up right, u point" "degrees"
1420 state   real    lat_lr_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_lr_u"              "latitude lower right, u point" "degrees"
1421 state   real    lat_ll_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ll_v"              "latitude lower left, v point" "degrees"
1422 state   real    lat_ul_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ul_v"              "latitude up left, v point" "degrees"
1423 state   real    lat_ur_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ur_v"              "latitude up right, v point" "degrees"
1424 state   real    lat_lr_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_lr_v"              "latitude lower right, v point" "degrees"
1425 state   real    lat_ll_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ll_d"              "latitude lower left, massless point" "degrees"
1426 state   real    lat_ul_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ul_d"              "latitude up left, massless point" "degrees"
1427 state   real    lat_ur_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_ur_d"              "latitude up right, massless point" "degrees"
1428 state   real    lat_lr_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lat_lr_d"              "latitude lower right, massless point" "degrees"
1429 state   real    lon_ll_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ll_t"              "longitude lower left, temp point" "degrees"
1430 state   real    lon_ul_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ul_t"              "longitude up left, temp point" "degrees"
1431 state   real    lon_ur_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ur_t"              "longitude up right, temp point" "degrees"
1432 state   real    lon_lr_t       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_lr_t"              "longitude lower right, temp point" "degrees"
1433 state   real    lon_ll_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ll_u"              "longitude lower left, u point" "degrees"
1434 state   real    lon_ul_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ul_u"              "longitude up left, u point" "degrees"
1435 state   real    lon_ur_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ur_u"              "longitude up right, u point" "degrees"
1436 state   real    lon_lr_u       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_lr_u"              "longitude lower right, u point" "degrees"
1437 state   real    lon_ll_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ll_v"              "longitude lower left, v point" "degrees"
1438 state   real    lon_ul_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ul_v"              "longitude up left, v point" "degrees"
1439 state   real    lon_ur_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ur_v"              "longitude up right, v point" "degrees"
1440 state   real    lon_lr_v       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_lr_v"              "longitude lower right, v point" "degrees"
1441 state   real    lon_ll_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ll_d"              "longitude lower left, massless point" "degrees"
1442 state   real    lon_ul_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ul_d"              "longitude up left, massless point" "degrees"
1443 state   real    lon_ur_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_ur_d"              "longitude up right, massless point" "degrees"
1444 state   real    lon_lr_d       -       dyn_em       -         -     ir       "lon_lr_d"              "longitude lower right, massless point" "degrees"
1447 state   real    t00            -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "t00"                   "BASE STATE TEMPERATURE   "  "K"
1448 state   real    p00            -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "p00"                   "BASE STATE PRESSURE"         "Pa"
1449 state   real    tlp            -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "tlp"                   "BASE STATE LAPSE RATE    "  ""
1450 state   real    tiso           -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "tiso"                  "TEMP AT WHICH THE BASE T TURNS CONST"  "K"
1451 state   real    tlp_strat      -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "tlp_strat"             "BASE STATE LAPSE RATE (DT/D(LN(P)) IN STRATOSPHERE"  "K"
1452 state   real    p_strat        -       misc         -         -     i02rh     "p_strat"               "BASE STATE PRESSURE AT BOTTOM OF STRATOSPHERE" "Pa"
1453 state   real    max_msftx      -       misc         -         -      rh       "max_msftx"             "Max map factor in domain"  ""
1454 state   real    max_msfty      -       misc         -         -      rh       "max_msfty"             "Max map factor in domain"  ""
1456 # NUWRF:  State variables for Goddard microphysics
1457 state   real    phys_tot       ikj      misc        1         -     h         "PHYS_TOT"              "TOTAL LATENT HEATING RATE"                       "K s-1"
1458 state   real    physc          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSC"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO CONDENSATION"         "K s-1"
1459 state   real    physe          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSE"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO EVAPORATION"          "K s-1"
1460 state   real    physd          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSD"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO DEPOSITION"           "K s-1"
1461 state   real    physs          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSS"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO SUBLIMATION"          "K s-1"
1462 state   real    physm          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSM"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO MELTING"              "K s-1"
1463 state   real    physf          ikj      misc        1         -     -         "PHYSF"                 "LATENT HEATING RATE DUE TO FREEZING"             "K s-1"
1464 # NUWRF EMK
1465 state   real    acphys_tot       ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYS_TOT"            "ACCUMULATED TOTAL LATENT HEATING"                "K"
1466 state   real    acphysc          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSC"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO CONDENSATION"  "K"
1467 state   real    acphyse          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSE"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO EVAPORATION"   "K"
1468 state   real    acphysd          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSD"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO DEPOSITION"    "K"
1469 state   real    acphyss          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSS"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO SUBLIMATION"   "K"
1470 state   real    acphysm          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSM"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO MELTING"       "K"
1471 state   real    acphysf          ikj      misc        1         -     r       "ACPHYSF"               "ACCUMULATED LATENT HEATING DUE TO FREEZING"      "K"
1473 #state   real    dbz            ikj      misc        1         -     -         "DBZ"                   "RADAR REFLECTIVITIES"             "dbz"
1474 # NUWRF...4ICE output
1475 state   real    preci3d       ikj      misc        1         -     -       "PRECI3D"                   "Sedimentation Fluxes for cloud ice"             "KG/M^2/S"
1476 state   real    precs3d       ikj      misc        1         -     -       "PRECS3D"                   "Sedimentation Fluxes for snow"                  "KG/M^2/S"
1477 state   real    precg3d       ikj      misc        1         -     -       "PRECG3D"                   "Sedimentation Fluxes for graupel"               "KG/M^2/S"
1478 state   real    prech3d       ikj      misc        1         -     -       "PRECH3D"                   "Sedimentation Fluxes for hail"               "KG/M^2/S"
1479 state   real    precr3d       ikj      misc        1         -     -       "PRECR3D"                   "Sedimentation Fluxes for rain"                  "KG/M^2/S"
1481 # State variables for Goddard LW and SW radiation
1482 state    real  TLWDN           ij      misc        1         -      h         "TLWDN"                 "TOA LW downwelling flux"           "W m-2"
1483 state    real  TLWUP           ij      misc        1         -      h         "TLWUP"                 "TOA LW upwelling flux"             "W m-2"
1484 state    real  SLWDN           ij      misc        1         -      h         "SLWDN"                 "Surface LW downwelling flux"       "W m-2"
1485 state    real  SLWUP           ij      misc        1         -      h         "SLWUP"                 "Surface LW upwelling flux"         "W m-2"
1486 state    real  TSWDN           ij      misc        1         -      h         "TSWDN"                 "TOA SW downwelling flux"           "W m-2"
1487 state    real  TSWUP           ij      misc        1         -      h         "TSWUP"                 "TOA SW upwelling flux"             "W m-2"
1488 state    real  SSWDN           ij      misc        1         -      h         "SSWDN"                 "Surface SW downwelling flux"       "W m-2"
1489 state    real  SSWUP           ij      misc        1         -      h         "SSWUP"                 "Surface SW upwelling flux"         "W m-2"
1490 state    real  COD2D_OUT       ij      misc        1         -      h         "COD2D_OUT"             "Column Cloud Optical Depth"        " "
1491 state    real  CTOP2D_OUT      ij      misc        1         -      h         "CTOP2D_OUT"            "Cloud-Top Pressure"                "mb"
1494 # Other physics variables
1496 state    real  RUSHTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RUSHTEN"               "X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"   "m s-2"
1497 state    real  RVSHTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RVSHTEN"               "Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"   "m s-2"
1498 state    real  RTHSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHSHTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"    "K s-1"
1499 state    real  RQVSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVSHTEN"              "Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1500 state    real  RQRSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQRSHTEN"              "Q_R TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1501 state    real  RQCSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCSHTEN"              "Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1502 state    real  RQSSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQSSHTEN"              "Q_S TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1503 state    real  RQISHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQISHTEN"              "Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1504 state    real  RQGSHTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQGSHTEN"              "Q_G TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 s-1"
1505 state    real  RQCNSHTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCNSHTEN"             "Q_CN TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"     "# kg-1 s-1"
1506 state    real  RQINSHTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQINSHTEN"             "Q_IN TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"     "# kg-1 s-1"
1508 # Deng Shallow Convection Parameterization
1509 state    real  RDCASHTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RDCASHTEN"             "CLOUD FRACTION AREA TENDENCY DUE TO DENG SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"    "Pa s-1"
1510 state    real  RQCDCSHTEN      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCDCSHTEN"            "CLOUD LIQUID TENDENCY DUE TO DENG SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"   "kg kg-1 s-1"
1511 state    real  CLDAREAA        ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CLDAREAA"              "CLOUD FRACTION FROM DENG SCHEME" ""
1512 state    real  CLDAREAB        ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CLDAREAB"              "CLOUD FRACTION FROM DENG SCHEME" ""
1513 state    real  CA_RAD          ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CA_RAD"                "CLOUD WATER CONTENT FROM DENG SCHEME FOR RADIATION" "kg kg-1"
1514 state    real  CW_RAD          ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CW_RAD"                "CLOUD WATER CONTENT FROM DENG SCHEME FOR RADIATION" "kg kg-1"
1515 state    real  CLDLIQA         ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CLDLIQA"               "CLOUD WATER CONTENT FROM DENG SCHEME" "kg kg-1"
1516 state    real  CLDLIQB         ikj      dyn_em      1         -      r        "CLDLIQB"               "CLOUD WATER CONTENT FROM DENG SCHEME" "kg kg-1"
1517 state    real  CLDDPTHB         ij      misc        1         -      r        "CLDDPTHB"              "CLOUD DEPTH FROM TAU-1"                "m"
1518 state    real  CLDTOPB          ij      misc        1         -      r        "CLDTOPB"               "CLOUD TOP FROM TAU-1"                "m"
1519 state    real  PBLMAX           ij      misc        1         -      r        "PBLMAX"                "MAXIMUM VALUE OF PBL DEPTH SINCE THE START OF THE MODEL RUN"                 "m"
1520 state    real  WUB             ikj      misc        1         -      r        "WUB"                   "UPDRAFT VERTICAL VELOCITY"                 "m s-1"
1521 state    real  RAINSHVB         ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINSHVB"              "TIME-STEP SHCU PRECIPITATION FROM TAU-1"       "m s-1"
1522 state    real  CAPESAVE         ij      misc        1         -      r        "CAPESAVE"              "CAPE FROM TAU-1"       ""
1523 state    real  RADSAVE          ij      misc        1         -      r        "RADSAVE"               "CLOUD RADIUS FROM TAU-1"       "m"
1524 state    real  AINCKFSA        i{nsh}j  misc        1         -      r        "AINCKFSA"              "NUMBER OF CLOUDS FROM TAU-1"       ""
1525 state  integer LTOPB            ij      misc        1         -      r        "LTOPB"                 "LEVEL OF UPDRAFT TOP FROM TAU-1"       ""
1526 state  integer KDCLDTOP         ij      misc        1         -      r        "KDCLDTOP"              "LEVEL OF NBC TOP"                     ""
1527 state  integer KDCLDBAS         ij      misc        1         -      r        "KDCLDBAS"              "LEVEL OF NBC BASE"                    ""
1528 state    real  XTIME1           ij      misc        1         -      r        "XTIME1"                "TIME COUNTER AFTER RAIN"              "min."
1529 state    real  PBLHAVG          ij      misc        1         -      r        "PBLHAVG"               "TIME AVERAGE OF PBLH"                 "m"
1530 state    real  TKEAVG          ikj      misc        1         -      r        "TKEAVG"                "TIME AVERAGE OF TKE"                 "m2 s-2"
1531 state    real  WSUBSID          k       misc        1         -      -        "WSUBSID"               "LARGE-SCALE SUBSIDENCE IN DENG SHCU SCHEME"    "m s-1"
1532 # End Deng Shallow Convection Parameterization
1535 state    real  RUCUTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RUCUTEN"               "X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS PARAMETERIZATION"  "m s-2"
1536 state    real  RVCUTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RVCUTEN"               "Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS PARAMETERIZATION"  "m s-2"
1537 state    real  RTHCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHCUTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"     "K s-1"
1538 state    real  RQVCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVCUTEN"              "Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 s-1"
1539 state    real  RQRCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQRCUTEN"              "Q_R TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 s-1"
1540 state    real  RQCCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCCUTEN"              "Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 s-1"
1541 state    real  RQSCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQSCUTEN"              "Q_S TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 s-1"
1542 state    real  RQICUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQICUTEN"              "Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 s-1"
1543 state    real  RQCNCUTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCNCUTEN"             "Q_CN TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"      "# kg-1 s-1"
1544 state    real  RQINCUTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQINCUTEN"             "Q_IN TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"      "# kg-1 s-1"
1545 state    real  W0AVG           ikj      misc        1         -      r        "W0AVG"                 "AVERAGE VERTICAL VELOCITY FOR KF CUMULUS SCHEME"         "m s-1"
1547 state    real  qcconv          ikj      misc        1         -      r        "QCCONV"                "CLOUD MIXING RATIO FOR BMJ CUMULUS SCHEME"        "kg kg-1"
1548 state    real  qiconv          ikj      misc        1         -      r        "QICONV"                "ICE MIXING RATIO FOR BMJ CUMULUS SCHEME"          "kg kg-1"
1549 state    real  RAINC            ij      misc        1         -      rh01du   "RAINC"                 "ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                 "mm"      
1550 state    real  RAINSH           ij      misc        1         -      rh01du   "RAINSH"                "ACCUMULATED SHALLOW CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"               "mm"
1551 state    real  RAINNC           ij      misc        1         -      rh01du   "RAINNC"                "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION"              "mm"      
1552 state  integer I_RAINC          ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_RAINC"            "BUCKET FOR RAINC"                    ""
1553 state  integer I_RAINNC         ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_RAINNC"           "BUCKET FOR RAINNC"                   ""
1554 state    real  PRATEC           ij      misc        1         -      r        "PRATEC"                "PRECIP RATE FROM CUMULUS SCHEME"                         "mm s-1"
1555 state    real  PRATESH          ij      misc        1         -      r        "PRATESH"               "PRECIP RATE FROM SHALLOW CUMULUS SCHEME"                 "mm s-1"
1556 state    real  RAINCV           ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINCV"                "TIME-STEP CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                         "mm"
1557 state    real  RAINSHV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINSHV"               "TIME-STEP SHALLOW CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                 "mm"
1558 state    real  RAINNCV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINNCV"               "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION"                   "mm"
1559 state    real  RAINBL           ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINBL"                "PBL TIME-STEP TOTAL PRECIPITATION"                       "mm"      
1560 state    real  SNOWNC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SNOWNC"                "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE SNOW AND ICE"               "mm"
1561 state    real  GRAUPELNC        ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "GRAUPELNC"             "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE GRAUPEL"                    "mm"
1562 state    real  HAILNC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "HAILNC"                "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE HAIL"                       "mm"
1563 state    real  SNOWNCV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "SNOWNCV"               "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE SNOW AND ICE"                    "mm"
1564 state    real  GRAUPELNCV       ij      misc        1         -      r        "GRAUPELNCV"            "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE GRAUPEL"                         "mm"
1565 state    real  HAILNCV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "HAILNCV"               "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE HAIL"                            "mm"
1566 state    real  refl_10cm       ikj      dyn_em      1         -      hdu      "refl_10cm"             "Radar reflectivity (lamda = 10 cm)"  "dBZ"
1567 state    real  mskf_refl_10cm  ikj      dyn_em      1         -      hdu      "mskf_refl_10cm"        "Full Radar reflectivity (lamda = 10 cm)"  "dBZ"
1568 state    real    th_old          ikj      misc        1         -      rusd        "TH_OLD"              "Old Value of Th"   "K"
1569 state    real    qv_old          ikj      misc        1         -      rusd        "QV_OLD"              "Old Value of qv"   "kg kg-1"
1570 state    real    vmi3d          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "v_ice"                 "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 1"  "m s-1"
1571 state    real    di3d           ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "d_ice"                 "Mass-weighted mean ice size cat 1"  "m"
1572 state    real    rhopo3d        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "rho_ice"               "Mass-weighted mean ice density cat 1"  "kg m-3"
1573 state    real    phii3d        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "phi_ice"               "Number-weighted mean ice aspect ratio cat 1"  ""
1574 state    real    vmi3d_2          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "v_ice2"                 "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 2"  "m s-1"
1575 state    real    di3d_2           ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "d_ice2"                 "Mass-weighted mean ice size cat 2"  "m"
1576 state    real    rhopo3d_2        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "rho_ice2"               "Mass-weighted mean ice density cat 2"  "kg m-3"
1577 state    real    phii3d_2        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "phi_ice2"               "Number-weighted mean ice aspect ratio cat 2"  ""
1578 state    real    vmi3d_3          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "v_ice3"                 "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 3"  "m s-1"
1579 state    real    di3d_3           ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "d_ice3"                 "Mass-weighted mean ice size cat 3"  "m"
1580 state    real    rhopo3d_3        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu     "rho_ice3"               "Mass-weighted mean ice density cat 3"  "kg m-3"
1581 state    real    phii3d_3        ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "phi_ice3"               "Number-weighted mean ice aspect ratio cat 3"  ""
1582 state    real    itype          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "ice_type"             "Diagnostic ice type cat 1 ISHMAEL microphysics"  ""
1583 state    real    itype_2          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "ice_type2"             "Diagnostic ice type cat 2 ISHMAEL microphysics"  ""
1584 state    real    itype_3          ikj     misc        1         -     hdu       "ice_type3"             "Diagnostic ice type cat 3 ISHMAEL microphysics"  ""
1587 #state    real    ltg_dat        ij      misc        1         -      r         "ltg_dat"               "gridded lightning data"  "Flash per xkm x xkm per LAD_INT sec"
1589 state    real  NCA              ij      misc        1         -      r        "NCA"                   "COUNTER OF THE CLOUD RELAXATION TIME IN KF CUMULUS SCHEME"    ""      
1590 state    integer  LOWLYR        ij      misc        1         -     -         "LOWLYR"                "INDEX OF LOWEST MODEL LAYER ABOVE THE GROUND IN BMJ SCHEME"   ""      
1591 state    real  MASS_FLUX        ij      misc        1         -      r        "MASS_FLUX"             "DOWNDRAFT MASS FLUX FOR IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "mb hour-1"
1592 # ckay
1593 state    real  cldfra_dp        ikj     misc        1         -      r         "CLDFRA_DP"             "DEEP CONVECTIVE CLOUD FRACTION FROM KF"  ""
1594 state    real  cldfra_sh        ikj     misc        1         -      r         "CLDFRA_SH"             "SHALLOW CONVECTIVE CLOUD FRACTION FROM KF"  ""
1595 state    real  udr_kf           ikj     misc        1         -      rh    "UDR_KF"                "UPDRAFT DETRAINMENT RATE FROM KF"  "kg s-1"
1596 state    real  ddr_kf           ikj     misc        1         -      rh    "DDR_KF"                "DOWNDRAFT DETRAINMENT RATE FROM KF"  "kg s-1"
1597 state    real  uer_kf           ikj     misc        1         -      rh    "UER_KF"                "UPDRAFT ENTRAINMENT RATE FROM KF"  "kg s-1"
1598 state    real  der_kf           ikj     misc        1         -      rh    "DER_KF"                "DOWNDRAFT ENTRAINMENT RATE FROM KF"  "kg s-1"
1599 state    real  timec_kf         ij      misc        1         -      rh    "TIMEC_KF"              "CONVECTIVE TIMESCALE FROM MSKF"  "s"
1600 state    real  apr_gr           ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_GR"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE OLD_GRELL"   "mm hour-1"
1601 state    real  apr_w            ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_W"                 "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE W"           "mm hour-1"
1602 state    real  apr_mc           ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_MC"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE KRISH MV"    "mm hour-1"
1603 state    real  apr_st           ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_ST"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE STABILITY"   "mm hour-1"
1604 state    real  apr_as           ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_AS"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE AS-TYPE"     "mm hour-1"
1605 state    real  apr_capma        ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_CAPMA"             "PRECIP FROM MAX CAP"             "mm hour-1"
1606 state    real  apr_capme        ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_CAPME"             "PRECIP FROM MEAN CAP"            "mm hour-1"
1607 state    real  apr_capmi        ij      misc        1         -      r       "APR_CAPMI"             "PRECIP FROM MIN CAP"             "mm hour-1"
1608 state    real  edt_out          ij      misc        1         -      -        "EDT_OUT"             "EDT FROM GD SCHEME"             ""
1609 state    real  xmb_shallow      ij      misc        1         -      r        "XMB_SHALLOW"             "MASSFLUX FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1610 state    integer  k22_shallow   ij      misc        1         -      r       "K22_SHALLOW"             "K22 LEVEL FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1611 state    integer  kbcon_shallow   ij      misc        1         -    r       "KBCON_SHALLOW"             "KBCON LEVEL FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1612 state    integer  ktop_shallow   ij      misc        1         -     r       "KTOP_SHALLOW"             "KTOP LEVEL FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1613 state    integer  k22_deep     ij      misc        1         -       -       "K22_DEEP"             "K22 LEVEL FROM DEEPCONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1614 state    integer  kbcon_deep     ij      misc        1         -     -       "KBCON_DEEP"             "KBCON LEVEL FROM DEEP CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1615 state    integer  ktop_deep     ij      misc        1         -      -       "KTOP_DEEP"             "KTOP LEVEL FROM DEEP CONVECTION (G3 and GF only)"             ""
1616 state    real  xf_ens           ije     misc        1         Z      r        "XF_ENS"                "MASS FLUX PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"     "mb hour-1"
1617 state    real  pr_ens           ije     misc        1         Z      r        "PR_ENS"                "PRECIP RATE PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"    "mb hour-1"
1618 state    real  cugd_tten        ikj     misc        1         -      r        "CUGD_TTEN"             "INITIAL TTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"
1619 state    real  cugd_qvten       ikj     misc        1         -      r        "CUGD_QVTEN"            "INITIAL QTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"
1620 state    real  cugd_ttens       ikj     misc        1         -      r        "CUGD_TTENS"            "INITIAL SUBSIDENCE TTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"
1621 state    real  cugd_qvtens      ikj     misc        1         -      r        "CUGD_QVTENS"           "INITIAL SUBSIDNCE QTENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"
1622 state    real  cugd_qcten       ikj     misc        1         -      r        "CUGD_QCTEN"            "INITIAL TEMPERATURE TENDENCY OUT OFF GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"
1623 state    real  GD_CLOUD         ikj      misc        1         -      r      "GD_CLOUD"              "CLOUD WATER/ICE MIXING RAIO IN GD CLOUD"         "kg kg-1"
1624 state    real  GD_CLOUD2        ikj      misc        1         -      r      "GD_CLOUD2"              "TEST for GD CLOUD"         "kg kg-1"
1625 state    real  GD_CLDFR         ikj      misc        1         -      r     "GD_CLDFR"              "GD CLOUD Fraction"         " ? "
1626 state    real  RAINCV_A           ij      misc        1         -      r      "RAINCV_A"             "taveragd TIME-STEP CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                         "mm"
1627 state    real  RAINCV_B           ij      misc        1         -      r      "RAINCV_B"             "taveragd TIME-STEP CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                         "mm"
1628 state    real  GD_CLOUD_A        ikj      misc        1         -      r      "GD_CLOUD_A"           "taveragd CLOUD WATER MIXING RAIO IN GD CLOUD"         "kg kg-1"
1629 state    real  GD_CLOUD2_A       ikj      misc        1         -      r      "GD_CLOUD2_A"          "taveragd cloud ice mix ratio in GD"         "kg kg-1"
1630 state    real  QC_CU             ikj      misc        1         -      r      "QC_CU"                "CLOUD WATER MIXING RATIO FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg kg-1"
1631 state    real  QI_CU             ikj      misc        1         -      r      "QI_CU"                "CLOUD ICE MIXUNG RATIO FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg kg-1"
1632 state    real  QR_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "QR_CU"               "RAIN MIXING RATIO FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg kg-1"
1633 state    real  QS_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "QS_CU"               "SNOW MIXING RATIO FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg kg-1"
1634 state    real  NC_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "NC_CU"               "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg-1"
1635 state    real  NI_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "NI_CU"               "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg-1"
1636 state    real  NR_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "NR_CU"               "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg-1"
1637 state    real  NS_CU            ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "NS_CU"               "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg-1"
1638 state    real  CCN_CU           ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN_CU"              "CLOUD CONDENSATION NUCLEI CONCENTRATION FROM A CU SCHEME"         "kg-1"
1639 state    real  CU_UAF            ij      misc        1         -      rh      "CU_UAF"              "CU Updraft Area Fraction"         ""
1640 state    real  EFCS             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFCS"                "Sub-grid Scale Cloud Effective Radius"         "um"
1641 state    real  EFIS             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFIS"                "Sub-grid Scale Ice Effective Radius"       "um"
1642 state    real  EFCG             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFCG"                "Grid Scale Cloud Effective Radius"         "um"
1643 state    real  EFIG             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFIG"                "Grid Scale Ice Effective Radius"       "um"
1644 state    real  EFSG             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFSG"                "Grid Scale Snow Effective Radius"       "um"
1645 state    real  EFSS             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "EFSS"                "Subgrid Scale Snow Effective Radius"       "um"
1646 state    real  WACT             ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "WACT"                "Aerosol Activation Updraft"       "m s-1"
1647 state    real  CCN1_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN1_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.02%"       "#/cm-3"
1648 state    real  CCN2_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN2_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.05%"       "#/cm-3"
1649 state    real  CCN3_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN3_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.1%"       "#/cm-3"
1650 state    real  CCN4_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN4_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.2%"       "#/cm-3"
1651 state    real  CCN5_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN5_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.3%"       "#/cm-3"
1652 state    real  CCN6_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN6_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=0.5%"       "#/cm-3"
1653 state    real  CCN7_GS          ikj      misc        1         -      rh      "CCN7_GS"             "Grid Scale Cloud Condensation Nuclei at S=1.0%"       "#/cm-3"
1654 state    real  QC_BL            ikj      misc        1         -      r      "QC_BL"                "CLOUD WATER MIXING RATIO IN PBL schemes"          "kg kg-1"
1655 state    real  QI_BL            ikj      misc        1         -      r      "QI_BL"                "CLOUD ICE MIXING RATIO IN PBL schemes"            "kg kg-1"
1656 state integer  STEPAVE_COUNT     -       misc        1         -      r      "STEPAVE_COUNT"        "time steps contained in averages for convective transport" ""
1659 state    real  RTHFTEN          ikj     misc        1         -      r        "RTHFTEN"               "TOTAL ADVECTIVE POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE TENDENCY"  "K s-1"
1660 state    real  RQVFTEN          ikj     misc        1         -      r        "RQVFTEN"               "TOTAL ADVECTIVE MOISTURE TENDENCY"     "kg kg-1 s-1"
1662 state integer  STEPCU          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPCU"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN CONVECTION CALLS"  ""
1664 state    real  RTHRATEN        ikj      misc        1         -      rd       "RTHRATEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO RADIATION"              "K s-1"
1665 state    real  RTHRATENLW      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATLW"              "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO LONG WAVE RADIATION"    "K s-1"
1666 state    real  RTHRATENLWC     ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATLWC"             "UNCOUPLED THETA TEND DUE TO CLEAR SKY LONG WAVE RAD"    "K s-1"
1667 state    real  RTHRATENSW      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATSW"              "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SHORT WAVE RADIATION"   "K s-1"
1668 state    real  RTHRATENSWC     ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATSWC"             "UNCOUPLED THETA TEND DUE TO CLEAR SKY SHORT WAVE RAD"   "K s-1"
1669 state    real  CLDFRA          ikj      misc        1         -      irh      "CLDFRA"                "CLOUD FRACTION"   ""
1670 state    real  CONVCLD          ij      misc        1         -      r        "CONVCLD"               "BMJ CONVECTIVE CLOUD" "kg m-2"
1671 state    real  CCLDFRA         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "CCLDFRA"               "CONVECTIVE CLOUD FRACTION" ""
1672 state    real  CLDFRA_OLD      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "CLDFRA_OLD"            "previous time level cldfra"                           ""
1673 state    real  CLDFRA_BL       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "CLDFRA_BL"             "CLOUD FRACTION pbl"                                   ""
1674 state    real  CLDT             ij      misc        1         -      -        "CFRACT"                "TOTAL CLOUD FRACTION"                                 ""
1675 #state    real  CLDL             ij      misc        1         -      -        "CFRACL"                "LOW CLOUD FRACTION (ETA GREATER THAN 0.69)"           ""
1676 #state    real  LWP              ij      misc        1         -      -        "LWP"                   "LIQUID CLOUD WATER PATH"                              "kg m-2"
1677 state    real  SWDOWN           ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "SWDOWN"                "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
1678 state    real  SWDOWN2          ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "SWDOWN2"               "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE FROM FARMS"   "W m-2"      
1679 state    real  SWDOWNC          ij      misc        1         -      -        "SWDOWNC"               "DOWNWARD CLEAR-SKY SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
1680 state    real  SWDOWNC2         ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "SWDOWNC2"               "CLEAR-SKY DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE FROM FARMS" "W m-2"
1681 state    real  GSW              ij      misc        1         -      rd       "GSW"                   "NET SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
1682 state    real  GLW              ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "GLW"                   "DOWNWARD LONG WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"            "W m-2"      
1683 state    real  SWNORM           ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "SWNORM"                "NORMAL SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE (SLOPE-DEPENDENT)"           "W m-2"
1684 state    real  diffuse_frac     ij      misc        1         -      rd       "DIFFUSE_FRAC"          "DIFFUSE FRACTION OF SURFACE SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE"       ""
1685 # WRF-Solar
1686 state   real    swddir       ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDIR"     "Shortwave surface downward direct irradiance" "W m-2" ""
1687 state   real    swddir2      ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDIR2"    "Shortwave surface downward direct irradiance from FARMS" "W m-2" ""
1688 state   real    swddirc      ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDIRC"    "Clear-sky Shortwave surface downward direct irradiance" "W m-2" ""
1689 state   real    swddni       ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDNI"     "Shortwave surface downward direct normal irradiance" "W m-2" ""
1690 state   real    swddni2      ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDNI2"    "Shortwave surface downward direct normal irradiance from FARMS" "W m-2" ""
1691 state   real    swddnic      ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDNIC"    "Clear-sky Shortwave surface downward direct normal irradiance" "W m-2" ""
1692 state   real    swddnic2     ij     misc         1         -     rhd     "SWDDNIC2"    "Clear-sky Shortwave surface downward direct normal irradiance from FARMS" "W/m^2" ""
1693 state   real    swddif       ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDIF"     "Shortwave surface downward diffuse irradiance" "W m-2" ""
1694 state   real    swddif2      ij     misc         1         -     rd     "SWDDIF2"    "Shortwave surface downward diffuse irradiance from FARMS" "W m-2" ""
1695 state   real    Gx           ij     misc         1         -     rd     "Gx" "" ""
1696 state   real    Bx           ij     misc         1         -     rd     "Bx" "" ""
1697 state   real    gg           ij     misc         1         -     rd     "gg" "" ""
1698 state   real    bb           ij     misc         1         -     rd     "bb" "" ""
1699 state   real    coszen_ref   ij     misc         1         -     rd     "coszen_ref" "" ""
1700 state   real    swdown_ref   ij     misc         1         -     rd     "swdown_ref" "" ""
1701 state   real    swddir_ref   ij     misc         1         -     rd     "swddir_ref" "" ""
1702 # jararias 2013/11
1703 state   real    aod5502d     ij     misc         1         -     i{15}r "AOD5502D"   "Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm" ""
1704 state   real    angexp2d     ij     misc         1         -     i{15}r "ANGEXP2D"   "Aerosol Angstrom exponent" ""
1705 state   real    aerssa2d     ij     misc         1         -     i{15}r "AERSSA2D"   "Aerosol single-scattering albedo" ""
1706 state   real    aerasy2d     ij     misc         1         -     i{15}r "AERASY2D"   "Aerosol asymmetry factor" ""
1707 state   real    aod5503d     ikj    misc         1         -     r      "AOD5503D"   "3D aerosol optical depth at 550 nm" ""
1708 state   real    taod5503d    ikj    misc         1         -     r      "TAOD5503D"  "3D aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (MP=28)" ""
1709 state   real    taod5502d    ij     misc         1         -     rh     "TAOD5502D"  "2D aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (MP=28)" ""
1711 # CLWRF-WRF4G
1712 state    real  T2MIN            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "T2MIN"                 "MINIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                      "K"
1713 state    real  T2MAX            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "T2MAX"                 "MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                      "K"
1714 state    real  TT2MIN           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TT2MIN"                 "TIME OF MINIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"             "minute"
1715 state    real  TT2MAX           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TT2MAX"                 "TIME OF MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"             "minute"
1716 state    real  T2MEAN           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "T2MEAN"                 "MEAN TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                        "K"
1717 state    real  T2STD            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "T2STD"                  "STANDARD DEV. TEMPERATURE AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"               "k"
1718 state    real  Q2MIN            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "Q2MIN"                  "MINIMUM WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"           "kg kg-1"
1719 state    real  Q2MAX            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "Q2MAX"                  "MAXIMUM WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"           "kg kg-1"
1720 state    real  TQ2MIN           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TQ2MIN"                 "TIME OF MINIMUM WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"   "minute"
1721 state    real  TQ2MAX           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TQ2MAX"                 "TIME OF MAXIMUM WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"   "minute"
1722 state    real  Q2MEAN           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "Q2MEAN"                 "MEAN WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"              "kg kg-1"
1723 state    real  Q2STD            ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "Q2STD"                  "STANDARD DEV. WATER VAPOR MIX. RAT. AT 2M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"     "kg kg-1"
1724 state    real  SKINTEMPMIN      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SKINTEMPMIN"            "MINIMUM SKIN TEMPERATURE IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                             "K"
1725 state    real  SKINTEMPMAX      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SKINTEMPMAX"            "MAXIMUM SKIN TEMPERATURE IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                             "K"
1726 state    real  TSKINTEMPMIN     ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TSKINTEMPMIN"           "TIME OF MINIMUM SKIN TEMPERATURE IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                     "minute"
1727 state    real  TSKINTEMPMAX     ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TSKINTEMPMAX"           "TIME OF MAXIMUM SKIN TEMPERATURE IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                     "minute"
1728 state    real  SKINTEMPMEAN     ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SKINTEMPMEAN"           "MEAN SKIN TEMPERATURE IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                                "K"
1729 state    real  SKINTEMPSTD      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SKINTEMPSTD"            "STANDARD DEV. OF SKIN TEMPERATURE IN CLWRF HOURS"                     "K"
1730 state    real  U10MAX           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "U10MAX"                 "MAXIMUM U AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                              "m s-1"
1731 state    real  V10MAX           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "V10MAX"                 "MAXIMUM V AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                              "m s-1"
1732 state    real  SPDUV10MAX       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SPDUV10MAX"             "MAXIMUM WIND SPEED AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                     "m s-1"
1733 state    real  TSPDUV10MAX      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TSPDUV10MAX"            "TIME OF MAXIMUM WIND SPEED AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"             "minute"
1734 state    real  U10MEAN          ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "U10MEAN"                "MEAN U AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                                 "m s-1"
1735 state    real  V10MEAN          ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "V10MEAN"                "MEAN V AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                                 "m s-1"
1736 state    real  SPDUV10MEAN      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SPDUV10MEAN"            "MEAN WIND SPEED AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                        "m s-1"
1737 state    real  U10STD           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "U10STD"                 "STANDARD DEV. U AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                        "m s-1"
1738 state    real  V10STD           ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "V10STD"                 "STANDARD DEV. V AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                        "m s-1"
1739 state    real  SPDUV10STD       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "SPDUV10STD"             "STANDARD DEV. WIND SPEED AT 10M HEIGHT IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"               "m s-1"
1740 state    real  RAINCVMAX        ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINCVMAX"              "MAXIMUM CUMULUS PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                   "kg m-2 s-1"
1741 state    real  RAINNCVMAX       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINNCVMAX"              "MAXIMUM GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                "kg m-2 s-1"
1742 state    real  TRAINCVMAX       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TRAINCVMAX"             "TIME OF MAXIMUM CUMULUS PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"           "minute"
1743 state    real  TRAINNCVMAX      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "TRAINNCVMAX"            "TIME OF MAXIMUM GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"        "minute"
1744 state    real  RAINCVMEAN       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINCVMEAN"             "MEAN CUMULUS PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                      "kg m-2 s-1"
1745 state    real  RAINNCVMEAN      ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINNCVMEAN"            "MEAN GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"                   "kg m-2 s-1"
1746 state    real  RAINCVSTD        ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINCVSTD"              "STANDARD DEV. CUMULUS PRECIPITATION FLUX IN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"             "kg m-2 s-1"
1747 state    real  RAINNCVSTD       ij      misc        1         -      rh3      "RAINNCVSTD"             "STANDARD DEV. GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION IN FLUX DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT INTERVAL"          "kg m-2 s-1"
1748 state    integer  nsteps         -      misc        -         -       r       "NSTEPS"                 "Time Step Counter"           ""
1750 # upward and downward clearsky and total diagnostic fluxes for CAM radiation
1751 state    real  ACSWUPT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPT"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1752 state    real  ACSWUPTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPTC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1753 state    real  ACSWDNT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNT"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1754 state    real  ACSWDNTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNTC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1755 state    real  ACSWUPB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPB"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1756 state    real  ACSWUPBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPBC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1757 state    real  ACSWDNB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNB"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1758 state    real  ACSWDNBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNBC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1759 state    real  ACLWUPT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPT"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1760 state    real  ACLWUPTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPTC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1761 state    real  ACLWDNT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNT"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1762 state    real  ACLWDNTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNTC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1763 state    real  ACLWUPB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPB"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1764 state    real  ACLWUPBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPBC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1765 state    real  ACLWDNB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNB"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1766 state    real  ACLWDNBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNBC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1767 state integer  I_ACSWUPT        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWUPT"     "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1768 state integer  I_ACSWUPTC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWUPTC"    "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1769 state integer  I_ACSWDNT        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWDNT"     "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1770 state integer  I_ACSWDNTC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWDNTC"    "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1771 state integer  I_ACSWUPB        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWUPB"     "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1772 state integer  I_ACSWUPBC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWUPBC"    "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1773 state integer  I_ACSWDNB        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWDNB"     "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1774 state integer  I_ACSWDNBC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACSWDNBC"    "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1775 state integer  I_ACLWUPT        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWUPT"     "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1776 state integer  I_ACLWUPTC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWUPTC"    "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1777 state integer  I_ACLWDNT        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWDNT"     "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
1778 state integer  I_ACLWDNTC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWDNTC"    "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
1779 state integer  I_ACLWUPB        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWUPB"     "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1780 state integer  I_ACLWUPBC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWUPBC"    "BUCKET FOR UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1781 state integer  I_ACLWDNB        ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWDNB"     "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
1782 state integer  I_ACLWDNBC       ij      misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)     "I_ACLWDNBC"    "BUCKET FOR DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
1783 state    real  SWUPT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "W m-2"
1784 state    real  SWUPTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1785 state    real  SWUPTCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPTCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAN SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1786 state    real  SWDNT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "W m-2"
1787 state    real  SWDNTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1788 state    real  SWDNTCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNTCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAN SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1789 state    real  SWUPB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "W m-2"
1790 state    real  SWUPBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1791 state    real  SWUPBCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPBCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAN SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1792 state    real  SWDNB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "W m-2"
1793 state    real  SWDNBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1794 state    real  SWDNBCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNBCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAN SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1795 state    real  LWUPT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "W m-2"
1796 state    real  LWUPTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1797 state    real  LWUPTCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPTCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAN SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1798 state    real  LWDNT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "W m-2"
1799 state    real  LWDNTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1800 state    real  LWDNTCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNTCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAN SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "W m-2"
1801 state    real  LWUPB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "W m-2"
1802 state    real  LWUPBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1803 state    real  LWUPBCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPBCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAN SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1804 state    real  LWDNB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "W m-2"
1805 state    real  LWDNBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1806 state    real  LWDNBCLN         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNBCLN"              "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAN SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "W m-2"
1807 state    real  SWCF             ij      misc        1         -      r        "SWCF"                  "SHORT WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA"                     "W m-2"
1808 state    real  LWCF             ij      misc        1         -      r        "LWCF"                  "LONG WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA"                      "W m-2"
1809 state    real  OLR              ij      misc        1         -      rh        "OLR"                   "TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE"                              "W m-2"
1811 state    real  XLAT_U           ij      dyn_em      1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)         "XLAT_U"              "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
1812 state    real  XLONG_U          ij      dyn_em      1         X     i012rhd=(interp_fcn_blint_ll:xlat_u,input_from_file)u=(copy_fcnm)         "XLONG_U"             "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
1813 state    real  XLAT_V           ij      dyn_em      1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)         "XLAT_V"              "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
1814 state    real  XLONG_V          ij      dyn_em      1         Y     i012rhd=(interp_fcn_blint_ll:xlat_v,input_from_file)u=(copy_fcnm)         "XLONG_V"             "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
1815 state    real  ALBEDO           ij      misc        1         -      rh          "ALBEDO"                   "ALBEDO"
1816 state    real  CLAT             ij      misc        1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)         "CLAT"                "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                       "degree_north"
1817 state    real  ALBBCK           ij      misc        1         -     i0124rh   "ALBBCK"                "BACKGROUND ALBEDO"        ""
1818 state    real  EMBCK            ij      misc        1         -      r        "EMBCK"                 "BACKGROUND EMISSIVITY"         ""
1819 state    real  EMISS            ij      misc        1         -      rh       "EMISS"                 "SURFACE EMISSIVITY"         "" 
1820 state    real  SNOTIME          ij      misc        1         -      r        "SNOTIME"               "SNOTIME"         "" 
1821 state    real  NOAHRES          ij      misc        1         -      h        "NOAHRES"               "RESIDUAL OF THE NOAH SURFACE ENERGY BUDGET" "W m{-2}"
1822 state    real  CLDEFI           ij      misc        1         -      r        "CLDEFI"                "precipitation efficiency in BMJ SCHEME"    ""      
1823 state integer  STEPRA          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPRA"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN RADIATION CALLS"        ""
1825 state    real  RUBLTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RUBLTEN"               "X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"  "m s-2"
1826 state    real  RVBLTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RVBLTEN"               "Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"  "m s-2"
1827 state    real  RTHBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHBLTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"   "K s-1"
1828 state    real  RQVBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVBLTEN"              "Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "kg kg-1 s-1"
1829 state    real  RQCBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCBLTEN"              "Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "kg kg-1 s-1"
1830 state    real  RQIBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQIBLTEN"              "Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "kg kg-1 s-1"
1831 state    real  RQNIBLTEN       ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQNIBLTEN"             "Q_NI TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"    "#  kg-1 s-1"
1833 # For Noah UA changes
1834 state    real   flx4            ij         -        1         -      -        "FLX4"         "sensible heat from canopy"              "W m{-2}"
1835 state    real   fvb             ij         -        1         -      -        "FVB"          "fraction of vegetation with snow below" ""
1836 state    real   fbur            ij         -        1         -      -        "FBUR"         "fraction of vegetation covered by snow" ""
1837 state    real   fgsn            ij         -        1         -      -        "FGSN"         "fraction of ground covered by snow"     ""
1839 # For Noah-Mosaic  danli
1841 state    real   TSK_mosaic        i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TSK_mosaic"      "vegetation temperature"  "K"
1842 state    real   QSFC_mosaic       i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "QSFC_mosaic"     "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT LOWER BOUNDARY"  ""
1843 state    real   TSLB_mosaic       i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TSLB_mosaic"     "SOIL TEMPERATURE"   "K"
1844 state    real   SMOIS_mosaic      i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "SMOIS_mosaic"    "SOIL MOISTURE"     "m3 m-3"
1845 state    real   SH2O_mosaic       i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     i02rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "SH2O_mosaic"     "SOIL LIQUID WATER" "m3 m-3"
1846 state    real   CANWAT_mosaic     i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "CANWAT_mosaic"   "CANOPY WATER"             "kg m-2"
1847 state    real   SNOW_mosaic       i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOW_mosaic"     "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"    "kg m-2"
1848 state    real   SNOWH_mosaic      i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     i012rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOWH_mosaic"    "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"      "m"
1849 state    real   SNOWC_mosaic      i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     ird=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)       "SNOWC_mosaic"    "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"  ""
1851 state    real   ALBEDO_mosaic     i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "ALBEDO_mosaic"         "albedo"  ""
1852 state    real   ALBBCK_mosaic     i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "ALBBCK_mosaic"         "background albedo"  ""
1853 state    real   EMISS_mosaic      i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "EMISS_mosaic"          "emissivity"  ""
1854 state    real   EMBCK_mosaic      i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "EMBCK_mosaic"          "background emissivity"  ""
1855 state    real   ZNT_mosaic        i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "ZNT_mosaic"            "time_varying roughness length"  "m"
1856 state    real   Z0_mosaic         i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "Z0_mosaic"             "background roughness length"  "m"
1857 state    real   LAI_mosaic        i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "LAI_mosaic"            "LEAF AREA INDEX"             "m-2/m-2"
1858 state    real   RS_mosaic         i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "RS_mosaic"             "CANOPY RESISTANCE"                "s m-1"
1859 state    real   HFX_mosaic        i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "HFX_mosaic"            "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"  "W m-2"
1860 state    real   QFX_mosaic        i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "QFX_mosaic"            "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE"          "kg m-2 s-1"      
1861 state    real   LH_mosaic         i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "LH_mosaic"             "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"
1862 state    real   GRDFLX_mosaic     i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "GRDFLX_mosaic"         "GROUND HEAT FLUX" "W m-2"
1863 state    real   SNOTIME_mosaic    i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r      "SNOTIME_mosaic"        "SNOTIME"         "" 
1865 state    real   TR_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TR_URB2D_mosaic"    "ROOF TEMPERATURE"                "K"
1866 state    real   TB_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TB_URB2D_mosaic"    "WALL TEMPERATURE"                "K"      
1867 state    real   TG_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TG_URB2D_mosaic"    "GROUND TEMPERATURE"              "K"
1868 state    real   TC_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TC_URB2D_mosaic"    "CANYON TEMPERATURE"              "K"
1869 state    real   TS_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TS_URB2D_mosaic"    "URBAN TEMPERATURE"               "K"
1870 state    real   TS_RUL2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TS_RUL2D_mosaic"    "RURAL TEMPERATURE"               "K"
1871 state    real   QC_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TC_URB2D_mosaic"    "CANYON SPECIFIC HUMIDITY"              ""
1872 state    real   UC_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TC_URB2D_mosaic"    "CANYON WIND SPEED"              "m s-1"
1873 state    real   TRL_URB3D_mosaic  i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TRL_URB3D_mosaic"  "ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
1874 state    real   TBL_URB3D_mosaic  i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TBL_URB3D_mosaic"  "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
1875 state    real   TGL_URB3D_mosaic  i{mocat2}j    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TGL_URB3D_mosaic"  "ROAD LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
1876 state    real   SH_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r     "SH_URB2D_mosaic"              "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"     "W m-2"
1877 state    real   LH_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r     "LH_URB2D_mosaic"              "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"     "kg m-2 s-1"      
1878 state    real   G_URB2D_mosaic    i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r     "G_URB2D_mosaic"               "GROUND HEAT FLUX  AT THE SURFACE"    "W m-2"
1879 state    real   RN_URB2D_mosaic   i{mocat}j     misc        1         -     r     "RN_URB2D_mosaic"              "NET RADIATION"                       "W m-2"
1881 state    integer   mosaic_cat_index  iuj        misc        1         Z     i012rd=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)    "mosaic_cat_index"          "  "   ""
1882 state    real      landusef2         iuj        misc        1         Z     i012rdu                                                  "LANDUSEF2"      "sorted landuse fraction"  ""
1884 # State vector for etampnew microphysics. Must be declared state because it is not read-once and is needed for restarting.
1885 state    real  mp_restart_state   p      misc        1         -      r       "MP_RESTART_STATE"       "STATE VECTOR FOR MICROPHYSICS RESTARTS"
1886 state    real  tbpvs_state        p      misc        1         -      r        "TBPVS_STATE"           "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS"
1887 state    real  tbpvs0_state       p      misc        1         -      r        "TBPVS0_STATE"          "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS"
1889 # State variables for landuse_init, Must be declared state because they are read in and needed for restarts. Had been SAVE vars in
1890 # landuse_init (phys/module_physics_init.F)
1891 state    integer  landuse_isice   -      misc       -          -     r
1892 state    integer  landuse_lucats  -      misc       -          -     r
1893 state    integer  landuse_luseas  -      misc       -          -     r
1894 state    integer  landuse_isn     -      misc       -          -     r
1895 state    real     lu_state        p      misc       -          -     r
1897 i1       real  th_phy          ikj      misc        1         -
1898 i1       real  pi_phy          ikj      misc        1         -
1899 i1       real  p_phy           ikj      misc        1         -
1900 state    real  t_phy           ikj      misc        1         -      r      "T_PHY"                        "Temperature"         "K"
1901 state    real  u_phy           ikj      misc        1         -      r      "U_PHY"                        "x-wind component at mass point"         "m s-1"
1902 state    real  v_phy           ikj      misc        1         -      r      "V_PHY"                        "y-wind component at mass point"         "m s-1"
1903 i1       real  dz8w            ikj      misc        1         Z
1904 i1       real  p8w             ikj      misc        1         Z
1905 i1       real  t8w             ikj      misc        1         Z
1906 i1    logical  CU_ACT_FLAG     ij       misc        1         -
1909 state    real  TMN              ij      misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TMN"   "SOIL TEMPERATURE AT LOWER BOUNDARY"           "K"
1910 state    real  TYR              ij      misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TYR"        "ANNUAL MEAN SFC TEMPERATURE"           "K"
1911 state    real  TYRA             ij      misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TYRA"   "ACCUMULATED YEARLY SFC TEMPERATURE FOR CURRENT YEAR"  "K"
1912 state    real  TDLY             ij      misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TDLY"     "ACCUMULATED DAILY SFC TEMPERATURE FOR CURRENT DAY"  "K"
1913 state    real  TLAG             i&j     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TLAG"         "DAILY MEAN SFC TEMPERATURE OF PRIOR DAYS"       "K"
1914 state    integer NYEAR          -       misc        1         -     r        "NYEAR"                  "ACCUM DAYS IN A YEAR"                         ""
1915 state    real    NDAY           -       misc        1         -     r        "NDAY"                  "ACCUM TIMESTEPS IN A DAY"                      ""
1916 state    real  XLAND            ij      misc        1         -     i02rhd=(interp_fcnm_imask)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XLAND"                 "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER)"          ""      
1917 state    real  cplmask       i{ncpldom}j      misc        1       z        i0r     "CPLMASK"    "COUPLING MASK (0:VALUE FROM SST UPDATE; 1:VALUE FROM COUPLED OCEAN), vertical dim is number of external domains"  ""
1918 state    real  ZNT              ij      misc        1         -      i3r     "ZNT"                   "TIME-VARYING ROUGHNESS LENGTH"                "m"      
1919 state    real  CK               ij      misc        1         -      r        "CK"                    "ENTHALPY EXCHANGE COEFF AT 10 m"                      ""
1920 state    real  CKA              ij      misc        1         -      r        "CKA"                   "ENTHALPY EXCHANGE COEFF AT LOWEST MODEL LVL"          ""
1921 state    real  CD               ij      misc        1         -      r        "CD"                    "DRAG COEFF AT 10m"                      ""
1922 state    real  CDA              ij      misc        1         -      r        "CDA"                   "DRAG COEFF AT LOWEST MODEL LVL"         ""
1923 state    real  UST              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "UST"                   "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY"                      "m s-1"      
1924 state    real  USTM             ij      misc        1         -      r        "USTM"                  "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY WITHOUT VCONV"        "m s-1"
1925 i1       real  HOL              ij      misc        1         -      -        "HOL"                   "PBL HEIGHT OVER MONIN-OBUKHOV LENGTH"         ""
1926 state    real  RMOL             ij      misc        1         -      r        "RMOL"                  "1./Monin Ob. Length"                      ""
1927 state    real  MOL              ij      misc        1         -      r        "MOL"                   "T* IN SIMILARITY THEORY"                      "K"      
1928 state    real  PBLH             ij      misc        1         -      rh       "PBLH"                  "PBL HEIGHT"         "m"      
1929 state    real  CAPG             ij      misc        1         -      r        "CAPG"                  "HEAT CAPACITY FOR SOIL"                       "J K-1 m-3"      
1930 state    real  THC              ij      misc        1         -      r        "THC"                   "THERMAL INERTIA"                              "Cal cm-2 K-1 s-0.5"      
1931 state    real  HFX              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "HFX"                   "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"      
1932 state    real  QFX              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "QFX"                   "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE"          "kg m-2 s-1"      
1933 state    real  LH               ij      misc        1         -      rh       "LH"                    "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"
1934 state    real  ACHFX            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACHFX"                 "ACCUMULATED UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"  "J m-2"
1935 #BSINGH - Added WSTAR for CuP scheme
1936 state    real  WSTAR            ij      misc        1         -      -        "WSTAR"                 "DEARDORFF CONVECTIVE VELOCITY SCALE"          "m s-1"      
1937 state    real  ACLHF            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLHF"                 "ACCUMULATED UPWARD LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"  "J m-2"
1938 state    real  FLHC             ij      misc        1         -      r        "FLHC"                  "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR HEAT"       ""
1939 state    real  FLQC             ij      misc        1         -      r        "FLQC"                  "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR MOISTURE"   ""
1940 state    real  QSG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QSG"                   "SURFACE SATURATION WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO"   "kg kg-1"
1941 state    real  QVG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QVG"                   "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
1942 state    real  dfi_QVG          ij      misc        1         -      r        "QVG_dfi"               "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
1943 state    real  QCG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QCG"                   "CLOUD WATER MIXING RATIO AT THE GROUND SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
1944 state    real  DEW              ij      misc        1         -      r        "DEW"                   "DEW MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"              "kg kg-1"
1945 state    real  SOILT1           ij      misc        1         -      i012rh   "SOILT1"                "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW "    "K"
1946 state    real  dfi_SOILT1       ij      misc        1         -      r        "SOILT1_dfi"            "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW "    "K"
1947 state    real  TSNAV            ij      misc        1         -      r        "TSNAV"                 "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE "                    "C"
1948 state    real  dfi_TSNAV        ij      misc        1         -      r        "TSNAV_dfi"             "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE "                    "C"
1949 state    real  REGIME           ij      misc        1         -      r        "REGIME"  "FLAGS: 1=Night/Stable, 2=Mechanical Turbulent, 3=Forced Conv, 4=Free Conv" ""
1950 state    real  SNOWC            ij      misc        1         -      i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)  "SNOWC"  "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"  ""
1951 state    real  dfi_SNOWC        ij      misc        1         -      r        "SNOWC_dfi"             "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"         ""
1952 state    real  MAVAIL           ij      misc        1         -      r        "MAVAIL"                "SURFACE MOISTURE AVAILABILITY"                ""
1954 state   real   tkesfcf          ij      misc        1         -      r        "tkesfcf"               "TKE AT THE SURFACE"                           "m2 s-2"      
1955 state    real   sr             ij      dyn_em      1         -      irh       "sr" "fraction of frozen precipitation"
1956 state    real   potevp         ij      dyn_em      1         -       r        "potevp" "accumulated potential evaporation" "m"
1957 state    real   snopcx         ij      dyn_em      1         -       r        "snopcx" "snow phase change heat flux" "W m-2"
1958 state    real   soiltb         ij      dyn_em      1         -       r        "soiltb" "bottom soil temperature" "K"
1960 state integer  STEPBL          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPBL"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN PBL CALLS" ""      
1961 state    real  taucldi         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "TAUCLDI"               "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR ICE"              ""
1962 state    real  taucldc         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "TAUCLDC"               "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR WATER"            ""
1963 state   real  defor11          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor11"               "DEFORMATION 11"              "s-1"      
1964 state   real  defor22          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor22"               "DEFORMATION 22"              "s-1"      
1965 state   real  defor12          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor12"               "DEFORMATION 12"              "s-1"      
1966 state   real  defor33          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor33"               "DEFORMATION 33"              "s-1"      
1967 state   real  defor13          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor13"               "DEFORMATION 13"              "s-1"      
1968 state   real  defor23          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor23"               "DEFORMATION 23"              "s-1"      
1969 state   real   xkmv            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkmv"                  "VERTICAL EDDY VISCOSITY"     "m2 s-1"      
1970 state   real   xkmh            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkmh"                  "HORIZONTAL EDDY VISCOSITY"   "m2 s-1"      
1971 state   real   xkhv            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkhv"                  "VERTICAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT"                               "m2 s-1"      
1972 state   real   xkhh            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkhh"                  "HORIZONTAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT"                             "m2 s-1"      
1973 state   real    div            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "div"                   "DIVERGENCE"                                                      "s-1"
1974 state   real    BN2            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "BN2"                   "BRUNT-VAISALA FREQUENCY"                                         "s-2"
1975 state  logical warm_rain        -       misc        1         -     -         "warm_rain"              "WARM_RAIN_LOGICAL"
1976 state  logical adv_moist_cond   -       misc        1         -     -         "adv_moist_cond"         "ADVECT MOIST CONDENSATES LOGICAL"
1977 state  integer save_topo_from_real -    dyn_em      1         -     i02rh     "save_topo_from_real"    "1=original topo from real/0=topo modified by WRF"      "flag"
1979 ## FDDA variables
1981 state integer  STEPFG            -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPFG"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN FDDA GRID CALLS" ""
1982 state    real  RUNDGDTEN         ikj      misc        1         X      r        "RUNDGDTEN"               "X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-2"
1983 state    real  RVNDGDTEN         ikj      misc        1         Y      r        "RVNDGDTEN"               "Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-2"
1984 state    real  RTHNDGDTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHNDGDTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"   "K s-1"
1985 state    real  RPHNDGDTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RPHNDGDTEN"              "GEOPOTENTIAL TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"   "m2 s-3"
1986 state    real  RQVNDGDTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVNDGDTEN"              "Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"     "kg kg-1 s-1"
1987 state    real  RMUNDGDTEN        ij       misc        1         -      r        "RMUNDGDTEN"              "MU TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"     "Pa s-1"
1988 state    real    -               ikjf     fdda3d      1         -     -    -
1989 state    real  U_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         X      i{10}r   "U_NDG_NEW"               "NEW X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
1990 state    real  V_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         Y      i{10}r   "V_NDG_NEW"               "NEW Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
1991 state    real  T_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      i{10}r   "T_NDG_NEW"               "NEW PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
1992 state    real  Q_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      i{10}r   "Q_NDG_NEW"               "NEW WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
1993 state    real  PH_NDG_NEW        ikjf     fdda3d      1         Z      i{10}r   "PH_NDG_NEW"              "NEW PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
1994 state    real  U_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         X      i{10}r   "U_NDG_OLD"               "OLD X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
1995 state    real  V_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         Y      i{10}r   "V_NDG_OLD"               "OLD Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
1996 state    real  T_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      i{10}r   "T_NDG_OLD"               "OLD PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
1997 state    real  Q_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      i{10}r   "Q_NDG_OLD"               "OLD WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
1998 state    real  PH_NDG_OLD        ikjf     fdda3d      1         Z      i{10}r   "PH_NDG_OLD"              "OLD PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
1999 state    real    -               ivjf     fdda2d      1         Z     -    -
2000 state    real  MU_NDG_NEW        ivjf     fdda2d      1         -      i{10}r   "MU_NDG_NEW"              "NEW PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2001 state    real  MU_NDG_OLD        ivjf     fdda2d      1         -      i{10}r   "MU_NDG_OLD"              "OLD PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2002 state    real  U10_NDG_OLD       ij         misc      1         X      i9r      "U10_NDG_OLD"             "OLD U10 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
2003 state    real  U10_NDG_NEW       ij         misc      1         X      i9r      "U10_NDG_NEW"             "NEW U10 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
2004 state    real  V10_NDG_OLD       ij         misc      1         Y      i9r      "V10_NDG_OLD"             "OLD V10 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
2005 state    real  V10_NDG_NEW       ij         misc      1         Y      i9r      "V10_NDG_NEW"             "NEW V10 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
2006 state    real  T2_NDG_OLD        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "T2_NDG_OLD"              "OLD T2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
2007 state    real  T2_NDG_NEW        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "T2_NDG_NEW"              "NEW T2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
2008 state    real  TH2_NDG_OLD       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "TH2_NDG_OLD"             "OLD TH2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
2009 state    real  TH2_NDG_NEW       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "TH2_NDG_NEW"             "NEW TH2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
2010 state    real  Q2_NDG_OLD        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "Q2_NDG_OLD"              "OLD Q2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg kg-1"
2011 state    real  Q2_NDG_NEW        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "Q2_NDG_NEW"              "NEW Q2 FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg kg-1"
2012 state    real  RH_NDG_OLD        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "RH_NDG_OLD"              "OLD RH FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "%"
2013 state    real  RH_NDG_NEW        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "RH_NDG_NEW"              "NEW RH FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "%"
2014 state    real  PSL_NDG_OLD       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "PSL_NDG_OLD"             "OLD PSL FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2015 state    real  PSL_NDG_NEW       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "PSL_NDG_NEW"             "NEW PSL FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2016 state    real  PS_NDG_OLD        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "PS_NDG_OLD"              "OLD PS FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2017 state    real  PS_NDG_NEW        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "PS_NDG_NEW"              "NEW PS FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
2018 state    real  TOB_NDG_OLD       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "TOB_NDG_OLD"             "OLD TOB FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  ""
2019 state    real  ODIS_NDG_OLD      ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "ODIS_NDG_OLD"            "OLD ODIS FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "km"
2020 state    real  TOB_NDG_NEW       ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "TOB_NDG_NEW"             "NEW TOB FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  ""
2021 state    real  ODIS_NDG_NEW      ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "ODIS_NDG_NEW"            "NEW ODIS FOR SURFACE FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "km"
2022 state    real  SN_NDG_NEW        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "SN_NDG_NEW"              "NEW Snow Water Equivalent"  "mm"
2023 state    real  SN_NDG_OLD        ij         misc      1         -      i9r      "SN_NDG_OLD"              "OLD Snow Water Equivalent"  "mm"
2025 #FASDAS
2026 state    real  SDA_HFX           ij         misc      1         -       r       "SDA_HFX"                 "THETA TENDENCY AT THE FIRST MODEL LAYER"   "K s-1"
2027 state    real  SDA_QFX           ij         misc      1         -       r       "SDA_QFX"                 "MOISTURE TENDENCY AT THE FIRST MODEL LAYER"   "kg kg-1 s-1"
2028 state    real  QNORM             ij         misc      1         -       r       "QNORM"                   "NORMALIZED QV FACTOR"   "dimless"
2029 state    real  HFX_BOTH          ij         misc      1         -       rh      "HFX_BOTH"                "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"
2030 state    real  QFX_BOTH          ij         misc      1         -       rh      "QFX_BOTH"                "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE"          "kg m-2 s-1"
2031 state    real  HFX_FDDA          ikj        misc      1         -       rh      "HFX_FDDA"                "PSEUDO RADIATIVE HEAT FLUX FROM TEMPERATURE FDDA" "W m-2"
2034 # flag for nest movement
2035 state  logical moved            -       misc        1         -     -          
2037 # special cam radiation restart arrays
2038 state  real   abstot   ikcj   misc      1    Z   -     ""   ""  " "
2039 state  real   absnxt   ikaj   misc      1    -   -     ""   ""  " "
2040 state  real   emstot   ikj    misc      1    Z   -     ""   ""  " "
2042 # model diagnostics
2043 state   real  dpsdt            ij       misc        1         -     -         "dpsdt"           "surface pressure tendency"                         "Pa/sec"
2044 state   real  dmudt            ij       misc        1         -     -         "dmudt"           "mu tendency"                                       "Pa/sec"
2045 state   real  pk1m             ij       misc        1         -     -         "pk1m"            "surface pressure at previous step"                 "Pa"
2046 state   real  mu_2m            ij       misc        1         -     -         "mu_2m"           "mu_2 at previous step"                             "Pa"
2048 # these are NSSL WRF diagnostics
2049 state    real    WSPD10MAX        ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "WSPD10MAX"      "WIND SPD MAX 10 M"       "m s-1"
2050 state    real    W_UP_MAX         ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "W_UP_MAX"       "MAX Z-WIND UPDRAFT"      "m s-1"
2051 state    real    W_DN_MAX         ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "W_DN_MAX"       "MAX Z-WIND DOWNDRAFT"    "m s-1"
2052 state    real    REFD_MAX         ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "REFD_MAX"       "MAX DERIVED RADAR REFL"  "dbZ"
2053 state    real    UP_HELI_MAX      ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "UP_HELI_MAX"    "MAX UPDRAFT HELICITY"    "m2 s-2"
2054 state    real    W_MEAN           ij     misc        1         -      rh         "W_MEAN"         "HOURLY MEAN Z-WIND"      "m s-1"
2055 state    real    GRPL_MAX         ij     misc        1         -      rh         "GRPL_MAX"       "MAX COL INT GRAUPEL"     "kg m-2"
2056 state    real    UH               ij     misc        1         -      r          "UH"             "UPDRAFT HELICITY"        "m2 s-2"
2057 state    real    W_COLMEAN        ij     misc        1         -     -           "W_COLMEAN"      "COLUMN MEAN Z-WIND"      "m s-1"
2058 state    real    NUMCOLPTS        ij     misc        1         -     -           "NUMCOLPTS"      "NUMBER OF COLUMN PTS"    "dimensionless"
2059 state    real    GRPL_COLINT      ij     misc        1         -     -           "GRPL_COLINT"    "COL INT GRAUPEL"         "kg m-2"
2060 state    real    HAIL_MAXK1       ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "HAIL_MAXK1"     "MAX HAIL DIAMETER K=1"   "m"
2061 state    real    HAIL_MAX2D       ij     misc        1         -      rh02       "HAIL_MAX2D"     "MAX HAIL DIAMETER ENTIRE COLUMN"   "m"
2063 state   real    max_cfl         -       misc        1         -     -       "max_cfl"           "maximum CFL value in grid at a time" "-"
2065 state   real  prec_acc_c       ij       misc        1         -     rhdu     "prec_acc_c"       "ACCUMULATED CUMULUS PRECIPITATION OVER prec_acc_dt PERIODS OF TIME"       "mm"
2066 state   real  prec_acc_nc      ij       misc        1         -     rhdu     "prec_acc_nc"      "ACCUMULATED GRID SCALE  PRECIPITATION OVER prec_acc_dt PERIODS OF TIME"   "mm"
2067 state   real  snow_acc_nc      ij       misc        1         -     rhdu     "snow_acc_nc"      "ACCUMULATED SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT OVER prec_acc_dt PERIODS OF TIME"       "mm"
2069 # Placeholder for decoupled advective tendency diagnostics for non-chem
2070 state   real  -               ikjf      advh_t      1         -     -         -
2071 state   real  advh_qv         ikjf      advh_t      1         -     -         "advh_qv"    "ACCUMULATED HORIZONTAL TENDENCY FOR WATER VAPOR"        "kg kg-1"
2073 state   real  -               ikjf      advz_t      1         -     -         -
2074 state   real  advz_qv         ikjf      advz_t      1         -     -         "advz_qv"    "ACCUMULATED VERTICAL TENDENCY FOR WATER VAPOR"          "kg kg-1"
2076 # Ocean Mixed-Layer State Variables
2077 state   real    TML            ij      misc         1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "TML"    "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER TEMPERATURE"   "K"
2078 state   real    T0ML           ij      misc         1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "T0ML"   "INITIAL OCEAN MIXED-LAYER TEMPERATURE"   "K"
2079 state   real    HML            ij      misc         1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "HML"    "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH"   "m"
2080 state   real    H0ML           ij      misc         1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "H0ML"   "INITIAL OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH"   "m"
2081 state   real    HUML           ij      misc         1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "HUML"   "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH * U-CURRENT"  " m2s-1 "
2082 state   real    HVML           ij      misc         1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm)    "HVML"   "OCEAN MIXED-LAYER DEPTH * V-CURRENT"  " m2s-1 "
2083 state   real    TMOML          ij      misc         1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_field:lu_index,iswater)u=(copy_fcnm) "TMOML"  "OCEAN LAYER MEAN TEMPERATURE   "   "K"
2084 # track output  
2085 state    real  track_z        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_z"            "mid-level Height"           "m"
2086 state    real  track_t        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_t"            "mid-level temperature"      "K"
2087 state    real  track_p        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_p"            "mid-level pressure"         "Pa"
2088 state    real  track_u        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_u"            "x-wind component"           "m s-1"
2089 state    real  track_v        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_v"            "y-wind component"           "m s-1"
2090 state    real  track_w        {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_w"            "z-wind component"           "m s-1"
2091 state    real  track_rh       {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_rh"           "relative humidity"          "0 - 1 fraction"
2092 state    real  track_alt      {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_alt"          "inverse density"            "m3 kg-1"
2093 state    real  track_ele      {tl}       misc     1         -      -       "track_ele"          "elevation"                  "m"
2094 state    real  track_aircraft {tl}       misc     1         -      -       "track_aircraft"     "aircraft altitude"          "m"
2096 state    real  track_qcloud   {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qcloud"       "cloud water mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
2097 state    real  track_qrain    {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qrain"        "rain water mixing ratio"    "kg kg-1"
2098 state    real  track_qice     {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qice"         "ice mixing ratio"           "kg kg-1"
2099 state    real  track_qsnow    {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qsnow"        "snow mixing ratio"          "kg kg-1"
2100 state    real  track_qgraup   {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qgraup"       "graupel mixing ratio"       "kg kg-1"
2101 state    real  track_qvapor   {tl}k      misc     1         -      -       "track_qvapor"       "water vapor mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
2103 # MAD-WRF
2104 state     real    brtemp         ij       dyn_em      1         -    i01h "brtemp"   "Brightness temperature to calc cloud top height" "K"
2105 state     real    cldmask        ij       dyn_em      1         -    i01h "cldmask"  "Cloud mask" "-"
2106 state     real    cldtopz        ij       dyn_em      1         -    i01h "cldtopz"  "Cloud top height above sea level" "m asl"
2107 state     real    cldbasez       ij       dyn_em      1         -    i01h "cldbasez" "Cloud base height above ground level" "m agl"
2109 # Accumulated physics tendencies
2110 state    real  ATHMPTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHMPTEN"        "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO MICROPHY SCHEME"    "K "
2111 state    real  AQVMPTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AQVMPTEN"        "ACCUMULATED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO MICROPHY SCHEME"      "kg kg-1 "
2112 state    real  ATHCUTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHCUTEN"        "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"     "K "
2113 state    real  AQVCUTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AQVCUTEN"        "ACCUMULATED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 "
2114 state    real  AUCUTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AUCUTEN"         "ACCUMULATED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"    "m s-1 "
2115 state    real  AVCUTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AVCUTEN"         "ACCUMULATED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"    "m s-1 "
2116 state    real  ATHSHTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHSHTEN"        "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW SCHEME"     "K "
2117 state    real  AQVSHTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AQVSHTEN"        "ACCUMULATED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW SCHEME"       "kg kg-1 "
2118 state    real  AUSHTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AUSHTEN"         "ACCUMULATED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW SCHEME"    "m s-1 "
2119 state    real  AVSHTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AVSHTEN"         "ACCUMULATED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO SHALLOW SCHEME"    "m s-1 "
2120 state    real  ATHBLTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHBLTEN"        "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO PBL SCHEME"         "K "
2121 state    real  AQVBLTEN        ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AQVBLTEN"        "ACCUMULATED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO PBL SCHEME"           "kg kg-1 "
2122 state    real  AUBLTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AUBLTEN"         "ACCUMULATED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL SCHEME"        "m s-1 "
2123 state    real  AVBLTEN         ikj       misc     1         -      h       "AVBLTEN"         "ACCUMULATED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL SCHEME"        "m s-1 "
2124 state    real  ATHRATENLW      ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHRATENLW"      "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO LW RADIATION SCHEME"   "K "
2125 state    real  ATHRATENSW      ikj       misc     1         -      h       "ATHRATENSW"      "ACCUMULATED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SW RADIATION SCHEME"   "K "
2127 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2128 #                                               
2130 ######                                          
2131 #                                               
2132 # Variables that are set at run-time to control configuration  (namelist-settable)                                              
2133 #                                               
2134 #<Table>  <Type>  <Sym>                   <How set>          <Nentries>   <Default>                                             
2136 # Time Control
2137 rconfig   integer run_days                namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_days"              "NUMBER OF DAYS TO RUN"
2138 rconfig   integer run_hours               namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_hours"             "NUMBER OF HOURS TO RUN"
2139 rconfig   integer run_minutes             namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_minutes"           "NUMBER OF MINUTES TO RUN"
2140 rconfig   integer run_seconds             namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_seconds"           "NUMBER OF SECONDS TO RUN"
2141 rconfig   integer start_year              namelist,time_control         max_domains    1993    irh   "start_year"            "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF MODEL" "YEARS"
2142 rconfig   integer start_month             namelist,time_control         max_domains      03    irh   "start_month"           "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
2143 rconfig   integer start_day               namelist,time_control         max_domains      13    irh   "start_day"             "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
2144 rconfig   integer start_hour              namelist,time_control         max_domains      12    irh   "start_hour"            "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
2145 rconfig   integer start_minute            namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "start_minute"          "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
2146 rconfig   integer start_second            namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "start_second"          "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
2147 rconfig   integer end_year                namelist,time_control         max_domains    1993    irh   "end_year"              "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF MODEL" "YEARS"
2148 rconfig   integer end_month               namelist,time_control         max_domains      03    irh   "end_month"             "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
2149 rconfig   integer end_day                 namelist,time_control         max_domains      14    irh   "end_day"               "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
2150 rconfig   integer end_hour                namelist,time_control         max_domains      12    irh   "end_hour"              "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
2151 rconfig   integer end_minute              namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "end_minute"            "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
2152 rconfig   integer end_second              namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "end_second"            "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
2153 rconfig   integer interval_seconds        namelist,time_control         1             10800    irh   "interval_seconds"      "SECONDS BETWEEN ANALYSIS AND BOUNDARY PERIODS" "SECONDS"
2154 rconfig   logical input_from_file         namelist,time_control         max_domains    .false. irh    "input_from_file"      "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM A SEPARATE INPUT FILE"  ""
2155 rconfig   integer fine_input_stream       namelist,time_control         max_domains    0       irh    "fine_input_stream"      "0 THROUGH 11, WHAT INPUT STREAM IS FINE GRID IC FROM"  ""
2156 rconfig   logical input_from_hires        namelist,time_control         max_domains    .false. irh    "input_from_hires"     "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM USGS HI RES TERRAIN"  ""
2157 rconfig   character rsmas_data_path       namelist,time_control         1              "."     -    "rsmas_data_path"      ""  ""
2158 rconfig   logical all_ic_times            namelist,time_control         1              .false. irh    "all_ic_times"     "T/F WRITE ALL IC TIME PERIODS"  ""
2161 rconfig   integer JULYR                   namelist,time_control         max_domains    0       h    "JULYR"                 ""      ""
2162 rconfig   integer JULDAY                  namelist,time_control         max_domains    1       h    "JULDAY"                ""      ""
2163 rconfig   real    GMT                     namelist,time_control         max_domains    0.      h    "GMT"           ""      ""
2164 rconfig   character  input_inname      namelist,time_control            1  "wrfinput_d<domain>"          -     "name of input   infile"   ""      ""
2165 rconfig   character  input_outname     namelist,time_control            1  "wrfinput_d<domain>"          -     "name of input   outfile"  ""      ""
2166 rconfig   character  bdy_inname        namelist,time_control            1  "wrfbdy_d<domain>"            -     "name of boundary infile"  ""      ""
2167 rconfig   character  bdy_outname       namelist,time_control            1  "wrfbdy_d<domain>"            -     "name of boundary outfile" ""      ""
2168 rconfig   character  rst_inname        namelist,time_control            1  "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>"     -     "name of restrt infile"    ""      ""
2169 rconfig   character  rst_outname       namelist,time_control            1  "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>"     -     "name of restrt outfile"   ""      ""
2170 rconfig   logical write_input             namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "write input data for 3dvar etc."              ""      ""
2171 rconfig   logical write_restart_at_0h     namelist,time_control         1             .false. h    "write_restart_at_0h"              ""      ""
2172 rconfig   logical write_hist_at_0h_rst    namelist,time_control         1             .false. h    "write_hist_at_0h_rst" "T/F write hist at 0 h of restarted forecast"
2173 rconfig   logical adjust_output_times     namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "adjust_output_times"
2174 rconfig   logical adjust_input_times      namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "adjust_input_times"
2176 rconfig   integer diag_print              namelist,time_control         1              0      -    "print out time series of model diagnostics"
2177 rconfig   logical nocolons                namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "nocolons"
2178 rconfig   logical cycling                 namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "true for cycling (using wrfout file as input data)"
2179 rconfig   integer output_diagnostics      namelist,time_control         1              0
2180 rconfig   integer nwp_diagnostics         namelist,time_control         1              0
2181 rconfig   logical output_ready_flag       namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "drop a flag called wrfoutReady_d<domain>_<date> after history write" "" ""
2182 rconfig   logical force_use_old_data      namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "T=use v3 input data, F=only use v4 data" "" ""
2184 pioprocs, piostart, piostride, pioshift
2185 # PIO namelist
2186 rconfig   logical usepio                 namelist,pio_control   1     .false. rh   "pioprocs"                  ""      "" 
2187 rconfig   integer pioprocs               namelist,pio_control   1       0     rh   "pioprocs"                  ""      "" 
2188 rconfig   integer piostart               namelist,pio_control   1       1     rh   "piostart"                  ""      "" 
2189 rconfig   integer piostride              namelist,pio_control   1       1     rh   "piostride"                 ""      "" 
2190 rconfig   integer pioshift               namelist,pio_control   1       1     rh   "pioshift"                  ""      "" 
2192 # DFI namelist
2193 rconfig   integer dfi_opt                namelist,dfi_control   1       0     rh   "dfi_opt"                  ""      ""
2194 rconfig   integer dfi_savehydmeteors     namelist,dfi_control   1       0     rh   "dfi_radar"                "DFI radar switch"      ""
2195 rconfig   integer dfi_nfilter            namelist,dfi_control   1       7     rh   "dfi_nfilter"              "Digital filter type"      ""
2196 rconfig   logical dfi_write_filtered_input  namelist,dfi_control  1  .true.   rh   "dfi_write_filtered_input" "Write a wrfinput_filtered_d0n file?"      ""
2197 rconfig   logical dfi_write_dfi_history  namelist,dfi_control   1   .false.   rh   "dfi_write_dfi_history"    "Write history files during filtering?"      ""
2198 rconfig   integer dfi_cutoff_seconds     namelist,dfi_control   1    3600     rh   "dfi_cutoff_seconds"       "Digital filter cutoff time"      ""
2199 rconfig   integer dfi_time_dim           namelist,dfi_control   1    1000     rh   "dfi_time_dim"             "MAX DIMENSION FOR HCOEFF"
2200 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_year       namelist,dfi_control   1    2004     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_year"         "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF DFI" "YEARS"
2201 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_month      namelist,dfi_control   1      03     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_month"        "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF DFI" "MONTHS"
2202 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_day        namelist,dfi_control   1      13     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_day"          "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF DFI" "DAYS"
2203 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_hour       namelist,dfi_control   1      12     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_hour"         "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF DFI" "HOURS"
2204 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_minute     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_minute"       "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF DFI" "MINUTES"
2205 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_second     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_second"       "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF DFI" "SECONDS"
2206 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_year       namelist,dfi_control   1    2004     rh   "dfi_bckstop_year"         "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF DFI" "YEARS"
2207 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_month      namelist,dfi_control   1      03     rh   "dfi_bckstop_month"        "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF DFI" "MONTHS"
2208 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_day        namelist,dfi_control   1      14     rh   "dfi_bckstop_day"          "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF DFI" "DAYS"
2209 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_hour       namelist,dfi_control   1      12     rh   "dfi_bckstop_hour"         "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF DFI" "HOURS"
2210 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_minute     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_bckstop_minute"       "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF DFI" "MINUTES"
2211 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_second     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_bckstop_second"       "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF DFI" "SECONDS"
2213 # Domains
2214 rconfig   integer time_step               namelist,domains      1            -1       ih   "time_step"     
2215 rconfig   integer time_step_fract_num     namelist,domains      1             0       ih   "time_step_fract_num"     
2216 rconfig   integer time_step_fract_den     namelist,domains      1             1       ih   "time_step_fract_den"     
2217 rconfig   integer time_step_dfi           namelist,domains      1            -1       ih   "time_step_dfi"
2219 rconfig   real    reasonable_time_step_ratio namelist,domains   1             6.      ih   "reasonable_time_step_ratio" "Any d01, real-data case with a time step ratio larger than this is stopped"
2221 rconfig   integer min_time_step           namelist,domains      max_domains   -1      h    "min_time_step"
2222 rconfig   integer min_time_step_den       namelist,domains      max_domains    0      h    "min_time_step denominator"
2223 rconfig   integer max_time_step           namelist,domains      max_domains   -1      h    "max_time_step"
2224 rconfig   integer max_time_step_den       namelist,domains      max_domains    0      h    "max_time_step denominator"
2225 rconfig   real    target_cfl              namelist,domains      max_domains  1.2      h    "target_cfl"
2226 rconfig   real    target_hcfl             namelist,domains      max_domains  0.84     h    "target_hcfl"
2227 rconfig   integer max_step_increase_pct   namelist,domains      max_domains    5      h    "max_step_increase_pct"
2228 rconfig   integer starting_time_step      namelist,domains      max_domains   -1      h    "starting_time_step"
2229 rconfig   integer starting_time_step_den  namelist,domains      max_domains    0      h    "starting_time_step denominator"
2230 rconfig   logical step_to_output_time     namelist,domains      1         .true.      h    "step_to_output_time"
2231 rconfig   integer adaptation_domain       namelist,domains      1              1      h    "adaptation_domain"
2232 rconfig   logical use_adaptive_time_step  namelist,domains      1         .false.     h    "use_adaptive_time_step"
2233 rconfig   logical use_adaptive_time_step_dfi  namelist,domains  1         .false.     ih    "use_adaptive_time_step_dfi"
2235 rconfig   integer max_dom                 namelist,domains      1             1       irh  "max_dom"               ""      ""
2236 rconfig   integer lats_to_mic             namelist,domains      1             0        irh  "lats_to_mic"               ""      ""
2237 rconfig   integer s_we                    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_we"          ""      ""
2238 rconfig   integer e_we                    namelist,domains      max_domains    32      irh    "e_we"          ""      ""
2239 rconfig   integer s_sn                    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_sn"          ""      ""
2240 rconfig   integer e_sn                    namelist,domains      max_domains    32      irh    "e_sn"          ""      ""
2241 rconfig   integer s_vert                  namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_vert"                ""      ""
2242 rconfig   integer e_vert                  namelist,domains      max_domains    31      irh    "e_vert"                ""      ""
2243 rconfig   integer num_metgrid_levels      namelist,domains      1              27      irh    "num_metgrid_levels"                ""      ""
2244 rconfig   integer num_metgrid_soil_levels namelist,domains      1             4        irh    "num_metgrid_soil_levels"               "number of input levels or layers in 3D sm, st, sw arrays"      ""
2245 rconfig   real    p_top_requested         namelist,domains      1              5000    irh    "p_top_requested" "Pa"      ""
2246 rconfig   logical interp_theta            namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "interp_theta"  "inside real, vertically interpolate theta (T) or temperature (F)"  ""
2247 rconfig   integer interp_type             namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "interp_type"  "1=interp in pressure, 2=interp in LOG pressure"  ""
2248 rconfig   integer rebalance               namelist,domains      1              0       irh    "rebalance"  "0=no; 1=yes (must be 1 if vertical nesting is used)"
2249 rconfig   integer vert_refine_method      namelist,domains      max_domains    0       irh    "vert_refine_method"  "0=no vertical nesting, 1=integer refinement, 2=use specified eta levels or compute_eta routine" ""
2250 rconfig   integer vert_refine_fact        namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "vertical refinment factor for ndown, not used for concurrent vertical grid nesting"  "" ""
2251 rconfig   integer extrap_type             namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "extrap_type"  "1= use 2 lowest levels, 2=constant"  ""
2252 rconfig   integer t_extrap_type           namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "t_extrap_type"  "1=isothermal, 2=6.5 K/km, 3=adiabatic"   ""
2253 rconfig   integer hypsometric_opt         namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "hypsometric_opt"  "Z relates P, 1=linearly, 2=LOG-linearly"  ""
2254 rconfig   logical lowest_lev_from_sfc     namelist,domains      1             .false.  irh    "lowest_lev_from_sfc"                ""      ""
2255 rconfig   logical use_levels_below_ground namelist,domains      1             .true.   irh    "use_levels_below_ground"   "T/F: use input data levels below input sfc pres" ""
2256 rconfig   logical use_tavg_for_tsk        namelist,domains      1             .false.  irh    "use_tavg_for_tsk"   "T/F: use diurnal avg sfc temp for tsk" ""
2257 rconfig   logical use_surface             namelist,domains      1             .true.   irh    "use_surface"   "T/F: use input surface level in interpolation" ""
2258 rconfig   integer lagrange_order          namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "lagrange_order"   "1=linear, 2=quadratic vertical interpolation, 9=cubic spline"      ""
2259 rconfig   integer linear_interp           namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "linear_interp"   "1=linear"      ""
2260 rconfig   integer force_sfc_in_vinterp    namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "force_sfc_in_vinterp"   "number of eta levels forced to use sfc in vert interp"      ""
2261 rconfig   real    zap_close_levels        namelist,domains      1              500     irh    "zap_close_levels"   "delta p where level is removed in vert interp"      "Pa"
2262 rconfig   real    maxw_horiz_pres_diff    namelist,domains      1              5000    irh    "maxw_horiz_pres_diff"   "pressure limit (Pa), when horiz diff exceeded do not use max_wind level in real"
2263 rconfig   real    trop_horiz_pres_diff    namelist,domains      1              5000    irh    "trop_horiz_pres_diff"   "pressure limit (Pa), when horiz diff exceeded do not use tropopause level in real"
2264 rconfig   real    maxw_above_this_level   namelist,domains      1              30000   irh    "maxw_above_this_level"  "pressure limit (Pa), only use the max_wind data at or above this level"
2265 rconfig   integer use_maxw_level          namelist,domains      1              0       irh    "use_maxw_level"         "0=no/1=yes: in real, use the input metgrid U, V, T, GHT at the level of max wind speed"
2266 rconfig   integer use_trop_level          namelist,domains      1              0       irh    "use_trop_level"         "0=no/1=yes: in real, use the input metgrid U, V, T, GHT at the tropopause level"
2267 rconfig   logical sfcp_to_sfcp            namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "sfcp_to_sfcp"   "T/F use incoming sfc pres to compute new sfc pres"      "flag"
2268 rconfig   logical adjust_heights          namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "adjust_heights"   "T/F adjust pressure level input to match 500 mb height"      "flag"
2269 rconfig   logical smooth_cg_topo          namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "smooth_cg_topo"   "T/F smooth CG topo on boundarries" "flag"
2270 rconfig   integer nest_interp_coord       namelist,domains      1              0       irh    "nest_interp_coord" "0=std horiz vi interpolation on eta, 1=attempt isobaric interpolation"
2271 rconfig   integer interp_method_type      namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "interp_method_type" "horiz interp for FG for nesting: 1=bilinear, 2=sint, 3=nearest neighbor is only for testing, 4=quadratic, 12=sint for infrastructure tests"
2272 rconfig   logical aggregate_lu            namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "aggregate_lu"   "T/F aggregate the grass, shrubs, trees in LU"
2273 rconfig   logical rh2qv_wrt_liquid        namelist,domains      1              .true.  irh    "rh2qv_wrt_liquid" "T = rh=>Qv assumes RH wrt liquid water, F = allows ice"
2274 rconfig   integer rh2qv_method            namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "rh2qv_method" "1=old MM5 method, 2=new WMO method"
2275 rconfig   real    qv_max_p_safe           namelist,domains      1              10000   irh    "qv_max_p_safe" "Threshhold pressure, Qv > flag set to value"      "Pa"
2276 rconfig   real    qv_max_flag             namelist,domains      1              1.E-5   irh    "qv_max_flag" "Qv flag for max"  "kg kg{-1}"
2277 rconfig   real    qv_max_value            namelist,domains      1              3.E-6   irh    "qv_max_value" "Qv value for max"  "kg kg{-1}"
2278 rconfig   real    qv_min_p_safe           namelist,domains      1              110000  irh    "qv_min_p_safe" "Threshhold pressure, Qv < flag set to value"      "Pa"
2279 rconfig   real    qv_min_flag             namelist,domains      1              1.E-6   irh    "qv_min_flag" "Qv flag for min"  "kg kg{-1}"
2280 rconfig   real    qv_min_value            namelist,domains      1              1.E-6   irh    "qv_min_value" "Qv value for min"  "kg kg{-1}"
2281 rconfig   integer ideal_init_method       namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "ideal_init_method" "inside start_em: 1=alb from phb, 2=alb from t_init" " "
2282 rconfig   real    dx                      namelist,domains     max_domains    200     h     "dx"        "X HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION"   "METERS"
2283 rconfig   real    dy                      namelist,domains      max_domains    200     h     "dy"        "Y HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION"   "METERS"
2284 rconfig   integer grid_id                 namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "id"            ""      ""
2285 rconfig   logical grid_allowed            namelist,domains      max_domains    .true.  irh    "allowed"            ""      ""
2286 rconfig   integer parent_id               namelist,domains      max_domains    0       h     "parent_id"             ""      ""
2287 rconfig   integer i_parent_start          namelist,domains      max_domains    1       rh     "i_parent_start"                ""      ""
2288 rconfig   integer j_parent_start          namelist,domains      max_domains    1       rh     "j_parent_start"                ""      ""
2289 rconfig   integer parent_grid_ratio       namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "parent_grid_ratio"             ""      ""
2290 rconfig   integer parent_time_step_ratio  namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "parent_time_step_ratio"                ""      ""
2291 rconfig   integer feedback                namelist,domains      1    1       h     "feedback"          ""      ""
2292 rconfig   integer smooth_option           namelist,domains      1    2       h     "smooth_option"          ""      ""
2293 rconfig   integer blend_width             namelist,domains      1    5       h     "blend_width"  "width of cg fg terrain blended zone"      ""
2294 rconfig   real    ztop                    namelist,domains      max_domains    15000.  h    "ztop"          ""      ""
2295 rconfig   integer moad_grid_ratio         namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "moad_grid_ratio"               ""      ""
2296 rconfig   integer moad_time_step_ratio    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "moad_time_step_ratio"          ""      ""
2297 rconfig   integer shw                     namelist,domains      max_domains    2       h     "stencil_half_width"   "HORIZONTAL INTERPOLATION STENCIL HALF-WIDTH"  "GRID POINTS"
2298 rconfig   integer tile_sz_x               namelist,domains      1             0       -      "tile_sz_x"             ""      ""
2299 rconfig   integer tile_sz_y               namelist,domains      1             0       -      "tile_sz_y"             ""      ""
2300 rconfig   integer numtiles                namelist,domains      1             1       -      "numtiles"              ""      ""
2301 rconfig   integer numtiles_inc            namelist,domains      1             0       -      "numtiles_inc"          ""      ""
2302 rconfig   integer numtiles_x              namelist,domains      1             0       -      "numtiles_x"            ""      ""
2303 rconfig   integer numtiles_y              namelist,domains      1             0       -      "numtiles_y"            ""      ""
2304 rconfig   integer tile_strategy           namelist,domains      1             0       -      "tile_strategy"         ""      ""
2305 rconfig   integer nproc_x                 namelist,domains      1             -1      -      "nproc_x"              "-1 means not set"      ""
2306 rconfig   integer nproc_y                 namelist,domains      1             -1      -      "nproc_y"              "-1 means not set"      ""
2307 rconfig   integer irand                   namelist,domains      1             0       -      "irand"           ""      ""
2308 rconfig   real    dt                      derived              max_domains    2.      h     "dt"        "TEMPORAL RESOLUTION"      "SECONDS"
2310 rconfig   integer fft_used                derived               1             0       -     "fft_used"  "stochastic, spectral nudging, polar filters - turn on if these are used"
2311 rconfig   integer cu_used                 derived               1             0       -     "cu_used"   "turn on if any cumulus scheme is used"
2312 rconfig   integer shcu_used               derived               1             0       -     "shcu_used" "turn on if any shallow cumulus scheme is used"
2313 rconfig   integer cam_used                derived               1             0       -     "cam_used"  "turn on if one of the following CAM schemes is used: MP, PBL, SHCU"
2314 rconfig   integer gwd_used                derived               1             0       -     "gwd_used"  "takes on the non-zero value of gwd_opt used on any domain"
2315 rconfig   integer gwd_diags_used          derived               1             0       -     "gwd_diags_used"  "takes on the non-zero value of gwd_opt used on any domain if gwd_diags==1"
2316 rconfig   integer alloc_qndropsource      derived               1             0       -     "alloc_qndropsource"  "allocate qndropsource if CHEM==1 or if progn=1"
2318 rconfig   integer   num_moves       namelist,domains    1                0
2319 rconfig   integer   ts_buf_size     namelist,domains    1                200          -       "ts_buf_size"   "Size of time series buffer"
2320 rconfig   integer   max_ts_locs     namelist,domains    1                5            -       "max_ts_locs"   "Maximum number of time series locations"
2321 rconfig   logical   tslist_ij             derived       1              .false. rh  "tslist_ij"    "Use i,j locations in tslist"   ""
2322 rconfig   logical   tslist_unstagger_winds   namelist,domains    1              .false. rh  "tslist_unstagger_winds"    "interpolate u and v to cell centers"   ""
2323 rconfig   integer   vortex_interval  namelist,domains   max_domains      15  -  "" "" "minutes"
2324 rconfig   integer   max_vortex_speed namelist,domains   max_domains      40  -  "" "" "meters per second"
2325 rconfig   integer   corral_dist     namelist,domains    max_domains      8
2326 rconfig   integer   track_level     namelist,domains    1                50000
2327 rconfig   real      time_to_move    namelist,domains    max_domains      0.  -  "" "" "minutes"
2328 rconfig   integer   move_id         namelist,domains    max_moves        0
2329 rconfig   integer   move_interval   namelist,domains    max_moves        999999999
2330 rconfig   integer   move_cd_x       namelist,domains    max_moves        0
2331 rconfig   integer   move_cd_y       namelist,domains    max_moves        0
2332 rconfig   logical   swap_x          namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "swap_x"            ""      ""
2333 rconfig   logical   swap_y          namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "swap_y"            ""      ""
2334 rconfig   logical   cycle_x         namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "cycle_x"            ""      ""
2335 rconfig   logical   cycle_y         namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "cycle_y"            ""      ""
2336 rconfig   logical   reorder_mesh    namelist,domains    1              .false. rh    "reorder_mesh"       ""      ""
2337 rconfig   logical   perturb_input   namelist,domains    1              .false. h     "" "" ""
2338 rconfig   real      eta_levels      namelist,domains    max_eta        -1.
2339 rconfig   integer   auto_levels_opt namelist,domains    1               2      -     "auto_levels_opt" "automatic levels, 1=old, 2=new"
2340 rconfig   real      max_dz          namelist,domains    1               1000.  -     "max_dz"   "maximum thickness limit for eta calc" "m"
2341 rconfig   real      dzbot           namelist,domains    1               50.    -     "dzbot"    "surface dz thickness for eta calc" "m"
2342 rconfig   real      dzstretch_s     namelist,domains    1               1.3    -     "dzstretch_s"  "surface dz stretching factor for eta calc"    ""
2343 rconfig   real      dzstretch_u     namelist,domains    1               1.1    -     "dzstretch_u"  "upper dz stretching factor for eta calc"    ""
2344 rconfig   integer   ocean_levels    namelist,domains    1               30     irh   "ocean level"        ""      ""
2345 rconfig   real      ocean_z         namelist,domains    max_ocean      -1      -     "vertical profile of layer depths for ocean" "m"
2346 rconfig   real      ocean_t         namelist,domains    max_ocean      -1      -     "vertical profile of ocean temps" "K"
2347 rconfig   real      ocean_s         namelist,domains    max_ocean      -1      -     "vertical profile of salinity" 
2348 rconfig   integer   num_traj        namelist,domains    1               1000    irh   "num_traj" "#of trajectory" ""
2350 # variable for time series of vertical profile of U, V, Theta, GHT,a nd QVAPOR
2351 rconfig   integer   max_ts_level    namelist,domains    1              15       -       "max_ts_level"   "Highest model level for time series output"
2353 # track input
2354 rconfig   integer   track_loc_in    namelist,domains    1               0       -    "Number of track locations input"   ""    ""
2356 # number of external model domains for coupling
2357 rconfig   integer   num_ext_model_couple_dom    namelist,domains   1     1      -    "number of external models domains for coupling, used for the coupling mask"   ""    ""
2359 # TC (tropical cyclone bogusing)
2360 rconfig   logical insert_bogus_storm   namelist,tc      1              .false. irh    "insert_bogus_storm"   "T/F for inserting a bogus typhoon"      "flag"
2361 rconfig   logical remove_storm         namelist,tc      1              .false. irh    "remove_storm"  "T/F for only removing the original typhoon"  "flag"
2362 rconfig   integer num_storm            namelist,tc      1              1       irh    "num_storm"     "Number of bogus typhoons"  ""
2363 rconfig   real    latc_loc             namelist,tc      max_bogus      -999.   irh    "latc_loc"      "center latitude of the bogus tyhoon"  "DEGREES"
2364 rconfig   real    lonc_loc             namelist,tc      max_bogus      -999.   irh    "lonc_loc"      "center longitude of the bogus tyhoon"  "DEGREES"
2365 rconfig   real    vmax_meters_per_second   namelist,tc  max_bogus      -999.   irh    "vmax_meters_per_second"  "vmax of bogus storm in meters per second"  ""
2366 rconfig   real    rmax                 namelist,tc      max_bogus      -999.   irh    "rmax"  "maximum radius outward from storm center"  ""
2367 rconfig   real    vmax_ratio           namelist,tc      max_bogus      -999.   irh    "vmax_ratio"  ""  ""
2368 rconfig   real    rankine_lid          namelist,tc      1              -999.   irh    "top pressure limit for the tc bogus scheme"
2370 # Physics
2371 rconfig   character  physics_suite        namelist,physics      1           "none" rh "Physics suite selection" "physics suite to use for all domains: CONUS, tropical, or none" "character string"
2372 rconfig   logical  force_read_thompson   namelist,physics      1           .false.
2373 rconfig   logical  write_thompson_tables   namelist,physics     1           .true.
2374 rconfig   integer     mp_physics          namelist,physics      max_domains    -1     irh       "mp_physics"            ""      ""
2375 #rconfig   integer     milbrandt_ccntype   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "milbrandt select maritime(1)/continental(2)"  ""      ""
2376 rconfig   real     nssl_cccn              namelist,physics      max_domains  0.5e9    rh       "Base CCN concentration for NSSL microphysics"  ""      ""
2377 rconfig   real     nssl_alphah            namelist,physics      max_domains   0       rh       "Graupel PSD shape paramter"  ""      ""
2378 rconfig   real     nssl_alphahl           namelist,physics      max_domains   1       rh       "Hail PSD shape paramter"  ""      ""
2379 rconfig   real     nssl_cnoh              namelist,physics      max_domains  4.e5     rh       "Graupel intercept paramter"  ""      ""
2380 rconfig   real     nssl_cnohl             namelist,physics      max_domains  4.e4     rh       "Hail intercept paramter"  ""      ""
2381 rconfig   real     nssl_cnor              namelist,physics      max_domains  8.e5     rh       "Rain intercept paramter"  ""      ""
2382 rconfig   real     nssl_cnos              namelist,physics      max_domains  3.e6     rh       "Snow intercept paramter"  ""      ""
2383 rconfig   real     nssl_rho_qh            namelist,physics      max_domains  500.     rh       "Graupel particle density"  ""      ""
2384 rconfig   real     nssl_rho_qhl           namelist,physics      max_domains  900.     rh       "Hail particle density"  ""      ""
2385 rconfig   real     nssl_rho_qs            namelist,physics      max_domains  100.     rh       "Snow particle density"  ""      ""
2386 rconfig   integer     CCNTY               namelist,physics      1            2        rh       "Aerosol background type for NTU microphysics"  ""   ""
2388 # Lightning Qv Nudging 
2389 rconfig   integer  nudge_lightning        namelist,physics      max_domains   0       rh       "flag for lightning Qv nudging"  ""      ""
2390 rconfig   integer  nudge_light_times      namelist,physics      max_domains   0       rh       "start time in sec (domain relative) for lightning Qv nudging"  ""      ""
2391 rconfig   integer  nudge_light_timee      namelist,physics      max_domains   7200    rh       "end time in sec (domain relative) for lightning Qv nudging"  ""      ""
2392 rconfig   integer  nudge_light_int        namelist,physics      max_domains   600     rh       "time interval in sec of input lightning data files"  ""      ""
2393 rconfig   character  path_to_files        namelist,physics      1             "~/WRFV3/"    rh   "path on local machine of input lightning data files"  ""      ""
2398 rconfig   integer     gsfcgce_hail        namelist,physics      1              0       rh       "gsfcgce select hail/graupel"  ""      ""
2399 rconfig   integer     gsfcgce_2ice        namelist,physics      1              0       rh       "gsfcgce select 2ice/3ice"  ""      ""
2400 rconfig   integer     progn               namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "progn"                 ""      ""
2401 rconfig   real        accum_mode          namelist,physics      1             1000.0e6 rh       "accum_mode"                 ""      ""
2402 rconfig   real        aitken_mode         namelist,physics      1             300.0e6  rh       "aitken_mode"                 ""      ""
2403 rconfig   real        coarse_mode         namelist,physics      1             0.2e6    rh       "coarse_mode"                 ""      ""
2404 rconfig   integer     do_radar_ref        namelist,physics      1              0       rh       "compute radar reflectivity for a number of schemes"                 ""      ""
2405 rconfig   integer     compute_radar_ref   derived               1              0       -        "compute_radar_ref" "0/1 flag: compute radar reflectivity, either do_radar_ref=1 .or. (milbrandt or NSSL schemes)"
2406 rconfig   integer     ra_lw_physics       namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh       "ra_lw_physics"         ""      ""
2407 rconfig   integer     ra_sw_physics       namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh       "ra_sw_physics"         ""      ""
2408 rconfig   integer     ra_sw_eclipse       namelist,physics      1              0       rh       "ra_sw_eclipse"         "0/1 flag: 1=turn eclipse on"      ""
2409 rconfig   integer     ghg_input           namelist,physics      1              1       rh       "ghg_input"             "for CAM, RRTM, RRTMG, RRTMG_fast: 0/1 flag: 0=constant (CO2 is a function of year for RRTM*); 1=time-varying GHG from CAMtr climate file"
2410 rconfig   real    radt                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "RADT"          ""      ""
2411 rconfig   real    naer                    namelist,physics      max_domains    1e9     rh   "NAER"          ""      ""
2412 rconfig   integer     sf_sfclay_physics   namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh       "sf_sfclay_physics"             ""      ""
2414 rconfig   integer     sf_surf_irr_scheme  namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "sf_surf_irr_scheme"   "ARI: 0=no irr; 1=drip; 2=sprinkler; 3=channel" ""
2415 rconfig   integer     sf_surf_irr_alloc   derived               1              0       rh       "sf_surf_irr_alloc"    "sf_surf_irr_scheme, for packaging: 0=no irr; 1=drip; 2=sprinkler; 3=channel" ""
2416 rconfig   real        irr_daily_amount    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_daily_amount"     "sf_surf_irr_scheme WATER AMOUNT [mm]" ""
2417 rconfig   integer     irr_start_hour      namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_start_hour"       "sf_surf_irr_scheme, local start hour" ""
2418 rconfig   integer     irr_num_hours       namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_num_hours"        "sf_surf_irr_scheme, Number of hours to irrigate"  ""
2419 rconfig   integer     irr_start_julianday namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_start_julianday"  "sf_surf_irr_scheme, Julian day to start irrigation (included)"  ""
2420 rconfig   integer     irr_end_julianday   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_end_julianday"    "sf_surf_irr_scheme, Julian day to end irrigation (not included)"  ""
2421 rconfig   integer     irr_freq            namelist,physics      max_domains    1       rh       "irr_freq"             "sf_surf_irr_scheme, frequency of irrigation in days"  ""
2422 rconfig   integer     irr_ph              namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "irr_ph"               "sf_surf_irr_scheme, phase of irrigation, 0=in phase; 1=not in phase; 2=not in phase, random"  ""
2425 rconfig   integer     sf_surface_physics  namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh       "sf_surface_physics"            ""      ""
2426 rconfig   integer     bl_pbl_physics      namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh       "bl_pbl_physics"                ""      ""
2427 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_tkebudget   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "bl_mynn_tkebudget"             ""      ""
2428 rconfig   integer     ysu_topdown_pblmix  namelist,physics      1              1       rh       "ysu_topdown_pblmix"            ""      ""
2429 rconfig   integer     shinhong_tke_diag   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "shinhong_tke_diag"             ""      ""
2430 rconfig   logical     bl_mynn_tkeadvect   namelist,physics      max_domains    .false.  rh      "bl_mynn_tkeadvect"             ""      ""
2431 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_cloudpdf    namelist,physics      1              2       irh      "bl_mynn_cloudpdf"              "0:original, 1:Kuwano, 2:Chaboreau-Bechtold"            ""
2432 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_mixlength   namelist,physics      1              1       irh      "bl_mynn_mixlength"             "0:original,1:RAP/HRRR,2:new blending&cloud mix length" ""
2433 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_edmf        namelist,physics      max_domains    1       irh      "bl_mynn_edmf"                  "0:off,1:activate mass-flux in mynn"                    ""
2434 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_edmf_mom    namelist,physics      max_domains    1       irh      "bl_mynn_edmf_mom"              "0:off,1:activate mass-flux transport of momentum"      ""
2435 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_edmf_tke    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       irh      "bl_mynn_edmf_tke"              "0:off,1:activate mass-flux transport of tke"           ""
2436 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_mixscalars  namelist,physics      max_domains    0       irh      "bl_mynn_mixscalars"            "0:off,1:activate mixing of scalars (qnx, qnxfa) in MYNN"      ""
2437 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_output      namelist,physics      max_domains    0       irh      "bl_mynn_output"                "0:off,1:Allocate and output extra 3D arrays"      ""
2438 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_cloudmix    namelist,physics      max_domains    1       irh      "bl_mynn_cloudmix"              "0:off,1:activate mixing of all cloud species"          ""
2439 rconfig   integer     bl_mynn_mixqt       namelist,physics      max_domains    0       irh      "bl_mynn_mixqt"                 "0:mix moisture species separate,1: mix total water"    ""
2440 rconfig   integer     icloud_bl           namelist,physics      1              1       irh      "icloud_bl"                     "0:no subgrid cloud-radiation coupling,1:activated"     ""
2441 rconfig   integer     mfshconv            namelist,physics      max_domains    1       rh       "mfshconv"         "To activate mass flux scheme with qnse, 1=true or 0=false"      ""
2442 rconfig   integer     sf_urban_physics    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "sf_urban_physics"     "activate urban model  0=no, 1=Noah_UCM 2=BEP_UCM"   ""
2443 rconfig   real    BLDT                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "BLDT"          ""      ""
2444 rconfig   integer cu_physics              namelist,physics      max_domains    -1      rh   "cu_physics"    ""      ""
2445 rconfig   integer shcu_physics            namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh   "shcu_physics"  ""      ""
2446 rconfig   integer cu_diag                 namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh   "cu_diag"       "additional t-averaged stuff for cuphys"      ""
2447 rconfig   integer kf_edrates              namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh   "kf_edrates"           "output entrainment/detrainment rates and convective timescale for KF schemes"      ""
2448 rconfig   integer kfeta_trigger           namelist,physics      1              1       rh   "KFETA Trigger function"    ""    ""
2449 rconfig   integer nsas_dx_factor          namelist,physics      1              0       rh   "NSAS DX-dependent option"    ""    ""
2450 rconfig   real    CUDT                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "CUDT"          ""      ""
2451 rconfig   real    GSMDT                   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "GSMDT"          ""      ""
2452 rconfig   integer ISFFLX                  namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "ISFFLX"                        ""      ""
2453 rconfig   integer IFSNOW                  namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "IFSNOW"                        ""      ""
2454 rconfig   integer ICLOUD                  namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "ICLOUD"                        ""      ""
2455 rconfig   integer cldovrlp                namelist,physics      1             2       irh    "cldovrlp"                      "1=random, 2=maximum-random, 3=maximum, 4=exponential, 5=exponential-random"      ""
2456 rconfig   integer idcor                   namelist,physics      1             0       irh    "idcor"                         "0=constant decorrelation length, 2500 m, 1=latitude-varying decorrelation length"      ""
2457 rconfig   integer ideal_xland             namelist,physics      1             1        rh    "IDEAL_XLAND"  "land=1(def), water=2, for ideal cases with no land-use"      ""
2458 rconfig   real    swrad_scat              namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "SWRAD_SCAT" "SCATTERING FACTOR IN SWRAD"      ""
2459 rconfig   integer surface_input_source    namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "surface_input_source"          "1=static (fractional), 2=time dependent (dominant), 3=dominant cateogry from metgrid"      ""
2460 rconfig   integer num_soil_layers         namelist,physics      1             5       irh    "num_soil_layers"               ""      ""
2461 rconfig   integer num_pft_clm             namelist,physics      1            17       -      "num_pft_clm"                  ""      ""
2462 rconfig   logical input_pft               namelist,physics      1            .false.   h     "input_pft_flag"         "use input pft instead of USGS"      ""
2463 rconfig   integer maxpatch                namelist,physics      1            10       irh    "maxpatch"                      ""      ""
2464 rconfig   integer num_snow_layers         namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "num_snow_layers"               ""      ""
2465 rconfig   integer num_snso_layers         namelist,physics      1             7       irh    "num_snso_layers"               ""      ""
2467 rconfig   integer num_urban_ndm           derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_ndm"   "maximum number of street dimensions (ndm in BEP or BEM header)"                     ""
2468 rconfig   integer num_urban_ng            derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_ng"    "number of grid levels in the ground (ng_u in BEP or BEM header)"                    ""
2469 rconfig   integer num_urban_nwr           derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_nwr"   "number of grid levels in the walls or roof (nwr_u in BEP or BEM header)"            ""
2470 rconfig   integer num_urban_ngb           derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_ngb"   "number of grid levels in the ground below building (ngb_u in BEM header)"           ""
2471 rconfig   integer num_urban_nf            derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_nf"    "number of grid levels in the floors (nf_u in BEM header)"                           ""
2472 rconfig   integer num_urban_nz            derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_nz"    "maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid (nz_um in BEP or BEM header)"   ""
2473 rconfig   integer num_urban_nbui          derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_nbui"  "maximum number of types of buildings in an urban class (nbui_max in BEM header)"    ""
2474 rconfig   integer num_urban_ngr           derived               1             1       irh    "num_urban_ngr"   "number of grid levels in the green roof (ngr_u in BEP or BEM header)"    ""
2476 rconfig   integer urban_map_zrd           derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_zrd"   "urban mapping 1: ind_zrd"      ""  
2477 rconfig   integer urban_map_zwd           derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_zwd"   "urban mapping 2: ind_zwd"      ""  
2478 rconfig   integer urban_map_gd            derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_gd"    "urban mapping 3: ind_gd"       ""  
2479 rconfig   integer urban_map_zd            derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_zd"    "urban mapping 4: ind_zd"       ""  
2480 rconfig   integer urban_map_zdf           derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_zdf"   "urban mapping 5: ind_zdf"      ""  
2481 rconfig   integer urban_map_bd            derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_bd"    "urban mapping 6: ind_bd"       ""  
2482 rconfig   integer urban_map_wd            derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_wd"    "urban mapping 7: ind_wd"       ""  
2483 rconfig   integer urban_map_gbd           derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_gbd"   "urban mapping 8: ind_gbd"      ""  
2484 rconfig   integer urban_map_fbd           derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_fbd"   "urban mapping 9: ind_fbd"      ""  
2485 rconfig   integer urban_map_zgrd          derived               1             1        rh    "urban_map_zgrd"  "urban mapping 10: ind_zgrd"      ""
2486 rconfig   integer num_urban_hi            namelist,physics      1            15       irh    "num_urban_hi"             ""      ""
2487 rconfig   integer num_months              namelist,physics      1            12       irh    "num_months"               ""      ""
2488 rconfig   integer sf_surface_mosaic       namelist,physics      1             0       rh     "sf_surface_mosaic"        "1= mosaic, 0=no mosaic method, add by danli"      ""  
2489 rconfig   integer mosaic_cat              namelist,physics      1             3       rh     "mosaic_cat"               "works when sf_surface_mosaic=1;  it is the number of mosaic tiles"      ""  
2490 rconfig   integer mosaic_cat_soil         derived               1            12       rh     "mosaic_cat_soil"          "should be the number of soil layers times the mosaic_cat"      ""  
2491 rconfig   integer mosaic_lu               namelist,physics      1             0       irh    "mosaic_lu"             ""      ""
2492 rconfig   integer mosaic_soil             namelist,physics      1             0       irh    "mosaic_soil"           ""      ""
2493 rconfig   integer flag_sm_adj             namelist,physics      1             0       irh    "flag_sm_adj" "1-adjustment, 0-no soil moisture adjustment in RUC soil moisture initialization from Noah LSM"      ""
2494 rconfig   integer maxiens                 namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "maxiens"                    ""      ""
2495 rconfig   integer maxens                  namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "maxens"                    ""      ""
2496 rconfig   integer maxens2                 namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "maxens2"                    ""      ""
2497 rconfig   integer maxens3                 namelist,physics      1            16       irh    "maxens3"                    ""      ""
2498 rconfig   integer ensdim                  namelist,physics      1            144      irh    "ensdim"                    ""      ""
2499 rconfig   integer cugd_avedx              namelist,physics      1            1      irh    "cugd_avedx"                    ""      ""
2500 rconfig   integer clos_choice             namelist,physics      1             0       rh    "clos_choice"                    ""      ""
2501 rconfig   integer imomentum               namelist,physics      1             0       rh    "imomentum"                    "momentum transport in G3 scheme"      ""
2502 rconfig   integer ishallow                namelist,physics      1             0       rh    "ishallow"  "shallow convection in G3 scheme"      ""
2503 rconfig   real    convtrans_avglen_m      namelist,physics      1             30      rh    "convtrans_avglen_m"  "averaging time for convective transport output variables (minutes)"      ""
2504 rconfig   integer num_land_cat            namelist,physics      1            21       -      "num_land_cat"                  ""      ""
2505 rconfig   integer use_wudapt_lcz          namelist,physics      1             0       -      "use_wudapt_lcz"                ""      ""
2506 rconfig   integer num_soil_cat            namelist,physics      1            16       -      "num_soil_cat"                  ""      ""
2507 rconfig   integer mp_zero_out             namelist,physics      1             0       -      "mp_zero_out"  "microphysics fields set to zero  0=no action taken, 1=all fields but Qv, 2=all fields including Qv"      "flag"
2508 rconfig   real mp_zero_out_thresh         namelist,physics      1          1.e-8      -      "mp_zero_out_thresh"  "minimum threshold for non-Qv moist fields, below are set to zero"  "kg/kg"
2509 rconfig   real    seaice_threshold        namelist,physics      1            100       h    "seaice_threshold"  "tsk below which which water points are set to sea ice for slab scheme"   "K"
2510 rconfig   logical bmj_rad_feedback        namelist,physics      max_domains  .false.   -    "if true include radiative effects of bmj clouds"  ""
2511 rconfig   integer sst_update              namelist,physics      1            0         h    "sst_update"  "update sst from wrflowinp file  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
2512 rconfig   integer qna_update              namelist,physics      1            0         h    "qna_update"  "update aerosol in Thompson-MP-Aero from wrfqnainp file  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
2514 rconfig   integer sst_skin                namelist,physics      1            0         h    "sst_skin" "calculate sst skin temperature 0=no, 1=yes"   ""
2515 rconfig   integer tmn_update              namelist,physics      1            0         h    "tmn_update" "update tmn from calculation  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
2516 rconfig   logical usemonalb               namelist,physics      1            .false.   h    "usemonalb"   "use 2d field vs table values  false=table, True=2d"   ""
2517 rconfig   logical rdmaxalb                namelist,physics      1            .true.    h     "rdmaxalb"    "false set it to table values"   ""
2518 rconfig   logical rdlai2d                 namelist,physics      1            .false.   h     "rdlai2d"     "false set it to table values"   ""
2519 rconfig   logical ua_phys                 namelist,physics      1            .false.   h     "ua_phys"     "activate UA Noah changes"   ""
2520 rconfig   integer opt_thcnd               namelist,physics      1            1         h     "opt_thcnd" "thermal conductivity option in Noah LSM"   ""
2521 rconfig   integer co2tf                   namelist,physics      1            1         -    "co2tf" "GFDL radiation co2 flag" ""
2522 rconfig   integer ra_call_offset          namelist,physics      1            0         -    "ra_call_offset" "radiation call offset in timesteps (-1=old, 0=new offset)" ""
2523 rconfig   real    cam_abs_freq_s          namelist,physics      1         21600.      -      "cam_abs_freq_s" "CAM radiation frequency for clear-sky longwave calculations" "s"
2524 rconfig   integer levsiz                  namelist,physics      1             1       -      "levsiz" "Number of ozone data levels for CAM radiation (59)"  ""
2525 rconfig   integer paerlev                 namelist,physics      1             1       -      "paerlev" "Number of aerosol data levels for CAM radiation (29)"  ""
2526 rconfig   integer cam_abs_dim1            namelist,physics      1             1       -      "cam_abs_dim1" "dimension for absnxt in CAM radiation"  ""
2527 rconfig   integer cam_abs_dim2            namelist,physics      1             1       -      "cam_abs_dim2" "dimension for abstot in CAM radiation"  ""
2528 rconfig   integer lagday                  namelist,physics      1             150     -      "lagday"         ""      ""
2529 rconfig   integer no_src_types            namelist,physics      1             1       -      "no_src_types" "Number of aerosol types from EC. (6 - Tegan aerosols)"  ""
2530 rconfig   integer alevsiz                 namelist,physics      1             1       -      "alevsiz" "Number of aerosol optical depth data levels from EC (12)"  ""
2531 rconfig   integer o3input                 namelist,physics      1             2       -      "o3input"      "ozone input for RRTMG for CG domain: original = 0; CAM ozone = 2"      ""
2532 rconfig   integer aer_opt                 namelist,physics      1             0       -      "aer_opt"      "aerosol input option for radiation"      ""
2533 rconfig   integer swint_opt               namelist,physics      1             0       -      "swint_opt"    "interpolation option for sw radiation: 0 = off, 1 = cosine zenit angle correction, 2 = FARMS (can include fast-moving clouds)"      ""
2534 rconfig   integer aer_type                namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "aer_type"       "aerosol type: 1 is SF79 rural, 2 is SF79 urban" ""
2535 rconfig   integer aer_aod550_opt          namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "aer_aod550_opt" "input option for aerosol optical depth at 550 nm" ""
2536 rconfig   integer aer_angexp_opt          namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "aer_angexp_opt" "input option for aerosol Angstrom exponent" ""
2537 rconfig   integer aer_ssa_opt             namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "aer_ssa_opt"    "input option for aerosol single-scattering albedo" ""
2538 rconfig   integer aer_asy_opt             namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "aer_asy_opt"    "input option for aerosol asymmetry parameter" ""
2539 rconfig   real    aer_aod550_val          namelist,physics      max_domains   0.12    irh    "aer_aod550_val" "fixed value for aerosol optical depth at 550 nm. Valid when aer_aod550_opt=1" ""
2540 rconfig   real    aer_angexp_val          namelist,physics      max_domains   1.3     irh    "aer_angexp_val" "fixed value for aerosol Angstrom exponent. Valid when aer_angexp_opt=1" ""
2541 rconfig   real    aer_ssa_val             namelist,physics      max_domains   0.85    irh    "aer_ssa_val"    "fixed value for aerosol single-scattering albedo. Valid when aer_ssa_opt=1" ""
2542 rconfig   real    aer_asy_val             namelist,physics      max_domains   0.90    irh    "aer_asy_val"    "fixed value for aerosol asymmetry parameter. Valid when aer_asy_opt=1" ""
2543 rconfig   logical cu_rad_feedback         namelist,physics      max_domains   .false. irh    "feedback of cumulus cloud to radiation"  ""
2544 rconfig   integer dust_emis               namelist,physics      1             0        rh    "option for dust emission outside of chem"  ""      ""
2545 rconfig   integer erosion_dim             namelist,physics      1             3        -     "erosion_dim"            ""      ""
2546 rconfig   integer no_src_types_cu         namelist,physics      1             1       -      "no_src_types_cu" "Number of aerosoal species in global aerosol data"  ""
2547 rconfig   integer alevsiz_cu              namelist,physics      1             1       -      "alevsiz_cu" "Number of levels in global aerosol data"  ""
2548 rconfig   integer aercu_opt               namelist,physics      1             0       -      "aercu_opt"    "aerosol input option for multiscale KF"      ""
2549 rconfig   real    aercu_fct               namelist,physics      1             1.0     -      "aercu_fct"    "aerosol multiplication factor"               ""
2550 rconfig   integer aercu_used              derived               1             0       -      "aercu_used"   "derived nml for packaging"      ""
2551 rconfig   logical couple_farms            namelist,physics      1             .false. -      "couple_farms" "coupling FARMS radiation to land surface model"     ""
2553 #BSINGH - added shallowcu_forced_ra, numBins, thBinSize, rBinSize, minDeepFreq, minShallowFreq, shcu_aerosols_opt for CuP scheme
2555 rconfig   logical shallowcu_forced_ra     namelist,physics      max_domains    .false.  -    "force radiative impact of shallow Cu (KF-Eta and KF-CuP)"
2556 rconfig   integer numBins                 namelist,physics      max_domains    1  -     "number of bins to use in the CuP PDF"
2557 rconfig   real thBinSize                  namelist,physics      max_domains    1  -     "bin size of theta bins of PDF"
2558 rconfig   real rBinSize                   namelist,physics      max_domains    1  -     "bin size of mixing ratio bins of PDF"
2559 rconfig   real minDeepFreq                namelist,physics      max_domains    1  -     "Minimum frequency required for deep convection"
2560 rconfig   real minShallowFreq             namelist,physics      max_domains    1  -     "Minimum frequency required for shallow convection"
2561 rconfig   integer shcu_aerosols_opt       namelist,physics      max_domains    0  -     "aerosols in shcu:  0=none, 2=prognostic "  ""
2563 rconfig   integer ICLOUD_CU               derived               max_domains   0        -     "ICLOUD_CU"                     ""      ""
2564 rconfig   integer pxlsm_smois_init        namelist,physics      max_domains   1       irh    "PXLSM_SMOIS_INIT"    "Soil moisture initialization option 0-From analysis 1-From MAVAIL"   ""
2565 rconfig   integer pxlsm_modis_veg         namelist,physics      max_domains   0       irh    "PXLSM_MODIS_VEG"     "If 1 use MODIS VEGFRA from wrflowinp updates, 1=yes"   ""
2566 rconfig   integer omlcall                 namelist,physics      1            0         h     "omlcall"     "temporary holder to allow checking for new name: oml_opt"
2567 rconfig   integer sf_ocean_physics        namelist,physics      1            0         h     "sf_ocean_physics"     "activate ocean model  0=no, 1=1d mixed layer, 2=3D PWP" ""
2568 rconfig   integer traj_opt                namelist,physics      1            0         h     "traj_opt"    "activate trajectory calculation  0=no, 1=on"   ""
2569 rconfig   logical dm_has_traj             namelist,physics      max_domains  .false.   rh    "has_traj"    "activate trajectory calculation per domain"   ""
2570 rconfig   integer tracercall              namelist,physics      1            0         h     "tracercall"  "activate tracer calculation  0=no, 1=on"   ""
2571 rconfig   integer shalwater_z0            namelist,physics      max_domains  0         rh    "shalwater_z0"     "shallow water sea surface roughness flag"      ""
2572 rconfig   real    shalwater_depth         namelist,physics      1            -1.0      rh    "shalwater_depth"     "water depth for shallow water scheme"      "m"
2573 rconfig   real    OMDT                    namelist,physics      1            1         h     "OMDT"        "Timestep of ocean model"      "s"
2574 rconfig   real    oml_hml0                namelist,physics      1            50        h     "oml_hml0"    "oml initial mixed layer depth value"   "m"
2575 rconfig   real    oml_gamma               namelist,physics      1            0.14      h     "oml_gamma"   "oml deep water lapse rate"   "K m-1"
2576 rconfig   real    oml_relaxation_time     namelist,physics      1            0.        h     "oml_relaxation_time"   "Relaxation time of mixed layer ocean model back to original values"      "s"
2577 rconfig   integer isftcflx                namelist,physics      1            0         h     "isftcflx"    "switch to control sfc fluxes"   ""
2578 rconfig   integer iz0tlnd                 namelist,physics      1            0         h     "iz0tlnd"    "switch to control land thermal roughness length"   ""
2579 rconfig   real    shadlen                 namelist,physics      1            25000.    -     "shadow_length" "maximum length of orographic shadow" "m"
2580 rconfig   integer slope_rad               namelist,physics      max_domains    0       -     "slope_rad"  "1: use slope-dependent radiation, 0:not" ""
2581 rconfig   integer topo_shading            namelist,physics      max_domains    0       -     "topo_shading" "1: apply topographic shading to radiation, 0:not" ""
2582 rconfig   integer topo_wind               namelist,physics      max_domains    0       -     "topo_wind"  "2: Use Mass sfc drag scheme, 1: improve effects topography over surface wind, 0:not" ""
2583 rconfig   integer no_mp_heating           namelist,physics      1              0       -     "no_mp_heating" "switch to turn of latent heating in mp schemes"   ""
2584 rconfig   integer fractional_seaice       namelist,physics      1              0       -     "fractional_seaice" "Fractional sea-ice option: 0=OFF; 1=ON"
2585 rconfig   integer seaice_snowdepth_opt    namelist,physics      1              0       -     "seaice_snowdepth_opt" "Method for treating snow depth on sea ice"
2586 rconfig   real    seaice_snowdepth_max    namelist,physics      1          1.E10       -     "seaice_snowdepth_max" "Maximum allowed accumulation (m) of snow on sea ice"
2587 rconfig   real    seaice_snowdepth_min    namelist,physics      1          0.001       -     "seaice_snowdepth_min" "Minimum snow depth (m) on sea ice"
2588 rconfig   integer seaice_albedo_opt       namelist,physics      1              0       -     "seaice_albedo_opt" "Method for setting albedo over sea ice"
2589 rconfig   real    seaice_albedo_default   namelist,physics      1             0.65     -     "seaice_albedo_default" "Default value for sea-ice over albedo with seaice_albeo_opt=0"
2590 rconfig   integer seaice_thickness_opt    namelist,physics      1              0       -     "seaice_thickness_opt" "Method for setting sea-ice thickness"
2591 rconfig   real   seaice_thickness_default namelist,physics      1              3.0     -     "seaice_thickness_default" "Default value for sea-ice thickness"
2592 rconfig   logical tice2tsk_if2cold        namelist,physics      1              .false. -     "tice2tsk_if2cold" "Avoid low ice temps when ice frac and Tsk are inconsistent"
2593 rconfig   real    bucket_mm               namelist,physics      1             -1.      h     "bucket_mm" "bucket reset value for water accumulations -1: inactive"   ""
2594 rconfig   real    bucket_J                namelist,physics      1             -1.      h     "bucket_J"  "bucket reset value for energy accumulations -1: inactive"   ""
2595 rconfig   real    mp_tend_lim             namelist,physics      1             10.      -     "mp_tend_lim" "limit on temp tendency from mp latent heating"   "K/s"
2596 rconfig   real    prec_acc_dt             namelist,physics      max_domains    0.      h     "prec_acc_dt" "bucket reset time interval between outputs for cumulus or grid scale precipitation"   "minutes"
2597 rconfig   integer prec_acc_opt            derived               1              0       -     "prec_acc_opt" "option to output precip in a time window"          ""
2598 rconfig   integer bucketr_opt             derived               1              0       -     "bucketr_opt"  "option to output water accum based on bucket_mm "          ""
2599 rconfig   integer bucketf_opt             derived               1              0       -     "bucketf_opt"  "option to output radiation accum based on bucket_J "          ""
2601 rconfig   integer process_time_series     derived               1              0       -     "process_time_series" "0=no, 1=yes"  ""
2603 rconfig   integer grav_settling           namelist,physics      max_domains  0         h    "grav_settling"     "activate gravitationalsettling of fog  0=no, 1=yes"
2604 rconfig   real    sas_pgcon               namelist,physics      max_domains  0.55      irh   "sas_pgcon"   "convectively forced pressure gradient factor (SAS scheme)" ""
2605 rconfig   integer scalar_pblmix           namelist,physics      max_domains  0         h    "mix 4d scalar variables with pbl scheme 0=no 1=yes" ""
2606 rconfig   integer tracer_pblmix           namelist,physics      max_domains  1         h    "mix 4d tracer variables with pbl scheme 0=no 1=yes" ""
2607 rconfig   logical use_aero_icbc           namelist,physics      1              .false. rh    "use_aero_icbc"  "Use GOCART climo 3D aerosols IC/BC data in Thompson-MP-Aero"  "logical flag"
2608 rconfig   logical use_rap_aero_icbc       namelist,physics      1              .false. r     "use_rap_aero_icbc"  "Use GOCART climo 3D aerosols IC/BC data in Thompson-MP-Aero from RAP"  "logical flag"
2609 rconfig   integer aer_init_opt            derived               1              0       irh   "aer_init_opt"   "surrogate to handle aerosol IC/BC data in Thompson-MP-Aero: 0=no IC/BC aerosol, 1=climo, 2=first guess"
2610 rconfig   logical wif_fire_emit           namelist,physics      1              .false. irh   "wif_fire_emit"  "Activate biomass burning emissionsu in Thompson-MP-Aero"  " "
2611 rconfig   integer aer_fire_emit_opt       derived               1              0       irh   "aer_fire_emit_opt"   "surrogate to handle aerosol fire emissions in Thompson-MP-Aero: 0=no fire emissions, 1=OC only, 2=OC+BC"  " "
2612 rconfig   integer wif_fire_inj            namelist,physics      max_domains    1       irh   "wif_fire_inj"   "Vertically distribute biomass burning emissions in Thompson-MP-Aero"  " "
2613 rconfig   integer use_mp_re               namelist,physics      1              1       h     "use_mp_re"  "use effective radii computed in some mp schemes in RRTMG"  "flag"
2614 rconfig   logical insert_init_cloud       namelist,physics      1              .false. irh   "insert_init_cloud" "Insert diagnostic initial cloud using icloud=3 method (Thompson)"  "logical flag"
2616 # The following two options are hooked into various microphysics schemes to allow for ensemble perturbations of CCN and hail/graupel PSDs - GAC (AFWA)
2617 rconfig   real    ccn_conc                namelist,physics      1           1.0E8      h     "ccn_conc"                 "CCN concentration"                                                             "# m-3"
2618 rconfig   integer hail_opt                namelist,physics      1              0       rh    "hail_opt"                 "Hail/Graupel switch, 1:hail, 0:graupel"                                        ""
2619 rconfig   integer morr_rimed_ice          namelist,physics      1              1       rh    "morr_rimed_ice "          "Hail/Graupel switch for Morrison Scheme (options 10 and 40), 1:hail, 0:graupel"                                        ""
2621 rconfig   integer clean_atm_diag          namelist,physics      1              0       rh    "clean_atm_diag"     "option to switch on clean sky diagnostics (for chem)"   "flag"
2622 rconfig   integer calc_clean_atm_diag     derived               1              0       -     "calc_clean_atm_diag" "carries decision on using clean sky diagnostics"       "flag"
2623 rconfig   integer acc_phy_tend            namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh    "acc_phy_tend"       "option to output accumulated physics tendencies"   "flag"
2625 # MAD-WRF
2626 rconfig   integer madwrf_opt          namelist,physics      1              0       rh    "madwrf_opt" "MAD-WRF model" "0: off, 1: Advect/diffuse hydromets, 2: Nudge advected/diffused hydrometes to model state"
2627 rconfig   real    madwrf_dt_relax            namelist,physics      1              60.     rh    "madwrf_dt_relax" "Relaxation time for hydrometeor nudging"  "s"
2628 rconfig   real    madwrf_dt_nudge            namelist,physics      1              60.     rh    "madwrf_dt_nudge" "Temporal period for hydrometeor nudging"  "Min"
2629 rconfig   integer madwrf_cldinit             namelist,physics      1              0       rh    "madwrf_cldinit"  "Enhance cloud initialization" "0: Off, 1: On"
2631 # For Noah-MP
2632 rconfig   integer dveg        namelist,noah_mp      1           4         h    "dveg"     "dynamic vegetation (1 -> off ; 2 -> on)"   ""
2633 rconfig   integer opt_crs     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_crs"  "canopy stomatal resistance (1-> Ball-Berry; 2->Jarvis)"   ""
2634 rconfig   integer opt_btr     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_btr"  "soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance (1-> Noah; 2-> CLM; 3-> SSiB)"   ""
2635 rconfig   integer opt_run     namelist,noah_mp      1           3         h    "opt_run"  "runoff and groundwater (1->SIMGM; 2->SIMTOP; 3->Schaake96; 4->BATS; 5->Miguez-Macho & Fan; 6->VIC; 7->Xiananjiang; 8->Dynamic VIC)"   ""
2636 rconfig   integer opt_sfc     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_sfc"  "surface layer drag coeff (CH & CM) (1->M-O; 2->Chen97)"   ""
2637 rconfig   integer opt_frz     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_frz"  "supercooled liquid water (1-> NY06; 2->Koren99)"   ""
2638 rconfig   integer opt_inf     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_inf"  "frozen soil permeability (1-> NY06; 2->Koren99)"   ""
2639 rconfig   integer opt_rad     namelist,noah_mp      1           3         h    "opt_rad"  "radiation transfer (1->gap=F(3D,cosz); 2->gap=0; 3->gap=1-Fveg)"   ""
2640 rconfig   integer opt_alb     namelist,noah_mp      1           2         h    "opt_alb"  "snow surface albedo (1->BATS; 2->CLASS)"   ""
2641 rconfig   integer opt_snf     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_snf"  "rainfall & snowfall (1-Jordan91; 2->BATS; 3->Noah)"   ""
2642 rconfig   integer opt_tbot    namelist,noah_mp      1           2         h    "opt_tbot" "lower boundary of soil temperature (1->zero-flux; 2->Noah)"   ""
2643 rconfig   integer opt_stc     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_stc"  "soil/snow temperature time scheme 1->semi-implicit; 2->full-implicit (original Noah)"   ""
2644 rconfig   integer opt_gla     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_gla"  "glacier treatment option 1->includes phase change; 2->slab ice (Noah)"   ""
2645 rconfig   integer opt_rsf     namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_rsf"  "surface evaporation resistance option"   ""
2646 rconfig   integer opt_soil    namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_soil" "flag for using different input soil information"   ""
2647 rconfig   integer opt_pedo    namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "opt_pedo" "pedo_transfer function option"   ""
2648 rconfig   integer opt_crop    namelist,noah_mp      1           0         h    "opt_crop" "crop model option"   ""
2649 rconfig   integer opt_irr     namelist,noah_mp      1           0         h    "opt_irr"  "Noah-MP irrigation option"   ""
2650 rconfig   integer opt_irrm    namelist,noah_mp      1           0         h    "opt_irrm" "Noah-MP irrigation method option"   ""
2651 rconfig   integer opt_infdv   namelist,noah_mp      1           0         h    "opt_infdv" "Noah-MP infiltration option in dynamic VIC runoff scheme (only works with opt_run=8), 1->Philip; 2->Green-Ampt; 3->Smith-Parlange"
2652 rconfig   integer opt_tdrn    namelist,noah_mp      1           0         h    "opt_tdrn" "NoahMP tile drainage option (currently only tested & works with opt_run=3), 0->no tile drainage; 1->Simple drainage; 2->Hooghoudt scheme"
2653 rconfig   real    soiltstep   namelist,noah_mp      1           0.        h    "soiltstep" "NoahMP soil process timestep (s) for solving soil temperature and water (default:0->same as main noahmp timestep)"
2654 rconfig   real    WTDDT               namelist,physics    max_domains   30.      h     "wtddt"    "minutes between calls to lateral hydro"  ""
2655 rconfig   real    noahmp_acc_dt       namelist,noah_mp      1           0.        h    "noahmp_acc_dt" "bucket reset time interval between outputs for noah-mp accumulation"   "minutes"
2656 rconfig   integer noahmp_output       namelist,noah_mp      1           1         h    "noahmp_output" "noahmp output level"   ""
2658 # For WRF Hydro
2659 rconfig   integer wrf_hydro               derived              1     0      h     "wrf_hydro"   "descrip"  "unit"
2662 #FDDA namelist parameters
2663 rconfig   real    FGDT                    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       h        "FGDT"          ""      ""
2664 rconfig   integer  FGDTZERO               namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "FGDTZERO"             ""      ""
2665 rconfig   integer  grid_fdda              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2666 rconfig   integer  grid_sfdda             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2667 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_uv   namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2668 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_t    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2669 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_ph   namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2670 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_q    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2671 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_uv             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2672 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_uv             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2673 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_t              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2674 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_t              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2675 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_ph             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2676 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_ph             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2677 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_q              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2678 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_q              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2679 rconfig   integer  dk_zfac_uv             namelist,fdda         max_domains    1       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2680 rconfig   integer  dk_zfac_t              namelist,fdda         max_domains    1       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2681 rconfig   integer  dk_zfac_ph             namelist,fdda         max_domains    1       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2682 rconfig   integer  dk_zfac_q              namelist,fdda         max_domains    1       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2683 rconfig   integer  ktrop                  namelist,fdda         1              0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2684 rconfig   real        guv                 namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2685 rconfig   real        guv_sfc             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2686 rconfig   real        gt                  namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2687 rconfig   real        gt_sfc              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2688 rconfig   real        gq                  namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2689 rconfig   real        gq_sfc              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2690 rconfig   real        gph                 namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2691 rconfig   real    dtramp_min              namelist,fdda         1              0       h        "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2692 rconfig   integer if_ramping              namelist,fdda         1              0       h        "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2693 rconfig   real    rinblw                  namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       h        "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
2694 rconfig   integer xwavenum                namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            "top wave number to nudge in x direction"      ""
2695 rconfig   integer ywavenum                namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            "top wave number to nudge in y direction"      ""
2696 rconfig   integer pxlsm_soil_nudge        namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "pxlsm_soil_nudge"     "nudge pxlsm soil"      ""
2698 #FASDAS
2699 rconfig   integer  fasdas                 derived               max_domains    0       -        "fasdas"            ""      ""
2701 #Observational Nudging
2702 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_opt       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_opt"     "Obs-nudging flag for domain"          ""
2703 rconfig   integer     max_obs             namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "max_obs"           "Maximum number of observations"       ""
2704 rconfig   real        fdda_start          namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "fdda_start"        "Nudging start time for domain"        "min"
2705 rconfig   real        fdda_end            namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "fdda_end"          "Nudging end time for domain"          "min"
2706 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_wind      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_wind"    "Wind-nudging flag for domain"         ""
2707 rconfig   real        obs_coef_wind       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_wind"     "Wind-nudging coeficient for domain"   "s-1"
2708 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_temp      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_temp"    "Temperature-nudging flag for domain"  ""
2709 rconfig   real        obs_coef_temp       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_temp"     "Temperature-nudging coef for domain"  "s-1"
2710 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_mois      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_mois"    "Moisture-nudging flag for domain"     ""
2711 rconfig   real        obs_coef_mois       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_mois"     "Moisture-nudging coef for domain"     "s-1"
2712 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_pstr      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_pstr"    "Not used"                             ""
2713 rconfig   real        obs_coef_pstr       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_pstr"     "Not used"                             ""
2714 rconfig   integer     obs_no_pbl_nudge_uv namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_no_pbl_nudge_uv" "1=no wind-nudging within pbl"          ""
2715 rconfig   integer     obs_no_pbl_nudge_t  namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_no_pbl_nudge_t"  "1=no temperature-nudging within pbl"   ""
2716 rconfig   integer     obs_no_pbl_nudge_q  namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_no_pbl_nudge_q"  "1=no moisture-nudging within pbl"      ""
2717 rconfig   integer     obs_sfc_scheme_horiz namelist,fdda           1              0       rh       "obs_sfcscheme_horiz" "0=wrf scheme, 1=original mm5 scheme" ""
2718 rconfig   integer     obs_sfc_scheme_vert  namelist,fdda           1              0       rh       "obs_sfcscheme_vert"  "0=regime vif scheme, 1=original simple scheme" ""
2719 rconfig   real        obs_max_sndng_gap   namelist,fdda            1              20      rh       "obs_max_sndng_gap"   "Max press gap between soundings" "centibars"
2720 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr1_uv namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr1_uv" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 1, winds"        ""
2721 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr1_uv namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr1_uv" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, winds"        ""
2722 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr2_uv namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr2_uv" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 2, winds"        ""
2723 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr2_uv namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr2_uv" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, winds"        ""
2724 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr4_uv namelist,fdda            1              -5000   rh       "obs_nudgezfullr4_uv" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 4, winds"        ""
2725 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr4_uv namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr4_uv" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, winds"        ""
2726 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr1_t  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr1_t" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature"  ""
2727 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr1_t  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr1_t" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature"  ""
2728 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr2_t  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr2_t" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature"  ""
2729 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr2_t  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr2_t" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature"  ""
2730 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr4_t  namelist,fdda            1              -5000   rh       "obs_nudgezfullr4_t" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature"  ""
2731 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr4_t  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr4_t" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature"  ""
2732 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr1_q  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr1_q" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture"     ""
2733 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr1_q  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr1_q" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture"     ""
2734 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr2_q  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezfullr2_q" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture"     ""
2735 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr2_q  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr2_q" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture"     ""
2736 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullr4_q  namelist,fdda            1              -5000   rh       "obs_nudgezfullr4_q" "Vert infl full weight  height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture"     ""
2737 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampr4_q  namelist,fdda            1              50      rh       "obs_nudgezrampr4_q" "Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture"     ""
2738 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezfullmin   namelist,fdda            1                 50   rh       "obs_nudgezfullmin" "Minimum depth through which vertical influence fcn remains 1.0"     "m"
2739 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezrampmin   namelist,fdda            1                 50   rh       "obs_nudgezrampmin" "Minimum depth through which vertical influence fcn decreases from 1.0 to 0.0" "m"
2740 rconfig   real        obs_nudgezmax       namelist,fdda            1               3000   rh       "obs_nudgezmax" "Maximum depth in which vertical influence function is nonzero" "m"
2741 rconfig   real        obs_sfcfact         namelist,fdda            1              1.0     h        "obs_sfcfact"       "Scale factor applied to time window for surface obs"     ""
2742 rconfig   real        obs_sfcfacr         namelist,fdda            1              1.0     h        "obs_sfcfacr"       "Scale factor applied to horiz radius of influence for surface obs"     ""
2743 rconfig   real        obs_dpsmx           namelist,fdda            1              7.5     h        "obs_dpsmx"         "Max pressure change allowed within horiz radius of influence"     "centibars"
2744 rconfig   real        obs_rinxy           namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_rinxy"         "Horizontal radius of influence"       "km"
2745 rconfig   real        obs_rinsig          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_rinsig"        "Vertical radius of influence"         "sigma"
2746 rconfig   real        obs_twindo          namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_twindo"        "Half-period time window for nudging"  "hrs"
2747 rconfig   integer     obs_npfi            namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_npfi"          "Freq in cg timesteps for diag print"  ""
2748 rconfig   integer     obs_ionf            namelist,fdda            max_domains    1       rh       "obs_ionf"          "Freq in cg timesteps for obs input and error calc"   ""
2749 rconfig   integer     obs_idynin          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_idynin"        "Flag for dynamic initialization"      ""
2750 rconfig   real        obs_dtramp          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_dtramp"        "Time period for ramping (idynin)"     "min"
2751 rconfig   integer     obs_prt_max         namelist,fdda            1              1000    rh       "obs_prt_max"       "Maximum allowed obs entries in diagnostic printout"      ""
2752 rconfig   integer     obs_prt_freq        namelist,fdda            max_domains    1000    rh       "obs_prt_freq"      "Frequency in obs index for diagnostic printout."   ""
2753 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_in4dob      namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_in4dob"    "Print obs input diagnostics"   ""
2754 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_errob       namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_errob"     "Print obs error diagnostics"   ""
2755 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_nudob       namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_nudob"     "Print obs nudge diagnostics"   ""
2756 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_init        namelist,fdda            1              .true.  h        "obs_ipf_init"      "Enable obs init warning messages"   ""
2757 rconfig   integer     obs_scl_neg_qv_innov namelist,fdda           1              0       h        "obs_scl_neg_qv_innov" "Scale certain negative QV innovations"   ""
2759 # Single-column model (SCM)
2760 rconfig   integer scm_force               namelist,scm  1       0           rh   "scm_force"            "SCM forcing switch" ""
2761 rconfig   real    scm_force_dx            namelist,scm  1       4000.       rh   "scm_force_dx"         "DX for SCM forcing" "m"
2762 rconfig   integer num_force_layers        namelist,scm  1       8           rh   "num_force_layers"     "Number of SCM forcing layers" ""
2763 rconfig   integer scm_lu_index            namelist,scm  1       2           rh   "scm_lu_index"         "SCM landuse index" ""
2764 rconfig   integer scm_isltyp              namelist,scm  1       4           rh   "scm_isltyp"           "SCM soil category" ""
2765 rconfig   real    scm_vegfra              namelist,scm  1       50.         rh   "scm_vegfra"           "SCM vegetation fraction" ""
2766 rconfig   real    scm_canwat              namelist,scm  1       0.0         rh   "scm_canwat"           "SCM canopy water" "kg m-2"
2767 rconfig   real    scm_lat                 namelist,scm  1        36.605     rh   "scm_lat"              "SCM latitude" "degrees"
2768 rconfig   real    scm_lon                 namelist,scm  1       -97.485     rh   "scm_lon"              "SCM longitude" "degrees"
2769 rconfig   logical scm_th_t_tend           namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_th_t_adv"         "Turn on large scale theta tendency in SCM"   ""
2770 rconfig   logical scm_qv_t_tend           namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_qv_t_adv"         "Turn on large scale qv tendency in SCM"      ""
2771 rconfig   logical scm_th_adv              namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_th_adv"           "Turn on theta advection in SCM"      ""
2772 rconfig   logical scm_wind_adv            namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_wind_adv"         "Turn on wind advection in SCM"      ""
2773 rconfig   logical scm_qv_adv              namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_qv_adv"           "Turn on qv advection in SCM"      ""
2774 rconfig   logical scm_ql_adv              namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_ql_adv"           "Turn on ql advection in SCM"      ""
2775 rconfig   logical scm_vert_adv            namelist,scm  1       .true.      rh   "scm_vert_adv"         "Turn on vertical advection in SCM"      ""
2776 rconfig   integer num_force_soil_layers   namelist,scm  1       5           rh   "num_force_soil_layers" "Number of SCM soil forcing layers" ""
2777 rconfig   logical scm_soilT_force         namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_soilT_force"      "Turn on soil temp forcing in SCM"      ""
2778 rconfig   logical scm_soilq_force         namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_soilq_force"      "Turn on soil moisture forcing in SCM"      ""
2779 rconfig   logical scm_force_th_largescale namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_force_th_largescale" "Turn on large scale theta forcing in SCM"      ""
2780 rconfig   logical scm_force_qv_largescale namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_force_qv_largescale" "Turn on large scale qv forcing in SCM"      ""
2781 rconfig   logical scm_force_ql_largescale namelist,scm  1       .false.     rh   "scm_force_ql_largescale" "Turn on large scale ql forcing in SCM"      ""
2782 rconfig   logical scm_force_wind_largescale namelist,scm  1     .false.     rh   "scm_force_wind_largescale" "Turn on large scale wind forcing in SCM"      ""
2783 rconfig   integer scm_force_skintemp      namelist,scm  1       0           rh   "scm_force_skin"       "SCM surface forcing by skin temperature 0=no 1=yes"      ""
2784 rconfig   integer scm_force_flux          namelist,scm  1       0           rh   "scm_force_flux"       "SCM surface forcing by surface fluxes 0=no 1=yes"      ""
2786 # Dynamics
2787 # dynamics option (see package definitions, below)
2788 rconfig   integer dyn_opt                 namelist,dynamics     1             2 
2789 rconfig   integer rk_ord                  namelist,dynamics     1             3       irh   "rk_order"               ""      ""
2790 rconfig   integer w_damping               namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh   "w_damping"              ""      ""
2791 rconfig   real    w_crit_cfl              namelist,dynamics     1             1.0     irh   "w_crit_cfl"             "W-CFL where w-damping is on" ""
2792 rconfig   integer zadvect_implicit        namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh   "zadvect_implicit"       "Turns on IEVA for vertical adv" ""
2793 # diff_opt 1=old diffusion, 2=new
2794 rconfig   integer diff_opt                namelist,dynamics     max_domains   -1      irh   "diff_opt"               ""      ""
2795 # diff_opt_dfi is needed for backwards integration in dfi
2796 rconfig   integer diff_opt_dfi            namelist,dynamics     max_domains   0       irh   "diff_opt_dfi"           ""      ""
2797 # km_opt   1=old coefs, 2=tke, 3=Smagorinksy
2798 rconfig   integer km_opt                  namelist,dynamics     max_domains   -1      irh    "km_opt"                ""      ""
2799 # km_opt_dfi is needed for backward integration in dfi
2800 rconfig   integer km_opt_dfi              namelist,dynamics     max_domains   1       irh    "km_opt_dfi"            ""      ""
2801 rconfig   integer damp_opt                namelist,dynamics     1             3       irh    "damp_opt"              ""      ""
2802 rconfig   integer rad_nudge               namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh    "rad_nudge"             ""      ""
2803 rconfig   integer gwd_opt                 namelist,dynamics     max_domains   0       irh    "gwd_opt"               ""      ""
2804 rconfig   integer gwd_diags               namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh    "gwd_diags"             "switch to turn on extra gwd diagnostics if available for given gwd_opt"      ""
2805 rconfig   real    zdamp                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5000.   h    "zdamp"         ""      ""
2806 rconfig   real    dampcoef                namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.2     h    "dampcoef"              ""      ""
2807 rconfig   real    khdif                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "khdif"         ""      ""
2808 rconfig   real    kvdif                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "kvdif"         ""      ""
2809 rconfig   real    diff_6th_factor         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.12    h    "diff_6th_factor" "factor that controls rate of 6th-order numerical diffusion"
2810 rconfig   integer diff_6th_opt            namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0      irh   "diff_6th_opt" "switch for 6th-order numerical diffusion"
2811 rconfig   integer diff_6th_slopeopt       namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0      irh   "diff_6th_slopeopt" "switch for 6th-order numerical diffusion - terrain-slope tapering"
2812 rconfig   real    diff_6th_thresh         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.10    ih    "diff_6th_thresh" "slope threshold (m/m) that turns off 6th order diff is steep terrain"
2813 rconfig   integer use_theta_m             namelist,dynamics     1              1       rh    "use_theta_m" "theta_m = theta (1 + 1.61 Qv); 0-no, 1=yes"     ""
2814 rconfig   integer use_q_diabatic          namelist,dynamics     1              0       rh    "use_q_diabatic" "account for q diabatic terms in advection "     ""
2815 rconfig   real    c_s                     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.25    h    "c_s"         "Smagorinsky coeff"      ""
2816 rconfig   real    c_k                     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.15    h    "c_k"         "TKE coeff"      ""
2817 rconfig   real    smdiv                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.1     h    "smdiv"         ""      ""
2818 rconfig   real    emdiv                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.01    h    "emdiv"         ""      ""
2819 rconfig   real    epssm                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .1      h    "epssm"         ""      ""
2820 rconfig   logical non_hydrostatic         namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "non_hydrostatic"    ""   ""
2821 rconfig   logical use_input_w             namelist,dynamics     1            .false.  irh  "use_input_w"    ""   ""
2822 rconfig   integer time_step_sound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h     "time_step_sound"               ""      ""
2823 rconfig   integer     h_mom_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5       rh       "h_mom_adv_order"               ""      ""
2824 rconfig   integer     v_mom_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    3       rh       "v_mom_adv_order"               ""      ""
2825 rconfig   integer     h_sca_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5       rh       "h_sca_adv_order"               ""      ""
2826 rconfig   integer     v_sca_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    3       rh       "v_sca_adv_order"               ""      ""
2827 rconfig   integer  momentum_adv_opt       namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "momentum_adv_opt"      "weno RK3 transport switch"      ""
2828 rconfig   integer  moist_adv_opt          namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "moist_adv_opt"         "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2829 rconfig   integer  moist_adv_dfi_opt      namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       rh    "moist_adv_dfi_opt"     "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2830 rconfig   integer  chem_adv_opt           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "chem_adv_opt"          "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2831 rconfig   integer  tracer_adv_opt         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "tracer_adv_opt"        "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2832 rconfig   integer  scalar_adv_opt         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "scalar_adv_opt"        "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2833 rconfig   integer  tke_adv_opt            namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       rh    "tke_adv_opt"           "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
2834 rconfig   integer  phi_adv_z              namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1       h     "phi_adv_z"             "Vertical advection option for geopotential; 1: original 2: avoid double staggering of omega"   ""
2835 # switches for selectively deactivating 2nd and 6th order horizontal filters for specific scalar variable classes
2836 rconfig   logical  moist_mix2_off         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "moist_mix2_off"        "de-activate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for moisture"      ""
2837 rconfig   logical  chem_mix2_off          namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "chem_mix2_off"         "de-activate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for chem species"  ""
2838 rconfig   logical  tracer_mix2_off        namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "tracer_mix2_off"       "de-activate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for tracers"       ""
2839 rconfig   logical  scalar_mix2_off        namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "scalar_mix2_off"       "de-activate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for scalars"       ""
2840 rconfig   logical  tke_mix2_off           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "tke_mix2_off"          "de-activate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for tke"           ""
2842 rconfig   logical  moist_mix6_off         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "moist_mix6_off"        "de-activate 6th-order horizontal filter for moisture"      ""
2843 rconfig   logical  chem_mix6_off          namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "chem_mix6_off"         "de-activate 6th-order horizontal filter for chem species"  ""
2844 rconfig   logical  tracer_mix6_off        namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "tracer_mix6_off"       "de-activate 6th-order horizontal filter for tracers"       ""
2845 rconfig   logical  scalar_mix6_off        namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "scalar_mix6_off"       "de-activate 6th-order horizontal filter for scalars"       ""
2846 rconfig   logical  tke_mix6_off           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "tke_mix6_off"          "de-activate 6th-order horizontal filter for tke"           ""
2848 rconfig   logical top_radiation           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "top_radiation"         ""      ""
2849 rconfig   integer mix_isotropic           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "mix_isotropic"            "0=anistropic, 1=isotropic"      ""
2850 rconfig   real    mix_upper_bound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.1     h    "mix_upper_bound"          "non-dimensional limit"      ""
2851 rconfig   logical top_lid                 namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "top_lid"               ""      ""
2852 rconfig   real    tke_upper_bound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1000.   h    "tke_upper_bound"            ""      ""
2853 rconfig   real    tke_drag_coefficient    namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.      h    "tke_drag_coefficient"       ""      "dimensionless"
2854 rconfig   real    tke_heat_flux           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.      h    "tke_heat_flux"              ""      "K m s-1"
2855 rconfig   logical pert_coriolis           namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "pert_coriolis"    ""   ""
2856 rconfig   logical coriolis2d              namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "coriolis2d"    ""   ""
2857 rconfig   logical mix_full_fields         namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "mix_full_field"   ""   ""
2858 rconfig   real    base_pres               namelist,dynamics     1          100000.     h    "base_pres"  "Base state pressure - do not change (10^5 Pa), real only"      "Pa"
2859 rconfig   real    base_temp               namelist,dynamics     1             290.     h    "base_temp"  "Base state sea level temperature, real only"      "K"
2860 rconfig   real    base_lapse              namelist,dynamics     1              50.     h    "base_lapse" "Base state temperature difference between base pres and 1/e of atm depth - do not change, real only"      "K"
2861 rconfig   real    iso_temp                namelist,dynamics     1             200.00   h    "iso_temp"   "Isothermal temperature in stratosphere, real only"      "K"
2862 rconfig   real    base_pres_strat         namelist,dynamics     1               0.     h    "base_pres_strat" "Base state pressure (Pa) at bottom of the stratosphere, std atm = 5500 Pa" "Pa"
2863 rconfig   real    base_lapse_strat        namelist,dynamics     1             -11.     h    "base_lapse_strat", "Base state lapse rate ( dT / d(lnP) ) in stratosphere, std atm = -11 K/(ln delta p)" "K"
2864 rconfig   logical use_baseparam_fr_nml    namelist,dynamics     1            .false.  irh   "use_baseparam_fr_nml"    ""   ""
2865 rconfig   real    fft_filter_lat          namelist,dynamics     1              91.     h    "fft_filter_lat"   "degrees"   "grid latitude to start polar filter"
2866 rconfig   logical coupled_filtering       namelist,dynamics     1            .true.    h    "coupled_filtering"   "for scalar/tracer/chem/moist, T/F filter the fields coupled with mu"
2867 rconfig   logical pos_def                 namelist,dynamics     1            .false.   h    "pos_def"   "for scalar/tracer/chem/moist, T/F after filtering, reset negative values to zero"
2868 rconfig   logical swap_pole_with_next_j   namelist,dynamics     1            .false.   h    "swap_pole_with_next_j"   "for scalar/tracer/chem/moist, T/F replace the most poleward latitude of data with the next row in"
2869 rconfig   logical actual_distance_average namelist,dynamics     1            .false.   h    "actual_distance_average"   "for scalar/tracer/chem/moist, T/F the number of points to use in the latitudinal average is based on the ratio of map factors"
2870 rconfig   logical rotated_pole            namelist,dynamics     1            .false.  irh   "rotated_pole"    ""   ""
2871 rconfig   logical do_coriolis             namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_coriolis"    ""   ""
2872 rconfig   logical do_curvature            namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_curvature"   ""   ""
2873 rconfig   logical do_gradp                namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_gradp"    ""   ""
2874 rconfig   integer tracer_opt              namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       rh    "tracer_opt"          ""      ""
2875 # Placeholder for decoupled advective tendency diagnostics
2876 rconfig   integer tenddiag                namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       -     "Decoupled tendency diagnostics"   ""    ""
2878 # Bdy_control
2879 rconfig   integer spec_bdy_width          namelist,bdy_control          1             5       irh    "spec_bdy_width"                ""      ""
2880 rconfig   integer spec_zone               namelist,bdy_control          1             1       irh    "spec_zone"                     ""      ""
2881 rconfig   integer relax_zone              namelist,bdy_control          1             4       irh    "relax_zone"                    ""      ""
2882 rconfig   logical specified               namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "specified"             ""      ""
2883 rconfig   logical constant_bc             namelist,bdy_control          1      .false. rh    "constant_bc"           ""      ""
2884 rconfig   logical periodic_x              namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "periodic_x"            ""      ""
2885 rconfig   logical symmetric_xs            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_xs"          ""      ""
2886 rconfig   logical symmetric_xe            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_xe"          ""      ""
2887 rconfig   logical open_xs                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_xs"               ""      ""
2888 rconfig   logical open_xe                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_xe"               ""      ""
2889 rconfig   logical periodic_y              namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "periodic_y"            ""      ""
2890 rconfig   logical symmetric_ys            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_ys"          ""      ""
2891 rconfig   logical symmetric_ye            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_ye"          ""      ""
2892 rconfig   logical open_ys                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_ys"               ""      ""
2893 rconfig   logical open_ye                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_ye"               ""      ""
2894 rconfig   logical polar                   namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "polar"                 ""      ""
2895 rconfig   logical nested                  namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "nested"                ""      ""
2896 rconfig   real    spec_exp                namelist,bdy_control          1     0.      irh    "spec_exp"              ""      ""
2897 rconfig   integer real_data_init_type     namelist,bdy_control          1                 1    irh   "real_data_init_type"   "REAL DATA INITIALIZATION OPTIONS: 1=SI, 2=MM5, 3=GENERIC" "PRE-PROCESSOR TYPES"
2898 rconfig   logical have_bcs_moist          namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "have_bcs_moist"           ""      ""
2899 rconfig   logical have_bcs_scalar         namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "have_bcs_scalar"          ""      ""
2900 rconfig   logical multi_bdy_files         namelist,bdy_control          1      .false. rh    "multi_bdy_files"          ""      ""
2902 rconfig   integer background_proc_id      namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "background_proc_id"    "Background processing id for grib2"  ""
2903 rconfig   integer forecast_proc_id        namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "forecast_proc_id"      "Analysis and forecast processing id for grib2"  ""
2904 rconfig   integer production_status       namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "production_status"     "Background processing id for grib2"  ""
2905 rconfig   integer compression             namelist,grib2                1      40    rh    "compression"           "grib2 compression, 40 for JPEG2000 or 41 for PNG"  ""
2908 rconfig   integer nobs_ndg_vars           derived                       1         6       -        "num_ndg_vars"         "Number of nudging variables"          ""
2909 rconfig   integer nobs_err_flds           derived                       1         10      -        "num_err_flds"         "Number of error fields"               ""
2910 rconfig   real    cen_lat                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "cen_lat"              "center latitude"      "degrees, negative is south"
2911 rconfig   real    cen_lon                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "cen_lon"              "central longitude"      "degrees, negative is west"
2912 rconfig   real    truelat1                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "true_lat1"             "first standard parallel"      "degrees, negative is south"
2913 rconfig   real    truelat2                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "true_lat2"             "second standard parallel"      "degrees, negative is south"
2914 rconfig   real    moad_cen_lat            derived                  max_domains    0       -        "moad_cen_lat"             "center latitude of the most coarse grid"      "degrees, negative is south"
2915 rconfig   real    stand_lon               derived                  max_domains    0       -        "stand_lon"             "standard longitude, parallel to j-direction, perpendicular to i-direction "      "degrees, negative is west"
2916 rconfig   real    pole_lat                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "pole_lat"              "projection info: latitude of pole" "degrees, positive north"
2917 rconfig   real    pole_lon                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "pole_lon"              "projection info: longitude of pole" "degrees, positive east"
2918 rconfig   integer  FLAG_METGRID           derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_METGRID"         "Flag in global attributes for metgrid data"
2919 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SNOW              derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SNOW"             "Flag for snow in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2920 rconfig   integer  FLAG_PSFC              derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_PSFC"             "Flag for surface pressure in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2921 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SM000010          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SM000010"         "Flag for soil moisture in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2922 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SM010040          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SM010040"         "Flag for soil moisture in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2923 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SM040100          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SM040100"         "Flag for soil moisture in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2924 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SM100200          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SM100200"         "Flag for soil moisture in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2925 rconfig   integer  FLAG_ST000010          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_ST000010"         "Flag for soil temperature in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2926 rconfig   integer  FLAG_ST010040          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_ST000010"         "Flag for soil temperature  in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2927 rconfig   integer  FLAG_ST040100          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_ST010040"         "Flag for soil temperature  in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2928 rconfig   integer  FLAG_ST100200          derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_ST100200"         "Flag for soil temperature  in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2929 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SOIL_LAYERS       derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SOIL_LAYERS"      "Flag for input 3d soil data for metgrid data"
2930 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SLP               derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SLP"              "Flag for sea level pressure in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2931 rconfig   integer  FLAG_SOILHGT           derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_SOILHGT"          "Flag for soil height in the global attributes for metgrid data"
2932 rconfig   integer  FLAG_MF_XY             derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_MF_XY"            "Flag for MF_XYin the global attributes for metgrid data"
2933 rconfig   integer  FLAG_UM_SOIL           derived                      1          0       -        "FLAG_UM_SOIL"          "Flag for soil fields from the Unified Model in the globl attributes for metgrid data"
2934 rconfig   real    bdyfrq                  derived                  max_domains    0       -        "bdyfrq"               "lateral boundary input frequency"      "seconds"
2935 rconfig   character mminlu                derived                  max_domains    " "     -        "mminlu"               "land use dataset"             ""
2936 rconfig   integer iswater                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "iswater"              "land use index of water"      "index category"
2937 rconfig   integer islake                  derived                  max_domains    0       -        "islake"               "land use index of inland lake"      "index category"
2938 rconfig   integer isice                   derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isice"                "land use index of ice"        "index category"
2939 rconfig   integer isurban                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isurban"              "land use index for 'urban and built-up"     "index category"
2940 rconfig   integer isoilwater              derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isoilwater"           "land use index of water for soil"        "index category"
2941 rconfig   integer map_proj                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "map_proj"             "domain map projection"      "0=none (Cylindrical), 1=Lambert, 2=polar, 3=Mercator"
2942 rconfig   integer use_wps_input           derived                       1         0       -        "use_wps_input"        "0/1/2 flag, using wps input"   "0=no, 1=real, 2=tc"
2943 rconfig   integer dfi_stage               derived                  max_domains    3       -        "dfi_stage"            "current stage of DFI processing"      "0=DFI setup, 1=DFI backward integration, 2=DFI forward integration, 3=WRF forecast"
2944 rconfig   integer mp_physics_dfi          derived                  max_domains   -1       -        "mp_physics_dfi"       ""      "-1 = no DFI and so no need to allocate DFI moist and scalar variables, >0 = running with DFI, so allocate DFI moist and scalar variables appropriate for selected microphysics package"
2945 rconfig   integer bl_pbl_physics_dfi      derived                  max_domains   -1       -        "bl_pbl_physics_dfi"   ""      "-1 = no DFI and so no need to allocate DFI qke_adv variable, >0 = running with DFI, so allocate DFI qke_adv variable appropriate for selected PBL package"
2948 # Single dummy declaration to define a nodyn dyn option
2949 state integer nodyn_dummy - dyn_nodyn -  -  -  "" "" ""      
2951 # Turbine drag physics.
2952 rconfig   integer     windfarm_opt        namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "windfarm_opt"                ""      ""
2953 rconfig   integer     windfarm_ij         namelist,physics      1              0       rh       "windfarm_ij"                ""      ""
2954 rconfig   real        windfarm_tke_factor namelist,physics      1              0.25    rh       "windfarm_tke_factor"        ""      ""
2956 # Ideal case selection
2957 rconfig   integer     ideal_case          namelist,ideal        1              0       rh       "ideal_case"                 ""      ""
2958 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2959 # Package Declarations
2960 #                                               
2962 #key      package       associated                package          associated 4d scalars
2963 #         name          namelist choice           state vars
2965 #package   passivec1      chem_opt==0                  -             
2966 ifdef DA_CORE=0
2967 package   passiveqv       mp_physics==0                -             moist:qv
2968 package   kesslerscheme   mp_physics==1                -             moist:qv,qc,qr
2969 package   linscheme       mp_physics==2                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
2970 package   wsm3scheme      mp_physics==3                -             moist:qv,qc,qr;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2971 package   wsm5scheme      mp_physics==4                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2972 package   fer_mp_hires    mp_physics==5                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi;scalar:qt;state:f_ice_phy,f_rain_phy,f_rimef_phy
2973 package   fer_mp_hires_advect  mp_physics==15          -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi;scalar:qrimef
2974 package   wsm6scheme      mp_physics==6                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2975 package   nuwrf4icescheme mp_physics==7              -               moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;state:phys_tot,physc,physe,physd,physs,physm,physf,acphys_tot,acphysc,acphyse,acphysd,acphyss,acphysm,acphysf,preci3d,precs3d,precg3d,precr3d,prech3d,re_cloud_gsfc,re_rain_gsfc,re_ice_gsfc,re_snow_gsfc,re_graupel_gsfc,re_hail_gsfc,re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2976 package   thompson        mp_physics==8                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni,qnr;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2977 package   milbrandt2mom   mp_physics==9                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qnc,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qnh
2978 package   morr_two_moment mp_physics==10               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni,qns,qnr,qng;state:rqrcuten,rqscuten,rqicuten
2979 package   cammgmpscheme   mp_physics==11               -             moist:qv,qc,qi,qr,qs;scalar:qnc,qni,qnr,qns;state:rh_old_mp,lcd_old_mp,cldfra_old_mp,cldfra_mp,cldfra_mp_all,cldfra_conv,cldfrai,cldfral,turbtype3d,smaw3d,wsedl3d,icwmrdp3d,dp3d,shfrc3d,dlf,dlf2,tke_pbl,lradius,iradius
2980 #package   milbrandt3mom  mp_physics==12               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qnc,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qnh,qzr,qzi,qzs,qzg,qzh
2981 package   sbu_ylinscheme  mp_physics==13               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs;state:rimi
2982 package   wdm5scheme      mp_physics==14               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs;scalar:qnn,qnc,qnr;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2983 package   wdm6scheme      mp_physics==16               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qnn,qnc,qnr;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2984 package   nssl_2mom       mp_physics==17               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qndrop,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qnh,qvolg,qvolh;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2985 package   nssl_2momccn    mp_physics==18               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qnn,qndrop,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qnh,qvolg,qvolh;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2986 package   nssl_1mom       mp_physics==19               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qvolg
2987 package   nssl_1momlfo    mp_physics==21               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
2988 package   nssl_2momg      mp_physics==22               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qndrop,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qvolg;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2989 package   wsm7scheme      mp_physics==24               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2990 package   wdm7scheme      mp_physics==26               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qnn,qnc,qnr;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
2991 package   thompsonaero    mp_physics==28               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni,qnr,qnc,qnwfa,qnifa,qnbca;state:re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow,qnwfa2d,qnifa2d,taod5503d,taod5502d
2992 package   p3_1category    mp_physics==50               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi;scalar:qni,qnr,qir,qib;state:re_cloud,re_ice,vmi3d,rhopo3d,di3d,refl_10cm,th_old,qv_old
2993 package   p3_1category_nc mp_physics==51               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi;scalar:qnc,qni,qnr,qir,qib;state:re_cloud,re_ice,vmi3d,rhopo3d,di3d,refl_10cm,th_old,qv_old
2994 package   p3_2category    mp_physics==52               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qi2;scalar:qnc,qni,qnr,qir,qib,qni2,qir2,qib2;state:re_cloud,re_ice,vmi3d,rhopo3d,di3d,vmi3d_2,rhopo3d_2,di3d_2,refl_10cm,th_old,qv_old
2995 package   p3_1cat_3mom    mp_physics==53               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi;scalar:qnc,qni,qnr,qir,qib,qzi;state:re_cloud,re_ice,vmi3d,rhopo3d,di3d,refl_10cm,th_old,qv_old
2996 package   morr_tm_aero    mp_physics==40               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qnc,qni,qns,qnr,qng;state:rqrcuten,rqscuten,rqicuten,EFCG,EFIG,EFSG,WACT,CCN1_GS,CCN2_GS,CCN3_GS,CCN4_GS,CCN5_GS,CCN6_GS,CCN7_GS,re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow,mskf_refl_10cm
2997 package   jensen_ishmael  mp_physics==55               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qi2,qi3;scalar:qnr,qni,qvoli,qaoli,qni2,qvoli2,qaoli2,qni3,qvoli3,qaoli3;state:re_cloud,re_ice,vmi3d,rhopo3d,di3d,phii3d,itype,vmi3d_2,rhopo3d_2,di3d_2,phii3d_2,itype_2,vmi3d_3,rhopo3d_3,di3d_3,phii3d_3,itype_3,refl_10cm
2998 package   ntu             mp_physics==56               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh;scalar:qnc,qnr,qni,qns,qng,qnh,qdcn,qtcn,qccn,qrcn,qnin,fi,fs,vi,vs,vg,ai,as,ag,ah,i3m
2999 package   etampnew        mp_physics==95               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qs;scalar:qt;state:f_ice_phy,f_rain_phy,f_rimef_phy
3000 package   gsfcgcescheme   mp_physics==97               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
3001 package   madwrf_mp       mp_physics==96               -             moist:qv,qc,qi,qs
3003 package   radar_refl      compute_radar_ref==1         -             state:refl_10cm,refd_max
3004 endif
3006 # MAD-WRF
3007 package   cldinit         madwrf_cldinit==1            -             state:brtemp,cldmask,cldtopz,cldbasez
3008 package   madwrf          madwrf_opt==2                -             tracer:tr_qc,tr_qi,tr_qs
3010 package   nodfimoist        mp_physics_dfi==-1       -             -
3011 package   passiveqv_dfi     mp_physics_dfi==0        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv
3012 package   kesslerscheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==1        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr
3013 package   linscheme_dfi     mp_physics_dfi==2        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
3014 package   wsm3scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==3        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3015 package   wsm5scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==4        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3016 package   fer_mp_hires_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==5        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi;dfi_scalar:dfi_qt
3017 package   wsm6scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==6        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3018 package   nuwrf4icescheme_dfi mp_physics_dfi==7      -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;state:dfi_re_cloud_gsfc,dfi_re_rain_gsfc,dfi_re_ice_gsfc,dfi_re_snow_gsfc,dfi_re_graupel_gsfc,dfi_re_hail_gsfc,dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3019 package   thompson_dfi      mp_physics_dfi==8        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qnr;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3020 package   milbrandt2mom_dfi mp_physics_dfi==9        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qng,dfi_qnh
3021 package   morr_two_moment_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==10    -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qnr,dfi_qng
3022 #package   milbrandt3mom_dfi mp_physics_dfi==12       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qng,dfi_qnh,dfi_qzr,dfi_qzi,dfi_qzs,dfi_qzg,dfi_qzh
3023 #package   sbu_ylinscheme_dfi    mp_physics==13           -         dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs;state:rimi
3024 package   wdm5scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==14       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnn,dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3025 package   wdm6scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==16       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnn,dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3026 package   nssl_2mom_dfi     mp_physics_dfi==17       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop,dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qng,dfi_qnh,dfi_qvolg,dfi_qvolh;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3027 package   nssl_2mom_dficcn  mp_physics_dfi==18       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop,dfi_qnn,dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qng,dfi_qnh,dfi_qvolg;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3028 package   nssl_1mom_dfi     mp_physics_dfi==19       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qvolg
3029 package   nssl_1momlfo_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==21       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
3030 package   wsm7scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==24       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3031 package   wdm7scheme_dfi    mp_physics_dfi==26       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnn,dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3032 package   thompsonaero_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==28       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qnr,dfi_qnc,dfi_qnwfa,dfi_qnifa,dfi_qnbca;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice,dfi_re_snow
3033 package   p3_1category_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==50       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qnr,dfi_qir,dfi_qib;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice
3034 package   p3_1category_nc_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==51    -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnc,dfi_qni,dfi_qnr,dfi_qir,dfi_qib;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice
3035 package   p3_2category_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==52    -                dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qi2;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnc,dfi_qni,dfi_qnr,dfi_qir,dfi_qib,dfi_qni2,dfi_qir2,dfi_qib2;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice
3036 package   p3_1cat_3mom_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==53    -                dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qnr,dfi_qir,dfi_qib,dfi_qzi;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice
3037 package   jensen_ishmael_dfi  mp_physics_dfi==55         -         dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qi2,dfi_qi3;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qvoli,dfi_qaoli,dfi_qni2,dfi_qvoli2,dfi_qaoli2,dfi_qni3,dfi_qvoli3,dfi_qaoli3;state:dfi_re_cloud,dfi_re_ice
3038 package   ntu_dfi           mp_physics_dfi==56       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg,dfi_qh;dfi_scalar:dfi_qnc,dfi_qnr,dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qng,dfi_qnh,dfi_qdcn,dfi_qtcn,dfi_qccn,dfi_qrcn,dfi_qnin,dfi_fi,dfi_fs,dfi_vi,dfi_vs,dfi_vg,dfi_ai,dfi_as,dfi_ag,dfi_ah,dfi_i3m
3039 package   etampnew_dfi      mp_physics_dfi==95       -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qs;dfi_scalar:dfi_qt
3040 package   gsfcgcescheme_dfi   mp_physics_dfi==97     -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
3042 package   noprogn       progn==0                     -             -
3043 package   progndrop     progn==1                     -             scalar:qndrop;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop;state:qndropsource
3045 package   noqndrop      alloc_qndropsource==0        -             -
3046 package   qndrop        alloc_qndropsource==1        -             state:qndropsource
3048 package   rrtmscheme       ra_lw_physics==1          -             -
3049 package   camlwscheme      ra_lw_physics==3          -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc;state:emstot,abstot,absnxt,acswupt,acswuptc,acswdnt,acswdntc,acswupb,acswupbc,acswdnb,acswdnbc,aclwupt,aclwuptc,aclwdnt,aclwdntc,aclwupb,aclwupbc,aclwdnb,aclwdnbc,swupt,swuptc,swdnt,swdntc,swupb,swupbc,swdnb,swdnbc,lwupt,lwuptc,lwdnt,lwdntc,lwupb,lwupbc,lwdnb,lwdnbc,taucldc,taucldi
3050 package   rrtmg_lwscheme   ra_lw_physics==4          -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:aclwupt,aclwuptc,aclwdnt,aclwdntc,aclwupb,aclwupbc,aclwdnb,aclwdnbc,lwupt,lwuptc,lwdnt,lwdntc,lwupb,lwupbc,lwdnb,lwdnbc,o3rad
3051 package   rrtmk_lwscheme   ra_lw_physics==14          -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:aclwupt,aclwuptc,aclwdnt,aclwdntc,aclwupb,aclwupbc,aclwdnb,aclwdnbc,lwupt,lwuptc,lwdnt,lwdntc,lwupb,lwupbc,lwdnb,lwdnbc,o3rad
3052 package   rrtmg_lwscheme_fast  ra_lw_physics==24     -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:aclwupt,aclwuptc,aclwdnt,aclwdntc,aclwupb,aclwupbc,aclwdnb,aclwdnbc,lwupt,lwuptc,lwdnt,lwdntc,lwupb,lwupbc,lwdnb,lwdnbc,o3rad
3053 package   goddardlwscheme  ra_lw_physics==5          -             state:tlwdn,tlwup,slwdn,slwup,taucldc,taucldi,re_cloud_gsfc,re_rain_gsfc,re_ice_gsfc,re_snow_gsfc,re_graupel_gsfc,re_hail_gsfc,cod2d_out,ctop2d_out,re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
3054 package   flglwscheme      ra_lw_physics==7          -             -
3055 package   heldsuarez       ra_lw_physics==31         -             -
3056 package   gfdllwscheme     ra_lw_physics==99         -             -
3058 package   swradscheme     ra_sw_physics==1           -             -
3059 package   gsfcswscheme    ra_sw_physics==2           -             state:taucldc,taucldi
3060 package   camswscheme     ra_sw_physics==3           -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc;state:emstot,abstot,absnxt,acswupt,acswuptc,acswdnt,acswdntc,acswupb,acswupbc,acswdnb,acswdnbc,aclwupt,aclwuptc,aclwdnt,aclwdntc,aclwupb,aclwupbc,aclwdnb,aclwdnbc,swupt,swuptc,swdnt,swdntc,swupb,swupbc,swdnb,swdnbc,lwupt,lwuptc,lwdnt,lwdntc,lwupb,lwupbc,lwdnb,lwdnbc,taucldc,taucldi
3061 package   rrtmg_swscheme  ra_sw_physics==4           -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:acswupt,acswuptc,acswdnt,acswdntc,acswupb,acswupbc,acswdnb,acswdnbc,swupt,swuptc,swdnt,swdntc,swupb,swupbc,swdnb,swdnbc,o3rad;aerod:ocarbon,seasalt,dust,bcarbon,sulfate,upperaer
3062 package   rrtmk_swscheme  ra_sw_physics==14           -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:acswupt,acswuptc,acswdnt,acswdntc,acswupb,acswupbc,acswdnb,acswdnbc,swupt,swuptc,swdnt,swdntc,swupb,swupbc,swdnb,swdnbc,o3rad;aerod:ocarbon,seasalt,dust,bcarbon,sulfate,upperaer
3063 package   rrtmg_swscheme_fast  ra_sw_physics==24     -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;state:acswupt,acswuptc,acswdnt,acswdntc,acswupb,acswupbc,acswdnb,acswdnbc,swupt,swuptc,swdnt,swdntc,swupb,swupbc,swdnb,swdnbc,o3rad;aerod:ocarbon,seasalt,dust,bcarbon,sulfate,upperaer
3064 package   goddardswscheme ra_sw_physics==5           -             state:tswdn,tswup,sswdn,sswup,taucldc,taucldi,re_cloud_gsfc,re_rain_gsfc,re_ice_gsfc,re_snow_gsfc,re_graupel_gsfc,re_hail_gsfc,cod2d_out,ctop2d_out,re_cloud,re_ice,re_snow
3065 package   flgswscheme     ra_sw_physics==7           -             -
3066 package   gfdlswscheme    ra_sw_physics==99          -             -
3067 package   eclipsescheme   ra_sw_eclipse==1           -             state:ecmask,ecobsc,elat_track,elon_track
3069 package   nosfcscheme        sf_sfclay_physics==0        -             -
3070 package   sfclayrevscheme    sf_sfclay_physics==1        -             -
3071 package   myjsfcscheme       sf_sfclay_physics==2        -             state:tke_pbl,u10e,v10e
3072 package   gfssfcscheme       sf_sfclay_physics==3        -             -
3073 package   qnsesfcscheme      sf_sfclay_physics==4        -             state:u10e,v10e
3074 package   mynnsfcscheme      sf_sfclay_physics==5        -             -
3075 package   pxsfcscheme        sf_sfclay_physics==7        -             -
3076 package   temfsfcscheme      sf_sfclay_physics==10       -             state:wm_temf
3077 package   idealscmsfcscheme  sf_sfclay_physics==89       -             -
3078 package   sfclayscheme       sf_sfclay_physics==91       -             -
3080 package   noahucmscheme  sf_urban_physics==1         -             state:trb_urb4d,tw1_urb4d,tw2_urb4d,tgb_urb4d,sfw1_urb3d,sfw2_urb3d,sfr_urb3d,sfg_urb3d,a_u_bep,a_v_bep,a_t_bep,a_q_bep,a_e_bep,b_u_bep,b_v_bep,b_t_bep,b_q_bep,b_e_bep,dlg_bep,dl_u_bep,sf_bep,vl_bep,mh_urb2d,stdh_urb2d,lf_urb2d,lp_urb2d,hgt_urb2d,lb_urb2d,tgr_urb2d,cmcr_urb2d,drelr_urb2d,drelb_urb2d,drelg_urb2d,flxhumr_urb2d,flxhumb_urb2d,flxhumg_urb2d,tgrl_urb3d,smr_urb3d,cmgr_sfcdif,chgr_sfcdif,trl_urb3d,tgl_urb3d,tbl_urb3d
3081 package   bepscheme      sf_urban_physics==2         -             state:a_u_bep,a_v_bep,a_t_bep,a_q_bep,a_e_bep,b_u_bep,b_v_bep,b_t_bep,b_q_bep,b_e_bep,dlg_bep,dl_u_bep,sf_bep,vl_bep,trb_urb4d,tw1_urb4d,tw2_urb4d,tgb_urb4d,sfw1_urb3d,sfw2_urb3d,sfr_urb3d,sfg_urb3d,hi_urb2d,lp_urb2d,hgt_urb2d,lb_urb2d,trl_urb3d,tgl_urb3d,tbl_urb3d,tsk_rural
3082 package   bep_bemscheme  sf_urban_physics==3         -             state:a_u_bep,a_v_bep,a_t_bep,a_q_bep,a_e_bep,b_u_bep,b_v_bep,b_t_bep,b_q_bep,b_e_bep,dlg_bep,dl_u_bep,sf_bep,vl_bep,trb_urb4d,tw1_urb4d,tw2_urb4d,tgb_urb4d,tlev_urb3d,qlev_urb3d,tw1lev_urb3d,tw2lev_urb3d,tglev_urb3d,tflev_urb3d,sf_ac_urb3d,lf_ac_urb3d,cm_ac_urb3d,sfvent_urb3d,lfvent_urb3d,sfwin1_urb3d,sfwin2_urb3d,sfw1_urb3d,sfw2_urb3d,sfr_urb3d,sfg_urb3d,hi_urb2d,lp_urb2d,hgt_urb2d,lb_urb2d,trl_urb3d,tgl_urb3d,tbl_urb3d,tsk_rural,ep_pv_urb3d,t_pv_urb3d,trv_urb4d,qr_urb4d,qgr_urb3d,tgr_urb3d,drain_urb4d,draingr_urb3d,sfrv_urb3d,lfrv_urb3d,dgr_urb3d,dg_urb3d,lfr_urb3d,lfg_urb3d
3085 package   nolsmscheme    sf_surface_physics==0       -             -
3086 package   slabscheme     sf_surface_physics==1       -             -
3087 package   lsmscheme      sf_surface_physics==2       -             state:flx4,fvb,fbur,fgsn,smcrel,xlaidyn
3088 package   ruclsmscheme   sf_surface_physics==3       -             state:smfr3d,keepfr3dflag,soilt1,rhosnf,snowfallac,precipfr,acrunoff
3089 package   clmscheme      sf_surface_physics==5       -             state:numc,nump,sabv,sabg,lwup,lhsoi,lhveg,lhtran,snl,snowdp,wtc,wtp,h2osno,t_grnd,t_veg,h2ocan,h2ocan_col,t2m_max,t2m_min,t2clm,t_ref2m,q_ref2m,h2osoi_liq_s1,h2osoi_liq_s2,h2osoi_liq_s3,h2osoi_liq_s4,h2osoi_liq_s5,h2osoi_liq1,h2osoi_liq2,h2osoi_liq3,h2osoi_liq4,h2osoi_liq5,h2osoi_liq6,h2osoi_liq7,h2osoi_liq8,h2osoi_liq9,h2osoi_liq10,h2osoi_ice_s1,h2osoi_ice_s2,h2osoi_ice_s3,h2osoi_ice_s4,h2osoi_ice_s5,h2osoi_ice1,h2osoi_ice2,h2osoi_ice3,h2osoi_ice4,h2osoi_ice5,h2osoi_ice6,h2osoi_ice7,h2osoi_ice8,h2osoi_ice9,h2osoi_ice10,t_soisno_s1,t_soisno_s2,t_soisno_s3,t_soisno_s4,t_soisno_s5,t_soisno1,t_soisno2,t_soisno3,t_soisno4,t_soisno5,t_soisno6,t_soisno7,t_soisno8,t_soisno9,t_soisno10,dzsnow1,dzsnow2,dzsnow3,dzsnow4,dzsnow5,snowrds1,snowrds2,snowrds3,snowrds4,snowrds5,t_lake1,t_lake2,t_lake3,t_lake4,t_lake5,t_lake6,t_lake7,t_lake8,t_lake9,t_lake10,h2osoi_vol1,h2osoi_vol2,h2osoi_vol3,h2osoi_vol4,h2osoi_vol5,h2osoi_vol6,h2osoi_vol7,h2osoi_vol8,h2osoi_vol9,h2osoi_vol10,albedosubgrid,lhsubgrid,hfxsubgrid,lwupsubgrid,q2subgrid,sabvsubgrid,sabgsubgrid,nrasubgrid,swupsubgrid,t_veg24,t_veg240,fsun,fsun24,fsun240,fsd24,fsd240,fsi24,fsi240,laip,pct_pft_input
3090 package   noahmpscheme   sf_surface_physics==4       -             state:isnowxy,tvxy,tgxy,canliqxy,canicexy,eahxy,tahxy,cmxy,chxy,fwetxy,sneqvoxy,alboldxy,qsnowxy,qrainxy,wslakexy,zwtxy,waxy,wtxy,tsnoxy,zsnsoxy,snicexy,snliqxy,lfmassxy,rtmassxy,stmassxy,woodxy,stblcpxy,fastcpxy,xsaixy,taussxy,t2mvxy,t2mbxy,q2mvxy,q2mbxy,tradxy,neexy,gppxy,nppxy,fvegxy,qinxy,runsfxy,runsbxy,ecanxy,edirxy,etranxy,fsaxy,firaxy,aparxy,psnxy,savxy,sagxy,rssunxy,rsshaxy,bgapxy,wgapxy,tgvxy,tgbxy,chvxy,chbxy,shgxy,shcxy,shbxy,evgxy,evbxy,ghvxy,ghbxy,irgxy,ircxy,irbxy,trxy,evcxy,chleafxy,chucxy,chv2xy,chb2xy,chstarxy,smoiseq,smcwtdxy,rechxy,deeprechxy,fdepthxy,areaxy,rivercondxy,riverbedxy,eqzwt,pexpxy,qrfxy,qrfsxy,qspringxy,qspringsxy,qslatxy,stepwtd,rechclim,gddxy,grainxy,croptype,planting,harvest,season_gdd,cropcat,pgsxy,soilcomp,soilcl1,soilcl2,soilcl3,soilcl4,irfract,sifract,mifract,fifract,irnumsi,irnummi,irnumfi,irwatsi,irwatmi,irwatfi,irsivol,irmivol,irfivol,ireloss,irrsplh,td_fraction,qtdrain,acrech,acqspring,qlatxy,qintsxy,qintrxy,qdripsxy,qdriprxy,qthrosxy,qthrorxy,qsnsubxy,qsnfroxy,qsubcxy,qfrocxy,qevacxy,qdewcxy,qfrzcxy,qmeltcxy,qsnbotxy,pondingxy,pahxy,pahgxy,pahvxy,pahbxy,fpicexy,rainlsm,snowlsm,acints,acintr,acdripr,acthror,acevac,acdewc,forctlsm,forcqlsm,forcplsm,forczlsm,forcwlsm,acrainlsm,acrunsb,acrunsf,acecan,acetran,acedir,acqlat,acqrf,acetlsm,acsnowlsm,acsubc,acfroc,acfrzc,acmeltc,acsnbot,acponding,acsnsub,acsnfro,acrainsnow,acdrips,acthros,acsagb,acirb,acshb,acevb,acghb,acpahb,acsagv,acirg,acshg,acevg,acghv,acpahg,acsav,acirc,acshc,acevc,actr,acpahv,acswdnlsm,acswuplsm,aclwdnlsm,aclwuplsm,acshflsm,aclhflsm,acghflsm,acpahlsm,accanhs,canhsxy,soilenergy,snowenergy,acc_ssoil,acc_qinsur,acc_qseva,acc_etrani,aceflxb,eflxbxy,acc_dwaterxy,acc_prcpxy,acc_ecanxy,acc_etranxy,acc_edirxy,qmeltxy,acsnmelt
3091 package   ctsmscheme     sf_surface_physics==6       -             - 
3092 package   pxlsmscheme    sf_surface_physics==7       -             state:t2_ndg_new,q2_ndg_new,t2_ndg_old,q2_ndg_old,t2obs,q2obs,vegf_px,imperv,canfra,lai_px,wwlt_px,wfc_px,wsat_px,clay_px,csand_px,fmsand_px
3093 package   ssibscheme     sf_surface_physics==8       -             state:ssib_fm,ssib_fh,ssib_cm,ssibxdd,ssib_br,ssib_lhf,ssib_shf,ssib_ghf,ssib_egs,ssib_eci,ssib_ect,ssib_egi,ssib_egt,ssib_sdn,ssib_sup,ssib_ldn,ssib_lup,ssib_wat,ssib_shc,ssib_shg,ssib_lai,ssib_vcf,ssib_z00,ssib_veg,isnow,swe,snowden,snowdepth,tkair,dzo1,wo1,tssn1,tssno1,bwo1,bto1,cto1,fio1,flo1,bio1,blo1,ho1,dzo2,wo2,tssn2,tssno2,bwo2,bto2,cto2,fio2,flo2,bio2,blo2,ho2,dzo3,wo3,tssn3,tssno3,bwo3,bto3,cto3,fio3,flo3,bio3,blo3,ho3,dzo4,wo4,tssn4,tssno4,bwo4,bto4,cto4,fio4,flo4,bio4,blo4,ho4
3095 package   noahmpoptcrop2 opt_crop==2                 -             state:gecros_state
3097 package   noahmosaicscheme  sf_surface_mosaic==1     -             state:TSK_mosaic,QSFC_mosaic,TSLB_mosaic,SMOIS_mosaic,SH2O_mosaic,CANWAT_mosaic,SNOW_mosaic,SNOWH_mosaic,SNOWC_mosaic,ALBEDO_mosaic,ALBBCK_mosaic,EMISS_mosaic,EMBCK_mosaic,ZNT_mosaic,Z0_mosaic,HFX_mosaic,QFX_mosaic,LH_mosaic,GRDFLX_mosaic,SNOTIME_mosaic,TR_URB2D_mosaic,TB_URB2D_mosaic,TG_URB2D_mosaic,TC_URB2D_mosaic,TS_URB2D_mosaic,TS_RUL2D_mosaic,QC_URB2D_mosaic,UC_URB2D_mosaic,TRL_URB3D_mosaic,TBL_URB3D_mosaic,TGL_URB3D_mosaic,SH_URB2D_mosaic,LH_URB2D_mosaic,G_URB2D_mosaic,RN_URB2D_mosaic,mosaic_cat_index,landusef2,smcrel,RS_mosaic,LAI_mosaic
3099 package   channel        sf_surf_irr_alloc==1        -             state:irrigation,irr_rand_field
3100 package   drip           sf_surf_irr_alloc==2        -             state:irrigation,irr_rand_field
3101 package   sprinkler      sf_surf_irr_alloc==3        -             state:irrigation,irr_rand_field
3104 package   lesscheme      bl_pbl_physics==0           -             -
3105 package   ysuscheme      bl_pbl_physics==1           -             -
3106 package   myjpblscheme   bl_pbl_physics==2           -             state:tke_pbl,el_pbl
3107 package   gfsscheme      bl_pbl_physics==3           -             -
3108 package   qnsepblscheme  bl_pbl_physics==4           -             state:tke_pbl,el_pbl,massflux_EDKF,entr_EDKF,detr_EDKF,thl_up,thv_up,rv_up,rt_up,rc_up,u_up,v_up,frac_up,rc_mf
3109 package   mynnpblscheme2 bl_pbl_physics==5           -             scalar:qke_adv;state:qke,tke_pbl,sh3d,tsq,qsq,cov,el_pbl
3110 package   mynnpblscheme3 bl_pbl_physics==6           -             scalar:qke_adv;state:qke,tke_pbl,sh3d,tsq,qsq,cov,el_pbl
3111 package   acmpblscheme   bl_pbl_physics==7           -             -
3112 package   boulacscheme   bl_pbl_physics==8           -             state:el_pbl,tke_pbl,wu_tur,wv_tur,wt_tur,wq_tur
3113 package   camuwpblscheme bl_pbl_physics==9           -             state:tauresx2d,tauresy2d,tpert2d,qpert2d,wpert2d,tke_pbl,smaw3d,wsedl3d,turbtype3d
3114 package   temfpblscheme  bl_pbl_physics==10          -             state:te_temf,kh_temf,km_temf,shf_temf,qf_temf,uw_temf,vw_temf,wupd_temf,mf_temf,thup_temf,qlup_temf,qtup_temf,cf3d_temf,hd_temf,lcl_temf,hct_temf,cfm_temf
3115 package   shinhongscheme bl_pbl_physics==11          -             state:el_pbl,tke_pbl
3116 package   gbmpblscheme   bl_pbl_physics==12          -             state:exch_tke,el_pbl,tke_pbl
3117 package   eepsscheme     bl_pbl_physics==16          -             scalar:pek_adv,pep_adv;state:tke_pbl,pep_pbl
3118 package   mrfscheme      bl_pbl_physics==99          -             -
3120 package   mynn_tkebudget bl_mynn_tkebudget==1        -             state:qSHEAR,qBUOY,qDISS,qWT,dqke
3121 package   mynn_dmp_edmf  bl_mynn_edmf==1             -             state:ktop_plume,maxmf,nupdraft
3122 package   mynn_3Doutput  bl_mynn_output==1           -             state:edmf_a,edmf_w,edmf_thl,edmf_qt,edmf_ent,edmf_qc,sub_thl3D,sub_sqv3D,det_thl3D,det_sqv3D
3123 package   pbl_cloud      icloud_bl==1                -             state:cldfra_bl,qc_bl,qi_bl
3125 package   sms_3dtke      km_opt==5                   -             state:gamu,gamv,nlflux,dlk,l_diss,elmin,xkmv_meso
3127 # dfi
3128 package   mynnpblscheme2_dfi bl_pbl_physics_dfi==5   -             dfi_scalar:dfi_qke_adv
3129 package   mynnpblscheme3_dfi bl_pbl_physics_dfi==6   -             dfi_scalar:dfi_qke_adv
3131 package   nocuscheme     cu_physics==0               -             -
3132 package   kfetascheme    cu_physics==1               -             state:w0avg
3133 package   bmjscheme      cu_physics==2               -             state:qcconv,qiconv,convcld,ccldfra
3134 package   gfscheme       cu_physics==3               -             state:cugd_qvten,cugd_tten,cugd_qvtens,cugd_ttens,cugd_qcten,xmb_shallow,k22_shallow,kbcon_shallow,ktop_shallow
3135 package   scalesasscheme cu_physics==4               -             -
3136 package   g3scheme       cu_physics==5               -             state:cugd_qvten,cugd_tten,cugd_qvtens,cugd_ttens,cugd_qcten,xmb_shallow,k22_shallow,kbcon_shallow,ktop_shallow
3137 package   tiedtkescheme  cu_physics==6               -             -
3138 package   camzmscheme    cu_physics==7               -             state:precz,zmdt,zmdq,zmdice,zmdliq,evaptzm,fzsntzm,evsntzm,evapqzm,zmflxprc,zmflxsnw,zmntprpd,zmntsnpd,zmeiheat,cmfmc,cmfmcdzm,preccdzm,pconvb,pconvt,cape,zmmtu,zmmtv,zmmu,zmmd,zmupgu,zmupgd,zmvpgu,zmvpgd,zmicuu,zmicud,zmicvu,zmicvd,evapcdp3d,icwmrdp3d,rprddp3d,dp3d,du3d,ed3d,eu3d,md3d,mu3d,dsubcld2d,ideep2d,jt2d,maxg2d,lengath2d,dlf,rliq,tpert2d
3139 package   kfcupscheme    cu_physics==10              -             state:cldfratend_cup,cldfra_cup,updfra_cup,qc_iu_cup,qc_ic_cup,qndrop_ic_cup,wup_cup,mfup_cup,mfup_ent_cup,mfdn_cup,mfdn_ent_cup,fcvt_qc_to_pr_cup,fcvt_qc_to_qi_cup,fcvt_qi_to_pr_cup,lnterms,w0avg
3140 package   mskfscheme     cu_physics==11              -             state:w0avg
3141 package   ksasscheme     cu_physics==14              -             -
3142 package   nsasscheme     cu_physics==96              -             -
3143 package   ntiedtkescheme cu_physics==16              -             -
3144 package   gdscheme       cu_physics==93              -             -
3145 package   sasscheme      cu_physics==94              -             -
3146 package   osasscheme     cu_physics==95               -             -
3147 package   kfscheme       cu_physics==99              -             state:w0avg
3149 package   g3tave         cu_diag==1                  -             state:GD_CLOUD,GD_CLOUD2,GD_CLDFR,GD_CLOUD_A,GD_CLOUD2_A,kbcon_deep,ktop_deep,k22_deep
3151 package   kfedrates      kf_edrates==1               -             state:udr_kf,ddr_kf,uer_kf,der_kf,timec_kf
3153 package   no_cu_used     cu_used==0                  -             -
3154 package   any_cu_used    cu_used==1                  -             state:rucuten,rvcuten,rthcuten,rqvcuten,rqrcuten,rqccuten,rqscuten,rqicuten,rqcncuten,rqincuten
3156 package   no_cam_used    cam_used==0                 -             -
3157 package   any_cam_used   cam_used==1                 -             state:cldfra_old
3159 package   noshcuscheme    shcu_physics==0            -             -
3160 package   g3shcuscheme    shcu_physics==1            -             -
3161 package   camuwshcuscheme shcu_physics==2            -             state:shfrc3d,dlf,dlf2,cmfmc,cmfmc2,qtflx_cu,slflx_cu,uflx_cu,vflx_cu,qtten_cu,slten_cu,uten_cu,vten_cu,qvten_cu,qlten_cu,qiten_cu,cbmf_cu,ufrcinvbase_cu,ufrclcl_cu,winvbase_cu,wlcl_cu,plcl_cu,pinv_cu,plfc_cu,pbup_cu,ppen_cu,qtsrc_cu,thlsrc_cu,thvlsrc_cu,emkfbup_cu,cin_cu,cinlcl_cu,cbmflimit_cu,tkeavg_cu,zinv_cu,rcwp_cu,rlwp_cu,riwp_cu,tophgt_cu,wu_cu,ufrc_cu,qtu_cu,thlu_cu,thvu_cu,uu_cu,vu_cu,qtu_emf_cu,thlu_emf_cu,uu_emf_cu,vu_emf_cu,umf_cu,uemf_cu,qcu_cu,qlu_cu,qiu_cu,cufrc_cu,fer_cu,fdr_cu,dwten_cu,diten_cu,qrten_cu,qsten_cu,flxrain_cu,flxsnow_cu,ntraprd_cu,ntsnprd_cu,excessu_cu,excessu0_cu,xc_cu,aquad_cu,bquad_cu,cquad_cu,bogbot_cu,bogtop_cu,exit_uwcu_cu,exit_conden_cu,exit_klclmkx_cu,exit_klfcmkx_cu,exit_ufrc_cu,exit_wtw_cu,exit_drycore_cu,exit_wu_cu,exit_cufliter_cu,exit_kinv1_cu,exit_rei_cu,limit_shcu_cu,limit_negcon_cu,limit_ufrc_cu,limit_ppen_cu,limit_emf_cu,limit_cinlcl_cu,limit_cin_cu,limit_cbmf_cu,limit_rei_cu,ind_delcin_cu,evapcsh,cmfsl,cmflq,cldfrash,cush,icwmrsh,snowsh,rprdsh,rliq2,rliq
3162 package   grimsshcuscheme shcu_physics==3            -             -
3163 package   nscvshcuscheme  shcu_physics==4            -             -
3166 package   no_shcu_used    shcu_used==0               -             -
3167 package   any_shcu_used   shcu_used==1               -             state:rushten,rvshten,rthshten,rqvshten,rqrshten,rqcshten,rqsshten,rqishten,rqgshten,rqcnshten,rqinshten
3169 package   fogsettling0   grav_settling==0            -             state:vdfg
3170 package   fogsettling1   grav_settling==1            -             state:vdfg,fgdp,dfgdp
3171 package   fogsettling2   grav_settling==2            -             state:vdfg,fgdp,dfgdp
3173 package   psufddagd      grid_fdda==1                -             fdda3d:u_ndg_old,v_ndg_old,t_ndg_old,q_ndg_old,ph_ndg_old,u_ndg_new,v_ndg_new,t_ndg_new,q_ndg_new,ph_ndg_new;fdda2d:mu_ndg_old,mu_ndg_new;state:rundgdten,rvndgdten,rthndgdten,rphndgdten,rqvndgdten,rmundgdten,hfx_fdda
3174 package   spnudging      grid_fdda==2               -              fdda3d:u_ndg_old,v_ndg_old,t_ndg_old,q_ndg_old,ph_ndg_old,u_ndg_new,v_ndg_new,t_ndg_new,q_ndg_new,ph_ndg_new;fdda2d:mu_ndg_old,mu_ndg_new;state:rundgdten,rvndgdten,rthndgdten,rphndgdten,rqvndgdten,rmundgdten,dif_analysis,dif_xxx,dif_yyy
3176 package   psusfddagd     grid_sfdda==1               -             state:u10_ndg_old,v10_ndg_old,t2_ndg_old,th2_ndg_old,q2_ndg_old,rh_ndg_old,psl_ndg_old,ps_ndg_old,u10_ndg_new,v10_ndg_new,t2_ndg_new,th2_ndg_new,q2_ndg_new,rh_ndg_new,psl_ndg_new,ps_ndg_new,tob_ndg_old,odis_ndg_old,tob_ndg_new,odis_ndg_new,hfx_fdda
3178 package   obsnudging     obs_nudge_opt==1           -              state:obs_savwt,fdob
3180 package   fasdas         grid_sfdda==2              -              state:u10_ndg_old,v10_ndg_old,t2_ndg_old,th2_ndg_old,q2_ndg_old,rh_ndg_old,psl_ndg_old,ps_ndg_old,u10_ndg_new,v10_ndg_new,t2_ndg_new,th2_ndg_new,q2_ndg_new,rh_ndg_new,psl_ndg_new,ps_ndg_new,tob_ndg_old,odis_ndg_old,tob_ndg_new,odis_ndg_new,sda_hfx,sda_qfx,qnorm,hfx_both,qfx_both,hfx_fdda
3182 package   aeropt1        aer_opt==1                 -              state:aerodm
3183 package   aeropt2        aer_opt==2                 -              state:aod5503d
3185 package   swintopt2      swint_opt==2               -              state:swdown2,swddni2,swddif2,swddir2,swdownc2,swddnic2
3187 package   aercuopt       aercu_used==1              -              state:aeromcu,CU_UAF,EFCS,EFIS,EFSS,qr_cu,qs_cu,nc_cu,ni_cu,nr_cu,ns_cu,ccn_cu,aerovar;aerocu:cu_sulfate,cu_seasalt,cu_dust1,cu_dust2,cu_dust3,cu_dust4,cu_phoocar,cu_phiocar,cu_phobcar,cu_phibcar
3189 package   slopeopt       slope_rad==1               -              -
3190 package   gwd_used_1     gwd_used==1                -              state:oc12d,oa1,oa2,oa3,oa4,ol1,ol2,ol3,ol4,dtaux3d,dtauy3d,dusfcg,dvsfcg
3191 package   gwd_used_3     gwd_used==3                -              state:var2dls,oc12dls,oa1ls,oa2ls,oa3ls,oa4ls,ol1ls,ol2ls,ol3ls,ol4ls,var2dss,oc12dss,oa1ss,oa2ss,oa3ss,oa4ss,ol1ss,ol2ss,ol3ss,ol4ss 
3192 package   gwd_diags_used_3   gwd_diags_used==3      -              state:dtaux3d_ls,dtauy3d_ls,dtaux3d_bl,dtauy3d_bl,dtaux3d_ss,dtauy3d_ss,dtaux3d_fd,dtauy3d_fd,dusfcg_ls,dvsfcg_ls,dusfcg_bl,dvsfcg_bl,dusfcg_ss,dvsfcg_ss,dusfcg_fd,dvsfcg_fd
3193 package   nogwdopt       gwd_opt==0                 -              -
3194 package   gwdopt         gwd_opt==1                 -              -
3195 package   gwdoptgsl      gwd_opt==3                 -              -
3196 package   omlscheme      sf_ocean_physics==1        -              state:tml,t0ml,hml,h0ml,huml,hvml,tmoml
3197 package   pwp3dscheme    sf_ocean_physics==2        -              state:tml,t0ml,hml,h0ml,huml,hvml,tmoml,om_tmp,om_s,om_depth,om_u,om_v,om_lat,om_lon,om_ml,om_tini,om_sini
3199 package   scmopt         scm_force==1               -              state:z_force,z_force_tend,u_g,u_g_tend,v_g,v_g_tend,w_subs,w_subs_tend,th_upstream_x,th_upstream_x_tend,th_upstream_y,th_upstream_y_tend,qv_upstream_x,qv_upstream_x_tend,qv_upstream_y,qv_upstream_y_tend,u_upstream_x,u_upstream_x_tend,u_upstream_y,u_upstream_y_tend,v_upstream_x,v_upstream_x_tend,v_upstream_y,v_upstream_y_tend,tau_x,tau_x_tend,tau_y,tau_y_tend,th_largescale,th_largescale_tend,qv_largescale,qv_largescale_tend,ql_largescale,ql_largescale_tend,u_largescale,u_largescale_tend,v_largescale,v_largescale_tend,tau_largescale,tau_largescale_tend,ql_upstream_x,ql_upstream_x_tend,ql_upstream_y,ql_upstream_y_tend,t_soil_forcing_val,t_soil_forcing_tend,q_soil_forcing_val,q_soil_forcing_tend,tau_soil,soil_depth_force,th_t_tend,qv_t_tend
3201 package   prec_acc       prec_acc_opt==1            -              state:prec_acc_c,prec_acc_nc,snow_acc_nc
3202 package   bucketropt     bucketr_opt==1             -              state:i_rainc,i_rainnc
3203 package   bucketfopt     bucketf_opt==1             -              state:i_acswupt,i_acswuptc,i_acswdnt,i_acswdntc,i_acswupb,i_acswupbc,i_acswdnb,i_acswdnbc,i_aclwupt,i_aclwuptc,i_aclwdnt,i_aclwdntc,i_aclwupb,i_aclwupbc,i_aclwdnb,i_aclwdnbc
3204 package   original_mom   momentum_adv_opt==1
3205 package   weno_mom       momentum_adv_opt==3
3207 package   original       moist_adv_opt==0            -             -
3208 package   positivedef    moist_adv_opt==1            -             -
3209 package   monotonic      moist_adv_opt==2            -             -
3210 package   weno_scalar    moist_adv_opt==3            -             -
3211 package   wenopd_scalar  moist_adv_opt==4            -             -
3213 package   maxmin_output  output_diagnostics==1            -    state:t2min,t2max,tt2min,tt2max,t2mean,t2std,q2min,q2max,tq2min,tq2max,q2mean,q2std,skintempmin,skintempmax,tskintempmin,tskintempmax,skintempmean,skintempstd,u10max,v10max,spduv10max,tspduv10max,u10mean,v10mean,spduv10mean,u10std,v10std,spduv10std,raincvmax,rainncvmax,traincvmax,trainncvmax,raincvmean,rainncvmean,raincvstd,rainncvstd
3214 package   nwp_output     nwp_diagnostics==1            -       state:wspd10max,w_up_max,w_dn_max,up_heli_max,w_mean,grpl_max,hail_maxk1,hail_max2d
3216 package   dfi_setup      dfi_stage==0                -             -
3217 package   dfi_bck        dfi_stage==1                -             -
3218 package   dfi_fwd        dfi_stage==2                -             -
3219 package   dfi_fst        dfi_stage==3                -             -
3220 package   dfi_startfwd   dfi_stage==4                -             -
3221 package   dfi_startbck   dfi_stage==5                -             -
3223 package   dfi_nodfi      dfi_opt==0                  -             -
3224 package   dfi_dfl        dfi_opt==1                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG,dfi_rh,dfi_tten_rad
3225 package   dfi_ddfi       dfi_opt==2                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG,dfi_rh,dfi_tten_rad
3226 package   dfi_tdfi       dfi_opt==3                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG,dfi_rh,dfi_tten_rad
3228 package   reg_interp    nest_interp_coord==0         -             - 
3229 package   flat_p_interp nest_interp_coord==1         -             state:t_max_p,ght_max_p,max_p,t_min_p,ght_min_p,min_p
3231 # Tendency diagnostics for non-chemistry decoupled advective tendency arrays
3232 package   notenddiag    tenddiag==0                  -             -
3233 package   usetenddiag   tenddiag==1                  -             advh_t:advh_qv;advz_t:advz_qv
3235 package   no_trajectory traj_opt==0                  -             -
3236 package   um_trajectory traj_opt==1                  -             state:traj_i,traj_j,traj_k,traj_lat,traj_long
3238 package   albsi_zero     seaice_albedo_opt==0        -             -
3239 package   albsi_one      seaice_albedo_opt==1        -             -
3240 package   albsi_two      seaice_albedo_opt==2        -             state:albsi
3242 package   snowsi_zero    seaice_snowdepth_opt==0     -             -
3243 package   snowsi_one     seaice_snowdepth_opt==1     -             state:snowsi
3245 package   icedepth_zero  seaice_thickness_opt==0     -             -
3246 package   icedepth_one   seaice_thickness_opt==1     -             state:icedepth
3248 #Time series options for text output
3249 package   notseries             process_time_series==0                 -             -
3250 package   tseries               process_time_series==1                 -             state:ts_hour,ts_u,ts_v,ts_q,ts_t,ts_psfc,ts_glw,ts_gsw,ts_hfx,ts_lh,ts_tsk,ts_tslb,ts_clw,ts_rainc,ts_rainnc,ts_u_profile,ts_v_profile,ts_gph_profile,ts_th_profile,ts_p_profile,ts_w_profile
3251 package   tseries_add_solar     process_time_series==2                 -             state:ts_hour,ts_u,ts_v,ts_q,ts_t,ts_psfc,ts_glw,ts_gsw,ts_hfx,ts_lh,ts_tsk,ts_tslb,ts_clw,ts_rainc,ts_rainnc,ts_u_profile,ts_v_profile,ts_gph_profile,ts_th_profile,ts_cldfrac2d,ts_wvp,ts_lwp,ts_iwp,ts_swp,ts_lwp_tot,ts_iwp_tot,ts_swp_tot,ts_re_qc,ts_re_qi,ts_re_qs,ts_re_qc_tot,ts_re_qi_tot,ts_re_qs_tot,ts_tau_qc,ts_tau_qi,ts_tau_qs,ts_tau_qc_tot,ts_tau_qi_tot,ts_tau_qs_tot,ts_cbaseht,ts_ctopht,ts_cbaseht_tot,ts_ctopht_tot,ts_clrnidx,ts_p_profile,ts_w_profile,ts_swdown,ts_swddni,ts_swddif,ts_swdownc,ts_swddnic,ts_swdown2,ts_swddni2,ts_swddif2,ts_swdownc2,ts_swddnic2,ts_ghi_accum
3254 state    real   HAILCAST_DHAIL1   ij     misc        1         -      r          "HAILCAST_DHAIL1"     "WRF-HAILCAST Hail Diameter, 1st rank order"     "mm"
3255 state    real   HAILCAST_DHAIL2   ij     misc        1         -      r          "HAILCAST_DHAIL2"     "WRF-HAILCAST Hail Diameter, 2nd rank order"     "mm"
3256 state    real   HAILCAST_DHAIL3   ij     misc        1         -      r          "HAILCAST_DHAIL3"     "WRF-HAILCAST Hail Diameter, 3rd rank order"     "mm"
3257 state    real   HAILCAST_DHAIL4   ij     misc        1         -      r          "HAILCAST_DHAIL4"     "WRF-HAILCAST Hail Diameter, 4th rank order"     "mm"
3258 state    real   HAILCAST_DHAIL5   ij     misc        1         -      r          "HAILCAST_DHAIL5"     "WRF-HAILCAST Hail Diameter, 5th rank order"     "mm"
3259 state    real   HAILCAST_DIAM_MAX   ij   misc        1         -      h02       "HAILCAST_DIAM_MAX"   "WRF-HAILCAST MAX Hail Diameter"        "mm"
3260 state    real   HAILCAST_DIAM_MEAN  ij   misc        1         -      -          "HAILCAST_DIAM_MEAN"  "WRF-HAILCAST Mean Hail Diameter"        "mm"
3261 state    real   HAILCAST_DIAM_STD   ij   misc        1         -      -          "HAILCAST_DIAM_STD"   "WRF-HAILCAST Stand. Dev. Hail Diameter" "mm"
3262 state    real   HAILCAST_WUP_MASK   ij     misc        1         -      r        "HAILCAST_WUP_MASK"           "Updraft mask, 1 if > 10m/s"                             ""
3263 state    real   HAILCAST_WDUR       ij     misc        1         -      r        "HAILCAST_WDUR"               "Updraft duration"                                       "sec"
3264 state    real   haildtacttime        -       -         -         -      r        "haildtacttime"              "HAILDTACTTIME"         "HAILCAST ACTIVATION TIME in s"
3267 package   hailcast  hailcast_opt==1        -                    state:hailcast_diam_max,hailcast_diam_mean,hailcast_diam_std,hailcast_dhail1,hailcast_dhail2,hailcast_dhail3,hailcast_dhail4,hailcast_dhail5
3268 rconfig   integer   hailcast_opt       namelist,physics           max_domains    0       rh    "hailcast_opt"        "WRF-HAILCAST option, 1: on"                   ""
3269 rconfig   real      HAILDT             namelist,physics           max_domains    0       h     "HAILDT"              "seconds between WRF-HAILCAST calls"           "sec"
3270 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_HCW   dyn_em 8:hailcast_wup_mask, hailcast_wdur
3272 # lightning
3274 state    real    ic_flashcount     ij     misc    1   -   rh    "ic_flashcount"      "Accumulated IC flash count"     "#"
3275 state    real    ic_flashrate      ij     misc    1   -   r     "ic_flashrate"       "IC flash rate"                  "#/s"
3276 state    real    cg_flashcount     ij     misc    1   -   rh    "cg_flashcount"      "Accumulated CG flash count"     "#"
3277 state    real    cg_flashrate      ij     misc    1   -   r     "cg_flashrate"       "CG flash rate"                  "#/s"
3280 rconfig  integer    lightning_option         namelist,physics   max_domains    0      h    "lightning_option"          "Lightning flash parameterization"       ""
3281 rconfig  real       lightning_dt             namelist,physics   max_domains    0.     -    "lightning_dt"              ""                                       "s"
3282 rconfig  real       lightning_start_seconds  namelist,physics   max_domains    0.     -    "lightning_start_seconds"   ""                                       "s"
3283 rconfig  real       flashrate_factor         namelist,physics   max_domains    1.0    h    "flashrate_factor"          "Tuning factor"                          ""
3285 rconfig  integer    iccg_method              namelist,physics   max_domains    0       -   "iccg_method"               "IC:CG partitioning method"                         ""
3286 rconfig  real       iccg_prescribed_num      namelist,physics   max_domains    0.0     -   "iccg_prescribed_num"       "Numerator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG"      ""
3287 rconfig  real       iccg_prescribed_den      namelist,physics   max_domains    1.0     -   "iccg_prescribed_dem"       "Denominator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG"    ""
3288 rconfig  integer    cellcount_method         namelist,physics   max_domains    0       -   "cellcount_method"          "0=auto, 1=tile, 2=domain"                   ""
3289 rconfig  real       cldtop_adjustment        namelist,physics   max_domains    0.      -   "cldtop_adjustment"         "Adjustment to cloud top for ltng param"     "km"
3290 rconfig  integer    sf_lake_physics          namelist,physics   max_domains    0       -   "sf_lake_physics"           "activate lake model  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
3292 state    real  iccg_in_num    ij      misc        1         -      i{16}r     "iccg_in_num"      "IC:CG input numerator"      ""
3293 state    real  iccg_in_den    ij      misc        1         -      i{16}r     "iccg_in_den"      "IC:CG input denominator"    ""
3295 package ltng_none           lightning_option==0            -       -
3296 package ltng_crm_PR92w      lightning_option==1            -       state:ic_flashcount,ic_flashrate,cg_flashcount,cg_flashrate
3297 package ltng_crm_PR92z      lightning_option==2            -       state:ic_flashcount,ic_flashrate,cg_flashcount,cg_flashrate
3298 package ltng_cpm_PR92z      lightning_option==11           -       state:ic_flashcount,ic_flashrate,cg_flashcount,cg_flashrate
3299 package ltng_lpi            lightning_option==3           -        state:lpi
3300 # only need to specify these once; not for every io_form* variable
3301 package   io_intio    io_form_restart==1                     -             -
3302 package   io_netcdf   io_form_restart==2                     -             -
3303 # Placeholders for additional packages (we can go beyond zzz
3304 # but that will entail modifying frame/module_io.F and frame/md_calls.m4)
3305 # Please note these are placeholders; HDF has not been implemented yet.
3306 package   io_hdf      io_form_restart==3                     -             -
3307 package   io_phdf5    io_form_restart==4                     -             -
3308 package   io_grib1    io_form_restart==5                     -             -
3309 package   io_esmf     io_form_restart==7                     -             -
3310 package   io_yyy      io_form_restart==8                     -             -
3311 package   io_zzz      io_form_restart==9                     -             -
3312 package   io_grib2    io_form_restart==10                    -             -
3313 package   io_pnetcdf  io_form_restart==11                    -             -
3314 package   io_pio      io_form_restart==12                    -             -
3315 package   io_netcdfpar io_form_restart==13                   -             -
3317 #WRF Hydro
3318 package   no_wrfhydro    wrf_hydro==0                -            -
3319 package   wrfhydro       wrf_hydro==1                -            state:SOLDRAIN,SFCHEADRT,INFXSRT,qtiledrain,ZWATBLE2D
3321 #WRF Windfarm
3322 package   no_windfarm    windfarm_opt==0             -            -
3323 package   fitchscheme    windfarm_opt==1             -            state:power
3325 #Ideal Cases
3326 package   realcase       ideal_case==0               -            -
3327 package   hill2d_x       ideal_case==1               -            -
3328 package   quarter_ss     ideal_case==2               -            -
3329 package   convrad        ideal_case==3               -            -
3330 package   squall2d_x     ideal_case==4               -            -
3331 package   squall2d_y     ideal_case==5               -            -
3332 package   grav2d_x       ideal_case==6               -            -
3333 package   b_wave         ideal_case==7               -            -
3334 package   seabreeze2d_x  ideal_case==8               -            -
3335 package   les            ideal_case==9               -            -
3336 # WRF-Chem specific diagnostics
3337 package   clnatmdiag     calc_clean_atm_diag==1      -            state:SWUPTCLN,SWDNTCLN,SWUPBCLN,SWDNBCLN,LWUPTCLN,LWDNTCLN,LWUPBCLN,LWDNBCLN 
3341 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3342 ## communications                                               
3344 ### 8. Edit the Registry file and create a halo-exchange for x_1.
3346 # Halo Update Communications
3347 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_1 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,ph_1,ph_2
3348 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_2 dyn_em 48:t_1,t_2,mu_1,mu_2,tke_1,tke_2,ww,phb
3349 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_3 dyn_em 48:ph0,php,t_init,mub,mu0,p,al,alt,alb
3350 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_4 dyn_em 48:pb,h_diabatic,qv_diabatic,qc_diabatic,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,f,e,sina,cosa,ht,potevp,snopcx,soiltb,xlat,xlong,xlat_u,xlat_v,xlong_u,xlong_v,clat,msft,msfu,msfv
3351 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_5 dyn_em 48:moist,chem,scalar,tracer
3352 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_6 dyn_em 48:om_tmp,om_s,om_u,om_v,om_depth,om_tini,om_sini,om_lat,om_lon,om_ml
3353 halo      HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1 dyn_em 48:pd_gc,pb,pmaxw,ptrop,pmaxwnn,ptropnn
3354 halo      HALO_EM_A dyn_em  8:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,al,p,muu,muv,mut,rho
3355 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_A  dyn_em 4:u_2,v_2
3356 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_PBL dyn_em        4:rublten,rvblten
3357 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_CU dyn_em         4:rucuten,rvcuten
3358 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_SHCU dyn_em       4:rushten,rvshten
3359 halo      HALO_EM_FDDA dyn_em            4:rundgdten,rvndgdten
3360 halo      HALO_EM_FDDA_SFC dyn_em 48:z,z_at_w,pblh,regime,znt,odis_ndg_old,odis_ndg_new
3361 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_DIFFUSION dyn_em  4:defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,div,xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,tke_1,tke_2
3362 halo      HALO_EM_SBM dyn_em 8:p_phy,pi_phy,dz8w,th_phy,rho,qv_old,th_old,u_phy,v_phy,moist
3363 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_3 dyn_em 24:tke_2
3364 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_5 dyn_em 48:tke_2
3365 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_A dyn_em 4:ph_2,phb
3366 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_B dyn_em 4:z,rdz,rdzw,zx,zy
3367 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_C dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2,z,zx,zy,rdz,rdzw,ustm,ust
3368 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_D dyn_em 8:defor11,defor22,defor33,defor12,defor13,defor23,div
3369 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_E dyn_em 8:xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,BN2,moist,rho,gamu,gamv,xkmv_meso 
3370 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_3 dyn_em   24:tke_1,tke_2
3371 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_5 dyn_em   48:tke_1,tke_2
3372 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_7 dyn_em   80:tke_1,tke_2
3373 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_5 dyn_em   48:tke_1
3374 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_7 dyn_em   80:tke_1
3375 halo      HALO_EM_HELICITY dyn_em 48:u_2,v_2,w_2,ph_2,zx,zy,rdz,rdzw
3376 halo      HALO_EM_B dyn_em 4:ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb
3377 halo      HALO_EM_B2 dyn_em 4:ru_tend,rv_tend
3378 halo      HALO_EM_C dyn_em    4:u_2,v_2
3379 halo      HALO_EM_C2 dyn_em    4:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf
3380 halo      HALO_EM_D dyn_em    24:ru_m,rv_m,ww_m,mut,muts
3381 halo      HALO_EM_D_PV dyn_em 24:u_2,v_2,t_2
3382 halo      HALO_EM_D2_3 dyn_em 24:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,tracer,scalar,tke_2;4:mu_2,al
3383 halo      HALO_EM_D2_5 dyn_em 48:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,tracer,scalar,tke_2;4:mu_2,al
3384 halo      HALO_EM_D3_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,tracer,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2
3385 halo      HALO_EM_D3_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,tracer,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2
3386 halo      HALO_EM_E_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2
3387 halo      HALO_EM_E_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2
3388 halo      HALO_FIREBRAND_SPOTTING_5 dyn_em 48:muts,al
3389 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist
3390 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist
3391 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist
3392 halo      HALO_CUP_G3_IN dyn_em 24:RTHFTEN,RQVFTEN,w_2,t_phy
3393 halo      HALO_CUP_G3_OUT dyn_em 48:cugd_tten,cugd_qvten,cugd_ttens,cugd_qvtens,raincv
3394 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem
3395 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem
3396 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem
3397 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_E_3 dyn_em 24:tracer
3398 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_E_5 dyn_em 48:tracer
3399 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_E_7 dyn_em 80:tracer
3400 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar
3401 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar
3402 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar
3403 halo      HALO_TOPOSHAD phys 24:ht_shad
3404 halo      HALO_EM_HORIZ_INTERP dyn_em 24:t_2,ph_2,ht,t_max_p,ght_max_p,max_p,t_min_p,ght_min_p,min_p
3405 halo      HALO_EM_THETAM dyn_em 48:h_diabatic
3407 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist_old
3408 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist_old
3409 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist_old
3410 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem_old
3411 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem_old
3412 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem_old
3413 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:tracer_old
3414 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:tracer_old
3415 halo      HALO_EM_TRACER_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:tracer_old
3416 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar_old
3417 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar_old
3418 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar_old
3419 halo      HALO_EM_FEEDBACK   dyn_em 48:u_2,v_2,w_2,ph_2,phb,t_2,mu_2,mub,alb,pb,moist,dfi_moist,scalar,dfi_scalar,ht,th_old,qv_old,tracer,pcb,pc_2
3420 halo      HALO_EM_HYDRO_UV   dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2
3421 halo      HALO_EM_HYDRO_NOAHMP dyn_em 8:ZWTXY
3423 halo      HALO_EM_COUPLE_A   dyn_em 24:mub,mu_1,mu_2
3424 period    PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_A dyn_em 2:mub,mu_1,mu_2
3425 halo      HALO_EM_COUPLE_B   dyn_em 48:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\
3426                                        moist,chem,tracer,scalar
3427 period    PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_B dyn_em 3:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\
3428                                        moist,chem,tracer,scalar
3430 #cyl for trajectory 
3431 halo      HALO_EM_F dyn_em  24:muu,muv,mut
3432 halo      HALO_EM_F_1 dyn_em  24:muus,muvs
3434 ## For moving nests
3435 #halo      em_shift_halo_y  dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2
3436 #halo      em_shift_halo_x  dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2
3438 # For observational nudging
3439 halo      HALO_OBS_NUDGE dyn_em 24:ph_2,p,uratx,vratx,tratx,kpbl,th_phy_m_t0
3441 # cyl: For 3DPWP
3442 halo      HALO_PWP dyn_em 8: OM_TMP,OM_S,OM_U,OM_V,OM_DEPTH,OM_TINI,OM_SINI
3444 # Periodic Boundary Communications
3446 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_INIT dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,t_init,phb,ph0,php,pb,al,alt,alb,mu_1,mu_2,mub,mu0,ht,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,sina,cosa,e,f
3448 # Monotonic, positive definite advection requires 4 values for moist, chem, tke, and scalar for periodic lateral boundaries
3450 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST dyn_em 4:moist
3451 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM dyn_em 4:chem
3452 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TRACER dyn_em 4:tracer
3453 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR dyn_em 4:scalar
3454 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE dyn_em 4:tke_2
3455 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST2 dyn_em 4:moist
3456 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM2 dyn_em 4:chem
3457 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TRACER2 dyn_em 4:tracer
3458 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR2 dyn_em 4:scalar
3459 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST_OLD dyn_em 4:moist_old
3460 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM_OLD dyn_em 4:chem_old
3461 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TRACER_OLD dyn_em 4:tracer_old
3462 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR_OLD dyn_em 4:scalar_old
3463 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE_OLD dyn_em 4:tke_1
3465 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_E dyn_em 2:u_2,v_2,ht
3466 period    PERIOD_EM_HYDRO_UV dyn_em 1:u_2,v_2
3467 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_A dyn_em 2:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,p,muu,muv,mut,ph_2,al,rho
3468 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_A1  dyn_em 3:rdzw,rdz,z,zx,zy,ustm,ust
3469 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_PHY_BC dyn_em 2:rublten,rvblten,rucuten,rvcuten,rushten,rvshten,xkmh,xkmv,xkhh,xkhv,div,defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,defor33,tke_2,rho,gamu,gamv,xkmv_meso
3470 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_FDDA_BC dyn_em 2:rundgdten,rvndgdten
3471 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend,ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb
3472 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B3 dyn_em 2:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf
3473 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B2 dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend
3474 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_C dyn_em 2:u_2,u_save,v_2,v_save,t_2,t_save,muv,msfvx,msfvy,muu,msfux,msfuy,msfvx_inv
3475 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_D dyn_em 3:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2,mu_2,tke_2
3476 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_D3 dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,mu_1,mu_2
3477 period    PERIOD_EM_DA dyn_em 2:ru_m,rv_m,ww_m,mut,muts
3478 period    PERIOD_EM_F dyn_em 2:muus,muvs
3479 period    PERIOD_EM_G dyn_em 2:msftx,msfux,msfvy
3480 period    PERIOD_EM_THETAM dyn_em 3:h_diabatic
3483 #swap SWAP_ETAMP_NEW  dyn_em 1:dz8w,p_phy,pi_phy,rho,th_phy,moist,F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,RAINNC,RAINNCV,SR,LOWLYR
3484 #swap SWAP_WSM3       dyn_em 1:th_phy,moist,w_2,rho,pi_phy,p_phy,dz8w,rainnc,rainncv
3485 #cycle CYCLE_TEST       dyn_em 1:xlong
3489 # FDDA (Observational-nudging) Variables
3490 typedef fdob_type integer domain_tot   # total number of domains to apply obs-nudging
3491 typedef fdob_type integer IEODI        # end of obs data flag for current model step
3492 typedef fdob_type integer IWTSIG       # flag for nudging on pressure surfaces
3493 typedef fdob_type integer NSTAT        # number of obs stations used to nudge current model step
3494 typedef fdob_type integer NSTAW        # number of obs stations within current time window
3495 typedef fdob_type integer KTAUR        # restart model step
3496 typedef fdob_type integer LEVIDN(max_domains)   # level of nest
3497 typedef fdob_type integer REFPRT(max_domains)   # reference obs index for diagnostic printout
3498 typedef fdob_type real    WINDOW       # time window half-period for nudging (in minutes) 
3499 typedef fdob_type real    RTLAST       # time in hours of last obs used in current model step
3500 typedef fdob_type real    DATEND       # time in minutes after which data are asuumed to have ended
3501 typedef fdob_type logical NUDGE_UV_PBL # Flag for wind nudging within the PBL
3502 typedef fdob_type logical NUDGE_T_PBL  # Flag for temperature nudging within the PBL
3503 typedef fdob_type logical NUDGE_Q_PBL  # Flag for moisture nudging within the PBL
3504 typedef fdob_type integer SFC_SCHEME_HORIZ # Flag for horizontal spreading scheme for surface obs
3505 typedef fdob_type integer SFC_SCHEME_VERT  # Flag for vertical   spreading scheme for surface obs
3506 typedef fdob_type real    MAX_SNDNG_GAP # Maximum pressure gap allowed for interpolating between soundings (centibars)
3507 typedef fdob_type real    SFCFACT      # scale factor applied to time window for surface obs
3508 typedef fdob_type real    SFCFACR      # scale factor applied to horiz radius of influence for surface obs
3509 typedef fdob_type real    RINFMN       # minimum radius of influence
3510 typedef fdob_type real    RINFMX       # maximum radius of influence
3511 typedef fdob_type real    PFREE        # pressure level (cb) where terrain effect becomes small
3512 typedef fdob_type real    DCON         # 1/DPSMX
3513 typedef fdob_type real    DPSMX        # max pres change (cb) allowed within infl range of surf obs 
3514 typedef fdob_type real    TFACI        # scale factor used for ramp-down in dynamic initialization
3515 typedef fdob_type real    KNOWN_LAT    # Latitude  of origin point (i,j)=(1,1)
3516 typedef fdob_type real    KNOWN_LON    # Longitude of origin point (i,j)=(1,1)
3517 typedef fdob_type character SDATE      # domain starting date (YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss)
3518 typedef fdob_type real    XTIME_AT_REST # xtime at restart time
3519 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_UV(6)    # Vertical influence function parameters for wind nudging
3520 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_T(6)     # Vertical influence function parameters for temperature nudging
3521 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_Q(6)     # Vertical influence function parameters for moisture nudging
3522 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_FULLMIN  # Minimum depth through which vert infl fcn remains 1.0 (m)
3523 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_RAMPMIN  # Minimum depth through which vif decreases 1.0 to 0.0 (m)
3524 typedef fdob_type real    VIF_MAX      # Maximum depth in which vif is nonzero (m)
3526 # table entries are of the form
3527 #      <Table>  <Type>  <Sym>                <Dims>   <Use>   <NumTLev> <Stagger> <IO>     <DNAME>             <DESCRIP>     <UNITS>
3528 #Grid variables
3529 typedef fdob_type real    varobs         {nndgvar}{obs} -         1        -       -       "varobs"          "observational values in each variable"
3530 typedef fdob_type real    errf              h{obs}      -         1        -       -       "errf"            "errors between model and obs values"
3531 typedef fdob_type real    timeob             {obs}      -         1        -       -       "timeob"          "model times for each observation"          "hours"
3532 typedef fdob_type real    nlevs_ob           {obs}      -         1        -       -       "nlevs_ob"        "numbers of levels in sounding obs"
3533 typedef fdob_type real    lev_in_ob          {obs}      -         1        -       -       "lev_in_ob"       "level in sounding-type obs"
3534 typedef fdob_type real    plfo               {obs}      -         1        -       -       "plfo"            "index for type of obs-platform"
3535 typedef fdob_type real    elevob             {obs}      -         1        -       -       "elevob"          "elevation of observation"                  "meters"
3536 typedef fdob_type real    rio                {obs}      -         1        -       -       "rio"             "west-east grid coordinate"
3537 typedef fdob_type real    rjo                {obs}      -         1        -       -       "rjo"             "south-north grid coordinate"
3538 typedef fdob_type real    rko                {obs}      -         1        -       -       "rko"             "vertical grid coordinate"
3539 typedef fdob_type integer obsprt               [        -         1        -       -       "obsprt"          "obs index for diagnostic printout"
3540 typedef fdob_type real    latprt               [        -         1        -       -       "latprt"          "obs latitude for diagnostic printout"
3541 typedef fdob_type real    lonprt               [        -         1        -       -       "lonprt"          "obs longitude for diagnostic printout"
3542 typedef fdob_type real    mlatprt              [        -         1        -       -       "mlatprt"         "model latitude at obs location"
3543 typedef fdob_type real    mlonprt              [        -         1        -       -       "mlonprt"         "model longitude at obs location"
3544 typedef fdob_type integer stnidprt       {obsstid}{[}   -         1        -       -       "stnidprt"        "obs station id for diagnostic printout"
3545 typedef fdob_type real    base_state           k        -         1        -       -       "base_state"      "base-state height on half (mass) levels"   "meters"
3547 state fdob_type fdob - -
3549 # xpose variables for polar fft
3550 state    real   t_xxx          ikjx    -           1        -
3551 state    real   u_xxx          ikjx    -           1        X
3552 state    real   ru_xxx         ikjx    -           1        X
3553 state    real   v_xxx          ikjx    -           1        Y
3554 state    real   rv_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Y
3555 state    real   w_xxx          ikjx    -           1        Z
3556 state    real   ww_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Z
3557 state    real   ph_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Z
3558 state    real   dum_yyy        ikjy    -           1        -
3559 state    real   fourd_xxx      ikjx    -           1        -
3560 state    real   clat_xxx       ijx     -           1        -
3561 state    real   ht_xxx         ijx     -           1        -
3562 state    real   mf_xxx         ijx     -           1        -
3564 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_TOPO dyn_em t_init,t_xxx,dum_yyy
3565 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_T  dyn_em t_2,t_xxx,dum_yyy
3566 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_U  dyn_em u_2,u_xxx,dum_yyy
3567 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RU dyn_em ru_m,ru_xxx,dum_yyy
3568 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_V  dyn_em v_2,v_xxx,dum_yyy
3569 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RV dyn_em rv_m,rv_xxx,dum_yyy
3570 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_W  dyn_em w_2,w_xxx,dum_yyy
3571 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_WW dyn_em ww_m,ww_xxx,dum_yyy
3572 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_PH dyn_em ph_2,ph_xxx,dum_yyy
3573 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_MOIST dyn_em moist,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
3574 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_CHEM dyn_em chem,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
3575 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_TRACER dyn_em tracer,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
3576 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_SCALAR dyn_em scalar,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
3578 # xpose variables for spectral nudging
3579 state    real   dif_analysis     ikj     -           1
3580 state    real   dif_xxx          ikjx    -           1
3581 state    real   dif_yyy          ikjy    -           1
3583 xpose XPOSE_SPECTRAL_NUDGING dyn_em dif_analysis,dif_xxx,dif_yyy
3586 package   no_fft_used    fft_used==0                  -             -
3587 package   any_fft_used   fft_used==1                  -             state:t_xxx,u_xxx,ru_xxx,v_xxx,rv_xxx,w_xxx,ww_xxx,ph_xxx,dum_yyy,fourd_xxx