3 ! module_cam_mam_coag.F
4 ! adapted from cam3 modal_aero_coag.F90 by r.c.easter, august 2010
5 ! Updated to CESM1.0.3 (CAM5.1.01) by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
7 ! > change pcnstxx to a subr argument because gas_pcnst is
8 ! not a constant/parameter in wrf-chem
10 !--------------------------------------------------------------
11 #include "MODAL_AERO_CPP_DEFINES.h"
15 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
18 ! !MODULE: modal_aero_coag --- modal aerosol coagulation
21 module modal_aero_coag
24 use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
25 use shr_kind_mod, only: r4 => shr_kind_r4
27 use chem_mods, only: gas_pcnst
29 use module_cam_support, only: gas_pcnst => gas_pcnst_modal_aero
31 use modal_aero_data, only: maxd_aspectype
38 public modal_aero_coag_sub, modal_aero_coag_init
42 integer, parameter :: pcnstxx = gas_pcnst
45 #if ( defined MODAL_AERO_7MODE )
46 integer, parameter, public :: pair_option_acoag = 3
47 #elif ( defined MODAL_AERO_3MODE )
48 integer, parameter, public :: pair_option_acoag = 1
50 ! specifies pairs of modes for which coagulation is calculated
51 ! 1 -- [aitken-->accum]
52 ! 2 -- [aitken-->accum], and [pcarbon-->accum]
53 ! 3 -- [aitken-->accum], [pcarbon-->accum],
54 ! and [aitken-->pcarbon--(aging)-->accum]
57 integer, parameter, public :: maxpair_acoag = 10
58 integer, parameter, public :: maxspec_acoag = maxd_aspectype
60 integer, public :: npair_acoag
61 integer, public :: modefrm_acoag(maxpair_acoag)
62 integer, public :: modetoo_acoag(maxpair_acoag)
63 integer, public :: modetooeff_acoag(maxpair_acoag)
64 integer, public :: nspecfrm_acoag(maxpair_acoag)
65 integer, public :: lspecfrm_acoag(maxspec_acoag,maxpair_acoag)
66 integer, public :: lspectoo_acoag(maxspec_acoag,maxpair_acoag)
68 ! !DESCRIPTION: This module implements ...
72 ! RCE 07.04.13: Adapted from MIRAGE2 code
75 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
78 ! list private module data here
81 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
86 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
88 ! !ROUTINE: modal_aero_coag_sub --- ...
91 subroutine modal_aero_coag_sub( &
93 loffset, deltat_main, &
97 dgncur_a, dgncur_awet, &
105 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
107 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
111 use mo_constants, only: pi
114 use modal_aero_gasaerexch, only: n_so4_monolayers_pcage, &
117 use abortutils, only: endrun
118 use cam_history, only: outfld, fieldname_len
119 use chem_mods, only: adv_mass
120 use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_name
122 use module_cam_support, only: endrun, outfld, fieldname_len, pcnst =>pcnst_runtime
123 use constituents, only: cnst_name
124 use module_data_cam_mam_asect, only: adv_mass => mw_q_mo_array
126 use physconst, only: gravit, mwdry, r_universal
128 use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver
129 use spmd_utils, only: iam, masterproc
131 use module_cam_support, only: pcols, pver, iam, masterproc
138 integer, intent(in) :: pcnstxx ! number of species in "incoming q array"
140 integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk identifier
141 integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns in chunk
142 integer, intent(in) :: nstep ! model step
143 integer, intent(in) :: loffset ! offset applied to modal aero "pointers"
144 integer, intent(in) :: latndx(pcols), lonndx(pcols)
146 real(r8), intent(in) :: deltat_main ! model timestep (s)
148 real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! temperature (K)
149 real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid(pcols,pver) ! pressure at model levels (Pa)
150 real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel(pcols,pver) ! pressure thickness of levels (Pa)
152 real(r8), intent(inout) :: q(ncol,pver,pcnstxx)
153 ! tracer mixing ratio (TMR) array
154 ! *** MUST BE mol/mol-air or #/mol-air
155 ! *** NOTE ncol & pcnstxx dimensions
156 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgncur_a(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
157 ! dry geo. mean dia. (m) of number distrib.
158 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgncur_awet(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
159 ! wet geo. mean dia. (m) of number distrib.
160 real(r8), intent(in) :: wetdens_a(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
161 ! density of wet aerosol (kg/m3)
164 ! computes changes due to coagulation involving
165 ! aitken mode (modeptr_aitken) with accumulation mode (modeptr_accum)
167 ! compute changes to mass and number, but not to surface area
168 ! calculates coagulation rate coefficients using either
169 ! new CMAQ V4.6 fast method
170 ! older cmaq slow method (direct gauss-hermite quadrature)
173 ! RCE 07.04.15: Adapted from MIRAGE2 code and CMAQ V4.6 code
176 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
180 integer :: i, iok, ipair, ip_aitacc, ip_aitpca, ip_pcaacc, iq
181 integer :: idomode(ntot_amode), iselfcoagdone(ntot_amode)
184 integer :: l, l1, l2, la, lmz, lsfrm, lstoo, lunout
185 integer :: modefrm, modetoo, mait, macc, mpca
186 integer :: n, nfreqcoag
189 integer, save :: nerr = 0 ! number of errors for entire run
190 integer, save :: nerrmax = 9999 ! maximum number of errors before abort
191 integer, parameter :: ldiag1=-1, ldiag2=-1, ldiag3=-1
193 logical, parameter :: fastcoag_flag = .true. ! selects coag rate-coef method
196 real(r8) :: deltat, deltatinv_main
197 real(r8) :: dr_so4_monolayers_pcage
198 real(r8) :: dryvol_a(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
199 real(r8) :: dumexp, dumloss, dumprod
200 real(r8) :: dumsfc_frm_old, dumsfc_frm_new
202 real(r8) :: fac_m2v_aitage(maxd_aspectype), fac_m2v_pcarbon(maxd_aspectype)
203 real(r8) :: fac_volsfc_pcarbon
204 real(r8) :: lnsg_frm, lnsg_too
205 real(r8) :: sg_frm, sg_too
206 real(r8) :: tmpa, tmpb, tmpc, tmpf, tmpg, tmph, tmpn
207 real(r8) :: tmp1, tmp2
209 real(r8) :: v2ncur_a_tmp
210 real(r8) :: vol_core, vol_shell
211 real(r8) :: wetdens_frm, wetdens_too, wetdgnum_frm, wetdgnum_too
212 real(r8) :: xbetaij0, xbetaij2i, xbetaij2j, xbetaij3, &
213 xbetaii0, xbetaii2, xbetajj0, xbetajj2
214 real(r8) :: xferamt, xferfracvol, xferfrac_pcage, xferfrac_max
215 real(r8) :: xnumbconc(ntot_amode)
216 real(r8) :: xnumbconcavg(ntot_amode), xnumbconcnew(ntot_amode)
217 real(r8) :: ybetaij0(maxpair_acoag), ybetaij3(maxpair_acoag)
218 real(r8) :: ybetaii0(maxpair_acoag), ybetajj0(maxpair_acoag)
220 real(r8) :: dqdt(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) ! TMR "dq/dt" array - NOTE dims
221 logical :: dotend(pcnst) ! identifies the species that
222 ! tendencies are computed for
223 real(r8) :: qsrflx(pcols)
225 character(len=fieldname_len) :: tmpname
226 character(len=fieldname_len+3) :: fieldname
229 ! check if any coagulation pairs exist
230 if (npair_acoag <= 0) return
232 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 if (lonndx(i) /= 37) cycle
237 if (latndx(i) /= 23) cycle
239 write( *, '(/a,i7,i5,2(2x,2i5))' ) &
240 '*** modal_aero_coag_sub -- nstep, iam, lat, lon, pcols, ncol =', &
241 nstep, iam, latndx(i), lonndx(i), pcols, ncol
244 ! if (ncol /= -999888777) return
245 if (nstep > 3) call endrun( 'modal_aero_coag_sub -- nstep>3 testing halt' )
246 end if ! (ldiag1 > 0)
247 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 dqdt(1:ncol,:,:) = 0.0
256 ! determine if coagulation will be done on this time-step
257 ! currently coagulation is done every 3 hours
259 ! deltat = 3600.0*3.0
261 nfreqcoag = max( 1, nint( deltat/deltat_main ) )
262 jfreqcoag = nfreqcoag/2
263 xferfrac_max = 1.0_r8 - 10.0_r8*epsilon(1.0_r8) ! 1-eps
265 if (nfreqcoag .gt. 1) then
266 if ( mod(nstep,nfreqcoag) .ne. jfreqcoag ) return
273 do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
274 idomode(modefrm_acoag(ipair)) = 1
275 idomode(modetoo_acoag(ipair)) = 1
282 mait = modeptr_aitken
283 mpca = modeptr_pcarbon
285 fac_m2v_aitage(:) = 0.0
286 fac_m2v_pcarbon(:) = 0.0
287 if (pair_option_acoag == 3) then
288 ! following ipair definitions MUST BE CONSISTENT with
289 ! the coding in modal_aero_coag_init for pair_option_acoag == 3
294 ! use 1 mol (bi-)sulfate = 65 cm^3 --> 1 molecule = (4.76e-10 m)^3
295 dr_so4_monolayers_pcage = n_so4_monolayers_pcage * 4.76e-10
298 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
299 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair)
300 if (lsfrm == lptr_so4_a_amode(mait)) then
301 fac_m2v_aitage(iq) = specmw_so4_amode / specdens_so4_amode
302 else if (lsfrm == lptr_nh4_a_amode(mait)) then
303 fac_m2v_aitage(iq) = specmw_nh4_amode / specdens_nh4_amode
304 else if (lsfrm == lptr_soa_a_amode(mait)) then
305 fac_m2v_aitage(iq) = soa_equivso4_factor* &
306 (specmw_soa_amode / specdens_soa_amode)
307 ! for soa, the soa_equivso4_factor converts the soa volume into an
308 ! so4(+nh4) volume that has same hygroscopicity contribution as soa
309 ! this allows aging calculations to be done in terms of the amount
310 ! of (equivalent) so4(+nh4) in the shell
311 ! (see modal_aero_gasaerexch)
315 do l = 1, nspec_amode(mpca)
316 l2 = lspectype_amode(l,mpca)
317 ! fac_m2v converts (kmol-AP/kmol-air) to (m3-AP/kmol-air)
318 ! [m3-AP/kmol-AP] = [kg-AP/kmol-AP] / [kg-AP/m3-AP]
319 fac_m2v_pcarbon(l) = specmw_amode(l2) / specdens_amode(l2)
322 fac_volsfc_pcarbon = exp( 2.5*(alnsg_amode(mpca)**2) )
324 ip_aitacc = -999888777
325 ip_pcaacc = -999888777
326 ip_aitpca = -999888777
330 ! loop over levels and columns to calc the coagulation
332 ! integrate coagulation changes over deltat = nfreqcoag*deltat_main
333 ! then compute tendencies as
334 ! dqdt = (q(t+deltat) - q(t))/deltat_main
335 ! because tendencies are applied (in physics_update) over deltat_main
337 deltat = nfreqcoag*deltat_main
338 deltatinv_main = 1.0_r8/(deltat_main*(1.0_r8 + 1.0e-15_r8))
340 main_k: do k = 1, pver
341 main_i: do i = 1, ncol
343 ! air molar density (kmol/m3)
344 aircon = (pmid(i,k)/(r_universal*t(i,k)))
346 ! calculate number conc. (#/m3) for modes doing coagulation
348 if (idomode(n) .gt. 0) then
349 xnumbconc(n) = q(i,k,numptr_amode(n)-loffset)*aircon
350 xnumbconc(n) = max( 0.0_r8, xnumbconc(n) )
356 ! calculate coagulation rates for each pair
358 main_ipair1: do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
360 modefrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
361 modetoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
364 ! compute coagulation rates using cmaq "fast" method
365 ! (based on E. Whitby's approximation approach)
366 ! here subr. arguments are all in mks unit
368 call getcoags_wrapper_f( &
370 dgncur_awet(i,k,modefrm), dgncur_awet(i,k,modetoo), &
371 sigmag_amode(modefrm), sigmag_amode(modetoo), &
372 alnsg_amode(modefrm), alnsg_amode(modetoo), &
373 wetdens_a(i,k,modefrm), wetdens_a(i,k,modetoo), &
374 xbetaij0, xbetaij2i, xbetaij2j, xbetaij3, &
375 xbetaii0, xbetaii2, xbetajj0, xbetajj2 )
378 ! test diagnostics begin --------------------------------------------
381 if ((lonndx(i) == 37) .and. (latndx(i) == 23)) then
382 if ((mod(k-1,5) == 0) .or. (k>=23)) then
384 wetdgnum_frm = dgncur_awet(i,k,modefrm)
385 wetdgnum_too = dgncur_awet(i,k,modetoo)
386 wetdens_frm = wetdens_a(i,k,modefrm)
387 wetdens_too = wetdens_a(i,k,modetoo)
388 sg_frm = sigmag_amode(modefrm)
389 sg_too = sigmag_amode(modetoo)
390 lnsg_frm = alnsg_amode(modefrm)
391 lnsg_too = alnsg_amode(modetoo)
393 call getcoags_wrapper_f( &
395 wetdgnum_frm, wetdgnum_too, &
397 lnsg_frm, lnsg_too, &
398 wetdens_frm, wetdens_too, &
399 xbetaij0, xbetaij2i, xbetaij2j, xbetaij3, &
400 xbetaii0, xbetaii2, xbetajj0, xbetajj2 )
404 write(lunout,9810) 'nstep,lat,lon,k,ipair ', &
405 nstep, latndx(i), lonndx(i), k, ipair
406 write(lunout,9820) 'tk, pmb, aircon, pdel ', &
407 t(i,k), pmid(i,k)*1.0e-2, aircon, pdel(i,k)*1.0e-2
408 write(lunout,9820) 'wetdens-cgs, sg f/t', &
409 wetdens_frm*1.0e-3, wetdens_too*1.0e-3, &
411 write(lunout,9820) 'dgnwet-um, dgndry-um f/t', &
412 1.0e6*wetdgnum_frm, 1.0e6*wetdgnum_too, &
413 1.0e6*dgncur_a(i,k,modefrm), 1.0e6*dgncur_a(i,k,modetoo)
414 write(lunout,9820) 'xbeta ij0, ij3, ii0, jj0', &
415 xbetaij0, xbetaij3, xbetaii0, xbetajj0
416 write(lunout,9820) 'xbeta ij2i & j, ii2, jj2', &
417 xbetaij2i, xbetaij2j, xbetaii2, xbetajj2
418 write(lunout,9820) 'numbii, numbjj, deltat ', &
419 xnumbconc(modefrm), xnumbconc(modetoo), deltat
420 write(lunout,9820) 'loss ij3, ii0, jj0 ', &
421 (xbetaij3*xnumbconc(modetoo)*deltat), &
422 (xbetaij0*xnumbconc(modetoo)*deltat+ &
423 xbetaii0*xnumbconc(modefrm)*deltat), &
424 (xbetajj0*xnumbconc(modetoo)*deltat)
425 9801 format( / 72x, 'ACOAG' )
426 9810 format( 'ACOAG ', a, 2i8, 3i7, 3(1pe15.6) )
427 9820 format( 'ACOAG ', a, 4(1pe15.6) )
428 9830 format( 'ACOAG ', a, i1, a, 4(1pe15.6) )
432 end if ! (ldiag2 > 0)
433 ! test diagnostics end ----------------------------------------------
435 ybetaij0(ipair) = xbetaij0
436 ybetaij3(ipair) = xbetaij3
437 ybetaii0(ipair) = xbetaii0
438 ybetajj0(ipair) = xbetajj0
444 if ( (pair_option_acoag == 1) .or. &
445 (pair_option_acoag == 2) ) then
447 ! calculate number and mass changes for pair_option_acoag == 1,2
449 main_ipair2: do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
451 modefrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
452 modetoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
454 ! calculate number changes
455 ! apply self-coagulation losses only once to a mode (when iselfcoagdone=0)
456 ! first calc change to "too" mode
457 ! next calc change to "frm" mode, using average number conc of "too"
458 if ( (mprognum_amode(modetoo) > 0) .and. &
459 (iselfcoagdone(modetoo) <= 0) ) then
460 iselfcoagdone(modetoo) = 1
461 tmpn = xnumbconc(modetoo)
462 xnumbconcnew(modetoo) = tmpn/(1.0_r8 + deltat*ybetajj0(ipair)*tmpn)
463 xnumbconcavg(modetoo) = 0.5_r8*(xnumbconcnew(modetoo) + tmpn)
464 lstoo = numptr_amode(modetoo) - loffset
465 q(i,k,lstoo) = xnumbconcnew(modetoo)/aircon
466 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = (xnumbconcnew(modetoo)-tmpn)*deltatinv_main/aircon
469 if ( (mprognum_amode(modefrm) > 0) .and. &
470 (iselfcoagdone(modefrm) <= 0) ) then
471 iselfcoagdone(modefrm) = 1
472 tmpn = xnumbconc(modefrm)
473 tmpa = deltat*ybetaij0(ipair)*xnumbconcavg(modetoo)
474 tmpb = deltat*ybetaii0(ipair)
475 tmpc = tmpa + tmpb*tmpn
476 if (abs(tmpc) < 0.01_r8) then
477 xnumbconcnew(modefrm) = tmpn*exp(-tmpc)
478 else if (abs(tmpa) < 0.001_r8) then
479 xnumbconcnew(modefrm) = &
480 exp(-tmpa)*tmpn/(1.0_r8 + tmpb*tmpn)
482 tmpf = tmpb*tmpn/tmpc
484 tmph = tmpg*(1.0_r8 - tmpf)/(1.0_r8 - tmpg*tmpf)
485 xnumbconcnew(modefrm) = tmpn*max( 0.0_r8, min( 1.0_r8, tmph ) )
487 xnumbconcavg(modefrm) = 0.5_r8*(xnumbconcnew(modefrm) + tmpn)
488 lsfrm = numptr_amode(modefrm) - loffset
489 q(i,k,lsfrm) = xnumbconcnew(modefrm)/aircon
490 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = (xnumbconcnew(modefrm)-tmpn)*deltatinv_main/aircon
493 ! calculate mass changes
494 ! xbetaij3*xnumbconc(modetoo) = first order loss rate for modefrm volume
495 ! xferfracvol = fraction of modefrm volume transferred to modetoo over deltat
496 dumloss = ybetaij3(ipair)*xnumbconcavg(modetoo)
497 xferfracvol = 1.0_r8 - exp( -dumloss*deltat )
498 xferfracvol = max( 0.0_r8, min( xferfrac_max, xferfracvol ) )
500 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
501 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
502 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
504 xferamt = q(i,k,lsfrm)*xferfracvol
505 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt*deltatinv_main
506 q(i,k,lsfrm) = q(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt
508 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = dqdt(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt*deltatinv_main
509 q(i,k,lstoo) = q(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt
517 else if (pair_option_acoag == 3) then
519 ! calculate number and mass changes for pair_option_acoag == 3
522 ! calculate number changes to accum mode
523 if (mprognum_amode(macc) > 0) then
524 tmpn = xnumbconc(macc)
525 xnumbconcnew(macc) = tmpn/(1.0_r8 + deltat*ybetajj0(ip_aitacc)*tmpn)
526 xnumbconcavg(macc) = 0.5_r8*(xnumbconcnew(macc) + tmpn)
527 lstoo = numptr_amode(macc) - loffset
528 q(i,k,lstoo) = xnumbconcnew(macc)/aircon
529 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = (xnumbconcnew(macc)-tmpn)*deltatinv_main/aircon
532 ! calculate number changes to primary carbon mode
533 modefrm = modeptr_pcarbon
534 if (mprognum_amode(mpca) > 0) then
535 tmpn = xnumbconc(mpca)
536 tmpa = deltat*ybetaij0(ip_pcaacc)*xnumbconcavg(macc)
537 tmpb = deltat*ybetaii0(ip_pcaacc)
538 tmpc = tmpa + tmpb*tmpn
539 if (abs(tmpc) < 0.01_r8) then
540 xnumbconcnew(mpca) = tmpn*exp(-tmpc)
541 else if (abs(tmpa) < 0.001_r8) then
542 xnumbconcnew(mpca) = &
543 exp(-tmpa)*tmpn/(1.0_r8 + tmpb*tmpn)
545 tmpf = tmpb*tmpn/tmpc
547 tmph = tmpg*(1.0_r8 - tmpf)/(1.0_r8 - tmpg*tmpf)
548 xnumbconcnew(mpca) = tmpn*max( 0.0_r8, min( 1.0_r8, tmph ) )
550 xnumbconcavg(mpca) = 0.5_r8*(xnumbconcnew(mpca) + tmpn)
551 lsfrm = numptr_amode(mpca) - loffset
552 q(i,k,lsfrm) = xnumbconcnew(mpca)/aircon
553 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = (xnumbconcnew(mpca)-tmpn)*deltatinv_main/aircon
556 ! calculate number changes to aitken mode
557 if (mprognum_amode(mait) > 0) then
558 tmpn = xnumbconc(mait)
559 tmpa = deltat*( ybetaij0(ip_aitacc)*xnumbconcavg(macc) &
560 + ybetaij0(ip_aitpca)*xnumbconcavg(mpca) )
561 tmpb = deltat*ybetaii0(ip_aitacc)
562 tmpc = tmpa + tmpb*tmpn
563 if (abs(tmpc) < 0.01_r8) then
564 xnumbconcnew(mait) = tmpn*exp(-tmpc)
565 else if (abs(tmpa) < 0.001_r8) then
566 xnumbconcnew(mait) = &
567 exp(-tmpa)*tmpn/(1.0_r8 + tmpb*tmpn)
569 tmpf = tmpb*tmpn/tmpc
571 tmph = tmpg*(1.0_r8 - tmpf)/(1.0_r8 - tmpg*tmpf)
572 xnumbconcnew(mait) = tmpn*max( 0.0_r8, min( 1.0_r8, tmph ) )
574 xnumbconcavg(mait) = 0.5_r8*(xnumbconcnew(mait) + tmpn)
575 lsfrm = numptr_amode(mait) - loffset
576 q(i,k,lsfrm) = xnumbconcnew(mait)/aircon
577 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = (xnumbconcnew(mait)-tmpn)*deltatinv_main/aircon
581 ! calculate mass changes from aitken-->accum direct coagulation and
582 ! aitken-->pcarbon-->accum coagulation/aging
583 ! also calc volume of shell material (so4 & nh4 from aitken-->pcarbon)
584 dumloss = ybetaij3(ip_aitacc)*xnumbconcavg(macc) &
585 + ybetaij3(ip_aitpca)*xnumbconcavg(mpca)
586 tmpa = ybetaij3(ip_aitpca)*xnumbconcavg(mpca)/max( dumloss, 1.0e-37_r8 )
587 xferfracvol = 1.0_r8 - exp( -dumloss*deltat )
588 xferfracvol = max( 0.0_r8, min( xferfrac_max, xferfracvol ) )
592 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
593 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
594 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
596 xferamt = q(i,k,lsfrm)*xferfracvol
597 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt*deltatinv_main
598 q(i,k,lsfrm) = q(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt
600 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = dqdt(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt*deltatinv_main
601 q(i,k,lstoo) = q(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt
603 vol_shell = vol_shell + xferamt*tmpa*fac_m2v_aitage(iq)
608 ! now calculate aging transfer fraction for pcarbon-->accum
609 ! this duplicates the code in modal_aero_gasaerexch
611 do l = 1, nspec_amode(mpca)
612 vol_core = vol_core + &
613 q(i,k,lmassptr_amode(l,mpca)-loffset)*fac_m2v_pcarbon(l)
615 tmp1 = vol_shell*dgncur_a(i,k,mpca)*fac_volsfc_pcarbon
616 tmp2 = 6.0_r8*dr_so4_monolayers_pcage*vol_core
617 tmp2 = max( tmp2, 0.0_r8 )
618 if (tmp1 >= tmp2) then
619 xferfrac_pcage = xferfrac_max
621 xferfrac_pcage = min( tmp1/tmp2, xferfrac_max )
625 ! calculate mass changes from pcarbon-->accum by direct coagulation
627 dumloss = ybetaij3(ip_pcaacc)*xnumbconcavg(macc)
628 xferfracvol = 1.0_r8 - exp( -dumloss*deltat )
629 xferfracvol = xferfracvol + xferfrac_pcage
630 xferfracvol = max( 0.0_r8, min( xferfrac_max, xferfracvol ) )
633 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
634 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
635 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
637 xferamt = q(i,k,lsfrm)*xferfracvol
638 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt*deltatinv_main
639 q(i,k,lsfrm) = q(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt
641 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = dqdt(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt*deltatinv_main
642 q(i,k,lstoo) = q(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt
647 lsfrm = numptr_amode(mpca) - loffset
648 lstoo = numptr_amode(macc) - loffset
650 xferamt = q(i,k,lsfrm)*xferfrac_pcage
651 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) = dqdt(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt*deltatinv_main
652 q(i,k,lsfrm) = q(i,k,lsfrm) - xferamt
654 dqdt(i,k,lstoo) = dqdt(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt*deltatinv_main
655 q(i,k,lstoo) = q(i,k,lstoo) + xferamt
661 else ! (pair_option_acoag /= 1,2,3) then
663 write(lunout,*) '*** modal_aero_coag_sub error'
664 write(lunout,*) ' cannot do _coag_sub error pair_option_acoag =', &
666 call endrun( 'modal_aero_coag_sub error' )
669 end if ! (pair_option_acoag == ...)
672 ! test diagnostics begin --------------------------------------------
675 if ((lonndx(i) == 37) .and. (latndx(i) == 23)) then
676 if ((mod(k-1,5) == 0) .or. (k>=23)) then
677 if (pair_option_acoag == 3) then
679 write(lunout,9820) 'xnumbconcavg ait,acc,pca', &
680 xnumbconcavg(mait), xnumbconcavg(macc), xnumbconcavg(mpca)
681 write(lunout,9820) 'vshell, core ', &
683 write(lunout,9820) 'dr_mono, dgn ', &
684 dr_so4_monolayers_pcage, dgncur_a(i,k,mpca)
685 write(lunout,9820) 'tmp1, tmp2 ', tmp1, tmp2
686 write(lunout,9820) 'xferfrac_age ', xferfrac_pcage
689 do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
690 modefrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
691 modetoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
692 if (npair_acoag > 1) then
694 write(lunout,9810) 'ipair = ', ipair
697 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
698 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
699 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
701 tmp_qold = q(i,k,lsfrm) - dqdt(i,k,lsfrm)*deltat_main
702 ! write(lunout,9820) 'm1 frm dqdt/q0,dqdt,q0/1', &
703 write(lunout,9830) 'm', iq, &
704 ' frm dqdt/q0,dqdt,q0/1', &
705 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm)/tmp_qold, dqdt(i,k,lsfrm), tmp_qold, q(i,k,lsfrm)
708 tmp_qold = q(i,k,lstoo) - dqdt(i,k,lstoo)*deltat_main
709 write(lunout,9830) 'm', iq, &
710 ' too dqdt/q0,dqdt,q0/1', &
711 dqdt(i,k,lstoo)/tmp_qold, dqdt(i,k,lstoo), tmp_qold, q(i,k,lstoo)
715 lsfrm = numptr_amode(modefrm) - loffset
716 lstoo = numptr_amode(modetoo) - loffset
718 tmp_qold = q(i,k,lsfrm) - dqdt(i,k,lsfrm)*deltat_main
719 write(lunout,9820) 'n frm dqdt/q0,dqdt,q0/1', &
720 dqdt(i,k,lsfrm)/tmp_qold, dqdt(i,k,lsfrm), tmp_qold, q(i,k,lsfrm)
723 tmp_qold = q(i,k,lstoo) - dqdt(i,k,lstoo)*deltat_main
724 write(lunout,9820) 'n too dqdt/q0,dqdt,q0/1', &
725 dqdt(i,k,lstoo)/tmp_qold, dqdt(i,k,lstoo), tmp_qold, q(i,k,lstoo)
732 end if ! (ldiag3 > 0)
733 ! test diagnostics end ----------------------------------------------
742 do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
743 modefrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
744 modetoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
746 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
747 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
748 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair) - loffset
749 if (lsfrm > 0) dotend(lsfrm) = .true.
750 if (lstoo > 0) dotend(lstoo) = .true.
753 if (mprognum_amode(modefrm) > 0) then
754 lsfrm = numptr_amode(modefrm) - loffset
755 if (lsfrm > 0) dotend(lsfrm) = .true.
757 if (mprognum_amode(modetoo) > 0) then
758 lstoo = numptr_amode(modetoo) - loffset
759 if (lstoo > 0) dotend(lstoo) = .true.
765 ! do history file column-tendency fields
766 do l = loffset+1, pcnst
768 if ( .not. dotend(lmz) ) cycle
773 qsrflx(i) = qsrflx(i) + dqdt(i,k,lmz)*pdel(i,k)
776 qsrflx(:) = qsrflx(:)*(adv_mass(lmz)/(gravit*mwdry))
777 fieldname = trim(cnst_name(l)) // '_sfcoag1'
778 call outfld( fieldname, qsrflx, pcols, lchnk )
779 ! if (( masterproc ) .and. (nstep < 1)) &
780 ! write(*,'(2(a,2x),1p,e11.3)') &
781 ! 'modal_aero_coag_sub outfld', fieldname, adv_mass(lmz)
789 end subroutine modal_aero_coag_sub
792 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
793 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
794 subroutine modal_aero_coag_init
796 ! computes pointers for species transfer during coagulation
799 use modal_aero_gasaerexch, only: &
800 modefrm_pcage, nspecfrm_pcage, lspecfrm_pcage, lspectoo_pcage
802 use abortutils, only: endrun
803 use cam_history, only: addfld, add_default, fieldname_len, phys_decomp
804 use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_name
805 use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
806 use phys_control, only: phys_getopts
808 use module_cam_support, only: endrun, addfld, add_default, fieldname_len, phys_decomp, &
809 pcnst =>pcnst_runtime, masterproc
810 use constituents, only: cnst_name
816 integer :: ipair, iq, iqfrm, iqfrm_aa, iqtoo, iqtoo_aa
817 integer :: l, lsfrm, lstoo, lunout
818 integer :: m, mfrm, mtoo, mtef
819 integer :: nsamefrm, nsametoo, nspec
821 character(len=fieldname_len) :: tmpname
822 character(len=fieldname_len+3) :: fieldname
823 character(128) :: long_name
826 logical :: dotend(pcnst)
827 logical :: history_aerosol ! Output the MAM aerosol tendencies
829 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
831 call phys_getopts( history_aerosol_out = history_aerosol )
833 history_aerosol =.false.
838 ! define "from mode" and "to mode" for each coagulation pairing
839 ! currently just a2-->a1 coagulation
841 if (pair_option_acoag == 1) then
843 modefrm_acoag(1) = modeptr_aitken
844 modetoo_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
845 modetooeff_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
846 else if (pair_option_acoag == 2) then
848 modefrm_acoag(1) = modeptr_aitken
849 modetoo_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
850 modetooeff_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
851 modefrm_acoag(2) = modeptr_pcarbon
852 modetoo_acoag(2) = modeptr_accum
853 modetooeff_acoag(2) = modeptr_accum
854 else if (pair_option_acoag == 3) then
856 modefrm_acoag(1) = modeptr_aitken
857 modetoo_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
858 modetooeff_acoag(1) = modeptr_accum
859 modefrm_acoag(2) = modeptr_pcarbon
860 modetoo_acoag(2) = modeptr_accum
861 modetooeff_acoag(2) = modeptr_accum
862 modefrm_acoag(3) = modeptr_aitken
863 modetoo_acoag(3) = modeptr_pcarbon
864 modetooeff_acoag(3) = modeptr_accum
865 if (modefrm_pcage <= 0) then
866 write(*,*) '*** modal_aero_coag_init error'
867 write(*,*) ' pair_option_acoag, modefrm_pcage mismatch'
868 write(*,*) ' pair_option_acoag, modefrm_pcage =', &
869 pair_option_acoag, modefrm_pcage
870 call endrun( 'modal_aero_coag_init error' )
878 ! define species involved in each coagulation pairing
879 ! (include aerosol water)
881 aa_ipair: do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
883 mfrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
884 mtoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
885 mtef = modetooeff_acoag(ipair)
886 if ( (mfrm < 1) .or. (mfrm > ntot_amode) .or. &
887 (mtoo < 1) .or. (mtoo > ntot_amode) .or. &
888 (mtef < 1) .or. (mtef > ntot_amode) ) then
889 write(*,*) '*** modal_aero_coag_init error'
890 write(*,*) ' ipair, ntot_amode =', ipair, ntot_amode
891 write(*,*) ' mfrm, mtoo, mtef =', mfrm, mtoo, mtef
892 call endrun( 'modal_aero_coag_init error' )
896 mtoo = mtef ! effective modetoo
898 aa_iqfrm: do iqfrm = 1, nspec_amode(mfrm)
899 lsfrm = lmassptr_amode(iqfrm,mfrm)
900 if ((lsfrm .lt. 1) .or. (lsfrm .gt. pcnst)) cycle aa_iqfrm
902 ! find "too" species having same lspectype_amode as the "frm" species
903 ! several species in a mode may have the same lspectype_amode, so also
904 ! use the ordering as a criterion (e.g., 1st <--> 1st, 2nd <--> 2nd)
907 if (iqfrm .gt. nspec_amode(mfrm)) then
908 iqfrm_aa = nspec_amode(mfrm) + 1
909 iqtoo_aa = nspec_amode(mtoo) + 1
912 do iq = iqfrm_aa, iqfrm
913 if ( lspectype_amode(iq ,mfrm) .eq. &
914 lspectype_amode(iqfrm,mfrm) ) then
915 nsamefrm = nsamefrm + 1
920 do iqtoo = iqtoo_aa, nspec_amode(mtoo)
921 if ( lspectype_amode(iqtoo,mtoo) .eq. &
922 lspectype_amode(iqfrm,mfrm) ) then
923 nsametoo = nsametoo + 1
924 if (nsametoo .eq. nsamefrm) then
925 lstoo = lmassptr_amode(iqtoo,mtoo)
932 lspecfrm_acoag(nspec,ipair) = lsfrm
933 lspectoo_acoag(nspec,ipair) = lstoo
936 ! lsfrm = lwaterptr_amode(mfrm)
937 ! if ((lsfrm .ge. 1) .and. (lsfrm .le. pcnst)) then
938 ! lstoo = lwaterptr_amode(mtoo)
939 ! if ((lstoo .lt. 1) .or. (lstoo .gt. pcnst)) lstoo = 0
941 ! lspecfrm_acoag(nspec,ipair) = lsfrm
942 ! lspectoo_acoag(nspec,ipair) = lstoo
945 nspecfrm_acoag(ipair) = nspec
951 if ( masterproc ) then
955 do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
956 mfrm = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
957 mtoo = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
958 mtef = modetooeff_acoag(ipair)
959 write(lunout,9320) ipair, mfrm, mtoo, mtef
961 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
962 lsfrm = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair)
963 lstoo = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair)
964 if (lstoo .gt. 0) then
965 write(lunout,9330) lsfrm, cnst_name(lsfrm), &
966 lstoo, cnst_name(lstoo)
968 write(lunout,9340) lsfrm, cnst_name(lsfrm)
975 end if ! ( masterproc )
977 9310 format( / 'subr. modal_aero_coag_init' )
978 9320 format( 'pair', i3, 5x, 'mode', i3, &
979 ' ---> mode', i3, ' eff', i3 )
980 9330 format( 5x, 'spec', i3, '=', a, ' ---> spec', i3, '=', a )
981 9340 format( 5x, 'spec', i3, '=', a, ' ---> LOSS' )
985 ! create history file column-tendency fields
988 do ipair = 1, npair_acoag
989 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_acoag(ipair)
990 l = lspecfrm_acoag(iq,ipair)
991 if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= pcnst)) dotend(l) = .true.
992 l = lspectoo_acoag(iq,ipair)
993 if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= pcnst)) dotend(l) = .true.
996 m = modefrm_acoag(ipair)
997 if ((m > 0) .and. (m <= ntot_amode)) then
999 if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= pcnst)) dotend(l) = .true.
1001 m = modetoo_acoag(ipair)
1002 if ((m > 0) .and. (m <= ntot_amode)) then
1004 if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= pcnst)) dotend(l) = .true.
1006 end do ! ipair = ...
1008 if (pair_option_acoag == 3) then
1009 do iq = 1, nspecfrm_pcage
1010 lsfrm = lspecfrm_pcage(iq)
1011 lstoo = lspectoo_pcage(iq)
1012 if ((lsfrm > 0) .and. (lsfrm <= pcnst)) then
1013 dotend(lsfrm) = .true.
1014 if ((lstoo > 0) .and. (lstoo <= pcnst)) then
1015 dotend(lstoo) = .true.
1022 if ( .not. dotend(l) ) cycle
1023 tmpname = cnst_name(l)
1025 do m = 1, ntot_amode
1026 if (l == numptr_amode(m)) unit = '#/m2/s'
1028 fieldname = trim(tmpname) // '_sfcoag1'
1029 long_name = trim(tmpname) // ' modal_aero coagulation column tendency'
1030 call addfld( fieldname, unit, 1, 'A', long_name, phys_decomp )
1031 if ( history_aerosol ) then
1032 call add_default( fieldname, 1, ' ' )
1034 if ( masterproc ) write(*,'(3(a,2x))') &
1035 'modal_aero_coag_init addfld', fieldname, unit
1040 end subroutine modal_aero_coag_init
1043 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1045 subroutine calc_coag_coef4( &
1046 dgni, dgnj, alnsgi, alnsgj, rhopi, rhopj, &
1047 wetddrydi, wetddrydj, &
1048 temp, presscgs, lunerr, lunout, iok, &
1049 betaij0, betaij2i, betaij2j, betaij3, &
1050 betaii0, betaii2, betajj0, betajj2 )
1052 ! computes the following coagulation rate "coefficients"
1053 ! for lognormal modes
1056 ! dNi/dt = - betaii0*Ni*Ni
1057 ! dNj/dt = - betajj0*Nj*Nj
1058 ! dSi/dt = - betaii2*Si*Ni
1059 ! dSj/dt = - betajj2*Sj*Nj
1061 ! modei-modej coagulation
1062 ! dNi/dt = - betaij0*Ni*Nj
1064 ! dSi/dt = - betaij2i*Si*Nj
1065 ! dSj/dt = + betaij2j*Si*Nj
1066 ! dVi/dt = - betaij3*Vi*Nj == - dVj/dt
1068 ! Ni, Nj are number concentrations (particles/cm3)
1069 ! Si, Sj are surface concentrations (cm2/cm3)
1070 ! Vi, Vj are volume concentrations (cm3/cm3)
1071 ! rates are (N,S,V)/s
1073 ! mode i is the smaller mode (e.g., Aitken)
1074 ! mode j is the larger mode (e.g., accumulation)
1077 ! dgni, dgnj = DRY median diameters for number distribution (cm)
1078 ! alnsgi, alnsgj = ln of geometric standard deviations (dimensionless)
1079 ! rhopi, rhopj = WET density (g/cm3)
1080 ! wetddrydi, wetddrydj = (WET median diameter)/(DRY median diameter)
1081 ! temp = air temperature (K)
1082 ! presscgs = air pressure (dynes/cm2)
1083 ! lunerr, lunout = logical unit for error or diagnostic output
1086 ! iok = status flag (+1 = success, 0/negative = failure)
1087 ! beta--- = see above
1093 integer, intent(in) :: lunerr, lunout
1094 integer, intent(out) :: iok
1095 real(r4), intent(in) :: &
1096 dgni, dgnj, alnsgi, alnsgj, rhopi, rhopj, &
1097 wetddrydi, wetddrydj, &
1099 real(r4), intent(out) :: &
1100 betaij0, betaij2i, betaij2j, betaij3, &
1101 betaii0, betaii2, betajj0, betajj2
1104 real(r4) airprs, airtemp
1105 real(r4) dgacc, dgatk, pdensac, pdensat
1106 real(r4) batat(2), batac(2), bacat(2), bacac(2), c3ij
1107 real(r4) dp2bar_mks_i, dp2bar_mks_j, dp3bar_mks_i
1109 ! check for reasonable inputs
1111 if ((dgni .lt. 1.e-8) .or. (dgni .gt. 1.)) then
1112 write(lunerr,9100) 'dgni', dgni
1114 else if ((dgnj .lt. 1.e-8) .or. (dgnj .gt. 1.)) then
1115 write(lunerr,9100) 'dgnj', dgnj
1117 ! else if (dgni .gt. dgnj) then
1118 ! write(lunerr,9110) dgni, dgnj
1120 else if ((alnsgi .lt. 0.0) .or. (alnsgi .gt. 2.3)) then
1121 write(lunerr,9100) 'alnsgi', alnsgi
1123 else if ((alnsgj .lt. 0.0) .or. (alnsgj .gt. 2.3)) then
1124 write(lunerr,9100) 'alnsgj', alnsgj
1126 else if ((rhopi .lt. 0.01) .or. (rhopi .gt. 100.)) then
1127 write(lunerr,9100) 'rhopi', rhopi
1129 else if ((rhopj .lt. 0.01) .or. (rhopj .gt. 100.)) then
1130 write(lunerr,9100) 'rhopj', rhopj
1132 else if ((temp .lt. 10.) .or. (temp .gt. 370.)) then
1133 write(lunerr,9100) 'temp', temp
1135 else if ((presscgs .lt. 1.e2) .or. (presscgs .gt. 1.5e6)) then
1136 write(lunerr,9100) 'presscgs', presscgs
1139 9100 format( '*** subr. calc_coag_coef_4 - bad value for ', a, &
1141 !9110 format( '*** subr. calc_coag_coef_4 - dgni > dgnj -- ',
1146 ! define mks variables
1150 airprs = presscgs * 1.0e-1
1153 dgatk = dgni * 1.0e-2
1154 dgacc = dgnj * 1.0e-2
1157 pdensat = rhopi * 1.0e+3
1158 pdensac = rhopj * 1.0e+3
1161 ! call interace to binkowski routines
1163 call bink_coag_rates( &
1164 dgatk, dgacc, alnsgi, alnsgj, pdensat, pdensac, &
1165 wetddrydi, wetddrydj, &
1166 airtemp, airprs, lunerr, iok, &
1167 batat, batac, bacat, bacac, c3ij )
1170 ! transfer the batat, batac, bacat, bacac values
1171 ! to the beta--- variables
1174 ! self coagulation, number
1175 ! dNi/dt = - betaii0*Ni*Ni
1176 ! dNXi/dt = - batat(1)*NXi*NXi
1177 ! where Ni is (particles/cm3), NXi is (particles/m3)
1178 ! the first-order loss rates are just (1/s) and thus are equal
1179 ! d[ln(Ni)]/dt = d[ln(NXi)]/dt
1181 ! betaii0 = batat(1) * (NXi/Ni)
1182 ! conversion factors are
1183 ! 1.0e-20 to undo 1.0e+20 scaling done in intercoag & intracoag
1186 betaii0 = batat(1) * 1.0e-14
1187 betajj0 = bacac(1) * 1.0e-14
1189 ! self coagulation, surface
1190 ! dSi/dt = - betaii2*Si*Ni
1191 ! dM2Xi/dt = - batat(1)*NXi*NXi
1192 ! where Si is surface in (cm2/cm3) and M2Xi is (surface/pi) in (m2/m3)
1193 ! the first-order loss rates are just (1/s) and thus are equal
1194 ! betaii2 = batat(2) * (NXi/M2Xi) * (NXi/Ni)
1195 ! conversion factors are
1196 ! 1.0e-20 to undo 1.0e+20 scaling done in intercoag & intracoag
1198 ! (M2Xi/NXi) = dp2bar_mks_i/pi, where dp2bar_mks_i is the average
1201 dp2bar_mks_j = (dgnj**2) * exp( 2.0*alnsgj*alnsgj ) * 1.0e-4
1203 dp2bar_mks_i = (dgni**2) * exp( 2.0*alnsgi*alnsgi ) * 1.0e-4
1204 dp3bar_mks_i = (dgni**3) * exp( 4.5*alnsgi*alnsgi ) * 1.0e-6
1206 betaii2 = (batat(2) / dp2bar_mks_i) * 1.0e-14
1207 betajj2 = (bacac(2) / dp2bar_mks_j) * 1.0e-14
1209 ! modei-modej coagulation, number
1210 ! dNi/dt = - betaij0*Ni*Nj
1212 ! conversions as for self coagulation
1214 betaij0 = batac(1) * 1.0e-14
1216 ! modei-modej coagulation, surface
1217 ! dSi/dt = - betaij2i*Si*Nj
1218 ! dSj/dt = + betaij2j*Si*Nj
1219 ! conversions as for self coagulation
1221 betaij2i = (batac(2) / dp2bar_mks_i) * 1.0e-14
1222 betaij2j = (bacat(2) / dp2bar_mks_i) * 1.0e-14
1224 ! modei-modej coagulation, volume
1225 ! dVi/dt = - betaij3*Vi*Nj
1226 ! dM3Xi/dt = - c3ij*NXi*NXj
1227 ! where Vi is (cm3/cm3) and M3Xi is (volume*6/pi) in (m3/m3)
1228 ! the first-order loss rates are just (1/s) and thus are equal
1229 ! betaij3 = c3ij * (NXi/M3Xi) * (NXj/Nj)
1230 ! conversion factors are
1231 ! 1.0e-20 to undo 1.0e+20 scaling done in intercoag & intracoag
1233 ! (M3Xi/NXi) = dp3bar_mks_i*(6/pi), where dp3bar_mks_i is the average
1236 betaij3 = ( c3ij / dp3bar_mks_i ) * 1.0e-14
1239 end subroutine calc_coag_coef4
1243 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1244 subroutine bink_coag_rates( &
1245 dgatk, dgacc, xxlsgat, xxlsgac, pdensat, pdensac, &
1246 wetddrydat, wetddrydac, &
1247 airtemp, airprs, lunerr, iok, &
1248 batat, batac, bacat, bacac, c3ij )
1251 ! provides interface to F. Binkowski's intracoag and intercoag
1253 ! this code was "cut" from F. Binkowski's aero_info_ae3.f & aero_subs3_ae3.f
1255 ! computes the following coagulation rate "coefficients"
1258 ! dNXi/dt = - (1.e-20*batat(1))*NXi*NXi
1259 ! dNXj/dt = - (1.e-20*bacac(1))*NXj*NXj
1260 ! dM2Xi/dt = - (1.e-20*batat(2))*NXi*NXi
1261 ! dM2Xj/dt = - (1.e-20*bacac(2))*NXj*NXj
1263 ! modei-modej coagulation
1264 ! dNXi/dt = - (1.e-20*batac(1))*NXi*NXj
1266 ! dM2Xi/dt = - (1.e-20*batac(2))*NXi*NXj
1267 ! dM2Xj/dt = + (1.e-20*bacat(2))*NXi*NXj
1268 ! dM3Xi/dt = - (1.e-20*c3ij)*NXi*NXj == - dM3Xj/dt
1270 ! NXi, NXj are number concentrations (particles/m3)
1271 ! M2Xi, M2Xj are 2nd moment (surface/pi) concentrations (m2/m3)
1272 ! M3Xi, M3Xj are 2rd moment (volume*6/pi) concentrations (m3/m3)
1274 ! in the above, mode i is aitken mode, mode j is accumulation mode
1276 ! *** note that the batat, batac, bacat, bacac, c3ij
1277 ! all must be multiplied by 1.e-20 to undo the 1.e+20 scaling
1278 ! in the real*4 versions of intracoag and intercoag
1281 ! dgatk, dgacc = DRY median diameters for number distribution (m)
1282 ! for aitken (atk or at) and accumulation (acc or ac) modes
1283 ! xxlsgat, xxlsgac = ln of geometric standard deviations (dimensionless)
1284 ! pdensat, pdensac = WET density (kg/m3)
1285 ! wetddrydat, wetddrydac = (WET median diameter)/(DRY median diameter)
1286 ! airtemp = air temperature (K)
1287 ! airprs = air pressure (Pa)
1288 ! lunerr = logical unit for error output
1291 ! iok = status flag (+1 = success, 0/negative = failure)
1292 ! batat, batac, bacat, bacac, c3ij = see above
1298 real(r4) dgatk, dgacc, xxlsgat, xxlsgac, pdensat, pdensac, &
1299 wetddrydat, wetddrydac, &
1301 real(r4) batat(2), batac(2), bacat(2), bacac(2), c3ij
1303 ! *** modal geometric mean diameters: [ m ]
1304 ! real dgatk ! nuclei mode
1305 ! real dgacc ! accumulation mode
1306 ! *** log of modal geometric standard deviation
1307 ! real xxlsgat ! aitken mode
1308 ! real xxlsgac ! accumulation mode
1309 ! *** average modal particle densities [ kg/m**3 ]
1310 ! real pdensat ! nuclei mode
1311 ! real pdensac ! accumulation mode
1313 ! real airtemp ! air temperature [ k ]
1314 ! real airprs ! air pressure in [ pa ]
1320 parameter( two3 = 2.0/3.0 )
1322 real(r4) avo ! avogadro's constant [ 1/mol ]
1323 parameter ( avo = 6.0221367e23 )
1325 real(r4) rgasuniv ! universal gas constant [ j/mol-k ]
1326 parameter ( rgasuniv = 8.314510 )
1328 real(r4) boltz ! boltzmann's constant [ j / k]
1329 parameter ( boltz = rgasuniv / avo )
1331 real(r4) p0 ! starting standard surface pressure [ pa ]
1332 parameter ( p0 = 101325.0 )
1334 real(r4) t0 ! starting standard surface temperature [ k ]
1335 parameter ( t0 = 288.15 )
1337 real(r4) xlm ! atmospheric mean free path [ m ]
1338 real(r4) amu ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg/m s ]
1340 real(r4) kfm, knc, lamda, sqrt_temp
1343 ! fsb calculate the square root of the ambient
1344 ! temperature for later use
1346 ! *** calculate mean free path [ m ]:
1347 ! *** 6.6328e-8 is the sea level values given in table i.2.8
1348 ! *** on page 10 of u.s. standard atmosphere 1962
1349 xlm = 6.6328e-8 * p0 * airtemp / ( t0 * airprs )
1351 ! *** calculate dynamic viscosity [ kg m**-1 s**-1 ]:
1352 ! *** u.s. standard atmosphere 1962 page 14 expression
1353 ! for dynamic viscosity is:
1354 ! dynamic viscosity = beta * t * sqrt(t) / ( t + s)
1355 ! where beta = 1.458e-6 [ kg sec^-1 k**-0.5 ], s = 110.4 [ k ].
1356 sqrt_temp = sqrt( airtemp)
1357 amu = 1.458e-6 * airtemp * sqrt_temp / ( airtemp + 110.4 )
1362 ! *** set up coagulation rates
1364 ! *** moment independent factors
1365 knc = two3 * boltz * airtemp / amu
1368 ! *** calculate the coagulation coefficients for use
1369 ! in the aitken (nuclei) & accumulation modes
1370 ! *** with gauss-hermite numerical quadrature
1371 ! using 10 abscissas.
1373 ! *** aitken - aitken mode coagulation
1374 kfm = sqrt( 3.0 * boltz * airtemp / pdensat )
1375 call intracoag_gh(lamda, &
1383 ! *** accumulation - accumulation mode coagulation
1384 kfm = sqrt( 3.0 * boltz * airtemp / pdensac )
1385 call intracoag_gh(lamda, &
1393 ! *** aitken accumulation mode coagulation
1394 bacat(1) = 0.0 ! not used
1395 kfm = sqrt( 6.0 * boltz * airtemp / &
1396 ( pdensat + pdensac ) )
1397 call intercoag_gh(lamda, &
1400 xxlsgat, xxlsgac , &
1401 wetddrydat, wetddrydac, &
1407 ! c30atac = c3ij * cblk( vac0 ) * cblk( vat0 )
1408 ! loss = c30atac / cblk( vat3 )
1411 end subroutine bink_coag_rates
1415 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1416 ! fsb subrs to do gauss-hermite numerical quadrature
1418 subroutine intracoag_gh( lamda, kfm, knc, &
1419 dg, xlnsig, wetddryd, &
1422 ! fsb this version is for intramodal coagulation for number
1425 ! fsb this version runs in real*4 arithmetic
1427 ! *** this version calculates the coagulation coefficients
1428 ! using the harmonic mean approach for both fm and nc cases.
1429 ! *** does gauss-hermite quadrature for intra-modal
1430 ! coagulation integrals for 2nd moment
1431 ! for a lognormal distribution
1432 ! defined by dg,xlnsig,
1433 ! *** dg and xlnsig are the geometric mean diameters (meters)
1434 ! and the logarithms of the
1435 ! geometric standard deviations (dimensionless)
1436 ! whose meaning is defined below at the end of the routine
1437 ! ghxi, ghwi are the gauss-hermite weights and n is one-half the
1438 ! number of abscissas, since an even number of abscissas is used
1440 !.......................................................................
1441 ! (following comments added by rc_easter)
1443 ! computes the following coagulation rate "coefficients"
1444 ! for intramodal coagulation
1445 ! dNX/dt = - (1.e-20*quadn11)*NX1*NX1
1446 ! dM2X/dt = - (1.e-20*quads11)*NX1*NX1
1448 ! NX is the mode's number concentration (particles/m3)
1449 ! M2X is the mode's 2nd moment (surface/pi) concentration (m2/m3)
1452 ! lamda = mean free path (m)
1453 ! kfm, knc = constants used in free-molecular and near-continuum
1454 ! calculations (see subr bink_coag_rates)
1455 ! dg = DRY median diameter for number distribution (m)
1456 ! xlnsig = ln of geometric standard deviation (dimensionless)
1457 ! wetddryd = (WET median diameter)/(DRY median diameter)
1460 ! quads11, quadn11 = coagulation rate coefficients (see above)
1462 ! *** note that the quads11, quadn11
1463 ! are all scaled by 1.e+20 to avoid underflow, and they
1464 ! must be multiplied by 1.e-20 when they are applied
1466 ! *** wetddryd1 was added because MIRAGE treats N/S/V of
1467 ! the DRY size distribution, so the quadrature should be done
1468 ! over the DRY size distribution. However, the coagulation kernel
1469 ! must be computed using actual (WET) particle sizes
1471 !.......................................................................
1477 real(r4) lamda ! mean free path
1479 real(r4) dg, xlnsig, wetddryd
1480 real(r4) quads11, quadn11
1482 parameter( pi = 3.14159265358979)
1484 parameter( two3rds = 2.0d0 / 3.0d0 )
1486 parameter(sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309 )
1487 real(r4) sum1sfm, sum2sfm, sum1nfm, sum2nfm
1488 real(r4) sum1snc, sum2snc, sum1nnc, sum2nnc
1489 real(r4) xi, wxi, xf, dp1p,dp1m,dp1psq,dp1msq, dp1pwet, dp1mwet
1490 real(r4) v1p,v1m, a2p,a2m,v2p,v2m
1491 real(r4) yi,wyi,yf,dp2p,dp2m,dp2psq,dp2msq, dp2pwet, dp2mwet
1492 real(r4) dspp,dsmp,dspm, dsmm
1493 real(r4) bppfm,bmpfm,bpmfm,bmmfm
1494 real(r4) bppnc,bmpnc,bpmnc,bmmnc
1496 real(r4) xbsfm, xbsnc, xbnfm, xbnnc
1497 real(r4) betafm, betanc
1499 real(r4) a ! approx cunningham corr. factor
1500 parameter( a = 1.246d0 )
1503 parameter( twoa = 2.0d0 * a )
1505 ! *** has a fixed number of gauss-herimite abscissas (n)
1506 integer n ! one-half the number of abscissas
1508 real(r4), save :: ghxi(n) ! gauss-hermite abscissas
1509 real(r4), save :: ghwi(n) ! gauss-hermite weights
1511 ! ** values from table 25.10 (page 924) of abramowitz and stegun,
1512 ! handbook of mathematical functions, national bureau of standards,
1515 ! breaks in number to facilitate comparison with printed table
1517 ! *** tests show that 10 point is adquate.
1519 data ghxi/0.342901327223705, &
1520 1.036610829789514, &
1521 1.756683649299882, &
1522 2.532731674232790, &
1525 data ghwi/6.108626337353d-1, &
1526 2.401386110823d-1, &
1527 3.387439445548d-2, &
1528 1.343645746781d-3, &
1531 ! *** the following expressions are from binkowski & shanker
1532 ! jour. geophys. research. vol. 100,no. d12, pp 26,191-26,209
1534 ! *** for free molecular eq. a5
1535 betafm(xx1, xx2) = kfm * &
1536 sqrt(1.0 / xx1**3 + 1.0 / xx2**3 ) * (xx1 + xx2)**2
1538 ! *** for near continuum eq. a6
1539 betanc(xx1, xx2) = knc * (xx1 + xx2) * &
1540 ( 1.0d0 / xx1 + 1.0d0 / xx2 + &
1541 twoa * lamda * ( 1.0d0 / xx1 ** 2 &
1542 + 1.0d0 / xx2 **2 ) )
1559 xf = exp( sqrt2 * xi *xlnsig)
1567 dp1pwet = dp1p * wetddryd
1568 dp1mwet = dp1m * wetddryd
1573 yf = exp( sqrt2 * yi * xlnsig)
1582 dspp = 0.5*(v1p+v2p)**two3rds - a2p
1583 dsmp = 0.5*(v1m+v2p)**two3rds - a2p
1584 dspm = 0.5*(v1p+v2m)**two3rds - a2m
1585 dsmm = 0.5*(v1m+v2m)**two3rds - a2m
1587 dp2pwet = dp2p * wetddryd
1588 dp2mwet = dp2m * wetddryd
1590 ! scale by 1.0e+20 to avoid underflow
1591 bppfm = betafm(dp1pwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1592 bmpfm = betafm(dp1mwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1593 bpmfm = betafm(dp1pwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1594 bmmfm = betafm(dp1mwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1596 bppnc = betanc(dp1pwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1597 bmpnc = betanc(dp1mwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1598 bpmnc = betanc(dp1pwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1599 bmmnc = betanc(dp1mwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1601 sum2sfm = sum2sfm + wyi*(dspp * bppfm + dspm * bpmfm &
1602 + dsmp * bmpfm + dsmm * bmmfm )
1604 sum2nfm = sum2nfm + wyi*(bppfm + bmpfm + bpmfm + bmmfm)
1606 sum2snc = sum2snc + wyi*(dspp * bppnc + dspm * bpmnc &
1607 + dsmp * bmpnc + dsmm * bmmnc )
1608 sum2nnc = sum2nnc + wyi*(bppnc + bmpnc + bpmnc + bmmnc)
1611 sum1sfm = sum1sfm + wxi * sum2sfm
1612 sum1nfm = sum1nfm + wxi * sum2nfm
1614 sum1snc = sum1snc + wxi * sum2snc
1615 sum1nnc = sum1nnc + wxi * sum2nnc
1619 xbsfm = -sum1sfm / pi
1620 xbsnc = -sum1snc / pi
1622 ! quads11 = xbsfm * xbsnc / ( xbsfm + xbsnc )
1623 quads11 = ( max(xbsfm,xbsnc) / ( xbsfm + xbsnc ) ) &
1626 ! *** quads11 is the intra-modal coagulation term for 2nd moment
1628 xbnfm = 0.5 * sum1nfm / pi
1629 xbnnc = 0.5 * sum1nnc / pi
1632 ! quadn11 = xbnfm * xbnnc / ( xbnfm + xbnnc )
1633 quadn11 = ( max(xbnfm,xbnnc) / ( xbnfm + xbnnc ) ) &
1636 ! *** quadn11 is the intra-modal coagulation term for number
1640 end subroutine intracoag_gh
1643 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1644 subroutine intercoag_gh( lamda, kfm, knc, dg1, dg2, &
1646 wetddryd1, wetddryd2, &
1647 quads12, quads21, quadn12, quadv12 )
1649 ! fsb this version is for intermodal coagulation for number,
1650 ! second, and third moments
1651 ! fsb this version runs in real*4 arithmetic
1653 ! *** this version calculates the coagulation coefficients
1654 ! using the harmonic mean approach for both fm and nc cases.
1655 ! *** does gauss-hermite quadrature for inter-modal
1656 ! coagulation integrals for 2nd moment
1657 ! for two lognormal distributions
1658 ! defined by dg1,xlnsig1, dg2,xlnsig2
1659 ! *** dg and xlnsig are the geometric mean diameters (meters)
1660 ! and the logarithms of the
1661 ! geometric standard deviations (dimensionless)
1662 ! whose meaning is defined below at the end of the routine
1663 ! ghxi, ghwi are the gauss-hermite weights and n is one-half the
1664 ! number of abscissas, since an even number of abscissas is used
1666 !.......................................................................
1667 ! (following comments added by rc_easter)
1669 ! computes the following coagulation rate "coefficients"
1670 ! for mode1-mode2 coagulation
1671 ! dNX1/dt = - (1.e-20*quadn12)*NX1*NX2
1673 ! dM2X1/dt = - (1.e-20*quads12)*NX1*NX2
1674 ! dM2X2/dt = + (1.e-20*quads21)*NX1*NX2
1675 ! dM3X1/dt = - (1.e-20*quads12)*NX1*NX2 == - dM3X2/dt
1677 ! NX1, NX2 are number concentrations (particles/m3)
1678 ! M2X1, M2X2 are 2nd moment (surface/pi) concentrations (m2/m3)
1679 ! M3X1, M3X2 are 2rd moment (volume*6/pi) concentrations (m3/m3)
1681 ! in the above, mode 1 is aitken mode, mode 2 is accumulation mode
1684 ! lamda = mean free path (m)
1685 ! kfm, knc = constants used in free-molecular and near-continuum
1686 ! calculations (see subr bink_coag_rates)
1687 ! dg1, dg2 = DRY median diameters for number distribution (m)
1688 ! for aitken and accumulation modes
1689 ! xlnsig1, xlnsig2 = ln of geometric standard deviations (dimensionless)
1690 ! wetddryd1, wetddryd2 = (WET median diameter)/(DRY median diameter)
1693 ! quads12, quads21, quadn12, quadv12 = coagulation rate
1694 ! coefficients (see above)
1696 ! *** note that the quads12, quads21, quadn12, quadv12
1697 ! are all scaled by 1.e+20 to avoid underflow, and they
1698 ! must be multiplied by 1.e-20 when they are applied
1700 ! *** wetddryd1/2 were added because MIRAGE treats N/S/V of
1701 ! the DRY size distribution, so the quadrature should be done
1702 ! over the DRY size distribution. However, the coagulation kernel
1703 ! must be computed using actual (WET) particle sizes
1705 !.......................................................................
1711 real(r4) lamda ! mean free path
1713 real(r4) dg1, xlnsig1, dg2, xlnsig2
1714 real(r4) wetddryd1, wetddryd2
1715 real(r4) quads12, quads21, quadn12, quadv12
1717 parameter( pi = 3.14159265358979)
1719 parameter( two3rds = 2.0d0 / 3.0d0 )
1721 parameter(sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309 )
1722 real(r4) sum1s12fm, sum1s21fm, sum2s12fm, sum2s21fm
1723 real(r4) sum1nfm, sum2nfm
1724 real(r4) sum1vfm, sum2vfm
1725 real(r4) sum1s12nc, sum1s21nc, sum2s12nc, sum2s21nc
1726 real(r4) sum1nnc, sum2nnc
1727 real(r4) sum1vnc, sum2vnc
1728 real(r4) xi, wxi,xf, dp1p, dp1m, dp1psq, dp1msq, dp1pwet, dp1mwet
1729 real(r4) a1p, a1m, v1p, v1m
1730 real(r4) a2p, a2m, v2p, v2m
1731 real(r4) yi, wyi, yf, dp2p, dp2m, dp2psq, dp2msq, dp2pwet, dp2mwet
1732 real(r4) dspp, dsmp, dspm, dsmm
1733 real(r4) bppfm, bmpfm, bpmfm, bmmfm
1734 real(r4) bppnc, bmpnc, bpmnc, bmmnc
1736 real(r4) xbsfm, xbsnc, xbnfm, xbnnc, xbvfm, xbvnc
1737 real(r4) betafm, betanc
1739 real(r4) a ! approx cunningham corr. factor
1740 parameter( a = 1.246d0 )
1743 parameter( twoa = 2.0d0 * a )
1745 ! *** has a fixed number of gauss-herimite abscissas (n)
1746 integer n ! one-half the number of abscissas
1748 real(r4), save :: ghxi(n) ! gauss-hermite abscissas
1749 real(r4), save :: ghwi(n) ! gauss-hermite weights
1751 ! ** values from table 25.10 (page 924) of abramowitz and stegun,
1752 ! handbook of mathematical functions, national bureau of standards,
1755 ! breaks in number to facilitate comparison with printed table
1757 ! *** tests show that 10 point is adquate.
1759 data ghxi/0.342901327223705, &
1760 1.036610829789514, &
1761 1.756683649299882, &
1762 2.532731674232790, &
1765 data ghwi/6.108626337353d-1, &
1766 2.401386110823d-1, &
1767 3.387439445548d-2, &
1768 1.343645746781d-3, &
1772 ! *** the following expressions are from binkowski & shanker
1773 ! jour. geophys. research. vol. 100,no. d12, pp 26,191-26,209
1776 ! *** for free molecular eq. a5
1777 betafm(xx1, xx2) = kfm * &
1778 sqrt(1.0 / xx1**3 + 1.0 / xx2**3 ) * (xx1 + xx2)**2
1780 ! *** for near continuum eq. a6
1781 betanc(xx1, xx2) = knc * (xx1 + xx2) * &
1782 ( 1.0d0 / xx1 + 1.0d0 / xx2 + &
1783 twoa * lamda * ( 1.0d0 / xx1 ** 2 &
1784 + 1.0d0 / xx2 **2 ) )
1806 xf = exp( sqrt2 * xi *xlnsig1)
1816 dp1pwet = dp1p * wetddryd1
1817 dp1mwet = dp1m * wetddryd1
1822 yf = exp( sqrt2 * yi * xlnsig2)
1831 dspp = (v1p+v2p)**two3rds - a2p
1832 dsmp = (v1m+v2p)**two3rds - a2p
1833 dspm = (v1p+v2m)**two3rds - a2m
1834 dsmm = (v1m+v2m)**two3rds - a2m
1836 dp2pwet = dp2p * wetddryd2
1837 dp2mwet = dp2m * wetddryd2
1839 ! scale by 1.0e+20 to avoid underflow
1840 bppfm = betafm(dp1pwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1841 bmpfm = betafm(dp1mwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1842 bpmfm = betafm(dp1pwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1843 bmmfm = betafm(dp1mwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1845 bppnc = betanc(dp1pwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1846 bmpnc = betanc(dp1mwet,dp2pwet) * 1.0e20
1847 bpmnc = betanc(dp1pwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1848 bmmnc = betanc(dp1mwet,dp2mwet) * 1.0e20
1851 sum2s12fm = sum2s12fm + wyi*(a1p * bppfm + a1p * bpmfm &
1852 + a1m * bmpfm + a1m * bmmfm )
1854 sum2s21fm = sum2s21fm + wyi*(dspp * bppfm + dspm * bpmfm &
1855 + dsmp * bmpfm + dsmm * bmmfm )
1858 sum2s12nc = sum2s12nc + wyi*(a1p * bppnc + a1p * bpmnc &
1859 + a1m * bmpnc + a1m * bmmnc )
1861 sum2s21nc = sum2s21nc + wyi*(dspp * bppnc + dspm * bpmnc &
1862 + dsmp * bmpnc + dsmm * bmmnc )
1864 sum2nfm = sum2nfm + wyi*(bppfm + bmpfm + bpmfm + bmmfm)
1866 sum2nnc = sum2nnc + wyi*(bppnc + bmpnc + bpmnc + bmmnc)
1868 sum2vfm = sum2vfm + wyi*(v1p*(bppfm + bpmfm) + &
1869 v1m*(bmpfm + bmmfm) )
1871 sum2vnc = sum2vnc + wyi*(v1p*(bppnc + bpmnc) + &
1872 v1m*(bmpnc + bmmnc) )
1876 sum1s12fm = sum1s12fm + wxi * sum2s12fm
1877 sum1s21fm = sum1s21fm + wxi * sum2s21fm
1878 sum1nfm = sum1nfm + wxi * sum2nfm
1879 sum1vfm = sum1vfm + wxi * sum2vfm
1881 sum1s12nc = sum1s12nc + wxi * sum2s12nc
1882 sum1s21nc = sum1s21nc + wxi * sum2s21nc
1883 sum1nnc = sum1nnc + wxi * sum2nnc
1884 sum1vnc = sum1vnc + wxi * sum2vnc
1888 ! *** second moment intermodal coagulation coefficients
1890 ! fsb note: the transfer of second moment is not symmetric.
1891 ! see equations a3 & a4 of binkowski & shankar (1995)
1893 ! *** to accumulation mode from aitken mode
1895 xbsfm = sum1s21fm / pi
1896 xbsnc = sum1s21nc / pi
1898 ! quads21 = xbsfm * xbsnc / ( xbsfm + xbsnc )
1899 quads21 = ( max(xbsfm,xbsnc) / ( xbsfm + xbsnc ) ) &
1902 ! *** from aitken mode to accumulation mode
1904 xbsfm = sum1s12fm / pi
1905 xbsnc = sum1s12nc / pi
1907 ! quads12 = xbsfm * xbsnc / ( xbsfm + xbsnc )
1908 quads12 = ( max(xbsfm,xbsnc) / ( xbsfm + xbsnc ) ) &
1913 xbnfm = sum1nfm / pi
1914 xbnnc = sum1nnc / pi
1916 ! quadn12 = xbnfm * xbnnc / ( xbnfm + xbnnc )
1917 quadn12 = ( max(xbnfm,xbnnc) / ( xbnfm + xbnnc ) ) &
1920 ! *** quadn12 is the intermodal coagulation coefficient for number
1923 xbvfm = sum1vfm / pi
1924 xbvnc = sum1vnc / pi
1926 ! quadv12 = xbvfm * xbvnc / ( xbvfm + xbvnc )
1927 quadv12 = ( max(xbvfm,xbvnc) / ( xbvfm + xbvnc ) ) &
1930 ! *** quadv12 is the intermodal coagulation coefficient for 3rd moment
1934 end subroutine intercoag_gh
1937 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1938 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1939 subroutine getcoags_wrapper_f( &
1945 betaij0, betaij2i, betaij2j, betaij3, &
1946 betaii0, betaii2, betajj0, betajj2 )
1948 ! interface to subr. getcoags
1950 ! interface code adapted from subr. aeroproc of cmaq v4.6,
1951 ! with some of the parameter values from module aero_info_ae4
1957 real(r8), intent(in) :: airtemp ! air temperature [ k ]
1958 real(r8), intent(in) :: airprs ! air pressure in [ pa ]
1960 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgatk ! aitken mode geometric mean diameter [m]
1961 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgacc ! accumulation mode geometric mean diam [m]
1963 real(r8), intent(in) :: sgatk ! aitken mode geometric standard deviation
1964 real(r8), intent(in) :: sgacc ! accumulation mode geometric standard deviation
1966 real(r8), intent(in) :: xxlsgat ! natural log of geometric standard
1967 real(r8), intent(in) :: xxlsgac ! deviations
1969 real(r8), intent(in) :: pdensat ! aitken mode particle density [ kg / m**3 ]
1970 real(r8), intent(in) :: pdensac ! accumulation mode density [ kg / m**3 ]
1972 real(r8), intent(out) :: betaij0, betaij2i, betaij2j, betaij3, &
1973 betaii0, betaii2, betajj0, betajj2
1976 ! *** local parameters
1977 real(r8), parameter :: p0 = 101325.0 ! standard surface pressure [ pa ]
1978 real(r8), parameter :: t0 = 288.15 ! standard surface temperature [ k ]
1979 real(r8), parameter :: avo = 6.0221367e23 ! avogadro's constant [ 1/mol ]
1980 real(r8), parameter :: rgasuniv = 8.314510 ! universal gas constant [ j/mol-k ]
1981 real(r8), parameter :: boltz = rgasuniv/avo ! boltzmann's constant [ j / k]
1982 real(r8), parameter :: two3 = 2.0/3.0
1984 ! *** local variables
1985 real(r8) amu ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg/m s ]
1986 real(r8) sqrt_temp ! square root of ambient temperature
1987 real(r8) lamda ! mean free path [ m ]
1989 ! *** intramodal coagulation rates [ m**3/s ] ( 0th & 2nd moments )
1990 real(r8) batat( 2 ) ! aitken mode
1991 real(r8) bacac( 2 ) ! accumulation mode
1992 ! *** intermodal coagulation rates [ m**3/s ] ( 0th & 2nd moments )
1993 real(r8) batac( 2 ) ! aitken to accumulation
1994 real(r8) bacat( 2 ) ! accumulation from aitken
1995 ! *** intermodal coagulation rate [ m**3/s ] ( 3rd moment )
1996 real(r8) c3ij ! aitken to accumulation
1997 ! *** 3rd moment intermodal transfer rate by coagulation
1998 real(r8) c30atac ! aitken to accumulation
2000 ! *** near continnuum regime (independent of mode)
2001 real(r8) knc ! knc = two3 * boltz * airtemp / amu
2002 ! *** free molecular regime (depends upon modal density)
2003 real(r8) kfmat ! kfmat = sqrt(3.0*boltz*airtemp/pdensat)
2004 real(r8) kfmac ! kfmac = sqrt(3.0*boltz*airtemp/pdensac)
2005 real(r8) kfmatac ! kfmatac = sqrt( 6.0 * boltz * airtemp /
2006 ! ( pdensat + pdensac ) )
2008 real(r8) dumacc2, dumatk2, dumatk3
2012 sqrt_temp = sqrt( airtemp)
2014 ! *** calculate mean free path [ m ]:
2015 ! 6.6328e-8 is the sea level value given in table i.2.8
2016 ! on page 10 of u.s. standard atmosphere 1962
2017 lamda = 6.6328e-8 * p0 * airtemp / ( t0 * airprs )
2019 ! *** calculate dynamic viscosity [ kg m**-1 s**-1 ]:
2020 ! u.s. standard atmosphere 1962 page 14 expression
2021 ! for dynamic viscosity is:
2022 ! dynamic viscosity = beta * t * sqrt(t) / ( t + s)
2023 ! where beta = 1.458e-6 [ kg sec^-1 k**-0.5 ], s = 110.4 [ k ].
2024 amu = 1.458e-6 * airtemp * sqrt_temp / ( airtemp + 110.4 )
2027 ! calculate coagulation coefficients using a method dictated by
2028 ! the value of fastcoag_flag. if true, the computationally-
2029 ! efficient getcoags routine is used. if false, the more intensive
2030 ! gauss-hermite numerical quadrature method is used. see section
2031 ! 2.1 of bhave et al. (2004) for further discussion.
2033 ! *** calculate term used in equation a6 of binkowski & shankar (1995)
2034 knc = two3 * boltz * airtemp / amu
2035 ! *** calculate terms used in equation a5 of binkowski & shankar (1995)
2036 kfmat = sqrt( 3.0 * boltz * airtemp / pdensat )
2037 kfmac = sqrt( 3.0 * boltz * airtemp / pdensac )
2038 kfmatac = sqrt( 6.0 * boltz * airtemp / ( pdensat + pdensac ) )
2040 ! *** transfer of number to accumulation mode from aitken mode is zero
2043 ! *** calculate intermodal and intramodal coagulation coefficients
2044 ! for zeroth and second moments, and intermodal coagulation
2045 ! coefficient for third moment
2046 call getcoags( lamda, kfmatac, kfmat, kfmac, knc, &
2047 dgatk, dgacc, sgatk, sgacc, &
2049 batat(2), batat(1), bacac(2), bacac(1), &
2050 batac(2), bacat(2), batac(1), c3ij )
2052 ! convert from the "cmaq" coag rate parameters
2053 ! to the "mirage2" parameters
2054 dumacc2 = ( (dgacc**2) * exp( 2.0*xxlsgac*xxlsgac ) )
2055 dumatk2 = ( (dgatk**2) * exp( 2.0*xxlsgat*xxlsgat ) )
2056 dumatk3 = ( (dgatk**3) * exp( 4.5*xxlsgat*xxlsgat ) )
2058 betaii0 = max( 0.0_r8, batat(1) )
2059 betajj0 = max( 0.0_r8, bacac(1) )
2060 betaij0 = max( 0.0_r8, batac(1) )
2061 betaij3 = max( 0.0_r8, c3ij / dumatk3 )
2063 betajj2 = max( 0.0_r8, bacac(2) / dumacc2 )
2064 betaii2 = max( 0.0_r8, batat(2) / dumatk2 )
2065 betaij2i = max( 0.0_r8, batac(2) / dumatk2 )
2066 betaij2j = max( 0.0_r8, bacat(2) / dumatk2 )
2070 end subroutine getcoags_wrapper_f
2074 ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2075 ! subroutine getcoags calculates the coagulation rates using a new
2076 ! approximate algorithm for the 2nd moment. the 0th and 3rd moments
2077 ! are done by analytic expressions from whitby et al. (1991). the
2078 ! correction factors are also similar to those from whitby et al.
2079 ! (1991), but are derived from the gauss-hermite numerical
2080 ! quadratures used by binkowski and roselle (2003).
2082 ! called from aerostep as:
2083 ! call getcoags( lamda, kfmatac, kfmat, kfmac, knc,
2084 ! dgat,dgac, sgatk, sgacc, xxlsgat,xxlsgac,
2085 ! batat(2), batat(1), bacac(2), bacac(1),
2086 ! batac(2), bacat(2), batac(1), c3ij )
2087 ! where all input and outputs are real*8
2090 ! fsb 08/25/03 coded by dr. francis s. binkowksi
2092 ! fsb 08/25/04 added in-line documentation
2095 ! code taken from cmaq v4.6 code; converted to f90;
2096 ! added "intent" to subr arguments;
2097 ! renamed "r4" & "r8" variables to "rx4" & "rx8";
2098 ! changed "real*N" declarations to "real(rN)" (N = 4 or 8)
2101 ! 1. whitby, e. r., p. h. mcmurry, u. shankar, and f. s. binkowski,
2102 ! modal aerosol dynamics modeling, rep. 600/3-91/020, atmospheric
2103 ! research and exposure assessment laboratory,
2104 ! u.s. environmental protection agency, research triangle park, n.c.,
2105 ! (ntis pb91-161729/as), 1991
2107 ! 2. binkowski, f.s. an u. shankar, the regional particulate matter
2108 ! model 1. model decsription and preliminary results, journal of
2109 ! geophysical research, 100, d12, pp 26,191-26,209,
2110 ! december 20, 1995.
2112 ! 3. binkowski, f.s. and s.j. roselle, models-3 community
2113 ! multiscale air quality (cmaq) model aerosol component 1:
2114 ! model description. j. geophys. res., vol 108, no d6, 4183
2115 ! doi:10.1029/2001jd001409, 2003.
2118 subroutine getcoags( lamda, kfmatac, kfmat, kfmac, knc, &
2119 dgatk, dgacc, sgatk, sgacc, xxlsgat,xxlsgac, &
2120 qs11, qn11, qs22, qn22, &
2121 qs12, qs21, qn12, qv12 )
2125 real(r8), intent(in) :: lamda ! mean free path [ m ]
2127 ! *** coefficients for free molecular regime
2128 real(r8), intent(in) :: kfmat ! aitken mode
2129 real(r8), intent(in) :: kfmac ! accumulation mode
2130 real(r8), intent(in) :: kfmatac ! aitken to accumulation mode
2132 real(r8), intent(in) :: knc ! coefficient for near continnuum regime
2134 ! *** modal geometric mean diameters: [ m ]
2135 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgatk ! aitken mode
2136 real(r8), intent(in) :: dgacc ! accumulation mode
2138 ! *** modal geometric standard deviation
2139 real(r8), intent(in) :: sgatk ! atken mode
2140 real(r8), intent(in) :: sgacc ! accumulation mode
2142 ! *** natural log of modal geometric standard deviation
2143 real(r8), intent(in) :: xxlsgat ! aitken mode
2144 real(r8), intent(in) :: xxlsgac ! accumulation mode
2146 ! *** coagulation coefficients
2147 real(r8), intent(out) :: qs11, qn11, qs22, qn22, &
2148 qs12, qs21, qn12, qv12
2150 integer ibeta, n1, n2a, n2n ! indices for correction factors
2166 real(r8) kngat, kngac
2167 real(r8) one, two, half
2168 parameter( one = 1.0d0, two = 2.0d0, half = 0.5d0 )
2170 ! parameter( a = 2.492d0)
2171 parameter( a = 1.246d0)
2173 parameter( two3rds = 2.d0 / 3.d0)
2175 real(r8) sqrttwo ! sqrt(two)
2176 real(r8) dlgsqt2 ! 1/ln( sqrt( 2 ) )
2179 real(r8) esat01 ! aitken mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 )
2180 real(r8) esac01 ! accumulation mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 )
2216 real(r8) dgat2, dgac2, dgat3, dgac3
2217 real(r8) sqdgat, sqdgac
2218 real(r8) sqdgat5, sqdgac5
2220 real(r8) r, r2, r3, rx4, r5, r6, rx8
2221 real(r8) ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4
2223 real(r8) coagfm0, coagnc0
2224 real(r8) coagfm3, coagnc3
2225 real(r8) coagfm_at, coagfm_ac
2226 real(r8) coagnc_at, coagnc_ac
2231 real(r8) coagatac0, coagatac3
2234 real(r8) xm2at, xm3at, xm2ac, xm3ac
2236 ! *** correction factors for coagulation rates
2237 real(r4), save :: bm0( 10 ) ! m0 intramodal fm - rpm values
2238 real(r4), save :: bm0ij( 10, 10, 10 ) ! m0 intermodal fm
2239 real(r4), save :: bm3i( 10, 10, 10 ) ! m3 intermodal fm- rpm values
2240 real(r4), save :: bm2ii(10) ! m2 intramodal fm
2241 real(r4), save :: bm2iitt(10) ! m2 intramodal total
2242 real(r4), save :: bm2ij(10,10,10) ! m2 intermodal fm i to j
2243 real(r4), save :: bm2ji(10,10,10) ! m2 total intermodal j from i
2245 ! *** populate the arrays for the correction factors.
2247 ! rpm 0th moment correction factors for unimodal fm coagulation rates
2249 0.707106785165097, 0.726148960080488, 0.766430744110958, &
2250 0.814106389441342, 0.861679526483207, 0.903600509090092, &
2251 0.936578814219156, 0.960098926735545, 0.975646823342881, &
2255 ! fsb new fm correction factors for m0 intermodal coagulation
2257 data (bm0ij ( 1, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2258 0.628539, 0.639610, 0.664514, 0.696278, 0.731558, &
2259 0.768211, 0.804480, 0.838830, 0.870024, 0.897248/
2260 data (bm0ij ( 1, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2261 0.639178, 0.649966, 0.674432, 0.705794, 0.740642, &
2262 0.776751, 0.812323, 0.845827, 0.876076, 0.902324/
2263 data (bm0ij ( 1, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2264 0.663109, 0.673464, 0.697147, 0.727637, 0.761425, &
2265 0.796155, 0.829978, 0.861419, 0.889424, 0.913417/
2266 data (bm0ij ( 1, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2267 0.693693, 0.703654, 0.726478, 0.755786, 0.787980, &
2268 0.820626, 0.851898, 0.880459, 0.905465, 0.926552/
2269 data (bm0ij ( 1, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2270 0.727803, 0.737349, 0.759140, 0.786870, 0.816901, &
2271 0.846813, 0.874906, 0.900060, 0.921679, 0.939614/
2272 data (bm0ij ( 1, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2273 0.763461, 0.772483, 0.792930, 0.818599, 0.845905, &
2274 0.872550, 0.897051, 0.918552, 0.936701, 0.951528/
2275 data (bm0ij ( 1, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2276 0.799021, 0.807365, 0.826094, 0.849230, 0.873358, &
2277 0.896406, 0.917161, 0.935031, 0.949868, 0.961828/
2278 data (bm0ij ( 1, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2279 0.833004, 0.840514, 0.857192, 0.877446, 0.898147, &
2280 0.917518, 0.934627, 0.949106, 0.960958, 0.970403/
2281 data (bm0ij ( 1, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2282 0.864172, 0.870734, 0.885153, 0.902373, 0.919640, &
2283 0.935494, 0.949257, 0.960733, 0.970016, 0.977346/
2284 data (bm0ij ( 1, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2285 0.891658, 0.897227, 0.909343, 0.923588, 0.937629, &
2286 0.950307, 0.961151, 0.970082, 0.977236, 0.982844/
2287 data (bm0ij ( 2, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2288 0.658724, 0.670587, 0.697539, 0.731890, 0.769467, &
2289 0.807391, 0.843410, 0.875847, 0.903700, 0.926645/
2290 data (bm0ij ( 2, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2291 0.667070, 0.678820, 0.705538, 0.739591, 0.776758, &
2292 0.814118, 0.849415, 0.881020, 0.908006, 0.930121/
2293 data (bm0ij ( 2, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2294 0.686356, 0.697839, 0.723997, 0.757285, 0.793389, &
2295 0.829313, 0.862835, 0.892459, 0.917432, 0.937663/
2296 data (bm0ij ( 2, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2297 0.711425, 0.722572, 0.747941, 0.780055, 0.814518, &
2298 0.848315, 0.879335, 0.906290, 0.928658, 0.946526/
2299 data (bm0ij ( 2, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2300 0.739575, 0.750307, 0.774633, 0.805138, 0.837408, &
2301 0.868504, 0.896517, 0.920421, 0.939932, 0.955299/
2302 data (bm0ij ( 2, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2303 0.769143, 0.779346, 0.802314, 0.830752, 0.860333, &
2304 0.888300, 0.913014, 0.933727, 0.950370, 0.963306/
2305 data (bm0ij ( 2, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2306 0.798900, 0.808431, 0.829700, 0.855653, 0.882163, &
2307 0.906749, 0.928075, 0.945654, 0.959579, 0.970280/
2308 data (bm0ij ( 2, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2309 0.827826, 0.836542, 0.855808, 0.878954, 0.902174, &
2310 0.923316, 0.941345, 0.955989, 0.967450, 0.976174/
2311 data (bm0ij ( 2, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2312 0.855068, 0.862856, 0.879900, 0.900068, 0.919956, &
2313 0.937764, 0.952725, 0.964726, 0.974027, 0.981053/
2314 data (bm0ij ( 2, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2315 0.879961, 0.886755, 0.901484, 0.918665, 0.935346, &
2316 0.950065, 0.962277, 0.971974, 0.979432, 0.985033/
2317 data (bm0ij ( 3, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2318 0.724166, 0.735474, 0.761359, 0.794045, 0.828702, &
2319 0.862061, 0.891995, 0.917385, 0.937959, 0.954036/
2320 data (bm0ij ( 3, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2321 0.730416, 0.741780, 0.767647, 0.800116, 0.834344, &
2322 0.867093, 0.896302, 0.920934, 0.940790, 0.956237/
2323 data (bm0ij ( 3, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2324 0.745327, 0.756664, 0.782255, 0.814026, 0.847107, &
2325 0.878339, 0.905820, 0.928699, 0.946931, 0.960977/
2326 data (bm0ij ( 3, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2327 0.765195, 0.776312, 0.801216, 0.831758, 0.863079, &
2328 0.892159, 0.917319, 0.937939, 0.954145, 0.966486/
2329 data (bm0ij ( 3, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2330 0.787632, 0.798347, 0.822165, 0.850985, 0.880049, &
2331 0.906544, 0.929062, 0.947218, 0.961288, 0.971878/
2332 data (bm0ij ( 3, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2333 0.811024, 0.821179, 0.843557, 0.870247, 0.896694, &
2334 0.920365, 0.940131, 0.955821, 0.967820, 0.976753/
2335 data (bm0ij ( 3, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2336 0.834254, 0.843709, 0.864356, 0.888619, 0.912245, &
2337 0.933019, 0.950084, 0.963438, 0.973530, 0.980973/
2338 data (bm0ij ( 3, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2339 0.856531, 0.865176, 0.883881, 0.905544, 0.926290, &
2340 0.944236, 0.958762, 0.969988, 0.978386, 0.984530/
2341 data (bm0ij ( 3, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2342 0.877307, 0.885070, 0.901716, 0.920729, 0.938663, &
2343 0.953951, 0.966169, 0.975512, 0.982442, 0.987477/
2344 data (bm0ij ( 3, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2345 0.896234, 0.903082, 0.917645, 0.934069, 0.949354, &
2346 0.962222, 0.972396, 0.980107, 0.985788, 0.989894/
2347 data (bm0ij ( 4, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2348 0.799294, 0.809144, 0.831293, 0.858395, 0.885897, &
2349 0.911031, 0.932406, 0.949642, 0.963001, 0.973062/
2350 data (bm0ij ( 4, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2351 0.804239, 0.814102, 0.836169, 0.862984, 0.890003, &
2352 0.914535, 0.935274, 0.951910, 0.964748, 0.974381/
2353 data (bm0ij ( 4, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2354 0.815910, 0.825708, 0.847403, 0.873389, 0.899185, &
2355 0.922275, 0.941543, 0.956826, 0.968507, 0.977204/
2356 data (bm0ij ( 4, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2357 0.831348, 0.840892, 0.861793, 0.886428, 0.910463, &
2358 0.931614, 0.948993, 0.962593, 0.972872, 0.980456/
2359 data (bm0ij ( 4, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2360 0.848597, 0.857693, 0.877402, 0.900265, 0.922180, &
2361 0.941134, 0.956464, 0.968298, 0.977143, 0.983611/
2362 data (bm0ij ( 4, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2363 0.866271, 0.874764, 0.892984, 0.913796, 0.933407, &
2364 0.950088, 0.963380, 0.973512, 0.981006, 0.986440/
2365 data (bm0ij ( 4, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2366 0.883430, 0.891216, 0.907762, 0.926388, 0.943660, &
2367 0.958127, 0.969499, 0.978070, 0.984351, 0.988872/
2368 data (bm0ij ( 4, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2369 0.899483, 0.906505, 0.921294, 0.937719, 0.952729, &
2370 0.965131, 0.974762, 0.981950, 0.987175, 0.990912/
2371 data (bm0ij ( 4, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2372 0.914096, 0.920337, 0.933373, 0.947677, 0.960579, &
2373 0.971111, 0.979206, 0.985196, 0.989520, 0.992597/
2374 data (bm0ij ( 4, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2375 0.927122, 0.932597, 0.943952, 0.956277, 0.967268, &
2376 0.976147, 0.982912, 0.987882, 0.991450, 0.993976/
2377 data (bm0ij ( 5, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2378 0.865049, 0.872851, 0.889900, 0.909907, 0.929290, &
2379 0.946205, 0.959991, 0.970706, 0.978764, 0.984692/
2380 data (bm0ij ( 5, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2381 0.868989, 0.876713, 0.893538, 0.913173, 0.932080, &
2382 0.948484, 0.961785, 0.972080, 0.979796, 0.985457/
2383 data (bm0ij ( 5, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2384 0.878010, 0.885524, 0.901756, 0.920464, 0.938235, &
2385 0.953461, 0.965672, 0.975037, 0.982005, 0.987085/
2386 data (bm0ij ( 5, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2387 0.889534, 0.896698, 0.912012, 0.929395, 0.945647, &
2388 0.959366, 0.970227, 0.978469, 0.984547, 0.988950/
2389 data (bm0ij ( 5, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2390 0.902033, 0.908713, 0.922848, 0.938648, 0.953186, &
2391 0.965278, 0.974729, 0.981824, 0.987013, 0.990746/
2392 data (bm0ij ( 5, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2393 0.914496, 0.920599, 0.933389, 0.947485, 0.960262, &
2394 0.970743, 0.978839, 0.984858, 0.989225, 0.992348/
2395 data (bm0ij ( 5, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2396 0.926281, 0.931761, 0.943142, 0.955526, 0.966600, &
2397 0.975573, 0.982431, 0.987485, 0.991128, 0.993718/
2398 data (bm0ij ( 5, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2399 0.937029, 0.941877, 0.951868, 0.962615, 0.972112, &
2400 0.979723, 0.985488, 0.989705, 0.992725, 0.994863/
2401 data (bm0ij ( 5, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2402 0.946580, 0.950819, 0.959494, 0.968732, 0.976811, &
2403 0.983226, 0.988047, 0.991550, 0.994047, 0.995806/
2404 data (bm0ij ( 5, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2405 0.954909, 0.958581, 0.966049, 0.973933, 0.980766, &
2406 0.986149, 0.990166, 0.993070, 0.995130, 0.996577/
2407 data (bm0ij ( 6, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2408 0.914182, 0.919824, 0.931832, 0.945387, 0.957999, &
2409 0.968606, 0.976982, 0.983331, 0.988013, 0.991407/
2410 data (bm0ij ( 6, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2411 0.917139, 0.922665, 0.934395, 0.947580, 0.959792, &
2412 0.970017, 0.978062, 0.984138, 0.988609, 0.991843/
2413 data (bm0ij ( 6, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2414 0.923742, 0.928990, 0.940064, 0.952396, 0.963699, &
2415 0.973070, 0.980381, 0.985866, 0.989878, 0.992768/
2416 data (bm0ij ( 6, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2417 0.931870, 0.936743, 0.946941, 0.958162, 0.968318, &
2418 0.976640, 0.983069, 0.987853, 0.991330, 0.993822/
2419 data (bm0ij ( 6, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2420 0.940376, 0.944807, 0.954004, 0.963999, 0.972928, &
2421 0.980162, 0.985695, 0.989779, 0.992729, 0.994833/
2422 data (bm0ij ( 6, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2423 0.948597, 0.952555, 0.960703, 0.969454, 0.977181, &
2424 0.983373, 0.988067, 0.991507, 0.993977, 0.995730/
2425 data (bm0ij ( 6, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2426 0.956167, 0.959648, 0.966763, 0.974326, 0.980933, &
2427 0.986177, 0.990121, 0.992993, 0.995045, 0.996495/
2428 data (bm0ij ( 6, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2429 0.962913, 0.965937, 0.972080, 0.978552, 0.984153, &
2430 0.988563, 0.991857, 0.994242, 0.995938, 0.997133/
2431 data (bm0ij ( 6, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2432 0.968787, 0.971391, 0.976651, 0.982148, 0.986869, &
2433 0.990560, 0.993301, 0.995275, 0.996675, 0.997657/
2434 data (bm0ij ( 6, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2435 0.973822, 0.976047, 0.980523, 0.985170, 0.989134, &
2436 0.992215, 0.994491, 0.996124, 0.997277, 0.998085/
2437 data (bm0ij ( 7, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2438 0.947410, 0.951207, 0.959119, 0.967781, 0.975592, &
2439 0.981981, 0.986915, 0.990590, 0.993266, 0.995187/
2440 data (bm0ij ( 7, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2441 0.949477, 0.953161, 0.960824, 0.969187, 0.976702, &
2442 0.982831, 0.987550, 0.991057, 0.993606, 0.995434/
2443 data (bm0ij ( 7, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2444 0.954008, 0.957438, 0.964537, 0.972232, 0.979095, &
2445 0.984653, 0.988907, 0.992053, 0.994330, 0.995958/
2446 data (bm0ij ( 7, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2447 0.959431, 0.962539, 0.968935, 0.975808, 0.981882, &
2448 0.986759, 0.990466, 0.993190, 0.995153, 0.996552/
2449 data (bm0ij ( 7, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2450 0.964932, 0.967693, 0.973342, 0.979355, 0.984620, &
2451 0.988812, 0.991974, 0.994285, 0.995943, 0.997119/
2452 data (bm0ij ( 7, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2453 0.970101, 0.972517, 0.977428, 0.982612, 0.987110, &
2454 0.990663, 0.993326, 0.995261, 0.996644, 0.997621/
2455 data (bm0ij ( 7, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2456 0.974746, 0.976834, 0.981055, 0.985475, 0.989280, &
2457 0.992265, 0.994488, 0.996097, 0.997241, 0.998048/
2458 data (bm0ij ( 7, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2459 0.978804, 0.980591, 0.984187, 0.987927, 0.991124, &
2460 0.993617, 0.995464, 0.996795, 0.997739, 0.998403/
2461 data (bm0ij ( 7, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2462 0.982280, 0.983799, 0.986844, 0.989991, 0.992667, &
2463 0.994742, 0.996273, 0.997372, 0.998149, 0.998695/
2464 data (bm0ij ( 7, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2465 0.985218, 0.986503, 0.989071, 0.991711, 0.993945, &
2466 0.995669, 0.996937, 0.997844, 0.998484, 0.998932/
2467 data (bm0ij ( 8, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2468 0.968507, 0.970935, 0.975916, 0.981248, 0.985947, &
2469 0.989716, 0.992580, 0.994689, 0.996210, 0.997297/
2470 data (bm0ij ( 8, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2471 0.969870, 0.972210, 0.977002, 0.982119, 0.986619, &
2472 0.990219, 0.992951, 0.994958, 0.996405, 0.997437/
2473 data (bm0ij ( 8, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2474 0.972820, 0.974963, 0.979339, 0.983988, 0.988054, &
2475 0.991292, 0.993738, 0.995529, 0.996817, 0.997734/
2476 data (bm0ij ( 8, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2477 0.976280, 0.978186, 0.982060, 0.986151, 0.989706, &
2478 0.992520, 0.994636, 0.996179, 0.997284, 0.998069/
2479 data (bm0ij ( 8, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2480 0.979711, 0.981372, 0.984735, 0.988263, 0.991309, &
2481 0.993706, 0.995499, 0.996801, 0.997730, 0.998389/
2482 data (bm0ij ( 8, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2483 0.982863, 0.984292, 0.987172, 0.990174, 0.992750, &
2484 0.994766, 0.996266, 0.997352, 0.998125, 0.998670/
2485 data (bm0ij ( 8, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2486 0.985642, 0.986858, 0.989301, 0.991834, 0.993994, &
2487 0.995676, 0.996923, 0.997822, 0.998460, 0.998910/
2488 data (bm0ij ( 8, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2489 0.988029, 0.989058, 0.991116, 0.993240, 0.995043, &
2490 0.996440, 0.997472, 0.998214, 0.998739, 0.999108/
2491 data (bm0ij ( 8, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2492 0.990046, 0.990912, 0.992640, 0.994415, 0.995914, &
2493 0.997073, 0.997925, 0.998536, 0.998968, 0.999271/
2494 data (bm0ij ( 8, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2495 0.991732, 0.992459, 0.993906, 0.995386, 0.996633, &
2496 0.997592, 0.998296, 0.998799, 0.999154, 0.999403/
2497 data (bm0ij ( 9, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2498 0.981392, 0.982893, 0.985938, 0.989146, 0.991928, &
2499 0.994129, 0.995783, 0.996991, 0.997857, 0.998473/
2500 data (bm0ij ( 9, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2501 0.982254, 0.983693, 0.986608, 0.989673, 0.992328, &
2502 0.994424, 0.995998, 0.997146, 0.997969, 0.998553/
2503 data (bm0ij ( 9, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2504 0.984104, 0.985407, 0.988040, 0.990798, 0.993178, &
2505 0.995052, 0.996454, 0.997474, 0.998204, 0.998722/
2506 data (bm0ij ( 9, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2507 0.986243, 0.987386, 0.989687, 0.992087, 0.994149, &
2508 0.995765, 0.996971, 0.997846, 0.998470, 0.998913/
2509 data (bm0ij ( 9, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2510 0.988332, 0.989313, 0.991284, 0.993332, 0.995082, &
2511 0.996449, 0.997465, 0.998200, 0.998723, 0.999093/
2512 data (bm0ij ( 9, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2513 0.990220, 0.991053, 0.992721, 0.994445, 0.995914, &
2514 0.997056, 0.997902, 0.998513, 0.998947, 0.999253/
2515 data (bm0ij ( 9, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2516 0.991859, 0.992561, 0.993961, 0.995403, 0.996626, &
2517 0.997574, 0.998274, 0.998778, 0.999136, 0.999387/
2518 data (bm0ij ( 9, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2519 0.993250, 0.993837, 0.995007, 0.996208, 0.997223, &
2520 0.998007, 0.998584, 0.998999, 0.999293, 0.999499/
2521 data (bm0ij ( 9, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2522 0.994413, 0.994903, 0.995878, 0.996876, 0.997716, &
2523 0.998363, 0.998839, 0.999180, 0.999421, 0.999591/
2524 data (bm0ij ( 9, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2525 0.995376, 0.995785, 0.996597, 0.997425, 0.998121, &
2526 0.998655, 0.999048, 0.999328, 0.999526, 0.999665/
2527 data (bm0ij ( 10, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2528 0.989082, 0.989991, 0.991819, 0.993723, 0.995357, &
2529 0.996637, 0.997592, 0.998286, 0.998781, 0.999132/
2530 data (bm0ij ( 10, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2531 0.989613, 0.990480, 0.992224, 0.994039, 0.995594, &
2532 0.996810, 0.997717, 0.998375, 0.998845, 0.999178/
2533 data (bm0ij ( 10, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2534 0.990744, 0.991523, 0.993086, 0.994708, 0.996094, &
2535 0.997176, 0.997981, 0.998564, 0.998980, 0.999274/
2536 data (bm0ij ( 10, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2537 0.992041, 0.992716, 0.994070, 0.995470, 0.996662, &
2538 0.997591, 0.998280, 0.998778, 0.999133, 0.999383/
2539 data (bm0ij ( 10, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2540 0.993292, 0.993867, 0.995015, 0.996199, 0.997205, &
2541 0.997985, 0.998564, 0.998981, 0.999277, 0.999487/
2542 data (bm0ij ( 10, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2543 0.994411, 0.994894, 0.995857, 0.996847, 0.997685, &
2544 0.998334, 0.998814, 0.999159, 0.999404, 0.999577/
2545 data (bm0ij ( 10, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2546 0.995373, 0.995776, 0.996577, 0.997400, 0.998094, &
2547 0.998630, 0.999026, 0.999310, 0.999512, 0.999654/
2548 data (bm0ij ( 10, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2549 0.996181, 0.996516, 0.997181, 0.997861, 0.998435, &
2550 0.998877, 0.999202, 0.999435, 0.999601, 0.999717/
2551 data (bm0ij ( 10, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2552 0.996851, 0.997128, 0.997680, 0.998242, 0.998715, &
2553 0.999079, 0.999346, 0.999538, 0.999673, 0.999769/
2554 data (bm0ij ( 10, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2555 0.997402, 0.997632, 0.998089, 0.998554, 0.998945, &
2556 0.999244, 0.999464, 0.999622, 0.999733, 0.999811/
2559 ! rpm.... 3rd moment nuclei mode corr. fac. for bimodal fm coag rate
2561 data (bm3i( 1, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2562 0.70708,0.71681,0.73821,0.76477,0.79350,0.82265,0.85090,0.87717, &
2564 data (bm3i( 1, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2565 0.72172,0.73022,0.74927,0.77324,0.79936,0.82601,0.85199,0.87637, &
2567 data (bm3i( 1, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2568 0.78291,0.78896,0.80286,0.82070,0.84022,0.85997,0.87901,0.89669, &
2570 data (bm3i( 1, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2571 0.87760,0.88147,0.89025,0.90127,0.91291,0.92420,0.93452,0.94355, &
2573 data (bm3i( 1, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2574 0.94988,0.95184,0.95612,0.96122,0.96628,0.97085,0.97467,0.97763, &
2576 data (bm3i( 1, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2577 0.98318,0.98393,0.98551,0.98728,0.98889,0.99014,0.99095,0.99124, &
2579 data (bm3i( 1, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2580 0.99480,0.99504,0.99551,0.99598,0.99629,0.99635,0.99611,0.99550, &
2582 data (bm3i( 1, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2583 0.99842,0.99848,0.99858,0.99861,0.99850,0.99819,0.99762,0.99674, &
2585 data (bm3i( 1, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2586 0.99951,0.99951,0.99949,0.99939,0.99915,0.99872,0.99805,0.99709, &
2588 data (bm3i( 1,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2589 0.99984,0.99982,0.99976,0.99962,0.99934,0.99888,0.99818,0.99719, &
2591 data (bm3i( 2, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2592 0.72957,0.73993,0.76303,0.79178,0.82245,0.85270,0.88085,0.90578, &
2594 data (bm3i( 2, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2595 0.72319,0.73320,0.75547,0.78323,0.81307,0.84287,0.87107,0.89651, &
2597 data (bm3i( 2, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2598 0.74413,0.75205,0.76998,0.79269,0.81746,0.84258,0.86685,0.88938, &
2600 data (bm3i( 2, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2601 0.82588,0.83113,0.84309,0.85825,0.87456,0.89072,0.90594,0.91972, &
2603 data (bm3i( 2, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2604 0.91886,0.92179,0.92831,0.93624,0.94434,0.95192,0.95856,0.96409, &
2606 data (bm3i( 2, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2607 0.97129,0.97252,0.97515,0.97818,0.98108,0.98354,0.98542,0.98665, &
2609 data (bm3i( 2, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2610 0.99104,0.99145,0.99230,0.99320,0.99394,0.99439,0.99448,0.99416, &
2612 data (bm3i( 2, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2613 0.99730,0.99741,0.99763,0.99779,0.99782,0.99762,0.99715,0.99636, &
2615 data (bm3i( 2, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2616 0.99917,0.99919,0.99921,0.99915,0.99895,0.99856,0.99792,0.99698, &
2618 data (bm3i( 2,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2619 0.99973,0.99973,0.99968,0.99955,0.99928,0.99883,0.99814,0.99716, &
2621 data (bm3i( 3, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2622 0.78358,0.79304,0.81445,0.84105,0.86873,0.89491,0.91805,0.93743, &
2624 data (bm3i( 3, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2625 0.76412,0.77404,0.79635,0.82404,0.85312,0.88101,0.90610,0.92751, &
2627 data (bm3i( 3, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2628 0.74239,0.75182,0.77301,0.79956,0.82809,0.85639,0.88291,0.90658, &
2630 data (bm3i( 3, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2631 0.78072,0.78758,0.80317,0.82293,0.84437,0.86589,0.88643,0.90526, &
2633 data (bm3i( 3, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2634 0.87627,0.88044,0.88981,0.90142,0.91357,0.92524,0.93585,0.94510, &
2636 data (bm3i( 3, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2637 0.95176,0.95371,0.95796,0.96297,0.96792,0.97233,0.97599,0.97880, &
2639 data (bm3i( 3, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2640 0.98453,0.98523,0.98670,0.98833,0.98980,0.99092,0.99160,0.99179, &
2642 data (bm3i( 3, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2643 0.99534,0.99555,0.99597,0.99637,0.99662,0.99663,0.99633,0.99569, &
2645 data (bm3i( 3, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2646 0.99859,0.99864,0.99872,0.99873,0.99860,0.99827,0.99768,0.99679, &
2648 data (bm3i( 3,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2649 0.99956,0.99956,0.99953,0.99942,0.99918,0.99875,0.99807,0.99711, &
2651 data (bm3i( 4, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2652 0.84432,0.85223,0.86990,0.89131,0.91280,0.93223,0.94861,0.96172, &
2654 data (bm3i( 4, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2655 0.82299,0.83164,0.85101,0.87463,0.89857,0.92050,0.93923,0.95443, &
2657 data (bm3i( 4, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2658 0.77870,0.78840,0.81011,0.83690,0.86477,0.89124,0.91476,0.93460, &
2660 data (bm3i( 4, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2661 0.76386,0.77233,0.79147,0.81557,0.84149,0.86719,0.89126,0.91275, &
2663 data (bm3i( 4, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2664 0.82927,0.83488,0.84756,0.86346,0.88040,0.89704,0.91257,0.92649, &
2666 data (bm3i( 4, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2667 0.92184,0.92481,0.93136,0.93925,0.94724,0.95462,0.96104,0.96634, &
2669 data (bm3i( 4, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2670 0.97341,0.97457,0.97706,0.97991,0.98260,0.98485,0.98654,0.98760, &
2672 data (bm3i( 4, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2673 0.99192,0.99229,0.99305,0.99385,0.99449,0.99486,0.99487,0.99449, &
2675 data (bm3i( 4, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2676 0.99758,0.99768,0.99787,0.99800,0.99799,0.99777,0.99727,0.99645, &
2678 data (bm3i( 4,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2679 0.99926,0.99928,0.99928,0.99921,0.99900,0.99860,0.99795,0.99701, &
2681 data (bm3i( 5, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2682 0.89577,0.90190,0.91522,0.93076,0.94575,0.95876,0.96932,0.97751, &
2684 data (bm3i( 5, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2685 0.87860,0.88547,0.90052,0.91828,0.93557,0.95075,0.96319,0.97292, &
2687 data (bm3i( 5, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2688 0.83381,0.84240,0.86141,0.88425,0.90707,0.92770,0.94510,0.95906, &
2690 data (bm3i( 5, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2691 0.78530,0.79463,0.81550,0.84127,0.86813,0.89367,0.91642,0.93566, &
2693 data (bm3i( 5, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2694 0.79614,0.80332,0.81957,0.84001,0.86190,0.88351,0.90368,0.92169, &
2696 data (bm3i( 5, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2697 0.88192,0.88617,0.89565,0.90728,0.91931,0.93076,0.94107,0.94997, &
2699 data (bm3i( 5, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2700 0.95509,0.95698,0.96105,0.96583,0.97048,0.97460,0.97796,0.98050, &
2702 data (bm3i( 5, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2703 0.98596,0.98660,0.98794,0.98943,0.99074,0.99172,0.99227,0.99235, &
2705 data (bm3i( 5, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2706 0.99581,0.99600,0.99637,0.99672,0.99691,0.99687,0.99653,0.99585, &
2708 data (bm3i( 5,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2709 0.99873,0.99878,0.99884,0.99883,0.99869,0.99834,0.99774,0.99684, &
2711 data (bm3i( 6, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2712 0.93335,0.93777,0.94711,0.95764,0.96741,0.97562,0.98210,0.98701, &
2714 data (bm3i( 6, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2715 0.92142,0.92646,0.93723,0.94947,0.96096,0.97069,0.97842,0.98431, &
2717 data (bm3i( 6, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2718 0.88678,0.89351,0.90810,0.92508,0.94138,0.95549,0.96693,0.97578, &
2720 data (bm3i( 6, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2721 0.83249,0.84124,0.86051,0.88357,0.90655,0.92728,0.94477,0.95880, &
2723 data (bm3i( 6, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2724 0.79593,0.80444,0.82355,0.84725,0.87211,0.89593,0.91735,0.93566, &
2726 data (bm3i( 6, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2727 0.84124,0.84695,0.85980,0.87575,0.89256,0.90885,0.92383,0.93704, &
2729 data (bm3i( 6, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2730 0.92721,0.93011,0.93647,0.94406,0.95166,0.95862,0.96460,0.96949, &
2732 data (bm3i( 6, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2733 0.97573,0.97681,0.97913,0.98175,0.98421,0.98624,0.98772,0.98860, &
2735 data (bm3i( 6, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2736 0.99271,0.99304,0.99373,0.99444,0.99499,0.99528,0.99522,0.99477, &
2738 data (bm3i( 6,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2739 0.99782,0.99791,0.99807,0.99817,0.99813,0.99788,0.99737,0.99653, &
2741 data (bm3i( 7, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2742 0.95858,0.96158,0.96780,0.97460,0.98073,0.98575,0.98963,0.99252, &
2744 data (bm3i( 7, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2745 0.95091,0.95438,0.96163,0.96962,0.97688,0.98286,0.98751,0.99099, &
2747 data (bm3i( 7, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2748 0.92751,0.93233,0.94255,0.95406,0.96473,0.97366,0.98070,0.98602, &
2750 data (bm3i( 7, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2751 0.88371,0.89075,0.90595,0.92351,0.94028,0.95474,0.96642,0.97544, &
2753 data (bm3i( 7, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2754 0.82880,0.83750,0.85671,0.87980,0.90297,0.92404,0.94195,0.95644, &
2756 data (bm3i( 7, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2757 0.81933,0.82655,0.84279,0.86295,0.88412,0.90449,0.92295,0.93890, &
2759 data (bm3i( 7, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2760 0.89099,0.89519,0.90448,0.91577,0.92732,0.93820,0.94789,0.95616, &
2762 data (bm3i( 7, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2763 0.95886,0.96064,0.96448,0.96894,0.97324,0.97701,0.98004,0.98228, &
2765 data (bm3i( 7, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2766 0.98727,0.98786,0.98908,0.99043,0.99160,0.99245,0.99288,0.99285, &
2768 data (bm3i( 7,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2769 0.99621,0.99638,0.99671,0.99700,0.99715,0.99707,0.99670,0.99599, &
2771 data (bm3i( 8, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2772 0.97470,0.97666,0.98064,0.98491,0.98867,0.99169,0.99399,0.99569, &
2774 data (bm3i( 8, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2775 0.96996,0.97225,0.97693,0.98196,0.98643,0.99003,0.99279,0.99482, &
2777 data (bm3i( 8, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2778 0.95523,0.95848,0.96522,0.97260,0.97925,0.98468,0.98888,0.99200, &
2780 data (bm3i( 8, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2781 0.92524,0.93030,0.94098,0.95294,0.96397,0.97317,0.98038,0.98582, &
2783 data (bm3i( 8, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2784 0.87576,0.88323,0.89935,0.91799,0.93583,0.95126,0.96377,0.97345, &
2786 data (bm3i( 8, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2787 0.83078,0.83894,0.85705,0.87899,0.90126,0.92179,0.93950,0.95404, &
2789 data (bm3i( 8, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2790 0.85727,0.86294,0.87558,0.89111,0.90723,0.92260,0.93645,0.94841, &
2792 data (bm3i( 8, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2793 0.93337,0.93615,0.94220,0.94937,0.95647,0.96292,0.96840,0.97283, &
2795 data (bm3i( 8, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2796 0.97790,0.97891,0.98105,0.98346,0.98569,0.98751,0.98879,0.98950, &
2798 data (bm3i( 8,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2799 0.99337,0.99367,0.99430,0.99493,0.99541,0.99562,0.99551,0.99501, &
2801 data (bm3i( 9, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2802 0.98470,0.98594,0.98844,0.99106,0.99334,0.99514,0.99650,0.99749, &
2804 data (bm3i( 9, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2805 0.98184,0.98330,0.98624,0.98934,0.99205,0.99420,0.99582,0.99701, &
2807 data (bm3i( 9, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2808 0.97288,0.97498,0.97927,0.98385,0.98789,0.99113,0.99360,0.99541, &
2810 data (bm3i( 9, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2811 0.95403,0.95741,0.96440,0.97202,0.97887,0.98444,0.98872,0.99190, &
2813 data (bm3i( 9, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2814 0.91845,0.92399,0.93567,0.94873,0.96076,0.97079,0.97865,0.98457, &
2816 data (bm3i( 9, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2817 0.86762,0.87533,0.89202,0.91148,0.93027,0.94669,0.96013,0.97062, &
2819 data (bm3i( 9, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2820 0.84550,0.85253,0.86816,0.88721,0.90671,0.92490,0.94083,0.95413, &
2822 data (bm3i( 9, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2823 0.90138,0.90544,0.91437,0.92513,0.93602,0.94615,0.95506,0.96258, &
2825 data (bm3i( 9, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2826 0.96248,0.96415,0.96773,0.97187,0.97583,0.97925,0.98198,0.98394, &
2828 data (bm3i( 9,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2829 0.98837,0.98892,0.99005,0.99127,0.99232,0.99306,0.99339,0.99328, &
2831 data (bm3i(10, 1,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2832 0.99080,0.99158,0.99311,0.99471,0.99607,0.99715,0.99795,0.99853, &
2834 data (bm3i(10, 2,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2835 0.98910,0.99001,0.99182,0.99371,0.99533,0.99661,0.99757,0.99826, &
2837 data (bm3i(10, 3,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2838 0.98374,0.98506,0.98772,0.99051,0.99294,0.99486,0.99630,0.99736, &
2840 data (bm3i(10, 4,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2841 0.97238,0.97453,0.97892,0.98361,0.98773,0.99104,0.99354,0.99538, &
2843 data (bm3i(10, 5,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2844 0.94961,0.95333,0.96103,0.96941,0.97693,0.98303,0.98772,0.99119, &
2846 data (bm3i(10, 6,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2847 0.90943,0.91550,0.92834,0.94275,0.95608,0.96723,0.97600,0.98263, &
2849 data (bm3i(10, 7,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2850 0.86454,0.87200,0.88829,0.90749,0.92630,0.94300,0.95687,0.96785, &
2852 data (bm3i(10, 8,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2853 0.87498,0.88048,0.89264,0.90737,0.92240,0.93642,0.94877,0.95917, &
2855 data (bm3i(10, 9,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2856 0.93946,0.94209,0.94781,0.95452,0.96111,0.96704,0.97203,0.97602, &
2858 data (bm3i(10,10,ibeta ), ibeta=1,10)/ &
2859 0.97977,0.98071,0.98270,0.98492,0.98695,0.98858,0.98970,0.99027, &
2862 ! fsb fm correction for intramodal m2 coagulation
2864 0.707107, 0.720583, 0.745310, 0.748056, 0.696935, &
2865 0.604164, 0.504622, 0.416559, 0.343394, 0.283641/
2867 ! *** total correction for intramodal m2 coagulation
2870 1.000000, 0.907452, 0.680931, 0.409815, 0.196425, &
2871 0.078814, 0.028473, 0.009800, 0.003322, 0.001129/
2874 ! fsb fm correction for m2 i to j coagulation
2876 data (bm2ij ( 1, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2877 0.707107, 0.716828, 0.738240, 0.764827, 0.793610, &
2878 0.822843, 0.851217, 0.877670, 0.901404, 0.921944/
2879 data (bm2ij ( 1, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2880 0.719180, 0.727975, 0.747638, 0.772334, 0.799234, &
2881 0.826666, 0.853406, 0.878482, 0.901162, 0.920987/
2882 data (bm2ij ( 1, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2883 0.760947, 0.767874, 0.783692, 0.803890, 0.826015, &
2884 0.848562, 0.870498, 0.891088, 0.909823, 0.926400/
2885 data (bm2ij ( 1, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2886 0.830926, 0.836034, 0.847708, 0.862528, 0.878521, &
2887 0.894467, 0.909615, 0.923520, 0.935959, 0.946858/
2888 data (bm2ij ( 1, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2889 0.903643, 0.907035, 0.914641, 0.924017, 0.933795, &
2890 0.943194, 0.951806, 0.959449, 0.966087, 0.971761/
2891 data (bm2ij ( 1, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2892 0.954216, 0.956094, 0.960211, 0.965123, 0.970068, &
2893 0.974666, 0.978750, 0.982277, 0.985268, 0.987775/
2894 data (bm2ij ( 1, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2895 0.980546, 0.981433, 0.983343, 0.985568, 0.987751, &
2896 0.989735, 0.991461, 0.992926, 0.994150, 0.995164/
2897 data (bm2ij ( 1, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2898 0.992142, 0.992524, 0.993338, 0.994272, 0.995174, &
2899 0.995981, 0.996675, 0.997257, 0.997740, 0.998137/
2900 data (bm2ij ( 1, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2901 0.996868, 0.997026, 0.997361, 0.997742, 0.998106, &
2902 0.998430, 0.998705, 0.998935, 0.999125, 0.999280/
2903 data (bm2ij ( 1, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2904 0.998737, 0.998802, 0.998939, 0.999094, 0.999241, &
2905 0.999371, 0.999481, 0.999573, 0.999648, 0.999709/
2906 data (bm2ij ( 2, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2907 0.729600, 0.739948, 0.763059, 0.791817, 0.822510, &
2908 0.852795, 0.881000, 0.905999, 0.927206, 0.944532/
2909 data (bm2ij ( 2, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2910 0.727025, 0.737116, 0.759615, 0.787657, 0.817740, &
2911 0.847656, 0.875801, 0.901038, 0.922715, 0.940643/
2912 data (bm2ij ( 2, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2913 0.738035, 0.746779, 0.766484, 0.791340, 0.818324, &
2914 0.845546, 0.871629, 0.895554, 0.916649, 0.934597/
2915 data (bm2ij ( 2, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2916 0.784185, 0.790883, 0.806132, 0.825501, 0.846545, &
2917 0.867745, 0.888085, 0.906881, 0.923705, 0.938349/
2918 data (bm2ij ( 2, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2919 0.857879, 0.862591, 0.873238, 0.886539, 0.900645, &
2920 0.914463, 0.927360, 0.939004, 0.949261, 0.958125/
2921 data (bm2ij ( 2, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2922 0.925441, 0.928304, 0.934645, 0.942324, 0.950181, &
2923 0.957600, 0.964285, 0.970133, 0.975147, 0.979388/
2924 data (bm2ij ( 2, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2925 0.966728, 0.968176, 0.971323, 0.975027, 0.978705, &
2926 0.982080, 0.985044, 0.987578, 0.989710, 0.991485/
2927 data (bm2ij ( 2, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2928 0.986335, 0.986980, 0.988362, 0.989958, 0.991511, &
2929 0.992912, 0.994122, 0.995143, 0.995992, 0.996693/
2930 data (bm2ij ( 2, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2931 0.994547, 0.994817, 0.995391, 0.996046, 0.996677, &
2932 0.997238, 0.997719, 0.998122, 0.998454, 0.998727/
2933 data (bm2ij ( 2, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2934 0.997817, 0.997928, 0.998163, 0.998429, 0.998683, &
2935 0.998908, 0.999099, 0.999258, 0.999389, 0.999497/
2936 data (bm2ij ( 3, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2937 0.783612, 0.793055, 0.814468, 0.841073, 0.868769, &
2938 0.894963, 0.918118, 0.937527, 0.953121, 0.965244/
2939 data (bm2ij ( 3, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2940 0.772083, 0.781870, 0.803911, 0.831238, 0.859802, &
2941 0.887036, 0.911349, 0.931941, 0.948649, 0.961751/
2942 data (bm2ij ( 3, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2943 0.755766, 0.765509, 0.787380, 0.814630, 0.843526, &
2944 0.871670, 0.897443, 0.919870, 0.938557, 0.953576/
2945 data (bm2ij ( 3, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2946 0.763816, 0.772145, 0.790997, 0.814784, 0.840434, &
2947 0.865978, 0.890034, 0.911671, 0.930366, 0.945963/
2948 data (bm2ij ( 3, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2949 0.813597, 0.819809, 0.833889, 0.851618, 0.870640, &
2950 0.889514, 0.907326, 0.923510, 0.937768, 0.950003/
2951 data (bm2ij ( 3, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2952 0.886317, 0.890437, 0.899643, 0.910955, 0.922730, &
2953 0.934048, 0.944422, 0.953632, 0.961624, 0.968444/
2954 data (bm2ij ( 3, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2955 0.944565, 0.946855, 0.951872, 0.957854, 0.963873, &
2956 0.969468, 0.974438, 0.978731, 0.982372, 0.985424/
2957 data (bm2ij ( 3, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2958 0.976358, 0.977435, 0.979759, 0.982467, 0.985125, &
2959 0.987540, 0.989642, 0.991425, 0.992916, 0.994150/
2960 data (bm2ij ( 3, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2961 0.990471, 0.990932, 0.991917, 0.993048, 0.994142, &
2962 0.995121, 0.995964, 0.996671, 0.997258, 0.997740/
2963 data (bm2ij ( 3, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2964 0.996199, 0.996389, 0.996794, 0.997254, 0.997694, &
2965 0.998086, 0.998420, 0.998699, 0.998929, 0.999117/
2966 data (bm2ij ( 4, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2967 0.844355, 0.852251, 0.869914, 0.891330, 0.912823, &
2968 0.932259, 0.948642, 0.961767, 0.971897, 0.979510/
2969 data (bm2ij ( 4, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2970 0.831550, 0.839954, 0.858754, 0.881583, 0.904592, &
2971 0.925533, 0.943309, 0.957647, 0.968779, 0.977185/
2972 data (bm2ij ( 4, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2973 0.803981, 0.813288, 0.834060, 0.859400, 0.885285, &
2974 0.909286, 0.930084, 0.947193, 0.960714, 0.971078/
2975 data (bm2ij ( 4, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2976 0.781787, 0.791080, 0.811931, 0.837749, 0.864768, &
2977 0.890603, 0.913761, 0.933477, 0.949567, 0.962261/
2978 data (bm2ij ( 4, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2979 0.791591, 0.799355, 0.816916, 0.838961, 0.862492, &
2980 0.885595, 0.907003, 0.925942, 0.942052, 0.955310/
2981 data (bm2ij ( 4, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2982 0.844933, 0.850499, 0.863022, 0.878593, 0.895038, &
2983 0.911072, 0.925939, 0.939227, 0.950765, 0.960550/
2984 data (bm2ij ( 4, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2985 0.912591, 0.916022, 0.923607, 0.932777, 0.942151, &
2986 0.951001, 0.958976, 0.965950, 0.971924, 0.976965/
2987 data (bm2ij ( 4, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2988 0.959859, 0.961617, 0.965433, 0.969924, 0.974382, &
2989 0.978472, 0.982063, 0.985134, 0.987716, 0.989865/
2990 data (bm2ij ( 4, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2991 0.983377, 0.984162, 0.985844, 0.987788, 0.989681, &
2992 0.991386, 0.992860, 0.994104, 0.995139, 0.995991/
2993 data (bm2ij ( 4, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2994 0.993343, 0.993672, 0.994370, 0.995169, 0.995937, &
2995 0.996622, 0.997209, 0.997700, 0.998106, 0.998439/
2996 data (bm2ij ( 5, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
2997 0.895806, 0.901918, 0.915233, 0.930783, 0.945768, &
2998 0.958781, 0.969347, 0.977540, 0.983697, 0.988225/
2999 data (bm2ij ( 5, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3000 0.885634, 0.892221, 0.906629, 0.923540, 0.939918, &
3001 0.954213, 0.965873, 0.974951, 0.981794, 0.986840/
3002 data (bm2ij ( 5, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3003 0.860120, 0.867858, 0.884865, 0.904996, 0.924724, &
3004 0.942177, 0.956602, 0.967966, 0.976616, 0.983043/
3005 data (bm2ij ( 5, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3006 0.827462, 0.836317, 0.855885, 0.879377, 0.902897, &
3007 0.924232, 0.942318, 0.956900, 0.968222, 0.976774/
3008 data (bm2ij ( 5, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3009 0.805527, 0.814279, 0.833853, 0.857892, 0.882726, &
3010 0.906095, 0.926690, 0.943938, 0.957808, 0.968615/
3011 data (bm2ij ( 5, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3012 0.820143, 0.827223, 0.843166, 0.863002, 0.883905, &
3013 0.904128, 0.922585, 0.938687, 0.952222, 0.963255/
3014 data (bm2ij ( 5, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3015 0.875399, 0.880208, 0.890929, 0.904065, 0.917699, &
3016 0.930756, 0.942656, 0.953131, 0.962113, 0.969657/
3017 data (bm2ij ( 5, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3018 0.934782, 0.937520, 0.943515, 0.950656, 0.957840, &
3019 0.964516, 0.970446, 0.975566, 0.979905, 0.983534/
3020 data (bm2ij ( 5, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3021 0.971369, 0.972679, 0.975505, 0.978797, 0.982029, &
3022 0.984964, 0.987518, 0.989685, 0.991496, 0.992994/
3023 data (bm2ij ( 5, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3024 0.988329, 0.988893, 0.990099, 0.991485, 0.992825, &
3025 0.994025, 0.995058, 0.995925, 0.996643, 0.997234/
3026 data (bm2ij ( 6, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3027 0.933384, 0.937784, 0.947130, 0.957655, 0.967430, &
3028 0.975639, 0.982119, 0.987031, 0.990657, 0.993288/
3029 data (bm2ij ( 6, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3030 0.926445, 0.931227, 0.941426, 0.952975, 0.963754, &
3031 0.972845, 0.980044, 0.985514, 0.989558, 0.992498/
3032 data (bm2ij ( 6, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3033 0.907835, 0.913621, 0.926064, 0.940308, 0.953745, &
3034 0.965189, 0.974327, 0.981316, 0.986510, 0.990297/
3035 data (bm2ij ( 6, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3036 0.879088, 0.886306, 0.901945, 0.920079, 0.937460, &
3037 0.952509, 0.964711, 0.974166, 0.981265, 0.986484/
3038 data (bm2ij ( 6, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3039 0.846500, 0.854862, 0.873189, 0.894891, 0.916264, &
3040 0.935315, 0.951197, 0.963812, 0.973484, 0.980715/
3041 data (bm2ij ( 6, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3042 0.828137, 0.836250, 0.854310, 0.876287, 0.898710, &
3043 0.919518, 0.937603, 0.952560, 0.964461, 0.973656/
3044 data (bm2ij ( 6, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3045 0.848595, 0.854886, 0.868957, 0.886262, 0.904241, &
3046 0.921376, 0.936799, 0.950096, 0.961172, 0.970145/
3047 data (bm2ij ( 6, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3048 0.902919, 0.906922, 0.915760, 0.926427, 0.937312, &
3049 0.947561, 0.956758, 0.964747, 0.971525, 0.977175/
3050 data (bm2ij ( 6, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3051 0.952320, 0.954434, 0.959021, 0.964418, 0.969774, &
3052 0.974688, 0.979003, 0.982690, 0.985789, 0.988364/
3053 data (bm2ij ( 6, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3054 0.979689, 0.980650, 0.982712, 0.985093, 0.987413, &
3055 0.989502, 0.991308, 0.992831, 0.994098, 0.995142/
3056 data (bm2ij ( 7, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3057 0.958611, 0.961598, 0.967817, 0.974620, 0.980752, &
3058 0.985771, 0.989650, 0.992543, 0.994653, 0.996171/
3059 data (bm2ij ( 7, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3060 0.954225, 0.957488, 0.964305, 0.971795, 0.978576, &
3061 0.984144, 0.988458, 0.991681, 0.994034, 0.995728/
3062 data (bm2ij ( 7, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3063 0.942147, 0.946158, 0.954599, 0.963967, 0.972529, &
3064 0.979612, 0.985131, 0.989271, 0.992301, 0.994487/
3065 data (bm2ij ( 7, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3066 0.921821, 0.927048, 0.938140, 0.950598, 0.962118, &
3067 0.971752, 0.979326, 0.985046, 0.989254, 0.992299/
3068 data (bm2ij ( 7, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3069 0.893419, 0.900158, 0.914598, 0.931070, 0.946584, &
3070 0.959795, 0.970350, 0.978427, 0.984432, 0.988811/
3071 data (bm2ij ( 7, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3072 0.863302, 0.871111, 0.888103, 0.907990, 0.927305, &
3073 0.944279, 0.958245, 0.969211, 0.977540, 0.983720/
3074 data (bm2ij ( 7, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3075 0.850182, 0.857560, 0.873890, 0.893568, 0.913408, &
3076 0.931591, 0.947216, 0.960014, 0.970121, 0.977886/
3077 data (bm2ij ( 7, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3078 0.875837, 0.881265, 0.893310, 0.907936, 0.922910, &
3079 0.936977, 0.949480, 0.960154, 0.968985, 0.976111/
3080 data (bm2ij ( 7, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3081 0.926228, 0.929445, 0.936486, 0.944868, 0.953293, &
3082 0.961108, 0.968028, 0.973973, 0.978974, 0.983118/
3083 data (bm2ij ( 7, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3084 0.965533, 0.967125, 0.970558, 0.974557, 0.978484, &
3085 0.982050, 0.985153, 0.987785, 0.989982, 0.991798/
3086 data (bm2ij ( 8, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3087 0.974731, 0.976674, 0.980660, 0.984926, 0.988689, &
3088 0.991710, 0.994009, 0.995703, 0.996929, 0.997805/
3089 data (bm2ij ( 8, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3090 0.972062, 0.974192, 0.978571, 0.983273, 0.987432, &
3091 0.990780, 0.993333, 0.995218, 0.996581, 0.997557/
3092 data (bm2ij ( 8, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3093 0.964662, 0.967300, 0.972755, 0.978659, 0.983921, &
3094 0.988181, 0.991444, 0.993859, 0.995610, 0.996863/
3095 data (bm2ij ( 8, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3096 0.951782, 0.955284, 0.962581, 0.970559, 0.977737, &
3097 0.983593, 0.988103, 0.991454, 0.993889, 0.995635/
3098 data (bm2ij ( 8, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3099 0.931947, 0.936723, 0.946751, 0.957843, 0.967942, &
3100 0.976267, 0.982734, 0.987571, 0.991102, 0.993642/
3101 data (bm2ij ( 8, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3102 0.905410, 0.911665, 0.924950, 0.939908, 0.953798, &
3103 0.965469, 0.974684, 0.981669, 0.986821, 0.990556/
3104 data (bm2ij ( 8, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3105 0.878941, 0.886132, 0.901679, 0.919688, 0.936970, &
3106 0.951980, 0.964199, 0.973709, 0.980881, 0.986174/
3107 data (bm2ij ( 8, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3108 0.871653, 0.878218, 0.892652, 0.909871, 0.927034, &
3109 0.942592, 0.955836, 0.966604, 0.975065, 0.981545/
3110 data (bm2ij ( 8, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3111 0.900693, 0.905239, 0.915242, 0.927232, 0.939335, &
3112 0.950555, 0.960420, 0.968774, 0.975651, 0.981188/
3113 data (bm2ij ( 8, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3114 0.944922, 0.947435, 0.952894, 0.959317, 0.965689, &
3115 0.971529, 0.976645, 0.981001, 0.984641, 0.987642/
3116 data (bm2ij ( 9, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3117 0.984736, 0.985963, 0.988453, 0.991078, 0.993357, &
3118 0.995161, 0.996519, 0.997512, 0.998226, 0.998734/
3119 data (bm2ij ( 9, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3120 0.983141, 0.984488, 0.987227, 0.990119, 0.992636, &
3121 0.994632, 0.996137, 0.997238, 0.998030, 0.998595/
3122 data (bm2ij ( 9, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3123 0.978726, 0.980401, 0.983819, 0.987450, 0.990626, &
3124 0.993157, 0.995071, 0.996475, 0.997486, 0.998206/
3125 data (bm2ij ( 9, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3126 0.970986, 0.973224, 0.977818, 0.982737, 0.987072, &
3127 0.990546, 0.993184, 0.995124, 0.996523, 0.997521/
3128 data (bm2ij ( 9, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3129 0.958579, 0.961700, 0.968149, 0.975116, 0.981307, &
3130 0.986301, 0.990112, 0.992923, 0.994954, 0.996404/
3131 data (bm2ij ( 9, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3132 0.940111, 0.944479, 0.953572, 0.963506, 0.972436, &
3133 0.979714, 0.985313, 0.989468, 0.992483, 0.994641/
3134 data (bm2ij ( 9, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3135 0.916127, 0.921878, 0.934003, 0.947506, 0.959899, &
3136 0.970199, 0.978255, 0.984314, 0.988755, 0.991960/
3137 data (bm2ij ( 9, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3138 0.893848, 0.900364, 0.914368, 0.930438, 0.945700, &
3139 0.958824, 0.969416, 0.977603, 0.983746, 0.988262/
3140 data (bm2ij ( 9, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3141 0.892161, 0.897863, 0.910315, 0.925021, 0.939523, &
3142 0.952544, 0.963544, 0.972442, 0.979411, 0.984742/
3143 data (bm2ij ( 9, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3144 0.922260, 0.925966, 0.934047, 0.943616, 0.953152, &
3145 0.961893, 0.969506, 0.975912, 0.981167, 0.985394/
3146 data (bm2ij ( 10, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3147 0.990838, 0.991598, 0.993128, 0.994723, 0.996092, &
3148 0.997167, 0.997969, 0.998552, 0.998969, 0.999265/
3149 data (bm2ij ( 10, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3150 0.989892, 0.990727, 0.992411, 0.994167, 0.995678, &
3151 0.996864, 0.997751, 0.998396, 0.998858, 0.999186/
3152 data (bm2ij ( 10, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3153 0.987287, 0.988327, 0.990428, 0.992629, 0.994529, &
3154 0.996026, 0.997148, 0.997965, 0.998551, 0.998967/
3155 data (bm2ij ( 10, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3156 0.982740, 0.984130, 0.986952, 0.989926, 0.992508, &
3157 0.994551, 0.996087, 0.997208, 0.998012, 0.998584/
3158 data (bm2ij ( 10, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3159 0.975380, 0.977330, 0.981307, 0.985529, 0.989216, &
3160 0.992147, 0.994358, 0.995975, 0.997136, 0.997961/
3161 data (bm2ij ( 10, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3162 0.963911, 0.966714, 0.972465, 0.978614, 0.984022, &
3163 0.988346, 0.991620, 0.994020, 0.995747, 0.996974/
3164 data (bm2ij ( 10, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3165 0.947187, 0.951161, 0.959375, 0.968258, 0.976160, &
3166 0.982540, 0.987409, 0.991000, 0.993592, 0.995441/
3167 data (bm2ij ( 10, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3168 0.926045, 0.931270, 0.942218, 0.954297, 0.965273, &
3169 0.974311, 0.981326, 0.986569, 0.990394, 0.993143/
3170 data (bm2ij ( 10, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3171 0.908092, 0.913891, 0.926288, 0.940393, 0.953667, &
3172 0.964987, 0.974061, 0.981038, 0.986253, 0.990078/
3173 data (bm2ij ( 10, 10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3174 0.911143, 0.915972, 0.926455, 0.938721, 0.950701, &
3175 0.961370, 0.970329, 0.977549, 0.983197, 0.987518/
3178 ! fsb total correction factor for m2 coagulation j from i
3180 data (bm2ji( 1, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3181 0.753466, 0.756888, 0.761008, 0.759432, 0.748675, &
3182 0.726951, 0.693964, 0.650915, 0.600227, 0.545000/
3183 data (bm2ji( 1, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3184 0.824078, 0.828698, 0.835988, 0.838943, 0.833454, &
3185 0.817148, 0.789149, 0.750088, 0.701887, 0.647308/
3186 data (bm2ji( 1, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3187 1.007389, 1.014362, 1.028151, 1.041011, 1.047939, &
3188 1.045707, 1.032524, 1.007903, 0.972463, 0.927667/
3189 data (bm2ji( 1, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3190 1.246157, 1.255135, 1.274249, 1.295351, 1.313362, &
3191 1.325187, 1.329136, 1.324491, 1.311164, 1.289459/
3192 data (bm2ji( 1, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3193 1.450823, 1.459551, 1.478182, 1.499143, 1.518224, &
3194 1.533312, 1.543577, 1.548882, 1.549395, 1.545364/
3195 data (bm2ji( 1, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3196 1.575248, 1.581832, 1.595643, 1.610866, 1.624601, &
3197 1.635690, 1.643913, 1.649470, 1.652688, 1.653878/
3198 data (bm2ji( 1, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3199 1.638426, 1.642626, 1.651293, 1.660641, 1.668926, &
3200 1.675571, 1.680572, 1.684147, 1.686561, 1.688047/
3201 data (bm2ji( 1, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3202 1.669996, 1.672392, 1.677283, 1.682480, 1.687028, &
3203 1.690651, 1.693384, 1.695372, 1.696776, 1.697734/
3204 data (bm2ji( 1, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3205 1.686148, 1.687419, 1.689993, 1.692704, 1.695057, &
3206 1.696922, 1.698329, 1.699359, 1.700099, 1.700621/
3207 data (bm2ji( 1,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3208 1.694364, 1.695010, 1.696313, 1.697676, 1.698853, &
3209 1.699782, 1.700482, 1.700996, 1.701366, 1.701631/
3210 data (bm2ji( 2, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3211 0.783166, 0.779369, 0.768044, 0.747572, 0.716709, &
3212 0.675422, 0.624981, 0.567811, 0.507057, 0.445975/
3213 data (bm2ji( 2, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3214 0.848390, 0.847100, 0.840874, 0.826065, 0.800296, &
3215 0.762625, 0.713655, 0.655545, 0.591603, 0.525571/
3216 data (bm2ji( 2, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3217 1.039894, 1.043786, 1.049445, 1.049664, 1.039407, &
3218 1.015322, 0.975983, 0.922180, 0.856713, 0.783634/
3219 data (bm2ji( 2, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3220 1.345995, 1.356064, 1.376947, 1.398304, 1.412685, &
3221 1.414611, 1.400652, 1.369595, 1.322261, 1.260993/
3222 data (bm2ji( 2, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3223 1.675575, 1.689859, 1.720957, 1.756659, 1.788976, &
3224 1.812679, 1.824773, 1.824024, 1.810412, 1.784630/
3225 data (bm2ji( 2, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3226 1.919835, 1.933483, 1.962973, 1.996810, 2.028377, &
3227 2.054172, 2.072763, 2.083963, 2.088190, 2.086052/
3228 data (bm2ji( 2, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3229 2.064139, 2.074105, 2.095233, 2.118909, 2.140688, &
3230 2.158661, 2.172373, 2.182087, 2.188330, 2.191650/
3231 data (bm2ji( 2, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3232 2.144871, 2.150990, 2.163748, 2.177731, 2.190364, &
3233 2.200712, 2.208687, 2.214563, 2.218716, 2.221502/
3234 data (bm2ji( 2, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3235 2.189223, 2.192595, 2.199540, 2.207033, 2.213706, &
3236 2.219125, 2.223297, 2.226403, 2.228660, 2.230265/
3237 data (bm2ji( 2,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3238 2.212595, 2.214342, 2.217912, 2.221723, 2.225082, &
3239 2.227791, 2.229869, 2.231417, 2.232551, 2.233372/
3240 data (bm2ji( 3, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3241 0.837870, 0.824476, 0.793119, 0.750739, 0.700950, &
3242 0.646691, 0.590508, 0.534354, 0.479532, 0.426856/
3243 data (bm2ji( 3, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3244 0.896771, 0.885847, 0.859327, 0.821694, 0.775312, &
3245 0.722402, 0.665196, 0.605731, 0.545742, 0.486687/
3246 data (bm2ji( 3, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3247 1.076089, 1.071727, 1.058845, 1.036171, 1.002539, &
3248 0.957521, 0.901640, 0.836481, 0.764597, 0.689151/
3249 data (bm2ji( 3, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3250 1.409571, 1.415168, 1.425346, 1.432021, 1.428632, &
3251 1.409696, 1.371485, 1.312958, 1.236092, 1.145293/
3252 data (bm2ji( 3, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3253 1.862757, 1.880031, 1.918394, 1.963456, 2.004070, &
3254 2.030730, 2.036144, 2.016159, 1.970059, 1.900079/
3255 data (bm2ji( 3, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3256 2.289741, 2.313465, 2.366789, 2.431612, 2.495597, &
3257 2.549838, 2.588523, 2.608665, 2.609488, 2.591662/
3258 data (bm2ji( 3, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3259 2.597157, 2.618731, 2.666255, 2.722597, 2.777531, &
3260 2.825187, 2.862794, 2.889648, 2.906199, 2.913380/
3261 data (bm2ji( 3, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3262 2.797975, 2.813116, 2.845666, 2.882976, 2.918289, &
3263 2.948461, 2.972524, 2.990687, 3.003664, 3.012284/
3264 data (bm2ji( 3, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3265 2.920832, 2.929843, 2.948848, 2.970057, 2.989632, &
3266 3.006057, 3.019067, 3.028979, 3.036307, 3.041574/
3267 data (bm2ji( 3,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3268 2.989627, 2.994491, 3.004620, 3.015720, 3.025789, &
3269 3.034121, 3.040664, 3.045641, 3.049347, 3.052066/
3270 data (bm2ji( 4, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3271 0.893179, 0.870897, 0.820996, 0.759486, 0.695488, &
3272 0.634582, 0.579818, 0.532143, 0.490927, 0.454618/
3273 data (bm2ji( 4, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3274 0.948355, 0.927427, 0.880215, 0.821146, 0.758524, &
3275 0.697680, 0.641689, 0.591605, 0.546919, 0.506208/
3276 data (bm2ji( 4, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3277 1.109562, 1.093648, 1.056438, 1.007310, 0.951960, &
3278 0.894453, 0.837364, 0.781742, 0.727415, 0.673614/
3279 data (bm2ji( 4, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3280 1.423321, 1.417557, 1.402442, 1.379079, 1.347687, &
3281 1.308075, 1.259703, 1.201983, 1.134778, 1.058878/
3282 data (bm2ji( 4, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3283 1.933434, 1.944347, 1.968765, 1.997653, 2.023054, &
3284 2.036554, 2.029949, 1.996982, 1.934982, 1.845473/
3285 data (bm2ji( 4, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3286 2.547772, 2.577105, 2.645918, 2.735407, 2.830691, &
3287 2.917268, 2.981724, 3.013684, 3.007302, 2.961560/
3288 data (bm2ji( 4, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3289 3.101817, 3.139271, 3.225851, 3.336402, 3.453409, &
3290 3.563116, 3.655406, 3.724014, 3.766113, 3.781394/
3291 data (bm2ji( 4, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3292 3.540920, 3.573780, 3.647439, 3.737365, 3.828468, &
3293 3.911436, 3.981317, 4.036345, 4.076749, 4.103751/
3294 data (bm2ji( 4, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3295 3.856771, 3.879363, 3.928579, 3.986207, 4.042173, &
3296 4.091411, 4.132041, 4.164052, 4.188343, 4.206118/
3297 data (bm2ji( 4,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3298 4.053923, 4.067191, 4.095509, 4.127698, 4.158037, &
3299 4.184055, 4.205135, 4.221592, 4.234115, 4.243463/
3300 data (bm2ji( 5, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3301 0.935846, 0.906814, 0.843358, 0.768710, 0.695885, &
3302 0.631742, 0.579166, 0.538471, 0.508410, 0.486863/
3303 data (bm2ji( 5, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3304 0.988308, 0.959524, 0.896482, 0.821986, 0.748887, &
3305 0.684168, 0.630908, 0.589516, 0.558676, 0.536056/
3306 data (bm2ji( 5, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3307 1.133795, 1.107139, 1.048168, 0.977258, 0.906341, &
3308 0.842477, 0.789093, 0.746731, 0.713822, 0.687495/
3309 data (bm2ji( 5, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3310 1.405692, 1.385781, 1.340706, 1.284776, 1.227085, &
3311 1.173532, 1.127008, 1.087509, 1.052712, 1.018960/
3312 data (bm2ji( 5, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3313 1.884992, 1.879859, 1.868463, 1.854995, 1.841946, &
3314 1.829867, 1.816972, 1.799319, 1.771754, 1.729406/
3315 data (bm2ji( 5, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3316 2.592275, 2.612268, 2.661698, 2.731803, 2.815139, &
3317 2.901659, 2.978389, 3.031259, 3.048045, 3.021122/
3318 data (bm2ji( 5, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3319 3.390321, 3.435519, 3.545615, 3.698419, 3.876958, &
3320 4.062790, 4.236125, 4.378488, 4.475619, 4.519170/
3321 data (bm2ji( 5, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3322 4.161376, 4.216558, 4.346896, 4.519451, 4.711107, &
3323 4.902416, 5.077701, 5.226048, 5.341423, 5.421764/
3324 data (bm2ji( 5, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3325 4.843961, 4.892035, 5.001492, 5.138515, 5.281684, &
3326 5.416805, 5.535493, 5.634050, 5.712063, 5.770996/
3327 data (bm2ji( 5,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3328 5.352093, 5.385119, 5.458056, 5.545311, 5.632162, &
3329 5.710566, 5.777005, 5.830863, 5.873123, 5.905442/
3330 data (bm2ji( 6, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3331 0.964038, 0.930794, 0.859433, 0.777776, 0.700566, &
3332 0.634671, 0.582396, 0.543656, 0.517284, 0.501694/
3333 data (bm2ji( 6, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3334 1.013416, 0.979685, 0.907197, 0.824135, 0.745552, &
3335 0.678616, 0.625870, 0.587348, 0.561864, 0.547674/
3336 data (bm2ji( 6, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3337 1.145452, 1.111457, 1.038152, 0.953750, 0.873724, &
3338 0.805955, 0.753621, 0.717052, 0.694920, 0.684910/
3339 data (bm2ji( 6, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3340 1.376547, 1.345004, 1.276415, 1.196704, 1.121091, &
3341 1.058249, 1.012197, 0.983522, 0.970323, 0.968933/
3342 data (bm2ji( 6, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3343 1.778801, 1.755897, 1.706074, 1.649008, 1.597602, &
3344 1.560087, 1.540365, 1.538205, 1.549738, 1.568333/
3345 data (bm2ji( 6, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3346 2.447603, 2.445172, 2.443762, 2.451842, 2.475877, &
3347 2.519039, 2.580118, 2.653004, 2.727234, 2.789738/
3348 data (bm2ji( 6, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3349 3.368490, 3.399821, 3.481357, 3.606716, 3.772101, &
3350 3.969416, 4.184167, 4.396163, 4.582502, 4.721838/
3351 data (bm2ji( 6, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3352 4.426458, 4.489861, 4.648250, 4.877510, 5.160698, &
3353 5.477495, 5.803123, 6.111250, 6.378153, 6.586050/
3354 data (bm2ji( 6, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3355 5.568061, 5.644988, 5.829837, 6.081532, 6.371214, &
3356 6.672902, 6.963737, 7.226172, 7.449199, 7.627886/
3357 data (bm2ji( 6,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3358 6.639152, 6.707020, 6.863974, 7.065285, 7.281744, &
3359 7.492437, 7.683587, 7.847917, 7.983296, 8.090977/
3360 data (bm2ji( 7, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3361 0.980853, 0.945724, 0.871244, 0.787311, 0.708818, &
3362 0.641987, 0.588462, 0.547823, 0.518976, 0.500801/
3363 data (bm2ji( 7, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3364 1.026738, 0.990726, 0.914306, 0.828140, 0.747637, &
3365 0.679351, 0.625127, 0.584662, 0.556910, 0.540749/
3366 data (bm2ji( 7, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3367 1.146496, 1.108808, 1.028695, 0.938291, 0.854101, &
3368 0.783521, 0.728985, 0.690539, 0.667272, 0.657977/
3369 data (bm2ji( 7, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3370 1.344846, 1.306434, 1.224543, 1.132031, 1.046571, &
3371 0.976882, 0.926488, 0.896067, 0.884808, 0.891027/
3372 data (bm2ji( 7, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3373 1.670227, 1.634583, 1.558421, 1.472939, 1.396496, &
3374 1.339523, 1.307151, 1.300882, 1.319622, 1.360166/
3375 data (bm2ji( 7, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3376 2.224548, 2.199698, 2.148284, 2.095736, 2.059319, &
3377 2.050496, 2.075654, 2.136382, 2.229641, 2.347958/
3378 data (bm2ji( 7, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3379 3.104483, 3.105947, 3.118398, 3.155809, 3.230427, &
3380 3.350585, 3.519071, 3.731744, 3.976847, 4.235616/
3381 data (bm2ji( 7, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3382 4.288426, 4.331456, 4.447024, 4.633023, 4.891991, &
3383 5.221458, 5.610060, 6.036467, 6.471113, 6.880462/
3384 data (bm2ji( 7, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3385 5.753934, 5.837061, 6.048530, 6.363800, 6.768061, &
3386 7.241280, 7.755346, 8.276666, 8.771411, 9.210826/
3387 data (bm2ji( 7,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3388 7.466219, 7.568810, 7.819032, 8.168340, 8.582973, &
3389 9.030174, 9.478159, 9.899834, 10.275940, 10.595910/
3390 data (bm2ji( 8, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3391 0.990036, 0.954782, 0.880531, 0.797334, 0.719410, &
3392 0.652220, 0.596923, 0.552910, 0.519101, 0.494529/
3393 data (bm2ji( 8, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3394 1.032428, 0.996125, 0.919613, 0.833853, 0.753611, &
3395 0.684644, 0.628260, 0.583924, 0.550611, 0.527407/
3396 data (bm2ji( 8, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3397 1.141145, 1.102521, 1.021017, 0.929667, 0.844515, &
3398 0.772075, 0.714086, 0.670280, 0.639824, 0.621970/
3399 data (bm2ji( 8, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3400 1.314164, 1.273087, 1.186318, 1.089208, 0.999476, &
3401 0.924856, 0.867948, 0.829085, 0.807854, 0.803759/
3402 data (bm2ji( 8, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3403 1.580611, 1.538518, 1.449529, 1.350459, 1.260910, &
3404 1.190526, 1.143502, 1.121328, 1.124274, 1.151974/
3405 data (bm2ji( 8, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3406 2.016773, 1.977721, 1.895727, 1.806974, 1.732891, &
3407 1.685937, 1.673026, 1.697656, 1.761039, 1.862391/
3408 data (bm2ji( 8, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3409 2.750093, 2.723940, 2.672854, 2.628264, 2.612250, &
3410 2.640406, 2.723211, 2.866599, 3.071893, 3.335217/
3411 data (bm2ji( 8, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3412 3.881905, 3.887143, 3.913667, 3.981912, 4.111099, &
3413 4.316575, 4.608146, 4.988157, 5.449592, 5.974848/
3414 data (bm2ji( 8, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3415 5.438870, 5.492742, 5.640910, 5.886999, 6.241641, &
3416 6.710609, 7.289480, 7.960725, 8.693495, 9.446644/
3417 data (bm2ji( 8,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3418 7.521152, 7.624621, 7.892039, 8.300444, 8.839787, &
3419 9.493227, 10.231770, 11.015642, 11.799990, 12.542260/
3420 data (bm2ji( 9, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3421 0.994285, 0.960012, 0.887939, 0.807040, 0.730578, &
3422 0.663410, 0.606466, 0.559137, 0.520426, 0.489429/
3423 data (bm2ji( 9, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3424 1.033505, 0.998153, 0.923772, 0.840261, 0.761383, &
3425 0.692242, 0.633873, 0.585709, 0.546777, 0.516215/
3426 data (bm2ji( 9, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3427 1.132774, 1.094907, 1.015161, 0.925627, 0.841293, &
3428 0.767888, 0.706741, 0.657439, 0.619135, 0.591119/
3429 data (bm2ji( 9, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3430 1.286308, 1.245273, 1.158809, 1.061889, 0.971208, &
3431 0.893476, 0.830599, 0.782561, 0.748870, 0.729198/
3432 data (bm2ji( 9, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3433 1.511105, 1.467141, 1.374520, 1.271162, 1.175871, &
3434 1.096887, 1.037243, 0.997820, 0.978924, 0.980962/
3435 data (bm2ji( 9, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3436 1.857468, 1.812177, 1.717002, 1.612197, 1.519171, &
3437 1.448660, 1.405871, 1.393541, 1.413549, 1.467532/
3438 data (bm2ji( 9, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3439 2.430619, 2.388452, 2.301326, 2.210241, 2.139724, &
3440 2.104571, 2.114085, 2.174696, 2.291294, 2.467500/
3441 data (bm2ji( 9, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3442 3.385332, 3.357690, 3.306611, 3.269804, 3.274462, &
3443 3.340862, 3.484609, 3.717740, 4.048748, 4.481588/
3444 data (bm2ji( 9, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3445 4.850497, 4.858280, 4.896008, 4.991467, 5.171511, &
3446 5.459421, 5.873700, 6.426128, 7.119061, 7.942603/
3447 data (bm2ji( 9,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3448 6.957098, 7.020164, 7.197272, 7.499331, 7.946554, &
3449 8.555048, 9.330503, 10.263610, 11.327454, 12.478332/
3450 data (bm2ji(10, 1,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3451 0.994567, 0.961842, 0.892854, 0.814874, 0.740198, &
3452 0.673303, 0.615105, 0.565139, 0.522558, 0.486556/
3453 data (bm2ji(10, 2,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3454 1.031058, 0.997292, 0.926082, 0.845571, 0.768501, &
3455 0.699549, 0.639710, 0.588538, 0.545197, 0.508894/
3456 data (bm2ji(10, 3,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3457 1.122535, 1.086287, 1.009790, 0.923292, 0.840626, &
3458 0.766982, 0.703562, 0.650004, 0.605525, 0.569411/
3459 data (bm2ji(10, 4,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3460 1.261142, 1.221555, 1.137979, 1.043576, 0.953745, &
3461 0.874456, 0.807292, 0.752109, 0.708326, 0.675477/
3462 data (bm2ji(10, 5,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3463 1.456711, 1.413432, 1.322096, 1.219264, 1.122319, &
3464 1.038381, 0.969743, 0.916811, 0.879544, 0.858099/
3465 data (bm2ji(10, 6,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3466 1.741792, 1.695157, 1.596897, 1.487124, 1.385734, &
3467 1.301670, 1.238638, 1.198284, 1.181809, 1.190689/
3468 data (bm2ji(10, 7,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3469 2.190197, 2.141721, 2.040226, 1.929245, 1.832051, &
3470 1.760702, 1.721723, 1.719436, 1.757705, 1.840677/
3471 data (bm2ji(10, 8,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3472 2.940764, 2.895085, 2.801873, 2.707112, 2.638603, &
3473 2.613764, 2.644686, 2.741255, 2.912790, 3.168519/
3474 data (bm2ji(10, 9,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3475 4.186191, 4.155844, 4.101953, 4.069102, 4.089886, &
3476 4.189530, 4.389145, 4.707528, 5.161567, 5.765283/
3477 data (bm2ji(10,10,ibeta), ibeta = 1,10) / &
3478 6.119526, 6.127611, 6.171174, 6.286528, 6.508738, &
3479 6.869521, 7.396912, 8.113749, 9.034683, 10.162190/
3481 ! *** end of data statements.
3484 ! *** start calculations:
3486 constii = abs( half * ( two ) ** two3rds - one )
3488 dlgsqt2 = one / log( sqrttwo )
3490 esat01 = exp( 0.125d0 * xxlsgat * xxlsgat )
3491 esac01 = exp( 0.125d0 * xxlsgac * xxlsgac )
3493 esat04 = esat01 ** 4
3494 esac04 = esac01 ** 4
3496 esat05 = esat04 * esat01
3497 esac05 = esac04 * esac01
3499 esat08 = esat04 * esat04
3500 esac08 = esac04 * esac04
3502 esat09 = esat08 * esat01
3503 esac09 = esac08 * esac01
3505 esat16 = esat08 * esat08
3506 esac16 = esac08 * esac08
3508 esat20 = esat16 * esat04
3509 esac20 = esac16 * esac04
3511 esat24 = esat20 * esat04
3512 esac24 = esac20 * esac04
3514 esat25 = esat20 * esat05
3515 esac25 = esac20 * esac05
3517 esat36 = esat20 * esat16
3518 esac36 = esac20 * esac16
3520 esat49 = esat24 * esat25
3522 esat64 = esat20 * esat20 * esat24
3523 esac64 = esac20 * esac20 * esac24
3525 esat100 = esat64 * esat36
3527 dgat2 = dgatk * dgatk
3528 dgat3 = dgatk * dgatk * dgatk
3529 dgac2 = dgacc * dgacc
3530 dgac3 = dgacc * dgacc * dgacc
3532 sqdgat = sqrt( dgatk )
3533 sqdgac = sqrt( dgacc )
3534 sqdgat5 = dgat2 * sqdgat
3535 sqdgac5 = dgac2 * sqdgac
3536 sqdgat7 = dgat3 * sqdgat
3538 xm2at = dgat2 * esat16
3539 xm3at = dgat3 * esat36
3541 xm2ac = dgac2 * esac16
3542 xm3ac = dgac3 * esac36
3544 ! *** for the free molecular regime: page h.3 of whitby et al. (1991)
3557 kngat = two * lamda / dgatk
3558 kngac = two * lamda / dgacc
3561 ! *** calculate ratio of geometric mean diameters
3563 ! *** trap subscripts for bm0 and bm0i, between 1 and 10
3564 ! see page h.5 of whitby et al. (1991)
3566 n2n = max( 1, min( 10, &
3567 nint( 4.0 * ( sgatk - 0.75d0 ) ) ) )
3569 n2a = max( 1, min( 10, &
3570 nint( 4.0 * ( sgacc - 0.75d0 ) ) ) )
3572 n1 = max( 1, min( 10, &
3573 1 + nint( dlgsqt2 * log( rat ) ) ) )
3575 ! *** intermodal coagulation
3578 ! *** set up for zeroeth moment
3580 ! *** near-continuum form: equation h.10a of whitby et al. (1991)
3583 two + a * ( kngat * ( esat04 + r2 * esat16 * esac04 ) &
3584 + kngac * ( esac04 + ri2 * esac16 * esat04 ) ) &
3585 + ( r2 + ri2 ) * esat04 * esac04 )
3588 ! *** free-molecular form: equation h.7a of whitby et al. (1991)
3590 coagfm0 = kfmatac * sqdgat * bm0ij(n1,n2n,n2a) * ( &
3591 esat01 + r * esac01 + two * r2 * esat01 * esac04 &
3592 + rx4 * esat09 * esac16 + ri3 * esat16 * esac09 &
3593 + two * ri1 * esat04 + esac01 )
3596 ! *** loss to accumulation mode
3600 coagatac0 = coagnc0 * coagfm0 / ( coagnc0 + coagfm0 )
3605 ! *** set up for second moment
3606 ! the second moment equations are new and begin with equations a1
3607 ! through a4 of binkowski and shankar (1995). after some algebraic
3608 ! rearrangement and application of the extended mean value theorem
3609 ! of integral calculus, equations are obtained that can be solved
3610 ! analytically with correction factors as has been done by
3611 ! whitby et al. (1991)
3613 ! *** the term ( dp1 + dp2 ) ** (2/3) in equations a3 and a4 of
3614 ! binkowski and shankar (1995) is approximated by
3615 ! (dgat ** 3 + dgac **3 ) ** 2/3
3617 ! *** near-continuum form
3619 i1nc = knc * dgat2 * ( &
3621 + r2 * esat04 * esac04 &
3622 + ri2 * esat36 * esac04 &
3625 + ri2 * esat16 * esac04 &
3626 + ri4 * esat36 * esac16 &
3632 ! *** free-molecular form
3634 i1fm = kfmatac * sqdgat5 * bm2ij(n1,n2n,n2a) * ( &
3636 + two * r2 * esat09 * esac04 &
3637 + rx4 * esat01 * esac16 &
3638 + ri3 * esat64 * esac09 &
3639 + two * ri1 * esat36 * esac01 &
3640 + r * esat16 * esac01 )
3644 ! *** loss to accumulation mode
3648 i1 = ( i1fm * i1nc ) / ( i1fm + i1nc )
3655 ! *** gain by accumulation mode
3657 coagacat2 = ( ( one + r6 ) ** two3rds - rx4 ) * i1
3659 qs21 = coagacat2 * bm2ji(n1,n2n,n2a)
3661 ! *** set up for third moment
3663 ! *** near-continuum form: equation h.10b of whitby et al. (1991)
3665 coagnc3 = knc * dgat3 * ( &
3667 + a * kngat * ( esat16 + r2 * esat04 * esac04 ) &
3668 + a * kngac * ( esat36 * esac04 + ri2 * esat64 * esac16 ) &
3669 + r2 * esat16 * esac04 + ri2 * esat64 * esac04 )
3672 ! *** free_molecular form: equation h.7b of whitby et al. (1991)
3674 coagfm3 = kfmatac * sqdgat7 * bm3i( n1, n2n, n2a ) * ( &
3676 + r * esat36 * esac01 &
3677 + two * r2 * esat25 * esac04 &
3678 + rx4 * esat09 * esac16 &
3679 + ri3 * esat100 * esac09 &
3680 + two * ri1 * esat64 * esac01 )
3682 ! *** gain by accumulation mode = loss from aitken mode
3686 coagatac3 = coagnc3 * coagfm3 / ( coagnc3 + coagfm3 )
3690 ! *** intramodal coagulation
3692 ! *** zeroeth moment
3696 ! *** near-continuum form: equation h.12a of whitby et al. (1991)
3698 coagnc_at = knc * (one + esat08 + a * kngat * (esat20 + esat04))
3700 ! *** free-molecular form: equation h.11a of whitby et al. (1991)
3702 coagfm_at = kfmat * sqdgat * bm0(n2n) * &
3703 ( esat01 + esat25 + two * esat05 )
3708 coagatat0 = coagfm_at * coagnc_at / ( coagfm_at + coagnc_at )
3713 ! *** accumulation mode
3715 ! *** near-continuum form: equation h.12a of whitby et al. (1991)
3717 coagnc_ac = knc * (one + esac08 + a * kngac * (esac20 + esac04))
3719 ! *** free-molecular form: equation h.11a of whitby et al. (1991)
3721 coagfm_ac = kfmac * sqdgac * bm0(n2a) * &
3722 ( esac01 + esac25 + two * esac05 )
3726 coagacac0 = coagfm_ac * coagnc_ac / ( coagfm_ac + coagnc_ac )
3731 ! *** set up for second moment
3732 ! the second moment equations are new and begin with 3.11a on page
3733 ! 45 of whitby et al. (1991). after some algebraic rearrangement and
3734 ! application of the extended mean value theorem of integral calculus
3735 ! equations are obtained that can be solved analytically with
3736 ! correction factors as has been done by whitby et al. (1991)
3740 ! *** near-continuum
3742 i1nc_at = knc * dgat2 * ( &
3749 + esat36 * esat16 ) )
3751 ! *** free- molecular form
3753 i1fm_at = kfmat * sqdgat5 * bm2ii(n2n) * ( &
3755 + two * esat09 * esat04 &
3758 + two * esat36 * esat01 &
3761 i1_at = ( i1nc_at * i1fm_at ) / ( i1nc_at + i1fm_at )
3763 coagatat2 = constii * i1_at
3765 qs11 = coagatat2 * bm2iitt(n2n)
3767 ! *** accumulation mode
3769 ! *** near-continuum
3771 i1nc_ac = knc * dgac2 * ( &
3778 + esac36 * esac16 ) )
3780 ! *** free- molecular form
3782 i1fm_ac = kfmac * sqdgac5 * bm2ii(n2a) * ( &
3784 + two * esac09 * esac04 &
3787 + two * esac36 * esac01 &
3790 i1_ac = ( i1nc_ac * i1fm_ac ) / ( i1nc_ac + i1fm_ac )
3792 coagacac2 = constii * i1_ac
3794 qs22 = coagacac2 * bm2iitt(n2a)
3799 end subroutine getcoags
3801 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3802 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3804 end module modal_aero_coag