Merge pull request #22 from wirc-sjsu/develop-w21
[WRF-Fire-merge.git] / phys / module_fire_emis.F
1 MODULE module_fire_emis
5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 !  Simple smoke aerosol emissions scheme for Thompson-Eidhammer Aerosol-Aware microphysics scheme  !
7 !                                                                                                  !
8 !  Implemented by T. W. Juliano (NCAR/RAL) on 4/13/2022                                            !
9 !                                                                                                  !
10 !  First implementation includes two options:                                                      !
11 !      1. wif_fire_inj = 0 --> Emit smoke aerosols in the lowest model grid cell                   !
12 !                          --> Recommended for LES configuration where dx is sufficiently small    !
13 !                              to resolve strong vertical velocities that can mix aerosols         !
14 !                              throughout the BL during convective conditions                      !
15 !      2. wif_fire_inj = 1 --> Default option                                                      !
16 !                          --> Emit smoke aerosols using simple plumerise scheme that evenly       !
17 !                              distributes throughout the BL column based on PBL height diagnosed  !
18 !                              by the PBL parameterization                                         !
19 !                          --> Recommended for mesoscale simulations where dx is not small enough  !
20 !                              to explicitly mix aerosols throughout the BL during convective      !
21 !                              conditions due to relatively weak updrafts                          !
22 !                                                                                                  !
23 !  Future implementation could include plumerise model by Freitas et al. (2007, ACP), which is     !
24 !  currently part of the WRF-Chem codebase                                                         !
25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27     SUBROUTINE fire_emis_simple_plumerise(wif_fire_inj, aer_fire_emit_opt, z_at_mass, pblh, &
28               nwfa, nbca, nocbb2d, nbcbb2d, dt_in, ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
29               ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte)
33       INTEGER                                   , INTENT(IN)    :: wif_fire_inj, aer_fire_emit_opt
34       REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), INTENT(IN)    :: z_at_mass
35       REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime, jms:jme)         , INTENT(IN)    :: pblh
36       REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), INTENT(INOUT) :: nwfa, nbca
37       REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime, jms:jme)         , INTENT(IN)    :: nocbb2d, nbcbb2d
38       REAL                                      , INTENT(IN)    :: dt_in
39       INTEGER                                   , INTENT(IN)    :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
40                                                                    ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
41                                                                    its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
43         ! Local
44       INTEGER  :: i, j, k, i_start, i_end, j_start, j_end, k_inj
45       REAL     :: noc_emit, nbc_emit
47       i_start = its
48       j_start = jts
49       i_end   = MIN(ite, ide-1)
50       j_end   = MIN(jte, jde-1)
52         ! Emit fire aerosols at surface (recommended for LES configuration)
53       if (wif_fire_inj .eq. 0) then
54         do j = j_start, j_end
55           do i = i_start, i_end
56             nwfa(i,kts,j) = nwfa(i,kts,j) + nocbb2d(i,j)*dt_in
57             if (aer_fire_emit_opt .eq. 2) then
58               nbca(i,kts,j) = nbca(i,kts,j) + nbcbb2d(i,j)*dt_in
59             end if
60           end do
61         end do
62         ! Distribute fire aerosols evenly through PBL (recommended for mesoscale simulations)
63       else if (wif_fire_inj .eq. 1) then
64         do j = j_start, j_end
65           do i = i_start, i_end
66               ! Find k index for PBL top
67             k_inj = kts
68             do while (z_at_mass(i,k_inj,j) .lt. pblh(i,j))
69               k_inj = k_inj + 1
70             end do
71               ! Compute num of OC aerosols to emit per grid cell
72             noc_emit = (nocbb2d(i,j)*dt_in)/k_inj
73               ! Compute num of BC aerosols to emit per grid cell
74             if (aer_fire_emit_opt .eq. 2) then
75               nbc_emit = (nbcbb2d(i,j)*dt_in)/k_inj
76             end if
77               ! Emit aerosols
78             do k = kts, k_inj
79               nwfa(i,k,j) = nwfa(i,k,j) + noc_emit
80               if (aer_fire_emit_opt .eq. 2) then
81                 nbca(i,k,j) = nbca(i,k,j) + nbc_emit
82               end if
83             end do
84           end do
85         end do
86         ! Option does not exist
87       else
88         call wrf_error_fatal('option wif_fire_inj = ', wif_fire_inj, ' does not exist. Please set =0 or =1')
89       end if
91     END SUBROUTINE fire_emis_simple_plumerise
93 END MODULE module_fire_emis