1 module module_mp_jensen_ishmael
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4 ! This is the initial release of the Ice-Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-ratio Evolution (ISHMAEL). !
5 ! This code calculates the moisture tendencies of water vapor, cloud water, rainwater, and three ice !
6 ! species which are planar-nucleated particles, columnar-nucleated particles, and aggregates. Planar- !
7 ! and columnar-nucleated ice particles are parameterized as spheroids (two growth dimensions are !
8 ! tracked), and ice particle shape and density evolution are predicted for vapor growth, sublimation, !
9 ! riming, and melting. The model can produce various vapor-grown habits (which currently depend on the !
10 ! environmental temperature and supersaturation), and the model predicts the change in ice particle !
11 ! shape and density during riming. Ice particle fall speeds are diagnosed based on ice particle !
12 ! properties. Aggregates are currently parameterized as spheroids with a fixed shape and density. Ice !
13 ! is initiated as planar or columnar based on temperature. After nucleation, the shapes of particles !
14 ! are not constrained, i.e., planar-nucleated particles can attain columnar shapes if the growth !
15 ! conditions allow it. !
17 ! Predicting two ice particle dimensions requires two prognostic variables. Thus mass, number, and two !
18 ! size-related mixing ratio are predicted for each ice species. That makes 12 prognostic variables !
19 ! for ice. Just throw more processors at it. Rain mass and number and cloud mass are also predicted !
20 ! See Jensen et al. 2017 (JAS), Jensen et al. 2018 (MWR), and Jensen et al. 2018 (JAS) for details. !
22 ! Author: Anders A. Jensen, NCAR-RAL, ajensen@ucar.edu, 303-497-8484 !
23 ! Last modified: 07 June 2019 (ISHMAEL version 0.1) !
24 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
28 implicit none !.. You are welcome
31 real, private, parameter :: &
32 PI = 3.14159265, & !.. Pi = 3.14159265... until forever
33 G_HOME = 9.8, & !.. Gravity (m s^-1)
34 RD = 287.15, & !.. Dry air gas constant (J kg^-1 K^-1)
35 RV = 461.5, & !.. Moist air gas constant (J kg^-1 K^-1)
36 CP = 1004.0, & !.. Heat capacity Air (J kg^-1 K^-1)
37 CPW = 4218.0, & !.. Heat capacity Water (J kg^-1 K^-1)
38 RCP = 0.285856574, & !.. RD / CP
39 RHOW = 1000.0, & !.. Water density (kg m^-3)
40 T0 = 273.15, & !.. STP temperature (K)
41 P0 = 101325.0, & !.. STP pressure (Pa)
42 RHOI = 920.0, & !.. Bulk ice density (kg m^-3)
43 R0 = 1.27494 !.. Air density at 1000 mb, T=T0 (kg m^-3)
45 !.. The lookup table arrays are itab for ice-cloud water collection
46 !.. and itabr for ice-rain collection. The lookup tables are read in
47 !.. the subroutine jensen_ishmael_init which occurs once.
48 real, private, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: itab, itabr
50 !.. Inherent growth ratio data is stored in the igrdata array
51 !.. The gamma_tab is a tabulation of the gamma function needed
52 !.. because ice particle shape evolves.
53 real, private, allocatable, dimension(:) :: igrdata, gamma_tab
55 !.. Aggregation lookup tables arrays
56 real, private, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: coltab, coltabn
58 !.. Added for double precision
59 integer, parameter :: LUT_KIND_R4 = selected_real_kind(6) !.. 4 byte real
60 real(kind=LUT_KIND_R4), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: itab_o, itabr_o
61 real(kind=LUT_KIND_R4), private, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gamma_tab_o
64 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
65 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
66 !.. This subroutine currently reads in the ice-cloud collection,
67 !.. ice-rain collecion, gamma calculations, and inherent growth ratio
68 !.. data lookup tables and calculates the ice-ice aggregation lookup table.
70 subroutine jensen_ishmael_init
73 integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4, icat
74 integer, parameter :: ncat=7,npair=35,ndn=60
75 integer :: ipair(ncat,ncat)
76 real, dimension(ncat,9) :: dstprms
77 real, dimension(ncat) :: gnu,cfmas,pwmas,cfvt,pwvt,tablo,tabhi
81 reshape((/0,0,3,7,11,15,19 ,1,0,5,9,13,17,21 &
82 ,2,4,22,24,0,0,0 ,6,8,23,28,0,0,0 &
83 ,10,12,25,29,35,0,0 ,14,16,26,30,32,0,0 &
84 ,18,20,27,31,33,34,0/), &
87 !.. Ice-ice collection lookup table properties (JYH)
89 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
90 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
91 ! cloud rain planar columnar aggreg graup hail
92 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---> ncat
93 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
94 reshape((/.5, .5, .318, .318, .5, .5, .5, & !.. shape (capacitance shape)
95 524., 524., .333, .333, .496, 157., 471., & !.. cfmas (m=cfmas*D**pwmas)
96 3., 3., 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 3., 3., & !.. pwmas
97 3173., 149., 4.836, 4.836, 3.084, 93.3, 161., & !.. cfvt (v = cfvt*D**pwvt)
98 2., .5, 0.25, .25, .2, .5, .5, & !.. pwvt
99 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, & !.. tablo (size limits for table)
100 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, & !.. tabhi
101 .1e-5, .1e-4, .1e-5, .1e-5, .1e-4, .1e-4, .1e-4, & !.. dnmin (characteristic diam
102 .1e-2, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1/), & !.. dnmax limits)
106 cfmas(icat)=dstprms(icat,2)
107 pwmas(icat)=dstprms(icat,3)
108 cfvt (icat)=dstprms(icat,4)
109 pwvt (icat)=dstprms(icat,5)
110 tablo(icat)=dstprms(icat,6)
111 tabhi(icat)=dstprms(icat,7)
115 !.. Read in ice-cloud water collection lookup table
116 if(.not.allocated(itab_o)) then
117 allocate(itab_o(51,51,51,11,2))
119 open(20, FILE='ishmael-qi-qc.bin', FORM='unformatted')
124 read(20) itab_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,1), &
125 itab_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,2)
131 print*, 'Jensen_ISHMAEL lookup table 1 of 3'
134 !.. Read in ice-rain collection lookup table
135 if(.not.allocated(itabr_o)) then
136 allocate(itabr_o(51,51,51,11,6))
138 open(30, FILE='ishmael-qi-qr.bin', FORM='unformatted')
143 read(30) itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,1), &
144 itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,2), &
145 itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,3), &
146 itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,4), &
147 itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,5), &
148 itabr_o(i1,i2,i3,i4,6)
154 print*, 'Jensen_ISHMAEL lookup table 2 of 3'
157 !.. Read in gamma function lookup table for speedy code
158 if(.not.allocated(gamma_tab_o)) then
159 allocate(gamma_tab_o(505001))
161 open(40, FILE='ishmael-gamma-tab.bin', FORM='unformatted')
163 read(40) gamma_tab_o(i1)
166 print*, 'Jensen_ISHMAEL lookup table 3 of 3'
169 !.. Read in inhernent growth ratio data (-1C to -60C)
170 !.. This currently assumes columns below -20C (plates are used later in the code)
171 !.. From Chen and Lamb 1994
172 if(.not.allocated(igrdata)) then
173 allocate(igrdata(60))
176 (/ 0.910547, 0.81807, 0.6874, 0.60127, 1.59767, 2.32423, 2.08818, &
177 1.61921, 1.15865, 0.863071, 0.617586, 0.453917, 0.351975, 0.28794, &
178 0.269298, 0.28794, 0.333623, 0.418883, 0.56992, 0.796458, 1.14325, &
179 1.64103, 1.90138, 1.82653, 1.61921, 1.47436, 1.32463, 1.25556, &
180 1.22239, 1.206, 1.11522, 1.10751, 1.10738, 1.11484, 1.12234, &
181 1.12221, 1.14529, 1.16884, 1.20104, 1.22573, 1.25094, 1.27666, &
182 1.31183, 1.3388, 1.35704, 1.37553, 1.38479, 1.39411, 1.40349, &
183 1.41294, 1.42245, 1.43202, 1.44166, 1.45137, 1.46114, 1.47097, &
184 1.48087, 1.50105, 1.50087, 1.51098 /)
187 !.. make collection table (JYH)
188 !.. called only on initialization of the model
189 !.. coltab = mass mixing ratio collection
190 !.. coltabn = number mixing ratio collection
191 !.. ndn = table elements
192 !.. ncat = # of hydrometeor categories
193 if(.not.allocated(coltab)) then
194 allocate(coltab(ndn,ndn,npair))
197 if(.not.allocated(coltabn)) then
198 allocate(coltabn(ndn,ndn,npair))
201 !.. Call to build the aggregation lookup table (JYH)
202 call mkcoltb(ndn,ncat,coltab,coltabn,ipair,gnu,tablo,tabhi,cfmas,pwmas,cfvt,pwvt)
203 print*, 'Jensen_ISHMAEL aggregation lookup table built'
205 !.. Check that tables are allocated (Thanks to JYH and Shaofeng)
206 if(.not.allocated(itab)) allocate(itab(51,51,51,11,2))
207 if(.not.allocated(itabr)) allocate(itabr(51,51,51,11,6))
208 if(.not.allocated(gamma_tab)) allocate(gamma_tab(505001))
210 itab = itab_o; itabr = itabr_o; gamma_tab = gamma_tab_o
212 end subroutine jensen_ishmael_init
214 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
215 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
216 !.. The main subroutine.
219 TH, QV, QC, QR, NR, QI1, NI1, AI1, CI1, &
220 QI2, NI2, AI2, CI2, &
221 QI3, NI3, AI3, CI3, &
226 diag_effc3d, diag_effi3d, diag_dbz3d, &
227 diag_vmi3d_1, diag_di3d_1, diag_rhopo3d_1, diag_phii3d_1, &
228 diag_vmi3d_2, diag_di3d_2, diag_rhopo3d_2, diag_phii3d_2, &
229 diag_vmi3d_3, diag_di3d_3, diag_rhopo3d_3, diag_phii3d_3, &
230 diag_itype_1,diag_itype_2,diag_itype_3 &
233 !.. ITIMESTEP - time step counter (integer)
234 !.. DT_IN - model time step (s)
235 !.. P - air pressure (Pa)
236 !.. DZ - difference in height over interface (m)
237 !.. TH - potential temperature (K)
238 !.. QV - water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
239 !.. QC - cloud water mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
240 !.. QR - rain water mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
241 !.. NR - rain number concentration (kg^-1)
242 !.. QI1 - planar-nucleated mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
243 !.. NI1 - planar-nucleated number mixing ratio (kg^-1)
244 !.. AI1 - planar-nucleated a^2c mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
245 !.. CI1 - planar-nucleated c^2a mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
246 !.. QI2 - columnar-nucleated mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
247 !.. NI2 - columnar-nucleated number mixing ratio (kg^-1)
248 !.. AI2 - columnar-nucleated a^2c mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
249 !.. CI2 - columnar-nucleated c^2a mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
250 !.. QI3 - aggregate mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
251 !.. NI3 - aggregate number mixing ratio (kg^-1)
252 !.. AI3 - aggregate a^2c mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
253 !.. CI3 - aggregate c^2a mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
254 !.. IDS,IDE - I domain start/end locations
255 !.. JDS,JDE - J domain start/end locations
256 !.. KDS,KDE - K domain start/end locations
257 !.. IMS,IME - I memory start/end locations
258 !.. JMS,JME - J memory start/end locations
259 !.. KMS,KME - K memory start/end locations
260 !.. ITS,ITE - I tile start/end locations
261 !.. JTS,JTE - J tile start/end locations
262 !.. KTS,KTE - K tile start/end locations
263 !.. RAINNC - total accumulated precipitation (mm)
264 !.. RAINNCV - total accumulated precipitation in a time step (mm)
265 !.. SNOWNC - total ice accumulated precipitation (mm)
266 !.. SNOWNCV - total ice accumulated precipitation in a time step (mm)
267 !.. DIAG_EFFC3D - Effective cloud water radius for coupling to radiation (m)
268 !.. DIAG_EFFI3D - Effective ice radius for coupling to radiation (m)
269 !.. DIAG_DBZ3D - 10-cm reflectivity (dBZ)
270 !.. DIAG_VMI3D_1 - planar-nucleated mass-weighted fall speeds (m s^-1)
271 !.. DIAG_VMI3D_2 - columnar-nucleated mass-weighted fall speeds (m s^-1)
272 !.. DIAG_VMI3D_3 - aggregate mass-weighted fall speeds (m s^-1)
273 !.. DIAG_DI3D_1 - planar-nucleated mass-weighted maximum diameter (m)
274 !.. DIAG_DI3D_2 - columnar-nucleated mass-weighted maximum diameter (m)
275 !.. DIAG_DI3D_3 - aggregate mass-weighted maximum diameter (m)
276 !.. DIAG_RHOPO3D_1 - planar-nucleated mass-weighted effective density (kg m^-3)
277 !.. DIAG_RHOPO3D_2 - columnar-nucleated mass-weighted effective density (kg m^-3)
278 !.. DIAG_RHOPO3D_3 - aggregate mass-weighted effective density (kg m^-3)
279 !.. DIAG_PHII3D_1 - planar-nucleated number-weighted aspect ratio
280 !.. DIAG_PHII3D_2 - columnar-nucleated number-weighted aspect ratio
281 !.. DIAG_PHII3D_3 - aggregate number-weighted aspect ratio
282 !.. DIAG_ITYPE_1 - currently not used
283 !.. DIAG_ITYPE_2 - currently not used
284 !.. DIAG_ITYPE_3 - currently not used
289 integer, intent(in) :: &
290 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde , &
291 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme , &
292 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
294 !.. Time and timestep
295 integer, intent(in) :: ITIMESTEP
296 real, intent(in) :: dt_in
299 real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(in) :: p, dz
301 real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout) :: &
302 th, qv, qc, qr, nr, qi1, ni1, ai1, ci1, qi2, ni2, ai2, ci2, &
303 qi3, ni3, ai3, ci3, &
304 diag_effc3d, diag_effi3d, diag_dbz3d, &
305 diag_vmi3d_1, diag_di3d_1, diag_rhopo3d_1, diag_phii3d_1, &
306 diag_vmi3d_2, diag_di3d_2, diag_rhopo3d_2, diag_phii3d_2, &
307 diag_vmi3d_3, diag_di3d_3, diag_rhopo3d_3, diag_phii3d_3, &
308 diag_itype_1, diag_itype_2, diag_itype_3
311 real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout) :: &
312 rainnc, rainncv, snownc, snowncv
316 !.. Define the ice species
317 !.. Do not change these without changing/knowing how nucleation works
318 integer, parameter :: CAT = 3 !.. Number of ice categories (species)
319 integer, parameter :: ICE1 = 1 !.. Ice initiated as planar
320 integer, parameter :: ICE2 = 2 !.. Ice initiated as columnar
321 integer, parameter :: ICE3 = 3 !.. Aggregates
323 !.. Use tile locations for our variables
324 !.. Make everthing 1D for our loop
325 !.. These variables go in and out of newmicro
326 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: &
327 th1d, qv1d, qc1d, qr1d, nr1d, p1d, dz1d, &
328 effc1d, effi1d, dbz1d
330 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte) :: &
331 qi1d, ni1d, ai1d, ci1d, &
332 vmi1d, di1d, rhopo1d, phii1d, icetype1d
336 real, dimension(cat) :: qipre1d
338 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
339 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
340 !.. Accumulated precipitation in one timestep (zero out before microphysics)
346 !.. Loop over the grid and send each vertical column into the microphysics routine
347 do j=jts,jte !.. j loop (north-south)
348 do i=its,ite !.. i loop (horizontal)
350 !.. Get the 1D variables from WRF and zero out process rates
351 do k=kts,kte !.. k loop (vertical)
353 !.. Thermo,rain,cloud,vapor,etc
365 QI1D(ICE1,k) = QI1(i,k,j)
366 NI1D(ICE1,k) = NI1(i,k,j)
367 AI1D(ICE1,k) = AI1(i,k,j)
368 CI1D(ICE1,k) = CI1(i,k,j)
373 ICETYPE1D(ICE1,k) = 0.
374 !.. Columnar-nucleated
375 QI1D(ICE2,k) = QI2(i,k,j)
376 NI1D(ICE2,k) = NI2(i,k,j)
377 AI1D(ICE2,k) = AI2(i,k,j)
378 CI1D(ICE2,k) = CI2(i,k,j)
383 ICETYPE1D(ICE2,k) = 0.
385 QI1D(ICE3,k) = QI3(i,k,j)
386 NI1D(ICE3,k) = NI3(i,k,j)
387 AI1D(ICE3,k) = AI3(i,k,j)
388 CI1D(ICE3,k) = CI3(i,k,j)
393 ICETYPE1D(ICE3,k) = 0.
394 enddo !.. (vertical k-loop)
397 call me_ishmael(itimestep, kts, kte, i, j, dt_in, p1d, dz1d, &
398 th1d, qv1d, qc1d, qr1d, nr1d, qi1d, ni1d, ai1d, ci1d, &
399 CAT, ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, effc1d, effi1d, dbz1d, icetype1d, &
400 vmi1d, di1d, rhopo1d, phii1d, qrpre1d, qipre1d)
402 !.. Send the 1D columns from newmicro back to WRF
403 do k=kts,kte !.. k loop (vertical)
409 DIAG_EFFC3D(i,k,j) = max((min(EFFC1D(k),50.e-6)),2.51e-6)
410 DIAG_EFFI3D(i,k,j) = max((min(EFFI1D(k),999.e-6)),5.e-6)
411 DIAG_DBZ3D(i,k,j) = max(dbz1d(k),-35.)
413 QI1(i,k,j) = QI1D(ICE1,k)
414 NI1(i,k,j) = NI1D(ICE1,k)
415 AI1(i,k,j) = AI1D(ICE1,k)
416 CI1(i,k,j) = CI1D(ICE1,k)
417 DIAG_VMI3D_1(i,k,j) = vmi1d(ICE1,k)
418 DIAG_DI3D_1(i,k,j) = di1d(ICE1,k)
419 DIAG_RHOPO3D_1(i,k,j)= rhopo1d(ICE1,k)
420 DIAG_PHII3D_1(i,k,j) = phii1d(ICE1,k)
421 DIAG_ITYPE_1(i,k,j) = icetype1d(ICE1,k)
422 !.. Columnar-nucleated
423 QI2(i,k,j) = QI1D(ICE2,k)
424 NI2(i,k,j) = NI1D(ICE2,k)
425 AI2(i,k,j) = AI1D(ICE2,k)
426 CI2(i,k,j) = CI1D(ICE2,k)
427 DIAG_VMI3D_2(i,k,j) = vmi1d(ICE2,k)
428 DIAG_DI3D_2(i,k,j) = di1d(ICE2,k)
429 DIAG_RHOPO3D_2(i,k,j)= rhopo1d(ICE2,k)
430 DIAG_PHII3D_2(i,k,j) = phii1d(ICE2,k)
431 DIAG_ITYPE_2(i,k,j) = icetype1d(ICE2,k)
433 QI3(i,k,j) = QI1D(ICE3,k)
434 NI3(i,k,j) = NI1D(ICE3,k)
435 AI3(i,k,j) = AI1D(ICE3,k)
436 CI3(i,k,j) = CI1D(ICE3,k)
437 DIAG_VMI3D_3(i,k,j) = vmi1d(ICE3,k)
438 DIAG_DI3D_3(i,k,j) = di1d(ICE3,k)
439 DIAG_RHOPO3D_3(i,k,j)= rhopo1d(ICE3,k)
440 DIAG_PHII3D_3(i,k,j) = phii1d(ICE3,k)
441 DIAG_ITYPE_3(i,k,j) = icetype1d(ICE3,k)
444 !.. Accumulated precipitation and precipitation rates
445 !.. Frozen precipitation
446 SNOWNC(i,j) = SNOWNC(i,j) + qipre1d(ICE1) + qipre1d(ICE2) + qipre1d(ICE3)
447 SNOWNCV(i,j) = qipre1d(ICE1) + qipre1d(ICE2) + qipre1d(ICE3)
449 !.. Total precipitation
450 RAINNC(i,j) = RAINNC(i,j) + qrpre1d + qipre1d(ICE1) + qipre1d(ICE2) + qipre1d(ICE3)
451 RAINNCV(i,j) = qrpre1d + qipre1d(ICE1) + qipre1d(ICE2) + qipre1d(ICE3)
453 enddo ! i loop (horizontal)
454 enddo ! j loop (north-south)
456 end subroutine MP_JENSEN_ISHMAEL
458 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
459 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
461 subroutine me_ishmael(it, kts, kte, i, j, dt, pres_e, dzmic, &
462 theta, qv, qc, qr, nr, qi, ni, ai, ci, CAT, ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, &
463 effc1d, effi1d, dbz1d, icetype1d, vmi1d, di1d, rhopo1d, phii1d, &
468 !.. User logicals (all should be TRUE except for testing)
469 logical, parameter :: RIMING = .TRUE. ! Riming
470 logical, parameter :: RAIN_ICE = .TRUE. ! Rain-ice collection (for testing)
471 logical, parameter :: FREEZE_QC = .TRUE. ! Freeze cloud drops (Homogeneous)
472 logical, parameter :: SPLINTERS = .TRUE. ! Rime Splinters
473 logical, parameter :: WET_GROW = .TRUE. ! Wet growth
475 !.. Input/Output variables from WRF
476 integer, intent(in) :: it, i, j !.. Integer timestep, model i and j
477 integer, intent(in) :: kts, kte !.. Tile k-start and k-end
478 integer, intent(in) :: CAT, ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 !.. Number of categories, planar and columnar index
479 real, intent(in) :: dt !.. Timestep
481 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(in) :: pres_e, dzmic !.. Pressure and dz
482 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: theta !.. Theta (K)
483 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: qv !.. Vapor mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
484 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: qc !.. Cloud water mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
485 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: qr !.. Rain mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
486 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: nr !.. Rain number mixing ratio (# kg^-1)
488 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: qi !.. Ice mass mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
489 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: ni !.. Ice number mixing ratio (# kg^-1)
490 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: ai !.. Ice a^2c mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
491 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: ci !.. Ice c^2a mixing ratio (m^3 kg^-1)
494 real, dimension(kts:kte), intent(inout) :: effc1d, effi1d, dbz1d
495 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: rhopo1d
496 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: phii1d
497 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: vmi1d
498 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: di1d
499 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte), intent(inout) :: icetype1d
502 real :: qrpre1d !.. Rain precipitation accumulation (mm)
503 real, dimension(cat) :: qipre1d !.. Ice liquid-equivalent precipitation accumulation (mm)
506 real, parameter :: NU = 4.0 !.. Ice distribution parameter (keep at 4)
507 !.. If changed, build new lookup tables
509 real, parameter :: QSMALL = 1.e-12 !.. Smallest ice mass (kg kg^-1)
510 real, parameter :: QNSMALL= 1.25e-7 !.. Smallest ice number (# kg^-1)
511 real, parameter :: QASMALL= 1.e-24 !.. Smallest ice volume (m^-3 kg^-1)
512 real, parameter :: ao = 0.1e-6 !.. alphstr=ao^(1-deltastr)
513 real, parameter :: AR = 149.1 !.. 'a' parameter in rain fallspeed-size relation (m^(1-br)/s)
514 real, parameter :: BR = 0.5 !.. 'b' parameter in rain fallspeed-size relation
515 real, parameter :: F1R = 0.78 !.. Ventilation coefficient for rain
516 real, parameter :: F2R = 0.308 !.. Ventilation coefficient for rain
517 real, parameter :: LAMMAXR = 1./20.E-6 !.. Max allowed value for rain slope parameter (m^-1)
518 real, parameter :: LAMMINR = 1./2800.E-6 !.. Min allowed value for rain slope parameter (m^-1)
520 !.. Local/Dummy variables
521 logical :: vgflag !.. Vapor growth flag to determine if vapor growth
522 !.. is producing subsaturated conditions
524 logical, dimension(cat) :: has_ice !.. true if ice exists for an ice species
525 logical, dimension(cat) :: dry_growth !.. Wet growth/dry growth riming flag
526 integer :: k, cc, ccvar !.. k is the k-loop index, cc is the ice species index
527 integer :: gi !.. Index for the Gamma(NU) lookup
528 integer :: gi2, gi3 !.. Index for the Gamma(NU) lookup
529 integer :: numice !.. Number of ice species currently with ice
530 integer :: current_index !.. Used to determine number of ice species wi th mass > QSMALL
531 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: icearray !.. Array with size of number
532 !.. of ice species with mass > QSMALL
533 real :: wetg !.. wet growth check
534 real :: gamma_arg !.. Gamma argument: Gamma(gamma_arg)
535 real, dimension(cat) :: ani, cni, rni !.. Characteristic a-,c-,r-axis sizes
536 real, dimension(cat) :: aniold, cniold, dsold
537 real :: alphstr !.. alpha_* = ao^(1-delta_*)
538 real :: alphv !.. alphv = 4/3*PI*alpha_*
539 real :: betam !.. betam = 2 + delta_*
540 real :: anf, cnf, rnf, iwcf !.. a-,c-,r-axis and iwc after vapor growth
541 real :: anfr, cnfr, rnfr, iwcfr !.. a-,c-,r-axis and iwc after riming
542 real :: phibr, phifr !.. aspect ratio before and after riming
543 real :: capgam !.. distribution-weighted capacitance (m)
544 real :: i_dt !.. inverse timestep
545 real :: i_cp !.. inverse heat capacity of air
546 real :: sink, source, ratio !.. Terms used to prevent over-depletion
547 real :: rrr !.. rain characteristic radius
549 !.. Fall speed parameters
550 real :: phiivt, bl, al, aa, ba, qe, xn, bx, xm, f_c1, f_c2, bm, am, nre
552 !.. Local variables for riming
553 real :: vir, vif, vfr, rhobarrime, rimedr, rimedrr, rimec1, rhobarwg
555 !.. Local variables for ice nucleation, multiplication
556 real :: anuc, nibnuc(CAT), amass, cmass, fmult, nucfrac
557 real :: a_demott, b_demott, c_demott, d_demott
558 real :: curnum, ratel, ratekg, inrate
560 !.. Local variables for vapor growth
561 real :: vi, iwci, nim3dum, prdsum, qcrimesum, qcrimesumr
563 !.. Local variables for melting
564 real :: mfact, nimelt
566 !.. Local variables for evaporation
567 real :: epsr, dumqv, dumqvs, arn
569 !.. Some dummy variables
570 real :: dum, dum1, dumt, dumgam, dumgam2
571 real :: tmpsum, tmpsumr, tmpmelt
573 !.. Local variables for Radiation
574 real :: lrsig, sig, lwc, ncm3dum, r_n, phirad, radw1, radw2, radw3, totaliwc
576 !.. Local variables for Aggregation
577 real :: dn1, dn2, dn3, phiagg1, phiagg2, phiagg3
579 !.. Fall speeds (some not used) and effectice ice radius variables
580 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: vtrm, vtrn, vtrmc, vtrnc, nc
581 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte) :: vtrni1, effi, vtrmi1, vtrzi1
583 !.. Lookup table values
584 real :: rrri, rrni, rqci, rdsi, rrho, proc(cat,2), procr(cat,6)
585 integer :: irri, irni, iqci, idsi, irho, iti
586 real :: qi_qc_nrm(cat), qi_qc_nrd(cat)
587 real :: qi_qr_nrm(cat), qi_qr_nrd(cat), qi_qr_nrn(cat)
589 !.. Sedimentation variables
591 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: fluxqr, fluxnr
592 real, dimension(cat, kts:kte) :: fluxqi, fluxni, fluxai, fluxci
593 real, dimension(cat) :: falltndqi, falltndni, falltndai, falltndci
594 real :: falltndqr, falltndnr, maxfall
598 !.. The rest of the variables
599 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: rhoair, i_rhoair !.. Air density (kg m^-3) and inverse air density
600 real :: qcrimefrac(cat) !.. Qc_Rime/(Qc_Rime + Qr_Rime)
601 real :: gammnu !.. Gamma(NU)
602 real :: i_gammnu !.. 1/Gamma(NU)
603 real :: fourthirdspi !.. 4/3 * PI
604 real :: mnuccd !.. Deposition nucleation rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
605 real :: nnuccd !.. Deposition nucleation rate (# kg^-1)
606 real :: pcc !.. Cloud mass growth rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
607 real :: qagg(cat) !.. Aggregation mass tendency (kg kg^-1)
608 real :: nagg(cat) !.. Aggregation number tendency (# kg^-1)
609 real :: prd(cat) !.. Vapor growth rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
610 real :: nrd(cat) !.. Vapor growth number rate sublimation (# kg^-1 s^-1)
611 real :: ard(cat) !.. A-axis vapor growth rate mixing ratio (m kg^-1 s^-1)
612 real :: crd(cat) !.. C-axis vapor growth rate mixing ratio (m kg^-1 s^-1)
613 real :: prdr(cat) !.. Riming growth rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
614 real :: ardr(cat) !.. A-axis riming growth rate mixing ratio (m kg^-1 s^-1)
615 real :: crdr(cat) !.. C-axis riming growth rate mixing ratio (m kg^-1 s^-1)
616 real :: qmlt(cat) !.. Mass melting rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
617 real :: nmlt(cat) !.. Number melting rate (# kg^-1 s^-1)
618 real :: amlt(cat) !.. A-axis melting rate (m kg^-1 s^-1)
619 real :: cmlt(cat) !.. C-axis melting rate (m kg^-1 s^-1)
620 real :: rimesum(cat) !.. Ice-cloud rime mass rate (kg m^-3 s^-1)
621 real :: rimesumr(cat) !.. Ice-rain rime mass rate (kg m^-3 s^-1)
622 real :: rimetotal(cat) !.. Total rime mass rate (kg m^-3 s^-1)
623 real :: dQRfzri(cat) !.. Change in rain mass from ice-rain (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
624 real :: dQIfzri(cat) !.. Change in ice mass from ice-rain (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
625 real :: dNfzri(cat) !.. Change in ice number from ice-rain (# kg^-1 s^-1)
626 real :: dQImltri(cat) !.. Change in ice mass from ice-rain melt (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
627 real :: dNmltri(cat) !.. Change in ice number from ice-rain melt (# kg^-1 s^-1)
628 real :: numrateri(cat) !.. Number rate from ice-rain (value from lookkup table)
629 real :: rainrateri(cat) !.. Rain mass rate from ice-rain (value from lookkup table)
630 real :: icerateri(cat) !.. Ice mass rate from ice-rain (value from lookkup table)
631 real :: totalnuc(cat) !.. Total mass nucleated to ice (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
632 real :: totalnucn(cat) !.. Total number nucleated to ice (# kg^-1 s^-1)
633 real :: nim !.. Number of homogeneously frozen cloud drops (# kg^-1 s^-1)
634 real :: mim !.. Mass of homogeneously frozen cloud drops (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
635 real :: nimr !.. Number of homogeneously frozen rain drops (# kg^-1 s^-1)
636 real :: mimr !.. Mass of homogeneously frozen rain drops (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
637 real :: deltastr(cat) !.. Delta_* (Average inherent growth ratio)
638 real :: rhobar(cat) !.. Ice effective density (kg m^-3)
639 real :: rhodepout(cat) !.. Ice effective density (kg m^-3)
640 real :: dsdepout(cat) !.. Ice effective density (kg m^-3)
641 real :: rhorimeout(cat) !.. Ice effective density (kg m^-3)
642 real :: gdentotal !.. Total rime density from ice-cloud and ice-rain (kg m^-3)
643 real :: gdenavg(cat) !.. Rime density from ice-cloud (kg m^-3)
644 real :: gdenavgr(cat) !.. Rime density from ice-rain (kg m^-3)
645 real :: fv(cat) !.. Ventilation coefficient for diffusion
646 real :: fh(cat) !.. Ventilation coefficient for heat
647 real :: temp, i_temp !.. Air temperature (K) and inverse
648 real :: qvs !.. Liquid saturation vapor mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
649 real :: qvi !.. Ice saturation vapor mixing ratio (kg kg^-1)
650 real :: sup !.. Liquid supersaturation ratio
651 real :: sui !.. Ice supersaturation ratio
652 real :: svpi !.. Ice saturation vapor pressure
653 real :: svpl !.. Liquid saturation vapor pressure
654 real :: qs0 !.. Saturation vapor mixing ratio at 0C (kg kg^-1)
655 real :: xxls !.. Latent heat of sublimation (J kg^-1)
656 real :: xxlv !.. Latent heat of vaporization (J kg^-1)
657 real :: xxlf !.. Latent heat of fusion (J kg^-1)
658 real :: ab !.. Latent heat correction parameter for growth
659 real :: abi !.. Latent heat correction parameter for growth (ice)
660 real :: mu !.. Dynamic visocity of air (kg m^-1 s^-1)
661 real :: dv !.. Diffusivity of water vapor in air (m^2 s^-1)
662 real :: kt !.. Thermal conductivity (W m^-1 K^-1)
663 real :: nsch !.. Schmidt number
664 real :: npr !.. Prandlt number
665 real :: lamr !.. Rain slope parameter n(D)=n0rr*exp(-lamr*D)dD
666 real :: n0rr !.. Rain distribution parameter
667 real :: prc !.. Autoconversion cloud water to rain (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
668 real :: nprc !.. Autoconversion cloud number loss (# kg^-1 s^-1)
669 real :: nprc1 !.. Autoconversion rain number gain (# kg^-1 s^-1)
670 real :: pre !.. Rain evpaoration rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
671 real :: npre !.. Rain evaporation number (# kg^-1 s^-1)
672 real :: pra !.. Rain accretion of cloud (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
673 real :: npra !.. Rain accretion of cloud number (# kg^-1 s^-1)
674 real :: nragg !.. Rain self-collection (# kg^-1 s^-1)
675 real :: igr !.. Inherent growth ratio
676 real :: qmult(cat) !.. Ice multiplication rate (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
677 real :: nmult(cat) !.. Ice number multiplication rate (# kg^-1 s^-1)
678 real :: mbiggr !.. Biggs freezing (kg kg^-1 s^-1)
679 real :: nbiggr !.. Biggs number freezing (# kg^-1 s^-1)
681 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
682 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
683 !.. NU=4 is constant so gammnu=6
685 i_gammnu = 1./gammnu !.. Inverse gamma
686 i_dt = 1./dt !.. Inverse timestep
687 i_cp = 1./CP !.. Inverse heat capacity
688 fourthirdspi = 4./3.*PI !.. Four divided by three times pi
690 !.. No need to loop through microphysics and sedimentation unless
691 !.. condensate exists
694 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
695 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
696 do k=kts,kte !.. Grid K loop
698 !.. Check the column for condensate or supersaturation wrt liquid.
699 !.. If it is there, then do the microphysics
701 temp = theta(k)/(100000./pres_e(k))**(RCP)
702 svpl = polysvp(temp,0)
703 qvs = 0.622*svpl/(pres_e(k)-svpl)
706 svpi = polysvp(temp,1)
707 qvi = 0.622*svpi/(pres_e(k)-svpi)
708 if(temp.gt.T0) qvi=qvs
711 if(qc(k).gt.QSMALL.or.qr(k).gt.QSMALL.or.qi(ICE1,k).gt.QSMALL.or.&
712 qi(ICE2,k).gt.QSMALL.or.qi(ICE3,k).gt.QSMALL.or.sup.ge.0.) then
716 !.. If condensate or supersaturation wrt liquid, do microphysics
719 if(allocated(icearray)) deallocate(icearray)
721 numice = 0 !.. Number of species with ice
722 do cc = 1, cat !.. Loop over all ice species
723 has_ice(cc) = .false.
724 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then !.. Check for ice
726 !.. Get the number of species with ice
732 !.. Determine the number of ice species to loop over
733 !.. For vapor growth/riming, etc
734 if(numice.gt.0.and..not.allocated(icearray)) then
735 allocate(icearray(numice))
739 icearray(current_index) = cc
740 current_index = current_index + 1
745 !.. Initialize variables for all ice species and process rates
746 do cc = 1, cat !.. Ice variables
747 dry_growth(cc)=.true.
774 if(cc.eq.3) rhobar(cc)=50.
830 falltndqr=0.; falltndnr=0.
831 vtrm(k)=0.; vtrn(k)=0.
834 nprc =0.; npre=0.; npra=0.; pra=0.; prc=0.
839 mnuccd=0.; nnuccd=0.; pcc=0.; fmult=0.
841 rimedr=0.; rimedrr=0.
844 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
845 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
846 !.. Temperature and temperature-dependent variables
848 rhoair(k)= pres_e(k)/(RD*temp)
849 i_rhoair(k) = 1./rhoair(k)
850 svpi = polysvp(temp,1)
851 qvi = 0.622*svpi/(pres_e(k)-svpi)
852 if(temp.gt.T0) qvi=qvs
853 qs0 = 0.622*polysvp(T0,0)/(pres_e(k)-polysvp(T0,0))
855 xxls = 3.15e6-2370.*temp+0.3337e6
856 xxlv = 3.1484E6-2370.*temp
858 ab = 1.+(xxlv*qvs/(RV*temp**2))*xxlv*i_cp
859 abi = 1.+(xxls*qvi/(RV*temp**2))*xxls*i_cp
860 mu = 1.496E-6*temp**1.5/(temp+120.)
861 arn = ar*(R0*i_rhoair(k))**0.5
862 dv = 8.794E-5*temp**1.81/pres_e(k)
863 kt = 2.3823e-2 +7.1177e-5*(temp-T0)
864 nsch = mu*i_rhoair(k)/dv
865 npr = mu*i_rhoair(k)/kt
867 !.. Inherent growth ratio data from Lamb and Scott 1972 and Chen and Lamb 1994
868 !.. Assumes planar particles at temperatures below -20C (see Bailey and Hallett)
869 !.. Function of temperature only (thanks to JHY and GHB for moving this fuction to where it belongs)
870 igr = get_igr(igrdata, temp)
871 if((temp-T0).lt.-20.) then
875 !.. Assume constant cloud drop number concentration (200 cm^-3)
876 nc(k) = 200.e6*i_rhoair(k)
878 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
879 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
882 if(numice.gt.0) then !.. If one or more ice species have ice
889 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
890 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
891 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
892 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
893 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
895 !.. Set incoming volume limit after advection
896 !.. This is the smallest bulk volume for which we care about shape
897 !.. If smaller than this limit, assume spherical
898 if(ai(cc,k).lt.1.e-12.or.ci(cc,k).lt.1.e-12) then
899 ai(cc,k)=min(ai(cc,k),ci(cc,k))
901 ani(cc)=(ai(cc,k)/ni(cc,k))**0.3333333333
902 cni(cc)=(ci(cc,k)/ni(cc,k))**0.3333333333
905 if(ani(cc).lt.2.e-6.or.cni(cc).lt.2.e-6) then
910 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
911 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
913 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
915 !.. Check to keep ice properties in bounds
916 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
917 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
918 alphstr, alphv, betam)
920 dsold(cc) = deltastr(cc)
922 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
923 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
924 !.. Ice-cloud riming rates from lookup table
925 if(RIMING.and.qc(k).gt.1.e-7) then
927 !.. The lookup table is in log space. Do not change the following 4 lines without
928 !.. changing the offline-built lookup table
929 rrni = 13.498*log10(0.5e6*rni(cc))
930 rqci = 8.776*log10(1.0e7*(exp(qc(k))-1.))
931 rdsi = 50.*(deltastr(cc) - 0.5)
932 rrho = 7.888*log10(0.02*rhobar(cc))
938 !.. Small limit (stay in the bounds of the lookup table)
949 !.. Large limit (stay in the bounds of the lookup table)
950 rrni = min(rrni,real(size(itab,1))-1.)
951 rqci = min(rqci,real(size(itab,2))-1.)
952 rdsi = min(rdsi,real(size(itab,3))-1.)
953 rrho = min(rrho,real(size(itab,4))-1.)
955 irni = min(irni,size(itab,1)-1)
956 iqci = min(iqci,size(itab,2)-1)
957 idsi = min(idsi,size(itab,3)-1)
958 irho = min(irho,size(itab,4)-1)
961 call access_lookup_table(itab,irni,iqci,idsi,irho,iti, &
962 rdsi,rrho,rqci,rrni,proc(cc,iti))
965 !.. proc(cc,1) is the normalized riming rate
966 !.. proc(cc,2) is related to the normalized rime density
967 !.. rimesum is the riming rate in kg m^-3 s^-1
968 rimesum(cc) = max((proc(cc,1)*ni(cc,k)*nc(k)*rhoair(k)**2),0.)
969 qi_qc_nrm(cc)= proc(cc,1)
970 qi_qc_nrd(cc)= proc(cc,2)
972 !.. Limit riming rate if too small
973 if((rimesum(cc)*i_rhoair(k)).lt.QSMALL) then
978 endif !.. End ice-cloud riming
980 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
981 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
982 !.. Ice-rain riming rates from lookup table
983 if(RAIN_ICE.and.qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
985 nr(k) = max(nr(k),QNSMALL)
986 !.. Get rain size distribution properties
987 lamr = (PI*RHOW*nr(k)/qr(k))**0.333333333
989 if(lamr.LT.LAMMINR) then
991 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
993 elseif(lamr.gt.LAMMAXR) then
995 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
998 rrr = 0.5 * (1./lamr)
1000 !.. The lookup table is in log space. Do not change the following 4 lines without
1001 !.. changing the offline-built lookup table
1002 rrni = 13.498*log10(0.5e6*rni(cc))
1003 rrri= 23.273*log10(1.e5*rrr)
1004 rdsi = 50.*(deltastr(cc) - 0.5)
1005 rrho = 7.888*log10(0.02*rhobar(cc))
1012 !.. Small lookup table limit
1023 !.. Large lookup table limit
1024 rrni = min(rrni,real(size(itabr,1))-1.)
1025 rrri = min(rrri,real(size(itabr,2))-1.)
1026 rdsi = min(rdsi,real(size(itabr,3))-1.)
1027 rrho = min(rrho,real(size(itabr,4))-1.)
1029 irni = min(irni,size(itabr,1)-1)
1030 irri = min(irri,size(itabr,2)-1)
1031 idsi = min(idsi,size(itabr,3)-1)
1032 irho = min(irho,size(itabr,4)-1)
1035 call access_lookup_table(itabr,irni,irri,idsi,irho,iti, &
1036 rdsi,rrho,rrri,rrni,procr(cc,iti))
1039 !.. procr(cc,4) is the normalized ice number tendency from ice-rain
1040 !.. procr(cc,5) is the normalized rain mass tendency from ice-rain
1041 !.. procr(cc,6) is the normalized ice mass tendency from ice-rain
1042 numrateri(cc) = max((procr(cc,4)*ni(cc,k)*nr(k)*rhoair(k)),0.)
1043 rainrateri(cc)= max((procr(cc,5)*ni(cc,k)*nr(k)*rhoair(k)),0.)
1044 icerateri(cc) = max((procr(cc,6)*ni(cc,k)*nr(k)*rhoair(k)),0.)
1046 !.. Limit ice-rain rates if to small
1047 if(rainrateri(cc).lt.QSMALL.or.icerateri(cc).lt.QSMALL) then
1054 !.. For temperatures less than melting point ice-rain freezes rain
1055 if(qr(k).gt.0.1e-3.and.qi(cc,k).gt.0.1e-3) then
1056 dQRfzri(cc) = rainrateri(cc)
1057 dQIfzri(cc) = icerateri(cc)
1058 dNfzri(cc) = numrateri(cc)
1061 !.. For temperatures greater than melting point ice-rain melts ice
1062 dQImltri(cc) = icerateri(cc)
1063 dNmltri(cc) = numrateri(cc)
1066 !.. procr(cc,1) is the normalized riming rate
1067 !.. procr(cc,2) is trelated to the he normalized rime density
1068 !.. procr(cc,3) is the normalized loss in rain number from riming
1069 !.. rimesumr is in kg m^-3 s^-1
1071 !.. Ice-rain leads to riming when the fall speed of the collected rain is slower than
1072 !.. the fall speed of the ice collector. Otherwise, ice-rain freezes rain
1073 rimesumr(cc) = max((procr(cc,1)*ni(cc,k)*nr(k)*rhoair(k)**2),0.)
1074 qi_qr_nrm(cc)= procr(cc,1)
1075 qi_qr_nrd(cc)= procr(cc,2)
1076 qi_qr_nrn(cc)= procr(cc,3)
1078 !.. Limit ice-rain riming if small
1079 if((rimesumr(cc)*i_rhoair(k)).lt.QSMALL) then
1086 endif !.. End ice-rain collection
1088 !.. Do not over-deplete cloud water or rain from ice-cloud and ice-rain
1089 tmpsum = tmpsum + rimesum(cc)
1090 tmpsumr= tmpsumr+ rimesumr(cc)
1092 if(ccvar.eq.numice) then !.. Check at end
1094 !.. Do not let ice-cloud collection overdeplete cloud water
1095 sink = tmpsum*i_rhoair(k)
1097 if(sink.gt.source.and.qc(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1098 ratio = source / sink
1099 rimesum = rimesum*ratio
1100 qi_qc_nrm= qi_qc_nrm*ratio
1101 qi_qc_nrd= qi_qc_nrd*ratio
1104 !.. Do not let ice-rain collection overdeplete rainwater
1105 sink = tmpsum*i_rhoair(k)
1107 if(sink.gt.source.and.qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1108 ratio = source / sink
1109 rimesumr = rimesumr*ratio
1110 qi_qr_nrm = qi_qr_nrm*ratio
1111 qi_qr_nrd = qi_qr_nrd*ratio
1112 qi_qr_nrn = qi_qr_nrn*ratio
1116 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1117 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1118 !.. Inital volume, iwc, #/m^3 for vapor growth
1119 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1120 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1122 vi = fourthirdspi*rni(cc)**3*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1123 iwci = ni(cc,k)*rhobar(cc)*vi*rhoair(k)
1124 nim3dum=ni(cc,k)*rhoair(k)
1126 !.. Total riming rate (the heating goes into vapor growth)
1127 rimetotal(cc) = rimesum(cc)+rimesumr(cc)
1128 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
1129 !.. Distribtuion-averaged capacitance (see Harrington et al. 2013)
1130 capgam = capacitance_gamma(ani(cc), deltastr(cc), NU, alphstr, i_gammnu)
1132 !.. This subroutine first calculates the bulk fall speeds, then the ventilation,
1133 !.. and finally the vapor growth (or sublimation) rate. (See Harrington et al. 2013)
1134 call vaporgrow(dt, ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), igr, nim3dum, temp, rimetotal(cc), &
1135 pres_e(k), NU, alphstr, sui, sup, qvs, qvi, mu, iwci, rhoair(k), qi(cc,k), &
1136 dv, kt, ao, nsch, npr, gammnu, i_gammnu, fourthirdspi, svpi, xxls, xxlv, xxlf, &
1137 capgam, vtrni1(cc,k), vtrmi1(cc,k), vtrzi1(cc,k), anf, cnf, rnf, iwcf, fv(cc), &
1138 fh(cc), rhobar(cc), deltastr(cc),rhodepout(cc),dsdepout(cc))
1140 !.. Vapor growth mass growth and axes rates
1141 prd(cc)=(iwcf-iwci)*i_rhoair(k)*i_dt
1142 prd(cc)=max(prd(cc),-qi(cc,k)*i_dt)
1143 ard(cc)=(2.*(anf-ani(cc))*cni(cc)+(cnf-cni(cc))*ani(cc))*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)*i_dt
1144 crd(cc)=(2.*(cnf-cni(cc))*ani(cc)+(anf-ani(cc))*cni(cc))*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)*i_dt
1146 !.. Sublimation number loss
1147 if(prd(cc).lt.0..and.qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1148 nrd(cc)=prd(cc)*ni(cc,k)/qi(cc,k)
1151 !.. Limit vapor growth if values small
1152 if(abs(prd(cc)*dt).lt.(QSMALL*0.01)) then
1159 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1160 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1161 !.. Now calculated the mass growth and axes growth rates and density for riming
1163 !.. Check for wet-growth riming conditions
1164 !.. See Lamb and Verlinde (2011)
1166 rimetotal(cc)=rimesum(cc)+rimesumr(cc)
1167 call wet_growth_check(NU, temp, rhoair(k), xxlv, xxlf, qv(k), dv, kt, qs0, &
1168 fv(cc), fh(cc), rimetotal(cc), rni(cc), ni(cc,k), dry_growth(cc))
1171 !.. If above the melting point, assume high-density riming
1173 dry_growth(cc) = .false.
1176 !.. Initial rime volume and r-axis length
1180 !.. Calculate the ice-cloud rime density
1181 !.. This is parameterized from Macklin (1962) and is described in
1182 !.. Jensen et al. 2017 (JAS)
1183 if(RIMING.and.qc(k).gt.QSMALL.and.qi_qc_nrm(cc).gt.0.) then
1184 rimec1 = 0.0066 !.. Value at -10C
1185 if((temp-T0).lt.-30.) then
1187 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-20.and.(temp-T0).ge.-30.) then
1188 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-20.) / 10.
1189 rimec1 = dum*(0.0036) + (1.-dum)*(0.004)
1190 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-15.and.(temp-T0).ge.-20.) then
1191 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-15.) / 5.
1192 rimec1 = dum*(0.004) + (1.-dum)*(0.005)
1193 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-10.and.(temp-T0).ge.-15.) then
1194 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-10.) / 5.
1195 rimec1 = dum*(0.005) + (1.-dum)*(0.0066)
1196 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-5.and.(temp-T0).ge.-10.) then
1197 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-5.) / 5.
1198 rimec1 = dum*(0.0066) + (1.-dum)*(0.012)
1199 elseif((temp-T0).ge.-5.) then
1202 gdenavg(cc) = (1000.*(0.8*tanh(rimec1*qi_qc_nrd(cc)/qi_qc_nrm(cc))+0.1))
1204 if((temp-T0).gt.-5..and.(temp-T0).le.0.) then
1205 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-0.) / 5.
1206 gdenavg(cc) = dum*gdenavg(cc) + (1.-dum)*900.
1209 if((temp-T0).gt.0..or..NOT.dry_growth(cc)) then
1212 !.. Keep rime density between 50 and 900 kg m^-3
1213 gdenavg(cc) = max(gdenavg(cc),50.)
1214 gdenavg(cc) = min(gdenavg(cc),900.)
1216 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1217 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1219 !.. Change in r-axis from riming (based on the rime density)
1220 rimedr = max(((qi_qc_nrm(cc)/gdenavg(cc))/((gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu)* &
1221 4.*PI*rni(cc)**2)),0.)
1222 rnfr = rnfr + max((rimedr*nc(k)*rhoair(k)),0.)*dt
1224 endif !.. End ice-cloud rime density calculation
1226 !.. Calculate the ice-rain rime density
1227 !.. This is parameterized from Macklin (1962)
1228 if(RAIN_ICE.and.qr(k).gt.QSMALL.and.qi_qr_nrm(cc).gt.0.) then
1229 rimec1 = 0.0066 !.. Value at -10C
1230 if((temp-T0).lt.-30.) then
1232 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-20.and.(temp-T0).ge.-30.) then
1233 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-20.) / 10.
1234 rimec1 = dum*(0.0036) + (1.-dum)*(0.004)
1235 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-15.and.(temp-T0).ge.-20.) then
1236 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-15.) / 5.
1237 rimec1 = dum*(0.004) + (1.-dum)*(0.005)
1238 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-10.and.(temp-T0).ge.-15.) then
1239 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-10.) / 5.
1240 rimec1 = dum*(0.005) + (1.-dum)*(0.0066)
1241 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-5.and.(temp-T0).ge.-10.) then
1242 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-5.) / 5.
1243 rimec1 = dum*(0.0066) + (1.-dum)*(0.012)
1244 elseif((temp-T0).ge.-5.) then
1247 gdenavgr(cc) = (1000.*(0.8*tanh(rimec1*qi_qr_nrd(cc)/qi_qr_nrm(cc))+0.1))
1249 if((temp-T0).gt.-5..and.(temp-T0).le.0.) then
1250 dum = (abs((temp-T0))-0.) / 5.
1251 gdenavgr(cc) = dum*gdenavgr(cc) + (1.-dum)*900.
1254 if((temp-T0).gt.0..or..NOT.dry_growth(cc)) then
1257 !.. Keep rime density between 50 and 900 kg m^03
1258 gdenavgr(cc) = max(gdenavgr(cc),50.)
1259 gdenavgr(cc) = min(gdenavgr(cc),900.)
1261 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1262 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1264 !.. Change in r-axs from riming (based on rime density)
1265 rimedrr = max(((qi_qr_nrm(cc)/gdenavgr(cc))/((gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu)* &
1266 4.*PI*rni(cc)**2)),0.)
1267 rnfr = rnfr + max((rimedrr*nr(k)*rhoair(k)),0.)*dt
1269 endif !.. End ice-rain rime density calculation
1271 !.. Caculate the volume after riming
1272 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1273 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1274 vfr = fourthirdspi*rnfr**3*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1276 rnfr= max(rnfr,rni(cc))
1278 !.. Determine the fraction of rime mass from cloud versus small rain drops
1279 !.. Update the ice density and iwc
1280 if(rimetotal(cc).gt.0.and.vfr.gt.vi) then
1281 qcrimefrac(cc) = rimesum(cc)/rimetotal(cc)
1282 qcrimefrac(cc) = max(qcrimefrac(cc),0.)
1283 qcrimefrac(cc) = min(qcrimefrac(cc),1.)
1284 gdentotal = qcrimefrac(cc)*gdenavg(cc) + (1.-qcrimefrac(cc))*gdenavgr(cc)
1285 rhobarrime = rhobar(cc)
1286 rhorimeout(cc) = (rhobar(cc)*(vi/vfr))+(gdentotal*(1.-(vi/vfr)))
1287 rhorimeout(cc) = min(rhorimeout(cc),RHOI)
1288 iwcfr = rhorimeout(cc) * vfr * nim3dum
1289 rhorimeout(cc) = gdentotal
1290 rhorimeout(cc) = min(rhorimeout(cc),RHOI)
1296 !.. For dry growth the drops freeze on contace and one axis (the axis perpendicular to the
1297 !.. fall direction) grows
1298 if(dry_growth(cc)) then
1302 if(rimetotal(cc).gt.0.and.vfr.gt.vi) then
1303 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
1304 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1305 phibr = cni(cc)/ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1306 if(phibr.eq.1.) then !.. Spherical ice
1310 elseif(phibr.gt.1.25) then !.. Prolate ice
1311 phifr = phibr*(((rnfr/rni(cc))**3)**(-0.5))
1312 anfr = (ani(cc)/rni(cc)**(1.5))*rnfr**(1.5)
1313 elseif(phibr.lt.0.8) then !.. Oblate ice
1314 phifr = phibr*(rnfr/rni(cc))**3
1315 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
1316 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1317 cnfr = phifr*anfr*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
1319 phifr = phibr !.. Constant aspect ratio if quasi-spherical
1320 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
1321 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1322 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1323 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1324 anfr = ((vfr*gamma_tab(gi))/(fourthirdspi*phifr*gamma_tab(gi2)))**0.3333333333
1325 cnfr = phifr*anfr*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
1328 !.. For long time steps, riming can cause oblate ice to become prolate or vise versa
1329 !.. This prevents that from occuring
1330 if(phibr.le.1..and.phifr.gt.1.) then
1332 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
1333 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1334 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1335 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1336 anfr = ((vfr*gamma_tab(gi))/(fourthirdspi*phifr*gamma_tab(gi2)))**0.3333333333
1337 cnfr = phifr*anfr*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
1340 if(phibr.ge.1..and.phifr.lt.1.) then
1342 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
1343 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1344 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1345 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1346 anfr = ((vfr*gamma_tab(gi))/(fourthirdspi*phifr*gamma_tab(gi2)))**0.3333333333
1347 cnfr = phifr*anfr*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
1349 endif !.. End axis evolution from riming
1351 !.. Don't let the axes shrink from riming
1352 cnfr=max(cnfr,cni(cc))
1353 anfr=max(anfr,ani(cc))
1355 !.. Riming mass growth and axes rates
1356 prdr(cc)=(iwcfr-iwci)*i_rhoair(k)*i_dt
1357 ardr(cc)=(2.*(anfr-ani(cc))*cni(cc)+(cnfr-cni(cc))*ani(cc))*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)*i_dt
1358 crdr(cc)=(2.*(cnfr-cni(cc))*ani(cc)+(anfr-ani(cc))*cni(cc))*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)*i_dt
1360 !.. These can never be negative
1361 prdr(cc) = max(prdr(cc),0.)
1362 ardr(cc) = max(ardr(cc),0.)
1363 crdr(cc) = max(crdr(cc),0.)
1365 !.. If no rime mass, no axis growth
1366 if(prdr(cc).eq.0.0) then
1373 !.. For wet growth, mass is added but soaks into the particle and thus
1374 !.. the density increases but the size does not
1375 prdr(cc)=(iwcfr-iwci)*i_rhoair(k)*i_dt
1379 endif !.. End dry versus wet growth
1383 !.. Melting: ice shapes become more spherical
1384 qmlt(cc)=2.*PI*(kt*fh(cc)*(T0-temp)+rhoair(cc)*xxlv*dv*fv(cc)*(qs0-qv(k)))/ &
1385 xxlf*(ni(cc,k)*NU*max(ani(cc),cni(cc))) - &
1386 (CPW/xxlf*(temp-T0)*(rimetotal(cc)/rhoair(k) + dQImltri(cc)))
1388 qmlt(cc)=min(qmlt(cc),0.)
1389 qmlt(cc)=max(qmlt(cc),(-qi(cc,k)*i_dt))
1391 !.. Don't let small very number mixing ratios (large sizes) cause ice precipitation
1392 if(qmlt(cc).lt.0.) then
1393 if(ai(cc,k).lt.1.e-12.or.ci(cc,k).lt.1.e-12) then
1394 qmlt(cc)=-qi(cc,k)*i_dt
1398 nmlt(cc) = max((-ni(cc,k)*i_dt),(ni(cc,k)*qmlt(cc)/qi(cc,k)-dNmltri(cc)))
1400 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1401 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1402 tmpmelt=fourthirdspi*alphstr*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1404 amlt(cc) = (1./tmpmelt)*(1./rhobar(cc))*qmlt(cc) + ai(cc,k)*nmlt(cc)/ni(cc,k)
1405 cmlt(cc) = amlt(cc)*cni(cc)/ani(cc)*(1.+(2.*deltastr(cc)))/(2.+deltastr(cc))
1408 enddo !.. End the loop over ice speices
1409 endif !.. End if ice
1411 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1412 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1413 !.. Nucleation: this occurs outside of the ice species loop
1415 !.. Freeze evertying at temperatures below -35C
1416 !.. That is how it happens in nature, right?
1417 if(FREEZE_QC.and.qc(k).gt.QSMALL.and.temp.lt.(T0-35.)) then
1422 if(FREEZE_QC.and.qr(k).gt.QSMALL.and.temp.lt.(T0-35.)) then
1427 !.. Bigg (1953) freezing below -4C
1428 if(qr(k).gt.QSMALL.and.temp.lt.(T0-4.)) then
1429 nr(k) = max(nr(k),QNSMALL)
1430 lamr = (PI*RHOW*nr(k)/qr(k))**0.333333333
1432 if(lamr.LT.LAMMINR) then
1434 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
1436 elseif(lamr.gt.LAMMAXR) then
1438 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
1442 mbiggr = 20.*PI*PI*RHOW*100.*nr(k)*(exp(0.66*(T0-temp))-1.)/lamr**3/lamr**3
1443 nbiggr = PI*100.*nr(k)*(exp(0.66*(T0-temp))-1.)/lamr**3
1444 mbiggr = min(mbiggr,qr(k)*i_dt)
1445 nbiggr = min(nbiggr,nr(k)*i_dt)
1448 !.. DeMott (2010) PNAS, Heterogeneous nuclation
1449 if(temp.lt.T0.and.sup.ge.0.) then
1451 a_demott = 0.0000594
1456 !.. The 0.03 is the number of large aerosol (>0.5 microns)
1457 !.. See Chagnon and Junge 1962
1458 inrate = a_demott * (273.16 - temp)**b_demott * &
1459 0.03**((c_demott*(273.16 - temp)) + d_demott)
1460 inrate = inrate*1000.0 !.. #/L to #/m^3
1461 inrate = inrate*i_rhoair(k) !.. # kg^-1
1463 if((((ni(ICE1,k)+ni(ICE2,k)+inrate)*rhoair(k))/1000.).le.10000.) then
1464 mnuccd=(inrate)*(fourthirdspi*RHOI*(2.e-6)**3)*i_dt
1467 curnum = (ni(ICE1,k)+ni(ICE2,k))*rhoair(k)/1000.
1468 ratel = max(0.,(10000.-curnum))
1469 ratekg = ratel*1000.*i_rhoair(k)
1470 mnuccd=(ratekg)*(fourthirdspi*RHOI*(2.e-6)**3)*i_dt
1475 !.. Rime splinter (Hallett and Mossop 1974, Nature)
1477 if(temp.lt.270.16.and.temp.gt.265.16) then
1478 if (temp.GT.270.16) then
1480 elseif(temp.le.270.16.and.temp.gt.268.16) then
1481 fmult = (270.16-temp)/2.
1482 elseif(temp.ge.265.16.and.temp.le.268.16) then
1483 fmult = (temp-265.16)/3.
1484 elseif(temp.lt.265.16) then
1490 if(prdr(cc).gt.0.) then
1491 nmult(cc) = 35.E4*prdr(cc)*fmult*1000.
1492 qmult(cc) = nmult(cc)*fourthirdspi*RHOI*(5.e-6)**3
1493 qmult(cc) = min(qmult(cc),prdr(cc))
1494 prdr(cc) = prdr(cc)-qmult(cc)
1499 !.. Aggregation (currently only for T < T0)
1503 ni(cc,k) = max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
1504 ai(cc,k) = max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
1505 ci(cc,k) = max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
1508 !.. Get characteristic diameters for aggregation
1509 dn1 = 2.*((ai(ICE1,k)**2)/(ci(ICE1,k)*ni(ICE1,k)))**0.333333333333
1510 dn2 = 2.*((ci(ICE2,k)**2)/(ai(ICE2,k)*ni(ICE2,k)))**0.333333333333
1511 dn3 = 2.*((ai(ICE3,k)**2)/(ci(ICE3,k)*ni(ICE3,k)))**0.333333333333
1513 dn1 = MIN(dn1,1.e-2)
1514 dn2 = MIN(dn2,1.e-2)
1515 dn3 = MIN(dn3,1.e-2)
1517 dn1 = MAX(dn1,1.e-6)
1518 dn2 = MAX(dn2,1.e-6)
1519 dn3 = MAX(dn3,1.e-6)
1521 !.. Get ice-one and ice-two aspect ratios
1522 !.. Spherical paritcles aggregate at a slower rate than less spherical ones
1523 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(1)
1524 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1525 phiagg1=ci(1,k)/ai(1,k)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1527 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(2)
1528 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1529 phiagg2=ci(2,k)/ai(2,k)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
1531 phiagg1=MIN(phiagg1,100.)
1532 phiagg1=MAX(phiagg1,0.01)
1534 phiagg2=MIN(phiagg2,100.)
1535 phiagg2=MAX(phiagg2,0.01)
1537 !.. Ice-1 and ice-2 mass and number loss to aggregates occurs inside of aggregation
1538 !.. After aggregation, ice-1 and ice-2 bulk distribution properties are adjusted
1539 !.. assuming that aggregation did not cause the original shape and density of the
1540 !.. unaggregated particles to change
1541 if(qi(ICE1,k).gt.1.e-8.or.qi(ICE2,k).gt.1.e-8.or.qi(ICE3,k).gt.1.e-8) then
1542 call aggregation(dt,rhoair(k),temp,qi(ICE1,k),ni(ICE1,k),dn1,qi(ICE2,k),ni(ICE2,k),dn2, &
1543 qi(ICE3,k),ni(ICE3,k),dn3,rhobar(ICE1),rhobar(ICE2),phiagg1,phiagg2,coltab, &
1544 coltabn,qagg(ICE1),qagg(ICE2),qagg(ICE3),nagg(ICE1),nagg(ICE2),nagg(ICE3))
1545 endif !.. If ice mass mixing ratios are high enough to aggregate
1548 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1549 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1550 !.. Warm Microphysics
1552 !.. Get raindrop size distribution parameters
1553 if (qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1554 nr(k) = max(nr(k),QNSMALL)
1555 lamr = (PI*RHOW*nr(k)/qr(k))**0.333333333
1557 if(lamr.LT.LAMMINR) then
1559 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
1561 elseif(lamr.gt.LAMMAXR) then
1563 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
1568 !.. note: nprc1 is change in Nr,
1569 !.. nprc is change in Nc
1571 !.. Auto conversion of cloud water to rain (Khairoutdinov and Kogan 2000)
1572 if(qc(k).ge.1.E-6) then
1573 PRC=1350.*qc(k)**2.47* &
1574 (nc(k)/1.e6*rhoair(k))**(-1.79)
1575 NPRC1 = PRC/(4./3.*PI*RHOW*(25.E-6)**3)
1576 NPRC = PRC/(qc(k)/nc(k))
1577 NPRC = min(NPRC,nc(k)*i_dt)
1578 NPRC1 = min(NPRC1,NPRC)
1581 !.. Accretion of cloud water by rain Khairoutdinov and Kogan 2000)
1583 if(qr(k).ge.1.e-8.and.qc(k).ge.1.e-8) then
1585 PRA = 67.*(DUM)**1.15
1586 NPRA = PRA/(qc(k)/nc(k))
1589 !.. Self-collection (Beheng 1994), Breakup (Verlinde and Cotton 1993)
1590 if(qr(k).ge.1.e-8) then
1592 if(1./lamr.lt.dum1) then
1594 elseif(1./lamr.ge.dum1) then
1595 dum=2.-exp(2300.*(1./lamr-dum1))
1597 nragg = -5.78*dum*nr(k)*qr(k)*rhoair(k)
1600 !.. Evaporation of rain (Rutledge and Hobbs 1983)
1601 if(qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1602 epsr = 2.*PI*n0rr*rhoair(k)*dv* &
1604 F2R*(arn*rhoair(k)/mu)**0.5* &
1605 nsch**0.333333333*(gamma(5./2.+BR/2.))/ &
1606 (lamr**(5./2.+BR/2.)))
1611 if(qv(k).lt.qvs) then
1612 pre = epsr*(qv(k)-qvs)/ab
1614 dumt = temp+xxlv*i_cp*pre*dt
1615 dumqv = qv(k)-pre*dt
1616 dumqvs = 0.622*polysvp(dumt,0)/ &
1617 (pres_e(k)-polysvp(dumt,0))
1618 if(pre.lt.0..and.dumqv/dumqvs.gt.1.) then
1619 pre=(qv(k)-qvs)*i_dt/ab
1625 !.. Rain number mixing ratio loss from evaporation
1632 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1633 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1634 !.. Updates after process-rate calculations
1635 !.. For ice, updates to mass, number, volume, and volume
1636 !.. times aspect ratio occur first for vapor growth,
1637 !.. riming, and melting (shape is predicted to evolve).
1638 !.. Next updates the bulk distribution shapes are done for
1639 !.. nucleation and aggregation. For nucleation, ice particle shape
1640 !.. itself does not change but the distribution shape becomes
1641 !.. more spherical as nucleated particles are added.
1643 !.. Do not over-deplete
1646 !.. First sum the total loss from riming
1649 qcrimesum = qcrimesum + prdr(cc)*qcrimefrac(cc)
1652 sink =(prc+pra+qcrimesum+mim)*dt
1654 if(sink.gt.source.and.qc(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1660 prdr(cc) = prdr(cc)*ratio
1661 ardr(cc) = ardr(cc)*ratio
1662 crdr(cc) = crdr(cc)*ratio
1667 !.. First sum the total loss from riming
1670 qcrimesumr = qcrimesumr + prdr(cc)*(1.-qcrimefrac(cc))
1673 sink = (-pre+qcrimesumr+mimr+mbiggr)*dt
1674 source = qr(k) + (pra+prc)*dt
1676 source = source + (-qmlt(cc)*dt)
1679 sink = sink + (dQRfzri(cc))*dt
1681 if(sink.gt.source.and.qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
1684 prdr(cc) = prdr(cc)*ratio
1685 ardr(cc) = ardr(cc)*ratio
1686 crdr(cc) = crdr(cc)*ratio
1687 qi_qr_nrn(cc)=qi_qr_nrn(cc)*ratio
1688 dQRfzri(cc) = dQRfzri(cc)*ratio
1689 dQIfzri(cc) = dQIfzri(cc)*ratio
1690 dNfzri(cc) = dNfzri(cc)*ratio
1694 mbiggr =mbiggr*ratio
1695 nbiggr =nbiggr*ratio
1700 if(igr.le.1.) then !.. Nucleation initiation to ice 1
1702 sink =(-qmlt(ICE1)-qagg(ICE1))*dt
1703 source=qi(ICE1,k) + (prdr(ICE1))*dt
1704 if(prd(ICE1).gt.0.) then
1705 source = source + prd(ICE1)*dt
1707 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE1))*dt
1710 !.. Added because of ice initiation to ice 1
1711 source = source + (mnuccd+mim+mimr+mbiggr+dQIfzri(ICE2)+dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
1713 source = source + (qmult(cc)+dQRfzri(cc))*dt
1716 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE1,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1718 qmlt(ICE1) = qmlt(ICE1)*ratio
1719 qagg(ICE1) = qagg(ICE1)*ratio
1720 nagg(ICE1) = nagg(ICE1)*ratio
1721 if(prd(ICE1).lt.0.) then
1722 prd(ICE1) = prd(ICE1)*ratio
1727 sink =(dQIfzri(ICE2)-qmlt(ICE2)-qagg(ICE2))*dt
1728 source=qi(ICE2,k) + (prdr(ICE2))*dt
1729 if(prd(ICE2).gt.0.) then
1730 source = source + prd(ICE2)*dt
1732 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE2))*dt
1735 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE2,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1737 dQIfzri(ICE2) = dQIfzri(ICE2)*ratio
1738 dQRfzri(ICE2) = dQRfzri(ICE2)*ratio
1739 dNfzri(ICE2) = dNfzri(ICE2)*ratio
1740 qmlt(ICE2) = qmlt(ICE2)*ratio
1741 qagg(ICE2) = qagg(ICE2)*ratio
1742 nagg(ICE2) = nagg(ICE2)*ratio
1743 if(prd(ICE2).lt.0.) then
1744 prd(ICE2) = prd(ICE2)*ratio
1748 sink =(dQIfzri(ICE3)-qmlt(ICE3))*dt
1749 source=qi(ICE3,k) + (prdr(ICE3)+qagg(ICE3))*dt
1750 if(prd(ICE3).gt.0.) then
1751 source = source + prd(ICE3)*dt
1753 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE3))*dt
1756 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE3,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1758 dQIfzri(ICE3) = dQIfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1759 dQRfzri(ICE3) = dQRfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1760 dNfzri(ICE3) = dNfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1761 qmlt(ICE3) = qmlt(ICE3)*ratio
1762 if(prd(ICE3).lt.0.) then
1763 prd(ICE3) = prd(ICE3)*ratio
1766 else !.. nucleation to ice 2
1768 sink =(-qmlt(ICE2)-qagg(ICE2))*dt
1769 source=qi(ICE2,k) + (prdr(ICE2))*dt
1770 if(prd(ICE2).gt.0.) then
1771 source = source + prd(ICE2)*dt
1773 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE2))*dt
1776 !.. Added because of ice initiation to ice 2
1777 source = source + (mnuccd+mim+mimr+mbiggr+dQIfzri(ICE1)+dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
1779 source = source + (qmult(cc)+dQRfzri(cc))*dt
1782 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE2,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1784 qmlt(ICE2) = qmlt(ICE2)*ratio
1785 qagg(ICE2) = qagg(ICE2)*ratio
1786 nagg(ICE2) = nagg(ICE2)*ratio
1787 if(prd(ICE2).lt.0.) then
1788 prd(ICE2) = prd(ICE2)*ratio
1793 sink =(dQIfzri(ICE1)-qmlt(ICE1)-qagg(ICE1))*dt
1794 source=qi(ICE1,k) + (prdr(ICE1))*dt
1795 if(prd(ICE1).gt.0.) then
1796 source = source + prd(ICE1)*dt
1798 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE1))*dt
1801 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE1,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1803 dQIfzri(ICE1) = dQIfzri(ICE1)*ratio
1804 dQRfzri(ICE1) = dQRfzri(ICE1)*ratio
1805 dNfzri(ICE1) = dNfzri(ICE1)*ratio
1806 qmlt(ICE1) = qmlt(ICE1)*ratio
1807 qagg(ICE1) = qagg(ICE1)*ratio
1808 nagg(ICE1) = nagg(ICE1)*ratio
1809 if(prd(ICE1).lt.0.) then
1810 prd(ICE1) = prd(ICE1)*ratio
1814 sink =(dQIfzri(ICE3)-qmlt(ICE3))*dt
1815 source=qi(ICE3,k) + (prdr(ICE3)+qagg(ICE3))*dt
1816 if(prd(ICE3).gt.0.) then
1817 source = source + prd(ICE3)*dt
1819 sink = sink + (-prd(ICE3))*dt
1822 if(sink.gt.source.and.qi(ICE3,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1824 dQIfzri(ICE3) = dQIfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1825 dQRfzri(ICE3) = dQRfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1826 dNfzri(ICE3) = dNfzri(ICE3)*ratio
1827 qmlt(ICE3) = qmlt(ICE3)*ratio
1828 if(prd(ICE3).lt.0.) then
1829 prd(ICE3) = prd(ICE3)*ratio
1834 !.. Do not let vapor growth of ice create subsaturated conditions
1837 prdsum = prdsum + prd(cc)
1841 source=0.99*sui*qvi/abi*i_dt
1842 if(sink.gt.source.and.sui.gt.0.) then
1846 prd(cc) = prd(cc)*ratio
1853 !.. Vapor growth update
1854 if((qi(cc,k)+(prd(cc))*dt).gt.QSMALL.and.qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1855 rhobar(cc) = rhobar(cc)*(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prd(cc))*dt)) + &
1856 rhodepout(cc)*(1.-(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prd(cc))*dt)))
1860 qi(cc,k)=qi(cc,k)+(prd(cc))*dt
1861 ni(cc,k)=ni(cc,k)+(nrd(cc))*dt
1862 ai(cc,k)=ai(cc,k)+(ard(cc))*dt
1863 ci(cc,k)=ci(cc,k)+(crd(cc))*dt
1865 ni(cc,k) = max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
1866 ai(cc,k) = max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
1867 ci(cc,k) = max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
1869 !.. If vapor growth of ice is going to cause
1870 !.. subsaturated condtions, reduce vapor growth
1871 !.. rates (done above) and rediagnose the axes
1872 if(vgflag.and.qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1873 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
1874 alphv=fourthirdspi*alphstr
1875 betam=2.+deltastr(cc)
1876 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
1877 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
1878 ani(cc)=((qi(cc,k)*gammnu)/(rhobar(cc)*ni(cc,k)*alphv* &
1879 gamma_tab(gi)))**(1./betam)
1880 cni(cc)=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
1881 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1882 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1889 if((qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt).gt.QSMALL) then
1890 if(dry_growth(cc)) then
1891 rhobar(cc) = rhobar(cc)*(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt)) + &
1892 rhorimeout(cc)*(1.-(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt)))
1894 rhobar(cc) = rhobar(cc)*(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt)) + &
1895 RHOW*(1.-(qi(cc,k)/(qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt)))
1896 rhobar(cc) = max(rhobar(cc),RHOI)
1902 qi(cc,k)=qi(cc,k)+(prdr(cc))*dt
1903 ai(cc,k)=ai(cc,k)+(ardr(cc))*dt
1904 ci(cc,k)=ci(cc,k)+(crdr(cc))*dt
1908 !.. Keep everything in bounds after vapor growth and riming
1910 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1911 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
1912 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
1913 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
1914 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
1915 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
1917 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1918 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1920 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
1922 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
1923 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
1924 alphstr, alphv, betam)
1926 dsold(cc) = deltastr(cc)
1930 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1931 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1932 !.. Update to ice after melting
1936 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1937 rhobar(cc) = rhobar(cc)*((qi(cc,k)+(qmlt(cc))*dt)/qi(cc,k)) + &
1938 RHOW*((-qmlt(cc)*dt)/qi(cc,k))
1939 rhobar(cc) = min(rhobar(cc),RHOI)
1944 qi(cc,k)=qi(cc,k)+qmlt(cc)*dt
1945 ni(cc,k)=ni(cc,k)+nmlt(cc)*dt
1946 ai(cc,k)=ai(cc,k)+amlt(cc)*dt
1947 ci(cc,k)=ci(cc,k)+cmlt(cc)*dt
1949 !.. Small masses of leftover ice can become rain
1950 if(qi(cc,k).le.QSMALL) then
1951 qr(k) = qr(k) + qi(cc,k)
1955 !.. Keep everyting in bounds after melting
1956 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
1957 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
1958 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
1959 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
1960 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
1961 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
1963 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1964 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1966 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
1968 !.. Melting should only make the average distribution more spherical
1969 if(dsold(cc).le.1.) then
1970 if(deltastr(cc).lt.dsold(cc)) then
1971 deltastr(cc)=dsold(cc)
1973 if(deltastr(cc).gt.1.) then
1977 if(deltastr(cc).gt.dsold(cc)) then
1978 deltastr(cc)=dsold(cc)
1980 if(deltastr(cc).lt.1.) then
1984 cni(cc)=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
1985 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1986 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
1988 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
1989 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
1990 alphstr, alphv, betam)
1992 dsold(cc) = deltastr(cc)
1993 endif !.. End if ice exists after melting
1994 enddo !.. Loop over all ices species
1995 endif !.. End temperature above melting
1997 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1998 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2000 qv(k)=qv(k)+(-pre-mnuccd)*dt
2002 qv(k)=qv(k)+(-prd(cc))*dt
2006 qc(k)=qc(k)+(-prc-pra-mim)*dt
2008 qc(k) = qc(k)-(prdr(cc)*qcrimefrac(cc)*dt)
2012 qr(k)=qr(k)+(pre+prc+pra-mimr-mbiggr)*dt
2013 nr(k)=nr(k)+(nprc1+nragg+npre-nimr-nbiggr)*dt
2015 qr(k)=qr(k)+((-prdr(cc)*(1.-qcrimefrac(cc)))-qmlt(cc)-dQRfzri(cc))*dt
2016 nr(k)=max((nr(k)+((-qi_qr_nrn(cc)*ni(cc,k)*nr(k)*rhoair(k))-nmlt(cc)-dNfzri(cc))*dt),0.)
2019 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2020 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2021 !.. Store the number before nucleation for later use
2027 !.. Nucleation to ice1 (planar-nuclated)
2028 totalnuc(ICE1) =(mnuccd+mim+mimr+mbiggr+dQIfzri(ICE2)+dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
2029 totalnucn(ICE1)=(nnuccd+nim+nimr+nbiggr+dNfzri(ICE2)+dNfzri(ICE3))*dt
2032 totalnuc(ICE1) =totalnuc(ICE1) + (qmult(cc)+dQRfzri(cc))*dt
2033 totalnucn(ICE1)=totalnucn(ICE1) + (nmult(cc))*dt
2036 qi(ICE1,k)=qi(ICE1,k)+totalnuc(ICE1)
2037 ni(ICE1,k)=ni(ICE1,k)+totalnucn(ICE1)
2039 !.. Loss of ice2 from ice2-rain producing ice1
2040 qi(ICE2,k)=qi(ICE2,k)-(dQIfzri(ICE2))*dt
2041 ni(ICE2,k)=ni(ICE2,k)-(dNfzri(ICE2))*dt
2043 !.. Loss of ice3 from ice3-rain producing ice1
2044 qi(ICE3,k)=qi(ICE3,k)-(dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
2045 ni(ICE3,k)=ni(ICE3,k)-(dNfzri(ICE3))*dt
2048 !.. Nucleation to ice2 (columnar-nucleated)
2049 totalnuc(ICE2) =(mnuccd+mim+mimr+mbiggr+dQIfzri(ICE1)+dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
2050 totalnucn(ICE2)=(nnuccd+nim+nimr+nbiggr+dNfzri(ICE1)+dNfzri(ICE3))*dt
2053 totalnuc(ICE2) =totalnuc(ICE2) + (qmult(cc)+dQRfzri(cc))*dt
2054 totalnucn(ICE2)=totalnucn(ICE2) + (nmult(cc))*dt
2057 qi(ICE2,k)=qi(ICE2,k)+totalnuc(ICE2)
2058 ni(ICE2,k)=ni(ICE2,k)+totalnucn(ICE2)
2060 !.. Loss of ice1 from ice1-rain producing ice2
2061 qi(ICE1,k)=qi(ICE1,k)-(dQIfzri(ICE1))*dt
2062 ni(ICE1,k)=ni(ICE1,k)-(dNfzri(ICE1))*dt
2064 !.. Loss of ice3 from ice3-rain producing ice2
2065 qi(ICE3,k)=qi(ICE3,k)-(dQIfzri(ICE3))*dt
2066 ni(ICE3,k)=ni(ICE3,k)-(dNfzri(ICE3))*dt
2070 !.. Limit ice number concentrations to 1000/L
2072 ni(cc,k)=min(ni(cc,k),(1000.*1000.*i_rhoair(k)))
2075 !.. Final check on rain and fall speed calculation
2076 if (qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
2077 nr(k) = max(nr(k),QNSMALL)
2078 lamr = (PI*RHOW*nr(k)/qr(k))**0.333333333
2080 if(lamr.LT.LAMMINR) then
2082 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
2084 elseif(lamr.gt.LAMMAXR) then
2086 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
2089 vtrn(k) = ARN*(gamma(1.+BR))/LAMR**BR
2090 vtrm(k) = ARN*(gamma(4.+BR))/6./LAMR**BR
2091 vtrn(k) = min(vtrn(k),9.1)
2092 vtrm(k) = min(vtrm(k),9.1)
2094 dbzr = rhoair(k)*nr(k)/lamr**3/lamr**3*720.
2098 !.. If only small mass of rain, push to vapor
2100 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qr(k)*xxlv)*i_cp
2107 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2108 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2110 !.. Check for ice after nucleation and then update density and bulk distribution sizes
2111 if(qi(cc,k).ge.QSMALL) then
2112 ni(cc,k) =max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2113 nucfrac = totalnuc(cc)/qi(cc,k)
2114 nucfrac = min(nucfrac, 1.0)
2115 nucfrac = max(nucfrac, 0.0)
2117 !.. Do not nucleate to aggregates
2122 !.. Update density from nucleation
2123 rhobar(cc) = RHOI*nucfrac + (1.-nucfrac)*rhobar(cc)
2125 !.. Keep everything in bounds
2126 ai(cc,k) =max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2127 ci(cc,k) =max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2128 nibnuc(cc)=max(nibnuc(cc),QNSMALL)
2130 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*nibnuc(cc)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2131 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*nibnuc(cc)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2133 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2134 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2136 aniold(cc) = ani(cc)
2137 cniold(cc) =ao**(1.-dsold(cc))*aniold(cc)**dsold(cc)
2139 !.. Get the size distribution properties of nucleated particles
2140 if(nucfrac.gt.1.e-5.and.totalnucn(cc).gt.0.) then
2142 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2144 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2145 anuc=(((totalnuc(cc)*gammnu)/(RHOI*totalnucn(cc)*fourthirdspi* &
2146 gamma_tab(gi)))**0.3333333)*gamma_tab(gi2)/gamma_tab(gi)
2147 anuc = MAX(anuc,2.e-6)
2148 anuc = MIN(anuc,3.e-3)
2150 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2151 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2152 gamma_arg = NU+3.+deltastr(cc)
2153 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2154 gamma_arg = NU+2.+(2.*deltastr(cc))
2155 gi3=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2157 amass=ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi2)/gamma_tab(gi)
2158 cmass=cni(cc)*gamma_tab(gi3)/gamma_tab(gi)
2160 !.. Mass-weighted size of old distribution and nucleated distribution
2161 amass = amass*(1.-nucfrac) + anuc*nucfrac
2162 cmass = cmass*(1.-nucfrac) + anuc*nucfrac
2164 !.. New ani and cni after nucleation
2165 ani(cc) = max((amass*gamma_tab(gi)/gamma_tab(gi2)),2.e-6)
2166 cni(cc) = max((cmass*gamma_tab(gi)/gamma_tab(gi3)),2.e-6)
2168 !.. New delta* (shape) after nucleation
2169 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2170 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2175 !.. Nucleation should only make the average distribution more spherical
2176 if(dsold(cc).le.1.) then
2177 if(deltastr(cc).lt.dsold(cc)) then
2178 deltastr(cc)=dsold(cc)
2180 if(deltastr(cc).gt.1.) then
2184 if(deltastr(cc).gt.dsold(cc)) then
2185 deltastr(cc)=dsold(cc)
2187 if(deltastr(cc).lt.1.) then
2191 endif !.. End nucleation update distribution properties
2193 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2194 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2195 !.. This needs to be done because of transfer from e.g.
2196 !.. ice1 to ice2 during nucleation.
2197 !.. Assume constant density/delta*, loss of mass and number
2199 !..With the new delta* and density after nucleation re-diagnose a and c
2200 !..Use the old density and deltastr for loss values e.g. q1 = q1 - (transfered to q2)
2202 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
2203 alphv=fourthirdspi*alphstr
2204 betam=2.+deltastr(cc)
2205 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2206 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2207 ani(cc)=((qi(cc,k)*gammnu)/(rhobar(cc)*ni(cc,k)*alphv* &
2208 gamma_tab(gi)))**(1./betam)
2209 cni(cc)=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2211 !.. volume and volume*aspect ratio process rates
2212 ai(cc,k) = ai(cc,k) + cniold(cc)*nibnuc(cc)*2.*aniold(cc)*(ani(cc)-aniold(cc)) + &
2213 nibnuc(cc)*aniold(cc)**2*(cni(cc)-cniold(cc)) + &
2214 aniold(cc)**2*cniold(cc)*(ni(cc,k)-nibnuc(cc))
2216 ci(cc,k) = ci(cc,k) + aniold(cc)*nibnuc(cc)*2.*cniold(cc)*(cni(cc)-cniold(cc)) + &
2217 nibnuc(cc)*cniold(cc)**2*(ani(cc)-aniold(cc)) + &
2218 cniold(cc)**2*aniold(cc)*(ni(cc,k)-nibnuc(cc))
2220 !.. Keep everything in bounds
2221 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2222 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2223 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2225 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2226 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2231 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2232 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2233 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2235 dsold(cc) = deltastr(cc)
2237 !.. Limit the fall speeds here to 25 m s^-1
2238 vtrzi1(cc,k)=min(vtrzi1(cc,k),25.)
2239 vtrmi1(cc,k)=min(vtrmi1(cc,k),25.)
2240 vtrni1(cc,k)=min(vtrni1(cc,k),25.)
2243 !.. If there is no ice even after nucleation,
2244 !.. add remainder to vapor and update temperature
2245 qv(k)=qv(k)+qi(cc,k)
2246 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qi(cc,k)*xxls)*i_cp
2254 endif !.. End check for ice
2255 enddo !.. Loop over all ice species
2257 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2258 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2260 !.. Aggregation occurs similarly to nulceation
2261 !.. We assume that the loss of ice1 and ice2 to aggregates does
2262 !.. not significantly change the shape and density of the
2263 !.. remaining particles. Both ani and cni are updated
2264 !.. with no change to density and delta*.
2265 !.. Aggregation (see Jensen et al. 2017, 2018a, 2018b)
2267 dsold(cc) = deltastr(cc)
2268 nibnuc(cc) = max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2269 qi(cc,k) = qi(cc,k) + qagg(cc)
2270 ni(cc,k) = ni(cc,k) + nagg(cc)
2271 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
2273 !.. Aggregate (unmelted) density and aspect ratio are assumed
2274 !.. Force the shape of aggregates
2279 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2280 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2281 cni(cc)=phiagg3*ani(cc)*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
2283 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2284 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2286 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2287 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2288 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2290 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2291 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2296 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2297 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2298 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2302 !.. Variable check on ice-1 and ice-2 after aggregation
2303 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2304 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2305 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2306 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*nibnuc(cc)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2307 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*nibnuc(cc)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2309 aniold(cc) = ani(cc)
2310 cniold(cc) = cni(cc)
2311 deltastr(cc)= dsold(cc)
2313 !.. Update ice1 and ice2 sizes after aggregation from
2314 !.. updated mass and number mixiing ratios (transfer to aggregates) and an
2315 !.. assumed constant deltastar
2316 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
2317 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2318 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2319 ani(cc) = ((qi(cc,k))/(ni(cc,k)*rhobar(cc)*fourthirdspi*alphstr*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu))**&
2320 (1./(2.+deltastr(cc)))
2321 ani(cc)=max(ani(cc),2.e-6)
2322 cni(cc)=alphstr*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2324 !.. volume and volume*aspect ratio updates
2325 ai(cc,k) = ai(cc,k) + cniold(cc)*nibnuc(cc)*2.*aniold(cc)*(ani(cc)-aniold(cc)) + &
2326 nibnuc(cc)*aniold(cc)**2*(cni(cc)-cniold(cc)) + &
2327 aniold(cc)**2*cniold(cc)*(ni(cc,k)-nibnuc(cc))
2329 ci(cc,k) = ci(cc,k) + aniold(cc)*nibnuc(cc)*2.*cniold(cc)*(cni(cc)-cniold(cc)) + &
2330 nibnuc(cc)*cniold(cc)**2*(ani(cc)-aniold(cc)) + &
2331 cniold(cc)**2*aniold(cc)*(ni(cc,k)-nibnuc(cc))
2333 !.. Keep everything in bounds
2334 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2335 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2336 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2338 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2339 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2344 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2345 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2346 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2349 endif !.. If ice exist
2350 enddo !.. Loop over all species
2351 endif !.. If temperature < 273.15 K
2353 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2354 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2355 !.. Update the thermodynamics
2356 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*((mnuccd)*xxls*i_cp*dt)
2358 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*((prd(cc))*xxls*i_cp*dt)
2359 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*((qmlt(cc))*xxlf*i_cp*dt)
2362 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(pre*xxlv)*i_cp*dt
2365 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(mim+mimr+mbiggr)*xxlf*i_cp*dt
2368 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(prdr(cc)+dQRfzri(cc))*xxlf*i_cp*dt
2372 temp = theta(k)/(100000./pres_e(k))**(RCP)
2374 qvs = 0.622*polysvp(temp,0)/(pres_e(k)-polysvp(temp,0))
2375 xxlv = 3.1484E6-2370.*temp
2376 rhoair(k)= pres_e(k)/(RD*temp)
2377 i_rhoair(k) = 1./rhoair(k)
2379 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2380 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2381 !.. Saturation adjustment for qc
2382 pcc = (qv(k)-qvs) / (1.0 + xxlv**2*qvs/(CP*rv*temp**2))*i_dt
2383 if (pcc*dt+qc(k).lt.0.) then
2386 theta(k)=theta(k) + theta(k)*i_temp*pcc*xxlv*i_cp*dt
2387 qv(k) = qv(k) - pcc*dt
2388 qc(k) = qc(k) + pcc*dt
2390 if(qc(k).le.QSMALL) then
2392 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qc(k)*xxlv)*i_cp
2397 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2398 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2399 !.. Cloud water effective radius
2401 sig = log(lrsig) !.. Distribution standard deviation
2402 lwc = qc(k)*rhoair(k) !.. liquid water content
2403 ncm3dum = nc(k)*rhoair(k)
2405 if(ncm3dum .gt. 0.) then
2406 r_n = ((lwc)/(fourthirdspi*ncm3dum*RHOW*exp(4.5*(sig**2))))**(0.33333333333)
2411 effc1d(k) = r_n * (5.*EXP((sig**2)/2.))
2412 effc1d(k) = MIN(effc1d(k),50.e-6)
2413 effc1d(k) = MAX(effc1d(k),2.51e-6)
2415 ! For now, assume cloud droplet fallspeed is zero
2419 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2420 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2421 !.. Final check on ice before sedimentation
2424 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
2425 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2426 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2427 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2428 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2429 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2431 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2432 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2434 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2436 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2437 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2438 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2440 !.. Final check on aggregates
2445 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2446 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2447 cni(cc)=phiagg3*ani(cc)*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
2449 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2450 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2453 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2454 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2458 !.. Keep aggregates spherical or oblate (for now)
2459 deltastr(cc) = min(deltastr(cc),1.)
2461 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
2462 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2463 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2464 ani(cc) = ((qi(cc,k))/(ni(cc,k)*rhobar(cc)*fourthirdspi*alphstr*&
2465 gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu))**(1./(2.+deltastr(cc)))
2467 ani(cc) = max(ani(cc),2.e-6)
2468 cni(cc)=alphstr*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2470 !.. Final check on aggregate size (implicit breakup)
2471 if(ani(cc).gt.0.5e-3) then
2473 cni(cc)=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2474 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2475 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2476 ni(cc,k) = (qi(cc,k))/(rhobar(cc)*fourthirdspi*ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))* &
2477 ani(cc)**(2.+deltastr(cc))*gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu)
2478 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2481 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2482 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2484 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2485 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2486 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2488 endif ! Check on aggregates
2490 !.. Fall speed moved to here
2491 !.. See Harrington et al. 2013 and Mitchell and Heymsfield 2005
2495 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2496 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2497 phiivt = cni(cc)/ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
2498 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
2500 !.. Determine coefficeients for the Best number for fall speeds
2501 if(phiivt.lt.1.0)then
2506 qe = (1.-phiivt)*(rhobar(cc)/RHOI) + phiivt
2507 else if(phiivt .gt. 1.0)then
2511 ba = deltastr(cc) + 1.
2513 else if(phiivt .eq. 1.0)then
2522 !.. Fall speed and ventilation (Best number formulation)
2523 xn = 2./rhobar(cc)*(rhobar(cc)-rhoair(k))*G_HOME*rhoair(k)/mu**2 * &
2524 (fourthirdspi*rhobar(cc))*alphstr*al**2/(aa*qe) * qe**(3./4.)
2525 bx = deltastr(cc)+2.+2.*bl-ba
2527 !.. Number-average Best Number
2528 xm = xn*ani(cc)**bx * (gamma(NU+bx))*i_gammnu
2530 !.. The following fall speed coefficients are from
2531 !.. Mitchell and Heymsfiled 2005
2532 f_c1 = 4.0 / (5.83 * 5.83 * SQRT(0.6))
2533 f_c2 = (5.83 * 5.83) / 4.0
2534 bm = ((f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) / &
2535 (2.0 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0) * &
2536 (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm))))) - &
2538 (f_c2 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0)**2.0)
2539 am = ((f_c2 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0)**2.0) - &
2540 (1.0e-5 * xm)) / (xm**bm)
2550 !.. Number-averaged ice fall speed
2551 vtrni1(cc,k) = min((mu/rhoair(k)*0.5 * am*(xn)**bm*ani(cc)**(bx*bm-1.) * &
2552 (gamma(NU+bx*bm-1.))*i_gammnu),25.)
2554 !.. Mass-averaged ice fall speed
2555 vtrmi1(cc,k) = min((mu/rhoair(k)*0.5 * am*(xn)**bm*ani(cc)**(bx*bm-1.) * &
2556 (gamma(NU+bx*bm-1.+2.+deltastr(cc)))/(gamma(NU+2.+deltastr(cc)))),25.)
2558 !.. Remove size sorting when melting
2559 if(temp.gt.T0.and.qmlt(cc).lt.0.) then
2560 vtrni1(cc,k) = vtrmi1(cc,k)
2563 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2564 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2565 !.. Determine the ice radiative properties
2566 !.. For simlicity this is
2567 !.. Planar ice: integral of a^2c / integral of a^2
2568 !.. Columnar ice: integral of a^2c / integral of a*c
2570 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2571 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2572 phirad = cni(cc)/ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
2573 if(phirad.le.1.) then
2574 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2575 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2577 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2578 effi(cc,k) = cni(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)/gamma_tab(gi2)
2580 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2581 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2582 gamma_arg = NU+1.+deltastr(cc)
2583 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2584 effi(cc,k) = ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)/gamma_tab(gi2)
2587 !.. For advection use volume and volume times aspect ratio mixing ratios
2588 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2589 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2591 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2592 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2593 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2596 !.. If not enough ice convert to vapor
2597 qv(k)=qv(k)+qi(cc,k)
2598 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qi(cc,k)*xxls)*i_cp
2606 endif !.. If ice exists
2608 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2609 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2610 !.. Output diagnostics
2611 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2612 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2614 !.. For aspect ratio diagnostic set lower size limit
2615 if(ai(cc,k).gt.1.e-12.and.ci(cc,k).gt.1.e-12.and. &
2616 ani(cc).gt.2.e-6.and.cni(cc).gt.2.e-6.and.qi(cc,k).gt.1.e-9) then
2617 phii1d(cc,k) = cni(cc)/ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
2618 rhopo1d(cc,k) = rhobar(cc)
2621 gamma_arg = NU+3.+deltastr(cc)
2622 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2623 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2624 gi2=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2625 gamma_arg = NU+2.+(2.*deltastr(cc))
2626 gi3=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2628 if(ai(cc,k).gt.1.e-12.and.ci(cc,k).gt.1.e-12.and. &
2629 ani(cc).gt.2.e-6.and.cni(cc).gt.2.e-6.and.qi(cc,k).gt.1.e-9) then
2630 di1d(cc,k) = MAX((2.*ani(cc)*gamma_tab(gi)/gamma_tab(gi2)), &
2631 (2.*cni(cc)*gamma_tab(gi3)/gamma_tab(gi2)))
2632 vmi1d(cc,k) = vtrmi1(cc,k)
2635 if(ni(cc,k).gt.0..and.ani(cc).gt.0.) then
2636 vtrzi1(cc,k) = 0.176/0.93*(6./PI)**2*((fourthirdspi*rhobar(cc)* &
2637 (ao)**(1.-deltastr(cc)))/(2.**(2.+deltastr(cc))))**2 * &
2638 rhoair(k)/900./900.*ni(cc,k)*(2.*ani(cc))**(2.*(2.+deltastr(cc))) * &
2639 gamma(NU+2.*(2.+deltastr(cc)))*i_gammnu
2640 vtrzi1(cc,k) = 1.e18*vtrzi1(cc,k)
2644 enddo !.. Loop over all ice species
2646 dbzsum = dbzr + vtrzi1(ICE1,k) + vtrzi1(ICE2,k) + vtrzi1(ICE3,k)
2647 if(dbzsum.ne.0.) then
2648 dbz1d(k) = 10.*Log10(dbzsum)
2649 dbz1d(k) = MAX(-35.,dbz1d(k))
2652 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2653 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2654 !.. Ice effective radius is a mass-weighting of all ice species
2657 totaliwc = totaliwc + qi(cc,k)
2659 if(totaliwc.gt.0.) then
2660 radw1 = MAX((MIN((qi(ICE1,k)/totaliwc),1.)),0.)
2661 radw2 = MAX((MIN((qi(ICE2,k)/totaliwc),1.)),0.)
2662 radw3 = MAX((MIN((qi(ICE3,k)/totaliwc),1.)),0.)
2663 effi1d(k) = MAX((MIN((effi(ICE1,k)*radw1 + effi(ICE2,k)*radw2 + &
2664 effi(ICE3,k)*radw3),999.e-6)),5.e-6)
2669 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2670 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2671 !.. Check for rain or ice to do sedimentation
2672 if(qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
2676 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
2681 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2682 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2686 !.. If we don't do all of the above
2687 !.. Push to vapor and get density for seimentation in the column
2689 xxls = 3.15e6-2370.*temp+0.3337e6
2690 xxlv = 3.1484E6-2370.*temp
2693 rhoair(k)= pres_e(k)/(RD*temp)
2694 i_rhoair(k) = 1./rhoair(k)
2696 qv(k)=qv(k)+qc(k)+qr(k)
2697 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*((qc(k)+qr(k))*xxlv)*i_cp
2699 qv(k)=qv(k)+qi(cc,k)
2700 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*((qi(cc,k))*xxls)*i_cp
2726 endif !.. If domicro
2727 enddo !.. do k = kts, kte
2729 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2730 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2731 !.. Sedimentation (Reisner et al. 1998)
2732 !.. Fallout terms are calculated on split time steps to ensure numerical stability (Courant < 1)
2740 !.. Calculate number of split timesteps
2741 maxfall = MAX(vtrmi1(ICE1,k),vtrni1(ICE1,k),vtrmi1(ICE2,k),vtrni1(ICE2,k), &
2742 vtrmi1(ICE3,k),vtrni1(ICE3,k),vtrm(k),vtrn(k))
2743 nstep = MAX(INT(maxfall*dt/dzmic(k)+1.),nstep)
2746 qi(cc,k) = qi(cc,k)*rhoair(k)
2747 ni(cc,k) = ni(cc,k)*rhoair(k)
2748 ai(cc,k) = ai(cc,k)*rhoair(k)
2749 ci(cc,k) = ci(cc,k)*rhoair(k)
2752 qr(k) = qr(k)*rhoair(k)
2753 nr(k) = nr(k)*rhoair(k)
2760 fluxqi(cc,k) = vtrmi1(cc,k)*qi(cc,k)
2761 fluxni(cc,k) = vtrni1(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)
2762 fluxai(cc,k) = vtrmi1(cc,k)*ai(cc,k)
2763 fluxci(cc,k) = vtrmi1(cc,k)*ci(cc,k)
2766 fluxqr(k) = vtrm(k)*qr(k)
2767 fluxnr(k) = vtrn(k)*nr(k)
2771 falltndqi(cc) = fluxqi(cc,KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2772 falltndni(cc) = fluxni(cc,KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2773 falltndai(cc) = fluxai(cc,KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2774 falltndci(cc) = fluxci(cc,KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2776 falltndqr = fluxqr(KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2777 falltndnr = fluxnr(KTE)/dzmic(KTE)
2780 qi(cc,KTE) = qi(cc,KTE)-falltndqi(cc)*dt/nstep
2781 ni(cc,KTE) = ni(cc,KTE)-falltndni(cc)*dt/nstep
2782 ai(cc,KTE) = ai(cc,KTE)-falltndai(cc)*dt/nstep
2783 ci(cc,KTE) = ci(cc,KTE)-falltndci(cc)*dt/nstep
2785 qr(KTE) = qr(KTE)-falltndqr*dt/nstep
2786 nr(KTE) = nr(KTE)-falltndnr*dt/nstep
2791 falltndqi(cc) = (fluxqi(cc,k+1)-fluxqi(cc,k))/dzmic(k)
2792 falltndni(cc) = (fluxni(cc,k+1)-fluxni(cc,k))/dzmic(k)
2793 falltndai(cc) = (fluxai(cc,k+1)-fluxai(cc,k))/dzmic(k)
2794 falltndci(cc) = (fluxci(cc,k+1)-fluxci(cc,k))/dzmic(k)
2797 falltndqr = (fluxqr(k+1)-fluxqr(k))/dzmic(k)
2798 falltndnr = (fluxnr(k+1)-fluxnr(k))/dzmic(k)
2801 qi(cc,k) = qi(cc,k)+falltndqi(cc)*dt/nstep
2802 ni(cc,k) = ni(cc,k)+falltndni(cc)*dt/nstep
2803 ai(cc,k) = ai(cc,k)+falltndai(cc)*dt/nstep
2804 ci(cc,k) = ci(cc,k)+falltndci(cc)*dt/nstep
2810 !.. Ice precipitation rate
2811 if(k.eq.kts.and.qi(cc,k).gt.1.e-9) then
2812 qipre1d(cc) = qipre1d(cc)+fluxqi(cc,k)*dt/nstep
2816 qr(k) = qr(k)+falltndqr*dt/nstep
2817 nr(k) = nr(k)+falltndnr*dt/nstep
2819 !.. Rain precipitation rate
2820 if(k.eq.kts.and.qr(k).gt.1.e-9) then
2821 qrpre1d = qrpre1d + fluxqr(k)*dt/nstep
2828 qi(cc,k) = qi(cc,k)*i_rhoair(k)
2829 ni(cc,k) = ni(cc,k)*i_rhoair(k)
2830 ai(cc,k) = ai(cc,k)*i_rhoair(k)
2831 ci(cc,k) = ci(cc,k)*i_rhoair(k)
2833 qr(k) = qr(k)*i_rhoair(k)
2834 nr(k) = nr(k)*i_rhoair(k)
2838 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2839 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2840 !.. Check after sedimentation
2842 temp = theta(k)/(100000./pres_e(k))**(RCP)
2844 xxls = 3.15e6-2370.*temp+0.3337e6
2845 xxlv = 3.1484E6-2370.*temp
2848 if(qi(cc,k).gt.QSMALL) then
2850 !.. Keep variables in bounds
2851 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2852 ai(cc,k)=max(ai(cc,k),QASMALL)
2853 ci(cc,k)=max(ci(cc,k),QASMALL)
2854 ani(cc) =max((((ai(cc,k)**2)/(ci(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2855 cni(cc) =max((((ci(cc,k)**2)/(ai(cc,k)*ni(cc,k)))**0.333333333333),2.e-6)
2857 !.. Set incoming limit after sedimentation
2858 !.. smallest values for which we care about shape
2859 if(ai(cc,k).lt.1.e-12.or.ci(cc,k).lt.1.e-12) then
2860 ai(cc,k)=min(ai(cc,k),ci(cc,k))
2862 ani(cc)=(ai(cc,k)/ni(cc,k))**0.3333333333
2863 cni(cc)=(ci(cc,k)/ni(cc,k))**0.3333333333
2866 if(ani(cc).lt.2.e-6.or.cni(cc).lt.2.e-6) then
2871 ci(cc,k) = cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2872 ai(cc,k) = ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2874 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2876 !.. Final check on aggregates
2881 gamma_arg = NU-1.+deltastr(cc)
2882 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2883 cni(cc)=phiagg3*ani(cc)*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
2886 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2887 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2889 if(ani(cc).gt.(1.1*ao).and.cni(cc).gt.(1.1*ao)) then
2890 deltastr(cc)=(log(cni(cc))-log(ao))/(log(ani(cc))-log(ao))
2894 !.. Keep aggregates spherical or oblate (for now)
2895 deltastr(cc) = min(deltastr(cc),1.)
2897 alphstr=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))
2898 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2899 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2900 ani(cc) = ((qi(cc,k))/(ni(cc,k)*rhobar(cc)*fourthirdspi*alphstr*&
2901 gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu))**(1./(2.+deltastr(cc)))
2903 ani(cc) = max(ani(cc),2.e-6)
2904 cni(cc)=alphstr*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2906 !.. Final check on aggregate size (implicit breakup)
2907 if(ani(cc).gt.0.5e-3) then
2909 cni(cc)=ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))*ani(cc)**deltastr(cc)
2910 gamma_arg = NU+2.+deltastr(cc)
2911 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2912 ni(cc,k) = (qi(cc,k))/(rhobar(cc)*fourthirdspi*ao**(1.-deltastr(cc))* &
2913 ani(cc)**(2.+deltastr(cc))*gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu)
2914 ni(cc,k)=max(ni(cc,k),QNSMALL)
2917 ai(cc,k)=ani(cc)**2*cni(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2918 ci(cc,k)=cni(cc)**2*ani(cc)*ni(cc,k)
2920 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2921 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2922 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2924 endif !.. Check on aggregates
2926 call var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qi(cc,k), deltastr(cc), &
2927 ani(cc), cni(cc), rni(cc), rhobar(cc), ni(cc,k), ai(cc,k), ci(cc,k), &
2928 alphstr, alphv, betam)
2931 qv(k)=qv(k)+qi(cc,k)
2932 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qi(cc,k)*xxls)*i_cp
2940 if(qr(k).gt.QSMALL) then
2941 nr(k) = max(nr(k),QNSMALL)
2942 lamr = (PI*RHOW*nr(k)/qr(k))**0.333333333
2944 if(lamr.LT.LAMMINR) then
2946 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
2948 elseif(lamr.gt.LAMMAXR) then
2950 n0rr = lamr**4*qr(k)/(PI*RHOW)
2955 theta(k)=theta(k)+theta(k)*i_temp*(qr(k)*xxlv)*i_cp
2962 end subroutine me_ishmael
2964 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2965 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2966 !.. This subroutine keeps the ice properties in check
2968 subroutine var_check(NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qidum, dsdum, ani, &
2969 cni, rni, rbdum, nidum, aidum, cidum, alphstr, alphv, betam)
2973 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: NU, ao, fourthirdspi, gammnu, qidum
2974 REAL :: voltmp, maxsize, gamma_arg
2976 REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: dsdum, ani, cni, rbdum, nidum, aidum, cidum
2977 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: rni, alphstr, alphv, betam
2980 if(dsdum.lt.0.55) then
2982 ani=(cni/(ao**(1.-dsdum)))**(1./dsdum)
2983 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
2984 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
2985 else if (dsdum.gt.1.3) then
2987 cni=ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**dsdum
2988 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
2989 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
2992 alphstr=ao**(1.-dsdum)
2993 alphv = fourthirdspi*alphstr
2995 gamma_arg = NU+2.+dsdum
2996 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
2998 !.. Ice density check
2999 !.. Keep ice density between 50 and RHOI=920 kg m^-3
3000 if(ani.gt.2.e-6) then
3001 rbdum = qidum*gammnu/(nidum*alphv* &
3002 ani**betam*gamma_tab(gi))
3007 if(rbdum.gt.RHOI) then
3009 ani=((qidum*gammnu)/(rbdum*nidum*alphv* &
3010 gamma_tab(gi)))**(1./betam)
3011 cni=ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**dsdum
3012 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
3013 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
3014 elseif(rbdum.lt.50.) then
3016 ani=((qidum*gammnu)/(rbdum*nidum*alphv* &
3017 gamma_tab(gi)))**(1./betam)
3018 cni=ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**dsdum
3019 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
3020 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
3024 !.. Keep rni > 2 microns
3025 rni= (qidum*3./(nidum*rbdum*4.*PI* &
3026 (gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu)))**0.333333333333
3027 if(rni.lt.2.e-6) then
3029 nidum=3.*qidum*gammnu/(4.*pi*rbdum*rni**3* &
3031 ani=((qidum*gammnu)/(rbdum*nidum*alphv* &
3032 gamma_tab(gi)))**(1./betam)
3033 cni=ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**dsdum
3034 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
3035 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
3039 !.. This is a number weighted diameter of 8 mm and
3040 !.. a spherical mass weighted diameter of 14 mm
3041 maxsize = max(ani,cni)
3042 if (maxsize.gt.1.e-3) then
3045 nidum=qidum*gammnu/(fourthirdspi*rbdum*ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**(2.+dsdum)* &
3047 cni=ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**dsdum
3048 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
3049 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
3052 ani = (cni/(ao**(1.-dsdum)))**(1./dsdum)
3053 nidum=qidum*gammnu/(fourthirdspi*rbdum*ao**(1.-dsdum)*ani**(2.+dsdum)* &
3055 aidum=ani**2*cni*nidum
3056 cidum=cni**2*ani*nidum
3058 rni= (qidum/(nidum*rbdum*fourthirdspi* &
3059 (gamma_tab(gi)/gammnu)))**0.333333333333
3063 end subroutine var_check
3065 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3066 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3067 !.. This is the ventilation, fall speed, vapor growth routine
3068 !.. See Harrington et al. 2013
3070 subroutine vaporgrow(dt, ani, cni, rni, igr, nidum, temp, rimesum, presdum, &
3071 NU, alphstr, sui, sup, qvs, qvi, mu, iwci, rhodum, qidum, dv, kt, ao, &
3072 nsch, npr, gammnu, i_gammnu, fourthirdspi, svpi, xxls, xxlv, xxlf, &
3073 capgam, vtbarb, vtbarbm, vtbarbz, anf, cnf, rnf, iwcf, fvdum, fhdum, &
3074 rbdum, dsdum, rdout, dsdumout)
3079 real, parameter :: QASMALL= 1.e-19 ! Smallest ice size for sublimation (squared)
3080 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dt, ani, cni, rni, igr, nidum, temp, presdum
3081 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: NU, alphstr, mu, iwci, rhodum, qidum
3082 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dv, kt, ao, nsch, npr, gammnu, i_gammnu, fourthirdspi, svpi
3083 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: xxls, xxlv, xxlf, capgam, rimesum, sui, sup, qvs, qvi, dsdum
3084 REAL :: gammnubet, phii, fs, alphanr, bl, al, aa, ba
3085 REAL :: xn, bx, xm, am, bm, f_c1, f_c2, del1, del2, alpha, afn, del
3086 REAL :: xvent, ntherm, bv1, bv2, gv, bt1, bt2, gt, vtbranch, rhodep
3087 REAL :: videp, vmin, betavol, vi, vf, cf, maxsui, qe, Nre, phif, gamma_arg, rbdumtmp
3089 REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: vtbarb, vtbarbm, vtbarbz
3090 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: anf, cnf, rnf, iwcf, rdout
3091 REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: fvdum, fhdum, dsdumout, rbdum
3097 gamma_arg = NU-1.+dsdum
3098 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
3099 phii = cni/ani*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
3101 alphanr = ani/rni**(3./(2.+igr))
3103 !.. Determine coefficeients for the Best number for fall speeds
3109 qe = (1.-phii)*(rbdum/RHOI) + phii
3110 else if(phii .gt. 1.0)then
3116 else if(phii .eq. 1.0)then
3125 !.. Fall speed and ventilation (Best number formulation)
3126 xn = 2./rbdum*(rbdum-rhodum)*G_HOME*rhodum/mu**2 * &
3127 (fourthirdspi*rbdum)*alphstr*al**2/(aa*qe) * qe**(3./4.)
3128 bx = dsdum+2.+2.*bl-ba
3130 !.. Number-average Best Number
3131 xm = xn*ani**bx * (gamma(nu+bx))*i_gammnu
3133 !.. The following fall speed coefficients are from
3134 !.. Mitchell and Heymsfiled 2005
3135 f_c1 = 4.0 / (5.83 * 5.83 * SQRT(0.6))
3136 f_c2 = (5.83 * 5.83) / 4.0
3137 bm = ((f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) / &
3138 (2.0 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0) * &
3139 (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm))))) - &
3141 (f_c2 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0)**2.0)
3142 am = ((f_c2 * (SQRT(1.0 + f_c1 * SQRT(xm)) - 1.0)**2.0) - &
3143 (1.0e-5 * xm)) / (xm**bm)
3153 !.. Number-averaged ice fall speed
3154 vtbarb = mu/rhodum*0.5 * am*(xn)**bm*ani**(bx*bm-1.) * &
3155 (gamma(nu+bx*bm-1.))*i_gammnu
3157 !.. Mass-averaged ice fall speed
3158 vtbarbm = mu/rhodum*0.5 * am*(xn)**bm*ani**(bx*bm-1.) * &
3159 (gamma(nu+bx*bm-1.+2.+dsdum))/(gamma(nu+2.+dsdum))
3161 !.. Reflectivity-weighted fall speed (if needed)
3162 vtbarbz = mu/rhodum*0.5 * am*(xn)**bm*ani**(bx*bm-1.) * &
3163 exp(gammln(nu+bx*bm-1.+4.+2.*dsdum))/exp(gammln(nu+4.+2.*dsdum))
3165 !.. Calculate Ventilation
3166 xvent = nsch**0.333333333*Nre**0.5
3167 ntherm = Nre**0.5*npr**0.333333333
3168 if(xvent.le.1.0)then
3177 if(ntherm.lt.1.4)then
3186 fvdum = bv1 + bv2*xvent**gv
3187 fhdum = bt1 + bt2*ntherm**gt
3189 if(temp.le.T0) then !.. If T < T0 do vapor growth/sublimation (otherwise assume water on surface)
3191 !.. Fall speed needed to determine when branching occurs
3196 elseif(sui.ge.0..and.qvi.lt.qvs) then
3197 maxsui = ((sui+1.)*qvi)/(qvs-qvi) - qvi/(qvs-qvi)
3198 maxsui = min(maxsui,1.)
3199 maxsui = max(maxsui,0.)
3204 !.. Vapor growth density
3205 if(igr.le.1.) then !.. Planar
3206 if(vtbranch.gt.0.) then
3207 if(ani.gt.SQRT((dv*PI*2.*cni)/(vtbranch*nu))) then
3208 rhodep = (RHOI*igr)*maxsui + RHOI*(1.-maxsui)
3216 rhodep = (RHOI/igr)*maxsui + RHOI*(1.-maxsui)
3218 !.. high limit on rhodep for vapor growth = 700 kg m^-3
3219 !.. Cotton et al. 2012 (QJRMS)
3220 rhodep = min(rhodep,700.)
3222 !.. Vapor growth solution which includes heating from rime mass
3223 !.. See J.P. Chen's thesis
3224 alpha = (dv*fvdum*svpi*xxls)/(RV*kt*fhdum*temp)
3225 if(nidum.gt.0.0.and.rimesum.gt.0.0) then
3226 del1 = (xxlf*(rimesum/nidum)/(4.*PI*kt*fhdum*capgam)) * &
3227 ((temp + alpha*((xxls/(RV*temp))-1.))**(-1.0))
3232 (((temp/alpha) + ((xxls/(RV*temp))-1.))**(-1.0))
3234 afn = ((dv*fvdum*polysvp(temp,1))/(RV*temp)) * &
3235 (sui - del*((xxls/(RV*temp))-1.))
3237 !.. During sublimation using polynomial removal of density
3242 if(Vmin.lt.videp)then
3243 betavol = log(RHOI/rbdum)*1./(log(Vmin/videp))
3244 rhodep = rbdum*(1.+betavol)
3249 rhodep=max(rhodep,50.)
3250 rhodep=min(rhodep,RHOI)
3252 gamma_arg = NU+2.+dsdum
3253 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
3254 gammnubet = gamma_tab(gi)
3256 !.. characteristic r-axis and a-axis after growth timestep
3257 rnf = (max((rni**2 + 2.*afn*fs/rhodep*gammnu/gammnubet*dt),QASMALL))**(0.5)
3258 anf = alphanr*rnf**(3./(2.+igr))
3260 !.. Do not sublimation change the shape of ice from
3261 !.. prolate to oblate or vice versa
3262 phif = phii*(rnf**3/rni**3)**((igr-1.)/(igr+2.))
3263 if(sui.lt.0.0.or.afn.lt.0.0) then
3264 if(phii.gt.1.0.and.phif.lt.1.0) then
3269 if(phii.lt.1.0.and.phif.gt.1.0) then
3275 !.. Do not let sublimation create extreme shapes
3277 if(phif.gt.phii) then
3283 if(phif.lt.phii) then
3291 vi = fourthirdspi*rni**3*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
3292 vf = fourthirdspi*rnf**3*gamma_tab(gi)*i_gammnu
3294 rbdumtmp = rbdum*(vi/vf) + rhodep*(1.-vi/vf)
3295 rbdumtmp = min(rbdumtmp,RHOI)
3296 iwcf = nidum*rbdumtmp*vf
3298 !.. Update delta* from vapor growth/sublimation
3301 if(anf.gt.(1.1*ao)) then
3302 dsdumout = (3.*log(rnf)-2.*log(anf)-log(ao))/ &
3309 !.. Do not let particles sublimate to sizes that are too small
3310 if(afn.lt.0..and.rnf.lt.1.e-6) then
3319 if(afn.lt.0..and.anf.lt.1.e-6) then
3329 !.. Sublimation check
3330 if(afn.lt.0..and.dsdumout.le.0.) then
3335 !.. C-axis after vapor growth
3336 gamma_arg = NU-1.+dsdumout
3337 gi=MIN((MAX((NINT((gamma_arg*100000.)-355000+1)),1)),505001)
3338 cnf = phif*anf*gammnu/gamma_tab(gi)
3348 end subroutine vaporgrow
3350 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3351 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3352 !.. This routine is used to calculate the distribution-averaged
3353 !.. capacitance (see Harrington et al. 2013)
3355 real function capacitance_gamma(ani,dsdum,NU,alphstr,i_gammnu)
3359 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ani, dsdum, NU, alphstr, i_gammnu
3360 REAL :: a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, d1, d2, gammad1, gammad2
3363 if (dsdum.le.1.0) then
3370 d1 = b1*(dsdum - 1.0) + 1.0
3371 d2 = b2*(dsdum - 1.0) + 1.0
3372 !.. Prolate Spheroid
3373 elseif (dsdum.gt.1.) then
3378 c1 = a1*alphstr**(b1+1.0)
3379 c2 = a2*alphstr**(b2+1.0)
3380 d1 = b1*(dsdum - 1.0) + dsdum
3381 d2 = b2*(dsdum - 1.0) + dsdum
3384 if(dsdum.eq.1..and.nu.eq.1.) then
3385 gammad1 = (gamma(nu+1.0))
3386 capacitance_gamma = ani*gammad1*i_gammnu
3387 elseif(dsdum.le.1.)then
3388 gammad1 = (gamma(nu+d1))
3389 gammad2 = (gamma(nu+d2))
3390 capacitance_gamma = c1*ani**d1 * gammad1*i_gammnu + &
3391 c2*ani**d2 * gammad2*i_gammnu
3392 elseif(dsdum.gt.1.) then
3393 gammad1 = (gamma(nu+d1))
3394 gammad2 = (gamma(nu+d2))
3395 capacitance_gamma = c1*ani**d1 * gammad1*i_gammnu + &
3396 c2*ani**d2 * gammad2*i_gammnu
3400 end function capacitance_gamma
3402 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3403 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3404 SUBROUTINE wet_growth_check(NU, temp, rhodum, xxlv, xxlf, qvdum, dv, kt, qs0, &
3405 fvdum, fhdum, rimedum, rni, nidum, dgflag)
3409 !.. Check for wet growth conditions
3410 !.. See Lamb and Verlinde (2011)
3411 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: NU, temp, rhodum, xxlv, xxlf, qvdum, dv, kt
3412 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: fvdum, fhdum, rni, nidum
3413 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: qs0, rimedum
3415 LOGICAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: dgflag
3418 wetg=2.*PI*dum*(kt*fhdum*(T0-temp)+rhodum*xxlv*dv*fvdum*(qs0-qvdum))/(xxlf + (CPW*(temp-T0)))
3419 if(rimedum/rhodum.gt.wetg) then
3423 end subroutine wet_growth_check
3425 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3426 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3427 real function polysvp(T,TYPE)
3429 !--------------------------------------------------------------
3430 !.. Taken from 'module_mp_morr_two_moment.F' (WRFV3.4)
3440 !--------------------------------------------------------------
3448 real a0i,a1i,a2i,a3i,a4i,a5i,a6i,a7i,a8i
3449 data a0i,a1i,a2i,a3i,a4i,a5i,a6i,a7i,a8i /&
3450 6.11147274, 0.503160820, 0.188439774e-1, &
3451 0.420895665e-3, 0.615021634e-5,0.602588177e-7, &
3452 0.385852041e-9, 0.146898966e-11, 0.252751365e-14/
3455 real a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8
3458 data a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8 /&
3459 6.11239921, 0.443987641, 0.142986287e-1, &
3460 0.264847430e-3, 0.302950461e-5, 0.206739458e-7, &
3461 0.640689451e-10,-0.952447341e-13,-0.976195544e-15/
3467 dt = max(-80.,t-273.16)
3468 polysvp = a0i + dt*(a1i+dt*(a2i+dt*(a3i+dt*(a4i+dt*(a5i+dt*(a6i+dt*(a7i+a8i*dt)))))))
3469 polysvp = polysvp*100.
3476 dt = max(-80.,t-273.16)
3477 polysvp = a0 + dt*(a1+dt*(a2+dt*(a3+dt*(a4+dt*(a5+dt*(a6+dt*(a7+a8*dt)))))))
3478 polysvp = polysvp*100.
3482 end function polysvp
3484 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3485 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3486 !.. Access and interpolate lookup table values (from Hugh Morrison)
3487 subroutine access_lookup_table(itabdum,dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk,index, &
3488 dum1,dum2,dum4,dum5,proc)
3492 real :: itabdum(:,:,:,:,:), dum1,dum2,dum4,dum5,proc
3493 real :: dproc1,dproc2,iproc1,gproc1,tmp1,tmp2
3494 integer :: dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk,index
3496 !.. get value at current density index
3497 !.. first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
3498 dproc1 =itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3499 (itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumk,index)-itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk,index))
3501 dproc2 =itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3502 (itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumk+1,index)-itabdum(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumk+1,index))
3504 iproc1=dproc1+(dum2-real(dumk))*(dproc2-dproc1)
3506 !.. linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
3507 dproc1 =itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumk,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3508 (itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumk,index)- &
3509 itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumk,index))
3511 dproc2 =itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumk+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3512 (itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumk+1,index)- &
3513 itabdum(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumk+1,index))
3515 gproc1=dproc1+(dum2-real(dumk))*(dproc2-dproc1)
3517 tmp1=iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
3519 !.. get value at density index + 1
3520 !.. first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
3521 dproc1 =itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumk,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3522 (itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumk,index)- &
3523 itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumk,index))
3525 dproc2 =itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumk+1,index)+ &
3526 (dum1-real(dumi))*(itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumk+1,index)- &
3527 itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumk+1,index))
3529 iproc1=dproc1+(dum2-real(dumk))*(dproc2-dproc1)
3531 !.. linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
3532 dproc1 =itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumk,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3533 (itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumk,index)- &
3534 itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumk,index))
3536 dproc2 =itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumk+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))* &
3537 (itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumk+1,index)- &
3538 itabdum(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumk+1,index))
3540 gproc1=dproc1+(dum2-real(dumk))*(dproc2-dproc1)
3542 tmp2=iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
3544 !.. get final process rate
3545 proc=tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
3547 end subroutine access_lookup_table
3549 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3550 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3551 !.. Computes ln(gamma(xx)) using Lanczos
3552 real function gammln(xx)
3557 REAL*8 :: cof(6), stp, x, y, tmp, ser
3559 DATA cof, stp/76.18009172947146d0, &
3560 -86.50532032941677d0, &
3561 24.01409824083091d0, &
3562 -1.231739572450155d0, &
3563 0.1208650973866179d-2, &
3564 -0.5395239384953d-5, &
3565 2.5066282746310005d0/
3569 tmp = (x + 0.5d0) * log(tmp) - tmp
3570 ser = 1.000000000190015d0
3573 ser = ser + cof(j) / y
3576 gammln = tmp + log(stp * ser / x)
3581 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3582 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3584 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3597 !*******************************************************************
3598 !*******************************************************************
3618 ! CRAY-1 (S.P.) 2 8191 966.961
3620 ! UNDER NOS (S.P.) 2 1070 177.803
3622 ! SUN, ETC.) (S.P.) 2 128 35.040
3624 ! SUN, ETC.) (D.P.) 2 1024 171.624
3625 ! IBM 3033 (D.P.) 16 63 57.574
3626 ! VAX D-FORMAT (D.P.) 2 127 34.844
3627 ! VAX G-FORMAT (D.P.) 2 1023 171.489
3631 ! CRAY-1 (S.P.) 5.45E+2465 7.11E-15 1.84E-2466
3633 ! UNDER NOS (S.P.) 1.26E+322 3.55E-15 3.14E-294
3635 ! SUN, ETC.) (S.P.) 3.40E+38 1.19E-7 1.18E-38
3637 ! SUN, ETC.) (D.P.) 1.79D+308 2.22D-16 2.23D-308
3638 ! IBM 3033 (D.P.) 7.23D+75 2.22D-16 1.39D-76
3639 ! VAX D-FORMAT (D.P.) 1.70D+38 1.39D-17 5.88D-39
3640 ! VAX G-FORMAT (D.P.) 8.98D+307 1.11D-16 1.12D-308
3642 !*******************************************************************
3643 !*******************************************************************
3660 ! (ED.), SPRINGER VERLAG, BERLIN, 1976.
3663 ! SONS, NEW YORK, 1968.
3672 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3679 REAL, DIMENSION(7) :: C
3680 REAL, DIMENSION(8) :: P
3681 REAL, DIMENSION(8) :: Q
3682 REAL, PARAMETER :: xxx = 0.9189385332046727417803297
3683 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3685 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3686 DATA ONE,HALF,TWELVE,TWO,ZERO/1.0E0,0.5E0,12.0E0,2.0E0,0.0E0/
3689 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3691 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3692 DATA XBIG,XMININ,EPS/35.040E0,1.18E-38,1.19E-7/,XINF/3.4E38/
3693 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3696 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3697 DATA P/-1.71618513886549492533811E+0,2.47656508055759199108314E+1, &
3698 -3.79804256470945635097577E+2,6.29331155312818442661052E+2, &
3699 8.66966202790413211295064E+2,-3.14512729688483675254357E+4, &
3700 -3.61444134186911729807069E+4,6.64561438202405440627855E+4/
3701 DATA Q/-3.08402300119738975254353E+1,3.15350626979604161529144E+2, &
3702 -1.01515636749021914166146E+3,-3.10777167157231109440444E+3, &
3703 2.25381184209801510330112E+4,4.75584627752788110767815E+3, &
3704 -1.34659959864969306392456E+5,-1.15132259675553483497211E+5/
3705 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3707 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3708 DATA C/-1.910444077728E-03,8.4171387781295E-04, &
3709 -5.952379913043012E-04,7.93650793500350248E-04, &
3710 -2.777777777777681622553E-03,8.333333333333333331554247E-02, &
3712 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3714 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3721 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3723 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3736 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3738 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3740 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3742 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3752 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3753 ! 0.0 .LT. ARGUMENT .LT. 1.0
3754 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3758 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3760 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3765 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3767 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3776 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3778 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3781 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3783 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3790 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3792 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3807 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3809 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3814 ! ---------- LAST LINE OF GAMMA ----------
3817 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3818 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3819 !.. Get the inherent growth ratio data as a function of temperature
3820 real function get_igr(igrdatadum, temp)
3824 real :: igrdatadum(:), dum, igr1, igr2, temp
3826 !.. Inherent growth ratio (IGR) from data
3827 !.. See Lamb and Scott (1972) and Chen and Lamb (1994)
3828 if((temp-T0).ge.-59..and.(temp-T0).le.-1.) then
3829 dum = (abs(real(int(temp-T0))) + 1.) - abs(temp-T0)
3830 igr1 = igrdatadum(max((int(temp-T0)*(-1)),1))
3831 igr2 = igrdatadum(min(((int(temp-T0)*(-1))+1),60))
3832 get_igr = dum*igr1 + (1.-dum)*igr2
3833 elseif((temp-T0).gt.-1..and.(temp-T0).le.0.) then
3834 dum = 1.0 - abs(temp-T0)
3836 igr2 = igrdatadum(1)
3837 get_igr = dum*igr1 + (1.-dum)*igr2
3838 elseif((temp-T0).ge.-60..and.(temp-T0).lt.-59.) then
3839 dum = 60.0 - abs(temp-T0)
3840 igr1 = igrdatadum(59)
3841 igr2 = igrdatadum(60)
3842 get_igr = dum*igr1 + (1.-dum)*igr2
3843 elseif((temp-T0).lt.-60.) then
3844 get_igr = igrdatadum(60)
3849 end function get_igr
3851 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3852 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3853 !.. Aggregation routine (see Jensen et al. 2017, implentation by JYH and AAJ)
3854 !.. See Walko et al. 1995 and Meyers et al. 1997 for more details
3855 subroutine aggregation(dtdum,rhoairdum,tempdum,qdum1,ndum1,ddum1,qdum2,ndum2,ddum2, &
3856 qdum3,ndum3,ddum3,rhodum1,rhodum2,phidum1,phidum2,coltab,coltabn, &
3857 qagg1,qagg2,qagg3,nagg1,nagg2,nagg3)
3861 real, parameter :: QNSMALL= 1.25e-7 ! Smallest ice number
3862 integer icat,k,kp1,kp2,isnow,ipris,it,ihab,jhab
3863 integer, parameter :: ncat=7,npair=35,ndn=60,nftab=1000,ngam=5000,nz=1
3864 real, parameter :: rsmall=1.e-12
3865 real gnu(ncat),shape(ncat),cfmas(ncat),pwmas(ncat),&
3866 cfden(ncat),pwden(ncat)&
3867 ,cfvt(ncat),pwvt(ncat),tablo(ncat),tabhi(ncat),tabloln(ncat),&
3869 ,dnmin(ncat),dnmax(ncat),vtfac(ncat),pow1(ncat),pow2(ncat),&
3871 ,frefac2(ncat),cfmasft(ncat),dict(ncat),dbmi(ncat),&
3872 gamm(ncat),gamn1(ncat)&
3873 ,gam(ngam,ncat),ncrossloss,rcrossloss,nselfloss,&
3874 rselfloss,ncrossgain,rcrossgain,nselfgain,rselfgain
3875 real rictmin,rictmax,rict,rictmm,dtlt,totalc(nz),totaldc(nz)
3876 real dn(nz,ncat),en(nz,ncat),qr(nz,ncat),r(nz,ncat),qq(nz,ncat)
3877 real wct1(nz,ncat),wct2(nz,ncat),rxfer(nz,ncat,ncat),&
3878 qrxfer(nz,ncat,ncat),enxfer(nz,ncat,ncat),&
3879 parxfer(nz,ncat,ncat), paqrxfer(nz,ncat,ncat),&
3880 paenxfer(nz,ncat,ncat), pprxfer(nz,ncat,ncat),&
3881 ppqrxfer(nz,ncat,ncat), ppenxfer(nz,ncat,ncat)
3882 real qs(nz),ns(nz),dns(nz),qa(nz),na(nz),dna(nz)
3883 real t(nz,ncat),tc(nz),rhoa(nz),tk(nz),denfac(nz),eff(nz)
3884 real ftable(nftab,ncat)
3885 real, intent(IN) :: coltab(ndn,ndn,npair),coltabn(ndn,ndn,npair)
3886 integer ipair(ncat,ncat),ict(nz,ncat)
3887 real, dimension(ncat,9) :: dstprms
3888 real, intent(IN) :: qdum1,ndum1,qdum2,ndum2,qdum3,ndum3,ddum1,ddum2
3889 real, intent(INOUT) :: qagg1,qagg2,qagg3,nagg1,nagg2,nagg3,ddum3
3890 real, intent(IN) :: rhodum1, rhodum2, phidum1, phidum2
3891 real :: rhoeff, phieff, rhoeffmax, phieffmax, efffact
3892 real :: source3, sink3, source4, sink4, ratioagg
3893 real, intent(IN) :: dtdum, rhoairdum, tempdum
3896 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3897 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3898 ! cloud rain planar columnar aggreg graup hail
3899 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---> ncat
3900 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3901 reshape((/.5, .5, .318, .318, .5, .5, .5, &!shape (capacitance shape)
3902 524., 524., .333, .333, .496, 157., 471., &!cfmas (m=cfmas*D**pwmas)
3903 3., 3., 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 3., 3., &!pwmas
3904 3173., 149., 4.836, 4.836, 3.084, 93.3, 161., &!cfvt (v = cfvt*D**pwvt)
3905 2., .5, 0.25, .25, .2, .5, .5, &!pwvt
3906 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, 1.e-6, &!tablo (size limits for table)
3907 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, 1.e-2, &!tabhi
3908 .1e-5, .1e-4, .1e-5, .1e-5, .1e-4, .1e-4, .1e-4, &!dnmin (characteristic diam
3909 .1e-2, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1, .1e-1/), &!dnmax limits)
3911 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3914 reshape((/0,0,3,7,11,15,19 ,1,0,5,9,13,17,21 & ! collection pairs
3915 ,2,4,22,24,0,0,0 ,6,8,23,28,0,0,0 &
3916 ,10,12,25,29,35,0,0 ,14,16,26,30,32,0,0 &
3917 ,18,20,27,31,33,34,0/), &
3921 shape(icat)=dstprms(icat,1)
3922 cfmas(icat)=dstprms(icat,2)
3923 pwmas(icat)=dstprms(icat,3)
3924 cfvt (icat)=dstprms(icat,4)
3925 pwvt (icat)=dstprms(icat,5)
3926 tablo(icat)=dstprms(icat,6)
3927 tabhi(icat)=dstprms(icat,7)
3928 dnmin(icat)=dstprms(icat,8)
3929 dnmax(icat)=dstprms(icat,9)
3930 gnu(icat) = 4.0 ! shape distribution
3932 tabloln(icat)=log(tablo(icat))
3933 tabhiln(icat)=log(tabhi(icat))
3934 dict(icat) = float(ndn - 1) / (tabhiln(icat) - tabloln(icat))
3937 rictmax=0.9999*float(ndn)
3939 !.. Collection integral multipliers for number and mass mixing ratio loss
3940 !.. due to self collection from a cateogry. Multipliers for the gain term
3941 !.. for aggregates given as well. Below this are the multipliers for
3942 !.. cross collection. These should be correct but a more detailed
3943 !.. mathematical treatment is warranted. JYH Sept 2016.
3954 !.. Assumed mass-size coefficients
3956 cfmas(3) = 3.14159/6.*250.*0.05
3958 cfmas(4) = 3.14159/6.*250.*0.05
3960 cfmas(5) = 3.14159/6.*50.*0.2
3962 dtlt = dtdum ! time step
3965 ipris= 5 ! double moment
3967 !.. collection routine
3968 !.. nz = # vertical levels
3969 !.. kp1 = lowest level with cloud
3970 !.. kp2 = higest level with cloud
3971 !.. 3 => the first is the collector
3972 !.. 3 => the second is the collectee
3973 !.. 5 => where the collection goes (aggregates)
3974 !.. dn(nz,ncat) = characteristic diameter
3975 !.. en(nz,ncat) = number concentration
3976 !.. r(nz,ncat) = mass mixing ratio
3977 !.. qr(nz,ncat) = hydrometeor internal enthalpy
3978 !.. qq(nz,ncat) = hydrometeor temperature (internal energy)
3979 !.. t(nz,ncat) = hydrometeor temperature (air temperature)
3980 !.. ict,wct1,wct2 -> table interpolation
3981 !.. rhoa(nz) = air density
3982 !.. denfac(nz) = sqrt(1/rhoa)
3983 !.. eff(nz) = collection efficiency
3984 !.. ipris = 5 double moment
3985 !.. rxfer(nz,ncat,ncat) = change in mass mixing ratio due to collection
3986 !.. enxfer(nz,ncat,ncat) = change in number concentration due to collection
3987 !.. qrxfer(nz,ncat,ncat) = change in internal energy due to collection
3988 !.. ipair,2 -> 2 is for self-collection, 1 if cross collection
3990 do k = 1,nz !.. nz = 1 currently (the k loop is done outsize of this routine)
3994 denfac(k) = sqrt(1./rhoa(k))
3996 en(k,3) = ndum1*rhoa(k)
4000 en(k,4) = ndum2*rhoa(k)
4003 qr(k,3) = 0.0 !.. internal energy... not needed so pass in zero
4005 t(k,3) = tk(k) - 273.15
4006 qr(k,4) = 0.0 !.. internal energy... not needed so pass in zero
4014 en(k,5) = ndum3*rhoa(k)
4020 do it = 1,1 !.. One timestep at a time
4021 do k = 1,nz !.. One vertical grid at a time
4026 !.. planar = qice, columnar=qice2, aggregates = qice3
4027 !.. planar + columnar = aggregates (qice + qice2 -> qice3)
4028 rxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4029 enxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4030 qrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4031 rxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4032 enxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4033 qrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4035 !.. planar + aggregates = aggregates
4036 parxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4037 paenxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4038 paqrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4040 !.. columnar + aggregates = aggregates
4041 parxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4042 paenxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4043 paqrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4045 !.. Self collection (aggregates)
4046 pprxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4047 ppenxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4048 ppqrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4049 pprxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4050 ppenxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4051 ppqrxfer(k,ihab,jhab) = 0.0
4055 !.. needed for table interpolation
4056 rict=dict(3)*(log(max(1.e-10,dn(k,3)))-tabloln(3))+1.
4057 rictmm=max(rictmin,min(rictmax,rict))
4058 ict(k,3)=int(rictmm)
4059 wct2(k,3)=rictmm-float(ict(k,3))
4060 wct1(k,3)=1.0-wct2(k,3)
4062 !.. needed for table interpolation
4063 rict=dict(4)*(log(max(1.e-10,dn(k,4)))-tabloln(4))+1.
4064 rictmm=max(rictmin,min(rictmax,rict))
4065 ict(k,4)=int(rictmm)
4066 wct2(k,4)=rictmm-float(ict(k,4))
4067 wct1(k,4)=1.0-wct2(k,4)
4069 !.. needed for table interpolation
4070 rict=dict(5)*(log(max(1.e-10,dn(k,5)))-tabloln(5))+1.
4071 rictmm=max(rictmin,min(rictmax,rict))
4072 ict(k,5)=int(rictmm)
4073 wct2(k,5)=rictmm-float(ict(k,5))
4074 wct1(k,5)=1.0-wct2(k,5)
4079 !.. planar + columnar = aggregates
4080 !.. let high density reduce the collection efficiency
4081 rhoeffmax = max(rhodum1,rhodum2)
4082 phieffmax = max(min(phidum1,1./phidum1),min(phidum2,1./phidum2))
4083 if(rhoeffmax.le.400.) then
4086 rhoeff = -0.001923*rhoeffmax + 1.76916
4088 rhoeff = max(rhoeff,0.)
4089 rhoeff = min(rhoeff,1.)
4091 !.. Spherical particles collect less efficiently than more extreme
4093 !.. Based on Connolly et al 2012
4094 !.. See Jensen et al. 2018b
4095 if(phieffmax.le.0.03) then
4097 elseif(phieffmax.gt.0.03.and.phieffmax.lt.0.5) then
4098 phieff = 0.0001*((phieffmax+0.07)**(-4.))
4103 if(phieff.le.0.001) then
4107 phieff = max(phieff,0.01) !.. Low limit currently set to 0.01 AAJ
4108 phieff = min(phieff,1.)
4109 efffact = phieff * rhoeff
4112 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,3,4,5 &
4113 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4114 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,rxfer,qrxfer,enxfer)
4116 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,4,3,5 &
4117 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4118 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,rxfer,qrxfer,enxfer)
4120 !.. plates + aggregates = aggregates
4122 phieffmax = min(phidum1,1./phidum1)
4124 if(rhoeffmax.le.400.) then
4127 rhoeff = -0.001923*rhoeffmax + 1.76916
4129 rhoeff = max(rhoeff,0.)
4130 rhoeff = min(rhoeff,1.)
4132 !.. Based on Connolly et al 2012
4133 !.. See Jensen et al. 2018b
4134 if(phieffmax.le.0.03) then
4136 elseif(phieffmax.gt.0.03.and.phieffmax.lt.0.5) then
4137 phieff = 0.0001*((phieffmax+0.07)**(-4.))
4142 if(phieff.le.0.001) then
4146 phieff = max(phieff,0.01)
4147 phieff = min(phieff,1.)
4148 efffact = phieff * rhoeff
4151 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,3,5,5 &
4152 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4153 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,parxfer,paqrxfer,paenxfer)
4155 !.. Columnar + Aggregates = Aggregates
4157 phieffmax = min(phidum2,1./phidum2)
4159 if(rhoeffmax.le.400.) then
4162 rhoeff = -0.001923*rhoeffmax + 1.76916
4164 rhoeff = max(rhoeff,0.)
4165 rhoeff = min(rhoeff,1.)
4167 !.. Based on Connolly et al 2012
4168 !.. See Jensen et al. 2018b
4169 if(phieffmax.le.0.03) then
4171 elseif(phieffmax.gt.0.03.and.phieffmax.lt.0.5) then
4172 phieff = 0.0001*((phieffmax+0.07)**(-4.))
4177 if(phieff.le.0.001) then
4181 phieff = max(phieff,0.01)
4182 phieff = min(phieff,1.)
4183 efffact = phieff * rhoeff
4186 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,4,5,5 &
4187 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4188 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,parxfer,paqrxfer,paenxfer)
4190 !.. Plates + Plates = Aggregates
4192 phieffmax = min(phidum1,1./phidum1)
4194 if(rhoeffmax.le.400.) then
4197 rhoeff = -0.001923*rhoeffmax + 1.76916
4199 rhoeff = max(rhoeff,0.)
4200 rhoeff = min(rhoeff,1.)
4202 !.. Based on Connolly et al 2012
4203 !.. See Jensen et al. 2018b
4204 if(phieffmax.le.0.03) then
4206 elseif(phieffmax.gt.0.03.and.phieffmax.lt.0.5) then
4207 phieff = 0.0001*((phieffmax+0.07)**(-4.))
4212 if(phieff.le.0.001) then
4216 phieff = max(phieff,0.01)
4217 phieff = min(phieff,1.)
4218 efffact = phieff * rhoeff
4221 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,3,3,5 &
4222 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4223 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,pprxfer,ppqrxfer,ppenxfer)
4225 !.. Columns + Columns = Aggregates
4227 phieffmax = min(phidum2,1./phidum2)
4229 if(rhoeffmax.le.400.) then
4232 rhoeff = -0.001923*rhoeffmax + 1.76916
4234 rhoeff = max(rhoeff,0.)
4235 rhoeff = min(rhoeff,1.)
4237 !.. Based on Connolly et al 2012
4238 !.. See Jensen et al. 2018b
4239 if(phieffmax.le.0.03) then
4241 elseif(phieffmax.gt.0.03.and.phieffmax.lt.0.5) then
4242 phieff = 0.0001*((phieffmax+0.07)**(-4.))
4247 if(phieff.le.0.001) then
4251 phieff = max(phieff,0.01)
4252 phieff = min(phieff,1.)
4253 efffact = phieff * rhoeff
4256 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,4,4,5 &
4257 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4258 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,pprxfer,ppqrxfer,ppenxfer)
4261 !.. Aggregate self collection
4263 (nz,kp1,kp2,ndn,ncat,5,5,5 &
4264 ,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t,ict,wct1,wct2,rhoa,denfac,coltab &
4265 ,coltabn,ipair,1.,eff,efffact,ipris,pprxfer,ppqrxfer,ppenxfer)
4269 !.. Do not over-deplete from aggregation
4270 sink3 = rcrossloss*rxfer(k,3,5) + &
4271 rcrossloss*parxfer(k,3,5) + &
4272 rselfloss*pprxfer(k,3,5)
4275 sink4 = rcrossloss*rxfer(k,4,5) + &
4276 rcrossloss*parxfer(k,4,5) + &
4277 rselfloss*pprxfer(k,4,5)
4280 if(sink3.gt.source3.and.source3.gt.1.e-8) then
4281 ratioagg= source3/sink3
4282 rxfer(k,3,5) = rxfer(k,3,5)*ratioagg
4283 parxfer(k,3,5) = parxfer(k,3,5)*ratioagg
4284 pprxfer(k,3,5) = pprxfer(k,3,5)*ratioagg
4287 if(sink4.gt.source4.and.source4.gt.1.e-8) then
4288 ratioagg= source4/sink4
4289 rxfer(k,4,5) = rxfer(k,4,5)*ratioagg
4290 parxfer(k,4,5) = parxfer(k,4,5)*ratioagg
4291 pprxfer(k,4,5) = pprxfer(k,4,5)*ratioagg
4294 totaldc(k)=totaldc(k) + &
4295 ncrossloss*enxfer(k,3,5)+ncrossloss*paenxfer(k,3,5)+ &
4296 nselfloss*ppenxfer(k,3,5)+ &
4297 ncrossloss*enxfer(k,4,5)+ncrossloss*paenxfer(k,4,5)+ &
4298 nselfloss*ppenxfer(k,4,5)
4300 !.. qagg is the mass tendency, nagg is the number tendency
4301 qagg1 = -rcrossloss*rxfer(k,3,5) - rcrossloss*parxfer(k,3,5) - rselfloss*pprxfer(k,3,5)
4302 nagg1 = -ncrossloss*enxfer(k,3,5) - ncrossloss*paenxfer(k,3,5) - nselfloss*ppenxfer(k,3,5)
4304 qagg2 = -rcrossloss*rxfer(k,4,5) - rcrossloss*parxfer(k,4,5) - rselfloss*pprxfer(k,4,5)
4305 nagg2 = -ncrossloss*enxfer(k,4,5) - ncrossloss*paenxfer(k,4,5) - nselfloss*ppenxfer(k,4,5)
4307 qagg3 = rcrossgain*rxfer(k,3,5) + rcrossgain*rxfer(k,4,5) + rcrossgain*parxfer(k,3,5) + &
4308 rcrossgain*parxfer(k,4,5) + rselfgain*pprxfer(k,3,5) + rselfgain*pprxfer(k,4,5)
4309 nagg3 = ncrossgain*enxfer(k,3,5) + ncrossgain*enxfer(k,4,5) + nselfgain*ppenxfer(k,3,5) + &
4310 nselfgain*ppenxfer(k,4,5) - 0.5*ppenxfer(k,5,5)
4312 qagg1 = min(qagg1,0.)
4313 qagg2 = min(qagg2,0.)
4314 qagg3 = max(qagg3,0.)
4316 !.. Update to characteristic diameters after aggregation
4317 !.. Note that for ice-one and ice-two, the axes will be re-diagnosed
4318 !.. after aggregation based on delta*, so only output aggregation size
4319 dn(k,5) = ((r(k,5)+qagg3)*rhoa(k)/(MAX((en(k,5)+nagg3),QNSMALL)*cfmas(5) &
4321 pwmas(5)))/(gamma(gnu(5))) ) )**(1./pwmas(5))
4324 nagg1 = nagg1/rhoa(k)
4325 nagg2 = nagg2/rhoa(k)
4326 nagg3 = nagg3/rhoa(k)
4329 totalc(k) = en(k,3)+en(k,4) + 0.
4341 end subroutine aggregation
4343 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4344 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4345 !.. Needed for the aggregation routine
4346 subroutine col1(n1,k1,k2,ndn,ncat,mx,my,mz,dtlt,dn,en,r,qr,qq,t &
4347 ,ict,wct1,wct2,dn0,denfac,coltab,coltabn,ipair,cr,eff,efdum,icf &
4348 ,rxfer,qrxfer,enxfer)
4349 integer ict(n1,*),ipair(ncat,ncat), ndn, ncat,n1
4350 real dn(n1,*),en(n1,*),r(n1,*),qr(n1,*),qq(n1,*),t(n1,*) &
4351 ,wct1(n1,*),wct2(n1,*),dn0(*),denfac(*) &
4352 ,coltab(ndn,ndn,*),eff(*),coltabn(ndn,ndn,*) &
4353 ,rxfer(n1,ncat,ncat),qrxfer(n1,ncat,ncat),enxfer(n1,ncat,ncat)
4354 integer :: k1, k2, mx, my, mz, icf, k, ip
4355 real :: dtlt, cr, csizei, tmax, colamt, colamtn, wght, deltan,efdum
4362 tmax=max(t(k,mx),t(k,my))
4364 !.. efdum added by AAJ from ramsagg
4365 !.. if takes into account the shape and density
4366 !.. dependence on the collection efficiency
4367 eff(k)=min(0.2,10.**(0.035*tmax-0.7))*efdum
4369 if(my.eq.6.and.qr(k,6).gt.0)eff(k)=1.
4370 if(my.eq.7.and.qr(k,7).gt.0)eff(k)=1.
4372 !.. see note above on efdum
4373 if(mz.eq.5.and.abs(t(k,mx)+14.).le.2.)eff(k)=1.4*efdum
4375 if(mx.eq.1)eff(k)=min(1.,dn(k,1)*csizei)
4377 colamt=dtlt*cr*0.785*eff(k)*denfac(k)/dn0(k) &
4378 *en(k,mx)*en(k,my)*( &
4379 wct1(k,mx)*wct1(k,my)*coltab(ict(k,mx) ,ict(k,my) ,ip) &
4380 +wct2(k,mx)*wct1(k,my)*coltab(ict(k,mx)+1,ict(k,my) ,ip) &
4381 +wct1(k,mx)*wct2(k,my)*coltab(ict(k,mx) ,ict(k,my)+1,ip) &
4382 +wct2(k,mx)*wct2(k,my)*coltab(ict(k,mx)+1,ict(k,my)+1,ip))
4384 colamt=min(colamt,r(k,mx))
4385 rxfer(k,mx,mz) = rxfer(k,mx,mz) + colamt
4386 qrxfer(k,mx,mz) = qrxfer(k,mx,mz) + colamt * qq(k,mx)
4388 colamtn=dtlt*cr*0.785*eff(k)*denfac(k)/dn0(k) &
4389 *en(k,mx)*en(k,my)*( &
4390 wct1(k,mx)*wct1(k,my)*coltabn(ict(k,mx) ,ict(k,my) ,ip) &
4391 +wct2(k,mx)*wct1(k,my)*coltabn(ict(k,mx)+1,ict(k,my) ,ip) &
4392 +wct1(k,mx)*wct2(k,my)*coltabn(ict(k,mx) ,ict(k,my)+1,ip) &
4393 +wct2(k,mx)*wct2(k,my)*coltabn(ict(k,mx)+1,ict(k,my)+1,ip))
4395 colamtn=min(colamtn,en(k,mx))
4399 wght = min(max(0.,100.*abs(colamt)/max(1.e-20,r(k,mx))),1.)
4400 deltan = colamtn*(1.-wght) + &
4401 wght*en(k,mx) * colamt / max(1.e-20,r(k,mx))
4402 enxfer(k,mx,mz) = enxfer(k,mx,mz) + deltan
4410 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4411 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4412 !.. Needed for the aggregation routine
4413 subroutine mkcoltb(ndn,ncat,coltab,coltabn,ipair,gnu,tablo,tabhi &
4414 ,cfmas,pwmas,cfvt,pwvt)
4416 real :: coltab(ndn,ndn,35),gnu(ncat) &
4417 ,tablo(ncat), tabhi(ncat), cfmas(ncat),pwmas(ncat) &
4418 ,cfvt(ncat), pwvt(ncat), coltabn(ndn,ndn,35)
4419 integer :: ipair(ncat,ncat), ix, iy, idny, idnx, idx, ndn
4420 integer, parameter :: ndx=20
4421 real :: dx(ndx),gx(ndx),fx(20), gyn,gyn1,gyn2,gynp1,gynp2,gynp
4422 real :: dxhi, dny, vny, dxlo, dnx, ans
4426 if(ipair(ix,iy).gt.0)then
4427 gyn=(gamma(gnu(iy)))
4428 gyn1=(gamma(gnu(iy)+1.))/gyn
4429 gyn2=(gamma(gnu(iy)+2.))/gyn
4430 gynp=(gamma(gnu(iy)+pwvt(iy)))/gyn
4431 gynp1=(gamma(gnu(iy)+pwvt(iy)+1.))/gyn
4432 gynp2=(gamma(gnu(iy)+pwvt(iy)+2.))/gyn
4436 dny=tablo(iy)*(tabhi(iy)/tablo(iy))**(float(idny-1) &
4438 vny=cfvt(iy)*dny**pwvt(iy)
4440 dnx=tablo(ix)*(tabhi(ix)/tablo(ix))**(float(idnx-1) &
4443 dx(idx)=dxlo*(dxhi/dxlo) &
4444 **(float(idx-1)/float(ndx-1))
4445 fx(idx) = xjnum(dx(idx),cfvt(ix),pwvt(ix),cfvt(iy) &
4446 ,pwvt(iy),vny,dnx,dny,gnu(ix),gnu(iy) &
4447 ,gyn1,gyn2,gynp,gynp1,gynp2)
4448 if(fx(idx).lt.1.e-15) then !.. low limit added by AAJ
4451 gx(idx) = fx(idx) * cfmas(ix) &
4452 * dx(idx) ** pwmas(ix)
4454 call avint(dx,gx,ndx,dxlo,dxhi,ans)
4455 coltab(idnx,idny,ipair(ix,iy))=max(0.,ans)
4456 call avint(dx,fx,ndx,dxlo,dxhi,ans)
4457 coltabn(idnx,idny,ipair(ix,iy))=max(0.,ans)
4464 end subroutine mkcoltb
4466 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4467 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4468 !.. Needed for the aggregation routine
4469 function xjnum(dx,cvx,pvx,cvy,pvy,vny,dnx,dny,xnu,ynu &
4470 ,gyn1,gyn2,gynp,gynp1,gynp2)
4473 real :: dx,cvx,pvx,cvy,pvy,vny,dnx,dny,xnu,ynu,gyn1,gyn2,gynp, &
4475 ,dnxi,rdx,vx,dxy,ynup
4479 vx = max((cvx * dx ** pvx),1.e-6) !.. low limit added by AAJ
4480 dxy = (vx / cvy) ** (1. / pvy) / dny
4481 dxy = max(dxy,1.e-5)
4485 if (rdx .lt. 38.) then
4486 xjnum=exp(-rdx-gammln(xnu)-gammln(ynu))*rdx**(xnu-1.)*dnxi*( &
4487 vx*(dx*dx*(gammap(ynu,dxy)-gammq(ynu,dxy)) &
4488 +2.*dx*dny*gyn1*(gammap(ynu+1.,dxy)-gammq(ynu+1.,dxy)) &
4489 +dny*dny*gyn2*(gammap(ynu+2.,dxy)-gammq(ynu+2.,dxy))) &
4490 -vny*(dx*dx*gynp*(gammap(ynup,dxy)-gammq(ynup,dxy)) &
4491 +2.*dx*dny*gynp1*(gammap(ynup+1.,dxy)-gammq(ynup+1.,dxy)) &
4492 +dny*dny*gynp2*(gammap(ynup+2.,dxy)-gammq(ynup+2.,dxy))))
4499 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4500 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4501 !.. Used by aggregation
4504 real :: x, a, gln, gamser
4506 IF (X .LT. A+1.) THEN
4515 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4516 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4517 !.. Computes P(a, x) = lower_gamma(a, x) / gamma(a)
4518 !.. Using either series solution or continued fractions
4519 real function gammap(a, x)
4523 REAL :: a, x, gammaser, gammacf, gln
4525 if(x.lt.0.0.or.a.lt.0.0) then
4526 write(*,*) 'either x or a is less than zero'
4530 if(x.lt.(a + 1.0)) then
4531 call lowgseries(gammaser, a, x, gln)
4534 call highgcontfrac(gammacf, a, x, gln)
4535 gammap = 1.0 - gammacf
4541 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4542 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4543 !.. Returns: gln = ln(gamma(a))
4544 !.. Returns: gammaser = lower_gamma(a, x) as a series solution
4545 subroutine lowgseries(gammaser, a, x, gln)
4551 REAL :: gammaser, a, x, gln, sum, del, ap
4552 REAL, PARAMETER :: EPS = 3.0e-7
4567 if(abs(del).lt.abs(sum)*EPS) exit
4570 gammaser = sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)
4572 end subroutine lowgseries
4574 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4575 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4576 !.. Returns: gln = ln(gamma(a))
4577 !.. Returns: gammacf = upper_gamma(a, x) as a continued fractions solution
4578 subroutine highgcontfrac(gammacf, a, x, gln)
4584 REAL :: gammacf, a, x, gln, b, c, d, h, del, an
4585 REAL, PARAMETER :: EPS = 3.0e-7, FPMIN = 1.0e-30
4596 if(abs(d).lt.FPMIN) d = FPMIN
4598 if(abs(c).lt.FPMIN) c = FPMIN
4602 if(abs(del-1.).lt.EPS) exit
4605 gammacf = exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)*h
4607 end subroutine highgcontfrac
4609 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4610 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4611 !.. Used by aggregation
4614 ,X12,X13,X23,TERM1,TERM2,TERM3,A,B,C,CA,CB,CC
4620 IF (XLO-XUP) 3,100,200
4621 3 IF (N.LT.2) GO TO 215
4623 IF (X(I).LE.X(I-1)) GO TO 210
4624 IF (X(I).GT.XUP) GO TO 6
4628 !.. special n=2 case
4629 SLOPE = (Y(2)-Y(1))/(X(2)-X(1))
4630 FL = Y(1) + SLOPE*(XLO-X(1))
4631 FR = Y(2) + SLOPE*(XUP-X(2))
4632 ANS = 0.5*(FL+FR)*(XUP-XLO)
4635 IF (X(N-2).LT.XLO) GO TO 205
4636 IF (X(3).GT.XUP) GO TO 205
4638 10 IF (X(I).GE.XLO) GO TO 15
4643 20 IF (X(I).LE.XUP) GO TO 25
4647 IF ((INRT-INLFT).LT.2) GO TO 205
4649 IF (INLFT.EQ.1) ISTART = 2
4651 IF (INRT.EQ.N) ISTOP = N-1
4667 TERM1 = DBLE(Y(I-1))/(X12*X13)
4668 TERM2 =-DBLE(Y(I)) /(X12*X23)
4669 TERM3 = DBLE(Y(I+1))/(X13*X23)
4670 A = TERM1+TERM2+TERM3
4671 B = -(X2+X3)*TERM1 - (X1+X3)*TERM2 - (X1+X2)*TERM3
4672 C = X2*X3*TERM1 + X1*X3*TERM2 + X1*X2*TERM3
4673 IF (I-ISTART) 30,30,35
4684 SUM = SUM + CA*(SYU3-SYL3)/R3 + CB*RP5*(SYU2-SYL2) + CC*(SYU-SYL)
4693 ANS = SUM + CA*(SYU**3-SYL3)/R3 + CB*RP5*(SYU**2-SYL2) &
4696 200 PRINT*, 'Upper limit of integration not greater than lower limit.'
4698 205 PRINT*, 'Less than 3 function values between integration limits.'
4700 210 PRINT*, 'Abscissas not strictly increasing.'
4702 215 PRINT*, 'Less than 2 function values were supplied.'
4706 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4707 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4709 end module module_mp_jensen_ishmael