1 !MODULE module_ra_rrtmg_lw
7 !------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ! Define integer and real kinds for various types.
11 ! Initial version: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
12 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
13 !------------------------------------------------------------------
19 ! integer, parameter :: kind_ib = selected_int_kind(13) ! 8 byte integer
20 ! integer, parameter :: kind_im = selected_int_kind(6) ! 4 byte integer
21 integer, parameter :: kind_ib = kind(1)
22 integer, parameter :: kind_im = kind(1)
23 integer, parameter :: kind_in = kind(1) ! native integer
29 ! integer, parameter :: kind_rb = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real
30 ! integer, parameter :: kind_rm = selected_real_kind(6) ! 4 byte real
31 ! integer, parameter :: kind_rn = kind(1.0) ! native real
36 integer, parameter :: kind_rb = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real
39 integer, parameter :: kind_rb = selected_real_kind(6) ! 4 byte real
42 integer, parameter :: kind_rb = kind(1.0) ! native real
49 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im
54 !------------------------------------------------------------------
55 ! rrtmg_lw main parameters
57 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, Jul 1998
58 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Jun 2006
59 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Aug 2007
60 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Aug 2008
61 !------------------------------------------------------------------
64 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
65 ! mxlay : integer: maximum number of layers
66 ! mg : integer: number of original g-intervals per spectral band
67 ! nbndlw : integer: number of spectral bands
68 ! maxxsec: integer: maximum number of cross-section molecules
71 ! ngptlw : integer: total number of reduced g-intervals for rrtmg_lw
72 ! ngNN : integer: number of reduced g-intervals per spectral band
73 ! ngsNN : integer: cumulative number of g-intervals per band
74 !------------------------------------------------------------------
76 integer(kind=im), parameter :: mxlay = 203
77 integer(kind=im), parameter :: mg = 16
78 integer(kind=im), parameter :: nbndlw = 16
79 integer(kind=im), parameter :: maxxsec= 4
80 integer(kind=im), parameter :: mxmol = 38
81 integer(kind=im), parameter :: maxinpx= 38
82 integer(kind=im), parameter :: nmol = 7
83 ! Use for 140 g-point model
84 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngptlw = 140
85 ! Use for 256 g-point model
86 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngptlw = 256
88 ! Use for 140 g-point model
89 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng1 = 10
90 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng2 = 12
91 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng3 = 16
92 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng4 = 14
93 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng5 = 16
94 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng6 = 8
95 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng7 = 12
96 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng8 = 8
97 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng9 = 12
98 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng10 = 6
99 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng11 = 8
100 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng12 = 8
101 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng13 = 4
102 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng14 = 2
103 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng15 = 2
104 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng16 = 2
106 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs1 = 10
107 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs2 = 22
108 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs3 = 38
109 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs4 = 52
110 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs5 = 68
111 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs6 = 76
112 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs7 = 88
113 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs8 = 96
114 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs9 = 108
115 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs10 = 114
116 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs11 = 122
117 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs12 = 130
118 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs13 = 134
119 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs14 = 136
120 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs15 = 138
122 ! Use for 256 g-point model
123 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng1 = 16
124 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng2 = 16
125 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng3 = 16
126 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng4 = 16
127 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng5 = 16
128 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng6 = 16
129 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng7 = 16
130 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng8 = 16
131 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng9 = 16
132 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng10 = 16
133 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng11 = 16
134 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng12 = 16
135 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng13 = 16
136 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng14 = 16
137 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng15 = 16
138 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng16 = 16
140 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs1 = 16
141 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs2 = 32
142 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs3 = 48
143 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs4 = 64
144 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs5 = 80
145 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs6 = 96
146 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs7 = 112
147 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs8 = 128
148 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs9 = 144
149 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs10 = 160
150 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs11 = 176
151 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs12 = 192
152 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs13 = 208
153 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs14 = 224
154 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs15 = 240
155 ! integer(kind=im), parameter :: ngs16 = 256
161 use parkind, only : rb => kind_rb
166 !------------------------------------------------------------------
167 ! rrtmg_lw cloud property coefficients
169 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
170 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
171 !------------------------------------------------------------------
174 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
182 !------------------------------------------------------------------
184 real(kind=rb) :: abscld1
185 real(kind=rb) , dimension(2) :: absice0
186 real(kind=rb) , dimension(2,5) :: absice1
187 real(kind=rb) , dimension(43,16) :: absice2
188 real(kind=rb) , dimension(46,16) :: absice3
189 real(kind=rb) :: absliq0
190 real(kind=rb) , dimension(58,16) :: absliq1
196 use parkind, only : rb => kind_rb
201 !------------------------------------------------------------------
204 ! Initial version: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
205 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
206 !------------------------------------------------------------------
209 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
210 ! fluxfac: real : radiance to flux conversion factor
211 ! heatfac: real : flux to heating rate conversion factor
212 !oneminus: real : 1.-1.e-6
214 ! grav : real : acceleration of gravity
215 ! planck : real : planck constant
216 ! boltz : real : boltzmann constant
217 ! clight : real : speed of light
218 ! avogad : real : avogadro constant
219 ! alosmt : real : loschmidt constant
220 ! gascon : real : molar gas constant
221 ! radcn1 : real : first radiation constant
222 ! radcn2 : real : second radiation constant
223 ! sbcnst : real : stefan-boltzmann constant
224 ! secdy : real : seconds per day
225 !------------------------------------------------------------------
227 real(kind=rb) :: fluxfac, heatfac
228 real(kind=rb) :: oneminus, pi, grav
229 real(kind=rb) :: planck, boltz, clight
230 real(kind=rb) :: avogad, alosmt, gascon
231 real(kind=rb) :: radcn1, radcn2
232 real(kind=rb) :: sbcnst, secdy
238 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
243 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
244 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 1
245 ! band 1: 10-250 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
247 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
248 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
249 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
250 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
253 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
262 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
264 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no1 = 16
266 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no1) , fracrefbo(no1)
267 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no1)
268 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no1)
269 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mn2(19,no1) , kbo_mn2(19,no1)
270 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no1), forrefo(4,no1)
272 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
273 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 1
274 ! band 1: 10-250 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
276 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
277 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
278 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
279 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
282 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
293 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
295 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng1 = 10
297 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng1) , fracrefb(ng1)
298 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng1) , absa(65,ng1)
299 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng1), absb(235,ng1)
300 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mn2(19,ng1) , kb_mn2(19,ng1)
301 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng1), forref(4,ng1)
303 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)), (kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
309 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
314 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
315 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 2
316 ! band 2: 250-500 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
318 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
319 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
320 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
321 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
324 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
331 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
333 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no2 = 16
335 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no2) , fracrefbo(no2)
336 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no2)
337 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no2)
338 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no2) , forrefo(4,no2)
340 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
341 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 2
342 ! band 2: 250-500 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
344 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
345 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
346 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
347 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
350 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
361 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
363 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng2 = 12
365 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng2) , fracrefb(ng2)
366 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng2) , absa(65,ng2)
367 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng2), absb(235,ng2)
368 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng2), forref(4,ng2)
370 real(kind=rb) :: refparam(13)
372 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
378 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
383 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
384 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 3
385 ! band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
387 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
388 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
389 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
390 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
393 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
402 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
404 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no3 = 16
406 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no3,9) ,fracrefbo(no3,5)
407 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no3)
408 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,5,13:59,no3)
409 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mn2o(9,19,no3), kbo_mn2o(5,19,no3)
410 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no3)
411 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no3)
413 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
414 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 3
415 ! band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
417 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
418 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
419 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
420 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
423 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
435 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
437 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng3 = 16
439 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng3,9) ,fracrefb(ng3,5)
440 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng3) ,absa(585,ng3)
441 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,5,13:59,ng3),absb(1175,ng3)
442 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mn2o(9,19,ng3), kb_mn2o(5,19,ng3)
443 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng3)
444 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng3)
446 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,1,13,1),absb(1,1))
452 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
457 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
458 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 4
459 ! band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
461 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
462 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
463 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
464 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
467 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
474 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
476 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no4 = 16
478 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no4,9) ,fracrefbo(no4,5)
479 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no4)
480 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,5,13:59,no4)
481 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no4) ,forrefo(4,no4)
483 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
484 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 4
485 ! band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
487 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
488 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
489 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
490 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
493 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
502 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
504 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng4 = 14
506 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng4,9) ,fracrefb(ng4,5)
507 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng4) ,absa(585,ng4)
508 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,5,13:59,ng4),absb(1175,ng4)
509 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng4) ,forref(4,ng4)
511 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,1,13,1),absb(1,1))
517 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
522 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
523 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 5
524 ! band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
526 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
527 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
528 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
529 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
532 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
541 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
543 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no5 = 16
545 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no5,9) ,fracrefbo(no5,5)
546 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no5)
547 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,5,13:59,no5)
548 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mo3(9,19,no5)
549 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no5)
550 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no5)
551 real(kind=rb) :: ccl4o(no5)
553 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
554 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 5
555 ! band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
557 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
558 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
559 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
560 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
563 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
575 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
577 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng5 = 16
579 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng5,9) ,fracrefb(ng5,5)
580 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng5) ,absa(585,ng5)
581 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,5,13:59,ng5),absb(1175,ng5)
582 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mo3(9,19,ng5)
583 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng5)
584 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng5)
585 real(kind=rb) :: ccl4(ng5)
587 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,1,13,1),absb(1,1))
593 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
598 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
599 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 6
600 ! band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
602 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
603 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
604 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
605 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
608 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
616 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
618 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no6 = 16
620 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no6) :: fracrefao
621 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no6)
622 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mco2(19,no6)
623 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no6)
624 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no6)
626 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no6) :: cfc11adjo
627 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no6) :: cfc12o
629 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
630 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 6
631 ! band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
633 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
634 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
635 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
636 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
639 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
649 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
651 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng6 = 8
653 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng6) :: fracrefa
654 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng6),absa(65,ng6)
655 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mco2(19,ng6)
656 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng6)
657 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng6)
659 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng6) :: cfc11adj
660 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng6) :: cfc12
662 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1))
668 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
673 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
674 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 7
675 ! band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low - h2o,o3; high - o3)
677 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
678 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
679 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
680 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
683 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
692 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
694 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no7 = 16
696 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no7) :: fracrefbo
697 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no7,9)
698 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no7)
699 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no7)
700 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mco2(9,19,no7)
701 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mco2(19,no7)
702 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no7)
703 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no7)
705 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
706 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 7
707 ! band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low - h2o,o3; high - o3)
709 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
710 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
711 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
712 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
715 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
726 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
728 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng7 = 12
730 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng7) :: fracrefb
731 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng7,9)
732 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng7) ,absa(585,ng7)
733 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng7),absb(235,ng7)
734 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mco2(9,19,ng7)
735 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mco2(19,ng7)
736 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng7)
737 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng7)
739 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
745 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
750 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
751 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 8
752 ! band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low (i.e.>~300mb) - h2o; high - o3)
754 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
755 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
756 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
757 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
760 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
774 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
776 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no8 = 16
778 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no8) :: fracrefao
779 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no8) :: fracrefbo
780 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no8) :: cfc12o
781 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no8) :: cfc22adjo
783 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no8)
784 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mco2(19,no8)
785 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mn2o(19,no8)
786 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mo3(19,no8)
787 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no8)
788 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mco2(19,no8)
789 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mn2o(19,no8)
790 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no8)
791 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no8)
793 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
794 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 8
795 ! band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low (i.e.>~300mb) - h2o; high - o3)
797 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
798 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
799 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
800 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
803 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
820 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
822 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng8 = 8
824 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng8) :: fracrefa
825 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng8) :: fracrefb
826 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng8) :: cfc12
827 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng8) :: cfc22adj
829 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng8) ,absa(65,ng8)
830 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng8) ,absb(235,ng8)
831 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mco2(19,ng8)
832 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mn2o(19,ng8)
833 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mo3(19,ng8)
834 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mco2(19,ng8)
835 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mn2o(19,ng8)
836 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng8)
837 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng8)
839 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
845 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
850 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
851 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 9
852 ! band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)
854 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
855 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
856 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
857 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
860 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
869 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
871 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no9 = 16
873 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no9) :: fracrefbo
875 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no9,9)
876 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no9)
877 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no9)
878 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mn2o(9,19,no9)
879 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mn2o(19,no9)
880 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no9)
881 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no9)
883 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
884 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 9
885 ! band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)
887 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
888 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
889 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
890 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
893 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
905 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
907 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng9 = 12
909 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng9) :: fracrefb
910 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng9,9)
911 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng9) ,absa(585,ng9)
912 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng9) ,absb(235,ng9)
913 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mn2o(9,19,ng9)
914 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mn2o(19,ng9)
915 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng9)
916 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng9)
918 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
924 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
929 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
930 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 10
931 ! band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
933 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
934 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
935 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
936 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
939 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
946 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
948 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no10 = 16
950 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no10) :: fracrefao
951 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no10) :: fracrefbo
953 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no10)
954 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no10)
955 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no10)
956 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no10)
958 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
959 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 10
960 ! band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
962 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
963 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
964 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
965 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
968 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
978 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
980 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng10 = 6
982 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng10) :: fracrefa
983 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng10) :: fracrefb
985 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng10) , absa(65,ng10)
986 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng10), absb(235,ng10)
987 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng10)
988 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng10)
990 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
996 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1001 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1002 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 11
1003 ! band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
1005 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1006 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1007 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1008 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1011 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1020 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1022 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no11 = 16
1024 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no11) :: fracrefao
1025 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no11) :: fracrefbo
1027 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no11)
1028 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no11)
1029 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mo2(19,no11)
1030 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mo2(19,no11)
1031 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no11)
1032 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no11)
1034 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1035 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 11
1036 ! band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
1038 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1039 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1040 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1041 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1044 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1056 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1058 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng11 = 8
1060 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng11) :: fracrefa
1061 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng11) :: fracrefb
1063 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng11) , absa(65,ng11)
1064 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng11), absb(235,ng11)
1065 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mo2(19,ng11)
1066 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mo2(19,ng11)
1067 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng11)
1068 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng11)
1070 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)),(kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
1072 end module rrlw_kg11
1076 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1081 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1082 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 12
1083 ! band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing)
1085 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1086 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1087 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1088 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1091 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1096 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1098 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no12 = 16
1100 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no12,9)
1101 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no12)
1102 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no12)
1103 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no12)
1105 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1106 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 12
1107 ! band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing)
1109 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1110 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1111 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1112 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1115 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1122 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1124 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng12 = 8
1126 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng12,9)
1127 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng12) ,absa(585,ng12)
1128 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng12)
1129 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng12)
1131 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1))
1133 end module rrlw_kg12
1137 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1142 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1143 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 13
1144 ! band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low - h2o,n2o; high - nothing)
1146 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1147 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1148 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1149 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1152 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1160 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1162 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no13 = 16
1164 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no13) :: fracrefbo
1166 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no13,9)
1167 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no13)
1168 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mco2(9,19,no13)
1169 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mco(9,19,no13)
1170 real(kind=rb) :: kbo_mo3(19,no13)
1171 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no13)
1172 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no13)
1174 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1175 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 13
1176 ! band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low - h2o,n2o; high - nothing)
1178 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1179 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1180 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1181 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1184 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1194 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1196 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng13 = 4
1198 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng13) :: fracrefb
1200 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng13,9)
1201 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng13) ,absa(585,ng13)
1202 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mco2(9,19,ng13)
1203 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mco(9,19,ng13)
1204 real(kind=rb) :: kb_mo3(19,ng13)
1205 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng13)
1206 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng13)
1208 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1))
1210 end module rrlw_kg13
1214 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1219 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1220 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 14
1221 ! band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
1223 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1224 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1225 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1226 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1229 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1236 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1238 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no14 = 16
1240 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no14) :: fracrefao
1241 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no14) :: fracrefbo
1243 real(kind=rb) :: kao(5,13,no14)
1244 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no14)
1245 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no14)
1246 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no14)
1248 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1249 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 14
1250 ! band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
1252 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1253 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1254 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1255 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1258 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1268 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1270 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng14 = 2
1272 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng14) :: fracrefa
1273 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng14) :: fracrefb
1275 real(kind=rb) :: ka(5,13,ng14) ,absa(65,ng14)
1276 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng14),absb(235,ng14)
1277 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng14)
1278 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng14)
1280 equivalence (ka(1,1,1),absa(1,1)), (kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
1282 end module rrlw_kg14
1286 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1291 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1292 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 15
1293 ! band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; high - nothing)
1295 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1296 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1297 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1298 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1301 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1307 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1309 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no15 = 16
1311 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no15,9)
1312 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no15)
1313 real(kind=rb) :: kao_mn2(9,19,no15)
1314 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no15)
1315 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no15)
1318 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1319 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 15
1320 ! band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; high - nothing)
1322 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1323 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1324 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1325 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1328 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1336 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1338 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng15 = 2
1340 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng15,9)
1341 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng15) ,absa(585,ng15)
1342 real(kind=rb) :: ka_mn2(9,19,ng15)
1343 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng15)
1344 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng15)
1346 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1))
1348 end module rrlw_kg15
1352 use parkind ,only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1357 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1358 ! rrtmg_lw ORIGINAL abs. coefficients for interval 16
1359 ! band 16: 2600-3000 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - nothing)
1361 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1362 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1363 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1364 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1367 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1373 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1375 integer(kind=im), parameter :: no16 = 16
1377 real(kind=rb) , dimension(no16) :: fracrefbo
1379 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefao(no16,9)
1380 real(kind=rb) :: kao(9,5,13,no16)
1381 real(kind=rb) :: kbo(5,13:59,no16)
1382 real(kind=rb) :: selfrefo(10,no16)
1383 real(kind=rb) :: forrefo(4,no16)
1385 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1386 ! rrtmg_lw COMBINED abs. coefficients for interval 16
1387 ! band 16: 2600-3000 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - nothing)
1389 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1390 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1391 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1392 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1395 ! ---- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------
1404 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1406 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ng16 = 2
1408 real(kind=rb) , dimension(ng16) :: fracrefb
1410 real(kind=rb) :: fracrefa(ng16,9)
1411 real(kind=rb) :: ka(9,5,13,ng16) ,absa(585,ng16)
1412 real(kind=rb) :: kb(5,13:59,ng16), absb(235,ng16)
1413 real(kind=rb) :: selfref(10,ng16)
1414 real(kind=rb) :: forref(4,ng16)
1416 equivalence (ka(1,1,1,1),absa(1,1)), (kb(1,13,1),absb(1,1))
1418 end module rrlw_kg16
1423 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1428 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1429 ! rrtmg_lw reference atmosphere
1430 ! Based on standard mid-latitude summer profile
1432 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1433 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1434 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1435 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1438 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
1439 ! pref : real : Reference pressure levels
1440 ! preflog: real : Reference pressure levels, ln(pref)
1441 ! tref : real : Reference temperature levels for MLS profile
1443 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1445 real(kind=rb) , dimension(59) :: pref
1446 real(kind=rb) , dimension(59) :: preflog
1447 real(kind=rb) , dimension(59) :: tref
1448 real(kind=rb) :: chi_mls(7,59)
1454 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1459 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1460 ! rrtmg_lw exponential lookup table arrays
1462 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1463 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Jun 2006
1464 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Aug 2007
1465 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, Aug 2008
1466 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1469 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
1470 ! ntbl : integer: Lookup table dimension
1471 ! tblint : real : Lookup table conversion factor
1472 ! tau_tbl: real : Clear-sky optical depth (used in cloudy radiative
1474 ! exp_tbl: real : Transmittance lookup table
1475 ! tfn_tbl: real : Tau transition function; i.e. the transition of
1476 ! the Planck function from that for the mean layer
1477 ! temperature to that for the layer boundary
1478 ! temperature as a function of optical depth.
1479 ! The "linear in tau" method is used to make
1481 ! pade : real : Pade constant
1482 ! bpade : real : Inverse of Pade constant
1483 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1485 integer(kind=im), parameter :: ntbl = 10000
1487 real(kind=rb), parameter :: tblint = 10000.0_rb
1489 real(kind=rb) , dimension(0:ntbl) :: tau_tbl
1490 real(kind=rb) , dimension(0:ntbl) :: exp_tbl
1491 real(kind=rb) , dimension(0:ntbl) :: tfn_tbl
1493 real(kind=rb), parameter :: pade = 0.278_rb
1494 real(kind=rb) :: bpade
1503 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1504 ! rrtmg_lw version information
1506 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1507 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1508 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1509 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1512 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
1513 !hnamrtm :character:
1514 !hnamini :character:
1515 !hnamcld :character:
1516 !hnamclc :character:
1517 !hnamrtr :character:
1518 !hnamrtx :character:
1519 !hnamrtc :character:
1520 !hnamset :character:
1521 !hnamtau :character:
1522 !hnamatm :character:
1523 !hnamutl :character:
1524 !hnamext :character:
1527 ! hvrrtm :character:
1528 ! hvrini :character:
1529 ! hvrcld :character:
1530 ! hvrclc :character:
1531 ! hvrrtr :character:
1532 ! hvrrtx :character:
1533 ! hvrrtc :character:
1534 ! hvrset :character:
1535 ! hvrtau :character:
1536 ! hvratm :character:
1537 ! hvrutl :character:
1538 ! hvrext :character:
1540 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1542 character*18 hvrrtm,hvrini,hvrcld,hvrclc,hvrrtr,hvrrtx, &
1543 hvrrtc,hvrset,hvrtau,hvratm,hvrutl,hvrext
1544 character*20 hnamrtm,hnamini,hnamcld,hnamclc,hnamrtr,hnamrtx, &
1545 hnamrtc,hnamset,hnamtau,hnamatm,hnamutl,hnamext
1554 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1555 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, mg, ngptlw, maxinpx
1560 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1561 ! rrtmg_lw spectral information
1563 ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998
1564 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006
1565 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, aug2008
1566 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1569 ! ----- : ---- : ----------------------------------------------
1570 ! ng : integer: Number of original g-intervals in each spectral band
1571 ! nspa : integer: For the lower atmosphere, the number of reference
1572 ! atmospheres that are stored for each spectral band
1573 ! per pressure level and temperature. Each of these
1574 ! atmospheres has different relative amounts of the
1575 ! key species for the band (i.e. different binary
1576 ! species parameters).
1577 ! nspb : integer: Same as nspa for the upper atmosphere
1578 !wavenum1: real : Spectral band lower boundary in wavenumbers
1579 !wavenum2: real : Spectral band upper boundary in wavenumbers
1580 ! delwave: real : Spectral band width in wavenumbers
1581 ! totplnk: real : Integrated Planck value for each band; (band 16
1582 ! includes total from 2600 cm-1 to infinity)
1583 ! Used for calculation across total spectrum
1584 !totplk16: real : Integrated Planck value for band 16 (2600-3250 cm-1)
1585 ! Used for calculation in band 16 only if
1586 ! individual band output requested
1588 ! ngc : integer: The number of new g-intervals in each band
1589 ! ngs : integer: The cumulative sum of new g-intervals for each band
1590 ! ngm : integer: The index of each new g-interval relative to the
1591 ! original 16 g-intervals in each band
1592 ! ngn : integer: The number of original g-intervals that are
1593 ! combined to make each new g-intervals in each band
1594 ! ngb : integer: The band index for each new g-interval
1595 ! wt : real : RRTM weights for the original 16 g-intervals
1596 ! rwgt : real : Weights for combining original 16 g-intervals
1597 ! (256 total) into reduced set of g-intervals
1599 ! nxmol : integer: Number of cross-section molecules
1600 ! ixindx : integer: Flag for active cross-sections in calculation
1601 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1603 integer(kind=im) :: ng(nbndlw)
1604 integer(kind=im) :: nspa(nbndlw)
1605 integer(kind=im) :: nspb(nbndlw)
1607 real(kind=rb) :: wavenum1(nbndlw)
1608 real(kind=rb) :: wavenum2(nbndlw)
1609 real(kind=rb) :: delwave(nbndlw)
1611 real(kind=rb) :: totplnk(181,nbndlw)
1612 real(kind=rb) :: totplk16(181)
1614 integer(kind=im) :: ngc(nbndlw)
1615 integer(kind=im) :: ngs(nbndlw)
1616 integer(kind=im) :: ngn(ngptlw)
1617 integer(kind=im) :: ngb(ngptlw)
1618 integer(kind=im) :: ngm(nbndlw*mg)
1620 real(kind=rb) :: wt(mg)
1621 real(kind=rb) :: rwgt(nbndlw*mg)
1623 integer(kind=im) :: nxmol
1624 integer(kind=im) :: ixindx(maxinpx)
1628 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
1629 ! author: $Author: trn $
1630 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
1631 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
1634 ! Fortran-95 implementation of the Mersenne Twister 19937, following
1635 ! the C implementation described below (code mt19937ar-cok.c, dated 2002/2/10),
1636 ! adapted cosmetically by making the names more general.
1637 ! Users must declare one or more variables of type randomNumberSequence in the calling
1638 ! procedure which are then initialized using a required seed. If the
1639 ! variable is not initialized the random numbers will all be 0.
1641 ! program testRandoms
1643 ! type(randomNumberSequence) :: randomNumbers
1646 ! randomNumbers = new_RandomNumberSequence(seed = 100)
1648 ! print ('(f12.10, 2x)'), getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
1650 ! end program testRandoms
1652 ! Fortran-95 implementation by
1654 ! NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
1656 ! email: Robert.Pincus@colorado.edu
1658 ! This documentation in the original C program reads:
1659 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1660 ! A C-program for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/2/10.
1661 ! Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
1662 ! This is a faster version by taking Shawn Cokus's optimization,
1663 ! Matthe Bellew's simplification, Isaku Wada's real version.
1665 ! Before using, initialize the state by using init_genrand(seed)
1666 ! or init_by_array(init_key, key_length).
1668 ! Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
1669 ! All rights reserved.
1671 ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1672 ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
1675 ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
1676 ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
1678 ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
1679 ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
1680 ! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
1682 ! 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
1683 ! products derived from this software without specific prior written
1699 ! Any feedback is very welcome.
1700 ! http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/matumoto/emt.html
1701 ! email: matumoto@math.keio.ac.jp
1702 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1704 module MersenneTwister
1705 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1707 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1712 ! Algorithm parameters
1715 integer(kind=im), parameter :: blockSize = 624, &
1717 MATRIX_A = -1727483681, & ! constant vector a (0x9908b0dfUL)
1718 UMASK = -2147483647-1, & ! most significant w-r bits (0x80000000UL)
1719 LMASK = 2147483647 ! least significant r bits (0x7fffffffUL)
1720 ! Tempering parameters
1721 integer(kind=im), parameter :: TMASKB= -1658038656, & ! (0x9d2c5680UL)
1722 TMASKC= -272236544 ! (0xefc60000UL)
1725 ! The type containing the state variable
1726 type randomNumberSequence
1727 integer(kind=im) :: currentElement ! = blockSize
1728 integer(kind=im), dimension(0:blockSize -1) :: state ! = 0
1729 end type randomNumberSequence
1731 interface new_RandomNumberSequence
1732 module procedure initialize_scalar, initialize_vector
1733 end interface new_RandomNumberSequence
1735 public :: randomNumberSequence
1736 public :: new_RandomNumberSequence, finalize_RandomNumberSequence, &
1737 getRandomInt, getRandomPositiveInt, getRandomReal
1738 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1740 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1742 ! ---------------------------
1743 function mixbits(u, v)
1744 integer(kind=im), intent( in) :: u, v
1745 integer(kind=im) :: mixbits
1747 mixbits = ior(iand(u, UMASK), iand(v, LMASK))
1748 end function mixbits
1749 ! ---------------------------
1750 function twist(u, v)
1751 integer(kind=im), intent( in) :: u, v
1752 integer(kind=im) :: twist
1755 integer(kind=im), parameter, dimension(0:1) :: t_matrix = (/ 0_im, MATRIX_A /)
1757 twist = ieor(ishft(mixbits(u, v), -1_im), t_matrix(iand(v, 1_im)))
1758 twist = ieor(ishft(mixbits(u, v), -1_im), t_matrix(iand(v, 1_im)))
1760 ! ---------------------------
1761 subroutine nextState(twister)
1762 type(randomNumberSequence), intent(inout) :: twister
1765 integer(kind=im) :: k
1767 do k = 0, blockSize - M - 1
1768 twister%state(k) = ieor(twister%state(k + M), &
1769 twist(twister%state(k), twister%state(k + 1_im)))
1771 do k = blockSize - M, blockSize - 2
1772 twister%state(k) = ieor(twister%state(k + M - blockSize), &
1773 twist(twister%state(k), twister%state(k + 1_im)))
1775 twister%state(blockSize - 1_im) = ieor(twister%state(M - 1_im), &
1776 twist(twister%state(blockSize - 1_im), twister%state(0_im)))
1777 twister%currentElement = 0_im
1779 end subroutine nextState
1780 ! ---------------------------
1781 elemental function temper(y)
1782 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: y
1783 integer(kind=im) :: temper
1785 integer(kind=im) :: x
1788 x = ieor(y, ishft(y, -11))
1789 x = ieor(x, iand(ishft(x, 7), TMASKB))
1790 x = ieor(x, iand(ishft(x, 15), TMASKC))
1791 temper = ieor(x, ishft(x, -18))
1793 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1794 ! Public (but hidden) functions
1795 ! --------------------
1796 function initialize_scalar(seed) result(twister)
1797 integer(kind=im), intent(in ) :: seed
1798 type(randomNumberSequence) :: twister
1800 integer(kind=im) :: i
1801 ! See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. In the previous versions,
1802 ! MSBs of the seed affect only MSBs of the array state[].
1803 ! 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto
1805 twister%state(0) = iand(seed, -1_im)
1806 do i = 1, blockSize - 1 ! ubound(twister%state)
1807 twister%state(i) = 1812433253_im * ieor(twister%state(i-1), &
1808 ishft(twister%state(i-1), -30_im)) + i
1809 twister%state(i) = iand(twister%state(i), -1_im) ! for >32 bit machines
1811 twister%currentElement = blockSize
1812 end function initialize_scalar
1813 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1814 function initialize_vector(seed) result(twister)
1815 integer(kind=im), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: seed
1816 type(randomNumberSequence) :: twister
1818 integer(kind=im) :: i, j, k, nFirstLoop, nWraps
1821 twister = initialize_scalar(19650218_im)
1823 nFirstLoop = max(blockSize, size(seed))
1824 do k = 1, nFirstLoop
1825 i = mod(k + nWraps, blockSize)
1826 j = mod(k - 1, size(seed))
1828 twister%state(i) = twister%state(blockSize - 1)
1829 twister%state(1) = ieor(twister%state(1), &
1830 ieor(twister%state(1-1), &
1831 ishft(twister%state(1-1), -30_im)) * 1664525_im) + &
1832 seed(j) + j ! Non-linear
1833 twister%state(i) = iand(twister%state(i), -1_im) ! for >32 bit machines
1836 twister%state(i) = ieor(twister%state(i), &
1837 ieor(twister%state(i-1), &
1838 ishft(twister%state(i-1), -30_im)) * 1664525_im) + &
1839 seed(j) + j ! Non-linear
1840 twister%state(i) = iand(twister%state(i), -1_im) ! for >32 bit machines
1845 ! Walk through the state array, beginning where we left off in the block above
1847 do i = mod(nFirstLoop, blockSize) + nWraps + 1, blockSize - 1
1848 twister%state(i) = ieor(twister%state(i), &
1849 ieor(twister%state(i-1), &
1850 ishft(twister%state(i-1), -30_im)) * 1566083941_im) - i ! Non-linear
1851 twister%state(i) = iand(twister%state(i), -1_im) ! for >32 bit machines
1854 twister%state(0) = twister%state(blockSize - 1)
1856 do i = 1, mod(nFirstLoop, blockSize) + nWraps
1857 twister%state(i) = ieor(twister%state(i), &
1858 ieor(twister%state(i-1), &
1859 ishft(twister%state(i-1), -30_im)) * 1566083941_im) - i ! Non-linear
1860 twister%state(i) = iand(twister%state(i), -1_im) ! for >32 bit machines
1863 twister%state(0) = UMASK
1864 twister%currentElement = blockSize
1866 end function initialize_vector
1867 ! -------------------------------------------------------------
1869 ! --------------------
1870 function getRandomInt(twister)
1871 type(randomNumberSequence), intent(inout) :: twister
1872 integer(kind=im) :: getRandomInt
1873 ! Generate a random integer on the interval [0,0xffffffff]
1874 ! Equivalent to genrand_int32 in the C code.
1875 ! Fortran doesn't have a type that's unsigned like C does,
1876 ! so this is integers in the range -2**31 - 2**31
1877 ! All functions for getting random numbers call this one,
1878 ! then manipulate the result
1880 if(twister%currentElement >= blockSize) call nextState(twister)
1882 getRandomInt = temper(twister%state(twister%currentElement))
1883 twister%currentElement = twister%currentElement + 1
1885 end function getRandomInt
1886 ! --------------------
1887 function getRandomPositiveInt(twister)
1888 type(randomNumberSequence), intent(inout) :: twister
1889 integer(kind=im) :: getRandomPositiveInt
1890 ! Generate a random integer on the interval [0,0x7fffffff]
1892 ! Equivalent to genrand_int31 in the C code.
1895 integer(kind=im) :: localInt
1897 localInt = getRandomInt(twister)
1898 getRandomPositiveInt = ishft(localInt, -1)
1900 end function getRandomPositiveInt
1901 ! --------------------
1902 !! mji - modified Jan 2007, double converted to rrtmg real kind type
1903 function getRandomReal(twister)
1904 type(randomNumberSequence), intent(inout) :: twister
1905 ! double precision :: getRandomReal
1906 real(kind=rb) :: getRandomReal
1907 ! Generate a random number on [0,1]
1908 ! Equivalent to genrand_real1 in the C code
1909 ! The result is stored as double precision but has 32 bit resolution
1911 integer(kind=im) :: localInt
1913 localInt = getRandomInt(twister)
1914 if(localInt < 0) then
1915 ! getRandomReal = dble(localInt + 2.0d0**32)/(2.0d0**32 - 1.0d0)
1916 getRandomReal = (localInt + 2.0**32_rb)/(2.0**32_rb - 1.0_rb)
1918 ! getRandomReal = dble(localInt )/(2.0d0**32 - 1.0d0)
1919 getRandomReal = (localInt )/(2.0**32_rb - 1.0_rb)
1922 end function getRandomReal
1923 ! --------------------
1924 subroutine finalize_RandomNumberSequence(twister)
1925 type(randomNumberSequence), intent(inout) :: twister
1927 twister%currentElement = blockSize
1928 twister%state(:) = 0_im
1929 end subroutine finalize_RandomNumberSequence
1931 ! --------------------
1933 end module MersenneTwister
1936 module mcica_random_numbers
1938 ! Generic module to wrap random number generators.
1939 ! The module defines a type that identifies the particular stream of random
1940 ! numbers, and has procedures for initializing it and getting real numbers
1941 ! in the range 0 to 1.
1942 ! This version uses the Mersenne Twister to generate random numbers on [0, 1].
1944 use MersenneTwister, only: randomNumberSequence, & ! The random number engine.
1945 new_RandomNumberSequence, getRandomReal
1947 !! use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_date
1949 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
1954 type randomNumberStream
1955 type(randomNumberSequence) :: theNumbers
1956 end type randomNumberStream
1958 interface getRandomNumbers
1959 module procedure getRandomNumber_Scalar, getRandomNumber_1D, getRandomNumber_2D
1960 end interface getRandomNumbers
1962 interface initializeRandomNumberStream
1963 module procedure initializeRandomNumberStream_S, initializeRandomNumberStream_V
1964 end interface initializeRandomNumberStream
1966 public :: randomNumberStream, &
1967 initializeRandomNumberStream, getRandomNumbers
1969 !! initializeRandomNumberStream, getRandomNumbers, &
1972 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
1974 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
1975 function initializeRandomNumberStream_S(seed) result(new)
1976 integer(kind=im), intent( in) :: seed
1977 type(randomNumberStream) :: new
1979 new%theNumbers = new_RandomNumberSequence(seed)
1981 end function initializeRandomNumberStream_S
1982 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
1983 function initializeRandomNumberStream_V(seed) result(new)
1984 integer(kind=im), dimension(:), intent( in) :: seed
1985 type(randomNumberStream) :: new
1987 new%theNumbers = new_RandomNumberSequence(seed)
1989 end function initializeRandomNumberStream_V
1990 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
1991 ! Procedures for drawing random numbers
1992 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
1993 subroutine getRandomNumber_Scalar(stream, number)
1994 type(randomNumberStream), intent(inout) :: stream
1995 real(kind=rb), intent( out) :: number
1997 number = getRandomReal(stream%theNumbers)
1998 end subroutine getRandomNumber_Scalar
1999 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
2000 subroutine getRandomNumber_1D(stream, numbers)
2001 type(randomNumberStream), intent(inout) :: stream
2002 real(kind=rb), dimension(:), intent( out) :: numbers
2005 integer(kind=im) :: i
2007 do i = 1, size(numbers)
2008 numbers(i) = getRandomReal(stream%theNumbers)
2010 end subroutine getRandomNumber_1D
2011 ! ---------------------------------------------------------
2012 subroutine getRandomNumber_2D(stream, numbers)
2013 type(randomNumberStream), intent(inout) :: stream
2014 real(kind=rb), dimension(:, :), intent( out) :: numbers
2017 integer(kind=im) :: i
2019 do i = 1, size(numbers, 2)
2020 call getRandomNumber_1D(stream, numbers(:, i))
2022 end subroutine getRandomNumber_2D
2024 ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------
2025 ! ! Constructing a unique seed from grid cell index and model date/time
2026 ! ! Once we have the GFDL stuff we'll add the year, month, day, hour, minute
2027 ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------
2028 ! function constructSeed(i, j, time) result(seed)
2029 ! integer(kind=im), intent( in) :: i, j
2030 ! type(time_type), intent( in) :: time
2031 ! integer(kind=im), dimension(8) :: seed
2034 ! integer(kind=im) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
2037 ! call get_date(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
2038 ! seed = (/ i, j, year, month, day, hour, minute, second /)
2039 ! end function constructSeed
2041 end module mcica_random_numbers
2043 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
2044 ! author: $Author: trn $
2045 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
2046 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
2048 module mcica_subcol_gen_lw
2050 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2052 ! | Copyright 2006-2008, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
2053 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
2054 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
2055 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
2056 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
2058 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2060 ! Purpose: Create McICA stochastic arrays for cloud physical or optical properties.
2061 ! Two options are possible:
2062 ! 1) Input cloud physical properties: cloud fraction, ice and liquid water
2063 ! paths, ice fraction, and particle sizes. Output will be stochastic
2064 ! arrays of these variables. (inflag = 1)
2065 ! 2) Input cloud optical properties directly: cloud optical depth, single
2066 ! scattering albedo and asymmetry parameter. Output will be stochastic
2067 ! arrays of these variables. (inflag = 0; longwave scattering is not
2068 ! yet available, ssac and asmc are for future expansion)
2070 ! --------- Modules ----------
2072 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
2073 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, ngptlw
2074 use rrlw_con, only: grav, pi
2075 use rrlw_wvn, only: ngb
2080 ! public interfaces/functions/subroutines
2081 public :: mcica_subcol_lw, generate_stochastic_clouds
2085 !------------------------------------------------------------------
2086 ! Public subroutines
2087 !------------------------------------------------------------------
2088 ! mji - Add height needed for exponential and exponential-random cloud overlap methods
2089 ! (icld=4 and 5, respectively) along with idcor, juldat and lat used to specify
2090 ! the decorrelation length for these methods
2091 subroutine mcica_subcol_lw(iplon, ncol, nlay, icld, permuteseed, irng, play, &
2092 cldfrac, ciwp, clwp, cswp, rei, rel, res, tauc, &
2093 hgt, idcor, juldat, lat, &
2094 cldfmcl, ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, cswpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl, resnmcl, taucmcl)
2098 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iplon ! column/longitude index
2099 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
2100 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlay ! number of model layers
2101 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: icld ! clear/cloud, cloud overlap flag
2102 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: permuteseed ! if the cloud generator is called multiple times,
2103 ! permute the seed between each call.
2104 ! between calls for LW and SW, recommended
2105 ! permuteseed differes by 'ngpt'
2106 integer(kind=im), intent(inout) :: irng ! flag for random number generator
2108 ! 1 = Mersenne Twister
2111 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: play(:,:) ! layer pressures (mb)
2112 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2114 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: hgt(:,:) ! layer height (m)
2115 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2117 ! Atmosphere/clouds - cldprop
2118 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cldfrac(:,:) ! layer cloud fraction
2119 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2120 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tauc(:,:,:) ! in-cloud optical depth
2121 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2122 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ssac(:,:,:) ! in-cloud single scattering albedo
2123 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2124 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: asmc(:,:,:) ! in-cloud asymmetry parameter
2125 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2126 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ciwp(:,:) ! in-cloud ice water path
2127 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2128 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: clwp(:,:) ! in-cloud liquid water path
2129 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2130 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cswp(:,:) ! in-cloud snow path
2131 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2132 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: rei(:,:) ! cloud ice particle size
2133 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2134 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: rel(:,:) ! cloud liquid particle size
2135 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2136 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: res(:,:) ! snow particle size
2137 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2138 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: idcor ! Decorrelation length type
2139 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: juldat ! Julian date (day of year, 1-365)
2140 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: lat ! latitude (degrees, -90 to 90)
2142 ! ----- Output -----
2143 ! Atmosphere/clouds - cldprmc [mcica]
2144 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cldfmcl(:,:,:) ! cloud fraction [mcica]
2145 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2146 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: ciwpmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud ice water path [mcica]
2147 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2148 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: clwpmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud liquid water path [mcica]
2149 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2150 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cswpmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud snow path [mcica]
2151 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2152 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: relqmcl(:,:) ! liquid particle size (microns)
2153 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2154 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: reicmcl(:,:) ! ice partcle size (microns)
2155 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2156 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: resnmcl(:,:) ! snow partcle size (microns)
2157 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2158 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: taucmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud optical depth [mcica]
2159 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2160 ! real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: ssacmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud single scattering albedo [mcica]
2161 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2162 ! real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: asmcmcl(:,:,:) ! in-cloud asymmetry parameter [mcica]
2163 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2167 ! Stochastic cloud generator variables [mcica]
2168 integer(kind=im), parameter :: nsubclw = ngptlw ! number of sub-columns (g-point intervals)
2169 integer(kind=im) :: ilev ! loop index
2171 real(kind=rb) :: pmid(ncol, nlay) ! layer pressures (Pa)
2172 ! real(kind=rb) :: pdel(ncol, nlay) ! layer pressure thickness (Pa)
2173 ! real(kind=rb) :: qi(ncol, nlay) ! ice water (specific humidity)
2174 ! real(kind=rb) :: ql(ncol, nlay) ! liq water (specific humidity)
2176 ! MJI - For latitude dependent decorrelation length
2177 real(kind=rb), parameter :: am1 = 1.4315_rb
2178 real(kind=rb), parameter :: am2 = 2.1219_rb
2179 real(kind=rb), parameter :: am4 = -25.584_rb
2180 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amr = 7._rb
2181 real(kind=rb) :: am3
2182 real(kind=rb) :: decorr_len(ncol) ! decorrelation length (meters)
2183 real(kind=rb), parameter :: Zo_default = 2500._rb ! default constant decorrelation length (m)
2185 ! Return if clear sky; or stop if icld out of range
2186 if (icld.eq.0) return
2187 if (icld.lt.0.or.icld.gt.5) then
2191 ! NOTE: For GCM mode, permuteseed must be offset between LW and SW by at least the number of subcolumns
2194 ! Pass particle sizes to new arrays, no subcolumns for these properties yet
2195 ! Convert pressures from mb to Pa
2197 reicmcl(:ncol,:nlay) = rei(:ncol,:nlay)
2198 relqmcl(:ncol,:nlay) = rel(:ncol,:nlay)
2199 resnmcl(:ncol,:nlay) = res(:ncol,:nlay)
2200 pmid(:ncol,:nlay) = play(:ncol,:nlay)*1.e2_rb
2202 ! Convert input ice and liquid cloud water paths to specific humidity ice and liquid components
2204 ! cwp = (q * pdel * 1000.) / gravit)
2205 ! = (kg/kg * kg m-1 s-2 *1000.) / m s-2
2208 ! q = (cwp * gravit) / (pdel *1000.)
2209 ! = (g m-2 * m s-2) / (kg m-1 s-2 * 1000.)
2213 ! qi(ilev) = (ciwp(ilev) * grav) / (pdel(ilev) * 1000._rb)
2214 ! ql(ilev) = (clwp(ilev) * grav) / (pdel(ilev) * 1000._rb)
2217 ! MJI - Latitude and day of year dependent decorrelation length
2218 if (idcor .eq. 1) then
2219 ! Derive decorrelation length based on day of year and latitude (from NASA GMAO method)
2220 ! Result is in meters
2221 if (juldat .gt. 181) then
2222 am3 = -4._rb * amr / 365._rb * (juldat-272)
2224 am3 = 4._rb * amr / 365._rb * (juldat-91)
2226 ! Latitude in radians, decorrelation length in meters
2227 ! decorr_len(:) = ( am1 + am2 * exp(-(lat*180._rb/pi - am3)**2 / (am4*am4)) ) * 1.e3_rb
2228 ! Latitude in degrees, decorrelation length in meters
2229 decorr_len(:) = ( am1 + am2 * exp(-(lat - am3)**2 / (am4*am4)) ) * 1.e3_rb
2231 ! Spatially and temporally constant decorrelation length
2232 decorr_len(:) = Zo_default
2235 ! Generate the stochastic subcolumns of cloud optical properties for the longwave;
2236 call generate_stochastic_clouds (ncol, nlay, nsubclw, icld, irng, pmid, cldfrac, clwp, ciwp, cswp, tauc, &
2238 cldfmcl, clwpmcl, ciwpmcl, cswpmcl, taucmcl, permuteseed)
2240 end subroutine mcica_subcol_lw
2243 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2244 subroutine generate_stochastic_clouds(ncol, nlay, nsubcol, icld, irng, pmid, cld, clwp, ciwp, cswp, tauc, &
2246 cld_stoch, clwp_stoch, ciwp_stoch, cswp_stoch, tauc_stoch, changeSeed)
2247 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2249 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2250 ! ---------------------
2251 ! Contact: Cecile Hannay (hannay@ucar.edu)
2253 ! Original code: Based on Raisanen et al., QJRMS, 2004.
2256 ! 1) Generalized for use with RRTMG and added Mersenne Twister as the default
2257 ! random number generator, which can be changed to the optional kissvec random number generator
2258 ! with flag 'irng'. Some extra functionality has been commented or removed.
2259 ! Michael J. Iacono, AER, Inc., February 2007
2260 ! 2) Activated exponential and exponential/random cloud overlap method
2261 ! Michael J. Iacono, AER, November 2017
2263 ! Given a profile of cloud fraction, cloud water and cloud ice, we produce a set of subcolumns.
2264 ! Each layer within each subcolumn is homogeneous, with cloud fraction equal to zero or one
2265 ! and uniform cloud liquid and cloud ice concentration.
2266 ! The ensemble as a whole reproduces the probability function of cloud liquid and ice within each layer
2267 ! and obeys an overlap assumption in the vertical.
2269 ! Overlap assumption:
2270 ! The cloud are consistent with 5 overlap assumptions: random, maximum, maximum-random, exponential and exponential random.
2271 ! The default option is maximum-random (option 2)
2272 ! The options are: 1=random overlap, 2=max/random, 3=maximum overlap, 4=exponential overlap, 5=exp/random
2273 ! This is set with the variable "overlap"
2274 ! The exponential overlap uses also a length scale, Zo. (real, parameter :: Zo = 2500. )
2277 ! If the stochastic cloud generator is called several times during the same timestep,
2278 ! one should change the seed between the call to insure that the subcolumns are different.
2279 ! This is done by changing the argument 'changeSeed'
2280 ! For example, if one wants to create a set of columns for the shortwave and another set for the longwave ,
2281 ! use 'changeSeed = 1' for the first call and'changeSeed = 2' for the second call
2284 ! We can use arbitrary complicated PDFS.
2285 ! In the present version, we produce homogeneuous clouds (the simplest case).
2286 ! Future developments include using the PDF scheme of Ben Johnson.
2289 ! Option to add diagnostics variables in the history file. (using FINCL in the namelist)
2290 ! nsubcol = number of subcolumns
2291 ! overlap = overlap type (1-3)
2293 ! CLOUD_S = mean of the subcolumn cloud fraction ('_S" means Stochastic)
2294 ! CLDLIQ_S = mean of the subcolumn cloud water
2295 ! CLDICE_S = mean of the subcolumn cloud ice
2298 ! Here: we force that the cloud condensate to be consistent with the cloud fraction
2299 ! i.e we only have cloud condensate when the cell is cloudy.
2300 ! In CAM: The cloud condensate and the cloud fraction are obtained from 2 different equations
2301 ! and the 2 quantities can be inconsistent (i.e. CAM can produce cloud fraction
2302 ! without cloud condensate or the opposite).
2303 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2305 use mcica_random_numbers
2306 ! The Mersenne Twister random number engine
2307 use MersenneTwister, only: randomNumberSequence, &
2308 new_RandomNumberSequence, getRandomReal
2310 type(randomNumberSequence) :: randomNumbers
2314 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
2315 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlay ! number of layers
2316 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: icld ! clear/cloud, cloud overlap flag
2317 integer(kind=im), intent(inout) :: irng ! flag for random number generator
2319 ! 1 = Mersenne Twister
2320 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nsubcol ! number of sub-columns (g-point intervals)
2321 integer(kind=im), optional, intent(in) :: changeSeed ! allows permuting seed
2323 ! Column state (cloud fraction, cloud water, cloud ice) + variables needed to read physics state
2324 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: pmid(:,:) ! layer pressure (Pa)
2325 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2326 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: hgt(:,:) ! layer height (m)
2327 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2328 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cld(:,:) ! cloud fraction
2329 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2330 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: clwp(:,:) ! in-cloud liquid water path
2331 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2332 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ciwp(:,:) ! in-cloud ice water path
2333 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2334 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cswp(:,:) ! in-cloud snow path
2335 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
2336 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tauc(:,:,:) ! in-cloud optical depth
2337 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2338 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ssac(:,:,:) ! in-cloud single scattering albedo
2339 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2340 ! inactive - for future expansion
2341 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: asmc(:,:,:) ! in-cloud asymmetry parameter
2342 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw,ncol,nlay)
2343 ! inactive - for future expansion
2344 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: decorr_len(:) ! decorrelation length (meters)
2345 ! Dimensions: (ncol)
2347 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cld_stoch(:,:,:) ! subcolumn cloud fraction
2348 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2349 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: clwp_stoch(:,:,:) ! subcolumn in-cloud liquid water path
2350 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2351 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: ciwp_stoch(:,:,:) ! subcolumn in-cloud ice water path
2352 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2353 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cswp_stoch(:,:,:) ! subcolumn in-cloud snow path
2354 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2355 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: tauc_stoch(:,:,:) ! subcolumn in-cloud optical depth
2356 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2357 ! real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: ssac_stoch(:,:,:)! subcolumn in-cloud single scattering albedo
2358 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2359 ! inactive - for future expansion
2360 ! real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: asmc_stoch(:,:,:)! subcolumn in-cloud asymmetry parameter
2361 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
2362 ! inactive - for future expansion
2364 ! -- Local variables
2365 real(kind=rb) :: cldf(ncol,nlay) ! cloud fraction
2367 ! Mean over the subcolumns (cloud fraction, cloud water , cloud ice) - inactive
2368 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_cld_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud fraction
2369 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_clwp_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud water
2370 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_ciwp_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud ice
2371 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_tauc_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud optical depth
2372 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_ssac_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud single scattering albedo
2373 ! real(kind=rb) :: mean_asmc_stoch(ncol, nlay) ! cloud asymmetry parameter
2376 integer(kind=im) :: overlap ! 1 = random overlap, 2 = maximum-random,
2377 ! 3 = maximum overlap, 4 = exponential,
2378 ! 5 = exponential-random
2379 real(kind=rb) :: Zo_inv(ncol) ! inverse of decorrelation length scale (m)
2380 real(kind=rb), dimension(ncol,nlay) :: alpha ! overlap parameter
2382 ! Constants (min value for cloud fraction and cloud water and ice)
2383 real(kind=rb), parameter :: cldmin = 1.0e-20_rb ! min cloud fraction
2384 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: qmin = 1.0e-10_rb ! min cloud water and cloud ice (not used)
2386 ! Variables related to random number and seed
2387 real(kind=rb), dimension(nsubcol, ncol, nlay) :: CDF, CDF2 ! random numbers
2388 integer(kind=im), dimension(ncol) :: seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4 ! seed to create random number (kissvec)
2389 real(kind=rb), dimension(ncol) :: rand_num ! random number (kissvec)
2390 integer(kind=im) :: iseed ! seed to create random number (Mersenne Teister)
2391 real(kind=rb) :: rand_num_mt ! random number (Mersenne Twister)
2393 ! Flag to identify cloud fraction in subcolumns
2394 logical, dimension(nsubcol, ncol, nlay) :: iscloudy ! flag that says whether a gridbox is cloudy
2397 integer(kind=im) :: ilev, isubcol, i, n ! indices
2399 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2401 ! Check that irng is in bounds; if not, set to default
2402 if (irng .ne. 0) irng = 1
2404 ! Pass input cloud overlap setting to local variable
2406 Zo_inv(:) = 1._rb / decorr_len(:)
2408 ! Ensure that cloud fractions are in bounds
2411 cldf(i,ilev) = cld(i,ilev)
2412 if (cldf(i,ilev) < cldmin) then
2413 cldf(i,ilev) = 0._rb
2418 ! ----- Create seed --------
2420 ! Advance randum number generator by changeseed values
2422 ! For kissvec, create a seed that depends on the state of the columns. Maybe not the best way, but it works.
2423 ! Must use pmid from bottom four layers.
2425 if (pmid(i,1).lt.pmid(i,2)) then
2428 seed1(i) = (pmid(i,1) - int(pmid(i,1))) * 1000000000_im
2429 seed2(i) = (pmid(i,2) - int(pmid(i,2))) * 1000000000_im
2430 seed3(i) = (pmid(i,3) - int(pmid(i,3))) * 1000000000_im
2431 seed4(i) = (pmid(i,4) - int(pmid(i,4))) * 1000000000_im
2434 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2436 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2437 randomNumbers = new_RandomNumberSequence(seed = changeSeed)
2441 ! ------ Apply overlap assumption --------
2443 ! generate the random numbers
2445 select case (overlap)
2449 ! i) pick a random value at every level
2452 do isubcol = 1,nsubcol
2454 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num) ! we get different random number for each level
2455 CDF(isubcol,:,ilev) = rand_num
2458 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2459 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2462 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2463 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2470 ! Maximum-Random overlap
2471 ! i) pick a random number for top layer.
2472 ! ii) walk down the column:
2473 ! - if the layer above is cloudy, we use the same random number than in the layer above
2474 ! - if the layer above is clear, we use a new random number
2477 do isubcol = 1,nsubcol
2479 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2480 CDF(isubcol,:,ilev) = rand_num
2483 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2484 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2487 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2488 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2496 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2497 if (CDF(isubcol, i, ilev-1) > 1._rb - cldf(i,ilev-1) ) then
2498 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = CDF(isubcol,i,ilev-1)
2500 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) * (1._rb - cldf(i,ilev-1))
2508 ! i) pick the same random numebr at every level
2511 do isubcol = 1,nsubcol
2512 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2514 CDF(isubcol,:,ilev) = rand_num
2517 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2518 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2520 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2522 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2529 ! Exponential overlap: transition from maximum to random cloud overlap increases
2530 ! exponentially with layer thickness and distance through layers
2532 ! The random numbers for exponential overlap verify:
2534 ! j>1 if RND1 < alpha(j,j-1) => RAN(j) = RAN(j-1)
2536 ! alpha is obtained from the equation
2537 ! alpha = exp(-(Z(j)-Z(j-1))/Zo) where Zo is a characteristic length scale
2543 alpha(i, ilev) = exp( -(hgt(i,ilev) - hgt(i,ilev-1)) * Zo_inv(i))
2547 ! generate 2 streams of random numbers
2549 do isubcol = 1,nsubcol
2551 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2552 CDF(isubcol, :, ilev) = rand_num
2553 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2554 CDF2(isubcol, :, ilev) = rand_num
2557 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2558 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2561 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2562 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2563 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2564 CDF2(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2570 ! generate random numbers
2572 where (CDF2(:, :, ilev) < spread(alpha (:,ilev), dim=1, nCopies=nsubcol) )
2573 CDF(:,:,ilev) = CDF(:,:,ilev-1)
2578 ! Exponential_Random overlap: transition from maximum to random cloud overlap increases
2579 ! exponentially with layer thickness and with distance through adjacent cloudy layers.
2580 ! Non-adjacent blocks of clouds are treated randomly, and each block begins a new
2581 ! exponential transition from maximum to random.
2583 ! compute alpha: bottom to top
2584 ! - set alpha to 0 in bottom layer (no layer below for correlation)
2588 alpha(i, ilev) = exp( -(hgt(i,ilev) - hgt(i,ilev-1) ) * Zo_inv(i))
2589 ! Decorrelate layers when clear layer follows a cloudy layer to enforce
2590 ! random correlation between non-adjacent cloudy layers
2591 if (cldf(i,ilev) .eq. 0.0_rb .and. cldf(i,ilev-1) .gt. 0.0_rb) then
2592 alpha(i,ilev) = 0.0_rb
2597 ! generate 2 streams of random numbers
2598 ! CDF2 is used to select which sub-columns are vertically correlated relative to alpha
2599 ! CDF is used to select which sub-columns are treated as cloudy relative to cloud fraction
2601 do isubcol = 1,nsubcol
2603 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2604 CDF(isubcol, :, ilev) = rand_num
2605 call kissvec(seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4, rand_num)
2606 CDF2(isubcol, :, ilev) = rand_num
2609 elseif (irng.eq.1) then
2610 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2613 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2614 CDF(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2615 rand_num_mt = getRandomReal(randomNumbers)
2616 CDF2(isubcol,i,ilev) = rand_num_mt
2621 ! generate vertical correlations in random number arrays - bottom to top
2623 where (CDF2(:, :, ilev) < spread(alpha (:,ilev), dim=1, nCopies=nsubcol) )
2624 CDF(:,:,ilev) = CDF(:,:,ilev-1)
2631 ! -- generate subcolumns for homogeneous clouds -----
2633 iscloudy(:,:,ilev) = (CDF(:,:,ilev) >= 1._rb - spread(cldf(:,ilev), dim=1, nCopies=nsubcol) )
2636 ! where the subcolumn is cloudy, the subcolumn cloud fraction is 1;
2637 ! where the subcolumn is not cloudy, the subcolumn cloud fraction is 0;
2638 ! where there is a cloud, define the subcolumn cloud properties,
2639 ! otherwise set these to zero
2643 do isubcol = 1, nsubcol
2644 if (iscloudy(isubcol,i,ilev) ) then
2645 cld_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 1._rb
2646 clwp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = clwp(i,ilev)
2647 ciwp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = ciwp(i,ilev)
2648 cswp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = cswp(i,ilev)
2650 tauc_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = tauc(n,i,ilev)
2651 ! ssac_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = ssac(n,i,ilev)
2652 ! asmc_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = asmc(n,i,ilev)
2654 cld_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 0._rb
2655 clwp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 0._rb
2656 ciwp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 0._rb
2657 cswp_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 0._rb
2658 tauc_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 0._rb
2659 ! ssac_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 1._rb
2660 ! asmc_stoch(isubcol,i,ilev) = 1._rb
2666 ! -- compute the means of the subcolumns ---
2667 ! mean_cld_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2668 ! mean_clwp_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2669 ! mean_ciwp_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2670 ! mean_tauc_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2671 ! mean_ssac_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2672 ! mean_asmc_stoch(:,:) = 0._rb
2674 ! mean_cld_stoch(:,:) = cld_stoch(i,:,:) + mean_cld_stoch(:,:)
2675 ! mean_clwp_stoch(:,:) = clwp_stoch( i,:,:) + mean_clwp_stoch(:,:)
2676 ! mean_ciwp_stoch(:,:) = ciwp_stoch( i,:,:) + mean_ciwp_stoch(:,:)
2677 ! mean_tauc_stoch(:,:) = tauc_stoch( i,:,:) + mean_tauc_stoch(:,:)
2678 ! mean_ssac_stoch(:,:) = ssac_stoch( i,:,:) + mean_ssac_stoch(:,:)
2679 ! mean_asmc_stoch(:,:) = asmc_stoch( i,:,:) + mean_asmc_stoch(:,:)
2681 ! mean_cld_stoch(:,:) = mean_cld_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2682 ! mean_clwp_stoch(:,:) = mean_clwp_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2683 ! mean_ciwp_stoch(:,:) = mean_ciwp_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2684 ! mean_tauc_stoch(:,:) = mean_tauc_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2685 ! mean_ssac_stoch(:,:) = mean_ssac_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2686 ! mean_asmc_stoch(:,:) = mean_asmc_stoch(:,:) / nsubcol
2688 end subroutine generate_stochastic_clouds
2691 !------------------------------------------------------------------
2692 ! Private subroutines
2693 !------------------------------------------------------------------
2695 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2696 subroutine kissvec(seed1,seed2,seed3,seed4,ran_arr)
2697 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2699 ! public domain code
2700 ! made available from http://www.fortran.com/
2701 ! downloaded by pjr on 03/16/04 for NCAR CAM
2702 ! converted to vector form, functions inlined by pjr,mvr on 05/10/2004
2704 ! The KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) random number generator. Combines:
2705 ! (1) The congruential generator x(n)=69069*x(n-1)+1327217885, period 2^32.
2706 ! (2) A 3-shift shift-register generator, period 2^32-1,
2707 ! (3) Two 16-bit multiply-with-carry generators, period 597273182964842497>2^59
2708 ! Overall period>2^123;
2710 real(kind=rb), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: ran_arr
2711 integer(kind=im), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: seed1,seed2,seed3,seed4
2712 integer(kind=im) :: i,sz,kiss
2713 integer(kind=im) :: m, k, n
2716 m(k, n) = ieor (k, ishft (k, n) )
2720 seed1(i) = 69069_im * seed1(i) + 1327217885_im
2721 seed2(i) = m (m (m (seed2(i), 13_im), - 17_im), 5_im)
2722 seed3(i) = 18000_im * iand (seed3(i), 65535_im) + ishft (seed3(i), - 16_im)
2723 seed4(i) = 30903_im * iand (seed4(i), 65535_im) + ishft (seed4(i), - 16_im)
2724 kiss = seed1(i) + seed2(i) + ishft (seed3(i), 16_im) + seed4(i)
2725 ran_arr(i) = kiss*2.328306e-10_rb + 0.5_rb
2728 end subroutine kissvec
2730 end module mcica_subcol_gen_lw
2732 ! path: $Source: /storm/rc1/cvsroot/rc/rrtmg_lw/src/rrtmg_lw_cldprmc.f90,v $
2733 ! author: $Author: mike $
2734 ! revision: $Revision: 1.8 $
2735 ! created: $Date: 2009/05/22 21:04:30 $
2737 module rrtmg_lw_cldprmc
2739 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2741 ! | Copyright 2002-2009, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
2742 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
2743 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
2744 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
2745 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
2747 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2749 ! --------- Modules ----------
2751 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
2752 use parrrtm, only : ngptlw, nbndlw
2753 use rrlw_cld, only: abscld1, absliq0, absliq1, &
2754 absice0, absice1, absice2, absice3
2755 use rrlw_wvn, only: ngb
2756 use rrlw_vsn, only: hvrclc, hnamclc
2762 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2763 subroutine cldprmc(nlayers, inflag, iceflag, liqflag, cldfmc, &
2764 ciwpmc, clwpmc, cswpmc, reicmc, relqmc, resnmc, ncbands, taucmc)
2765 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2767 ! Purpose: Compute the cloud optical depth(s) for each cloudy layer.
2769 ! ------- Input -------
2771 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlayers ! total number of layers
2772 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: inflag ! see definitions
2773 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iceflag ! see definitions
2774 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: liqflag ! see definitions
2776 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cldfmc(:,:) ! cloud fraction [mcica]
2777 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
2778 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ciwpmc(:,:) ! cloud ice water path [mcica]
2779 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
2780 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: clwpmc(:,:) ! cloud liquid water path [mcica]
2781 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
2782 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cswpmc(:,:) ! cloud snow path [mcica]
2783 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
2784 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: relqmc(:) ! liquid particle effective radius (microns)
2785 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
2786 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: reicmc(:) ! ice particle effective radius (microns)
2787 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
2788 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: resnmc(:) ! snow particle effective radius (microns)
2789 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
2790 ! specific definition of reicmc depends on setting of iceflag:
2791 ! iceflag = 0: ice effective radius, r_ec, (Ebert and Curry, 1992),
2792 ! r_ec must be >= 10.0 microns
2793 ! iceflag = 1: ice effective radius, r_ec, (Ebert and Curry, 1992),
2794 ! r_ec range is limited to 13.0 to 130.0 microns
2795 ! iceflag = 2: ice effective radius, r_k, (Key, Streamer Ref. Manual, 1996)
2796 ! r_k range is limited to 5.0 to 131.0 microns
2797 ! iceflag = 3: generalized effective size, dge, (Fu, 1996),
2798 ! dge range is limited to 5.0 to 140.0 microns
2799 ! [dge = 1.0315 * r_ec]
2801 ! ------- Output -------
2803 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: ncbands ! number of cloud spectral bands
2804 real(kind=rb), intent(inout) :: taucmc(:,:) ! cloud optical depth [mcica]
2805 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
2807 ! ------- Local -------
2809 integer(kind=im) :: lay ! Layer index
2810 integer(kind=im) :: ib ! spectral band index
2811 integer(kind=im) :: ig ! g-point interval index
2812 integer(kind=im) :: index
2813 integer(kind=im) :: icb(nbndlw)
2815 real(kind=rb) :: abscoice(ngptlw) ! ice absorption coefficients
2816 real(kind=rb) :: abscoliq(ngptlw) ! liquid absorption coefficients
2817 real(kind=rb) :: abscosno(ngptlw) ! snow absorption coefficients
2818 real(kind=rb) :: cwp ! cloud water path
2819 real(kind=rb) :: radice ! cloud ice effective size (microns)
2820 real(kind=rb) :: factor !
2821 real(kind=rb) :: fint !
2822 real(kind=rb) :: radliq ! cloud liquid droplet radius (microns)
2823 real(kind=rb) :: radsno ! cloud snow effective size (microns)
2824 real(kind=rb), parameter :: eps = 1.e-6_rb ! epsilon
2825 real(kind=rb), parameter :: cldmin = 1.e-20_rb ! minimum value for cloud quantities
2826 character*80 errmess
2828 ! ------- Definitions -------
2830 ! Explanation of the method for each value of INFLAG. Values of
2831 ! 0 or 1 for INFLAG do not distingish being liquid and ice clouds.
2832 ! INFLAG = 2 does distinguish between liquid and ice clouds, and
2833 ! requires further user input to specify the method to be used to
2834 ! compute the aborption due to each.
2835 ! INFLAG = 0: For each cloudy layer, the cloud fraction and (gray)
2836 ! optical depth are input.
2837 ! INFLAG = 1: For each cloudy layer, the cloud fraction and cloud
2838 ! water path (g/m2) are input. The (gray) cloud optical
2839 ! depth is computed as in CCM2.
2840 ! INFLAG = 2: For each cloudy layer, the cloud fraction, cloud
2841 ! water path (g/m2), and cloud ice fraction are input.
2842 ! ICEFLAG = 0: The ice effective radius (microns) is input and the
2843 ! optical depths due to ice clouds are computed as in CCM3.
2844 ! ICEFLAG = 1: The ice effective radius (microns) is input and the
2845 ! optical depths due to ice clouds are computed as in
2846 ! Ebert and Curry, JGR, 97, 3831-3836 (1992). The
2847 ! spectral regions in this work have been matched with
2848 ! the spectral bands in RRTM to as great an extent
2850 ! E&C 1 IB = 5 RRTM bands 9-16
2851 ! E&C 2 IB = 4 RRTM bands 6-8
2852 ! E&C 3 IB = 3 RRTM bands 3-5
2853 ! E&C 4 IB = 2 RRTM band 2
2854 ! E&C 5 IB = 1 RRTM band 1
2855 ! ICEFLAG = 2: The ice effective radius (microns) is input and the
2856 ! optical properties due to ice clouds are computed from
2857 ! the optical properties stored in the RT code,
2858 ! STREAMER v3.0 (Reference: Key. J., Streamer
2859 ! User's Guide, Cooperative Institute for
2860 ! Meteorological Satellite Studies, 2001, 96 pp.).
2861 ! Valid range of values for re are between 5.0 and
2863 ! ICEFLAG = 3: The ice generalized effective size (dge) is input
2864 ! and the optical properties, are calculated as in
2865 ! Q. Fu, J. Climate, (1998). Q. Fu provided high resolution
2866 ! tables which were appropriately averaged for the
2867 ! bands in RRTM_LW. Linear interpolation is used to
2868 ! get the coefficients from the stored tables.
2869 ! Valid range of values for dge are between 5.0 and
2871 ! LIQFLAG = 0: The optical depths due to water clouds are computed as
2873 ! LIQFLAG = 1: The water droplet effective radius (microns) is input
2874 ! and the optical depths due to water clouds are computed
2875 ! as in Hu and Stamnes, J., Clim., 6, 728-742, (1993).
2876 ! The values for absorption coefficients appropriate for
2877 ! the spectral bands in RRTM have been obtained for a
2878 ! range of effective radii by an averaging procedure
2879 ! based on the work of J. Pinto (private communication).
2880 ! Linear interpolation is used to get the absorption
2881 ! coefficients for the input effective radius.
2883 data icb /1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5/
2885 !jm not thread safe hvrclc = '$Revision: 1.8 $'
2889 ! This initialization is done in rrtmg_lw_subcol.F90.
2890 ! do lay = 1, nlayers
2892 ! taucmc(ig,lay) = 0.0_rb
2900 cwp = ciwpmc(ig,lay) + clwpmc(ig,lay) + cswpmc(ig,lay)
2901 if (cldfmc(ig,lay) .ge. cldmin .and. &
2902 (cwp .ge. cldmin .or. taucmc(ig,lay) .ge. cldmin)) then
2904 ! Ice clouds and water clouds combined.
2905 if (inflag .eq. 0) then
2906 ! Cloud optical depth already defined in taucmc, return to main program
2909 elseif(inflag .eq. 1) then
2911 ! cwp = ciwpmc(ig,lay) + clwpmc(ig,lay)
2912 ! taucmc(ig,lay) = abscld1 * cwp
2914 ! Separate treatement of ice clouds and water clouds.
2915 elseif(inflag .ge. 2) then
2916 radice = reicmc(lay)
2918 ! Calculation of absorption coefficients due to ice clouds.
2919 if ((ciwpmc(ig,lay)+cswpmc(ig,lay)) .eq. 0.0_rb) then
2920 abscoice(ig) = 0.0_rb
2921 abscosno(ig) = 0.0_rb
2923 elseif (iceflag .eq. 0) then
2924 if (radice .lt. 10.0_rb) stop 'ICE RADIUS TOO SMALL'
2925 abscoice(ig) = absice0(1) + absice0(2)/radice
2926 abscosno(ig) = 0.0_rb
2928 elseif (iceflag .eq. 1) then
2929 if (radice .lt. 13.0_rb .or. radice .gt. 130._rb) stop &
2933 abscoice(ig) = absice1(1,ib) + absice1(2,ib)/radice
2934 abscosno(ig) = 0.0_rb
2936 ! For iceflag=2 option, ice particle effective radius is limited to 5.0 to 131.0 microns
2938 elseif (iceflag .eq. 2) then
2939 if (radice .lt. 5.0_rb .or. radice .gt. 131.0_rb) stop 'ICE RADIUS OUT OF BOUNDS'
2941 factor = (radice - 2._rb)/3._rb
2943 if (index .eq. 43) index = 42
2944 fint = factor - float(index)
2947 absice2(index,ib) + fint * &
2948 (absice2(index+1,ib) - (absice2(index,ib)))
2949 abscosno(ig) = 0.0_rb
2951 ! For iceflag=3 option, ice particle generalized effective size is limited to 5.0 to 140.0 microns
2953 elseif (iceflag .ge. 3) then
2954 if (radice .lt. 5.0_rb .or. radice .gt. 140.0_rb) then
2955 write(errmess,'(A,i5,i5,f8.2,f8.2)' ) &
2957 ,ig, lay, ciwpmc(ig,lay), radice
2958 call wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
2961 factor = (radice - 2._rb)/3._rb
2963 if (index .eq. 46) index = 45
2964 fint = factor - float(index)
2967 absice3(index,ib) + fint * &
2968 (absice3(index+1,ib) - (absice3(index,ib)))
2969 abscosno(ig) = 0.0_rb
2973 !..Incorporate additional effects due to snow.
2974 if (cswpmc(ig,lay).gt.0.0_rb .and. iceflag .eq. 5) then
2975 radsno = resnmc(lay)
2976 if (radsno .lt. 5.0_rb .or. radsno .gt. 140.0_rb) then
2977 write(errmess,'(A,i5,i5,f8.2,f8.2)' ) &
2979 ,ig, lay, cswpmc(ig,lay), radsno
2980 call wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
2983 factor = (radsno - 2._rb)/3._rb
2985 if (index .eq. 46) index = 45
2986 fint = factor - float(index)
2989 absice3(index,ib) + fint * &
2990 (absice3(index+1,ib) - (absice3(index,ib)))
2994 ! Calculation of absorption coefficients due to water clouds.
2995 if (clwpmc(ig,lay) .eq. 0.0_rb) then
2996 abscoliq(ig) = 0.0_rb
2998 elseif (liqflag .eq. 0) then
2999 abscoliq(ig) = absliq0
3001 elseif (liqflag .eq. 1) then
3002 radliq = relqmc(lay)
3003 if (radliq .lt. 2.5_rb .or. radliq .gt. 60._rb) stop &
3005 index = int(radliq - 1.5_rb)
3006 if (index .eq. 0) index = 1
3007 if (index .eq. 58) index = 57
3008 fint = radliq - 1.5_rb - float(index)
3011 absliq1(index,ib) + fint * &
3012 (absliq1(index+1,ib) - (absliq1(index,ib)))
3015 taucmc(ig,lay) = ciwpmc(ig,lay) * abscoice(ig) + &
3016 clwpmc(ig,lay) * abscoliq(ig) + &
3017 cswpmc(ig,lay) * abscosno(ig)
3024 end subroutine cldprmc
3026 end module rrtmg_lw_cldprmc
3028 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
3029 ! author: $Author: trn $
3030 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
3031 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
3033 module rrtmg_lw_rtrnmc
3035 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3037 ! | Copyright 2002-2008, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
3038 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
3039 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
3040 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
3041 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
3043 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3045 ! --------- Modules ----------
3047 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
3048 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw
3049 use rrlw_con, only: fluxfac, heatfac
3050 use rrlw_wvn, only: delwave, ngb, ngs
3051 use rrlw_tbl, only: tblint, bpade, tau_tbl, exp_tbl, tfn_tbl
3052 use rrlw_vsn, only: hvrrtc, hnamrtc
3056 real(kind=rb) :: wtdiff, rec_6
3057 real(kind=rb) :: a0(nbndlw),a1(nbndlw),a2(nbndlw)! diffusivity angle adjustment coefficients
3059 ! This secant and weight corresponds to the standard diffusivity
3060 ! angle. This initial value is redefined below for some bands.
3061 data wtdiff /0.5_rb/
3062 data rec_6 /0.166667_rb/
3064 ! Reset diffusivity angle for Bands 2-3 and 5-9 to vary (between 1.50
3065 ! and 1.80) as a function of total column water vapor. The function
3066 ! has been defined to minimize flux and cooling rate errors in these bands
3067 ! over a wide range of precipitable water values.
3068 data a0 / 1.66_rb, 1.55_rb, 1.58_rb, 1.66_rb, &
3069 1.54_rb, 1.454_rb, 1.89_rb, 1.33_rb, &
3070 1.668_rb, 1.66_rb, 1.66_rb, 1.66_rb, &
3071 1.66_rb, 1.66_rb, 1.66_rb, 1.66_rb /
3072 data a1 / 0.00_rb, 0.25_rb, 0.22_rb, 0.00_rb, &
3073 0.13_rb, 0.446_rb, -0.10_rb, 0.40_rb, &
3074 -0.006_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, &
3075 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb /
3076 data a2 / 0.00_rb, -12.0_rb, -11.7_rb, 0.00_rb, &
3077 -0.72_rb,-0.243_rb, 0.19_rb,-0.062_rb, &
3078 0.414_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, &
3079 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb, 0.00_rb /
3083 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3084 subroutine rtrnmc(nlayers, istart, iend, iout, pz, semiss, ncbands, &
3085 cldfmc, taucmc, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
3086 pwvcm, fracs, taut, &
3087 totuflux, totdflux, fnet, htr, &
3088 totuclfl, totdclfl, fnetc, htrc )
3089 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3091 ! Original version: E. J. Mlawer, et al. RRTM_V3.0
3092 ! Revision for GCMs: Michael J. Iacono; October, 2002
3093 ! Revision for F90: Michael J. Iacono; June, 2006
3095 ! This program calculates the upward fluxes, downward fluxes, and
3096 ! heating rates for an arbitrary clear or cloudy atmosphere. The input
3097 ! to this program is the atmospheric profile, all Planck function
3098 ! information, and the cloud fraction by layer. A variable diffusivity
3099 ! angle (SECDIFF) is used for the angle integration. Bands 2-3 and 5-9
3100 ! use a value for SECDIFF that varies from 1.50 to 1.80 as a function of
3101 ! the column water vapor, and other bands use a value of 1.66. The Gaussian
3102 ! weight appropriate to this angle (WTDIFF=0.5) is applied here. Note that
3103 ! use of the emissivity angle for the flux integration can cause errors of
3104 ! 1 to 4 W/m2 within cloudy layers.
3105 ! Clouds are treated with the McICA stochastic approach and maximum-random
3107 !***************************************************************************
3109 ! ------- Declarations -------
3112 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlayers ! total number of layers
3113 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: istart ! beginning band of calculation
3114 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iend ! ending band of calculation
3115 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iout ! output option flag
3118 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: pz(0:) ! level (interface) pressures (hPa, mb)
3119 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3120 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: pwvcm ! precipitable water vapor (cm)
3121 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: semiss(:) ! lw surface emissivity
3122 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
3123 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: planklay(:,:) !
3124 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,nbndlw)
3125 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: planklev(0:,:) !
3126 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers,nbndlw)
3127 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: plankbnd(:) !
3128 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
3129 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: fracs(:,:) !
3130 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,ngptw)
3131 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: taut(:,:) ! gaseous + aerosol optical depths
3132 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,ngptlw)
3135 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: ncbands ! number of cloud spectral bands
3136 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cldfmc(:,:) ! layer cloud fraction [mcica]
3137 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
3138 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: taucmc(:,:) ! layer cloud optical depth [mcica]
3139 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlayers)
3141 ! ----- Output -----
3142 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: totuflux(0:) ! upward longwave flux (w/m2)
3143 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3144 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: totdflux(0:) ! downward longwave flux (w/m2)
3145 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3146 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: fnet(0:) ! net longwave flux (w/m2)
3147 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3148 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: htr(0:) ! longwave heating rate (k/day)
3149 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3150 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: totuclfl(0:) ! clear sky upward longwave flux (w/m2)
3151 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3152 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: totdclfl(0:) ! clear sky downward longwave flux (w/m2)
3153 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3154 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: fnetc(0:) ! clear sky net longwave flux (w/m2)
3155 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3156 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: htrc(0:) ! clear sky longwave heating rate (k/day)
3157 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3160 ! Declarations for radiative transfer
3161 real(kind=rb) :: abscld(nlayers,ngptlw)
3162 real(kind=rb) :: atot(nlayers)
3163 real(kind=rb) :: atrans(nlayers)
3164 real(kind=rb) :: bbugas(nlayers)
3165 real(kind=rb) :: bbutot(nlayers)
3166 real(kind=rb) :: clrurad(0:nlayers)
3167 real(kind=rb) :: clrdrad(0:nlayers)
3168 real(kind=rb) :: efclfrac(nlayers,ngptlw)
3169 real(kind=rb) :: uflux(0:nlayers)
3170 real(kind=rb) :: dflux(0:nlayers)
3171 real(kind=rb) :: urad(0:nlayers)
3172 real(kind=rb) :: drad(0:nlayers)
3173 real(kind=rb) :: uclfl(0:nlayers)
3174 real(kind=rb) :: dclfl(0:nlayers)
3175 real(kind=rb) :: odcld(nlayers,ngptlw)
3178 real(kind=rb) :: secdiff(nbndlw) ! secant of diffusivity angle
3179 real(kind=rb) :: transcld, radld, radclrd, plfrac, blay, dplankup, dplankdn
3180 real(kind=rb) :: odepth, odtot, odepth_rec, odtot_rec, gassrc
3181 real(kind=rb) :: tblind, tfactot, bbd, bbdtot, tfacgas, transc, tausfac
3182 real(kind=rb) :: rad0, reflect, radlu, radclru
3184 integer(kind=im) :: icldlyr(nlayers) ! flag for cloud in layer
3185 integer(kind=im) :: ibnd, ib, iband, lay, lev, l, ig ! loop indices
3186 integer(kind=im) :: igc ! g-point interval counter
3187 integer(kind=im) :: iclddn ! flag for cloud in down path
3188 integer(kind=im) :: ittot, itgas, itr ! lookup table indices
3190 ! ------- Definitions -------
3192 ! nlayers ! number of model layers
3193 ! ngptlw ! total number of g-point subintervals
3194 ! nbndlw ! number of longwave spectral bands
3195 ! ncbands ! number of spectral bands for clouds
3196 ! secdiff ! diffusivity angle
3197 ! wtdiff ! weight for radiance to flux conversion
3198 ! pavel ! layer pressures (mb)
3199 ! pz ! level (interface) pressures (mb)
3200 ! tavel ! layer temperatures (k)
3201 ! tz ! level (interface) temperatures(mb)
3202 ! tbound ! surface temperature (k)
3203 ! cldfrac ! layer cloud fraction
3204 ! taucloud ! layer cloud optical depth
3205 ! itr ! integer look-up table index
3206 ! icldlyr ! flag for cloudy layers
3207 ! iclddn ! flag for cloud in column at any layer
3208 ! semiss ! surface emissivities for each band
3209 ! reflect ! surface reflectance
3210 ! bpade ! 1/(pade constant)
3211 ! tau_tbl ! clear sky optical depth look-up table
3212 ! exp_tbl ! exponential look-up table for transmittance
3213 ! tfn_tbl ! tau transition function look-up table
3216 ! atrans ! gaseous absorptivity
3217 ! abscld ! cloud absorptivity
3218 ! atot ! combined gaseous and cloud absorptivity
3219 ! odclr ! clear sky (gaseous) optical depth
3220 ! odcld ! cloud optical depth
3221 ! odtot ! optical depth of gas and cloud
3222 ! tfacgas ! gas-only pade factor, used for planck fn
3223 ! tfactot ! gas and cloud pade factor, used for planck fn
3224 ! bbdgas ! gas-only planck function for downward rt
3225 ! bbugas ! gas-only planck function for upward rt
3226 ! bbdtot ! gas and cloud planck function for downward rt
3227 ! bbutot ! gas and cloud planck function for upward calc.
3228 ! gassrc ! source radiance due to gas only
3229 ! efclfrac ! effective cloud fraction
3230 ! radlu ! spectrally summed upward radiance
3231 ! radclru ! spectrally summed clear sky upward radiance
3232 ! urad ! upward radiance by layer
3233 ! clrurad ! clear sky upward radiance by layer
3234 ! radld ! spectrally summed downward radiance
3235 ! radclrd ! spectrally summed clear sky downward radiance
3236 ! drad ! downward radiance by layer
3237 ! clrdrad ! clear sky downward radiance by layer
3240 ! totuflux ! upward longwave flux (w/m2)
3241 ! totdflux ! downward longwave flux (w/m2)
3242 ! fnet ! net longwave flux (w/m2)
3243 ! htr ! longwave heating rate (k/day)
3244 ! totuclfl ! clear sky upward longwave flux (w/m2)
3245 ! totdclfl ! clear sky downward longwave flux (w/m2)
3246 ! fnetc ! clear sky net longwave flux (w/m2)
3247 ! htrc ! clear sky longwave heating rate (k/day)
3250 !jm not thread safe hvrrtc = '$Revision: 1.3 $'
3253 if (ibnd.eq.1 .or. ibnd.eq.4 .or. ibnd.ge.10) then
3254 secdiff(ibnd) = 1.66_rb
3256 secdiff(ibnd) = a0(ibnd) + a1(ibnd)*exp(a2(ibnd)*pwvcm)
3257 if (secdiff(ibnd) .gt. 1.80_rb) secdiff(ibnd) = 1.80_rb
3258 if (secdiff(ibnd) .lt. 1.50_rb) secdiff(ibnd) = 1.50_rb
3264 totuflux(0) = 0.0_rb
3265 totdflux(0) = 0.0_rb
3268 totuclfl(0) = 0.0_rb
3269 totdclfl(0) = 0.0_rb
3274 totuflux(lay) = 0.0_rb
3275 totdflux(lay) = 0.0_rb
3276 clrurad(lay) = 0.0_rb
3277 clrdrad(lay) = 0.0_rb
3278 totuclfl(lay) = 0.0_rb
3279 totdclfl(lay) = 0.0_rb
3282 ! Change to band loop?
3284 if (cldfmc(ig,lay) .eq. 1._rb) then
3286 odcld(lay,ig) = secdiff(ib) * taucmc(ig,lay)
3287 transcld = exp(-odcld(lay,ig))
3288 abscld(lay,ig) = 1._rb - transcld
3289 efclfrac(lay,ig) = abscld(lay,ig) * cldfmc(ig,lay)
3292 odcld(lay,ig) = 0.0_rb
3293 abscld(lay,ig) = 0.0_rb
3294 efclfrac(lay,ig) = 0.0_rb
3301 ! Loop over frequency bands.
3302 do iband = istart, iend
3304 ! Reinitialize g-point counter for each band if output for each band is requested.
3305 if (iout.gt.0.and.iband.ge.2) igc = ngs(iband-1)+1
3307 ! Loop over g-channels.
3310 ! Radiative transfer starts here.
3315 ! Downward radiative transfer loop.
3317 do lev = nlayers, 1, -1
3318 plfrac = fracs(lev,igc)
3319 blay = planklay(lev,iband)
3320 dplankup = planklev(lev,iband) - blay
3321 dplankdn = planklev(lev-1,iband) - blay
3322 odepth = secdiff(iband) * taut(lev,igc)
3323 if (odepth .lt. 0.0_rb) odepth = 0.0_rb
3325 if (icldlyr(lev).eq.1) then
3327 odtot = odepth + odcld(lev,igc)
3328 if (odtot .lt. 0.06_rb) then
3329 atrans(lev) = odepth - 0.5_rb*odepth*odepth
3330 odepth_rec = rec_6*odepth
3331 gassrc = plfrac*(blay+dplankdn*odepth_rec)*atrans(lev)
3333 atot(lev) = odtot - 0.5_rb*odtot*odtot
3334 odtot_rec = rec_6*odtot
3335 bbdtot = plfrac * (blay+dplankdn*odtot_rec)
3336 bbd = plfrac*(blay+dplankdn*odepth_rec)
3337 radld = radld - radld * (atrans(lev) + &
3338 efclfrac(lev,igc) * (1. - atrans(lev))) + &
3339 gassrc + cldfmc(igc,lev) * &
3340 (bbdtot * atot(lev) - gassrc)
3341 drad(lev-1) = drad(lev-1) + radld
3343 bbugas(lev) = plfrac * (blay+dplankup*odepth_rec)
3344 bbutot(lev) = plfrac * (blay+dplankup*odtot_rec)
3346 elseif (odepth .le. 0.06_rb) then
3347 atrans(lev) = odepth - 0.5_rb*odepth*odepth
3348 odepth_rec = rec_6*odepth
3349 gassrc = plfrac*(blay+dplankdn*odepth_rec)*atrans(lev)
3351 odtot = odepth + odcld(lev,igc)
3352 tblind = odtot/(bpade+odtot)
3353 ittot = tblint*tblind + 0.5_rb
3354 tfactot = tfn_tbl(ittot)
3355 bbdtot = plfrac * (blay + tfactot*dplankdn)
3356 bbd = plfrac*(blay+dplankdn*odepth_rec)
3357 atot(lev) = 1. - exp_tbl(ittot)
3359 radld = radld - radld * (atrans(lev) + &
3360 efclfrac(lev,igc) * (1._rb - atrans(lev))) + &
3361 gassrc + cldfmc(igc,lev) * &
3362 (bbdtot * atot(lev) - gassrc)
3363 drad(lev-1) = drad(lev-1) + radld
3365 bbugas(lev) = plfrac * (blay + dplankup*odepth_rec)
3366 bbutot(lev) = plfrac * (blay + tfactot * dplankup)
3370 tblind = odepth/(bpade+odepth)
3371 itgas = tblint*tblind+0.5_rb
3372 odepth = tau_tbl(itgas)
3373 atrans(lev) = 1._rb - exp_tbl(itgas)
3374 tfacgas = tfn_tbl(itgas)
3375 gassrc = atrans(lev) * plfrac * (blay + tfacgas*dplankdn)
3377 odtot = odepth + odcld(lev,igc)
3378 tblind = odtot/(bpade+odtot)
3379 ittot = tblint*tblind + 0.5_rb
3380 tfactot = tfn_tbl(ittot)
3381 bbdtot = plfrac * (blay + tfactot*dplankdn)
3382 bbd = plfrac*(blay+tfacgas*dplankdn)
3383 atot(lev) = 1._rb - exp_tbl(ittot)
3385 radld = radld - radld * (atrans(lev) + &
3386 efclfrac(lev,igc) * (1._rb - atrans(lev))) + &
3387 gassrc + cldfmc(igc,lev) * &
3388 (bbdtot * atot(lev) - gassrc)
3389 drad(lev-1) = drad(lev-1) + radld
3390 bbugas(lev) = plfrac * (blay + tfacgas * dplankup)
3391 bbutot(lev) = plfrac * (blay + tfactot * dplankup)
3395 if (odepth .le. 0.06_rb) then
3396 atrans(lev) = odepth-0.5_rb*odepth*odepth
3397 odepth = rec_6*odepth
3398 bbd = plfrac*(blay+dplankdn*odepth)
3399 bbugas(lev) = plfrac*(blay+dplankup*odepth)
3401 tblind = odepth/(bpade+odepth)
3402 itr = tblint*tblind+0.5_rb
3403 transc = exp_tbl(itr)
3404 atrans(lev) = 1._rb-transc
3405 tausfac = tfn_tbl(itr)
3406 bbd = plfrac*(blay+tausfac*dplankdn)
3407 bbugas(lev) = plfrac * (blay + tausfac * dplankup)
3409 radld = radld + (bbd-radld)*atrans(lev)
3410 drad(lev-1) = drad(lev-1) + radld
3412 ! Set clear sky stream to total sky stream as long as layers
3413 ! remain clear. Streams diverge when a cloud is reached (iclddn=1),
3414 ! and clear sky stream must be computed separately from that point.
3415 if (iclddn.eq.1) then
3416 radclrd = radclrd + (bbd-radclrd) * atrans(lev)
3417 clrdrad(lev-1) = clrdrad(lev-1) + radclrd
3420 clrdrad(lev-1) = drad(lev-1)
3424 ! Spectral emissivity & reflectance
3425 ! Include the contribution of spectrally varying longwave emissivity
3426 ! and reflection from the surface to the upward radiative transfer.
3427 ! Note: Spectral and Lambertian reflection are identical for the
3428 ! diffusivity angle flux integration used here.
3430 rad0 = fracs(1,igc) * plankbnd(iband)
3431 ! Add in specular reflection of surface downward radiance.
3432 reflect = 1._rb - semiss(iband)
3433 radlu = rad0 + reflect * radld
3434 radclru = rad0 + reflect * radclrd
3437 ! Upward radiative transfer loop.
3438 urad(0) = urad(0) + radlu
3439 clrurad(0) = clrurad(0) + radclru
3443 if (icldlyr(lev) .eq. 1) then
3444 gassrc = bbugas(lev) * atrans(lev)
3445 radlu = radlu - radlu * (atrans(lev) + &
3446 efclfrac(lev,igc) * (1._rb - atrans(lev))) + &
3447 gassrc + cldfmc(igc,lev) * &
3448 (bbutot(lev) * atot(lev) - gassrc)
3449 urad(lev) = urad(lev) + radlu
3452 radlu = radlu + (bbugas(lev)-radlu)*atrans(lev)
3453 urad(lev) = urad(lev) + radlu
3455 ! Set clear sky stream to total sky stream as long as all layers
3456 ! are clear (iclddn=0). Streams must be calculated separately at
3457 ! all layers when a cloud is present (ICLDDN=1), because surface
3458 ! reflectance is different for each stream.
3459 if (iclddn.eq.1) then
3460 radclru = radclru + (bbugas(lev)-radclru)*atrans(lev)
3461 clrurad(lev) = clrurad(lev) + radclru
3464 clrurad(lev) = urad(lev)
3468 ! Increment g-point counter
3470 ! Return to continue radiative transfer for all g-channels in present band
3471 if (igc .le. ngs(iband)) go to 1000
3473 ! Process longwave output from band for total and clear streams.
3474 ! Calculate upward, downward, and net flux.
3475 do lev = nlayers, 0, -1
3476 uflux(lev) = urad(lev)*wtdiff
3477 dflux(lev) = drad(lev)*wtdiff
3480 totuflux(lev) = totuflux(lev) + uflux(lev) * delwave(iband)
3481 totdflux(lev) = totdflux(lev) + dflux(lev) * delwave(iband)
3482 uclfl(lev) = clrurad(lev)*wtdiff
3483 dclfl(lev) = clrdrad(lev)*wtdiff
3484 clrurad(lev) = 0.0_rb
3485 clrdrad(lev) = 0.0_rb
3486 totuclfl(lev) = totuclfl(lev) + uclfl(lev) * delwave(iband)
3487 totdclfl(lev) = totdclfl(lev) + dclfl(lev) * delwave(iband)
3490 ! End spectral band loop
3493 ! Calculate fluxes at surface
3494 totuflux(0) = totuflux(0) * fluxfac
3495 totdflux(0) = totdflux(0) * fluxfac
3496 fnet(0) = totuflux(0) - totdflux(0)
3497 totuclfl(0) = totuclfl(0) * fluxfac
3498 totdclfl(0) = totdclfl(0) * fluxfac
3499 fnetc(0) = totuclfl(0) - totdclfl(0)
3501 ! Calculate fluxes at model levels
3503 totuflux(lev) = totuflux(lev) * fluxfac
3504 totdflux(lev) = totdflux(lev) * fluxfac
3505 fnet(lev) = totuflux(lev) - totdflux(lev)
3506 totuclfl(lev) = totuclfl(lev) * fluxfac
3507 totdclfl(lev) = totdclfl(lev) * fluxfac
3508 fnetc(lev) = totuclfl(lev) - totdclfl(lev)
3511 ! Calculate heating rates at model layers
3512 htr(l)=heatfac*(fnet(l)-fnet(lev))/(pz(l)-pz(lev))
3513 htrc(l)=heatfac*(fnetc(l)-fnetc(lev))/(pz(l)-pz(lev))
3516 ! Set heating rate to zero in top layer
3517 htr(nlayers) = 0.0_rb
3518 htrc(nlayers) = 0.0_rb
3520 end subroutine rtrnmc
3522 end module rrtmg_lw_rtrnmc
3524 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
3525 ! author: $Author: trn $
3526 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
3527 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
3529 module rrtmg_lw_setcoef
3531 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3533 ! | Copyright 2002-2008, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
3534 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
3535 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
3536 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
3537 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
3539 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3541 ! ------- Modules -------
3543 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
3544 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, mg, maxxsec, mxmol
3545 use rrlw_wvn, only: totplnk, totplk16
3547 use rrlw_vsn, only: hvrset, hnamset
3553 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3554 subroutine setcoef(nlayers, istart, pavel, tavel, tz, tbound, semiss, &
3555 coldry, wkl, wbroad, &
3556 laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
3557 colh2o, colco2, colo3, coln2o, colco, colch4, colo2, &
3558 colbrd, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, &
3559 rat_h2oco2, rat_h2oco2_1, rat_h2oo3, rat_h2oo3_1, &
3560 rat_h2on2o, rat_h2on2o_1, rat_h2och4, rat_h2och4_1, &
3561 rat_n2oco2, rat_n2oco2_1, rat_o3co2, rat_o3co2_1, &
3562 selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, &
3563 minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor)
3564 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3566 ! Purpose: For a given atmosphere, calculate the indices and
3567 ! fractions related to the pressure and temperature interpolations.
3568 ! Also calculate the values of the integrated Planck functions
3569 ! for each band at the level and layer temperatures.
3571 ! ------- Declarations -------
3574 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlayers ! total number of layers
3575 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: istart ! beginning band of calculation
3577 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: pavel(:) ! layer pressures (mb)
3578 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3579 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tavel(:) ! layer temperatures (K)
3580 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3581 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tz(0:) ! level (interface) temperatures (K)
3582 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers)
3583 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tbound ! surface temperature (K)
3584 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: coldry(:) ! dry air column density (mol/cm2)
3585 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3586 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: wbroad(:) ! broadening gas column density (mol/cm2)
3587 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3588 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: wkl(:,:) ! molecular amounts (mol/cm-2)
3589 ! Dimensions: (mxmol,nlayers)
3590 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: semiss(:) ! lw surface emissivity
3591 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
3593 ! ----- Output -----
3594 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: laytrop ! tropopause layer index
3595 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: jp(:) !
3596 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3597 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: jt(:) !
3598 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3599 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: jt1(:) !
3600 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3601 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: planklay(:,:) !
3602 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,nbndlw)
3603 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: planklev(0:,:) !
3604 ! Dimensions: (0:nlayers,nbndlw)
3605 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: plankbnd(:) !
3606 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
3608 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colh2o(:) ! column amount (h2o)
3609 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3610 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colco2(:) ! column amount (co2)
3611 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3612 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colo3(:) ! column amount (o3)
3613 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3614 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: coln2o(:) ! column amount (n2o)
3615 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3616 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colco(:) ! column amount (co)
3617 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3618 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colch4(:) ! column amount (ch4)
3619 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3620 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colo2(:) ! column amount (o2)
3621 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3622 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: colbrd(:) ! column amount (broadening gases)
3623 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3625 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: indself(:)
3626 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3627 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: indfor(:)
3628 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3629 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: selffac(:)
3630 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3631 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: selffrac(:)
3632 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3633 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: forfac(:)
3634 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3635 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: forfrac(:)
3636 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3638 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: indminor(:)
3639 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3640 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: minorfrac(:)
3641 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3642 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: scaleminor(:)
3643 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3644 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: scaleminorn2(:)
3645 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3647 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: & !
3648 fac00(:), fac01(:), & ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3651 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: & !
3652 rat_h2oco2(:),rat_h2oco2_1(:), &
3653 rat_h2oo3(:),rat_h2oo3_1(:), & ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
3654 rat_h2on2o(:),rat_h2on2o_1(:), &
3655 rat_h2och4(:),rat_h2och4_1(:), &
3656 rat_n2oco2(:),rat_n2oco2_1(:), &
3657 rat_o3co2(:),rat_o3co2_1(:)
3661 integer(kind=im) :: indbound, indlev0
3662 integer(kind=im) :: lay, indlay, indlev, iband
3663 integer(kind=im) :: jp1
3664 real(kind=rb) :: stpfac, tbndfrac, t0frac, tlayfrac, tlevfrac
3665 real(kind=rb) :: dbdtlev, dbdtlay
3666 real(kind=rb) :: plog, fp, ft, ft1, water, scalefac, factor, compfp
3669 !jm not thread safe hvrset = '$Revision: 1.3 $'
3671 stpfac = 296._rb/1013._rb
3673 indbound = tbound - 159._rb
3674 if (indbound .lt. 1) then
3676 elseif (indbound .gt. 180) then
3679 tbndfrac = tbound - 159._rb - float(indbound)
3680 indlev0 = tz(0) - 159._rb
3681 if (indlev0 .lt. 1) then
3683 elseif (indlev0 .gt. 180) then
3686 t0frac = tz(0) - 159._rb - float(indlev0)
3690 ! Calculate the integrated Planck functions for each band at the
3691 ! surface, level, and layer temperatures.
3693 indlay = tavel(lay) - 159._rb
3694 if (indlay .lt. 1) then
3696 elseif (indlay .gt. 180) then
3699 tlayfrac = tavel(lay) - 159._rb - float(indlay)
3700 indlev = tz(lay) - 159._rb
3701 if (indlev .lt. 1) then
3703 elseif (indlev .gt. 180) then
3706 tlevfrac = tz(lay) - 159._rb - float(indlev)
3708 ! Begin spectral band loop
3711 dbdtlev = totplnk(indbound+1,iband) - totplnk(indbound,iband)
3712 plankbnd(iband) = semiss(iband) * &
3713 (totplnk(indbound,iband) + tbndfrac * dbdtlev)
3714 dbdtlev = totplnk(indlev0+1,iband)-totplnk(indlev0,iband)
3715 planklev(0,iband) = totplnk(indlev0,iband) + t0frac * dbdtlev
3717 dbdtlev = totplnk(indlev+1,iband) - totplnk(indlev,iband)
3718 dbdtlay = totplnk(indlay+1,iband) - totplnk(indlay,iband)
3719 planklay(lay,iband) = totplnk(indlay,iband) + tlayfrac * dbdtlay
3720 planklev(lay,iband) = totplnk(indlev,iband) + tlevfrac * dbdtlev
3723 ! For band 16, if radiative transfer will be performed on just
3724 ! this band, use integrated Planck values up to 3250 cm-1.
3725 ! If radiative transfer will be performed across all 16 bands,
3726 ! then include in the integrated Planck values for this band
3727 ! contributions from 2600 cm-1 to infinity.
3729 if (istart .eq. 16) then
3731 dbdtlev = totplk16(indbound+1) - totplk16(indbound)
3732 plankbnd(iband) = semiss(iband) * &
3733 (totplk16(indbound) + tbndfrac * dbdtlev)
3734 dbdtlev = totplnk(indlev0+1,iband)-totplnk(indlev0,iband)
3735 planklev(0,iband) = totplk16(indlev0) + &
3738 dbdtlev = totplk16(indlev+1) - totplk16(indlev)
3739 dbdtlay = totplk16(indlay+1) - totplk16(indlay)
3740 planklay(lay,iband) = totplk16(indlay) + tlayfrac * dbdtlay
3741 planklev(lay,iband) = totplk16(indlev) + tlevfrac * dbdtlev
3744 dbdtlev = totplnk(indbound+1,iband) - totplnk(indbound,iband)
3745 plankbnd(iband) = semiss(iband) * &
3746 (totplnk(indbound,iband) + tbndfrac * dbdtlev)
3747 dbdtlev = totplnk(indlev0+1,iband)-totplnk(indlev0,iband)
3748 planklev(0,iband) = totplnk(indlev0,iband) + t0frac * dbdtlev
3750 dbdtlev = totplnk(indlev+1,iband) - totplnk(indlev,iband)
3751 dbdtlay = totplnk(indlay+1,iband) - totplnk(indlay,iband)
3752 planklay(lay,iband) = totplnk(indlay,iband) + tlayfrac * dbdtlay
3753 planklev(lay,iband) = totplnk(indlev,iband) + tlevfrac * dbdtlev
3756 ! Find the two reference pressures on either side of the
3757 ! layer pressure. Store them in JP and JP1. Store in FP the
3758 ! fraction of the difference (in ln(pressure)) between these
3759 ! two values that the layer pressure lies.
3760 plog = log(pavel(lay))
3761 ! plog = dlog(pavel(lay))
3762 jp(lay) = int(36._rb - 5*(plog+0.04_rb))
3763 if (jp(lay) .lt. 1) then
3765 elseif (jp(lay) .gt. 58) then
3769 fp = 5._rb *(preflog(jp(lay)) - plog)
3771 ! Determine, for each reference pressure (JP and JP1), which
3772 ! reference temperature (these are different for each
3773 ! reference pressure) is nearest the layer temperature but does
3774 ! not exceed it. Store these indices in JT and JT1, resp.
3775 ! Store in FT (resp. FT1) the fraction of the way between JT
3776 ! (JT1) and the next highest reference temperature that the
3777 ! layer temperature falls.
3778 jt(lay) = int(3._rb + (tavel(lay)-tref(jp(lay)))/15._rb)
3779 if (jt(lay) .lt. 1) then
3781 elseif (jt(lay) .gt. 4) then
3784 ft = ((tavel(lay)-tref(jp(lay)))/15._rb) - float(jt(lay)-3)
3785 jt1(lay) = int(3._rb + (tavel(lay)-tref(jp1))/15._rb)
3786 if (jt1(lay) .lt. 1) then
3788 elseif (jt1(lay) .gt. 4) then
3791 ft1 = ((tavel(lay)-tref(jp1))/15._rb) - float(jt1(lay)-3)
3792 water = wkl(1,lay)/coldry(lay)
3793 scalefac = pavel(lay) * stpfac / tavel(lay)
3795 ! If the pressure is less than ~100mb, perform a different
3796 ! set of species interpolations.
3797 if (plog .le. 4.56_rb) go to 5300
3798 laytrop = laytrop + 1
3800 forfac(lay) = scalefac / (1.+water)
3801 factor = (332.0_rb-tavel(lay))/36.0_rb
3802 indfor(lay) = min(2, max(1, int(factor)))
3803 forfrac(lay) = factor - float(indfor(lay))
3805 ! Set up factors needed to separately include the water vapor
3806 ! self-continuum in the calculation of absorption coefficient.
3807 selffac(lay) = water * forfac(lay)
3808 factor = (tavel(lay)-188.0_rb)/7.2_rb
3809 indself(lay) = min(9, max(1, int(factor)-7))
3810 selffrac(lay) = factor - float(indself(lay) + 7)
3812 ! Set up factors needed to separately include the minor gases
3813 ! in the calculation of absorption coefficient
3814 scaleminor(lay) = pavel(lay)/tavel(lay)
3815 scaleminorn2(lay) = (pavel(lay)/tavel(lay)) &
3816 *(wbroad(lay)/(coldry(lay)+wkl(1,lay)))
3817 factor = (tavel(lay)-180.8_rb)/7.2_rb
3818 indminor(lay) = min(18, max(1, int(factor)))
3819 minorfrac(lay) = factor - float(indminor(lay))
3821 ! Setup reference ratio to be used in calculation of binary
3822 ! species parameter in lower atmosphere.
3823 rat_h2oco2(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay))/chi_mls(2,jp(lay))
3824 rat_h2oco2_1(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
3826 rat_h2oo3(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay))/chi_mls(3,jp(lay))
3827 rat_h2oo3_1(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(3,jp(lay)+1)
3829 rat_h2on2o(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay))/chi_mls(4,jp(lay))
3830 rat_h2on2o_1(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)
3832 rat_h2och4(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay))/chi_mls(6,jp(lay))
3833 rat_h2och4_1(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(6,jp(lay)+1)
3835 rat_n2oco2(lay)=chi_mls(4,jp(lay))/chi_mls(2,jp(lay))
3836 rat_n2oco2_1(lay)=chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
3838 ! Calculate needed column amounts.
3839 colh2o(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(1,lay)
3840 colco2(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(2,lay)
3841 colo3(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(3,lay)
3842 coln2o(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(4,lay)
3843 colco(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(5,lay)
3844 colch4(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(6,lay)
3845 colo2(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(7,lay)
3846 if (colco2(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colco2(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3847 if (colo3(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colo3(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3848 if (coln2o(lay) .eq. 0._rb) coln2o(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3849 if (colco(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colco(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3850 if (colch4(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colch4(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3851 colbrd(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wbroad(lay)
3857 forfac(lay) = scalefac / (1.+water)
3858 factor = (tavel(lay)-188.0_rb)/36.0_rb
3860 forfrac(lay) = factor - 1.0_rb
3862 ! Set up factors needed to separately include the water vapor
3863 ! self-continuum in the calculation of absorption coefficient.
3864 selffac(lay) = water * forfac(lay)
3866 ! Set up factors needed to separately include the minor gases
3867 ! in the calculation of absorption coefficient
3868 scaleminor(lay) = pavel(lay)/tavel(lay)
3869 scaleminorn2(lay) = (pavel(lay)/tavel(lay)) &
3870 * (wbroad(lay)/(coldry(lay)+wkl(1,lay)))
3871 factor = (tavel(lay)-180.8_rb)/7.2_rb
3872 indminor(lay) = min(18, max(1, int(factor)))
3873 minorfrac(lay) = factor - float(indminor(lay))
3875 ! Setup reference ratio to be used in calculation of binary
3876 ! species parameter in upper atmosphere.
3877 rat_h2oco2(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay))/chi_mls(2,jp(lay))
3878 rat_h2oco2_1(lay)=chi_mls(1,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
3880 rat_o3co2(lay)=chi_mls(3,jp(lay))/chi_mls(2,jp(lay))
3881 rat_o3co2_1(lay)=chi_mls(3,jp(lay)+1)/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
3883 ! Calculate needed column amounts.
3884 colh2o(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(1,lay)
3885 colco2(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(2,lay)
3886 colo3(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(3,lay)
3887 coln2o(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(4,lay)
3888 colco(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(5,lay)
3889 colch4(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(6,lay)
3890 colo2(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wkl(7,lay)
3891 if (colco2(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colco2(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3892 if (colo3(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colo3(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3893 if (coln2o(lay) .eq. 0._rb) coln2o(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3894 if (colco(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colco(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3895 if (colch4(lay) .eq. 0._rb) colch4(lay) = 1.e-32_rb * coldry(lay)
3896 colbrd(lay) = 1.e-20_rb * wbroad(lay)
3899 ! We have now isolated the layer ln pressure and temperature,
3900 ! between two reference pressures and two reference temperatures
3901 ! (for each reference pressure). We multiply the pressure
3902 ! fraction FP with the appropriate temperature fractions to get
3903 ! the factors that will be needed for the interpolation that yields
3904 ! the optical depths (performed in routines TAUGBn for band n).`
3907 fac10(lay) = compfp * ft
3908 fac00(lay) = compfp * (1._rb - ft)
3909 fac11(lay) = fp * ft1
3910 fac01(lay) = fp * (1._rb - ft1)
3912 ! Rescale selffac and forfac for use in taumol
3913 selffac(lay) = colh2o(lay)*selffac(lay)
3914 forfac(lay) = colh2o(lay)*forfac(lay)
3919 end subroutine setcoef
3921 !***************************************************************************
3923 !***************************************************************************
3927 ! These pressures are chosen such that the ln of the first pressure
3928 ! has only a few non-zero digits (i.e. ln(PREF(1)) = 6.96000) and
3929 ! each subsequent ln(pressure) differs from the previous one by 0.2.
3932 1.05363e+03_rb,8.62642e+02_rb,7.06272e+02_rb,5.78246e+02_rb,4.73428e+02_rb, &
3933 3.87610e+02_rb,3.17348e+02_rb,2.59823e+02_rb,2.12725e+02_rb,1.74164e+02_rb, &
3934 1.42594e+02_rb,1.16746e+02_rb,9.55835e+01_rb,7.82571e+01_rb,6.40715e+01_rb, &
3935 5.24573e+01_rb,4.29484e+01_rb,3.51632e+01_rb,2.87892e+01_rb,2.35706e+01_rb, &
3936 1.92980e+01_rb,1.57998e+01_rb,1.29358e+01_rb,1.05910e+01_rb,8.67114e+00_rb, &
3937 7.09933e+00_rb,5.81244e+00_rb,4.75882e+00_rb,3.89619e+00_rb,3.18993e+00_rb, &
3938 2.61170e+00_rb,2.13828e+00_rb,1.75067e+00_rb,1.43333e+00_rb,1.17351e+00_rb, &
3939 9.60789e-01_rb,7.86628e-01_rb,6.44036e-01_rb,5.27292e-01_rb,4.31710e-01_rb, &
3940 3.53455e-01_rb,2.89384e-01_rb,2.36928e-01_rb,1.93980e-01_rb,1.58817e-01_rb, &
3941 1.30029e-01_rb,1.06458e-01_rb,8.71608e-02_rb,7.13612e-02_rb,5.84256e-02_rb, &
3942 4.78349e-02_rb,3.91639e-02_rb,3.20647e-02_rb,2.62523e-02_rb,2.14936e-02_rb, &
3943 1.75975e-02_rb,1.44076e-02_rb,1.17959e-02_rb,9.65769e-03_rb/)
3946 6.9600e+00_rb, 6.7600e+00_rb, 6.5600e+00_rb, 6.3600e+00_rb, 6.1600e+00_rb, &
3947 5.9600e+00_rb, 5.7600e+00_rb, 5.5600e+00_rb, 5.3600e+00_rb, 5.1600e+00_rb, &
3948 4.9600e+00_rb, 4.7600e+00_rb, 4.5600e+00_rb, 4.3600e+00_rb, 4.1600e+00_rb, &
3949 3.9600e+00_rb, 3.7600e+00_rb, 3.5600e+00_rb, 3.3600e+00_rb, 3.1600e+00_rb, &
3950 2.9600e+00_rb, 2.7600e+00_rb, 2.5600e+00_rb, 2.3600e+00_rb, 2.1600e+00_rb, &
3951 1.9600e+00_rb, 1.7600e+00_rb, 1.5600e+00_rb, 1.3600e+00_rb, 1.1600e+00_rb, &
3952 9.6000e-01_rb, 7.6000e-01_rb, 5.6000e-01_rb, 3.6000e-01_rb, 1.6000e-01_rb, &
3953 -4.0000e-02_rb,-2.4000e-01_rb,-4.4000e-01_rb,-6.4000e-01_rb,-8.4000e-01_rb, &
3954 -1.0400e+00_rb,-1.2400e+00_rb,-1.4400e+00_rb,-1.6400e+00_rb,-1.8400e+00_rb, &
3955 -2.0400e+00_rb,-2.2400e+00_rb,-2.4400e+00_rb,-2.6400e+00_rb,-2.8400e+00_rb, &
3956 -3.0400e+00_rb,-3.2400e+00_rb,-3.4400e+00_rb,-3.6400e+00_rb,-3.8400e+00_rb, &
3957 -4.0400e+00_rb,-4.2400e+00_rb,-4.4400e+00_rb,-4.6400e+00_rb/)
3959 ! These are the temperatures associated with the respective
3960 ! pressures for the mls standard atmosphere.
3963 2.9420e+02_rb, 2.8799e+02_rb, 2.7894e+02_rb, 2.6925e+02_rb, 2.5983e+02_rb, &
3964 2.5017e+02_rb, 2.4077e+02_rb, 2.3179e+02_rb, 2.2306e+02_rb, 2.1578e+02_rb, &
3965 2.1570e+02_rb, 2.1570e+02_rb, 2.1570e+02_rb, 2.1706e+02_rb, 2.1858e+02_rb, &
3966 2.2018e+02_rb, 2.2174e+02_rb, 2.2328e+02_rb, 2.2479e+02_rb, 2.2655e+02_rb, &
3967 2.2834e+02_rb, 2.3113e+02_rb, 2.3401e+02_rb, 2.3703e+02_rb, 2.4022e+02_rb, &
3968 2.4371e+02_rb, 2.4726e+02_rb, 2.5085e+02_rb, 2.5457e+02_rb, 2.5832e+02_rb, &
3969 2.6216e+02_rb, 2.6606e+02_rb, 2.6999e+02_rb, 2.7340e+02_rb, 2.7536e+02_rb, &
3970 2.7568e+02_rb, 2.7372e+02_rb, 2.7163e+02_rb, 2.6955e+02_rb, 2.6593e+02_rb, &
3971 2.6211e+02_rb, 2.5828e+02_rb, 2.5360e+02_rb, 2.4854e+02_rb, 2.4348e+02_rb, &
3972 2.3809e+02_rb, 2.3206e+02_rb, 2.2603e+02_rb, 2.2000e+02_rb, 2.1435e+02_rb, &
3973 2.0887e+02_rb, 2.0340e+02_rb, 1.9792e+02_rb, 1.9290e+02_rb, 1.8809e+02_rb, &
3974 1.8329e+02_rb, 1.7849e+02_rb, 1.7394e+02_rb, 1.7212e+02_rb/)
3976 chi_mls(1,1:12) = (/ &
3977 1.8760e-02_rb, 1.2223e-02_rb, 5.8909e-03_rb, 2.7675e-03_rb, 1.4065e-03_rb, &
3978 7.5970e-04_rb, 3.8876e-04_rb, 1.6542e-04_rb, 3.7190e-05_rb, 7.4765e-06_rb, &
3979 4.3082e-06_rb, 3.3319e-06_rb/)
3980 chi_mls(1,13:59) = (/ &
3981 3.2039e-06_rb, 3.1619e-06_rb, 3.2524e-06_rb, 3.4226e-06_rb, 3.6288e-06_rb, &
3982 3.9148e-06_rb, 4.1488e-06_rb, 4.3081e-06_rb, 4.4420e-06_rb, 4.5778e-06_rb, &
3983 4.7087e-06_rb, 4.7943e-06_rb, 4.8697e-06_rb, 4.9260e-06_rb, 4.9669e-06_rb, &
3984 4.9963e-06_rb, 5.0527e-06_rb, 5.1266e-06_rb, 5.2503e-06_rb, 5.3571e-06_rb, &
3985 5.4509e-06_rb, 5.4830e-06_rb, 5.5000e-06_rb, 5.5000e-06_rb, 5.4536e-06_rb, &
3986 5.4047e-06_rb, 5.3558e-06_rb, 5.2533e-06_rb, 5.1436e-06_rb, 5.0340e-06_rb, &
3987 4.8766e-06_rb, 4.6979e-06_rb, 4.5191e-06_rb, 4.3360e-06_rb, 4.1442e-06_rb, &
3988 3.9523e-06_rb, 3.7605e-06_rb, 3.5722e-06_rb, 3.3855e-06_rb, 3.1988e-06_rb, &
3989 3.0121e-06_rb, 2.8262e-06_rb, 2.6407e-06_rb, 2.4552e-06_rb, 2.2696e-06_rb, &
3990 4.3360e-06_rb, 4.1442e-06_rb/)
3991 chi_mls(2,1:12) = (/ &
3992 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
3993 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
3994 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb/)
3995 chi_mls(2,13:59) = (/ &
3996 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
3997 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
3998 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
3999 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
4000 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
4001 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
4002 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
4003 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb, &
4004 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5471e-04_rb, 3.5427e-04_rb, 3.5384e-04_rb, 3.5340e-04_rb, &
4005 3.5500e-04_rb, 3.5500e-04_rb/)
4006 chi_mls(3,1:12) = (/ &
4007 3.0170e-08_rb, 3.4725e-08_rb, 4.2477e-08_rb, 5.2759e-08_rb, 6.6944e-08_rb, &
4008 8.7130e-08_rb, 1.1391e-07_rb, 1.5677e-07_rb, 2.1788e-07_rb, 3.2443e-07_rb, &
4009 4.6594e-07_rb, 5.6806e-07_rb/)
4010 chi_mls(3,13:59) = (/ &
4011 6.9607e-07_rb, 1.1186e-06_rb, 1.7618e-06_rb, 2.3269e-06_rb, 2.9577e-06_rb, &
4012 3.6593e-06_rb, 4.5950e-06_rb, 5.3189e-06_rb, 5.9618e-06_rb, 6.5113e-06_rb, &
4013 7.0635e-06_rb, 7.6917e-06_rb, 8.2577e-06_rb, 8.7082e-06_rb, 8.8325e-06_rb, &
4014 8.7149e-06_rb, 8.0943e-06_rb, 7.3307e-06_rb, 6.3101e-06_rb, 5.3672e-06_rb, &
4015 4.4829e-06_rb, 3.8391e-06_rb, 3.2827e-06_rb, 2.8235e-06_rb, 2.4906e-06_rb, &
4016 2.1645e-06_rb, 1.8385e-06_rb, 1.6618e-06_rb, 1.5052e-06_rb, 1.3485e-06_rb, &
4017 1.1972e-06_rb, 1.0482e-06_rb, 8.9926e-07_rb, 7.6343e-07_rb, 6.5381e-07_rb, &
4018 5.4419e-07_rb, 4.3456e-07_rb, 3.6421e-07_rb, 3.1194e-07_rb, 2.5967e-07_rb, &
4019 2.0740e-07_rb, 1.9146e-07_rb, 1.9364e-07_rb, 1.9582e-07_rb, 1.9800e-07_rb, &
4020 7.6343e-07_rb, 6.5381e-07_rb/)
4021 chi_mls(4,1:12) = (/ &
4022 3.2000e-07_rb, 3.2000e-07_rb, 3.2000e-07_rb, 3.2000e-07_rb, 3.2000e-07_rb, &
4023 3.1965e-07_rb, 3.1532e-07_rb, 3.0383e-07_rb, 2.9422e-07_rb, 2.8495e-07_rb, &
4024 2.7671e-07_rb, 2.6471e-07_rb/)
4025 chi_mls(4,13:59) = (/ &
4026 2.4285e-07_rb, 2.0955e-07_rb, 1.7195e-07_rb, 1.3749e-07_rb, 1.1332e-07_rb, &
4027 1.0035e-07_rb, 9.1281e-08_rb, 8.5463e-08_rb, 8.0363e-08_rb, 7.3372e-08_rb, &
4028 6.5975e-08_rb, 5.6039e-08_rb, 4.7090e-08_rb, 3.9977e-08_rb, 3.2979e-08_rb, &
4029 2.6064e-08_rb, 2.1066e-08_rb, 1.6592e-08_rb, 1.3017e-08_rb, 1.0090e-08_rb, &
4030 7.6249e-09_rb, 6.1159e-09_rb, 4.6672e-09_rb, 3.2857e-09_rb, 2.8484e-09_rb, &
4031 2.4620e-09_rb, 2.0756e-09_rb, 1.8551e-09_rb, 1.6568e-09_rb, 1.4584e-09_rb, &
4032 1.3195e-09_rb, 1.2072e-09_rb, 1.0948e-09_rb, 9.9780e-10_rb, 9.3126e-10_rb, &
4033 8.6472e-10_rb, 7.9818e-10_rb, 7.5138e-10_rb, 7.1367e-10_rb, 6.7596e-10_rb, &
4034 6.3825e-10_rb, 6.0981e-10_rb, 5.8600e-10_rb, 5.6218e-10_rb, 5.3837e-10_rb, &
4035 9.9780e-10_rb, 9.3126e-10_rb/)
4036 chi_mls(5,1:12) = (/ &
4037 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.4306e-07_rb, 1.3474e-07_rb, 1.3061e-07_rb, 1.2793e-07_rb, &
4038 1.2038e-07_rb, 1.0798e-07_rb, 9.4238e-08_rb, 7.9488e-08_rb, 6.1386e-08_rb, &
4039 4.5563e-08_rb, 3.3475e-08_rb/)
4040 chi_mls(5,13:59) = (/ &
4041 2.5118e-08_rb, 1.8671e-08_rb, 1.4349e-08_rb, 1.2501e-08_rb, 1.2407e-08_rb, &
4042 1.3472e-08_rb, 1.4900e-08_rb, 1.6079e-08_rb, 1.7156e-08_rb, 1.8616e-08_rb, &
4043 2.0106e-08_rb, 2.1654e-08_rb, 2.3096e-08_rb, 2.4340e-08_rb, 2.5643e-08_rb, &
4044 2.6990e-08_rb, 2.8456e-08_rb, 2.9854e-08_rb, 3.0943e-08_rb, 3.2023e-08_rb, &
4045 3.3101e-08_rb, 3.4260e-08_rb, 3.5360e-08_rb, 3.6397e-08_rb, 3.7310e-08_rb, &
4046 3.8217e-08_rb, 3.9123e-08_rb, 4.1303e-08_rb, 4.3652e-08_rb, 4.6002e-08_rb, &
4047 5.0289e-08_rb, 5.5446e-08_rb, 6.0603e-08_rb, 6.8946e-08_rb, 8.3652e-08_rb, &
4048 9.8357e-08_rb, 1.1306e-07_rb, 1.4766e-07_rb, 1.9142e-07_rb, 2.3518e-07_rb, &
4049 2.7894e-07_rb, 3.5001e-07_rb, 4.3469e-07_rb, 5.1938e-07_rb, 6.0407e-07_rb, &
4050 6.8946e-08_rb, 8.3652e-08_rb/)
4051 chi_mls(6,1:12) = (/ &
4052 1.7000e-06_rb, 1.7000e-06_rb, 1.6999e-06_rb, 1.6904e-06_rb, 1.6671e-06_rb, &
4053 1.6351e-06_rb, 1.6098e-06_rb, 1.5590e-06_rb, 1.5120e-06_rb, 1.4741e-06_rb, &
4054 1.4385e-06_rb, 1.4002e-06_rb/)
4055 chi_mls(6,13:59) = (/ &
4056 1.3573e-06_rb, 1.3130e-06_rb, 1.2512e-06_rb, 1.1668e-06_rb, 1.0553e-06_rb, &
4057 9.3281e-07_rb, 8.1217e-07_rb, 7.5239e-07_rb, 7.0728e-07_rb, 6.6722e-07_rb, &
4058 6.2733e-07_rb, 5.8604e-07_rb, 5.4769e-07_rb, 5.1480e-07_rb, 4.8206e-07_rb, &
4059 4.4943e-07_rb, 4.1702e-07_rb, 3.8460e-07_rb, 3.5200e-07_rb, 3.1926e-07_rb, &
4060 2.8646e-07_rb, 2.5498e-07_rb, 2.2474e-07_rb, 1.9588e-07_rb, 1.8295e-07_rb, &
4061 1.7089e-07_rb, 1.5882e-07_rb, 1.5536e-07_rb, 1.5304e-07_rb, 1.5072e-07_rb, &
4062 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, &
4063 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, &
4064 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb, &
4065 1.5000e-07_rb, 1.5000e-07_rb/)
4066 chi_mls(7,1:12) = (/ &
4067 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4068 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4069 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb/)
4070 chi_mls(7,13:59) = (/ &
4071 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4072 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4073 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4074 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4075 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4076 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4077 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4078 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4079 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb, &
4080 0.2090_rb, 0.2090_rb/)
4082 end subroutine lwatmref
4084 !***************************************************************************
4085 subroutine lwavplank
4086 !***************************************************************************
4090 totplnk(1:50, 1) = (/ &
4091 0.14783e-05_rb,0.15006e-05_rb,0.15230e-05_rb,0.15455e-05_rb,0.15681e-05_rb, &
4092 0.15908e-05_rb,0.16136e-05_rb,0.16365e-05_rb,0.16595e-05_rb,0.16826e-05_rb, &
4093 0.17059e-05_rb,0.17292e-05_rb,0.17526e-05_rb,0.17762e-05_rb,0.17998e-05_rb, &
4094 0.18235e-05_rb,0.18473e-05_rb,0.18712e-05_rb,0.18953e-05_rb,0.19194e-05_rb, &
4095 0.19435e-05_rb,0.19678e-05_rb,0.19922e-05_rb,0.20166e-05_rb,0.20412e-05_rb, &
4096 0.20658e-05_rb,0.20905e-05_rb,0.21153e-05_rb,0.21402e-05_rb,0.21652e-05_rb, &
4097 0.21902e-05_rb,0.22154e-05_rb,0.22406e-05_rb,0.22659e-05_rb,0.22912e-05_rb, &
4098 0.23167e-05_rb,0.23422e-05_rb,0.23678e-05_rb,0.23934e-05_rb,0.24192e-05_rb, &
4099 0.24450e-05_rb,0.24709e-05_rb,0.24968e-05_rb,0.25229e-05_rb,0.25490e-05_rb, &
4100 0.25751e-05_rb,0.26014e-05_rb,0.26277e-05_rb,0.26540e-05_rb,0.26805e-05_rb/)
4101 totplnk(51:100, 1) = (/ &
4102 0.27070e-05_rb,0.27335e-05_rb,0.27602e-05_rb,0.27869e-05_rb,0.28136e-05_rb, &
4103 0.28404e-05_rb,0.28673e-05_rb,0.28943e-05_rb,0.29213e-05_rb,0.29483e-05_rb, &
4104 0.29754e-05_rb,0.30026e-05_rb,0.30298e-05_rb,0.30571e-05_rb,0.30845e-05_rb, &
4105 0.31119e-05_rb,0.31393e-05_rb,0.31669e-05_rb,0.31944e-05_rb,0.32220e-05_rb, &
4106 0.32497e-05_rb,0.32774e-05_rb,0.33052e-05_rb,0.33330e-05_rb,0.33609e-05_rb, &
4107 0.33888e-05_rb,0.34168e-05_rb,0.34448e-05_rb,0.34729e-05_rb,0.35010e-05_rb, &
4108 0.35292e-05_rb,0.35574e-05_rb,0.35857e-05_rb,0.36140e-05_rb,0.36424e-05_rb, &
4109 0.36708e-05_rb,0.36992e-05_rb,0.37277e-05_rb,0.37563e-05_rb,0.37848e-05_rb, &
4110 0.38135e-05_rb,0.38421e-05_rb,0.38708e-05_rb,0.38996e-05_rb,0.39284e-05_rb, &
4111 0.39572e-05_rb,0.39861e-05_rb,0.40150e-05_rb,0.40440e-05_rb,0.40730e-05_rb/)
4112 totplnk(101:150, 1) = (/ &
4113 0.41020e-05_rb,0.41311e-05_rb,0.41602e-05_rb,0.41893e-05_rb,0.42185e-05_rb, &
4114 0.42477e-05_rb,0.42770e-05_rb,0.43063e-05_rb,0.43356e-05_rb,0.43650e-05_rb, &
4115 0.43944e-05_rb,0.44238e-05_rb,0.44533e-05_rb,0.44828e-05_rb,0.45124e-05_rb, &
4116 0.45419e-05_rb,0.45715e-05_rb,0.46012e-05_rb,0.46309e-05_rb,0.46606e-05_rb, &
4117 0.46903e-05_rb,0.47201e-05_rb,0.47499e-05_rb,0.47797e-05_rb,0.48096e-05_rb, &
4118 0.48395e-05_rb,0.48695e-05_rb,0.48994e-05_rb,0.49294e-05_rb,0.49594e-05_rb, &
4119 0.49895e-05_rb,0.50196e-05_rb,0.50497e-05_rb,0.50798e-05_rb,0.51100e-05_rb, &
4120 0.51402e-05_rb,0.51704e-05_rb,0.52007e-05_rb,0.52309e-05_rb,0.52612e-05_rb, &
4121 0.52916e-05_rb,0.53219e-05_rb,0.53523e-05_rb,0.53827e-05_rb,0.54132e-05_rb, &
4122 0.54436e-05_rb,0.54741e-05_rb,0.55047e-05_rb,0.55352e-05_rb,0.55658e-05_rb/)
4123 totplnk(151:181, 1) = (/ &
4124 0.55964e-05_rb,0.56270e-05_rb,0.56576e-05_rb,0.56883e-05_rb,0.57190e-05_rb, &
4125 0.57497e-05_rb,0.57804e-05_rb,0.58112e-05_rb,0.58420e-05_rb,0.58728e-05_rb, &
4126 0.59036e-05_rb,0.59345e-05_rb,0.59653e-05_rb,0.59962e-05_rb,0.60272e-05_rb, &
4127 0.60581e-05_rb,0.60891e-05_rb,0.61201e-05_rb,0.61511e-05_rb,0.61821e-05_rb, &
4128 0.62131e-05_rb,0.62442e-05_rb,0.62753e-05_rb,0.63064e-05_rb,0.63376e-05_rb, &
4129 0.63687e-05_rb,0.63998e-05_rb,0.64310e-05_rb,0.64622e-05_rb,0.64935e-05_rb, &
4131 totplnk(1:50, 2) = (/ &
4132 0.20262e-05_rb,0.20757e-05_rb,0.21257e-05_rb,0.21763e-05_rb,0.22276e-05_rb, &
4133 0.22794e-05_rb,0.23319e-05_rb,0.23849e-05_rb,0.24386e-05_rb,0.24928e-05_rb, &
4134 0.25477e-05_rb,0.26031e-05_rb,0.26591e-05_rb,0.27157e-05_rb,0.27728e-05_rb, &
4135 0.28306e-05_rb,0.28889e-05_rb,0.29478e-05_rb,0.30073e-05_rb,0.30673e-05_rb, &
4136 0.31279e-05_rb,0.31890e-05_rb,0.32507e-05_rb,0.33129e-05_rb,0.33757e-05_rb, &
4137 0.34391e-05_rb,0.35029e-05_rb,0.35674e-05_rb,0.36323e-05_rb,0.36978e-05_rb, &
4138 0.37638e-05_rb,0.38304e-05_rb,0.38974e-05_rb,0.39650e-05_rb,0.40331e-05_rb, &
4139 0.41017e-05_rb,0.41708e-05_rb,0.42405e-05_rb,0.43106e-05_rb,0.43812e-05_rb, &
4140 0.44524e-05_rb,0.45240e-05_rb,0.45961e-05_rb,0.46687e-05_rb,0.47418e-05_rb, &
4141 0.48153e-05_rb,0.48894e-05_rb,0.49639e-05_rb,0.50389e-05_rb,0.51143e-05_rb/)
4142 totplnk(51:100, 2) = (/ &
4143 0.51902e-05_rb,0.52666e-05_rb,0.53434e-05_rb,0.54207e-05_rb,0.54985e-05_rb, &
4144 0.55767e-05_rb,0.56553e-05_rb,0.57343e-05_rb,0.58139e-05_rb,0.58938e-05_rb, &
4145 0.59742e-05_rb,0.60550e-05_rb,0.61362e-05_rb,0.62179e-05_rb,0.63000e-05_rb, &
4146 0.63825e-05_rb,0.64654e-05_rb,0.65487e-05_rb,0.66324e-05_rb,0.67166e-05_rb, &
4147 0.68011e-05_rb,0.68860e-05_rb,0.69714e-05_rb,0.70571e-05_rb,0.71432e-05_rb, &
4148 0.72297e-05_rb,0.73166e-05_rb,0.74039e-05_rb,0.74915e-05_rb,0.75796e-05_rb, &
4149 0.76680e-05_rb,0.77567e-05_rb,0.78459e-05_rb,0.79354e-05_rb,0.80252e-05_rb, &
4150 0.81155e-05_rb,0.82061e-05_rb,0.82970e-05_rb,0.83883e-05_rb,0.84799e-05_rb, &
4151 0.85719e-05_rb,0.86643e-05_rb,0.87569e-05_rb,0.88499e-05_rb,0.89433e-05_rb, &
4152 0.90370e-05_rb,0.91310e-05_rb,0.92254e-05_rb,0.93200e-05_rb,0.94150e-05_rb/)
4153 totplnk(101:150, 2) = (/ &
4154 0.95104e-05_rb,0.96060e-05_rb,0.97020e-05_rb,0.97982e-05_rb,0.98948e-05_rb, &
4155 0.99917e-05_rb,0.10089e-04_rb,0.10186e-04_rb,0.10284e-04_rb,0.10382e-04_rb, &
4156 0.10481e-04_rb,0.10580e-04_rb,0.10679e-04_rb,0.10778e-04_rb,0.10877e-04_rb, &
4157 0.10977e-04_rb,0.11077e-04_rb,0.11178e-04_rb,0.11279e-04_rb,0.11380e-04_rb, &
4158 0.11481e-04_rb,0.11583e-04_rb,0.11684e-04_rb,0.11786e-04_rb,0.11889e-04_rb, &
4159 0.11992e-04_rb,0.12094e-04_rb,0.12198e-04_rb,0.12301e-04_rb,0.12405e-04_rb, &
4160 0.12509e-04_rb,0.12613e-04_rb,0.12717e-04_rb,0.12822e-04_rb,0.12927e-04_rb, &
4161 0.13032e-04_rb,0.13138e-04_rb,0.13244e-04_rb,0.13349e-04_rb,0.13456e-04_rb, &
4162 0.13562e-04_rb,0.13669e-04_rb,0.13776e-04_rb,0.13883e-04_rb,0.13990e-04_rb, &
4163 0.14098e-04_rb,0.14206e-04_rb,0.14314e-04_rb,0.14422e-04_rb,0.14531e-04_rb/)
4164 totplnk(151:181, 2) = (/ &
4165 0.14639e-04_rb,0.14748e-04_rb,0.14857e-04_rb,0.14967e-04_rb,0.15076e-04_rb, &
4166 0.15186e-04_rb,0.15296e-04_rb,0.15407e-04_rb,0.15517e-04_rb,0.15628e-04_rb, &
4167 0.15739e-04_rb,0.15850e-04_rb,0.15961e-04_rb,0.16072e-04_rb,0.16184e-04_rb, &
4168 0.16296e-04_rb,0.16408e-04_rb,0.16521e-04_rb,0.16633e-04_rb,0.16746e-04_rb, &
4169 0.16859e-04_rb,0.16972e-04_rb,0.17085e-04_rb,0.17198e-04_rb,0.17312e-04_rb, &
4170 0.17426e-04_rb,0.17540e-04_rb,0.17654e-04_rb,0.17769e-04_rb,0.17883e-04_rb, &
4172 totplnk(1:50, 3) = (/ &
4173 1.34822e-06_rb,1.39134e-06_rb,1.43530e-06_rb,1.48010e-06_rb,1.52574e-06_rb, &
4174 1.57222e-06_rb,1.61956e-06_rb,1.66774e-06_rb,1.71678e-06_rb,1.76666e-06_rb, &
4175 1.81741e-06_rb,1.86901e-06_rb,1.92147e-06_rb,1.97479e-06_rb,2.02898e-06_rb, &
4176 2.08402e-06_rb,2.13993e-06_rb,2.19671e-06_rb,2.25435e-06_rb,2.31285e-06_rb, &
4177 2.37222e-06_rb,2.43246e-06_rb,2.49356e-06_rb,2.55553e-06_rb,2.61837e-06_rb, &
4178 2.68207e-06_rb,2.74664e-06_rb,2.81207e-06_rb,2.87837e-06_rb,2.94554e-06_rb, &
4179 3.01356e-06_rb,3.08245e-06_rb,3.15221e-06_rb,3.22282e-06_rb,3.29429e-06_rb, &
4180 3.36662e-06_rb,3.43982e-06_rb,3.51386e-06_rb,3.58876e-06_rb,3.66451e-06_rb, &
4181 3.74112e-06_rb,3.81857e-06_rb,3.89688e-06_rb,3.97602e-06_rb,4.05601e-06_rb, &
4182 4.13685e-06_rb,4.21852e-06_rb,4.30104e-06_rb,4.38438e-06_rb,4.46857e-06_rb/)
4183 totplnk(51:100, 3) = (/ &
4184 4.55358e-06_rb,4.63943e-06_rb,4.72610e-06_rb,4.81359e-06_rb,4.90191e-06_rb, &
4185 4.99105e-06_rb,5.08100e-06_rb,5.17176e-06_rb,5.26335e-06_rb,5.35573e-06_rb, &
4186 5.44892e-06_rb,5.54292e-06_rb,5.63772e-06_rb,5.73331e-06_rb,5.82970e-06_rb, &
4187 5.92688e-06_rb,6.02485e-06_rb,6.12360e-06_rb,6.22314e-06_rb,6.32346e-06_rb, &
4188 6.42455e-06_rb,6.52641e-06_rb,6.62906e-06_rb,6.73247e-06_rb,6.83664e-06_rb, &
4189 6.94156e-06_rb,7.04725e-06_rb,7.15370e-06_rb,7.26089e-06_rb,7.36883e-06_rb, &
4190 7.47752e-06_rb,7.58695e-06_rb,7.69712e-06_rb,7.80801e-06_rb,7.91965e-06_rb, &
4191 8.03201e-06_rb,8.14510e-06_rb,8.25891e-06_rb,8.37343e-06_rb,8.48867e-06_rb, &
4192 8.60463e-06_rb,8.72128e-06_rb,8.83865e-06_rb,8.95672e-06_rb,9.07548e-06_rb, &
4193 9.19495e-06_rb,9.31510e-06_rb,9.43594e-06_rb,9.55745e-06_rb,9.67966e-06_rb/)
4194 totplnk(101:150, 3) = (/ &
4195 9.80254e-06_rb,9.92609e-06_rb,1.00503e-05_rb,1.01752e-05_rb,1.03008e-05_rb, &
4196 1.04270e-05_rb,1.05539e-05_rb,1.06814e-05_rb,1.08096e-05_rb,1.09384e-05_rb, &
4197 1.10679e-05_rb,1.11980e-05_rb,1.13288e-05_rb,1.14601e-05_rb,1.15922e-05_rb, &
4198 1.17248e-05_rb,1.18581e-05_rb,1.19920e-05_rb,1.21265e-05_rb,1.22616e-05_rb, &
4199 1.23973e-05_rb,1.25337e-05_rb,1.26706e-05_rb,1.28081e-05_rb,1.29463e-05_rb, &
4200 1.30850e-05_rb,1.32243e-05_rb,1.33642e-05_rb,1.35047e-05_rb,1.36458e-05_rb, &
4201 1.37875e-05_rb,1.39297e-05_rb,1.40725e-05_rb,1.42159e-05_rb,1.43598e-05_rb, &
4202 1.45044e-05_rb,1.46494e-05_rb,1.47950e-05_rb,1.49412e-05_rb,1.50879e-05_rb, &
4203 1.52352e-05_rb,1.53830e-05_rb,1.55314e-05_rb,1.56803e-05_rb,1.58297e-05_rb, &
4204 1.59797e-05_rb,1.61302e-05_rb,1.62812e-05_rb,1.64327e-05_rb,1.65848e-05_rb/)
4205 totplnk(151:181, 3) = (/ &
4206 1.67374e-05_rb,1.68904e-05_rb,1.70441e-05_rb,1.71982e-05_rb,1.73528e-05_rb, &
4207 1.75079e-05_rb,1.76635e-05_rb,1.78197e-05_rb,1.79763e-05_rb,1.81334e-05_rb, &
4208 1.82910e-05_rb,1.84491e-05_rb,1.86076e-05_rb,1.87667e-05_rb,1.89262e-05_rb, &
4209 1.90862e-05_rb,1.92467e-05_rb,1.94076e-05_rb,1.95690e-05_rb,1.97309e-05_rb, &
4210 1.98932e-05_rb,2.00560e-05_rb,2.02193e-05_rb,2.03830e-05_rb,2.05472e-05_rb, &
4211 2.07118e-05_rb,2.08768e-05_rb,2.10423e-05_rb,2.12083e-05_rb,2.13747e-05_rb, &
4213 totplnk(1:50, 4) = (/ &
4214 8.90528e-07_rb,9.24222e-07_rb,9.58757e-07_rb,9.94141e-07_rb,1.03038e-06_rb, &
4215 1.06748e-06_rb,1.10545e-06_rb,1.14430e-06_rb,1.18403e-06_rb,1.22465e-06_rb, &
4216 1.26618e-06_rb,1.30860e-06_rb,1.35193e-06_rb,1.39619e-06_rb,1.44136e-06_rb, &
4217 1.48746e-06_rb,1.53449e-06_rb,1.58246e-06_rb,1.63138e-06_rb,1.68124e-06_rb, &
4218 1.73206e-06_rb,1.78383e-06_rb,1.83657e-06_rb,1.89028e-06_rb,1.94495e-06_rb, &
4219 2.00060e-06_rb,2.05724e-06_rb,2.11485e-06_rb,2.17344e-06_rb,2.23303e-06_rb, &
4220 2.29361e-06_rb,2.35519e-06_rb,2.41777e-06_rb,2.48134e-06_rb,2.54592e-06_rb, &
4221 2.61151e-06_rb,2.67810e-06_rb,2.74571e-06_rb,2.81433e-06_rb,2.88396e-06_rb, &
4222 2.95461e-06_rb,3.02628e-06_rb,3.09896e-06_rb,3.17267e-06_rb,3.24741e-06_rb, &
4223 3.32316e-06_rb,3.39994e-06_rb,3.47774e-06_rb,3.55657e-06_rb,3.63642e-06_rb/)
4224 totplnk(51:100, 4) = (/ &
4225 3.71731e-06_rb,3.79922e-06_rb,3.88216e-06_rb,3.96612e-06_rb,4.05112e-06_rb, &
4226 4.13714e-06_rb,4.22419e-06_rb,4.31227e-06_rb,4.40137e-06_rb,4.49151e-06_rb, &
4227 4.58266e-06_rb,4.67485e-06_rb,4.76806e-06_rb,4.86229e-06_rb,4.95754e-06_rb, &
4228 5.05383e-06_rb,5.15113e-06_rb,5.24946e-06_rb,5.34879e-06_rb,5.44916e-06_rb, &
4229 5.55053e-06_rb,5.65292e-06_rb,5.75632e-06_rb,5.86073e-06_rb,5.96616e-06_rb, &
4230 6.07260e-06_rb,6.18003e-06_rb,6.28848e-06_rb,6.39794e-06_rb,6.50838e-06_rb, &
4231 6.61983e-06_rb,6.73229e-06_rb,6.84573e-06_rb,6.96016e-06_rb,7.07559e-06_rb, &
4232 7.19200e-06_rb,7.30940e-06_rb,7.42779e-06_rb,7.54715e-06_rb,7.66749e-06_rb, &
4233 7.78882e-06_rb,7.91110e-06_rb,8.03436e-06_rb,8.15859e-06_rb,8.28379e-06_rb, &
4234 8.40994e-06_rb,8.53706e-06_rb,8.66515e-06_rb,8.79418e-06_rb,8.92416e-06_rb/)
4235 totplnk(101:150, 4) = (/ &
4236 9.05510e-06_rb,9.18697e-06_rb,9.31979e-06_rb,9.45356e-06_rb,9.58826e-06_rb, &
4237 9.72389e-06_rb,9.86046e-06_rb,9.99793e-06_rb,1.01364e-05_rb,1.02757e-05_rb, &
4238 1.04159e-05_rb,1.05571e-05_rb,1.06992e-05_rb,1.08422e-05_rb,1.09861e-05_rb, &
4239 1.11309e-05_rb,1.12766e-05_rb,1.14232e-05_rb,1.15707e-05_rb,1.17190e-05_rb, &
4240 1.18683e-05_rb,1.20184e-05_rb,1.21695e-05_rb,1.23214e-05_rb,1.24741e-05_rb, &
4241 1.26277e-05_rb,1.27822e-05_rb,1.29376e-05_rb,1.30939e-05_rb,1.32509e-05_rb, &
4242 1.34088e-05_rb,1.35676e-05_rb,1.37273e-05_rb,1.38877e-05_rb,1.40490e-05_rb, &
4243 1.42112e-05_rb,1.43742e-05_rb,1.45380e-05_rb,1.47026e-05_rb,1.48680e-05_rb, &
4244 1.50343e-05_rb,1.52014e-05_rb,1.53692e-05_rb,1.55379e-05_rb,1.57074e-05_rb, &
4245 1.58778e-05_rb,1.60488e-05_rb,1.62207e-05_rb,1.63934e-05_rb,1.65669e-05_rb/)
4246 totplnk(151:181, 4) = (/ &
4247 1.67411e-05_rb,1.69162e-05_rb,1.70920e-05_rb,1.72685e-05_rb,1.74459e-05_rb, &
4248 1.76240e-05_rb,1.78029e-05_rb,1.79825e-05_rb,1.81629e-05_rb,1.83440e-05_rb, &
4249 1.85259e-05_rb,1.87086e-05_rb,1.88919e-05_rb,1.90760e-05_rb,1.92609e-05_rb, &
4250 1.94465e-05_rb,1.96327e-05_rb,1.98199e-05_rb,2.00076e-05_rb,2.01961e-05_rb, &
4251 2.03853e-05_rb,2.05752e-05_rb,2.07658e-05_rb,2.09571e-05_rb,2.11491e-05_rb, &
4252 2.13418e-05_rb,2.15352e-05_rb,2.17294e-05_rb,2.19241e-05_rb,2.21196e-05_rb, &
4254 totplnk(1:50, 5) = (/ &
4255 5.70230e-07_rb,5.94788e-07_rb,6.20085e-07_rb,6.46130e-07_rb,6.72936e-07_rb, &
4256 7.00512e-07_rb,7.28869e-07_rb,7.58019e-07_rb,7.87971e-07_rb,8.18734e-07_rb, &
4257 8.50320e-07_rb,8.82738e-07_rb,9.15999e-07_rb,9.50110e-07_rb,9.85084e-07_rb, &
4258 1.02093e-06_rb,1.05765e-06_rb,1.09527e-06_rb,1.13378e-06_rb,1.17320e-06_rb, &
4259 1.21353e-06_rb,1.25479e-06_rb,1.29698e-06_rb,1.34011e-06_rb,1.38419e-06_rb, &
4260 1.42923e-06_rb,1.47523e-06_rb,1.52221e-06_rb,1.57016e-06_rb,1.61910e-06_rb, &
4261 1.66904e-06_rb,1.71997e-06_rb,1.77192e-06_rb,1.82488e-06_rb,1.87886e-06_rb, &
4262 1.93387e-06_rb,1.98991e-06_rb,2.04699e-06_rb,2.10512e-06_rb,2.16430e-06_rb, &
4263 2.22454e-06_rb,2.28584e-06_rb,2.34821e-06_rb,2.41166e-06_rb,2.47618e-06_rb, &
4264 2.54178e-06_rb,2.60847e-06_rb,2.67626e-06_rb,2.74514e-06_rb,2.81512e-06_rb/)
4265 totplnk(51:100, 5) = (/ &
4266 2.88621e-06_rb,2.95841e-06_rb,3.03172e-06_rb,3.10615e-06_rb,3.18170e-06_rb, &
4267 3.25838e-06_rb,3.33618e-06_rb,3.41511e-06_rb,3.49518e-06_rb,3.57639e-06_rb, &
4268 3.65873e-06_rb,3.74221e-06_rb,3.82684e-06_rb,3.91262e-06_rb,3.99955e-06_rb, &
4269 4.08763e-06_rb,4.17686e-06_rb,4.26725e-06_rb,4.35880e-06_rb,4.45150e-06_rb, &
4270 4.54537e-06_rb,4.64039e-06_rb,4.73659e-06_rb,4.83394e-06_rb,4.93246e-06_rb, &
4271 5.03215e-06_rb,5.13301e-06_rb,5.23504e-06_rb,5.33823e-06_rb,5.44260e-06_rb, &
4272 5.54814e-06_rb,5.65484e-06_rb,5.76272e-06_rb,5.87177e-06_rb,5.98199e-06_rb, &
4273 6.09339e-06_rb,6.20596e-06_rb,6.31969e-06_rb,6.43460e-06_rb,6.55068e-06_rb, &
4274 6.66793e-06_rb,6.78636e-06_rb,6.90595e-06_rb,7.02670e-06_rb,7.14863e-06_rb, &
4275 7.27173e-06_rb,7.39599e-06_rb,7.52142e-06_rb,7.64802e-06_rb,7.77577e-06_rb/)
4276 totplnk(101:150, 5) = (/ &
4277 7.90469e-06_rb,8.03477e-06_rb,8.16601e-06_rb,8.29841e-06_rb,8.43198e-06_rb, &
4278 8.56669e-06_rb,8.70256e-06_rb,8.83957e-06_rb,8.97775e-06_rb,9.11706e-06_rb, &
4279 9.25753e-06_rb,9.39915e-06_rb,9.54190e-06_rb,9.68580e-06_rb,9.83085e-06_rb, &
4280 9.97704e-06_rb,1.01243e-05_rb,1.02728e-05_rb,1.04224e-05_rb,1.05731e-05_rb, &
4281 1.07249e-05_rb,1.08779e-05_rb,1.10320e-05_rb,1.11872e-05_rb,1.13435e-05_rb, &
4282 1.15009e-05_rb,1.16595e-05_rb,1.18191e-05_rb,1.19799e-05_rb,1.21418e-05_rb, &
4283 1.23048e-05_rb,1.24688e-05_rb,1.26340e-05_rb,1.28003e-05_rb,1.29676e-05_rb, &
4284 1.31361e-05_rb,1.33056e-05_rb,1.34762e-05_rb,1.36479e-05_rb,1.38207e-05_rb, &
4285 1.39945e-05_rb,1.41694e-05_rb,1.43454e-05_rb,1.45225e-05_rb,1.47006e-05_rb, &
4286 1.48797e-05_rb,1.50600e-05_rb,1.52413e-05_rb,1.54236e-05_rb,1.56070e-05_rb/)
4287 totplnk(151:181, 5) = (/ &
4288 1.57914e-05_rb,1.59768e-05_rb,1.61633e-05_rb,1.63509e-05_rb,1.65394e-05_rb, &
4289 1.67290e-05_rb,1.69197e-05_rb,1.71113e-05_rb,1.73040e-05_rb,1.74976e-05_rb, &
4290 1.76923e-05_rb,1.78880e-05_rb,1.80847e-05_rb,1.82824e-05_rb,1.84811e-05_rb, &
4291 1.86808e-05_rb,1.88814e-05_rb,1.90831e-05_rb,1.92857e-05_rb,1.94894e-05_rb, &
4292 1.96940e-05_rb,1.98996e-05_rb,2.01061e-05_rb,2.03136e-05_rb,2.05221e-05_rb, &
4293 2.07316e-05_rb,2.09420e-05_rb,2.11533e-05_rb,2.13657e-05_rb,2.15789e-05_rb, &
4295 totplnk(1:50, 6) = (/ &
4296 2.73493e-07_rb,2.87408e-07_rb,3.01848e-07_rb,3.16825e-07_rb,3.32352e-07_rb, &
4297 3.48439e-07_rb,3.65100e-07_rb,3.82346e-07_rb,4.00189e-07_rb,4.18641e-07_rb, &
4298 4.37715e-07_rb,4.57422e-07_rb,4.77774e-07_rb,4.98784e-07_rb,5.20464e-07_rb, &
4299 5.42824e-07_rb,5.65879e-07_rb,5.89638e-07_rb,6.14115e-07_rb,6.39320e-07_rb, &
4300 6.65266e-07_rb,6.91965e-07_rb,7.19427e-07_rb,7.47666e-07_rb,7.76691e-07_rb, &
4301 8.06516e-07_rb,8.37151e-07_rb,8.68607e-07_rb,9.00896e-07_rb,9.34029e-07_rb, &
4302 9.68018e-07_rb,1.00287e-06_rb,1.03860e-06_rb,1.07522e-06_rb,1.11274e-06_rb, &
4303 1.15117e-06_rb,1.19052e-06_rb,1.23079e-06_rb,1.27201e-06_rb,1.31418e-06_rb, &
4304 1.35731e-06_rb,1.40141e-06_rb,1.44650e-06_rb,1.49257e-06_rb,1.53965e-06_rb, &
4305 1.58773e-06_rb,1.63684e-06_rb,1.68697e-06_rb,1.73815e-06_rb,1.79037e-06_rb/)
4306 totplnk(51:100, 6) = (/ &
4307 1.84365e-06_rb,1.89799e-06_rb,1.95341e-06_rb,2.00991e-06_rb,2.06750e-06_rb, &
4308 2.12619e-06_rb,2.18599e-06_rb,2.24691e-06_rb,2.30895e-06_rb,2.37212e-06_rb, &
4309 2.43643e-06_rb,2.50189e-06_rb,2.56851e-06_rb,2.63628e-06_rb,2.70523e-06_rb, &
4310 2.77536e-06_rb,2.84666e-06_rb,2.91916e-06_rb,2.99286e-06_rb,3.06776e-06_rb, &
4311 3.14387e-06_rb,3.22120e-06_rb,3.29975e-06_rb,3.37953e-06_rb,3.46054e-06_rb, &
4312 3.54280e-06_rb,3.62630e-06_rb,3.71105e-06_rb,3.79707e-06_rb,3.88434e-06_rb, &
4313 3.97288e-06_rb,4.06270e-06_rb,4.15380e-06_rb,4.24617e-06_rb,4.33984e-06_rb, &
4314 4.43479e-06_rb,4.53104e-06_rb,4.62860e-06_rb,4.72746e-06_rb,4.82763e-06_rb, &
4315 4.92911e-06_rb,5.03191e-06_rb,5.13603e-06_rb,5.24147e-06_rb,5.34824e-06_rb, &
4316 5.45634e-06_rb,5.56578e-06_rb,5.67656e-06_rb,5.78867e-06_rb,5.90213e-06_rb/)
4317 totplnk(101:150, 6) = (/ &
4318 6.01694e-06_rb,6.13309e-06_rb,6.25060e-06_rb,6.36947e-06_rb,6.48968e-06_rb, &
4319 6.61126e-06_rb,6.73420e-06_rb,6.85850e-06_rb,6.98417e-06_rb,7.11120e-06_rb, &
4320 7.23961e-06_rb,7.36938e-06_rb,7.50053e-06_rb,7.63305e-06_rb,7.76694e-06_rb, &
4321 7.90221e-06_rb,8.03887e-06_rb,8.17690e-06_rb,8.31632e-06_rb,8.45710e-06_rb, &
4322 8.59928e-06_rb,8.74282e-06_rb,8.88776e-06_rb,9.03409e-06_rb,9.18179e-06_rb, &
4323 9.33088e-06_rb,9.48136e-06_rb,9.63323e-06_rb,9.78648e-06_rb,9.94111e-06_rb, &
4324 1.00971e-05_rb,1.02545e-05_rb,1.04133e-05_rb,1.05735e-05_rb,1.07351e-05_rb, &
4325 1.08980e-05_rb,1.10624e-05_rb,1.12281e-05_rb,1.13952e-05_rb,1.15637e-05_rb, &
4326 1.17335e-05_rb,1.19048e-05_rb,1.20774e-05_rb,1.22514e-05_rb,1.24268e-05_rb, &
4327 1.26036e-05_rb,1.27817e-05_rb,1.29612e-05_rb,1.31421e-05_rb,1.33244e-05_rb/)
4328 totplnk(151:181, 6) = (/ &
4329 1.35080e-05_rb,1.36930e-05_rb,1.38794e-05_rb,1.40672e-05_rb,1.42563e-05_rb, &
4330 1.44468e-05_rb,1.46386e-05_rb,1.48318e-05_rb,1.50264e-05_rb,1.52223e-05_rb, &
4331 1.54196e-05_rb,1.56182e-05_rb,1.58182e-05_rb,1.60196e-05_rb,1.62223e-05_rb, &
4332 1.64263e-05_rb,1.66317e-05_rb,1.68384e-05_rb,1.70465e-05_rb,1.72559e-05_rb, &
4333 1.74666e-05_rb,1.76787e-05_rb,1.78921e-05_rb,1.81069e-05_rb,1.83230e-05_rb, &
4334 1.85404e-05_rb,1.87591e-05_rb,1.89791e-05_rb,1.92005e-05_rb,1.94232e-05_rb, &
4336 totplnk(1:50, 7) = (/ &
4337 1.25349e-07_rb,1.32735e-07_rb,1.40458e-07_rb,1.48527e-07_rb,1.56954e-07_rb, &
4338 1.65748e-07_rb,1.74920e-07_rb,1.84481e-07_rb,1.94443e-07_rb,2.04814e-07_rb, &
4339 2.15608e-07_rb,2.26835e-07_rb,2.38507e-07_rb,2.50634e-07_rb,2.63229e-07_rb, &
4340 2.76301e-07_rb,2.89864e-07_rb,3.03930e-07_rb,3.18508e-07_rb,3.33612e-07_rb, &
4341 3.49253e-07_rb,3.65443e-07_rb,3.82195e-07_rb,3.99519e-07_rb,4.17428e-07_rb, &
4342 4.35934e-07_rb,4.55050e-07_rb,4.74785e-07_rb,4.95155e-07_rb,5.16170e-07_rb, &
4343 5.37844e-07_rb,5.60186e-07_rb,5.83211e-07_rb,6.06929e-07_rb,6.31355e-07_rb, &
4344 6.56498e-07_rb,6.82373e-07_rb,7.08990e-07_rb,7.36362e-07_rb,7.64501e-07_rb, &
4345 7.93420e-07_rb,8.23130e-07_rb,8.53643e-07_rb,8.84971e-07_rb,9.17128e-07_rb, &
4346 9.50123e-07_rb,9.83969e-07_rb,1.01868e-06_rb,1.05426e-06_rb,1.09073e-06_rb/)
4347 totplnk(51:100, 7) = (/ &
4348 1.12810e-06_rb,1.16638e-06_rb,1.20558e-06_rb,1.24572e-06_rb,1.28680e-06_rb, &
4349 1.32883e-06_rb,1.37183e-06_rb,1.41581e-06_rb,1.46078e-06_rb,1.50675e-06_rb, &
4350 1.55374e-06_rb,1.60174e-06_rb,1.65078e-06_rb,1.70087e-06_rb,1.75200e-06_rb, &
4351 1.80421e-06_rb,1.85749e-06_rb,1.91186e-06_rb,1.96732e-06_rb,2.02389e-06_rb, &
4352 2.08159e-06_rb,2.14040e-06_rb,2.20035e-06_rb,2.26146e-06_rb,2.32372e-06_rb, &
4353 2.38714e-06_rb,2.45174e-06_rb,2.51753e-06_rb,2.58451e-06_rb,2.65270e-06_rb, &
4354 2.72210e-06_rb,2.79272e-06_rb,2.86457e-06_rb,2.93767e-06_rb,3.01201e-06_rb, &
4355 3.08761e-06_rb,3.16448e-06_rb,3.24261e-06_rb,3.32204e-06_rb,3.40275e-06_rb, &
4356 3.48476e-06_rb,3.56808e-06_rb,3.65271e-06_rb,3.73866e-06_rb,3.82595e-06_rb, &
4357 3.91456e-06_rb,4.00453e-06_rb,4.09584e-06_rb,4.18851e-06_rb,4.28254e-06_rb/)
4358 totplnk(101:150, 7) = (/ &
4359 4.37796e-06_rb,4.47475e-06_rb,4.57293e-06_rb,4.67249e-06_rb,4.77346e-06_rb, &
4360 4.87583e-06_rb,4.97961e-06_rb,5.08481e-06_rb,5.19143e-06_rb,5.29948e-06_rb, &
4361 5.40896e-06_rb,5.51989e-06_rb,5.63226e-06_rb,5.74608e-06_rb,5.86136e-06_rb, &
4362 5.97810e-06_rb,6.09631e-06_rb,6.21597e-06_rb,6.33713e-06_rb,6.45976e-06_rb, &
4363 6.58388e-06_rb,6.70950e-06_rb,6.83661e-06_rb,6.96521e-06_rb,7.09531e-06_rb, &
4364 7.22692e-06_rb,7.36005e-06_rb,7.49468e-06_rb,7.63084e-06_rb,7.76851e-06_rb, &
4365 7.90773e-06_rb,8.04846e-06_rb,8.19072e-06_rb,8.33452e-06_rb,8.47985e-06_rb, &
4366 8.62674e-06_rb,8.77517e-06_rb,8.92514e-06_rb,9.07666e-06_rb,9.22975e-06_rb, &
4367 9.38437e-06_rb,9.54057e-06_rb,9.69832e-06_rb,9.85762e-06_rb,1.00185e-05_rb, &
4368 1.01810e-05_rb,1.03450e-05_rb,1.05106e-05_rb,1.06777e-05_rb,1.08465e-05_rb/)
4369 totplnk(151:181, 7) = (/ &
4370 1.10168e-05_rb,1.11887e-05_rb,1.13621e-05_rb,1.15372e-05_rb,1.17138e-05_rb, &
4371 1.18920e-05_rb,1.20718e-05_rb,1.22532e-05_rb,1.24362e-05_rb,1.26207e-05_rb, &
4372 1.28069e-05_rb,1.29946e-05_rb,1.31839e-05_rb,1.33749e-05_rb,1.35674e-05_rb, &
4373 1.37615e-05_rb,1.39572e-05_rb,1.41544e-05_rb,1.43533e-05_rb,1.45538e-05_rb, &
4374 1.47558e-05_rb,1.49595e-05_rb,1.51647e-05_rb,1.53716e-05_rb,1.55800e-05_rb, &
4375 1.57900e-05_rb,1.60017e-05_rb,1.62149e-05_rb,1.64296e-05_rb,1.66460e-05_rb, &
4377 totplnk(1:50, 8) = (/ &
4378 6.74445e-08_rb,7.18176e-08_rb,7.64153e-08_rb,8.12456e-08_rb,8.63170e-08_rb, &
4379 9.16378e-08_rb,9.72168e-08_rb,1.03063e-07_rb,1.09184e-07_rb,1.15591e-07_rb, &
4380 1.22292e-07_rb,1.29296e-07_rb,1.36613e-07_rb,1.44253e-07_rb,1.52226e-07_rb, &
4381 1.60540e-07_rb,1.69207e-07_rb,1.78236e-07_rb,1.87637e-07_rb,1.97421e-07_rb, &
4382 2.07599e-07_rb,2.18181e-07_rb,2.29177e-07_rb,2.40598e-07_rb,2.52456e-07_rb, &
4383 2.64761e-07_rb,2.77523e-07_rb,2.90755e-07_rb,3.04468e-07_rb,3.18673e-07_rb, &
4384 3.33381e-07_rb,3.48603e-07_rb,3.64352e-07_rb,3.80638e-07_rb,3.97474e-07_rb, &
4385 4.14871e-07_rb,4.32841e-07_rb,4.51395e-07_rb,4.70547e-07_rb,4.90306e-07_rb, &
4386 5.10687e-07_rb,5.31699e-07_rb,5.53357e-07_rb,5.75670e-07_rb,5.98652e-07_rb, &
4387 6.22315e-07_rb,6.46672e-07_rb,6.71731e-07_rb,6.97511e-07_rb,7.24018e-07_rb/)
4388 totplnk(51:100, 8) = (/ &
4389 7.51266e-07_rb,7.79269e-07_rb,8.08038e-07_rb,8.37584e-07_rb,8.67922e-07_rb, &
4390 8.99061e-07_rb,9.31016e-07_rb,9.63797e-07_rb,9.97417e-07_rb,1.03189e-06_rb, &
4391 1.06722e-06_rb,1.10343e-06_rb,1.14053e-06_rb,1.17853e-06_rb,1.21743e-06_rb, &
4392 1.25726e-06_rb,1.29803e-06_rb,1.33974e-06_rb,1.38241e-06_rb,1.42606e-06_rb, &
4393 1.47068e-06_rb,1.51630e-06_rb,1.56293e-06_rb,1.61056e-06_rb,1.65924e-06_rb, &
4394 1.70894e-06_rb,1.75971e-06_rb,1.81153e-06_rb,1.86443e-06_rb,1.91841e-06_rb, &
4395 1.97350e-06_rb,2.02968e-06_rb,2.08699e-06_rb,2.14543e-06_rb,2.20500e-06_rb, &
4396 2.26573e-06_rb,2.32762e-06_rb,2.39068e-06_rb,2.45492e-06_rb,2.52036e-06_rb, &
4397 2.58700e-06_rb,2.65485e-06_rb,2.72393e-06_rb,2.79424e-06_rb,2.86580e-06_rb, &
4398 2.93861e-06_rb,3.01269e-06_rb,3.08803e-06_rb,3.16467e-06_rb,3.24259e-06_rb/)
4399 totplnk(101:150, 8) = (/ &
4400 3.32181e-06_rb,3.40235e-06_rb,3.48420e-06_rb,3.56739e-06_rb,3.65192e-06_rb, &
4401 3.73779e-06_rb,3.82502e-06_rb,3.91362e-06_rb,4.00359e-06_rb,4.09494e-06_rb, &
4402 4.18768e-06_rb,4.28182e-06_rb,4.37737e-06_rb,4.47434e-06_rb,4.57273e-06_rb, &
4403 4.67254e-06_rb,4.77380e-06_rb,4.87651e-06_rb,4.98067e-06_rb,5.08630e-06_rb, &
4404 5.19339e-06_rb,5.30196e-06_rb,5.41201e-06_rb,5.52356e-06_rb,5.63660e-06_rb, &
4405 5.75116e-06_rb,5.86722e-06_rb,5.98479e-06_rb,6.10390e-06_rb,6.22453e-06_rb, &
4406 6.34669e-06_rb,6.47042e-06_rb,6.59569e-06_rb,6.72252e-06_rb,6.85090e-06_rb, &
4407 6.98085e-06_rb,7.11238e-06_rb,7.24549e-06_rb,7.38019e-06_rb,7.51646e-06_rb, &
4408 7.65434e-06_rb,7.79382e-06_rb,7.93490e-06_rb,8.07760e-06_rb,8.22192e-06_rb, &
4409 8.36784e-06_rb,8.51540e-06_rb,8.66459e-06_rb,8.81542e-06_rb,8.96786e-06_rb/)
4410 totplnk(151:181, 8) = (/ &
4411 9.12197e-06_rb,9.27772e-06_rb,9.43513e-06_rb,9.59419e-06_rb,9.75490e-06_rb, &
4412 9.91728e-06_rb,1.00813e-05_rb,1.02471e-05_rb,1.04144e-05_rb,1.05835e-05_rb, &
4413 1.07543e-05_rb,1.09267e-05_rb,1.11008e-05_rb,1.12766e-05_rb,1.14541e-05_rb, &
4414 1.16333e-05_rb,1.18142e-05_rb,1.19969e-05_rb,1.21812e-05_rb,1.23672e-05_rb, &
4415 1.25549e-05_rb,1.27443e-05_rb,1.29355e-05_rb,1.31284e-05_rb,1.33229e-05_rb, &
4416 1.35193e-05_rb,1.37173e-05_rb,1.39170e-05_rb,1.41185e-05_rb,1.43217e-05_rb, &
4418 totplnk(1:50, 9) = (/ &
4419 2.61522e-08_rb,2.80613e-08_rb,3.00838e-08_rb,3.22250e-08_rb,3.44899e-08_rb, &
4420 3.68841e-08_rb,3.94129e-08_rb,4.20820e-08_rb,4.48973e-08_rb,4.78646e-08_rb, &
4421 5.09901e-08_rb,5.42799e-08_rb,5.77405e-08_rb,6.13784e-08_rb,6.52001e-08_rb, &
4422 6.92126e-08_rb,7.34227e-08_rb,7.78375e-08_rb,8.24643e-08_rb,8.73103e-08_rb, &
4423 9.23832e-08_rb,9.76905e-08_rb,1.03240e-07_rb,1.09039e-07_rb,1.15097e-07_rb, &
4424 1.21421e-07_rb,1.28020e-07_rb,1.34902e-07_rb,1.42075e-07_rb,1.49548e-07_rb, &
4425 1.57331e-07_rb,1.65432e-07_rb,1.73860e-07_rb,1.82624e-07_rb,1.91734e-07_rb, &
4426 2.01198e-07_rb,2.11028e-07_rb,2.21231e-07_rb,2.31818e-07_rb,2.42799e-07_rb, &
4427 2.54184e-07_rb,2.65983e-07_rb,2.78205e-07_rb,2.90862e-07_rb,3.03963e-07_rb, &
4428 3.17519e-07_rb,3.31541e-07_rb,3.46039e-07_rb,3.61024e-07_rb,3.76507e-07_rb/)
4429 totplnk(51:100, 9) = (/ &
4430 3.92498e-07_rb,4.09008e-07_rb,4.26050e-07_rb,4.43633e-07_rb,4.61769e-07_rb, &
4431 4.80469e-07_rb,4.99744e-07_rb,5.19606e-07_rb,5.40067e-07_rb,5.61136e-07_rb, &
4432 5.82828e-07_rb,6.05152e-07_rb,6.28120e-07_rb,6.51745e-07_rb,6.76038e-07_rb, &
4433 7.01010e-07_rb,7.26674e-07_rb,7.53041e-07_rb,7.80124e-07_rb,8.07933e-07_rb, &
4434 8.36482e-07_rb,8.65781e-07_rb,8.95845e-07_rb,9.26683e-07_rb,9.58308e-07_rb, &
4435 9.90732e-07_rb,1.02397e-06_rb,1.05803e-06_rb,1.09292e-06_rb,1.12866e-06_rb, &
4436 1.16526e-06_rb,1.20274e-06_rb,1.24109e-06_rb,1.28034e-06_rb,1.32050e-06_rb, &
4437 1.36158e-06_rb,1.40359e-06_rb,1.44655e-06_rb,1.49046e-06_rb,1.53534e-06_rb, &
4438 1.58120e-06_rb,1.62805e-06_rb,1.67591e-06_rb,1.72478e-06_rb,1.77468e-06_rb, &
4439 1.82561e-06_rb,1.87760e-06_rb,1.93066e-06_rb,1.98479e-06_rb,2.04000e-06_rb/)
4440 totplnk(101:150, 9) = (/ &
4441 2.09631e-06_rb,2.15373e-06_rb,2.21228e-06_rb,2.27196e-06_rb,2.33278e-06_rb, &
4442 2.39475e-06_rb,2.45790e-06_rb,2.52222e-06_rb,2.58773e-06_rb,2.65445e-06_rb, &
4443 2.72238e-06_rb,2.79152e-06_rb,2.86191e-06_rb,2.93354e-06_rb,3.00643e-06_rb, &
4444 3.08058e-06_rb,3.15601e-06_rb,3.23273e-06_rb,3.31075e-06_rb,3.39009e-06_rb, &
4445 3.47074e-06_rb,3.55272e-06_rb,3.63605e-06_rb,3.72072e-06_rb,3.80676e-06_rb, &
4446 3.89417e-06_rb,3.98297e-06_rb,4.07315e-06_rb,4.16474e-06_rb,4.25774e-06_rb, &
4447 4.35217e-06_rb,4.44802e-06_rb,4.54532e-06_rb,4.64406e-06_rb,4.74428e-06_rb, &
4448 4.84595e-06_rb,4.94911e-06_rb,5.05376e-06_rb,5.15990e-06_rb,5.26755e-06_rb, &
4449 5.37671e-06_rb,5.48741e-06_rb,5.59963e-06_rb,5.71340e-06_rb,5.82871e-06_rb, &
4450 5.94559e-06_rb,6.06403e-06_rb,6.18404e-06_rb,6.30565e-06_rb,6.42885e-06_rb/)
4451 totplnk(151:181, 9) = (/ &
4452 6.55364e-06_rb,6.68004e-06_rb,6.80806e-06_rb,6.93771e-06_rb,7.06898e-06_rb, &
4453 7.20190e-06_rb,7.33646e-06_rb,7.47267e-06_rb,7.61056e-06_rb,7.75010e-06_rb, &
4454 7.89133e-06_rb,8.03423e-06_rb,8.17884e-06_rb,8.32514e-06_rb,8.47314e-06_rb, &
4455 8.62284e-06_rb,8.77427e-06_rb,8.92743e-06_rb,9.08231e-06_rb,9.23893e-06_rb, &
4456 9.39729e-06_rb,9.55741e-06_rb,9.71927e-06_rb,9.88291e-06_rb,1.00483e-05_rb, &
4457 1.02155e-05_rb,1.03844e-05_rb,1.05552e-05_rb,1.07277e-05_rb,1.09020e-05_rb, &
4459 totplnk(1:50,10) = (/ &
4460 8.89300e-09_rb,9.63263e-09_rb,1.04235e-08_rb,1.12685e-08_rb,1.21703e-08_rb, &
4461 1.31321e-08_rb,1.41570e-08_rb,1.52482e-08_rb,1.64090e-08_rb,1.76428e-08_rb, &
4462 1.89533e-08_rb,2.03441e-08_rb,2.18190e-08_rb,2.33820e-08_rb,2.50370e-08_rb, &
4463 2.67884e-08_rb,2.86402e-08_rb,3.05969e-08_rb,3.26632e-08_rb,3.48436e-08_rb, &
4464 3.71429e-08_rb,3.95660e-08_rb,4.21179e-08_rb,4.48040e-08_rb,4.76294e-08_rb, &
4465 5.05996e-08_rb,5.37201e-08_rb,5.69966e-08_rb,6.04349e-08_rb,6.40411e-08_rb, &
4466 6.78211e-08_rb,7.17812e-08_rb,7.59276e-08_rb,8.02670e-08_rb,8.48059e-08_rb, &
4467 8.95508e-08_rb,9.45090e-08_rb,9.96873e-08_rb,1.05093e-07_rb,1.10733e-07_rb, &
4468 1.16614e-07_rb,1.22745e-07_rb,1.29133e-07_rb,1.35786e-07_rb,1.42711e-07_rb, &
4469 1.49916e-07_rb,1.57410e-07_rb,1.65202e-07_rb,1.73298e-07_rb,1.81709e-07_rb/)
4470 totplnk(51:100,10) = (/ &
4471 1.90441e-07_rb,1.99505e-07_rb,2.08908e-07_rb,2.18660e-07_rb,2.28770e-07_rb, &
4472 2.39247e-07_rb,2.50101e-07_rb,2.61340e-07_rb,2.72974e-07_rb,2.85013e-07_rb, &
4473 2.97467e-07_rb,3.10345e-07_rb,3.23657e-07_rb,3.37413e-07_rb,3.51623e-07_rb, &
4474 3.66298e-07_rb,3.81448e-07_rb,3.97082e-07_rb,4.13212e-07_rb,4.29848e-07_rb, &
4475 4.47000e-07_rb,4.64680e-07_rb,4.82898e-07_rb,5.01664e-07_rb,5.20991e-07_rb, &
4476 5.40888e-07_rb,5.61369e-07_rb,5.82440e-07_rb,6.04118e-07_rb,6.26410e-07_rb, &
4477 6.49329e-07_rb,6.72887e-07_rb,6.97095e-07_rb,7.21964e-07_rb,7.47506e-07_rb, &
4478 7.73732e-07_rb,8.00655e-07_rb,8.28287e-07_rb,8.56635e-07_rb,8.85717e-07_rb, &
4479 9.15542e-07_rb,9.46122e-07_rb,9.77469e-07_rb,1.00960e-06_rb,1.04251e-06_rb, &
4480 1.07623e-06_rb,1.11077e-06_rb,1.14613e-06_rb,1.18233e-06_rb,1.21939e-06_rb/)
4481 totplnk(101:150,10) = (/ &
4482 1.25730e-06_rb,1.29610e-06_rb,1.33578e-06_rb,1.37636e-06_rb,1.41785e-06_rb, &
4483 1.46027e-06_rb,1.50362e-06_rb,1.54792e-06_rb,1.59319e-06_rb,1.63942e-06_rb, &
4484 1.68665e-06_rb,1.73487e-06_rb,1.78410e-06_rb,1.83435e-06_rb,1.88564e-06_rb, &
4485 1.93797e-06_rb,1.99136e-06_rb,2.04582e-06_rb,2.10137e-06_rb,2.15801e-06_rb, &
4486 2.21576e-06_rb,2.27463e-06_rb,2.33462e-06_rb,2.39577e-06_rb,2.45806e-06_rb, &
4487 2.52153e-06_rb,2.58617e-06_rb,2.65201e-06_rb,2.71905e-06_rb,2.78730e-06_rb, &
4488 2.85678e-06_rb,2.92749e-06_rb,2.99946e-06_rb,3.07269e-06_rb,3.14720e-06_rb, &
4489 3.22299e-06_rb,3.30007e-06_rb,3.37847e-06_rb,3.45818e-06_rb,3.53923e-06_rb, &
4490 3.62161e-06_rb,3.70535e-06_rb,3.79046e-06_rb,3.87695e-06_rb,3.96481e-06_rb, &
4491 4.05409e-06_rb,4.14477e-06_rb,4.23687e-06_rb,4.33040e-06_rb,4.42538e-06_rb/)
4492 totplnk(151:181,10) = (/ &
4493 4.52180e-06_rb,4.61969e-06_rb,4.71905e-06_rb,4.81991e-06_rb,4.92226e-06_rb, &
4494 5.02611e-06_rb,5.13148e-06_rb,5.23839e-06_rb,5.34681e-06_rb,5.45681e-06_rb, &
4495 5.56835e-06_rb,5.68146e-06_rb,5.79614e-06_rb,5.91242e-06_rb,6.03030e-06_rb, &
4496 6.14978e-06_rb,6.27088e-06_rb,6.39360e-06_rb,6.51798e-06_rb,6.64398e-06_rb, &
4497 6.77165e-06_rb,6.90099e-06_rb,7.03198e-06_rb,7.16468e-06_rb,7.29906e-06_rb, &
4498 7.43514e-06_rb,7.57294e-06_rb,7.71244e-06_rb,7.85369e-06_rb,7.99666e-06_rb, &
4500 totplnk(1:50,11) = (/ &
4501 2.53767e-09_rb,2.77242e-09_rb,3.02564e-09_rb,3.29851e-09_rb,3.59228e-09_rb, &
4502 3.90825e-09_rb,4.24777e-09_rb,4.61227e-09_rb,5.00322e-09_rb,5.42219e-09_rb, &
4503 5.87080e-09_rb,6.35072e-09_rb,6.86370e-09_rb,7.41159e-09_rb,7.99628e-09_rb, &
4504 8.61974e-09_rb,9.28404e-09_rb,9.99130e-09_rb,1.07437e-08_rb,1.15436e-08_rb, &
4505 1.23933e-08_rb,1.32953e-08_rb,1.42522e-08_rb,1.52665e-08_rb,1.63410e-08_rb, &
4506 1.74786e-08_rb,1.86820e-08_rb,1.99542e-08_rb,2.12985e-08_rb,2.27179e-08_rb, &
4507 2.42158e-08_rb,2.57954e-08_rb,2.74604e-08_rb,2.92141e-08_rb,3.10604e-08_rb, &
4508 3.30029e-08_rb,3.50457e-08_rb,3.71925e-08_rb,3.94476e-08_rb,4.18149e-08_rb, &
4509 4.42991e-08_rb,4.69043e-08_rb,4.96352e-08_rb,5.24961e-08_rb,5.54921e-08_rb, &
4510 5.86277e-08_rb,6.19081e-08_rb,6.53381e-08_rb,6.89231e-08_rb,7.26681e-08_rb/)
4511 totplnk(51:100,11) = (/ &
4512 7.65788e-08_rb,8.06604e-08_rb,8.49187e-08_rb,8.93591e-08_rb,9.39879e-08_rb, &
4513 9.88106e-08_rb,1.03834e-07_rb,1.09063e-07_rb,1.14504e-07_rb,1.20165e-07_rb, &
4514 1.26051e-07_rb,1.32169e-07_rb,1.38525e-07_rb,1.45128e-07_rb,1.51982e-07_rb, &
4515 1.59096e-07_rb,1.66477e-07_rb,1.74132e-07_rb,1.82068e-07_rb,1.90292e-07_rb, &
4516 1.98813e-07_rb,2.07638e-07_rb,2.16775e-07_rb,2.26231e-07_rb,2.36015e-07_rb, &
4517 2.46135e-07_rb,2.56599e-07_rb,2.67415e-07_rb,2.78592e-07_rb,2.90137e-07_rb, &
4518 3.02061e-07_rb,3.14371e-07_rb,3.27077e-07_rb,3.40186e-07_rb,3.53710e-07_rb, &
4519 3.67655e-07_rb,3.82031e-07_rb,3.96848e-07_rb,4.12116e-07_rb,4.27842e-07_rb, &
4520 4.44039e-07_rb,4.60713e-07_rb,4.77876e-07_rb,4.95537e-07_rb,5.13706e-07_rb, &
4521 5.32392e-07_rb,5.51608e-07_rb,5.71360e-07_rb,5.91662e-07_rb,6.12521e-07_rb/)
4522 totplnk(101:150,11) = (/ &
4523 6.33950e-07_rb,6.55958e-07_rb,6.78556e-07_rb,7.01753e-07_rb,7.25562e-07_rb, &
4524 7.49992e-07_rb,7.75055e-07_rb,8.00760e-07_rb,8.27120e-07_rb,8.54145e-07_rb, &
4525 8.81845e-07_rb,9.10233e-07_rb,9.39318e-07_rb,9.69113e-07_rb,9.99627e-07_rb, &
4526 1.03087e-06_rb,1.06286e-06_rb,1.09561e-06_rb,1.12912e-06_rb,1.16340e-06_rb, &
4527 1.19848e-06_rb,1.23435e-06_rb,1.27104e-06_rb,1.30855e-06_rb,1.34690e-06_rb, &
4528 1.38609e-06_rb,1.42614e-06_rb,1.46706e-06_rb,1.50886e-06_rb,1.55155e-06_rb, &
4529 1.59515e-06_rb,1.63967e-06_rb,1.68512e-06_rb,1.73150e-06_rb,1.77884e-06_rb, &
4530 1.82715e-06_rb,1.87643e-06_rb,1.92670e-06_rb,1.97797e-06_rb,2.03026e-06_rb, &
4531 2.08356e-06_rb,2.13791e-06_rb,2.19330e-06_rb,2.24975e-06_rb,2.30728e-06_rb, &
4532 2.36589e-06_rb,2.42560e-06_rb,2.48641e-06_rb,2.54835e-06_rb,2.61142e-06_rb/)
4533 totplnk(151:181,11) = (/ &
4534 2.67563e-06_rb,2.74100e-06_rb,2.80754e-06_rb,2.87526e-06_rb,2.94417e-06_rb, &
4535 3.01429e-06_rb,3.08562e-06_rb,3.15819e-06_rb,3.23199e-06_rb,3.30704e-06_rb, &
4536 3.38336e-06_rb,3.46096e-06_rb,3.53984e-06_rb,3.62002e-06_rb,3.70151e-06_rb, &
4537 3.78433e-06_rb,3.86848e-06_rb,3.95399e-06_rb,4.04084e-06_rb,4.12907e-06_rb, &
4538 4.21868e-06_rb,4.30968e-06_rb,4.40209e-06_rb,4.49592e-06_rb,4.59117e-06_rb, &
4539 4.68786e-06_rb,4.78600e-06_rb,4.88561e-06_rb,4.98669e-06_rb,5.08926e-06_rb, &
4541 totplnk(1:50,12) = (/ &
4542 2.73921e-10_rb,3.04500e-10_rb,3.38056e-10_rb,3.74835e-10_rb,4.15099e-10_rb, &
4543 4.59126e-10_rb,5.07214e-10_rb,5.59679e-10_rb,6.16857e-10_rb,6.79103e-10_rb, &
4544 7.46796e-10_rb,8.20335e-10_rb,9.00144e-10_rb,9.86671e-10_rb,1.08039e-09_rb, &
4545 1.18180e-09_rb,1.29142e-09_rb,1.40982e-09_rb,1.53757e-09_rb,1.67529e-09_rb, &
4546 1.82363e-09_rb,1.98327e-09_rb,2.15492e-09_rb,2.33932e-09_rb,2.53726e-09_rb, &
4547 2.74957e-09_rb,2.97710e-09_rb,3.22075e-09_rb,3.48145e-09_rb,3.76020e-09_rb, &
4548 4.05801e-09_rb,4.37595e-09_rb,4.71513e-09_rb,5.07672e-09_rb,5.46193e-09_rb, &
4549 5.87201e-09_rb,6.30827e-09_rb,6.77205e-09_rb,7.26480e-09_rb,7.78794e-09_rb, &
4550 8.34304e-09_rb,8.93163e-09_rb,9.55537e-09_rb,1.02159e-08_rb,1.09151e-08_rb, &
4551 1.16547e-08_rb,1.24365e-08_rb,1.32625e-08_rb,1.41348e-08_rb,1.50554e-08_rb/)
4552 totplnk(51:100,12) = (/ &
4553 1.60264e-08_rb,1.70500e-08_rb,1.81285e-08_rb,1.92642e-08_rb,2.04596e-08_rb, &
4554 2.17171e-08_rb,2.30394e-08_rb,2.44289e-08_rb,2.58885e-08_rb,2.74209e-08_rb, &
4555 2.90290e-08_rb,3.07157e-08_rb,3.24841e-08_rb,3.43371e-08_rb,3.62782e-08_rb, &
4556 3.83103e-08_rb,4.04371e-08_rb,4.26617e-08_rb,4.49878e-08_rb,4.74190e-08_rb, &
4557 4.99589e-08_rb,5.26113e-08_rb,5.53801e-08_rb,5.82692e-08_rb,6.12826e-08_rb, &
4558 6.44245e-08_rb,6.76991e-08_rb,7.11105e-08_rb,7.46634e-08_rb,7.83621e-08_rb, &
4559 8.22112e-08_rb,8.62154e-08_rb,9.03795e-08_rb,9.47081e-08_rb,9.92066e-08_rb, &
4560 1.03879e-07_rb,1.08732e-07_rb,1.13770e-07_rb,1.18998e-07_rb,1.24422e-07_rb, &
4561 1.30048e-07_rb,1.35880e-07_rb,1.41924e-07_rb,1.48187e-07_rb,1.54675e-07_rb, &
4562 1.61392e-07_rb,1.68346e-07_rb,1.75543e-07_rb,1.82988e-07_rb,1.90688e-07_rb/)
4563 totplnk(101:150,12) = (/ &
4564 1.98650e-07_rb,2.06880e-07_rb,2.15385e-07_rb,2.24172e-07_rb,2.33247e-07_rb, &
4565 2.42617e-07_rb,2.52289e-07_rb,2.62272e-07_rb,2.72571e-07_rb,2.83193e-07_rb, &
4566 2.94147e-07_rb,3.05440e-07_rb,3.17080e-07_rb,3.29074e-07_rb,3.41430e-07_rb, &
4567 3.54155e-07_rb,3.67259e-07_rb,3.80747e-07_rb,3.94631e-07_rb,4.08916e-07_rb, &
4568 4.23611e-07_rb,4.38725e-07_rb,4.54267e-07_rb,4.70245e-07_rb,4.86666e-07_rb, &
4569 5.03541e-07_rb,5.20879e-07_rb,5.38687e-07_rb,5.56975e-07_rb,5.75751e-07_rb, &
4570 5.95026e-07_rb,6.14808e-07_rb,6.35107e-07_rb,6.55932e-07_rb,6.77293e-07_rb, &
4571 6.99197e-07_rb,7.21656e-07_rb,7.44681e-07_rb,7.68278e-07_rb,7.92460e-07_rb, &
4572 8.17235e-07_rb,8.42614e-07_rb,8.68606e-07_rb,8.95223e-07_rb,9.22473e-07_rb, &
4573 9.50366e-07_rb,9.78915e-07_rb,1.00813e-06_rb,1.03802e-06_rb,1.06859e-06_rb/)
4574 totplnk(151:181,12) = (/ &
4575 1.09986e-06_rb,1.13184e-06_rb,1.16453e-06_rb,1.19796e-06_rb,1.23212e-06_rb, &
4576 1.26703e-06_rb,1.30270e-06_rb,1.33915e-06_rb,1.37637e-06_rb,1.41440e-06_rb, &
4577 1.45322e-06_rb,1.49286e-06_rb,1.53333e-06_rb,1.57464e-06_rb,1.61679e-06_rb, &
4578 1.65981e-06_rb,1.70370e-06_rb,1.74847e-06_rb,1.79414e-06_rb,1.84071e-06_rb, &
4579 1.88821e-06_rb,1.93663e-06_rb,1.98599e-06_rb,2.03631e-06_rb,2.08759e-06_rb, &
4580 2.13985e-06_rb,2.19310e-06_rb,2.24734e-06_rb,2.30260e-06_rb,2.35888e-06_rb, &
4582 totplnk(1:50,13) = (/ &
4583 4.53634e-11_rb,5.11435e-11_rb,5.75754e-11_rb,6.47222e-11_rb,7.26531e-11_rb, &
4584 8.14420e-11_rb,9.11690e-11_rb,1.01921e-10_rb,1.13790e-10_rb,1.26877e-10_rb, &
4585 1.41288e-10_rb,1.57140e-10_rb,1.74555e-10_rb,1.93665e-10_rb,2.14613e-10_rb, &
4586 2.37548e-10_rb,2.62633e-10_rb,2.90039e-10_rb,3.19948e-10_rb,3.52558e-10_rb, &
4587 3.88073e-10_rb,4.26716e-10_rb,4.68719e-10_rb,5.14331e-10_rb,5.63815e-10_rb, &
4588 6.17448e-10_rb,6.75526e-10_rb,7.38358e-10_rb,8.06277e-10_rb,8.79625e-10_rb, &
4589 9.58770e-10_rb,1.04410e-09_rb,1.13602e-09_rb,1.23495e-09_rb,1.34135e-09_rb, &
4590 1.45568e-09_rb,1.57845e-09_rb,1.71017e-09_rb,1.85139e-09_rb,2.00268e-09_rb, &
4591 2.16464e-09_rb,2.33789e-09_rb,2.52309e-09_rb,2.72093e-09_rb,2.93212e-09_rb, &
4592 3.15740e-09_rb,3.39757e-09_rb,3.65341e-09_rb,3.92579e-09_rb,4.21559e-09_rb/)
4593 totplnk(51:100,13) = (/ &
4594 4.52372e-09_rb,4.85115e-09_rb,5.19886e-09_rb,5.56788e-09_rb,5.95928e-09_rb, &
4595 6.37419e-09_rb,6.81375e-09_rb,7.27917e-09_rb,7.77168e-09_rb,8.29256e-09_rb, &
4596 8.84317e-09_rb,9.42487e-09_rb,1.00391e-08_rb,1.06873e-08_rb,1.13710e-08_rb, &
4597 1.20919e-08_rb,1.28515e-08_rb,1.36514e-08_rb,1.44935e-08_rb,1.53796e-08_rb, &
4598 1.63114e-08_rb,1.72909e-08_rb,1.83201e-08_rb,1.94008e-08_rb,2.05354e-08_rb, &
4599 2.17258e-08_rb,2.29742e-08_rb,2.42830e-08_rb,2.56545e-08_rb,2.70910e-08_rb, &
4600 2.85950e-08_rb,3.01689e-08_rb,3.18155e-08_rb,3.35373e-08_rb,3.53372e-08_rb, &
4601 3.72177e-08_rb,3.91818e-08_rb,4.12325e-08_rb,4.33727e-08_rb,4.56056e-08_rb, &
4602 4.79342e-08_rb,5.03617e-08_rb,5.28915e-08_rb,5.55270e-08_rb,5.82715e-08_rb, &
4603 6.11286e-08_rb,6.41019e-08_rb,6.71951e-08_rb,7.04119e-08_rb,7.37560e-08_rb/)
4604 totplnk(101:150,13) = (/ &
4605 7.72315e-08_rb,8.08424e-08_rb,8.45927e-08_rb,8.84866e-08_rb,9.25281e-08_rb, &
4606 9.67218e-08_rb,1.01072e-07_rb,1.05583e-07_rb,1.10260e-07_rb,1.15107e-07_rb, &
4607 1.20128e-07_rb,1.25330e-07_rb,1.30716e-07_rb,1.36291e-07_rb,1.42061e-07_rb, &
4608 1.48031e-07_rb,1.54206e-07_rb,1.60592e-07_rb,1.67192e-07_rb,1.74015e-07_rb, &
4609 1.81064e-07_rb,1.88345e-07_rb,1.95865e-07_rb,2.03628e-07_rb,2.11643e-07_rb, &
4610 2.19912e-07_rb,2.28443e-07_rb,2.37244e-07_rb,2.46318e-07_rb,2.55673e-07_rb, &
4611 2.65316e-07_rb,2.75252e-07_rb,2.85489e-07_rb,2.96033e-07_rb,3.06891e-07_rb, &
4612 3.18070e-07_rb,3.29576e-07_rb,3.41417e-07_rb,3.53600e-07_rb,3.66133e-07_rb, &
4613 3.79021e-07_rb,3.92274e-07_rb,4.05897e-07_rb,4.19899e-07_rb,4.34288e-07_rb, &
4614 4.49071e-07_rb,4.64255e-07_rb,4.79850e-07_rb,4.95863e-07_rb,5.12300e-07_rb/)
4615 totplnk(151:181,13) = (/ &
4616 5.29172e-07_rb,5.46486e-07_rb,5.64250e-07_rb,5.82473e-07_rb,6.01164e-07_rb, &
4617 6.20329e-07_rb,6.39979e-07_rb,6.60122e-07_rb,6.80767e-07_rb,7.01922e-07_rb, &
4618 7.23596e-07_rb,7.45800e-07_rb,7.68539e-07_rb,7.91826e-07_rb,8.15669e-07_rb, &
4619 8.40076e-07_rb,8.65058e-07_rb,8.90623e-07_rb,9.16783e-07_rb,9.43544e-07_rb, &
4620 9.70917e-07_rb,9.98912e-07_rb,1.02754e-06_rb,1.05681e-06_rb,1.08673e-06_rb, &
4621 1.11731e-06_rb,1.14856e-06_rb,1.18050e-06_rb,1.21312e-06_rb,1.24645e-06_rb, &
4623 totplnk(1:50,14) = (/ &
4624 1.40113e-11_rb,1.59358e-11_rb,1.80960e-11_rb,2.05171e-11_rb,2.32266e-11_rb, &
4625 2.62546e-11_rb,2.96335e-11_rb,3.33990e-11_rb,3.75896e-11_rb,4.22469e-11_rb, &
4626 4.74164e-11_rb,5.31466e-11_rb,5.94905e-11_rb,6.65054e-11_rb,7.42522e-11_rb, &
4627 8.27975e-11_rb,9.22122e-11_rb,1.02573e-10_rb,1.13961e-10_rb,1.26466e-10_rb, &
4628 1.40181e-10_rb,1.55206e-10_rb,1.71651e-10_rb,1.89630e-10_rb,2.09265e-10_rb, &
4629 2.30689e-10_rb,2.54040e-10_rb,2.79467e-10_rb,3.07128e-10_rb,3.37190e-10_rb, &
4630 3.69833e-10_rb,4.05243e-10_rb,4.43623e-10_rb,4.85183e-10_rb,5.30149e-10_rb, &
4631 5.78755e-10_rb,6.31255e-10_rb,6.87910e-10_rb,7.49002e-10_rb,8.14824e-10_rb, &
4632 8.85687e-10_rb,9.61914e-10_rb,1.04385e-09_rb,1.13186e-09_rb,1.22631e-09_rb, &
4633 1.32761e-09_rb,1.43617e-09_rb,1.55243e-09_rb,1.67686e-09_rb,1.80992e-09_rb/)
4634 totplnk(51:100,14) = (/ &
4635 1.95212e-09_rb,2.10399e-09_rb,2.26607e-09_rb,2.43895e-09_rb,2.62321e-09_rb, &
4636 2.81949e-09_rb,3.02844e-09_rb,3.25073e-09_rb,3.48707e-09_rb,3.73820e-09_rb, &
4637 4.00490e-09_rb,4.28794e-09_rb,4.58819e-09_rb,4.90647e-09_rb,5.24371e-09_rb, &
4638 5.60081e-09_rb,5.97875e-09_rb,6.37854e-09_rb,6.80120e-09_rb,7.24782e-09_rb, &
4639 7.71950e-09_rb,8.21740e-09_rb,8.74271e-09_rb,9.29666e-09_rb,9.88054e-09_rb, &
4640 1.04956e-08_rb,1.11434e-08_rb,1.18251e-08_rb,1.25422e-08_rb,1.32964e-08_rb, &
4641 1.40890e-08_rb,1.49217e-08_rb,1.57961e-08_rb,1.67140e-08_rb,1.76771e-08_rb, &
4642 1.86870e-08_rb,1.97458e-08_rb,2.08553e-08_rb,2.20175e-08_rb,2.32342e-08_rb, &
4643 2.45077e-08_rb,2.58401e-08_rb,2.72334e-08_rb,2.86900e-08_rb,3.02122e-08_rb, &
4644 3.18021e-08_rb,3.34624e-08_rb,3.51954e-08_rb,3.70037e-08_rb,3.88899e-08_rb/)
4645 totplnk(101:150,14) = (/ &
4646 4.08568e-08_rb,4.29068e-08_rb,4.50429e-08_rb,4.72678e-08_rb,4.95847e-08_rb, &
4647 5.19963e-08_rb,5.45058e-08_rb,5.71161e-08_rb,5.98309e-08_rb,6.26529e-08_rb, &
4648 6.55857e-08_rb,6.86327e-08_rb,7.17971e-08_rb,7.50829e-08_rb,7.84933e-08_rb, &
4649 8.20323e-08_rb,8.57035e-08_rb,8.95105e-08_rb,9.34579e-08_rb,9.75488e-08_rb, &
4650 1.01788e-07_rb,1.06179e-07_rb,1.10727e-07_rb,1.15434e-07_rb,1.20307e-07_rb, &
4651 1.25350e-07_rb,1.30566e-07_rb,1.35961e-07_rb,1.41539e-07_rb,1.47304e-07_rb, &
4652 1.53263e-07_rb,1.59419e-07_rb,1.65778e-07_rb,1.72345e-07_rb,1.79124e-07_rb, &
4653 1.86122e-07_rb,1.93343e-07_rb,2.00792e-07_rb,2.08476e-07_rb,2.16400e-07_rb, &
4654 2.24568e-07_rb,2.32988e-07_rb,2.41666e-07_rb,2.50605e-07_rb,2.59813e-07_rb, &
4655 2.69297e-07_rb,2.79060e-07_rb,2.89111e-07_rb,2.99455e-07_rb,3.10099e-07_rb/)
4656 totplnk(151:181,14) = (/ &
4657 3.21049e-07_rb,3.32311e-07_rb,3.43893e-07_rb,3.55801e-07_rb,3.68041e-07_rb, &
4658 3.80621e-07_rb,3.93547e-07_rb,4.06826e-07_rb,4.20465e-07_rb,4.34473e-07_rb, &
4659 4.48856e-07_rb,4.63620e-07_rb,4.78774e-07_rb,4.94325e-07_rb,5.10280e-07_rb, &
4660 5.26648e-07_rb,5.43436e-07_rb,5.60652e-07_rb,5.78302e-07_rb,5.96397e-07_rb, &
4661 6.14943e-07_rb,6.33949e-07_rb,6.53421e-07_rb,6.73370e-07_rb,6.93803e-07_rb, &
4662 7.14731e-07_rb,7.36157e-07_rb,7.58095e-07_rb,7.80549e-07_rb,8.03533e-07_rb, &
4664 totplnk(1:50,15) = (/ &
4665 3.90483e-12_rb,4.47999e-12_rb,5.13122e-12_rb,5.86739e-12_rb,6.69829e-12_rb, &
4666 7.63467e-12_rb,8.68833e-12_rb,9.87221e-12_rb,1.12005e-11_rb,1.26885e-11_rb, &
4667 1.43534e-11_rb,1.62134e-11_rb,1.82888e-11_rb,2.06012e-11_rb,2.31745e-11_rb, &
4668 2.60343e-11_rb,2.92087e-11_rb,3.27277e-11_rb,3.66242e-11_rb,4.09334e-11_rb, &
4669 4.56935e-11_rb,5.09455e-11_rb,5.67338e-11_rb,6.31057e-11_rb,7.01127e-11_rb, &
4670 7.78096e-11_rb,8.62554e-11_rb,9.55130e-11_rb,1.05651e-10_rb,1.16740e-10_rb, &
4671 1.28858e-10_rb,1.42089e-10_rb,1.56519e-10_rb,1.72243e-10_rb,1.89361e-10_rb, &
4672 2.07978e-10_rb,2.28209e-10_rb,2.50173e-10_rb,2.73999e-10_rb,2.99820e-10_rb, &
4673 3.27782e-10_rb,3.58034e-10_rb,3.90739e-10_rb,4.26067e-10_rb,4.64196e-10_rb, &
4674 5.05317e-10_rb,5.49631e-10_rb,5.97347e-10_rb,6.48689e-10_rb,7.03891e-10_rb/)
4675 totplnk(51:100,15) = (/ &
4676 7.63201e-10_rb,8.26876e-10_rb,8.95192e-10_rb,9.68430e-10_rb,1.04690e-09_rb, &
4677 1.13091e-09_rb,1.22079e-09_rb,1.31689e-09_rb,1.41957e-09_rb,1.52922e-09_rb, &
4678 1.64623e-09_rb,1.77101e-09_rb,1.90401e-09_rb,2.04567e-09_rb,2.19647e-09_rb, &
4679 2.35690e-09_rb,2.52749e-09_rb,2.70875e-09_rb,2.90127e-09_rb,3.10560e-09_rb, &
4680 3.32238e-09_rb,3.55222e-09_rb,3.79578e-09_rb,4.05375e-09_rb,4.32682e-09_rb, &
4681 4.61574e-09_rb,4.92128e-09_rb,5.24420e-09_rb,5.58536e-09_rb,5.94558e-09_rb, &
4682 6.32575e-09_rb,6.72678e-09_rb,7.14964e-09_rb,7.59526e-09_rb,8.06470e-09_rb, &
4683 8.55897e-09_rb,9.07916e-09_rb,9.62638e-09_rb,1.02018e-08_rb,1.08066e-08_rb, &
4684 1.14420e-08_rb,1.21092e-08_rb,1.28097e-08_rb,1.35446e-08_rb,1.43155e-08_rb, &
4685 1.51237e-08_rb,1.59708e-08_rb,1.68581e-08_rb,1.77873e-08_rb,1.87599e-08_rb/)
4686 totplnk(101:150,15) = (/ &
4687 1.97777e-08_rb,2.08423e-08_rb,2.19555e-08_rb,2.31190e-08_rb,2.43348e-08_rb, &
4688 2.56045e-08_rb,2.69302e-08_rb,2.83140e-08_rb,2.97578e-08_rb,3.12636e-08_rb, &
4689 3.28337e-08_rb,3.44702e-08_rb,3.61755e-08_rb,3.79516e-08_rb,3.98012e-08_rb, &
4690 4.17265e-08_rb,4.37300e-08_rb,4.58143e-08_rb,4.79819e-08_rb,5.02355e-08_rb, &
4691 5.25777e-08_rb,5.50114e-08_rb,5.75393e-08_rb,6.01644e-08_rb,6.28896e-08_rb, &
4692 6.57177e-08_rb,6.86521e-08_rb,7.16959e-08_rb,7.48520e-08_rb,7.81239e-08_rb, &
4693 8.15148e-08_rb,8.50282e-08_rb,8.86675e-08_rb,9.24362e-08_rb,9.63380e-08_rb, &
4694 1.00376e-07_rb,1.04555e-07_rb,1.08878e-07_rb,1.13349e-07_rb,1.17972e-07_rb, &
4695 1.22751e-07_rb,1.27690e-07_rb,1.32793e-07_rb,1.38064e-07_rb,1.43508e-07_rb, &
4696 1.49129e-07_rb,1.54931e-07_rb,1.60920e-07_rb,1.67099e-07_rb,1.73473e-07_rb/)
4697 totplnk(151:181,15) = (/ &
4698 1.80046e-07_rb,1.86825e-07_rb,1.93812e-07_rb,2.01014e-07_rb,2.08436e-07_rb, &
4699 2.16082e-07_rb,2.23957e-07_rb,2.32067e-07_rb,2.40418e-07_rb,2.49013e-07_rb, &
4700 2.57860e-07_rb,2.66963e-07_rb,2.76328e-07_rb,2.85961e-07_rb,2.95868e-07_rb, &
4701 3.06053e-07_rb,3.16524e-07_rb,3.27286e-07_rb,3.38345e-07_rb,3.49707e-07_rb, &
4702 3.61379e-07_rb,3.73367e-07_rb,3.85676e-07_rb,3.98315e-07_rb,4.11287e-07_rb, &
4703 4.24602e-07_rb,4.38265e-07_rb,4.52283e-07_rb,4.66662e-07_rb,4.81410e-07_rb, &
4705 totplnk(1:50,16) = (/ &
4706 0.28639e-12_rb,0.33349e-12_rb,0.38764e-12_rb,0.44977e-12_rb,0.52093e-12_rb, &
4707 0.60231e-12_rb,0.69522e-12_rb,0.80111e-12_rb,0.92163e-12_rb,0.10586e-11_rb, &
4708 0.12139e-11_rb,0.13899e-11_rb,0.15890e-11_rb,0.18138e-11_rb,0.20674e-11_rb, &
4709 0.23531e-11_rb,0.26744e-11_rb,0.30352e-11_rb,0.34401e-11_rb,0.38936e-11_rb, &
4710 0.44011e-11_rb,0.49681e-11_rb,0.56010e-11_rb,0.63065e-11_rb,0.70919e-11_rb, &
4711 0.79654e-11_rb,0.89357e-11_rb,0.10012e-10_rb,0.11205e-10_rb,0.12526e-10_rb, &
4712 0.13986e-10_rb,0.15600e-10_rb,0.17380e-10_rb,0.19342e-10_rb,0.21503e-10_rb, &
4713 0.23881e-10_rb,0.26494e-10_rb,0.29362e-10_rb,0.32509e-10_rb,0.35958e-10_rb, &
4714 0.39733e-10_rb,0.43863e-10_rb,0.48376e-10_rb,0.53303e-10_rb,0.58679e-10_rb, &
4715 0.64539e-10_rb,0.70920e-10_rb,0.77864e-10_rb,0.85413e-10_rb,0.93615e-10_rb/)
4716 totplnk(51:100,16) = (/ &
4717 0.10252e-09_rb,0.11217e-09_rb,0.12264e-09_rb,0.13397e-09_rb,0.14624e-09_rb, &
4718 0.15950e-09_rb,0.17383e-09_rb,0.18930e-09_rb,0.20599e-09_rb,0.22399e-09_rb, &
4719 0.24339e-09_rb,0.26427e-09_rb,0.28674e-09_rb,0.31090e-09_rb,0.33686e-09_rb, &
4720 0.36474e-09_rb,0.39466e-09_rb,0.42676e-09_rb,0.46115e-09_rb,0.49800e-09_rb, &
4721 0.53744e-09_rb,0.57964e-09_rb,0.62476e-09_rb,0.67298e-09_rb,0.72448e-09_rb, &
4722 0.77945e-09_rb,0.83809e-09_rb,0.90062e-09_rb,0.96725e-09_rb,0.10382e-08_rb, &
4723 0.11138e-08_rb,0.11941e-08_rb,0.12796e-08_rb,0.13704e-08_rb,0.14669e-08_rb, &
4724 0.15694e-08_rb,0.16781e-08_rb,0.17934e-08_rb,0.19157e-08_rb,0.20453e-08_rb, &
4725 0.21825e-08_rb,0.23278e-08_rb,0.24815e-08_rb,0.26442e-08_rb,0.28161e-08_rb, &
4726 0.29978e-08_rb,0.31898e-08_rb,0.33925e-08_rb,0.36064e-08_rb,0.38321e-08_rb/)
4727 totplnk(101:150,16) = (/ &
4728 0.40700e-08_rb,0.43209e-08_rb,0.45852e-08_rb,0.48636e-08_rb,0.51567e-08_rb, &
4729 0.54652e-08_rb,0.57897e-08_rb,0.61310e-08_rb,0.64897e-08_rb,0.68667e-08_rb, &
4730 0.72626e-08_rb,0.76784e-08_rb,0.81148e-08_rb,0.85727e-08_rb,0.90530e-08_rb, &
4731 0.95566e-08_rb,0.10084e-07_rb,0.10638e-07_rb,0.11217e-07_rb,0.11824e-07_rb, &
4732 0.12458e-07_rb,0.13123e-07_rb,0.13818e-07_rb,0.14545e-07_rb,0.15305e-07_rb, &
4733 0.16099e-07_rb,0.16928e-07_rb,0.17795e-07_rb,0.18699e-07_rb,0.19643e-07_rb, &
4734 0.20629e-07_rb,0.21656e-07_rb,0.22728e-07_rb,0.23845e-07_rb,0.25010e-07_rb, &
4735 0.26223e-07_rb,0.27487e-07_rb,0.28804e-07_rb,0.30174e-07_rb,0.31600e-07_rb, &
4736 0.33084e-07_rb,0.34628e-07_rb,0.36233e-07_rb,0.37902e-07_rb,0.39637e-07_rb, &
4737 0.41440e-07_rb,0.43313e-07_rb,0.45259e-07_rb,0.47279e-07_rb,0.49376e-07_rb/)
4738 totplnk(151:181,16) = (/ &
4739 0.51552e-07_rb,0.53810e-07_rb,0.56153e-07_rb,0.58583e-07_rb,0.61102e-07_rb, &
4740 0.63713e-07_rb,0.66420e-07_rb,0.69224e-07_rb,0.72129e-07_rb,0.75138e-07_rb, &
4741 0.78254e-07_rb,0.81479e-07_rb,0.84818e-07_rb,0.88272e-07_rb,0.91846e-07_rb, &
4742 0.95543e-07_rb,0.99366e-07_rb,0.10332e-06_rb,0.10740e-06_rb,0.11163e-06_rb, &
4743 0.11599e-06_rb,0.12050e-06_rb,0.12515e-06_rb,0.12996e-06_rb,0.13493e-06_rb, &
4744 0.14005e-06_rb,0.14534e-06_rb,0.15080e-06_rb,0.15643e-06_rb,0.16224e-06_rb, &
4746 totplk16(1:50) = (/ &
4747 0.28481e-12_rb,0.33159e-12_rb,0.38535e-12_rb,0.44701e-12_rb,0.51763e-12_rb, &
4748 0.59836e-12_rb,0.69049e-12_rb,0.79549e-12_rb,0.91493e-12_rb,0.10506e-11_rb, &
4749 0.12045e-11_rb,0.13788e-11_rb,0.15758e-11_rb,0.17984e-11_rb,0.20493e-11_rb, &
4750 0.23317e-11_rb,0.26494e-11_rb,0.30060e-11_rb,0.34060e-11_rb,0.38539e-11_rb, &
4751 0.43548e-11_rb,0.49144e-11_rb,0.55387e-11_rb,0.62344e-11_rb,0.70086e-11_rb, &
4752 0.78692e-11_rb,0.88248e-11_rb,0.98846e-11_rb,0.11059e-10_rb,0.12358e-10_rb, &
4753 0.13794e-10_rb,0.15379e-10_rb,0.17128e-10_rb,0.19055e-10_rb,0.21176e-10_rb, &
4754 0.23508e-10_rb,0.26070e-10_rb,0.28881e-10_rb,0.31963e-10_rb,0.35339e-10_rb, &
4755 0.39034e-10_rb,0.43073e-10_rb,0.47484e-10_rb,0.52299e-10_rb,0.57548e-10_rb, &
4756 0.63267e-10_rb,0.69491e-10_rb,0.76261e-10_rb,0.83616e-10_rb,0.91603e-10_rb/)
4757 totplk16(51:100) = (/ &
4758 0.10027e-09_rb,0.10966e-09_rb,0.11983e-09_rb,0.13084e-09_rb,0.14275e-09_rb, &
4759 0.15562e-09_rb,0.16951e-09_rb,0.18451e-09_rb,0.20068e-09_rb,0.21810e-09_rb, &
4760 0.23686e-09_rb,0.25704e-09_rb,0.27875e-09_rb,0.30207e-09_rb,0.32712e-09_rb, &
4761 0.35400e-09_rb,0.38282e-09_rb,0.41372e-09_rb,0.44681e-09_rb,0.48223e-09_rb, &
4762 0.52013e-09_rb,0.56064e-09_rb,0.60392e-09_rb,0.65015e-09_rb,0.69948e-09_rb, &
4763 0.75209e-09_rb,0.80818e-09_rb,0.86794e-09_rb,0.93157e-09_rb,0.99929e-09_rb, &
4764 0.10713e-08_rb,0.11479e-08_rb,0.12293e-08_rb,0.13157e-08_rb,0.14074e-08_rb, &
4765 0.15047e-08_rb,0.16079e-08_rb,0.17172e-08_rb,0.18330e-08_rb,0.19557e-08_rb, &
4766 0.20855e-08_rb,0.22228e-08_rb,0.23680e-08_rb,0.25214e-08_rb,0.26835e-08_rb, &
4767 0.28546e-08_rb,0.30352e-08_rb,0.32257e-08_rb,0.34266e-08_rb,0.36384e-08_rb/)
4768 totplk16(101:150) = (/ &
4769 0.38615e-08_rb,0.40965e-08_rb,0.43438e-08_rb,0.46041e-08_rb,0.48779e-08_rb, &
4770 0.51658e-08_rb,0.54683e-08_rb,0.57862e-08_rb,0.61200e-08_rb,0.64705e-08_rb, &
4771 0.68382e-08_rb,0.72240e-08_rb,0.76285e-08_rb,0.80526e-08_rb,0.84969e-08_rb, &
4772 0.89624e-08_rb,0.94498e-08_rb,0.99599e-08_rb,0.10494e-07_rb,0.11052e-07_rb, &
4773 0.11636e-07_rb,0.12246e-07_rb,0.12884e-07_rb,0.13551e-07_rb,0.14246e-07_rb, &
4774 0.14973e-07_rb,0.15731e-07_rb,0.16522e-07_rb,0.17347e-07_rb,0.18207e-07_rb, &
4775 0.19103e-07_rb,0.20037e-07_rb,0.21011e-07_rb,0.22024e-07_rb,0.23079e-07_rb, &
4776 0.24177e-07_rb,0.25320e-07_rb,0.26508e-07_rb,0.27744e-07_rb,0.29029e-07_rb, &
4777 0.30365e-07_rb,0.31753e-07_rb,0.33194e-07_rb,0.34691e-07_rb,0.36246e-07_rb, &
4778 0.37859e-07_rb,0.39533e-07_rb,0.41270e-07_rb,0.43071e-07_rb,0.44939e-07_rb/)
4779 totplk16(151:181) = (/ &
4780 0.46875e-07_rb,0.48882e-07_rb,0.50961e-07_rb,0.53115e-07_rb,0.55345e-07_rb, &
4781 0.57655e-07_rb,0.60046e-07_rb,0.62520e-07_rb,0.65080e-07_rb,0.67728e-07_rb, &
4782 0.70466e-07_rb,0.73298e-07_rb,0.76225e-07_rb,0.79251e-07_rb,0.82377e-07_rb, &
4783 0.85606e-07_rb,0.88942e-07_rb,0.92386e-07_rb,0.95942e-07_rb,0.99612e-07_rb, &
4784 0.10340e-06_rb,0.10731e-06_rb,0.11134e-06_rb,0.11550e-06_rb,0.11979e-06_rb, &
4785 0.12421e-06_rb,0.12876e-06_rb,0.13346e-06_rb,0.13830e-06_rb,0.14328e-06_rb, &
4788 end subroutine lwavplank
4790 end module rrtmg_lw_setcoef
4792 ! path: $Source: /storm/rc1/cvsroot/rc/rrtmg_lw/src/rrtmg_lw_taumol.f90,v $
4793 ! author: $Author: mike $
4794 ! revision: $Revision: 1.7 $
4795 ! created: $Date: 2009/10/20 15:08:37 $
4797 module rrtmg_lw_taumol
4799 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4801 ! | Copyright 2002-2009, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
4802 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
4803 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
4804 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
4805 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
4807 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4809 ! ------- Modules -------
4811 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
4812 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, maxxsec, ngptlw
4813 use rrlw_con, only: oneminus
4814 use rrlw_wvn, only: nspa, nspb
4815 use rrlw_vsn, only: hvrtau, hnamtau
4821 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4822 subroutine taumol(nlayers, pavel, wx, coldry, &
4823 laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
4824 colh2o, colco2, colo3, coln2o, colco, colch4, colo2, &
4825 colbrd, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, &
4826 rat_h2oco2, rat_h2oco2_1, rat_h2oo3, rat_h2oo3_1, &
4827 rat_h2on2o, rat_h2on2o_1, rat_h2och4, rat_h2och4_1, &
4828 rat_n2oco2, rat_n2oco2_1, rat_o3co2, rat_o3co2_1, &
4829 selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, &
4830 minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor, &
4832 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4834 ! *******************************************************************************
4836 ! * Optical depths developed for the *
4842 ! * 131 HARTWELL AVENUE *
4843 ! * LEXINGTON, MA 02421 *
4848 ! * STEVEN J. TAUBMAN *
4849 ! * SHEPARD A. CLOUGH *
4854 ! * email: mlawer@aer.com *
4855 ! * email: jdelamer@aer.com *
4857 ! * The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the *
4858 ! * following people: Karen Cady-Pereira, Patrick D. Brown, *
4859 ! * Michael J. Iacono, Ronald E. Farren, Luke Chen, Robert Bergstrom. *
4861 ! *******************************************************************************
4863 ! * Revision for g-point reduction: Michael J. Iacono, AER, Inc. *
4865 ! *******************************************************************************
4868 ! * This file contains the subroutines TAUGBn (where n goes from *
4869 ! * 1 to 16). TAUGBn calculates the optical depths and Planck fractions *
4870 ! * per g-value and layer for band n. *
4872 ! * Output: optical depths (unitless) *
4873 ! * fractions needed to compute Planck functions at every layer *
4884 ! * & PZ(0:MXLAY),TZ(0:MXLAY) *
4890 ! * & FAC10(MXLAY),FAC11(MXLAY) *
4895 ! * NG(IBAND) - number of g-values in band IBAND *
4896 ! * NSPA(IBAND) - for the lower atmosphere, the number of reference *
4897 ! * atmospheres that are stored for band IBAND per *
4898 ! * pressure level and temperature. Each of these *
4899 ! * atmospheres has different relative amounts of the *
4900 ! * key species for the band (i.e. different binary *
4901 ! * species parameters). *
4902 ! * NSPB(IBAND) - same for upper atmosphere *
4903 ! * ONEMINUS - since problems are caused in some cases by interpolation *
4904 ! * parameters equal to or greater than 1, for these cases *
4905 ! * these parameters are set to this value, slightly < 1. *
4906 ! * PAVEL - layer pressures (mb) *
4907 ! * TAVEL - layer temperatures (degrees K) *
4908 ! * PZ - level pressures (mb) *
4909 ! * TZ - level temperatures (degrees K) *
4910 ! * LAYTROP - layer at which switch is made from one combination of *
4911 ! * key species to another *
4912 ! * COLH2O, COLCO2, COLO3, COLN2O, COLCH4 - column amounts of water *
4913 ! * vapor,carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous ozide, methane, *
4914 ! * respectively (molecules/cm**2) *
4915 ! * FACij(LAY) - for layer LAY, these are factors that are needed to *
4916 ! * compute the interpolation factors that multiply the *
4917 ! * appropriate reference k-values. A value of 0 (1) for *
4918 ! * i,j indicates that the corresponding factor multiplies *
4919 ! * reference k-value for the lower (higher) of the two *
4920 ! * appropriate temperatures, and altitudes, respectively. *
4921 ! * JP - the index of the lower (in altitude) of the two appropriate *
4922 ! * reference pressure levels needed for interpolation *
4923 ! * JT, JT1 - the indices of the lower of the two appropriate reference *
4924 ! * temperatures needed for interpolation (for pressure *
4925 ! * levels JP and JP+1, respectively) *
4926 ! * SELFFAC - scale factor needed for water vapor self-continuum, equals *
4927 ! * (water vapor density)/(atmospheric density at 296K and *
4929 ! * SELFFRAC - factor needed for temperature interpolation of reference *
4930 ! * water vapor self-continuum data *
4931 ! * INDSELF - index of the lower of the two appropriate reference *
4932 ! * temperatures needed for the self-continuum interpolation *
4933 ! * FORFAC - scale factor needed for water vapor foreign-continuum. *
4934 ! * FORFRAC - factor needed for temperature interpolation of reference *
4935 ! * water vapor foreign-continuum data *
4936 ! * INDFOR - index of the lower of the two appropriate reference *
4937 ! * temperatures needed for the foreign-continuum interpolation *
4940 ! * COMMON /Kn/ KA(NSPA(n),5,13,MG), KB(NSPB(n),5,13:59,MG), SELFREF(10,MG),*
4941 ! * FORREF(4,MG), KA_M'MGAS', KB_M'MGAS' *
4942 ! * (note: n is the band number,'MGAS' is the species name of the minor *
4946 ! * KA - k-values for low reference atmospheres (key-species only) *
4947 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4948 ! * KB - k-values for high reference atmospheres (key-species only) *
4949 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4950 ! * KA_M'MGAS' - k-values for low reference atmosphere minor species *
4951 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4952 ! * KB_M'MGAS' - k-values for high reference atmosphere minor species *
4953 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4954 ! * SELFREF - k-values for water vapor self-continuum for reference *
4955 ! * atmospheres (used below LAYTROP) *
4956 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4957 ! * FORREF - k-values for water vapor foreign-continuum for reference *
4958 ! * atmospheres (used below/above LAYTROP) *
4959 ! * (units: cm**2/molecule) *
4961 ! * DIMENSION ABSA(65*NSPA(n),MG), ABSB(235*NSPB(n),MG) *
4964 !*******************************************************************************
4966 ! ------- Declarations -------
4969 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlayers ! total number of layers
4970 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: pavel(:) ! layer pressures (mb)
4971 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4972 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: wx(:,:) ! cross-section amounts (mol/cm2)
4973 ! Dimensions: (maxxsec,nlayers)
4974 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: coldry(:) ! column amount (dry air)
4975 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4977 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: laytrop ! tropopause layer index
4978 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: jp(:) !
4979 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4980 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: jt(:) !
4981 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4982 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: jt1(:) !
4983 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4984 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: planklay(:,:) !
4985 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,nbndlw)
4986 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: planklev(0:,:) !
4987 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,nbndlw)
4988 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: plankbnd(:) !
4989 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
4991 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colh2o(:) ! column amount (h2o)
4992 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4993 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colco2(:) ! column amount (co2)
4994 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4995 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colo3(:) ! column amount (o3)
4996 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4997 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: coln2o(:) ! column amount (n2o)
4998 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
4999 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colco(:) ! column amount (co)
5000 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5001 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colch4(:) ! column amount (ch4)
5002 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5003 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colo2(:) ! column amount (o2)
5004 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5005 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: colbrd(:) ! column amount (broadening gases)
5006 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5008 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: indself(:)
5009 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5010 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: indfor(:)
5011 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5012 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: selffac(:)
5013 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5014 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: selffrac(:)
5015 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5016 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: forfac(:)
5017 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5018 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: forfrac(:)
5019 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5021 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: indminor(:)
5022 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5023 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: minorfrac(:)
5024 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5025 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: scaleminor(:)
5026 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5027 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: scaleminorn2(:)
5028 ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5030 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: & !
5031 fac00(:), fac01(:), & ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5033 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: & !
5034 rat_h2oco2(:),rat_h2oco2_1(:), &
5035 rat_h2oo3(:),rat_h2oo3_1(:), & ! Dimensions: (nlayers)
5036 rat_h2on2o(:),rat_h2on2o_1(:), &
5037 rat_h2och4(:),rat_h2och4_1(:), &
5038 rat_n2oco2(:),rat_n2oco2_1(:), &
5039 rat_o3co2(:),rat_o3co2_1(:)
5041 ! ----- Output -----
5042 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: fracs(:,:) ! planck fractions
5043 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,ngptlw)
5044 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: taug(:,:) ! gaseous optical depth
5045 ! Dimensions: (nlayers,ngptlw)
5047 !jm not thread safe hvrtau = '$Revision: 1.7 $'
5049 ! Calculate gaseous optical depth and planck fractions for each spectral band.
5070 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5072 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5074 ! ------- Modifications -------
5075 ! Written by Eli J. Mlawer, Atmospheric & Environmental Research.
5076 ! Revised by Michael J. Iacono, Atmospheric & Environmental Research.
5078 ! band 1: 10-350 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - n2)
5079 ! (high key - h2o; high minor - n2)
5081 ! note: previous versions of rrtm band 1:
5082 ! 10-250 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
5083 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5085 ! ------- Modules -------
5087 use parrrtm, only : ng1
5088 use rrlw_kg01, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
5089 ka_mn2, kb_mn2, selfref, forref
5091 ! ------- Declarations -------
5094 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
5095 real(kind=rb) :: pp, corradj, scalen2, tauself, taufor, taun2
5098 ! Minor gas mapping levels:
5099 ! lower - n2, p = 142.5490 mbar, t = 215.70 k
5100 ! upper - n2, p = 142.5490 mbar, t = 215.70 k
5102 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
5103 ! temperature. Below laytrop, the water vapor self-continuum and
5104 ! foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
5106 ! Lower atmosphere loop
5109 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(1) + 1
5110 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(1) + 1
5113 indm = indminor(lay)
5116 if (pp .lt. 250._rb) then
5117 corradj = 1._rb - 0.15_rb * (250._rb-pp) / 154.4_rb
5120 scalen2 = colbrd(lay) * scaleminorn2(lay)
5122 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
5123 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
5124 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
5125 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5126 taun2 = scalen2*(ka_mn2(indm,ig) + &
5127 minorfrac(lay) * (ka_mn2(indm+1,ig) - ka_mn2(indm,ig)))
5128 taug(lay,ig) = corradj * (colh2o(lay) * &
5129 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5130 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5131 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5132 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
5133 + tauself + taufor + taun2)
5134 fracs(lay,ig) = fracrefa(ig)
5138 ! Upper atmosphere loop
5139 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
5141 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(1) + 1
5142 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(1) + 1
5144 indm = indminor(lay)
5146 corradj = 1._rb - 0.15_rb * (pp / 95.6_rb)
5148 scalen2 = colbrd(lay) * scaleminorn2(lay)
5150 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + &
5151 forfrac(lay) * (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5152 taun2 = scalen2*(kb_mn2(indm,ig) + &
5153 minorfrac(lay) * (kb_mn2(indm+1,ig) - kb_mn2(indm,ig)))
5154 taug(lay,ig) = corradj * (colh2o(lay) * &
5155 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
5156 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
5157 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
5158 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
5160 fracs(lay,ig) = fracrefb(ig)
5164 end subroutine taugb1
5166 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5168 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5170 ! band 2: 350-500 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o)
5172 ! note: previous version of rrtm band 2:
5173 ! 250 - 500 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
5174 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5176 ! ------- Modules -------
5178 use parrrtm, only : ng2, ngs1
5179 use rrlw_kg02, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
5182 ! ------- Declarations -------
5185 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
5186 real(kind=rb) :: pp, corradj, tauself, taufor
5189 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
5190 ! temperature. Below laytrop, the water vapor self-continuum and
5191 ! foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
5193 ! Lower atmosphere loop
5196 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(2) + 1
5197 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(2) + 1
5201 corradj = 1._rb - .05_rb * (pp - 100._rb) / 900._rb
5203 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
5204 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
5205 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
5206 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5207 taug(lay,ngs1+ig) = corradj * (colh2o(lay) * &
5208 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5209 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5210 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5211 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
5213 fracs(lay,ngs1+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
5217 ! Upper atmosphere loop
5218 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
5220 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(2) + 1
5221 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(2) + 1
5224 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + &
5225 forfrac(lay) * (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5226 taug(lay,ngs1+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
5227 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
5228 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
5229 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
5230 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
5232 fracs(lay,ngs1+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
5236 end subroutine taugb2
5238 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5240 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5242 ! band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - n2o)
5243 ! (high key - h2o,co2; high minor - n2o)
5244 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5246 ! ------- Modules -------
5248 use parrrtm, only : ng3, ngs2
5249 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
5250 use rrlw_kg03, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
5251 ka_mn2o, kb_mn2o, selfref, forref
5253 ! ------- Declarations -------
5256 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
5257 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmn2o, jpl
5258 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
5259 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
5260 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mn2o, specparm_mn2o, specmult_mn2o, &
5261 fmn2o, fmn2omf, chi_n2o, ratn2o, adjfac, adjcoln2o
5262 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
5263 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
5264 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
5265 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
5266 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, n2om1, n2om2, absn2o
5267 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_planck_b, refrat_m_a, refrat_m_b
5268 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
5271 ! Minor gas mapping levels:
5272 ! lower - n2o, p = 706.272 mbar, t = 278.94 k
5273 ! upper - n2o, p = 95.58 mbar, t = 215.7 k
5276 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,9)/chi_mls(2,9)
5279 refrat_planck_b = chi_mls(1,13)/chi_mls(2,13)
5282 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(1,3)/chi_mls(2,3)
5285 refrat_m_b = chi_mls(1,13)/chi_mls(2,13)
5287 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
5288 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water vapor
5289 ! self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature)
5292 ! Lower atmosphere loop
5295 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
5296 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
5297 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
5298 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
5299 js = 1 + int(specmult)
5300 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
5302 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
5303 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
5304 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
5305 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
5306 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
5307 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
5309 speccomb_mn2o = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*colco2(lay)
5310 specparm_mn2o = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mn2o
5311 if (specparm_mn2o .ge. oneminus) specparm_mn2o = oneminus
5312 specmult_mn2o = 8._rb*specparm_mn2o
5313 jmn2o = 1 + int(specmult_mn2o)
5314 fmn2o = mod(specmult_mn2o,1.0_rb)
5315 fmn2omf = minorfrac(lay)*fmn2o
5316 ! In atmospheres where the amount of N2O is too great to be considered
5317 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of N2O by an empirical factor
5318 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
5319 chi_n2o = coln2o(lay)/coldry(lay)
5320 ratn2o = 1.e20_rb*chi_n2o/chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)
5321 if (ratn2o .gt. 1.5_rb) then
5322 adjfac = 0.5_rb+(ratn2o-0.5_rb)**0.65_rb
5323 adjcoln2o = adjfac*chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
5325 adjcoln2o = coln2o(lay)
5328 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colco2(lay)
5329 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
5330 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
5331 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
5332 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
5333 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
5335 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(3) + js
5336 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(3) + js1
5339 indm = indminor(lay)
5341 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5345 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5347 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5348 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5349 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5350 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5351 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5352 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5353 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5357 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5359 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5360 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5361 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5362 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5363 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5364 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5366 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
5367 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
5368 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
5369 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
5371 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5375 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5377 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5378 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5379 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5380 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5381 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5382 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5383 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5387 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5389 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5390 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5391 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5392 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5393 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5394 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5396 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
5397 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
5398 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
5399 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
5403 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
5404 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
5405 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
5406 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5407 n2om1 = ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig) + fmn2o * &
5408 (ka_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm,ig) - ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig))
5409 n2om2 = ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig) + fmn2o * &
5410 (ka_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig))
5411 absn2o = n2om1 + minorfrac(lay) * (n2om2 - n2om1)
5413 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5414 tau_major = speccomb * &
5415 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5416 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5417 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
5418 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5419 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
5420 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
5421 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5422 tau_major = speccomb * &
5423 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
5424 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5425 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5426 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
5427 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5428 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5430 tau_major = speccomb * &
5431 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5432 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5433 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5434 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5437 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5438 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5439 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5440 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5441 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
5442 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5443 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
5444 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
5445 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5446 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5447 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
5448 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5449 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5450 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
5451 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5452 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
5454 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5455 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5456 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5457 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5458 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
5461 taug(lay,ngs2+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
5462 + tauself + taufor &
5464 fracs(lay,ngs2+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
5465 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
5469 ! Upper atmosphere loop
5470 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
5472 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
5473 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
5474 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
5475 specmult = 4._rb*(specparm)
5476 js = 1 + int(specmult)
5477 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
5479 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
5480 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
5481 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
5482 specmult1 = 4._rb*(specparm1)
5483 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
5484 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
5486 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
5487 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
5488 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
5489 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
5490 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
5491 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
5492 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
5493 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
5495 speccomb_mn2o = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_b*colco2(lay)
5496 specparm_mn2o = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mn2o
5497 if (specparm_mn2o .ge. oneminus) specparm_mn2o = oneminus
5498 specmult_mn2o = 4._rb*specparm_mn2o
5499 jmn2o = 1 + int(specmult_mn2o)
5500 fmn2o = mod(specmult_mn2o,1.0_rb)
5501 fmn2omf = minorfrac(lay)*fmn2o
5502 ! In atmospheres where the amount of N2O is too great to be considered
5503 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of N2O by an empirical factor
5504 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
5505 chi_n2o = coln2o(lay)/coldry(lay)
5506 ratn2o = 1.e20*chi_n2o/chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)
5507 if (ratn2o .gt. 1.5_rb) then
5508 adjfac = 0.5_rb+(ratn2o-0.5_rb)**0.65_rb
5509 adjcoln2o = adjfac*chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
5511 adjcoln2o = coln2o(lay)
5514 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_b*colco2(lay)
5515 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
5516 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
5517 specmult_planck = 4._rb*specparm_planck
5518 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
5519 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
5521 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(3) + js
5522 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(3) + js1
5524 indm = indminor(lay)
5527 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + &
5528 forfrac(lay) * (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5529 n2om1 = kb_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig) + fmn2o * &
5530 (kb_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm,ig)-kb_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig))
5531 n2om2 = kb_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig) + fmn2o * &
5532 (kb_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm+1,ig)-kb_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig))
5533 absn2o = n2om1 + minorfrac(lay) * (n2om2 - n2om1)
5534 taug(lay,ngs2+ig) = speccomb * &
5535 (fac000 * absb(ind0,ig) + &
5536 fac100 * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
5537 fac010 * absb(ind0+5,ig) + &
5538 fac110 * absb(ind0+6,ig)) &
5540 (fac001 * absb(ind1,ig) + &
5541 fac101 * absb(ind1+1,ig) + &
5542 fac011 * absb(ind1+5,ig) + &
5543 fac111 * absb(ind1+6,ig)) &
5546 fracs(lay,ngs2+ig) = fracrefb(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
5547 (fracrefb(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefb(ig,jpl))
5551 end subroutine taugb3
5553 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5555 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5557 ! band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; high key - o3,co2)
5558 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5560 ! ------- Modules -------
5562 use parrrtm, only : ng4, ngs3
5563 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
5564 use rrlw_kg04, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
5567 ! ------- Declarations -------
5570 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
5571 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jpl
5572 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
5573 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
5574 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
5575 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
5576 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
5577 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
5578 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor
5579 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_planck_b
5580 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
5584 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,11)/chi_mls(2,11)
5587 refrat_planck_b = chi_mls(3,13)/chi_mls(2,13)
5589 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
5590 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
5591 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature)
5594 ! Lower atmosphere loop
5597 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
5598 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
5599 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
5600 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
5601 js = 1 + int(specmult)
5602 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
5604 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
5605 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
5606 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
5607 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
5608 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
5609 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
5611 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colco2(lay)
5612 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
5613 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
5614 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
5615 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
5616 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
5618 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(4) + js
5619 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(4) + js1
5623 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5627 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5629 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5630 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5631 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5632 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5633 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5634 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5635 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5639 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5641 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5642 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5643 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5644 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5645 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5646 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5648 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
5649 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
5650 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
5651 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
5654 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5658 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5660 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5661 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5662 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5663 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5664 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5665 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5666 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5670 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5672 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5673 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5674 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5675 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5676 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5677 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5679 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
5680 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
5681 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
5682 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
5686 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
5687 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
5688 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
5689 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5691 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5692 tau_major = speccomb * &
5693 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5694 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5695 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
5696 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5697 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
5698 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
5699 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5700 tau_major = speccomb * &
5701 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
5702 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5703 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5704 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
5705 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5706 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5708 tau_major = speccomb * &
5709 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5710 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5711 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5712 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5715 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5716 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5717 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5718 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5719 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
5720 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5721 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
5722 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
5723 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5724 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5725 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
5726 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5727 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5728 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
5729 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5730 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
5732 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
5733 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
5734 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
5735 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
5736 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
5739 taug(lay,ngs3+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
5741 fracs(lay,ngs3+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
5742 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
5746 ! Upper atmosphere loop
5747 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
5749 speccomb = colo3(lay) + rat_o3co2(lay)*colco2(lay)
5750 specparm = colo3(lay)/speccomb
5751 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
5752 specmult = 4._rb*(specparm)
5753 js = 1 + int(specmult)
5754 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
5756 speccomb1 = colo3(lay) + rat_o3co2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
5757 specparm1 = colo3(lay)/speccomb1
5758 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
5759 specmult1 = 4._rb*(specparm1)
5760 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
5761 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
5763 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
5764 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
5765 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
5766 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
5767 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
5768 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
5769 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
5770 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
5772 speccomb_planck = colo3(lay)+refrat_planck_b*colco2(lay)
5773 specparm_planck = colo3(lay)/speccomb_planck
5774 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
5775 specmult_planck = 4._rb*specparm_planck
5776 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
5777 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
5779 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(4) + js
5780 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(4) + js1
5783 taug(lay,ngs3+ig) = speccomb * &
5784 (fac000 * absb(ind0,ig) + &
5785 fac100 * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
5786 fac010 * absb(ind0+5,ig) + &
5787 fac110 * absb(ind0+6,ig)) &
5789 (fac001 * absb(ind1,ig) + &
5790 fac101 * absb(ind1+1,ig) + &
5791 fac011 * absb(ind1+5,ig) + &
5792 fac111 * absb(ind1+6,ig))
5793 fracs(lay,ngs3+ig) = fracrefb(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
5794 (fracrefb(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefb(ig,jpl))
5797 ! Empirical modification to code to improve stratospheric cooling rates
5798 ! for co2. Revised to apply weighting for g-point reduction in this band.
5800 taug(lay,ngs3+8)=taug(lay,ngs3+8)*0.92
5801 taug(lay,ngs3+9)=taug(lay,ngs3+9)*0.88
5802 taug(lay,ngs3+10)=taug(lay,ngs3+10)*1.07
5803 taug(lay,ngs3+11)=taug(lay,ngs3+11)*1.1
5804 taug(lay,ngs3+12)=taug(lay,ngs3+12)*0.99
5805 taug(lay,ngs3+13)=taug(lay,ngs3+13)*0.88
5806 taug(lay,ngs3+14)=taug(lay,ngs3+14)*0.943
5810 end subroutine taugb4
5812 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5814 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5816 ! band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - o3, ccl4)
5817 ! (high key - o3,co2)
5818 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5820 ! ------- Modules -------
5822 use parrrtm, only : ng5, ngs4
5823 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
5824 use rrlw_kg05, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
5825 ka_mo3, selfref, forref, ccl4
5827 ! ------- Declarations -------
5830 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
5831 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmo3, jpl
5832 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
5833 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
5834 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mo3, specparm_mo3, specmult_mo3, fmo3
5835 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
5836 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
5837 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
5838 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
5839 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, o3m1, o3m2, abso3
5840 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_planck_b, refrat_m_a
5841 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
5844 ! Minor gas mapping level :
5845 ! lower - o3, p = 317.34 mbar, t = 240.77 k
5848 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
5849 ! fraction in lower/upper atmosphere.
5852 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,5)/chi_mls(2,5)
5855 refrat_planck_b = chi_mls(3,43)/chi_mls(2,43)
5858 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(1,7)/chi_mls(2,7)
5860 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
5861 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the
5862 ! water vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is
5863 ! interpolated (in temperature) separately.
5865 ! Lower atmosphere loop
5868 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
5869 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
5870 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
5871 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
5872 js = 1 + int(specmult)
5873 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
5875 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
5876 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
5877 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
5878 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
5879 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
5880 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
5882 speccomb_mo3 = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*colco2(lay)
5883 specparm_mo3 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mo3
5884 if (specparm_mo3 .ge. oneminus) specparm_mo3 = oneminus
5885 specmult_mo3 = 8._rb*specparm_mo3
5886 jmo3 = 1 + int(specmult_mo3)
5887 fmo3 = mod(specmult_mo3,1.0_rb)
5889 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colco2(lay)
5890 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
5891 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
5892 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
5893 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
5894 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
5896 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(5) + js
5897 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(5) + js1
5900 indm = indminor(lay)
5902 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5906 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5908 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5909 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5910 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5911 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5912 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5913 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5914 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5918 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5920 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
5921 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
5922 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
5923 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
5924 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
5925 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
5927 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
5928 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
5929 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
5930 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
5933 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5937 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5939 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5940 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5941 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5942 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5943 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5944 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5945 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5949 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
5951 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
5952 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
5953 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
5954 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
5955 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
5956 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
5958 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
5959 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
5960 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
5961 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
5965 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
5966 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
5967 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
5968 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
5969 o3m1 = ka_mo3(jmo3,indm,ig) + fmo3 * &
5970 (ka_mo3(jmo3+1,indm,ig)-ka_mo3(jmo3,indm,ig))
5971 o3m2 = ka_mo3(jmo3,indm+1,ig) + fmo3 * &
5972 (ka_mo3(jmo3+1,indm+1,ig)-ka_mo3(jmo3,indm+1,ig))
5973 abso3 = o3m1 + minorfrac(lay)*(o3m2-o3m1)
5975 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
5976 tau_major = speccomb * &
5977 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5978 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5979 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
5980 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5981 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
5982 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
5983 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
5984 tau_major = speccomb * &
5985 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
5986 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5987 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5988 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
5989 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5990 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5992 tau_major = speccomb * &
5993 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
5994 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
5995 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
5996 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
5999 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6000 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6001 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6002 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6003 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
6004 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6005 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
6006 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
6007 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6008 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6009 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
6010 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6011 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6012 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
6013 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6014 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6016 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6017 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6018 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6019 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6020 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6023 taug(lay,ngs4+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
6024 + tauself + taufor &
6025 + abso3*colo3(lay) &
6026 + wx(1,lay) * ccl4(ig)
6027 fracs(lay,ngs4+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
6028 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
6032 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6033 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6035 speccomb = colo3(lay) + rat_o3co2(lay)*colco2(lay)
6036 specparm = colo3(lay)/speccomb
6037 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
6038 specmult = 4._rb*(specparm)
6039 js = 1 + int(specmult)
6040 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
6042 speccomb1 = colo3(lay) + rat_o3co2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
6043 specparm1 = colo3(lay)/speccomb1
6044 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
6045 specmult1 = 4._rb*(specparm1)
6046 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
6047 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
6049 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
6050 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
6051 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
6052 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
6053 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
6054 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
6055 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
6056 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
6058 speccomb_planck = colo3(lay)+refrat_planck_b*colco2(lay)
6059 specparm_planck = colo3(lay)/speccomb_planck
6060 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
6061 specmult_planck = 4._rb*specparm_planck
6062 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
6063 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
6065 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(5) + js
6066 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(5) + js1
6069 taug(lay,ngs4+ig) = speccomb * &
6070 (fac000 * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6071 fac100 * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6072 fac010 * absb(ind0+5,ig) + &
6073 fac110 * absb(ind0+6,ig)) &
6075 (fac001 * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6076 fac101 * absb(ind1+1,ig) + &
6077 fac011 * absb(ind1+5,ig) + &
6078 fac111 * absb(ind1+6,ig)) &
6079 + wx(1,lay) * ccl4(ig)
6080 fracs(lay,ngs4+ig) = fracrefb(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
6081 (fracrefb(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefb(ig,jpl))
6085 end subroutine taugb5
6087 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6089 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6091 ! band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2)
6092 ! (high key - nothing; high minor - cfc11, cfc12)
6093 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6095 ! ------- Modules -------
6097 use parrrtm, only : ngs5
6098 ! use parrrtm, only : ng6, ngs5
6099 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
6101 ! use rrlw_kg06, only : fracrefa, absa, ka, ka_mco2, &
6102 ! selfref, forref, cfc11adj, cfc12
6104 ! ------- Declarations -------
6107 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
6108 real(kind=rb) :: chi_co2, ratco2, adjfac, adjcolco2
6109 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, absco2
6112 ! Minor gas mapping level:
6113 ! lower - co2, p = 706.2720 mb, t = 294.2 k
6114 ! upper - cfc11, cfc12
6116 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
6117 ! temperature. The water vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum
6118 ! is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
6120 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6123 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
6124 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
6125 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6126 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6127 ratco2 = 1.e20_rb*chi_co2/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
6128 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
6129 adjfac = 2.0_rb+(ratco2-2.0_rb)**0.77_rb
6130 adjcolco2 = adjfac*chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6132 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
6135 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(6) + 1
6136 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(6) + 1
6139 indm = indminor(lay)
6142 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6143 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6144 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6145 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6146 absco2 = (ka_mco2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6147 (ka_mco2(indm+1,ig) - ka_mco2(indm,ig)))
6148 taug(lay,ngs5+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6149 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6150 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6151 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6152 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
6153 + tauself + taufor &
6154 + adjcolco2 * absco2 &
6155 + wx(2,lay) * cfc11adj(ig) &
6156 + wx(3,lay) * cfc12(ig)
6157 fracs(lay,ngs5+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
6161 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6162 ! Nothing important goes on above laytrop in this band.
6163 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6166 taug(lay,ngs5+ig) = 0.0_rb &
6167 + wx(2,lay) * cfc11adj(ig) &
6168 + wx(3,lay) * cfc12(ig)
6169 fracs(lay,ngs5+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
6173 end subroutine taugb6
6175 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6177 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6179 ! band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low key - h2o,o3; low minor - co2)
6180 ! (high key - o3; high minor - co2)
6181 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6183 ! ------- Modules -------
6185 use parrrtm, only : ng7, ngs6
6186 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
6187 use rrlw_kg07, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
6188 ka_mco2, kb_mco2, selfref, forref
6190 ! ------- Declarations -------
6193 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
6194 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmco2, jpl
6195 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
6196 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
6197 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mco2, specparm_mco2, specmult_mco2, fmco2
6198 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
6199 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
6200 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
6201 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
6202 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, co2m1, co2m2, absco2
6203 real(kind=rb) :: chi_co2, ratco2, adjfac, adjcolco2
6204 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_m_a
6205 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
6208 ! Minor gas mapping level :
6209 ! lower - co2, p = 706.2620 mbar, t= 278.94 k
6210 ! upper - co2, p = 12.9350 mbar, t = 234.01 k
6212 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
6213 ! fraction in lower atmosphere.
6216 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,3)/chi_mls(3,3)
6219 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(1,3)/chi_mls(3,3)
6221 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
6222 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
6223 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated
6224 ! (in temperature) separately.
6226 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6229 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oo3(lay)*colo3(lay)
6230 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
6231 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
6232 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
6233 js = 1 + int(specmult)
6234 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
6236 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oo3_1(lay)*colo3(lay)
6237 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
6238 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
6239 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
6240 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
6241 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
6243 speccomb_mco2 = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*colo3(lay)
6244 specparm_mco2 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mco2
6245 if (specparm_mco2 .ge. oneminus) specparm_mco2 = oneminus
6246 specmult_mco2 = 8._rb*specparm_mco2
6248 jmco2 = 1 + int(specmult_mco2)
6249 fmco2 = mod(specmult_mco2,1.0_rb)
6251 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
6252 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
6253 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6254 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6255 ratco2 = 1.e20*chi_co2/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
6256 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
6257 adjfac = 3.0_rb+(ratco2-3.0_rb)**0.79_rb
6258 adjcolco2 = adjfac*chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6260 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
6263 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colo3(lay)
6264 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
6265 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
6266 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
6267 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
6268 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
6270 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(7) + js
6271 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(7) + js1
6274 indm = indminor(lay)
6276 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6280 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6282 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
6283 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
6284 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
6285 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
6286 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
6287 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
6288 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6292 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6294 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
6295 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
6296 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
6297 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
6298 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
6299 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
6301 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
6302 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
6303 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
6304 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
6306 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6310 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6312 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
6313 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
6314 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
6315 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
6316 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
6317 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
6318 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6322 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6324 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
6325 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
6326 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
6327 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
6328 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
6329 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
6331 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
6332 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
6333 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
6334 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
6338 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6339 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6340 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6341 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6342 co2m1 = ka_mco2(jmco2,indm,ig) + fmco2 * &
6343 (ka_mco2(jmco2+1,indm,ig) - ka_mco2(jmco2,indm,ig))
6344 co2m2 = ka_mco2(jmco2,indm+1,ig) + fmco2 * &
6345 (ka_mco2(jmco2+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mco2(jmco2,indm+1,ig))
6346 absco2 = co2m1 + minorfrac(lay) * (co2m2 - co2m1)
6348 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6349 tau_major = speccomb * &
6350 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6351 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6352 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
6353 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6354 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
6355 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
6356 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6357 tau_major = speccomb * &
6358 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
6359 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6360 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6361 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
6362 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6363 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
6365 tau_major = speccomb * &
6366 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6367 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6368 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6369 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
6372 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6373 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6374 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6375 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6376 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
6377 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6378 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
6379 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
6380 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6381 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6382 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
6383 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6384 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6385 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
6386 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6387 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6389 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6390 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6391 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6392 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6393 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6396 taug(lay,ngs6+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
6397 + tauself + taufor &
6399 fracs(lay,ngs6+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
6400 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
6404 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6405 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6407 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
6408 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
6409 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6410 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6411 ratco2 = 1.e20*chi_co2/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
6412 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
6413 adjfac = 2.0_rb+(ratco2-2.0_rb)**0.79_rb
6414 adjcolco2 = adjfac*chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6416 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
6419 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(7) + 1
6420 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(7) + 1
6421 indm = indminor(lay)
6424 absco2 = kb_mco2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6425 (kb_mco2(indm+1,ig) - kb_mco2(indm,ig))
6426 taug(lay,ngs6+ig) = colo3(lay) * &
6427 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6428 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6429 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6430 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
6431 + adjcolco2 * absco2
6432 fracs(lay,ngs6+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
6435 ! Empirical modification to code to improve stratospheric cooling rates
6436 ! for o3. Revised to apply weighting for g-point reduction in this band.
6438 taug(lay,ngs6+6)=taug(lay,ngs6+6)*0.92_rb
6439 taug(lay,ngs6+7)=taug(lay,ngs6+7)*0.88_rb
6440 taug(lay,ngs6+8)=taug(lay,ngs6+8)*1.07_rb
6441 taug(lay,ngs6+9)=taug(lay,ngs6+9)*1.1_rb
6442 taug(lay,ngs6+10)=taug(lay,ngs6+10)*0.99_rb
6443 taug(lay,ngs6+11)=taug(lay,ngs6+11)*0.855_rb
6447 end subroutine taugb7
6449 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6451 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6453 ! band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2,o3,n2o)
6454 ! (high key - o3; high minor - co2, n2o)
6455 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6457 ! ------- Modules -------
6459 use parrrtm, only : ng8, ngs7
6460 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
6461 use rrlw_kg08, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
6462 ka_mco2, ka_mn2o, ka_mo3, kb_mco2, kb_mn2o, &
6463 selfref, forref, cfc12, cfc22adj
6465 ! ------- Declarations -------
6468 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
6469 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, absco2, abso3, absn2o
6470 real(kind=rb) :: chi_co2, ratco2, adjfac, adjcolco2
6473 ! Minor gas mapping level:
6474 ! lower - co2, p = 1053.63 mb, t = 294.2 k
6475 ! lower - o3, p = 317.348 mb, t = 240.77 k
6476 ! lower - n2o, p = 706.2720 mb, t= 278.94 k
6477 ! lower - cfc12,cfc11
6478 ! upper - co2, p = 35.1632 mb, t = 223.28 k
6479 ! upper - n2o, p = 8.716e-2 mb, t = 226.03 k
6481 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
6482 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water vapor
6483 ! self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature)
6486 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6489 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
6490 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
6491 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6492 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6493 ratco2 = 1.e20_rb*chi_co2/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
6494 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
6495 adjfac = 2.0_rb+(ratco2-2.0_rb)**0.65_rb
6496 adjcolco2 = adjfac*chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6498 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
6501 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(8) + 1
6502 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(8) + 1
6505 indm = indminor(lay)
6508 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6509 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6510 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6511 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6512 absco2 = (ka_mco2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6513 (ka_mco2(indm+1,ig) - ka_mco2(indm,ig)))
6514 abso3 = (ka_mo3(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6515 (ka_mo3(indm+1,ig) - ka_mo3(indm,ig)))
6516 absn2o = (ka_mn2o(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6517 (ka_mn2o(indm+1,ig) - ka_mn2o(indm,ig)))
6518 taug(lay,ngs7+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6519 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6520 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6521 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6522 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
6523 + tauself + taufor &
6524 + adjcolco2*absco2 &
6525 + colo3(lay) * abso3 &
6526 + coln2o(lay) * absn2o &
6527 + wx(3,lay) * cfc12(ig) &
6528 + wx(4,lay) * cfc22adj(ig)
6529 fracs(lay,ngs7+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
6533 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6534 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6536 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
6537 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
6538 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6539 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/coldry(lay)
6540 ratco2 = 1.e20_rb*chi_co2/chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1)
6541 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
6542 adjfac = 2.0_rb+(ratco2-2.0_rb)**0.65_rb
6543 adjcolco2 = adjfac*chi_mls(2,jp(lay)+1) * coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6545 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
6548 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(8) + 1
6549 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(8) + 1
6550 indm = indminor(lay)
6553 absco2 = (kb_mco2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6554 (kb_mco2(indm+1,ig) - kb_mco2(indm,ig)))
6555 absn2o = (kb_mn2o(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6556 (kb_mn2o(indm+1,ig) - kb_mn2o(indm,ig)))
6557 taug(lay,ngs7+ig) = colo3(lay) * &
6558 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6559 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6560 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6561 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
6562 + adjcolco2*absco2 &
6563 + coln2o(lay)*absn2o &
6564 + wx(3,lay) * cfc12(ig) &
6565 + wx(4,lay) * cfc22adj(ig)
6566 fracs(lay,ngs7+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
6570 end subroutine taugb8
6572 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6574 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6576 ! band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low key - h2o,ch4; low minor - n2o)
6577 ! (high key - ch4; high minor - n2o)
6578 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6580 ! ------- Modules -------
6582 use parrrtm, only : ng9, ngs8
6583 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
6584 use rrlw_kg09, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
6585 ka_mn2o, kb_mn2o, selfref, forref
6587 ! ------- Declarations -------
6590 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
6591 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmn2o, jpl
6592 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
6593 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
6594 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mn2o, specparm_mn2o, specmult_mn2o, fmn2o
6595 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
6596 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
6597 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
6598 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
6599 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, n2om1, n2om2, absn2o
6600 real(kind=rb) :: chi_n2o, ratn2o, adjfac, adjcoln2o
6601 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_m_a
6602 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
6605 ! Minor gas mapping level :
6606 ! lower - n2o, p = 706.272 mbar, t = 278.94 k
6607 ! upper - n2o, p = 95.58 mbar, t = 215.7 k
6609 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
6610 ! fraction in lower/upper atmosphere.
6613 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,9)/chi_mls(6,9)
6616 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(1,3)/chi_mls(6,3)
6618 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
6619 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
6620 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated
6621 ! (in temperature) separately.
6623 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6626 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2och4(lay)*colch4(lay)
6627 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
6628 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
6629 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
6630 js = 1 + int(specmult)
6631 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
6633 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2och4_1(lay)*colch4(lay)
6634 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
6635 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
6636 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
6637 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
6638 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
6640 speccomb_mn2o = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*colch4(lay)
6641 specparm_mn2o = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mn2o
6642 if (specparm_mn2o .ge. oneminus) specparm_mn2o = oneminus
6643 specmult_mn2o = 8._rb*specparm_mn2o
6644 jmn2o = 1 + int(specmult_mn2o)
6645 fmn2o = mod(specmult_mn2o,1.0_rb)
6647 ! In atmospheres where the amount of N2O is too great to be considered
6648 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of N2O by an empirical factor
6649 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6650 chi_n2o = coln2o(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6651 ratn2o = 1.e20_rb*chi_n2o/chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)
6652 if (ratn2o .gt. 1.5_rb) then
6653 adjfac = 0.5_rb+(ratn2o-0.5_rb)**0.65_rb
6654 adjcoln2o = adjfac*chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6656 adjcoln2o = coln2o(lay)
6659 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colch4(lay)
6660 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
6661 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
6662 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
6663 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
6664 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
6666 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(9) + js
6667 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(9) + js1
6670 indm = indminor(lay)
6672 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6676 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6678 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
6679 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
6680 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
6681 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
6682 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
6683 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
6684 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6688 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6690 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
6691 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
6692 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
6693 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
6694 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
6695 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
6697 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
6698 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
6699 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
6700 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
6703 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6707 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6709 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
6710 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
6711 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
6712 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
6713 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
6714 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
6715 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6719 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
6721 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
6722 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
6723 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
6724 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
6725 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
6726 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
6728 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
6729 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
6730 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
6731 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
6735 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6736 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6737 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6738 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6739 n2om1 = ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig) + fmn2o * &
6740 (ka_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm,ig) - ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm,ig))
6741 n2om2 = ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig) + fmn2o * &
6742 (ka_mn2o(jmn2o+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mn2o(jmn2o,indm+1,ig))
6743 absn2o = n2om1 + minorfrac(lay) * (n2om2 - n2om1)
6745 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6746 tau_major = speccomb * &
6747 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6748 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6749 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
6750 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6751 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
6752 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
6753 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6754 tau_major = speccomb * &
6755 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
6756 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6757 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6758 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
6759 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6760 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
6762 tau_major = speccomb * &
6763 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6764 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6765 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
6766 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
6769 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
6770 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6771 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6772 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6773 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
6774 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6775 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
6776 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
6777 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
6778 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6779 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
6780 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6781 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6782 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
6783 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6784 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6786 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
6787 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6788 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
6789 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
6790 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
6793 taug(lay,ngs8+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
6794 + tauself + taufor &
6796 fracs(lay,ngs8+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
6797 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
6801 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6802 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6804 ! In atmospheres where the amount of N2O is too great to be considered
6805 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of N2O by an empirical factor
6806 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
6807 chi_n2o = coln2o(lay)/(coldry(lay))
6808 ratn2o = 1.e20_rb*chi_n2o/chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)
6809 if (ratn2o .gt. 1.5_rb) then
6810 adjfac = 0.5_rb+(ratn2o-0.5_rb)**0.65_rb
6811 adjcoln2o = adjfac*chi_mls(4,jp(lay)+1)*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
6813 adjcoln2o = coln2o(lay)
6816 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(9) + 1
6817 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(9) + 1
6818 indm = indminor(lay)
6821 absn2o = kb_mn2o(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6822 (kb_mn2o(indm+1,ig) - kb_mn2o(indm,ig))
6823 taug(lay,ngs8+ig) = colch4(lay) * &
6824 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6825 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6826 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6827 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
6829 fracs(lay,ngs8+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
6833 end subroutine taugb9
6835 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6837 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6839 ! band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o)
6840 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6842 ! ------- Modules -------
6844 use parrrtm, only : ng10, ngs9
6845 use rrlw_kg10, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
6848 ! ------- Declarations -------
6851 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
6852 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor
6855 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
6856 ! temperature. Below laytrop, the water vapor self-continuum and
6857 ! foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
6859 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6861 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(10) + 1
6862 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(10) + 1
6867 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6868 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6869 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6870 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6871 taug(lay,ngs9+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6872 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6873 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6874 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6875 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
6877 fracs(lay,ngs9+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
6881 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6882 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6883 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(10) + 1
6884 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(10) + 1
6888 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6889 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6890 taug(lay,ngs9+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6891 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6892 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6893 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6894 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
6896 fracs(lay,ngs9+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
6900 end subroutine taugb10
6902 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6904 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6906 ! band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; low minor - o2)
6907 ! (high key - h2o; high minor - o2)
6908 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6910 ! ------- Modules -------
6912 use parrrtm, only : ng11, ngs10
6913 use rrlw_kg11, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
6914 ka_mo2, kb_mo2, selfref, forref
6916 ! ------- Declarations -------
6919 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
6920 real(kind=rb) :: scaleo2, tauself, taufor, tauo2
6923 ! Minor gas mapping level :
6924 ! lower - o2, p = 706.2720 mbar, t = 278.94 k
6925 ! upper - o2, p = 4.758820 mbarm t = 250.85 k
6927 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
6928 ! temperature. Below laytrop, the water vapor self-continuum and
6929 ! foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
6931 ! Lower atmosphere loop
6933 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(11) + 1
6934 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(11) + 1
6937 indm = indminor(lay)
6938 scaleo2 = colo2(lay)*scaleminor(lay)
6940 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
6941 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
6942 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6943 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6944 tauo2 = scaleo2 * (ka_mo2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6945 (ka_mo2(indm+1,ig) - ka_mo2(indm,ig)))
6946 taug(lay,ngs10+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6947 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
6948 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
6949 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
6950 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
6951 + tauself + taufor &
6953 fracs(lay,ngs10+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
6957 ! Upper atmosphere loop
6958 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
6959 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(11) + 1
6960 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(11) + 1
6962 indm = indminor(lay)
6963 scaleo2 = colo2(lay)*scaleminor(lay)
6965 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
6966 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
6967 tauo2 = scaleo2 * (kb_mo2(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
6968 (kb_mo2(indm+1,ig) - kb_mo2(indm,ig)))
6969 taug(lay,ngs10+ig) = colh2o(lay) * &
6970 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
6971 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
6972 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
6973 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig)) &
6976 fracs(lay,ngs10+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
6980 end subroutine taugb11
6982 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6984 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6986 ! band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing)
6987 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6989 ! ------- Modules -------
6991 use parrrtm, only : ng12, ngs11
6992 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
6993 use rrlw_kg12, only : fracrefa, absa, ka, &
6996 ! ------- Declarations -------
6999 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
7000 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jpl
7001 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
7002 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
7003 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
7004 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
7005 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
7006 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
7007 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor
7008 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a
7009 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
7012 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
7013 ! fraction in lower/upper atmosphere.
7016 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,10)/chi_mls(2,10)
7018 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
7019 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
7020 ! vapor self-continuum adn foreign continuum is interpolated
7021 ! (in temperature) separately.
7023 ! Lower atmosphere loop
7026 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
7027 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
7028 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
7029 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
7030 js = 1 + int(specmult)
7031 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
7033 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
7034 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
7035 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
7036 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
7037 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
7038 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
7040 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colco2(lay)
7041 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
7042 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
7043 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
7044 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
7045 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
7047 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(12) + js
7048 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(12) + js1
7052 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7056 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7058 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7059 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7060 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7061 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7062 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7063 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7064 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7068 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7070 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7071 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7072 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7073 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7074 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7075 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7077 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
7078 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
7079 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
7080 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
7083 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7087 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7089 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7090 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7091 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7092 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7093 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7094 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7095 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7099 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7101 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7102 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7103 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7104 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7105 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7106 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7108 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
7109 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
7110 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
7111 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
7115 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
7116 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
7117 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
7118 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
7120 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7121 tau_major = speccomb * &
7122 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7123 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7124 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
7125 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7126 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
7127 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
7128 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7129 tau_major = speccomb * &
7130 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
7131 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7132 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7133 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
7134 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7135 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7137 tau_major = speccomb * &
7138 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7139 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7140 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7141 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7144 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7145 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7146 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7147 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7148 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
7149 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7150 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
7151 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
7152 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7153 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7154 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
7155 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7156 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7157 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
7158 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7159 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7161 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7162 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7163 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7164 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7165 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7168 taug(lay,ngs11+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
7170 fracs(lay,ngs11+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
7171 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
7175 ! Upper atmosphere loop
7176 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
7179 taug(lay,ngs11+ig) = 0.0_rb
7180 fracs(lay,ngs11+ig) = 0.0_rb
7184 end subroutine taugb12
7186 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7188 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7190 ! band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low key - h2o,n2o; high minor - o3 minor)
7191 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7193 ! ------- Modules -------
7195 use parrrtm, only : ng13, ngs12
7196 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
7197 use rrlw_kg13, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, &
7198 ka_mco2, ka_mco, kb_mo3, selfref, forref
7200 ! ------- Declarations -------
7203 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
7204 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmco2, jmco, jpl
7205 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
7206 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
7207 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mco2, specparm_mco2, specmult_mco2, fmco2
7208 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mco, specparm_mco, specmult_mco, fmco
7209 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
7210 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
7211 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
7212 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
7213 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor, co2m1, co2m2, absco2
7214 real(kind=rb) :: com1, com2, absco, abso3
7215 real(kind=rb) :: chi_co2, ratco2, adjfac, adjcolco2
7216 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_m_a, refrat_m_a3
7217 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
7219 ! Minor gas mapping levels :
7220 ! lower - co2, p = 1053.63 mb, t = 294.2 k
7221 ! lower - co, p = 706 mb, t = 278.94 k
7222 ! upper - o3, p = 95.5835 mb, t = 215.7 k
7224 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
7225 ! fraction in lower/upper atmosphere.
7227 ! P = 473.420 mb (Level 5)
7228 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,5)/chi_mls(4,5)
7230 ! P = 1053. (Level 1)
7231 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(1,1)/chi_mls(4,1)
7233 ! P = 706. (Level 3)
7234 refrat_m_a3 = chi_mls(1,3)/chi_mls(4,3)
7236 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
7237 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
7238 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated
7239 ! (in temperature) separately.
7241 ! Lower atmosphere loop
7244 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2on2o(lay)*coln2o(lay)
7245 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
7246 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
7247 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
7248 js = 1 + int(specmult)
7249 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
7251 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2on2o_1(lay)*coln2o(lay)
7252 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
7253 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
7254 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
7255 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
7256 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
7258 speccomb_mco2 = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*coln2o(lay)
7259 specparm_mco2 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mco2
7260 if (specparm_mco2 .ge. oneminus) specparm_mco2 = oneminus
7261 specmult_mco2 = 8._rb*specparm_mco2
7262 jmco2 = 1 + int(specmult_mco2)
7263 fmco2 = mod(specmult_mco2,1.0_rb)
7265 ! In atmospheres where the amount of CO2 is too great to be considered
7266 ! a minor species, adjust the column amount of CO2 by an empirical factor
7267 ! to obtain the proper contribution.
7268 chi_co2 = colco2(lay)/(coldry(lay))
7269 ratco2 = 1.e20_rb*chi_co2/3.55e-4_rb
7270 if (ratco2 .gt. 3.0_rb) then
7271 adjfac = 2.0_rb+(ratco2-2.0_rb)**0.68_rb
7272 adjcolco2 = adjfac*3.55e-4*coldry(lay)*1.e-20_rb
7274 adjcolco2 = colco2(lay)
7277 speccomb_mco = colh2o(lay) + refrat_m_a3*coln2o(lay)
7278 specparm_mco = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_mco
7279 if (specparm_mco .ge. oneminus) specparm_mco = oneminus
7280 specmult_mco = 8._rb*specparm_mco
7281 jmco = 1 + int(specmult_mco)
7282 fmco = mod(specmult_mco,1.0_rb)
7284 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*coln2o(lay)
7285 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
7286 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
7287 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
7288 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
7289 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
7291 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(13) + js
7292 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(13) + js1
7295 indm = indminor(lay)
7297 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7301 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7303 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7304 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7305 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7306 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7307 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7308 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7309 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7313 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7315 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7316 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7317 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7318 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7319 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7320 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7322 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
7323 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
7324 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
7325 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
7328 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7332 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7334 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7335 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7336 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7337 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7338 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7339 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7340 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7344 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7346 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7347 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7348 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7349 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7350 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7351 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7353 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
7354 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
7355 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
7356 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
7360 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
7361 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
7362 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
7363 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
7364 co2m1 = ka_mco2(jmco2,indm,ig) + fmco2 * &
7365 (ka_mco2(jmco2+1,indm,ig) - ka_mco2(jmco2,indm,ig))
7366 co2m2 = ka_mco2(jmco2,indm+1,ig) + fmco2 * &
7367 (ka_mco2(jmco2+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mco2(jmco2,indm+1,ig))
7368 absco2 = co2m1 + minorfrac(lay) * (co2m2 - co2m1)
7369 com1 = ka_mco(jmco,indm,ig) + fmco * &
7370 (ka_mco(jmco+1,indm,ig) - ka_mco(jmco,indm,ig))
7371 com2 = ka_mco(jmco,indm+1,ig) + fmco * &
7372 (ka_mco(jmco+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mco(jmco,indm+1,ig))
7373 absco = com1 + minorfrac(lay) * (com2 - com1)
7375 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7376 tau_major = speccomb * &
7377 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7378 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7379 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
7380 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7381 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
7382 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
7383 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7384 tau_major = speccomb * &
7385 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
7386 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7387 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7388 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
7389 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7390 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7392 tau_major = speccomb * &
7393 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7394 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7395 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7396 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7399 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7400 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7401 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7402 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7403 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
7404 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7405 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
7406 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
7407 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7408 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7409 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
7410 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7411 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7412 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
7413 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7414 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7416 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7417 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7418 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7419 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7420 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7423 taug(lay,ngs12+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
7424 + tauself + taufor &
7425 + adjcolco2*absco2 &
7427 fracs(lay,ngs12+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
7428 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
7432 ! Upper atmosphere loop
7433 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
7434 indm = indminor(lay)
7436 abso3 = kb_mo3(indm,ig) + minorfrac(lay) * &
7437 (kb_mo3(indm+1,ig) - kb_mo3(indm,ig))
7438 taug(lay,ngs12+ig) = colo3(lay)*abso3
7439 fracs(lay,ngs12+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
7443 end subroutine taugb13
7445 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7447 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7449 ! band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
7450 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7452 ! ------- Modules -------
7454 use parrrtm, only : ng14, ngs13
7455 use rrlw_kg14, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
7458 ! ------- Declarations -------
7461 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
7462 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor
7465 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure) and
7466 ! temperature. Below laytrop, the water vapor self-continuum
7467 ! and foreign continuum is interpolated (in temperature) separately.
7469 ! Lower atmosphere loop
7471 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(14) + 1
7472 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(14) + 1
7476 tauself = selffac(lay) * (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
7477 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
7478 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
7479 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
7480 taug(lay,ngs13+ig) = colco2(lay) * &
7481 (fac00(lay) * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7482 fac10(lay) * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7483 fac01(lay) * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7484 fac11(lay) * absa(ind1+1,ig)) &
7486 fracs(lay,ngs13+ig) = fracrefa(ig)
7490 ! Upper atmosphere loop
7491 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
7492 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(14) + 1
7493 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(14) + 1
7495 taug(lay,ngs13+ig) = colco2(lay) * &
7496 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
7497 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
7498 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
7499 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig))
7500 fracs(lay,ngs13+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
7504 end subroutine taugb14
7506 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7508 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7510 ! band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; low minor - n2)
7512 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7514 ! ------- Modules -------
7516 use parrrtm, only : ng15, ngs14
7517 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
7518 use rrlw_kg15, only : fracrefa, absa, ka, &
7519 ka_mn2, selfref, forref
7521 ! ------- Declarations -------
7524 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, indm, ig
7525 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jmn2, jpl
7526 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
7527 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
7528 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_mn2, specparm_mn2, specmult_mn2, fmn2
7529 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
7530 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
7531 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
7532 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
7533 real(kind=rb) :: scalen2, tauself, taufor, n2m1, n2m2, taun2
7534 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a, refrat_m_a
7535 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
7538 ! Minor gas mapping level :
7539 ! Lower - Nitrogen Continuum, P = 1053., T = 294.
7541 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
7542 ! fraction in lower atmosphere.
7543 ! P = 1053. mb (Level 1)
7544 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(4,1)/chi_mls(2,1)
7547 refrat_m_a = chi_mls(4,1)/chi_mls(2,1)
7549 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
7550 ! temperature, and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
7551 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated
7552 ! (in temperature) separately.
7554 ! Lower atmosphere loop
7557 speccomb = coln2o(lay) + rat_n2oco2(lay)*colco2(lay)
7558 specparm = coln2o(lay)/speccomb
7559 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
7560 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
7561 js = 1 + int(specmult)
7562 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
7564 speccomb1 = coln2o(lay) + rat_n2oco2_1(lay)*colco2(lay)
7565 specparm1 = coln2o(lay)/speccomb1
7566 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
7567 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
7568 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
7569 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
7571 speccomb_mn2 = coln2o(lay) + refrat_m_a*colco2(lay)
7572 specparm_mn2 = coln2o(lay)/speccomb_mn2
7573 if (specparm_mn2 .ge. oneminus) specparm_mn2 = oneminus
7574 specmult_mn2 = 8._rb*specparm_mn2
7575 jmn2 = 1 + int(specmult_mn2)
7576 fmn2 = mod(specmult_mn2,1.0_rb)
7578 speccomb_planck = coln2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colco2(lay)
7579 specparm_planck = coln2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
7580 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
7581 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
7582 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
7583 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
7585 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(15) + js
7586 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(15) + js1
7589 indm = indminor(lay)
7591 scalen2 = colbrd(lay)*scaleminor(lay)
7593 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7597 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7599 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7600 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7601 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7602 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7603 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7604 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7605 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7609 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7611 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7612 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7613 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7614 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7615 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7616 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7618 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
7619 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
7620 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
7621 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
7623 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7627 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7629 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7630 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7631 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7632 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7633 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7634 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7635 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7639 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7641 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7642 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7643 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7644 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7645 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7646 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7648 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
7649 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
7650 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
7651 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
7655 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
7656 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
7657 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
7658 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
7659 n2m1 = ka_mn2(jmn2,indm,ig) + fmn2 * &
7660 (ka_mn2(jmn2+1,indm,ig) - ka_mn2(jmn2,indm,ig))
7661 n2m2 = ka_mn2(jmn2,indm+1,ig) + fmn2 * &
7662 (ka_mn2(jmn2+1,indm+1,ig) - ka_mn2(jmn2,indm+1,ig))
7663 taun2 = scalen2 * (n2m1 + minorfrac(lay) * (n2m2 - n2m1))
7665 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7666 tau_major = speccomb * &
7667 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7668 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7669 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
7670 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7671 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
7672 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
7673 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7674 tau_major = speccomb * &
7675 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
7676 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7677 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7678 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
7679 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7680 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7682 tau_major = speccomb * &
7683 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7684 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7685 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7686 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7689 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7690 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7691 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7692 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7693 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
7694 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7695 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
7696 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
7697 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7698 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7699 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
7700 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7701 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7702 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
7703 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7704 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7706 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7707 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7708 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7709 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7710 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7713 taug(lay,ngs14+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
7714 + tauself + taufor &
7716 fracs(lay,ngs14+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
7717 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
7721 ! Upper atmosphere loop
7722 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
7724 taug(lay,ngs14+ig) = 0.0_rb
7725 fracs(lay,ngs14+ig) = 0.0_rb
7729 end subroutine taugb15
7731 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7733 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7735 ! band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low key- h2o,ch4; high key - ch4)
7736 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7738 ! ------- Modules -------
7740 use parrrtm, only : ng16, ngs15
7741 use rrlw_ref, only : chi_mls
7742 use rrlw_kg16, only : fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
7745 ! ------- Declarations -------
7748 integer(kind=im) :: lay, ind0, ind1, inds, indf, ig
7749 integer(kind=im) :: js, js1, jpl
7750 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb, specparm, specmult, fs
7751 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb1, specparm1, specmult1, fs1
7752 real(kind=rb) :: speccomb_planck, specparm_planck, specmult_planck, fpl
7753 real(kind=rb) :: p, p4, fk0, fk1, fk2
7754 real(kind=rb) :: fac000, fac100, fac200, fac010, fac110, fac210
7755 real(kind=rb) :: fac001, fac101, fac201, fac011, fac111, fac211
7756 real(kind=rb) :: tauself, taufor
7757 real(kind=rb) :: refrat_planck_a
7758 real(kind=rb) :: tau_major, tau_major1
7761 ! Calculate reference ratio to be used in calculation of Planck
7762 ! fraction in lower atmosphere.
7764 ! P = 387. mb (Level 6)
7765 refrat_planck_a = chi_mls(1,6)/chi_mls(6,6)
7767 ! Compute the optical depth by interpolating in ln(pressure),
7768 ! temperature,and appropriate species. Below laytrop, the water
7769 ! vapor self-continuum and foreign continuum is interpolated
7770 ! (in temperature) separately.
7772 ! Lower atmosphere loop
7775 speccomb = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2och4(lay)*colch4(lay)
7776 specparm = colh2o(lay)/speccomb
7777 if (specparm .ge. oneminus) specparm = oneminus
7778 specmult = 8._rb*(specparm)
7779 js = 1 + int(specmult)
7780 fs = mod(specmult,1.0_rb)
7782 speccomb1 = colh2o(lay) + rat_h2och4_1(lay)*colch4(lay)
7783 specparm1 = colh2o(lay)/speccomb1
7784 if (specparm1 .ge. oneminus) specparm1 = oneminus
7785 specmult1 = 8._rb*(specparm1)
7786 js1 = 1 + int(specmult1)
7787 fs1 = mod(specmult1,1.0_rb)
7789 speccomb_planck = colh2o(lay)+refrat_planck_a*colch4(lay)
7790 specparm_planck = colh2o(lay)/speccomb_planck
7791 if (specparm_planck .ge. oneminus) specparm_planck=oneminus
7792 specmult_planck = 8._rb*specparm_planck
7793 jpl= 1 + int(specmult_planck)
7794 fpl = mod(specmult_planck,1.0_rb)
7796 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-1)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspa(16) + js
7797 ind1 = (jp(lay)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspa(16) + js1
7801 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7805 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7807 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7808 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7809 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7810 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7811 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7812 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7813 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7817 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7819 fac000 = fk0*fac00(lay)
7820 fac100 = fk1*fac00(lay)
7821 fac200 = fk2*fac00(lay)
7822 fac010 = fk0*fac10(lay)
7823 fac110 = fk1*fac10(lay)
7824 fac210 = fk2*fac10(lay)
7826 fac000 = (1._rb - fs) * fac00(lay)
7827 fac010 = (1._rb - fs) * fac10(lay)
7828 fac100 = fs * fac00(lay)
7829 fac110 = fs * fac10(lay)
7832 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7836 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7838 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7839 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7840 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7841 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7842 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7843 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7844 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7848 fk1 = 1 - p - 2.0_rb*p4
7850 fac001 = fk0*fac01(lay)
7851 fac101 = fk1*fac01(lay)
7852 fac201 = fk2*fac01(lay)
7853 fac011 = fk0*fac11(lay)
7854 fac111 = fk1*fac11(lay)
7855 fac211 = fk2*fac11(lay)
7857 fac001 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac01(lay)
7858 fac011 = (1._rb - fs1) * fac11(lay)
7859 fac101 = fs1 * fac01(lay)
7860 fac111 = fs1 * fac11(lay)
7864 tauself = selffac(lay)* (selfref(inds,ig) + selffrac(lay) * &
7865 (selfref(inds+1,ig) - selfref(inds,ig)))
7866 taufor = forfac(lay) * (forref(indf,ig) + forfrac(lay) * &
7867 (forref(indf+1,ig) - forref(indf,ig)))
7869 if (specparm .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7870 tau_major = speccomb * &
7871 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7872 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7873 fac200 * absa(ind0+2,ig) + &
7874 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7875 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig) + &
7876 fac210 * absa(ind0+11,ig))
7877 else if (specparm .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7878 tau_major = speccomb * &
7879 (fac200 * absa(ind0-1,ig) + &
7880 fac100 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7881 fac000 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7882 fac210 * absa(ind0+8,ig) + &
7883 fac110 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7884 fac010 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7886 tau_major = speccomb * &
7887 (fac000 * absa(ind0,ig) + &
7888 fac100 * absa(ind0+1,ig) + &
7889 fac010 * absa(ind0+9,ig) + &
7890 fac110 * absa(ind0+10,ig))
7893 if (specparm1 .lt. 0.125_rb) then
7894 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7895 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7896 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7897 fac201 * absa(ind1+2,ig) + &
7898 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7899 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig) + &
7900 fac211 * absa(ind1+11,ig))
7901 else if (specparm1 .gt. 0.875_rb) then
7902 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7903 (fac201 * absa(ind1-1,ig) + &
7904 fac101 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7905 fac001 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7906 fac211 * absa(ind1+8,ig) + &
7907 fac111 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7908 fac011 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7910 tau_major1 = speccomb1 * &
7911 (fac001 * absa(ind1,ig) + &
7912 fac101 * absa(ind1+1,ig) + &
7913 fac011 * absa(ind1+9,ig) + &
7914 fac111 * absa(ind1+10,ig))
7917 taug(lay,ngs15+ig) = tau_major + tau_major1 &
7919 fracs(lay,ngs15+ig) = fracrefa(ig,jpl) + fpl * &
7920 (fracrefa(ig,jpl+1)-fracrefa(ig,jpl))
7924 ! Upper atmosphere loop
7925 do lay = laytrop+1, nlayers
7926 ind0 = ((jp(lay)-13)*5+(jt(lay)-1))*nspb(16) + 1
7927 ind1 = ((jp(lay)-12)*5+(jt1(lay)-1))*nspb(16) + 1
7929 taug(lay,ngs15+ig) = colch4(lay) * &
7930 (fac00(lay) * absb(ind0,ig) + &
7931 fac10(lay) * absb(ind0+1,ig) + &
7932 fac01(lay) * absb(ind1,ig) + &
7933 fac11(lay) * absb(ind1+1,ig))
7934 fracs(lay,ngs15+ig) = fracrefb(ig)
7938 end subroutine taugb16
7940 end subroutine taumol
7942 end module rrtmg_lw_taumol
7944 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
7945 ! author: $Author: trn $
7946 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
7947 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
7949 module rrtmg_lw_init
7951 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7953 ! | Copyright 2002-2008, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
7954 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
7955 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
7956 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
7957 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
7959 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7961 ! ------- Modules -------
7962 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
7964 use rrtmg_lw_setcoef, only: lwatmref, lwavplank
7966 ! Steven Cavallo: added for buffer layer adjustment
7969 integer , save :: nlayers
7973 ! **************************************************************************
7974 subroutine rrtmg_lw_ini(cpdair)
7975 ! **************************************************************************
7977 ! Original version: Michael J. Iacono; July, 1998
7978 ! First revision for GCMs: September, 1998
7979 ! Second revision for RRTM_V3.0: September, 2002
7981 ! This subroutine performs calculations necessary for the initialization
7982 ! of the longwave model. Lookup tables are computed for use in the LW
7983 ! radiative transfer, and input absorption coefficient data for each
7984 ! spectral band are reduced from 256 g-point intervals to 140.
7985 ! **************************************************************************
7987 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw
7988 use rrlw_tbl, only: ntbl, tblint, pade, bpade, tau_tbl, exp_tbl, tfn_tbl
7989 use rrlw_vsn, only: hvrini, hnamini
7991 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cpdair ! Specific heat capacity of dry air
7992 ! at constant pressure at 273 K
7995 ! ------- Local -------
7997 integer(kind=im) :: itr, ibnd, igc, ig, ind, ipr
7998 integer(kind=im) :: igcsm, iprsm
8000 real(kind=rb) :: wtsum, wtsm(mg) !
8001 real(kind=rb) :: tfn !
8003 real(kind=rb), parameter :: expeps = 1.e-20 ! Smallest value for exponential table
8005 ! ------- Definitions -------
8006 ! Arrays for 10000-point look-up tables:
8007 ! TAU_TBL Clear-sky optical depth (used in cloudy radiative transfer)
8008 ! EXP_TBL Exponential lookup table for ransmittance
8009 ! TFN_TBL Tau transition function; i.e. the transition of the Planck
8010 ! function from that for the mean layer temperature to that for
8011 ! the layer boundary temperature as a function of optical depth.
8012 ! The "linear in tau" method is used to make the table.
8013 ! PADE Pade approximation constant (= 0.278)
8014 ! BPADE Inverse of the Pade approximation constant
8017 !jm not thread safe hvrini = '$Revision: 1.3 $'
8019 ! Initialize model data
8020 call lwdatinit(cpdair)
8021 call lwcmbdat ! g-point interval reduction data
8022 call lwcldpr ! cloud optical properties
8023 call lwatmref ! reference MLS profile
8024 call lwavplank ! Planck function
8025 ! Moved to module_ra_rrtmg_lw for WRF
8026 ! call lw_kgb01 ! molecular absorption coefficients
8043 ! Compute lookup tables for transmittance, tau transition function,
8044 ! and clear sky tau (for the cloudy sky radiative transfer). Tau is
8045 ! computed as a function of the tau transition function, transmittance
8046 ! is calculated as a function of tau, and the tau transition function
8047 ! is calculated using the linear in tau formulation at values of tau
8048 ! above 0.01. TF is approximated as tau/6 for tau < 0.01. All tables
8049 ! are computed at intervals of 0.001. The inverse of the constant used
8050 ! in the Pade approximation to the tau transition function is set to b.
8053 tau_tbl(ntbl) = 1.e10_rb
8055 exp_tbl(ntbl) = expeps
8057 tfn_tbl(ntbl) = 1.0_rb
8058 bpade = 1.0_rb / pade
8060 tfn = float(itr) / float(ntbl)
8061 tau_tbl(itr) = bpade * tfn / (1._rb - tfn)
8062 exp_tbl(itr) = exp(-tau_tbl(itr))
8063 if (exp_tbl(itr) .le. expeps) exp_tbl(itr) = expeps
8064 if (tau_tbl(itr) .lt. 0.06_rb) then
8065 tfn_tbl(itr) = tau_tbl(itr)/6._rb
8067 tfn_tbl(itr) = 1._rb-2._rb*((1._rb/tau_tbl(itr))-(exp_tbl(itr)/(1.-exp_tbl(itr))))
8071 ! Perform g-point reduction from 16 per band (256 total points) to
8072 ! a band dependant number (140 total points) for all absorption
8073 ! coefficient input data and Planck fraction input data.
8074 ! Compute relative weighting for new g-point combinations.
8079 if (ngc(ibnd).lt.mg) then
8080 do igc = 1,ngc(ibnd)
8083 do ipr = 1, ngn(igcsm)
8085 wtsum = wtsum + wt(iprsm)
8090 ind = (ibnd-1)*mg + ig
8091 rwgt(ind) = wt(ig)/wtsm(ngm(ind))
8096 ind = (ibnd-1)*mg + ig
8102 ! Reduce g-points for absorption coefficient data in each LW spectral band.
8121 end subroutine rrtmg_lw_ini
8123 !***************************************************************************
8124 subroutine lwdatinit(cpdair)
8125 !***************************************************************************
8127 ! --------- Modules ----------
8129 use parrrtm, only : maxxsec, maxinpx
8130 use rrlw_con, only: heatfac, grav, planck, boltz, &
8131 clight, avogad, alosmt, gascon, radcn1, radcn2, &
8132 sbcnst, secdy, fluxfac, oneminus, pi
8137 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cpdair ! Specific heat capacity of dry air
8138 ! at constant pressure at 273 K
8141 ! Longwave spectral band limits (wavenumbers)
8142 wavenum1(:) = (/ 10._rb, 350._rb, 500._rb, 630._rb, 700._rb, 820._rb, &
8143 980._rb,1080._rb,1180._rb,1390._rb,1480._rb,1800._rb, &
8144 2080._rb,2250._rb,2380._rb,2600._rb/)
8145 wavenum2(:) = (/350._rb, 500._rb, 630._rb, 700._rb, 820._rb, 980._rb, &
8146 1080._rb,1180._rb,1390._rb,1480._rb,1800._rb,2080._rb, &
8147 2250._rb,2380._rb,2600._rb,3250._rb/)
8148 delwave(:) = (/340._rb, 150._rb, 130._rb, 70._rb, 120._rb, 160._rb, &
8149 100._rb, 100._rb, 210._rb, 90._rb, 320._rb, 280._rb, &
8150 170._rb, 130._rb, 220._rb, 650._rb/)
8152 ! Spectral band information
8153 ng(:) = (/16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16/)
8154 nspa(:) = (/1,1,9,9,9,1,9,1,9,1,1,9,9,1,9,9/)
8155 nspb(:) = (/1,1,5,5,5,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0/)
8157 ! nxmol - number of cross-sections input by user
8158 ! ixindx(i) - index of cross-section molecule corresponding to Ith
8159 ! cross-section specified by user
8160 ! = 0 -- not allowed in rrtm
8170 ixindx(5:maxinpx) = 0
8172 ! Fundamental physical constants from NIST 2002
8174 grav = 9.8066_rb ! Acceleration of gravity
8176 planck = 6.62606876e-27_rb ! Planck constant
8177 ! (ergs s; g cm2 s-1)
8178 boltz = 1.3806503e-16_rb ! Boltzmann constant
8179 ! (ergs K-1; g cm2 s-2 K-1)
8180 clight = 2.99792458e+10_rb ! Speed of light in a vacuum
8182 avogad = 6.02214199e+23_rb ! Avogadro constant
8184 alosmt = 2.6867775e+19_rb ! Loschmidt constant
8186 gascon = 8.31447200e+07_rb ! Molar gas constant
8188 radcn1 = 1.191042722e-12_rb ! First radiation constant
8190 radcn2 = 1.4387752_rb ! Second radiation constant
8192 sbcnst = 5.670400e-04_rb ! Stefan-Boltzmann constant
8194 secdy = 8.6400e4_rb ! Number of seconds per day
8197 !jm moved here for thread safety, 20141107
8198 oneminus = 1._rb - 1.e-6_rb
8199 pi = 2._rb * asin(1._rb)
8200 fluxfac = pi * 2.e4_rb ! orig: fluxfac = pi * 2.d4
8203 ! units are generally cgs
8205 ! The first and second radiation constants are taken from NIST.
8206 ! They were previously obtained from the relations:
8207 ! radcn1 = 2.*planck*clight*clight*1.e-07
8208 ! radcn2 = planck*clight/boltz
8210 ! Heatfac is the factor by which delta-flux / delta-pressure is
8211 ! multiplied, with flux in W/m-2 and pressure in mbar, to get
8212 ! the heating rate in units of degrees/day. It is equal to:
8214 ! (g)x(#sec/day)x(1e-5)/(specific heat of air at const. p)
8215 ! Here, cpdair (1.004) is in units of J g-1 K-1, and the
8216 ! constant (1.e-5) converts mb to Pa and g-1 to kg-1.
8217 ! = (9.8066)(86400)(1e-5)/(1.004)
8218 ! heatfac = 8.4391_rb
8220 ! Modified value for consistency with CAM3:
8221 ! (g)x(#sec/day)x(1e-5)/(specific heat of air at const. p)
8222 ! Here, cpdair (1.00464) is in units of J g-1 K-1, and the
8223 ! constant (1.e-5) converts mb to Pa and g-1 to kg-1.
8224 ! = (9.80616)(86400)(1e-5)/(1.00464)
8225 ! heatfac = 8.43339130434_rb
8228 ! (grav) x (#sec/day) / (specific heat of dry air at const. p x 1.e2)
8229 ! Here, cpdair is in units of J kg-1 K-1, and the constant (1.e2)
8230 ! converts mb to Pa when heatfac is multiplied by W m-2 mb-1.
8231 heatfac = grav * secdy / (cpdair * 1.e2_rb)
8233 end subroutine lwdatinit
8235 !***************************************************************************
8237 !***************************************************************************
8241 ! ------- Definitions -------
8242 ! Arrays for the g-point reduction from 256 to 140 for the 16 LW bands:
8243 ! This mapping from 256 to 140 points has been carefully selected to
8244 ! minimize the effect on the resulting fluxes and cooling rates, and
8245 ! caution should be used if the mapping is modified. The full 256
8246 ! g-point set can be restored with ngptlw=256, ngc=16*16, ngn=256*1., etc.
8247 ! ngptlw The total number of new g-points
8248 ! ngc The number of new g-points in each band
8249 ! ngs The cumulative sum of new g-points for each band
8250 ! ngm The index of each new g-point relative to the original
8251 ! 16 g-points for each band.
8252 ! ngn The number of original g-points that are combined to make
8253 ! each new g-point in each band.
8254 ! ngb The band index for each new g-point.
8255 ! wt RRTM weights for 16 g-points.
8257 ! ------- Data statements -------
8258 ngc(:) = (/10,12,16,14,16,8,12,8,12,6,8,8,4,2,2,2/)
8259 ngs(:) = (/10,22,38,52,68,76,88,96,108,114,122,130,134,136,138,140/)
8260 ngm(:) = (/1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,10, & ! band 1
8261 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12, & ! band 2
8262 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, & ! band 3
8263 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,14,14, & ! band 4
8264 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, & ! band 5
8265 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8, & ! band 6
8266 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,12, & ! band 7
8267 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8, & ! band 8
8268 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12, & ! band 9
8269 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6, & ! band 10
8270 1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,8, & ! band 11
8271 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8, & ! band 12
8272 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4, & ! band 13
8273 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, & ! band 14
8274 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, & ! band 15
8275 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2/) ! band 16
8276 ngn(:) = (/1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1, & ! band 1
8277 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2, & ! band 2
8278 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, & ! band 3
8279 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3, & ! band 4
8280 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, & ! band 5
8281 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, & ! band 6
8282 2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2, & ! band 7
8283 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, & ! band 8
8284 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2, & ! band 9
8285 2,2,2,2,4,4, & ! band 10
8286 1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3, & ! band 11
8287 1,1,1,1,2,2,4,4, & ! band 12
8288 3,3,4,6, & ! band 13
8292 ngb(:) = (/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, & ! band 1
8293 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, & ! band 2
8294 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, & ! band 3
8295 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, & ! band 4
8296 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, & ! band 5
8297 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, & ! band 6
8298 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, & ! band 7
8299 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, & ! band 8
8300 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, & ! band 9
8301 10,10,10,10,10,10, & ! band 10
8302 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11, & ! band 11
8303 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, & ! band 12
8304 13,13,13,13, & ! band 13
8308 wt(:) = (/ 0.1527534276_rb, 0.1491729617_rb, 0.1420961469_rb, &
8309 0.1316886544_rb, 0.1181945205_rb, 0.1019300893_rb, &
8310 0.0832767040_rb, 0.0626720116_rb, 0.0424925000_rb, &
8311 0.0046269894_rb, 0.0038279891_rb, 0.0030260086_rb, &
8312 0.0022199750_rb, 0.0014140010_rb, 0.0005330000_rb, &
8315 end subroutine lwcmbdat
8317 !***************************************************************************
8319 !***************************************************************************
8321 ! Original version: MJIacono; July 1998
8322 ! Revision for GCMs: MJIacono; September 1998
8323 ! Revision for RRTMG: MJIacono, September 2002
8324 ! Revision for F90 reformatting: MJIacono, June 2006
8326 ! The subroutines CMBGB1->CMBGB16 input the absorption coefficient
8327 ! data for each band, which are defined for 16 g-points and 16 spectral
8328 ! bands. The data are combined with appropriate weighting following the
8329 ! g-point mapping arrays specified in RRTMINIT. Plank fraction data
8330 ! in arrays FRACREFA and FRACREFB are combined without weighting. All
8331 ! g-point reduced data are put into new arrays for use in RRTM.
8333 ! band 1: 10-350 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - n2)
8334 ! (high key - h2o; high minor - n2)
8335 ! note: previous versions of rrtm band 1:
8336 ! 10-250 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
8337 !***************************************************************************
8339 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng1
8340 use rrlw_kg01, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2, kbo_mn2, &
8341 selfrefo, forrefo, &
8342 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, ka_mn2, kb_mn2, &
8345 ! ------- Local -------
8346 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8347 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumk1, sumk2, sumf1, sumf2
8355 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8357 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8359 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8366 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8368 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8370 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8379 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8381 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8383 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8391 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8393 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8395 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8404 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8406 sumk1 = sumk1 + kao_mn2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8407 sumk2 = sumk2 + kbo_mn2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm)
8409 ka_mn2(jt,igc) = sumk1
8410 kb_mn2(jt,igc) = sumk2
8418 do ipr = 1, ngn(igc)
8420 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
8421 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
8423 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
8424 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
8427 end subroutine cmbgb1
8429 !***************************************************************************
8431 !***************************************************************************
8433 ! band 2: 350-500 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o)
8435 ! note: previous version of rrtm band 2:
8436 ! 250 - 500 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
8437 !***************************************************************************
8439 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng2
8440 use rrlw_kg02, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo, &
8441 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, selfref, forref
8443 ! ------- Local -------
8444 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8445 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf1, sumf2
8453 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(1)+igc)
8455 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+16)
8457 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8464 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(1)+igc)
8466 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+16)
8468 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8477 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(1)+igc)
8479 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+16)
8481 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8489 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(1)+igc)
8491 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+16)
8493 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8501 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(1)+igc)
8503 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
8504 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
8506 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
8507 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
8510 end subroutine cmbgb2
8512 !***************************************************************************
8514 !***************************************************************************
8516 ! band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - n2o)
8517 ! (high key - h2o,co2; high minor - n2o)
8519 ! old band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
8520 !***************************************************************************
8522 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng3
8523 use rrlw_kg03, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2o, kbo_mn2o, &
8524 selfrefo, forrefo, &
8525 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, ka_mn2o, kb_mn2o, &
8528 ! ------- Local -------
8529 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8530 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
8539 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8541 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8543 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8554 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8556 sumk = sumk + kbo(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8558 kb(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8569 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8571 sumk = sumk + kao_mn2o(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8573 ka_mn2o(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
8583 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8585 sumk = sumk + kbo_mn2o(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8587 kb_mn2o(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
8596 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8598 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8600 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8608 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8610 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+32)
8612 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8620 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8622 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
8624 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
8632 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(2)+igc)
8634 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm,jp)
8636 fracrefb(igc,jp) = sumf
8640 end subroutine cmbgb3
8642 !***************************************************************************
8644 !***************************************************************************
8646 ! band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; high key - o3,co2)
8648 ! old band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
8649 !***************************************************************************
8651 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng4
8652 use rrlw_kg04, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo, &
8653 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, selfref, forref
8655 ! ------- Local -------
8656 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8657 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
8666 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8668 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+48)
8670 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8681 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8683 sumk = sumk + kbo(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+48)
8685 kb(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8695 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8697 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+48)
8699 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8707 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8709 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+48)
8711 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8719 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8721 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
8723 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
8731 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(3)+igc)
8733 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm,jp)
8735 fracrefb(igc,jp) = sumf
8739 end subroutine cmbgb4
8741 !***************************************************************************
8743 !***************************************************************************
8745 ! band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - o3, ccl4)
8746 ! (high key - o3,co2)
8748 ! old band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - o3,co2)
8749 !***************************************************************************
8751 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng5
8752 use rrlw_kg05, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mo3, ccl4o, &
8753 selfrefo, forrefo, &
8754 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, ka_mo3, ccl4, &
8757 ! ------- Local -------
8758 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8759 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
8768 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8770 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8772 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8783 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8785 sumk = sumk + kbo(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8787 kb(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8798 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8800 sumk = sumk + kao_mo3(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8802 ka_mo3(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
8811 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8813 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8815 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8823 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8825 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8827 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8835 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8837 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
8839 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
8847 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8849 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm,jp)
8851 fracrefb(igc,jp) = sumf
8858 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(4)+igc)
8860 sumk = sumk + ccl4o(iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+64)
8865 end subroutine cmbgb5
8867 !***************************************************************************
8869 !***************************************************************************
8871 ! band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2)
8872 ! (high key - nothing; high minor - cfc11, cfc12)
8874 ! old band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
8875 !***************************************************************************
8877 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw
8878 ! use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng6
8880 ! use rrlw_kg06, only: fracrefao, kao, kao_mco2, cfc11adjo, cfc12o, &
8881 ! selfrefo, forrefo, &
8882 ! fracrefa, absa, ka, ka_mco2, cfc11adj, cfc12, &
8885 ! ------- Local -------
8886 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8887 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf, sumk1, sumk2
8895 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(5)+igc)
8897 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8899 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8908 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(5)+igc)
8910 sumk = sumk + kao_mco2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8912 ka_mco2(jt,igc) = sumk
8920 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(5)+igc)
8922 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8924 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
8932 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(5)+igc)
8934 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8936 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
8945 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(5)+igc)
8947 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm)
8948 sumk1= sumk1+ cfc11adjo(iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8949 sumk2= sumk2+ cfc12o(iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+80)
8951 fracrefa(igc) = sumf
8952 cfc11adj(igc) = sumk1
8956 end subroutine cmbgb6
8958 !***************************************************************************
8960 !***************************************************************************
8962 ! band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low key - h2o,o3; low minor - co2)
8963 ! (high key - o3; high minor - co2)
8965 ! old band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low - h2o,o3; high - o3)
8966 !***************************************************************************
8968 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng7
8969 use rrlw_kg07, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mco2, kbo_mco2, &
8970 selfrefo, forrefo, &
8971 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, ka_mco2, kb_mco2, &
8974 ! ------- Local -------
8975 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
8976 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
8985 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
8987 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
8989 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
8999 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9001 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
9003 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9013 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9015 sumk = sumk + kao_mco2(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
9017 ka_mco2(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
9026 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9028 sumk = sumk + kbo_mco2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
9030 kb_mco2(jt,igc) = sumk
9038 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9040 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
9042 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9050 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9052 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+96)
9054 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9062 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9064 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9066 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9073 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(6)+igc)
9075 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm)
9077 fracrefb(igc) = sumf
9080 end subroutine cmbgb7
9082 !***************************************************************************
9084 !***************************************************************************
9086 ! band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2,o3,n2o)
9087 ! (high key - o3; high minor - co2, n2o)
9089 ! old band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low (i.e.>~300mb) - h2o; high - o3)
9090 !***************************************************************************
9092 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng8
9093 use rrlw_kg08, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mco2, kao_mn2o, &
9094 kao_mo3, kbo, kbo_mco2, kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9095 cfc12o, cfc22adjo, &
9096 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, ka_mco2, ka_mn2o, &
9097 ka_mo3, absb, kb, kb_mco2, kb_mn2o, selfref, forref, &
9100 ! ------- Local -------
9101 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9102 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumk1, sumk2, sumk3, sumk4, sumk5, sumf1, sumf2
9110 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9112 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9114 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9123 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9125 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9127 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9136 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9138 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9140 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9148 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9150 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9152 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9164 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9166 sumk1 = sumk1 + kao_mco2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9167 sumk2 = sumk2 + kbo_mco2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9168 sumk3 = sumk3 + kao_mo3(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9169 sumk4 = sumk4 + kao_mn2o(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9170 sumk5 = sumk5 + kbo_mn2o(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9172 ka_mco2(jt,igc) = sumk1
9173 kb_mco2(jt,igc) = sumk2
9174 ka_mo3(jt,igc) = sumk3
9175 ka_mn2o(jt,igc) = sumk4
9176 kb_mn2o(jt,igc) = sumk5
9186 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(7)+igc)
9188 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
9189 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
9190 sumk1= sumk1+ cfc12o(iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9191 sumk2= sumk2+ cfc22adjo(iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+112)
9193 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
9194 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
9196 cfc22adj(igc) = sumk2
9199 end subroutine cmbgb8
9201 !***************************************************************************
9203 !***************************************************************************
9205 ! band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low key - h2o,ch4; low minor - n2o)
9206 ! (high key - ch4; high minor - n2o)!
9208 ! old band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)
9209 !***************************************************************************
9211 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng9
9212 use rrlw_kg09, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mn2o, &
9213 kbo, kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9214 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, ka_mn2o, &
9215 absb, kb, kb_mn2o, selfref, forref
9217 ! ------- Local -------
9218 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9219 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
9228 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9230 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9232 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9243 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9245 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9247 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9257 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9259 sumk = sumk + kao_mn2o(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9261 ka_mn2o(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
9270 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9272 sumk = sumk + kbo_mn2o(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9274 kb_mn2o(jt,igc) = sumk
9282 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9284 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9286 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9294 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9296 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+128)
9298 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9306 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9308 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9310 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9317 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(8)+igc)
9319 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm)
9321 fracrefb(igc) = sumf
9324 end subroutine cmbgb9
9326 !***************************************************************************
9328 !***************************************************************************
9330 ! band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o)
9332 ! old band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
9333 !***************************************************************************
9335 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng10
9336 use rrlw_kg10, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, &
9337 selfrefo, forrefo, &
9338 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
9341 ! ------- Local -------
9342 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9343 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf1, sumf2
9351 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(9)+igc)
9353 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+144)
9355 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9365 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(9)+igc)
9367 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+144)
9369 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9378 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(9)+igc)
9380 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+144)
9382 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9390 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(9)+igc)
9392 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+144)
9394 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9402 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(9)+igc)
9404 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
9405 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
9407 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
9408 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
9411 end subroutine cmbgb10
9413 !***************************************************************************
9415 !***************************************************************************
9417 ! band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; low minor - o2)
9418 ! (high key - h2o; high minor - o2)
9420 ! old band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; low minor - o2)
9421 ! (high key - h2o; high minor - o2)
9422 !***************************************************************************
9424 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng11
9425 use rrlw_kg11, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mo2, &
9426 kbo, kbo_mo2, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9427 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, ka_mo2, &
9428 absb, kb, kb_mo2, selfref, forref
9430 ! ------- Local -------
9431 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9432 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumk1, sumk2, sumf1, sumf2
9440 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9442 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9444 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9453 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9455 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9457 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9467 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9469 sumk1 = sumk1 + kao_mo2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9470 sumk2 = sumk2 + kbo_mo2(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9472 ka_mo2(jt,igc) = sumk1
9473 kb_mo2(jt,igc) = sumk2
9481 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9483 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9485 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9493 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9495 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+160)
9497 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9505 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(10)+igc)
9507 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
9508 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
9510 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
9511 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
9514 end subroutine cmbgb11
9516 !***************************************************************************
9518 !***************************************************************************
9520 ! band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing)
9522 ! old band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing)
9523 !***************************************************************************
9525 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng12
9526 use rrlw_kg12, only: fracrefao, kao, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9527 fracrefa, absa, ka, selfref, forref
9529 ! ------- Local -------
9530 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9531 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
9540 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(11)+igc)
9542 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+176)
9544 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9554 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(11)+igc)
9556 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+176)
9558 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9566 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(11)+igc)
9568 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+176)
9570 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9578 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(11)+igc)
9580 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9582 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9586 end subroutine cmbgb12
9588 !***************************************************************************
9590 !***************************************************************************
9592 ! band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low key - h2o,n2o; high minor - o3 minor)
9594 ! old band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low - h2o,n2o; high - nothing)
9595 !***************************************************************************
9597 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng13
9598 use rrlw_kg13, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mco2, kao_mco, &
9599 kbo_mo3, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9600 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, ka_mco2, ka_mco, &
9601 kb_mo3, selfref, forref
9603 ! ------- Local -------
9604 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9605 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumk1, sumk2, sumf
9614 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9616 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9618 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9630 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9632 sumk1 = sumk1 + kao_mco2(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9633 sumk2 = sumk2 + kao_mco(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9635 ka_mco2(jn,jt,igc) = sumk1
9636 ka_mco(jn,jt,igc) = sumk2
9645 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9647 sumk = sumk + kbo_mo3(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9649 kb_mo3(jt,igc) = sumk
9657 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9659 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9661 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9669 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9671 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+192)
9673 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9680 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9682 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm)
9684 fracrefb(igc) = sumf
9691 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(12)+igc)
9693 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9695 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9699 end subroutine cmbgb13
9701 !***************************************************************************
9703 !***************************************************************************
9705 ! band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
9707 ! old band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
9708 !***************************************************************************
9710 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng14
9711 use rrlw_kg14, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, &
9712 selfrefo, forrefo, &
9713 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, &
9716 ! ------- Local -------
9717 integer(kind=im) :: jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9718 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf1, sumf2
9726 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(13)+igc)
9728 sumk = sumk + kao(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+208)
9730 ka(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9740 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(13)+igc)
9742 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+208)
9744 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9753 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(13)+igc)
9755 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+208)
9757 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9765 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(13)+igc)
9767 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+208)
9769 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9777 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(13)+igc)
9779 sumf1= sumf1+ fracrefao(iprsm)
9780 sumf2= sumf2+ fracrefbo(iprsm)
9782 fracrefa(igc) = sumf1
9783 fracrefb(igc) = sumf2
9786 end subroutine cmbgb14
9788 !***************************************************************************
9790 !***************************************************************************
9792 ! band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; low minor - n2)
9795 ! old band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; high - nothing)
9796 !***************************************************************************
9798 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng15
9799 use rrlw_kg15, only: fracrefao, kao, kao_mn2, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9800 fracrefa, absa, ka, ka_mn2, selfref, forref
9802 ! ------- Local -------
9803 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9804 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
9813 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(14)+igc)
9815 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+224)
9817 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9828 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(14)+igc)
9830 sumk = sumk + kao_mn2(jn,jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+224)
9832 ka_mn2(jn,jt,igc) = sumk
9841 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(14)+igc)
9843 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+224)
9845 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9853 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(14)+igc)
9855 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+224)
9857 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9865 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(14)+igc)
9867 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9869 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9873 end subroutine cmbgb15
9875 !***************************************************************************
9877 !***************************************************************************
9879 ! band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low key- h2o,ch4; high key - ch4)
9881 ! old band 16: 2600-3000 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - nothing)
9882 !***************************************************************************
9884 use parrrtm, only : mg, nbndlw, ngptlw, ng16
9885 use rrlw_kg16, only: fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo, &
9886 fracrefa, fracrefb, absa, ka, absb, kb, selfref, forref
9888 ! ------- Local -------
9889 integer(kind=im) :: jn, jt, jp, igc, ipr, iprsm
9890 real(kind=rb) :: sumk, sumf
9899 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9901 sumk = sumk + kao(jn,jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+240)
9903 ka(jn,jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9914 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9916 sumk = sumk + kbo(jt,jp,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+240)
9918 kb(jt,jp,igc) = sumk
9927 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9929 sumk = sumk + selfrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+240)
9931 selfref(jt,igc) = sumk
9939 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9941 sumk = sumk + forrefo(jt,iprsm)*rwgt(iprsm+240)
9943 forref(jt,igc) = sumk
9950 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9952 sumf = sumf + fracrefbo(iprsm)
9954 fracrefb(igc) = sumf
9961 do ipr = 1, ngn(ngs(15)+igc)
9963 sumf = sumf + fracrefao(iprsm,jp)
9965 fracrefa(igc,jp) = sumf
9969 end subroutine cmbgb16
9971 !***************************************************************************
9973 !***************************************************************************
9975 ! --------- Modules ----------
9977 use rrlw_cld, only: abscld1, absliq0, absliq1, &
9978 absice0, absice1, absice2, absice3
9982 ! ABSCLDn is the liquid water absorption coefficient (m2/g).
9984 abscld1 = 0.0602410_rb
9986 ! Everything below is for INFLAG = 2.
9988 ! ABSICEn(J,IB) are the parameters needed to compute the liquid water
9989 ! absorption coefficient in spectral region IB for ICEFLAG=n. The units
9990 ! of ABSICEn(1,IB) are m2/g and ABSICEn(2,IB) has units (microns (m2/g)).
9993 absice0(:)= (/0.005_rb, 1.0_rb/)
9996 absice1(1,:) = (/0.0036_rb, 0.0068_rb, 0.0003_rb, 0.0016_rb, 0.0020_rb/)
9997 absice1(2,:) = (/1.136_rb , 0.600_rb , 1.338_rb , 1.166_rb , 1.118_rb /)
9999 ! For ICEFLAG = 2. In each band, the absorption
10000 ! coefficients are listed for a range of effective radii from 5.0
10001 ! to 131.0 microns in increments of 3.0 microns.
10002 ! Spherical Ice Particle Parameterization
10003 ! absorption units (abs coef/iwc): [(m^-1)/(g m^-3)]
10004 absice2(:,1) = (/ &
10006 7.798999e-02_rb,6.340479e-02_rb,5.417973e-02_rb,4.766245e-02_rb,4.272663e-02_rb, &
10007 3.880939e-02_rb,3.559544e-02_rb,3.289241e-02_rb,3.057511e-02_rb,2.855800e-02_rb, &
10008 2.678022e-02_rb,2.519712e-02_rb,2.377505e-02_rb,2.248806e-02_rb,2.131578e-02_rb, &
10009 2.024194e-02_rb,1.925337e-02_rb,1.833926e-02_rb,1.749067e-02_rb,1.670007e-02_rb, &
10010 1.596113e-02_rb,1.526845e-02_rb,1.461739e-02_rb,1.400394e-02_rb,1.342462e-02_rb, &
10011 1.287639e-02_rb,1.235656e-02_rb,1.186279e-02_rb,1.139297e-02_rb,1.094524e-02_rb, &
10012 1.051794e-02_rb,1.010956e-02_rb,9.718755e-03_rb,9.344316e-03_rb,8.985139e-03_rb, &
10013 8.640223e-03_rb,8.308656e-03_rb,7.989606e-03_rb,7.682312e-03_rb,7.386076e-03_rb, &
10014 7.100255e-03_rb,6.824258e-03_rb,6.557540e-03_rb/)
10015 absice2(:,2) = (/ &
10017 2.784879e-02_rb,2.709863e-02_rb,2.619165e-02_rb,2.529230e-02_rb,2.443225e-02_rb, &
10018 2.361575e-02_rb,2.284021e-02_rb,2.210150e-02_rb,2.139548e-02_rb,2.071840e-02_rb, &
10019 2.006702e-02_rb,1.943856e-02_rb,1.883064e-02_rb,1.824120e-02_rb,1.766849e-02_rb, &
10020 1.711099e-02_rb,1.656737e-02_rb,1.603647e-02_rb,1.551727e-02_rb,1.500886e-02_rb, &
10021 1.451045e-02_rb,1.402132e-02_rb,1.354084e-02_rb,1.306842e-02_rb,1.260355e-02_rb, &
10022 1.214575e-02_rb,1.169460e-02_rb,1.124971e-02_rb,1.081072e-02_rb,1.037731e-02_rb, &
10023 9.949167e-03_rb,9.526021e-03_rb,9.107615e-03_rb,8.693714e-03_rb,8.284096e-03_rb, &
10024 7.878558e-03_rb,7.476910e-03_rb,7.078974e-03_rb,6.684586e-03_rb,6.293589e-03_rb, &
10025 5.905839e-03_rb,5.521200e-03_rb,5.139543e-03_rb/)
10026 absice2(:,3) = (/ &
10028 1.065397e-01_rb,8.005726e-02_rb,6.546428e-02_rb,5.589131e-02_rb,4.898681e-02_rb, &
10029 4.369932e-02_rb,3.947901e-02_rb,3.600676e-02_rb,3.308299e-02_rb,3.057561e-02_rb, &
10030 2.839325e-02_rb,2.647040e-02_rb,2.475872e-02_rb,2.322164e-02_rb,2.183091e-02_rb, &
10031 2.056430e-02_rb,1.940407e-02_rb,1.833586e-02_rb,1.734787e-02_rb,1.643034e-02_rb, &
10032 1.557512e-02_rb,1.477530e-02_rb,1.402501e-02_rb,1.331924e-02_rb,1.265364e-02_rb, &
10033 1.202445e-02_rb,1.142838e-02_rb,1.086257e-02_rb,1.032445e-02_rb,9.811791e-03_rb, &
10034 9.322587e-03_rb,8.855053e-03_rb,8.407591e-03_rb,7.978763e-03_rb,7.567273e-03_rb, &
10035 7.171949e-03_rb,6.791728e-03_rb,6.425642e-03_rb,6.072809e-03_rb,5.732424e-03_rb, &
10036 5.403748e-03_rb,5.086103e-03_rb,4.778865e-03_rb/)
10037 absice2(:,4) = (/ &
10039 1.804566e-01_rb,1.168987e-01_rb,8.680442e-02_rb,6.910060e-02_rb,5.738174e-02_rb, &
10040 4.902332e-02_rb,4.274585e-02_rb,3.784923e-02_rb,3.391734e-02_rb,3.068690e-02_rb, &
10041 2.798301e-02_rb,2.568480e-02_rb,2.370600e-02_rb,2.198337e-02_rb,2.046940e-02_rb, &
10042 1.912777e-02_rb,1.793016e-02_rb,1.685420e-02_rb,1.588193e-02_rb,1.499882e-02_rb, &
10043 1.419293e-02_rb,1.345440e-02_rb,1.277496e-02_rb,1.214769e-02_rb,1.156669e-02_rb, &
10044 1.102694e-02_rb,1.052412e-02_rb,1.005451e-02_rb,9.614854e-03_rb,9.202335e-03_rb, &
10045 8.814470e-03_rb,8.449077e-03_rb,8.104223e-03_rb,7.778195e-03_rb,7.469466e-03_rb, &
10046 7.176671e-03_rb,6.898588e-03_rb,6.634117e-03_rb,6.382264e-03_rb,6.142134e-03_rb, &
10047 5.912913e-03_rb,5.693862e-03_rb,5.484308e-03_rb/)
10048 absice2(:,5) = (/ &
10050 2.131806e-01_rb,1.311372e-01_rb,9.407171e-02_rb,7.299442e-02_rb,5.941273e-02_rb, &
10051 4.994043e-02_rb,4.296242e-02_rb,3.761113e-02_rb,3.337910e-02_rb,2.994978e-02_rb, &
10052 2.711556e-02_rb,2.473461e-02_rb,2.270681e-02_rb,2.095943e-02_rb,1.943839e-02_rb, &
10053 1.810267e-02_rb,1.692057e-02_rb,1.586719e-02_rb,1.492275e-02_rb,1.407132e-02_rb, &
10054 1.329989e-02_rb,1.259780e-02_rb,1.195618e-02_rb,1.136761e-02_rb,1.082583e-02_rb, &
10055 1.032552e-02_rb,9.862158e-03_rb,9.431827e-03_rb,9.031157e-03_rb,8.657217e-03_rb, &
10056 8.307449e-03_rb,7.979609e-03_rb,7.671724e-03_rb,7.382048e-03_rb,7.109032e-03_rb, &
10057 6.851298e-03_rb,6.607615e-03_rb,6.376881e-03_rb,6.158105e-03_rb,5.950394e-03_rb, &
10058 5.752942e-03_rb,5.565019e-03_rb,5.385963e-03_rb/)
10059 absice2(:,6) = (/ &
10061 1.546177e-01_rb,1.039251e-01_rb,7.910347e-02_rb,6.412429e-02_rb,5.399997e-02_rb, &
10062 4.664937e-02_rb,4.104237e-02_rb,3.660781e-02_rb,3.300218e-02_rb,3.000586e-02_rb, &
10063 2.747148e-02_rb,2.529633e-02_rb,2.340647e-02_rb,2.174723e-02_rb,2.027731e-02_rb, &
10064 1.896487e-02_rb,1.778492e-02_rb,1.671761e-02_rb,1.574692e-02_rb,1.485978e-02_rb, &
10065 1.404543e-02_rb,1.329489e-02_rb,1.260066e-02_rb,1.195636e-02_rb,1.135657e-02_rb, &
10066 1.079664e-02_rb,1.027257e-02_rb,9.780871e-03_rb,9.318505e-03_rb,8.882815e-03_rb, &
10067 8.471458e-03_rb,8.082364e-03_rb,7.713696e-03_rb,7.363817e-03_rb,7.031264e-03_rb, &
10068 6.714725e-03_rb,6.413021e-03_rb,6.125086e-03_rb,5.849958e-03_rb,5.586764e-03_rb, &
10069 5.334707e-03_rb,5.093066e-03_rb,4.861179e-03_rb/)
10070 absice2(:,7) = (/ &
10072 7.583404e-02_rb,6.181558e-02_rb,5.312027e-02_rb,4.696039e-02_rb,4.225986e-02_rb, &
10073 3.849735e-02_rb,3.538340e-02_rb,3.274182e-02_rb,3.045798e-02_rb,2.845343e-02_rb, &
10074 2.667231e-02_rb,2.507353e-02_rb,2.362606e-02_rb,2.230595e-02_rb,2.109435e-02_rb, &
10075 1.997617e-02_rb,1.893916e-02_rb,1.797328e-02_rb,1.707016e-02_rb,1.622279e-02_rb, &
10076 1.542523e-02_rb,1.467241e-02_rb,1.395997e-02_rb,1.328414e-02_rb,1.264164e-02_rb, &
10077 1.202958e-02_rb,1.144544e-02_rb,1.088697e-02_rb,1.035218e-02_rb,9.839297e-03_rb, &
10078 9.346733e-03_rb,8.873057e-03_rb,8.416980e-03_rb,7.977335e-03_rb,7.553066e-03_rb, &
10079 7.143210e-03_rb,6.746888e-03_rb,6.363297e-03_rb,5.991700e-03_rb,5.631422e-03_rb, &
10080 5.281840e-03_rb,4.942378e-03_rb,4.612505e-03_rb/)
10081 absice2(:,8) = (/ &
10083 9.022185e-02_rb,6.922700e-02_rb,5.710674e-02_rb,4.898377e-02_rb,4.305946e-02_rb, &
10084 3.849553e-02_rb,3.484183e-02_rb,3.183220e-02_rb,2.929794e-02_rb,2.712627e-02_rb, &
10085 2.523856e-02_rb,2.357810e-02_rb,2.210286e-02_rb,2.078089e-02_rb,1.958747e-02_rb, &
10086 1.850310e-02_rb,1.751218e-02_rb,1.660205e-02_rb,1.576232e-02_rb,1.498440e-02_rb, &
10087 1.426107e-02_rb,1.358624e-02_rb,1.295474e-02_rb,1.236212e-02_rb,1.180456e-02_rb, &
10088 1.127874e-02_rb,1.078175e-02_rb,1.031106e-02_rb,9.864433e-03_rb,9.439878e-03_rb, &
10089 9.035637e-03_rb,8.650140e-03_rb,8.281981e-03_rb,7.929895e-03_rb,7.592746e-03_rb, &
10090 7.269505e-03_rb,6.959238e-03_rb,6.661100e-03_rb,6.374317e-03_rb,6.098185e-03_rb, &
10091 5.832059e-03_rb,5.575347e-03_rb,5.327504e-03_rb/)
10092 absice2(:,9) = (/ &
10094 1.294087e-01_rb,8.788217e-02_rb,6.728288e-02_rb,5.479720e-02_rb,4.635049e-02_rb, &
10095 4.022253e-02_rb,3.555576e-02_rb,3.187259e-02_rb,2.888498e-02_rb,2.640843e-02_rb, &
10096 2.431904e-02_rb,2.253038e-02_rb,2.098024e-02_rb,1.962267e-02_rb,1.842293e-02_rb, &
10097 1.735426e-02_rb,1.639571e-02_rb,1.553060e-02_rb,1.474552e-02_rb,1.402953e-02_rb, &
10098 1.337363e-02_rb,1.277033e-02_rb,1.221336e-02_rb,1.169741e-02_rb,1.121797e-02_rb, &
10099 1.077117e-02_rb,1.035369e-02_rb,9.962643e-03_rb,9.595509e-03_rb,9.250088e-03_rb, &
10100 8.924447e-03_rb,8.616876e-03_rb,8.325862e-03_rb,8.050057e-03_rb,7.788258e-03_rb, &
10101 7.539388e-03_rb,7.302478e-03_rb,7.076656e-03_rb,6.861134e-03_rb,6.655197e-03_rb, &
10102 6.458197e-03_rb,6.269543e-03_rb,6.088697e-03_rb/)
10103 absice2(:,10) = (/ &
10105 1.593628e-01_rb,1.014552e-01_rb,7.458955e-02_rb,5.903571e-02_rb,4.887582e-02_rb, &
10106 4.171159e-02_rb,3.638480e-02_rb,3.226692e-02_rb,2.898717e-02_rb,2.631256e-02_rb, &
10107 2.408925e-02_rb,2.221156e-02_rb,2.060448e-02_rb,1.921325e-02_rb,1.799699e-02_rb, &
10108 1.692456e-02_rb,1.597177e-02_rb,1.511961e-02_rb,1.435289e-02_rb,1.365933e-02_rb, &
10109 1.302890e-02_rb,1.245334e-02_rb,1.192576e-02_rb,1.144037e-02_rb,1.099230e-02_rb, &
10110 1.057739e-02_rb,1.019208e-02_rb,9.833302e-03_rb,9.498395e-03_rb,9.185047e-03_rb, &
10111 8.891237e-03_rb,8.615185e-03_rb,8.355325e-03_rb,8.110267e-03_rb,7.878778e-03_rb, &
10112 7.659759e-03_rb,7.452224e-03_rb,7.255291e-03_rb,7.068166e-03_rb,6.890130e-03_rb, &
10113 6.720536e-03_rb,6.558794e-03_rb,6.404371e-03_rb/)
10114 absice2(:,11) = (/ &
10116 1.656227e-01_rb,1.032129e-01_rb,7.487359e-02_rb,5.871431e-02_rb,4.828355e-02_rb, &
10117 4.099989e-02_rb,3.562924e-02_rb,3.150755e-02_rb,2.824593e-02_rb,2.560156e-02_rb, &
10118 2.341503e-02_rb,2.157740e-02_rb,2.001169e-02_rb,1.866199e-02_rb,1.748669e-02_rb, &
10119 1.645421e-02_rb,1.554015e-02_rb,1.472535e-02_rb,1.399457e-02_rb,1.333553e-02_rb, &
10120 1.273821e-02_rb,1.219440e-02_rb,1.169725e-02_rb,1.124104e-02_rb,1.082096e-02_rb, &
10121 1.043290e-02_rb,1.007336e-02_rb,9.739338e-03_rb,9.428223e-03_rb,9.137756e-03_rb, &
10122 8.865964e-03_rb,8.611115e-03_rb,8.371686e-03_rb,8.146330e-03_rb,7.933852e-03_rb, &
10123 7.733187e-03_rb,7.543386e-03_rb,7.363597e-03_rb,7.193056e-03_rb,7.031072e-03_rb, &
10124 6.877024e-03_rb,6.730348e-03_rb,6.590531e-03_rb/)
10125 absice2(:,12) = (/ &
10127 9.194591e-02_rb,6.446867e-02_rb,4.962034e-02_rb,4.042061e-02_rb,3.418456e-02_rb, &
10128 2.968856e-02_rb,2.629900e-02_rb,2.365572e-02_rb,2.153915e-02_rb,1.980791e-02_rb, &
10129 1.836689e-02_rb,1.714979e-02_rb,1.610900e-02_rb,1.520946e-02_rb,1.442476e-02_rb, &
10130 1.373468e-02_rb,1.312345e-02_rb,1.257858e-02_rb,1.209010e-02_rb,1.164990e-02_rb, &
10131 1.125136e-02_rb,1.088901e-02_rb,1.055827e-02_rb,1.025531e-02_rb,9.976896e-03_rb, &
10132 9.720255e-03_rb,9.483022e-03_rb,9.263160e-03_rb,9.058902e-03_rb,8.868710e-03_rb, &
10133 8.691240e-03_rb,8.525312e-03_rb,8.369886e-03_rb,8.224042e-03_rb,8.086961e-03_rb, &
10134 7.957917e-03_rb,7.836258e-03_rb,7.721400e-03_rb,7.612821e-03_rb,7.510045e-03_rb, &
10135 7.412648e-03_rb,7.320242e-03_rb,7.232476e-03_rb/)
10136 absice2(:,13) = (/ &
10138 1.437021e-01_rb,8.872535e-02_rb,6.392420e-02_rb,4.991833e-02_rb,4.096790e-02_rb, &
10139 3.477881e-02_rb,3.025782e-02_rb,2.681909e-02_rb,2.412102e-02_rb,2.195132e-02_rb, &
10140 2.017124e-02_rb,1.868641e-02_rb,1.743044e-02_rb,1.635529e-02_rb,1.542540e-02_rb, &
10141 1.461388e-02_rb,1.390003e-02_rb,1.326766e-02_rb,1.270395e-02_rb,1.219860e-02_rb, &
10142 1.174326e-02_rb,1.133107e-02_rb,1.095637e-02_rb,1.061442e-02_rb,1.030126e-02_rb, &
10143 1.001352e-02_rb,9.748340e-03_rb,9.503256e-03_rb,9.276155e-03_rb,9.065205e-03_rb, &
10144 8.868808e-03_rb,8.685571e-03_rb,8.514268e-03_rb,8.353820e-03_rb,8.203272e-03_rb, &
10145 8.061776e-03_rb,7.928578e-03_rb,7.803001e-03_rb,7.684443e-03_rb,7.572358e-03_rb, &
10146 7.466258e-03_rb,7.365701e-03_rb,7.270286e-03_rb/)
10147 absice2(:,14) = (/ &
10149 1.288870e-01_rb,8.160295e-02_rb,5.964745e-02_rb,4.703790e-02_rb,3.888637e-02_rb, &
10150 3.320115e-02_rb,2.902017e-02_rb,2.582259e-02_rb,2.330224e-02_rb,2.126754e-02_rb, &
10151 1.959258e-02_rb,1.819130e-02_rb,1.700289e-02_rb,1.598320e-02_rb,1.509942e-02_rb, &
10152 1.432666e-02_rb,1.364572e-02_rb,1.304156e-02_rb,1.250220e-02_rb,1.201803e-02_rb, &
10153 1.158123e-02_rb,1.118537e-02_rb,1.082513e-02_rb,1.049605e-02_rb,1.019440e-02_rb, &
10154 9.916989e-03_rb,9.661116e-03_rb,9.424457e-03_rb,9.205005e-03_rb,9.001022e-03_rb, &
10155 8.810992e-03_rb,8.633588e-03_rb,8.467646e-03_rb,8.312137e-03_rb,8.166151e-03_rb, &
10156 8.028878e-03_rb,7.899597e-03_rb,7.777663e-03_rb,7.662498e-03_rb,7.553581e-03_rb, &
10157 7.450444e-03_rb,7.352662e-03_rb,7.259851e-03_rb/)
10158 absice2(:,15) = (/ &
10160 8.254229e-02_rb,5.808787e-02_rb,4.492166e-02_rb,3.675028e-02_rb,3.119623e-02_rb, &
10161 2.718045e-02_rb,2.414450e-02_rb,2.177073e-02_rb,1.986526e-02_rb,1.830306e-02_rb, &
10162 1.699991e-02_rb,1.589698e-02_rb,1.495199e-02_rb,1.413374e-02_rb,1.341870e-02_rb, &
10163 1.278883e-02_rb,1.223002e-02_rb,1.173114e-02_rb,1.128322e-02_rb,1.087900e-02_rb, &
10164 1.051254e-02_rb,1.017890e-02_rb,9.873991e-03_rb,9.594347e-03_rb,9.337044e-03_rb, &
10165 9.099589e-03_rb,8.879842e-03_rb,8.675960e-03_rb,8.486341e-03_rb,8.309594e-03_rb, &
10166 8.144500e-03_rb,7.989986e-03_rb,7.845109e-03_rb,7.709031e-03_rb,7.581007e-03_rb, &
10167 7.460376e-03_rb,7.346544e-03_rb,7.238978e-03_rb,7.137201e-03_rb,7.040780e-03_rb, &
10168 6.949325e-03_rb,6.862483e-03_rb,6.779931e-03_rb/)
10169 absice2(:,16) = (/ &
10171 1.382062e-01_rb,8.643227e-02_rb,6.282935e-02_rb,4.934783e-02_rb,4.063891e-02_rb, &
10172 3.455591e-02_rb,3.007059e-02_rb,2.662897e-02_rb,2.390631e-02_rb,2.169972e-02_rb, &
10173 1.987596e-02_rb,1.834393e-02_rb,1.703924e-02_rb,1.591513e-02_rb,1.493679e-02_rb, &
10174 1.407780e-02_rb,1.331775e-02_rb,1.264061e-02_rb,1.203364e-02_rb,1.148655e-02_rb, &
10175 1.099099e-02_rb,1.054006e-02_rb,1.012807e-02_rb,9.750215e-03_rb,9.402477e-03_rb, &
10176 9.081428e-03_rb,8.784143e-03_rb,8.508107e-03_rb,8.251146e-03_rb,8.011373e-03_rb, &
10177 7.787140e-03_rb,7.577002e-03_rb,7.379687e-03_rb,7.194071e-03_rb,7.019158e-03_rb, &
10178 6.854061e-03_rb,6.697986e-03_rb,6.550224e-03_rb,6.410138e-03_rb,6.277153e-03_rb, &
10179 6.150751e-03_rb,6.030462e-03_rb,5.915860e-03_rb/)
10181 ! ICEFLAG = 3; Fu parameterization. Particle size 5 - 140 micron in
10182 ! increments of 3 microns.
10184 ! Hexagonal Ice Particle Parameterization
10185 ! absorption units (abs coef/iwc): [(m^-1)/(g m^-3)]
10186 absice3(:,1) = (/ &
10188 3.110649e-03_rb,4.666352e-02_rb,6.606447e-02_rb,6.531678e-02_rb,6.012598e-02_rb, &
10189 5.437494e-02_rb,4.906411e-02_rb,4.441146e-02_rb,4.040585e-02_rb,3.697334e-02_rb, &
10190 3.403027e-02_rb,3.149979e-02_rb,2.931596e-02_rb,2.742365e-02_rb,2.577721e-02_rb, &
10191 2.433888e-02_rb,2.307732e-02_rb,2.196644e-02_rb,2.098437e-02_rb,2.011264e-02_rb, &
10192 1.933561e-02_rb,1.863992e-02_rb,1.801407e-02_rb,1.744812e-02_rb,1.693346e-02_rb, &
10193 1.646252e-02_rb,1.602866e-02_rb,1.562600e-02_rb,1.524933e-02_rb,1.489399e-02_rb, &
10194 1.455580e-02_rb,1.423098e-02_rb,1.391612e-02_rb,1.360812e-02_rb,1.330413e-02_rb, &
10195 1.300156e-02_rb,1.269801e-02_rb,1.239127e-02_rb,1.207928e-02_rb,1.176014e-02_rb, &
10196 1.143204e-02_rb,1.109334e-02_rb,1.074243e-02_rb,1.037786e-02_rb,9.998198e-03_rb, &
10198 absice3(:,2) = (/ &
10200 3.984966e-04_rb,1.681097e-02_rb,2.627680e-02_rb,2.767465e-02_rb,2.700722e-02_rb, &
10201 2.579180e-02_rb,2.448677e-02_rb,2.323890e-02_rb,2.209096e-02_rb,2.104882e-02_rb, &
10202 2.010547e-02_rb,1.925003e-02_rb,1.847128e-02_rb,1.775883e-02_rb,1.710358e-02_rb, &
10203 1.649769e-02_rb,1.593449e-02_rb,1.540829e-02_rb,1.491429e-02_rb,1.444837e-02_rb, &
10204 1.400704e-02_rb,1.358729e-02_rb,1.318654e-02_rb,1.280258e-02_rb,1.243346e-02_rb, &
10205 1.207750e-02_rb,1.173325e-02_rb,1.139941e-02_rb,1.107487e-02_rb,1.075861e-02_rb, &
10206 1.044975e-02_rb,1.014753e-02_rb,9.851229e-03_rb,9.560240e-03_rb,9.274003e-03_rb, &
10207 8.992020e-03_rb,8.713845e-03_rb,8.439074e-03_rb,8.167346e-03_rb,7.898331e-03_rb, &
10208 7.631734e-03_rb,7.367286e-03_rb,7.104742e-03_rb,6.843882e-03_rb,6.584504e-03_rb, &
10210 absice3(:,3) = (/ &
10212 6.933163e-02_rb,8.540475e-02_rb,7.701816e-02_rb,6.771158e-02_rb,5.986953e-02_rb, &
10213 5.348120e-02_rb,4.824962e-02_rb,4.390563e-02_rb,4.024411e-02_rb,3.711404e-02_rb, &
10214 3.440426e-02_rb,3.203200e-02_rb,2.993478e-02_rb,2.806474e-02_rb,2.638464e-02_rb, &
10215 2.486516e-02_rb,2.348288e-02_rb,2.221890e-02_rb,2.105780e-02_rb,1.998687e-02_rb, &
10216 1.899552e-02_rb,1.807490e-02_rb,1.721750e-02_rb,1.641693e-02_rb,1.566773e-02_rb, &
10217 1.496515e-02_rb,1.430509e-02_rb,1.368398e-02_rb,1.309865e-02_rb,1.254634e-02_rb, &
10218 1.202456e-02_rb,1.153114e-02_rb,1.106409e-02_rb,1.062166e-02_rb,1.020224e-02_rb, &
10219 9.804381e-03_rb,9.426771e-03_rb,9.068205e-03_rb,8.727578e-03_rb,8.403876e-03_rb, &
10220 8.096160e-03_rb,7.803564e-03_rb,7.525281e-03_rb,7.260560e-03_rb,7.008697e-03_rb, &
10222 absice3(:,4) = (/ &
10224 1.765735e-01_rb,1.382700e-01_rb,1.095129e-01_rb,8.987475e-02_rb,7.591185e-02_rb, &
10225 6.554169e-02_rb,5.755500e-02_rb,5.122083e-02_rb,4.607610e-02_rb,4.181475e-02_rb, &
10226 3.822697e-02_rb,3.516432e-02_rb,3.251897e-02_rb,3.021073e-02_rb,2.817876e-02_rb, &
10227 2.637607e-02_rb,2.476582e-02_rb,2.331871e-02_rb,2.201113e-02_rb,2.082388e-02_rb, &
10228 1.974115e-02_rb,1.874983e-02_rb,1.783894e-02_rb,1.699922e-02_rb,1.622280e-02_rb, &
10229 1.550296e-02_rb,1.483390e-02_rb,1.421064e-02_rb,1.362880e-02_rb,1.308460e-02_rb, &
10230 1.257468e-02_rb,1.209611e-02_rb,1.164628e-02_rb,1.122287e-02_rb,1.082381e-02_rb, &
10231 1.044725e-02_rb,1.009154e-02_rb,9.755166e-03_rb,9.436783e-03_rb,9.135163e-03_rb, &
10232 8.849193e-03_rb,8.577856e-03_rb,8.320225e-03_rb,8.075451e-03_rb,7.842755e-03_rb, &
10234 absice3(:,5) = (/ &
10236 2.339673e-01_rb,1.692124e-01_rb,1.291656e-01_rb,1.033837e-01_rb,8.562949e-02_rb, &
10237 7.273526e-02_rb,6.298262e-02_rb,5.537015e-02_rb,4.927787e-02_rb,4.430246e-02_rb, &
10238 4.017061e-02_rb,3.669072e-02_rb,3.372455e-02_rb,3.116995e-02_rb,2.894977e-02_rb, &
10239 2.700471e-02_rb,2.528842e-02_rb,2.376420e-02_rb,2.240256e-02_rb,2.117959e-02_rb, &
10240 2.007567e-02_rb,1.907456e-02_rb,1.816271e-02_rb,1.732874e-02_rb,1.656300e-02_rb, &
10241 1.585725e-02_rb,1.520445e-02_rb,1.459852e-02_rb,1.403419e-02_rb,1.350689e-02_rb, &
10242 1.301260e-02_rb,1.254781e-02_rb,1.210941e-02_rb,1.169468e-02_rb,1.130118e-02_rb, &
10243 1.092675e-02_rb,1.056945e-02_rb,1.022757e-02_rb,9.899560e-03_rb,9.584021e-03_rb, &
10244 9.279705e-03_rb,8.985479e-03_rb,8.700322e-03_rb,8.423306e-03_rb,8.153590e-03_rb, &
10246 absice3(:,6) = (/ &
10248 1.145369e-01_rb,1.174566e-01_rb,9.917866e-02_rb,8.332990e-02_rb,7.104263e-02_rb, &
10249 6.153370e-02_rb,5.405472e-02_rb,4.806281e-02_rb,4.317918e-02_rb,3.913795e-02_rb, &
10250 3.574916e-02_rb,3.287437e-02_rb,3.041067e-02_rb,2.828017e-02_rb,2.642292e-02_rb, &
10251 2.479206e-02_rb,2.335051e-02_rb,2.206851e-02_rb,2.092195e-02_rb,1.989108e-02_rb, &
10252 1.895958e-02_rb,1.811385e-02_rb,1.734245e-02_rb,1.663573e-02_rb,1.598545e-02_rb, &
10253 1.538456e-02_rb,1.482700e-02_rb,1.430750e-02_rb,1.382150e-02_rb,1.336499e-02_rb, &
10254 1.293447e-02_rb,1.252685e-02_rb,1.213939e-02_rb,1.176968e-02_rb,1.141555e-02_rb, &
10255 1.107508e-02_rb,1.074655e-02_rb,1.042839e-02_rb,1.011923e-02_rb,9.817799e-03_rb, &
10256 9.522962e-03_rb,9.233688e-03_rb,8.949041e-03_rb,8.668171e-03_rb,8.390301e-03_rb, &
10258 absice3(:,7) = (/ &
10260 1.222345e-02_rb,5.344230e-02_rb,5.523465e-02_rb,5.128759e-02_rb,4.676925e-02_rb, &
10261 4.266150e-02_rb,3.910561e-02_rb,3.605479e-02_rb,3.342843e-02_rb,3.115052e-02_rb, &
10262 2.915776e-02_rb,2.739935e-02_rb,2.583499e-02_rb,2.443266e-02_rb,2.316681e-02_rb, &
10263 2.201687e-02_rb,2.096619e-02_rb,2.000112e-02_rb,1.911044e-02_rb,1.828481e-02_rb, &
10264 1.751641e-02_rb,1.679866e-02_rb,1.612598e-02_rb,1.549360e-02_rb,1.489742e-02_rb, &
10265 1.433392e-02_rb,1.380002e-02_rb,1.329305e-02_rb,1.281068e-02_rb,1.235084e-02_rb, &
10266 1.191172e-02_rb,1.149171e-02_rb,1.108936e-02_rb,1.070341e-02_rb,1.033271e-02_rb, &
10267 9.976220e-03_rb,9.633021e-03_rb,9.302273e-03_rb,8.983216e-03_rb,8.675161e-03_rb, &
10268 8.377478e-03_rb,8.089595e-03_rb,7.810986e-03_rb,7.541170e-03_rb,7.279706e-03_rb, &
10270 absice3(:,8) = (/ &
10272 6.711058e-02_rb,6.918198e-02_rb,6.127484e-02_rb,5.411944e-02_rb,4.836902e-02_rb, &
10273 4.375293e-02_rb,3.998077e-02_rb,3.683587e-02_rb,3.416508e-02_rb,3.186003e-02_rb, &
10274 2.984290e-02_rb,2.805671e-02_rb,2.645895e-02_rb,2.501733e-02_rb,2.370689e-02_rb, &
10275 2.250808e-02_rb,2.140532e-02_rb,2.038609e-02_rb,1.944018e-02_rb,1.855918e-02_rb, &
10276 1.773609e-02_rb,1.696504e-02_rb,1.624106e-02_rb,1.555990e-02_rb,1.491793e-02_rb, &
10277 1.431197e-02_rb,1.373928e-02_rb,1.319743e-02_rb,1.268430e-02_rb,1.219799e-02_rb, &
10278 1.173682e-02_rb,1.129925e-02_rb,1.088393e-02_rb,1.048961e-02_rb,1.011516e-02_rb, &
10279 9.759543e-03_rb,9.421813e-03_rb,9.101089e-03_rb,8.796559e-03_rb,8.507464e-03_rb, &
10280 8.233098e-03_rb,7.972798e-03_rb,7.725942e-03_rb,7.491940e-03_rb,7.270238e-03_rb, &
10282 absice3(:,9) = (/ &
10284 1.236780e-01_rb,9.222386e-02_rb,7.383997e-02_rb,6.204072e-02_rb,5.381029e-02_rb, &
10285 4.770678e-02_rb,4.296928e-02_rb,3.916131e-02_rb,3.601540e-02_rb,3.335878e-02_rb, &
10286 3.107493e-02_rb,2.908247e-02_rb,2.732282e-02_rb,2.575276e-02_rb,2.433968e-02_rb, &
10287 2.305852e-02_rb,2.188966e-02_rb,2.081757e-02_rb,1.982974e-02_rb,1.891599e-02_rb, &
10288 1.806794e-02_rb,1.727865e-02_rb,1.654227e-02_rb,1.585387e-02_rb,1.520924e-02_rb, &
10289 1.460476e-02_rb,1.403730e-02_rb,1.350416e-02_rb,1.300293e-02_rb,1.253153e-02_rb, &
10290 1.208808e-02_rb,1.167094e-02_rb,1.127862e-02_rb,1.090979e-02_rb,1.056323e-02_rb, &
10291 1.023786e-02_rb,9.932665e-03_rb,9.646744e-03_rb,9.379250e-03_rb,9.129409e-03_rb, &
10292 8.896500e-03_rb,8.679856e-03_rb,8.478852e-03_rb,8.292904e-03_rb,8.121463e-03_rb, &
10294 absice3(:,10) = (/ &
10296 1.655966e-01_rb,1.134205e-01_rb,8.714344e-02_rb,7.129241e-02_rb,6.063739e-02_rb, &
10297 5.294203e-02_rb,4.709309e-02_rb,4.247476e-02_rb,3.871892e-02_rb,3.559206e-02_rb, &
10298 3.293893e-02_rb,3.065226e-02_rb,2.865558e-02_rb,2.689288e-02_rb,2.532221e-02_rb, &
10299 2.391150e-02_rb,2.263582e-02_rb,2.147549e-02_rb,2.041476e-02_rb,1.944089e-02_rb, &
10300 1.854342e-02_rb,1.771371e-02_rb,1.694456e-02_rb,1.622989e-02_rb,1.556456e-02_rb, &
10301 1.494415e-02_rb,1.436491e-02_rb,1.382354e-02_rb,1.331719e-02_rb,1.284339e-02_rb, &
10302 1.239992e-02_rb,1.198486e-02_rb,1.159647e-02_rb,1.123323e-02_rb,1.089375e-02_rb, &
10303 1.057679e-02_rb,1.028124e-02_rb,1.000607e-02_rb,9.750376e-03_rb,9.513303e-03_rb, &
10304 9.294082e-03_rb,9.092003e-03_rb,8.906412e-03_rb,8.736702e-03_rb,8.582314e-03_rb, &
10306 absice3(:,11) = (/ &
10308 1.775615e-01_rb,1.180046e-01_rb,8.929607e-02_rb,7.233500e-02_rb,6.108333e-02_rb, &
10309 5.303642e-02_rb,4.696927e-02_rb,4.221206e-02_rb,3.836768e-02_rb,3.518576e-02_rb, &
10310 3.250063e-02_rb,3.019825e-02_rb,2.819758e-02_rb,2.643943e-02_rb,2.487953e-02_rb, &
10311 2.348414e-02_rb,2.222705e-02_rb,2.108762e-02_rb,2.004936e-02_rb,1.909892e-02_rb, &
10312 1.822539e-02_rb,1.741975e-02_rb,1.667449e-02_rb,1.598330e-02_rb,1.534084e-02_rb, &
10313 1.474253e-02_rb,1.418446e-02_rb,1.366325e-02_rb,1.317597e-02_rb,1.272004e-02_rb, &
10314 1.229321e-02_rb,1.189350e-02_rb,1.151915e-02_rb,1.116859e-02_rb,1.084042e-02_rb, &
10315 1.053338e-02_rb,1.024636e-02_rb,9.978326e-03_rb,9.728357e-03_rb,9.495613e-03_rb, &
10316 9.279327e-03_rb,9.078798e-03_rb,8.893383e-03_rb,8.722488e-03_rb,8.565568e-03_rb, &
10318 absice3(:,12) = (/ &
10320 9.465447e-02_rb,6.432047e-02_rb,5.060973e-02_rb,4.267283e-02_rb,3.741843e-02_rb, &
10321 3.363096e-02_rb,3.073531e-02_rb,2.842405e-02_rb,2.651789e-02_rb,2.490518e-02_rb, &
10322 2.351273e-02_rb,2.229056e-02_rb,2.120335e-02_rb,2.022541e-02_rb,1.933763e-02_rb, &
10323 1.852546e-02_rb,1.777763e-02_rb,1.708528e-02_rb,1.644134e-02_rb,1.584009e-02_rb, &
10324 1.527684e-02_rb,1.474774e-02_rb,1.424955e-02_rb,1.377957e-02_rb,1.333549e-02_rb, &
10325 1.291534e-02_rb,1.251743e-02_rb,1.214029e-02_rb,1.178265e-02_rb,1.144337e-02_rb, &
10326 1.112148e-02_rb,1.081609e-02_rb,1.052642e-02_rb,1.025178e-02_rb,9.991540e-03_rb, &
10327 9.745130e-03_rb,9.512038e-03_rb,9.291797e-03_rb,9.083980e-03_rb,8.888195e-03_rb, &
10328 8.704081e-03_rb,8.531306e-03_rb,8.369560e-03_rb,8.218558e-03_rb,8.078032e-03_rb, &
10330 absice3(:,13) = (/ &
10332 1.560311e-01_rb,9.961097e-02_rb,7.502949e-02_rb,6.115022e-02_rb,5.214952e-02_rb, &
10333 4.578149e-02_rb,4.099731e-02_rb,3.724174e-02_rb,3.419343e-02_rb,3.165356e-02_rb, &
10334 2.949251e-02_rb,2.762222e-02_rb,2.598073e-02_rb,2.452322e-02_rb,2.321642e-02_rb, &
10335 2.203516e-02_rb,2.096002e-02_rb,1.997579e-02_rb,1.907036e-02_rb,1.823401e-02_rb, &
10336 1.745879e-02_rb,1.673819e-02_rb,1.606678e-02_rb,1.544003e-02_rb,1.485411e-02_rb, &
10337 1.430574e-02_rb,1.379215e-02_rb,1.331092e-02_rb,1.285996e-02_rb,1.243746e-02_rb, &
10338 1.204183e-02_rb,1.167164e-02_rb,1.132567e-02_rb,1.100281e-02_rb,1.070207e-02_rb, &
10339 1.042258e-02_rb,1.016352e-02_rb,9.924197e-03_rb,9.703953e-03_rb,9.502199e-03_rb, &
10340 9.318400e-03_rb,9.152066e-03_rb,9.002749e-03_rb,8.870038e-03_rb,8.753555e-03_rb, &
10342 absice3(:,14) = (/ &
10344 1.559547e-01_rb,9.896700e-02_rb,7.441231e-02_rb,6.061469e-02_rb,5.168730e-02_rb, &
10345 4.537821e-02_rb,4.064106e-02_rb,3.692367e-02_rb,3.390714e-02_rb,3.139438e-02_rb, &
10346 2.925702e-02_rb,2.740783e-02_rb,2.578547e-02_rb,2.434552e-02_rb,2.305506e-02_rb, &
10347 2.188910e-02_rb,2.082842e-02_rb,1.985789e-02_rb,1.896553e-02_rb,1.814165e-02_rb, &
10348 1.737839e-02_rb,1.666927e-02_rb,1.600891e-02_rb,1.539279e-02_rb,1.481712e-02_rb, &
10349 1.427865e-02_rb,1.377463e-02_rb,1.330266e-02_rb,1.286068e-02_rb,1.244689e-02_rb, &
10350 1.205973e-02_rb,1.169780e-02_rb,1.135989e-02_rb,1.104492e-02_rb,1.075192e-02_rb, &
10351 1.048004e-02_rb,1.022850e-02_rb,9.996611e-03_rb,9.783753e-03_rb,9.589361e-03_rb, &
10352 9.412924e-03_rb,9.253977e-03_rb,9.112098e-03_rb,8.986903e-03_rb,8.878039e-03_rb, &
10354 absice3(:,15) = (/ &
10356 1.102926e-01_rb,7.176622e-02_rb,5.530316e-02_rb,4.606056e-02_rb,4.006116e-02_rb, &
10357 3.579628e-02_rb,3.256909e-02_rb,3.001360e-02_rb,2.791920e-02_rb,2.615617e-02_rb, &
10358 2.464023e-02_rb,2.331426e-02_rb,2.213817e-02_rb,2.108301e-02_rb,2.012733e-02_rb, &
10359 1.925493e-02_rb,1.845331e-02_rb,1.771269e-02_rb,1.702531e-02_rb,1.638493e-02_rb, &
10360 1.578648e-02_rb,1.522579e-02_rb,1.469940e-02_rb,1.420442e-02_rb,1.373841e-02_rb, &
10361 1.329931e-02_rb,1.288535e-02_rb,1.249502e-02_rb,1.212700e-02_rb,1.178015e-02_rb, &
10362 1.145348e-02_rb,1.114612e-02_rb,1.085730e-02_rb,1.058633e-02_rb,1.033263e-02_rb, &
10363 1.009564e-02_rb,9.874895e-03_rb,9.669960e-03_rb,9.480449e-03_rb,9.306014e-03_rb, &
10364 9.146339e-03_rb,9.001138e-03_rb,8.870154e-03_rb,8.753148e-03_rb,8.649907e-03_rb, &
10366 absice3(:,16) = (/ &
10368 1.688344e-01_rb,1.077072e-01_rb,7.994467e-02_rb,6.403862e-02_rb,5.369850e-02_rb, &
10369 4.641582e-02_rb,4.099331e-02_rb,3.678724e-02_rb,3.342069e-02_rb,3.065831e-02_rb, &
10370 2.834557e-02_rb,2.637680e-02_rb,2.467733e-02_rb,2.319286e-02_rb,2.188299e-02_rb, &
10371 2.071701e-02_rb,1.967121e-02_rb,1.872692e-02_rb,1.786931e-02_rb,1.708641e-02_rb, &
10372 1.636846e-02_rb,1.570743e-02_rb,1.509665e-02_rb,1.453052e-02_rb,1.400433e-02_rb, &
10373 1.351407e-02_rb,1.305631e-02_rb,1.262810e-02_rb,1.222688e-02_rb,1.185044e-02_rb, &
10374 1.149683e-02_rb,1.116436e-02_rb,1.085153e-02_rb,1.055701e-02_rb,1.027961e-02_rb, &
10375 1.001831e-02_rb,9.772141e-03_rb,9.540280e-03_rb,9.321966e-03_rb,9.116517e-03_rb, &
10376 8.923315e-03_rb,8.741803e-03_rb,8.571472e-03_rb,8.411860e-03_rb,8.262543e-03_rb, &
10380 absliq0 = 0.0903614_rb
10382 ! For LIQFLAG = 1. In each band, the absorption
10383 ! coefficients are listed for a range of effective radii from 2.5
10384 ! to 59.5 microns in increments of 1.0 micron.
10385 absliq1(:, 1) = (/ &
10387 1.64047e-03_rb, 6.90533e-02_rb, 7.72017e-02_rb, 7.78054e-02_rb, 7.69523e-02_rb, &
10388 7.58058e-02_rb, 7.46400e-02_rb, 7.35123e-02_rb, 7.24162e-02_rb, 7.13225e-02_rb, &
10389 6.99145e-02_rb, 6.66409e-02_rb, 6.36582e-02_rb, 6.09425e-02_rb, 5.84593e-02_rb, &
10390 5.61743e-02_rb, 5.40571e-02_rb, 5.20812e-02_rb, 5.02245e-02_rb, 4.84680e-02_rb, &
10391 4.67959e-02_rb, 4.51944e-02_rb, 4.36516e-02_rb, 4.21570e-02_rb, 4.07015e-02_rb, &
10392 3.92766e-02_rb, 3.78747e-02_rb, 3.64886e-02_rb, 3.53632e-02_rb, 3.41992e-02_rb, &
10393 3.31016e-02_rb, 3.20643e-02_rb, 3.10817e-02_rb, 3.01490e-02_rb, 2.92620e-02_rb, &
10394 2.84171e-02_rb, 2.76108e-02_rb, 2.68404e-02_rb, 2.61031e-02_rb, 2.53966e-02_rb, &
10395 2.47189e-02_rb, 2.40678e-02_rb, 2.34418e-02_rb, 2.28392e-02_rb, 2.22586e-02_rb, &
10396 2.16986e-02_rb, 2.11580e-02_rb, 2.06356e-02_rb, 2.01305e-02_rb, 1.96417e-02_rb, &
10397 1.91682e-02_rb, 1.87094e-02_rb, 1.82643e-02_rb, 1.78324e-02_rb, 1.74129e-02_rb, &
10398 1.70052e-02_rb, 1.66088e-02_rb, 1.62231e-02_rb/)
10399 absliq1(:, 2) = (/ &
10401 2.19486e-01_rb, 1.80687e-01_rb, 1.59150e-01_rb, 1.44731e-01_rb, 1.33703e-01_rb, &
10402 1.24355e-01_rb, 1.15756e-01_rb, 1.07318e-01_rb, 9.86119e-02_rb, 8.92739e-02_rb, &
10403 8.34911e-02_rb, 7.70773e-02_rb, 7.15240e-02_rb, 6.66615e-02_rb, 6.23641e-02_rb, &
10404 5.85359e-02_rb, 5.51020e-02_rb, 5.20032e-02_rb, 4.91916e-02_rb, 4.66283e-02_rb, &
10405 4.42813e-02_rb, 4.21236e-02_rb, 4.01330e-02_rb, 3.82905e-02_rb, 3.65797e-02_rb, &
10406 3.49869e-02_rb, 3.35002e-02_rb, 3.21090e-02_rb, 3.08957e-02_rb, 2.97601e-02_rb, &
10407 2.86966e-02_rb, 2.76984e-02_rb, 2.67599e-02_rb, 2.58758e-02_rb, 2.50416e-02_rb, &
10408 2.42532e-02_rb, 2.35070e-02_rb, 2.27997e-02_rb, 2.21284e-02_rb, 2.14904e-02_rb, &
10409 2.08834e-02_rb, 2.03051e-02_rb, 1.97536e-02_rb, 1.92271e-02_rb, 1.87239e-02_rb, &
10410 1.82425e-02_rb, 1.77816e-02_rb, 1.73399e-02_rb, 1.69162e-02_rb, 1.65094e-02_rb, &
10411 1.61187e-02_rb, 1.57430e-02_rb, 1.53815e-02_rb, 1.50334e-02_rb, 1.46981e-02_rb, &
10412 1.43748e-02_rb, 1.40628e-02_rb, 1.37617e-02_rb/)
10413 absliq1(:, 3) = (/ &
10415 2.95174e-01_rb, 2.34765e-01_rb, 1.98038e-01_rb, 1.72114e-01_rb, 1.52083e-01_rb, &
10416 1.35654e-01_rb, 1.21613e-01_rb, 1.09252e-01_rb, 9.81263e-02_rb, 8.79448e-02_rb, &
10417 8.12566e-02_rb, 7.44563e-02_rb, 6.86374e-02_rb, 6.36042e-02_rb, 5.92094e-02_rb, &
10418 5.53402e-02_rb, 5.19087e-02_rb, 4.88455e-02_rb, 4.60951e-02_rb, 4.36124e-02_rb, &
10419 4.13607e-02_rb, 3.93096e-02_rb, 3.74338e-02_rb, 3.57119e-02_rb, 3.41261e-02_rb, &
10420 3.26610e-02_rb, 3.13036e-02_rb, 3.00425e-02_rb, 2.88497e-02_rb, 2.78077e-02_rb, &
10421 2.68317e-02_rb, 2.59158e-02_rb, 2.50545e-02_rb, 2.42430e-02_rb, 2.34772e-02_rb, &
10422 2.27533e-02_rb, 2.20679e-02_rb, 2.14181e-02_rb, 2.08011e-02_rb, 2.02145e-02_rb, &
10423 1.96561e-02_rb, 1.91239e-02_rb, 1.86161e-02_rb, 1.81311e-02_rb, 1.76673e-02_rb, &
10424 1.72234e-02_rb, 1.67981e-02_rb, 1.63903e-02_rb, 1.59989e-02_rb, 1.56230e-02_rb, &
10425 1.52615e-02_rb, 1.49138e-02_rb, 1.45791e-02_rb, 1.42565e-02_rb, 1.39455e-02_rb, &
10426 1.36455e-02_rb, 1.33559e-02_rb, 1.30761e-02_rb/)
10427 absliq1(:, 4) = (/ &
10429 3.00925e-01_rb, 2.36949e-01_rb, 1.96947e-01_rb, 1.68692e-01_rb, 1.47190e-01_rb, &
10430 1.29986e-01_rb, 1.15719e-01_rb, 1.03568e-01_rb, 9.30028e-02_rb, 8.36658e-02_rb, &
10431 7.71075e-02_rb, 7.07002e-02_rb, 6.52284e-02_rb, 6.05024e-02_rb, 5.63801e-02_rb, &
10432 5.27534e-02_rb, 4.95384e-02_rb, 4.66690e-02_rb, 4.40925e-02_rb, 4.17664e-02_rb, &
10433 3.96559e-02_rb, 3.77326e-02_rb, 3.59727e-02_rb, 3.43561e-02_rb, 3.28662e-02_rb, &
10434 3.14885e-02_rb, 3.02110e-02_rb, 2.90231e-02_rb, 2.78948e-02_rb, 2.69109e-02_rb, &
10435 2.59884e-02_rb, 2.51217e-02_rb, 2.43058e-02_rb, 2.35364e-02_rb, 2.28096e-02_rb, &
10436 2.21218e-02_rb, 2.14700e-02_rb, 2.08515e-02_rb, 2.02636e-02_rb, 1.97041e-02_rb, &
10437 1.91711e-02_rb, 1.86625e-02_rb, 1.81769e-02_rb, 1.77126e-02_rb, 1.72683e-02_rb, &
10438 1.68426e-02_rb, 1.64344e-02_rb, 1.60427e-02_rb, 1.56664e-02_rb, 1.53046e-02_rb, &
10439 1.49565e-02_rb, 1.46214e-02_rb, 1.42985e-02_rb, 1.39871e-02_rb, 1.36866e-02_rb, &
10440 1.33965e-02_rb, 1.31162e-02_rb, 1.28453e-02_rb/)
10441 absliq1(:, 5) = (/ &
10443 2.64691e-01_rb, 2.12018e-01_rb, 1.78009e-01_rb, 1.53539e-01_rb, 1.34721e-01_rb, &
10444 1.19580e-01_rb, 1.06996e-01_rb, 9.62772e-02_rb, 8.69710e-02_rb, 7.87670e-02_rb, &
10445 7.29272e-02_rb, 6.70920e-02_rb, 6.20977e-02_rb, 5.77732e-02_rb, 5.39910e-02_rb, &
10446 5.06538e-02_rb, 4.76866e-02_rb, 4.50301e-02_rb, 4.26374e-02_rb, 4.04704e-02_rb, &
10447 3.84981e-02_rb, 3.66948e-02_rb, 3.50394e-02_rb, 3.35141e-02_rb, 3.21038e-02_rb, &
10448 3.07957e-02_rb, 2.95788e-02_rb, 2.84438e-02_rb, 2.73790e-02_rb, 2.64390e-02_rb, &
10449 2.55565e-02_rb, 2.47263e-02_rb, 2.39437e-02_rb, 2.32047e-02_rb, 2.25056e-02_rb, &
10450 2.18433e-02_rb, 2.12149e-02_rb, 2.06177e-02_rb, 2.00495e-02_rb, 1.95081e-02_rb, &
10451 1.89917e-02_rb, 1.84984e-02_rb, 1.80269e-02_rb, 1.75755e-02_rb, 1.71431e-02_rb, &
10452 1.67283e-02_rb, 1.63303e-02_rb, 1.59478e-02_rb, 1.55801e-02_rb, 1.52262e-02_rb, &
10453 1.48853e-02_rb, 1.45568e-02_rb, 1.42400e-02_rb, 1.39342e-02_rb, 1.36388e-02_rb, &
10454 1.33533e-02_rb, 1.30773e-02_rb, 1.28102e-02_rb/)
10455 absliq1(:, 6) = (/ &
10457 8.81182e-02_rb, 1.06745e-01_rb, 9.79753e-02_rb, 8.99625e-02_rb, 8.35200e-02_rb, &
10458 7.81899e-02_rb, 7.35939e-02_rb, 6.94696e-02_rb, 6.56266e-02_rb, 6.19148e-02_rb, &
10459 5.83355e-02_rb, 5.49306e-02_rb, 5.19642e-02_rb, 4.93325e-02_rb, 4.69659e-02_rb, &
10460 4.48148e-02_rb, 4.28431e-02_rb, 4.10231e-02_rb, 3.93332e-02_rb, 3.77563e-02_rb, &
10461 3.62785e-02_rb, 3.48882e-02_rb, 3.35758e-02_rb, 3.23333e-02_rb, 3.11536e-02_rb, &
10462 3.00310e-02_rb, 2.89601e-02_rb, 2.79365e-02_rb, 2.70502e-02_rb, 2.62618e-02_rb, &
10463 2.55025e-02_rb, 2.47728e-02_rb, 2.40726e-02_rb, 2.34013e-02_rb, 2.27583e-02_rb, &
10464 2.21422e-02_rb, 2.15522e-02_rb, 2.09869e-02_rb, 2.04453e-02_rb, 1.99260e-02_rb, &
10465 1.94280e-02_rb, 1.89501e-02_rb, 1.84913e-02_rb, 1.80506e-02_rb, 1.76270e-02_rb, &
10466 1.72196e-02_rb, 1.68276e-02_rb, 1.64500e-02_rb, 1.60863e-02_rb, 1.57357e-02_rb, &
10467 1.53975e-02_rb, 1.50710e-02_rb, 1.47558e-02_rb, 1.44511e-02_rb, 1.41566e-02_rb, &
10468 1.38717e-02_rb, 1.35960e-02_rb, 1.33290e-02_rb/)
10469 absliq1(:, 7) = (/ &
10471 4.32174e-02_rb, 7.36078e-02_rb, 6.98340e-02_rb, 6.65231e-02_rb, 6.41948e-02_rb, &
10472 6.23551e-02_rb, 6.06638e-02_rb, 5.88680e-02_rb, 5.67124e-02_rb, 5.38629e-02_rb, &
10473 4.99579e-02_rb, 4.86289e-02_rb, 4.70120e-02_rb, 4.52854e-02_rb, 4.35466e-02_rb, &
10474 4.18480e-02_rb, 4.02169e-02_rb, 3.86658e-02_rb, 3.71992e-02_rb, 3.58168e-02_rb, &
10475 3.45155e-02_rb, 3.32912e-02_rb, 3.21390e-02_rb, 3.10538e-02_rb, 3.00307e-02_rb, &
10476 2.90651e-02_rb, 2.81524e-02_rb, 2.72885e-02_rb, 2.62821e-02_rb, 2.55744e-02_rb, &
10477 2.48799e-02_rb, 2.42029e-02_rb, 2.35460e-02_rb, 2.29108e-02_rb, 2.22981e-02_rb, &
10478 2.17079e-02_rb, 2.11402e-02_rb, 2.05945e-02_rb, 2.00701e-02_rb, 1.95663e-02_rb, &
10479 1.90824e-02_rb, 1.86174e-02_rb, 1.81706e-02_rb, 1.77411e-02_rb, 1.73281e-02_rb, &
10480 1.69307e-02_rb, 1.65483e-02_rb, 1.61801e-02_rb, 1.58254e-02_rb, 1.54835e-02_rb, &
10481 1.51538e-02_rb, 1.48358e-02_rb, 1.45288e-02_rb, 1.42322e-02_rb, 1.39457e-02_rb, &
10482 1.36687e-02_rb, 1.34008e-02_rb, 1.31416e-02_rb/)
10483 absliq1(:, 8) = (/ &
10485 1.41881e-01_rb, 7.15419e-02_rb, 6.30335e-02_rb, 6.11132e-02_rb, 6.01931e-02_rb, &
10486 5.92420e-02_rb, 5.78968e-02_rb, 5.58876e-02_rb, 5.28923e-02_rb, 4.84462e-02_rb, &
10487 4.60839e-02_rb, 4.56013e-02_rb, 4.45410e-02_rb, 4.31866e-02_rb, 4.17026e-02_rb, &
10488 4.01850e-02_rb, 3.86892e-02_rb, 3.72461e-02_rb, 3.58722e-02_rb, 3.45749e-02_rb, &
10489 3.33564e-02_rb, 3.22155e-02_rb, 3.11494e-02_rb, 3.01541e-02_rb, 2.92253e-02_rb, &
10490 2.83584e-02_rb, 2.75488e-02_rb, 2.67925e-02_rb, 2.57692e-02_rb, 2.50704e-02_rb, &
10491 2.43918e-02_rb, 2.37350e-02_rb, 2.31005e-02_rb, 2.24888e-02_rb, 2.18996e-02_rb, &
10492 2.13325e-02_rb, 2.07870e-02_rb, 2.02623e-02_rb, 1.97577e-02_rb, 1.92724e-02_rb, &
10493 1.88056e-02_rb, 1.83564e-02_rb, 1.79241e-02_rb, 1.75079e-02_rb, 1.71070e-02_rb, &
10494 1.67207e-02_rb, 1.63482e-02_rb, 1.59890e-02_rb, 1.56424e-02_rb, 1.53077e-02_rb, &
10495 1.49845e-02_rb, 1.46722e-02_rb, 1.43702e-02_rb, 1.40782e-02_rb, 1.37955e-02_rb, &
10496 1.35219e-02_rb, 1.32569e-02_rb, 1.30000e-02_rb/)
10497 absliq1(:, 9) = (/ &
10499 6.72726e-02_rb, 6.61013e-02_rb, 6.47866e-02_rb, 6.33780e-02_rb, 6.18985e-02_rb, &
10500 6.03335e-02_rb, 5.86136e-02_rb, 5.65876e-02_rb, 5.39839e-02_rb, 5.03536e-02_rb, &
10501 4.71608e-02_rb, 4.63630e-02_rb, 4.50313e-02_rb, 4.34526e-02_rb, 4.17876e-02_rb, &
10502 4.01261e-02_rb, 3.85171e-02_rb, 3.69860e-02_rb, 3.55442e-02_rb, 3.41954e-02_rb, &
10503 3.29384e-02_rb, 3.17693e-02_rb, 3.06832e-02_rb, 2.96745e-02_rb, 2.87374e-02_rb, &
10504 2.78662e-02_rb, 2.70557e-02_rb, 2.63008e-02_rb, 2.52450e-02_rb, 2.45424e-02_rb, &
10505 2.38656e-02_rb, 2.32144e-02_rb, 2.25885e-02_rb, 2.19873e-02_rb, 2.14099e-02_rb, &
10506 2.08554e-02_rb, 2.03230e-02_rb, 1.98116e-02_rb, 1.93203e-02_rb, 1.88482e-02_rb, &
10507 1.83944e-02_rb, 1.79578e-02_rb, 1.75378e-02_rb, 1.71335e-02_rb, 1.67440e-02_rb, &
10508 1.63687e-02_rb, 1.60069e-02_rb, 1.56579e-02_rb, 1.53210e-02_rb, 1.49958e-02_rb, &
10509 1.46815e-02_rb, 1.43778e-02_rb, 1.40841e-02_rb, 1.37999e-02_rb, 1.35249e-02_rb, &
10510 1.32585e-02_rb, 1.30004e-02_rb, 1.27502e-02_rb/)
10511 absliq1(:,10) = (/ &
10513 7.97040e-02_rb, 7.63844e-02_rb, 7.36499e-02_rb, 7.13525e-02_rb, 6.93043e-02_rb, &
10514 6.72807e-02_rb, 6.50227e-02_rb, 6.22395e-02_rb, 5.86093e-02_rb, 5.37815e-02_rb, &
10515 5.14682e-02_rb, 4.97214e-02_rb, 4.77392e-02_rb, 4.56961e-02_rb, 4.36858e-02_rb, &
10516 4.17569e-02_rb, 3.99328e-02_rb, 3.82224e-02_rb, 3.66265e-02_rb, 3.51416e-02_rb, &
10517 3.37617e-02_rb, 3.24798e-02_rb, 3.12887e-02_rb, 3.01812e-02_rb, 2.91505e-02_rb, &
10518 2.81900e-02_rb, 2.72939e-02_rb, 2.64568e-02_rb, 2.54165e-02_rb, 2.46832e-02_rb, &
10519 2.39783e-02_rb, 2.33017e-02_rb, 2.26531e-02_rb, 2.20314e-02_rb, 2.14359e-02_rb, &
10520 2.08653e-02_rb, 2.03187e-02_rb, 1.97947e-02_rb, 1.92924e-02_rb, 1.88106e-02_rb, &
10521 1.83483e-02_rb, 1.79043e-02_rb, 1.74778e-02_rb, 1.70678e-02_rb, 1.66735e-02_rb, &
10522 1.62941e-02_rb, 1.59286e-02_rb, 1.55766e-02_rb, 1.52371e-02_rb, 1.49097e-02_rb, &
10523 1.45937e-02_rb, 1.42885e-02_rb, 1.39936e-02_rb, 1.37085e-02_rb, 1.34327e-02_rb, &
10524 1.31659e-02_rb, 1.29075e-02_rb, 1.26571e-02_rb/)
10525 absliq1(:,11) = (/ &
10527 1.49438e-01_rb, 1.33535e-01_rb, 1.21542e-01_rb, 1.11743e-01_rb, 1.03263e-01_rb, &
10528 9.55774e-02_rb, 8.83382e-02_rb, 8.12943e-02_rb, 7.42533e-02_rb, 6.70609e-02_rb, &
10529 6.38761e-02_rb, 5.97788e-02_rb, 5.59841e-02_rb, 5.25318e-02_rb, 4.94132e-02_rb, &
10530 4.66014e-02_rb, 4.40644e-02_rb, 4.17706e-02_rb, 3.96910e-02_rb, 3.77998e-02_rb, &
10531 3.60742e-02_rb, 3.44947e-02_rb, 3.30442e-02_rb, 3.17079e-02_rb, 3.04730e-02_rb, &
10532 2.93283e-02_rb, 2.82642e-02_rb, 2.72720e-02_rb, 2.61789e-02_rb, 2.53277e-02_rb, &
10533 2.45237e-02_rb, 2.37635e-02_rb, 2.30438e-02_rb, 2.23615e-02_rb, 2.17140e-02_rb, &
10534 2.10987e-02_rb, 2.05133e-02_rb, 1.99557e-02_rb, 1.94241e-02_rb, 1.89166e-02_rb, &
10535 1.84317e-02_rb, 1.79679e-02_rb, 1.75238e-02_rb, 1.70983e-02_rb, 1.66901e-02_rb, &
10536 1.62983e-02_rb, 1.59219e-02_rb, 1.55599e-02_rb, 1.52115e-02_rb, 1.48761e-02_rb, &
10537 1.45528e-02_rb, 1.42411e-02_rb, 1.39402e-02_rb, 1.36497e-02_rb, 1.33690e-02_rb, &
10538 1.30976e-02_rb, 1.28351e-02_rb, 1.25810e-02_rb/)
10539 absliq1(:,12) = (/ &
10541 3.71985e-02_rb, 3.88586e-02_rb, 3.99070e-02_rb, 4.04351e-02_rb, 4.04610e-02_rb, &
10542 3.99834e-02_rb, 3.89953e-02_rb, 3.74886e-02_rb, 3.54551e-02_rb, 3.28870e-02_rb, &
10543 3.32576e-02_rb, 3.22444e-02_rb, 3.12384e-02_rb, 3.02584e-02_rb, 2.93146e-02_rb, &
10544 2.84120e-02_rb, 2.75525e-02_rb, 2.67361e-02_rb, 2.59618e-02_rb, 2.52280e-02_rb, &
10545 2.45327e-02_rb, 2.38736e-02_rb, 2.32487e-02_rb, 2.26558e-02_rb, 2.20929e-02_rb, &
10546 2.15579e-02_rb, 2.10491e-02_rb, 2.05648e-02_rb, 1.99749e-02_rb, 1.95704e-02_rb, &
10547 1.91731e-02_rb, 1.87839e-02_rb, 1.84032e-02_rb, 1.80315e-02_rb, 1.76689e-02_rb, &
10548 1.73155e-02_rb, 1.69712e-02_rb, 1.66362e-02_rb, 1.63101e-02_rb, 1.59928e-02_rb, &
10549 1.56842e-02_rb, 1.53840e-02_rb, 1.50920e-02_rb, 1.48080e-02_rb, 1.45318e-02_rb, &
10550 1.42631e-02_rb, 1.40016e-02_rb, 1.37472e-02_rb, 1.34996e-02_rb, 1.32586e-02_rb, &
10551 1.30239e-02_rb, 1.27954e-02_rb, 1.25728e-02_rb, 1.23559e-02_rb, 1.21445e-02_rb, &
10552 1.19385e-02_rb, 1.17376e-02_rb, 1.15417e-02_rb/)
10553 absliq1(:,13) = (/ &
10555 3.11868e-02_rb, 4.48357e-02_rb, 4.90224e-02_rb, 4.96406e-02_rb, 4.86806e-02_rb, &
10556 4.69610e-02_rb, 4.48630e-02_rb, 4.25795e-02_rb, 4.02138e-02_rb, 3.78236e-02_rb, &
10557 3.74266e-02_rb, 3.60384e-02_rb, 3.47074e-02_rb, 3.34434e-02_rb, 3.22499e-02_rb, &
10558 3.11264e-02_rb, 3.00704e-02_rb, 2.90784e-02_rb, 2.81463e-02_rb, 2.72702e-02_rb, &
10559 2.64460e-02_rb, 2.56698e-02_rb, 2.49381e-02_rb, 2.42475e-02_rb, 2.35948e-02_rb, &
10560 2.29774e-02_rb, 2.23925e-02_rb, 2.18379e-02_rb, 2.11793e-02_rb, 2.07076e-02_rb, &
10561 2.02470e-02_rb, 1.97981e-02_rb, 1.93613e-02_rb, 1.89367e-02_rb, 1.85243e-02_rb, &
10562 1.81240e-02_rb, 1.77356e-02_rb, 1.73588e-02_rb, 1.69935e-02_rb, 1.66392e-02_rb, &
10563 1.62956e-02_rb, 1.59624e-02_rb, 1.56393e-02_rb, 1.53259e-02_rb, 1.50219e-02_rb, &
10564 1.47268e-02_rb, 1.44404e-02_rb, 1.41624e-02_rb, 1.38925e-02_rb, 1.36302e-02_rb, &
10565 1.33755e-02_rb, 1.31278e-02_rb, 1.28871e-02_rb, 1.26530e-02_rb, 1.24253e-02_rb, &
10566 1.22038e-02_rb, 1.19881e-02_rb, 1.17782e-02_rb/)
10567 absliq1(:,14) = (/ &
10569 1.58988e-02_rb, 3.50652e-02_rb, 4.00851e-02_rb, 4.07270e-02_rb, 3.98101e-02_rb, &
10570 3.83306e-02_rb, 3.66829e-02_rb, 3.50327e-02_rb, 3.34497e-02_rb, 3.19609e-02_rb, &
10571 3.13712e-02_rb, 3.03348e-02_rb, 2.93415e-02_rb, 2.83973e-02_rb, 2.75037e-02_rb, &
10572 2.66604e-02_rb, 2.58654e-02_rb, 2.51161e-02_rb, 2.44100e-02_rb, 2.37440e-02_rb, &
10573 2.31154e-02_rb, 2.25215e-02_rb, 2.19599e-02_rb, 2.14282e-02_rb, 2.09242e-02_rb, &
10574 2.04459e-02_rb, 1.99915e-02_rb, 1.95594e-02_rb, 1.90254e-02_rb, 1.86598e-02_rb, &
10575 1.82996e-02_rb, 1.79455e-02_rb, 1.75983e-02_rb, 1.72584e-02_rb, 1.69260e-02_rb, &
10576 1.66013e-02_rb, 1.62843e-02_rb, 1.59752e-02_rb, 1.56737e-02_rb, 1.53799e-02_rb, &
10577 1.50936e-02_rb, 1.48146e-02_rb, 1.45429e-02_rb, 1.42782e-02_rb, 1.40203e-02_rb, &
10578 1.37691e-02_rb, 1.35243e-02_rb, 1.32858e-02_rb, 1.30534e-02_rb, 1.28270e-02_rb, &
10579 1.26062e-02_rb, 1.23909e-02_rb, 1.21810e-02_rb, 1.19763e-02_rb, 1.17766e-02_rb, &
10580 1.15817e-02_rb, 1.13915e-02_rb, 1.12058e-02_rb/)
10581 absliq1(:,15) = (/ &
10583 5.02079e-03_rb, 2.17615e-02_rb, 2.55449e-02_rb, 2.59484e-02_rb, 2.53650e-02_rb, &
10584 2.45281e-02_rb, 2.36843e-02_rb, 2.29159e-02_rb, 2.22451e-02_rb, 2.16716e-02_rb, &
10585 2.11451e-02_rb, 2.05817e-02_rb, 2.00454e-02_rb, 1.95372e-02_rb, 1.90567e-02_rb, &
10586 1.86028e-02_rb, 1.81742e-02_rb, 1.77693e-02_rb, 1.73866e-02_rb, 1.70244e-02_rb, &
10587 1.66815e-02_rb, 1.63563e-02_rb, 1.60477e-02_rb, 1.57544e-02_rb, 1.54755e-02_rb, &
10588 1.52097e-02_rb, 1.49564e-02_rb, 1.47146e-02_rb, 1.43684e-02_rb, 1.41728e-02_rb, &
10589 1.39762e-02_rb, 1.37797e-02_rb, 1.35838e-02_rb, 1.33891e-02_rb, 1.31961e-02_rb, &
10590 1.30051e-02_rb, 1.28164e-02_rb, 1.26302e-02_rb, 1.24466e-02_rb, 1.22659e-02_rb, &
10591 1.20881e-02_rb, 1.19131e-02_rb, 1.17412e-02_rb, 1.15723e-02_rb, 1.14063e-02_rb, &
10592 1.12434e-02_rb, 1.10834e-02_rb, 1.09264e-02_rb, 1.07722e-02_rb, 1.06210e-02_rb, &
10593 1.04725e-02_rb, 1.03269e-02_rb, 1.01839e-02_rb, 1.00436e-02_rb, 9.90593e-03_rb, &
10594 9.77080e-03_rb, 9.63818e-03_rb, 9.50800e-03_rb/)
10595 absliq1(:,16) = (/ &
10597 5.64971e-02_rb, 9.04736e-02_rb, 8.11726e-02_rb, 7.05450e-02_rb, 6.20052e-02_rb, &
10598 5.54286e-02_rb, 5.03503e-02_rb, 4.63791e-02_rb, 4.32290e-02_rb, 4.06959e-02_rb, &
10599 3.74690e-02_rb, 3.52964e-02_rb, 3.33799e-02_rb, 3.16774e-02_rb, 3.01550e-02_rb, &
10600 2.87856e-02_rb, 2.75474e-02_rb, 2.64223e-02_rb, 2.53953e-02_rb, 2.44542e-02_rb, &
10601 2.35885e-02_rb, 2.27894e-02_rb, 2.20494e-02_rb, 2.13622e-02_rb, 2.07222e-02_rb, &
10602 2.01246e-02_rb, 1.95654e-02_rb, 1.90408e-02_rb, 1.84398e-02_rb, 1.80021e-02_rb, &
10603 1.75816e-02_rb, 1.71775e-02_rb, 1.67889e-02_rb, 1.64152e-02_rb, 1.60554e-02_rb, &
10604 1.57089e-02_rb, 1.53751e-02_rb, 1.50531e-02_rb, 1.47426e-02_rb, 1.44428e-02_rb, &
10605 1.41532e-02_rb, 1.38734e-02_rb, 1.36028e-02_rb, 1.33410e-02_rb, 1.30875e-02_rb, &
10606 1.28420e-02_rb, 1.26041e-02_rb, 1.23735e-02_rb, 1.21497e-02_rb, 1.19325e-02_rb, &
10607 1.17216e-02_rb, 1.15168e-02_rb, 1.13177e-02_rb, 1.11241e-02_rb, 1.09358e-02_rb, &
10608 1.07525e-02_rb, 1.05741e-02_rb, 1.04003e-02_rb/)
10610 end subroutine lwcldpr
10612 end module rrtmg_lw_init
10614 ! path: $Source: /cvsroot/NWP/WRFV3/phys/module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F,v $
10615 ! author: $Author: trn $
10616 ! revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
10617 ! created: $Date: 2009/04/16 19:54:22 $
10619 module rrtmg_lw_rad
10621 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10623 ! | Copyright 2002-2008, Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER). |
10624 ! | This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is |
10625 ! | not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. |
10626 ! | This model is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. |
10627 ! | (http://www.rtweb.aer.com/) |
10629 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10631 ! ****************************************************************************
10637 ! * a rapid radiative transfer model *
10638 ! * for the longwave region *
10639 ! * for application to general circulation models *
10642 ! * Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. *
10643 ! * 131 Hartwell Avenue *
10644 ! * Lexington, MA 02421 *
10647 ! * Eli J. Mlawer *
10648 ! * Jennifer S. Delamere *
10649 ! * Michael J. Iacono *
10650 ! * Shepard A. Clough *
10657 ! * email: miacono@aer.com *
10658 ! * email: emlawer@aer.com *
10659 ! * email: jdelamer@aer.com *
10661 ! * The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the *
10662 ! * following people: Steven J. Taubman, Karen Cady-Pereira, *
10663 ! * Patrick D. Brown, Ronald E. Farren, Luke Chen, Robert Bergstrom. *
10665 ! ****************************************************************************
10667 ! -------- Modules --------
10668 use parkind, only : im => kind_im, rb => kind_rb
10670 use mcica_subcol_gen_lw, only: mcica_subcol_lw
10671 use rrtmg_lw_cldprmc, only: cldprmc
10672 ! *** Move the required call to rrtmg_lw_ini below and the following
10673 ! use association to the GCM initialization area ***
10674 ! use rrtmg_lw_init, only: rrtmg_lw_ini
10675 use rrtmg_lw_rtrnmc, only: rtrnmc
10676 use rrtmg_lw_setcoef, only: setcoef
10677 use rrtmg_lw_taumol, only: taumol
10681 ! public interfaces/functions/subroutines
10682 public :: rrtmg_lw, inatm
10684 !------------------------------------------------------------------
10686 !------------------------------------------------------------------
10688 !------------------------------------------------------------------
10689 ! Public subroutines
10690 !------------------------------------------------------------------
10692 subroutine rrtmg_lw &
10693 (ncol ,nlay ,icld , &
10694 play ,plev ,tlay ,tlev ,tsfc , &
10695 h2ovmr ,o3vmr ,co2vmr ,ch4vmr ,n2ovmr ,o2vmr , &
10696 cfc11vmr,cfc12vmr,cfc22vmr,ccl4vmr ,emis , &
10697 inflglw ,iceflglw,liqflglw,cldfmcl , &
10698 taucmcl ,ciwpmcl ,clwpmcl , cswpmcl ,reicmcl ,relqmcl , resnmcl , &
10700 uflx ,dflx ,hr ,uflxc ,dflxc, hrc, &
10701 uflxcln ,dflxcln, calc_clean_atm_diag )
10703 ! -------- Description --------
10705 ! This program is the driver subroutine for RRTMG_LW, the AER LW radiation
10706 ! model for application to GCMs, that has been adapted from RRTM_LW for
10707 ! improved efficiency.
10709 ! NOTE: The call to RRTMG_LW_INI should be moved to the GCM initialization
10710 ! area, since this has to be called only once.
10713 ! a) calls INATM to read in the atmospheric profile from GCM;
10714 ! all layering in RRTMG is ordered from surface to toa.
10715 ! b) calls CLDPRMC to set cloud optical depth for McICA based
10716 ! on input cloud properties
10717 ! c) calls SETCOEF to calculate various quantities needed for
10718 ! the radiative transfer algorithm
10719 ! d) calls TAUMOL to calculate gaseous optical depths for each
10720 ! of the 16 spectral bands
10721 ! e) calls RTRNMC (for both clear and cloudy profiles) to perform the
10722 ! radiative transfer calculation using McICA, the Monte-Carlo
10723 ! Independent Column Approximation, to represent sub-grid scale
10724 ! cloud variability
10725 ! f) passes the necessary fluxes and cooling rates back to GCM
10727 ! Two modes of operation are possible:
10728 ! The mode is chosen by using either rrtmg_lw.nomcica.f90 (to not use
10729 ! McICA) or rrtmg_lw.f90 (to use McICA) to interface with a GCM.
10731 ! 1) Standard, single forward model calculation (imca = 0)
10732 ! 2) Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation (McICA, Pincus et al.,
10733 ! JC, 2003) method is applied to the forward model calculation (imca = 1)
10735 ! This call to RRTMG_LW must be preceeded by a call to the module
10736 ! mcica_subcol_gen_lw.f90 to run the McICA sub-column cloud generator,
10737 ! which will provide the cloud physical or cloud optical properties
10738 ! on the RRTMG quadrature point (ngpt) dimension.
10739 ! Two random number generators are available for use when imca = 1.
10740 ! This is chosen by setting flag irnd on input to mcica_subcol_gen_lw.
10741 ! 1) KISSVEC (irnd = 0)
10742 ! 2) Mersenne-Twister (irnd = 1)
10744 ! Two methods of cloud property input are possible:
10745 ! Cloud properties can be input in one of two ways (controlled by input
10746 ! flags inflglw, iceflglw, and liqflglw; see text file rrtmg_lw_instructions
10747 ! and subroutine rrtmg_lw_cldprop.f90 for further details):
10749 ! 1) Input cloud fraction and cloud optical depth directly (inflglw = 0)
10750 ! 2) Input cloud fraction and cloud physical properties (inflglw = 1 or 2);
10751 ! cloud optical properties are calculated by cldprop or cldprmc based
10752 ! on input settings of iceflglw and liqflglw. Ice particle size provided
10753 ! must be appropriately defined for the ice parameterization selected.
10755 ! One method of aerosol property input is possible:
10756 ! Aerosol properties can be input in only one way (controlled by input
10757 ! flag iaer; see text file rrtmg_lw_instructions for further details):
10759 ! 1) Input aerosol optical depth directly by layer and spectral band (iaer=10);
10760 ! band average optical depth at the mid-point of each spectral band.
10761 ! RRTMG_LW currently treats only aerosol absorption;
10762 ! scattering capability is not presently available.
10765 ! ------- Modifications -------
10767 ! This version of RRTMG_LW has been modified from RRTM_LW to use a reduced
10768 ! set of g-points for application to GCMs.
10770 !-- Original version (derived from RRTM_LW), reduction of g-points, other
10771 ! revisions for use with GCMs.
10772 ! 1999: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10773 !-- Adapted for use with NCAR/CAM.
10774 ! May 2004: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10775 !-- Revised to add McICA capability.
10776 ! Nov 2005: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10777 !-- Conversion to F90 formatting for consistency with rrtmg_sw.
10778 ! Feb 2007: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10779 !-- Modifications to formatting to use assumed-shape arrays.
10780 ! Aug 2007: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10781 !-- Modified to add longwave aerosol absorption.
10782 ! Apr 2008: M. J. Iacono, AER, Inc.
10784 ! --------- Modules ----------
10786 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, ngptlw, maxxsec, mxmol
10787 use rrlw_con, only: fluxfac, heatfac, oneminus, pi
10788 use rrlw_wvn, only: ng, ngb, nspa, nspb, wavenum1, wavenum2, delwave
10790 ! ------- Declarations -------
10792 ! ----- Input -----
10793 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of horizontal columns
10794 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlay ! Number of model layers
10795 integer(kind=im), intent(inout) :: icld ! Cloud overlap method
10798 ! 2: Maximum/random
10801 ! 5: Exponential/random
10802 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: play(:,:) ! Layer pressures (hPa, mb)
10803 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10804 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: plev(:,:) ! Interface pressures (hPa, mb)
10805 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10806 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tlay(:,:) ! Layer temperatures (K)
10807 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10808 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tlev(:,:) ! Interface temperatures (K)
10809 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10810 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tsfc(:) ! Surface temperature (K)
10811 ! Dimensions: (ncol)
10812 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: h2ovmr(:,:) ! H2O volume mixing ratio
10813 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10814 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: o3vmr(:,:) ! O3 volume mixing ratio
10815 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10816 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: co2vmr(:,:) ! CO2 volume mixing ratio
10817 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10818 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ch4vmr(:,:) ! Methane volume mixing ratio
10819 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10820 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: n2ovmr(:,:) ! Nitrous oxide volume mixing ratio
10821 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10822 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: o2vmr(:,:) ! Oxygen volume mixing ratio
10823 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10824 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc11vmr(:,:) ! CFC11 volume mixing ratio
10825 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10826 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc12vmr(:,:) ! CFC12 volume mixing ratio
10827 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10828 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc22vmr(:,:) ! CFC22 volume mixing ratio
10829 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10830 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ccl4vmr(:,:) ! CCL4 volume mixing ratio
10831 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10832 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: emis(:,:) ! Surface emissivity
10833 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nbndlw)
10835 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: inflglw ! Flag for cloud optical properties
10836 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iceflglw ! Flag for ice particle specification
10837 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: liqflglw ! Flag for liquid droplet specification
10839 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cldfmcl(:,:,:) ! Cloud fraction
10840 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10841 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ciwpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud ice water path (g/m2)
10842 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10843 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: clwpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud liquid water path (g/m2)
10844 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10845 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cswpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud snow water path (g/m2)
10846 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10847 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: reicmcl(:,:) ! Cloud ice particle effective size (microns)
10848 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10849 ! specific definition of reicmcl depends on setting of iceflglw:
10850 ! iceflglw = 0: ice effective radius, r_ec, (Ebert and Curry, 1992),
10851 ! r_ec must be >= 10.0 microns
10852 ! iceflglw = 1: ice effective radius, r_ec, (Ebert and Curry, 1992),
10853 ! r_ec range is limited to 13.0 to 130.0 microns
10854 ! iceflglw = 2: ice effective radius, r_k, (Key, Streamer Ref. Manual, 1996)
10855 ! r_k range is limited to 5.0 to 131.0 microns
10856 ! iceflglw = 3: generalized effective size, dge, (Fu, 1996),
10857 ! dge range is limited to 5.0 to 140.0 microns
10858 ! [dge = 1.0315 * r_ec]
10859 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: relqmcl(:,:) ! Cloud water drop effective radius (microns)
10860 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10861 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: resnmcl(:,:) ! Snow effective radius (microns)
10862 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10863 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: taucmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud optical depth
10864 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10865 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ssacmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud single scattering albedo
10866 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10867 ! for future expansion
10868 ! lw scattering not yet available
10869 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: asmcmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud asymmetry parameter
10870 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
10871 ! for future expansion
10872 ! lw scattering not yet available
10873 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tauaer(:,:,:) ! aerosol optical depth
10874 ! at mid-point of LW spectral bands
10875 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay,nbndlw)
10876 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ssaaer(:,:,:) ! aerosol single scattering albedo
10877 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay,nbndlw)
10878 ! for future expansion
10879 ! (lw aerosols/scattering not yet available)
10880 ! real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: asmaer(:,:,:) ! aerosol asymmetry parameter
10881 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay,nbndlw)
10882 ! for future expansion
10883 ! (lw aerosols/scattering not yet available)
10884 integer, intent(in) :: calc_clean_atm_diag ! Control for clean air diagnositic calls for WRF-Chem
10886 ! ----- Output -----
10888 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: uflx(:,:) ! Total sky longwave upward flux (W/m2)
10889 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10890 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: dflx(:,:) ! Total sky longwave downward flux (W/m2)
10891 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10892 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: hr(:,:) ! Total sky longwave radiative heating rate (K/d)
10893 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10894 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: uflxc(:,:) ! Clear sky longwave upward flux (W/m2)
10895 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10896 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: dflxc(:,:) ! Clear sky longwave downward flux (W/m2)
10897 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10898 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: hrc(:,:) ! Clear sky longwave radiative heating rate (K/d)
10899 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
10900 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: uflxcln(:,:) ! Clean sky longwave upward flux (W/m2)
10901 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10902 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: dflxcln(:,:) ! Clean sky longwave downward flux (W/m2)
10903 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
10905 ! ----- Local -----
10908 integer(kind=im) :: nlayers ! total number of layers
10909 integer(kind=im) :: istart ! beginning band of calculation
10910 integer(kind=im) :: iend ! ending band of calculation
10911 integer(kind=im) :: iout ! output option flag (inactive)
10912 integer(kind=im) :: iaer ! aerosol option flag
10913 integer(kind=im) :: iplon ! column loop index
10914 integer(kind=im) :: imca ! flag for mcica [0=off, 1=on]
10915 integer(kind=im) :: ims ! value for changing mcica permute seed
10916 integer(kind=im) :: k ! layer loop index
10917 integer(kind=im) :: ig ! g-point loop index
10920 real(kind=rb) :: pavel(nlay+1) ! layer pressures (mb)
10921 real(kind=rb) :: tavel(nlay+1) ! layer temperatures (K)
10922 real(kind=rb) :: pz(0:nlay+1) ! level (interface) pressures (hPa, mb)
10923 real(kind=rb) :: tz(0:nlay+1) ! level (interface) temperatures (K)
10924 real(kind=rb) :: tbound ! surface temperature (K)
10925 real(kind=rb) :: coldry(nlay+1) ! dry air column density (mol/cm2)
10926 real(kind=rb) :: wbrodl(nlay+1) ! broadening gas column density (mol/cm2)
10927 real(kind=rb) :: wkl(mxmol,nlay+1) ! molecular amounts (mol/cm-2)
10928 real(kind=rb) :: wx(maxxsec,nlay+1) ! cross-section amounts (mol/cm-2)
10929 real(kind=rb) :: pwvcm ! precipitable water vapor (cm)
10930 real(kind=rb) :: semiss(nbndlw) ! lw surface emissivity
10931 real(kind=rb) :: fracs(nlay+1,ngptlw) !
10932 real(kind=rb) :: taug(nlay+1,ngptlw) ! gaseous optical depths
10933 real(kind=rb) :: taut(nlay+1,ngptlw) ! gaseous + aerosol optical depths
10935 real(kind=rb) :: taua(nlay+1,nbndlw) ! aerosol optical depth
10936 ! real(kind=rb) :: ssaa(nlay+1,nbndlw) ! aerosol single scattering albedo
10937 ! for future expansion
10938 ! (lw aerosols/scattering not yet available)
10939 ! real(kind=rb) :: asma(nlay+1,nbndlw) ! aerosol asymmetry parameter
10940 ! for future expansion
10941 ! (lw aerosols/scattering not yet available)
10943 ! Atmosphere - setcoef
10944 integer(kind=im) :: laytrop ! tropopause layer index
10945 integer(kind=im) :: jp(nlay+1) ! lookup table index
10946 integer(kind=im) :: jt(nlay+1) ! lookup table index
10947 integer(kind=im) :: jt1(nlay+1) ! lookup table index
10948 real(kind=rb) :: planklay(nlay+1,nbndlw)!
10949 real(kind=rb) :: planklev(0:nlay+1,nbndlw)!
10950 real(kind=rb) :: plankbnd(nbndlw) !
10952 real(kind=rb) :: colh2o(nlay+1) ! column amount (h2o)
10953 real(kind=rb) :: colco2(nlay+1) ! column amount (co2)
10954 real(kind=rb) :: colo3(nlay+1) ! column amount (o3)
10955 real(kind=rb) :: coln2o(nlay+1) ! column amount (n2o)
10956 real(kind=rb) :: colco(nlay+1) ! column amount (co)
10957 real(kind=rb) :: colch4(nlay+1) ! column amount (ch4)
10958 real(kind=rb) :: colo2(nlay+1) ! column amount (o2)
10959 real(kind=rb) :: colbrd(nlay+1) ! column amount (broadening gases)
10961 integer(kind=im) :: indself(nlay+1)
10962 integer(kind=im) :: indfor(nlay+1)
10963 real(kind=rb) :: selffac(nlay+1)
10964 real(kind=rb) :: selffrac(nlay+1)
10965 real(kind=rb) :: forfac(nlay+1)
10966 real(kind=rb) :: forfrac(nlay+1)
10968 integer(kind=im) :: indminor(nlay+1)
10969 real(kind=rb) :: minorfrac(nlay+1)
10970 real(kind=rb) :: scaleminor(nlay+1)
10971 real(kind=rb) :: scaleminorn2(nlay+1)
10973 real(kind=rb) :: & !
10974 fac00(nlay+1), fac01(nlay+1), &
10975 fac10(nlay+1), fac11(nlay+1)
10976 real(kind=rb) :: & !
10977 rat_h2oco2(nlay+1),rat_h2oco2_1(nlay+1), &
10978 rat_h2oo3(nlay+1),rat_h2oo3_1(nlay+1), &
10979 rat_h2on2o(nlay+1),rat_h2on2o_1(nlay+1), &
10980 rat_h2och4(nlay+1),rat_h2och4_1(nlay+1), &
10981 rat_n2oco2(nlay+1),rat_n2oco2_1(nlay+1), &
10982 rat_o3co2(nlay+1),rat_o3co2_1(nlay+1)
10984 ! Atmosphere/clouds - cldprop
10985 integer(kind=im) :: ncbands ! number of cloud spectral bands
10986 integer(kind=im) :: inflag ! flag for cloud property method
10987 integer(kind=im) :: iceflag ! flag for ice cloud properties
10988 integer(kind=im) :: liqflag ! flag for liquid cloud properties
10990 ! Atmosphere/clouds - cldprmc [mcica]
10991 real(kind=rb) :: cldfmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! cloud fraction [mcica]
10992 real(kind=rb) :: ciwpmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud ice water path [mcica]
10993 real(kind=rb) :: clwpmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud liquid water path [mcica]
10994 real(kind=rb) :: cswpmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud snow path [mcica]
10995 real(kind=rb) :: relqmc(nlay+1) ! liquid particle effective radius (microns)
10996 real(kind=rb) :: reicmc(nlay+1) ! ice particle effective size (microns)
10997 real(kind=rb) :: resnmc(nlay+1) ! snow particle effective size (microns)
10998 real(kind=rb) :: taucmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud optical depth [mcica]
10999 ! real(kind=rb) :: ssacmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud single scattering albedo [mcica]
11000 ! for future expansion
11001 ! (lw scattering not yet available)
11002 ! real(kind=rb) :: asmcmc(ngptlw,nlay+1) ! in-cloud asymmetry parameter [mcica]
11003 ! for future expansion
11004 ! (lw scattering not yet available)
11007 real(kind=rb) :: totuflux(0:nlay+1) ! upward longwave flux (w/m2)
11008 real(kind=rb) :: totdflux(0:nlay+1) ! downward longwave flux (w/m2)
11009 real(kind=rb) :: fnet(0:nlay+1) ! net longwave flux (w/m2)
11010 real(kind=rb) :: htr(0:nlay+1) ! longwave heating rate (k/day)
11011 real(kind=rb) :: totuclfl(0:nlay+1) ! clear sky upward longwave flux (w/m2)
11012 real(kind=rb) :: totdclfl(0:nlay+1) ! clear sky downward longwave flux (w/m2)
11013 real(kind=rb) :: fnetc(0:nlay+1) ! clear sky net longwave flux (w/m2)
11014 real(kind=rb) :: htrc(0:nlay+1) ! clear sky longwave heating rate (k/day)
11015 real(kind=rb) :: totuclnlfl(0:nlay+1) ! clean sky upward longwave flux (w/m2)
11016 real(kind=rb) :: totdclnlfl(0:nlay+1) ! clean sky downward longwave flux (w/m2)
11017 real(kind=rb) :: fnetcln(0:nlay+1) ! clean sky net longwave flux (w/m2)
11018 real(kind=rb) :: htrcln(0:nlay+1) ! clean sky longwave heating rate (k/day)
11023 !jm not thread safe oneminus = 1._rb - 1.e-6_rb
11024 !jm not thread safe pi = 2._rb * asin(1._rb)
11025 !jm not thread safe fluxfac = pi * 2.e4_rb ! orig: fluxfac = pi * 2.d4
11031 ! Set imca to select calculation type:
11032 ! imca = 0, use standard forward model calculation
11033 ! imca = 1, use McICA for Monte Carlo treatment of sub-grid cloud variability
11035 ! *** This version uses McICA (imca = 1) ***
11037 ! Set icld to select of clear or cloud calculation and cloud overlap method
11038 ! icld = 0, clear only
11039 ! icld = 1, with clouds using random cloud overlap
11040 ! icld = 2, with clouds using maximum/random cloud overlap
11041 ! icld = 3, with clouds using maximum cloud overlap (McICA only)
11042 ! icld = 4, with clouds using exponential cloud overlap (McICA only)
11043 ! icld = 5, with clouds using exponential/random cloud overlap (McICA only)
11045 ! Set iaer to select aerosol option
11046 ! iaer = 0, no aerosols
11047 ! icld = 10, input total aerosol optical depth (tauaer) directly
11050 ! Call model and data initialization, compute lookup tables, perform
11051 ! reduction of g-points from 256 to 140 for input absorption coefficient
11052 ! data and other arrays.
11054 ! In a GCM this call should be placed in the model initialization
11055 ! area, since this has to be called only once.
11056 ! call rrtmg_lw_ini(cpdair)
11058 ! This is the main longitude/column loop within RRTMG.
11061 ! Prepare atmospheric profile from GCM for use in RRTMG, and define
11062 ! other input parameters.
11064 call inatm (iplon, nlay, icld, iaer, &
11065 play, plev, tlay, tlev, tsfc, h2ovmr, &
11066 o3vmr, co2vmr, ch4vmr, n2ovmr, o2vmr, cfc11vmr, cfc12vmr, &
11067 cfc22vmr, ccl4vmr, emis, inflglw, iceflglw, liqflglw, &
11068 cldfmcl, taucmcl, ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, cswpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl, resnmcl, tauaer, &
11069 nlayers, pavel, pz, tavel, tz, tbound, semiss, coldry, &
11070 wkl, wbrodl, wx, pwvcm, inflag, iceflag, liqflag, &
11071 cldfmc, taucmc, ciwpmc, clwpmc, cswpmc, reicmc, relqmc, resnmc, taua)
11073 ! For cloudy atmosphere, use cldprop to set cloud optical properties based on
11074 ! input cloud physical properties. Select method based on choices described
11075 ! in cldprop. Cloud fraction, water path, liquid droplet and ice particle
11076 ! effective radius must be passed into cldprop. Cloud fraction and cloud
11077 ! optical depth are transferred to rrtmg_lw arrays in cldprop.
11079 call cldprmc(nlayers, inflag, iceflag, liqflag, cldfmc, ciwpmc, &
11080 clwpmc, cswpmc, reicmc, relqmc, resnmc, ncbands, taucmc)
11082 ! Calculate information needed by the radiative transfer routine
11083 ! that is specific to this atmosphere, especially some of the
11084 ! coefficients and indices needed to compute the optical depths
11085 ! by interpolating data from stored reference atmospheres.
11087 call setcoef(nlayers, istart, pavel, tavel, tz, tbound, semiss, &
11088 coldry, wkl, wbrodl, &
11089 laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
11090 colh2o, colco2, colo3, coln2o, colco, colch4, colo2, &
11091 colbrd, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, &
11092 rat_h2oco2, rat_h2oco2_1, rat_h2oo3, rat_h2oo3_1, &
11093 rat_h2on2o, rat_h2on2o_1, rat_h2och4, rat_h2och4_1, &
11094 rat_n2oco2, rat_n2oco2_1, rat_o3co2, rat_o3co2_1, &
11095 selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, &
11096 minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor)
11098 ! Calculate the gaseous optical depths and Planck fractions for
11099 ! each longwave spectral band.
11101 call taumol(nlayers, pavel, wx, coldry, &
11102 laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
11103 colh2o, colco2, colo3, coln2o, colco, colch4, colo2, &
11104 colbrd, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, &
11105 rat_h2oco2, rat_h2oco2_1, rat_h2oo3, rat_h2oo3_1, &
11106 rat_h2on2o, rat_h2on2o_1, rat_h2och4, rat_h2och4_1, &
11107 rat_n2oco2, rat_n2oco2_1, rat_o3co2, rat_o3co2_1, &
11108 selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, &
11109 minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor, &
11113 ! Combine gaseous and aerosol optical depths, if aerosol active
11114 if (iaer .eq. 0) then
11117 taut(k,ig) = taug(k,ig)
11120 elseif (iaer .eq. 10) then
11123 taut(k,ig) = taug(k,ig) + taua(k,ngb(ig))
11128 ! Call the radiative transfer routine.
11129 ! Either routine can be called to do clear sky calculation. If clouds
11130 ! are present, then select routine based on cloud overlap assumption
11131 ! to be used. Clear sky calculation is done simultaneously.
11132 ! For McICA, RTRNMC is called for clear and cloudy calculations.
11134 #if (WRF_CHEM == 1)
11135 ! Call the radiative transfer routine for "clean" sky first,
11136 ! passing taug rather than taut so we have no aerosol influence.
11137 ! We will keep totuclnlfl, totdclnlfl, fnetcln, and htrcln,
11138 ! and then overwrite the rest with the second call to rtrnmc.
11139 if(calc_clean_atm_diag .gt. 0)then
11140 call rtrnmc(nlayers, istart, iend, iout, pz, semiss, ncbands, &
11141 cldfmc, taucmc, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
11142 pwvcm, fracs, taug, &
11143 totuclnlfl, totdclnlfl, fnetcln, htrcln, &
11144 totuclfl, totdclfl, fnetc, htrc )
11147 totuclnlfl(k) = 0.0
11148 totdclnlfl(k) = 0.0
11153 totuclnlfl(k) = 0.0
11154 totdclnlfl(k) = 0.0
11157 call rtrnmc(nlayers, istart, iend, iout, pz, semiss, ncbands, &
11158 cldfmc, taucmc, planklay, planklev, plankbnd, &
11159 pwvcm, fracs, taut, &
11160 totuflux, totdflux, fnet, htr, &
11161 totuclfl, totdclfl, fnetc, htrc )
11163 ! Transfer up and down fluxes and heating rate to output arrays.
11164 ! Vertical indexing goes from bottom to top; reverse here for GCM if necessary.
11167 uflx(iplon,k+1) = totuflux(k)
11168 dflx(iplon,k+1) = totdflux(k)
11169 uflxc(iplon,k+1) = totuclfl(k)
11170 dflxc(iplon,k+1) = totdclfl(k)
11171 uflxcln(iplon,k+1) = totuclnlfl(k)
11172 dflxcln(iplon,k+1) = totdclnlfl(k)
11174 do k = 0, nlayers-1
11175 hr(iplon,k+1) = htr(k)
11176 hrc(iplon,k+1) = htrc(k)
11181 end subroutine rrtmg_lw
11183 !***************************************************************************
11184 subroutine inatm (iplon, nlay, icld, iaer, &
11185 play, plev, tlay, tlev, tsfc, h2ovmr, &
11186 o3vmr, co2vmr, ch4vmr, n2ovmr, o2vmr, cfc11vmr, cfc12vmr, &
11187 cfc22vmr, ccl4vmr, emis, inflglw, iceflglw, liqflglw, &
11188 cldfmcl, taucmcl, ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, cswpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl, resnmcl, tauaer, &
11189 nlayers, pavel, pz, tavel, tz, tbound, semiss, coldry, &
11190 wkl, wbrodl, wx, pwvcm, inflag, iceflag, liqflag, &
11191 cldfmc, taucmc, ciwpmc, clwpmc, cswpmc, reicmc, relqmc, resnmc, taua)
11192 !***************************************************************************
11194 ! Input atmospheric profile from GCM, and prepare it for use in RRTMG_LW.
11195 ! Set other RRTMG_LW input parameters.
11197 !***************************************************************************
11199 ! --------- Modules ----------
11201 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, ngptlw, nmol, maxxsec, mxmol
11202 use rrlw_con, only: fluxfac, heatfac, oneminus, pi, grav, avogad
11203 use rrlw_wvn, only: ng, nspa, nspb, wavenum1, wavenum2, delwave, ixindx
11205 ! ------- Declarations -------
11207 ! ----- Input -----
11208 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iplon ! column loop index
11209 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: nlay ! Number of model layers
11210 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: icld ! clear/cloud and cloud overlap flag
11211 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iaer ! aerosol option flag
11213 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: play(:,:) ! Layer pressures (hPa, mb)
11214 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11215 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: plev(:,:) ! Interface pressures (hPa, mb)
11216 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
11217 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tlay(:,:) ! Layer temperatures (K)
11218 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11219 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tlev(:,:) ! Interface temperatures (K)
11220 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay+1)
11221 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tsfc(:) ! Surface temperature (K)
11222 ! Dimensions: (ncol)
11223 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: h2ovmr(:,:) ! H2O volume mixing ratio
11224 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11225 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: o3vmr(:,:) ! O3 volume mixing ratio
11226 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11227 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: co2vmr(:,:) ! CO2 volume mixing ratio
11228 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11229 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ch4vmr(:,:) ! Methane volume mixing ratio
11230 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11231 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: n2ovmr(:,:) ! Nitrous oxide volume mixing ratio
11232 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11233 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: o2vmr(:,:) ! Oxygen volume mixing ratio
11234 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11235 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc11vmr(:,:) ! CFC11 volume mixing ratio
11236 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11237 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc12vmr(:,:) ! CFC12 volume mixing ratio
11238 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11239 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cfc22vmr(:,:) ! CFC22 volume mixing ratio
11240 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11241 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ccl4vmr(:,:) ! CCL4 volume mixing ratio
11242 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11243 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: emis(:,:) ! Surface emissivity
11244 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nbndlw)
11246 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: inflglw ! Flag for cloud optical properties
11247 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: iceflglw ! Flag for ice particle specification
11248 integer(kind=im), intent(in) :: liqflglw ! Flag for liquid droplet specification
11250 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cldfmcl(:,:,:) ! Cloud fraction
11251 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
11252 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: ciwpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud ice water path (g/m2)
11253 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
11254 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: clwpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud liquid water path (g/m2)
11255 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
11256 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: cswpmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud snow water path (g/m2)
11257 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
11258 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: relqmcl(:,:) ! Cloud water drop effective radius (microns)
11259 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11260 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: reicmcl(:,:) ! Cloud ice effective size (microns)
11261 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11262 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: resnmcl(:,:) ! Snow effective size (microns)
11263 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay)
11264 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: taucmcl(:,:,:) ! In-cloud optical depth
11265 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,ncol,nlay)
11266 real(kind=rb), intent(in) :: tauaer(:,:,:) ! Aerosol optical depth
11267 ! Dimensions: (ncol,nlay,nbndlw)
11269 ! ----- Output -----
11271 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: nlayers ! number of layers
11273 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: pavel(:) ! layer pressures (mb)
11274 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11275 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: tavel(:) ! layer temperatures (K)
11276 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11277 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: pz(0:) ! level (interface) pressures (hPa, mb)
11278 ! Dimensions: (0:nlay)
11279 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: tz(0:) ! level (interface) temperatures (K)
11280 ! Dimensions: (0:nlay)
11281 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: tbound ! surface temperature (K)
11282 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: coldry(:) ! dry air column density (mol/cm2)
11283 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11284 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: wbrodl(:) ! broadening gas column density (mol/cm2)
11285 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11286 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: wkl(:,:) ! molecular amounts (mol/cm-2)
11287 ! Dimensions: (mxmol,nlay)
11288 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: wx(:,:) ! cross-section amounts (mol/cm-2)
11289 ! Dimensions: (maxxsec,nlay)
11290 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: pwvcm ! precipitable water vapor (cm)
11291 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: semiss(:) ! lw surface emissivity
11292 ! Dimensions: (nbndlw)
11294 ! Atmosphere/clouds - cldprop
11295 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: inflag ! flag for cloud property method
11296 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: iceflag ! flag for ice cloud properties
11297 integer(kind=im), intent(out) :: liqflag ! flag for liquid cloud properties
11299 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cldfmc(:,:) ! cloud fraction [mcica]
11300 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlay)
11301 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: ciwpmc(:,:) ! in-cloud ice water path [mcica]
11302 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlay)
11303 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: clwpmc(:,:) ! in-cloud liquid water path [mcica]
11304 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlay)
11305 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: cswpmc(:,:) ! in-cloud snow path [mcica]
11306 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlay)
11307 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: relqmc(:) ! liquid particle effective radius (microns)
11308 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11309 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: reicmc(:) ! ice particle effective size (microns)
11310 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11311 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: resnmc(:) ! snow effective size (microns)
11312 ! Dimensions: (nlay)
11313 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: taucmc(:,:) ! in-cloud optical depth [mcica]
11314 ! Dimensions: (ngptlw,nlay)
11315 real(kind=rb), intent(out) :: taua(:,:) ! aerosol optical depth
11316 ! Dimensions: (nlay,nbndlw)
11319 ! ----- Local -----
11320 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amd = 28.9660_rb ! Effective molecular weight of dry air (g/mol)
11321 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amw = 18.0160_rb ! Molecular weight of water vapor (g/mol)
11322 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amc = 44.0098_rb ! Molecular weight of carbon dioxide (g/mol)
11323 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amo = 47.9998_rb ! Molecular weight of ozone (g/mol)
11324 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amo2 = 31.9999_rb ! Molecular weight of oxygen (g/mol)
11325 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amch4 = 16.0430_rb ! Molecular weight of methane (g/mol)
11326 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amn2o = 44.0128_rb ! Molecular weight of nitrous oxide (g/mol)
11327 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amc11 = 137.3684_rb ! Molecular weight of CFC11 (g/mol) - CCL3F
11328 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amc12 = 120.9138_rb ! Molecular weight of CFC12 (g/mol) - CCL2F2
11329 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amc22 = 86.4688_rb ! Molecular weight of CFC22 (g/mol) - CHCLF2
11330 ! real(kind=rb), parameter :: amcl4 = 153.823_rb ! Molecular weight of CCL4 (g/mol) - CCL4
11332 ! Set molecular weight ratios (for converting mmr to vmr)
11333 ! e.g. h2ovmr = h2ommr * amdw)
11334 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdw = 1.607793_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / water vapor
11335 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdc = 0.658114_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / carbon dioxide
11336 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdo = 0.603428_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / ozone
11337 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdm = 1.805423_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / methane
11338 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdn = 0.658090_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / nitrous oxide
11339 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdo2 = 0.905140_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / oxygen
11340 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdc1 = 0.210852_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / CFC11
11341 real(kind=rb), parameter :: amdc2 = 0.239546_rb ! Molecular weight of dry air / CFC12
11343 integer(kind=im) :: isp, l, ix, n, imol, ib, ig ! Loop indices
11344 real(kind=rb) :: amm, amttl, wvttl, wvsh, summol
11346 ! Add one to nlayers here to include extra model layer at top of atmosphere
11349 ! Initialize all molecular amounts and cloud properties to zero here, then pass input amounts
11350 ! into RRTM arrays below.
11354 cldfmc(:,:) = 0.0_rb
11355 taucmc(:,:) = 0.0_rb
11356 ciwpmc(:,:) = 0.0_rb
11357 clwpmc(:,:) = 0.0_rb
11358 cswpmc(:,:) = 0.0_rb
11366 ! Set surface temperature.
11367 tbound = tsfc(iplon)
11369 ! Install input GCM arrays into RRTMG_LW arrays for pressure, temperature,
11370 ! and molecular amounts.
11371 ! Pressures are input in mb, or are converted to mb here.
11372 ! Molecular amounts are input in volume mixing ratio, or are converted from
11373 ! mass mixing ratio (or specific humidity for h2o) to volume mixing ratio
11374 ! here. These are then converted to molecular amount (molec/cm2) below.
11375 ! The dry air column COLDRY (in molec/cm2) is calculated from the level
11376 ! pressures, pz (in mb), based on the hydrostatic equation and includes a
11377 ! correction to account for h2o in the layer. The molecular weight of moist
11378 ! air (amm) is calculated for each layer.
11379 ! Note: In RRTMG, layer indexing goes from bottom to top, and coding below
11380 ! assumes GCM input fields are also bottom to top. Input layer indexing
11381 ! from GCM fields should be reversed here if necessary.
11383 pz(0) = plev(iplon,1)
11384 tz(0) = tlev(iplon,1)
11386 pavel(l) = play(iplon,l)
11387 tavel(l) = tlay(iplon,l)
11388 pz(l) = plev(iplon,l+1)
11389 tz(l) = tlev(iplon,l+1)
11390 ! For h2o input in vmr:
11391 wkl(1,l) = h2ovmr(iplon,l)
11392 ! For h2o input in mmr:
11393 ! wkl(1,l) = h2o(iplon,l)*amdw
11394 ! For h2o input in specific humidity;
11395 ! wkl(1,l) = (h2o(iplon,l)/(1._rb - h2o(iplon,l)))*amdw
11396 wkl(2,l) = co2vmr(iplon,l)
11397 wkl(3,l) = o3vmr(iplon,l)
11398 wkl(4,l) = n2ovmr(iplon,l)
11399 wkl(6,l) = ch4vmr(iplon,l)
11400 wkl(7,l) = o2vmr(iplon,l)
11401 amm = (1._rb - wkl(1,l)) * amd + wkl(1,l) * amw
11402 coldry(l) = (pz(l-1)-pz(l)) * 1.e3_rb * avogad / &
11403 (1.e2_rb * grav * amm * (1._rb + wkl(1,l)))
11406 ! Set cross section molecule amounts from input; convert to vmr if necessary
11408 wx(1,l) = ccl4vmr(iplon,l)
11409 wx(2,l) = cfc11vmr(iplon,l)
11410 wx(3,l) = cfc12vmr(iplon,l)
11411 wx(4,l) = cfc22vmr(iplon,l)
11414 ! The following section can be used to set values for an additional layer (from
11415 ! the GCM top level to 1.e-4 mb) for improved calculation of TOA fluxes.
11416 ! Temperature and molecular amounts in the extra model layer are set to
11417 ! their values in the top GCM model layer, though these can be modified
11418 ! here if necessary.
11419 ! If this feature is utilized, increase nlayers by one above, limit the two
11420 ! loops above to (nlayers-1), and set the top most (extra) layer values here.
11422 ! pavel(nlayers) = 0.5_rb * pz(nlayers-1)
11423 ! tavel(nlayers) = tavel(nlayers-1)
11424 ! pz(nlayers) = 1.e-4_rb
11425 ! tz(nlayers-1) = 0.5_rb * (tavel(nlayers)+tavel(nlayers-1))
11426 ! tz(nlayers) = tz(nlayers-1)
11427 ! wkl(1,nlayers) = wkl(1,nlayers-1)
11428 ! wkl(2,nlayers) = wkl(2,nlayers-1)
11429 ! wkl(3,nlayers) = wkl(3,nlayers-1)
11430 ! wkl(4,nlayers) = wkl(4,nlayers-1)
11431 ! wkl(6,nlayers) = wkl(6,nlayers-1)
11432 ! wkl(7,nlayers) = wkl(7,nlayers-1)
11433 ! amm = (1._rb - wkl(1,nlayers-1)) * amd + wkl(1,nlayers-1) * amw
11434 ! coldry(nlayers) = (pz(nlayers-1)) * 1.e3_rb * avogad / &
11435 ! (1.e2_rb * grav * amm * (1._rb + wkl(1,nlayers-1)))
11436 ! wx(1,nlayers) = wx(1,nlayers-1)
11437 ! wx(2,nlayers) = wx(2,nlayers-1)
11438 ! wx(3,nlayers) = wx(3,nlayers-1)
11439 ! wx(4,nlayers) = wx(4,nlayers-1)
11441 ! At this point all molecular amounts in wkl and wx are in volume mixing ratio;
11442 ! convert to molec/cm2 based on coldry for use in rrtm. also, compute precipitable
11443 ! water vapor for diffusivity angle adjustments in rtrn and rtrnmr.
11448 summol = summol + wkl(imol,l)
11450 wbrodl(l) = coldry(l) * (1._rb - summol)
11452 wkl(imol,l) = coldry(l) * wkl(imol,l)
11454 amttl = amttl + coldry(l)+wkl(1,l)
11455 wvttl = wvttl + wkl(1,l)
11457 if (ixindx(ix) .ne. 0) then
11458 wx(ixindx(ix),l) = coldry(l) * wx(ix,l) * 1.e-20_rb
11463 wvsh = (amw * wvttl) / (amd * amttl)
11464 pwvcm = wvsh * (1.e3_rb * pz(0)) / (1.e2_rb * grav)
11466 ! Set spectral surface emissivity for each longwave band.
11469 semiss(n) = emis(iplon,n)
11470 ! semiss(n) = 1.0_rb
11473 ! Transfer aerosol optical properties to RRTM variable;
11474 ! modify to reverse layer indexing here if necessary.
11476 if (iaer .ge. 1) then
11479 taua(l,ib) = tauaer(iplon,l,ib)
11484 ! Transfer cloud fraction and cloud optical properties to RRTM variables,
11485 ! modify to reverse layer indexing here if necessary.
11487 if (icld .ge. 1) then
11492 ! Move incoming GCM cloud arrays to RRTMG cloud arrays.
11493 ! For GCM input, incoming reicmcl is defined based on selected ice parameterization (inflglw)
11497 cldfmc(ig,l) = cldfmcl(ig,iplon,l)
11498 taucmc(ig,l) = taucmcl(ig,iplon,l)
11499 ciwpmc(ig,l) = ciwpmcl(ig,iplon,l)
11500 clwpmc(ig,l) = clwpmcl(ig,iplon,l)
11501 cswpmc(ig,l) = cswpmcl(ig,iplon,l)
11503 reicmc(l) = reicmcl(iplon,l)
11504 relqmc(l) = relqmcl(iplon,l)
11505 resnmc(l) = resnmcl(iplon,l)
11508 ! If an extra layer is being used in RRTMG, set all cloud properties to zero in the extra layer.
11510 ! cldfmc(:,nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11511 ! taucmc(:,nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11512 ! ciwpmc(:,nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11513 ! clwpmc(:,nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11514 ! reicmc(nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11515 ! relqmc(nlayers) = 0.0_rb
11516 ! taua(nlayers,:) = 0.0_rb
11520 end subroutine inatm
11522 end module rrtmg_lw_rad
11524 !------------------------------------------------------------------
11525 MODULE module_ra_rrtmg_lw
11527 use module_model_constants, only : cp
11528 use module_wrf_error
11530 USE module_state_description, ONLY : FER_MP_HIRES, FER_MP_HIRES_ADVECT, ETAMP_HWRF
11532 USE module_state_description, ONLY : FER_MP_HIRES, FER_MP_HIRES_ADVECT
11536 use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, ngptlw
11537 use rrtmg_lw_init, only: rrtmg_lw_ini
11538 use rrtmg_lw_rad, only: rrtmg_lw
11539 use mcica_subcol_gen_lw, only: mcica_subcol_lw
11543 5.92779, 6.26422, 6.61973, 6.99539, 7.39234, &
11544 7.81177, 8.25496, 8.72323, 9.21800, 9.74075, 10.2930, &
11545 10.8765, 11.4929, 12.1440, 12.8317, 13.5581, 14.2319, &
11546 15.0351, 15.8799, 16.7674, 17.6986, 18.6744, 19.6955, &
11547 20.7623, 21.8757, 23.0364, 24.2452, 25.5034, 26.8125, &
11548 27.7895, 28.6450, 29.4167, 30.1088, 30.7306, 31.2943, &
11549 31.8151, 32.3077, 32.7870, 33.2657, 33.7540, 34.2601, &
11550 34.7892, 35.3442, 35.9255, 36.5316, 37.1602, 37.8078, &
11551 38.4720, 39.1508, 39.8442, 40.5552, 41.2912, 42.0635, &
11552 42.8876, 43.7863, 44.7853, 45.9170, 47.2165, 48.7221, &
11553 50.4710, 52.4980, 54.8315, 57.4898, 60.4785, 63.7898, &
11554 65.5604, 71.2885, 75.4113, 79.7368, 84.2351, 88.8833, &
11555 93.6658, 98.5739, 103.603, 108.752, 114.025, 119.424, &
11556 124.954, 130.630, 136.457, 142.446, 148.608, 154.956, &
11557 161.503, 168.262, 175.248, 182.473, 189.952, 197.699, &
11558 205.728, 214.055, 222.694, 231.661, 240.971, 250.639/
11561 ! For buffer layer adjustment. Steven Cavallo, Dec 2010.
11562 integer , save :: nlayers
11563 real, PARAMETER :: deltap = 4. ! Pressure interval for buffer layer in mb
11567 !------------------------------------------------------------------
11571 lwupt, lwuptc, lwuptcln, lwdnt, lwdntc, lwdntcln, &
11572 lwupb, lwupbc, lwupbcln, lwdnb, lwdnbc, lwdnbcln, &
11573 ! lwupflx, lwupflxc, lwdnflx, lwdnflxc, &
11574 glw, olr, lwcf, emiss, &
11576 dz8w, tsk, t3d, t8w, rho3d, r, g, &
11577 icloud, warm_rain, cldfra3d, &
11578 cldovrlp,idcor,xlat, &
11581 f_ice_phy, f_rain_phy, &
11582 xland, xice, snow, &
11583 qv3d, qc3d, qr3d, &
11584 qi3d, qs3d, qg3d, &
11586 f_qv, f_qc, f_qr, f_qi, f_qs, f_qg, &
11587 re_cloud, re_ice, re_snow, & ! G. Thompson
11588 has_reqc, has_reqi, has_reqs, & ! G. Thompson
11589 tauaerlw1,tauaerlw2,tauaerlw3,tauaerlw4, & ! czhao
11590 tauaerlw5,tauaerlw6,tauaerlw7,tauaerlw8, & ! czhao
11591 tauaerlw9,tauaerlw10,tauaerlw11,tauaerlw12, & ! czhao
11592 tauaerlw13,tauaerlw14,tauaerlw15,tauaerlw16, & ! czhao
11593 aer_ra_feedback, & !czhao
11594 !jdfcz progn,prescribe, & !czhao
11595 progn,calc_clean_atm_diag, & !czhao
11596 qndrop3d,f_qndrop, & !czhao
11597 !ccc added for time varying gases.
11598 yr,julian,ghg_input, &
11601 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
11602 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
11603 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
11604 lwupflx, lwupflxc, lwdnflx, lwdnflxc &
11606 !------------------------------------------------------------------
11607 !ccc To use clWRF time varying trace gases
11611 !------------------------------------------------------------------
11612 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN ) :: warm_rain
11613 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN ) :: is_CAMMGMP_used ! Added for CAM5 RRTMG<->CAMMGMP
11615 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
11616 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
11617 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
11622 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , &
11623 INTENT(IN ) :: dz8w, &
11631 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , &
11635 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) , &
11636 INTENT(INOUT) :: GLW, &
11640 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) , &
11641 INTENT(IN ) :: EMISS, &
11644 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: R,G
11646 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) , &
11647 INTENT(IN ) :: XLAND, &
11650 !ccc Added for time-varying trace gases.
11651 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: yr
11652 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: julian
11658 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , &
11673 !..Added by G. Thompson to couple cloud physics effective radii.
11674 REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme), INTENT(IN):: &
11678 INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: has_reqc, has_reqi, has_reqs
11680 real pi,third,relconst,lwpmin,rhoh2o
11682 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , &
11691 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), OPTIONAL , &
11692 INTENT(IN ) :: tauaerlw1,tauaerlw2,tauaerlw3,tauaerlw4, & ! czhao
11693 tauaerlw5,tauaerlw6,tauaerlw7,tauaerlw8, & ! czhao
11694 tauaerlw9,tauaerlw10,tauaerlw11,tauaerlw12, & ! czhao
11695 tauaerlw13,tauaerlw14,tauaerlw15,tauaerlw16
11697 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: aer_ra_feedback
11698 !jdfcz INTEGER, INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: progn,prescribe
11700 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: calc_clean_atm_diag
11703 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) , &
11705 INTENT(IN ) :: O33D
11706 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN ) :: o3input
11708 real, parameter :: thresh=1.e-9
11710 character(len=200) :: msg
11713 ! Top of atmosphere and surface longwave fluxes (W m-2)
11714 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
11719 ! Layer longwave fluxes (including extra layer above model top)
11720 ! Vertical ordering is from bottom to top (W m-2)
11721 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme+2, jms:jme ), &
11727 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte+1 ) :: Pw1D, &
11730 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte ) :: TTEN1D, &
11744 !BSF: From eq. (5) on p. 2434 in McFarquhar & Heymsfield (1996)
11745 real, parameter :: re_50C=1250.0/9.917, re_40C=1250.0/9.337, &
11746 re_30C=1250.0/9.208, re_20C=1250.0/9.387
11749 ! Added local arrays for RRTMG
11760 real, dimension( ims:ime,jms:jme ), intent(in) :: xlat ! (latitude for cldovrlp=4 or 5)
11763 ! Dimension with extra layer from model top to TOA
11764 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers+1 ) :: plev, &
11766 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers ) :: play, &
11778 real, dimension( kts:nlayers ) :: o3mmr
11779 ! Add height of each layer for exponential-random cloud overlap
11780 ! This will be derived below from the dz in each layer
11781 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers ) :: hgt
11783 ! For old cloud property specification for rrtm_lw
11784 real, dimension( kts:kte ) :: clwp, &
11789 ! Surface emissivity (for 16 LW spectral bands)
11790 real, dimension( 1, nbndlw ) :: emis
11791 ! Dimension with extra layer from model top to TOA,
11792 ! though no clouds are allowed in extra layer
11793 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers ) :: clwpth, &
11803 real, dimension( nbndlw, 1, kts:nlayers ) :: taucld
11804 real, dimension( ngptlw, 1, kts:nlayers ) :: cldfmcl, &
11809 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers, nbndlw ) :: tauaer
11811 ! Output arrays contain extra layer from model top to TOA
11812 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers+1 ) :: uflx, &
11819 real, dimension( 1, kts:nlayers ) :: hr, &
11822 real, dimension ( 1 ) :: tsfc, &
11826 real:: snow_mass_factor
11828 !..We can use message interface regardless of what options are running,
11829 !.. so let us ask for it here.
11830 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: message
11831 LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
11833 !ccc To add time-varying trace gases (CO2, N2O and CH4). Read the conc. from file
11834 ! then interpolate to date of run.
11835 REAL(8) :: co2, n2o, ch4, cfc11, cfc12
11837 ! Set trace gas volume mixing ratios, 2005 values, IPCC (2007)
11840 data cfc22 / 0.169e-9 /
11843 data ccl4 / 0.093e-9 /
11844 ! Set oxygen volume mixing ratio (for o2mmr=0.23143)
11846 data o2 / 0.209488 /
11848 integer :: iplon, irng, permuteseed
11851 ! For old cloud property specification for rrtm_lw
11852 ! Cloud and precipitation absorption coefficients
11853 real :: abcw,abice,abrn,absn
11855 data abice /0.0735/
11856 data abrn /0.330e-3/
11857 data absn /2.34e-3/
11859 ! Molecular weights and ratios for converting mmr to vmr units
11860 ! real :: amd ! Effective molecular weight of dry air (g/mol)
11861 ! real :: amw ! Molecular weight of water vapor (g/mol)
11862 ! real :: amo ! Molecular weight of ozone (g/mol)
11863 ! real :: amo2 ! Molecular weight of oxygen (g/mol)
11864 ! Atomic weights for conversion from mass to volume mixing ratios
11865 ! data amd / 28.9660 /
11866 ! data amw / 18.0160 /
11867 ! data amo / 47.9998 /
11868 ! data amo2 / 31.9999 /
11870 real :: amdw ! Molecular weight of dry air / water vapor
11871 real :: amdo ! Molecular weight of dry air / ozone
11872 real :: amdo2 ! Molecular weight of dry air / oxygen
11873 data amdw / 1.607793 /
11874 data amdo / 0.603461 /
11875 data amdo2 / 0.905190 /
11878 real, dimension( 1, 1:kte-kts+1 ) :: pdel ! Layer pressure thickness (mb)
11880 real, dimension(1, 1:kte-kts+1) :: cicewp, & ! in-cloud cloud ice water path
11881 cliqwp, & ! in-cloud cloud liquid water path
11882 csnowp, & ! in-cloud snow water path
11883 reliq, & ! effective drop radius (microns)
11884 reice ! effective ice crystal size (microns)
11885 real, dimension(1, 1:kte-kts+1):: recloud1d, &
11889 real :: gliqwp, gicewp, gsnowp, gravmks
11894 real, dimension (1) :: landfrac, landm, snowh, icefrac
11896 integer :: pcols, pver
11899 INTEGER :: i,j,K, idx_rei
11901 LOGICAL :: predicate
11903 ! Added for top of model adjustment. Steven Cavallo NCAR/MMM December 2010
11904 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nproflevs = 60 ! Constant, from the table
11905 INTEGER :: L, LL, klev ! Loop indices
11906 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:nlayers+1 ) :: varint
11907 REAL :: wght,vark,vark1,tem1,tem2,tem3
11908 REAL :: PPROF(nproflevs), TPROF(nproflevs)
11909 ! Weighted mean pressure and temperature profiles from midlatitude
11910 ! summer (MLS),midlatitude winter (MLW), sub-Arctic
11911 ! winter (SAW),sub-Arctic summer (SAS), and tropical (TROP)
11912 ! standard atmospheres.
11913 DATA PPROF /1000.00,855.47,731.82,626.05,535.57,458.16, &
11914 391.94,335.29,286.83,245.38,209.91,179.57, &
11915 153.62,131.41,112.42,96.17,82.27,70.38, &
11916 60.21,51.51,44.06,37.69,32.25,27.59, &
11917 23.60,20.19,17.27,14.77,12.64,10.81, &
11918 9.25,7.91,6.77,5.79,4.95,4.24, &
11919 3.63,3.10,2.65,2.27,1.94,1.66, &
11920 1.42,1.22,1.04,0.89,0.76,0.65, &
11921 0.56,0.48,0.41,0.35,0.30,0.26, &
11922 0.22,0.19,0.16,0.14,0.12,0.10/
11923 DATA TPROF /286.96,281.07,275.16,268.11,260.56,253.02, &
11924 245.62,238.41,231.57,225.91,221.72,217.79, &
11925 215.06,212.74,210.25,210.16,210.69,212.14, &
11926 213.74,215.37,216.82,217.94,219.03,220.18, &
11927 221.37,222.64,224.16,225.88,227.63,229.51, &
11928 231.50,233.73,236.18,238.78,241.60,244.44, &
11929 247.35,250.33,253.32,256.30,259.22,262.12, &
11930 264.80,266.50,267.59,268.44,268.69,267.76, &
11931 266.13,263.96,261.54,258.93,256.15,253.23, &
11932 249.89,246.67,243.48,240.25,236.66,233.86/
11933 !------------------------------------------------------------------
11934 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 )
11935 IF ( aer_ra_feedback == 1) then
11937 ( PRESENT(tauaerlw1) .AND. &
11938 PRESENT(tauaerlw2) .AND. &
11939 PRESENT(tauaerlw3) .AND. &
11940 PRESENT(tauaerlw4) .AND. &
11941 PRESENT(tauaerlw5) .AND. &
11942 PRESENT(tauaerlw6) .AND. &
11943 PRESENT(tauaerlw7) .AND. &
11944 PRESENT(tauaerlw8) .AND. &
11945 PRESENT(tauaerlw9) .AND. &
11946 PRESENT(tauaerlw10) .AND. &
11947 PRESENT(tauaerlw11) .AND. &
11948 PRESENT(tauaerlw12) .AND. &
11949 PRESENT(tauaerlw13) .AND. &
11950 PRESENT(tauaerlw14) .AND. &
11951 PRESENT(tauaerlw15) .AND. &
11952 PRESENT(tauaerlw16) ) ) THEN
11953 CALL wrf_error_fatal &
11954 ('Warning: missing fields required for aerosol radiation' )
11962 ! All fields are ordered vertically from bottom to top
11963 ! Pressures are in mb
11966 !ccc Read time-varying trace gases concentrations and interpolate them to run date.
11968 IF ( GHG_INPUT .EQ. 1 ) THEN
11969 CALL read_CAMgases(yr,julian,.false.,"RRTMG",co2,n2o,ch4,cfc11,cfc12)
11970 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
11971 WRITE(message,*)'RRTMG LW CLWRF interpolated GHG values year:',yr,' julian day:',julian
11972 call wrf_debug( 1, message)
11973 WRITE(message,*)' co2vmr: ',co2,' n2ovmr:',n2o,' ch4vmr:',ch4,' cfc11vmr:',cfc11,' cfc12vmr:',cfc12
11974 call wrf_debug( 1, message)
11977 ! Set trace gas volume mixing ratios, 2005 values, IPCC (2007)
11978 ! Annual function for co2 in WRF v4.2
11979 co2 = (280. + 90.*exp(0.02*(yr-2000)))*1.e-6
11990 j_loop: do j = jts,jte
11993 i_loop: do i = its,ite
11996 Pw1D(K) = p8w(I,K,J)/100.
11997 Tw1D(K) = t8w(I,K,J)
12010 QV1D(K)=QV3D(I,K,J)
12011 QV1D(K)=max(0.,QV1D(K))
12016 O31D(K)=O33D(I,K,J)
12027 P1D(K)=P3D(I,K,J)/100.
12028 RHO1D(K)=RHO3D(I,K,J)
12029 DZ1D(K)=dz8w(I,K,J)
12034 IF (ICLOUD .ne. 0) THEN
12044 QC1D(K)=QC3D(I,K,J)
12045 QC1D(K)=max(0.,QC1D(K))
12053 QR1D(K)=QR3D(I,K,J)
12054 QR1D(K)=max(0.,QR1D(K))
12062 qndrop1d(K)=qndrop3d(I,K,J)
12067 ! This logic is tortured because cannot test F_QI unless
12068 ! it is present, and order of evaluation of expressions
12069 ! is not specified in Fortran
12071 IF ( PRESENT ( F_QI ) ) THEN
12074 predicate = .FALSE.
12078 IF (.NOT. predicate .and. .not. warm_rain) THEN
12080 IF (T1D(K) .lt. 273.15) THEN
12092 QI1D(K)=QI3D(I,K,J)
12093 QI1D(K)=max(0.,QI1D(K))
12101 QS1D(K)=QS3D(I,K,J)
12102 QS1D(K)=max(0.,QS1D(K))
12110 QG1D(K)=QG3D(I,K,J)
12111 QG1D(K)=max(0.,QG1D(K))
12116 ! mji - For MP option 5
12118 IF ( F_QC .and. .not. F_QI .and. F_QS ) THEN
12120 qi1d(k) = 0.1*qs3d(i,k,j)
12121 qs1d(k) = 0.9*qs3d(i,k,j)
12122 qc1d(k) = qc3d(i,k,j)
12123 qi1d(k) = max(0.,qi1d(k))
12124 qc1d(k) = max(0.,qc1d(k))
12131 ! For mp option=5 or 85 (new Ferrier- Aligo or fer_hires scheme), QI3D saves all
12133 IF ( mp_physics == FER_MP_HIRES .OR. &
12134 mp_physics == FER_MP_HIRES_ADVECT .OR. &
12135 mp_physics == ETAMP_HWRF ) THEN
12137 IF ( mp_physics == FER_MP_HIRES .OR. &
12138 mp_physics == FER_MP_HIRES_ADVECT) THEN
12141 qi1d(k) = qi3d(i,k,j)
12143 qc1d(k) = qc3d(i,k,j)
12144 qi1d(k) = max(0.,qi1d(k))
12145 qc1d(k) = max(0.,qc1d(k))
12149 ! EMISS0=EMISS(I,J)
12154 QV1D(K)=AMAX1(QV1D(K),1.E-12)
12157 ! Set up input for longwave
12159 ! Add extra layer from top of model to top of atmosphere
12160 ! nlay = (kte - kts + 1) + 1
12161 ! Edited for top of model adjustment (nlayers = kte + 1).
12162 ! Steven Cavallo, December 2010
12163 nlay = nlayers ! Keep these indices the same
12165 ! Select cloud overlap assumption (1 = random, 2 = maximum-random, 3 = maximum, 4 = exponential, 5 = exponential-random
12166 icld=cldovrlp ! J. Henderson AER assign namelist variable cldovrlp to existing icld
12170 ! Select cloud liquid and ice optics parameterization options
12171 ! For passing in cloud optical properties directly:
12176 ! For passing in cloud physical properties; cloud optics parameterized in RRTMG:
12181 !Mukul change the flags here with reference to the new effective cloud/ice/snow radius
12182 IF (ICLOUD .ne. 0) THEN
12183 IF ( has_reqc .ne. 0) THEN
12186 recloud1D(ncol,K) = MAX(2.5, re_cloud(I,K,J)*1.E6)
12187 if (recloud1D(ncol,K).LE.2.5.AND.cldfra3d(i,k,j).gt.0. &
12188 & .AND. (XLAND(I,J)-1.5).GT.0.) then !--- Ocean
12189 recloud1D(ncol,K) = 10.5
12190 elseif(recloud1D(ncol,K).LE.2.5.AND.cldfra3d(i,k,j).gt.0. &
12191 & .AND. (XLAND(I,J)-1.5).LT.0.) then !--- Land
12192 recloud1D(ncol,K) = 7.5
12197 recloud1D(ncol,K) = 5.0
12201 IF ( has_reqi .ne. 0) THEN
12205 reice1D(ncol,K) = MAX(5., re_ice(I,K,J)*1.E6)
12206 if (reice1D(ncol,K).LE.5..AND.cldfra3d(i,k,j).gt.0.) then
12207 idx_rei = int(t3d(i,k,j)-179.)
12208 idx_rei = min(max(idx_rei,1),75)
12209 corr = t3d(i,k,j) - int(t3d(i,k,j))
12210 reice1D(ncol,K) = retab(idx_rei)*(1.-corr) + &
12211 & retab(idx_rei+1)*corr
12212 reice1D(ncol,K) = MAX(reice1D(ncol,K), 5.0)
12218 reice1D(ncol,K) = 10.0
12220 tem2 = 25.0 !- was 10.0
12221 tem3=1.e3*rho1d(k)*qi1d(k) !- IWC (g m^-3)
12222 if (tem3>thresh) then !- Only when IWC>1.e-9 gm^-3
12224 if (tem1 < -50.0) then
12225 tem2 = re_50C*tem3**0.109
12226 elseif (tem1 < -40.0) then
12227 tem2 = re_40C*tem3**0.08
12228 elseif (tem1 < -30.0) then
12229 tem2 = re_30C*tem3**0.055
12231 tem2 = re_20C*tem3**0.031
12233 tem2 = max(25.,tem2)
12235 reice1D(ncol,K) = min(tem2, 135.72) !- 1.0315*reice<= 140 microns
12240 IF ( has_reqs .ne. 0) THEN
12244 resnow1D(ncol,K) = MAX(10., re_snow(I,K,J)*1.E6)
12248 resnow1D(ncol,K) = 10.0
12252 ! special case for P3 microphysics
12253 ! put ice into snow category for optics, then set ice to zero
12254 IF (has_reqs .eq. 0 .and. has_reqi .ne. 0 .and. has_reqc .ne. 0) THEN
12258 resnow1D(ncol,K) = MAX(10., re_ice(I,K,J)*1.E6)
12259 QS1D(K)=QI3D(I,K,J)
12261 reice1D(ncol,K)=10.
12267 ! Layer indexing goes bottom to top here for all fields.
12268 ! Water vapor and ozone are converted from mmr to vmr.
12269 ! Pressures are in units of mb here.
12270 plev(ncol,1) = pw1d(1)
12271 tlev(ncol,1) = tw1d(1)
12272 tsfc(ncol) = tsk(i,j)
12274 play(ncol,k) = p1d(k)
12275 plev(ncol,k+1) = pw1d(k+1)
12276 pdel(ncol,k) = plev(ncol,k) - plev(ncol,k+1)
12277 tlay(ncol,k) = t1d(k)
12278 tlev(ncol,k+1) = tw1d(k+1)
12279 h2ovmr(ncol,k) = qv1d(k) * amdw
12280 co2vmr(ncol,k) = co2
12282 ch4vmr(ncol,k) = ch4
12283 n2ovmr(ncol,k) = n2o
12284 cfc11vmr(ncol,k) = cfc11
12285 cfc12vmr(ncol,k) = cfc12
12286 cfc22vmr(ncol,k) = cfc22
12287 ccl4vmr(ncol,k) = ccl4
12290 ! Derive height of each layer mid-point from layer thickness.
12291 ! Needed for exponential (icld=4) and exponential-random overlap (icld=5) options only.
12295 hgt(ncol,k) = dzsum + 0.5*dz
12299 ! This section is replaced with a new method to deal with model top
12302 ! Define profile values for extra layer from model top to top of atmosphere.
12303 ! The top layer temperature for all gridpoints is set to the top layer-1
12304 ! temperature plus a constant (0 K) that represents an isothermal layer
12305 ! above ptop. Top layer interface temperatures are linearly interpolated
12306 ! from the layer temperatures.
12308 play(ncol,kte+1) = 0.5 * plev(ncol,kte+1)
12309 tlay(ncol,kte+1) = tlev(ncol,kte+1) + 0.0
12310 plev(ncol,kte+2) = 1.0e-5
12311 tlev(ncol,kte+2) = tlev(ncol,kte+1) + 0.0
12312 h2ovmr(ncol,kte+1) = h2ovmr(ncol,kte)
12313 co2vmr(ncol,kte+1) = co2vmr(ncol,kte)
12314 o2vmr(ncol,kte+1) = o2vmr(ncol,kte)
12315 ch4vmr(ncol,kte+1) = ch4vmr(ncol,kte)
12316 n2ovmr(ncol,kte+1) = n2ovmr(ncol,kte)
12317 cfc11vmr(ncol,kte+1) = cfc11vmr(ncol,kte)
12318 cfc12vmr(ncol,kte+1) = cfc12vmr(ncol,kte)
12319 cfc22vmr(ncol,kte+1) = cfc22vmr(ncol,kte)
12320 ccl4vmr(ncol,kte+1) = ccl4vmr(ncol,kte)
12324 ! Set up values for extra layers to the top of the atmosphere.
12325 ! Temperature is calculated based on an average temperature profile given
12326 ! here in a table. The input table data is linearly interpolated to the
12327 ! column pressure. Mixing ratios are held constant except for ozone.
12328 ! Caution should be used if model top pressure is less than 5 hPa.
12329 ! Steven Cavallo, NCAR/MMM, December 2010
12330 ! Calculate the column pressure buffer levels above the
12332 do L=kte+1,nlayers,1
12333 plev(ncol,L+1) = plev(ncol,L) - deltap
12334 play(ncol,L) = 0.5*(plev(ncol,L) + plev(ncol,L+1))
12335 ! Fill in height array above model top to top of atmosphere using
12336 ! dz from model top layer for completeness, though this information is not
12337 ! likely to be used by the exponential-random cloud overlap method.
12338 hgt(ncol,L) = dzsum + 0.5*dz
12341 ! Add zero as top level. This gets the temperature max at the
12342 ! stratopause, reducing the downward flux errors in the top
12343 ! levels. If zero happened to be the top level already,
12344 ! this will add another level with zero, but will not affect
12345 ! the radiative transfer calculation.
12346 plev(ncol,nlayers+1) = 0.00
12347 play(ncol,nlayers) = 0.5*(plev(ncol,nlayers) + plev(ncol,nlayers+1))
12349 ! Interpolate the table temperatures to column pressure levels
12351 if ( PPROF(nproflevs) .lt. plev(ncol,L) ) then
12352 do LL=2,nproflevs,1
12353 if ( PPROF(LL) .lt. plev(ncol,L) ) then
12363 if (klev .ne. nproflevs ) then
12365 vark1 = TPROF(klev+1)
12366 wght=(plev(ncol,L)-PPROF(klev) )/( PPROF(klev+1)-PPROF(klev))
12369 vark1 = TPROF(klev)
12372 varint(L) = wght*(vark1-vark)+vark
12376 ! Match the interpolated table temperature profile to WRF column
12377 do L=kte+1,nlayers+1,1
12378 tlev(ncol,L) = varint(L) + (tlev(ncol,kte) - varint(kte))
12379 !if ( L .le. nlay ) then
12380 tlay(ncol,L-1) = 0.5*(tlev(ncol,L) + tlev(ncol,L-1))
12384 ! Now the chemical species (except for ozone)
12385 do L=kte+1,nlayers,1
12386 h2ovmr(ncol,L) = h2ovmr(ncol,kte)
12387 co2vmr(ncol,L) = co2vmr(ncol,kte)
12388 o2vmr(ncol,L) = o2vmr(ncol,kte)
12389 ch4vmr(ncol,L) = ch4vmr(ncol,kte)
12390 n2ovmr(ncol,L) = n2ovmr(ncol,kte)
12391 cfc11vmr(ncol,L) = cfc11vmr(ncol,kte)
12392 cfc12vmr(ncol,L) = cfc12vmr(ncol,kte)
12393 cfc22vmr(ncol,L) = cfc22vmr(ncol,kte)
12394 ccl4vmr(ncol,L) = ccl4vmr(ncol,kte)
12396 ! End top of model buffer
12397 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12398 ! Get ozone profile including amount in extra layer above model top.
12399 ! Steven Cavallo: Must pass nlay-1 into subroutine to get nlayers
12400 ! dimension for o3mmr
12401 call inirad (o3mmr,plev,kts,nlay-1)
12403 ! Steven Cavallo: Changed to nlayers from kte+1
12404 if(present(o33d)) then
12405 do k = kts, nlayers
12406 o3vmr(ncol,k) = o3mmr(k) * amdo
12407 IF ( PRESENT( O33D ) ) THEN
12408 if(o3input .eq. 2)then
12410 o3vmr(ncol,k) = o31d(k)
12412 ! apply shifted climatology profile above model top
12413 o3vmr(ncol,k) = o31d(kte) - o3mmr(kte)*amdo + o3mmr(k)*amdo
12414 if(o3vmr(ncol,k) .le. 0.)o3vmr(ncol,k) = o3mmr(k)*amdo
12420 do k = kts, nlayers
12421 o3vmr(ncol,k) = o3mmr(k) * amdo
12425 ! Set surface emissivity in each RRTMG longwave band
12427 emis(ncol, nb) = emiss(i,j)
12430 ! Define cloud optical properties for radiation (inflglw = 0)
12431 ! This is approach used with older RRTM_LW;
12432 ! Cloud and precipitation paths in g/m2
12433 ! qi=0 if no ice phase
12434 ! qs=0 if no ice phase
12435 if (inflglw .eq. 0) then
12437 ro = p1d(k) / (r * t1d(k))*100.
12439 clwp(k) = ro*qc1d(k)*dz*1000.
12440 ciwp(k) = ro*qi1d(k)*dz*1000.
12441 plwp(k) = (ro*qr1d(k))**0.75*dz*1000.
12442 piwp(k) = (ro*qs1d(k))**0.75*dz*1000.
12445 ! Cloud fraction and cloud optical depth; old approach used with RRTM_LW
12447 cldfrac(ncol,k) = cldfra1d(k)
12449 taucld(nb,ncol,k) = abcw*clwp(k) + abice*ciwp(k) &
12450 +abrn*plwp(k) + absn*piwp(k)
12451 if (taucld(nb,ncol,k) .gt. 0.01) cldfrac(ncol,k) = 1.
12455 ! Zero out cloud physical property arrays; not used when passing optical properties
12458 clwpth(ncol,k) = 0.0
12459 ciwpth(ncol,k) = 0.0
12465 ! Define cloud physical properties for radiation (inflglw = 1 or 2)
12467 ! Set cloud arrays if passing cloud physical properties into radiation
12468 if (inflglw .gt. 0) then
12470 cldfrac(ncol,k) = cldfra1d(k)
12473 ! Compute cloud water/ice paths and particle sizes for input to radiation (CAM method)
12475 pver = kte - kts + 1
12477 landfrac(ncol) = 2.-XLAND(I,J)
12478 landm(ncol) = landfrac(ncol)
12479 snowh(ncol) = 0.001*SNOW(I,J)
12480 icefrac(ncol) = XICE(I,J)
12482 ! From module_ra_cam: Convert liquid and ice mixing ratios to water paths;
12483 ! pdel is in mb here; convert back to Pa (*100.)
12484 ! Water paths are in units of g/m2
12485 ! snow added as ice cloud (JD 091022)
12487 gicewp = (qi1d(k)+qs1d(k)) * pdel(ncol,k)*100.0 / gravmks * 1000.0 ! Grid box ice water path.
12488 gliqwp = qc1d(k) * pdel(ncol,k)*100.0 / gravmks * 1000.0 ! Grid box liquid water path.
12489 cicewp(ncol,k) = gicewp / max(0.01,cldfrac(ncol,k)) ! In-cloud ice water path.
12490 cliqwp(ncol,k) = gliqwp / max(0.01,cldfrac(ncol,k)) ! In-cloud liquid water path.
12495 !..The ice water path is already sum of cloud ice and snow, but when we have explicit
12496 !.. ice effective radius, overwrite the ice path with only the cloud ice variable,
12497 !.. leaving out the snow for its own effect.
12498 if(iceflglw.ge.4)then
12500 gicewp = qi1d(k) * pdel(ncol,k)*100.0 / gravmks * 1000.0 ! Grid box ice water path.
12501 cicewp(ncol,k) = gicewp / max(0.01,cldfrac(ncol,k)) ! In-cloud ice water path.
12505 !..Here the snow path is adjusted if (radiation) effective radius of snow is
12506 !.. larger than what we currently have in the lookup tables. Since mass goes
12507 !.. rather close to diameter squared, adjust the mixing ratio of snow used
12508 !.. to compute its water path in combination with the max diameter. Not a
12509 !.. perfect fix, but certainly better than using all snow mass when diameter is
12510 !.. far larger than table currently contains and crystal sizes much larger than
12511 !.. about 140 microns have lesser impact than those much smaller sizes.
12513 if(iceflglw.eq.5)then
12515 snow_mass_factor = 0.99 ! Assume 1% of snow overlaps the cloud ice category
12516 gicewp = gicewp + (qs1d(k)*(1.0-snow_mass_factor) * pdel(ncol,k)*100.0 / gravmks * 1000.0)
12517 if (resnow1d(ncol,k) .gt. 130.)then
12518 snow_mass_factor = MIN(snow_mass_factor, &
12519 & (130.0/resnow1d(ncol,k))*(130.0/resnow1d(ncol,k)))
12520 resnow1d(ncol,k) = 130.0
12521 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
12522 WRITE(message,*)'RRTMG: reducing snow mass (cloud path) to ', &
12523 nint(snow_mass_factor*100.), ' percent of full value'
12524 call wrf_debug(150, message)
12527 gsnowp = qs1d(k) * snow_mass_factor * pdel(ncol,k)*100.0 / gravmks * 1000.0 ! Grid box snow water path.
12528 csnowp(ncol,k) = gsnowp / max(0.01,cldfrac(ncol,k))
12533 !link the aerosol feedback to cloud -czhao
12534 if( PRESENT( progn ) ) then
12535 if (progn == 1) then
12536 !jdfcz if(prescribe==0) then
12541 relconst=3/(4.*pi*rhoh2o)
12542 ! minimun liquid water path to calculate rel
12543 ! corresponds to optical depth of 1.e-3 for radius 4 microns.
12546 reliq(ncol,k) = 10.
12547 if( PRESENT( F_QNDROP ) ) then
12548 if( F_QNDROP ) then
12549 if ( qc1d(k)*pdel(ncol,k).gt.lwpmin.and. &
12550 qndrop1d(k).gt.1000. ) then
12551 reliq(ncol,k)=(relconst*qc1d(k)/qndrop1d(k))**third ! effective radius in m
12552 ! apply scaling from Martin et al., JAS 51, 1830.
12553 reliq(ncol,k)=1.1*reliq(ncol,k)
12554 reliq(ncol,k)=reliq(ncol,k)*1.e6 ! convert from m to microns
12555 reliq(ncol,k)=max(reliq(ncol,k),4.)
12556 reliq(ncol,k)=min(reliq(ncol,k),20.)
12561 !jdfcz else ! prescribe
12563 ! call relcalc(ncol, pcols, pver, tlay, landfrac, landm, icefrac, reliq, snowh)
12564 ! write(0,*) 'lw prescribe aerosol',maxval(qndrop3d)
12567 call relcalc(ncol, pcols, pver, tlay, landfrac, landm, icefrac, reliq, snowh)
12569 else !present(progn)
12570 call relcalc(ncol, pcols, pver, tlay, landfrac, landm, icefrac, reliq, snowh)
12573 ! following Kristjansson and Mitchell
12574 call reicalc(ncol, pcols, pver, tlay, reice)
12577 !..If we already have effective radius of cloud and ice, then just overwrite what
12578 !.. was computed in the relcalc and reicalc subroutines above.
12580 if (inflglw .ge. 3) then
12582 reliq(ncol,k) = recloud1d(ncol,k)
12586 if (iceflglw .ge. 4) then
12588 if (iceflglw .ge. 3) then !BSF: was .ge. 4
12592 reice(ncol,k) = reice1d(ncol,k)
12596 ! Limit upper bound of reice for Fu ice parameterization and convert
12597 ! from effective radius to generalized effective size (*1.0315; Fu, 1996)
12598 if (iceflglw .eq. 3) then
12600 reice(ncol,k) = reice(ncol,k) * 1.0315
12601 reice(ncol,k) = min(140.0,reice(ncol,k))
12604 !if CAMMGMP is used, use output from CAMMGMP
12605 if(is_CAMMGMP_used) then
12607 if ( qi1d(k) .gt. 1.e-20 .or. qs1d(k) .gt. 1.e-20) then
12608 reice(ncol,k) = iradius(i,k,j)
12610 reice(ncol,k) = 25.
12612 reice(ncol,k) = max(5., min(140.0,reice(ncol,k)))
12613 if ( qc1d(k) .gt. 1.e-20) then
12614 reliq(ncol,k) = lradius(i,k,j)
12616 reliq(ncol,k) = 10.
12618 reliq(ncol,k) = max(2.5, min(60.0,reliq(ncol,k)))
12623 ! Set cloud physical property arrays
12625 clwpth(ncol,k) = cliqwp(ncol,k)
12626 ciwpth(ncol,k) = cicewp(ncol,k)
12627 rel(ncol,k) = reliq(ncol,k)
12628 rei(ncol,k) = reice(ncol,k)
12632 if (inflglw .eq. 5) then
12634 cswpth(ncol,k) = csnowp(ncol,k)
12635 res(ncol,k) = resnow1d(ncol,k)
12639 cswpth(ncol,k) = 0.
12644 ! Zero out cloud optical properties here; not used when passing physical properties
12645 ! to radiation and taucld is calculated in radiation
12648 taucld(nb,ncol,k) = 0.0
12653 ! No clouds are allowed in the extra layer from model top to TOA
12654 ! Steven Cavallo: Edited out for buffer adjustment below
12658 clwpth(ncol,kte+1) = 0.
12659 ciwpth(ncol,kte+1) = 0.
12660 cswpth(ncol,kte+1) = 0.
12661 rel(ncol,kte+1) = 10.
12662 rei(ncol,kte+1) = 10.
12663 res(ncol,kte+1) = 10.
12664 cldfrac(ncol,kte+1) = 0.
12666 taucld(nb,ncol,kte+1) = 0.
12671 ! Buffer adjustment. Steven Cavallo December 2010
12673 clwpth(ncol,k) = 0.
12674 ciwpth(ncol,k) = 0.
12675 cswpth(ncol,k) = 0.
12679 cldfrac(ncol,k) = 0.
12681 taucld(nb,ncol,k) = 0.
12689 ! Sub-column generator for McICA
12690 lat=xlat(i,j) !retrieve scalar latitude for column calculation
12691 call mcica_subcol_lw(iplon, ncol, nlay, icld, permuteseed, irng, play, &
12692 cldfrac, ciwpth, clwpth, cswpth, rei, rel, res, taucld, &
12693 hgt, idcor, juldat, lat, &
12694 cldfmcl, ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, cswpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl, resnmcl, taucmcl)
12696 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
12697 ! Aerosol optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry parameter -czhao 03/2010
12698 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
12699 ! Aerosol optical depth by layer for each RRTMG longwave band
12700 ! No aerosols in layer above model top (kte+1)
12701 ! Steven Cavallo: Upper bound of loop changed to nlayers from kte+1
12702 ! do nb = 1, nbndlw
12703 ! do k = kts, kte+1
12704 ! tauaer(ncol,k,nb) = 0.
12708 ! ... Aerosol effects. Added aerosol feedbacks from Chem , 03/2010 -czhao
12712 tauaer(ncol,k,nb) = 0.
12716 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 )
12717 IF ( AER_RA_FEEDBACK == 1) then
12718 ! do nb = 1, nbndlw
12719 do k = kts,kte !wig
12720 if(tauaerlw1(i,k,j).gt.thresh .and. tauaerlw16(i,k,j).gt.thresh) then
12721 tauaer(ncol,k,1)=tauaerlw1(i,k,j)
12722 tauaer(ncol,k,2)=tauaerlw2(i,k,j)
12723 tauaer(ncol,k,3)=tauaerlw3(i,k,j)
12724 tauaer(ncol,k,4)=tauaerlw4(i,k,j)
12725 tauaer(ncol,k,5)=tauaerlw5(i,k,j)
12726 tauaer(ncol,k,6)=tauaerlw6(i,k,j)
12727 tauaer(ncol,k,7)=tauaerlw7(i,k,j)
12728 tauaer(ncol,k,8)=tauaerlw8(i,k,j)
12729 tauaer(ncol,k,9)=tauaerlw9(i,k,j)
12730 tauaer(ncol,k,10)=tauaerlw10(i,k,j)
12731 tauaer(ncol,k,11)=tauaerlw11(i,k,j)
12732 tauaer(ncol,k,12)=tauaerlw12(i,k,j)
12733 tauaer(ncol,k,13)=tauaerlw13(i,k,j)
12734 tauaer(ncol,k,14)=tauaerlw14(i,k,j)
12735 tauaer(ncol,k,15)=tauaerlw15(i,k,j)
12736 tauaer(ncol,k,16)=tauaerlw16(i,k,j)
12743 slope = 0. !use slope as a sum holder
12745 slope = slope + tauaer(ncol,k,nb)
12747 if( slope < 0. ) then
12748 write(msg,'("ERROR: Negative total lw optical depth of ",f8.2," at point i,j,nb=",3i5)') slope,i,j,nb
12749 call wrf_error_fatal(msg)
12750 else if( slope > 5. ) then
12751 call wrf_message("-------------------------")
12752 write(msg,'("WARNING: Large total lw optical depth of ",f8.2," at point i,j,nb=",3i5)') slope,i,j,nb
12753 call wrf_message(msg)
12755 call wrf_message("Diagnostics 1: k, tauaerlw1, tauaerlw16")
12757 write(msg,'(i4,2f8.2)') k, tauaerlw1(i,k,j), tauaerlw16(i,k,j)
12758 call wrf_message(msg)
12760 call wrf_message("-------------------------")
12763 endif ! aer_ra_feedback
12766 ! Call RRTMG longwave radiation model
12768 (ncol ,nlay ,icld , &
12769 play ,plev ,tlay ,tlev ,tsfc , &
12770 h2ovmr ,o3vmr ,co2vmr ,ch4vmr ,n2ovmr ,o2vmr , &
12771 cfc11vmr,cfc12vmr,cfc22vmr,ccl4vmr ,emis , &
12772 inflglw ,iceflglw,liqflglw,cldfmcl , &
12773 taucmcl ,ciwpmcl ,clwpmcl ,cswpmcl, reicmcl ,relqmcl ,resnmcl , &
12775 uflx ,dflx ,hr ,uflxc ,dflxc, hrc, &
12776 uflxcln ,dflxcln, calc_clean_atm_diag )
12778 ! Output downard surface flux, and outgoing longwave flux and cloud forcing
12779 ! at the top of atmosphere (W/m2)
12780 glw(i,j) = dflx(1,1)
12781 ! olr(i,j) = uflx(1,kte+2)
12782 ! lwcf(i,j) = uflxc(1,kte+2) - uflx(1,kte+2)
12783 ! Steven Cavallo: Changed OLR to be valid at the top of atmosphere instead
12784 ! of top of model. Dec 2010.
12785 olr(i,j) = uflx(1,nlayers+1)
12786 lwcf(i,j) = uflxc(1,nlayers+1) - uflx(1,nlayers+1)
12788 if (present(lwupt)) then
12789 ! Output up and down toa fluxes for total and clear sky
12790 ! nlayers+1 represents value at 0 mb
12791 lwupt(i,j) = uflx(1,nlayers+1)
12792 lwuptc(i,j) = uflxc(1,nlayers+1)
12793 lwdnt(i,j) = dflx(1,nlayers+1)
12794 lwdntc(i,j) = dflxc(1,nlayers+1)
12795 ! Output up and down surface fluxes for total and clear sky
12796 lwupb(i,j) = uflx(1,1)
12797 lwupbc(i,j) = uflxc(1,1)
12798 lwdnb(i,j) = dflx(1,1)
12799 lwdnbc(i,j) = dflxc(1,1)
12800 if(calc_clean_atm_diag .gt. 0)then
12801 ! Output up and down toa fluxes for clean sky
12802 lwuptcln(i,j) = uflxcln(1,nlayers+1)
12803 lwdntcln(i,j) = dflxcln(1,nlayers+1)
12804 ! Output up and down surface fluxes for clean sky
12805 lwupbcln(i,j) = uflxcln(1,1)
12806 lwdnbcln(i,j) = dflxcln(1,1)
12810 ! Output up and down layer fluxes for total and clear sky.
12811 ! Vertical ordering is from bottom to top in units of W m-2.
12812 if ( present (lwupflx) ) then
12814 lwupflx(i,k,j) = uflx(1,k)
12815 lwupflxc(i,k,j) = uflxc(1,k)
12816 lwdnflx(i,k,j) = dflx(1,k)
12817 lwdnflxc(i,k,j) = dflxc(1,k)
12821 ! Output heating rate tendency; convert heating rate from K/d to K/s
12822 ! Heating rate arrays are ordered vertically from bottom to top here.
12824 tten1d(k) = hr(ncol,k)/86400.
12825 rthratenlw(i,k,j) = tten1d(k)/pi3d(i,k,j)
12826 tten1d(k) = hrc(ncol,k)/86400.
12827 rthratenlwc(i,k,j) = tten1d(k)/pi3d(i,k,j)
12834 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
12839 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12840 SUBROUTINE INIRAD (O3PROF,Plev, kts, kte)
12841 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12843 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12844 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kts,kte
12846 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte+1 ),INTENT(INOUT) :: O3PROF
12848 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte+2 ),INTENT(IN ) :: Plev
12861 CALL O3DATA(O3PROF, Plev, kts, kte)
12865 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12866 SUBROUTINE O3DATA (O3PROF, Plev, kts, kte)
12867 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12869 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12871 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kts, kte
12873 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte+1 ),INTENT(INOUT) :: O3PROF
12875 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte+2 ),INTENT(IN ) :: Plev
12880 REAL :: PRLEVH(kts:kte+2),PPWRKH(32), &
12881 O3WRK(31),PPWRK(31),O3SUM(31),PPSUM(31), &
12882 O3WIN(31),PPWIN(31),O3ANN(31),PPANN(31)
12884 REAL :: PB1, PB2, PT1, PT2
12886 DATA O3SUM /5.297E-8,5.852E-8,6.579E-8,7.505E-8, &
12887 8.577E-8,9.895E-8,1.175E-7,1.399E-7,1.677E-7,2.003E-7, &
12888 2.571E-7,3.325E-7,4.438E-7,6.255E-7,8.168E-7,1.036E-6, &
12889 1.366E-6,1.855E-6,2.514E-6,3.240E-6,4.033E-6,4.854E-6, &
12890 5.517E-6,6.089E-6,6.689E-6,1.106E-5,1.462E-5,1.321E-5, &
12891 9.856E-6,5.960E-6,5.960E-6/
12893 DATA PPSUM /955.890,850.532,754.599,667.742,589.841, &
12894 519.421,455.480,398.085,347.171,301.735,261.310,225.360, &
12895 193.419,165.490,141.032,120.125,102.689, 87.829, 75.123, &
12896 64.306, 55.086, 47.209, 40.535, 34.795, 29.865, 19.122, &
12897 9.277, 4.660, 2.421, 1.294, 0.647/
12899 DATA O3WIN /4.629E-8,4.686E-8,5.017E-8,5.613E-8, &
12900 6.871E-8,8.751E-8,1.138E-7,1.516E-7,2.161E-7,3.264E-7, &
12901 4.968E-7,7.338E-7,1.017E-6,1.308E-6,1.625E-6,2.011E-6, &
12902 2.516E-6,3.130E-6,3.840E-6,4.703E-6,5.486E-6,6.289E-6, &
12903 6.993E-6,7.494E-6,8.197E-6,9.632E-6,1.113E-5,1.146E-5, &
12904 9.389E-6,6.135E-6,6.135E-6/
12906 DATA PPWIN /955.747,841.783,740.199,649.538,568.404, &
12907 495.815,431.069,373.464,322.354,277.190,237.635,203.433, &
12908 174.070,148.949,127.408,108.915, 93.114, 79.551, 67.940, &
12909 58.072, 49.593, 42.318, 36.138, 30.907, 26.362, 16.423, &
12910 7.583, 3.620, 1.807, 0.938, 0.469/
12917 O3ANN(1)=0.5*(O3SUM(1)+O3WIN(1))
12920 O3ANN(K)=O3WIN(K-1)+(O3WIN(K)-O3WIN(K-1))/(PPWIN(K)-PPWIN(K-1))* &
12921 (PPSUM(K)-PPWIN(K-1))
12925 O3ANN(K)=0.5*(O3ANN(K)+O3SUM(K))
12936 ! Plev is total P at model levels, from bottom to top
12945 PPWRKH(K)=(PPWRK(K)+PPWRK(K-1))/2.
12955 IF((-(PRLEVH(K)-PPWRKH(JJ+1))).GE.0.)THEN
12960 IF((-(PRLEVH(K+1)-PPWRKH(JJ))).GE.0.)THEN
12965 IF((-(PRLEVH(K+1)-PPWRKH(JJ+1))).GE.0.)THEN
12968 PT2=PRLEVH(K+1)-PPWRKH(JJ+1)
12970 O3PROF(K)=O3PROF(K)+(PB2-PB1-PT2+PT1)*O3WRK(JJ)
12978 !------------------------------------------------------------------
12980 !====================================================================
12981 SUBROUTINE rrtmg_lwinit( &
12982 p_top, allowed_to_read , &
12983 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
12984 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
12985 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte )
12986 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
12988 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
12990 LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_read
12991 INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
12992 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
12993 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
12994 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: p_top
12996 ! Steven Cavallo. Added for buffer layer adjustment. December 2010.
12997 NLAYERS = kme + nint(p_top*0.01/deltap)- 1 ! Model levels plus new levels.
12998 ! nlayers will subsequently
13001 ! Read in absorption coefficients and other data
13002 IF ( allowed_to_read ) THEN
13003 CALL rrtmg_lwlookuptable
13006 ! Perform g-point reduction and other initializations
13007 ! Specific heat of dry air (cp) used in flux to heating rate conversion factor.
13008 call rrtmg_lw_ini(cp)
13010 END SUBROUTINE rrtmg_lwinit
13013 ! **************************************************************************
13014 SUBROUTINE rrtmg_lwlookuptable
13015 ! **************************************************************************
13022 LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13024 CHARACTER*80 errmess
13027 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
13029 INQUIRE ( i , OPENED = opened )
13030 IF ( .NOT. opened ) THEN
13038 CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( rrtmg_unit , IWORDSIZE )
13039 IF ( rrtmg_unit < 0 ) THEN
13040 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: rrtm_lwlookuptable: Can not '// &
13041 'find unused fortran unit to read in lookup table.' )
13044 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
13045 OPEN(rrtmg_unit,FILE='RRTMG_LW_DATA', &
13049 call lw_kgb01(rrtmg_unit)
13050 call lw_kgb02(rrtmg_unit)
13051 call lw_kgb03(rrtmg_unit)
13052 call lw_kgb04(rrtmg_unit)
13053 call lw_kgb05(rrtmg_unit)
13054 call lw_kgb06(rrtmg_unit)
13055 call lw_kgb07(rrtmg_unit)
13056 call lw_kgb08(rrtmg_unit)
13057 call lw_kgb09(rrtmg_unit)
13058 call lw_kgb10(rrtmg_unit)
13059 call lw_kgb11(rrtmg_unit)
13060 call lw_kgb12(rrtmg_unit)
13061 call lw_kgb13(rrtmg_unit)
13062 call lw_kgb14(rrtmg_unit)
13063 call lw_kgb15(rrtmg_unit)
13064 call lw_kgb16(rrtmg_unit)
13066 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) CLOSE (rrtmg_unit)
13070 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error opening RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13071 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13073 END SUBROUTINE rrtmg_lwlookuptable
13075 ! **************************************************************************
13076 ! RRTMG Longwave Radiative Transfer Model
13077 ! Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Cambridge, MA
13079 ! Original version: E. J. Mlawer, et al.
13080 ! Revision for GCMs: Michael J. Iacono; October, 2002
13081 ! Revision for F90 formatting: Michael J. Iacono; June 2006
13083 ! This file contains 16 READ statements that include the
13084 ! absorption coefficients and other data for each of the 16 longwave
13085 ! spectral bands used in RRTMG_LW. Here, the data are defined for 16
13086 ! g-points, or sub-intervals, per band. These data are combined and
13087 ! weighted using a mapping procedure in module RRTMG_LW_INIT to reduce
13088 ! the total number of g-points from 256 to 140 for use in the GCM.
13089 ! **************************************************************************
13091 ! **************************************************************************
13092 subroutine lw_kgb01(rrtmg_unit)
13093 ! **************************************************************************
13095 use rrlw_kg01, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2, kbo_mn2, &
13103 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13106 character*80 errmess
13107 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13109 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13110 ! and upper atmosphere.
13111 ! Planck fraction mapping levels: P = 212.7250 mbar, T = 223.06 K
13113 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13114 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13115 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13116 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13117 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
13118 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
13119 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
13120 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
13121 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
13122 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
13123 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13125 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13126 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13127 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13128 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13129 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13130 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13131 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13132 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13133 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13134 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13135 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13137 ! The arrays kao_mn2 and kbo_mn2 contain the coefficients of the
13138 ! nitrogen continuum for the upper and lower atmosphere.
13139 ! Minor gas mapping levels:
13140 ! Lower - n2: P = 142.5490 mbar, T = 215.70 K
13141 ! Upper - n2: P = 142.5490 mbar, T = 215.70 K
13143 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13144 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13145 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13146 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13147 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13149 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13150 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13151 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13152 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13153 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13155 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13157 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13158 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2, kbo_mn2, selfrefo, forrefo
13159 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13160 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13161 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13162 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13163 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mn2)
13164 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mn2)
13165 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13166 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13170 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13171 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13173 end subroutine lw_kgb01
13175 ! **************************************************************************
13176 subroutine lw_kgb02(rrtmg_unit)
13177 ! **************************************************************************
13179 use rrlw_kg02, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
13185 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13188 character*80 errmess
13189 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13191 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13192 ! and upper atmosphere.
13193 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13194 ! Lower: P = 1053.630 mbar, T = 294.2 K
13195 ! Upper: P = 3.206e-2 mb, T = 197.92 K
13197 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13198 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13199 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13200 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13201 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
13202 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
13203 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
13204 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
13205 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
13206 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
13207 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13209 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13210 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13211 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13212 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13213 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13214 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13215 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13216 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13217 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13218 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13219 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13221 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13222 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13223 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13224 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13225 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13227 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13228 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13229 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13230 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13231 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13233 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13235 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13236 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
13237 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13238 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13239 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13240 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13241 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13242 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13246 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13247 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13249 end subroutine lw_kgb02
13251 ! **************************************************************************
13252 subroutine lw_kgb03(rrtmg_unit)
13253 ! **************************************************************************
13255 use rrlw_kg03, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2o, &
13256 kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo
13262 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13265 character*80 errmess
13266 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13268 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13269 ! and upper atmosphere.
13270 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13271 ! Lower: P = 212.7250 mbar, T = 223.06 K
13272 ! Upper: P = 95.8 mbar, T = 215.7 k
13274 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13275 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13276 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13277 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13278 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13279 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13280 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13282 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13283 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13284 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13285 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13286 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13287 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13288 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13289 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13290 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13292 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13293 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13294 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13295 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13296 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13297 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13298 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13299 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13300 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13301 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13302 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13303 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13304 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13305 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13306 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13307 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13308 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13309 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13310 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13311 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13313 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13314 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13315 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13316 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13317 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13318 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13319 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13320 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
13321 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13322 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
13323 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13325 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13326 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13327 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13328 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amounts ratios,
13329 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13330 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13331 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1 to
13332 ! that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
13333 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13334 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
13335 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13337 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13338 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13339 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13340 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13341 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13343 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13344 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13345 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13346 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13347 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13349 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13351 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13352 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2o, kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo
13353 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13354 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13355 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13356 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13357 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mn2o)
13358 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mn2o)
13359 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13360 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13364 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13365 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13367 end subroutine lw_kgb03
13369 ! **************************************************************************
13370 subroutine lw_kgb04(rrtmg_unit)
13371 ! **************************************************************************
13373 use rrlw_kg04, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
13379 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13382 character*80 errmess
13383 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13385 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13386 ! and upper atmosphere.
13387 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13388 ! Lower : P = 142.5940 mbar, T = 215.70 K
13389 ! Upper : P = 95.58350 mb, T = 215.70 K
13391 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13392 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13393 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13394 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13395 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13396 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13397 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13399 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13400 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13401 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13402 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13403 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13404 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13405 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13406 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13407 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13409 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13410 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13411 ! of H2O to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13412 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13413 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13414 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13415 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13416 ! to that of gas2. The second index, JT, which
13417 ! runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different temperatures. More
13418 ! specifically, JT = 3 means that the data are for the corresponding
13419 ! reference temperature TREF for this pressure level, JT = 2 refers
13420 ! to the TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and
13421 ! JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and
13422 ! refers to the corresponding pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 13 is
13423 ! for a pressure of 95.5835 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to
13424 ! 16, and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13426 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13427 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13428 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13429 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13430 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13432 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13433 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13434 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13435 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13436 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13438 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13440 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13441 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
13442 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13443 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13444 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13445 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13446 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13447 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13451 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13452 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13454 end subroutine lw_kgb04
13456 ! **************************************************************************
13457 subroutine lw_kgb05(rrtmg_unit)
13458 ! **************************************************************************
13460 use rrlw_kg05, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mo3, &
13461 selfrefo, forrefo, ccl4o
13467 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13470 character*80 errmess
13471 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13473 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13474 ! and upper atmosphere.
13475 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13476 ! Lower: P = 473.42 mb, T = 259.83
13477 ! Upper: P = 0.2369280 mbar, T = 253.60 K
13479 ! The arrays kao_mo3 and ccl4o contain the coefficients for
13480 ! ozone and ccl4 in the lower atmosphere.
13481 ! Minor gas mapping level:
13482 ! Lower - o3: P = 317.34 mbar, T = 240.77 k
13485 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13486 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13487 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13488 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13489 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13490 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13491 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13493 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13494 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13495 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13496 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13497 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13498 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13499 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13500 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13501 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13503 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13504 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13505 ! of H2O to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13506 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13507 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13508 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13509 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13510 ! to that of gas2. The second index, JT, which
13511 ! runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different temperatures. More
13512 ! specifically, JT = 3 means that the data are for the corresponding
13513 ! reference temperature TREF for this pressure level, JT = 2 refers
13514 ! to the TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and
13515 ! JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and
13516 ! refers to the corresponding pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 13 is
13517 ! for a pressure of 95.5835 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to
13518 ! 16, and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13520 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13521 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13522 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13523 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13524 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13525 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13526 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13527 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
13528 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13529 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
13530 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13532 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13533 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13534 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13535 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13536 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13538 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13539 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13540 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13541 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13542 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13544 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13546 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13547 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mo3, ccl4o, selfrefo, forrefo
13548 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13549 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13550 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13551 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13552 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mo3)
13553 DM_BCAST_MACRO(ccl4o)
13554 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13555 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13559 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13560 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13562 end subroutine lw_kgb05
13564 ! **************************************************************************
13565 subroutine lw_kgb06(rrtmg_unit)
13566 ! **************************************************************************
13569 ! use rrlw_kg06, only : fracrefao, kao, kao_mco2, selfrefo, forrefo, &
13570 ! cfc11adjo, cfc12o
13576 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13579 character*80 errmess
13580 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13582 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13583 ! and upper atmosphere.
13584 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13585 ! Lower: : P = 473.4280 mb, T = 259.83 K
13587 ! The arrays kao_mco2, cfc11adjo and cfc12o contain the coefficients for
13588 ! carbon dioxide in the lower atmosphere and cfc11 and cfc12 in the upper
13590 ! Original cfc11 is multiplied by 1.385 to account for the 1060-1107 cm-1 band.
13591 ! Minor gas mapping level:
13592 ! Lower - co2: P = 706.2720 mb, T = 294.2 k
13593 ! Upper - cfc11, cfc12
13595 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13596 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13597 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13598 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13599 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
13600 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
13601 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
13602 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
13603 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
13604 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
13605 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13607 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13608 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13609 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
13610 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13611 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
13612 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13614 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13615 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13616 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13617 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13618 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13620 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13621 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13622 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13623 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13624 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13626 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13628 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13629 fracrefao, kao, kao_mco2, cfc11adjo, cfc12o, selfrefo, forrefo
13630 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13631 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13632 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mco2)
13633 DM_BCAST_MACRO(cfc11adjo)
13634 DM_BCAST_MACRO(cfc12o)
13635 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13636 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13640 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13641 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13643 end subroutine lw_kgb06
13645 ! **************************************************************************
13646 subroutine lw_kgb07(rrtmg_unit)
13647 ! **************************************************************************
13649 use rrlw_kg07, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mco2, &
13650 kbo_mco2, selfrefo, forrefo
13656 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13659 character*80 errmess
13660 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13662 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13663 ! and upper atmosphere.
13664 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13665 ! Lower : P = 706.27 mb, T = 278.94 K
13666 ! Upper : P = 95.58 mbar, T= 215.70 K
13668 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13669 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13670 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13671 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13672 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13673 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13674 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13676 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13677 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13678 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13679 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13680 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13681 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13682 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13683 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13684 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13686 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13687 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13688 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13689 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13690 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13691 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13692 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13693 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13694 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13695 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13696 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13698 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13699 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13700 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13701 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13702 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13703 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13704 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13705 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
13706 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13707 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
13708 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13710 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13711 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13712 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
13713 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13714 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
13715 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13717 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13718 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13719 ! index refers to reference temperature (296_rb,260_rb,224,260) and
13720 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13721 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13723 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13724 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13725 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13726 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13727 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13729 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13731 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13732 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mco2, kbo_mco2, selfrefo, forrefo
13733 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13734 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13735 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13736 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13737 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mco2)
13738 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mco2)
13739 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13740 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13744 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13745 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13747 end subroutine lw_kgb07
13749 ! **************************************************************************
13750 subroutine lw_kgb08(rrtmg_unit)
13751 ! **************************************************************************
13753 use rrlw_kg08, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mco2, kao_mn2o, &
13754 kao_mo3, kbo, kbo_mco2, kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo, &
13761 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13764 character*80 errmess
13765 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13767 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13768 ! and upper atmosphere.
13769 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13770 ! Lower: P=473.4280 mb, T = 259.83 K
13771 ! Upper: P=95.5835 mb, T= 215.7 K
13773 ! The arrays kao_mco2, kbo_mco2, kao_mn2o, kbo_mn2o contain the coefficients for
13774 ! carbon dioxide and n2o in the lower and upper atmosphere.
13775 ! The array kao_mo3 contains the coefficients for ozone in the lower atmosphere,
13776 ! and arrays cfc12o and cfc12adjo contain the coefficients for cfc12 and cfc22.
13777 ! Original cfc22 is multiplied by 1.485 to account for the 780-850 cm-1
13778 ! and 1290-1335 cm-1 bands.
13779 ! Minor gas mapping level:
13780 ! Lower - co2: P = 1053.63 mb, T = 294.2 k
13781 ! Lower - o3: P = 317.348 mb, T = 240.77 k
13782 ! Lower - n2o: P = 706.2720 mb, T= 278.94 k
13783 ! Lower - cfc12, cfc22
13784 ! Upper - co2: P = 35.1632 mb, T = 223.28 k
13785 ! Upper - n2o: P = 8.716e-2 mb, T = 226.03 k
13787 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13788 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13789 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13790 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13791 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
13792 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
13793 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
13794 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
13795 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
13796 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
13797 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13799 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13800 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13801 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13802 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13803 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13804 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13805 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13806 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13807 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13808 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13809 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13811 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13812 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13813 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
13814 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13815 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
13816 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13818 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13819 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13820 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
13821 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13822 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
13823 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13825 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13826 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13827 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13828 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13829 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13831 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13832 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13833 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13834 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13835 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13837 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13839 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13840 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mco2, kbo_mco2, kao_mn2o, &
13841 kbo_mn2o, kao_mo3, cfc12o, cfc22adjo, selfrefo, forrefo
13842 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13843 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13844 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13845 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13846 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mco2)
13847 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mco2)
13848 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mn2o)
13849 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mn2o)
13850 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mo3)
13851 DM_BCAST_MACRO(cfc12o)
13852 DM_BCAST_MACRO(cfc22adjo)
13853 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13854 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13858 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13859 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13861 end subroutine lw_kgb08
13863 ! **************************************************************************
13864 subroutine lw_kgb09(rrtmg_unit)
13865 ! **************************************************************************
13867 use rrlw_kg09, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2o, &
13868 kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo
13874 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13877 character*80 errmess
13878 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13880 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13881 ! and upper atmosphere.
13882 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13883 ! Lower: P=212.7250 mb, T = 223.06 K
13884 ! Upper: P=3.20e-2 mb, T = 197.92 k
13886 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
13887 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
13888 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13889 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13890 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13891 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13892 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13894 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
13895 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13896 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13897 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
13898 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
13899 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
13900 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
13901 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13902 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13904 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13905 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13906 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13907 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13908 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
13909 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
13910 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
13911 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
13912 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
13913 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
13914 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
13916 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13917 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13918 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
13919 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
13920 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
13921 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
13922 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
13923 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
13924 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13925 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
13926 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13928 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
13929 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
13930 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
13931 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
13932 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
13933 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13935 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13936 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
13937 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
13938 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
13939 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13941 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
13942 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
13943 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
13944 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
13945 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
13947 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
13949 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
13950 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mn2o, kbo_mn2o, selfrefo, forrefo
13951 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
13952 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
13953 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
13954 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
13955 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mn2o)
13956 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mn2o)
13957 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
13958 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
13962 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
13963 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
13965 end subroutine lw_kgb09
13967 ! **************************************************************************
13968 subroutine lw_kgb10(rrtmg_unit)
13969 ! **************************************************************************
13971 use rrlw_kg10, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
13977 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
13980 character*80 errmess
13981 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
13983 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
13984 ! and upper atmosphere.
13985 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
13986 ! Lower: P = 212.7250 mb, T = 223.06 K
13987 ! Upper: P = 95.58350 mb, T = 215.70 K
13989 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
13990 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
13991 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
13992 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
13993 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
13994 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
13995 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
13996 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
13997 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
13998 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
13999 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14001 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
14002 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
14003 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
14004 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14005 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14006 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
14007 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
14008 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
14009 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
14010 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14011 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14013 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14014 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14015 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14016 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14017 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14019 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14020 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14021 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14022 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14023 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14025 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14027 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14028 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
14029 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14030 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
14031 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14032 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
14033 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14034 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14038 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14039 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14041 end subroutine lw_kgb10
14043 ! **************************************************************************
14044 subroutine lw_kgb11(rrtmg_unit)
14045 ! **************************************************************************
14047 use rrlw_kg11, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mo2, &
14048 kbo_mo2, selfrefo, forrefo
14054 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14057 character*80 errmess
14058 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14060 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14061 ! and upper atmosphere.
14062 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14063 ! Lower: P=1053.63 mb, T= 294.2 K
14064 ! Upper: P=0.353 mb, T = 262.11 K
14066 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
14067 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb and temperatures. The first
14068 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
14069 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14070 ! data are for the corresponding TREF for this pressure level,
14071 ! JT = 2 refers to the temperatureTREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30,
14072 ! JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. The second
14073 ! index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding
14074 ! pressure level in PREF (e.g. JP = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb).
14075 ! The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and tells us which
14076 ! g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14078 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
14079 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
14080 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
14081 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14082 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14083 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
14084 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
14085 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
14086 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
14087 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14088 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14090 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
14091 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
14092 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
14093 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
14094 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
14095 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14097 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
14098 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
14099 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
14100 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
14101 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
14102 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14104 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14105 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14106 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14107 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14108 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14110 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14111 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14112 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14113 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14114 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14116 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14118 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14119 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, kao_mo2, kbo_mo2, selfrefo, forrefo
14120 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14121 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
14122 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14123 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
14124 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mo2)
14125 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mo2)
14126 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14127 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14131 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14132 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14134 end subroutine lw_kgb11
14136 ! **************************************************************************
14137 subroutine lw_kgb12(rrtmg_unit)
14138 ! **************************************************************************
14140 use rrlw_kg12, only : fracrefao, kao, selfrefo, forrefo
14146 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14149 character*80 errmess
14150 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14152 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14153 ! and upper atmosphere.
14154 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14155 ! Lower: P = 174.1640 mbar, T= 215.78 K
14157 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
14158 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
14159 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14160 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14161 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14162 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14163 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14165 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
14166 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14167 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14168 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
14169 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
14170 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
14171 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
14172 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14173 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14175 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14176 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14177 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14178 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14179 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14181 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14182 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14183 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14184 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14185 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14187 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14189 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14190 fracrefao, kao, selfrefo, forrefo
14191 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14192 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14193 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14194 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14198 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14199 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14201 end subroutine lw_kgb12
14203 ! **************************************************************************
14204 subroutine lw_kgb13(rrtmg_unit)
14205 ! **************************************************************************
14207 use rrlw_kg13, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mco2, kao_mco, &
14208 kbo_mo3, selfrefo, forrefo
14214 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14217 character*80 errmess
14218 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14220 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14221 ! and upper atmosphere.
14222 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14223 ! Lower: P=473.4280 mb, T = 259.83 K
14224 ! Upper: P=4.758820 mb, T = 250.85 K
14226 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
14227 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
14228 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14229 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14230 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14231 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14232 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14234 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
14235 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14236 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14237 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
14238 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
14239 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
14240 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
14241 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14242 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14244 ! The array KAO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
14245 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
14246 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14247 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14248 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14249 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14250 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14251 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
14252 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
14253 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
14254 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14256 ! The array KBO_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
14257 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
14258 ! level above 100~ mb. The first index refers to temperature
14259 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
14260 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The second index
14261 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14263 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14264 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14265 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14266 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14267 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14269 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14270 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14271 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14272 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14273 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14275 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14277 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14278 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kao_mco2, kao_mco, kbo_mo3, selfrefo, forrefo
14279 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14280 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
14281 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14282 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mco2)
14283 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mco)
14284 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo_mo3)
14285 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14286 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14290 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14291 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14293 end subroutine lw_kgb13
14295 ! **************************************************************************
14296 subroutine lw_kgb14(rrtmg_unit)
14297 ! **************************************************************************
14299 use rrlw_kg14, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
14305 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14308 character*80 errmess
14309 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14311 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14312 ! and upper atmosphere.
14313 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14314 ! Lower: P = 142.5940 mb, T = 215.70 K
14315 ! Upper: P = 4.758820 mb, T = 250.85 K
14317 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
14318 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
14319 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14320 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14321 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14322 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14323 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14325 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
14326 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14327 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14328 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
14329 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
14330 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
14331 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
14332 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14333 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14335 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
14336 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
14337 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
14338 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14339 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14340 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
14341 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
14342 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
14343 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
14344 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14345 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14347 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14348 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14349 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14350 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14351 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14353 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14354 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14355 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14356 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14357 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14359 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14361 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14362 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
14363 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14364 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
14365 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14366 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
14367 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14368 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14372 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14373 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14375 end subroutine lw_kgb14
14377 ! **************************************************************************
14378 subroutine lw_kgb15(rrtmg_unit)
14379 ! **************************************************************************
14381 use rrlw_kg15, only : fracrefao, kao, kao_mn2, selfrefo, forrefo
14387 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14390 character*80 errmess
14391 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14393 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14394 ! and upper atmosphere.
14395 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14396 ! Lower: P = 1053. mb, T = 294.2 K
14398 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
14399 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
14400 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14401 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14402 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14403 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14404 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14406 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
14407 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14408 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14409 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
14410 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
14411 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
14412 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
14413 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14414 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14416 ! The array KA_Mxx contains the absorption coefficient for
14417 ! a minor species at the 16 chosen g-values for a reference pressure
14418 ! level below 100~ mb. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14419 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14420 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14421 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14422 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14423 ! to that of gas2. The second index refers to temperature
14424 ! in 7.2 degree increments. For instance, JT = 1 refers to a
14425 ! temperature of 188.0, JT = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. The third index
14426 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14428 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14429 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14430 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14431 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14432 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14434 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14435 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14436 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14437 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14438 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14440 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14442 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14443 fracrefao, kao, kao_mn2, selfrefo, forrefo
14444 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14445 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14446 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao_mn2)
14447 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14448 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14452 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14453 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14455 end subroutine lw_kgb15
14457 ! **************************************************************************
14458 subroutine lw_kgb16(rrtmg_unit)
14459 ! **************************************************************************
14461 use rrlw_kg16, only : fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
14467 integer, intent(in) :: rrtmg_unit
14470 character*80 errmess
14471 logical, external :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
14473 ! Arrays fracrefao and fracrefbo are the Planck fractions for the lower
14474 ! and upper atmosphere.
14475 ! Planck fraction mapping levels:
14476 ! Lower: P = 387.6100 mbar, T = 250.17 K
14477 ! Upper: P=95.58350 mb, T = 215.70 K
14479 ! The array KAO contains absorption coefs for each of the 16 g-intervals
14480 ! for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios
14481 ! of water vapor to CO2. The first index in the array, JS, runs
14482 ! from 1 to 10, and corresponds to different gas column amount ratios,
14483 ! as expressed through the binary species parameter eta, defined as
14484 ! eta = gas1/(gas1 + (rat) * gas2), where rat is the
14485 ! ratio of the reference MLS column amount value of gas 1
14487 ! The 2nd index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds
14488 ! to different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14489 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14490 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature
14491 ! TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5
14492 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers
14493 ! to the reference pressure level (e.g. JP = 1 is for a
14494 ! pressure of 1053.63 mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14495 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14497 ! The array KBO contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values
14498 ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first
14499 ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to
14500 ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the
14501 ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure
14502 ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for
14503 ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30.
14504 ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth
14505 ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these
14506 ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16,
14507 ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
14509 ! The array FORREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14510 ! foreign-continuum (including the energy term). The first
14511 ! index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and
14512 ! pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. The second index
14513 ! runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14515 ! The array SELFREFO contains the coefficient of the water vapor
14516 ! self-continuum (including the energy term). The first index
14517 ! refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. For instance,
14518 ! JT = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, JT = 2 refers to 252.8,
14519 ! etc. The second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 16).
14521 #define DM_BCAST_MACRO(A) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes ( A , size ( A ) * RWORDSIZE )
14523 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) READ (rrtmg_unit,ERR=9010) &
14524 fracrefao, fracrefbo, kao, kbo, selfrefo, forrefo
14525 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefao)
14526 DM_BCAST_MACRO(fracrefbo)
14527 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kao)
14528 DM_BCAST_MACRO(kbo)
14529 DM_BCAST_MACRO(selfrefo)
14530 DM_BCAST_MACRO(forrefo)
14534 WRITE( errmess , '(A,I4)' ) 'module_ra_rrtmg_lw: error reading RRTMG_LW_DATA on unit ',rrtmg_unit
14535 CALL wrf_error_fatal(errmess)
14537 end subroutine lw_kgb16
14539 !===============================================================================
14540 subroutine relcalc(ncol, pcols, pver, t, landfrac, landm, icefrac, rel, snowh)
14541 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
14544 ! Compute cloud water size
14547 ! analytic formula following the formulation originally developed by J. T. Kiehl
14549 ! Author: Phil Rasch
14551 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
14553 !------------------------------Arguments--------------------------------
14557 integer, intent(in) :: ncol
14558 integer, intent(in) :: pcols, pver
14559 real, intent(in) :: landfrac(pcols) ! Land fraction
14560 real, intent(in) :: icefrac(pcols) ! Ice fraction
14561 real, intent(in) :: snowh(pcols) ! Snow depth over land, water equivalent (m)
14562 real, intent(in) :: landm(pcols) ! Land fraction ramping to zero over ocean
14563 real, intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! Temperature
14568 real, intent(out) :: rel(pcols,pver) ! Liquid effective drop size (microns)
14570 !---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
14572 integer i,k ! Lon, lev indices
14573 real tmelt ! freezing temperature of fresh water (K)
14574 real rliqland ! liquid drop size if over land
14575 real rliqocean ! liquid drop size if over ocean
14576 real rliqice ! liquid drop size if over sea ice
14578 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
14586 ! jrm Reworked effective radius algorithm
14587 ! Start with temperature-dependent value appropriate for continental air
14588 ! Note: findmcnew has a pressure dependence here
14589 rel(i,k) = rliqland + (rliqocean-rliqland) * min(1.0,max(0.0,(tmelt-t(i,k))*0.05))
14590 ! Modify for snow depth over land
14591 rel(i,k) = rel(i,k) + (rliqocean-rel(i,k)) * min(1.0,max(0.0,snowh(i)*10.))
14592 ! Ramp between polluted value over land to clean value over ocean.
14593 rel(i,k) = rel(i,k) + (rliqocean-rel(i,k)) * min(1.0,max(0.0,1.0-landm(i)))
14594 ! Ramp between the resultant value and a sea ice value in the presence of ice.
14595 rel(i,k) = rel(i,k) + (rliqice-rel(i,k)) * min(1.0,max(0.0,icefrac(i)))
14599 end subroutine relcalc
14600 !===============================================================================
14601 subroutine reicalc(ncol, pcols, pver, t, re)
14604 integer, intent(in) :: ncol, pcols, pver
14605 real, intent(out) :: re(pcols,pver)
14606 real, intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver)
14612 ! Tabulated values of re(T) in the temperature interval
14613 ! 180 K -- 274 K; hexagonal columns assumed:
14618 index = int(t(i,k)-179.)
14619 index = min(max(index,1),94)
14620 corr = t(i,k) - int(t(i,k))
14621 re(i,k) = retab(index)*(1.-corr) &
14622 +retab(index+1)*corr
14623 ! re(i,k) = amax1(amin1(re(i,k),30.),10.)
14628 end subroutine reicalc
14629 !------------------------------------------------------------------
14631 END MODULE module_ra_rrtmg_lw