Merge pull request #22 from wirc-sjsu/develop-w21
[WRF-Fire-merge.git] / phys / module_sf_oml.F
3 MODULE module_sf_oml
7 !----------------------------------------------------------------
8    SUBROUTINE OML1D(I,J,TML,T0ML,H,H0,HUML,                              &
9                     HVML,TSK,HFX,                                        &
10                     LH,GSW,GLW,TMOML,                                    &
11                     UAIR,VAIR,UST,F,EMISS,STBOLT,G,DT,OML_GAMMA,         &
12                     OML_RELAXATION_TIME,                                 &
13                     ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                           &
14                     ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                           &
15                     its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                            )
17 !----------------------------------------------------------------
19 !----------------------------------------------------------------
23 !  (Pollard, Rhines and Thompson (1973).
25 !-- TML         ocean mixed layer temperature (K)
26 !-- T0ML        ocean mixed layer temperature (K) at initial time
27 !-- TMOML       top 200 m ocean mean temperature (K) at initial time
28 !-- H           ocean mixed layer depth (m)
29 !-- H0          ocean mixed layer depth (m) at initial time
30 !-- HUML        ocean mixed layer u component of wind
31 !-- HVML        ocean mixed layer v component of wind
32 !-- OML_GAMMA   deep water lapse rate (K m-1)
33 !-- SF_OCEAN_PHYSICS     whether to call oml model
34 !-- UAIR,VAIR   lowest model level wind component
35 !-- UST         frictional velocity
36 !-- HFX         upward heat flux at the surface (W/m^2)
37 !-- LH          latent heat flux at the surface (W/m^2)
38 !-- TSK         surface temperature (K)
39 !-- GSW         downward short wave flux at ground surface (W/m^2)
40 !-- GLW         downward long wave flux at ground surface (W/m^2)
41 !-- EMISS       emissivity of the surface
42 !-- STBOLT      Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m^2/K^4)
43 !-- F           Coriolis parameter
44 !-- DT          time step (second)
45 !-- G           acceleration due to gravity
46 !-- OML_RELAXATION_TIME  time scale (s) to relax TML to T0ML, H to H0,
47 !                        HUML and HVML to 0; value <=0 means no relaxation
49 !----------------------------------------------------------------
50    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::      I, J
51    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::      ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
52                                      ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
53                                      its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
57    REAL,    INTENT(IN   )    :: T0ML, H0, HFX, LH, GSW, GLW,        &
58                                 UAIR, VAIR, UST, F, EMISS, TMOML
62 ! Local
63    REAL :: rhoair, rhowater, Gam, alp, BV2, A1, A2, B2, u, v, wspd, &
64            hu1, hv1, hu2, hv2, taux, tauy, tauxair, tauyair, q, hold, &
65            hsqrd, thp, cwater, ust2
66    CHARACTER(LEN=120) :: time_series
68       hu1=huml
69       hv1=hvml
70       rhoair=1.
71       rhowater=1000.
72       cwater=4200.
73 ! Deep ocean lapse rate (K/m) - from Rich
74       Gam=oml_gamma
75 !     if(i.eq.1 .and. j.eq.1 .or. i.eq.105.and.j.eq.105) print *, 'gamma = ', gam
76 !     Gam=0.14
77 !     Gam=5.6/40.
78 !     Gam=5./100.
79 ! Thermal expansion coeff (/K)
80 !     alp=.0002
81 !     temp dependence (/K)
82       alp=max((tml-273.15)*1.e-5, 1.e-6)
83       BV2=alp*g*Gam
84       thp=t0ml-Gam*(h-h0)
85       A1=(tml-thp)*h - 0.5*Gam*h*h
86       if(
87         u=hu1/h
88         v=hv1/h
89       else
90         u=0.
91         v=0.
92       endif
94 !  time step
96         q=(-hfx-lh+gsw+glw*emiss-stbolt*emiss*tml*tml*tml*tml)/(rhowater*cwater)
97 !       wspd=max(sqrt(uair*uair+vair*vair),0.1)
98         wspd=sqrt(uair*uair+vair*vair)
99         if (wspd .lt. 1.e-10 ) then
100 !          print *, 'i,j,wspd are ', i,j,wspd
101            wspd = 1.e-10
102         endif
103 ! limit ust to 1.6 to give a value of ust for water of 0.05
104 !       ust2=min(ust, 1.6)
105 ! new limit for ust: reduce atmospheric ust by half for ocean
106         ust2=0.5*ust
107         tauxair=ust2*ust2*uair/wspd
108         taux=rhoair/rhowater*tauxair
109         tauyair=ust2*ust2*vair/wspd
110         tauy=rhoair/rhowater*tauyair
111 ! note: forward-backward coriolis force for effective time-centering
112         hu2=hu1+dt*( f*hv1 + taux)
113         hv2=hv1+dt*(-f*hu2 + tauy)
114 ! consider the flux effect
115         A2=A1+q*dt
117         huml=hu2
118         hvml=hv2
120         hold=h
121         B2=hu2*hu2+hv2*hv2
122         hsqrd=-A2/Gam + sqrt(A2*A2/(Gam*Gam) + 2.*B2/BV2)
123         h=sqrt(max(hsqrd,0.0))
124 ! limit to positive h change
125         if(
127 ! no change unless tml is warmer than layer mean temp tmol or tsk-5 (see omlinit)
128         if( .and.
130 ! no change unless tml is warmer than layer mean temp tmoml or tsk-5 (see omlinit)
131           if(
132             tml=max(t0ml - Gam*(h-h0) + 0.5*Gam*h + A2/h, tmoml)
133           else 
134             tml=tmoml
135           endif
136           u=hu2/h
137           v=hv2/h
138         else
139           tml=t0ml
140           u=0.
141           v=0.
142         endif
144 ! relax TML T0ML and H to H0, HUML and HVML to 0
146         if (oml_relaxation_time .gt. 0.) then
147           tml = tml - (tml-t0ml)*dt/oml_relaxation_time
148           h = h - (h-h0)*dt/oml_relaxation_time
149           huml = huml - huml*dt/oml_relaxation_time
150           hvml = hvml - hvml*dt/oml_relaxation_time
151         end if
153         tsk=tml
154 !        if( *,i,j,h,tml,' h,tml'
156 ! ww: output point data
157 !     if( (i.eq.190 .and. j.eq.115) .or. (i.eq.170 .and. j.eq.125) ) then
158 !        write(jtime,fmt='("TS ",f10.0)') float(itimestep)
159 !        CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(jtime) )
160 !        write(time_series,fmt='("OML",2I4,2F9.5,2F8.2,2E15.5,F8.3)') &
161 !              i,j,u,v,tml,h,taux,tauy,a2
162 !        CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(time_series) )
163 !     end if
167 !================================================================
168    SUBROUTINE omlinit(oml_hml0, tsk,                           &
169                       tml,t0ml,hml,h0ml,huml,hvml,tmoml,       &
170                       allowed_to_read, start_of_simulation,    &
171                       ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,               &
172                       ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,               &
173                       its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                )
174 !----------------------------------------------------------------
176 !----------------------------------------------------------------
177    LOGICAL , INTENT(IN)      ::      allowed_to_read
178    LOGICAL , INTENT(IN)      ::      start_of_simulation
179    INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::      ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
180                                      ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
181                                      its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
183    REAL,    DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme )                     , &
184             INTENT(IN)    ::                               TSK
186    REAL,    DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme )                     , &
187             INTENT(INOUT)    ::     TML, T0ML, HML, H0ML, HUML, HVML, TMOML
188    REAL   , INTENT(IN   )    ::     oml_hml0
190 !  LOCAR VAR
192    INTEGER                   ::      L,J,I,itf,jtf
193    CHARACTER*1024 message
195 !----------------------------------------------------------------
197    itf=min0(ite,ide-1)
198    jtf=min0(jte,jde-1)
200    IF(start_of_simulation) THEN
201      DO J=jts,jtf
202      DO I=its,itf
203        TML(I,J)=TSK(I,J)
204        T0ML(I,J)=TSK(I,J)
205      ENDDO
206      ENDDO
207      IF (oml_hml0 .gt. 0.) THEN
208         WRITE(message,*)'Initializing OML with HML0 = ', oml_hml0
209         CALL wrf_debug (0, TRIM(message))
210         DO J=jts,jtf
211         DO I=its,itf
212           HML(I,J)=oml_hml0
213           H0ML(I,J)=HML(I,J)
214           HUML(I,J)=0.
215           HVML(I,J)=0.
216           TMOML(I,J)=TSK(I,J)-5.
217         ENDDO
218         ENDDO
219      ELSE IF (oml_hml0 .eq. 0.) THEN
220         WRITE(message,*)'Initializing OML with climatological mixed layer depth'
221         CALL wrf_debug (0, TRIM(message))
222         DO J=jts,jtf
223         DO I=its,itf
224           HML(I,J)=H0ML(I,J)
225           HUML(I,J)=0.
226           HVML(I,J)=0.
227           TMOML(I,J)=TSK(I,J)-5.
228         ENDDO
229         ENDDO
230      ELSE
231         WRITE(message,*)'Initializing OML with 2d HML0'
232         CALL wrf_debug (0, TRIM(message))
233         DO J=jts,jtf
234         DO I=its,itf
235           HML(I,J)=H0ML(I,J)
236 ! fill in near coast area with SST: 200 K was set as missing value in ocean pre-processing code
237           IF(TMOML(I,J).GT.200. .and. TMOML(I,J).LE.201.) TMOML(I,J)=TSK(I,J)
238         ENDDO
239         ENDDO
240      ENDIF
241    ENDIF
243    END SUBROUTINE omlinit
245 END MODULE module_sf_oml