1 Description of namelist variables
3 ---------------------------------
5 Note: variables followed by (max_dom) indicate that this variable needs to
6 be defined for the nests when max_dom > 1.
9 run_days = 0, ! run time in days
10 run_hours = 0, ! run time in hours
11 Note: if it is more than 1 day, one may use both run_days and run_hours
12 or just run_hours. e.g. if the total run length is 36 hrs, you may
13 set run_days = 1, and run_hours = 12, or run_days = 0, and run_hours = 36
14 run_minutes = 0, ! run time in minutes
15 run_seconds = 0, ! run time in seconds
16 start_year (max_dom) = 2001, ! four digit year of starting time
17 start_month (max_dom) = 06, ! two digit month of starting time
18 start_day (max_dom) = 11, ! two digit day of starting time
19 start_hour (max_dom) = 12, ! two digit hour of starting time
20 start_minute (max_dom) = 00, ! two digit minute of starting time
21 start_second (max_dom) = 00, ! two digit second of starting time
22 Note: the start time is used to name the first wrfout file.
23 It also controls the start time for nest domains, and the time to restart
24 end_year (max_dom) = 2001, ! four digit year of ending time
25 end_month (max_dom) = 06, ! two digit month of ending time
26 end_day (max_dom) = 12, ! two digit day of ending time
27 end_hour (max_dom) = 12, ! two digit hour of ending time
28 end_minute (max_dom) = 00, ! two digit minute of ending time
29 end_second (max_dom) = 00, ! two digit second of ending time
30 It also controls when the nest domain integrations end
31 All start and end times are used by real.exe.
33 Note that one may use either run_days/run_hours etc. or
34 end_year/month/day/hour etc. to control the length of
35 model integration. But run_days/run_hours
36 takes precedence over the end times.
37 Program real.exe uses start and end times only.
39 interval_seconds = 10800, ! time interval between incoming real data, which will be the interval
40 between the lateral boundary condition file (in seconds)
41 input_from_file (max_dom) = T, ! whether nested run will have input files for domains other than 1
42 fine_input_stream (max_dom) = 0, ! field selection from nest input for its initialization
43 0: all fields are used! 2: only static and time-varying, masked land
44 surface fields are used. This requires the use of
46 history_interval (max_dom) = 60, ! history output file interval in minutes
47 frames_per_outfile (max_dom) = 1, ! number of output times per history output file,
48 used to split output into multiple files
50 restart = F, ! whether this run is a restart run
51 cycling = F, ! whether this run is a cycling run, if so, initializes look-up table for Thompson schemes only
52 restart_interval = 1440, ! restart output file interval in minutes
53 reset_simulation_start = F, ! whether to overwrite simulation_start_date with forecast start time
54 io_form_history = 2, ! 2 = netCDF
55 io_form_restart = 2, ! 2 = netCDF
56 io_form_input = 2, ! 2 = netCDF
57 io_form_boundary = 2, ! netCDF format
61 = 11, ! pnetCDF format
62 ncd_nofill = .true., ! only a single write, not the write/read/write sequence
63 frames_per_emissfile = 12, ! number of times in each chemistry emission file.
64 io_style_emiss = 1, ! style to use for the chemistry emission files.
65 ! 0 = Do not read emissions from files.
66 ! 1 = Cycle between two 12 hour files (set frames_per_emissfile=12)
67 ! 2 = Dated files with length set by frames_per_emissfile
68 debug_level = 0, ! 50,100,200,300 values give increasing prints
69 diag_print = 0, ! print out time series of model diagnostics
71 1 = domain averaged 3-hourly hydrostatic surface pressure tendency
72 (Dpsfc/Dt), and dry-hydrostatic column pressure tendency (Dmu/Dt)
73 will appear in stdout file
74 2 = in addition to those above, domain averaged rainfall,
75 surface evaporation, and sensible and latent heat fluxes will be output
76 all_ic_times = .false., ! whether to write out wrfinput for all processing times
77 adjust_output_times = .false., ! adjust output times to the nearest hour
78 override_restart_timers = .false., ! whether to change the alarms from what is previously set
79 write_hist_at_0h_rst = .false., ! whether to output history file at the start of restart run
80 output_ready_flag = .true., ! asks the model to write-out an empty file with the name 'wrfoutReady_d<domain>_<date>.
81 Useful in production runs so that post-processing code can check on the
82 completeness of this file
83 force_use_old_data = .false., ! if set to .true., allow WRF Version 3 input data
84 =.false., stop when WRF model detects Version 3 input data
86 To choose between SI and WPS input to real for EM core:
87 auxinput1_inname = "met_em.d<domain>.<date>" ! Input to real from WPS (default since 3.0)
88 = "wrf_real_input_em.d<domain>.<date>" ! Input to real from SI
92 auxhist2_outname = "rainfall" ! file name for extra output! if not specified,
93 auxhist2_d<domain>_<date> will be used
94 also note that to write variables in output other
95 than the history file requires Registry.EM file change
96 auxhist2_interval (max_dom) = 10, ! interval in minutes
97 io_form_auxhist2 = 2, ! output in netCDF
98 frames_per_auxhist2 = 1000, ! number of output times in this file
100 For SST updating (used only with sst_update=1):
102 auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d<domain>"
103 auxinput4_interval = 360 ! minutes generally matches time given by interval_seconds
104 io_form_auxinput4 = 2 ! IO format
106 nwp_diagnostics = 0 ! set to = 1 to add 7 history-interval max diagnostic fields
108 For additional regional climate surface fields
110 output_diagnostics = 0 ! set to = 1 to add 36 surface diagnostic arrays (max/min/mean/std)
111 auxhist3_outname = 'wrfxtrm_d<domain>_<date>' ! file name for added diagnostics
112 io_form_auxhist3 = 2 ! netcdf
113 auxhist3_interval = 1440 ! minutes between outputs (1440 gives daily max/min)
114 frames_per_auxhist3 = 1 ! output times per file
115 Note: do restart only at multiple of auxhist3_intervals
117 For observation nudging:
118 auxinput11_interval = 10 ! interval in minutes for observation data. It should be
119 set as or more frequently as obs_ionf (with unit of
120 coarse domain time step).
121 auxinput11_end_h = 6 ! end of observation time in hours.
123 Options for run-time IO:
125 iofields_filename (max_dom) = "my_iofields_list.txt",
126 (example: +:h:21:rainc, rainnc, rthcuten)
127 ignore_iofields_warning = .true., ! what to do when encountering an error in the user-specified files
128 .false., ! abort when encountering an error in iofields_filename file
130 Additional settings when running WRFVAR:
132 write_input = t, ! write input-formatted data as output
133 inputout_interval (max_dom) = 180, ! interval in minutes when writing input-formatted data
134 input_outname = 'wrfinput_d<domain>_<date>' ! you may change the output file name
135 inputout_begin_y (max_dom) = 0
136 inputout_begin_mo = 0
137 inputout_begin_d (max_dom) = 0
138 inputout_begin_h (max_dom) = 3
139 inputout_begin_m (max_dom) = 0
140 inputout_begin_s (max_dom) = 0
141 inputout_end_y (max_dom) = 0
143 inputout_end_d (max_dom) = 0
144 inputout_end_h (max_dom) = 12
145 inputout_end_m (max_dom) = 0
146 inputout_end_s (max_dom) = 0 ! the above shows that the input-formatted data are output
147 starting from hour 3 to hour 12 in 180 min interval.
149 For automatic moving nests: requires special input data, and environment variable TERRAIN_AND_LANDUSE set at compile time
150 (This option will overwrite input_from_file for nest domains)
151 input_from_hires (max_dom) = .true.,
152 rsmas_data_path = "path-to-terrain-and-landuse-dataset"
155 time_step = 60, ! time step for integration in integer seconds
156 recommend 6*dx (in km) for typical real-data cases
157 time_step_fract_num = 0, ! numerator for fractional time step
158 time_step_fract_den = 1, ! denominator for fractional time step
159 Example, if you want to use 60.3 sec as your time step,
160 set time_step = 60, time_step_fract_num = 3, and
161 time_step_fract_den = 10
162 time_step_dfi = 60, ! time step for DFI, may be different from regular time_step
163 reasonable_time_step_ratio = 6., ! Any d01, real-data case with a time step ratio larger than this is stopped. Except for specific circumstances (e.g., using IEVA), this value should be no larger than 6 (default).
164 max_dom = 1, ! number of domains - set it to > 1 if it is a nested run
165 s_we (max_dom) = 1, ! start index in x (west-east) direction (leave as is)
166 e_we (max_dom) = 91, ! end index in x (west-east) direction (staggered dimension)
167 s_sn (max_dom) = 1, ! start index in y (south-north) direction (leave as is)
168 e_sn (max_dom) = 82, ! end index in y (south-north) direction (staggered dimension)
169 s_vert (max_dom) = 1, ! start index in z (vertical) direction (leave as is)
170 e_vert (max_dom) = 30, ! end index in z (vertical) direction (staggered dimension)
171 Note: this refers to full levels including surface and top
172 vertical dimensions need to be the same for all nests
173 Note: most variables are unstaggered (= staggered dim - 1)
174 dx (max_dom) = 10000, ! grid length in x direction; unit in meters.
175 dy (max_dom) = 10000, ! grid length in y direction; unit in meters.
176 ztop (max_dom) = 19000. ! used in mass model for idealized cases
177 grid_id (max_dom) = 1, ! domain identifier
178 parent_id (max_dom) = 0, ! id of the parent domain
179 i_parent_start (max_dom) = 0, ! starting LLC I-indices from the parent domain
180 j_parent_start (max_dom) = 0, ! starting LLC J-indices from the parent domain
181 parent_grid_ratio (max_dom) = 1, ! parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio: for real-data cases
182 the ratio has to be odd! for idealized cases,
183 the ratio can be even if feedback is set to 0.
184 parent_time_step_ratio (max_dom) = 1, ! parent-to-nest time step ratio! it can be different
185 from the parent_grid_ratio
186 feedback = 1, ! feedback from nest to its parent domain; 0 = no feedback
187 smooth_option = 2 ! smoothing option for parent domain, used only with feedback
188 option on. 0: no smoothing; 1: 1-2-1 smoothing; 2: smoothing-desmoothing (default)
190 Namelist variables specifically for the WPS input for real:
192 num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4 ! number of vertical soil levels or layers input
193 from WPS metgrid program
194 num_metgrid_levels = 27 ! number of vertical levels of 3d meteorological fields coming
195 from WPS metgrid program
196 interp_type = 2 ! vertical interpolation
197 1 = linear in pressure
198 2 = linear in log(pressure)
199 extrap_type = 2 ! vertical extrapolation of non-temperature fields
200 1 = extrapolate using the two lowest levels
201 2 = use lowest level as constant below ground
202 t_extrap_type = 2 ! vertical extrapolation for potential temperature
204 2 = -6.5 K/km lapse rate for temperature
206 use_levels_below_ground = .true. ! in vertical interpolation, use levels below input surface level
207 T = use input isobaric levels below input surface
208 F = extrapolate when WRF location is below input surface value
209 use_surface = .true. ! use the input surface level data in the vertical interp and extrap
210 T = use the input surface data
211 F = do not use the input surface data
212 lagrange_order = 2 ! vertical interpolation order
216 zap_close_levels = 500 ! ignore isobaric level above surface if delta p (Pa) < zap_close_levels
217 lowest_lev_from_sfc = .false. ! place the surface value into the lowest eta location
218 ! T = use surface value as lowest eta (u,v,t,q)
219 ! F = use traditional interpolation
220 force_sfc_in_vinterp = 1 ! use the surface level as the lower boundary when interpolating
221 through this many eta levels
222 0 = perform traditional trapping interpolation
223 n = first n eta levels directly use surface level
224 maxw_horiz_pres_diff = 5000 ! Pressure threshold (Pa). For using the level of max winds, when the
225 pressure difference between neighboring values exceeds this maximum,
226 the variable is NOT inserted into the column for vertical interpolation.
227 trop_horiz_pres_diff = 5000 ! Pressure threshold (Pa). For using the tropopause level, when the
228 pressure difference between neighboring values exceeds this maximum,
229 the variable is NOT inserted into the column for vertical interpolation.
230 maxw_above_this_level = 30000 ! Minimum height (actually it is pressure in Pa) to allow using the
231 level of max wind information in real. With a value of 300 hPa, then
232 a max wind value at 500 hPa will be ignored.
233 use_maxw_level 0=do not use max wind speed level in vertical interpolation inside
234 of the real program, 1 = use level
235 use_trop_level as above, with tropopause level data
236 sfcp_to_sfcp = .false. ! Optional method to compute model's surface pressure when incoming
237 data only has surface pressure and terrain, but not SLP
238 smooth_cg_topo = .false. ! Smooth the outer rows and columns of domain 1's topography w.r.t.
240 use_tavg_for_tsk = .false. ! whether to use diurnally averaged surface temp as skin temp. The
241 diurnally averaged surface temp can be computed using WPS utility
242 avg_tsfc.exe. May use this option when SKINTEMP is not present.
243 aggregate_lu = .false. ! whether to aggregate the grass, shrubs, trees in dominant landuse;
245 rh2qv_wrt_liquid = .true., ! whether to compute RH with respect to water (true) or ice (false)
246 rh2qv_method = 1, ! which method to use to computer mixing ratio from RH:
247 default is option 1, the old MM5 method; option 2 uses a WMO
248 recommended method (WMO-No. 49, corrigendum, August 2000) -
249 there is a difference between the two methods though small
250 interp_theta = .false. ! If set to .false., it will vertically interpolate temperature
251 instead of potential temperature, which may reduce bias when
252 compared with input data
253 hypsometric_opt = 2, ! = 1: default method
254 = 2: it uses an alternative way (less biased
255 when compared against input data) to compute height in program
256 real and pressure in model.
257 wif_input_opt = 0 ! = 1: option to process the Water Ice Friendly Aerosol input from metgrid for use with mp_physics=28
258 = 2: since V4.4, option to use black carbon aerosol category with mp_physics=28, as well as its radiative effect. Must include
260 num_wif_levels = 30 ! number of levels in the Thompson Water Ice Friendly aerosols (mp_physic=28)
261 p_top_requested = 5000 ! p_top (Pa) to use in the model
262 vert_refine_fact = 1 ! vertical refinement factor for ndown, not used for concurrent vertical grid refinement
263 vert_refine_method (max_dom) = 0 ! vertical refinement method
264 0: no vertical refinement
265 1: integer vertical refinement (must set rebalance=1)
266 2: use specified or computed eta levels for vertical refinement (must set rebalance=1)
267 rebalance = 0 ! must be set to =1 if vertical nesting is used.
269 Users may explicitly define full eta levels. Given are two distributions for 28 and 35 levels. The number
270 of levels must agree with the number of eta surfaces allocated (e_vert). Users may alternatively request
271 only the number of levels (with e_vert), and the real program will compute values. There are
272 two methods selected with auto_levels_opt = 1 (old) or 2 (new). The old computation assumes
273 a known first several layers, then generates equi-height spaced levels up to the top of the model.
274 The new method has surface and upper stretching factors (dz_stretch_s and dz_stretch_u) to stretch levels according to
275 log p up to where it reaches the maximum thickness (max_dz) and starting from thickness dzbot.
276 The stretching transitions from dzstretch_s to dzstretch_u by the time the thickness reaches max_dz/2.
278 max_dz = 1000. ! maximum level thickness allowed (m)
279 auto_levels_opt = 1 ! old
280 = 2 ! new default (also set dzstretch_s, dzstretch_u, dzbot, max_dz)
281 dzbot = 50. ! thickness of lowest layer (m) for auto_levels_opt=2
282 dzstretch_s = 1.3 ! surface stretch factor for auto_levels_opt=2
283 dzstretch_u = 1.1 ! upper stretch factor for auto_levels_opt=2
285 eta_levels = 1.000, 0.990, 0.978, 0.964, 0.946,
286 0.922, 0.894, 0.860, 0.817, 0.766,
287 0.707, 0.644, 0.576, 0.507, 0.444,
288 0.380, 0.324, 0.273, 0.228, 0.188,
289 0.152, 0.121, 0.093, 0.069, 0.048,
291 eta_levels = 1.000, 0.993, 0.983, 0.970, 0.954,
292 0.934, 0.909, 0.880, 0.845, 0.807,
293 0.765, 0.719, 0.672, 0.622, 0.571,
294 0.520, 0.468, 0.420, 0.376, 0.335,
295 0.298, 0.263, 0.231, 0.202, 0.175,
296 0.150, 0.127, 0.106, 0.088, 0.070,
297 0.055, 0.040, 0.026, 0.013, 0.000
299 = 0,2, ! this allows vertical nesting in the nest domain
300 Note that with vertical nesting one can only use RRTM and RRTMG radiation physics
302 An example to define vertical nested levels (in program real):
305 eta_levels(1:35) = 1., 0.993, 0.983, 0.97, 0.954, 0.934, 0.909, 0.88, 0.8406663, 0.8013327,
306 0.761999, 0.7226653, 0.6525755, 0.5877361, 0.5278192, 0.472514,
307 0.4215262, 0.3745775, 0.3314044, 0.2917579, 0.2554026, 0.2221162,
308 0.1916888, 0.1639222, 0.1386297, 0.1156351, 0.09525016, 0.07733481,
309 0.06158983, 0.04775231, 0.03559115, 0.02490328, 0.0155102, 0.007255059, 0.
310 eta_levels(36:81) = 1.0000, 0.9946, 0.9875, 0.9789, 0.9685, 0.9562, 0.9413, 0.9238, 0.9037, 0.8813, 0.8514,
311 0.8210, 0.7906, 0.7602, 0.7298, 0.6812, 0.6290, 0.5796, 0.5333, 0.4901, 0.4493, 0.4109,
312 0.3746, 0.3412, 0.3098, 0.2802, 0.2524, 0.2267, 0.2028, 0.1803, 0.1593, 0.1398, 0.1219,
313 0.1054, 0.0904, 0.0766, 0.0645, 0.0534, 0.0433, 0.0341, 0.0259, 0.0185, 0.0118, 0.0056, 0.
315 ideal_init_method method to compute alb in idealized cases in start_em
316 = 1, alb from phb (default); = 2, alb from t_init
318 Horizontal interpolation options, coarse grid to fine grid. The default is to use
319 the Smolarkiewicz "SINT" method. However, this is known to break with the
320 implementation inside of WRF for large refinement ratios (such as 15:1). For those
321 extreme (and quite rare occurrences), other schemes are available. For options
322 1, 3, 4, and 12, the FG lateral boundaries use the same horizontal scheme for the
323 lateral BC computations.
324 interp_method_type = 1 ! bi-linear interpolation
325 = 2 ! SINT, (default)
326 = 3 ! nearest neighbor - only to be used for
328 = 4 ! overlapping quadratic
329 =12 ! again for testing, uses SINT horizontal
330 interpolation, and same scheme for
331 computation of FG lateral boundaries
333 Variables specifically for the 3d ocean initialization with a single profile. Set
334 the ocean physics option to #2. Specify a number of levels. For each of those levels,
335 provide a depth (m) below the surface. At each depth provide a temperature (K) and
336 a salinity (ppt). The default is not to use the 3d ocean. Even when the 3d ocean is
337 activated, the user must specify a reasonable ocean. Currently, this is the only way
338 available to run the 3d ocean option.
341 sf_ocean_physics = activate ocean model (0=no, 1=1d mixed layer; 2=3D PWP, no bathymetry)
345 ocean_z ; vertical profile of layer depths for ocean (in meters), e.g.:
346 = 5., 15., 25., 35., 45., 55.,
347 65., 75., 85., 95., 105., 115.,
348 125., 135., 145., 155., 165., 175.,
349 185., 195., 210., 230., 250., 270.,
350 290., 310., 330., 350., 370., 390.
351 ocean_t ; vertical profile of ocean temps, e.g.:
352 = 302.3493, 302.3493, 302.3493, 302.1055, 301.9763, 301.6818,
353 301.2220, 300.7531, 300.1200, 299.4778, 298.7443, 297.9194,
354 297.0883, 296.1443, 295.1941, 294.1979, 293.1558, 292.1136,
355 291.0714, 290.0293, 288.7377, 287.1967, 285.6557, 284.8503,
356 284.0450, 283.4316, 283.0102, 282.5888, 282.1674, 281.7461
357 ocean_s ; vertical profile of salinity, e.g.:
358 = 34.0127, 34.0127, 34.0127, 34.3217, 34.2624, 34.2632,
359 34.3240, 34.3824, 34.3980, 34.4113, 34.4220, 34.4303,
360 34.6173, 34.6409, 34.6535, 34.6550, 34.6565, 34.6527,
361 34.6490, 34.6446, 34.6396, 34.6347, 34.6297, 34.6247,
362 34.6490, 34.6446, 34.6396, 34.6347, 34.6297, 34.6247
364 Namelist variables for controlling the specified moving nest:
365 Note that this moving nest option needs to be activated at the compile time by adding -DMOVE_NESTS
366 to the ARCHFLAGS. The maximum number of moves, max_moves, is set to 50
367 but can be modified in source code file frame/module_driver_constants.F.
368 num_moves = 0 ! total number of moves
369 move_id(max_moves) = 2,2,2,2, ! a list of nest domain id's, one per move
370 move_interval(max_moves) = 60,120,150,180, ! time in minutes since the start of this domain
371 move_cd_x(max_moves) = 1,1,0,-1, ! the number of parent domain grid cells to move in i direction
372 move_cd_y(max_moves) = 1,0,-1,1, ! the number of parent domain grid cells to move in j direction
373 positive is to move in increasing i and j direction, and
374 negative is to move in decreasing i and j direction.
375 0 means no move. The limitation now is to move only 1 grid cell
378 Namelist variables for controlling the automatic moving nest:
379 Note that this moving nest option needs to be activated at the compile time by adding -DMOVE_NESTS
380 and -DVORTEX_CENTER to the ARCHFLAGS. This option uses a mid-level vortex following algorithm to
381 determine the nest move. This option is experimental.
382 vortex_interval(max_dom) = 15 ! how often the new vortex position is computed
383 max_vortex_speed(max_dom) = 40 ! used to compute the search radius for the new vortex position
384 corral_dist(max_dom) = 8 ! how many coarse grid cells the moving nest is allowed to get
385 near the mother domain boundary
386 track_level = 50000 ! pressure value in Pa where the vortex is tracked
387 time_to_move(max_dom) = 0. ! time (in minutes) to start the moving nests
389 tile_sz_x = 0, ! number of points in tile x direction
390 tile_sz_y = 0, ! number of points in tile y direction
391 can be determined automatically
392 numtiles = 1, ! number of tiles per patch (alternative to above two items)
393 nproc_x = -1, ! number of processors in x for decomposition
394 nproc_y = -1, ! number of processors in y for decomposition
395 -1: code will do automatic decomposition
396 >1: for both: will be used for decomposition
398 Namelist variables for controlling the adaptive time step option:
399 use_adaptive_time_step = .false. ! T/F use adaptive time stepping.
400 step_to_output_time = .true. ! if adaptive time stepping, T/F modify the
401 time steps so that the exact history time is reached
402 target_cfl(max_dom) = 1.2,1.2 ! vertical and horizontal CFL <= to this value implies
403 no reason to reduce the time step, and to increase it
404 target_hcfl(max_dom) = .84,.84 ! horizontal CFL <= to this value implies
405 max_step_increase_pct(max_dom) = 5,51 ! percentage of previous time step to increase, if the
406 max(vert cfl, horiz cfl) <= target_cfl, then the time
407 will increase by max_step_increase_pct. Use something
408 large for nests (51% suggested)
409 starting_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ! flag = -1 implies use 6 * dx (defined in start_em),
410 starting_time_step = 100 means the starting time step
411 for the coarse grid is 100 s
412 max_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ! flag = -1 implies max time step is 3 * starting_time_step,
413 max_time_step = 100 means that the time step will not
415 min_time_step(max_dom) = -1,-1 ! flag = -1 implies max time step is 0.5 * starting_time_step,
416 min_time_step = 100 means that the time step will not
418 adaptation_domain = 1 ! default, all fine grid domains adaptive dt driven by coarse-grid
419 2 = Fine grid domain #2 determines the fundamental adaptive dt.
422 dfi_opt = 0 ! which DFI option to use (3 is recommended)
423 0 = no digital filter initialization
424 1 = digital filter launch (DFL)
425 2 = diabatic DFI (DDFI)
427 dfi_nfilter = 7 ! digital filter type to use (7 is recommended)
436 8 = recursive high-order
437 dfi_write_filtered_input = .true. ! whether to write wrfinput file with filtered
438 model state before beginning forecast
439 dfi_write_dfi_history = .false. ! whether to write wrfout files during filtering integration
440 dfi_cutoff_seconds = 3600 ! cutoff period, in seconds, for the filter
441 dfi_time_dim = 1000 ! maximum number of time steps for filtering period
442 this value can be larger than necessary
443 dfi_bckstop_year = 2004 ! four-digit year of stop time for backward DFI integration
444 dfi_bckstop_month = 03 ! two-digit month of stop time for backward DFI integration
445 dfi_bckstop_day = 14 ! two-digit day of stop time for backward DFI integration
446 dfi_bckstop_hour = 12 ! two-digit hour of stop time for backward DFI integration
447 dfi_bckstop_minute = 00 ! two-digit minute of stop time for backward DFI integration
448 dfi_bckstop_second = 00 ! two-digit second of stop time for backward DFI integration
449 dfi_fwdstop_year = 2004 ! four-digit year of stop time for forward DFI integration
450 dfi_fwdstop_month = 03 ! two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration
451 dfi_fwdstop_day = 13 ! two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration
452 dfi_fwdstop_hour = 12 ! two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration
453 dfi_fwdstop_minute = 00 ! two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration
454 dfi_fwdstop_second = 00 ! two-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration
455 dfi_savehydmeteors = 0 ! option for radar DA: 0: set hydrometeors to 0 before DFI and
456 let them spin up in DFI; 1: keep them unchanged in DFI
460 Note: even the physics options can be different in different nest domains,
461 caution must be used as what options are sensible to use
463 chem_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! chemistry option - use WRF-Chem
464 mp_physics (max_dom) microphysics option
467 = 2, Lin et al. scheme
468 = 3, WSM 3-class simple ice scheme
469 = 4, WSM 5-class scheme
470 = 5, Ferrier (new Eta) microphysics, operational High-Resolution Window version
471 = 6, WSM 6-class graupel scheme
472 = 7, Goddard 4-ice scheme
474 = 9, Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment scheme
475 = 10, Morrison (2 moments)
476 = 11, CAM 5.1 microphysics
477 = 13, SBU_YLIN scheme
478 = 14, WDM 5-class scheme
479 = 16, WDM 6-class scheme
480 = 17, NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme (steady background CCN)
481 = 18, NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme with predicted CCN (better for idealized than real cases)
482 to set a global CCN value, use
483 nssl_cccn = 0.7e9 ; CCN for NSSL scheme (18).
484 Also sets same value to ccn_conc for mp_physics=18
485 = 19, NSSL 1-moment (7 class: qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg,qh; predicts graupel density)
486 = 21, NSSL 1-moment, (6-class), very similar to Gilmore et al. 2004
487 Can set intercepts and particle densities in physics namelist, e.g., nssl_cnor
488 For NSSL 1-moment schemes, intercept and particle densities can be set for snow,
489 graupel, hail, and rain. For the 1- and 2-moment schemes, the shape parameters
490 for graupel and hail can be set.
491 nssl_alphah = 0. ! shape parameter for graupel
492 nssl_alphahl = 2. ! shape parameter for hail
493 nssl_cnoh = 4.e5 ! graupel intercept
494 nssl_cnohl = 4.e4 ! hail intercept
495 nssl_cnor = 8.e5 ! rain intercept
496 nssl_cnos = 3.e6 ! snow intercept
497 nssl_rho_qh = 500. ! graupel density
498 nssl_rho_qhl = 900. ! hail density
499 nssl_rho_qs = 100. ! snow density
500 = 24, WSM 7-class scheme (separate hail and graupel categories)
501 = 26, WDM 7-class scheme (separate hail and graupel categories)
502 = 28, aerosol-aware Thompson scheme with water- and ice-friendly aerosol climatology
503 This option has two climatological aerosol input options:
504 use_aero_icbc = .F. : use constant values
505 use_aero_icbc = .T. : use climatological aerosol input from WPS
506 use_rap_aero_icbc = .false. ! Set to .true. to ingest real-time data containing aerosols (new in 4.4)
507 qna_update = 0 ! set to 1 to update time-varying sfc aerosol emission from climatology or real-time data
508 with mp_physics = 28. Use with input file ‘wrfqnainp_d0*’
509 (must set auxinput17_interval and io_form_auxinput17; new in 4.4)
510 wif_fire_emit = .false. ! set to .true. to include biomass burning organic and black carbon aerosols with mp_physics = 28 (new in 4.4)
511 wif_fire_inj = 1 ! (default) vertically distribute biomass burning emissions in mp_physics = 28 (new in 4.4)
512 = 30, HUJI (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) spectral bin microphysics,
514 = 32, HUJI spectral bin microphysics, full version
515 = 40, Morrison (2 moments) with consideration of CESM-NCSU RCP4.5 climatological aerosol
516 = 50, P3 1-ice category, 1-moment cloud water
517 = 51, P3 1-ice category plus double-moment cloud water
518 = 52, P3 2-ice categories plus double-moment cloud water
519 = 53, P3 1-ice category, 3-moment ice, plus double-moment cloud water
520 = 55, Jensen-ISHMAEL (Ice-Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-ratio Evolution) scheme predicting qc, qr, and three ice species with four predictive equations
522 = 56, NTU multi-moment scheme ! for ntu3m
523 = 95, Ferrier (old Eta) microphysics
525 = 97, Goddard GCE scheme (also uses gsfcgce_hail, gsfcgce_2ice)
527 For non-zero mp_physics options, to keep Qv .GE. 0, and to set the other moisture
528 fields .LT. a critical value to zero
530 mp_zero_out = 0, ! no action taken, no adjustment to any moist field
531 = 1, ! except for Qv, all other moist arrays are set to zero
532 if they fall below a critical value
533 = 2, ! Qv is .GE. 0, all other moist arrays are set to zero
534 if they fall below a critical value
535 mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-8 ! critical value for moist array threshold, below which
536 moist arrays (except for Qv) are set to zero (kg/kg)
538 gsfcgce_hail = 0 ! for running gsfcgce microphysics with graupel
539 = 1 ! for running gsfcgce microphysics with hail
541 gsfcgce_2ice = 0 ! for running with snow, ice and graupel/hail
542 = 1 ! for running with only ice and snow
543 = 2 ! for running with only ice and graupel
544 (only used in very extreme situation)
546 gsfcgce_hail is ignored if gsfcgce_2ice is set to 1 or 2.
547 hail_opt = 0 ! hail switch for WSM6 and WDM6 : 0 - off, 1 - on
548 morr_rimed_ice = 1 ! hail switch for Morrison schemes (mp_physics=10 and 40: 0 - off, 1 - on (new in 4.0)
549 clean_atm_diag = 0 ! if set to =1, turns on clean sky diagnostics (for chem); default is 0=off
550 acc_phy_tend = 0 ! set to =1 to output 16 accumulated physics tendencies for potential temp, water vaopr mixing ratio, and U/V wind components; default is 0=off (new in 4.4)
551 progn (max_dom) = 0 ! switch to use mix-activate scheme (Only for Morrison, WDM6, WDM5,
553 ccn_conc = 1.E8 ! CCN concentration, used by WDM schemes
555 no_mp_heating = 0 ! normal
556 = 1 ! turn off latent heating from a microphysics scheme
557 use_mp_re = 1 ! whether to use effective radii computed in mp schemes in RRTMG
558 0: do not use; 1: use effective radii
559 (The mp schemes that compute effective radii are 3,4,6,7,8,10,14,16,17-21,24,26,28,50-53,55)
561 CCNTY = 1 ! for aerosol background type, marine, for ntu3m
562 = 2 ! continental clean (default), for ntu3m
563 = 3 ! continental average, for ntu3m
564 = 4 ! continental urban, for ntu3m
566 ra_lw_physics (max_dom) longwave radiation option
567 = 0, no longwave radiation
569 (Default values for GHG in V4.2: co2vmr=(280. + 90.*exp(0.02*(yr-2000)))*1.e-6
570 n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9
571 Values used in previous versions: co2vmr=330.e-6, n2ovmr=0., ch4vmr=0.)
573 also requires levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 (see below)
575 (Default values for GHG in V4.2: co2vmr=(280. + 90.*exp(0.02*(yr-2000)))*1.e-6
576 n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9,
577 cfc11=0.251e-9, cfc12=0.538e-9,
578 = 14, rrtmg-k scheme from KIAPS
579 = 24, fast rrtmg scheme for GPU and MIC (since 3.7)
580 (Default values for GHG in V4.2: co2vmr=(280. + 90.*exp(0.02*(yr-2000)))*1.e-6
581 n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9,
582 cfc11=0.251e-9, cfc12=0.538e-9
583 = 5, Goddard longwave scheme
584 = 7, FLG (UCLA) scheme
585 = 31, Earth Held-Suarez forcing
586 = 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported)
587 also must use co2tf = 1 for ARW
589 ra_sw_physics (max_dom) shortwave radiation option
590 = 0, no shortwave radiation
592 = 2, Goddard short wave
594 also must set levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 (see below)
596 = 14, rrtmg-k scheme from KIAPS
597 = 24, fast rrtmg scheme for GPU and MIC (since 3.7)
598 = 5, Goddard shortwave scheme
599 = 7, FLG (UCLA) scheme
600 = 99, GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported)
601 also must use co2tf = 1 for ARW
603 radt (max_dom) = 30, ! minutes between radiation physics calls
604 recommend 1 min per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km);
605 use the same value for all nests.
606 cldovrlp = 2, ! cloud overlapping option for RRTMG only. 1=random, 2=maximum-random (default),
607 3=maximum, 4=exponential, 5=exponential-random
608 idcor = 0, ! decorrelation length flag for cldovrlp=4 or 5
609 0 = constant decorrelation length, 2500 m;
610 1 = latitude-varying decorrelation length
611 ra_sw_eclipse = 0, ! eclipse effect on shortwave radiation. 0: off, 1: on.
612 Applies to RRTMG, Goddard, old Goddard and Dudhia schemes
613 ghg_input = 1, ! Option to read CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio files of green house gas values,
614 as of v4.4, the default is SSP 2 with RCP 4.5 => SSP245
615 Used for CAM LW and SW, RRTM, RRTMG LW and SW, RRTMG_fast LW and SW
616 0 = do not read in the annual data
617 1 = read in time dependent data for CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12
619 co2tf CO2 transmission function flag only for GFDL radiation
620 = 0, ! read CO2 function data from pre-generated file
621 = 1, ! generate CO2 functions internally in the forecast
623 ra_call_offset radiation call offset
624 = 0 ! (=0, no offset; =-1, old offset)
625 swint_opt Interpolation of short-wave radiation based on the updated solar zenith angle
627 = 0, ! no interpolation
628 = 1, ! use interpolation
629 = 2, ! Calls the Fast All-Sky Radiation Model for Solar applications (FARMS)
630 ! every model time step.
631 couple_farms = .false. ! True) uses FARMS SW radiation to drive the LSM, False) Uses the SW radiation from rad_sw_physics
632 cam_abs_freq_s = 21600 ! default CAM clearsky longwave absorption calculation frequency
633 (recommended minimum value to speed scheme up)
634 levsiz = 59 ! for CAM radiation input ozone levels, set automatically
635 paerlev = 29 ! for CAM radiation input aerosol levels, set automatically
636 cam_abs_dim1 = 4 ! for CAM absorption save array, set automatically
637 cam_abs_dim2 = value of e_vert for CAM 2nd absorption save array, set automatically
639 o3input = ozone input option for radiation (currently rrtmg only)
640 = 0, ! using profile inside the code
641 = 2, ! using CAM ozone data (ozone.formatted)
642 aer_opt = aerosol input option for radiation (currently rrtmg only)
644 = 1, ! using Tegen (1997) data,
645 = 2, ! using J. A. Ruiz-Arias method (see other aer_* options)
646 = 3, ! using G. Thompson's water/ice friendly climatological aerosol
647 alevsiz = 12 ! for Tegen aerosol input levels, set automatically
648 no_src_types = 6 ! for Tegen aerosols: organic and black carbon, sea salt, sulfalte, dust,
649 and stratospheric aerosol (volcanic ashes - currently 0), set automatically
651 The following aerosol options allow RRTMG and new Goddard radiation schemes to see it, but the aerosols are
652 constant during the model integration.
653 aer_aod550_opt (max_dom) = [1,2]
654 1 = input constant value for AOD at 550 nm from namelist.
655 In this case, the value is read from aer_aod550_val;
656 2 = input value from auxiliary input 15. It is a time-varying 2D grid in netcdf
657 wrf-compatible format. The default is aer_aod550_opt=1 and aer_aod550_val=0.12
658 aer_aod550_val (max_dom) = 0.12
659 aer_angexp_opt (max_dom) = [1,2,3] :
660 1 = input constant value for Angstrom exponent from namelist. In this case,
661 the value is read from aer_angexp_val;
662 2 = input value from auxiliary input 15, as in aer_aod550_opt;
663 3 = Angstrom exponent value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated
664 with the RH in WRF. Default operation is aer_angexp_opt = 1, and aer_angexp_val=1.3.
665 aer_angexp_val (max_dom) = 1.3
666 aer_ssa_opt (max_dom) = [1,2,3] similar to aer_angexp_opt.
667 aer_ssa_val (max_dom) = 0.85
668 aer_asy_opt (max_dom) = [1,2,3] similar to aer_angexp_opt.
669 aer_asy_val (max_dom) = 0.9
670 aer_type (max_dom) = [1,2,3] : 1 for rural, 2 is urban and 3 is maritime.
672 sf_sfclay_physics (max_dom) surface-layer option (old bl_sfclay_physics option)
673 = 0, no surface-layer
674 = 1, Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme (Jimenez, renamed in v3.6)
675 = 2, Monin-Obukhov (Janjic) scheme
676 = 3, NCEP Global Forecast System scheme
677 = 4, QNSE surface layer
678 = 5, MYNN surface layer
679 = 7, Pleim-Xiu surface layer
680 = 10, TEMF surface layer
681 = 91, Old MM5 scheme (previously option 1)
683 sf_surface_physics (max_dom) land-surface option (old bl_surface_physics option)
684 = 0, no surface temp prediction
685 = 1, thermal diffusion scheme
686 = 2, Unified Noah land-surface model
687 = 3, RUC land-surface model
688 = 4, Noah-MP land-surface model (see additional &noah_mp namelist)
689 = 5, Community Land Model version 4 (CLM4), adapted from CAM
690 = 6, Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM). See doc/README.CTSM for info on running this option.
692 = 8, Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB)
693 - can be used with Dudhia/RRTM, CAM or RRTMG radiation options
695 sf_urban_physics(max_dom) = 0, ! activate urban canopy model (in Noah and Noah-MP LSMs only)
697 = 1: Single-layer, UCM
698 = 2: Multi-layer, Building Environment Parameterization (BEP) scheme
699 (works only with YSU, MYJ and BouLac PBL)
700 = 3: Multi-layer, Building Environment Model (BEM) scheme
701 (works only with YSU, MYJ and BouLac PBL)
703 num_urban_ndm = 1! (= 2 if BEP or BEM active) maximum number of street dimensions (ndm in BEP or BEM header)
704 num_urban_ng = 1! (= 10 if BEP or BEM active) number of grid levels in the ground (ng_u in BEP or BEM header)
705 num_urban_nwr = 1! (= 10 if BEP or BEM active) number of grid levels in the walls or roof (nwr_u in BEP or BEM header)
706 num_urban_nz = 1! (= 18 if BEP or BEM active) maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid (nz_um in BEP or BEM header)
707 num_urban_ngb = 1! (= 10 if BEM active) number of grid levels in the ground below building (ngb_u in BEM header)
708 num_urban_nf = 1! (= 10 if BEM active) number of grid levels in the floors (nf_u in BEM header)
709 num_urban_nbui = 1! (= 15 if BEM active) maximum number of types of buildings in an urban class (nbui_max in BEM header)
711 sf_surf_irr_scheme (max_dom) = 0: no irrigation scheme
712 = 1: channel scheme (in Noah only)
714 = 3: sprinkler scheme
716 irr_daily_amount (max_dom) = daily equivalent irrigation water amount in mm (float, e.g. 5.7)
717 irr_start_hour (max_dom) = UTC start hour for irrigation (int, e.g. 5)
718 irr_num_hours (max_dom) = number of consecutive hours for irrigation (int, e.g. 3)
719 irr_start_julianday (max_dom) = Julian start day of irrigation (int, e.g. 135)
720 irr_end_julianday (max_dom) = Julian end day of irrigation (int, e.g. 255)
721 irr_ph (max_dom) = 0: all the static IRRIGATION field is activated
722 = 1: pseudo random activation field: ensures repeatability across compilers
723 = 2: random activation field: results might depend on the compiler fortran RANDOM_SEED
724 irr_freq (max_dom) = irrigation frequency in days (int, e.g. 3)
726 bl_pbl_physics (max_dom) boundary-layer option
727 = 0, no boundary-layer
729 = 2, Mellor-Yamada-Janjic TKE scheme
730 = 3, Hybrid EDMF GFS scheme
731 = 4, Eddy-diffusivity Mass Flux, Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination PBL
732 = 5, MYNN 2.5 level TKE scheme, works with
733 sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 as well as 5
734 = 6, MYNN 3rd level TKE scheme, works only
735 MYNNSFC (sf_sfclay_physics = 5)
736 = 7, ACM2 (Pleim) PBL
737 = 8, Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac) PBL
738 = 9, UW boundary layer scheme from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1)
739 = 10, TEMF (Total Energy Mass Flux) scheme
741 = 11, Shin-Hong 'scale-aware' PBL scheme
742 = 12, Grenier-Bretherton-McCaa scheme
743 = 16, TKE+TKE dissipation rate (epsilon) scheme
744 works with surface layer options 1,91,2,5.
747 bldt (max_dom) = 0, ! minutes between boundary-layer physics calls
749 grav_settling (max_dom) gravitational settling of fog/cloud droplets (Now works for any PBL scheme)
750 = 0, No settling of cloud droplets
751 = 1, Settling from Dyunkerke 1991 (in atmos and at surface)
752 = 2, Fogdes (vegetation & wind speed dependent; Katata et al. 2008) at surface
753 and Dyunkerke in the atmos.
754 ysu_topdown_pblmix = 0, ! whether to turn on top-down, radiation-driven mixing (1=yes)
755 mfshconv (max_dom) = 1, ! whether to turn on new day-time EDMF QNSE (0=no)
756 topo_wind (max_dom) = 0, ! turn off,
757 = 1, turn on topographic surface wind correction from Jimenez
758 (YSU PBL only, and require extra input from geogrid)
759 = 2, turn on topographic surface wind correction from Mass (YSU PBL only)
761 bl_mynn_tkebudget (max_dom) = 0, ! default off; = 1 adds MYNN tke budget terms to output
762 bl_mynn_tkeadvect (max_dom) = .false., ! default off; = .true. do MYNN tke advection
763 icloud_bl option to couple the subgrid-scale clouds from the PBL scheme (MYNN only)
765 0: no coupling; 1: activate coupling to radiation (default)
766 bl_mynn_cloudmix (max_dom) = 0 ! default off; =1 activates mixing of qc and qi in MYNN
767 0: no mixing of qc & qi; 1: mixing activated (default).
768 Note qnc and qni are mixed when scalar_pblmix =1.
769 bl_mynn_mixlength option to change mixing length formulation in MYNN
770 0: original as in Nakanishi and Niino 2009,
771 1: RAP/HRRR (including BouLac in free atmosphere),
772 2: experimental (default; includes cloud-specific mixing length and a scale-aware mixing
773 length, following Ito et al. 2015, BLM). Option 2 has been well tested with
775 bl_mynn_cloudpdf option to switch to different cloud PDFs to represent subgrid clouds
776 0: original (Sommeria and Deardorf 1977);
777 1: Kuwano et al 2010, similar to option 0, but uses resolved scale gradients
778 as opposed to higher order moments ;
779 2: from Chaboureau and Bechtold (2002, JAS, with mods, default)
780 bl_mynn_edmf (max_dom) = 0, ! default; = 1 activates mass-flux scheme in MYNN
781 1: ! (default) for StEM; 2: for TEMF; 0: just regular MYNN.
782 Related (hidden) options:
783 bl_mynn_edmf_mom (max_dom) = 1 ! - activates momentum transport in MYNN mass-flux scheme
784 (assuming bl_mynn_edmf > 0); 0=off (default)
785 0 no momentum transport; 1: momentum transport activated (default)
786 bl_mynn_edmf_tke (max_dom) = 0, ! default; = 1 activates TKE transport in MYNN mass-flux scheme
787 (assuming bl_mynn_edmf > 0)
788 0 no TKE transport (default);1: activate TKE transport
790 scalar_pblmix (max_dom) = 1 ! mix scalar fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h)
791 tracer_pblmix (max_dom) = 1 ! mix tracer fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h)
792 shinhong_tke_diag (max_dom) = 0 ! diagnostic TKE and mixing length from Shin-Hong PBL
793 opt_thcnd option to treat thermal conductivity in Noah LSM
794 = 1, original (default)
795 = 2, McCumber and Pielke for silt loam and sandy loam
796 sf_surface_mosaic option to mosaic landuse categories for Noah LSM
797 = 0 ! default; use dominant category only
798 = 1 ! use mosaic landuse categories
799 mosaic_cat = 3 ! number of mosaic landuse categories in a grid cell
800 mosaic_lu = 0, ! default ; set to = 1 to use mosaic landuse categories in RUC
801 mosaic_soil = 0, ! default ; set to = 1 to use mosaic soil categories in RUC
803 cu_physics (max_dom) cumulus option
805 = 1, Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) scheme
806 = 2, Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme
807 = 3, Grell-Freitas ensemble scheme
808 = 4, Scale-aware GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) scheme
809 = 5, Grell 3D ensemble scheme
810 = 6, Modifed Tiedtke scheme
811 = 7, Zhang-McFarlane scheme from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1)
812 = 10, Modified Kain-Fritsch scheme with trigger function based on PDFs
813 = 11, Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch scheme
814 = 14, KIM Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme (KSAS) across gray-zone resolutions
815 = 16, A newer Tiedtke scheme
816 = 94, 2015 GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme (from HWRF, use with caution)
817 = 95, Previous GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme (from HWRF, use with caution)
818 = 96, Previous NEW GFS simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme from YSU
819 = 93, Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme
820 = 99, previous Kain-Fritsch scheme
822 shcu_physics (max_dom) independent shallow cumulus option (not tied to deep convection)
823 = 0, no independent shallow cumulus
824 = 1, Grell 3D ensemble scheme (use with cu_physics=93 or 5) (PLACEHOLDER: SWITCH NOT YET IMPLEMENTED--use ishallow)
825 = 2, Park and Bretherton shallow cumulus from CAM5 (CESM 1_0_1)
826 = 3, GRIMS shallow cumulus from YSU group
827 = 4, NSAS shallow cululus scheme. Must be used with KIAPS SAS cumulus scheme (cu_physics = 14)
828 = 5, Deng cumulus scheme (including both shallow and deep convections) from PSU and WRF-Solar.
829 However the deep part isn't very active. Not recommended to use alone for deep convection
830 case. Could work well for grid sizes 3-9 km.
831 This scheme only works with MYJ PBL scheme, and should not be combined with icloud=3
832 This scheme can also work with MYNN PBL scheme, but one should turn off EDMF (bl_mynn_edmf=0)
834 ishallow = 0, ! = 1 turns on shallow convection, used with Grell 3D ensemble schemes (cu_physics = 3 or 5)
835 clos_choice = 0, ! closure choice (place holder only)
836 cu_diag (max_dom) = 0, ! additional t-averaged stuff for cu physics (cu_phys = 3, 5, 10, and 93 only)
837 kf_edrates (max_dom) = 0, ! Add entrainment/detrainment rates and convective timescale output variables for KF-based
838 cumulus schemes (cu_phys = 1, 11 and 99 only)
839 = 0, ! no output; = 1, additional output
840 convtrans_avglen_m = 30, ! averaging time for variables used by convective transport (call cu_phys options) and radiation routines (only cu_phys=3,5 and 93) (minutes)
841 cu_rad_feedback (max_dom) = .false. ! sub-grid cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation
842 currently it works only for GF, G3, GD and KF scheme
843 One also needs to set cu_diag = 1 for GF, G3, KF-CuP, and GD schemes
844 bmj_rad_feedback (max_dom) = .false. ! BMJ convective precipitation-derived sub-grid cloud effect to radiation
845 cudt (max_dom) = 0, ! minutes between cumulus physics calls
846 kfeta_trigger KF trigger option (cu_physics=1 only):
848 = 2, moisture-advection based trigger (Ma and Tan [2009])
849 = 3, RH-dependent additional perturbation to option 1 (JMA)
850 cugd_avedx ; number of grid boxes over which subsidence is spread.
851 = 1, default, for large grid distances
852 = 3, for small grid distances (DX < 5 km)
853 nsas_dx_factor = 0, ! default option
854 = 1, NSAS grid-distance dependent option
855 For KF-CuP scheme: recommended to use with cu_rad_feedback
856 shallowcu_forced_ra(max_dom) radiative impact of shallow Cu by a prescribed maximum cloud fraction
857 = .false., option off, default
858 = .true., radiative impact of shallow cu with a cloud fraction value of 0.36
859 numbins(max_dom) number of perturbations for potential temperature and mixing ratio in the CuP PDF,
860 should be an odd number (21 is a recommended value)
861 thBinSize(max_dom) bin size of potential temperature perturbation increment (0.01 K)
862 rBinSize(max_dom) bin size of mixing ratio perturbation increment (1.0e-4 kg/kg)
863 minDeepFreq(max_dom) minimum frequency required before deep convection is allowed (0.333)
864 minShallowFreq(max_dom) minimum frequency required before shallow convection is allowed (1.0e-2)
865 shcu_aerosols_opt(max_dom) whether aerosols in shcu: 0=none, 2=prognostic (run with WRF-Chem),
868 aercu_opt option to control aerosol interaction in MSKF and Morrison microphysics (mp_physics=40)
869 = 0: no aerosol interaction
870 = 1: aerosol interaction with MSKF only
871 = 2: aerosol interaction with both MSKF and Morrison
872 aercu_fct factor to multiply with aerosol amount
874 no_src_types_cu = 1 ! number of aerosol species in global aerosol data: 10 for CESM input,
876 alevsiz_cu = 1 ! number of levels in global aerosol data: 30 for CESM input,
878 isfflx = 1, ! heat and moisture fluxes from the surface
879 (only works for sf_sfclay_physics = 1,5,7,11)
880 1 = with fluxes from the surface
881 0 = no flux from the surface
882 with bl_pbl_physics=0 this uses tke_drag_coefficient
883 and tke_heat_flux in vertical diffusion
884 2 = use drag from sf_sfclay_physics and heat flux from
885 tke_heat_flux with bl_pbl_physics=0
886 ideal_xland = 1, ! sets XLAND (1=land,2=water) for ideal cases with no input land-use
887 run-time switch for wrf.exe physics_init (default 1 as before)
888 ifsnow = 1, ! snow-cover effects
889 (only works for sf_surface_physics = 1)
890 1 = with snow-cover effect
891 0 = without snow-cover effect
892 icloud = 1, ! cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation
893 (only works for ra_sw_physics = 1,4 and ra_lw_physics = 1,4)
894 Since 3.6, this also controls the cloud fraction options
895 1 = with cloud effect, and use cloud fraction option 1
897 0 = without cloud effect
898 2 = with cloud effect, and use cloud fraction option 2 (0/1 based
900 3 = with cloud effect, and use cloud fraction option 3, based on
901 Sundqvist et al. (1989) (since 3.7)
902 insert_init_cloud = .false., ! Default
903 = .true., ! For use with cold start (zero cloud fields), this option will
904 use the icloud=3 scheme to produce initial cloud water and cloud
905 ice fields as well as ensure initial water vapor field matches
906 saturation, which retains clouds beyond the first few timesteps.
907 swrad_scat = 1. ! scattering tuning parameter (default 1. is 1.e-5 m2/kg)
908 (works for ra_sw_physics = 1 option only)
909 surface_input_source = 3, ! where landuse and soil category data come from:
910 1 = WPS/geogrid but with dominant categories recomputed
911 2 = GRIB data from another model (only possible
912 (VEGCAT/SOILCAT are in met_em files from WPS)
913 3 = use dominant land and soil categories from WPS/geogrid (default since 3.8)
915 num_soil_layers = 5, ! number of soil layers in land surface model
916 = 5: thermal diffusion scheme
917 = 4: Noah landsurface model
918 = 6 or 9: RUC landsurface model
919 = 10: CLM4 landsurface model
920 = 2: Pleim-Xu landsurface model
921 = 3: SSiB landsurface model
922 num_land_cat = 21, ! number of land categories in input data.
923 24 - for USGS (default); 20 for MODIS
924 28 - for USGS if including lake category
925 21 - for MODIS if including lake category (default since 3.8)
927 use_wudapt_lcz = 0, ! Option to use WUDAPT LCZ urban landuse categories, along with standard
928 urban classes (31-33).
929 = 0: use the traditional 33 landuse classes (31-33 for urban)
930 = 1: use the WUDAPT LCZ urban landuse categories
931 * Note: If the number of urban category in the input files is
932 inconsistent with the namelist option, error messages will occur.
933 The method to create the LCZ data is described here: http://www.wudapt.org/
934 num_soil_cat = 16, ! number of soil categories in input data
936 pxlsm_smois_init(max_dom) = 1 ! PXLSM Soil moisture initialization option
937 0 - From analysis, 1 - From moisture availability
939 pxlsm_modis_veg = 1, ! PX LSM LAI and VEGFRA
940 0 - Old PX method that uses PX landuse look-up table
941 1 - Use VEGFRA and LAI in wrflowinp_d0* file
942 Note: Values used are called VEGF_PX and LAI_PX in output.
944 maxiens = 1, ! Grell-Devenyi only
945 maxens = 3, ! G-D only
946 maxens2 = 3, ! G-D only
947 maxens3 = 16 ! G-D only
948 ensdim = 144 ! G-D only
949 These are recommended numbers. If you would like to use
950 any other number, consult the code, know what you are doing.
951 seaice_threshold = 100. ! tsk < seaice_threshold, if water point and 5-layer slab
952 scheme, set to land point and permanent ice; if water point
953 and Noah scheme, set to land point, permanent ice, set temps
954 from 2 m to surface, and set smois and sh2o. The default value has changed
955 from 271 to 100 K in v3.5.1 to avoid mixed-up use with fractional seaice input
956 Used by land model option 1,2,3,4 and 8
957 sst_update = 0 ! time-varying sea-surface temp (0=no, 1=yes). If selected real
958 puts SST, XICE, ALBEDO and VEGFRA in wrflowinp_d01 file, and wrf updates
959 these from it at same interval as boundary file. Also requires
960 namelists in &time_control: auxinput4_interval, auxinput4_end_h,
961 auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d<domain>", and io_form_auxinput4
962 usemonalb = .false. ! use monthly albedo map instead of table value
963 (recommended for sst_update=1)
964 rdmaxalb = .true. ! use snow albedo from geogrid; false means using values from table
965 rdlai2d = .false. ! use LAI from input; false means using values from table
966 if sst_update=1, LAI will also be in wrflowinp file
967 dust_emis = 0 ! Enable (0=no, 1=yes) surface dust emission scheme to enter mp_physics=28 QNIFA (ice-friendly aerosol variable)
968 erosion_dim = 3 ! In conjunction with dust_emis=1, this value can only be set equal to 3 (erodibility information)
969 bucket_mm = -1. ! bucket reset value for water accumulations (value in mm, -1.=inactive)
970 bucket_J = -1. ! bucket reset value for energy accumulations (value in J, -1.=inactive)
971 tmn_update = 0 ! update deep soil temperature (1, yes; 0, no)
972 lagday = 150 ! days over which tmn is computed using skin temperature
973 sst_skin = 0 ! calculate skin SST
974 slope_rad (max_dom) = 0 ! slope effects for solar radiation (1=on, 0=off)
975 topo_shading (max_dom) = 0 ! neighboring-point shadow effects for solar radiation (1=on, 0=off)
976 shadlen = 25000. ! max shadow length in meters for topo_shading=1
977 sf_ocean_physics = 0 ! activate ocean model (0=no, 1=1d mixed layer; 2=3D PWP, no bathymetry)
978 oml_hml0 = 50 ! oml model can be initialized with a constant depth everywhere (m)
979 < 0, oml is initialized with real-time ocean mixed depth
980 = 0, oml is initialized with climatological ocean mixed depth
981 oml_gamma = 0.14 ! oml deep water lapse rate (K m-1)
982 oml_relaxation_time = 0. ! Relaxation time (in second) of mixed layer ocean model back to original values
983 (an example value is 259200 sec. (3 days))
984 omdt = 1. ! 3D PWP time step (min). It can be set to be the same as WRF time step
985 in corresponding nested grids, but omdt should be no less than 1.0 minute.
986 ocean_levels = 30 ! number of vertical levels in 3DPWP. Note that the depth of each ocean
987 model layers is specified in OM_DEPTH in wrfinput_d01
988 traj_opt = 0 ! Forward trajectory calculation (Lee and Chen 2013)
989 num_traj = 1000 ! number of trajectories to be released
990 isftcflx = 0 ! alternative Ck, Cd formulation for tropical storm application
993 1=Donelan Cd + const z0q
994 2=Donelan Cd + Garratt
996 (default) =0: z0, zt, and zq from COARE3.0 (Fairall et al 2003)
997 =1: z0 from Davis et al (2008), zt & zq from COARE3.0
998 =2: z0 from Davis et al (2008), zt & zq from Garratt (1992)
999 fractional_seaice = 0 ! treat sea-ice as fractional field (1) or ice/no-ice flag (0)
1000 works for sf_sfclay_physics=1,2,3,4,5,7,and 91
1001 If fractional_seaice = 1, also set seaice_threshold = 0.
1002 seaice_albedo_opt = 0 ! option to set albedo over sea ice
1003 ! 0 = seaice albedo is a constant value from namelist option seaice_albedo_default
1004 ! 1 = seaice albedo is f(Tair,Tskin,Snow) following Mills (2011) for Arctic Ocean
1005 ! 2 = seaice albedo read in from input variable ALBSI
1006 seaice_albedo_default = 0.65 ! default value of seaice albedo for seaice_albedo_opt=0
1007 seaice_snowdepth_opt = 0 ! method for treating snow depth on sea ice
1008 ! 0 = snow depth on sea ice is bounded by seaice_snowdepth_min and seaice_snowdepth_max
1009 ! 1 = snow depth on sea ice read in from input array SNOWSI (bounded by
1010 ; seaice_snowdepth_min and seaice_snodepth_max)
1011 seaice_snowdepth_max = 1.E10 ! maximum allowed accumulation of snow (m) on sea ice
1012 seaice_snowdepth_min = 0.001 ! minimum snow depth (m) on sea ice
1013 seaice_thickness_opt = 0 ! option for treating seaice thickness
1014 ! 0 = seaice thickness is uniform value taken from namelist variable seaice_thickness_default
1015 ! 1 = seaice_thickness is read in from input variable ICEDEPTH
1016 seaice_thickness_default = 3.0 ! default value of seaice thickness for seaice_thickness_opt=0
1017 tice2tsk_if2cold = .false. ! set Tice to Tsk to avoid unrealistically low sea ice temperatures
1018 iz0tlnd = 0 ! thermal roughness length for sfclay (0 = old, 1 = veg dependent Chen-Zhang Czil,
1019 2 = Zilitinkevitch (czil=0.1))
1020 for mynn sfc (0=Zilitinkevitch (def),1=Chen-Zhang,2=mod Yang,3=const zt)
1021 mp_tend_lim = 10., ! limit on temp tendency from mp latent heating from radar data assimilation
1022 prec_acc_dt (max_dom) = 0., ! number of minutes in precipitation bucket - will add three
1023 new 2d output fields: prec_acc_c, prec_acc_nc and snow_acc_nc
1024 topo_wind (max_dom) = 0, ! 1 = improve effect of topography for surface winds.
1025 ua_phys = .false. ! Option to activate UA Noah changes: a different snow-cover physics in
1026 Noah, aimed particularly toward improving treatment of snow as it relates
1027 to the vegetation canopy. Also uses new columns added in VEGPARM.TBL
1028 do_radar_ref = 0, ! 1 = allows radar reflectivity to be computed using mp-scheme-specific
1029 parameters. Currently works for mp_physics = 2,4,6,7,8,10,14,16,24,26,28
1030 hailcast_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! 1 = 1-D hail growth model which predicts 1st-5th rank-ordered hail diameters, mean hail
1031 diameter and standard deviation of hail diameter. (Adams-Selin and Ziegler, MWR Dec 2016.)
1032 haildt (max_dom) = 0., ! seconds between WRF-HAILCAST calls (s)
1034 Namelist variables for lake module:
1036 sf_lake_physics(max_dom) = 1, ! lake model on/off
1037 lakedepth_default(max_dom) = 50, ! default lake depth (If there is no lake_depth information in the input data, then lake depth
1038 is assumed to be 50m)
1039 lake_min_elev(max_dom) = 5, ! minimum elevation of lakes. May be used to determine whether a water point is a lake in the absence of lake
1040 category. If the landuse type includes 'lake' (i.e. Modis_lake and USGS_LAKE), this variable is of no effects.
1041 use_lakedepth (max_dom) = 1, ! option to use lake depth data. Lake depth data is available from 3.6 geogrid program. If one didn't process
1042 the lake depth data, but this switch is set to 1, the program will stop and tell one to go back to geogrid
1044 = 0, do not use lake depth data.
1045 shalwater_z0 = 0, ! Shallow water roughness scheme on (1) or off (0). Only compatible with sf_sfclay_physics = 1.
1046 Bathymetry dataset from GEBCO Compilation Group. Please acknowledge the following in presentations and
1047 publications: GEBCO Compilation Group (2021) GEBCO 2021 Grid (doi:10.5285/c6612cbe-50b3-0cff-e053-6c86abc09f8f)
1048 shalwater_depth = 0.0, ! Set constant depth [m] (must be positive) for shallow water roughness scheme if no bathymetry data availabile.
1049 The scheme is intended for depths between 10.0 and 100.0 m. Any depths outside of this range will be
1050 rounded to the nearest limit value.
1051 lightning_option (max_dom) Lightning parameterization option to allow flash rate prediction without chemistry
1053 = 1 ! PR92 based on maximum w, redistributes flashes within dBZ > 20 (for convection resolved runs; must also use
1054 do_radar_ref = 1, and mp_physics = 2,4,6,7,8,10,14, or 16)
1055 = 2 ! PR92 based on 20 dBZ top, redistributes flashes within dBZ > 20 (for convection resolved runs; must also use
1056 do_radar_ref = 1, and mp_physics = 2,4,6,7,8,10,14, or 16)
1057 = 3 ! Predicting the potential for lightning activity (based on Yair et al, 2010, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D04205, doi:10.1029/2008JD010868)
1058 = 11 ! PR92 based on level of neutral buoyancy from convective parameterization (for scales
1059 where a CPS is used, intended for use at 10 < dx < 50 km; must also use cu_physics = 5 or 93)
1060 lightning_dt (max_dom) = 0. ! time interval (seconds) for calling lightning parameterization. Default uses model time step
1061 lightning_start_seconds (max_dom) = 0. ! Start time for calling lightning parameterization. Recommends at least 10 minutes for spin-up.
1062 flashrate_factor (max_dom) = 1.0 ! Factor to adjust the predicted number of flashes. Recommends 1.0 for lightning_option = 11
1063 between dx=10 and 50 km. Manual tuning recommended for all other options independently
1065 cellcount_method (max_dom) Method for counting storm cells. Used by CRM options (lightning_options=1,2).
1066 = 0, ! model determines method used
1067 = 1, ! tile-wide, appropriate for large domains
1068 = 2, ! domain-wide, appropriate for sing-storm domains
1069 cldtop_adjustment (max_dom) = 0. ! Adjustment from LNB in km. Used by lightning_option=11. Default is 0, but recommends 2 km
1070 iccg_method (max_dom) IC:CG partitioning method (IC: intra-cloud; CG: cloud-to-ground)
1071 = 0 ! Default method depending on lightning option, currently all options use iccg_method=2 by default
1072 = 1 ! Constant everywhere, set with namelist options iccg_prescribed (num|den)#, default is 0./1. (all CG).
1073 = 2 ! Coarsely prescribed 1995-1999 NLDN/OTD climatology based on Boccippio et al. (2001)
1074 = 3 ! Parameterization by Price and Rind (1993) based on cold-cloud depth
1075 = 4 ! Gridded input via arrays iccg_in_(num|den) from wrfinput for monthly mapped ratios.
1076 Points with 0/0 values use ratio defined by iccg_prescribed_(num|den)
1077 iccg_prescribed_num (max_dom) = 0. ! Numerator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG
1078 iccg_prescribed_den (max_dom) = 1. ! Denominator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG
1079 ltng_temp_upper = -45. ! Temperature (C) of upper peak of LNOx vertical distribution for IC lightning (used by &chem lnox_opt=2).
1080 ltng_temp_lower = -15. ! Temperatures (C) of lower peak of LNOx vertical distribution for both IC and CG lightning (used by &chem lnox_opt=2).
1082 Options for MAD-WRF - see doc/README.madwrf for usage information
1083 madwrf_opt = 0 ! MAD-WRF model: 0) Off, 1) Advect/diffuse passive hydrometeors (qcloud, qice, qsnow), 2) Nudge active microphysics hydrometeors to passive ones
1084 madwrf_dt_relax = 60.0 ! Relaxation time for hydrometeor nudging [s]
1085 madwrf_dt_nudge = 60.0 ! Temporal period for hydrometeor nudging [min]
1086 madwrf_cldinit = 0 ! Enhance cloud initialization: 0: Off, 1: On
1089 Options for wind turbine drag parameterization:
1091 windfarm_opt (max_dom) = 0 ! 1 = Simulates the effects of wind turbines in the atmospheric evolution
1092 windfarm_ij = 0 ! whether to use lat-lon or i-j coordinate as wind turbine locations
1093 ! 0 = The coordinate of the turbines are defined in terms of lat-lon
1094 ! 1 = The coordinate of the turbines are defined in terms of grid points
1095 windfarm_tke_factor = 0.25 ! Correction factor applied to the TKE coefficient (deafault is 0.25, Archer et al. 2020)
1098 Stochastic parameterization schemes:
1101 ; Random perturbation field (rand_perturb=1)
1102 rand_perturb (max_dom) = 1 ! Generate array with random perturbations for user-determined use, 1: on
1103 gridpt_stddev_rand_pert (max_dom) = 0.03 ! Standard deviation of random perturbation field at each gridpoint.
1104 Determines amplitude of random perturbations
1105 lengthscale_rand_pert (max_dom) = 500000.0 ! Perturbation lengthscale (in m).
1106 timescale_rand_pert (max_dom) = 21600.0 ! Temporal decorrelation of random field (in s).
1107 stddev_cutoff_rand_pert (max_dom) = 3.0 ! Cutoff tails of perturbation pattern above this threshold standard deviation.
1108 rand_pert_vertstruc = 0 ! Vertical structure for random perturbation field: 0=constant; 1=random phase with tilt
1109 iseed_rand_pert Seed for random number stream for rand_perturb. Will be
1110 combined with seed nens signifying ensemble member number and initial
1111 start time to ensure different random number streams for forecasts
1112 starting from different initial times and for different ensemble members.
1114 ; Stochastically perturbed physics tendencies (SPPT) (sppt=1)
1115 sppt (max_dom) = 0 ! Stochastically perturbed physics tendencies (SPPT), 0: off, 1: on
1116 gridpt_stddev_sppt (max_dom) = 0.5 ! Standard deviation of random perturbation field at each gridpoint.
1117 Determines amplitude of random perturbations
1118 lengthscale_sppt (max_dom) = 150000.0 ! Perturbation lengthscale (in m).
1119 timescale_sppt (max_dom) = 21600.0 ! Temporal decorrelation of random field (in s).
1120 sppt_vertstruc = 0. ! vertical structure for sppt, 0: constant, 1: random phase.
1121 stddev_cutoff_sppt (max_dom) = 2.0 ! Cutoff tails of perturbation pattern above this threshold standard deviation.
1122 iseed_sppt Seed for random number stream for sppt. Will be
1123 combined with seed nens signifying ensemble member number and initial
1124 start time to ensure different random number streams for forecasts
1125 starting from different initial times and for different ensemble members.
1127 ; Stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme (SKEBS)(skebs=1):
1129 skebs (max_dom) = 0 ! stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme, 0: off, 1: on
1130 tot_backscat_psi (max_dom) = 1.0E-05 ! Controls amplitude of rotational wind perturbations
1131 tot_backscat_t (max_dom) = 1.0E-06 ! Controls amplitude of potential temperature perturbations
1132 ztau_psi = 10800.0 ! decorr. time of noise for psi perturb
1133 ztau_t = 10800.0 ! decorr. time of noise for theta perturb
1134 rexponent_psi = -1.83 ! spectral slope of forcing for psi
1135 rexponent_t = -1.83 ! spectral slope of forcing for theta
1136 zsigma2_eps = 0.0833 ! variance of noise for psi perturb
1137 zsigma2_eta = 0.0833 ! variance of noise for theta perturb
1138 kminforc = 1 ! min. forcing wavenumber in lon. for psi perturb
1139 lminforc = 1 ! min. forcing wavenumber in lat. for psi perturb
1140 kminforct = 1 ! min. forcing wavenumber in lon. for theta perturb
1141 lminforct = 1 ! min. forcing wavenumber in lat. for theta perturb
1142 kmaxforc = 1000000 ! max. forcing wavenumber in lon. for psi perturb
1143 lmaxforc = 1000000 ! max. forcing wavenumber in lat. for psi perturb
1144 kmaxforct = 1000000 ! max. forcing wavenumber in lon. for theta perturb
1145 lmaxforct = 1000000 ! max. forcing wavenumber in lat. for theta perturb
1146 skebs_vertstruc = 0 ! Vertical structure for random perturbation field: 0=constant; 1=random phase with tilt
1148 Stochastically perturbed parameter scheme (SPP) (spp=1)
1149 sppt (max_dom) = 0 ! Stochastically perturbed parameter (SPP) scheme for
1150 ; GF convection scheme, MYNN boundary layer scheme and RUC LSM. 0: off, 1: on
1151 spp_conv (max_dom) = 0 ! Perturb parameters of GF convection scheme only
1152 gridpt_stddev_spp_conv (max_dom) = 0.3 ! Standard deviation of random perturbation field at each gridpoint.
1153 Determines amplitude of random perturbations
1154 lengthscale_spp_conv (max_dom) = 150000.0 ! Perturbation lengthscale (in m).
1155 timescale_spp_conv (max_dom) = 21600.0 ! Temporal decorrelation of random field (in s).
1156 stddev_cutoff_spp_conv (max_dom) = 3.0 ! Cutoff tails of perturbation pattern above this threshold standard deviation.
1157 iseed_spp_conv Seed for random number stream for spp_conv. Will be
1158 combined with seed nens signifying ensemble member number and initial
1159 start time to ensure different random number streams for forecasts
1160 starting from different initial times and for different ensemble members.
1161 spp_pbl (max_dom) = 0 ! Perturb parameters of MYNN PBL scheme only
1162 gridpt_stddev_spp_pbl (max_dom) = 0.15 ! Standard deviation of random perturbation field at each gridpoint.
1163 Determines amplitude of random perturbations
1164 lengthscale_spp_pbl (max_dom) = 70000.0 ! Perturbation lengthscale (in m).
1165 timescale_spp_pbl (max_dom) = 21600.0 ! Temporal decorrelation of random field (in s).
1166 stddev_cutoff_spp_pbl (max_dom) = 2.0 ! Cutoff tails of perturbation pattern above this threshold standard deviation.
1167 iseed_spp_pbl Seed for random number stream for spp_pbl . Will be
1168 combined with seed nens signifying ensemble member number and initial
1169 start time to ensure different random number streams for forecasts
1170 starting from different initial times and for different ensemble members.
1171 spp_lsm (max_dom) = 0 ! Perturb parameters of RUC LSM
1172 gridpt_stddev_spp_lsm (max_dom) = 0.3 ! Standard deviation of random perturbation field at each gridpoint.
1173 ; Determines amplitude of random perturbations
1174 lengthscale_spp_lsm (max_dom) = 50000.0 ! Perturbation lengthscale (in m).
1175 timescale_spp_lsm (max_dom) = 86400.0 ! Temporal decorrelation of random field (in s).
1176 stddev_cutoff_spp_lsm (max_dom) = 3.0 ! Cutoff tails of perturbation pattern above this threshold standard deviation.
1177 iseed_spp_lsm Seed for random number stream for spp_lsm . Will be
1178 combined with seed nens signifying ensemble member number and initial
1179 start time to ensure different random number streams for forecasts
1180 starting from different initial times and for different ensemble members.
1182 Multiple perturbations for WRF-Solar EPS (multi_perturb = 1)
1183 multi_perturb = 0 ! 1) WRF-Solar EPS: turns on stochastic perturbations tailored for solar energy applications
1184 spdt = -1.0 ! Frequency to update the stochastic perturbations [minutes]. A negative value indicates for every time step
1185 pert_farms = .false. ! Activates perturbations to the FARMS parameterization
1186 pert_farms_albedo = 0.0 ! 1.0) Perturbs the albedo, 0.0) no perturbations. Similar for other entries below
1187 pert_farms_aod = 0.0
1188 pert_farms_angexp = 0.0
1189 pert_farms_aerasy = 0.0
1193 pert_deng = .false. ! Activates perturbations to Deng's shcu parameterization
1198 pert_mynn = .false. ! Activates perturbations to the MYNN PBL parameterization
1203 pert_noah = .false. ! Activates perturbations to the Noah LSM
1206 pert_noah_smois = 0.0
1207 pert_noah_tslb = 0.0
1208 pert_thom = .false. ! Activates perturbations to thompson microphysics
1214 pert_cld3 = .false. ! Activates perturbations to clouds generated with icloud = 3
1218 num_pert_3d = 15 ! Number of entries in STOCHPERT.TBL plus one (No need to modify)
1220 ; Stochastic Perturbations to the boundary conditions?| (perturb_bdy)
1221 perturb_bdy = 0 ! No boundary perturbations
1222 1 Use SKEBS pattern for boundary perturbations
1223 2 Use other user-provided pattern for boundary perturbations
1225 ; Stochastic perturbations to the boundary tendencies in WRF-CHEM (perturb_chem_bdy)
1226 perturb_chem_bdy Options for perturbing lateral boundaries of chemical tracers:
1227 0 = off; 1 = on with RAND_PERTURB pattern
1229 ; Common to all stochastic schemes
1230 nens =1 ! Seed for random number stream. For ensemble forecasts this parameter needs to be
1231 different for each member. The seed is a function of initial start time
1232 to ensure different random number streams for forecasts starting from
1233 different initial times. Changing this seed changes the random number
1234 streams for all activated stochastic parameterization schemes.
1237 Options for use with the Noah-MP Land Surface Model:
1240 dveg = 4, ! Noah-MP Dynamic Vegetation option:
1241 1 = Off (LAI from table; FVEG = shdfac)
1242 2 = On (LAI predicted; FVEG calculated)
1243 3 = Off (LAI from table; FVEG calculated)
1244 4 = Off (LAI from table; FVEG = maximum veg. fraction)
1245 5 = On (LAI predicted; FVEG = maximum veg. fraction)
1246 6 = On (use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
1247 7 = Off (use input LAI; use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
1248 8 = Off (use input LAI; calculate FVEG)
1249 9 = Off (use input LAI; use maximum vegetation fraction)
1250 opt_crs = 1, ! Noah-MP Stomatal Resistance option:
1253 opt_sfc = 1 ! Noah-MP surface layer drag coefficient calculation
1255 2 = original Noah (Chen97)
1256 opt_btr = 1, ! Noah-MP Soil Moisture Factor for Stomatal Resistance
1260 opt_run = 3, ! Noah-MP Runoff and Groundwater option
1261 1 = TOPMODEL with groundwater
1262 2 = TOPMODEL with equilibrium water table
1263 3 = original surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) - default
1264 4 = BATS surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage)
1265 5 = Miguez-Macho & Fan groundwater scheme (Miguez-Macho et al. 2007 JGR; Fan et al. 2007 JGR)
1266 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1267 6 = Variable Infiltration Capacity Model surface runoff scheme (Wood et al., 1992, JGR)
1268 7 = Xiananjiang Infiltration and surface runoff scheme ((Jayawardena and Zhou, 2000)
1269 8 = Dynamic VIC surface runoff scheme (Liang and Xie, 2001)
1270 opt_infdv = 0, ! Noah-MP infiltration option in dynamic VIC runoff scheme (only works for opt_run=8)
1272 2 = Green-Ampt scheme
1273 3 = Smith-Parlange scheme
1274 opt_frz = 1, ! Noah-MP Supercooled Liquid Water option
1276 2 = Koren's iteration
1277 opt_inf = 1, ! Noah-MP Soil Permeability option
1278 1 = Linear effects, more permeable
1279 2 = Non-linear effects, less permeable
1280 opt_rad = 3, ! Noah-MP Radiative Transfer option
1281 1 = Modified two-stream (known to cause problems when vegetation fraction is small)
1282 2 = Two-stream applied to grid-cell
1283 3 = Two-stream applied to vegetated fraction
1284 opt_alb = 2, ! Noah-MP Ground Surface Albedo option
1287 opt_snf = 1, ! Noah-MP Precipitation Partitioning between snow and rain
1289 2 = BATS: Snow when SFCTMP < TFRZ+2.2
1290 3 = Snow when SFCTMP < TFRZ
1291 4 = Use WRF precipitation partitioning
1292 5 = Use wetbulb temperature (Wang et al., 2019 GRL)
1293 opt_tbot = 2, ! Noah-MP Soil Temperature Lower Boundary Condition
1295 2 = TBOT at 8 m from input file
1296 opt_stc = 1, ! Noah-MP Snow/Soil temperature time scheme
1299 3 = semi-implicit where Ts uses snow cover fraction
1300 opt_gla = 1, ! Noah-MP glacier treatment option
1301 1 = includes phase change
1303 opt_rsf = 1, ! Noah-MP surface evaporation resistance option
1304 1 = Sakaguchi and Zeng, 2009
1306 3 = adjusted Sellers to decrease RSURF for wet soil
1307 4 = option 1 for non-snow; rsurf = rsurf_snow for snow (set in MPTABLE)
1308 opt_soil = 1, ! Noah-MP options for defining soil properties
1309 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1310 1 = use input dominant soil texture
1311 2 = use input soil texture that varies with depth
1312 3 = use soil composition (sand, clay, orgm) and pedotransfer functions (OPT_PEDO)
1313 4 = use input soil properties (BEXP_3D, SMCMAX_3D, etc.) (not valid in WRF)
1314 opt_pedo = 1, ! Noah-MP options for pedotransfer functions (used when OPT_SOIL = 3)
1315 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1316 1 = Saxton and Rawls (2006)
1317 opt_crop = 0, ! options for crop model
1318 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1319 0 = No crop model, will run default dynamic vegetation
1320 1 = Liu, et al. 2016
1321 2 = Gecros (Genotype-by-Environment interaction on CROp growth Simulator) Yin and van Laar, 2005
1323 opt_irr = 0, ! options for irrigation scheme
1324 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1327 2 = irrigation trigger based on crop season Planting and harvesting dates
1328 3 = irrigation trigger based on LAI threshold
1329 opt_irrm = 0, ! options for irrigation method (only if opt_irr > 0)
1330 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1331 0 = method based on geo_em fractions (all three methods are ON)
1332 1 = sprinkler method
1333 2 = micro/drip irrigation
1334 3 = surface flooding
1335 opt_tdrn = 0, ! Noah-MP tile drainage option (currently only tested and works with opt_run=3)
1336 geogrid must have been run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp, use with caution
1337 0 = No tile drainage
1339 2 = Hooghoudt's equation based tile drainage
1340 soiltstep = 0.0, ! Noah-MP soil process timestep (seconds) for solving soil water and temperature
1341 0 = default, the same as main NoahMP model timestep
1342 N * dt_noahmp, typically 15min or 30min
1343 noahmp_output = 1, ! Noah-MP output levels
1345 3 = standard output with additional water and energy budget term output
1346 noahmp_acc_dt = 0.0, ! Noah-MP bucket reset time interval (minutes) between outputs for accumulation (works when noahmp_output=3)
1350 grid_fdda (max_dom) = 1 ! grid-nudging fdda on (=0 off) for each domain
1351 = 2 ! spectral nudging
1352 gfdda_inname = "wrffdda_d<domain>" ! defined name in real
1353 gfdda_interval_m (max_dom) = 360 ! time interval (in min) between analysis times (must use minutes)
1354 gfdda_end_h (max_dom) = 6 ! time (in hours) to stop nudging after start of forecast
1355 io_form_gfdda = 2 ! analysis data io format (2 = netCDF)
1356 fgdt (max_dom) = 0 ! calculation frequency (minutes) for grid-nudging (0=every step)
1357 if_no_pbl_nudging_uv (max_dom) = 0 ! 1= no nudging of u and v in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl
1358 if_no_pbl_nudging_t (max_dom) = 0 ! 1= no nudging of temp in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl
1359 if_no_pbl_nudging_q (max_dom) = 0 ! 1= no nudging of qvapor in the pbl, 0=nudging in the pbl
1360 if_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 0 ! 0= nudge u and v in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_uv
1361 k_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 10 ! 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for u and v
1362 if_zfac_t (max_dom) = 0 ! 0= nudge temp in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_t
1363 k_zfac_t (max_dom) = 10 ! 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for temp
1364 if_zfac_q (max_dom) = 0 ! 0= nudge qvapor in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_q
1365 k_zfac_q (max_dom) = 10 ! 10=model level below which nudging is switched off for qvapor
1366 guv (max_dom) = 0.0003 ! nudging coefficient for u and v (sec-1)
1367 gt (max_dom) = 0.0003 ! nudging coefficient for temp (sec-1)
1368 gq (max_dom) = 0.00001 ! nudging coefficient for qvapor (sec-1)
1369 if_ramping = 0 ! 0= nudging ends as a step function, 1= ramping nudging down at end of period
1370 dtramp_min = 0 ! time (min) for ramping function
1371 grid_sfdda (max_dom) = 0 ! surface fdda switch
1373 1: nudging selected surface fields;
1374 2: FASDAS (flux-adjusting surface data assimilation system)
1375 sgfdda_inname = "wrfsfdda_d<domain>" ! defined name for sfc nudgingi in input file (from program obsgrid)
1376 sgfdda_end_h (max_dom) = 6 ! time (in hours) to stop sfc nudging after start of forecast
1377 sgfdda_interval_m (max_dom) = 180 ! time interval (in min) between sfc analysis times (must use minutes)
1378 io_form_sgfdda = 2 ! sfc analysis data io format (2 = netCDF)
1379 guv_sfc (max_dom) = 0.0003 ! nudging coefficient for sfc u and v (sec-1)
1380 gt_sfc (max_dom) = 0.0003 ! nudging coefficient for sfc temp (sec-1)
1381 gq_sfc (max_dom) = 0.00001 ! nudging coefficient for sfc qvapor (sec-1)
1382 rinblw (max_dom) = 0. ! radius of influence used to determine the confidence (or weights) for
1383 the analysis, which is based on the distance between the grid point to the nearest
1384 obs. The analysis without nearby observation is used at a reduced weight.
1386 pxlsm_soil_nudge(max_dom) = 1 ! PXLSM Soil nudging option (requires wrfsfdda file)
1388 The following are for spectral nudging:
1389 fgdtzero (max_dom) = 0, ! 1= nudging tendencies are set to zero in between fdda calls
1390 if_no_pbl_nudging_uv (max_dom) = 0, ! 1= no nudging of uv in the pbl, 0= nudging in the pbl
1391 if_no_pbl_nudging_t (max_dom) = 0, ! 1= no nudging of t in the pbl, 0= nudging in the pbl
1392 if_no_pbl_nudging_ph (max_dom) = 0, ! 1= no nudging of ph in the pbl, 0= nudging in the pbl
1393 if_no_pbl_nudging_q (max_dom) = 0, ! 1= no nudging of q in the pbl, 0= nudging in the pbl
1394 if_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= nudge uv in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_uv
1395 k_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= model level below which nudging is switched off for uv
1396 dk_zfac_uv (max_dom) = 1, ! depth in k between k_zfac_X to dk_zfac_X where nudging increases
1397 ; linearly to full strength
1398 if_zfac_t (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= nudge t in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_t
1399 k_zfac_t (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= model level below which nudging is switched off for t
1400 dk_zfac_t (max_dom) = 1, ! depth in k between k_zfac_X to dk_zfac_X where nudging increases
1401 linearly to full strength
1402 if_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= nudge ph in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_ph
1403 k_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= model level below which nudging is switched off for ph
1404 dk_zfac_ph (max_dom) = 1, ! depth in k between k_zfac_X to dk_zfac_X where nudging increases
1405 linearly to full strength
1406 if_zfac_q (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= nudge q in all layers, 1= limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_q
1407 k_zfac_q (max_dom) = 0, ! 0= model level below which nudging is switched off for q
1408 dk_zfac_q (max_dom) = 1, ! depth in k between k_zfac_X to dk_zfac_X where nudging increases
1409 gph (max_dom) = 0.0003,
1410 ktrop = 0, ! layer nominally representing tropopause for limiting nudging to q and t
1411 ; setting ktrop = 0 allows nudging to extend to the top of the atmosphere
1412 xwavenum (max_dom) = 3, ! top wave number to nudge in x direction
1413 ywavenum (max_dom) = 3, ! top wave number to nudge in y direction
1415 The following are for observation nudging:
1416 obs_nudge_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! obs-nudging fdda on (=0 off) for each domain
1417 also need to set auxinput11_interval and auxinput11_end_h
1418 in time_control namelist
1419 max_obs = 0 ! max number of observations used on a domain during any
1421 fdda_start (max_dom) = 0 ! obs nudging start time in minutes
1422 fdda_end (max_dom) = 0 ! obs nudging end time in minutes
1423 obs_nudge_wind (max_dom) = 1 ! whether to nudge wind: (=0 off)
1424 obs_coef_wind (max_dom) = 0, ! nudging coefficient for wind, unit: s-1
1425 obs_nudge_temp (max_dom) = 0, ! set to = 1 to turn to nudge temperature (default = 0; off)
1426 obs_coef_temp (max_dom) = 0, ! nudging coefficient for temperature, unit: s-1
1427 obs_nudge_mois (max_dom) = 1 ! whether to nudge water vapor mixing ratio: (=0 off)
1428 obs_coef_mois (max_dom) = 0, ! nudging coefficient for water vapor mixing ratio, unit: s-1
1429 obs_nudge_pstr (max_dom) = 0 ! whether to nudge surface pressure (not used)
1430 obs_coef_pstr (max_dom) = 0. ! nudging coefficient for surface pressure, unit: s-1 (not used)
1431 obs_rinxy (max_dom) = 0. ! horizonal radius of influence in km
1432 obs_rinsig = 0 ! vertical radius of influence in eta
1433 obs_twindo (max_dom) = 0.66667 ! half-period time window over which an observation
1434 will be used for nudging (hours)
1435 obs_npfi = 0, ! freq in coarse grid timesteps for diagnostic prints
1436 obs_ionf (max_dom) = 2 ! freq in coarse grid timesteps for obs input and err calc
1437 obs_idynin = 0 ! for dynamic initialization using a ramp-down function to gradually
1438 turn off the FDDA before the pure forecast (=1 on)
1439 obs_dtramp = 0 ! time period in minutes over which the nudging is ramped down
1441 obs_prt_freq (max_dom) = 10, ! Frequency in obs index for diagnostic printout
1442 obs_prt_max = 1000, ! Maximum allowed obs entries in diagnostic printout
1443 obs_ipf_in4dob = .true. ! print obs input diagnostics (=.false. off)
1444 obs_ipf_errob = .true. ! print obs error diagnostics (=.false. off)
1445 obs_ipf_nudob = .true. ! print obs nudge diagnostics (=.false. off)
1446 obs_ipf_init = .true. ! Enable obs init warning messages
1448 obs_no_pbl_nudge_uv (max_dom) = 0 ! 1=no wind-nudging within pbl
1449 obs_no_pbl_nudge_t (max_dom) = 0 ! 1=no temperature-nudging within pbl
1450 obs_no_pbl_nudge_q (max_dom) = 0 ! 1=no moisture-nudging within pbl
1451 obs_sfc_scheme_horiz = 0 ! horizontal spreading scheme for surf obs;
1452 ; 0=wrf scheme, 1=original mm5 scheme
1453 obs_sfc_scheme_vert = 0 ! vertical spreading scheme for surf obs
1454 0=regime vif scheme, 1=original simple scheme
1455 obs_max_sndng_gap = 20 ! Max pressure gap between soundings, in cb
1456 obs_nudgezfullr1_uv = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for lowest model level (LML) obs, regime 1, winds
1457 obs_nudgezrampr1_uv = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, winds
1458 obs_nudgezfullr2_uv = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, winds
1459 obs_nudgezrampr2_uv = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, winds
1460 obs_nudgezfullr4_uv = -5000 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, winds
1461 obs_nudgezrampr4_uv = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, winds
1462 obs_nudgezfullr1_t = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature
1463 obs_nudgezrampr1_t = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature
1464 obs_nudgezfullr2_t = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature
1465 obs_nudgezrampr2_t = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature
1466 obs_nudgezfullr4_t = -5000 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature
1467 obs_nudgezrampr4_t = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature
1468 obs_nudgezfullr1_q = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture
1469 obs_nudgezrampr1_q = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, moisture
1470 obs_nudgezfullr2_q = 50 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture
1471 obs_nudgezrampr2_q = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, moisture
1472 obs_nudgezfullr4_q = -5000 ! Vert infl full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture
1473 obs_nudgezrampr4_q = 50 ! Vert infl ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, moisture
1474 obs_nudgezfullmin = 50 ! Min depth through which vertical infl fcn remains 1.0
1475 obs_nudgezrampmin = 50 ! Min depth (m) through which vert infl fcn decreases from 1 to 0
1476 obs_nudgezmax = 3000 ! Max depth (m) in which vert infl function is nonzero
1477 obs_sfcfact = 1.0 ! Scale factor applied to time window for surface obs
1478 obs_sfcfacr = 1.0 ! Scale factor applied to horiz radius of influence for surface obs
1479 obs_dpsmx = 7.5 ! Max pressure change (cb) allowed within horiz radius of influence
1481 obs_scl_neg_qv_innov = 0 ! 1 = prevent to nudge toward negative QV
1485 scm_force = 1, ! switch for single column forcing (=0 off)
1486 scm_force_dx = 4000. ! DX for SCM forcing (in meters)
1487 num_force_layers = 8 ! number of SCM input forcing layers
1488 scm_lu_index = 2 ! SCM landuse category (2 is dryland, cropland and pasture)
1489 scm_isltyp = 4 ! SCM soil category (4 is silt loam)
1490 scm_vegfra = 0.5 ! SCM vegetation fraction
1491 scm_canwat = 0.0 ! SCM canopy water
1492 scm_lat = 36.605 ! SCM latitude
1493 scm_lon = -97.485 ! SCM longitude
1494 scm_th_adv = .true. ! turn on theta advection in SCM
1495 scm_wind_adv = .true. ! turn on wind advection in SCM
1496 scm_qv_adv = .true. ! turn on moisture advection in SCM
1497 scm_ql_adv = .true. ! turn on cloud liquid water advection in SCM
1498 scm_vert_adv = .true. ! turn on vertical advection in SCM
1499 num_force_soil_layers = 5, ! Number of SCM soil forcing layer
1500 scm_soilT_force = .false. ! Turn on soil temp forcing in SCM
1501 scm_soilq_force = .false. ! Turn on soil moisture forcing in SCM
1502 scm_force_th_largescale = .false. ! Turn on large scale theta forcing in SCM
1503 scm_force_qv_largescale = .false. ! Turn on large scale qv forcing in SCM
1504 scm_force_ql_largescale = .false. ! Turn on large scale cloud water forcing in SCM
1505 scm_force_wind_largescale = .false. ! Turn on large scale wind forcing in SCM
1508 hybrid_opt = 2, ! default; Klemp cubic form with etac
1509 0 = original WRF terrain-following coordinate (through V3)
1510 etac = 0.2 ! znw(k) < etac, eta surfaces are isobaric, 0.2 is a good default (Pa/Pa)
1511 rk_ord = 3, ! time-integration scheme option:
1512 2 = Runge-Kutta 2nd order
1513 3 = Runge-Kutta 3rd order
1514 zadvect_implicit = 0, ! toggle off on [0/1] the IEVA scheme. Default off.
1515 w_crit_cfl = 1.2 ! default vertical courant number where vertical velocity damping begins (see below).
1516 ! when zadvect_implicit is on, value can be ~ 2.0
1517 zdamp (max_dom) = 5000., ! damping depth (m) from model top
1518 w_damping = 0, ! vertical velocity damping flag (for operational use)
1521 diff_opt(max_dom) = 0, ! turbulence and mixing option:
1522 0 = no turbulence or explicit
1523 spatial numerical filters (km_opt IS IGNORED).
1524 1 = evaluates 2nd order
1525 diffusion term on coordinate surfaces.
1526 uses kvdif for vertical diff unless PBL option
1527 is used. may be used with km_opt = 1 and 4.
1528 (= 1, recommended for real-data cases)
1529 2 = evaluates mixing terms in
1530 physical space (stress form) (x,y,z).
1531 turbulence parameterization is chosen
1532 by specifying km_opt.
1533 km_opt(max_dom) = 1, ! eddy coefficient option
1534 1 = constant (use khdif kvdif)
1535 2 = 1.5 order TKE closure (3D)
1536 3 = Smagorinsky first order closure (3D)
1537 Note: option 2 and 3 are not recommended for DX > 2 km
1538 4 = horizontal Smagorinsky first order closure
1539 (recommended for real-data cases)
1540 5 = SMS-3DTKE scale-adaptive LES/PBL scheme. It must be
1541 used with diff_opt = 2. PBL schemes must be turned off
1542 (bl_pbl_physics=0). It can work with sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 5, 91.
1543 damp_opt = 0, ! upper level damping flag
1545 1 = with diffusive damping, maybe used for real-data cases
1546 (dampcoef nondimensional ~0.01-0.1)
1547 2 = with Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s] e.g. .003; idealized case only
1548 not for real-data cases)
1549 3 = with w-Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s] e.g. .2;
1550 for real-data cases)
1551 use_theta_m = 1 ! 1: use theta_m=theta(1+1.61Qv)
1552 0: use dry theta in dynamics
1553 use_q_diabatic = 0 ! whether to include QV and QC tendencies in advection
1554 0 = default, old behavior
1555 1 = include QV and QC tendencies - this helps to produce correct solution
1556 in an idealized 'moist benchmark' test case (Bryan, 2014).
1557 In real data testing, time step needs to be reduce to maintain stable solution
1558 c_s (max_dom) = 0.25 ! Smagorinsky coeff
1559 c_k (max_dom) = 0.15 ! TKE coeff
1560 diff_6th_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! 6th-order numerical diffusion
1561 0 = no 6th-order diffusion (default)
1562 1 = 6th-order numerical diffusion (not recommended)
1563 2 = 6th-order numerical diffusion but prohibit up-gradient diffusion
1564 diff_6th_factor (max_dom) = 0.12, ! 6th-order numerical diffusion non-dimensional rate (max value 1.0
1565 corresponds to complete removal of 2dx wave in one timestep)
1566 diff_6th_slopeopt (max_dom) = 0 ! if set to =1, turns on 6th-order numerical diffusion - terrain-slope tapering. default is 0=off
1567 diff_6th_thresh (max_dom) = 0.10 ! slope threshold (m/m) that turns off 6th order diff in steep terrain
1568 dampcoef (max_dom) = 0., ! damping coefficient (see above)
1569 base_temp = 290., ! real-data, em ONLY, base sea-level temp (K)
1570 base_pres = 10^5 ! real-data, em ONLY, base sea-level pres (Pa), DO NOT CHANGE
1571 base_lapse = 50., ! real-data, em ONLY, lapse rate (K), DO NOT CHANGE
1572 iso_temp = 200., ! real-data, em ONLY, reference temp in stratosphere, US Standard atmosphere 216.5 K
1573 base_pres_strat = 0. ! real-data, em ONLY, base state pressure (Pa) at bottom of the stratosphere,
1574 US Standard atmosphere 55 hPa
1575 base_lapse_strat = -11. ! real-data, em ONLY, base state lapse rate ( dT / d(lnP) ) in stratosphere,
1576 approx to US Standard atmosphere -12 K
1577 use_baseparam_fr_nml = .f., ! whether to use base state parameters from the namelist
1578 use_input_w = .f., ! whether to use vertical velocity from input file
1579 khdif (max_dom) = 0, ; horizontal diffusion constant (m^2/s). A typical value should be 0.1*DX in meters.
1580 kvdif (max_dom) = 0, ! vertical diffusion constant (m^2/s). A typical value should be 100.
1581 smdiv (max_dom) = 0.1, ! divergence damping (0.1 is typical)
1582 emdiv (max_dom) = 0.01, ! external-mode filter coef for mass coordinate model
1583 (0.01 is typical for real-data cases)
1584 epssm (max_dom) = .1, ! time off-centering for vertical sound waves
1585 non_hydrostatic (max_dom) = .true., ! whether running the model in hydrostatic or non-hydro mode
1586 pert_coriolis (max_dom) = .false., ! Coriolis only acts on wind perturbation (idealized)
1587 top_lid (max_dom) = .false., ! Zero vertical motion at top of domain
1588 mix_full_fields(max_dom) = .true., ! used with diff_opt = 2; value of ".true." is recommended, except for
1589 highly idealized numerical tests; damp_opt must not be 1 if ".true."
1590 is chosen. .false. means subtract 1-d base-state profile before mixing
1591 mix_isotropic(max_dom) = 0 ! 0=anisotropic vertical/horizontal diffusion coeffs, 1=isotropic
1592 mix_upper_bound(max_dom) = 0.1 ! non-dimensional upper limit for diffusion coeffs
1593 tke_drag_coefficient(max_dom) = 0., ! surface drag coefficient (Cd, dimensionless) for diff_opt=2 only
1594 tke_heat_flux(max_dom) = 0., ! surface thermal flux (H/(rho*cp), K m/s) for diff_opt=2 only
1595 h_mom_adv_order (max_dom) = 5, ! horizontal momentum advection order (5=5th, etc.)
1596 v_mom_adv_order (max_dom) = 3, ! vertical momentum advection order
1597 h_sca_adv_order (max_dom) = 5, ! horizontal scalar advection order
1598 v_sca_adv_order (max_dom) = 3, ! vertical scalar advection order
1600 momentum_adv_opt(max_dom) = 1, ! advection options for momentum variables:
1601 1=original, 3 = 5th-order WENO
1602 advection options for scalar variables: 0=simple, 1=positive definite,
1603 2=monotonic, 3=5th order WENO, 4=5th-order WENO with positive definite filter
1604 moist_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! for moisture
1605 moist_adv_dfi_opt (max_dom) = 0 ! positive-definite RK3 transport switch. Default is 0=off
1606 scalar_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! for scalars
1607 chem_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! for chem variables
1608 tracer_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! for tracer variables (WRF-Chem activated)
1609 tke_adv_opt (max_dom) = 1 ! for tke
1610 phi_adv_z (max_dom) = 1 ! vertical advection option for geopotential; 1: original (default) 2: avoid double staggering of omega
1611 moist_mix2_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for moisture. default is F.
1612 chem_mix2_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for chem species. default is F.
1613 tracer_mix2_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for tracers. default is F.
1614 scalar_mix2_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for scalars. default is F.
1615 tke_mix2_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 2nd-order horizontal mixing for tke. default is F.
1616 moist_mix6_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 6th-order horizontal mixing for moisture. default is F.
1617 chem_mix6_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 6th-order horizontal mixing for chem species. default is F.
1618 tracer_mix6_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 6th-order horizontal mixing for tracers. default is F.
1619 scalar_mix6_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 6th-order horizontal mixing for scalars. default is F.
1620 tke_mix6_off (max_dom) = .false. ! if set to T, deactivate 6th-order horizontal mixing for tke. default is F.
1623 time_step_sound (max_dom) = 4 / ! number of sound steps per time-step (0=set automatically)
1624 (if using a time_step much larger than 6*dx (in km),
1625 proportionally increase number of sound steps - also
1626 best to use even numbers)
1627 do_avgflx_em (max_dom) = 0, ! whether to output time-averaged mass-coupled advective velocities
1630 do_avgflx_cugd (max_dom) = 0, ! whether to output time-averaged convective mass-fluxes from Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme
1632 1 = yes (only takes effect if do_avgflx_em=1 and cu_physics= 93
1633 do_coriolis (max_dom) = .true., ! whether to do Coriolis calculations (idealized) (inactive)
1634 do_curvature (max_dom) = .true., ! whether to do curvature calculations (idealized) (inactive)
1635 do_gradp (max_dom) = .true., ! whether to do horizontal pressure gradient calculations (idealized) (inactive)
1636 fft_filter_lat = 91. ! the latitude above which the polar filter is turned on (degrees) - 45 degrees is a
1637 reasonable latitude to start using polar filters
1638 coupled_filtering = .true. ! T/F mu coupled scalar arrays are run through the polar filters
1639 pos_def = .false. ! T/F remove negative values of scalar arrays by setting minimum value to zero
1640 swap_pole_with_next_j = .false. ! T/F replace the entire j=1 (jds-1) with the values from j=2 (jds-2)
1641 actual_distance_average = .false. ! T/F average the field at each i location in the j-loop with a number of grid points based on a map-factor ratio
1642 gwd_opt (max_dom) = 0 ! for running without gravity wave drag
1643 = 1 ; for running with gravity wave drag (Choi and Hong 2015)
1644 = 3 ; NOAA/GSL gravity wave drag and turbulent orographic form drag
1645 gwd_diags = 0 ; set to 1 to output diagnostics for gwd_opt = 3
1646 sfs_opt (max_dom) = 0 ! nonlinear backscatter and anisotropy (NBA) off
1647 = 1 ! NBA1 using diagnostic stress terms (km_opt=2,3 for scalars)
1648 = 2 ! NBA2 using tke-based stress terms (km_opt=2 needed)
1649 m_opt (max_dom) = 0 ! no added output
1650 = 1 ! adds output of Mij stress terms when NBA is not used
1651 tracer_opt(max_dom) = 0 !
1654 spec_bdy_width = 5, ! total number of rows for specified boundary value nudging
1655 spec_zone = 1, ! number of points in specified zone (spec b.c. option)
1656 relax_zone = 4, ! number of points in relaxation zone (spec b.c. option)
1657 specified (max_dom) = .false., ! specified boundary conditions (only can be used for domain 1)
1658 the above 4 are used for real-data runs
1659 spec_exp = 0. ! exponential multiplier for relaxation zone ramp for specified=.t.
1660 (0.=linear ramp default, e.g. 0.33=~3*dx exp decay factor)
1661 constant_bc = .false. ! constant boundary condition used with DFI
1663 periodic_x (max_dom) = .false., ! periodic boundary conditions in x direction
1664 symmetric_xs (max_dom) = .false., ! symmetric boundary conditions at x start (west)
1665 symmetric_xe (max_dom) = .false., ! symmetric boundary conditions at x end (east)
1666 open_xs (max_dom) = .false., ! open boundary conditions at x start (west)
1667 open_xe (max_dom) = .false., ! open boundary conditions at x end (east)
1668 periodic_y (max_dom) = .false., ! periodic boundary conditions in y direction
1669 symmetric_ys (max_dom) = .false., ! symmetric boundary conditions at y start (south)
1670 symmetric_ye (max_dom) = .false., ! symmetric boundary conditions at y end (north)
1671 open_ys (max_dom) = .false., ! open boundary conditions at y start (south)
1672 open_ye (max_dom) = .false., ! open boundary conditions at y end (north)
1673 nested (max_dom) = .false., ! nested boundary conditions (must be used for nests)
1674 polar (max_dom) = .false., ! polar boundary condition
1675 (v=0 at polarward-most v-point)
1676 have_bcs_moist (max_dom) = .false., ! model run after ndown only: do not use microphysics variables in bdy file
1677 = .true. , ! use microphysics variables in bdy file
1678 have_bcs_scalar (max_dom) = .false., ! model run after ndown only: do not use scalar variables in bdy file
1679 = .true. , ! use scalar variables in bdy file
1680 multi_bdy_files = .false., ! F=default; T=model will run with split and individually named LBC files
1681 requires usage of bdy_inname = "wrfbdy_d<domain>_<date>"
1682 the real program can generate all LBC files in a single run
1683 only a single time period is in each separate LBC file
1686 ideal_case = 0 ! ideal case number. Option selects CASEs within module_initialize_ideal.F
1687 realcase ideal_case=0
1688 hill2d_x ideal_case=1
1689 quarter_ss ideal_case=2
1690 convrad ideal_case=3
1691 squall2d_x ideal_case=4
1692 squall2d_y ideal_case=5
1693 grav2d_x ideal_case=6
1695 seabreeze2d_x ideal_case=8
1698 &tc ; controls for tc_em.exe ONLY, no impact on real, ndown, or model
1700 insert_bogus_storm = .false. ! T/F for inserting a bogus tropical storm (TC)
1701 remove_storm = .false. ! T/F for only removing the original TC
1702 num_storm = 1 ! Number of bogus TC
1703 latc_loc = -999. ! center latitude of the bogus TC
1704 lonc_loc = -999. ! center longitude of the bogus TC
1705 vmax_meters_per_second(max_bogus) = -999. ! vmax of bogus storm in meters per second
1706 rmax = -999. ! maximum radius outward from storm center
1707 vmax_ratio(max_bogus) = -999. ! ratio for representative maximum winds, 0.75 for 45 km grid, and
1709 rankine_lid = -999. ! top pressure limit for the tc bogus scheme
1711 &namelist_quilt This namelist record controls asynchronized I/O for MPI applications.
1713 nio_tasks_per_group = 0, ! default value is 0: no quilting; > 0 quilting I/O
1714 nio_groups = 1, ! default 1. May be set to higher value for nesting IO
1715 or history and restart IO
1719 background_proc_id = 255, ! Background generating process identifier, typically defined
1720 by the originating center to identify the background data that
1721 was used in creating the data. This is octet 13 of Section 4
1722 in the grib2 message
1723 forecast_proc_id = 255, ! Analysis or generating forecast process identifier, typically
1724 defined by the originating center to identify the forecast process
1725 that was used to generate the data. This is octet 14 of Section
1726 4 in the grib2 message
1727 production_status = 255, ! Production status of processed data in the grib2 message.
1728 See Code Table 1.3 of the grib2 manual. This is octet 20 of
1729 Section 1 in the grib2 record
1730 compression = 40, ! The compression method to encode the output grib2 message.
1731 Only 40 for jpeg2000 or 41 for PNG are supported
1734 By default the pressure and height level data goes into stream 23 and 22, respectively. Using
1735 the vertical interpolation options requires the user to define an io_form and interval for
1736 the requested stream. See examples.namelist.
1739 p_lev_diags = 1, ! Vertically interpolate diagnostics to p-levels
1741 num_press_levels = 0, ! Number of pressure levels to interpolate to, for example,
1743 press_levels = 0, ! Which pressure levels (Pa) to interpolate to, for example
1744 could be 85000, 70000
1745 use_tot_or_hyd_p = 2 ! Which half level pressure to use: 1=total (p+pb); 2=hydrostatic
1746 (p_hyd). The p_hyd option is the default and less noisy. Total
1747 pressure is consistent with what is done in various post-proc
1749 z_lev_diags = 0, ! Vertically interpolate diagnostics to z-levels
1751 num_z_levels = 2, ! Number of height levels to interpolate to
1752 z_levels = 0, ! List of height values (m) to interpolate data to.
1753 Positive numbers are for height above mean sea level (i.e. a flight level)
1754 Negative numbers are for levels above ground
1759 afwa_diag_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! AFWA Diagnostic option, 1: on
1760 afwa_ptype_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Precip type option, 1: on
1761 afwa_vil_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Vert Int Liquid option, 1: on
1762 afwa_radar_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Radar option, 1: on
1763 afwa_severe_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Severe Wx option, 1: on
1764 afwa_icing_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Icing option, 1: on
1765 afwa_vis_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Visibility option, 1: on
1766 afwa_cloud_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Cloud option, 1: on
1767 afwa_therm_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Thermal indices option, 1: on
1768 afwa_turb_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Turbulence option, 1: on
1769 afwa_buoy_opt (max_dom) = 0, ! Buoyancy option, 1: on
1770 afwa_ptype_ccn_tmp = 264.15, ! CCN temperature for precipitation type calculation
1771 afwa_ptype_tot_melt = 50, ! Total melting energy for precipitation type calculation
1776 Add an extra set of 3d arrays for vertical interpolation to the
1777 processing for the real program. Typically, this extra data set
1778 is to include monthly aerosol data. The vertical coordinate of the
1779 aerosol data is able to be separate from the input meteorological
1780 data. To introduce new data sets, mods are required in the Registry
1781 and in module_initialize_real.F. There is a space-holder/practice
1782 set-up for "GCA". The actual data set for Thompson mp=28 (WIF) that
1783 utilizes QNWFA and QNIFA (water and ice friendly aerosols) has
1794 physics suite specification, which specifies physics options
1804 with a new namelist physics_suite = 'X'. Two suites are available:
1806 physics_suite = 'CONUS'
1810 physics_suite = 'tropical'
1812 where 'CONUS' is equivalent to
1819 sf_sfclay_physics = 2,
1820 sf_surface_physics = 2,
1822 and 'tropical' is equivalent to
1829 sf_sfclay_physics = 91,
1830 sf_surface_physics = 2,
1832 One can use physics_suite, and overwrite one or more options by explicitly including the physics
1835 To overwrite an option for a nest, one can have
1838 physics_suite = 'tropical'
1839 cu_physics = -1, -1, 0,
1842 here '-1' means to use option specified by the suite, and '0' modifies the cumulus option from the
1843 suite option 16 to 0 (turning cumulus off).
1846 Hybrid Vertical Coordinate (HVC) vs Terrain Following (TF)
1848 1. To turn ON the HVC
1852 2. To turn OFF the HVC
1858 Traditional / full fields model output
1860 The WRF model output may be modified at run-time to also include a stream that contains
1861 more traditional fields: temperature, pressure, geopotential height, etc. The flag needs to
1862 be activated in the namelist (diag_nwp2 = 1). In the registry.trad_fields, the output stream
1863 is "h1", so that stream needs to be explicitly requested in the namelist.input file.
1870 io_form_auxhist1 = 2
1871 auxhist1_interval = 180, 30, 30,
1872 frames_per_auxhist1 = 1, 1, 1,
1873 auxhist1_outname = "wrf_trad_fields_d<domain>_<date>"
1878 Solar diagnostics output
1880 For solar diagnostics, 2-D fields of variables relevant to solar forecasting are output
1881 when option solar_diagnostics is activated in diags section of namelist, as shown below.
1882 Also, if tslist is present when solar_diagnostics is activated, then these same variables
1883 are output to the time series files for the location(s) specified in tslist (see README.tslist).
1884 All variables are calculated in phys/module_diag_solar.F and defined in registry.solar_fields
1887 solar_diagnostics = 1