Merge pull request #22 from wirc-sjsu/develop-w21
[WRF-Fire-merge.git] / standalone / fire_main.F
1 module module_fire_standalone
3 use module_fr_sfire_driver, only: set_flags, fire_ignition_convert, &
4                                   set_fp_from_grid
5 use module_fr_sfire_util, only: message,crash, &
6           lines_type, print_2d_stats
7 use module_fr_sfire_phys, only: fire_params, init_fuel_cats
8 use module_fr_sfire_model, only: sfire_model
9 use module_domain, only: domain
10 use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type,read_namelist
11 use wrf_netcdf, only : grid_info, read_info, &
12                        create_output_file,write_vars, &
13                        read_vars, debug_print
14 implicit none
16 contains 
18 subroutine sub_main
20 !*** purpose: standalone driver with compatible files to WRF-Fire
22 implicit none
24 !*** local
26 ! arguments to SFIRE
28 type(domain)::grid          ! all: state+inputs+outputs, compatible with wrf
29 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type):: config_flags ! the namelist
30 integer::  &                ! fire mesh dimensions
31     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &  ! the physical domain
32     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &  ! patch - assigned to one process. Here the same as domain.
33     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &  ! memory allocated, needs a strip around the patch
34     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme     ! memory allocated, needs a strip around the patch
36 ! I/O interface
37 character(len=*),parameter::inputfile=''
38 character(len=*),parameter::outputfile=''
39 real, pointer, dimension(:,:) ::  uf1, vf1, uf2, vf2, fmc_g1, fmc_g2   ! stored input fields
41 ! other derived types
42 type(grid_info)::info                    ! dimensions, grid controls
44 ! scalars
45 integer:: nsteps,itimestep,ifun_start,ifun_end,id,ifun,iframe,istep
46 integer::nhalo=5
47 double precision:: dt_double,dt_config,duration_s,frame_s  ! may need more accurate time computation to get the number of timesteps right
48 real:: time_start,dt,t
49 logical::do_ouput
50 TYPE(lines_type) :: ignition, hfx
51 type(fire_params)::fp
52 logical::restart=.false.,replay=.false.,uniform=.false.
53 integer::iframe_start,iframe_end
54 logical::run_fuel_moisture=.false.
56 !*** executable
58 call read_namelist(config_flags)           ! read flags from namelist.input
59 call set_flags(config_flags)               ! copy configuration flags to sfire internal structures
61 debug_print = ! if we write a lot
62 debug_print = ! if we write a lot
64 call read_info(inputfile,info)             ! get dimensions
66 ! start empty NetCDF file with the dimensions
67 ! not here, may want to overwrite something
68 ! call create_output_file(outputfile,info)
72 ! set dimensions
73 ifds=1
74 ifde=info%nfirex
75 jfds=1
76 jfde=info%nfirey
77 ifms=ifds-nhalo
78 ifme=ifde+nhalo
79 jfms=ifds-nhalo
80 jfme=ifde+nhalo
81 ifps=1
82 ifpe=ifde
83 jfps=1
84 jfpe=jfde
85 ifts=1
86 ifte=ifde
87 jfts=1
88 jfte=jfde
90 write(6,2)'fire domain dimensions       ',ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde
91 write(6,2)'fire memory dimensions       ',ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme
92 write(6,2)'fire patch  dimensions       ',ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe
93 write(6,2)'fire tile   dimensions       ',ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte
94 2 format(a,6i6)
96 ! allocate
98 ! inputs
99 call allocate2d(grid%uf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'uf')              ! fire winds
100 call allocate2d(grid%vf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'vf')              ! fire winds
101 call allocate2d(grid%zsf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'zsf')             ! terrain height
102 call allocate2d(grid%dzdxf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'dzdxf')           ! terrain grad
103 call allocate2d(grid%dzdyf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'dzdyf')           ! terrain grad
104 call allocate2d(grid%fxlong,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fxlong')          ! 
105 call allocate2d(grid%fxlat,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fxlat')           !
106 call allocate2d(grid%nfuel_cat,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'nfuel_cat')          ! 
107 call allocate2d(grid%fmc_g,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fmc_g')          ! 
109 ! state
110 call allocate2d(grid%bbb,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'bbb')             ! spread formula coeff
111 call allocate2d(grid%betafl,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'betafl')          ! spread formula coeff
112 call allocate2d(grid%phiwc,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'phiwc')           ! spread formula coeff
113 call allocate2d(grid%phisc,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'phisc')           ! spread formula coeff
114 call allocate2d(grid%r_0,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'r_0')             ! spread formula coeff
115 call allocate2d(grid%fgip,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgip')            ! spread formula coeff
116 call allocate2d(grid%ischap,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'ischap')          ! spread formula coeff
117 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_time,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_time')        ! 
118 call allocate2d(grid%lfn,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'lfn') 
119 call allocate2d(grid%tign_g,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'tign_g') 
120 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_frac,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_frac') 
121 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_frac_burnt,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_frac_burnt') 
122 call allocate2d(grid%lfn_out,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'lfn_out') 
124 ! outputs
125 call allocate2d(grid%fire_area,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fire_area') 
126 call allocate2d(grid%ros,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'ros') 
127 call allocate2d(grid%flineint,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'flineint') 
128 call allocate2d(grid%flineint2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'flineint2') 
129 call allocate2d(grid%fgrnhfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgrnhfx')          ! 
130 call allocate2d(grid%fgrnqfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgrnqfx')          ! 
131 call allocate2d(grid%fcanhfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fcanhfx')          ! 
132 call allocate2d(grid%fcanqfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fcanqfx')          ! 
133 call allocate2d(grid%f_ros,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_ros')              ! 
134 call allocate2d(grid%f_ros0,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_ros0')            ! 
135 call allocate2d(grid%f_rosx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_rosx')            ! 
136 call allocate2d(grid%f_rosy,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_rosy')            ! 
137 call allocate2d(grid%f_lineint,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_lineint')      ! 
138 call allocate2d(grid%f_lineint2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_lineint2')    ! 
139 call allocate2d(grid%f_int,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'f_int')              ! 
141 ! local
142 call allocate2d(uf1,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'uf1')              ! fire winds
143 call allocate2d(vf1,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'vf1')              ! fire winds
144 call allocate2d(uf2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'uf2')              ! fire winds
145 call allocate2d(vf2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'vf2')              ! fire winds
146 call allocate2d(fmc_g1,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fmc_g1')              ! moisture 
147 call allocate2d(fmc_g2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fmc_g2')              ! moisture 
149 ! copy pointers to grid fields, to pass to the spread rate calculation
150 call set_fp_from_grid(grid,fp)
151 call init_fuel_cats(.true.)
153 ! time control
154 ! NOTE: dt in the netcdf input file as returned in info%dt is WRONG !!
155 dt_config=config_flags%time_step
156 if(
157   dt_config=dt_config+dble(config_flags%time_step_fract_num)/dble(config_flags%time_step_fract_den)
158 endif
159 duration_s = config_flags%run_seconds           &
160            + 60d0*(config_flags%run_minutes     &
161            + 60d0*(config_flags%run_hours       &
162            + 24d0*(config_flags%run_days)))       
164 if(
165 frame_s = config_flags%history_interval_s           &
166            + 60d0*(config_flags%history_interval_m     &
167            + 60d0*(config_flags%history_interval_h       &
168            + 24d0*(config_flags%history_interval_d)))       
170 write(*,'(a,f10.2,a,f10.6,a,f10.6)')'from namelist.input: history_interval=',frame_s, &
171      ' time_step=',dt_config,'s time steps in history frame ', frame_s / dt_config 
173 nsteps = nint( frame_s / dt_config ) ! number of time steps for the duration
174 dt_double = frame_s / nsteps
175 dt = dt_double
177 write(*,'(a,f10.2,a,f8.4,a,i6)')'adjusted: ',frame_s,' time_step=',dt,'s time steps in history frame ',nsteps
179 ! divide up for shared memory parallel execution
180 !!call set_tiles(1,1,ips,ipe,jps,jpe,grid%num_tiles,grid%i_start,grid%i_end,grid%j_start,grid%j_end)
182 ! set the scalars in grid type
183 grid%dt = dt
184 grid%itimestep=0
185 grid%xtime=0.
186 grid%u_frame=0.
187 grid%v_frame=0.
188 info%dt = dt     ! dt may be different than it was in the input file
190 ! start output file
191 call create_output_file(outputfile,info)
194 if(
195   !call crash('need at least 3 steps')
196   uniform=.true.
197   call read_vars(inputfile,info,1,grid)
198   iframe_start=1
199   iframe_end=int(duration_s/frame_s)
200 else
201   uniform=.false.
202   call read_vars(inputfile,info,2,grid)
203   iframe_start=3
204   write(*,'(a)')'starting from frame 3 because need to interpolate between frames and frame 1 may be invalid'
205   iframe_end=info%ntimes
206   uf1=grid%uf
207   vf1=grid%vf
208   fmc_g1=grid%fmc_g
209 endif
211 print *,'Fire mesh:'
212 print *,'fxlat  lower bounds:',lbound(grid%fxlat)
213 print *,'fxlat  upper bounds:',ubound(grid%fxlat)
214 print *,'fxlat(1,1)=',grid%fxlat(1,1),' fxlat(',ifpe,',',jfpe,')=',grid%fxlat(ifpe,jfpe)
215 print *,'fxlong lower bounds:',lbound(grid%fxlong)
216 print *,'fxlong upper bounds:',ubound(grid%fxlong)
217 print *,'fxlong(1,1)=',grid%fxlong(1,1),' fxlong(',ifpe,',',jfpe,')=',grid%fxlong(ifpe,jfpe)
218 call print_2d_stats(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,grid%fxlong,'fire:fxlong')
219 call print_2d_stats(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,grid%fxlat,'fire:fxlat')
221 ! get ignition data - should have fxlong fxlat now
222 call fire_ignition_convert (config_flags,ignition,                   &
223              grid%fxlong, grid%fxlat,                                &
224              ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde,                                   &
225              ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                                   &
226              ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe )
228 write(*,'(a,i5)')'number of frames in the file: ntimes=',info%ntimes
229 write(*,'(2(a,i5))')'using frames from',iframe_start,' to',iframe_end
231 itimestep = 0
232 ifun_start=1
233 do iframe=iframe_start,iframe_end ! interval ending with iframe
234   if(.not.uniform)then
235     call read_vars(inputfile,info,iframe,grid)
236     uf2=grid%uf
237     vf2=grid%vf
238     fmc_g2=grid%fmc_g
239   endif
240   do istep=1,nsteps
241     itimestep=info%ntimes * (iframe - 1) + istep
242     grid%itimestep = itimestep
243     grid%xtime = itimestep * grid%dt / 60.
244     id=itimestep
245     ifun_end=6
246     ! interpolate time
247     time_start = dt_double * (nsteps * (iframe - 1) + istep - 1)
248     ! interpolate wind
249     if(.not.uniform)then
250       t = (istep - 1.)/real(nsteps)
251       write(*,'(a,i4,a,i3,a,i8,a,f10.3,a,f10.3)')'frame',iframe,' istep',istep, &
252          ' itimestep',itimestep, &
253          ' start at ',time_start,'s weight ',t
254       grid%uf = (1. - t)*uf1 + t*uf2
255       grid%vf = (1. - t)*vf1 + t*vf2
256       grid%fmc_g = (1. - t)*fmc_g1 + t*fmc_g2
257     endif
259     do ifun=ifun_start,ifun_end
261       if(ifun.eq.4)then
262         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fp%fmc_g,'fire:fmc_g')
263       endif
265       call sfire_model (                    &
266         id,                                     & ! unique number for prints and debug
267         ifun,                                   & ! what to do see below
268         restart,replay,                         & ! use existing state; prescribe fire arrival time
269         run_fuel_moisture,                      & ! run the moisture model
270         config_flags%fire_fuel_read,config_flags%fire_fuel_cat,   & ! legacy initial constant fuel category
271         ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,                    & ! fire domain dims - the whole domain
272         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                    & ! fire memory dims - how declared
273         ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,                    & ! patch - nodes owned by this process
274         ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                    & ! fire tile dims  - this thread
275         time_start,dt,                          & ! time and increment
276         info%fdx,info%fdy,                                & ! fire mesh spacing,
277         ignition,hfx,                               & ! small array of ignition line descriptions
278         grid%fxlong,grid%fxlat,                      & ! fire mesh coordinates
279         grid%fire_hfx,                          & ! given heat flux (experimental)
280         grid%tign_in,                           & ! ignition time, if given
281         grid%lfn,grid%lfn_out,grid%tign_g,grid%fuel_frac,grid%fire_area,   & ! state: level function, ign time, fuel left, area burning
282         grid%fuel_frac_burnt,                   &
283         grid%fgrnhfx,grid%fgrnqfx,                          & ! output: heat fluxes
284         grid%ros,grid%flineint,grid%flineint2,                 & ! diagnostic variables
285         grid%f_ros0,grid%f_rosx,grid%f_rosy,grid%f_ros,             & ! fire risk spread
286         grid%f_int,grid%f_lineint,grid%f_lineint2,             & ! fire risk intensities
287         grid%nfuel_cat,                              & ! fuel data per point
288         grid%fuel_time,grid%fwh,grid%fz0,                      & ! save derived internal data
289         fp &
290       )
292     enddo
293     ifun_start=3
294   enddo
295   call write_vars(outputfile,grid,info,iframe)
296   if(.not.uniform)then
297     uf1=uf2
298     vf1=vf2
299     fmc_g1=fmc_g2
300   endif
301 enddo
303 end subroutine sub_main
306 !subroutine model_driver(grid,config_flags)
309 !******************************
312 subroutine set_tiles(itiles,jtiles,ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
313 !*** set tiles for standalone/testing
314 implicit none
315 !*** arguments
316 integer,intent(in)::itiles,jtiles,ips,ipe,jps,jpe
317 integer,intent(out)::num_tiles
318 integer,intent(out),dimension(itiles*jtiles)::i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end
319 !*** local
320 integer::i,j,istep,jstep,ij
321 character(len=128)::msg
322 write(msg,1)'patch',ips,':',ipe,jps,':',jpe
323 1 format(a,5x,i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
324 call message(msg,level=-1)
325 !if( crash('bad domain bounds')
326 num_tiles=itiles*jtiles
327 istep=(ipe-ips+itiles)/itiles
328 jstep=(jpe-jps+jtiles)/jtiles
329 do i=1,itiles
330     do j=1,jtiles
331         ij=j+(i-1)*jtiles
332         i_start(ij)=min(ipe,ips+(i-1)*istep)
333         i_end(ij)  =min(ipe,ips+(i  )*istep-1)
334         j_start(ij)=min(jpe,jps+(j-1)*jstep)
335         j_end(ij)  =min(jpe,jps+(j  )*jstep-1)
336     enddo
337 enddo
338 call check_tiles(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
339 end subroutine set_tiles
342 subroutine check_tiles(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
343 implicit none
344 !*** purpose: check if tiles fit
345 !*** arguments
346 integer,intent(in)::ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles
347 integer,intent(in),dimension(num_tiles)::i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end
348 !*** local
349 character(len=128)::msg
350 integer:: ij,ie
351 !*** executable
352 if( crash('check_tiles: need at least one tile')
353 ie=0
354 do ij=1,num_tiles
355     if(i_start(ij).lt.ips.or.i_end(ij).gt.ipe &
356     .or.j_start(ij).lt.jps.or.j_end(ij).gt.jpe)then
357         write(msg,1)'patch',ips,':',ipe,jps,':',jpe
358 1       format(a,5x,i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
359         call message(msg,level=-1)
360         write(msg,2)'tile',ij,i_start(ij),':',i_end(ij),j_start(ij),':',j_end(ij)
361 2       format(a,2i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
362         call message(msg,level=-1)
363         call crash('bad tile bounds')
364     endif
365 enddo
366 end subroutine check_tiles
369 subroutine allocate2d(p,ims,ime,jms,jme,s) 
370 !*** allocate a pointer with error checking and initialization
371 implicit none
372 !*** arguments
373 real, pointer, dimension(:,:)::p
374 integer, intent(in):: ims,ime,jms,jme
375 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
376 !*** local
377 integer::err
378 !*** executable
379 if(debug_print)write(6,1) ims,ime,jms,jme,trim(s)
380 if(associated(p))call crash(trim(s) // ' already allocated')
381 1 format('allocate2d',2(1x,i6,' :',i6),1x,a)
382 allocate(p(ims:ime,jms:jme),stat=err)
383 if(
384    write(6,1)ims,ime,jms,jme,trim(s)
385    call crash('memory allocation failed')
386 endif
387 p=0.
388 end subroutine allocate2d
390 subroutine allocate3d(p,ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,s) 
391 !*** allocate a pointer with error checking and initialization
392 implicit none
393 !*** arguments
394 real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:)::p
395 integer, intent(in):: ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme
396 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
397 !*** local
398 integer::err
399 !*** executable
400 if(debug_print)write(6,1) ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,trim(s)
401 1 format('allocate3d',3(1x,i6,' :',i6),1x,a)
402 if(associated(p))call crash('already allocated')
403 allocate(p(ims:ime,jms:jme,kms:kme),stat=err)
404 if(
405    write(6,1)ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,trim(s)
406    call crash('memory allocation failed')
407 endif
408 p=0.
409 end subroutine allocate3d
411 end module module_fire_standalone
414 !******************************
418 program fire
419 use module_fire_standalone, only: sub_main
420 call  sub_main
421 end program fire