2 # copy this script to your run directory and modify as desired
3 # do NOT commit a copy!
5 # Set the number of nodes and processes per node
6 # each node contains 12 processing cores
9 # Set the maximum amount of the time the job will run (HH:MM:SS)
10 #PBS -l walltime=30:00:00
15 # Keep all environment variables from the current session (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc)
18 # Merge stderr and stdout
24 # Change to the run directory (where job was submitted)
27 cat $PBS_NODEFILE |
sort -u > nodes
28 rm -f rsl.
* *_
*.txt wrfo
* wrfr
29 #mpirun_rsh -np 1 -hostfile nodes OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./ideal.exe
30 mpirun_rsh
-np 4 -hostfile nodes OMP_NUM_THREADS
=12 .