1 The MAD-WRF model is designed to improve the solar irradiance nowcast
3 There are two options to run MAD-WRF:
5 1. madwrf_opt = 1: The initial hydrometeors are advected and diffused with the model dynamics without accounting for any microphysical processes.
6 The user should set mp_physics = 96 and use_mp_re = 0 in the physics block of the WRF namelist.
8 2. madwrf_opt = 2: There is a set of hydrometeor tracers that are advected and diffused with the model dynamics.
9 At initial time the tracers are equal to the standard hydrometeors.
10 During the simulation the standard hydrometeors are nudged towards the tracers.
11 The namelist variable madwrf_dt_nudge sets the temporal period for hydrometeor nudging [min]
12 The namelist madwrf_dt_relax sets the relaxation time for hydrometeor nudging [s]
15 MAD-WRF has an option to enhance the cloud initialization.
16 To turn on (off) the cloud initialization set the namelist variable madwrf_cldinit to 1 (0)
18 By default the model enhances the cloud analysis based on the analyzed relative humidity.
19 The user can enhance the cloud initialization by providing additional variables to Metgrid via the WPS intermediate format:
21 1. Cloud mask (CLDMASK variable):
22 Remove clouds if clear (cldmask = 0)
24 2. Cloud mask (CLDMASK variable) + brightness temperature (BRTEMP variable) sensitive to hydrometeor content (e.g. GOES-R channel 13):
25 Remove clouds if clear (cldmask = 0)
26 Reduce / extend cloud top heights to match observations
27 Add clouds over clear sky regions (cldmask = 1)
29 3. Cloud top height (CLDTOPZ variable) with 0 values over clear sky regions
30 Remove clouds if clear (cldmask = 0)
31 Reduce / extend cloud top heights to match observations
32 Add clouds over clear sky regions (cldmask = 1)
34 4 Either 2 or 3 + the cloud base height (CLDBASEZ variable)
35 Remove clouds if clear (cldmask = 0)
36 Reduce / extend cloud top / base heights to match observations
38 Missing values in any of these variables should be set to -999.9