2 !==============================================================================
5 module WRF_ESMF_TimeMod
7 !==============================================================================
9 ! This file contains the Time class definition and all Time class methods.
11 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #include <ESMF_TimeMgr.inc>
15 !==============================================================================
17 ! !MODULE: WRF_ESMF_TimeMod
20 ! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
22 ! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
23 ! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Time} implementation
25 ! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for complete description
27 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 ! inherit from ESMF base class
32 ! inherit from base time class
33 use WRF_ESMF_BaseTimeMod
35 ! associated derived types
36 use WRF_ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
37 use WRF_ESMF_CalendarMod
42 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 ! ! F90 class type to match C++ Time class in size only;
49 ! ! all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
52 type(ESMF_BaseTime) :: basetime ! inherit base class
53 ! time instant is expressed as year + basetime
55 type(ESMF_Calendar), pointer :: calendar ! associated calendar
58 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 ! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
73 private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
74 private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
76 ! Inherited and overloaded from ESMF_BaseTime
78 ! NOTE: ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDiff, ESMF_TimeEQ,
79 ! ESMF_TimeNE, ESMF_TimeLT, ESMF_TimeGT, ESMF_TimeLE, and
80 ! ESMF_TimeGE are PUBLIC only to work around bugs in the
81 ! PGI 5.1-x compilers. They should all be PRIVATE.
100 public operator(.GT.)
103 public operator(.LE.)
106 public operator(.GE.)
111 !==============================================================================
115 !==============================================================================
118 interface ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
121 module procedure ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
124 ! This interface overloads the {\tt ESMF\_GetDayOfYear} method
125 ! for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
130 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 interface operator(+)
136 module procedure ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeInc2
139 ! This interface overloads the + operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
144 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 interface assignment (=)
150 module procedure ESMF_TimeCopy
153 ! This interface overloads the = operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
158 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 interface operator(-)
164 module procedure ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDec2
167 ! This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
172 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 interface operator(-)
178 module procedure ESMF_TimeDiff
181 ! This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
186 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 interface operator(.EQ.)
192 module procedure ESMF_TimeEQ
195 ! This interface overloads the .EQ. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
200 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 interface operator(.NE.)
206 module procedure ESMF_TimeNE
209 ! This interface overloads the .NE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
214 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 interface operator(.LT.)
220 module procedure ESMF_TimeLT
223 ! This interface overloads the .LT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
228 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 interface operator(.GT.)
234 module procedure ESMF_TimeGT
237 ! This interface overloads the .GT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
242 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 interface operator(.LE.)
248 module procedure ESMF_TimeLE
251 ! This interface overloads the .LE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
256 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 interface operator(.GE.)
262 module procedure ESMF_TimeGE
265 ! This interface overloads the .GE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
270 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 !==============================================================================
276 !==============================================================================
278 ! Generic Get/Set routines which use F90 optional arguments
280 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGet - Get value in user-specified units
285 subroutine ESMF_TimeGet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, MS, &
286 US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, Sn, Sd, &
287 dayOfYear, dayOfYear_r8, dayOfYear_intvl, &
291 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
292 integer, intent(out), optional :: YY
293 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: YRl
294 integer, intent(out), optional :: MM
295 integer, intent(out), optional :: DD
296 integer, intent(out), optional :: D
297 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Dl
298 integer, intent(out), optional :: H
299 integer, intent(out), optional :: M
300 integer, intent(out), optional :: S
301 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Sl
302 integer, intent(out), optional :: MS
303 integer, intent(out), optional :: US
304 integer, intent(out), optional :: NS
305 double precision, intent(out), optional :: d_
306 double precision, intent(out), optional :: h_
307 double precision, intent(out), optional :: m_
308 double precision, intent(out), optional :: s_
309 double precision, intent(out), optional :: ms_
310 double precision, intent(out), optional :: us_
311 double precision, intent(out), optional :: ns_
312 integer, intent(out), optional :: Sn
313 integer, intent(out), optional :: Sd
314 integer, intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear
315 ! dayOfYear_r8 = 1.0 at 0Z on 1 January, 1.5 at 12Z on
317 real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_r8
318 character (len=*), intent(out), optional :: timeString
319 type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_intvl
320 integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
322 type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: day_step
326 ! Get the value of the {\tt ESMF\_Time} in units specified by the user
327 ! via F90 optional arguments.
329 ! Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
330 ! to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
331 ! converted internally from integers.
333 ! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
334 ! complete description.
337 ! \begin{description}
339 ! The object instance to query
341 ! Integer year CCYR (>= 32-bit)
343 ! Integer year CCYR (large, >= 64-bit)
347 ! Integer day of the month 1-31
349 ! Integer Julian days (>= 32-bit)
351 ! Integer Julian days (large, >= 64-bit)
357 ! Integer seconds (>= 32-bit)
359 ! Integer seconds (large, >= 64-bit)
361 ! Integer milliseconds
363 ! Integer microseconds
365 ! Integer nanoseconds
367 ! Double precision days
369 ! Double precision hours
371 ! Double precision minutes
373 ! Double precision seconds
375 ! Double precision milliseconds
377 ! Double precision microseconds
379 ! Double precision nanoseconds
381 ! Integer fractional seconds - numerator
383 ! Integer fractional seconds - denominator
385 ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
389 ! TMG2.1, TMG2.5.1, TMG2.5.6
391 TYPE(ESMF_Time) :: begofyear
392 INTEGER :: year, month, dayofmonth, hour, minute, second
393 REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: rsec
401 CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
404 CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, DD )
407 !$$$ Push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime from EVERYWHERE
408 !$$$ and THEN add ESMF scaling behavior when other args are present...
409 IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
410 H = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
412 IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
413 M = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
415 IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
416 S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
418 ! TBH: HACK to allow DD and S to behave as in ESMF 2.1.0+ when
419 ! TBH: both are present and H and M are not.
421 IF ( ( .NOT. PRESENT( H ) ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( M ) ) ) THEN
422 S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
426 IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
427 MS = NINT( ( time%basetime%Sn*1.0D0 / time%basetime%Sd*1.0D0 ) * 1000.0D0 )
433 Sd = time%basetime%Sd
434 Sn = time%basetime%Sn
436 IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear ) ) THEN
437 CALL ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear( time, dayOfYear, rc=ierr )
439 IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_r8 ) ) THEN
440 ! 64-bit IEEE 754 has 52-bit mantisssa -- only need 25 bits to hold
441 ! number of seconds in a year...
442 rsec = REAL( time%basetime%S, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
443 IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
444 rsec = rsec + ( REAL( time%basetime%Sn, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) / &
445 REAL( time%basetime%Sd, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) )
447 dayOfYear_r8 = rsec / REAL( SECONDS_PER_DAY, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
449 dayOfYear_r8 = dayOfYear_r8 + 1.0_ESMF_KIND_R8
451 IF ( PRESENT( timeString ) ) THEN
452 ! This duplication for YMD is an optimization that avoids calling
453 ! timegetmonth() and timegetdayofmonth() when it is not needed.
455 CALL timegetmonth( time, month )
456 CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, dayofmonth )
457 !$$$ push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime
458 hour = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
459 minute = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
460 second = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
461 CALL ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &
462 hour, minute, second, timeString )
464 IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_intvl ) ) THEN
466 CALL ESMF_TimeSet( begofyear, yy=year, mm=1, dd=1, s=0, &
467 calendar=time%calendar, rc=ierr )
468 IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE)THEN
472 CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( day_step, d=1, s=0, rc=ierr )
473 dayOfYear_intvl = time - begofyear + day_step
476 IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
480 end subroutine ESMF_TimeGet
482 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeSet - Initialize via user-specified unit set
487 subroutine ESMF_TimeSet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, &
488 MS, US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, &
489 Sn, Sd, calendar, rc)
492 type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) :: time
493 integer, intent(in), optional :: YY
494 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: YRl
495 integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
496 integer, intent(in), optional :: DD
497 integer, intent(in), optional :: D
498 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Dl
499 integer, intent(in), optional :: H
500 integer, intent(in), optional :: M
501 integer, intent(in), optional :: S
502 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Sl
503 integer, intent(in), optional :: MS
504 integer, intent(in), optional :: US
505 integer, intent(in), optional :: NS
506 double precision, intent(in), optional :: d_
507 double precision, intent(in), optional :: h_
508 double precision, intent(in), optional :: m_
509 double precision, intent(in), optional :: s_
510 double precision, intent(in), optional :: ms_
511 double precision, intent(in), optional :: us_
512 double precision, intent(in), optional :: ns_
513 integer, intent(in), optional :: Sn
514 integer, intent(in), optional :: Sd
515 type(ESMF_Calendar), intent(in), target, optional :: calendar
516 integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
521 ! Initializes a {\tt ESMF\_Time} with a set of user-specified units
522 ! via F90 optional arguments.
524 ! Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
525 ! to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
526 ! converted internally to integers.
528 ! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
529 ! complete description.
532 ! \begin{description}
534 ! The object instance to initialize
536 ! Integer year CCYR (>= 32-bit)
538 ! Integer year CCYR (large, >= 64-bit)
542 ! Integer day of the month 1-31
544 ! Integer Julian days (>= 32-bit)
546 ! Integer Julian days (large, >= 64-bit)
552 ! Integer seconds (>= 32-bit)
554 ! Integer seconds (large, >= 64-bit)
556 ! Integer milliseconds
558 ! Integer microseconds
560 ! Integer nanoseconds
562 ! Double precision days
564 ! Double precision hours
566 ! Double precision minutes
568 ! Double precision seconds
570 ! Double precision milliseconds
572 ! Double precision microseconds
574 ! Double precision nanoseconds
576 ! Integer fractional seconds - numerator
578 ! Integer fractional seconds - denominator
580 ! Associated {\tt Calendar}
582 ! Associated timezone (hours offset from GMT, e.g. EST = -5)
584 ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
590 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: BEGIN ESMF_TimeSet()'
591 !$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
596 IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
599 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): YY = ',YY
603 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): MM = ',MM
604 CALL timeaddmonths( time, MM, ierr )
605 IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE ) THEN
606 IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
611 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): back from timeaddmonths'
614 !$$$ no check for DD in range of days of month MM yet
615 !$$$ Must separate D and DD for correct interface!
616 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): DD = ',DD
617 time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &
620 !$$$ push H,M,S,Sn,Sd,MS down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
621 IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
622 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): H = ',H
623 time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &
626 IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
627 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): M = ',M
628 time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &
631 IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
632 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): S = ',S
633 time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &
634 INT( S, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
636 IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( Sd ) ) ) THEN
637 CALL wrf_error_fatal( &
638 "ESMF_TimeSet: Must specify Sd if Sn is specified")
641 CALL wrf_error_fatal( &
642 "ESMF_TimeSet: Must not specify both Sd and MS")
647 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): MS = ',MS
648 time%basetime%Sn = MS
649 time%basetime%Sd = 1000_ESMF_KIND_I8
651 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): Sd = ',Sd
652 time%basetime%Sd = Sd
653 IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
654 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): Sn = ',Sn
655 time%basetime%Sn = Sn
658 IF ( PRESENT(calendar) )THEN
659 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): using passed-in calendar'
660 ! Note that the ugly hack of wrapping the call to ESMF_CalendarInitialized()
661 ! inside this #ifdef is due to lack of support for compile-time initialization
662 ! of components of Fortran derived types. Some older compilers like PGI 5.1-x
663 ! do not support this F95 feature. In this case we only lose a safety check.
665 IF ( .not. ESMF_CalendarInitialized( calendar ) )THEN
666 call wrf_error_fatal( "Error:: ESMF_CalendarCreate not "// &
667 "called on input Calendar")
670 time%Calendar => calendar
672 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): using default calendar'
673 IF ( .not. ESMF_IsInitialized() )THEN
674 call wrf_error_fatal( "Error:: ESMF_Initialize not called")
676 time%Calendar => defaultCal
679 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): calling normalize_time()'
681 !IF ( time%basetime%Sd > 0 ) THEN
682 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() before normalize: S,Sn,Sd = ', &
683 ! time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
686 CALL normalize_time( time )
688 !IF ( time%basetime%Sd > 0 ) THEN
689 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() after normalize: S,Sn,Sd = ', &
690 ! time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
694 ! PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimeSet(): back from normalize_time()'
695 IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
699 end subroutine ESMF_TimeSet
701 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
703 ! !IROUTINE: ESMFold_TimeGetString - Get time instant value in string format
706 subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &
707 hour, minute, second, TimeString )
710 integer, intent(in) :: year
711 integer, intent(in) :: month
712 integer, intent(in) :: dayofmonth
713 integer, intent(in) :: hour
714 integer, intent(in) :: minute
715 integer, intent(in) :: second
716 character*(*), intent(out) :: TimeString
718 ! Convert {\tt ESMF\_Time}'s value into ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
721 ! \begin{description}
723 ! The object instance to convert
725 ! The string to return
727 ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
734 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): YR,S,Sn,Sd = ',time%YR,time%basetime%S,time%basetime%Sn,time%basetime%Sd
735 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): year = ',year
736 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): month, dayofmonth = ',month,dayofmonth
737 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): hour = ',hour
738 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): minute = ',minute
739 !PRINT *,'DEBUG: ESMF_TimePrint(): second = ',second
741 !$$$here... add negative sign for YR<0
742 !$$$here... add Sn, Sd ??
744 write(TimeString,FMT="(I4.4,'-',I5.5,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)") &
745 year,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
747 write(TimeString,FMT="(I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)") &
748 year,month,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
751 end subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString
753 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
755 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger - Get time instant's day of the year as an integer value
758 subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger(time, DayOfYear, rc)
761 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
762 integer, intent(out) :: DayOfYear
763 integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
766 ! Get the day of the year the given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant falls on
767 ! (1-365). Returned as an integer value
770 ! \begin{description}
772 ! The object instance to query
774 ! The {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant's day of the year (1-365)
776 ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
781 ! requires that time be normalized
782 !$$$ bug when Sn>0? test
784 DayOfYear = ( time%basetime%S / SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + 1
785 IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
786 end subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
788 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
790 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeInc - Increment time instant with a time interval
793 function ESMF_TimeInc(time, timeinterval)
796 type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc
799 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
800 type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
805 ! Increment {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
806 ! return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
808 ! Maps overloaded (+) operator interface function to
809 ! {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
812 ! \begin{description}
814 ! The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to increment
815 ! \item[timeinterval]
816 ! The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to add to the given {\tt ESMF\_Time}
820 ! TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
823 ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone)
826 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
827 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeSum(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeInc)
829 end function ESMF_TimeInc
831 ! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
833 function ESMF_TimeInc2(timeinterval, time)
834 type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc2
835 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
836 type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
837 ESMF_TimeInc2 = ESMF_TimeInc( time, timeinterval )
838 end function ESMF_TimeInc2
841 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeDec - Decrement time instant with a time interval
846 function ESMF_TimeDec(time, timeinterval)
849 type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec
852 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
853 type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
858 ! Decrement {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
859 ! return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
861 ! Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
862 ! {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
865 ! \begin{description}
867 ! The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to decrement
868 ! \item[timeinterval]
869 ! The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to subtract from the given
874 ! TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
877 ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone)
880 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
881 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDec(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeDec)
883 end function ESMF_TimeDec
886 ! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
888 function ESMF_TimeDec2(timeinterval, time)
889 type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec2
890 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
891 type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
892 ESMF_TimeDec2 = ESMF_TimeDec( time, timeinterval )
893 end function ESMF_TimeDec2
895 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
897 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeDiff - Return the difference between two time instants
900 function ESMF_TimeDiff(time1, time2)
903 type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeDiff
906 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
907 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
912 ! Return the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} difference between two
913 ! {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants
915 ! Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
916 ! {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
919 ! \begin{description}
921 ! The first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
923 ! The second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
927 ! TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
930 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
931 CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ESMF_TimeDiff, rc=rc )
932 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDiff(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeDiff)
934 end function ESMF_TimeDiff
936 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
938 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeEQ - Compare two times for equality
941 function ESMF_TimeEQ(time1, time2)
944 logical :: ESMF_TimeEQ
947 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
948 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
951 ! Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are equal, false
952 ! otherwise. Maps overloaded (==) operator interface function to
953 ! {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
956 ! \begin{description}
958 ! First time instant to compare
960 ! Second time instant to compare
964 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
967 ! invoke C to C++ entry point for ESMF_BaseTime base class function
968 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeEQ(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeEQ)
970 end function ESMF_TimeEQ
972 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
974 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeNE - Compare two times for non-equality
977 function ESMF_TimeNE(time1, time2)
980 logical :: ESMF_TimeNE
983 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
984 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
987 ! Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are not equal, false
988 ! otherwise. Maps overloaded (/=) operator interface function to
989 ! {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
992 ! \begin{description}
994 ! First time instant to compare
996 ! Second time instant to compare
1000 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
1003 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
1004 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeNE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeNE)
1006 end function ESMF_TimeNE
1008 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1010 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLT - Time instant 1 less than time instant 2 ?
1013 function ESMF_TimeLT(time1, time2)
1016 logical :: ESMF_TimeLT
1019 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
1020 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
1023 ! Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than second
1024 ! {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (<)
1025 ! operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
1027 ! The arguments are:
1028 ! \begin{description}
1030 ! First time instant to compare
1032 ! Second time instant to compare
1036 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
1039 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
1040 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLT)
1042 end function ESMF_TimeLT
1044 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1046 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGT - Time instant 1 greater than time instant 2 ?
1049 function ESMF_TimeGT(time1, time2)
1052 logical :: ESMF_TimeGT
1055 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
1056 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
1059 ! Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than second
1060 ! {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (>) operator
1061 ! interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
1063 ! The arguments are:
1064 ! \begin{description}
1066 ! First time instant to compare
1068 ! Second time instant to compare
1072 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
1075 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
1076 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGT)
1078 end function ESMF_TimeGT
1080 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1082 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLE - Time instant 1 less than or equal to time instant 2 ?
1085 function ESMF_TimeLE(time1, time2)
1088 logical :: ESMF_TimeLE
1091 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
1092 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
1095 ! Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than or equal to
1096 ! second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (<=)
1097 ! operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
1099 ! The arguments are:
1100 ! \begin{description}
1102 ! First time instant to compare
1104 ! Second time instant to compare
1108 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
1111 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
1112 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLE)
1114 end function ESMF_TimeLE
1116 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1118 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGE - Time instant 1 greater than or equal to time instant 2 ?
1121 function ESMF_TimeGE(time1, time2)
1124 logical :: ESMF_TimeGE
1127 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
1128 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
1131 ! Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than or equal to
1132 ! second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (>=)
1133 ! operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
1135 ! The arguments are:
1136 ! \begin{description}
1138 ! First time instant to compare
1140 ! Second time instant to compare
1144 ! TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
1147 ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
1148 call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGE)
1150 end function ESMF_TimeGE
1152 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1154 ! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeCopy - Copy a time-instance
1157 subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy(timeout, timein)
1160 type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: timeout
1161 type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: timein
1164 ! Copy a time-instance to a new instance.
1167 ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
1174 timeout%basetime = timein%basetime
1175 timeout%YR = timein%YR
1176 timeout%Calendar => timein%Calendar
1178 end subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy
1180 end module WRF_ESMF_TimeMod