7 INTEGER, PRIVATE :: cn = 0
8 REAL, PRIVATE :: elapsed_seconds , elapsed_seconds_total = 0
10 #if defined(OLD_TIMERS)
11 INTEGER, PRIVATE, DIMENSION(cnmax) :: count_int1 , count_rate_int1 , count_max_int1
12 INTEGER, PRIVATE, DIMENSION(cnmax) :: count_int2 , count_rate_int2 , count_max_int2
13 REAL, PRIVATE :: cpu_1 , cpu_2 , cpu_seconds , cpu_seconds_total = 0
15 REAL(kind=8) :: epoch_seconds_hires(cnmax)
20 SUBROUTINE init_module_timing
21 #if defined(OLD_TIMERS)
24 ! Initialize the high-res timer. This is optional, but will allow
25 ! higher precision. Read hires_timer.c for details.
26 call init_hires_timer()
29 END SUBROUTINE init_module_timing
32 SUBROUTINE start_timing
33 use module_wrf_error, only: silence
39 IF ( cn .gt. cnmax ) THEN
40 CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_timing: clock nesting error (too many nests)' )
44 #if defined(OLD_TIMERS)
45 CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK ( count_int1(cn) , count_rate_int1(cn) , count_max_int1(cn) )
46 ! CALL CPU_TIME ( cpu_1 )
48 call hires_timer(epoch_seconds_hires(cn))
51 END SUBROUTINE start_timing
54 SUBROUTINE end_timing ( string )
55 use module_wrf_error, only: silence, stderrlog, buffered
58 REAL(kind=8) :: now_hires
59 CHARACTER *(*) :: string
65 CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_timing: clock nesting error, cn<1' )
66 ELSE IF ( cn .gt. cnmax ) THEN
67 CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'module_timing: clock nesting error, cn>cnmax' )
70 #if defined(OLD_TIMERS)
71 CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK ( count_int2(cn) , count_rate_int2(cn) , count_max_int2(cn) )
72 ! CALL CPU_TIME ( cpu_2 )
74 IF ( count_int2(cn) < count_int1(cn) ) THEN
75 count_int2(cn) = count_int2(cn) + count_max_int2(cn)
78 count_int2(cn) = count_int2(cn) - count_int1(cn)
79 elapsed_seconds = REAL(count_int2(cn)) / REAL(count_rate_int2(cn))
81 call hires_timer(now_hires)
82 ! The REAL() here should convert to default real from REAL(kind=8)
83 elapsed_seconds = REAL(now_hires-epoch_seconds_hires(cn))
85 elapsed_seconds_total = elapsed_seconds_total + elapsed_seconds
87 3031 format("Timing for ",A,": ",F10.5," elapsed seconds")
89 write(buf,3031) TRIM(string),elapsed_seconds
93 write(0,3031) TRIM(string),elapsed_seconds
94 write(6,3031) TRIM(string),elapsed_seconds
97 ! cpu_seconds = cpu_2 - cpu_1
98 ! cpu_seconds_total = cpu_seconds_total + cpu_seconds
99 ! PRINT '(A,A,A,F10.5,A)' ,'Timing for ',TRIM(string),': ',cpu_seconds,' cpu seconds.'
103 END SUBROUTINE end_timing
105 FUNCTION now_time() result(timef)
106 ! This is a simple subroutine that returns the current time in
107 ! seconds since some arbitrary reference point. This routine is
108 ! meant to be used to accumulate timing information. See solve_nmm
112 #if defined(OLD_TIMERS)
114 call system_clock(count=ic,count_rate=ir)
115 timef=real(ic)/real(ir)
117 call hires_timer(timef)
119 END FUNCTION now_time
121 END MODULE module_timing