2 ! Author(s)/Contact(s):
7 ! Parameters: <Specify typical arguments passed>
9 ! <list file names and briefly describe the data they include>
11 ! <list file names and briefly describe the information they include>
14 ! <list exit condition or error codes returned >
15 ! If appropriate, descriptive troubleshooting instructions or
16 ! likely causes for failures could be mentioned here with the
17 ! appropriate error code
19 ! User controllable options: <if applicable>
21 ! This is used as a coupler with the WRF model.
25 use module_mpp_land, only: io_id, my_id, mpp_status, mpp_land_max_int1, numprocs, &
26 mpp_land_bcast_real, sum_real8, mpp_land_sync
27 use iso_fortran_env, only: int64
34 integer,allocatable,dimension(:) :: sizeInd ! size of Basins for each tile
41 subroutine gwbucket_ini()
42 allocate(sizeInd(numprocs))
46 end subroutine gwbucket_ini
49 subroutine collectSizeInd(numbasns)
51 integer, intent(in) :: numbasns
52 integer :: i, ierr, tag, rcv
56 if(gw_ini .ne. 99) call gwbucket_ini()
58 if(my_id .ne. IO_id) then
60 call mpi_send(numbasns,1,MPI_INTEGER, IO_id, &
61 tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
63 do i = 0, numprocs - 1
65 sizeInd(i+1) = numbasns
69 MPI_INTEGER,i,tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
73 if(sizeInd(i+1) .gt. maxSizeInd) maxSizeInd = sizeInd(i+1)
76 end subroutine collectSizeInd
78 subroutine gw_write_io_real(numbasns,inV,ind,outV)
80 integer, intent(in) :: numbasns
81 integer :: i, ierr, tag, tag2,k
82 real,intent(in), dimension(numbasns) :: inV
83 integer(kind=int64), intent(in), dimension(numbasns) :: ind
84 real, dimension(:) :: outV
85 real, allocatable,dimension(:) :: vbuff
86 integer(kind=int64), allocatable,dimension(:) :: ibuff
88 if(gw_ini .ne. 99) then
89 stop "FATAL ERROR: mpp_GWBUCKET not initialized."
92 if(my_id .eq. IO_id) then
94 allocate(vbuff(maxSizeInd))
95 allocate(ibuff(maxSizeInd))
101 if(my_id .ne. IO_id) then
102 if(numbasns .gt. 0) then
104 call mpi_send(inV,numbasns,MPI_REAL, IO_id, &
105 tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
107 call mpi_send(ind,numbasns,MPI_INTEGER8, IO_id, &
108 tag2,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
113 outV(ind(k)) = inV(k)
116 do i = 0, numprocs - 1
117 if(i .ne. IO_id) then
118 if(sizeInd(i+1) .gt. 0) then
120 call mpi_recv(vbuff(1:sizeInd(i+1)),sizeInd(i+1),&
121 MPI_REAL,i,tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
123 call mpi_recv(ibuff(1:sizeInd(i+1)),sizeInd(i+1),&
124 MPI_INTEGER8,i,tag2,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
125 do k = 1, sizeInd(i+1)
126 outV(ibuff(k)) = vbuff(k)
132 if(allocated(ibuff)) deallocate(ibuff)
133 if(allocated(vbuff)) deallocate(vbuff)
134 end subroutine gw_write_io_real
136 subroutine gw_write_io_int(numbasns,inV,ind,outV)
138 integer, intent(in) :: numbasns
139 integer :: i, ierr, tag, tag2,k
140 integer(kind=int64),intent(in), dimension(numbasns) :: inV
141 integer(kind=int64),intent(in), dimension(numbasns) :: ind
142 integer(kind=int64), dimension(:) :: outV
143 integer(kind=int64), allocatable,dimension(:) :: vbuff
144 integer(kind=int64), allocatable,dimension(:) :: ibuff
146 if(gw_ini .ne. 99) then
147 stop "FATAL ERROR: mpp_GWBUCKET not initialized."
150 if(my_id .eq. IO_id) then
152 allocate(vbuff(maxSizeInd))
153 allocate(ibuff(maxSizeInd))
159 if(my_id .ne. IO_id) then
160 if(numbasns .gt. 0) then
162 call mpi_send(inV,numbasns,MPI_INTEGER8, IO_id, &
163 tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
165 call mpi_send(ind,numbasns,MPI_INTEGER8, IO_id, &
166 tag2,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
171 outV(ind(k)) = inV(k)
174 do i = 0, numprocs - 1
175 if(i .ne. IO_id) then
176 if(sizeInd(i+1) .gt. 0) then
178 call mpi_recv(vbuff(1:sizeInd(i+1)),sizeInd(i+1),&
179 MPI_INTEGER8,i,tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
181 call mpi_recv(ibuff(1:sizeInd(i+1)),sizeInd(i+1),&
182 MPI_INTEGER8,i,tag2,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
183 do k = 1, sizeInd(i+1)
184 outV(ibuff(k)) = vbuff(k)
192 end subroutine gw_write_io_int
194 subroutine gw_decompose_real(gnumbasns,numbasns,ind,inV,outV)
196 integer, intent(in) :: numbasns, gnumbasns
197 integer :: i, ierr, tag, bas
198 real,intent(in), dimension(:) :: inV
199 integer(kind=int64),intent(in), dimension(:) :: ind
200 real, dimension(:) :: outV
201 real, dimension(gnumbasns) :: buff
204 if(gnumbasns .lt. 0) return
206 if(my_id .eq. io_id) buff = inV
207 call mpp_land_bcast_real(gnumbasns,buff)
213 end subroutine gw_decompose_real
215 subroutine gw_sum_real(vinout,nsize,gsize,ind)
217 integer nsize,i,j,tag,ierr,gsize, k
218 real*8, dimension(nsize):: vinout
219 integer(kind=int64), dimension(nsize) :: ind
220 real*8, dimension(gsize) :: vbuff
224 vbuff(ind(k)) = vinout(k)
226 call sum_real8(vbuff,gsize)
228 vinout(k) = vbuff(ind(k))
230 end subroutine gw_sum_real