CMake improve script (#2087)
[WRF.git] / Registry / registry.lake
1 # Lake variables
3 state    logical lake2d           ij              misc        1         -      -       "lake2d"         "T/F: whether grid is lake"
4 state    real    lakedepth2d      ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "lakedepth2d"    "lake depth"       "m"  
5 state    real    savedtke12d      ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "savedtke12d"    "top level eddy conductivity from previous timestep"       "W/m.K"
6 state    real    snowdp2d         ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "snowdp2d"       "snow depth"       "m"  
7 state    real    h2osno2d         ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "h2osno2d"       "snow water"       "mm" 
8 state    real    snl2d            ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "snl2d"          "number of snow layers"
9 state    real    t_grnd2d         ij              misc        1         -     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "t_grnd2d"       "ground temperature"     "k"  
10 state    real    t_lake3d         i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "t_lake3d"       "lake temperature"       "k"  
11 state    real    lake_icefrac3d   i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "lake_icefrac3d" "mass fraction of lake layer that is frozen"
12 state    real    z_lake3d         i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "z_lake3d"       "layer depth for lake"   "m"  
13 state    real    dz_lake3d        i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "dz_lake3d"      "layer thickness for lake"  "m"  
14 state    real    t_soisno3d       i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "t_soisno3d"     "soil (or snow) temperature"  "m"  
15 state    real    h2osoi_ice3d     i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "h2osoi_ice3d"   "ice lens"     "kg/m2"
16 state    real    h2osoi_liq3d     i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "h2osoi_liq3d"   "liquid water"  "kg/m2"
17 state    real    h2osoi_vol3d     i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "h2osoi_vol3d"   "volumetric soil water (0<=h2osoi_vol<=watsat)"   "m3/m3"
18 state    real    z3d              i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "z3d"            "layer depth for snow & soil"   "m"  
19 state    real    dz3d             i{lake_ssl}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "dz3d"           "layer thickness for soil or snow"    "m"  
20 state    real    zi3d             i{lake_intl}j   misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "zi3d"           "interface level below a "z" level"   "m"  
21 state    real    watsat3d         i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "watsat3d"       "volumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)"
22 state    real    csol3d           i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "csol3d"         "heat capacity, soil solids"    "J/m**3/Kelvin"
23 state    real    tkmg3d           i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "tkmg3d"         "thermal conductivity, soil minerals"     "W/m-K"
24 state    real    tkdry3d          i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "tkdry3d"        "thermal conductivity, dry soil"         "W/m/Kelvin"
25 state    real    tksatu3d         i{lake_sll}j    misc        1         z     i012rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index,islake)u=(copy_fcnm)      "tksatu3d"       "thermal conductivity, saturated soil"    "W/m-K"
27 state   integer  LAKEFLAG          -              misc         1        -     i0        "LAKEFLAG"         "Flag for lake  in the global attributes for metgrid data"
28 state   integer  LAKE_DEPTH_FLAG   -              misc         1        -     i0        "LAKE_DEPTH_FLAG"   "Flag for lakedepth  in the global attributes for metgrid data"
30 # Lake namelist options
32 rconfig   real    lakedepth_default        namelist,physics      max_domains  50       rh    "lakedepth_default"  "default lake depth"      "m"   
33 rconfig   real    lake_min_elev           namelist,physics      max_domains   5       rh     "lake_min_elev"        ""      ""   
34 rconfig   integer  use_lakedepth          namelist,physics      max_domains   1       rh     "use_lakedepth"     ""      ""   
37 # Lake packages
39 package   nolake       sf_lake_physics==0   -   -
40 package   simple_lake  sf_lake_physics==1   -   scalar:lake2d,lakedepth2d,savedtke12d,snowdp2d,h2osno2d,snl2d,t_grnd2d,t_lake3d,lake_icefrac3d,z_lake3d,dz_lake3d,t_soisno3d,h2osoi_ice3d,h2osoi_liq3d,h2osoi_vol3d,z3d,dz3d,zi3d,watsat3d,csol3d,tkmg3d,tkdry3d,tksatu3d