1 MODULE module_data_sorgam_vbs
2 ! This module is based on module_data_soa_vbs.F, it has been updated to use
3 ! for the new SOA scheme - SOA_VBS
5 ! USE module_data_radm2
9 INTEGER NP !bs maximum expected value of N
12 ! parameter (numaer=50)
14 INTEGER MAXITS !bs maximum number of iterations
17 REAL TOLF !bs convergence criterion on function values
18 PARAMETER (TOLF = 1.E-09)
20 REAL TOLMIN !bs criterion whether superios convergence to
21 PARAMETER (TOLMIN = 1.E-12) !bs a minimum of fmin has occurred
23 REAL TOLX !bs convergence criterion on delta_x
24 PARAMETER (TOLX = 1.E-10)
26 REAL STPMX !bs scaled maximum step length allowed
30 PARAMETER (c303=19.83, c302=5417.4)
32 INTEGER lcva, lcvb, lspcv, ldesn
33 PARAMETER (lcva=4,lcvb=4, lspcv=lcva+lcvb)
35 !mh ldesn is number of deposition species
36 !mh true number of deposited species may be larger since there
37 !mh are species which are deposited with the same rate
39 INTEGER laerdvc, lnonaerdvc, l1ae, laero, imodes, aspec
40 PARAMETER (laerdvc=39,lnonaerdvc=8+lspcv)
41 PARAMETER (l1ae=laerdvc+lnonaerdvc)
42 PARAMETER (laero=4,imodes=4,aspec=1)
43 ! LAERDVC number of advected aerosol dynamic parameters for a given
45 !ia L1AE advected parameters+non-advected parameters
46 !ia LAERO number of aerosol component species
47 !ia imodes number of aerosol modes
48 !ia ASPEC number of gas phase comp. that are added dynamically
49 !ia currently only sulfate (=1)
51 !bs * BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS **
55 !bs * AEMISS # of aerosol species with emissions link to gas phase
56 !bs currently ECI, ECJ, BCI, BCJ
57 ! updated ldrog numbers for the new SOA mechanism
58 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldroga=6 ! anthropogenic: ALK4,ALK5,OLE1,OLE2,ARO1,ARO2
59 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrogb=3 ! biogenic: ISOP,SESQ,TERP
60 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrogr=1 ! for branching ratio
61 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrog_vbs=ldroga+ldrogb+ldrogr ! I've renamed this parameter to separate from "ldrog" for MADE/SORGAM
64 ! PARAMETER (ldroga=11)
66 ! PARAMETER (ldrogb=6)
68 !bs * LDROGA # of anthropogenic organic aerosol precursor gases (DR
69 !bs * LDROGB # of biogenic organic aerosol precursor gases (DROG)
70 !bs * LSPCV # of condensable organic vapor interacting between gas
71 !bs aerosol phase with SORGAM
75 ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
78 ! *** declare and set flag for organic aerosol production method
79 ! *** Two method are available:
81 ! *** The method of Pandis,Harley, Cass, and Seinfeld, 1992,
82 ! Secondary aerosol formation and transport, Atmos. Environ., 26A,
84 ! Bowman et al. Atmospheric Environment
85 ! Vol 29, pp 579-589, 1995.
87 ! *** The method of Odum, Hoffmann, Bowman, Collins, Flagen and
88 ! Seinfeld, 1996, Gas/particle partitioning and secondary organic ae
89 ! yields, Environ. Sci, Technol, 30, pp 2580-2585.
90 ! 1 = Pandis et al. 1992 method is used
92 ! 2 = Pankow 1994/Odum et al. 1996 method is
94 ! switch for organic aerosol method
97 ! *** information about visibility variables
98 ! number of visibility variables
100 PARAMETER (n_ae_vis_spc=2)
102 ! index for visual range in deciview
105 ! index for extinction [ 1/km ]
109 ! *** set up indices for array CBLK
111 ! index for Accumulation mode sulfate aerosol
115 ! index for Aitken mode sulfate concentration
119 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol ammonium
123 ! index for Aitken mode ammonium concentration
127 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol nitrate
131 ! index for Aitken mode nitrate concentration
135 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol sodium
139 ! index for Aitken mode sodium concentration
143 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol chloride
147 ! index for Aitken mode chloride concentration
151 ! I've changed the names and simplified
152 ! indices for accumulation and aitken modes of anthropogenic SOA
153 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa1j=11
154 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa1i=12
156 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa2j=13
157 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa2i=14
159 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa3j=15
160 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa3i=16
162 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa4j=17
163 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa4i=18
165 ! indices for accumulation and aitken modes of biogenic SOA
166 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa1j=19
167 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa1i=20
169 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa2j=21
170 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa2i=22
172 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa3j=23
173 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa3i=24
175 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa4j=25
176 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa4i=26
177 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 ! index for Accumulation mode primary anthropogenic
181 PARAMETER (vorgpaj=27)
183 ! index for Aitken mode primary anthropogenic
185 PARAMETER (vorgpai=28)
187 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol elemen
191 ! index for Aitken mode elemental carbon
195 ! index for Accumulation mode primary PM2.5
197 PARAMETER (vp25aj=31)
199 ! index for Aitken mode primary PM2.5 concentration
201 PARAMETER (vp25ai=32)
203 ! index for coarse mode anthropogenic aerososol
205 PARAMETER (vantha=33)
207 ! index for coarse mode marine aerosol concentration
211 ! index for coarse mode soil-derived aerosol
213 PARAMETER (vsoila=35)
215 ! index for Aitken mode number
219 ! index for accum mode number
223 ! index for coarse mode number
227 ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol water
229 PARAMETER (vh2oaj=39)
231 ! index for Aitken mode aerosol water concentration
233 PARAMETER (vh2oai=40)
235 ! index for Aitken mode 3'rd moment
239 ! index for Accumulation mode 3'rd moment
243 ! index for coarse mode 3rd moment
247 ! index for sulfuric acid vapor concentration
251 ! index for nitric acid vapor concentration
255 ! index for ammonia gas concentration
259 ! index for HCL gas concentration
263 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa1=48
264 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa2=49
265 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa3=50
266 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa4=51
267 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa1=52
268 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa2=53
269 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa3=54
270 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa4=55
271 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
273 ! *** set up species dimension and indices for sedimentation
274 ! velocity array VSED
276 ! number of sedimentation velocities
278 PARAMETER (naspcssed=6)
280 ! index for Aitken mode number
284 ! index for Accumulation mode number
288 ! index for coarse mode number
292 ! index for Aitken mode mass
296 ! index for accumulation mode mass
300 ! index for coarse mass
304 ! *** set up species dimension and indices for deposition
305 ! velocity array VDEP
307 ! number of deposition velocities
309 PARAMETER (naspcsdep=7)
311 ! index for Aitken mode number
315 ! index for accumulation mode number
319 ! index for coarse mode number
323 ! index for Aitken mode mass
327 ! index for accumulation mode
331 ! index for fine mode mass (Aitken + accumulation)
333 PARAMETER (vdmfine=6)
335 ! index for coarse mode mass
339 ! SOA precursors + OH, O3, NO3
341 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: palk4=1
342 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: palk5=2
343 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pole1=3
344 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pole2=4
345 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: paro1=5
346 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: paro2=6
349 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pisop=7
350 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pterp=8
351 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: psesq=9
354 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbrch=10
357 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa1=1
358 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa2=2
359 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa3=3
360 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa4=4
362 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa1=5
363 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa2=6
364 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa3=7
365 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa4=8
366 !-----------------------------------------------
369 !bs * end of AERO_SOA.EXT *
372 ! *** include file for aerosol routines
375 !....................................................................
377 ! CONTAINS: Fundamental constants for air quality modeling
379 ! DEPENDENT UPON: none
383 ! Adapted 6/92 by CJC from ROM's PI.EXT.
385 ! Revised 3/1/93 John McHenry to include constants needed by
386 ! LCM aqueous chemistry
387 ! Revised 9/93 by John McHenry to include additional constants
388 ! needed for FMEM clouds and aqueous chemistry
390 ! Revised 3/4/96 by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski to reflect current
391 ! Models3 view that MKS units should be used wherever possible,
392 ! and that sources be documentated. Some variables have been added
393 ! names changed, and values revised.
395 ! Revised 3/7/96 to have universal gas constant input and compute
396 ! gas constant is chemical form. TWOPI is now calculated rather than
398 ! Revised 3/13/96 to group declarations and parameter statements.
400 ! Revised 9/13/96 to include more physical constants.
401 ! Revised 12/24/96 eliminate silly EPSILON, AMISS
403 ! Revised 1/06/97 to eliminate most derived constants
404 ! 10/12/11- Modified to use with soa_vbs, by Ravan Ahmadov
406 ! Revised 10/08/14-Modified to use with CB05-MADE/VBS, by Kai Wang
410 ! CRC76, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (76th Ed),
412 ! Hobbs, P.V. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Scien
413 ! Cambridge Univ. Press, 206 pp, 1995.
414 ! Snyder, J.P., Map Projections-A Working Manual, U.S. Geological
415 ! Paper 1395 U.S.GPO, Washington, DC, 1987.
416 ! Stull, R. B., An Introduction to Bounday Layer Meteorology, Klu
419 ! Geometric Constants:
421 REAL*8 & ! PI (single precision 3.141593)
423 PARAMETER (pirs=3.14159265358979324)
424 ! REAL PIRS ! PI (single precision 3.141593)
425 ! PARAMETER ( PIRS = 3.141593 )
426 ! Fundamental Constants: ( Source: CRC76, pp 1-1 to 1-6)
428 ! Avogadro's Constant [ 1/mol ]
430 PARAMETER (avo=6.0221367E23)
432 ! universal gas constant [ J/mol-K ]
434 PARAMETER (rgasuniv=8.314510)
436 ! standard atmosphere [ Pa ]
438 PARAMETER (stdatmpa=101325.0)
440 ! Standard Temperature [ K ]
442 PARAMETER (stdtemp=273.15)
444 ! Stefan-Boltzmann [ W/(m**2 K**4) ]
446 PARAMETER (stfblz=5.67051E-8)
449 ! mean gravitational acceleration [ m/sec**2 ]
451 PARAMETER (grav=9.80622)
452 ! FSB Non MKS qualtities:
454 ! Molar volume at STP [ L/mol ] Non MKS units
456 PARAMETER (molvol=22.41410)
459 ! Atmospheric Constants:
461 ! FSB 78.06% N2, 21% O2 and 0.943% A on a mole
463 ! fraction basis. ( Source : Hobbs, 1995) pp 69-
464 ! mean molecular weight for dry air [ g/mol ]
465 PARAMETER (mwair=28.9628)
467 ! dry-air gas constant [ J / kg-K ]
469 PARAMETER (rdgas=1.0E3*rgasuniv/mwair)
473 PARAMETER (threepi=3.0*pirs)
477 PARAMETER (f6dpi=6.0/pirs)
481 PARAMETER (f6dpi9=1.0E9*f6dpi)
485 PARAMETER (f6dpim9=1.0E-9*f6dpi)
489 PARAMETER (sqrtpi=1.7724539)
493 PARAMETER (sqrt2=1.4142135623731)
497 PARAMETER (lgsqt2=0.34657359027997)
501 PARAMETER (dlgsqt2=1.0/lgsqt2)
505 PARAMETER (one3=1.0/3.0)
509 PARAMETER (two3=2.0/3.0)
512 ! *** physical constants:
514 ! Boltzmann's Constant [ J / K ]
516 PARAMETER (boltz=rgasuniv/avo)
519 ! *** component densities [ kg/m**3 ] :
522 ! bulk density of aerosol sulfate
524 PARAMETER (rhoso4=1.8E3)
526 ! bulk density of aerosol ammonium
528 PARAMETER (rhonh4=1.8E3)
530 ! bulk density of aerosol nitrate
532 PARAMETER (rhono3=1.8E3)
534 ! bulk density of aerosol water
536 PARAMETER (rhoh2o=1.0E3)
538 ! bulk density for aerosol organics
540 PARAMETER (rhoorg=1.0E3)
542 ! bulk density for aerosol soil dust
544 PARAMETER (rhosoil=2.6E3)
546 ! bulk density for marine aerosol
548 PARAMETER (rhoseas=2.2E3)
550 ! bulk density for anthropogenic aerosol
552 PARAMETER (rhoanth=2.2E3)
554 ! bulk density of aerosol sodium
556 PARAMETER (rhona=2.2E3)
558 ! bulk density of aerosol chloride
560 PARAMETER (rhocl=2.2E3)
562 ! *** Factors for converting aerosol mass concentration [ ug m**-3] to
563 ! to 3rd moment concentration [ m**3 m^-3]
566 PARAMETER (so4fac=f6dpim9/rhoso4)
569 PARAMETER (nh4fac=f6dpim9/rhonh4)
572 PARAMETER (h2ofac=f6dpim9/rhoh2o)
575 PARAMETER (no3fac=f6dpim9/rhono3)
578 PARAMETER (orgfac=f6dpim9/rhoorg)
581 PARAMETER (soilfac=f6dpim9/rhosoil)
584 PARAMETER (seasfac=f6dpim9/rhoseas)
587 PARAMETER (anthfac=f6dpim9/rhoanth)
590 PARAMETER (nafac=f6dpim9/rhona)
593 PARAMETER (clfac=f6dpim9/rhocl)
595 ! starting standard surface pressure [ Pa ]
597 PARAMETER (pss0=101325.0)
599 ! starting standard surface temperature [ K ]
601 PARAMETER (tss0=288.15)
603 ! initial sigma-G for nucleimode
605 PARAMETER (sginin=1.70)
607 ! initial sigma-G for accumulation mode
609 PARAMETER (sginia=2.00)
611 ! initial sigma-G for coarse mode
613 PARAMETER (sginic=2.5)
615 ! initial mean diameter for nuclei mode [ m ]
617 PARAMETER (dginin=0.01E-6)
619 ! initial mean diameter for accumulation mode [ m ]
621 PARAMETER (dginia=0.07E-6)
623 ! initial mean diameter for coarse mode [ m ]
625 PARAMETER (dginic=1.0E-6)
627 !................ end AERO3box.EXT ...............................
628 !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
630 ! LOGICAL diagnostics
631 ! *** Scalar variables for fixed standard deviations.
633 ! Flag for writing diagnostics to file
634 ! nuclei mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 )
636 ! accumulation mode exp( log^2( sigmag )
640 ! coarse mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 )
767 ! *** set up COMMON blocks for esg's:
773 ! INUCL = 0, Kerminen & Wexler Mechanism
775 ! INUCL = 1, Youngblood and Kreidenweis mech
776 ! INUCL = 2, Kulmala et al. mechanism
777 ! Flag for Choice of nucleation Mechanism
780 ! *** Set flag for sedimentation velocities:
784 ! *** Diameters and standard deviations for emissions
785 ! the diameters are the volume (mass) geometric mean diameters
788 ! special factor to compute mass transfer
790 PARAMETER (dgvem_i=0.03E-6) ! [ m ]
792 PARAMETER (sgem_i=1.7)
794 ! *** Accumulation mode:
796 PARAMETER (dgvem_j=0.3E-6) ! [ m ]
798 PARAMETER (sgem_j=2.0)
802 PARAMETER (dgvem_c=6.0E-6) ! [ m ] <<< Corrected 11/19/97
804 PARAMETER (sgem_c=2.2)
806 ! *** factors for getting number emissions rate from mass emissions rate
814 REAL facatkn_min, facacc_min
815 PARAMETER (facatkn_min=0.04,facacc_min=1.0-facatkn_min)
817 REAL, PARAMETER :: conmin = 1.E-16
818 REAL, PARAMETER :: epsilc = 1.E-16
819 ! [ ug/m**3 ] ! changed 1/6/98
820 REAL*8 & ! factor to set minimum for Aitken mode number
822 REAL*8 & ! factor to set minimum for accumulation mode nu
826 ! factor to set minimum for coarse mode number
828 !bs REAL ALPHSULF ! Accommodation coefficient for sulfuric acid
829 !bs PARAMETER ( ALPHSULF = 0.05 ) ! my be set to one in future
831 !bs REAL DIFFSULF ! molecular diffusivity for sulfuric acid [ m**2
832 !bs PARAMETER( DIFFSULF = 0.08E-4 ) ! may be changed in future
834 !bs * 23/03/99 updates of ALPHSULF and DIFFSULF adopted fro new code fro
835 !bs * DIFFSULF is calculated from Reid, Prausnitz, and Poling, The prope
836 !bs * of gases and liquids, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987, pp 587-588.
837 !bs * Equation (11-4.4) was used.
838 !bs * The value is at T = 273.16 K and P = 1.01325E05 Pa
839 !bs * Temperature dependence is included for DIFFSULF via DIFFCORR (see
841 ! Accommodation coefficient for sulfuric
843 PARAMETER (alphsulf=1.0)
844 !bs updated from code of FSB
845 ! molecular weight for sulfuric acid [ kg/mole ] MKS
847 PARAMETER (mwh2so4=98.07354E-3)
848 !cia corrected error 24/11/97
849 ! molecular diffusivity for sulfuric acid [ m**2 /se
851 PARAMETER (diffsulf=9.362223E-06)
852 !bs updated from code of FSB
853 !bs Accomodation coefficient for organic
855 PARAMETER (alphaorg=1.0) !bs Kleeman et al. '99 propose alpha
856 !bs Bowman et al. '97 uses alpha = 1.
857 !bs mean molecular weight of organics [k
859 PARAMETER (mworg=175.0E-03)
861 !bs * DIFFORG is calculated from the same formula as DIFFSULF.
862 !bs * An average elemental composition of C=8, O=3, N=1, H=17 is asuumed
863 !bs * to calculate DIFFORG at T = 273.16K and P = 1.01325E05 Pa.
864 !bs * Temperature dependence is included below.
865 !bs molecular diffusivity for organics [
867 PARAMETER (difforg=5.151174E-06)
868 ! *** CCONC is the factor for near-continuum condensation.
871 PARAMETER (cconc=2.0*pirs*diffsulf)
872 !bs * factor for NC condensation for organics
875 PARAMETER (cconc_org=2.0*pirs*difforg)
877 !bs analogue to CCOFM but for organics
879 ! FSB CCOFM is the accommodation coefficient
880 ! times the mean molecular velocity for h2so4 without the temperatu
883 !bs CCOFM_ORG * sqrt(TA)
884 ! set to a value below
886 ! minimum aerosol sulfate concentration
888 PARAMETER (aeroconcmin=0.0001)
890 !*******************************************************************
892 !* start parameters and variables for aerosol-cloud interactions *
894 !*******************************************************************
896 ! maxd_atype = maximum allowable number of aerosol types
897 ! maxd_asize = maximum allowable number of aerosol size bins
898 ! maxd_acomp = maximum allowable number of chemical components
899 ! in each aerosol size bin
900 ! maxd_aphase = maximum allowable number of aerosol phases (gas, cloud, ice, rain, ...)
902 ! ntype_aer = number of aerosol types
903 ! nsize_aer(t) = number of aerosol size bins for aerosol type t. each bin w/ same set of components
904 ! nphase_aer = number of aerosol phases
906 ! msectional - if positive, moving-center sectional code is utilized,
907 ! and each mode is actually a section.
908 ! maerosolincw - if positive, both unactivated/interstitial and activated
909 ! aerosol species are simulated. if zero/negative, only the
910 ! unactivated are simulated.
912 ! ncomp_aer(t) = number of chemical components for aerosol type t
913 ! ncomp_aer_nontracer(t) = number of "non-tracer" chemical components while in gchm code
914 ! mastercompptr_aer(c,t) = mastercomp type/i.d. for chemical component c
915 ! (1=sulfate, others to be defined) and aerosol type t.
916 ! massptr_aer(c,s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the mixing ratio
917 ! (moles-x/mole-air) for chemical component c in size bin s for type t and phase p
919 ! waterptr_aer(s,t) = mixing ratio (moles-water/mole-air) for water
920 ! associated with aerosol size bin s and type t
921 ! hygroptr_aer(s,t) = gchm r-array index for the bulk hygroscopicity of the size bin and type
922 ! numptr_aer(s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the number mixing ratio
923 ! (particles/mole-air) for aerosol size bin s, type t, and phase p
924 ! If zero or negative, then number is not being simulated.
926 ! mprognum_aer(s,t,p) - if positive, number mixing-ratio for size s, type t,
927 ! and phase p will be prognosed. Otherwise, no.
929 ! ntot_mastercomp_aer = number of aerosol chemical components defined
930 ! dens_mastercomp_aer(mc) = dry density (g/cm^3) of aerosol master chemical component type c
931 ! mw_mastercomp_aer(mc) = molecular weight of aerosol master chemical component type mc
932 ! name_mastercomp_aer(mc) = name of aerosol master chemical component type mc
933 ! mc=mastercompptr_aer(c,t)
934 ! dens_aer(c,t) = dry density (g/cm^3) of aerosol chemical component type c and type t
935 ! mw_aer(c,t) = molecular weight of aerosol chemical component type c and type t
936 ! name_aer(c,t) = name of aerosol chemical component type c and type t
938 ! lptr_so4_aer(s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the
939 ! mixing ratio for sulfate associated with aerosol size bin s, type t, and phase p
940 ! (similar for msa, oc, bc, nacl, dust)
942 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
944 ! volumcen_sect(s,t)= volume (cm^3) at center of section m
945 ! volumlo_sect(s,t) = volume (cm^3) at lower boundary of section m
946 ! volumhi_sect(s,t) = volume (cm^3) at upper boundary of section m
948 ! dlo_sect(s,t) = diameter (cm) at lower boundary of section m
949 ! dhi_sect(s,t) = diameter (cm) at upper boundary of section m
950 ! dcen_sect(s,t) = volume arithmetic-mean diameter (cm) of section m
951 ! (corresponds to volumcen_sect == 0.5*(volumlo_sect + volumhi_sect)
953 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
954 ! nov-04 sg ! replaced amode with aer and expanded aerosol dimension to include type and phase
956 integer, parameter :: maxd_atype = 2
957 integer, parameter :: maxd_asize = 2
958 integer, parameter :: maxd_acomp = 19
959 integer, parameter :: maxd_aphase = 2
960 integer, save :: ai_phase ! interstitial phase of aerosol
961 integer, save :: cw_phase ! cloud water phase of aerosol
962 integer, save :: ci_phase ! cloud ice phase of aerosol
963 integer, save :: cr_phase ! rain phase of aerosol
964 integer, save :: cs_phase ! snow phase of aerosol
965 integer, save :: cg_phase ! graupel phase of aerosol
967 integer, save :: ntype_aer = 0 ! number of types
968 integer, save :: ntot_mastercomp_aer = 0 ! number of master components
969 integer, save :: nphase_aer = 0 ! number of phases
972 msectional, maerosolincw, &
973 nsize_aer( maxd_atype ), & ! number of size bins
974 ncomp_aer( maxd_atype ), & ! number of chemical components
975 ncomp_aer_nontracer( maxd_atype ), &
976 mastercompptr_aer(maxd_acomp, maxd_atype), & ! mastercomp index
977 massptr_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_asize, maxd_atype, maxd_aphase ), & ! index for mixing ratio
978 waterptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & ! index for aerosol water
979 hygroptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & ! index for aerosol hygroscopicity
980 numptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype, maxd_aphase ), & ! index for the number mixing ratio
981 mprognum_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase)
984 dens_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ), &
985 dens_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), &
986 mw_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), &
987 mw_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ), &
988 hygro_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), &
989 hygro_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype )
990 character*10, save :: &
991 name_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), &
992 name_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype )
995 volumcen_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
996 volumlo_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
997 volumhi_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
998 dcen_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
999 dlo_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
1000 dhi_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), &
1001 sigmag_aer(maxd_asize, maxd_atype)
1004 lptr_so4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1005 lptr_nh4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1006 lptr_no3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1008 lptr_asoa1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1009 lptr_asoa2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1010 lptr_asoa3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1011 lptr_asoa4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1012 lptr_bsoa1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1013 lptr_bsoa2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1014 lptr_bsoa3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1015 lptr_bsoa4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1017 ! lptr_orgaro1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1018 ! lptr_orgaro2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1019 ! lptr_orgalk_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1020 ! lptr_orgole_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1021 ! lptr_orgba1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1022 ! lptr_orgba2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1023 ! lptr_orgba3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1024 ! lptr_orgba4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1026 lptr_orgpa_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1027 lptr_ec_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1028 lptr_p25_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1029 lptr_anth_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1030 lptr_cl_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1031 lptr_na_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1032 lptr_seas_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), &
1033 lptr_soil_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase)
1036 do_cloudchem_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype)
1039 ! molecular weights (g/mol)
1040 real, parameter :: mw_so4_aer = 96.066
1041 real, parameter :: mw_no3_aer = 62.007
1042 real, parameter :: mw_nh4_aer = 18.042
1043 real, parameter :: mw_oc_aer = 250.0
1044 real, parameter :: mw_ec_aer = 1.0
1045 real, parameter :: mw_oin_aer = 1.0
1046 real, parameter :: mw_dust_aer = 100.087
1047 real, parameter :: mw_seas_aer = 58.440
1048 real, parameter :: mw_cl_aer = 35.450
1049 real, parameter :: mw_na_aer = 22.990
1050 real, parameter :: mw_water_aer = 18.016
1052 ! dry densities (g/cm3)
1053 real, parameter :: dens_so4_aer = 1.80 ! = rhoso4
1054 real, parameter :: dens_no3_aer = 1.80 ! = rhono3
1055 real, parameter :: dens_nh4_aer = 1.80 ! = rhonh4
1056 real, parameter :: dens_oc_aer = 1.5 ! = rhoorg ! changed from 1.0
1057 real, parameter :: dens_ec_aer = 1.70
1058 real, parameter :: dens_dust_aer = 2.60 ! = rhosoil
1059 real, parameter :: dens_oin_aer = 2.20 ! = rhoanth
1060 real, parameter :: dens_seas_aer = 2.20 ! = rhoseas
1061 real, parameter :: dens_cl_aer = 2.20
1062 real, parameter :: dens_na_aer = 2.20
1064 ! water density (g/cm3)
1065 real, parameter :: dens_water_aer = 1.0
1067 ! hygroscopicity (dimensionless)
1068 real, parameter :: hygro_so4_aer = 0.5
1069 real, parameter :: hygro_no3_aer = 0.5
1070 real, parameter :: hygro_nh4_aer = 0.5
1071 real, parameter :: hygro_oc_aer = 0.14
1072 real, parameter :: hygro_ec_aer = 1.e-6
1073 real, parameter :: hygro_oin_aer = 0.14
1074 real, parameter :: hygro_dust_aer = 0.1
1075 real, parameter :: hygro_seas_aer = 1.16
1076 real, parameter :: hygro_cl_aer = 1.16
1077 real, parameter :: hygro_na_aer = 1.16
1079 ! table lookup of aerosol impaction/interception scavenging rates
1080 real dlndg_nimptblgrow
1081 integer nimptblgrow_mind, nimptblgrow_maxd
1082 parameter (nimptblgrow_mind=-14, nimptblgrow_maxd=24)
1083 real scavimptblnum(4, nimptblgrow_mind:nimptblgrow_maxd, maxd_asize, maxd_atype), &
1084 scavimptblvol(4, nimptblgrow_mind:nimptblgrow_maxd, maxd_asize, maxd_atype)
1086 !SAM 10/08 Gaussian quadrature constants for SOA_VBS deposition numerical integration
1088 PARAMETER( NGAUSdv = 7 ) ! Number of Gaussian Quadrature Points - constants defined in aerosols_sorgam_init
1091 !*****************************************************************
1093 !* end parameters and variables for aerosol-cloud interactions *
1095 !*****************************************************************
1098 END Module module_data_sorgam_vbs