2 USE module_data_gocartchem
5 subroutine gocart_dmsemis(dt,config_flags,alt,t_phy,u_phy, &
6 v_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,u10,v10,p8w,dms_0,tsk, &
7 ivgtyp,isltyp,xland,dx,g, &
8 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
9 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
10 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
12 USE module_state_description
13 USE module_model_constants, only : mwdry
15 TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags
17 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
18 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
19 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
21 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), &
22 INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem
23 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme), &
24 INTENT(IN ) :: dms_0,tsk
25 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , &
29 p8w,u_phy,v_phy,rho_phy
30 INTEGER,DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , &
34 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , &
39 real, intent(in) :: dx,g,dt
44 integer :: i,j,k,ndt,imx,jmx,lmx,nmx
45 integer,dimension (1,1) :: ilwi
46 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1,1,1) :: tc
47 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1,1) :: bems,airmas
48 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1) :: emsdms
49 real*8, dimension (1,1) :: w10m,gwet,airden,tskin,dmso
50 real*8, dimension (1) :: dxy
63 ! don't do this over land
65 if(xland(i,j).gt.1.5)then
68 tc(1,1,1,1)=chem(i,kts,j,p_dms)*1.d-6
70 w10m(1,1)=sqrt(u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)+v10(i,j)*v10(i,j))
71 !---bug fixing: modified by Qing.Yang@pnl.gov to delete a 0.01 factor -Aug,2010--
72 airmas(1,1,1)=-1.0*(p8w(i,kts+1,j)-p8w(i,kts,j))*dx*dx/g
76 ! we don't trust the u10,v10 values, is model layers are very thin near surface
78 if(dz8w(i,kts,j).lt.12.)w10m=sqrt(u_phy(i,kts,j)*u_phy(i,kts,j)+v_phy(i,kts,j)*v_phy(i,kts,j))
80 call srcdms(imx, jmx, lmx, nmx, ndt, tc, mwdry,&
81 tskin, ilwi, dmso, w10m, airmas, dxy, emsdms, bems)
82 chem(i,kts,j,p_dms)=tc(1,1,1,1)*1.e6
87 end subroutine gocart_dmsemis
89 SUBROUTINE srcdms(imx, jmx, lmx, nmx, ndt1, tc,airmw, &
90 tskin, ilwi, dmso, w10m, airmas, dxy, emsdms, bems)
92 ! **************************************************************************
94 ! ** This subroutine calculates DMS emissions from the ocean. **
96 ! **************************************************************************
100 REAL, PARAMETER :: dms_mw = 62.00
101 REAL, PARAMETER :: tcmw(1)=dms_mw
102 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: imx, jmx, lmx, nmx, ndt1
103 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: tskin(imx,jmx), dmso(imx,jmx)
104 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ilwi(imx,jmx)
105 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: dxy(jmx), w10m(imx,jmx)
106 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: airmw
107 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: airmas(imx,jmx,lmx)
108 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
109 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: emsdms(imx,jmx)
110 REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: bems(imx,jmx,nmx)
113 REAL*8 :: sst, sc, conc, w10, scco2, akw, erate, dmssrc, c
115 ! **************************************************************************
116 ! * ilwi = 0: water **
117 ! * If ilwi = 0: DMSEMS = seawaterDMS * transfer velocity. **
118 ! * Otherwise, DMSEMS = 0.0 **
119 ! **************************************************************************
121 ! executable statements
122 ! tcmw(NDMS) = dms_mw
123 lat_loop: DO j = 1,jmx
124 lon_loop: DO i = 1,imx
125 ! convert tskin (=sst over water) from K to degC
126 sst = tskin(i,j) - 273.15
127 if_water: IF (ilwi(i,j) == 0) THEN
129 ! -- Schmidt number for DMS (Saltzman et al., 1993)
130 sc = 2674.0 - 147.12*sst + 3.726*(sst**2) - 0.038*(sst**3)
132 ! ****************************************************************************
133 ! * Calculate transfer velocity in cm/hr (AKw) *
135 ! * Tans et al. transfer velocity (1990) for CO2 at 25oC (Erickson, 1993) *
137 ! * Tans et al. assumed AKW=0 when W10<=3. I modified it to let *
138 ! * DMS emit at low windseeds too. Chose 3.6m/s as the threshold. *
140 ! * Schmidt number for CO2: Sc = 600 (20oC, fresh water) *
141 ! * Sc = 660 (20oC, seawater) *
142 ! * Sc = 428 (25oC, Erickson 93) *
143 ! ****************************************************************************
148 ! ! --- GEOS-1 or GEOS-STRAT: using SSMI winds
149 ! IF (lmx <= 26) w10 = wssmi(i,j)
151 ! --- Tans et al. (1990) -----------------
153 ! if (W10 .le. 3.6) then
156 ! AKw = 6.4 * (W10 - 3.)
159 ! --- Wanninkhof (1992) ------------------
161 ! AKw = 0.31 * W10**2
163 ! --- Liss and Merlivat (1986) -----------
167 ELSE IF (w10 <= 13.0) THEN
168 akw = 2.85 * w10 - 9.65
170 akw = 5.90 * w10 - 49.3
172 ! ------------------------------------------
175 akw = akw * ((scco2/sc) ** 0.667)
177 akw = akw * SQRT(scco2/sc)
180 ! ****************************************************************************
181 ! * Calculate emission flux in kg/box/timestep *
183 ! * AKw is in cm/hr: AKw/100/3600 -> m/sec *
184 ! * CONC is in nmol/L (nmol/dm3): CONC*1E-12*1000 -> kmol/m3 *
185 ! * TCMW(NDMS) : kgDMS/kmol *
186 ! * ERATE : kgDMS/m2/timestep *
187 ! * DMSSRC : kgDMS/box/timestep *
188 ! ****************************************************************************
190 erate = akw/100.0/3600.0*conc*1.0E-12*1000.0*REAL(ndt1)*tcmw(NDMS)
191 dmssrc = erate * dxy(j)
193 ELSE ! ilwi /= 0 (water)
199 ! ****************************************************************************
200 ! * Update DMS concentration in level 1 (where emission occurs) *
201 ! ****************************************************************************
203 ! -- Convert emission from kg/box/timestep to mixing ratio/timestep:
204 c = dmssrc / airmas(i,j,1) * airmw / tcmw(NDMS)
205 tc(i,j,1,NDMS) = tc(i,j,1,NDMS) + c
207 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
208 ! Diagnostics: DMS surface emission in kgS/timestep
209 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
210 emsdms(i,j) = emsdms(i,j) + dmssrc * smw / tcmw(NDMS) ! kgS
211 ! bems(i,j,NDMS) = c * airmas(i,j,1) / airmw * smw ! kgS
212 bems(i,j,NDMS) = dmssrc ! kgDMS
219 END module module_dms_emis