1 !************************************************************************
2 ! This computer software was prepared by Battelle Memorial Institute,
3 ! hereinafter the Contractor, under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL0 1830 with
4 ! the Department of Energy (DOE). NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR THE
8 ! Photolysis Option: Fast-J
9 ! * Primary investigators: Elaine G. Chapman and James C. Barnard
10 ! * Co-investigators: Jerome D. Fast, William I. Gustafson Jr.
11 ! Last update: February 2009
16 ! Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
17 ! P.O. Box 999, MSIN K9-30
19 ! Phone: (509) 372-6116
20 ! Email: Jerome.Fast@pnl.gov
22 ! The original Fast-J code was provided by Oliver Wild (Univ. of Calif.
23 ! Irvine); however, substantial modifications were necessary to make it
24 ! compatible with WRF-Chem and to include the effect of prognostic
25 ! aerosols on photolysis rates.
27 ! Please report any bugs or problems to Jerome Fast, the WRF-chem
28 ! implmentation team leader for PNNL.
31 ! * Wild, O., X. Zhu, M.J. Prather, (2000), Accurate simulation of in-
32 ! and below cloud photolysis in tropospheric chemical models, J. Atmos.
34 ! * Barnard, J.C., E.G. Chapman, J.D. Fast, J.R. Schmelzer, J.R.
35 ! Schulsser, and R.E. Shetter (2004), An evaluation of the FAST-J
36 ! photolysis model for predicting nitrogen dioxide photolysis rates
37 ! under clear and cloudy sky conditions, Atmos. Environ., 38,
39 ! * Fast, J.D., W.I. Gustafson Jr., R.C. Easter, R.A. Zaveri, J.C.
40 ! Barnard, E.G. Chapman, G.A. Grell, and S.E. Peckham (2005), Evolution
41 ! of ozone, particulates, and aerosol direct radiative forcing in the
42 ! vicinity of Houston using a fully-coupled meteorology-chemistry-
43 ! aerosol model, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D21305,
44 ! doi:10.1029/2005JD006721.
45 ! * Barnard, J.C., J.D. Fast, G. Paredes-Miranda, W.P. Arnott, and
46 ! A. Laskin (2010), Technical note: evaluation of the WRF-Chem
47 ! "aerosol chemical to aerosol optical properties" module using data
48 ! from the MILAGRO campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 7325-7340,
49 ! doi:10.5194/acp-10-7325-2010.
51 ! Contact Jerome Fast for updates on the status of manuscripts under
54 ! Additional information:
55 ! * www.pnl.gov/atmospheric/research/wrf-chem
58 ! Funding for adapting Fast-J was provided by the U.S. Department of
59 ! Energy under the auspices of Atmospheric Science Program of the Office
60 ! of Biological and Environmental Research the PNNL Laboratory Research
61 ! and Directed Research and Development program.
62 !************************************************************************
66 module module_phot_fastj
67 integer, parameter :: lunerr = -1
70 !***********************************************************************
71 subroutine fastj_driver(id,curr_secs,dtstep,config_flags, &
72 gmt,julday,t_phy,moist,p8w,p_phy, &
73 chem,rho_phy,dz8w,xlat,xlong,z_at_w, &
74 ph_o2,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2, &
75 ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho, &
76 ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho, &
77 ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,&
79 tauaer1,tauaer2,tauaer3,tauaer4, &
80 gaer1,gaer2,gaer3,gaer4, &
81 waer1,waer2,waer3,waer4, &
82 bscoef1,bscoef2,bscoef3,bscoef4, &
83 l2aer,l3aer,l4aer,l5aer,l6aer,l7aer, &
84 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
85 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
86 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
90 USE module_state_description
91 USE module_data_mosaic_therm, only: nbin_a, nbin_a_maxd
92 ! USE module_data_mosaic_asect
93 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only: kmaxd, nsubareas
95 ! USE module_mosaic_therm, only: aerosol_optical_properties
96 ! USE module_mosaic_driver, only: mapaer_tofrom_host
97 USE module_fastj_data, only: nb, nc
101 ! integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
102 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
103 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
104 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
105 integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
106 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
107 integer,save :: lpar !Number of levels in CTM
108 integer,save :: jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
109 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
110 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
111 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
112 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
113 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
114 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
115 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
116 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
117 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
118 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
119 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
120 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1),save :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,bscoef
121 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1),save :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
123 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
125 parameter (nphoto_fastj = 14)
127 lfastj_no2, lfastj_o3a, lfastj_o3b, lfastj_h2o2, &
128 lfastj_hchoa, lfastj_hchob, lfastj_ch3ooh, lfastj_no3x, &
129 lfastj_no3l, lfastj_hono, lfastj_n2o5, lfastj_hno3, &
131 parameter( lfastj_no2 = 1 )
132 parameter( lfastj_o3a = 2 )
133 parameter( lfastj_o3b = 3 )
134 parameter( lfastj_h2o2 = 4 )
135 parameter( lfastj_hchoa = 5 )
136 parameter( lfastj_hchob = 6 )
137 parameter( lfastj_ch3ooh= 7 )
138 parameter( lfastj_no3x = 8 )
139 parameter( lfastj_no3l = 9 )
140 parameter( lfastj_hono = 10 )
141 parameter( lfastj_n2o5 = 11 )
142 parameter( lfastj_hno3 = 12 )
143 parameter( lfastj_hno4 = 13 )
145 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id,julday, &
146 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
147 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
148 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
149 REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN ) :: curr_secs
150 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), &
152 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
154 ph_o2,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2, &
155 ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho, &
156 ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho, &
157 ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob, &
159 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
161 tauaer1,tauaer2,tauaer3,tauaer4, &
162 gaer1,gaer2,gaer3,gaer4, &
163 waer1,waer2,waer3,waer4, &
164 bscoef1,bscoef2,bscoef3,bscoef4
165 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:4 ), &
167 l2aer,l3aer,l4aer,l5aer,l6aer,l7aer
169 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), &
170 INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem
171 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , &
179 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , &
180 INTENT(IN ) :: xlat, &
182 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: &
185 TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags
192 real number_bin(nbin_a_maxd,kmaxd) !These have to be the full kmaxd to
193 real radius_wet(nbin_a_maxd,kmaxd) !match arrays in MOSAIC routines.
194 complex refindx(nbin_a_maxd,kmaxd)
196 integer(kind=8) :: ixhour
198 real(kind=8) :: xtime, xhour
199 real xmin, gmtp, tmidh
204 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: temp, ozone, dz
205 real, dimension(0:kte) :: pbnd
206 real, dimension(kts:kte) :: cloudmr, airdensity, relhum
207 real, dimension(kts:kte+1) :: zatw
209 real valuej(kte,nphoto_fastj)
211 logical processingAerosols
213 ! set "pegasus" grid size variables
218 nb = lpar + 1 !for module module_fastj_data
219 nc = 2*nb !ditto, and don't confuse this with nc in module_fastj_mie
221 if ((kte > kmaxd) .or. (lpar <= 0)) then
222 write( wrf_err_message, '(a,4i5)' ) &
223 '*** subr fastj_driver -- ' // &
224 'lpar, kmaxd, kts, kte', lpar, kmaxd, kts, kte
225 call wrf_message( trim(wrf_err_message) )
226 wrf_err_message = '*** subr fastj_driver -- ' // &
227 'kte>kmaxd OR lpar<=0'
228 call wrf_error_fatal( wrf_err_message )
231 ! Determine if aerosol data is provided in the chem array. Currently,
232 ! only MOSAIC will work. The Mie routine does not know how to handle
234 select case (config_flags%chem_opt)
241 SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_KPP )!BSINGH(04/07/2014): Added for SAPRC 8 bin vbs non-aq
242 processingAerosols = .true.
244 processingAerosols = .false.
247 ! Set nbin_a = ntot_amode and check nbin_a <= nbin_a_maxd.
248 ! This duplicates the same assignment and check in module_mosaic_therm.F,
249 ! but photolysis is called before aeorosols so this must be set too.
251 ! rce 2004-dec-07 -- nbin_a is initialized elsewhere
252 !!$ nbin_a = ntot_amode
253 !!$ if ((nbin_a .gt. nbin_a_maxd) .or. (nbin_a .le. 0)) then
254 !!$ write( wrf_err_message, '(a,2(1x,i4))' ) &
255 !!$ '*** subr fastj_driver -- nbin_a, nbin_a_maxd =', &
256 !!$ nbin_a, nbin_a_maxd
257 !!$ call wrf_message( wrf_err_message )
258 !!$ call wrf_error_fatal( &
259 !!$ '*** subr fastj_driver -- BAD VALUE for nbin_a' )
262 ! determine current time of day in Greenwich Mean Time at middle
263 ! of current time step, tmidh. do this by computing the number of minutes
264 ! from beginning of run to middle of current time step
265 xtime = curr_secs/60._8 + real(dtstep,8)/120._8
266 ixhour = int(gmt + 0.01,8) + int(xtime/60._8,8)
267 xhour = real(ixhour,8) !current hour
268 xmin = 60.*gmt + real(xtime-xhour*60_8,8)
269 gmtp = mod(xhour,24._8)
270 tmidh = gmtp + xmin/60.
272 ! execute for each i,j column and each nsub subarea
273 do nsub = 1, nsubareas
278 dz(k) = dz8w(iclm, k, jclm) ! cell depth (m)
281 if( processingAerosols ) then
283 l2(1,k)=l2aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
284 l2(2,k)=l2aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
285 l2(3,k)=l2aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
286 l2(4,k)=l2aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
287 l3(1,k)=l3aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
288 l3(2,k)=l3aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
289 l3(3,k)=l3aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
290 l3(4,k)=l3aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
291 l4(1,k)=l4aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
292 l4(2,k)=l4aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
293 l4(3,k)=l4aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
294 l4(4,k)=l4aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
295 l5(1,k)=l5aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
296 l5(2,k)=l5aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
297 l5(3,k)=l5aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
298 l5(4,k)=l5aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
299 l6(1,k)=l6aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
300 l6(2,k)=l6aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
301 l6(3,k)=l6aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
302 l6(4,k)=l6aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
303 l7(1,k)=l7aer(iclm,k,jclm,1)
304 l7(2,k)=l7aer(iclm,k,jclm,2)
305 l7(3,k)=l7aer(iclm,k,jclm,3)
306 l7(4,k)=l7aer(iclm,k,jclm,4)
308 ! take chem data and extract 1 column to create rsub(l,k,m) array
309 ! call mapaer_tofrom_host( 0, &
310 ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
311 ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
312 ! iclm, jclm, kts,lpar, &
313 ! num_moist, num_chem, moist, chem, &
314 ! t_phy, p_phy, rho_phy )
315 ! generate aerosol optical properties for cells in this column
316 ! subroutine is located in file module_mosaic_therm
317 ! call aerosol_optical_properties(iclm, jclm, lpar, refindx, &
318 ! radius_wet, number_bin)
319 ! execute mie code , located in file module_fastj_mie
320 ! CALL wrf_debug(250,'fastj_driver: calling mieaer')
322 ! id, iclm, jclm, nbin_a, &
323 ! number_bin, radius_wet, refindx, &
324 ! dz, curr_secs, lpar, &
325 ! sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,bscoef)
329 sla = xlat(iclm,jclm)
330 slo = xlong(iclm,jclm)
331 ! set column pressures, temperature, and ozone
332 psfc = p8w(iclm,1,jclm) * 10. ! convert pascals to dynes/cm2
334 pbnd(k) = p8w(iclm,k+1,jclm) *10. ! convert pascals to dynes/cm2
335 temp(k) = t_phy(iclm,k,jclm)
336 ozone(k) = chem(iclm,k,jclm,p_o3) / 1.0e6 ! ppm->mol/mol air
337 cloudmr(k) = moist(iclm,k,jclm,p_qc)/0.622
338 airdensity(k) = rho_phy(iclm,k,jclm)/28.966e3
339 relhum(k) = MIN( .95, moist(iclm,k,jclm,p_qv) / &
340 (3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(iclm,k,jclm)-273.)/ &
341 (t_phy(iclm,k,jclm)-36.))/(.01*p_phy(iclm,k,jclm))))
342 relhum(k) = MAX(.001,relhum(k))
343 zatw(k)=z_at_w(iclm,k,jclm)
345 zatw(lpar+1)=z_at_w(iclm,lpar+1,jclm)
346 ! call interface_fastj
347 CALL wrf_debug(250,'fastj_driver: calling interface_fastj')
348 call interface_fastj(tmidh,sla,slo,julday, &
349 pbnd, psfc, temp, ozone, &
350 dz, cloudmr, airdensity, relhum, zatw, &
351 iclm, jclm, lpar, jpnl, &
352 curr_secs, valuej, cos_sza, processingAerosols, &
353 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
354 ! put column photolysis rates (valuej) into wrf photolysis (i,k,j) arrays
355 CALL wrf_debug(250,'fastj_driver: calling mapJrates_tofrom_host')
356 call mapJrates_tofrom_host( 0, &
357 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
358 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
359 iclm, jclm, kts,lpar, &
361 ph_o2,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2, &
362 ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho, &
363 ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho, &
364 ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob, &
366 ! put the aerosol optical properties into the wrf arrays (this is hard-
367 ! coded to 4 spectral bins, nspint)
369 ! tauaer1(iclm,k,jclm) = tauaer(1,k)
370 ! tauaer2(iclm,k,jclm) = tauaer(2,k)
371 ! tauaer3(iclm,k,jclm) = tauaer(3,k)
372 ! tauaer4(iclm,k,jclm) = tauaer(4,k)
373 ! gaer1(iclm,k,jclm) = gaer(1,k)
374 ! gaer2(iclm,k,jclm) = gaer(2,k)
375 ! gaer3(iclm,k,jclm) = gaer(3,k)
376 ! gaer4(iclm,k,jclm) = gaer(4,k)
377 ! waer1(iclm,k,jclm) = waer(1,k)
378 ! waer2(iclm,k,jclm) = waer(2,k)
379 ! waer3(iclm,k,jclm) = waer(3,k)
380 ! waer4(iclm,k,jclm) = waer(4,k)
381 ! bscoef1(iclm,k,jclm) = bscoef(1,k)
382 ! bscoef2(iclm,k,jclm) = bscoef(2,k)
383 ! bscoef3(iclm,k,jclm) = bscoef(3,k)
384 ! bscoef4(iclm,k,jclm) = bscoef(4,k)
392 end subroutine fastj_driver
394 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
395 subroutine mapJrates_tofrom_host( iflag, &
396 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
397 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
398 iclm, jclm, ktmaps,ktmape, &
400 ph_o2,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2, &
401 ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho, &
402 ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho, &
403 ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob, &
411 parameter (nphoto_fastj = 14)
413 lfastj_no2, lfastj_o3a, lfastj_o3b, lfastj_h2o2, &
414 lfastj_hchoa, lfastj_hchob, lfastj_ch3ooh, lfastj_no3x, &
415 lfastj_no3l, lfastj_hono, lfastj_n2o5, lfastj_hno3, &
417 parameter( lfastj_no2 = 1 )
418 parameter( lfastj_o3a = 2 )
419 parameter( lfastj_o3b = 3 )
420 parameter( lfastj_h2o2 = 4 )
421 parameter( lfastj_hchoa = 5 )
422 parameter( lfastj_hchob = 6 )
423 parameter( lfastj_ch3ooh= 7 )
424 parameter( lfastj_no3x = 8 )
425 parameter( lfastj_no3l = 9 )
426 parameter( lfastj_hono = 10 )
427 parameter( lfastj_n2o5 = 11 )
428 parameter( lfastj_hno3 = 12 )
429 parameter( lfastj_hno4 = 13 )
431 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: iflag, &
432 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
433 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
434 iclm, jclm, ktmaps, ktmape
435 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
437 ph_o2,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2, &
438 ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho, &
439 ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho, &
440 ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,&
443 REAL, DIMENSION( kte,nphoto_fastj ), INTENT(INOUT) :: valuej
451 if (iflag .gt. 0) go to 2000
452 ! flag is <=0, put pegasus column J rates (in 1/sec) into WRF arrays (in 1/min)
453 do kt = ktmaps, ktmape
454 ph_no2(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_no2) * ft
455 ph_no3o(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_no3x) * ft
456 ph_no3o2(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_no3l) * ft
457 ph_o33p(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_o3a) * ft
458 ph_o31d(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_o3b) * ft
459 ph_hno2(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_hono) * ft
460 ph_hno3(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_hno3) * ft
461 ph_hno4(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_hno4) * ft
462 ph_h2o2(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_h2o2) * ft
463 ph_ch3o2h(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_ch3ooh) * ft
464 ph_ch2or(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_hchoa) * ft
465 ph_ch2om(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_hchob) * ft
466 ph_n2o5(iclm,kt,jclm) = valuej(kt,lfastj_n2o5) * ft
468 ph_o2(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
469 ph_ch3cho(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
470 ph_ch3coch3(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
471 ph_ch3coc2h5(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
472 ph_hcocho(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
473 ph_ch3cocho(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
474 ph_hcochest(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
475 ph_ch3coo2h(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
476 ph_ch3ono2(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
477 ph_hcochob(iclm,kt,jclm) = 0.0
480 return !finished peg-> wrf mapping
483 ! iflag > 0 ; put wrf ph_xxx Jrates (1/min) into pegasus column valuej (1/sec)
484 do kt = ktmaps, ktmape
485 valuej(kt,lfastj_no2) = ph_no2(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
486 valuej(kt,lfastj_no3x) = ph_no3o(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
487 valuej(kt,lfastj_no3l) = ph_no3o2(iclm,kt,jclm)/ ft
488 valuej(kt,lfastj_o3a) = ph_o33p(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
489 valuej(kt,lfastj_o3b) = ph_o31d(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
490 valuej(kt,lfastj_hono) = ph_hno2(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
491 valuej(kt,lfastj_hno3) = ph_hno3(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
492 valuej(kt,lfastj_hno4) = ph_hno4(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
493 valuej(kt,lfastj_h2o2) = ph_h2o2(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
494 valuej(kt,lfastj_ch3ooh) = ph_ch3o2h(iclm,kt,jclm)/ft
495 valuej(kt,lfastj_hchoa) = ph_ch2or(iclm,kt,jclm)/ ft
496 valuej(kt,lfastj_hchob) = ph_ch2om(iclm,kt,jclm)/ ft
497 valuej(kt,lfastj_n2o5) = ph_n2o5(iclm,kt,jclm) / ft
500 return !finished wrf->peg mapping
502 end subroutine mapJrates_tofrom_host
503 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
507 !***********************************************************************
508 subroutine interface_fastj(tmidh,sla,slo,julian_day, &
509 pbnd, psfc, temp, ozone, &
510 dz, cloudmr, airdensity, relhum, zatw, &
511 isvode, jsvode, lpar, jpnl, &
512 curr_secs, valuej, cos_sza, processingAerosols, &
513 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
514 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
515 ! sets parameters for fastj call.
517 ! tmidh -- GMT time in decimal hours at which to calculate
519 ! sla -- latitude, decimal degrees in real*8
520 ! slo -- negative of the longitude, decimal degrees in real*8
521 ! julian_day -- day of the year in julian days
522 ! pbnd(0:lpar) = pressure at top boundary of cell k (dynes/cm^2).
523 ! psfc = surface pressure (dynes/cm^2).
524 ! temp(lpar)= mid-cell temperature values (deg K)
525 ! ozone(lpar) = mid-cell ozone mixing ratios
526 ! surface_albedo -- broadband albedo (dimensionless)
527 ! curr_secs -- elapsed time from start of simulation in seconds.
528 ! isvode,jsvode -- current column i,j.
530 ! lpar -- vertical extent of column (from module_fastj_cmnh)
533 ! cos_sza -- cosine of solar zenith angle.
534 ! valuej(lpar,nphoto_fastj-1) -- array of photolysis rates, s-1.
538 ! surface_pressure_mb -- surface pressure (mb). equal to col_press_mb(1).
539 ! col_press_mb(lpar) -- for the column, grid cell boundary pressures
540 ! (not at cell centers) up until the bottom pressure for the
542 ! col_temp_K(lpar+1) -- for the column, grid cell center temperature (deg K)
543 ! col_ozone(lpar+1) -- for the column, grid cell center ozone mixing
544 ! ratios (dimensionless)
545 ! col_optical_depth(lpar+1) -- for the column, grid cell center cloud
546 ! optical depths (dimensionless).SET TO ZERO IN THIS VERSION
547 ! tauaer_550 -- aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm.
548 ! note: photolysis rates are calculated at centers of model layers
549 ! the pressures are given at the boundaries defining
550 ! the top and bottom of the layers
551 ! so the number of pressure values is equal
552 ! to the (number of layers) + 1 ; the last pressure is set = 0 in fastj code.
553 ! pressures from the surface up to the bottom of the top (lpar<=kmaxd) cell
554 ! ******** pressure 2
555 ! layer 1 - temperature,optical depth, and O3 given here
556 ! ******** pressure 1
557 ! the optical depth is appropriate for the layer depth
558 ! conversion factor: 1 dyne/cm2 = 0.001 mb
559 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
560 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
561 USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message, peg_error_fatal
566 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
567 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
568 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
569 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
570 integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
571 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
572 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
573 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
574 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
575 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
576 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
577 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
578 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
579 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
580 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
581 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
583 parameter (nphoto_fastj = 14)
585 lfastj_no2, lfastj_o3a, lfastj_o3b, lfastj_h2o2, &
586 lfastj_hchoa, lfastj_hchob, lfastj_ch3ooh, lfastj_no3x, &
587 lfastj_no3l, lfastj_hono, lfastj_n2o5, lfastj_hno3, &
589 parameter( lfastj_no2 = 1 )
590 parameter( lfastj_o3a = 2 )
591 parameter( lfastj_o3b = 3 )
592 parameter( lfastj_h2o2 = 4 )
593 parameter( lfastj_hchoa = 5 )
594 parameter( lfastj_hchob = 6 )
595 parameter( lfastj_ch3ooh= 7 )
596 parameter( lfastj_no3x = 8 )
597 parameter( lfastj_no3l = 9 )
598 parameter( lfastj_hono = 10 )
599 parameter( lfastj_n2o5 = 11 )
600 parameter( lfastj_hno3 = 12 )
601 parameter( lfastj_hno4 = 13 )
602 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
603 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
604 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
605 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
606 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
608 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
610 real pbnd(0:lpar), psfc
611 real temp(lpar), ozone(lpar), surface_albedo
612 real dz(lpar), cloudmr(lpar), airdensity(lpar), relhum(lpar), zatw(lpar+1)
613 real(kind=8) :: curr_secs
614 integer isvode, jsvode
617 integer,parameter :: lunout=41
619 real valuej(lpar,nphoto_fastj)
621 real hl,rhl,factor1,part1,part2,cfrac,rhfrac
622 real emziohl(lpar+1),clwp(lpar)
623 !ec material to check output
624 real valuej_no3rate(lpar)
627 real*8 jvalue(lpar,nphoto_fastj)
632 integer julian_day,iozone1
633 integer,parameter :: nfastj_rxns = 14
636 real surface_pressure_mb, tauaer_550, &
637 col_press_mb,col_temp_K,col_ozone,col_optical_depth
638 dimension col_press_mb(lpar+2),col_temp_K(lpar+1), &
639 col_ozone(lpar+1),col_optical_depth(lpar+1)
642 ! define logical processingAerosols
643 ! if processingAerosols = true, uses values calculated in subroutine
644 ! mieaer for variables & arrays in common block mie.
645 ! if processingAerosols = false, sets all variables & arrays in common
646 ! block mie to zero. (JCB-revised Fast-J requires common block mie info,
647 ! regardless of whether aerosols are present or not. Original Wild Fast-J
648 ! did not use common block mie info.)
650 logical processingAerosols
652 ! set lat and longitude as real*8 for consistency with fastj code.
653 ! variables lat and lon previously declared as reals
657 ! cloud optical depths currently treated by using fractional cloudiness
658 ! based on relative humidity. cloudmr set up to use cloud liquid water
659 ! but hooks into microphysics need to be tested - for now set cloudmr=0
661 ! parameters to calculate 'typical' liquid cloudwater path values for
662 ! non convective clouds based on approximations in NCAR's CCM2
663 ! 0.18 = reference liquid water concentration (gh2o/m3)
664 ! hl = liquid water scale height (m)
666 hl=1080.+2000.0*cos(lat*0.017454329)
669 emziohl(k)=exp(-zatw(k)*rhl)
672 clwp(k)=0.18*hl*(emziohl(k)-emziohl(k+1))
674 ! assume radius of cloud droplets is constant at 10 microns (0.001 cm) and
675 ! that density of water is constant at 1 g2ho/cm3
676 ! factor1=3./2./0.001/1.
679 col_optical_depth(k) = 0.0
682 if(cloudmr(k).gt.0.0) cfrac=1.0
683 ! 18.0*airdensity converts mole h2o/mole air to g h2o/cm3, part1 is in g h2o/cm2
684 part1=cloudmr(k)*cfrac*18.0*airdensity(k)*dz(k)*100.0
685 if(relhum(k).lt.0.8) then
687 elseif(relhum(k).le.1.0.and.relhum(k).ge.0.8) then
688 ! rhfrac=(relhum(k)-0.8)/(1.0-0.8)
689 rhfrac=(relhum(k)-0.8)/0.2
693 if(rhfrac.ge.0.01) then
694 ! factor 1.0e4 converts clwp of g h2o/m2 to g h2o/cm2
695 part2=rhfrac*clwp(k)/1.e4
699 if(cfrac.gt.0) part2=0.0
700 col_optical_depth(k) = factor1*(part1+part2)
701 ! col_optical_depth(k) = 0.0
702 ! if(isvode.eq.33.and.jsvode.eq.34) &
703 ! print*,'jdf opt',isvode,jsvode,k,col_optical_depth(k), &
704 ! cfrac,rhfrac,relhum(k),clwp(k)
706 col_optical_depth(lpar+1) = 0.0
707 if (.not.processingAerosols) then
708 ! set common block mie variables to 0 if
709 call set_common_mie(lpar, &
710 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
711 end if ! processingAerosols=false
713 ! set pressure, temperature, ozone of each cell in the column
714 ! set iozone1 = lpar to allow replacement of climatological ozone with model
715 ! predicted ozone to top of chemistry column; standard fastj climatological o3
717 surface_pressure_mb = psfc * 0.001
719 col_press_mb(1) = psfc * 0.001
722 col_press_mb(k+1) = pbnd(k) * 0.001
723 col_temp_K(k) = temp(k)
724 col_ozone(k) = ozone(k)
729 ! set aerosol parameters needed by Fast-J
730 if (processingAerosols) then
731 tauaer_550 = 0.0 ! needed parameters already calculated by subroutine
732 ! mieaer and passed into proper parts of fastj code
733 ! via module_fastj_cmnmie
735 tauaer_550 = 0.05 ! no aerosols, assume typical constant aerosol optical thickness
738 CALL wrf_debug(250,'interface_fastj: calling fastj')
739 call fastj(isvode,jsvode,lat,lon,surface_pressure_mb,surface_albedo, &
741 col_press_mb, col_temp_K, col_optical_depth, col_ozone, &
742 iozone1,tauaer_550,jvalue,sza,lpar,jpnl, &
743 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
746 cos_sza = cos(sza*3.141592653/180.)
749 ! array jvalue (real*8) is returned from fastj. array valuej(unspecified
750 ! real, default of real*4) is sent on to
751 ! other chemistry subroutines
753 valuej(k, lfastj_no2) = jvalue(k,lfastj_no2)
754 valuej(k, lfastj_o3a) = jvalue(k,lfastj_o3a)
755 valuej(k, lfastj_o3b) = jvalue(k,lfastj_o3b)
756 valuej(k, lfastj_h2o2) = jvalue(k,lfastj_h2o2)
757 valuej(k, lfastj_hchoa) = jvalue(k,lfastj_hchoa)
758 valuej(k, lfastj_hchob) = jvalue(k,lfastj_hchob)
759 valuej(k, lfastj_ch3ooh) = jvalue(k,lfastj_ch3ooh)
760 valuej(k, lfastj_no3x) = jvalue(k,lfastj_no3x)
761 valuej(k, lfastj_no3l) = jvalue(k,lfastj_no3l)
762 valuej(k, lfastj_hono) = jvalue(k,lfastj_hono)
763 valuej(k, lfastj_n2o5) = jvalue(k,lfastj_n2o5)
764 valuej(k, lfastj_hno3) = jvalue(k,lfastj_hno3)
765 valuej(k, lfastj_hno4) = jvalue(k,lfastj_hno4)
767 ! diagnostic output and zeroed value if negative photolysis rates returned
769 valuej(k,nphoto_fastj)=0.0
770 do l = 1, nphoto_fastj-1
771 if (valuej(k,l) .lt. 0) then
772 write( msg, '(a,f14.2,4i4,1x,e11.4)' ) &
773 'FASTJ negative Jrate ' // &
774 'tsec i j k l J(k,l)', curr_secs,isvode,jsvode,k,l,valuej(k,l)
775 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
777 ! following code used if want run stopped with negative Jrate
778 ! msg = '*** subr interface_fastj -- ' // &
779 ! 'Negative J rate returned from Fast-J'
780 ! call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
784 ! compute overall no3 photolysis rate
785 ! wig: commented out since it is not used anywhere
787 ! valuej_no3rate(k) = &
788 ! valuej(k, lfastj_no3x) + valuej(k,lfastj_no3l)
791 end subroutine interface_fastj
793 !***********************************************************************
794 subroutine set_common_mie(lpar, &
795 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
796 ! for use when aerosols are not included in a model run. sets variables
797 ! in common block mie to zero, except for wavelengths.
798 ! OUTPUT: in module_fastj_cmnmie
799 ! wavmid ! fast-J wavelengths (cm)
800 ! tauaer ! aerosol optical depth
801 ! waer ! aerosol single scattering albedo
802 ! gaer ! aerosol asymmetery factor
803 ! extaer ! aerosol extinction
804 ! l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 ! Legendre coefficients, numbered 0,1,2,......
805 ! sizeaer ! average wet radius
807 ! lpar = total number of vertical layers in chemistry model. Passed
808 ! via module_fastf_cmnh
809 ! NB = total vertical layers + 1 considered by FastJ (lpar+1=kmaxd+1).
810 ! passed via module_fast j_data
811 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
813 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
817 integer lpar ! Number of levels in CTM
818 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
819 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
820 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
821 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
822 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
824 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
828 integer klevel ! vertical level index
829 integer ns ! spectral loop index
832 ! aerosol optical properties: set everything = 0 when no aerosol
834 do 1000 klevel = 1, lpar
838 sizeaer(ns,klevel)=0.0
839 extaer(ns,klevel)=0.0
849 end subroutine set_common_mie
850 !***********************************************************************
851 subroutine fastj(isvode,jsvode,lat,lon,surface_pressure,surface_albedo, &
852 julian_day,tau1, pressure, temperature, optical_depth, my_ozone1, &
853 iozone1,tauaer_550_1,jvalue,SZA_dum,lpar,jpnl, &
854 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
856 ! lat = latitute; must be real*8
857 ! lon = longitude; must be real*8
858 ! surface_pressure (mb); real*4
859 ! surface_albedo (broadband albedo); real*4
860 ! julian_day; integer
861 ! tau1 = time of calculation (GMT); real*4
862 ! pressure (mb) = vector of pressure values, pressure(NB);
863 ! real*4; NB is the number of model layers;
864 ! pressure (NB+1) is defined as 0 mb in model
865 ! temperature (degree K)= vector of temperature values, temperature(NB);
867 ! optical_depth (dimensionless) = vector of cloud optical depths,
868 ! optical_depth(NB); real*4
869 ! my_ozone1 (volume mixing ratio) = ozone at layer center
870 ! ozone(iozone); real*4; if iozone1 <= NB-1, then climatology is
871 ! used in the upper layers
872 ! tauaer_550; real*4 aerosol optical thickness @ 550 nm
873 ! input note: NB is the number of model layers -- photolysis rates are calculated
874 ! at layer centers while pressures are given at the boundaries defining
875 ! the top and bottom of the layers. The number of pressure values =
876 ! (number of layers) + 1 ; see below
877 ! ******** pressure 2
878 ! layer 1 - optical depth, O3, and temperature given here
879 ! ******** pressure 1
880 ! temperature and o3 are defined at the layer center. optical depth is
881 ! appropriate for the layer depth.
883 ! jvalue = photolysis rates, an array of dimension jvalue(jpnl,jppj) where
884 ! jpnl = # of models level at which photolysis rates are calculated
885 ! note: level 1 = first level of model (adjacent to ground)
886 ! jppj = # of chemical species for which photolysis rates are calculated;
887 ! this is fixed and is not easy to change on the fly
888 ! jpnl land jppl are defined in the common block "cmn_h.f"
889 ! SZA_dum = solar zenith angle
890 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
892 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
893 USE module_fastj_data
897 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
898 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
899 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
900 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
901 ! following specific for fastj
902 ! jppj will be gas phase mechanism dependent
903 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
904 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
905 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
906 ! The vertical level variables are set in fastj_driver.
907 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
908 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
909 ! following should be available from other wrf modules and passed into
911 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
912 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
913 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
914 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
915 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
916 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
917 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
918 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
919 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
920 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
921 real(kind=double) my_ozone(kmaxd) !real*8 version of ozone mixing ratios
924 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
925 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
927 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
928 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
929 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
930 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
931 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
933 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
937 real surface_pressure,surface_albedo,pressure(lpar+2), &
939 real optical_depth(lpar+1)
941 real*8 pi_fastj,lat,lon,timej,jvalue(lpar,jppj)
942 integer isvode,jsvode
945 real my_ozone1(lpar+1)
950 integer ientryno_fastj
952 data ientryno_fastj / 0 /
956 ! Just focus on one column
959 pi_fastj=3.141592653589793D0
962 ! JCB - note that pj(NB+1) = p and is defined such elsewhere
963 ! wig: v3.0.0 release has do loop from 1:lpar+1 but T is never
964 ! initialized at lpar+1 leading to model instabilities. T and OD
965 ! are ultimately never used at lpar+1. So, I changed this loop to
966 ! 1:lpar and then just assign pj a value at lpar+1.
969 T(nslon,nslat,i)=temperature(i)
970 OD(nslon,nslat,i)=optical_depth(i)
972 pj(lpar+1) = pressure(i)
975 SA(nslon,nslat)=surface_albedo
979 my_ozone(i)=my_ozone1(i)
982 tau_fastj=tau1 ! fix time
983 iday_fastj=julian_day
984 ! fix optical depth for situations where aerosols not considered
985 tauaer_550=tauaer_550_1
987 month_fastj=int(dble(iday_fastj)*12.d0/365.d0)+1 ! Approximately
988 xgrd(nslon)=lon*pi_fastj/180.d0
989 ygrd(nslat)=lat*pi_fastj/180.d0
992 ! Initial call to Fast-J to set things up--done only once
993 if (ientryno_fastj .eq. 0) then
998 ! Now call fastj as appropriate
999 timej=0.0 ! manually set offset to zero (JCB: 14 November 2001)
1000 call photoj(isvode,jsvode,jvalue,timej,nslat,nslon,iozone,tauaer_550, &
1001 my_ozone,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl, &
1002 xgrd,ygrd,tau_fastj,month_fastj,iday_fastj,ydgrd, &
1003 sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1007 end subroutine fastj
1008 !**********************************************************************
1009 !---(pphot.f)-------generic CTM shell from UCIrvine (p-code 4.0, 7/99)
1010 !---------PPHOT calculates photolysis rates with the Fast-J scheme
1011 !---------subroutines: inphot, photoj, Fast-J schemes...
1012 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1015 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1016 ! Routine to initialise photolysis rate data, called directly from the
1017 ! cinit routine in ASAD. Currently use it to read the JPL spectral data
1018 ! and standard O3 and T profiles and to set the appropriate reaction index.
1019 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1021 ! iph Channel number for reading all data files
1022 ! rad Radius of Earth (cm)
1023 ! zzht Effective scale height above top of atmosphere (cm)
1024 ! dtaumax Maximum opt.depth above which a new level should be inserted
1025 ! dtausub No. of opt.depths at top of cloud requiring subdivision
1026 ! dsubdiv Number of additional levels to add at top of cloud
1027 ! szamax Solar zenith angle cut-off, above which to skip calculation
1029 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1032 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1033 USE module_fastj_data
1037 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1038 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1039 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1040 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1041 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1042 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1043 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1044 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1045 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1046 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1047 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1048 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1049 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1050 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1051 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1052 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1053 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1056 ! Set labels of photolysis rates required
1057 !ec032504 CALL RD_JS(iph,path_fastj_ratjd)
1060 ! Read in JPL spectral data set
1061 !ec032504 CALL RD_TJPL(iph,path_fastj_jvspec)
1064 ! Read in T & O3 climatology
1065 !ec032504 CALL RD_PROF(iph,path_fastj_jvatms)
1068 ! Select Aerosol/Cloud types to be used
1072 end subroutine inphot2
1073 !*************************************************************************
1075 subroutine photoj(isvode,jsvode,zpj,timej,nslat,nslon,iozone,tauaer_550_1, &
1076 my_ozone,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl,xgrd,ygrd,tau_fastj,month_fastj,iday_fastj, &
1077 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1078 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1079 !----jv_trop.f: new FAST J-Value code, troposphere only (mjprather 6/96)
1080 !---- uses special wavelength quadrature spectral data (jv_spec.dat)
1081 !--- that includes only 289 nm - 800 nm (later a single 205 nm add-on)
1082 !--- uses special compact Mie code based on Feautrier/Auer/Prather vers.
1083 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1085 ! zpj External array providing J-values to main CTM code
1086 ! timej Offset in hours from start of timestep to time J-values
1087 ! required for - take as half timestep for mid-step Js.
1088 ! solf Solar distance factor, for scaling; normally given by:
1089 ! 1.0-(0.034*cos(real(iday_fastj-186)*2.0*pi_fastj/365.))
1091 !----------basic common blocks:-----------------------------------------
1093 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1094 USE module_fastj_data
1098 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1099 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1100 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1101 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1102 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1103 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1104 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1105 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1106 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1107 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1108 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1109 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1110 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1111 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1112 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1113 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1114 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1115 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
1116 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
1117 real(kind=double) my_ozone(kmaxd) !real*8 version of ozone mixing ratios
1120 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1121 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1122 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
1123 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
1124 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
1125 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
1126 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
1128 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
1130 real*8 zpj(lpar,jppj),timej,solf
1134 integer isvode,jsvode
1136 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1145 !---Calculate new solar zenith angle
1146 CALL SOLAR2(timej,nslat,nslon, &
1147 xgrd,ygrd,tau_fastj,month_fastj,iday_fastj)
1148 if(SZA.gt.szamax) go to 10
1150 !---Set up profiles on model levels
1151 CALL SET_PROF(isvode,jsvode,nslat,nslon,iozone,tauaer_550_1, &
1152 my_ozone,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl,month_fastj,ydgrd)
1154 !---Print out atmosphere
1155 if(iprint.ne.0)CALL PRTATM(3,nslat,nslon,tau_fastj,month_fastj,ydgrd) ! code change jcb
1158 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1159 CALL JVALUE(isvode,jsvode,lpar,jpnl, &
1160 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1161 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1162 !---Print solar flux terms
1163 ! WRITE(6,'(A16,I5,20I9)') ' wave (beg/end)',(i,i=1,jpnl)
1165 ! WRITE(6,'(2F8.2,20F9.6)') WBIN(j),WBIN(j+1),
1166 ! $ (FFF(j,i)/FL(j),i=1,jpnl)
1169 !---Include variation in distance to sun
1170 pi_fastj=3.1415926536d0
1171 solf=1.d0-(0.034d0*cos(dble(iday_fastj-186)*2.d0 &
1174 ! write(6,'('' solf = '', f10.5)')solf
1175 write(*,'('' solf = '', f10.5)')solf
1177 ! solf=1.d0 ! code change jcb
1178 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1179 CALL JRATET(solf,nslat,nslon,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl)
1180 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1183 ! "zj" updated in JRATET - pass this back to ASAD as "zpj"
1191 !---Output selected values
1192 10 if((.not.ldeg45.and.nslon.eq.37.and.nslat.eq.36).or. &
1193 (ldeg45.and.nslon.eq.19.and.nslat.eq.18)) then
1195 ! write(6,1000)iday_fastj,tau_fastj+timej,sza,jlabel(i),zpj(1,i)
1199 ! 1000 format(' Photolysis on day ',i4,' at ',f4.1,' hrs: SZA = ',f7.3, &
1200 ! ' J',a7,'= ',1pE10.3)
1201 end subroutine photoj
1203 !*************************************************************************
1204 subroutine set_prof(isvode,jsvode,nslat,nslon,iozone,tauaer_550, &
1205 my_ozone,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl,month_fastj,ydgrd)
1206 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1207 ! Routine to set up atmospheric profiles required by Fast-J using a
1208 ! doubled version of the level scheme used in the CTM. First pressure
1209 ! and z* altitude are defined, then O3 and T are taken from the supplied
1210 ! climatology and integrated to the CTM levels (may be overwritten with
1211 ! values directly from the CTM, if desired) and then black carbon and
1212 ! aerosol profiles are constructed.
1214 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1216 ! pj Pressure at boundaries of model levels (hPa)
1217 ! z Altitude of boundaries of model levels (cm)
1218 ! odcol Optical depth at each model level
1219 ! masfac Conversion factor for pressure to column density
1221 ! TJ Temperature profile on model grid
1222 ! DM Air column for each model level (molecules.cm-2)
1223 ! DO3 Ozone column for each model level (molecules.cm-2)
1224 ! DBC Mass of Black Carbon at each model level (g.cm-3) ! .....!
1225 ! PSTD Approximate pressures of levels for supplied climatology
1227 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1229 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1230 USE module_fastj_data
1234 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1235 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1236 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1237 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1238 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1239 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1240 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1241 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1242 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1243 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1244 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1245 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1246 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1247 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1248 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1249 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1250 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1251 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
1252 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
1253 real(kind=double) my_ozone(kmaxd) !real*8 version of ozone mixing ratios
1256 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1257 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1259 real*8 pstd(52),oref2(51),tref2(51),bref2(51)
1260 real*8 odcol(lpar),dlogp,f0,t0,b0,pb,pc,xc,masfac,scaleh
1261 real vis, aerd1, aerd2
1264 integer isvode,jsvode
1266 pj(NB+1) = 0.d0 ! define top level
1268 ! Set up cloud and surface properties
1269 call CLDSRF(isvode,jsvode,odcol,nslat,nslon,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl)
1271 ! Mass factor - delta-Pressure (mbars) to delta-Column (molecules.cm-2)
1272 masfac=100.d0*6.022d+23/(28.97d0*9.8d0*10.d0)
1274 ! Set up pressure levels for O3/T climatology - assume that value
1275 ! given for each 2 km z* level applies from 1 km below to 1 km above,
1276 ! so select pressures at these boundaries. Surface level values at
1277 ! 1000 mb are assumed to extend down to the actual P(nslon,nslat).
1279 pstd(1) = max(pj(1),1000.d0)
1280 pstd(2) = 1000.d0*10.d0**(-1.d0/16.d0)
1281 dlogp = 10.d0**(-2.d0/16.d0)
1283 pstd(i) = pstd(i-1)*dlogp
1287 ! Select appropriate monthly and latitudinal profiles
1288 m = max(1,min(12,month_fastj))
1289 l = max(1,min(18,(int(ydgrd(nslat))+99)/10))
1291 ! Temporary arrays for climatology data
1293 oref2(i)=oref(i,l,m)
1294 tref2(i)=tref(i,l,m)
1298 ! Apportion O3 and T on supplied climatology z* levels onto CTM levels
1299 ! with mass (pressure) weighting, assuming constant mixing ratio and
1300 ! temperature half a layer on either side of the point supplied.
1307 PC = min(pj(i),pstd(k))
1308 PB = max(pj(i+1),pstd(k+1))
1310 XC = (PC-PB)/(pj(i)-pj(i+1))
1311 F0 = F0 + oref2(k)*XC
1312 T0 = T0 + tref2(k)*XC
1313 B0 = B0 + bref2(k)*XC
1321 ! Insert model values here to replace or supplement climatology.
1322 ! Note that CTM temperature is always used in x-section calculations
1323 ! (see JRATET); TJ is used in actinic flux calculation only.
1325 do i=1,lpar ! JCB code change; just use climatlogy for upper levels
1326 if(i.le.iozone)DO3(i) = my_ozone(i) ! Volume Mixing Ratio
1327 ! TJ(i) = T(nslon,nslat,I) ! Kelvin
1328 ! JCB - overwrite climatology
1329 ! TJ(i) = (T(nslon,nslat,i)+T(nslon,nslat,i+1))/2. ! JCB - take midpoint
1330 ! code change - now take temperature as appropriate for midpoint of layer
1331 TJ(i)=T(nslon,nslat,i)
1333 if(lpar+1.le.iozone)then
1334 DO3(lpar+1) = my_ozone(lpar+1) ! Above top of model (or use climatology)
1336 ! TJ(lpar+1) = my_temp(lpar) ! Above top of model (or use climatology)
1337 !wig 26-Aug-2000: Comment out following line so that climatology is used for
1338 ! above the model top.
1339 ! TJ(lpar+1) = T(nslon,nslat,NB) ! JCB - just use climatology or given temperature
1343 ! Calculate effective altitudes using scale height at each level
1346 scaleh=1.3806d-19*masfac*TJ(i)
1347 z(i+1) = z(i)-(log(pj(i+1)/pj(i))*scaleh)
1350 ! Add Aerosol Column - include aerosol types here. Currently use soot
1351 ! water and ice; assume black carbon x-section of 10 m2/g, independent
1352 ! of wavelength; assume limiting temperature for ice of -40 deg C.
1355 ! AER(1,i) = DBC(i)*10.d0*(z(i+1)-z(i)) ! DBC must be g/m^3
1356 ! calculate AER(1,i) according to aerosol density - use trap rule
1358 call aeroden(z(i)/100000.,vis,aerd1) ! convert cm to km
1359 call aeroden(z(i+1)/100000.,vis,aerd2)
1360 ! trap rule used here; convert cm to km; divide by 100000.
1361 AER(1,i)=(z(i+1)-z(i))/100000.*(aerd1+aerd2)/2./4287.55*tauaer_550
1362 ! write(6,*)i,z(i)/100000.,aerd1,aerd2,tauaer_550,AER(1,i)
1364 if(T(nslon,nslat,I).gt.233.d0) then
1373 AER(k,lpar+1) = 0.d0 ! just set equal to zero
1376 AER(1,lpar+1)=2.0*AER(1,lpar) ! kludge
1378 ! Calculate column quantities for Fast-J
1380 DM(i) = (PJ(i)-PJ(i+1))*masfac
1381 DO3(i) = DO3(i)*DM(i)
1384 end subroutine set_prof
1386 !******************************************************************
1388 SUBROUTINE CLDSRF(isvode,jsvode,odcol,nslat,nslon,p,t,od,sa, &
1390 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1391 ! Routine to set cloud and surface properties
1392 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1393 ! rflect Surface albedo (Lambertian)
1394 ! odmax Maximum allowed optical depth, above which they are scaled
1395 ! odcol Optical depth at each model level
1396 ! odsum Column optical depth
1397 ! nlbatm Level of lower photolysis boundary - usually surface
1398 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1400 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1401 USE module_fastj_data
1405 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1406 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1407 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1408 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1409 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1410 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1411 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1412 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1413 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1414 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1415 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1416 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1417 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1418 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1419 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1420 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1421 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1422 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1423 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1424 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
1425 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
1428 integer isvode, jsvode
1429 real*8 odcol(lpar), odsum, odmax, odtot
1431 ! Default lower photolysis boundary as bottom of level 1
1434 ! Set surface albedo
1435 RFLECT = dble(SA(nslon,nslat))
1436 RFLECT = max(0.d0,min(1.d0,RFLECT))
1438 ! Zero aerosol column
1445 ! Scale optical depths as appropriate - limit column to 'odmax'
1449 odcol(i) = dble(OD(nslon,nslat,i))
1450 odsum = odsum + odcol(i)
1451 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf odcol',odcol(i),odsum
1453 if(odsum.gt.odmax) then
1456 odcol(i) = odcol(i)*odsum
1460 ! Set sub-division switch if appropriate
1468 odtot=odtot+odcol(i)
1469 if(odcol(i).gt.0.d0.and.dtausub.gt.0.d0) then
1470 if(odtot.le.dtausub) then
1473 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf in cldsf1',i,k,jadsub(k)
1474 elseif(odtot.gt.dtausub) then
1480 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf in cldsf2',i,k,jadsub(k)
1490 !********************************************************************
1491 subroutine solar2(timej,nslat,nslon, &
1492 xgrd,ygrd,tau_fastj,month_fastj,iday_fastj)
1493 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1494 ! Routine to set up SZA for given lat, lon and time
1495 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1496 ! timej Offset in hours from start of timestep to time J-values
1497 ! required for - take as half timestep for mid-step Js.
1498 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1500 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1501 USE module_fastj_data
1504 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1505 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1506 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1507 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1508 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1509 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1510 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1511 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1512 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1513 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1514 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1515 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1516 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1517 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1518 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1519 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1520 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1521 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1522 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1524 real*8 pi_fastj, pi180, loct, timej
1525 real*8 sindec, soldek, cosdec, sinlat, sollat, coslat, cosz
1527 pi_fastj=3.141592653589793D0
1528 pi180=pi_fastj/180.d0
1529 sindec=0.3978d0*sin(0.9863d0*(dble(iday_fastj)-80.d0)*pi180)
1532 sinlat=sin(ygrd(nslat))
1536 loct = (((tau_fastj+timej)*15.d0)-180.d0)*pi180 + xgrd(nslon)
1537 cosz = cosdec*coslat*cos(loct) + sindec*sinlat
1538 sza = acos(cosz)/pi180
1542 end subroutine solar2
1544 !**********************************************************************
1547 SUBROUTINE JRATET(SOLF,nslat,nslon,p,t,od,sa,lpar,jpnl)
1548 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1549 ! Calculate and print J-values. Note that the loop in this routine
1550 ! only covers the jpnl levels actually needed by the CTM.
1551 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1553 ! FFF Actinic flux at each level for each wavelength bin
1554 ! QQQ Cross sections for species (read in in RD_TJPL)
1555 ! SOLF Solar distance factor, for scaling; normally given by:
1556 ! 1.0-(0.034*cos(real(iday_fastj-186)*2.0*pi_fastj/365.))
1557 ! Assumes aphelion day 186, perihelion day 3.
1558 ! TQQ Temperatures at which QQQ cross sections supplied
1560 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1562 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1563 USE module_fastj_data
1567 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1568 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1569 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1570 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1571 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1572 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1573 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1574 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1575 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1576 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1577 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1578 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1579 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1580 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1581 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1582 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1583 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1584 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1585 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1586 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
1587 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
1590 real*8 qo2tot, qo3tot, qo31d, qo33p, qqqt
1591 ! real*8 xseco2, xseco3, xsec1d, solf, tfact
1598 do K=NW1,NW2 ! Using model 'T's here
1599 QO2TOT= xseco2(K,dble(T(nslon,nslat,I)))
1600 VALJ(1) = VALJ(1) + QO2TOT*FFF(K,I)
1601 QO3TOT= xseco3(K,dble(T(nslon,nslat,I)))
1602 QO31D = xsec1d(K,dble(T(nslon,nslat,I)))*QO3TOT
1603 QO33P = QO3TOT - QO31D
1604 VALJ(2) = VALJ(2) + QO33P*FFF(K,I)
1605 VALJ(3) = VALJ(3) + QO31D*FFF(K,I)
1607 !------Calculate remaining J-values with T-dep X-sections
1611 if(TQQ(2,J).gt.TQQ(1,J)) TFACT = max(0.d0,min(1.d0, &
1612 (T(nslon,nslat,I)-TQQ(1,J))/(TQQ(2,J)-TQQ(1,J)) ))
1614 QQQT = QQQ(K,1,J-3) + (QQQ(K,2,J-3) - QQQ(K,1,J-3))*TFACT
1615 VALJ(J) = VALJ(J) + QQQT*FFF(K,I)
1616 !------Additional code for pressure dependencies
1617 ! if(jpdep(J).ne.0) then
1618 ! VALJ(J) = VALJ(J) + QQQT*FFF(K,I)*
1619 ! $ (zpdep(K,L)*(pj(i)+pj(i+1))*0.5d0)
1624 zj(i,j)=VALJ(jind(j))*jfacta(j)*SOLF
1628 zj(i,hzind(j))=hztoa(j)*fhz(i)*SOLF
1634 !*********************************************************************
1637 SUBROUTINE PRTATM(N,nslat,nslon,tau_fastj,month_fastj,ydgrd)
1638 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1639 ! Print out the atmosphere and calculate appropriate columns
1640 ! N=1 Print out column totals only
1641 ! N=2 Print out full columns
1642 ! N=3 Print out full columns and climatology
1643 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1645 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1646 USE module_fastj_data
1649 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1650 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1651 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1652 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1653 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1654 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1655 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1656 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1657 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1658 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1659 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1660 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1661 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1662 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1663 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1664 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1665 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1666 integer nslat ! Latitude of current profile point
1667 integer nslon ! Longitude of current profile point
1669 integer n, i, k, l, m
1671 real*8 climat(9),masfac,dlogp
1673 !---Calculate columns, for diagnostic output only:
1675 COLO2(NB) = DM(NB)*0.20948d0
1677 COLAX(K,NB) = AER(K,NB)
1680 COLO3(i) = COLO3(i+1)+DO3(i)
1681 COLO2(i) = COLO2(i+1)+DM(i)*0.20948d0
1683 COLAX(k,i) = COLAX(k,i+1)+AER(k,i)
1686 write(*,1200) ' Tau=',tau_fastj,' SZA=',sza
1687 write(*,1200) ' O3-column(DU)=',COLO3(1)/2.687d16, &
1688 ' column aerosol @1000nm=',(COLAX(K,1),K=1,MX)
1689 !---Print out atmosphere
1691 write(*,1000) (' AER-X ','col-AER',k=1,mx)
1695 ZSTAR = 16.d0*DLOG10(1013.d0/PJC)
1696 write(*,1100) I,ZKM,ZSTAR,DM(I),DO3(I),1.d6*DO3(I)/DM(I), &
1701 !---Print out climatology
1706 m = max(1,min(12,month_fastj))
1707 l = max(1,min(18,(int(ydgrd(nslat))+99)/10))
1708 masfac=100.d0*6.022d+23/(28.97d0*9.8d0*10.d0)
1709 write(*,*) 'Specified Climatology'
1712 dlogp=10.d0**(-1.d0/16.d0)
1713 PJC = 1000.d0*dlogp**(2*i-2)
1714 climat(1) = 16.d0*DLOG10(1000.D0/PJC)
1715 climat(2) = climat(1)
1716 climat(3) = PJC*(1.d0/dlogp-dlogp)*masfac
1717 if(i.eq.1) climat(3)=PJC*(1.d0-dlogp)*masfac
1718 climat(4)=climat(3)*oref(i,l,m)*1.d-6
1719 climat(5)=oref(i,l,m)
1720 climat(6)=tref(i,l,m)
1722 climat(8)=climat(8)+climat(4)
1723 climat(9)=climat(9)+climat(3)*0.20948d0
1724 write(*,1100) I,(climat(k),k=1,9)
1726 write(*,1200) ' O3-column(DU)=',climat(8)/2.687d16
1729 1000 format(5X,'Zkm',3X,'Z*',8X,'M',8X,'O3',6X,'f-O3',5X,'T',7X,'P',6x, &
1730 'col-O3',3X,'col-O2',2X,10(a7,2x))
1731 1100 format(1X,I2,0P,2F6.2,1P,2E10.3,0P,F7.3,F8.2,F10.4,1P,10E9.2)
1732 1200 format(A,F8.1,A,10(1pE10.3))
1735 SUBROUTINE JVALUE(isvode,jsvode,lpar,jpnl, &
1736 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1737 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1738 ! Calculate the actinic flux at each level for the current SZA value.
1739 ! quit when SZA > 98.0 deg ==> tangent height = 63 km
1741 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1743 ! AVGF Attenuation of beam at each level for each wavelength
1744 ! FFF Actinic flux at each desired level
1745 ! FHZ Actinic flux in Herzberg bin
1746 ! WAVE Effective wavelength of each wavelength bin
1747 ! XQO2 Absorption cross-section of O2
1748 ! XQO3 Absorption cross-section of O3
1750 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1752 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
1753 USE module_fastj_data
1754 USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message
1756 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
1757 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
1758 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
1759 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
1760 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
1761 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
1762 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
1763 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
1764 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
1765 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
1766 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
1767 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
1768 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
1769 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
1770 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
1771 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
1772 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
1773 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar) :: P , SA
1774 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj,jpar,kmaxd+1) :: T, OD
1775 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
1776 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
1777 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
1778 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
1779 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
1781 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
1784 ! real*8 wave, xseco3, xseco2
1786 real*8 AVGF(lpar),XQO3(NB),XQO2(NB)
1787 ! diagnostics for error situations
1789 ! parameter (lunout = 41)
1790 integer isvode,jsvode
1801 if(SZA.gt.szamax) GOTO 99
1803 !---Calculate spherical weighting functions
1806 !---Loop over all wavelength bins
1810 XQO3(J) = xseco3(K,dble(TJ(J)))
1813 XQO2(J) = xseco2(K,dble(TJ(J)))
1815 !-----------------------------------------
1816 CALL OPMIE(isvode,jsvode,K,WAVE,XQO2,XQO3,AVGF,lpar,jpnl, &
1817 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1818 !-----------------------------------------
1820 FFF(K,J) = FFF(K,J) + FL(K)*AVGF(J)
1822 if ( FFF(K,J) .lt. 0) then
1823 write( msg, '(a,2i4,e14.6)' ) &
1824 'FASTJ neg actinic flux ' // &
1825 'k j FFF(K,J) ', k, j, fff(k,j)
1826 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
1832 !---Herzberg continuum bin above 10 km, if required
1840 CALL OPMIE(isvode,jsvode,K,WAVE,XQO2,XQO3,AVGF,lpar,jpnl, &
1841 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
1843 if(z(j).gt.1.d6) FHZ(J)=AVGF(J)
1848 1000 format(' SZA=',f6.1,' Reflectvty=',f6.3,' OD=',10(1pe10.3))
1853 FUNCTION xseco3(K,TTT)
1854 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1855 ! Cross-sections for O3 for all processes interpolated across 3 temps
1856 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1858 USE module_fastj_data
1861 ! real*8 ttt, flint, xseco3
1864 flint(TTT,TQQ(1,2),TQQ(2,2),TQQ(3,2),QO3(K,1),QO3(K,2),QO3(K,3))
1868 FUNCTION xsec1d(K,TTT)
1869 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1870 ! Quantum yields for O3 --> O2 + O(1D) interpolated across 3 temps
1871 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1873 USE module_fastj_data
1876 ! real*8 ttt, flint, xsec1d
1879 flint(TTT,TQQ(1,3),TQQ(2,3),TQQ(3,3),Q1D(K,1),Q1D(K,2),Q1D(K,3))
1883 FUNCTION xseco2(K,TTT)
1884 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1885 ! Cross-sections for O2 interpolated across 3 temps; No S_R Bands yet!
1886 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1888 USE module_fastj_data
1891 ! real*8 ttt, flint, xseco2
1894 flint(TTT,TQQ(1,1),TQQ(2,1),TQQ(3,1),QO2(K,1),QO2(K,2),QO2(K,3))
1898 REAL*8 FUNCTION flint (TINT,T1,T2,T3,F1,F2,F3)
1899 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1900 ! Three-point linear interpolation function
1901 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1902 real*8 TINT,T1,T2,T3,F1,F2,F3
1903 IF (TINT .LE. T2) THEN
1904 IF (TINT .LE. T1) THEN
1907 flint = F1 + (F2 - F1)*(TINT -T1)/(T2 -T1)
1910 IF (TINT .GE. T3) THEN
1913 flint = F2 + (F3 - F2)*(TINT -T2)/(T3 -T2)
1920 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1921 ! Calculation of spherical geometry; derive tangent heights, slant path
1922 ! lengths and air mass factor for each layer. Not called when
1923 ! SZA > 98 degrees. Beyond 90 degrees, include treatment of emergent
1924 ! beam (where tangent height is below altitude J-value desired at).
1925 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1927 ! GMU MU, cos(solar zenith angle)
1928 ! RZ Distance from centre of Earth to each point (cm)
1929 ! RQ Square of radius ratios
1930 ! TANHT Tangent height for the current SZA
1931 ! XL Slant path between points
1932 ! AMF Air mass factor for slab between level and level above
1934 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1936 USE module_fastj_data
1942 real*8 airmas, gmu, xmu1, xmu2, xl, diff
1945 ! Inlined air mass factor function for top of atmosphere
1946 AIRMAS(Ux,H) = (1.0d0+H)/SQRT(Ux*Ux+2.0d0*H*(1.0d0- &
1947 0.6817d0*EXP(-57.3d0*ABS(Ux)/SQRT(1.0d0+5500.d0*H))/ &
1954 RZ(II) = RAD + Z(II)
1955 RQ(II-1) = (RZ(II-1)/RZ(II))**2
1957 IF (GMU.LT.0.0D0) THEN
1958 TANHT = RZ(nlbatm)/DSQRT(1.0D0-GMU**2)
1963 ! Go up from the surface calculating the slant paths between each level
1964 ! and the level above, and deriving the appropriate Air Mass Factor
1970 ! Air Mass Factors all zero if below the tangent height
1971 IF (RZ(J).LT.TANHT) GOTO 16
1972 ! Ascend from layer J calculating AMFs
1975 XMU2=DSQRT(1.0D0-RQ(I)*(1.0D0-XMU1**2))
1976 XL=RZ(I+1)*XMU2-RZ(I)*XMU1
1977 AMF(I,J)=XL/(RZ(I+1)-RZ(I))
1980 ! Use function and scale height to provide AMF above top of model
1983 ! Twilight case - Emergent Beam
1984 IF (GMU.GE.0.0D0) GOTO 16
1986 ! Descend from layer J
1988 DIFF=RZ(II+1)*DSQRT(1.0D0-XMU1**2)-RZ(II)
1989 if(II.eq.1) DIFF=max(DIFF,0.d0) ! filter
1990 ! Tangent height below current level - beam passes through twice
1991 IF (DIFF.LT.0.0D0) THEN
1992 XMU2=DSQRT(1.0D0-(1.0D0-XMU1**2)/RQ(II))
1993 XL=ABS(RZ(II+1)*XMU1-RZ(II)*XMU2)
1994 AMF(II,J)=2.d0*XL/(RZ(II+1)-RZ(II))
1996 ! Lowest level intersected by emergent beam
1998 XL=RZ(II+1)*XMU1*2.0D0
1999 ! WTING=DIFF/(RZ(II+1)-RZ(II))
2000 ! AMF(II,J)=(1.0D0-WTING)*2.D0**XL/(RZ(II+1)-RZ(II))
2001 AMF(II,J)=XL/(RZ(II+1)-RZ(II))
2011 SUBROUTINE OPMIE(isvode,jsvode,KW,WAVEL,XQO2,XQO3,FMEAN,lpar,jpnl, &
2012 ydgrd,sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7)
2013 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2014 ! NEW Mie code for J's, only uses 8-term expansion, 4-Gauss pts
2015 ! Currently allow up to NP aerosol phase functions (at all altitudes) to
2016 ! be associated with optical depth AER(1:NC) = aerosol opt.depth @ 1000 nm
2018 ! Pick Mie-wavelength with phase function and Qext:
2020 ! 01 RAYLE = Rayleigh phase
2021 ! 02 ISOTR = isotropic
2022 ! 03 ABSRB = fully absorbing 'soot', wavelength indep.
2023 ! 04 S_Bkg = backgrnd stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46,log-norm:r=.09um/sigma=.6)
2024 ! 05 S_Vol = volcanic stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46,log-norm:r=.08um/sigma=.8)
2025 ! 06 W_H01 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.1um /alpha=2)
2026 ! 07 W_H04 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.4um /alpha=2)
2027 ! 08 W_C02 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=2.0um /alpha=6)
2028 ! 09 W_C04 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=4.0um /alpha=6)
2029 ! 10 W_C08 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=8.0um /alpha=6)
2030 ! 11 W_C13 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=13.3um /alpha=6)
2031 ! 12 W_L06 = water cloud (Lacis) (n=1.335, r-mode=5.5um / alpha=11/3)
2032 ! 13 Ice-H = hexagonal ice cloud (Mishchenko)
2033 ! 14 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko)
2035 ! Choice of aerosol index MIEDX is made in SET_AER; optical depths are
2036 ! apportioned to the AER array in SET_PROF
2038 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 ! WSQI = 1.E6/(WAVE*WAVE)
2041 ! REFRM1 = 1.0E-6*(64.328+29498.1/(146.-WSQI)+255.4/(41.-WSQI))
2042 ! RAYLAY = 5.40E-21*(REFRM1*WSQI)**2
2043 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 ! DTAUX Local optical depth of each CTM level
2046 ! PIRAY Contribution of Rayleigh scattering to extinction
2047 ! PIAER Contribution of Aerosol scattering to extinction
2048 ! TTAU Optical depth of air vertically above each point (to top of atm)
2049 ! FTAU Attenuation of solar beam
2050 ! POMEGA Scattering phase function
2051 ! FMEAN Mean actinic flux at desired levels
2053 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2055 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
2056 USE module_fastj_data
2057 USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message, peg_error_fatal
2059 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
2060 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
2061 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2062 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2063 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
2064 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
2065 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
2066 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
2067 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
2068 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
2069 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
2070 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
2071 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
2072 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
2073 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
2074 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
2075 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
2076 integer nspint ! Num of spectral intervals across solar
2077 parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! spectrum for FAST-J
2078 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm
2079 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer
2080 real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7
2082 / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 /
2083 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2084 PARAMETER (NL=500, N__=2*NL, M__=4) !wig increased nl from 350 to 500, 31-Oct-2005
2085 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2086 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2087 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2088 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2089 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2090 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2091 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2092 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2093 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2096 integer jndlev(lpar),jaddlv(nc),jaddto(nc+1)
2097 integer KW,km,i,j,k,l,ix,j1
2098 integer isvode,jsvode
2100 real*8 xlo2,xlo3,xlray,xltau,zk,taudn,tauup,zk2
2101 real*8 WAVEL,XQO2(NB),XQO3(NB),FMEAN(lpar),POMEGAJ(2*M__,NC+1)
2103 real*8 ftaulog,dttau,dpomega(2*M__)
2104 real*8 ftaulog2,dttau2,dpomega2(2*M__)
2106 real*8 PIAER_MX1(NB)
2110 !---Pick nearest Mie wavelength, no interpolation--------------
2112 if( WAVEL .gt. 355.d0 ) KM=2
2113 if( WAVEL .gt. 500.d0 ) KM=3
2114 ! if( WAVEL .gt. 800.d0 ) KM=4 !drop the 1000 nm wavelength
2116 !---For Mie code scale extinction at 1000 nm to wavelength WAVEL (QXMIE)
2117 ! define angstrom exponent
2119 ang=log(QAA(1,MIEDX(1))/QAA(4,MIEDX(1)))/log(300./999.)
2121 ! QAA is extinction efficiency
2123 ! scale to 550 nm using angstrom relationship
2124 ! note that this gives QXMIE at 550.0 nm = 1.0, aerosol optical thickness
2125 ! is defined at 550 nm
2126 ! convention -- I = 1 is aerosol, I > 1 are clouds
2127 if(I.eq.1) QXMIE(I) = (WAVEL/550.0)**ang
2128 SSALB(I) = SSA(KM,MIEDX(I)) ! single scattering albedo
2132 !---Reinitialize arrays
2138 !---Set up total optical depth over each CTM level, DTAUX
2142 XLO2=DM(J)*XQO2(J)*0.20948d0
2144 ! Zero absorption for testing purposes
2145 ! call NOABS(XLO3,XLO2,XLRAY,AER(1,j),RFLECT)
2147 ! I is aerosol type, j is level, AER(I,J)*QXMIE(I) is the layer aerosol optical thickness
2148 ! at 1000 nm , AER(I,J), times extinction efficiency for the layer (normalized to be one at 1000 nm)
2149 ! therefore xlaer(i) is the layer optical depth at the wavelength index KM
2152 ! Total optical depth from all elements
2156 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf xlaer',&
2157 ! i,j,km,dtaux(j),xlaer(i),aer(i,j),qxmie(i),xlo3,xlo2,xlray
2160 ! add in new aerosol information from Mie code
2161 ! layer aerosol optical thickness at wavelength index KM, layer j
2163 dtaux(j)=dtaux(j)+tauaer(km,j)
2164 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf dtaux',&
2165 ! j,km,dtaux(j),tauaer(km,j)
2167 ! Fractional extinction for Rayleigh scattering and each aerosol type
2173 ! note the level is now important
2174 PIAER_MX1(J)=waer(km,j)*tauaer(km,j)/DTAUX(J)
2176 enddo ! of the level "j" loop
2178 !---Define the scattering phase fn. with mix of Rayleigh(1) & Mie(MIEDX)
2179 ! No. of quadrature pts fixed at 4 (M__), expansion of phase fn @ 8
2182 do j=j1,NB ! jcb: layer index
2184 pomegaj(i,j) = PIRAY(J)*PAA(I,KM,1) ! jcb: paa are the expansion coefficients of the phase function
2185 do k=1,MX ! jcb: mx is # of aerosols
2186 pomegaj(i,j) = pomegaj(i,j) + PIAER(K,J)*PAA(I,KM,MIEDX(K))
2190 ! i is the # of coefficients, KM is the wavelength index, j is the level
2191 ! note the level in now relevant because we allow aerosol properties to
2193 pomegaj(1,j) = pomegaj(1,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*1.0 ! 1.0 is l0
2194 pomegaj(2,j) = pomegaj(2,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*gaer(KM,j)*3.0 ! the three converts gear to l1
2195 pomegaj(3,j) = pomegaj(3,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l2(KM,j)
2196 pomegaj(4,j) = pomegaj(4,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l3(KM,j)
2197 pomegaj(5,j) = pomegaj(5,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l4(KM,j)
2198 pomegaj(6,j) = pomegaj(6,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l5(KM,j)
2199 pomegaj(7,j) = pomegaj(7,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l6(KM,j)
2200 pomegaj(8,j) = pomegaj(7,j) + PIAER_MX1(J)*l7(KM,j)
2205 !---Calculate attenuated incident beam EXP(-TTAU/U0) and flux on surface
2207 if(AMF(J,J).gt.0.0D0) then
2212 if(XLTAU.gt.450.d0) then ! for compilers with no underflow trapping
2227 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2228 ! Take optical properties on CTM layers and convert to a photolysis
2229 ! level grid corresponding to layer centres and boundaries. This is
2230 ! required so that J-values can be calculated for the centre of CTM
2231 ! layers; the index of these layers is kept in the jndlev array.
2232 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2234 ! Set lower boundary and levels to calculate J-values at
2240 ! Calculate column optical depths above each level, TTAU
2244 TTAU(J)=TTAU(J+1) + 0.5d0*DTAUX(I)
2245 jaddlv(j)=int(0.5d0*DTAUX(I)/dtaumax)
2246 ! Subdivide cloud-top levels if required
2247 if(jadsub(j).gt.0) then
2248 jadsub(j)=min(jaddlv(j)+1,nint(dtausub))*(nint(dsubdiv)-1)
2249 jaddlv(j)=jaddlv(j)+jadsub(j)
2251 ! if(isvode.eq.8.and.jsvode.eq.1) print*,'jdf in opmie',&
2252 ! j,jadsub(j),jaddlv(j),ttau(j),dtaux(i)
2255 ! Calculate attenuated beam, FTAU, level boundaries then level centres
2262 FTAU(J)=sqrt(FTAU(J+1)*FTAU(J-1))
2265 ! Calculate scattering properties, level centres then level boundaries
2266 ! using an inverse interpolation to give correctly-weighted values
2269 pomegaj(i,j) = pomegaj(i,j/2)
2273 taudn = ttau(j-1)-ttau(j)
2274 tauup = ttau(j)-ttau(j+1)
2276 pomegaj(i,j) = (pomegaj(i,j-1)*taudn + &
2277 pomegaj(i,j+1)*tauup) / (taudn+tauup)
2280 ! Define lower and upper boundaries
2282 pomegaj(i,J1) = pomegaj(i,J1+1)
2283 pomegaj(i,nc+1) = pomegaj(i,nc)
2286 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2287 ! Calculate cumulative total and define levels we want J-values at.
2288 ! Sum upwards for levels, and then downwards for Mie code readjustments.
2290 ! jaddlv(i) Number of new levels to add between (i) and (i+1)
2291 ! jaddto(i) Total number of new levels to add to and above level (i)
2292 ! jndlev(j) Level needed for J-value for CTM layer (j)
2294 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2296 ! Reinitialize level arrays
2301 jaddto(J1)=jaddlv(J1)
2303 jaddto(j)=jaddto(j-1)+jaddlv(j)
2305 if((jaddto(nc)+nc).gt.nl) then
2306 ! print*,'jdf mie',isvode,jsvode,jaddto(nc),nc,nl
2307 write ( msg, '(a, 2i6)' ) &
2308 'FASTJ Max NL exceeded ' // &
2309 'jaddto(nc)+nc NL', jaddto(nc)+nc,NL
2310 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
2311 msg = 'FASTJ subr OPMIE error. Max NL exceeded'
2312 call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
2313 ! write(6,1500) jaddto(nc)+nc, 'NL',NL
2317 jndlev(i)=jndlev(i)+jaddto(jndlev(i)-1)
2319 jaddto(nc)=jaddlv(nc)
2321 jaddto(j)=jaddto(j+1)+jaddlv(j)
2324 !---------------------SET UP FOR MIE CODE-------------------------------
2326 ! Transpose the ascending TTAU grid to a descending ZTAU grid.
2327 ! Double the resolution - TTAU points become the odd points on the
2328 ! ZTAU grid, even points needed for asymm phase fn soln, contain 'h'.
2329 ! Odd point added at top of grid for unattenuated beam (Z='inf')
2331 ! Surface: TTAU(1) now use ZTAU(2*NC+1)
2332 ! Top: TTAU(NC) now use ZTAU(3)
2333 ! Infinity: now use ZTAU(1)
2335 ! Mie scattering code only used from surface to level NC
2336 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2338 ! Initialise all Fast-J optical property arrays
2347 ! Ascend through atmosphere transposing grid and adding extra points
2349 k = 2*(nc+1-j)+2*jaddto(j)+1
2353 pomega(i,k) = pomegaj(i,j)
2357 ! Check profiles if desired
2358 ! ND = 2*(NC+jaddto(J1)-J1) + 3
2359 ! if(kw.eq.1) call CH_PROF
2361 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2362 ! Insert new levels, working downwards from the top of the atmosphere
2363 ! to the surface (down in 'j', up in 'k'). This allows ztau and pomega
2364 ! to be incremented linearly (in a +ve sense), and the flux fz to be
2365 ! attenuated top-down (avoiding problems where lower level fluxes are
2368 ! zk fractional increment in level
2369 ! dttau change in ttau per increment (linear, positive)
2370 ! dpomega change in pomega per increment (linear)
2371 ! ftaulog change in ftau per increment (exponential, normally < 1)
2373 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2376 zk = 0.5d0/(1.d0+dble(jaddlv(j)-jadsub(j)))
2377 dttau = (ttau(j)-ttau(j+1))*zk
2379 dpomega(i) = (pomegaj(i,j)-pomegaj(i,j+1))*zk
2381 ! Filter attenuation factor - set minimum at 1.0d-05
2382 if(ftau(j+1).eq.0.d0) then
2385 ftaulog = ftau(j)/ftau(j+1)
2386 if(ftaulog.lt.1.d-150) then
2389 ftaulog=exp(log(ftaulog)*zk)
2392 k = 2*(nc-j+jaddto(j)-jaddlv(j))+1 ! k at level j+1
2394 ! Additional subdivision of first level if required
2395 if(jadsub(j).ne.0) then
2396 l=jadsub(j)/nint(dsubdiv-1)
2399 ftaulog2=ftaulog**zk2
2401 dpomega2(i)=dpomega(i)*zk2
2403 do ix=1,2*(jadsub(j)+l)
2404 ztau(k+1) = ztau(k) + dttau2
2405 fz(k+1) = fz(k)*ftaulog2
2407 pomega(i,k+1) = pomega(i,k) + dpomega2(i)
2412 l = 2*(jaddlv(j)-jadsub(j)-l)+1
2414 ! Add values at all intermediate levels
2416 ztau(k+1) = ztau(k) + dttau
2417 fz(k+1) = fz(k)*ftaulog
2419 pomega(i,k+1) = pomega(i,k) + dpomega(i)
2424 ! Alternate method to attenuate fluxes, fz, using 2nd-order finite
2425 ! difference scheme - just need to comment in section below
2426 ! ix = 2*(jaddlv(j)-jadsub(j))+1
2432 ! call efold(ftau(j+1),ftau(j),ix+1,fz(l))
2433 ! if(jadsub(j).ne.0) then
2434 ! k = 2*(nc-j+jaddto(j)-jaddlv(j))+1 ! k at level j+1
2435 ! ix=2*(jadsub(j)+(jadsub(j)/nint(dsubdiv-1)))
2436 ! call efold(ftau(j+1),fz(k+ix),ix,fz(k))
2441 !---Update total number of levels and check doesn't exceed N__
2442 ND = 2*(NC+jaddto(J1)-J1) + 3
2444 write ( msg, '(a, 2i6)' ) &
2445 'FASTJ Max N__ exceeded ' // &
2447 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
2448 msg = 'FASTJ subr OPMIE error. Max N__ exceeded'
2449 call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
2450 ! write(6,1500) ND, 'N__',N__
2454 !---Add boundary/ground layer to ensure no negative J's caused by
2455 !---too large a TTAU-step in the 2nd-order lower b.c.
2456 ZTAU(ND+1) = ZTAU(ND)*1.000005d0
2457 ZTAU(ND+2) = ZTAU(ND)*1.000010d0
2458 zk=max(abs(U0),0.01d0)
2459 zk=dexp(-ZTAU(ND)*5.d-6/zk)
2460 FZ(ND+1) = FZ(ND)*zk
2461 FZ(ND+2) = FZ(ND+1)*zk
2471 !-----------------------------------------
2474 !-----------------------------------------
2475 ! Accumulate attenuation for selected levels
2476 l=2*(NC+jaddto(J1))+3
2487 1000 format(1x,i3,3(2x,1pe10.4),1x,i3)
2488 1300 format(1x,50(i3))
2489 1500 format(' Too many levels in photolysis code: need ',i3,' but ',a, &
2490 ' dimensioned as ',i3)
2493 !*********************************************************************
2494 subroutine EFOLD (F0, F1, N, F)
2495 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2496 !--- calculate the e-fold between two boundaries, given the value
2497 !--- at both boundaries F0(x=0) = top, F1(x=1) = bottom.
2498 !--- presume that F(x) proportional to exp[-A*x] for x=0 to x=1
2499 !--- d2F/dx2 = A*A*F and thus expect F1 = F0 * exp[-A]
2500 !--- alternatively, could define A = ln[F0/F1]
2501 !--- let X = A*x, d2F/dX2 = F
2502 !--- assume equal spacing (not necessary, but makes this easier)
2503 !--- with N-1 intermediate points (and N layers of thickness dX = A/N)
2505 !--- 2nd-order finite difference: (F(i-1) - 2F(i) + F(i+1)) / dX*dX = F(i)
2506 !--- let D = 1 / dX*dX:
2508 ! 1 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 | | F0 |
2510 ! 2 | -D 2D+1 -D 0 0 0 | | 0 |
2512 ! 3 | 0 -D 2D+1 -D 0 0 | | 0 |
2514 ! | 0 0 -D 2D+1 -D 0 | | 0 |
2516 ! N | 0 0 0 -D 2D+1 -D | | 0 |
2518 ! N+1 | 0 0 0 0 0 1 | | F1 |
2520 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2521 ! Advantage of scheme over simple attenuation factor: conserves total
2522 ! number of photons - very useful when using scheme for heating rates.
2523 ! Disadvantage: although reproduces e-folds very well for small flux
2524 ! differences, starts to drift off when many orders of magnitude are
2526 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2528 real*8 F0,F1,F(250) !F(N+1)
2531 real*8 A,DX,D,DSQ,DDP1, B(101),R(101)
2538 elseif(F1.eq.0.d0) then
2539 A = DLOG(F0/1.d-250)
2552 B(I) = DDP1 - DSQ/B(I-1)
2553 R(I) = +D*R(I-1)/B(I-1)
2557 F(I) = (R(I) + D*F(I+1))/B(I)
2561 end subroutine EFOLD
2566 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2567 ! Check profiles to be passed to MIESCT
2568 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2570 USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message
2574 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2575 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2576 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2577 PARAMETER (NL=350, N__=2*NL, M__=4)
2578 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2579 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2580 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2581 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2582 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2583 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2584 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2585 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2586 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2591 ! write(6,1100) 'lev','ztau','fz ','pomega( )'
2593 if(ztau(i).ne.0.d0) then
2594 write ( msg, '(a, i3, 2(1x,1pe9.3))' ) &
2595 'FASTJ subr CH_PROF ztau ne 0. check pomega. ' // &
2596 'k ztau(k) fz(k) ', i,ztau(i),fz(i)
2597 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
2598 ! write(6,1200) i,ztau(i),fz(i),(pomega(j,i),j=1,8)
2602 1100 format(1x,a3,4(a9,2x))
2603 1200 format(1x,i3,11(1x,1pe9.3))
2604 end subroutine CH_PROF
2610 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2611 ! This is an adaption of the Prather radiative transfer code, (mjp, 10/95)
2612 ! Prather, 1974, Astrophys. J. 192, 787-792.
2613 ! Sol'n of inhomogeneous Rayleigh scattering atmosphere.
2614 ! (original Rayleigh w/ polarization)
2615 ! Cochran and Trafton, 1978, Ap.J., 219, 756-762.
2616 ! Raman scattering in the atmospheres of the major planets.
2617 ! (first use of anisotropic code)
2618 ! Jacob, Gottlieb and Prather, 1989, J.Geophys.Res., 94, 12975-13002.
2619 ! Chemistry of a polluted cloudy boundary layer,
2620 ! (documentation of extension to anisotropic scattering)
2622 ! takes atmospheric structure and source terms from std J-code
2623 ! ALSO limited to 4 Gauss points, only calculates mean field!
2625 ! mean rad. field ONLY (M=1)
2626 ! initialize variables FIXED/UNUSED in this special version:
2627 ! FTOP = 1.0 = astrophysical flux (unit of pi) at SZA, -ZU0, use for scaling
2628 ! FBOT = 0.0 = external isotropic flux on lower boundary
2629 ! SISOTP = 0.0 = Specific Intensity of isotropic radiation incident from top
2631 ! SUBROUTINES: MIESCT needs 'jv_mie.cmn'
2632 ! BLKSLV needs 'jv_mie.cmn'
2633 ! GEN (ID) needs 'jv_mie.cmn'
2637 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2639 ! INCLUDE 'jv_mie.h'
2643 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2644 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2645 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2646 PARAMETER (NL=350, N__=2*NL, M__=4)
2647 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2648 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2649 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2650 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2651 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2652 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2653 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2654 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2655 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2660 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2661 !---fix scattering to 4 Gauss pts = 8-stream
2663 !---solve eqn of R.T. only for first-order M=1
2664 ! ZFLUX = (ZU0*FZ(ND)*ZREFL+FBOT)/(1.0d0+ZREFL)
2665 ZFLUX = (ZU0*FZ(ND)*ZREFL)/(1.0d0+ZREFL)
2677 PM0(IM) = CMEQ1*PM0(IM)
2685 FJ(ID) = 4.0d0*FJ(ID) + FZ(ID)
2693 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2694 ! Solves the block tri-diagonal system:
2695 ! A(I)*X(I-1) + B(I)*X(I) + C(I)*X(I+1) = H(I)
2696 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2697 ! INCLUDE 'jv_mie.h'
2701 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2702 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2703 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2704 PARAMETER (NL=350, N__=2*NL, M__=4)
2705 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2706 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2707 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2708 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2709 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2710 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2711 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2712 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2713 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2718 !-----------UPPER BOUNDARY ID=1
2730 RR(I,1) = RR(I,1) + B(I,J)*H(J)
2739 B(I,J) = B(I,J) + A(I)*DD(I,J,ID-1)
2741 H(I) = H(I) - A(I)*RR(I,ID-1)
2747 RR(I,ID) = RR(I,ID) + B(I,J)*H(J)
2748 DD(I,J,ID) = - B(I,J)*C1(J)
2752 !---------FINAL DEPTH POINT: ND
2761 B(I,J) = B(I,J) + THESUM
2762 H(I) = H(I) - AA(I,J)*RR(J,ND-1)
2769 RR(I,ND) = RR(I,ND) + B(I,J)*H(J)
2772 !-----------BACK SOLUTION
2776 RR(I,ID) = RR(I,ID) + DD(I,J,ID)*RR(J,ID+1)
2780 !----------MEAN J & H
2784 FJ(ID) = FJ(ID) + RR(I,ID)*WT(I)
2790 FJ(ID) = FJ(ID) + RR(I,ID)*WT(I)*EMU(I)
2793 ! Output fluxes for testing purposes
2804 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2805 ! Diagnostic routine to check fluxes at each level - makes most sense
2806 ! when running a conservative atmosphere (zero out absorption in
2807 ! OPMIE by calling the NOABS routine below)
2808 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2810 ! INCLUDE 'jv_mie.h'
2813 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2814 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2815 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2816 PARAMETER (NL=350, N__=2*NL, M__=4)
2817 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2818 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2819 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2820 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2821 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2822 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2823 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2824 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2825 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2829 real*8 FJCHEK(N__),FZMEAN
2831 ! Odd (h) levels held as actinic flux, so recalculate irradiances
2839 ! Even (j) levels are already held as irradiances
2846 ! Output Downward and Upward fluxes down through atmosphere
2850 FZMEAN=sqrt(FZ(ID)*FZ(ID-1))
2851 ! WRITE(6,1000) ID, ZU0*FZMEAN-2.0*(FJCHEK(id)-FJCHEK(id-1)), &
2852 WRITE(34,1000) ID, ZU0*FZMEAN-2.0*(FJCHEK(id)-FJCHEK(id-1)), &
2853 2.0*(FJCHEK(id)+FJCHEK(id-1)), &
2854 2.0*(FJCHEK(id)+FJCHEK(id-1))/ &
2855 (ZU0*FZMEAN-2.0*(FJCHEK(id)-FJCHEK(id-1)))
2858 1000 FORMAT(1x,i3,1p,2E12.4,1x,0p,f9.4)
2859 1200 FORMAT(1x,'Lev',3x,'Downward',4x,'Upward',7x,'Ratio')
2863 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2864 ! Zero out absorption terms to check scattering code. Leave a little
2865 ! Rayleigh to provide a minimal optical depth, and set surface albedo
2867 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2880 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2881 ! Generates coefficient matrices for the block tri-diagonal system:
2882 ! A(I)*X(I-1) + B(I)*X(I) + C(I)*X(I+1) = H(I)
2883 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2885 ! INCLUDE 'jv_mie.h'
2888 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
2889 integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
2890 INTEGER NL, N__, M__
2891 PARAMETER (NL=350, N__=2*NL, M__=4)
2892 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__) :: A,C1,H,V1,WT,EMU
2893 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__) :: B,AA,CC,S,W,U1
2894 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,2*M__) :: PM
2895 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__) :: PM0
2896 REAL(kind=double), dimension(2*M__,N__) :: POMEGA
2897 REAL(kind=double), dimension(N__) :: ZTAU, FZ, FJ
2898 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,M__,N__) :: DD
2899 REAL(kind=double), dimension(M__,N__) :: RR
2900 REAL(kind=double) :: ZREFL,ZFLUX,RADIUS,ZU0
2903 integer id, id0, id1, im, i, j, k, mstart
2904 real*8 sum0, sum1, sum2, sum3
2905 real*8 deltau, d1, d2, surfac
2906 !---------------------------------------------
2908 !---------calculate generic 2nd-order terms for boundaries
2911 IF(ID.GE.ND) ID1 = ID-1
2918 SUM0 = SUM0 + POMEGA(IM,ID0)*PM(I,IM)*PM0(IM)
2919 SUM2 = SUM2 + POMEGA(IM,ID1)*PM(I,IM)*PM0(IM)
2922 SUM1 = SUM1 + POMEGA(IM,ID0)*PM(I,IM)*PM0(IM)
2923 SUM3 = SUM3 + POMEGA(IM,ID1)*PM(I,IM)*PM0(IM)
2925 H(I) = 0.5d0*(SUM0*FZ(ID0) + SUM2*FZ(ID1))
2926 A(I) = 0.5d0*(SUM1*FZ(ID0) + SUM3*FZ(ID1))
2940 S(I,J) = - SUM2*WT(J)
2941 S(J,I) = - SUM2*WT(I)
2942 W(I,J) = - SUM1*WT(J)
2943 W(J,I) = - SUM1*WT(I)
2944 U1(I,J) = - SUM3*WT(J)
2945 U1(J,I) = - SUM3*WT(I)
2946 SUM0 = 0.5d0*(SUM0 + SUM2)
2947 B(I,J) = - SUM0*WT(J)
2948 B(J,I) = - SUM0*WT(I)
2950 S(I,I) = S(I,I) + 1.0d0
2951 W(I,I) = W(I,I) + 1.0d0
2952 U1(I,I) = U1(I,I) + 1.0d0
2953 B(I,I) = B(I,I) + 1.0d0
2958 SUM0 = SUM0 + S(I,J)*A(J)/EMU(J)
2967 SUM0 = SUM0 + S(J,K)*W(K,I)/EMU(K)
2968 SUM2 = SUM2 + S(J,K)*U1(K,I)/EMU(K)
2979 !-------------upper boundary, 2nd-order, C-matrix is full (CC)
2980 DELTAU = ZTAU(2) - ZTAU(1)
2985 B(I,J) = B(I,J) + D2*W(I,J)
2986 CC(I,J) = D2*U1(I,J)
2988 B(I,I) = B(I,I) + D1
2989 CC(I,I) = CC(I,I) - D1
2990 ! H(I) = H(I) + 2.0d0*D2*C1(I) + D1*SISOTP
2991 H(I) = H(I) + 2.0d0*D2*C1(I)
2995 !-------------lower boundary, 2nd-order, A-matrix is full (AA)
2998 SURFAC = 4.0d0*ZREFL/(1.0d0 + ZREFL)
3001 H(I) = H(I) - 2.0d0*D2*C1(I)
3004 SUM0 = SUM0 + W(I,J)
3009 B(I,J) = B(I,J) + D2*W(I,J) - SUM1*EMU(J)*WT(J)
3011 B(I,I) = B(I,I) + D1
3012 H(I) = H(I) + SUM0*ZFLUX
3014 AA(I,J) = - D2*U1(I,J)
3016 AA(I,I) = AA(I,I) + D1
3020 !------------intermediate points: can be even or odd, A & C diagonal
3022 DELTAU = ZTAU(ID+1) - ZTAU(ID-1)
3023 MSTART = M + MOD(ID+1,2)
3025 A(I) = EMU(I)/DELTAU
3037 B(I,J) = - SUM0*WT(J)
3038 B(J,I) = - SUM0*WT(I)
3040 B(I,I) = B(I,I) + 1.0d0
3047 !---Calculates ORDINARY LEGENDRE fns of X (real)
3048 !--- from P[0] = PL(1) = 1, P[1] = X, .... P[N-1] = PL(N)
3052 !---Always does PL(2) = P[1]
3057 PL(I) = PL(I-1)*X*(2.d0-1.D0/DEN) - PL(I-2)*(1.d0-1.D0/DEN)
3063 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3064 ! invert 4x4 matrix A(4,4) in place with L-U decomposition (mjp, old...)
3065 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3069 A(2,1) = A(2,1)/A(1,1)
3070 A(2,2) = A(2,2)-A(2,1)*A(1,2)
3071 A(2,3) = A(2,3)-A(2,1)*A(1,3)
3072 A(2,4) = A(2,4)-A(2,1)*A(1,4)
3073 A(3,1) = A(3,1)/A(1,1)
3074 A(3,2) = (A(3,2)-A(3,1)*A(1,2))/A(2,2)
3075 A(3,3) = A(3,3)-A(3,1)*A(1,3)-A(3,2)*A(2,3)
3076 A(3,4) = A(3,4)-A(3,1)*A(1,4)-A(3,2)*A(2,4)
3077 A(4,1) = A(4,1)/A(1,1)
3078 A(4,2) = (A(4,2)-A(4,1)*A(1,2))/A(2,2)
3079 A(4,3) = (A(4,3)-A(4,1)*A(1,3)-A(4,2)*A(2,3))/A(3,3)
3080 A(4,4) = A(4,4)-A(4,1)*A(1,4)-A(4,2)*A(2,4)-A(4,3)*A(3,4)
3083 A(4,2) = -A(4,2)-A(4,3)*A(3,2)
3084 A(4,1) = -A(4,1)-A(4,2)*A(2,1)-A(4,3)*A(3,1)
3086 A(3,1) = -A(3,1)-A(3,2)*A(2,1)
3089 A(4,4) = 1.D0/A(4,4)
3090 A(3,4) = -A(3,4)*A(4,4)/A(3,3)
3091 A(3,3) = 1.D0/A(3,3)
3092 A(2,4) = -(A(2,3)*A(3,4)+A(2,4)*A(4,4))/A(2,2)
3093 A(2,3) = -A(2,3)*A(3,3)/A(2,2)
3094 A(2,2) = 1.D0/A(2,2)
3095 A(1,4) = -(A(1,2)*A(2,4)+A(1,3)*A(3,4)+A(1,4)*A(4,4))/A(1,1)
3096 A(1,3) = -(A(1,2)*A(2,3)+A(1,3)*A(3,3))/A(1,1)
3097 A(1,2) = -A(1,2)*A(2,2)/A(1,1)
3098 A(1,1) = 1.D0/A(1,1)
3100 A(1,1) = A(1,1)+A(1,2)*A(2,1)+A(1,3)*A(3,1)+A(1,4)*A(4,1)
3101 A(1,2) = A(1,2)+A(1,3)*A(3,2)+A(1,4)*A(4,2)
3102 A(1,3) = A(1,3)+A(1,4)*A(4,3)
3103 A(2,1) = A(2,2)*A(2,1)+A(2,3)*A(3,1)+A(2,4)*A(4,1)
3104 A(2,2) = A(2,2)+A(2,3)*A(3,2)+A(2,4)*A(4,2)
3105 A(2,3) = A(2,3)+A(2,4)*A(4,3)
3106 A(3,1) = A(3,3)*A(3,1)+A(3,4)*A(4,1)
3107 A(3,2) = A(3,3)*A(3,2)+A(3,4)*A(4,2)
3108 A(3,3) = A(3,3)+A(3,4)*A(4,3)
3109 A(4,1) = A(4,4)*A(4,1)
3110 A(4,2) = A(4,4)*A(4,2)
3111 A(4,3) = A(4,4)*A(4,3)
3116 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3117 ! Loads in pre-set Gauss points for 4 angles from 0 to +1 in cos(theta)=mu
3118 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3121 REAL*8 XPT(N),XWT(N)
3122 REAL*8 GPT4(4),GWT4(4)
3123 DATA GPT4/.06943184420297D0,.33000947820757D0,.66999052179243D0, &
3125 DATA GWT4/.17392742256873D0,.32607257743127D0,.32607257743127D0, &
3135 subroutine aeroden(zz,v,aerd)
3137 ! purpose: find number density of boundary layer aerosols, aerd,
3138 ! at a given altitude, zz, and for a specified visibility
3141 ! v visibility for a horizontal surface path (km)
3143 ! aerd aerosol density at altitude z
3145 ! the vertical distribution of the boundary layer aerosol density is
3146 ! based on the 5s vertical profile models for 5 and 23 km visibility.
3147 ! above 5 km, the aden05 and aden23 models are the same
3148 ! below 5 km, the models differ as follows;
3149 ! aden05 0.99 km scale height (94% of extinction occurs below 5 km)
3150 ! aden23 1.45 km scale heigth (80% of extinction occurs below 5 km)
3157 real*8 zz ! compatability with fastj
3158 real alt, aden05, aden23, aer05,aer23
3159 dimension alt(mz),aden05(mz),aden23(mz)
3160 !jdf dimension zbaer(*),dbaer(*)
3164 save alt,aden05,aden23,nz
3170 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, &
3171 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, &
3172 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, &
3173 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, &
3174 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, &
3175 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, &
3178 1.378E+04, 5.030E+03, 1.844E+03, 6.731E+02, 2.453E+02, &
3179 8.987E+01, 6.337E+01, 5.890E+01, 6.069E+01, 5.818E+01, &
3180 5.675E+01, 5.317E+01, 5.585E+01, 5.156E+01, 5.048E+01, &
3181 4.744E+01, 4.511E+01, 4.458E+01, 4.314E+01, 3.634E+01, &
3182 2.667E+01, 1.933E+01, 1.455E+01, 1.113E+01, 8.826E+00, &
3183 7.429E+00, 2.238E+00, 5.890E-01, 1.550E-01, 4.082E-02, &
3184 1.078E-02, 5.550E-05, 1.969E-08/
3186 2.828E+03, 1.244E+03, 5.371E+02, 2.256E+02, 1.192E+02, &
3187 8.987E+01, 6.337E+01, 5.890E+01, 6.069E+01, 5.818E+01, &
3188 5.675E+01, 5.317E+01, 5.585E+01, 5.156E+01, 5.048E+01, &
3189 4.744E+01, 4.511E+01, 4.458E+01, 4.314E+01, 3.634E+01, &
3190 2.667E+01, 1.933E+01, 1.455E+01, 1.113E+01, 8.826E+00, &
3191 7.429E+00, 2.238E+00, 5.890E-01, 1.550E-01, 4.082E-02, &
3192 1.078E-02, 5.550E-05, 1.969E-08/
3194 z=max(0.,min(100.,real(zz)))
3196 if(z.gt.alt(nz)) return
3198 call locate(alt,nz,z,k)
3200 f=(z-alt(k))/(alt(kp)-alt(k))
3202 if(min(aden05(k),aden05(kp),aden23(k),aden23(kp)).le.0.) then
3203 aer05=aden05(k)*(1.-f)+aden05(kp)*f
3204 aer23=aden23(k)*(1.-f)+aden23(kp)*f
3206 aer05=aden05(k)*(aden05(kp)/aden05(k))**f
3207 aer23=aden23(k)*(aden23(kp)/aden23(k))**f
3210 wth=(1./v-1/5.)/(1./23.-1./5.)
3211 wth=max(0.,min(1.,wth))
3213 aerd=(1.-wth)*aer05+wth*aer23
3215 ! write(*,*) 'aeroden k,kp,z,aer05(k),aer05(kp),f,aerd'
3216 ! write(*,'(2i5,1p5e11.3)') k,kp,z,aden05(k),aden05(kp),f,aerd
3219 end subroutine aeroden
3220 !=======================================================================
3221 subroutine locate(xx,n,x,j)
3223 ! purpose: given an array xx of length n, and given a value X, returns
3224 ! a value J such that X is between xx(j) and xx(j+1). xx must
3225 ! be monotonic, either increasing of decreasing. this function
3226 ! returns j=1 or j=n-1 if x is out of range.
3229 ! xx monitonic table
3231 ! x single floating point value perhaps within the range of xx
3234 ! function returns index value j, such that
3236 ! for an increasing table
3238 ! xx(j) .lt. x .le. xx(j+1),
3239 ! j=1 for x .lt. xx(1)
3240 ! j=n-1 for x .gt. xx(n)
3242 ! for a decreasing table
3243 ! xx(j) .le. x .lt. xx(j+1)
3244 ! j=n-1 for x .lt. xx(n)
3245 ! j=1 for x .gt. xx(1)
3252 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3264 10 if(ju-jl.gt.1) then
3266 if((xx(n).gt.xx(1)).eqv.(x.gt.xx(jm)))then
3275 end subroutine locate
3276 !************************************************************************
3278 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3279 ! set wavelength bins, solar fluxes, Rayleigh parameters, temperature-
3280 ! dependent cross sections and Rayleigh/aerosol scattering phase functions
3281 ! with temperature dependences. Current data originates from JPL 2000
3282 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3284 ! NJVAL Number of species to calculate J-values for
3285 ! NWWW Number of wavelength bins, from NW1:NW2
3286 ! WBIN Boundaries of wavelength bins
3287 ! WL Centres of wavelength bins - 'effective wavelength'
3288 ! FL Solar flux incident on top of atmosphere (cm-2.s-1)
3289 ! QRAYL Rayleigh parameters (effective cross-section) (cm2)
3290 ! QBC Black Carbon absorption extinct. (specific cross-sect.) (m2/g)
3291 ! QO2 O2 cross-sections
3292 ! QO3 O3 cross-sections
3293 ! Q1D O3 => O(1D) quantum yield
3294 ! TQQ Temperature for supplied cross sections
3295 ! QQQ Supplied cross sections in each wavelength bin (cm2)
3296 ! NAA Number of categories for scattering phase functions
3297 ! QAA Aerosol scattering phase functions
3298 ! NK Number of wavelengths at which functions supplied (set as 4)
3299 ! WAA Wavelengths for the NK supplied phase functions
3300 ! PAA Phase function: first 8 terms of expansion
3301 ! RAA Effective radius associated with aerosol type
3302 ! SSA Single scattering albedo
3304 ! npdep Number of pressure dependencies
3305 ! zpdep Pressure dependencies by wavelength bin
3306 ! jpdep Index of cross sections requiring pressure dependence
3307 ! lpdep Label for pressure dependence
3309 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3311 USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd
3312 USE module_fastj_data
3313 USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message, peg_error_fatal
3317 ! Print Fast-J diagnostics if iprint /= 0
3318 integer, parameter :: iprint = 0
3319 integer, parameter :: single = 4 !compiler dependent value real*4
3320 ! integer, parameter :: double = 8 !compiler dependent value real*8
3321 integer,parameter :: ipar_fastj=1,jpar=1
3322 ! integer,parameter :: jppj=14 !Number of photolytic reactions supplied
3323 logical,parameter :: ldeg45=.false. !Logical flag for degraded CTM resolution
3324 integer lpar !Number of levels in CTM
3325 integer jpnl !Number of levels requiring chemistry
3326 real(kind=double), dimension(ipar_fastj) :: xgrd ! Longitude (midpoint, radians)
3327 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ygrd ! Latitude (midpoint, radians)
3328 real(kind=double), dimension(jpar) :: ydgrd ! Latitude (midpoint, degrees)
3329 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etaa ! Eta(a) value for level boundaries
3330 real(kind=double), dimension(kmaxd+1) :: etab ! Eta(b) value for level boundaries
3331 real(kind=double) :: tau_fastj ! Time of Day (hours, GMT)
3332 integer month_fastj ! Number of month (1-12)
3333 integer iday_fastj ! Day of year
3336 character*7 lpdep(3)
3339 if(NJVAL.gt.NS) then
3340 ! fastj input files are not set up for current situation
3341 write ( msg, '(a, 2i6)' ) &
3342 'FASTJ # xsect supplied > max allowed ' // &
3344 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3346 'FASTJ Setup Error: # xsect supplied > max allowed. Increase NS'
3347 call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
3348 ! write(6,300) NJVAL,NS
3353 write ( msg, '(a, 2i6)' ) &
3354 'FASTJ # aerosol/cloud types > NP ' // &
3356 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3358 'FASTJ Setup Error: Too many phase functions supplied. Increase NP'
3359 call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
3363 !---Zero index arrays
3374 !---Set mapping index
3377 if(jlabel(k).eq.titlej(1,j)) jind(k)=j
3378 ! write(6,*)k,jind(k) ! jcb
3379 ! write(6,*)jlabel(k),titlej(1,j) ! jcb
3382 if(lpdep(k).eq.titlej(1,j)) jpdep(j)=k
3386 if(jfacta(k).eq.0.d0) then
3387 ! write(6,*) 'Not using photolysis reaction ',k
3388 write ( msg, '(a, i6)' ) &
3389 'FASTJ Not using photolysis reaction ' , k
3390 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3392 if(jind(k).eq.0) then
3393 if(jfacta(k).eq.0.d0) then
3396 write ( msg, '(a, i6)' ) &
3397 'FASTJ Which J-rate for photolysis reaction ' , k
3398 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3399 ! write(6,*) 'Which J-rate for photolysis reaction ',k,' ?'
3401 msg = 'FASTJ subr rd_tjpl2 Unknown Jrate. Incorrect FASTJ setup'
3402 call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg )
3410 if(jlabel(k).eq.hzlab(j)) then
3413 hztoa(i)=hztmp(j)*jfacta(k)
3419 if(iprint.ne.0) then
3420 write ( msg, '(a)' ) &
3421 'FASTJ Not using Herzberg bin '
3422 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3426 if(iprint.ne.0) then
3427 write ( msg, '(a)' ) &
3428 'FASTJ Using Herzberg bin for: '
3429 call peg_message( lunerr, msg )
3430 write( msg, '(a,10a7)' ) &
3431 'FASTJ ', (jlabel(hzind(i)),i=1,nhz)
3432 ! write(6,420) (jlabel(hzind(i)),i=1,nhz)
3436 ! 300 format(' Number of x-sections supplied to Fast-J: ',i3,/, &
3437 ! ' Maximum number allowed (NS) only set to: ',i3, &
3438 ! ' - increase in jv_cmn.h',/, &
3440 ! 350 format(' Too many phase functions supplied; increase NP to ',i2, &
3442 ! 400 format(' Not using Herzberg bin')
3443 ! 420 format(' Using Herzberg bin for: ',10a7)
3447 end subroutine rd_tjpl2
3448 !********************************************************************
3451 end module module_phot_fastj