updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / frame / md_calls.m4
2 ! WRF io macro file
4 ! This file is used to generate the series of 40 meta-data get and 
5 ! put calls in the WRF I/O API.  It contains an M4 macro and then
6 ! a series of invocations of the macro to generate the subroutine
7 ! definitions, which are then included by the file module_io.F
10 ! $1 = get|put $2=dom|var $3=type $4=[char] $5=td|ti
12 define( md_call_2,
13 `!--- $1_$2_$6_$3$4
15 SUBROUTINE wrf_$1_$2_$6_$3$4_$5 ( DataHandle,Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, ifelse($4,char,,`Count, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
17 !<PRE>
19 ! ifelse($1,get,`Attempt to read',`Write') ifelse($4,char,,ifelse($5,arr,`Count words of '))time ifelse($6,ti,`in')dependent
20 ! ifelse($2,var,`attribute "Element" of variable "Varname"',`domain metadata named "Element"') ifelse($6,td,`valid at time DateStr') 
21 ! ifelse($1,get,`from',`to') the open dataset described by DataHandle.  
22 ! ifelse($2,var,`Attribute',`Metadata') of type $3$4 ifelse($2,var,`is',`are')
23 ! ifelse($1,put,`copied from',`stored in') ifelse($4,char,`string',ifelse($5,arr,`array',`scalar')) Data.
24 ! ifelse($4,char,,ifelse($5,arr,ifelse($1,get,`Actual number of words read is returned in OutCount.')))
26 !</PRE>
28 USE module_state_description
30 INTEGER ,       INTENT(IN)  :: DataHandle
31 CHARACTER*(*) , INTENT(IN)  :: Element
32 ifelse($6,td,`CHARACTER*(*) , INTENT(IN)  :: DateStr')
33 ifelse($2,var,`CHARACTER*(*) , INTENT(IN)  :: VarName') 
35  ifelse($4,char,`CHARACTER*(*)  :: Data', `ifelse($3,double,real*8,$3)  :: Data ifelse($5,arr,(*),)')
37 ifelse($4,char,,`INTEGER ,       INTENT(IN)  :: Count')
38 ifelse($4,char,,`ifelse($1,get,`INTEGER ,       INTENT(OUT)  :: OutCount')')
39 INTEGER ,       INTENT(OUT) :: Status
41 #include <wrf_status_codes.h>
42 INTEGER                     :: len_of_str
43 LOGICAL                     :: for_out
44 INTEGER, EXTERNAL           :: use_package
45 LOGICAL, EXTERNAL           :: wrf_dm_on_monitor, multi_files, use_output_servers_for
46 INTEGER                     :: locCount
47 INTEGER                     :: io_form
48 INTEGER                     :: Hndl
50 CALL wrf_debug( DEBUG_LVL, "module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_$1_$2_$6_$3$4_$5 " )
52 ifelse($3,integer,`locCount = Count')
53 ifelse($3,real,`locCount = Count')
54 ifelse($3,logical,`locCount = Count')
56 Status = 0
57 CALL get_handle ( Hndl, io_form , for_out, DataHandle )
58 IF ( Hndl .GT. -1 ) THEN
59   IF ( multi_files( io_form ) .OR. .NOT. (for_out .AND. use_output_servers_for(io_form)) ) THEN
60     SELECT CASE ( use_package( io_form ) )
61 #ifdef NETCDF
62       CASE ( IO_NETCDF   )
63         IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR.  wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
64 ifelse($3,real,
65 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
66            CALL ext_ncd_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
67                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
68 #  else
69            CALL ext_ncd_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
70                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
71 #  endif',
72 `           CALL ext_ncd_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
73                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
74         ENDIF
75         IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN
76           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
77           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, IWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
78           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
79           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, RWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
80           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
81           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, LWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
82           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `len_of_str = LEN(Data)'))
83           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string( Data, len_of_str )'))
84           CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE )
85         ENDIF
86 #endif
87 #ifdef NETCDFPAR
88       CASE ( IO_NETCDFPAR   )
89 ifelse($3,real,
90 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
91         CALL ext_ncdpar_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
92                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
93 #  else
94         CALL ext_ncdpar_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
95                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
96 #  endif',
97 `        CALL ext_ncdpar_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
98                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
99 #endif
101 #ifdef PNETCDF
102       CASE ( IO_PNETCDF   )
103 ifelse($3,real,
104 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
105         CALL ext_pnc_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
106                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
107 #  else
108         CALL ext_pnc_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
109                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
110 #  endif',
111 `        CALL ext_pnc_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
112                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
113 #endif
114 #ifdef ADIOS2
115       CASE ( IO_ADIOS2   )
116 ifelse($3,real,
117 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
118         CALL ext_adios2_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
119                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
120 #  else
121         CALL ext_adios2_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
122                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
123 #  endif',
124 `        CALL ext_adios2_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
125                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
126 #endif
127 #ifdef PIO
128       CASE ( IO_PIO )
129 ifelse($3,real,
130 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
131         CALL ext_pio_$1_$2_$6_double$4_$5 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
132                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
133 #  else
134         CALL ext_pio_$1_$2_$6_real$4_$5 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
135                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
136 #  endif',
137 `        CALL ext_pio_$1_$2_$6_$3$4_$5 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
138                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
139 #endif
140 #ifdef PHDF5
141       CASE ( IO_PHDF5   )
142 ifelse($3,real,
143 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
144         CALL ext_phdf5_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
145                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
146 #  else
147         CALL ext_phdf5_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
148                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
149 #  endif',
150 `        CALL ext_phdf5_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
151                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
152 #endif
153 #ifdef ESMFIO
154       CASE ( IO_ESMF )
155 ifelse($3,real,
156 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
157         CALL ext_esmf_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
158                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
159 #  else
160         CALL ext_esmf_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
161                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
162 #  endif',
163 `        CALL ext_esmf_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
164                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
165 #endif
166 #ifdef XXX
167       CASE ( IO_XXX   )
168 ifelse($3,real,
169 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
170         CALL ext_xxx_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
171                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
172 #  else
173         CALL ext_xxx_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
174                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
175 #  endif',
176 `        CALL ext_xxx_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
177                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
178 #endif
179 #ifdef YYY
180       CASE ( IO_YYY   )
181 ifelse($3,real,
182 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
183         CALL ext_yyy_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
184                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
185 #  else
186         CALL ext_yyy_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
187                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
188 #  endif',
189 `        CALL ext_yyy_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
190                               ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
191 #endif
192 #ifdef GRIB1
193       CASE ( IO_GRIB1   )
194         IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR.  wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
195 ifelse($3,real,
196 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
197            CALL ext_gr1_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
198                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
199 #  else
200            CALL ext_gr1_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
201                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
202 #  endif',
203 `           CALL ext_gr1_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
204                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
205         ENDIF
206         IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN
207           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
208           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, IWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
209           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
210           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, RWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
211           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
212           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, LWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
213           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `len_of_str = LEN(Data)'))
214           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string( Data, len_of_str )'))
215           CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE )
216         ENDIF
217 #endif
218 #ifdef GRIB2
219       CASE ( IO_GRIB2   )
220         IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR.  wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
221 ifelse($3,real,
222 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
223            CALL ext_gr2_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
224                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
225 #  else
226            CALL ext_gr2_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
227                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
228 #  endif',
229 `           CALL ext_gr2_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
230                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
231         ENDIF
232         IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN
233           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
234           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, IWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
235           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
236           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, RWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
237           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
238           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, LWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
239           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `len_of_str = LEN(Data)'))
240           ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string( Data, len_of_str )'))
241           CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE )
242         ENDIF
243 #endif
244 #ifdef INTIO
245       CASE ( IO_INTIO   )
246         IF ( multi_files(io_form) .OR.  wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
247 ifelse($3,real,
248 `#  if ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE )
249            CALL ext_int_$1_$2_$6_double$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
250                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
251 #  else
252            CALL ext_int_$1_$2_$6_real$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
253                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
254 #  endif',
255 `           CALL ext_int_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
256                                  ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )' )
257         ENDIF
258         IF ( .NOT. multi_files(io_form) ) THEN
259            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
260            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,integer,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, IWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
261            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
262            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,real,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, RWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
263            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( locCount, IWORDSIZE )'))
264            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($3,logical,`CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Data, LWORDSIZE*locCount )'))
265            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `len_of_str = LEN(Data)'))
266            ifelse($1,get,ifelse($4,char,   `CALL wrf_dm_bcast_string( Data, len_of_str )'))
267            CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( Status, IWORDSIZE )
268         ENDIF
269 #endif
270       CASE DEFAULT
271     END SELECT
272   ELSE IF ( for_out .AND. use_output_servers_for(io_form) ) THEN
273     CALL wrf_quilt_$1_$2_$6_$3$4 ( Hndl, Element, ifelse($6,td,`DateStr,') ifelse($2,var,`Varname,') Data, &
274                           ifelse($4,char,,`locCount, ifelse($1,get,`Outcount,')') Status )
275   ELSE
276     Status = 0
278 ELSE
282 END SUBROUTINE wrf_$1_$2_$6_$3$4_$5' )
284 define( md_call,
285 `ifelse($4,char,
286 `md_call_2($1,$2,$3,$4,arr,$5)'
288 `md_call_2($1,$2,$3,$4,arr,$5)
289 md_call_2($1,$2,$3,$4,sca,$5)'
293 define( md_interface,
294 `ifelse($4,char,
295 `INTERFACE wrf_$1_$2_$5_$3$4
296   MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_$1_$2_$5_$3$4_arr
299 `INTERFACE wrf_$1_$2_$5_$3$4
300   MODULE PROCEDURE wrf_$1_$2_$5_$3$4_arr, wrf_$1_$2_$5_$3$4_sca
305 md_interface(get,dom,real,,ti)
306 md_interface(put,dom,real,,ti)
307 md_interface(get,dom,double,,ti)
308 md_interface(put,dom,double,,ti)
309 md_interface(get,dom,integer,,ti)
310 md_interface(put,dom,integer,,ti)
311 md_interface(get,dom,logical,,ti)
312 md_interface(put,dom,logical,,ti)
313 md_interface(get,dom,,char,ti)
314 md_interface(put,dom,,char,ti)
316 md_interface(get,dom,real,,td)
317 md_interface(put,dom,real,,td)
318 md_interface(get,dom,double,,td)
319 md_interface(put,dom,double,,td)
320 md_interface(get,dom,integer,,td)
321 md_interface(put,dom,integer,,td)
322 md_interface(get,dom,logical,,td)
323 md_interface(put,dom,logical,,td)
324 md_interface(get,dom,,char,td)
325 md_interface(put,dom,,char,td)
327 md_interface(get,var,real,,ti)
328 md_interface(put,var,real,,ti)
329 md_interface(get,var,double,,ti)
330 md_interface(put,var,double,,ti)
331 md_interface(get,var,integer,,ti)
332 md_interface(put,var,integer,,ti)
333 md_interface(get,var,logical,,ti)
334 md_interface(put,var,logical,,ti)
335 md_interface(get,var,,char,ti)
336 md_interface(put,var,,char,ti)
338 md_interface(get,var,real,,td)
339 md_interface(put,var,real,,td)
340 md_interface(get,var,double,,td)
341 md_interface(put,var,double,,td)
342 md_interface(get,var,integer,,td)
343 md_interface(put,var,integer,,td)
344 md_interface(get,var,logical,,td)
345 md_interface(put,var,logical,,td)
346 md_interface(get,var,,char,td)
347 md_interface(put,var,,char,td)
351 md_call(get,dom,real,,ti)
352 md_call(put,dom,real,,ti)
353 md_call(get,dom,double,,ti)
354 md_call(put,dom,double,,ti)
355 md_call(get,dom,integer,,ti)
356 md_call(put,dom,integer,,ti)
357 md_call(get,dom,logical,,ti)
358 md_call(put,dom,logical,,ti)
359 md_call(get,dom,,char,ti)
360 md_call(put,dom,,char,ti)
362 md_call(get,dom,real,,td)
363 md_call(put,dom,real,,td)
364 md_call(get,dom,double,,td)
365 md_call(put,dom,double,,td)
366 md_call(get,dom,integer,,td)
367 md_call(put,dom,integer,,td)
368 md_call(get,dom,logical,,td)
369 md_call(put,dom,logical,,td)
370 md_call(get,dom,,char,td)
371 md_call(put,dom,,char,td)
373 md_call(get,var,real,,ti)
374 md_call(put,var,real,,ti)
375 md_call(get,var,double,,ti)
376 md_call(put,var,double,,ti)
377 md_call(get,var,integer,,ti)
378 md_call(put,var,integer,,ti)
379 md_call(get,var,logical,,ti)
380 md_call(put,var,logical,,ti)
381 md_call(get,var,,char,ti)
382 md_call(put,var,,char,ti)
384 md_call(get,var,real,,td)
385 md_call(put,var,real,,td)
386 md_call(get,var,double,,td)
387 md_call(put,var,double,,td)
388 md_call(get,var,integer,,td)
389 md_call(put,var,integer,,td)
390 md_call(get,var,logical,,td)
391 md_call(put,var,logical,,td)
392 md_call(get,var,,char,td)
393 md_call(put,var,,char,td)