2 ! Author(s)/Contact(s):
5 ! <brief list of changes to this source file>
8 ! Parameters: <Specify typical arguments passed>
10 ! <list file names and briefly describe the data they include>
12 ! <list file names and briefly describe the information they include>
15 ! <list exit condition or error codes returned >
16 ! If appropriate, descriptive troubleshooting instructions or
17 ! likely causes for failures could be mentioned here with the
18 ! appropriate error code
20 ! User controllable options: <if applicable>
22 module module_WRF_HYDRO
26 use module_mpp_land, only: global_nx, global_ny, decompose_data_real, &
27 write_io_real, my_id, mpp_land_bcast_real1, IO_id, &
28 mpp_land_bcast_real, mpp_land_bcast_int1, mpp_land_init
29 use module_CPL_LAND, only: CPL_LAND_INIT, cpl_outdate, HYDRO_COMM_WORLD
30 use module_hydro_stop, only: HYDRO_stop
32 use module_HYDRO_drv, only: HYDRO_ini, HYDRO_exe
34 use module_rt_data, only: rt_domain
35 use module_gw_gw2d_data, only: gw2d
36 use module_CPL_LAND, only: CPL_LAND_INIT, cpl_outdate
37 use config_base, only: nlst
38 USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, domain_clock_get
39 USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type
40 !yw USE module_configure, only : config_flags
41 USE module_configure, only: model_config_rec
46 !yw added for check soil moisture and soiltype
47 integer :: checkSOIL_flag
50 character(len=19) :: cpl_outdate
53 ! added to consider the adaptive time step from WRF model.
54 real :: dtrt_ter0 , dtrt_ch0
62 !wrf_cpl_HYDRO will not call the off-line lsm
63 !ywGW subroutine wrf_cpl_HYDRO(HYDRO_dt,grid, config_flags, its,ite,jts,jte)
64 subroutine wrf_cpl_HYDRO(HYDRO_dt,grid,its,ite,jts,jte)
67 TYPE ( domain ), INTENT(INOUT) :: grid
68 !ywGW TYPE ( grid_config_rec_type ), INTENT(IN) :: config_flags
69 integer its, ite, jts, jte, ij
73 integer k, ix,jx, mm, nn
83 !output flux and state variable
91 if(HYDRO_dt .le. 0) then
92 write(6,*) "WARNING: HYDRO_dt <= 0 from land input. set it to be 1 seconds."
99 nlst(did)%dt = HYDRO_dt
102 if(.not. RT_DOMAIN(did)%initialized) then
103 !yw nlst_rt(did)%nsoil = config_flags%num_soil_layers
104 !nlst_rt(did)%nsoil = model_config_rec%num_metgrid_soil_levels
105 nlst(did)%nsoil = grid%num_soil_layers
110 call MPP_LAND_INIT(grid%e_we - grid%s_we - 1, grid%e_sn - grid%s_sn - 1)
112 call mpp_land_bcast_int1 (nlst(did)%nsoil)
114 allocate(nlst(did)%zsoil8(nlst(did)%nsoil))
115 if(grid%zs(1) < 0) then
116 nlst(did)%zsoil8(1:nlst(did)%nsoil) = grid%zs(1:nlst(did)%nsoil)
118 nlst(did)%zsoil8(1:nlst(did)%nsoil) = -1*grid%zs(1:nlst(did)%nsoil)
121 CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=cpl_outdate)
122 nlst(did)%startdate(1:19) = cpl_outdate(1:19)
123 nlst(did)%olddate(1:19) = cpl_outdate(1:19)
127 call CPL_LAND_INIT(its,ite,jts,jte)
131 write(6,*) "sf_surface_physics is ", grid%sf_surface_physics
134 if(grid%sf_surface_physics .eq. 5) then
136 call HYDRO_ini(ntime,did=did,ix0=1,jx0=1)
138 call HYDRO_ini(ntime,did,ix0=ix,jx0=jx,vegtyp=grid%IVGTYP(its:ite,jts:jte),soltyp=grid%isltyp(its:ite,jts:jte))
143 if(nlst(did)%sys_cpl .ne. 2) then
144 call hydro_stop("In module_wrf_HYDRO.F wrf_cpl_HYDRO() - "// &
145 "sys_cpl should be 2. Check hydro.namelist file.")
149 nlst(did)%startdate(1:19) = cpl_outdate(1:19)
150 nlst(did)%olddate(1:19) = cpl_outdate(1:19)
152 nlst(did)%dt = HYDRO_dt
153 if(nlst(did)%dtrt_ter .ge. HYDRO_dt) then
154 nlst(did)%dtrt_ter = HYDRO_dt
157 mm = HYDRO_dt/nlst(did)%dtrt_ter
158 if(mm*nlst(did)%dtrt_ter.lt. HYDRO_dt) nlst(did)%dtrt_ter = HYDRO_dt/mm
162 dtrt_ter0 = nlst(did)%dtrt_ter
164 if(nlst(did)%dtrt_ch .ge. HYDRO_dt) then
165 nlst(did)%dtrt_ch = HYDRO_dt
168 mm = HYDRO_dt/nlst(did)%dtrt_ch
169 if(mm*nlst(did)%dtrt_ch.lt. HYDRO_dt) nlst(did)%dtrt_ch = HYDRO_dt/mm
173 dtrt_ch0 = nlst(did)%dtrt_ch
176 if((mm0*nlst(did)%dtrt_ter) .ne. HYDRO_dt) then ! WRF model time step changed.
177 if(dtrt_ter0 .ge. HYDRO_dt) then
178 nlst(did)%dtrt_ter = HYDRO_dt
181 mm = HYDRO_dt/dtrt_ter0
182 if(mm*dtrt_ter0 .lt. HYDRO_dt) nlst(did)%dtrt_ter = HYDRO_dt/mm
187 if((mm0*nlst(did)%dtrt_ch) .ne. HYDRO_dt) then ! WRF model time step changed.
188 if(dtrt_ch0 .ge. HYDRO_dt) then
189 nlst(did)%dtrt_ch = HYDRO_dt
192 mm = HYDRO_dt/dtrt_ch0
193 if(mm*dtrt_ch0 .lt. HYDRO_dt) nlst(did)%dtrt_ch = HYDRO_dt/mm
199 write(6,*) "mm, nlst(did)%dt = ",mm, nlst(did)%dt
202 if(nlst(did)%rtFlag .eq. 0) return
207 ! get the data from WRF
211 if((.not. RT_DOMAIN(did)%initialized) .and. (nlst(did)%rst_typ .eq. 1) ) then
213 write(6,*) "restart initial data from offline file"
216 do k = 1, nlst(did)%nsoil
217 RT_DOMAIN(did)%STC(:,:,k) = grid%TSLB(its:ite,k,jts:jte)
218 RT_DOMAIN(did)%smc(:,:,k) = grid%smois(its:ite,k,jts:jte)
219 RT_DOMAIN(did)%sh2ox(:,:,k) = grid%sh2o(its:ite,k,jts:jte)
221 rt_domain(did)%infxsrt = grid%infxsrt(its:ite,jts:jte)
222 rt_domain(did)%soldrain = grid%soldrain(its:ite,jts:jte)
228 ! add for update the WRF state variable.
229 do k = 1, nlst(did)%nsoil
230 ! grid%TSLB(its:ite,k,jts:jte) = RT_DOMAIN(did)%STC(:,:,k)
231 grid%smois(its:ite,k,jts:jte) = RT_DOMAIN(did)%smc(:,:,k)
232 grid%sh2o(its:ite,k,jts:jte) = RT_DOMAIN(did)%sh2ox(:,:,k)
235 ! update WRF variable after running routing model.
236 grid%sfcheadrt(its:ite,jts:jte) = rt_domain(did)%overland%control%surface_water_head_lsm
238 ! provide groundwater soil flux to WRF for fully coupled simulations (FERSCH 09/2014)
239 if(nlst(did)%GWBASESWCRT .eq. 3 ) then
240 !Wei Yu: comment the following two lines. Not ready for WRF3.7 release
241 !yw grid%qsgw(its:ite,jts:jte) = gw2d(did)%qsgw
242 !yw config_flags%gwsoilcpl = nlst_rt(did)%gwsoilcpl
245 !yw not sure for the following
246 ! grid%xice(its:ite,jts:jte) = rt_domain(did)%sice
248 RT_DOMAIN(did)%initialized = .true.
249 end subroutine wrf_cpl_HYDRO
255 !program drive rtland
256 ! This subroutine will be used if the 4-layer Noah lsm is not used.
257 subroutine wrf2lsm (z1,v1,kk1,z,vout,ix,jx,kk,vegtyp)
258 ! input: z1,v1,kk1,z,ix,jx,kk
260 ! interpolate based on soil layer: z1 and z
261 ! z : soil layer of output variable.
262 ! z1: array of soil layers of input variable.
265 integer:: kk1, ix,jx,kk, vegtyp(ix,jx)
266 real :: z1(kk1), z(kk), v1(ix,kk1,jx),vout(ix,jx,kk)
272 call interpLayer(Z1,v1(i,1:kk1,j),kk1,Z(k),vout(i,j,k))
276 end subroutine wrf2lsm
278 ! This subroutine will be used if the 4-layer Noah lsm is not used.
279 subroutine lsm2wrf (z1,v1,kk1,z,vout,ix,jx,kk,vegtyp)
280 ! input: z1,v1,kk1,z,ix,jx,kk
282 ! interpolate based on soil layer: z1 and z
283 ! z : soil layer of output variable.
284 ! z1: array of soil layers of input variable.
287 integer:: kk1, ix,jx,kk, vegtyp(ix,jx)
288 real :: z1(kk1), z(kk), v1(ix,jx,kk1),vout(ix,kk,jx)
294 call interpLayer(Z1,v1(i,j,1:kk1),kk1,Z(k),vout(i,k,j))
298 end subroutine lsm2wrf
300 subroutine interpLayer(inZ,inV,inK,outZ,outV)
304 real:: inV(inK),inZ(inK)
305 real:: outV, outZ, w1, w2
307 if(outZ .le. inZ(1)) then
308 w1 = (inZ(2)-outZ)/(inZ(2)-inZ(1))
309 w2 = (inZ(1)-outZ)/(inZ(2)-inZ(1))
310 outV = inV(1)*w1-inV(2)*w2
312 elseif(outZ .ge. inZ(inK)) then
313 w1 = (outZ-inZ(inK-1))/(inZ(inK)-inZ(inK-1))
314 w2 = (outZ-inZ(inK)) /(inZ(inK)-inZ(inK-1))
315 outV = inV(inK)*w1 -inV(inK-1)* w2
319 if((inZ(k) .ge. outZ).and.(inZ(k-1) .le. outZ) ) then
322 w1 = (outZ-inZ(k1))/(inZ(k2)-inZ(k1))
323 w2 = (inZ(k2)-outZ)/(inZ(k2)-inZ(k1))
324 outV = inV(k2)*w1 + inV(k1)*w2
329 end subroutine interpLayer
331 subroutine lsm_wrf_input(did,vegtyp,soltyp,ix,jx)
335 integer :: i,j, nn, ix,jx
336 integer, dimension(ix,jx) :: soltyp, vegtyp
337 real, dimension(leng) :: xdum1, MAXSMC,refsmc,wltsmc
340 where(soltyp == 14) VEGTYP = 16
341 where(VEGTYP == 16 ) soltyp = 14
343 RT_DOMAIN(did)%VEGTYP = vegtyp
345 ! input OV_ROUGH from OVROUGH.TBL
347 if(my_id .eq. IO_id) then
351 open(71,file="HYDRO.TBL", form="formatted")
356 read(71,*) RT_DOMAIN(did)%OV_ROUGH(i)
358 !read parameter for LKSAT
362 read(71,*) xdum1(i), MAXSMC(i),refsmc(i),wltsmc(i)
367 open(13, form="formatted")
372 read(13,*) RT_DOMAIN(did)%OV_ROUGH(i)
374 !read parameter for LKSAT
378 read(13,*) xdum1(i), MAXSMC(i),refsmc(i),wltsmc(i)
384 call mpp_land_bcast_real(leng,RT_DOMAIN(did)%OV_ROUGH)
385 call mpp_land_bcast_real(leng,xdum1)
386 call mpp_land_bcast_real(leng,MAXSMC)
387 call mpp_land_bcast_real(leng,refsmc)
388 call mpp_land_bcast_real(leng,wltsmc)
391 rt_domain(did)%lksat = 0.0
392 do j = 1, RT_DOMAIN(did)%jx
393 do i = 1, RT_DOMAIN(did)%ix
394 rt_domain(did)%lksat(i,j) = xdum1(soltyp(i,j) ) * 1000.0
395 IF(rt_domain(did)%VEGTYP(i,j) == 1 ) THEN ! urban
396 rt_domain(did)%SMCMAX1(i,j) = 0.45
397 rt_domain(did)%SMCREF1(i,j) = 0.42
398 rt_domain(did)%SMCWLT1(i,j) = 0.40
400 rt_domain(did)%SMCMAX1(i,j) = MAXSMC(soltyp(I,J))
401 rt_domain(did)%SMCREF1(i,j) = refsmc(soltyp(I,J))
402 rt_domain(did)%SMCWLT1(i,j) = wltsmc(soltyp(I,J))
408 end subroutine lsm_wrf_input
410 subroutine checkSoil(did)
413 where(rt_domain(did)%smc(:,:,1) <=0) RT_DOMAIN(did)%VEGTYP = 16
414 where(rt_domain(did)%sh2ox(:,:,1) <=0) RT_DOMAIN(did)%VEGTYP = 16
415 where(rt_domain(did)%smc(:,:,1) >=100) RT_DOMAIN(did)%VEGTYP = 16
416 where(rt_domain(did)%sh2ox(:,:,1) >=100) RT_DOMAIN(did)%VEGTYP = 16
417 end subroutine checkSoil
419 end module module_wrf_HYDRO