4 integer :: allo_status = -99
8 integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ltype ! land-sfc type
9 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
10 elev, & ! elev/bathymetry of sfc rel to sl (m)
11 bot, & ! elev. aquifer bottom rel to sl (m)
12 hycond, & ! hydraulic conductivity (m/s per m/m)
13 poros, & ! porosity (m3/m3)
14 compres, & ! compressibility (1/Pa)
15 ho ! head at start of timestep (m)
17 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
18 h, & ! head, after ghmcompute (m)
19 convgw, & ! convergence due to gw flow (m/s)
20 excess ! surface exceeding groundwater (mm)
22 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
23 qdarcyRT, & ! approximated flux between soil and groundwater for coupled simulations on routing grid
24 qsgwrt, & ! flux between soil and groundwater for coupled simulations on routing grid
25 qsgw, & ! flux between soil and groundwater for coupled simulations on lsm grid
26 qgw_chanrt ! flux between groundwater and channel
31 real :: its, ite, jts, jte