1 module module_subsurface_input
4 type subsurface_input_interface
6 ! infiltration excess from the land surface model (mm) on the routing grid
7 real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: infiltration_excess
9 procedure :: init => subsurface_input_init
10 procedure :: destroy => subsurface_input_destroy
11 end type subsurface_input_interface
15 subroutine subsurface_input_init(this, ix, jx, infiltration_excess)
17 class(subsurface_input_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being initialized
18 integer, intent(in) :: ix ! x grid size
19 integer, intent(in) :: jx ! y grid size
20 real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: infiltration_excess
22 this%infiltration_excess => infiltration_excess
24 end subroutine subsurface_input_init
26 subroutine subsurface_input_destroy(this)
28 class(subsurface_input_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being initialized
30 end subroutine subsurface_input_destroy
32 end module module_subsurface_input