updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / hydro / Routing / Subsurface / module_subsurface_properties.F
1 module module_subsurface_properties
2     use overland_data
3     implicit none
5     type subsurface_properties_interface
6         ! disaggregated lateral hydraulic conductivity, on the routing grid, with adjustment factor applied (Noah_distr_routing.F: 2641*) LKSAT*LKSATFAC*[0..1]
7         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: lksatrt
9         ! water table depth (meters) (module_HYDRO_io.F: 1962*)
10         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zwattablrt
12         ! soil depth on routing grid
13         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: soldeprt
15         !soil depth by layer
16         real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sldpth
18         ! need info
19         real, dimension(100) :: zsoil
21         ! shared properties -- the following variables are shared from overland properties module
23         ! terrian slope in the x direction (m/m)
24         real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: surface_slope_x => null()
26         ! terrian slope in the y direction (m/m)
27         real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: surface_slope_y => null()
29         ! terrain surface slope in 8 ordinal directions (m/m)                                                                  !
30         ! TODO verify this correct, check with Wei?
31         !                      1
32         !                      |
33         !                  8       2
34         !                    \   /
35         !                 7__     __ 3
36         !
37         !                    /   \
38         !                   6     4
39         !                      |
40         !                      5
41         !
42         real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: surface_slope => null()
44         ! index of neighboring cell in the direction of steepest terrain surface slope, used with surface_slope
45         integer, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: max_surface_slope_index => null()
47         ! centerpoint distance to each neighbor (m)
48         real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: distance_to_neighbor => null()
50         ! disaggregated lksat decay exponent
51         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: nexprt
53     contains
55         procedure :: init => subsurface_properties_init
56         procedure :: destroy => subsurface_properties_destroy
57     end type subsurface_properties_interface
59 contains
61     subroutine subsurface_properties_init(this,ix,jx,nsoil,overland_data)
62         implicit none
63         class(subsurface_properties_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being initalized
64         integer, intent(in) :: ix                     ! x grid size
65         integer, intent(in) :: jx                     ! y grid size
66         integer, intent(in) :: nsoil                  ! number of soil layers
67         class(overland_struct), intent(inout) :: overland_data
69         logical :: allocation_error = .false.
71         ! allocate the array only if not already allocated
72         if ( .not. allocated(this%lksatrt) ) then
73             allocate( this%lksatrt(ix,jx) )
74             this%lksatrt = 0.0
75         else
76             allocation_error = .true.
77         end if
79         ! allocate the array only if not already allocated
80         if ( .not. allocated(this%zwattablrt) ) then
81             allocate( this%zwattablrt(ix,jx) )
82             this%zwattablrt = 0.0
83         else
84             allocation_error = .true.
85         end if
87         ! allocate the array only if not already allocated
88         if ( .not. allocated(this%soldeprt) ) then
89             allocate( this%soldeprt(ix,jx) )
90             this%soldeprt = 0.0
91         else
92             allocation_error = .true.
93         end if
95         !allocate storage for sldpth
96         if ( .not. allocated(this%sldpth) ) then
97             allocate( this%sldpth(nsoil) )
98             this%sldpth = 0.0
99         else
100             allocation_error = .true.
101         endif
103         this%zsoil = 0.0
105         ! now initalize the shared properties from overland data
107         if ( associated(overland_data%properties%surface_slope_x) ) then
108             this%surface_slope_x => overland_data%properties%surface_slope_x
109         else
110             allocation_error = .true.
111         end if
113         if ( associated(overland_data%properties%surface_slope_y) ) then
114             this%surface_slope_y => overland_data%properties%surface_slope_y
115         else
116             allocation_error = .true.
117         end if
119         if ( associated(overland_data%properties%surface_slope) ) then
120             this%surface_slope => overland_data%properties%surface_slope
121         else
122             allocation_error = .true.
123         end if
125         if ( associated(overland_data%properties%max_surface_slope_index) ) then
126             this%max_surface_slope_index => overland_data%properties%max_surface_slope_index
127         else
128             allocation_error = .true.
129         end if
131         if ( associated(overland_data%properties%distance_to_neighbor) ) then
132             this%distance_to_neighbor => overland_data%properties%distance_to_neighbor
133         else
134             allocation_error = .true.
135         end if
137         ! allocate the array only if not already allocated
138         if ( .not. allocated(this%nexprt) ) then
139             allocate( this%nexprt(ix,jx) )
140             this%nexprt = 1.0
141         else
142             allocation_error = .true.
143         end if
145         if ( allocation_error ) &
146             write(0,*) "attempt to allocate data in members of subsurface properties structure&
147             &that where already allocated. The allocated members where not changed"
149     end subroutine subsurface_properties_init
151     subroutine subsurface_properties_destroy(this)
152         implicit none
153         class(subsurface_properties_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being destroyed
155         logical :: allocation_error = .false.
157         ! only deallocated if already allocated
158         if ( allocated(this%lksatrt) ) then
159             deallocate( this%lksatrt)
160         else
161             allocation_error = .true.
162         end if
164         ! only deallocated if already allocated
165         if ( allocated(this%zwattablrt) ) then
166             deallocate( this%zwattablrt)
167         else
168             allocation_error = .true.
169         end if
171         ! only deallocated if already allocated
172         if ( allocated(this%soldeprt) ) then
173             deallocate( this%soldeprt)
174         else
175             allocation_error = .true.
176         end if
178         ! only deallocated if already allocated
179         if ( allocated(this%sldpth) ) then
180             deallocate( this%sldpth)
181         else
182             allocation_error = .true.
183         end if
186         ! now release the shared properties from overland data
188         if ( associated(this%surface_slope_x) ) then
189             this%surface_slope_x => null()
190         else
191             allocation_error = .true.
192         end if
194         if ( associated(this%surface_slope_y) ) then
195             this%surface_slope_y => null()
196         else
197             allocation_error = .true.
198         end if
200         if ( associated(this%surface_slope) ) then
201             this%surface_slope => null()
202         else
203             allocation_error = .true.
204         end if
206         if ( associated(this%max_surface_slope_index) ) then
207             this%max_surface_slope_index => null()
208         else
209             allocation_error = .true.
210         end if
212         if ( associated(this%distance_to_neighbor) ) then
213             this%distance_to_neighbor => null()
214         else
215             allocation_error = .true.
216         end if
218         ! only deallocated if already allocated
219         if ( allocated(this%nexprt) ) then
220             deallocate( this%nexprt)
221         else
222             allocation_error = .true.
223         end if
225         if ( allocation_error ) &
226             write(0,*) "attempt to deallocate data in members of subsurface properties structure&
227             &that where not allocated. The unallocated members where not changed"
229     end subroutine subsurface_properties_destroy
231 end module module_subsurface_properties