updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / hydro / Routing / Subsurface / module_subsurface_state.F
1 module module_subsurface_state
2     implicit none
4     type subsurface_state_interface
5         ! total flow from boundary cells to outside of domain; on routing grid
6         real :: qsubbdrytrt
8         ! subsurface flow (m^3/s)
9         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: qsubrt
11         ! flow from boundary cells to outside of domain on routing grid
12         real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: qsubbdryrt
13     contains
14         procedure :: init => subsurface_state_init
15         procedure :: destroy => subsurface_state_destroy
16     end type subsurface_state_interface
18     contains
20     subroutine subsurface_state_init(this, ix, jx)
21         implicit none
22         class(subsurface_state_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being initialized
23         integer, intent(in) :: ix                     ! x grid size
24         integer, intent(in) :: jx                     ! y grid size
26         logical :: allocation_error = .false.
28         this%qsubbdrytrt = 0.0
30         if ( .not. allocated(this%qsubrt) ) then
31             allocate( this%qsubrt(ix,jx) )
32             this%qsubrt = 0.0
33         else
34             allocation_error = .true.
35         end if
37         if ( .not. allocated(this%qsubbdryrt) ) then
38             allocate( this%qsubbdryrt(ix,jx) )
39             this%qsubbdryrt = 0.0
40         else
41             allocation_error = .true.
42         end if
44         if ( allocation_error ) &
45             write(0,*) "attempt to allocate data in members of subsurface io structure&
46             &that where already allocated. The allocated members where not changed"
48     end subroutine subsurface_state_init
50     subroutine subsurface_state_destroy(this)
51         implicit none
52         class(subsurface_state_interface), intent(inout) :: this ! the type object being initialized
54         logical :: allocation_error = .false.
56         if ( allocated(this%qsubrt) ) then
57             deallocate( this%qsubrt )
58         else
59             allocation_error = .true.
60         end if
62         if ( allocated(this%qsubbdryrt) ) then
63             deallocate( this%qsubbdryrt )
64         else
65             allocation_error = .true.
66         end if
68         if ( allocation_error ) &
69             write(0,*) "attempt to deallocate data in members of subsurface io structure&
70             &that where not allocated. The unallocated members where not changed"
72     end subroutine subsurface_state_destroy
74 end module module_subsurface_state