4 !TBH: $$$ move this to ../frame?
8 ! This module defines top-level wrf_init(), wrf_adtl_check(), wrf_run(), and wrf_finalize()
15 USE module_driver_constants
17 USE module_check_a_mundo
22 USE module_adtl_grid_utilities, ONLY : allocate_grid, deallocate_grid, copy_grid_to_s, copy_grid_to_b, &
23 restore_grid, inner_dot_g, add_grid, inner_dot, init_domain_size, &
24 copy_s_to_g_adjtest, copy_g_to_b_adjtest, inner_dot_g_adjtest, &
25 copy_g_to_a_adjtest, inner_dot_a_b_adjtest, zero_out_ad, zero_out_tl, &
26 get_forc_locations, allocate_locations, gen_scenario_matrix, &
27 spot_force_ad, spot_force_tl, spot_force_nl, &
28 extract_ad_der, extract_tl_der, extract_nl_den, extract_nl_num
29 USE mediation_pertmod_io, ONLY : xtraj_pointer, xtraj_head, xtraj_tail, xtraj_io_initialize, adtl_initialize
30 USE module_io_domain, ONLY: close_dataset, wrf_inquire_opened
32 USE module_state_description, ONLY : SURFDRAGSCHEME, PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist, num_tracer
39 USE module_dm, ONLY : wrf_dm_initialize,wrf_get_hostid,domain_active_this_task,mpi_comm_allcompute
41 USE module_dm, ONLY : wrf_dm_sum_real
44 USE module_dm, ONLY : domain_active_this_task
48 USE module_date_time, ONLY : current_date, start_date
49 USE module_io_domain, ONLY : open_w_dataset, output_boundary
52 USE module_cpl, ONLY : coupler_on, cpl_finalize, cpl_defdomain
57 #include "wrf_io_flags.h"
65 TYPE (domain) , POINTER :: keep_grid, grid_ptr, null_domain
67 TYPE (domain) , POINTER :: grid
69 TYPE (domain) , pointer :: parent_grid, new_nest
70 LOGICAL :: a_nest_was_opened
71 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type), SAVE :: config_flags
72 INTEGER :: kid, nestid
73 INTEGER :: number_at_same_level
74 INTEGER :: time_step_begin_restart
76 INTEGER :: max_dom , domain_id , fid , oid , idum1 , idum2 , ierr
77 INTEGER :: debug_level
78 LOGICAL :: input_from_file
82 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: configbuflen = 4* CONFIG_BUF_LEN
83 INTEGER :: configbuf( configbuflen )
84 LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
87 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: rstname
88 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: message
91 LOGICAL :: gradient_out = .FALSE.
93 CHARACTER (LEN=256) , PRIVATE :: a_message
96 SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping( grid )
98 TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid
99 END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping
102 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state( )
103 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state
105 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_startfwd_init( )
106 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_startfwd_init
108 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_startbck_init( )
109 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_startbck_init
111 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init( )
112 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init
114 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init( )
115 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init
117 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init( )
118 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init
120 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset ( )
121 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset
124 SUBROUTINE med_nest_initial ( parent , grid , config_flags )
127 TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid , parent
128 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) config_flags
129 END SUBROUTINE med_nest_initial
137 SUBROUTINE wrf_init( no_init1 )
139 ! WRF initialization routine.
148 INTEGER i, myproc, nproc, hostid, loccomm, ierr, buddcounter, mydevice, save_comm
149 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: hostids(:), budds(:)
150 CHARACTER*512 hostname
151 CHARACTER*512 mminlu_loc
153 INTEGER :: it, nt, in, devnum
155 #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && !defined(STUBMPI) && ( defined(RUN_ON_GPU) || defined(_ACCEL))
158 #include "version_decl"
159 #include "commit_decl"
163 ! Program_name, a global variable defined in frame/module_domain.F, is
164 ! set, then a routine <a href=init_modules.html>init_modules</a> is
165 ! called. This calls all the init programs that are provided by the
166 ! modules that are linked into WRF. These include initialization of
167 ! external I/O packages. Also, some key initializations for
168 ! distributed-memory parallelism occur here if DM_PARALLEL is specified
169 ! in the compile: setting up I/O quilt processes to act as I/O servers
170 ! and dividing up MPI communicators among those as well as initializing
171 ! external communication packages such as RSL or RSL_LITE.
175 program_name = "WRF " // TRIM(release_version) // " MODEL"
177 ! Initialize WRF modules:
178 ! Phase 1 returns after MPI_INIT() (if it is called)
180 IF ( .NOT. PRESENT( no_init1 ) ) THEN
181 ! Initialize utilities (time manager, etc.)
183 CALL WRFU_Initialize( defaultCalKind=WRFU_CAL_NOLEAP )
185 CALL WRFU_Initialize( defaultCalKind=WRFU_CAL_GREGORIAN )
188 ! Phase 2 resumes after MPI_INIT() (if it is called)
192 ! The wrf namelist.input file is read and stored in the USE associated
193 ! structure model_config_rec, defined in frame/module_configure.F, by the
194 ! call to <a href=initial_config.html>initial_config</a>. On distributed
195 ! memory parallel runs this is done only on one processor, and then
196 ! broadcast as a buffer. For distributed-memory, the broadcast of the
197 ! configuration information is accomplished by first putting the
198 ! configuration information into a buffer (<a
199 ! href=get_config_as_buffer.html>get_config_as_buffer</a>), broadcasting
200 ! the buffer, then setting the configuration information (<a
201 ! href=set_config_as_buffer.html>set_config_as_buffer</a>).
206 CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( save_comm )
207 CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_allcompute )
208 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
211 CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes )
212 CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes )
213 CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen )
214 CALL wrf_dm_initialize
215 CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( save_comm )
220 CALL setup_physics_suite
221 CALL set_derived_rconfigs
222 CALL check_nml_consistency
223 CALL set_physics_rconfigs
228 # if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && !defined(STUBMPI)
229 CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc )
230 CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc )
231 CALL wrf_get_hostid ( hostid )
232 CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( loccomm )
234 ALLOCATE( hostids(nproc) )
235 ALLOCATE( budds(nproc) )
236 CALL mpi_allgather( hostid, 1, MPI_INTEGER, hostids, 1, MPI_INTEGER, loccomm, ierr )
237 if ( ierr .NE. 0 ) print * ,'error in mpi_allgather ',ierr
240 ! mark the ones i am on the same node with
242 IF ( hostid .EQ. hostids(i) ) THEN
243 budds(i) = buddcounter
244 buddcounter = buddcounter + 1
247 mydevice = budds(myproc+1)
248 DEALLOCATE( hostids )
251 in = acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_nvidia)
252 if (in .le. 0) print *, 'error: No GPUS present: ',in
254 !$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(mydevice,in) PRIVATE(it,nt,devnum)
255 it = omp_get_thread_num()
256 nt = omp_get_num_threads()
257 devnum = mod(mod(mydevice*nt,in) + it, in)
259 print *, "Process, Thread, Device: ",mydevice, it, devnum
261 call acc_set_device_num(devnum, acc_device_nvidia)
267 devnum = mod(mod(mydevice*nt,in) + it, in)
269 print *, "Process, Thread, Device: ",mydevice, it, devnum
271 call acc_set_device_num(devnum, acc_device_nvidia)
276 CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc )
277 CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc )
279 CALL wrf_get_hostid ( hostid )
280 CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( loccomm )
281 ALLOCATE( hostids(nproc) )
282 ALLOCATE( budds(nproc) )
283 CALL mpi_allgather( hostid, 1, MPI_INTEGER, hostids, 1, MPI_INTEGER, loccomm, ierr )
284 IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN
285 write(a_message,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'error in mpi_allgather ',ierr
286 CALL wrf_message ( a_message )
290 ! mark the ones i am on the same node with
292 IF ( hostid .EQ. hostids(i) ) THEN
293 budds(i) = buddcounter
294 buddcounter = buddcounter + 1
297 mydevice = budds(myproc+1)
298 DEALLOCATE( hostids )
303 CALL wsm5_gpu_init( myproc, nproc, mydevice )
307 ! Among the configuration variables read from the namelist is
308 ! debug_level. This is retrieved using nl_get_debug_level (Registry
309 ! generated and defined in frame/module_configure.F). The value is then
310 ! used to set the debug-print information level for use by <a
311 ! href=wrf_debug.html>wrf_debug</a> throughout the code. Debug_level
312 ! of zero (the default) causes no information to be printed when the
313 ! model runs. The higher the number (up to 1000) the more information is
318 CALL nl_get_debug_level ( 1, debug_level )
319 CALL set_wrf_debug_level ( debug_level )
321 ! allocated and configure the mother domain
323 NULLIFY( null_domain )
326 ! RSL is required for WRF nesting options.
327 ! The non-MPI build that allows nesting is only supported on machines
328 ! with the -DSTUBMPI option. Check to see if the WRF model is being asked
329 ! for a for a multi-domain run (max_dom > 1, from the namelist). If so,
330 ! then we check to make sure that we are under the parallel
331 ! run option or we are on an acceptable machine.
334 CALL nl_get_max_dom( 1, max_dom )
335 IF ( max_dom > 1 ) THEN
336 #if ( ! defined(DM_PARALLEL) && ! defined(STUBMPI) )
337 CALL wrf_error_fatal( &
338 'nesting requires either an MPI build or use of the -DSTUBMPI option' )
343 ! The top-most domain in the simulation is then allocated and configured
344 ! by calling <a href=alloc_and_configure_domain.html>alloc_and_configure_domain</a>.
345 ! Here, in the case of this root domain, the routine is passed the
346 ! globally accessible pointer to TYPE(domain), head_grid, defined in
347 ! frame/module_domain.F. The parent is null and the child index is given
348 ! as negative, signifying none. Afterwards, because the call to
349 ! alloc_and_configure_domain may modify the model's configuration data
350 ! stored in model_config_rec, the configuration information is again
351 ! repacked into a buffer, broadcast, and unpacked on each task (for
352 ! DM_PARALLEL compiles). The call to <a
353 ! href=setup_timekeeping.html>setup_timekeeping</a> for head_grid relies
354 ! on this configuration information, and it must occur after the second
355 ! broadcast of the configuration information.
358 CALL wrf_message ( program_name )
359 CALL wrf_message ( commit_version )
360 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling alloc_and_configure_domain ' )
361 CALL alloc_and_configure_domain ( domain_id = 1 , &
362 active_this_task = domain_active_this_task(1), &
364 parent = null_domain , &
367 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling model_to_grid_config_rec ' )
368 CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( head_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
369 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config ' )
370 CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( head_grid%id , idum1, idum2 )
371 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling init_wrfio' )
375 CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator( save_comm )
376 CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( mpi_comm_allcompute )
377 CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes )
378 CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes )
379 CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen )
380 CALL wrf_set_dm_communicator( save_comm )
384 ! In case we are doing digital filter initialization, set dfi_stage = DFI_SETUP
385 ! to indicate in Setup_Timekeeping that we want forecast start and
386 ! end times at this point
387 IF ( head_grid%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI ) head_grid%dfi_stage = DFI_SETUP
390 CALL Setup_Timekeeping (head_grid)
393 ! The head grid is initialized with read-in data through the call to <a
394 ! href=med_initialdata_input.html>med_initialdata_input</a>, which is
395 ! passed the pointer head_grid and a locally declared configuration data
396 ! structure, config_flags, that is set by a call to <a
397 ! href=model_to_grid_config_rec.html>model_to_grid_config_rec</a>. It is
398 ! also necessary that the indices into the 4d tracer arrays such as
399 ! moisture be set with a call to <a
400 ! href=set_scalar_indices_from_config.html>set_scalar_indices_from_config</a>
401 ! prior to the call to initialize the domain. Both of these calls are
402 ! told which domain they are setting up for by passing in the integer id
403 ! of the head domain as <tt>head_grid%id</tt>, which is 1 for the
406 ! In the case that write_restart_at_0h is set to true in the namelist,
407 ! the model simply generates a restart file using the just read-in data
408 ! and then shuts down. This is used for ensemble breeding, and is not
413 IF ( domain_active_this_task(1) ) THEN
414 CALL med_initialdata_input( head_grid , config_flags )
416 IF ( config_flags%write_restart_at_0h ) THEN
417 CALL med_restart_out ( head_grid, config_flags )
418 #ifndef AUTODOC_BUILD
419 ! prevent this from showing up before the call to integrate in the autogenerated call tree
420 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , ' 0 h restart only wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF' )
421 ! TBH: $$$ Unscramble this later...
422 ! TBH: $$$ Need to add state to avoid calling wrf_finalize() twice when ESMF
423 ! TBH: $$$ library is used. Maybe just set clock stop_time=start_time and
424 ! TBH: $$$ do not call wrf_finalize here...
428 ENDIF ! domain_active_this_task
430 ! set default values for subtimes
431 head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid )
432 head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid )
434 IF ( domain_active_this_task(1) ) THEN
435 ! For EM (but not DA), if this is a DFI run, we can allocate some space. We are
436 ! not allowing anyting tricky for nested DFI. If there are any nested domains,
437 ! they all need to start at the same time. Otherwise, why even do the DFI? If
438 ! the domains do not all start at the same time, then there will be inconsistencies,
439 ! which is what DFI is supposed to address.
442 IF ( head_grid%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI ) THEN
443 CALL alloc_doms_for_dfi ( head_grid )
447 IF (coupler_on) CALL cpl_defdomain( head_grid )
448 ENDIF ! domain_active_this_task
450 END SUBROUTINE wrf_init
453 !--------------AD/TL code begin---------------------------------------
454 SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check( )
456 IF ( config_flags%scenario_type .EQ. 0 ) THEN
457 CALL wrf_adtl_check_sum
459 CALL wrf_adtl_check_spot
462 END SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check
465 SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check_sum( )
467 ! WRF adjoint and tangent linear code check routine.
471 ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and
472 ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed.
476 REAL :: alpha_m, factor, val_l, val_a, save_l, val_n, coef
477 INTEGER :: nt, ij, time_step, rc
478 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr
480 ! Return immediately if not dyn_em_check
481 IF ( config_flags%dyn_opt .NE. dyn_em_check ) RETURN
483 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
484 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
486 ! Force to read the lateral boundary condition here.
487 CALL med_before_solve_io ( head_grid, config_flags )
489 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start later
490 CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
492 CALL init_domain_size ( head_grid, config_flags )
494 ! Release linked list for trajectory
495 call xtraj_io_initialize
497 IF ( config_flags%check_TL .or. config_flags%check_AD ) THEN
499 ! Save the initial condition and boundary condition, x
500 CALL allocate_grid ( )
502 CALL copy_grid_to_s ( head_grid , &
503 head_grid%i_start(1), head_grid%i_end(1), &
504 head_grid%j_start(1), head_grid%j_end(1) )
506 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
507 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
509 ! Set up basic states output
510 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
511 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, time_step )
512 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
513 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
514 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
515 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
516 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
517 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
520 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
521 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
522 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
523 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
524 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
525 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
529 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
531 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
532 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
533 IF ( config_flags%check_TL ) THEN
534 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 0 .and. config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 99 .and. &
535 config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 98 ) CALL nl_set_mp_physics (head_grid%id, config_flags%mp_physics_ad)
536 IF ( config_flags%bl_pbl_physics .GT. 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
537 IF ( config_flags%cu_physics .GT. 0 ) THEN
538 CALL nl_set_cu_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
541 CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
542 CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
543 CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
545 ! Force to turn off boundary input as we can only perturb the initial boundary condition.
546 CALL nl_set_io_form_boundary( head_grid%id, 0 )
551 ! Turn off basic states output
552 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 0 )
553 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
554 if ( .not. head_grid%trajectory_io ) CALL nl_set_inputout_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
555 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
556 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
557 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
558 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
561 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
562 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
563 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
564 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
565 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
566 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
570 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
572 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
574 IF ( config_flags%check_TL ) THEN
576 wrf_err_message = '=============== Tangent Linear Check ==================='
577 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
579 wrf_err_message = 'check==== U === V === W == PH === T == MU == MOIST == TRACER ==='
580 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
582 WRITE(wrf_err_message,'(A,8(1x,L5))') 'check',head_grid%check_u, head_grid%check_v, &
583 head_grid%check_w, head_grid%check_ph, &
584 head_grid%check_t, head_grid%check_mu, &
585 head_grid%check_moist, head_grid%check_tracer
586 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
589 CALL copy_grid_to_b ( head_grid )
591 ! Restore the x and assign the \delta x
592 CALL restore_grid ( head_grid )
593 CALL copy_s_to_g_adjtest ( head_grid, 1.0 )
595 ! Set up basic states reading
596 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
597 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
598 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
599 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
600 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
604 ! Turn off auxinput6 reading
605 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, 0 )
606 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
607 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
608 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
609 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
612 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
613 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
614 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
615 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
616 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
617 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
621 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
624 ! Calculate the inner dot.
627 !$OMP REDUCTION (+:save_l)
628 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
629 CALL inner_dot_g ( head_grid , save_l, &
630 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
631 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
635 save_l = wrf_dm_sum_real ( save_l )
639 tangentLinearCheck : DO nt = 1 , 11
641 alpha_m = 0.1 * alpha_m
642 factor = 1.0 + alpha_m
644 CALL add_grid ( head_grid, factor )
646 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
647 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
648 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
649 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
651 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
652 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
653 ! Force to turn off boundary input as it was perturbated in add_grid.
654 CALL nl_set_io_form_boundary( head_grid%id, 0 )
657 head_grid%itimestep = 0
659 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
663 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
664 !$OMP REDUCTION (+:val_n)
665 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
666 CALL inner_dot ( head_grid, val_n, &
667 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
668 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
672 val_n = wrf_dm_sum_real ( val_n )
674 val_l=save_l*alpha_m**2
676 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,E9.4,A,E23.14,A,E14.7,A,E14.7)') &
677 'tl_check: alpha_m=',alpha_m,' coef=',coef, &
678 ' val_n=',val_n,' val_l=',val_l
679 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
681 ENDDO tangentLinearCheck
683 END IF !end of Tangent linear check
685 IF ( config_flags%check_AD ) THEN
687 wrf_err_message = '==================== Adjoint check ====================='
688 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
690 wrf_err_message = 'check==== U === V === W == PH === T == MU == MOIST == TRACER ==='
691 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
693 WRITE(wrf_err_message,'(A,8(1x,L5))') 'check',head_grid%check_u, head_grid%check_v, &
694 head_grid%check_w, head_grid%check_ph, &
695 head_grid%check_t, head_grid%check_mu, &
696 head_grid%check_moist, head_grid%check_tracer
698 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
700 CALL restore_grid ( head_grid )
701 CALL copy_s_to_g_adjtest ( head_grid, 0.01 )
703 CALL copy_g_to_b_adjtest ( head_grid )
705 ! Set up basic states reading
706 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
707 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
708 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
709 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
710 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
712 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 0 .and. config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 99 .and. &
713 config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 98 ) CALL nl_set_mp_physics (head_grid%id, config_flags%mp_physics_ad)
714 IF ( config_flags%bl_pbl_physics .GT. 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
715 IF ( config_flags%cu_physics .GT. 0 ) THEN
716 CALL nl_set_cu_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
719 CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
720 CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
721 CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
725 ! Turn off auxinput6 reading
726 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, 0 )
727 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
728 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
729 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
730 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
733 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
734 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
735 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
736 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
737 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
738 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
742 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
746 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
747 !$OMP REDUCTION (+:val_l)
748 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
749 CALL inner_dot_g_adjtest ( head_grid , val_l, &
750 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
751 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
755 val_l = wrf_dm_sum_real ( val_l )
758 ! CALL restore_grid ( head_grid )
761 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
762 CALL copy_g_to_a_adjtest ( head_grid, &
763 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
764 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
768 ! Set the file names and interval for reading basic states.
769 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
770 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
771 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
772 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
773 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
777 ! Turn off auxinput6 reading
778 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, 0 )
779 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
780 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
781 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
782 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
785 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
786 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
787 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
788 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
789 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
790 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
794 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
798 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
799 !$OMP REDUCTION (+:val_a)
800 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
801 CALL inner_dot_a_b_adjtest ( head_grid, val_a, &
802 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
803 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
807 val_a = wrf_dm_sum_real ( val_a )
810 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,E23.14)') 'ad_check: VAL_TL: ', val_l
811 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
812 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,E23.14)') 'ad_check: VAL_AD: ', val_a
813 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
817 ! Deallocate all working space
818 CALL deallocate_grid()
822 ! Release linked list for trajectory
823 call xtraj_io_initialize
825 ! WRF model clean-up. This calls MPI_FINALIZE() for DM parallel runs.
828 END SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check_sum
830 SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check_spot( )
832 ! WRF adjoint and tangent linear code check routine.
836 ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and
837 ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed.
841 REAL :: alpha_m, val_l, val_a, save_l, val_n, coef, nl_num, nl_den
842 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: factors
843 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ad_derivative, tl_derivative
844 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nl_derivative
845 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: locations_f, locations_i, scenario_matrix
846 INTEGER :: ni, nf, nsc, nvar, ij, time_step, rc, &
847 ninverse, nforward, firatio, iter, check_type, psign, &
848 iloc_f, jloc_f, kloc_f, iloc_i, jloc_i, kloc_i, &
849 vars_count, nnumer, ndenom
850 CHARACTER*10, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: check_name !large for expectation of many future chem variables
851 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr
853 ! Return immediately if not dyn_em_check
854 IF ( config_flags%dyn_opt .NE. dyn_em_check ) RETURN
856 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
857 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
859 ! Force to read the lateral boundary condition here.
860 CALL med_before_solve_io ( head_grid, config_flags )
862 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start later
863 CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , &
866 CALL init_domain_size ( head_grid, config_flags )
868 ! Release linked list for trajectory
869 call xtraj_io_initialize
871 IF ( config_flags%check_TL .or. config_flags%check_AD ) THEN
873 ! Save the initial condition and boundary condition, x
874 CALL allocate_grid ( )
878 DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
879 CALL copy_grid_to_s ( head_grid , &
880 head_grid%i_start(ij), head_grid%i_end(ij), &
881 head_grid%j_start(ij), head_grid%j_end(ij) )
885 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
886 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
888 ! Set up basic states output
889 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
890 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, time_step )
891 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
892 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
893 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
894 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
895 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
896 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
899 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
900 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
901 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
902 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
903 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
904 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
908 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
910 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
911 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
912 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 0 .and. config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 99 .and. &
913 config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 98 ) CALL nl_set_mp_physics (head_grid%id, config_flags%mp_physics_ad)
914 IF ( config_flags%bl_pbl_physics .GT. 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
915 IF ( config_flags%cu_physics .GT. 0 ) THEN
916 CALL nl_set_cu_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
919 CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
920 CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
921 CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
923 ! Force to turn off boundary input as we can only perturb the initial boundary condition.
924 CALL nl_set_io_form_boundary( head_grid%id, 0 )
928 ! Turn off basic states output
929 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 0 )
930 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
931 if ( .not. head_grid%trajectory_io ) CALL nl_set_inputout_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
932 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
933 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
934 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
935 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
938 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
939 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
940 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
941 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
942 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
943 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
947 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
949 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
951 CALL copy_grid_to_b ( head_grid )
953 wrf_err_message = '============== Adjoint - Tangent Linear Check ==============='
954 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
956 ! Get the locations of adjoint and tangent linear forcings
957 CALL allocate_locations( 'locations_f', locations_f, ninverse, ierr)
958 IF( ierr .GT. 0) THEN
959 CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'adtl_check: error opening locations_f for reading' )
961 CALL allocate_locations( 'locations_i', locations_i, nforward, ierr)
962 IF( ierr .GT. 0) THEN
963 CALL wrf_error_fatal(&
964 'adtl_check: error opening locations_i for reading' )
967 firatio = nforward/ninverse
969 CALL get_forc_locations( 'locations_f', locations_f, ninverse, ierr)
970 CALL get_forc_locations( 'locations_i', locations_i, nforward, ierr)
975 DO nsc = 1, num_moist
976 vars_count = vars_count + 1
978 DO nsc = 1, num_tracer
979 vars_count = vars_count + 1
981 ALLOCATE(factors(vars_count,2))
982 ALLOCATE(scenario_matrix(vars_count,vars_count))
984 CALL gen_scenario_matrix(config_flags, scenario_matrix, vars_count, &
985 model_config_rec%numer_vars, model_config_rec%denom_vars)
987 ALLOCATE(check_name(vars_count))
988 WRITE(check_name(1),FMT='(A)') 'U'
989 WRITE(check_name(2),FMT='(A)') 'V'
990 WRITE(check_name(3),FMT='(A)') 'W'
991 WRITE(check_name(4),FMT='(A)') 'T'
992 WRITE(check_name(5),FMT='(A)') 'PH'
993 WRITE(check_name(6),FMT='(A)') 'MU'
994 DO nsc = 1, num_moist
996 WRITE(check_name(6+nsc),FMT='(A)')'DUMMY'
998 WRITE(check_name(6+nsc),FMT='(A,I2.1)')'MOIST',nsc-PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1
1001 DO nsc = 1, num_tracer
1003 WRITE(check_name(6+nsc+num_moist),FMT='(A)')'DUMMY'
1005 WRITE(check_name(6+nsc+num_moist),FMT='(A,I2.1)')'TRACER',nsc-PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1
1010 DO nvar = 1, vars_count
1011 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(I2,A,A)') nvar,' ',check_name(nvar)
1012 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1015 CALL wrf_message("")
1017 DO nnumer = 0, vars_count
1018 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(I2,A)') nnumer, ' , '
1019 DO ndenom = 1, vars_count
1020 IF ( nnumer .EQ. 0 ) THEN
1021 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I2,A)') TRIM(wrf_err_message),&
1024 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I2,A)') TRIM(wrf_err_message),&
1025 scenario_matrix(nnumer,ndenom), ' , '
1028 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1031 ALLOCATE(ad_derivative(nforward,vars_count,vars_count))
1032 ALLOCATE(tl_derivative(nforward,vars_count,vars_count))
1033 ALLOCATE(nl_derivative(nforward,3,vars_count,vars_count))
1039 !Find all the adjoint sensitivities
1040 numer_vars_Loop1: DO nnumer = 1, vars_count
1042 IF( ALL(scenario_matrix(nnumer,:) .EQ. 0) ) CYCLE numer_vars_Loop1
1044 factors(nnumer,1) = 1.0
1050 iloc_f = locations_f(nf,1)
1051 jloc_f = locations_f(nf,2)
1052 kloc_f = locations_f(nf,3)
1054 CALL zero_out_ad( head_grid )
1056 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij )
1057 adforce: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1058 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_f .AND. &
1059 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_f .AND. &
1060 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_f .AND. &
1061 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_f ) THEN
1062 CALL spot_force_ad( head_grid, iloc_f, jloc_f , kloc_f, factors(:,1), vars_count )
1068 ! Set the file names and interval for reading basic states.
1069 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = &
1070 "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
1071 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1072 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
1073 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1074 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1079 ! Turn off auxinput6 reading
1080 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, 0 )
1081 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1082 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1083 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1084 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1087 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1088 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1089 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1090 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1091 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1092 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1096 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1100 iloc_i = locations_i(iter,1)
1101 jloc_i = locations_i(iter,2)
1102 kloc_i = locations_i(iter,3)
1104 denom_vars_Loop1: DO ndenom = 1,vars_count
1105 IF ( scenario_matrix(nnumer,ndenom) .EQ. 0) CYCLE denom_vars_Loop1
1107 factors(ndenom,2) = 1.0
1108 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(2(A,I3),5(A))') 'nf = ',nf, &
1109 ', ni = ',ni, ', check_type = d[', &
1110 TRIM(check_name(nnumer)),']/d[',TRIM(check_name(ndenom)),']'
1111 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1113 CALL wrf_message("Extracting the AD sensitivity")
1114 !Store the AD derivative
1116 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
1117 !$OMP REDUCTION (+: ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom))
1118 adextract: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1119 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_i .AND. &
1120 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_i .AND. &
1121 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_i .AND. &
1122 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_i ) THEN
1123 CALL extract_ad_der( head_grid, ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom), iloc_i, jloc_i, kloc_i, factors (:,2), vars_count)
1129 ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom) = wrf_dm_sum_real ( ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom) )
1132 ENDDO denom_vars_Loop1
1135 ENDDO numer_vars_Loop1
1138 !Find all the nonlinear and TL sensitivities
1141 iloc_f = locations_f(nf,1)
1142 jloc_f = locations_f(nf,2)
1143 kloc_f = locations_f(nf,3)
1146 iloc_i = locations_i(iter,1)
1147 jloc_i = locations_i(iter,2)
1148 kloc_i = locations_i(iter,3)
1150 denom_vars_Loop2: DO ndenom = 1,vars_count
1151 IF ( ALL(scenario_matrix(:,ndenom) .EQ. 0) ) CYCLE denom_vars_Loop2
1153 factors(ndenom,2) = 1.0
1155 ! Do Finite Difference test of nonlinear model
1156 IF ( head_grid%check_AD .AND. head_grid%check_TL ) THEN
1157 nonlinearLoop: DO psign=-1,1,2
1158 CALL restore_grid ( head_grid )
1161 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij )
1162 nlforce: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1163 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_i .AND. &
1164 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_i .AND. &
1165 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_i .AND. &
1166 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_i ) THEN
1167 CALL spot_force_nl( head_grid, iloc_i, jloc_i, kloc_i, &
1168 factors(:,2), vars_count, REAL(psign) * config_flags%nl_pert)
1174 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
1175 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
1176 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
1177 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1179 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
1180 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
1181 ! Force to turn off boundary input as it was perturbated in add_grid.
1182 CALL nl_set_io_form_boundary( head_grid%id, 0 )
1185 head_grid%itimestep = 0
1187 CALL wrf_message( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
1188 numer_vars_Loop2: DO nnumer = 1, vars_count
1192 IF( scenario_matrix(nnumer,ndenom) .EQ. 0 ) CYCLE numer_vars_Loop2
1194 factors(nnumer,1) = 1.0
1195 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(2(A,I3),5(A))')'nf = ',nf, &
1196 ', ni = ',ni, ', check_type = d[', &
1197 TRIM(check_name(nnumer)),']/d[',TRIM(check_name(ndenom)),']'
1198 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1200 CALL wrf_message("Extracting the FD sensitivity")
1201 !Store the NL derivative
1203 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
1204 !$OMP REDUCTION (+: nl_num)
1205 numextract: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1206 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_f .AND. &
1207 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_f .AND. &
1208 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_f .AND. &
1209 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_f ) THEN
1210 CALL extract_nl_num( head_grid, nl_num, &
1211 iloc_f, jloc_f, kloc_f, &
1212 factors(:,1), vars_count)
1218 nl_num = wrf_dm_sum_real ( nl_num )
1222 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
1223 !$OMP REDUCTION (+: nl_den)
1224 denextract: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1225 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_i .AND. &
1226 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_i .AND. &
1227 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_i .AND. &
1228 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_i ) THEN
1229 CALL extract_nl_den( nl_den, &
1230 iloc_i, jloc_i, kloc_i, &
1231 factors(:,2), vars_count, REAL(psign)*config_flags%nl_pert)
1237 nl_den = wrf_dm_sum_real ( nl_den )
1240 nl_derivative(iter,2+psign,nnumer,ndenom) = nl_num / nl_den
1241 ENDDO numer_vars_Loop2
1244 nl_derivative(iter,2,nnumer,ndenom) = (nl_derivative(iter,1,nnumer,ndenom) + nl_derivative(iter,3,nnumer,ndenom)) * 0.5
1247 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1248 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1249 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1250 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1253 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1254 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1255 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1256 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1257 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1258 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1262 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1264 !Set the single forcing value for each tangent linear run
1265 CALL zero_out_tl( head_grid )
1268 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij )
1269 tlforce: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1270 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_i .AND. &
1271 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_i .AND. &
1272 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_i .AND. &
1273 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_i ) THEN
1274 CALL spot_force_tl( head_grid, iloc_i, jloc_i, kloc_i, factors(:,2), vars_count)
1280 ! Set up basic states reading
1281 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = &
1282 "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
1283 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1284 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
1285 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1286 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1290 ! Turn off auxinput6 reading
1291 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, 0 )
1292 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1293 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1294 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1295 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1298 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1299 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1300 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1301 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1302 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1303 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1307 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1308 numer_vars_Loop3: DO nnumer = 1, vars_count
1309 IF( scenario_matrix(nnumer,ndenom) .EQ. 0 ) CYCLE numer_vars_Loop3
1311 factors(nnumer,1) = 1.0
1312 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(2(A,I3),5(A))') 'nf = ',nf, &
1313 ', ni = ',ni, ', check_type = d[', &
1314 TRIM(check_name(nnumer)),']/d[',TRIM(check_name(ndenom)),']'
1315 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1317 CALL wrf_message("Extracting the TL sensitivity")
1318 !Store the TL derivative
1320 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij ) &
1321 !$OMP REDUCTION (+: tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom))
1322 tlextract: DO ij = 1 , head_grid%num_tiles
1323 IF( head_grid%i_start(ij) .le. iloc_f .AND. &
1324 head_grid%i_end(ij) .ge. iloc_f .AND. &
1325 head_grid%j_start(ij) .le. jloc_f .AND. &
1326 head_grid%j_end(ij) .ge. jloc_f ) THEN
1327 CALL extract_tl_der( head_grid, tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom), iloc_f, jloc_f, kloc_f, factors(:,1), vars_count)
1333 tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom) = wrf_dm_sum_real ( tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom) )
1335 ENDDO numer_vars_Loop3
1336 ENDDO denom_vars_Loop2
1340 ! Print out the sensitivities
1342 "====================== Results =======================")
1343 numer_vars_Loop4: DO nnumer = 1, vars_count
1344 IF( ALL(scenario_matrix(nnumer,:) .EQ. 0) ) CYCLE numer_vars_Loop4
1349 iloc_i = locations_i(iter,1)
1350 jloc_i = locations_i(iter,2)
1351 kloc_i = locations_i(iter,3)
1352 iloc_f = locations_f(nf,1)
1353 jloc_f = locations_f(nf,2)
1354 kloc_f = locations_f(nf,3)
1356 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,6(1x,I8))')&
1364 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1368 DO ndenom = 1, vars_count
1369 IF( scenario_matrix(nnumer,ndenom) .EQ. 0) CYCLE
1370 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(5(A))') 'REPORT: ------check_type = d[',&
1371 TRIM(check_name(nnumer)),']/d[',TRIM(check_name(ndenom)),']------'
1372 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1374 IF ( head_grid%check_TL .AND. head_grid%check_AD ) THEN
1375 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,4(1x,A17))') 'REPORT:','TL','AD','NL_BD','NL_FD'
1376 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1383 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,4(E18.9))')&
1385 tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom), &
1386 ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom), &
1387 nl_derivative(iter,1,nnumer,ndenom), &
1388 nl_derivative(iter,3,nnumer,ndenom)
1389 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1393 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,2(1x,A17))') 'REPORT: ','TL','AD'
1394 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1400 WRITE(wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,2(E18.9))')&
1402 tl_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom), &
1403 ad_derivative(iter,nnumer,ndenom)
1404 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
1409 ENDDO numer_vars_Loop4
1411 DEALLOCATE(ad_derivative)
1412 DEALLOCATE(tl_derivative)
1413 DEALLOCATE(nl_derivative)
1415 DEALLOCATE(check_name)
1416 DEALLOCATE(scenario_matrix)
1418 DEALLOCATE(locations_f)
1419 DEALLOCATE(locations_i)
1421 ! Deallocate all working space
1422 CALL deallocate_grid()
1426 ! Release linked list for trajectory
1427 call xtraj_io_initialize
1429 ! WRF model clean-up. This calls MPI_FINALIZE() for DM parallel runs.
1432 END SUBROUTINE wrf_adtl_check_spot
1435 SUBROUTINE wrf_run_tl( )
1437 ! WRF tangent linear run routine.
1441 ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and
1442 ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed. The start
1443 ! and stop times for the domain are set to the start and stop time of the
1444 ! model run, and then <a href=integrate.html>integrate</a> is called to
1445 ! advance the domain forward through that specified time interval. On
1446 ! return, the simulation is completed.
1450 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr
1453 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: bdyname
1454 INTEGER :: open_status
1456 ! The forecast integration for the most coarse grid is now started. The
1457 ! integration is from the first step (1) to the last step of the simulation.
1459 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling tangent linear integrate" )
1460 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em_tl
1461 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1462 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1463 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1464 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1467 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1468 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1469 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1470 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1471 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1472 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1476 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1477 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
1478 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1480 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
1481 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
1483 IF ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. SURFDRAGSCHEME ) THEN
1484 head_grid%rublten = 0.0
1485 head_grid%rvblten = 0.0
1486 head_grid%rthblten = 0.0
1487 head_grid%rqvblten = 0.0
1489 IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. LSCONDSCHEME ) THEN
1490 head_grid%h_diabatic = 0.0
1491 head_grid%qv_diabatic = 0.0
1492 head_grid%qc_diabatic = 0.0
1493 head_grid%rainnc = 0.0
1494 head_grid%rainncv = 0.0
1496 IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. MKESSLERSCHEME ) THEN
1497 head_grid%h_diabatic = 0.0
1498 head_grid%qv_diabatic = 0.0
1499 head_grid%qc_diabatic = 0.0
1500 head_grid%rainnc = 0.0
1501 head_grid%rainncv = 0.0
1503 IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. DUCUSCHEME ) THEN
1504 head_grid%rthcuten = 0.0
1505 head_grid%rqvcuten = 0.0
1506 head_grid%rainc = 0.0
1507 head_grid%raincv = 0.0
1508 head_grid%pratec = 0.0
1511 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%trajectory_io ) THEN
1512 CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, io_auxh7 )
1513 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, 0 )
1516 head_grid%itimestep = 0
1517 CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. )
1519 IF ( ASSOCIATED(xtraj_tail) ) xtraj_pointer => xtraj_tail
1520 CALL integrate ( head_grid )
1522 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%trajectory_io ) THEN
1523 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, io_auxh7 )
1526 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start
1527 CALL construct_filename2a ( bdyname , config_flags%bdy_inname , head_grid%id , 2 , 'dummydate' )
1528 CALL wrf_inquire_opened(head_grid%lbc_fid , TRIM(bdyname) , open_status , ierr )
1529 IF ( open_status .EQ. WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_READ ) THEN
1530 CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
1533 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from tangent linear integrate" )
1535 END SUBROUTINE wrf_run_tl
1537 SUBROUTINE wrf_run_tl_standalone( )
1539 ! WRF tangent linear code standalone run
1544 INTEGER :: rc, time_step, id, ierr
1545 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr
1547 ! Return immediately if not dyn_em_tl
1548 IF ( config_flags%dyn_opt .NE. dyn_em_tl ) RETURN
1550 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
1551 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
1553 IF ( head_grid%trajectory_io ) THEN
1555 ! Force to read the lateral boundary condition here.
1556 !CALL med_before_solve_io ( head_grid, config_flags )
1558 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start later
1559 !CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
1561 CALL init_domain_size ( head_grid, config_flags )
1563 ! Release linked list for trajectory
1564 call xtraj_io_initialize
1566 ! Initialize linked list for adjoint forcing and tl. pertbation
1567 call adtl_initialize
1569 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
1571 ! Set up basic states output
1572 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1573 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1574 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1575 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1576 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1577 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1578 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1579 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1582 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1583 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1584 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1585 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1586 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1587 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1591 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1595 ! Turn off basic states output
1596 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 0 )
1597 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
1598 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1599 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1600 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1601 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1604 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1605 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1606 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1607 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1608 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1609 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1613 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1615 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
1619 ! Set the file names and interval for reading basic states.
1620 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
1621 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1622 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
1623 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1624 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1626 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 0 .and. config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 99 .and. &
1627 config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 98 ) CALL nl_set_mp_physics (head_grid%id, config_flags%mp_physics_ad)
1628 IF ( config_flags%bl_pbl_physics .GT. 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
1629 IF ( config_flags%cu_physics .GT. 0 ) THEN
1630 CALL nl_set_cu_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
1633 CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1634 CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1635 CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1637 head_grid%g_u_1 = 0.0
1638 head_grid%g_v_1 = 0.0
1639 head_grid%g_w_1 = 0.0
1640 head_grid%g_t_1 = 0.0
1641 head_grid%g_ph_1 = 0.0
1642 head_grid%g_mu_1 = 0.0
1644 head_grid%g_u_2 = 0.0
1645 head_grid%g_v_2 = 0.0
1646 head_grid%g_w_2 = 0.0
1647 head_grid%g_t_2 = 0.0
1648 head_grid%g_ph_2 = 0.0
1649 head_grid%g_mu_2 = 0.0
1653 head_grid%g_moist = 0.0
1654 head_grid%g_tracer = 0.0
1655 head_grid%g_scalar = 0.0
1656 head_grid%g_rainnc = 0.0
1657 head_grid%g_rainncv = 0.0
1658 head_grid%g_rainc = 0.0
1659 head_grid%g_raincv = 0.0
1661 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
1662 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1663 config_flags%auxinput9_inname = "init_pert_d01"
1664 config_flags%io_form_auxinput9 = 2
1665 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput9 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1666 config_flags%frames_per_auxinput9 = 1
1667 CALL med_auxinput_in ( head_grid, auxinput9_alarm, config_flags )
1668 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'Read in initial perturbation' )
1669 config_flags%io_form_auxinput9 = 0
1673 ! Release linked list for trajectory
1674 call xtraj_io_initialize
1676 END SUBROUTINE wrf_run_tl_standalone
1678 SUBROUTINE wrf_run_ad( )
1680 ! WRF adjoint run routine.
1684 ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and
1685 ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed. The start
1686 ! and stop times for the domain are set to the start and stop time of the
1687 ! model run, and then <a href=integrate.html>integrate</a> is called to
1688 ! advance the domain forward through that specified time interval. On
1689 ! return, the simulation is completed.
1693 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr, timestr1
1694 INTEGER :: start_year,start_month,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second
1695 INTEGER :: end_year,end_month,end_day,end_hour,end_minute,end_second
1696 INTEGER :: rc, runad
1698 TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: run_interval
1700 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: bdyname
1701 INTEGER :: open_status
1703 ! The forecast integration for the most coarse grid is now started. The
1704 ! integration is from the first step (1) to the last step of the simulation.
1706 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling adjoint integrate" )
1708 ! Seeting for AD model
1709 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em_ad
1711 model_config_rec%run_days = -1 * model_config_rec%run_days
1712 model_config_rec%run_hours = -1 * model_config_rec%run_hours
1713 model_config_rec%run_minutes = -1 * model_config_rec%run_minutes
1714 model_config_rec%run_seconds = -1 * model_config_rec%run_seconds
1716 start_year = model_config_rec%start_year(head_grid%id)
1717 start_month = model_config_rec%start_month(head_grid%id)
1718 start_day = model_config_rec%start_day(head_grid%id)
1719 start_hour = model_config_rec%start_hour(head_grid%id)
1720 start_minute = model_config_rec%start_minute(head_grid%id)
1721 start_second = model_config_rec%start_second(head_grid%id)
1723 end_year = model_config_rec%end_year(head_grid%id)
1724 end_month = model_config_rec%end_month(head_grid%id)
1725 end_day = model_config_rec%end_day(head_grid%id)
1726 end_hour = model_config_rec%end_hour(head_grid%id)
1727 end_minute = model_config_rec%end_minute(head_grid%id)
1728 end_second = model_config_rec%end_second(head_grid%id)
1730 model_config_rec%start_year(head_grid%id) = end_year
1731 model_config_rec%start_month(head_grid%id) = end_month
1732 model_config_rec%start_day(head_grid%id) = end_day
1733 model_config_rec%start_hour(head_grid%id) = end_hour
1734 model_config_rec%start_minute(head_grid%id) = end_minute
1735 model_config_rec%start_second(head_grid%id) = end_second
1737 model_config_rec%end_year(head_grid%id) = start_year
1738 model_config_rec%end_month(head_grid%id) = start_month
1739 model_config_rec%end_day(head_grid%id) = start_day
1740 model_config_rec%end_hour(head_grid%id) = start_hour
1741 model_config_rec%end_minute(head_grid%id) = start_minute
1742 model_config_rec%end_second(head_grid%id) = start_second
1744 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1745 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1746 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1747 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1750 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1751 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1752 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1753 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1754 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1755 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1759 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1760 head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid )
1761 head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid )
1763 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
1764 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
1766 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
1767 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1768 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, time_step_seconds=-1*model_config_rec%time_step )
1770 IF ( ASSOCIATED(xtraj_head) ) xtraj_pointer => xtraj_head%next
1772 ! head_grid%itimestep should be the last
1773 IF ( head_grid%itimestep .EQ. 0 ) THEN
1774 timestep=abs(head_grid%dt)
1775 run_interval = head_grid%stop_subtime - head_grid%start_subtime
1777 CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet( run_interval, S=runad, rc=rc )
1780 head_grid%itimestep = ceiling(real(runad)/timestep)
1783 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%trajectory_io ) THEN
1784 CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, io_auxh8 )
1785 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, 0 )
1788 CALL integrate ( head_grid )
1790 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%trajectory_io ) THEN
1791 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, io_auxh8 )
1794 CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. )
1796 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%trajectory_io .OR. gradient_out ) THEN
1797 config_flags%auxhist7_outname = "gradient_wrfplus_d<domain>_<date>"
1798 config_flags%io_form_auxhist7 = 2
1799 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist7 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1800 CALL med_hist_out ( head_grid , AUXHIST7_ALARM , config_flags )
1801 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'Output gradient in WRFPLUS (not including LBC gradient)' )
1804 ! Recover to NL model
1805 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
1807 model_config_rec%run_days = -1 * model_config_rec%run_days
1808 model_config_rec%run_hours = -1 * model_config_rec%run_hours
1809 model_config_rec%run_minutes = -1 * model_config_rec%run_minutes
1810 model_config_rec%run_seconds = -1 * model_config_rec%run_seconds
1812 model_config_rec%start_year(head_grid%id) = start_year
1813 model_config_rec%start_month(head_grid%id) = start_month
1814 model_config_rec%start_day(head_grid%id) = start_day
1815 model_config_rec%start_hour(head_grid%id) = start_hour
1816 model_config_rec%start_minute(head_grid%id) = start_minute
1817 model_config_rec%start_second(head_grid%id) = start_second
1819 model_config_rec%end_year(head_grid%id) = end_year
1820 model_config_rec%end_month(head_grid%id) = end_month
1821 model_config_rec%end_day(head_grid%id) = end_day
1822 model_config_rec%end_hour(head_grid%id) = end_hour
1823 model_config_rec%end_minute(head_grid%id) = end_minute
1824 model_config_rec%end_second(head_grid%id) = end_second
1826 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1827 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1828 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1829 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1832 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1833 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1834 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1835 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1836 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1837 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1841 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1842 head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid )
1843 head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid )
1844 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, time_step_seconds=model_config_rec%time_step )
1846 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start
1847 CALL construct_filename2a ( bdyname , config_flags%bdy_inname , head_grid%id , 2 , 'dummydate' )
1848 CALL wrf_inquire_opened(head_grid%lbc_fid , TRIM(bdyname) , open_status , ierr )
1849 IF ( open_status .EQ. WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_READ ) THEN
1850 CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
1853 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from adjoint integrate" )
1855 END SUBROUTINE wrf_run_ad
1857 SUBROUTINE wrf_run_ad_standalone( )
1859 ! WRF adjoint code standalone run
1864 INTEGER :: rc, time_step, id, ierr
1865 CHARACTER*256 :: timestr
1866 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: bdyname
1868 ! Return immediately if not dyn_em_ad
1869 IF ( config_flags%dyn_opt .NE. dyn_em_ad ) RETURN
1871 ! Force to turn off history output in this case
1872 CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( head_grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), rc=rc )
1874 IF ( head_grid%trajectory_io ) THEN
1876 ! Force to read the lateral boundary condition here.
1877 !CALL med_before_solve_io ( head_grid, config_flags )
1879 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start later
1880 !CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
1882 CALL init_domain_size ( head_grid, config_flags )
1884 ! Release linked list for trajectory
1885 call xtraj_io_initialize
1887 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: calling nonlinear integrate" )
1889 ! Set up basic states output
1890 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1891 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1892 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1893 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1894 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1895 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1896 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1897 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1900 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1901 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1902 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1903 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1904 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1905 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1909 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1913 ! Turn off basic states output
1914 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist6 ( head_grid%id, 0 )
1915 CALL nl_set_auxhist6_interval_s ( head_grid%id, 0 )
1916 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%domain_clock ) ) THEN
1917 IF ( head_grid%domain_clock_created ) THEN
1918 CALL WRFU_ClockDestroy( head_grid%domain_clock )
1919 head_grid%domain_clock_created = .FALSE.
1922 IF ( ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms ) .AND. &
1923 ASSOCIATED( head_grid%alarms_created ) ) THEN
1924 DO alarmid = 1, MAX_WRF_ALARMS
1925 IF ( head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) ) THEN
1926 CALL WRFU_AlarmDestroy( head_grid%alarms( alarmid ) )
1927 head_grid%alarms_created( alarmid ) = .FALSE.
1931 CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( head_grid )
1933 CALL wrf_message ( "wrf: back from nonlinear integrate" )
1937 ! Set the file names and interval for reading basic states.
1938 model_config_rec%auxinput6_inname = "auxhist6_d<domain>_<date>"
1939 CALL nl_get_time_step ( head_grid%id, time_step )
1940 CALL nl_set_auxinput6_interval_s (head_grid%id, time_step )
1941 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1942 CALL nl_set_frames_per_auxinput6 ( head_grid%id, 1 )
1944 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 0 .and. config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 99 .and. &
1945 config_flags%mp_physics .NE. 98 ) CALL nl_set_mp_physics (head_grid%id, config_flags%mp_physics_ad)
1946 IF ( config_flags%bl_pbl_physics .GT. 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
1947 IF ( config_flags%cu_physics .GT. 0 ) THEN
1948 CALL nl_set_cu_physics (head_grid%id, 98)
1951 CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1952 CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1953 CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics (head_grid%id, 0)
1955 CALL zero_out_ad ( head_grid )
1957 head_grid%g_u_1 = 0.0
1958 head_grid%g_v_1 = 0.0
1959 head_grid%g_w_1 = 0.0
1960 head_grid%g_t_1 = 0.0
1961 head_grid%g_ph_1 = 0.0
1962 head_grid%g_mu_1 = 0.0
1964 head_grid%g_u_2 = 0.0
1965 head_grid%g_v_2 = 0.0
1966 head_grid%g_w_2 = 0.0
1967 head_grid%g_t_2 = 0.0
1968 head_grid%g_ph_2 = 0.0
1969 head_grid%g_mu_2 = 0.0
1973 head_grid%g_moist = 0.0
1974 head_grid%g_tracer = 0.0
1975 head_grid%g_scalar = 0.0
1976 head_grid%g_rainnc = 0.0
1977 head_grid%g_rainncv = 0.0
1978 head_grid%g_rainc = 0.0
1979 head_grid%g_raincv = 0.0
1981 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, stop_timestr=timestr )
1982 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1983 config_flags%auxinput7_inname = "final_sens_d01"
1984 config_flags%io_form_auxinput7 = 2
1985 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxinput7 ( head_grid%id, 2 )
1986 config_flags%frames_per_auxinput7 = 1
1987 CALL med_auxinput_in ( head_grid, auxinput7_alarm, config_flags )
1988 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'Read in final sensitivuty' )
1989 config_flags%io_form_auxinput7 = 0
1990 CALL domain_clock_get( head_grid, start_timestr=timestr )
1991 CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, current_timestr=timestr )
1993 gradient_out = .TRUE.
1997 !-- Output gradient in boundary
1998 CALL construct_filename1( bdyname , 'gradient_wrfbdy' , head_grid%id , 2 )
1999 CALL open_w_dataset ( id, TRIM(bdyname) , head_grid , config_flags , output_boundary , "DATASET=BOUNDARY", ierr )
2000 IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN
2001 CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'real: error opening wrfbdy for writing' )
2003 print *,'Output LBC gradient valid between these times ',current_date, ' ',start_date
2004 CALL output_boundary ( id, head_grid , config_flags , ierr )
2006 ! Release linked list for trajectory
2007 call xtraj_io_initialize
2009 END SUBROUTINE wrf_run_ad_standalone
2010 !------------------AD/TL code end--------------------
2013 SUBROUTINE wrf_run( )
2019 integer :: io_auxh7, io_auxh8
2020 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: bdyname
2021 INTEGER :: open_status
2024 ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and
2025 ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed. The start
2026 ! and stop times for the domain are set to the start and stop time of the
2027 ! model run, and then <a href=integrate.html>integrate</a> is called to
2028 ! advance the domain forward through that specified time interval. On
2029 ! return, the simulation is completed.
2033 ! The forecast integration for the most coarse grid is now started. The
2034 ! integration is from the first step (1) to the last step of the simulation.
2036 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling integrate' )
2038 model_config_rec%dyn_opt = dyn_em
2039 IF ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. SURFDRAGSCHEME ) THEN
2040 head_grid%rublten = 0.0
2041 head_grid%rvblten = 0.0
2042 head_grid%rthblten = 0.0
2043 head_grid%rqvblten = 0.0
2045 IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. LSCONDSCHEME ) THEN
2046 head_grid%h_diabatic = 0.0
2047 head_grid%qv_diabatic = 0.0
2048 head_grid%qc_diabatic = 0.0
2049 head_grid%rainnc = 0.0
2050 head_grid%rainncv = 0.0
2052 IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. MKESSLERSCHEME ) THEN
2053 head_grid%h_diabatic = 0.0
2054 head_grid%qv_diabatic = 0.0
2055 head_grid%qc_diabatic = 0.0
2056 head_grid%rainnc = 0.0
2057 head_grid%rainncv = 0.0
2059 IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(head_grid%id) .EQ. DUCUSCHEME ) THEN
2060 head_grid%rthcuten = 0.0
2061 head_grid%rqvcuten = 0.0
2062 head_grid%rainc = 0.0
2063 head_grid%raincv = 0.0
2066 CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, io_auxh7 )
2067 CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, io_auxh8 )
2068 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, 0 )
2069 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, 0 )
2071 head_grid%itimestep = 0
2072 CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. )
2074 CALL integrate ( head_grid )
2077 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist7( head_grid%id, io_auxh7 )
2078 CALL nl_set_io_form_auxhist8( head_grid%id, io_auxh8 )
2080 ! Close boundary file, as it will be read again from start
2081 CALL construct_filename2a ( bdyname , config_flags%bdy_inname , head_grid%id , 2 , 'dummydate' )
2082 CALL wrf_inquire_opened(head_grid%lbc_fid , TRIM(bdyname) , open_status , ierr )
2083 IF ( open_status .EQ. WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_READ ) THEN
2084 CALL close_dataset ( head_grid%lbc_fid , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" )
2088 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: back from integrate' )
2090 END SUBROUTINE wrf_run
2094 SUBROUTINE wrf_finalize( no_shutdown )
2096 ! WRF finalize routine.
2100 ! A Mediation Layer-provided
2101 ! subroutine, <a href=med_shutdown_io.html>med_shutdown_io</a> is called
2102 ! to allow the the model to do any I/O specific cleanup and shutdown, and
2103 ! then the WRF Driver Layer routine <a
2104 ! href=wrf_shutdown.html>wrf_shutdown</a> (quilt servers would be
2105 ! directed to shut down here) is called to properly end the run,
2106 ! including shutting down the communications (for example, most comm
2107 ! layers would call MPI_FINALIZE at this point if they're using MPI).
2110 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: no_shutdown
2113 CALL med_shutdown_io ( head_grid , config_flags )
2114 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: back from med_shutdown_io' )
2116 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF' )
2118 ! Call wrf_shutdown() (which calls MPI_FINALIZE()
2119 ! for DM parallel runs).
2120 IF ( .NOT. PRESENT( no_shutdown ) ) THEN
2121 ! Finalize time manager
2122 IF (coupler_on) THEN
2130 END SUBROUTINE wrf_finalize
2133 SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi()
2135 ! Runs a digital filter initialization procedure.
2139 ! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
2140 ! Initialization procedure
2141 IF ( config_flags%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI ) THEN
2143 SELECT CASE ( config_flags%dfi_opt )
2146 wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with DFL'
2147 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2149 wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time'
2150 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2152 CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init()
2155 CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset()
2157 CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init()
2159 IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN
2160 CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state()
2164 wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with DDFI'
2165 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2167 wrf_err_message = ' Integrating backward in time'
2168 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2170 CALL wrf_dfi_bck_init()
2173 wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time'
2174 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2176 CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init()
2179 CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset()
2181 CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init()
2183 IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN
2184 CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state()
2188 wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with TDFI'
2189 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2191 wrf_err_message = ' Integrating backward in time'
2192 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2194 CALL wrf_dfi_bck_init()
2197 CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset()
2199 wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time'
2200 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2202 CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init()
2205 CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset()
2207 CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init()
2209 IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN
2210 CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state()
2214 wrf_err_message = 'Unrecognized DFI_OPT in namelist'
2215 CALL wrf_error_fatal(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
2222 END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi
2224 SUBROUTINE set_derived_rconfigs
2226 ! Some derived rconfig entries need to be set based on the value of other,
2227 ! non-derived entries before package-dependent memory allocation takes place.
2228 ! This might be employed when, for example, we want to allocate arrays in
2229 ! a package that depends on the setting of two or more namelist variables.
2230 ! In this subroutine, we do just that.
2238 ! #if (EM_CORE == 1)
2239 IF ( model_config_rec % dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) THEN
2240 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2241 model_config_rec % mp_physics_dfi(i) = -1
2244 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2245 model_config_rec % mp_physics_dfi(i) = model_config_rec % mp_physics(i)
2251 IF ( model_config_rec % dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) THEN
2252 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2253 model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics_dfi(i) = -1
2256 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2257 model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics_dfi(i) = model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i)
2263 IF ( model_config_rec % dyn_opt .EQ. 2 ) THEN
2264 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2265 model_config_rec % mp_physics_4dvar(i) = -1
2268 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom
2269 model_config_rec % mp_physics_4dvar(i) = model_config_rec % mp_physics(i)
2274 END SUBROUTINE set_derived_rconfigs
2276 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE alloc_doms_for_dfi ( grid )
2280 TYPE (domain) , pointer :: grid
2284 TYPE (domain) , pointer :: new_nest_loc
2285 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: parent_config_flags
2286 INTEGER :: nestid_loc , kid_loc
2288 ! Are there any subdomains from this level. The output is the nestid (the domain
2289 ! ID of the nest), and kid (an index to which of the parent's children this new nested
2290 ! domain represents).
2292 DO WHILE ( nests_to_open( grid , nestid_loc , kid_loc ) )
2294 ! If we found another child domain, we continue on: allocate, set up time keeping,
2297 CALL alloc_and_configure_domain ( domain_id = nestid_loc , &
2298 grid = new_nest_loc , &
2302 print *,'for parent domain id #',grid%id,', found child domain #',nestid_loc
2303 ! Since this is a DFI run, set the DFI switches to the same for all domains.
2305 new_nest_loc%dfi_opt = head_grid%dfi_opt
2306 new_nest_loc%dfi_stage = DFI_SETUP
2308 ! Set up time keeping for the fine grid space that was just allocated.
2310 CALL Setup_Timekeeping (new_nest_loc)
2312 ! With space allocated, and timers set, the fine grid can be initialized with data.
2314 CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , parent_config_flags )
2315 CALL med_nest_initial ( grid , new_nest_loc , config_flags )
2317 ! Here's the recursive part. For each of these child domains, we call this same routine.
2318 ! This will find all of "new_nest_loc" first generation progeny.
2320 CALL alloc_doms_for_dfi ( new_nest_loc )
2324 END SUBROUTINE alloc_doms_for_dfi
2326 END MODULE module_wrf_top