1 MODULE module_bl_boulac
3 !USE module_model_constants
6 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ! Calculation of the tendency due to momentum, heat
8 ! and moisture turbulent fluxes follwing the approach
9 ! of Bougeault and Lacarrere, 1989 (MWR, 117, 1872-1890).
10 ! The scheme computes a prognostic ecuation for TKE and derives
11 ! dissipation and turbulent coefficients using length scales.
13 ! Subroutine written by Alberto Martilli, CIEMAT, Spain,
14 ! e-mail:alberto_martilli@ciemat.es
16 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
21 ! Constant used in the module
22 ! ck_b=constant used in the compuation of diffusion coefficients
23 ! ceps_b=constant used inthe computation of dissipation
24 ! temin= minimum value allowed for TKE
25 ! vk=von karman constant
26 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
28 real ck_b,ceps_b,vk,temin ! constant for Bougeault and Lacarrere
29 parameter(ceps_b=1/1.4,ck_b=0.4,temin=0.0001,vk=0.4) ! impose minimum values for tke similar to those of MYJ
30 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
35 subroutine boulac(frc_urb2d,idiff,flag_bep,dz8w,dt,u_phy,v_phy &
36 ,th_phy,rho,qv_curr,qc_curr,hfx &
38 ,rublten,rvblten,rthblten &
40 ,tke,dlk,wu,wv,wt,wq,exch_h,exch_m,pblh &
41 ,a_u_bep,a_v_bep,a_t_bep,a_q_bep &
42 ,a_e_bep,b_u_bep,b_v_bep &
43 ,b_t_bep,b_q_bep,b_e_bep,dlg_bep &
44 ,dl_u_bep,sf_bep,vl_bep &
45 ,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde &
46 ,ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme &
47 ,its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
53 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
55 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 INTEGER:: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
57 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
58 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
60 integer, INTENT(IN) :: idiff
61 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: DZ8W !vertical resolution
62 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: qv_curr !moisture
63 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: qc_curr !liquid water
64 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: RHO !air density
65 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: TH_PHY !potential temperature
66 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: U_PHY !x-component of wind
67 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: V_PHY !y-component of wind
68 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: ustar !friction velocity
69 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: hfx !sensible heat flux (W/m2) at surface
70 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: qfx !moisture flux at surface
71 real, INTENT(IN ) :: g,cp !gravity and Cp
72 REAL, INTENT(IN ):: DT ! Time step
74 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) :: FRC_URB2D !fraction cover urban
75 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT) :: PBLH !PBL height
77 ! variable added for urban
78 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::a_u_bep ! Implicit component for the momemtum in X-direction
79 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::a_v_bep ! Implicit component for the momemtum in Y-direction
80 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::a_t_bep ! Implicit component for the Pot. Temp.
81 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::a_q_bep ! Implicit component for Moisture
82 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::a_e_bep ! Implicit component for the TKE
83 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::b_u_bep ! Explicit component for the momemtum in X-direction
84 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::b_v_bep ! Explicit component for the momemtum in Y-direction
85 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::b_t_bep ! Explicit component for the Pot. Temp.
86 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::b_q_bep ! Explicit component for Moisture
87 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::b_e_bep ! Explicit component for the TKE
89 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT) ::dlg_bep ! Height above ground (L_ground in formula (24) of the BLM paper).
90 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::dl_u_bep ! Length scale (lb in formula (22) ofthe BLM paper).
91 ! urban surface and volumes
92 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::sf_bep ! surface of the urban grid cells
93 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN ) ::vl_bep ! volume of the urban grid cells
94 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: flag_bep !flag for BEP
97 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
98 ! Local, carried on from one timestep to the other
99 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 ! real, save, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:)::TKE ! Turbulent kinetic energy
101 real, dimension (ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme) ::th_0 ! reference state for potential temperature
103 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: exch_h ! exchange coefficient for heat
107 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: exch_m ! exchange coefficient for momentum
108 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(INOUT ) :: tke ! Turbulence Kinetic Energy
109 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: wu ! Turbulent flux of momentum (x)
110 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: wv ! Turbulent flux of momentum (y)
111 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: wt ! Turbulent flux of temperature
112 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: wq ! Turbulent flux of water vapor
113 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: dlk ! Turbulent flux of water vapor
114 ! only if idiff not equal 1:
115 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: RUBLTEN !tendency for U_phy
116 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: RVBLTEN !tendency for V_phy
117 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: RTHBLTEN !tendency for TH_phy
118 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: RQVBLTEN !tendency for QV_curr
119 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT ) :: RQCBLTEN !tendency for QV_curr
121 !--------------------------------------------------------------
123 !--------------------------------------------------------------
124 ! 1D array used for the input and output of the routine boulac1D
126 real z1D(kms:kme) ! vertical coordinates (faces of the grid)
127 real dz1D(kms:kme) ! vertical resolution
128 real u1D(kms:kme) ! wind speed in the x directions
129 real v1D(kms:kme) ! wind speed in the y directions
130 real th1D(kms:kme) ! potential temperature
131 real q1D(kms:kme) ! moisture
132 real qc1D(kms:kme) ! liquid water
133 real rho1D(kms:kme) ! air density
134 real rhoz1D(kms:kme) ! air density at the faces
135 real tke1D(kms:kme) ! air pressure
136 real th01D(kms:kme) ! reference potential temperature
137 real dlk1D(kms:kme) ! dlk
138 real dls1D(kms:kme) ! dls
139 real exch1D(kms:kme) ! exch
140 real sf1D(kms:kme) ! surface of the grid cells
141 real vl1D(kms:kme) ! volume of the grid cells
142 real a_u1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the momentum sources or sinks in the X-direction
143 real a_v1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the momentum sources or sinks in the Y-direction
144 real a_t1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the heat sources or sinks
145 real a_q1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the moisture sources or sinks
146 real a_qc1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the liquid water sources or sinks
147 real a_e1D(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the TKE sources or sinks
148 real b_u1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the momentum sources or sinks in the X-direction
149 real b_v1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the momentum sources or sinks in the Y-direction
150 real b_t1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the heat sources or sinks
151 real b_q1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the moisture sources or sinks
152 real b_qc1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the liquid water sources or sinks
153 real b_e1D(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the TKE sources or sinks
154 real dlg1D(kms:kme) ! Height above ground (L_ground in formula (24) of the BLM paper).
155 real dl_u1D(kms:kme) ! Length scale (lb in formula (22) ofthe BLM paper)
156 real sh1D(kms:kme) ! shear
157 real bu1D(kms:kme) ! buoyancy
158 real wu1D(kms:kme) ! turbulent flux of momentum (x component)
159 real wv1D(kms:kme) ! turbulent flux of momentum (y component)
160 real wt1D(kms:kme) ! turbulent flux of temperature
161 real wq1D(kms:kme) ! turbulent flux of water vapor
162 real wqc1D(kms:kme) ! turbulent flux of liquid water
163 real gamma1D(kms:kme) ! non local term
164 real t2_1D(kms:kme) ! temperature variance
165 real w2_1D(kms:kme) ! vertical velocity variance
166 ! local added only for diagnostic output
167 real a_e(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ! implicit term in TKE
168 real b_e(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ! explicit term in TKE
169 real bu(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ! buoyancy term in TKE
170 real sh(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ! shear term in TKE
171 real wrk(ims:ime) ! working array
172 integer ix,iy,iz,id,iz_u,iw_u,ig,ir_u,ix1,iy1,igamma
173 real ufrac_int ! urban fraction
174 real vect,time_tke,hour,zzz
175 real ustarf,wstar,wts,t2,w2,tstar_w,zzi
176 real summ1,summ2,summ3
181 !here I fix the value of the reference state equal to the value of the potnetial temperature
182 ! the only use of this variable in the code is to compute the paramter BETA = g/th0
188 ! th_0(ix,iz,iy)=th_phy(ix,iz,iy)
230 ! flag to choose the method for the calcaulation of the gamma non local term:
232 ! igamma=1 Troen and Mahrt
233 ! igamma=2 Deardroff and Therry-Lacarrere
234 ! igamma=3 Holstag and Moeng
237 ! loop over the columns.
238 ! put variables in 1D temporary arrays
245 u1D(iz)=u_phy(ix,iz,iy)
246 v1D(iz)=v_phy(ix,iz,iy)
247 th1D(iz)=th_phy(ix,iz,iy)
248 q1D(iz)=qv_curr(ix,iz,iy)
249 qc1D(iz)=qc_curr(ix,iz,iy)
250 tke1D(iz)=tke(ix,iz,iy)
251 rho1D(iz)=rho(ix,iz,iy)
252 th01D(iz)=th_0(ix,iz,iy)
253 dz1D(iz)=dz8w(ix,iz,iy)
254 z1D(iz+1)=z1D(iz)+dz1D(iz)
256 rhoz1D(kts)=rho1D(kts)
258 rhoz1D(iz)=(rho1D(iz)*dz1D(iz-1)+rho1D(iz-1)*dz1D(iz))/(dz1D(iz-1)+dz1D(iz))
260 rhoz1D(kte+1)=rho1D(kte)
263 a_e1D(iz)=a_e_bep(ix,iz,iy)
264 b_e1D(iz)=b_e_bep(ix,iz,iy)
265 dlg1D(iz)=(z1D(iz)+z1D(iz+1))/2.*(1.-frc_urb2d(ix,iy))+dlg_bep(ix,iz,iy)*frc_urb2d(ix,iy)
266 dl_u1D(iz)=dl_u_bep(ix,iz,iy)
267 if((1.-frc_urb2d(ix,iy)).lt.1.)dl_u1D(iz)=dl_u1D(iz)/frc_urb2d(ix,iy)
268 vl1D(iz)=vl_bep(ix,iz,iy)
269 sf1D(iz)=sf_bep(ix,iz,iy)
271 ufrac_int=frc_urb2d(ix,iy)
272 sf1D(kte+1)=sf_bep(ix,1,iy)
277 dlg1D(iz)=(z1D(iz)+z1D(iz+1))/2.
286 ! compute the pbl_height
287 call pbl_height(kms,kme,kts,kte,dz1d,z1d,th1D,q1D,pblh(ix,iy))
289 ! compute the values of wstar
290 wts=max(0.,hfx(ix,iy)/rho1D(1)/cp)
291 wstar=(g*wts*pblh(ix,iy)/th01D(1))**(1./3.)
292 if (wts .ne. 0.0) then
300 ! compute the variances
302 zzi=z1D(iz)/pblh(ix,iy)
303 t2_1D(iz)=1.8*(zzi**(-2./3.))*(tstar_w**2.)
304 w2_1D(iz)=1.8*(zzi**(2./3.))*((1.-0.8*zzi)**2.)*(wstar**2.)
313 if(z1D(iz).le.1.0*pblh(ix,iy).and.wts.gt.0.)then
314 gamma1D(iz)=10.*wts/wstar/pblh(ix,iy)
320 elseif(igamma.eq.2)then
321 ! Deardorff, and Therry -Lacarrere
324 if(z1D(iz).le.(1.0*pblh(ix,iy)).and.z1D(iz).gt.(0.1*pblh(ix,iy)))then
325 gamma1D(iz)=g/th01D(iz)*t2_1D(iz)/w2_1D(iz)
332 elseif(igamma.eq.3)then! (Holtslag and Moeng)
334 if(z1D(iz).le.(1.0*pblh(ix,iy)).and.wts.gt.0)then
335 gamma1D(iz)=2.*wstar*wts/w2_1D(iz)/pblh(ix,iy)
345 call boulac1D(ix,iy,ufrac_int,kms,kme,kts,kte,dz1d,z1D,dt,u1D,v1D,th1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,q1D,th01D,&
346 tke1D,ustar(ix,iy),hfx(ix,iy),qfx(ix,iy),cp,g, &
348 dlg1D,dl_u1D,sf1D,vl1D,dlk1D,dls1D,exch1D,sh1D,bu1D,gamma1D)
352 ! store turbulent exchange coefficients, TKE, and other variables
355 a_e(ix,iz,iy)=a_e1D(iz)
356 b_e(ix,iz,iy)=b_e1D(iz)
358 dlg_bep(ix,iz,iy)=dlg1D(iz)
360 tke(ix,iz,iy)=tke1D(iz)
361 dlk(ix,iz,iy)=dlk1D(iz)
362 sh(ix,iz,iy)=sh1D(iz)
363 bu(ix,iz,iy)=bu1D(iz)
364 exch_h(ix,iz,iy)=exch1D(iz)
365 exch_m(ix,iz,iy)=exch1D(iz)
370 ! estimate the tendencies
374 a_t1D(iz)=a_t_bep(ix,iz,iy)
375 b_t1D(iz)=b_t_bep(ix,iz,iy)
376 a_u1D(iz)=a_u_bep(ix,iz,iy)
377 b_u1D(iz)=b_u_bep(ix,iz,iy)
378 a_v1D(iz)=a_v_bep(ix,iz,iy)
379 b_v1D(iz)=b_v_bep(ix,iz,iy)
380 a_q1D(iz)=a_q_bep(ix,iz,iy)
381 b_q1D(iz)=b_q_bep(ix,iz,iy)
394 b_t1D(1)=hfx(ix,iy)/dz1D(1)/rho1D(1)/cp
395 b_q1D(1)=qfx(ix,iy)/dz1D(1)/rho1D(1)
396 a_u1D(1)=(-ustar(ix,iy)*ustar(ix,iy)/dz1D(1)/((u1D(1)**2.+v1D(1)**2.)**.5))
397 a_v1D(1)=(-ustar(ix,iy)*ustar(ix,iy)/dz1D(1)/((u1D(1)**2.+v1D(1)**2.)**.5))
403 ! compute the value of the extra term that will be added to b_t1D
405 if(z1D(iz).le.1.0*pblh(ix,iy).and.wts.gt.0.)then
406 b_t1D(iz)=b_t1D(iz)-(exch1D(iz+1)*gamma1D(iz+1)-exch1D(iz)*gamma1D(iz))/dz1D(iz)
415 ! solve diffusion equation for momentum x component
416 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,u1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,exch1D,a_u1D,b_u1D,sf1D,vl1D,dz1D,wu1D)
418 ! solve diffusion equation for momentum y component
419 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,v1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,exch1D,a_v1D,b_v1D,sf1D,vl1D,dz1D,wv1D)
421 ! solve diffusion equation for potential temperature
422 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,th1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,exch1D,a_t1D,b_t1D,sf1D,vl1D,dz1D,wt1D)
424 ! solve diffusion equation for water vapor mixing ratio
425 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,q1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,exch1D,a_q1D,b_q1D,sf1D,vl1D,dz1D,wq1D)
427 ! solve diffusion equation for liquid water mixing ratio
428 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,qc1D,rho1D,rhoz1D,exch1D,a_qc1D,b_qc1D,sf1D,vl1D,dz1D,wqc1D)
430 ! compute the tendencies
433 rthblten(ix,iz,iy)=(th1D(iz)-th_phy(ix,iz,iy))/dt
434 rqvblten(ix,iz,iy)=(q1D(iz)-qv_curr(ix,iz,iy))/dt
435 rqcblten(ix,iz,iy)=(qc1D(iz)-qc_curr(ix,iz,iy))/dt
436 rublten(ix,iz,iy)=(u1D(iz)-u_phy(ix,iz,iy))/dt
437 rvblten(ix,iz,iy)=(v1D(iz)-v_phy(ix,iz,iy))/dt
438 wu(ix,iz,iy)=wu1D(iz)
439 wv(ix,iz,iy)=wv1D(iz)
440 wt(ix,iz,iy)=wt1D(iz)
441 wq(ix,iz,iy)=wq1D(iz)
450 end subroutine boulac
453 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
455 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
457 subroutine boulac1D(ix,iy,ufrac_int,kms,kme,kts,kte,dz,z,dt,u,v,th,rho,rhoz,qa,th0,te, &
458 ustar,hfx,qfx,cp,g, &
460 dlg,dl_u,sf,vl,dlk,dls,exch,sh,bu,gamma)
462 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
463 ! 1D resolution of TKE following Bougeault and Lacarrere
464 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
470 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
472 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
475 integer kms,kme,kts,kte
476 real z(kms:kme) ! Altitude above the ground of the cell interfaces.
477 real dz(kms:kme) ! vertical resolution
478 real u(kms:kme) ! Wind speed in the x direction
479 real v(kms:kme) ! Wind speed in the y direction
480 real th(kms:kme) ! Potential temperature
481 real rho(kms:kme) ! Air density
484 real te(kms:kme) ! turbulent kinetic energy
485 real qa(kms:kme) ! air humidity
486 real th0(kms:kme) ! Reference potential temperature
489 real hfx ! sensbile heat flux
490 real qfx ! kinematic latent heat flux
491 real sf(kms:kme) ! surface of the urban grid cells
492 real vl(kms:kme) ! volume of the urban grid cells
493 real a_e(kms:kme) ! Implicit component of the TKE sources or sinks
494 real b_e(kms:kme) ! Explicit component of the TKE sources or sinks
495 real dlg(kms:kme) ! Height above ground (L_ground in formula (24) of the BLM paper).
496 real dl_u(kms:kme) ! Length scale (lb in formula (22) ofthe BLM paper)
497 real ufrac_int ! urban fraction
498 ! local variables not needed in principle, but that can be used to estimate the budget and turbulent fluxes
500 real we(kms:kme),dwe(kms:kme)
503 real sh(kms:kme) ! shear term in TKE eqn.
504 real bu(kms:kme) ! buoyancy term in TKE eqn.
505 real gamma(kms:kme) ! gamma term
506 real td(kms:kme) ! dissipation term in TKE eqn.
507 real exch(kms:kme) ! turbulent diffusion coefficients (defined at the faces)
508 real dls(kms:kme) ! dissipation length scale
509 real dlk(kms:kme) ! length scale used to estimate exch
510 real dlu(kms:kme) ! l_up
511 real dld(kms:kme) ! l_down
512 real rhoz(kms:kme) !air density at the faces of the cell
513 real tstar ! derived from hfx and ustar
515 real summ1,summ2,summ3,summ4
516 ! interpolate air density at the faces
520 ! estimation of tstar
522 tstar=-hfx/rho(1)/cp/ustar
524 ! first compute values of dlu and dld (length scales up and down).
526 call dissip_bougeault(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,z,dz,te,dlu,dld,th,th0)
528 !then average them to obtain dls and dlk (length scales for dissipation and eddy coefficients)
530 call length_bougeault(ix,iy,kms,kme,kts,kte,dld,dlu,dlg,dl_u,dls,dlk)
532 ! compute the turbulent diffusion coefficients exch
534 call cdtur_bougeault(ix,iy,kms,kme,kts,kte,te,z,dz,exch,dlk)
536 ! compute source and sink terms in the TKE equation (shear, buoyancy and dissipation)
538 call tke_bougeault(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,z,dz,vl,u,v,th,te,th0,ustar,tstar,exch,dls,td,sh,bu,gamma,b_e,a_e,sf,ufrac_int)
542 call diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,1,1,dt,te,rho,rhoz,exch,a_e,b_e,sf,vl,dz,we)
544 ! avoid negative values for tke
547 if(te(iz).lt.temin) te(iz)=temin
551 end subroutine boulac1d
553 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
555 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
556 subroutine dissip_bougeault(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,z,dz,te,dlu,dld,th,th0)
557 ! compute the length scales up and down
559 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz,izz,ix,iy
560 real dzt,zup,beta,zup_inf,bbb,tl,zdo,zdo_sup,zzz,g
561 real te(kms:kme),dlu(kms:kme),dld(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme)
562 real z(kms:kme),th(kms:kme),th0(kms:kme)
566 dlu(iz)=z(kte+1)-z(iz)-dz(iz)/2.
569 beta=g/th0(iz) !Buoyancy coefficient
571 dzt=(dz(izz+1)+dz(izz))/2.
572 zup=zup-beta*th(iz)*dzt
573 zup=zup+beta*(th(izz+1)+th(izz))*dzt/2.
575 if(te(iz).lt.zup.and.te(iz).ge.zup_inf)then
576 bbb=(th(izz+1)-th(izz))/dzt
578 tl=(-beta*(th(izz)-th(iz))+sqrt( max(0.,(beta*(th(izz)-th(iz)))**2.+2.*bbb*beta*(te(iz)-zup_inf))))/bbb/beta
580 if(th(izz).ne.th(iz))then
581 tl=(te(iz)-zup_inf)/(beta*(th(izz)-th(iz)))
593 dld(iz)=z(iz)+dz(iz)/2.
596 dzt=(dz(izz-1)+dz(izz))/2.
597 zdo=zdo+beta*th(iz)*dzt
598 zdo=zdo-beta*(th(izz-1)+th(izz))*dzt/2.
600 if(te(iz).lt.zdo.and.te(iz).ge.zdo_sup)then
601 bbb=(th(izz)-th(izz-1))/dzt
603 tl=(beta*(th(izz)-th(iz))+sqrt( max(0.,(beta*(th(izz)-th(iz)))**2.+2.*bbb*beta*(te(iz)-zdo_sup))))/bbb/beta
605 if(th(izz).ne.th(iz))then
606 tl=(te(iz)-zdo_sup)/(beta*(th(izz)-th(iz)))
619 end subroutine dissip_bougeault
621 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
622 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
623 subroutine length_bougeault(ix,iy,kms,kme,kts,kte,dld,dlu,dlg,dl_u,dls,dlk)
624 ! compute the length scales for dissipation and turbulent coefficients
626 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz,ix,iy
627 real dlu(kms:kme),dld(kms:kme),dl_u(kms:kme)
628 real dls(kms:kme),dlk(kms:kme),dlg(kms:kme)
631 dld(iz)=min(dld(iz),dlg(iz))
632 dls(iz)=sqrt(dlu(iz)*dld(iz))
633 dlk(iz)=min(dlu(iz),dld(iz))
635 if(dl_u(iz).gt.0.)then
636 dls(iz)=1./(1./dls(iz)+1./dl_u(iz))
637 dlk(iz)=1./(1./dlk(iz)+1./dl_u(iz))
642 end subroutine length_bougeault
645 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
646 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
648 subroutine cdtur_bougeault(ix,iy,kms,kme,kts,kte,te,z,dz,exch,dlk)
649 ! compute turbulent coefficients
651 integer iz,kms,kme,kts,kte,ix,iy
653 real te(kms:kme),exch(kms:kme)
654 real dz(kms:kme),z(kms:kme)
662 te_m=(te(iz-1)*dz(iz)+te(iz)*dz(iz-1))/(dz(iz)+dz(iz-1))
663 dlk_m=(dlk(iz-1)*dz(iz)+dlk(iz)*dz(iz-1))/(dz(iz)+dz(iz-1))
664 exch(iz)=ck_b*dlk_m*sqrt(te_m)
665 ! exch(iz)=max(exch(iz),0.0001)
666 exch(iz)=max(exch(iz),0.1)
672 end subroutine cdtur_bougeault
675 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
676 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
678 subroutine diff(kms,kme,kts,kte,iz1,izf,dt,co,rho,rhoz,cd,aa,bb,sf,vl,dz,fc)
681 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 ! Calculation of the diffusion in 1D
683 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
685 ! nz : number of points
686 ! iz1 : first calculated point
687 ! co : concentration of the variable of interest
688 ! dz : vertical levels
689 ! cd : diffusion coefficients
690 ! dtext : external time step
691 ! rho : density of the air at the center
692 ! rhoz : density of the air at the face
693 ! itest : if itest eq 1 then update co, else store in a flux array
695 ! co :concentration of the variable of interest
698 ! cddz : constant terms in the equations
699 ! dt : diffusion time step
700 ! nt : number of the diffusion time steps
701 ! cstab : ratio of the stability condition for the time step
702 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
706 integer kms,kme,kts,kte
708 real co(kms:kme),cd(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme)
709 real rho(kms:kme),rhoz(kms:kme)
710 real cddz(kms:kme+1),fc(kms:kme),df(kms:kme)
711 real a(kms:kme,3),c(kms:kme)
712 real sf(kms:kme),vl(kms:kme)
713 real aa(kms:kme),bb(kms:kme)
716 ! Compute cddz=2*cd/dz
718 cddz(kts)=sf(kts)*rhoz(kts)*cd(kts)/dz(kts)
720 cddz(iz)=2.*sf(iz)*rhoz(iz)*cd(iz)/(dz(iz)+dz(iz-1))
722 cddz(kte+1)=sf(kte+1)*rhoz(kte+1)*cd(kte+1)/dz(kte)
733 a(iz,1)=-cddz(iz)*dt/dzv/rho(iz)
734 a(iz,2)=1+dt*(cddz(iz)+cddz(iz+1))/dzv/rho(iz)-aa(iz)*dt
735 a(iz,3)=-cddz(iz+1)*dt/dzv/rho(iz)
736 c(iz)=co(iz)+bb(iz)*dt
739 do iz=kte-(izf-1),kte
746 call invert (kms,kme,kts,kte,a,c,co)
753 fc(iz)=-(cddz(iz)*(co(iz)-co(iz-1)))/rho(iz)
762 ! df(iz)=+(co(iz-1)*cddz(iz)-co(iz)*(cddz(iz)+cddz(iz+1))+co(iz+1)*cddz(iz+1))/dzv/rho(iz)
772 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
773 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
775 subroutine buoy(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,th,th0,exch,dz,bu,gamma,ustar,tstar,ufrac_int)
776 ! compute buoyancy term
778 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz,ix,iy
779 real dtdz1,dtdz2,cdm,dtmdz,g
780 real th(kms:kme),exch(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme),bu(kms:kme),gamma(kms:kme)
781 real th0(kms:kme),ustar,tstar,ufrac_int,gammam
783 ! bu(1)=-ustar*tstar*g/th0(1)*(1.-ufrac_int)
788 dtdz1=2.*(th(iz)-th(iz-1))/(dz(iz-1)+dz(iz))
789 dtdz2=2.*(th(iz+1)-th(iz))/(dz(iz+1)+dz(iz))
790 dtmdz=0.5*(dtdz1+dtdz2)
791 cdm=0.5*(exch(iz+1)+exch(iz))
792 gammam=0.5*(gamma(iz+1)+gamma(iz))
793 bu(iz)=-cdm*(dtmdz-gammam)*g/th0(iz)
802 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
803 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
805 subroutine shear(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,u,v,cdua,dz,sh,ustar,tstar,th,ufrac_int)
808 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz,ix,iy
809 real dudz1,dudz2,dvdz1,dvdz2,cdm,dumdz,ustar
810 real tstar,th,al,phim,g
811 real u(kms:kme),v(kms:kme),cdua(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme),sh(kms:kme)
812 real u1,u2,v1,v2,ufrac_int
814 ! al=vk*g*tstar/(th*(ustar**2.))
815 ! if(al.ge.0.)phim=1.+4.7*dz(1)/2.*al
816 ! if(al.lt.0.)phim=(1.-15*dz(1)/2.*al)**(-0.25)
818 ! sh(1)=(ustar**3.)/vk/(dz(1)/2.)*(1.-ufrac_int)
821 u2=(dz(iz+1)*u(iz)+dz(iz)*u(iz+1))/(dz(iz)+dz(iz+1))
822 u1=(dz(iz)*u(iz-1)+dz(iz-1)*u(iz))/(dz(iz-1)+dz(iz))
823 v2=(dz(iz+1)*v(iz)+dz(iz)*v(iz+1))/(dz(iz)+dz(iz+1))
824 v1=(dz(iz)*v(iz-1)+dz(iz-1)*v(iz))/(dz(iz-1)+dz(iz))
825 cdm=0.5*(cdua(iz)+cdua(iz+1))
826 dumdz=((u2-u1)/dz(iz))**2.+((v2-v1)/dz(iz))**2.
836 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
837 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
839 subroutine invert(kms,kme,kts,kte,a,c,x)
841 !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
842 ! Aim: Inversion and resolution of a tridiagonal matrix
845 ! a(*,1) lower diagonal (Ai,i-1)
846 ! a(*,2) principal diagonal (Ai,i)
847 ! a(*,3) upper diagonal (Ai,i+1)
851 !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
855 integer kts,kte,kms,kme
856 real a(kms:kme,3),c(kms:kme),x(kms:kme)
859 c(in)=c(in)-a(in,3)*c(in+1)/a(in+1,2)
860 a(in,2)=a(in,2)-a(in,3)*a(in+1,1)/a(in+1,2)
864 c(in)=c(in)-a(in,1)*c(in-1)/a(in-1,2)
874 end subroutine invert
876 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
877 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
879 subroutine tke_bougeault(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,z,dz,vl,u,v,th,te,th0,ustar,tstar,exch, &
880 dls,td,sh,bu,gamma,b_e,a_e,sf,ufrac_int)
881 ! in this routine the shear, buoyancy and part of the dissipation terms
882 ! of the TKE equation are computed
885 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz,ix,iy
886 real g,ustar,tstar,ufrac_int
887 real z(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme),u(kms:kme),v(kms:kme),th(kms:kme),th0(kms:kme),te(kms:kme)
888 real exch(kms:kme),dls(kms:kme),td(kms:kme),sh(kms:kme),bu(kms:kme),gamma(kms:kme)
889 real a_e(kms:kme),b_e(kms:kme)
890 real vl(kms:kme),sf(kms:kme)
893 call shear(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,u,v,exch,dz,sh,ustar,tstar,th(kts),ufrac_int)
895 call buoy(ix,iy,g,kms,kme,kts,kte,th,th0,exch,dz,bu,gamma,ustar,tstar,ufrac_int)
898 te1=max(te(iz),temin)
900 td(iz)=-ceps_b*sqrt(te1)/dl1
903 a_e(iz)=a_e(iz)+td(iz)
904 b_e(iz)=b_e(iz)+sh(iz)+bu(iz)
909 end subroutine tke_bougeault
911 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
917 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
919 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
933 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
934 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
944 TKE_PBL(I,K,J)=0.0001
957 !######################################################################
958 subroutine pbl_height(kms,kme,kts,kte,dz,z,th,q,pblh)
960 ! this routine computes the PBL height
961 ! with an approach similar to MYNN
963 integer kms,kme,kts,kte,iz
964 real z(kms:kme),dz(kms:kme),th(kms:kme),q(kms:kme)
967 real thv(kms:kme),zc(kms:kme)
970 ! compute the height of the center of the grid cells
972 zc(iz)=z(iz)+dz(iz)/2.
975 ! compute the virtual potential temperature
978 thv(iz)=th(iz)*(1.+0.61*q(iz))
980 ! now compute the PBL height
985 if(pblh.eq.0.and.thv(iz).gt.thsfc)then
986 pblh=zc(iz-1)+(thsfc-thv(iz-1))/(max(0.01,thv(iz)-thv(iz-1)))*(zc(iz)-zc(iz-1))
987 ! pblh=z(iz-1)+(thsfc-thv(iz-1))/(max(0.01,thv(iz)-thv(iz-1)))*(z(iz)-z(iz-1))
992 end subroutine pbl_height
995 ! ===6=8===============================================================72
999 END MODULE module_bl_boulac