updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_radiance / da_get_innov_vector_crtm.inc
1 subroutine da_get_innov_vector_crtm ( it, grid, ob, iv )
3    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4    !  PURPOSE: Calculate innovation vector for radiance data.
5    !
6    !  METHOD:  d = y - H(x)
7    !       1. interpolate grid%xb to obs location
8    !       2. call foreward RTM to get simulated bright temperature 
9    !       3. obs BT - simulated BT
10    !  HISTORY: 12/15/2008 effective radius unit is micron     Zhiquan Liu
11    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
13    implicit none
15    integer,           intent(in)    :: it       ! External iteration.
16    type (domain),     intent(in)    :: grid     ! first guess state.
17    type (y_type),     intent(inout) :: ob       ! Observation structure.
18    type (iv_type),    intent(inout) :: iv       ! O-B structure.
20    integer, parameter             :: AIRS_Max_Channels = 281
22    integer :: n, icld  ! Loop counter.
23    integer :: i, j, k  ! Index dimension.
24    integer :: l        ! Index dimension.
25    integer :: num_levs ! Number of obs levels.
26    real    :: dx, dxm  ! Interpolation weights.
27    real    :: dy, dym  ! Interpolation weights.
28    integer :: alloc_status(40)
30    real, allocatable :: model_u10(:)
31    real, allocatable :: model_v10(:)
32    real, allocatable :: model_psfc(:)
33    real              :: model_ptop
34    real, allocatable :: model_ts(:)
35    real, allocatable :: model_elv(:)
36    real, allocatable :: model_smois(:)
37    real, allocatable :: model_tslb(:)
38    real, allocatable :: model_snowh(:)
39    real, allocatable :: model_vegfra(:)
40    real    :: model_isltyp, model_ivgtyp
41    integer :: model_isflg
43    real    :: model_qcw(kms:kme)
44    real    :: model_qci(kms:kme)
45    real    :: model_rho(kms:kme)
46    real, allocatable :: model_snow(:)  ! snow water equivalent, different from model_snowh,
47                                        ! used in calculating reff_water
48    real, allocatable :: em_mspps(:)    ! emissivity caluclated using MSPPS algorithm
49    real              :: ts_mspps       ! surface temperature calcualted using MSPPS algorithm
50    character(len=19) :: date_char
52    integer :: month, crtm_climat
54    ! real    :: model_tm(kms:kme)
56    integer :: inst, nchanl, n1,n2
57    integer :: ipred, npred, gammapred
59    ! variables for computing clwp (clw/clwp) and cloud ice (ci/cip)
60    real    :: clw(kms:kme), dpf(kms:kme), ci(kms:kme)
61    real    :: clwp, cip
63    real    :: total_od
65    ! CRTM local varaibles and types
66    integer :: Allocate_Status
67    integer :: n_layers, n_absorbers, n_clouds, n_aerosols
68 !! for ecmwf cloud
69    real    :: t_tropp(ims:ime,jms:jme),temp1
70    integer :: k_tropp(ims:ime,jms:jme)
71    type (CRTM_RTSolution_type), allocatable :: RTSolution(:,:)
72    type (CRTM_Atmosphere_type)   :: Atmosphere(1)
73    type (CRTM_Surface_type)      :: Surface(1)
74    type (CRTM_Geometry_type)     :: GeometryInfo(1)
75    type (CRTM_Options_type)      :: Options(1)
76    type (CRTM_RTSolution_type), allocatable :: RTSolution_K(:,:)
77    type (CRTM_Atmosphere_type), allocatable :: Atmosphere_K(:,:)
78    type (CRTM_Surface_type),    allocatable :: Surface_K(:,:)
80    real :: t(1), a(1), p(1)
82    integer, allocatable :: wrf_to_crtm_mw(:)
83    integer :: n_vegtype
85 !! for crtm cloud
86    real :: qcw(1),qrn(1), qci(1),qsn(1),qgr(1)
87    logical :: calc_tb_clr
88    type (CRTM_RTSolution_type), allocatable :: RTSolution_clr(:,:)
90    ! Initializations for Cloud Detection
91    integer           :: ilev, jlev, nclouds
92    real, allocatable :: hessian(:,:)
93    real*8, allocatable :: eignvec(:,:), eignval(:)
94    real              :: rad_clr, rad_ovc_ilev, rad_ovc_jlev
96    integer           :: Band_Size(5), Bands(AIRS_Max_Channels,5) 
97 !For Zhuge and Zou cloud detection
98    real, allocatable :: geoht_full(:,:,:)
99    real              :: geoht_pixel(kts:min(kte,kme-1))
100    real              :: tt_pixel(kts:min(kte,kme-1))
101    real              :: pp_pixel(kts:min(kte,kme-1))  
102       Band_Size(1:5) = (/86, 0, 0, 16, 0 /)
103       Bands(:,:)     = 0  
104       Bands(1:Band_Size(1),1) = &
105 &    (/                                                 &              !&      1,   6,   7,  10,  11,  15,  16,  17,  20,  21, &
106 &                                                       &              !&     22,  24,  27,  28,  30,  36,  39,  40,  42,  51, &
107 &                                                       &              !&     52,  54,  55,  56,  59,  62,  63,  68,  69,  71, &
108 &                                                       &              !&     72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,  82, &
109 &                     92,  93,  98,  99, 101, 104, 105, &              !&     83,  84,  86,  92,  93,  98,  99, 101, 104, 105, &
110 &     108, 110, 111, 113, 116, 117, 123, 124, 128, 129, &
111 &     138, 139, 144, 145, 150, 151, 156, 157, 159, 162, &
112 &     165, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179, &
113 &     180, 182, 185, 186, 190, 192,      198, 201, 204, &              !&     180, 182, 185, 186, 190, 192, 193, 198, 201, 204, &
114 &     207, 210,      215, 216,      221,      226, 227, &              !&     207, 210, 213, 215, 216, 218, 221, 224, 226, 227, &
115 &     232,                     252, 253, 256, 257, 261, &              !&     232, 239, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 261, &
116 &     262, 267, 272, 295, 299,      305,           310, &              !&     262, 267, 272, 295, 299, 300, 305, 308, 309, 310, &
117 &          321, 325, 333, 338, 355, 362, 375, 453, 475, &              !&     318, 321, 325, 333, 338, 355, 362, 375, 453, 475, &
118 &     484, 497, 528, 587, 672, 787, 791, 843, 870, 914, &
119 &     950 /)
121 !      Bands(1:Band_Size(2),2) = &
122 !&    (/ 1003, 1012, 1019, 1024, 1030, 1038, 1048, 1069, 1079, 1082,  &
123 !&       1083, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1095, 1104, 1111, 1115, 1116, 1119,  &
124 !&       1120, 1123, 1130, 1138, 1142, 1178, 1199, 1206, 1221, 1237,  &
125 !&       1252, 1260, 1263, 1266, 1278, 1285 /)
127 !      Bands(1:Band_Size(3),3) = &
128 !&    (/       1301, 1304, 1329, 1371, 1382, 1415, 1424, 1449, 1455, &  !&    1290, 1301, 1304, 1329, 1371, 1382, 1415, 1424, 1449, 1455, &  
129 !&       1466,       1477,             1500, 1519,       1538, 1545, &  !&    1466, 1471, 1477, 1479, 1488, 1500, 1519, 1520, 1538, 1545, &  
130 !&       1565, 1574, 1583, 1593,       1627, 1636,       1652, 1669, &  !&    1565, 1574, 1583, 1593, 1614, 1627, 1636, 1644, 1652, 1669, & 
131 !&                   1694, 1708,       1723, 1740, 1748,       1756, &  !&    1674, 1681, 1694, 1708, 1717, 1723, 1740, 1748, 1751, 1756, &
132 !&             1766, 1771, 1777,       1783, 1794, 1800,       1806, &  !&    1763, 1766, 1771, 1777, 1780, 1783, 1794, 1800, 1803, 1806, &
133 !&             1826, 1843  /)                                           !&    1812, 1826, 1843  /)
135       Bands(1:Band_Size(4),4) = &
136 &    (/ 1852, 1865, 1866,       1868, 1869, 1872, 1873,       1876, &  !&    1852, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1876, 
137 &             1881, 1882, 1883,                   1911, 1917, 1918, &  !&    1877, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1897, 1901, 1911, 1917, 1918, &
138 &                   1924, 1928        /)                               !&    1921, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1937  /)   
140 !      Bands(1:Band_Size(5),5) = &
141 !&    (/ 1938, 1939, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1958, 1971, 1973, 1988, &
142 !&       1995, 2084, 2085, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2103, 2104, &
143 !&       2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, &
144 !&       2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2128, 2134, &
145 !&       2141, 2145, 2149, 2153, 2164, 2189, 2197, 2209, 2226, 2234, &
146 !&       2280, 2318, 2321, 2325, 2328, 2333, 2339, 2348, 2353, 2355, &
147 !&       2363, 2370, 2371, 2377  /)  
149    ! WHY? use argument it
150    if (it==0) then; write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') "WHY? have argument it to"//__FILE__; end if
152    alloc_status (:) = 0
154    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_get_innov_vector_crtm")
156    ! CRTM allocation
158    ! CRTM Atmosphere
159    n_layers    = (kte-kts)+1   ! number of vertical levels
160    n_absorbers = 2
161    n_aerosols  = 0
162    n_clouds    = 0
163    if ( crtm_cloud ) n_clouds = 6
165    call CRTM_Atmosphere_Create ( Atmosphere(1), &
166                                  n_layers,      &
167                                  n_absorbers,   &
168                                  n_clouds,      &
169                                  n_aerosols )
170    IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated( Atmosphere(1) ) ) THEN 
171        call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
172          (/"Error in allocating CRTM Atmosphere Structure"/))
173    END IF 
175    Atmosphere(1)%Absorber_ID(1)=H2O_ID
176    Atmosphere(1)%Absorber_ID(2)=O3_ID
177    Atmosphere(1)%Absorber_Units(1) = MASS_MIXING_RATIO_UNITS
178    Atmosphere(1)%Absorber_Units(2) = VOLUME_MIXING_RATIO_UNITS
180    if (crtm_cloud) then
181       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(1)%Type=WATER_CLOUD
182       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(2)%Type=ICE_CLOUD
183       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(3)%Type=RAIN_CLOUD
184       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(4)%Type=SNOW_CLOUD
185       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(5)%Type=GRAUPEL_CLOUD
186       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(6)%Type=HAIL_CLOUD
187    end if
189    select case (trim(grid%mminlu))
190       case ('USGS')
191          n_vegtype = USGS_n_type
192       case ('MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH')
193          n_vegtype = IGBP_n_type
194       case default
195          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"Unknown land use type"/))
196    end select
197    allocate(wrf_to_crtm_mw(n_vegtype))
198    if ( n_vegtype == USGS_n_type ) then
199          wrf_to_crtm_mw = usgs_to_crtm_mw
200    else if ( n_vegtype == IGBP_n_type ) then
201          wrf_to_crtm_mw = igbp_to_crtm_mw
202    end if
203    if ( use_clddet_zz ) then
204       allocate ( geoht_full(ims:ime,jms:jme,kms:kme-1) )
205       do k = kms, kme-1
206          do j = jms, jme
207             do i = ims, ime
208                geoht_full(i,j,k) = 0.5 * ( grid%ph_2(i,j,k)   + grid%phb(i,j,k) + &
209                                            grid%ph_2(i,j,k+1) + grid%phb(i,j,k+1) ) / gravity
210             end do
211          end do
212       end do
213    end if
214    !------------------------------------------------------
215    ! [1.0] calculate the background bright temperature
216    !-------------------------------------------------------
217    do inst = 1, iv%num_inst                 ! loop for sensor
218       ! if ( iv%instid(inst)%num_rad < 1 ) cycle
219       if (iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 < iv%instid(inst)%info%n1) cycle
220       num_levs  = kte-kts+1 
221       nchanl    = ChannelInfo(inst)%n_channels
223       if ( ChannelInfo(inst)%Sensor_Type == 2 ) then  ! INFRARED_SENSOR=2
224          if ( index(grid%mminlu, trim(CRTM_IRlandCoeff_Classification())) <= 0 ) then
225             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
226               (/"modify crtm_irland_coef to use the coef file that is consistent with your model land use type"/))
227          end if
228       end if
230       ! Allocate forward model solution RTSolution array to number of channels
231       allocate (RTSolution(ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels,1), STAT = Allocate_Status )
232       if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
233          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Error in allocating RTSolution"/))
234       end if
236       call CRTM_RTSolution_Create( RTSolution , &                  !Output
237                                    Atmosphere(1)%n_layers )        !Input
238       if ( .NOT.(ANY(crtm_rtsolution_associated(RTSolution))) ) then
239          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
240             (/"Error in allocating CRTM RTSolution Stucture"/))
241       end if
243       calc_tb_clr = .false.
244       if ( crtm_cloud .and. &
245            ( trim( crtm_sensor_name(rtminit_sensor(inst))) == 'amsr2' .or. &
246              trim( crtm_sensor_name(rtminit_sensor(inst))) == 'ahi') ) then
247          !Tb_clear_sky is only needed for symmetric obs error model
248          !symmetric obs error model only implemented for amsr2 for now
249          calc_tb_clr = .true.
250       end if
252       if ( calc_tb_clr ) then
253          allocate (RTSolution_clr(ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels,1), STAT = Allocate_Status )
254          if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
255             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Error in allocating RTSolution_clr"/))
256          end if
257          call CRTM_RTSolution_Create( RTSolution_clr , &              !Output
258                                       Atmosphere(1)%n_layers )        !Input
259          if ( .NOT.(ANY(crtm_rtsolution_associated(RTSolution_clr))) ) then
260             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
261                (/"Error in allocating CRTM RTSolution_clr Stucture"/))
262          end if
263       end if !calc_tb_clr
265       if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
266          allocate (RTSolution_K(ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels,1), &
267                    Atmosphere_K(ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels,1), &
268                    Surface_K(ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels,1),    &
269                    STAT = Allocate_Status )
270          if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
271             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Error in allocating RTSolution_K"/))
272          end if
273          call CRTM_RTSolution_Create( RTSolution_K , &                !Output
274                                       Atmosphere(1)%n_layers )        !Input
275          if ( .NOT.(ANY(crtm_rtsolution_associated(RTSolution_K))) ) then
276             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
277                (/"Error in allocating CRTM RTSolution_K Stucture"/))
278          end if
279       end if
281       call CRTM_Surface_Create ( Surface(1), & ! Output
282                                  nchanl )      ! Input
283       IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Surface_Associated( Surface(1) ) ) THEN 
284          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
285             (/"Error in allocating CRTM Surface Structure"/))
286       end if
288       ! CRTM Options structure
289       call CRTM_Options_Create( Options(1), &  ! Output
290                                 nchanl )       ! Input
291       IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Options_Associated( Options(1) ) ) THEN 
292         call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
293           (/"Error in allocatting CRTM Options Structure"/))
294       endif
295       if ( use_antcorr(inst) ) Options(1)%Use_Antenna_Correction = .true.
297       ! do n= 1, iv%instid(inst)%num_rad           ! loop for pixel
299       n1 = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1
300       n2 = iv%instid(inst)%info%n2
302       allocate (model_u10(n1:n2))
303       allocate (model_v10(n1:n2))
304       allocate (model_psfc(n1:n2))
305       allocate (model_ts(n1:n2))
306       allocate (model_elv(n1:n2))
307       allocate (model_smois(n1:n2))
308       allocate (model_tslb(n1:n2))
309       allocate (model_snowh(n1:n2))
310       allocate (model_snow(n1:n2))
311       allocate (model_vegfra(n1:n2))
313       model_u10(:)    = 0.0
314       model_v10(:)    = 0.0
315       model_psfc(:)   = 0.0
316       model_ts(:)     = 0.0
317       model_elv(:)    = 0.0
318       model_smois(:)  = 0.0
319       model_tslb(:)   = 0.0
320       model_snowh(:)  = 0.0
321       model_snow(:)   = 0.0
322       model_vegfra(:) = 0.0
324       ! Gamma correction from VarBC
325       !----------------------------
326 !#ifdef CRTM_MODIF
327       if ( use_varbc .or. freeze_varbc ) then
328          gammapred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%gammapred 
329          do k = 1, nchanl
330             npred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%npred
331             if (npred <= 0) cycle                                           ! VarBC channels only
332             if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%npredmax < gammapred)  cycle     ! Gamma channels only
333             if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%pred_use(gammapred) < 0) cycle     ! Gamma channels only
334             do ipred = 1, npred
335                if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%ipred(ipred) /= gammapred) cycle
336                RTSolution(k,1)%Gamma = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%param(ipred)
337             end do                
338          end do
339       end if
340       RTSolution_K(:,1)%Gamma = 0.0
341 !#endif
343       if ( use_mspps_emis(inst) ) allocate(em_mspps(nchanl))
345       pixel_loop: do n=n1,n2
346          ! if ( n > iv%instid(inst)%num_rad ) exit
348          ! [1.1] Get horizontal interpolation weights:
350          i = iv%instid(inst)%info%i(1,n)
351          j = iv%instid(inst)%info%j(1,n)
352          dx = iv%instid(inst)%info%dx(1,n)
353          dy = iv%instid(inst)%info%dy(1,n)
354          dxm = iv%instid(inst)%info%dxm(1,n)
355          dym = iv%instid(inst)%info%dym(1,n)
357          ! determine CRTM climatology based on latitude and month
358          date_char=iv%instid(inst)%info%date_char(n)
359          read(unit=date_char(6:7), fmt='(i2.2)') month
360          call da_det_crtm_climat(iv%instid(inst)%info%lat(1,n), month, crtm_climat)
361          iv%instid(inst)%crtm_climat(n) = crtm_climat
362          Atmosphere(1)%Climatology = iv%instid(inst)%crtm_climat(n)
364          ! determine surface type of obs location
365          !-----------------------------------------
366          call da_detsurtyp ( grid%xb%snow, grid%xb%xice, grid%xb%landmask,  &
367             grid%xb%ivgtyp, grid%xb%isltyp, &
368             ims, ime, jms, jme, &
369             i, j, dx, dy, dxm, dym, &
370             model_isflg,model_ivgtyp, model_isltyp, &
371             Surface(1)%Water_Coverage, Surface(1)%Ice_Coverage, &
372             Surface(1)%Land_Coverage, Surface(1)%Snow_Coverage )
374          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%snow, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_snow(n:n))
376          ! [1.2] Interpolate horizontally to ob:
377          do k=kts,kte ! from bottom to top
378             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%p(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,p)
379             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%t(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,t)
380             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%q(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,a) 
382             Atmosphere(1)%Pressure(kte-k+1)    = 0.01   * p(1)  ! convert Pa to hPa
383             Atmosphere(1)%Temperature(kte-k+1) = t(1)
384             Atmosphere(1)%Absorber(kte-k+1,1)  = 1000.0 * a(1)/(1.0-a(1))  ! in g/kg mixing ratio
386             ! NOTE: WRF high-level q values seems too big, replaced by constants
387             if (p(1)*0.01 < 75.0) Atmosphere(1)%Absorber(kte-k+1,1) = 0.001
389             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qcw(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n, model_qcw(kte-k+1:kte-k+1))
391             if (crtm_cloud) then
393                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qci(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,qci)
394                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qci(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,model_qci(kte-k+1:kte-k+1))
396                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qrn(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info,k,n,n,qrn)
398                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qsn(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info, k,n,n,qsn)
400                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%qgr(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info, k,n,n,qgr)
402                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(1)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=model_qcw(kte-k+1)
403                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(2)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=qci(1)
404                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(3)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=qrn(1)
405                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(4)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=qsn(1)
406                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(5)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=qgr(1)
407                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(6)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)=0.0
409                call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%rho(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info, k,n,n, &
410                   model_rho(k:k) )
412                call da_cld_eff_radius(Atmosphere(1)%Temperature(kte-k+1),model_rho(k),&
413                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(2)%Water_Content(kte-k+1),  &  !qci
414                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(3)%Water_Content(kte-k+1),  &  !qrn
415                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(4)%Water_Content(kte-k+1),  &  !qsn
416                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(5)%Water_Content(kte-k+1),  &  !qgr
417                                       model_snow(n),                                  &
418                                       Surface(1)%Ice_Coverage, Surface(1)%Land_Coverage, 1, &
419                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(1)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1), &
420                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(2)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1), &
421                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(3)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1), &
422                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(4)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1), &
423                                       Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(5)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1) )
425                ! reset the da_cld_eff_radius calcualted effective radius to constants if desired
427                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(1)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=10.0  ! in micron
428                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(2)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=30.0  ! in micron
429                !Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(3)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=300
430                !Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(4)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=600
431                !Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(5)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=600
432                Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(6)%Effective_Radius(kte-k+1)=600
434             end if
435          end do
436          if (use_clddet_zz) then
437             ! Find tropopause temperature for Zhuge and Zou Cloud Detection
438             do k = kts, min(kte,kme-1)
439                tt_pixel(k) = Atmosphere(1)%Temperature(kte-k+1)
440                pp_pixel(k) = Atmosphere(1)%Pressure(kte-k+1)
441                call da_interp_2d_partial ( geoht_full(:,:,k), iv%instid(inst)%info, k, n, n, geoht_pixel(k) )
442             end do
443             call da_trop_wmo ( tt_pixel, geoht_pixel, pp_pixel, (min(kte,kme-1)-kts+1), tropt = iv%instid(inst)%tropt(n) )
444          end if
447          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%u10,  iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_u10(n:n))
448          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%v10,  iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_v10(n:n))
449          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb%psfc, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_psfc(n:n))
451          model_psfc(n) = 0.01*model_psfc(n)           ! convert to hPa
452          model_ptop    = 0.01*grid%xb%ptop
454          ! get CRTM levels (0.005hPa at top) /model full level
455          Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(0)                      = model_ptop    ! to sigma level 51-->sigmaf=0
456          Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(Atmosphere(1)%n_Layers) = model_psfc(n) ! to sigma level 1->sigmaf=1
458          ! calculating full-level P from half-level P using
459          ! linear interpolation: (pf-pf1)/(sigmaf-sigmaf1)=(ph2-ph1)/(sigmah2-sigmah1)
460          ! note: sigma is from bottem to top; pressure is from top to bottem
461          do k=kts,kte-1 ! from top to bottem
462             Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(k)= (Atmosphere(1)%Pressure(k+1) - Atmosphere(1)%Pressure(k))/ &
463                                              (grid%xb%sigmah(kte-k) - grid%xb%sigmah(kte-k+1)) * &
464                                              (grid%xb%sigmaf(kte-k+1) - grid%xb%sigmah(kte-k+1)) + &
465                                               Atmosphere(1)%Pressure(k)
466          end do
468          ! check for pressure monotonicity
469          do k = kte, kts+1, -1  ! from bottom to top
470             if ( Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(k) <= Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(k-1) ) then
471                write(message(1),'(a,2i5.0,a)') ' Skipping the pixel at loc ', i, j,  &
472                   ' where the pressure is not monotonic'
473                call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
474                iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(:,n) = missing_r
475                iv%instid(inst)%info%proc_domain(:,n) = .false.
476                cycle pixel_loop
477             end if
478          end do
480          ! convert cloud content unit from kg/kg to kg/m^2        
481          if (crtm_cloud) then
482             do k=kts,kte
483                do icld=1,Atmosphere(1)%n_Clouds
484                   Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(icld)%Water_Content(k)= Atmosphere(1)%Cloud(icld)%Water_Content(k)* &
485                      (Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(k)- Atmosphere(1)%Level_Pressure(k-1))*100.0/gravity 
486                end do
487             end do
488          end if
490          if ( model_isflg == 0 ) then   ! over sea using SST
491             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % tgrn, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_ts(n:n))
492          else
493             call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % tsk,  iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_ts(n:n))
494          end if
496          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % terr, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_elv(n:n))
498          ! variables for emissivity calculations
499          !---------------------------------------- 
500          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % smois,  iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_smois(n:n) )
501          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % tslb,   iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_tslb(n:n) )
502          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % snowh,  iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_snowh(n:n) )
503          call da_interp_2d_partial (grid%xb % vegfra, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1, n, n, model_vegfra(n:n) )
505          ! model_snowh(n) = model_snowh(n)*100.0   ! convert from m to mm
506          model_vegfra(n) = 0.01*model_vegfra(n)  ! convert range to 0~1
508          ! ADD for computing cloud liquid water path (mm) from guess
509          clwp = 0.0
510          do k = kts,kte ! from top to bottom
511             dpf(k) = 100.0*(Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(k) - Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(k-1))
512             clw  (k) = model_qcw(k)*dpf(k)/gravity ! kg/m2 or mm
513             if (Atmosphere(1)%pressure(k)<100.0) clw(k) = 0.0
514             clwp  = clwp + clw(k)
515          end do
517          ! computing ice path from guess
518          if (crtm_cloud) then
519             cip = 0.0
520             do k = kts,kte ! from top to bottom
521                dpf(k) = 100.0*(Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(k) - Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(k-1))
522                ci(k) = model_qci(k)*dpf(k)/gravity ! kg/m2 or mm
523                cip  = cip + ci(k)
524             end do
525          endif
527          ! CRTM GeometryInfo Structure
528          GeometryInfo(1)%Sensor_Zenith_Angle=iv%instid(inst)%satzen(n)
529          GeometryInfo(1)%Source_Zenith_Angle=iv%instid(inst)%solzen(n)
530          GeometryInfo(1)%iFOV=iv%instid(inst)%scanpos(n)
531          ! GeometryInfo(1)%Satellite_Height=830.0
532          ! GeometryInfo(1)%Sensor_Scan_Angle=
533          ! GeometryInfo(1)%Sensor_Zenith_Angle=
534          ! GeometryInfo(1)%Sensor_Scan_Angle=
535          ! GeometryInfo(1)%Source_Zenith_Angle=
537          ! CRTM Surface parameter data
539          if ( use_mspps_ts(inst) ) then
540             ! only for AMSU-A over land
541             if ( trim(crtm_sensor_name(rtminit_sensor(inst))) == 'amsua' &
542                  .and. model_isflg == 2 ) then
543                call da_mspps_ts(ob%instid(inst)%tb(1:nchanl,n), nchanl,  &
544                                 iv%instid(inst)%satzen(n), ts_mspps)
545                ! ts_mspps is initilaized as negative values in the
546                ! da_mspps_ts subroutine.  Apply only valid values here.
547                if ( ts_mspps > 0.0 ) then
548                   model_ts(n) = ts_mspps
549                end if
550             end if
551          end if
553          if (Surface(1)%Land_Coverage > 0.0) then
554             Surface(1)%Land_Type       = min(11,nint(model_ivgtyp))  
555             Surface(1)%Vegetation_Type = max(1,wrf_to_crtm_mw(nint(model_ivgtyp)))
556             Surface(1)%Soil_Type       = max(1,wrf_to_crtm_soil(nint(model_isltyp)))
557             ! glacial land ice soil type and glacial vegetation type are not valid land types
558             if ( surface(1)%Soil_Type == 9 .or. surface(1)%Vegetation_Type == 13 ) then
559                surface(1)%ice_coverage = min(surface(1)%ice_coverage + surface(1)%land_coverage, 1.0)
560                surface(1)%land_coverage = 0
561             end if
562             ! reset water-dominated land type
563             if ( Surface(1)%Land_Type == grid%iswater ) Surface(1)%Land_Type = 1
564             Surface(1)%Land_Temperature=model_ts(n)      ! K
565             Surface(1)%Soil_Moisture_Content= model_smois(n) !0.05    ! volumetric water content (g/cm**3)
566             ! Surface(1)%Canopy_Water_Content=0.05      ! gravimetric water content
567             Surface(1)%Vegetation_Fraction=model_vegfra(n)
568             Surface(1)%Soil_Temperature=model_tslb(n)
569          end if
570          if (Surface(1)%Water_Coverage > 0.0) then
571             ! Surface%Water_Type=SEA_WATER          ! (Currently NOT used)
572             Surface(1)%Water_Temperature=model_ts(n)     ! K
573             Surface(1)%Wind_Speed=sqrt(model_u10(n)**2+model_v10(n)**2)  ! m/sec
574             ! surface(1)%Wind_Direction=0.0            ! NOT used
575             Surface(1)%Salinity=33.0                   ! ppmv
576          end if
578          if (Surface(1)%Snow_Coverage > 0.0) then
579             Surface(1)%Snow_Type=2 !NEW_SNOW
580             Surface(1)%Snow_Temperature=model_ts(n)      ! K
581             Surface(1)%Snow_Depth=model_snowh(n)         ! mm
582             ! Surface(1)%Snow_Density=0.2               ! g/cm**3
583             ! Surface(1)%Snow_Grain_Size=2.0            ! mm
584          end if
585          if (Surface(1)%Ice_Coverage > 0.0) then
586             ! Surface(1)%Ice_Type=FRESH_ICE             ! NO Table offered, single example is FRESH_ICE
587             Surface(1)%Ice_Temperature=model_ts(n)       ! K
588             Surface(1)%Ice_Thickness=10.0              ! mm
589             ! Surface(1)%Ice_Density=0.9                ! g/cm**3
590             ! Surface(1)%Ice_Roughness=0.0               ! NO Table offered, single example is ZERO
592          end if
593          if (nchanl > 0) then
594             Surface(1)%SensorData%n_channels        = nchanl
595             Surface(1)%SensorData%Sensor_Channel    = ChannelInfo(inst)%Sensor_Channel
596             Surface(1)%SensorData%Sensor_Id         = ChannelInfo(inst)%Sensor_Id
597             Surface(1)%SensorData%WMO_Satellite_Id  = ChannelInfo(inst)%WMO_Satellite_Id
598             Surface(1)%SensorData%WMO_Sensor_Id     = ChannelInfo(inst)%WMO_Sensor_Id
599             Surface(1)%SensorData%Tb(1:nchanl)      = ob%instid(inst)%tb(1:nchanl,n)
600          end if
602          ! user emissivity options
603          Options(1)%use_emissivity = .false.
604          if ( use_mspps_emis(inst) ) then
605             ! Only for AMSU-A over land
606             if ( trim(crtm_sensor_name(rtminit_sensor(inst))) == 'amsua' &
607                  .and. model_isflg == 2 ) then
608                call da_mspps_emis(ob%instid(inst)%tb(1:nchanl,n), nchanl, em_mspps)
609                Options(1)%use_emissivity = .true.
610                Options(1)%emissivity(1:nchanl) = em_mspps(1:nchanl)
611             end if
612          end if
614          if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
616             ! CRTM surface/atmosphere K initialization
617             do l = 1, ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels
618                ! -- Copy the adjoint atmosphere structure
619                Atmosphere_K(l,1) = Atmosphere(1)
621                ! -- Copy the adjoint surface structure
622                Surface_K(l,1) = Surface(1)
623             end do
625             ! -- Zero the Adjoint outputs
626             ! Important: adjoint variables must be initialized
627             call CRTM_Atmosphere_Zero( Atmosphere_K )
628             call CRTM_Surface_Zero( Surface_K )
630             ! Assign tb = R^-1 Re :
631             RTSolution_K(:,1)%brightness_temperature = 1.
632             RTSolution_K(:,1)%radiance = 0.
634             ! [1.3] Call RTM K-Matrix model
635             call da_crtm_k(1, nchanl, 1, Atmosphere,   &
636                                Surface,      &
637                                RTSolution_K,&
638                                GeometryInfo, &
639                                ChannelInfo(inst),  &
640                                Atmosphere_K,&
641                                Surface_K,   &
642                                RTSolution,  &
643                                Options)
644          else
646             ! [1.3] Call RTM forward model
647             call da_crtm_direct(1, nchanl, 1, Atmosphere,   &
648                Surface,      &
649                GeometryInfo, &
650                ChannelInfo(inst:inst),  &
651                RTSolution,              &
652                Options)
654          end if
656 ! Compute Overcast Radiances for MMR in Auligné (2014).or. PF in Xu et al., (2016).or. MW03 ecmwf method in McNally AP and Watts PD (2003) 
657          !----------------------------------------------------------------
658          if (use_clddet==1 .or. use_clddet==2.or. use_clddet==3 ) then
659             do i = 1, nchanl
660                !crtm_2.2.3 contains Upwelling_Overcast_Radiance
661                iv%instid(inst)%rad_ovc(i,kts:kte,n)=RTSolution(i,1)%Upwelling_Overcast_Radiance(:)
662             end do
663          end if
665    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
666    ! Precondition satellite control variable (Cloud Cover(s)):
667    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
668          if (.false.) then  
669 !         if (use_satcv(2)) then  
670             nclouds = iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%nclouds
671             allocate (hessian(nclouds,nclouds))
672             allocate (eignvec(nclouds,nclouds))
673             allocate (eignval(nclouds))
674             hessian(:,:)= 0.0      
675             do ilev=1, nclouds
676                do jlev=ilev, nclouds
677                   do k = 1, nchanl
678                      if (ALL(iv%instid(inst)%ichan(k) /=  Bands(:,1))) cycle   ! Only Channels in Band 1               
679                         rad_clr      = iv%instid(inst)%rad_xb(k,n)             
680                         rad_ovc_ilev = iv%instid(inst)%rad_ovc(k,kte-nclouds+ilev,n)
681                         rad_ovc_jlev = iv%instid(inst)%rad_ovc(k,kte-nclouds+jlev,n)
682                         hessian(ilev,jlev) = hessian(ilev,jlev) + (rad_ovc_ilev-rad_clr) * (rad_ovc_jlev-rad_clr)
683                   end do                                 
684                  hessian(jlev,ilev) = hessian(ilev,jlev)   
685                end do
686             end do  
688             call da_eof_decomposition(nclouds, hessian, eignvec, eignval)
690 !           if (ANY(eignval <= 0)) write(unit=stdout,fmt='(3A,I4,A,100F18.5)')      &
691 !              'SATCV: non-positive Hessian for ', trim(iv%instid(inst)%rttovid_string), ' ,pixel ',n,'--> Eigenvalues =',eignval 
693             do ilev = 1, nclouds
694                do jlev = ilev, nclouds
695                   iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%vtox(ilev,jlev) = &
696                      sum( eignvec(ilev,:) * sqrt(1.0/eignval(:)) * eignvec(jlev,:), mask = eignval >0 )
698                   iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%vtox(jlev,ilev) = iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%vtox(ilev,jlev) 
699                end do
700             end do
702             deallocate(hessian,eignvec,eignval)
703          end if   
705          !----------------------------------------------------------------
706          ! [2.0] calculate components of innovation vector:
707          !----------------------------------------------------------------
708          do k = 1, nchanl
709             iv%instid(inst)%tb_xb(k,n)  = RTSolution(k,1)%Brightness_Temperature
710             iv%instid(inst)%rad_xb(k,n) = RTSolution(k,1)%Radiance
711             iv%instid(inst)%emiss(k,n)  = RTSolution(k,1)%surface_emissivity
713             if (use_pseudo_rad .or. use_simulated_rad) then ! input is innovation
714               ob%instid(inst)%tb(k,n) = missing_r
715               if ( iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(k,n) > missing_r ) &
716                 ob%instid(inst)%tb(k,n) = RTSolution(k,1)%Brightness_Temperature + iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(k,n)
717             else
718                if ( iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(k,n) > missing_r ) & 
719                   iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(k,n) = ob%instid(inst)%tb(k,n) - iv%instid(inst)%tb_xb(k,n)        
720             end if
722             if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
723                ! surface Jacobian
724                iv%instid(inst)%ts_jacobian(k,n) = Surface_k(k,1)%water_temperature
725                iv%instid(inst)%windspeed_jacobian(k,n) = Surface_k(k,1)%wind_speed
726                iv%instid(inst)%emiss_jacobian(k,n) = RTSolution_k(k,1)%surface_emissivity
727 !#ifdef CRTM_MODIF
728                iv%instid(inst)%gamma_jacobian(k,n) = RTSolution_k(k,1)%Gamma
729 !#endif
730             end if   
731          end do
733          !----------------------------------------------------------------
734          ! [3.0] store base state (and Jacobian) to innovation structure
735          !----------------------------------------------------------------
736          ! full level pressures
737          iv%instid(inst)%pf(0,n)  = Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(0)
738          if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
739             ! PS Jacobian
740             do l=1,nchanl
741                iv%instid(inst)%ps_jacobian(l,n)  = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%level_pressure(Atmosphere(1)%n_layers)
742             end do
743          end if
744          do k=1,Atmosphere(1)%n_layers
745             iv%instid(inst)%pm(k,n)  = Atmosphere(1)%pressure(k)
746             iv%instid(inst)%pf(k,n)  = Atmosphere(1)%level_pressure(k)
747             iv%instid(inst)%tm(k,n)  = Atmosphere(1)%temperature(k)
748             iv%instid(inst)%qm(k,n)  = Atmosphere(1)%absorber(k,1)
750             if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
751                ! T, Q Jacobian
752                do l=1,nchanl
753                   iv%instid(inst)%t_jacobian(l,k,n) = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%temperature(k)
754                   iv%instid(inst)%q_jacobian(l,k,n) = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%absorber(k,1)
755                end do
756             end if
757          end do
759          if (crtm_cloud) then
760             do k=1,Atmosphere(1)%n_layers
761                iv%instid(inst)%qcw(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(1)%water_content(k)
762                iv%instid(inst)%qci(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(2)%water_content(k)
763                iv%instid(inst)%qrn(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(3)%water_content(k)
764                iv%instid(inst)%qsn(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(4)%water_content(k)
765                iv%instid(inst)%qgr(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(5)%water_content(k)
766                iv%instid(inst)%qhl(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(6)%water_content(k)
767                iv%instid(inst)%rcw(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(1)%effective_radius(k)
768                iv%instid(inst)%rci(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(2)%effective_radius(k)
769                iv%instid(inst)%rrn(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(3)%effective_radius(k)
770                iv%instid(inst)%rsn(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(4)%effective_radius(k)
771                iv%instid(inst)%rgr(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(5)%effective_radius(k)
772                iv%instid(inst)%rhl(k,n) = Atmosphere(1)%cloud(6)%effective_radius(k)
774                if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
775                   ! Cloud Jacobian
776                   do l=1,nchanl
777                      iv%instid(inst)%water_jacobian(l,k,n)    = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(1)%water_content(k)
778                      iv%instid(inst)%ice_jacobian(l,k,n)      = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(2)%water_content(k)
779                      iv%instid(inst)%rain_jacobian(l,k,n)     = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(3)%water_content(k)
780                      iv%instid(inst)%snow_jacobian(l,k,n)     = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(4)%water_content(k)
781                      iv%instid(inst)%graupel_jacobian(l,k,n)  = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(5)%water_content(k)
782                      iv%instid(inst)%hail_jacobian(l,k,n)     = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(6)%water_content(k)
784                      iv%instid(inst)%water_r_jacobian(l,k,n)  = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(1)%effective_radius(k)
785                      iv%instid(inst)%ice_r_jacobian(l,k,n)    = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(2)%effective_radius(k)
786                      iv%instid(inst)%rain_r_jacobian(l,k,n)   = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(3)%effective_radius(k)
787                      iv%instid(inst)%snow_r_jacobian(l,k,n)   = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(4)%effective_radius(k)
788                      iv%instid(inst)%graupel_r_jacobian(l,k,n)= Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(5)%effective_radius(k)
789                      iv%instid(inst)%hail_r_jacobian(l,k,n)   = Atmosphere_k(l,1)%cloud(6)%effective_radius(k)
790                   end do
791                end if     
792             end do
793          end if
795          if ( calc_weightfunc .and. use_crtm_kmatrix ) then
796             do l = 1, nchanl
797                total_od = 0.0
798                do k = 1, Atmosphere(1)%n_layers
799                   iv%instid(inst)%lod(l,k,n) = RTSolution(l,1)%layer_optical_depth(k)
800                   iv%instid(inst)%lod_jacobian(l,k,n) = RTSolution_K(l,1)%layer_optical_depth(k)
801                   total_od = total_od + RTSolution(l,1)%layer_optical_depth(k)
802                   iv%instid(inst)%trans(l,k,n) = exp(-total_od)
803                   iv%instid(inst)%trans_jacobian(l,k,n) = -iv%instid(inst)%lod_jacobian(l,k,n)*exp(iv%instid(inst)%lod(l,k,n))
804                end do
805                iv%instid(inst)%der_trans(l,1,n) = 0.0
806                do k= 2, Atmosphere(1)%n_layers
807                   iv%instid(inst)%der_trans(l,k,n) =  abs( (iv%instid(inst)%trans(l,k-1,n)-iv%instid(inst)%trans(l,k,n))/ &
808                                                            (log(iv%instid(inst)%pm(k-1,n))-log(iv%instid(inst)%pm(k,n))) )
809                end do
810             end do
811          end if
813          if (use_clddet==3) then  !begin ecmwf cloud detection
814             !kmin_t,kmax_p corresponding tropopause and KBPL
815             ! find the k index of tropopause
816             t_tropp = 999.0  ! initialize
817             k_tropp = kte    ! initialize the k index of tropopause
818             do k = kte, kts, -1
819                do j = jts, jte
820                   do i = its, ite
821                      if ( grid%xb%t(i,j,k) < t_tropp(i,j) .and.  &
822                           grid%xb%p(i,j,k) > 5000.0 ) then  ! tropopause should not be higher than 50 hPa
823                          t_tropp(i,j) = grid%xb%t(i,j,k)
824                          k_tropp(i,j) = k
825                          iv%instid(inst)%kmin_t(n)=Atmosphere(1)%n_layers-k_tropp(i,j)+1
826                      end if
827                   end do
828                end do
829             end do
830             iv%instid(inst)%kmax_p(n)=Atmosphere(1)%n_layers-grid%kpbl(i,j)+1
831             !write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') &
832             !   'preparing ECMWF cloud detection input using cloud sensitivity to rank channels'
833             do l=1,nchanl
834                temp1=0
835                do k=1,Atmosphere(1)%n_layers  !rad_ovc(l,1,n) top
836                   iv%instid(inst)%sensitivity_ratio(l,k,n) = abs(iv%instid(inst)%rad_xb(l,n)-iv%instid(inst)%rad_ovc(l,k,n))
837                   iv%instid(inst)%sensitivity_ratio(l,k,n) = iv%instid(inst)%sensitivity_ratio(l,k,n)/iv%instid(inst)%rad_xb(l,n)
838                end do
839             end do
840             do l=1,nchanl
841                temp1=0
842                do k=Atmosphere(1)%n_layers,1,-1 ! sensitivity_ratio(l,1,n) top
843                   if( iv%instid(inst)%sensitivity_ratio(l,k,n) > 0.01 ) then
844                      iv%instid(inst)%p_chan_level(l,n) = real(k) ! the peak level
845                      exit
846                   end if
847                end do
848             end do
849          end if     !end ecmwf cloud detection
851          !----------------------------------------------
852          ! [4.0] store surface information to innovation structure
853          !----------------------------------------------
854          iv%instid(inst)%u10(n)       = model_u10(n)
855          iv%instid(inst)%v10(n)       = model_v10(n)
856          iv%instid(inst)%t2m(n)       = 0.01*missing_r !model_t2m
857          iv%instid(inst)%mr2m(n)      = 0.01*missing_r !model_mr2m
858          iv%instid(inst)%ps(n)        = model_psfc(n)
859          iv%instid(inst)%ts(n)        = model_ts(n)
860          iv%instid(inst)%smois(n)     = model_smois(n)
861          iv%instid(inst)%tslb(n)      = model_tslb(n)
862          iv%instid(inst)%snowh(n)     = model_snowh(n)
863          iv%instid(inst)%isflg(n)     = model_isflg
864          iv%instid(inst)%elevation(n) = model_elv(n)
865          iv%instid(inst)%soiltyp(n)   = model_isltyp
866          iv%instid(inst)%vegtyp(n)    = model_ivgtyp
867          iv%instid(inst)%vegfra(n)    = model_vegfra(n)
868          iv%instid(inst)%clwp(n)      = clwp
869          if (crtm_cloud) iv%instid(inst)%cip(n) = cip
870          iv%instid(inst)%water_coverage(n) = Surface(1)%water_coverage
871          iv%instid(inst)%land_coverage(n)  = Surface(1)%land_coverage
872          iv%instid(inst)%ice_coverage(n)   = Surface(1)%ice_coverage                              
873          iv%instid(inst)%snow_coverage(n)  = Surface(1)%snow_coverage
875          if ( calc_tb_clr ) then
876             atmosphere(1)%n_clouds = 0
877             call da_crtm_direct(1, nchanl, 1, Atmosphere,   &
878                Surface,                                     &
879                GeometryInfo,                                &
880                ChannelInfo(inst:inst),                      &
881                RTSolution_clr,                              &
882                Options)
883             do k = 1, nchanl
884                iv%instid(inst)%tb_xb_clr(k,n) = RTSolution_clr(k,1)%Brightness_Temperature
885             end do
886             ! resetting n_clouds
887             atmosphere(1)%n_clouds = n_clouds
888          end if !calc_tb_clr
890       end do pixel_loop      !  end loop for pixels
892       if ( use_mspps_emis(inst) ) deallocate(em_mspps)
894       deallocate (model_u10)
895       deallocate (model_v10)
896       deallocate (model_psfc)
897       deallocate (model_ts)
898       deallocate (model_tslb)
899       deallocate (model_snowh)
900       deallocate (model_snow)
901       deallocate (model_elv)
902       deallocate (model_vegfra)
903       deallocate (model_smois)
905       call CRTM_RTSolution_Destroy(RTSolution)
906       deallocate( RTSolution, STAT = Allocate_Status )
907       if (Allocate_Status /= 0) &
908          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
909             (/"Error in deallocating RTSolution"/))
911       if ( calc_tb_clr ) then
912          call CRTM_RTSolution_Destroy(RTSolution_clr)
913          deallocate( RTSolution_clr, STAT = Allocate_Status )
914          if (Allocate_Status /= 0) &
915             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
916                (/"Error in deallocating RTSolution_clr"/))
917       end if !calc_tb_clr
919       if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
920          call CRTM_RTSolution_Destroy(RTSolution_K)
921          deallocate( RTSolution_K, STAT = Allocate_Status )
922          if (Allocate_Status /= 0) &
923             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
924                (/"Error in deallocating RTSolution_K"/))
925       end if     
927       call CRTM_Options_Destroy(Options)
928       IF ( CRTM_Options_Associated( Options(1) ) ) &
929          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
930             (/"Error in deallocating CRTM Options Structure"/))
932       call CRTM_Surface_Destroy(Surface)
933       IF ( CRTM_Surface_Associated( Surface(1) ) ) &
934          call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
935             (/"Error in deallocating CRTM Surface Structure"/))
937       if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
938          call CRTM_Surface_Destroy(Surface_K)
939          IF ( ANY( CRTM_Surface_Associated( Surface_K(1,:)) ) ) &
940             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
941                (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Surface_K Structure"/))
942       endif
944       if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
945          call CRTM_Atmosphere_Destroy( Atmosphere_K )
946          IF ( ANY( CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated( Atmosphere_K(1,:)) ) ) &
947             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
948                (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Atmosphere_K Structure"/))
949       endif
951       if (use_crtm_kmatrix) then
952          deallocate( Atmosphere_K, Surface_K, STAT = Allocate_Status )
953          if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) &
954             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
955                (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Surface_K Structure"/))
956       endif
958    end do        ! end loop for sensor
960    deallocate (wrf_to_crtm_mw)
961    if ( use_clddet_zz ) deallocate ( geoht_full )
962    call CRTM_Atmosphere_Destroy (Atmosphere)
963    IF ( CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated( Atmosphere(1) ) ) &
964        call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
965          (/"Error in deallocating CRTM Atmosphere Structure"/))
967    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_get_innov_vector_crtm")
969 end subroutine da_get_innov_vector_crtm