updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_radiance / da_read_obs_hdf5gmi.inc
1 subroutine da_read_obs_hdf5gmi (iv, infile_tb, infile_clw)
2    !--------------------------------------------------------
3    !  Purpose: read in NASA/JAXA GPM GMI Level-1B data in HDF5 format
4    !           and form innovation structure
5    !
6    !   METHOD: use F90 sequantial data structure to avoid read the file twice
7    !            1. read file radiance data in sequential data structure
8    !            2. do gross QC check
9    !            3. assign sequential data structure to innovation structure
10    !                  and deallocate sequential data structure
11    !
12    !  HISTORY: 2013/10/22 - Creation         Syed RH Rizvi, NCAR/NESL/MMM/DAS
13    !           2017/02/17   Modification     Wenying He
14    !           2021/11/10   Modification     Dongmei Xu
15    ! METHODS, 
16    !Shen, et al.,2021: Assimilation of GPM Microwave Imager Radiance data with
17    ! the WRF Hybrid 3DEnVar System for the Prediction of Typhoon Chan-hom (2015),
18    ! Atmospheric Research. 251, 105422.
19    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21    implicit none
23    character(len=*), intent(in)    :: infile_tb, infile_clw
24    type(iv_type),    intent(inout) :: iv
26 #if defined(HDF5)
27 ! fixed parameter values
28    integer,parameter::max_scan=2963     ! Maximum allowed NumberOfScans
29    integer,parameter::ovr=20            ! Number of OverlapScans
30    integer,parameter::hi_rez_fov=221    ! high resolution pixel width
31    integer,parameter::lo_rez_fov=221    ! low  resolution pixel width
32    integer,parameter::time_dims=6       ! Time dimension
33    integer,parameter::nfile_max = 54     ! each hdf file contains ~50min of data
34                                         ! at most 8 files for a 6-h time window
35 ! interface variable
36    integer iret                         ! return status
37    integer(HID_T) fhnd1, fhnd2, fhnd3   ! file handle
38    integer(HID_T) ahnd1, ahnd2, ahnd3   ! attribute handle
39    integer(HID_T) dhnd1, dhnd2, dhnd3   ! dataset handle
40    integer(HID_T) shnd1, shnd2, shnd3   ! dataspace handle
41    integer(HSIZE_T) sz1(3)              ! array size 1
42    integer(HSIZE_T) sz2(3)              ! array size 2
44    integer(4) :: nscan                       ! NumberOfScans
45    integer(4) :: year(max_scan),month(max_scan),day(max_scan),hour(max_scan),minute(max_scan),second(max_scan)  !ScanTime
48       real(8)    tai93sec
49       integer(2) year
50       integer(2) month
51       integer(2) day
52       integer(2) hour
53       integer(2) minute
54       integer(2) second
55       integer(2) ms
56       integer(2) reserve
57    endtype
59 ! array data
60    type(AM2_COMMON_SCANTIME) st(max_scan)  ! scantime
61    real(4) :: lathi(hi_rez_fov,max_scan)   ! lat for high-fre
62    real(4) :: latlo(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)   ! lat for low-fre
63    real(4) :: lonhi(hi_rez_fov,max_scan)   ! lon for high-fre
64    real(4) :: lonlo(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)   ! lon for low-fre
66    real(4)    :: ear_in(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)  ! earth incidence
67    real(4)    :: ear_az(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)  ! earth azimuth
68    real(4)    :: sun_az(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)  ! sun_azimuth
69    real(4)    :: sun_el(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)  ! sun_elevation
70    real(4)    :: sun_zen(lo_rez_fov,max_scan) ! sun_zenith
71    real(4)    :: sca                          ! ScaleFactor
73    real(4)    :: clw(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)     ! obs retrieved cloud liquid water
74    integer(4) :: surftype(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)! obs retrieved surfacetype
75    integer(4) :: qcflg(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)   ! obs retrieved qualityflag    
78    real(r_kind)            :: R90    = 90.0_r_kind
79    real(r_kind),parameter  :: tbmin  = 50._r_kind
80    real(r_kind),parameter  :: tbmax  = 550._r_kind
82    real(4)          :: sat_zenith(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)
83    real(4)          :: sat_azimuth(lo_rez_fov,max_scan)
85    real(kind=8)                   :: obs_time
86    type (datalink_type),pointer   :: head, p, current, prev
87    type(info_type)                :: info
88    type(model_loc_type)           :: loc
90    integer(i_kind)    :: idate5(6)
92    integer(i_kind)   :: inst,platform_id,satellite_id,sensor_id
93    real(r_kind)      :: tb, crit
94    integer(i_kind)   :: ifgat, iout, iobs
95    logical           :: outside, outside_all, iuse
97    integer           :: i,j,k,l,m,n, ifile, landsea_mask
98    logical           :: found, head_found, head_allocated
100 ! Other work variables
101    real(r_kind)     :: dlon_earth,dlat_earth
102    integer(i_kind)  :: num_gmi_local, num_gmi_global, num_gmi_used, num_gmi_thinned
103    integer(i_kind)  :: num_gmi_used_tmp, num_gmi_file
104    integer(i_kind)  :: num_gmi_local_local, num_gmi_global_local, num_gmi_file_local
105    integer(i_kind)  :: itx, itt
106    character(80)    :: filename1, filename2
107    integer          :: nchan,ifov,iscan,ichannels
108    integer          :: nfile
109    character(80)    :: fname_tb(nfile_max)
110    character(80)    :: fname_clw(nfile_max)
111    logical          :: fexist, got_clw_file
113 ! Allocatable arrays
114    integer(i_kind),allocatable  :: ptotal(:)
115    real,allocatable             :: in(:), out(:)
116    real(r_kind),allocatable     :: data_all(:)
118    real,allocatable             :: obstime(:,:)
120    real(r_kind)    :: sun_zenith, sun_azimuth 
122    integer,parameter  :: num_low_freq_chan=9
123    real(4)            :: tb_low(num_low_freq_chan,lo_rez_fov,max_scan)
124    integer,parameter  :: num_hig_freq_chan=4
125    real(4)            :: tb_hig(num_hig_freq_chan,hi_rez_fov,max_scan)
128    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_read_obs_hdf5gmi")
130 !  0.0  Initialize variables
131 !-----------------------------------
132    head_allocated = .false.
133    platform_id  = 37  ! Table-2 Col 1 corresponding to 'gpm'
134    satellite_id = 1   ! Table-2 Col 3
135    sensor_id    = 71  ! Table-3 Col 2 corresponding to 'gmi'
137    allocate(ptotal(0:num_fgat_time))
138    ptotal(0:num_fgat_time) = 0
139    iobs = 0                 ! for thinning, argument is inout
140    num_gmi_file    = 0
141    num_gmi_local   = 0
142    num_gmi_global  = 0
143    num_gmi_used    = 0
144    num_gmi_thinned = 0
146    nscan=max_scan
147    sz1(1)=max_scan
148    sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
150    do i = 1, rtminit_nsensor
151       if (platform_id  == rtminit_platform(i) &
152           .and. satellite_id == rtminit_satid(i)    &
153           .and. sensor_id    == rtminit_sensor(i)) then
154          inst = i
155          exit
156       end if
157    end do
158    if (inst == 0) then
159       call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
160           (/"The combination of Satellite_Id and Sensor_Id for GMI is not found"/))
161       if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_hdf5gmi")
162       return
163    end if
165 ! Initialize HDF5 library and Fortran90 interface
166    call H5open_f(iret)
167    if(iret.lt.0)then
168       call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
169            (/"Problems in Initializing HDF5 library. Can not read GMI HDF5 data. "/))
170       if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_hdf5gmi")
171       return
172    endif
174    nchan = iv%instid(inst)%nchan
175    write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'GMI nchan: ',nchan
176    allocate(data_all(1:nchan))
178 ! 1.0 Assign file names and prepare to read gmi files
179 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
180    nfile       = 0  !initialize
181    fname_tb(:) = '' !initialize
182    ! first check if L1SGRTBR.h5 is available
183    filename1 = trim(infile_tb)//'.HDF5'
184    filename2 = trim(infile_clw)//'.HDF5'
185    inquire (file=filename1, exist=fexist)
186    if ( fexist ) then
187       nfile = 1
188       fname_tb(nfile)  = filename1
189       fname_clw(nfile) = filename2
190    else
191       ! check if 1B.GPM.GMI.TB0x.HDF5 is available for multiple input files
192       ! here 0x is the input file sequence number
193       ! do not confuse it with fgat time slot index
194       do i = 1, nfile_max
195          write(filename1,fmt='(A,A,I2.2,A)') trim(infile_tb),'-',i,'.HDF5'
196          write(filename2,fmt='(A,A,I2.2,A)') trim(infile_clw),'-',i,'.HDF5'
197          inquire (file=filename1, exist=fexist)
198          if ( fexist ) then
199             nfile = nfile + 1
200             fname_tb(nfile)  = filename1
201             fname_clw(nfile) = filename2
202          write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'fname_tb=',nfile,filename1
203          else
204             exit
205          end if
206       end do
207    end if
209    if ( nfile == 0 ) then
210       call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
211          (/"No valid GMI L1B.HDF5 or L1B.HDF5 file found."/))
212       if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_hdf5gmi")
213       return
214    end if
216    infile_loop:  do ifile = 1, nfile
217       num_gmi_file_local    = 0
218       num_gmi_local_local   = 0
219       num_gmi_global_local  = 0
221    ! open HDF5 file for read
222       call H5Fopen_f(fname_tb(ifile),H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F,fhnd1,iret,H5P_DEFAULT_F)
223       if(iret.lt.0)then
224          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
225               (/"Cannot open HDF5 file "//trim(fname_tb(ifile))/))
226          cycle infile_loop
227       endif
228       got_clw_file = .false.
229       call H5Fopen_f(fname_clw(ifile),H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F,fhnd2,iret,H5P_DEFAULT_F)
230       if ( iret == 0 ) then
231          got_clw_file = .true.
232       endif
233       ! to do: when got_clw_file=.true., need to check GranuleID for consistency
234       ! betweee tb and clw files
236     ! read lat
237       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/Latitude',dhnd1,iret)
238       sz1(1)=max_scan
239       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
240       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,latlo,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
241       if(iret.lt.0)then
242          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: Latitude"/))
243       endif
244       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
246     ! read lon
247       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/Longitude',dhnd1,iret)
248       sz1(1)=max_scan
249       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
251       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,lonlo,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
252       if(iret.lt.0)then
253          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: Latitude"/))
254       endif
255       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
257    !   write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'NumberOfScans(RETRIEVE BY ARRAY SIZE): ',nscan
258    !   write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'OverlapScans(FIXED VALUE): ',ovr
260       ! sample display
261       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'latitude,longitude(pixel=1,scan=1): ',&
262       latlo(1,1),lonlo(1,1),latlo(2,1),lonlo(2,1),latlo(1,2),lonlo(1,2)
265     ! read array: satellite_zenith_angle
266       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/incidenceAngle',dhnd1,iret)
267       sz1(1)=max_scan
268       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
269       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,ear_in,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
270       if(iret.lt.0)then
271          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: satellite_zenith_angle"/))
272       endif
273       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
274    ! sample display
275       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'sat_zenith(pixel=1,scan=1): ',ear_in(1,1)
277    ! read array: satellite_azimuth_angle
278       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/satAzimuthAngle',dhnd1,iret)
279       sz1(1)=max_scan
280       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
282       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,ear_az,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
283       if(iret.lt.0)then
284          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: satellite_Azimuth_angle"/))
285       endif
286       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
287    ! sample display      
288       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'sat_azimuth(pixel=1,scan=1): ',ear_az(1,1),ear_az(1,2),ear_az(2,1)
290     ! read array: sun_azimuth_angle
291       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/solarAzimuthAngle',dhnd1,iret)
292       sz1(1)=max_scan
293       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
295       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,sun_az,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
296       if(iret.lt.0)then
297          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: sun_Azimuth_angle"/))
298       endif
299       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
300    ! sample display
301       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'sun_azimuth(pixel=1,scan=1): ',sun_az(1,1)
303     ! read array: solar_ZenAngle
304       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/solarZenAngle',dhnd1,iret)
305       sz1(1)=max_scan
306       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
308        call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,sun_el,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
309       if(iret.lt.0)then
310          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"HDF5 read error for: sun_elevation_angle"/))
311       endif
312       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
313    ! sample display
314       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'sun_Zenangle(pixel=1,scan=1): ',sun_el(1,1)
316       sun_zen(:,:)    =sun_el(:,:)
317       sat_zenith(:,:) =ear_in(:,:)
318       sat_azimuth(:,:)=ear_az(:,:)
320    ! read array: scantime
321    ! read Year
322       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/Year',dhnd1,iret)
323       sz1(1)=max_scan
324       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,year,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
325       if(iret.lt.0)then
326          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
327              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Year"/))
328       endif
329       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
331    ! read Month
332       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/Month',dhnd1,iret)
333       sz1(1)=max_scan
334       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,month,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
335       if(iret.lt.0)then
336          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
337              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Month"/))
338       endif
339       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
341    ! read Day
342       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/DayOfMonth',dhnd1,iret)
343       sz1(1)=max_scan
344       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,day,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
345       if(iret.lt.0)then
346          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
347              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Day"/))
348       endif
349       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
351    ! read Hour
352       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/Hour',dhnd1,iret)
353       sz1(1)=max_scan
354       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,hour,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
355       if(iret.lt.0)then
356          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
357              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Hour"/))
358       endif
359       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
361      ! read Minute
362       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/Minute',dhnd1,iret)
363       sz1(1)=max_scan
364       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,minute,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
365       if(iret.lt.0)then
366          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
367              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Minute"/))
368       endif
369       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
371      ! read Second
372       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/ScanTime/Second',dhnd1,iret)
373       sz1(1)=max_scan
374       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,second,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
375       if(iret.lt.0)then
376          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
377              (/"HDF5 read error for: ScanTime/Second"/))
378       endif
379       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
381    ! sample display
382       allocate  (obstime(1:time_dims,1:nscan))  ! year, month, day, hour, min, sec
383       do j = 1, nscan
384          obstime(1,j) = year(j)
385          obstime(2,j) = month(j)
386          obstime(3,j) = day(j)
387          obstime(4,j) = hour(j)
388          obstime(5,j) = minute(j)
389          obstime(6,j) = second(j)
390       end do
391       write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'time(scan=1) year: ',year(1),' month:',month(1),' day: ',day(1),&
392          ' hour: ',hour(1),' minute: ',minute(1),' second: ',second(1)
394     ! read Tb_low--S1---9 low-frequence channel
395       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S1/Tb',dhnd1,iret)
397       sz1(1)=max_scan
398       sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
399       sz1(3)=num_low_freq_chan
400       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,Tb_low,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
401       if(iret.lt.0)then
402          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
403              (/"HDF5 read error for: Tb_low"/))
404       endif
405       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
407      ! sample display
408      ! write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'tb_low(pixel=1,scan=1,chan=1): ',&
409      ! tb_low(1,1,1),tb_low(1,1,2),tb_low(2,1,1),tb_low(2,1,2),tb_low(1,2,1),tb_low(1,2,2)
411      ! read Tb_hig--S2---4 hig-frequence channel
412       call H5Dopen_f(fhnd1,'/S2/Tb',dhnd1,iret)
413       sz1(1)=max_scan
414       sz1(2)=hi_rez_fov
415       sz1(3)=num_hig_freq_chan
416       call H5Dread_f(dhnd1,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,Tb_hig,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
417       if(iret.lt.0)then
418          call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
419              (/"HDF5 read error for: Tb_hig"/))
420       endif
421       call H5Dclose_f(dhnd1,iret)
423      ! sample display
424      ! write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'tb_hig(pixel=1,scan=1,chan=1): ',&
425      ! tb_hig(1,1,1),tb_hig(1,1,2),tb_hig(2,1,1),tb_hig(2,1,2),tb_hig(1,2,1),tb_hig(1,2,2)
427      ! close infile_tb and HDF5
428       call H5Fclose_f(fhnd1,iret)
430       if ( got_clw_file ) then
431       ! read CLW from infile_clw:
432          call H5Dopen_f(fhnd2,'/S1/cloudWaterPath',dhnd2,iret)
433          sz1(1)=max_scan
434          sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
435          call H5Dread_f(dhnd2,H5T_NATIVE_REAL,clw,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
436          if(iret.lt.0)then
437             call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
438                (/"HDF5 read error for: CLW data"/))
439          endif
440          call H5Dclose_f(dhnd2,iret)
441       ! sample display
442          write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'clw(pixel=1,scan=1): ',clw(100,1),clw(2,100),clw(100,2)
444       ! read SurfaceType from infile_clw:
445          call H5Dopen_f(fhnd2,'/S1/surfaceTypeIndex',dhnd2,iret)
446          sz1(1)=max_scan
447          sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
448          call H5Dread_f(dhnd2,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,surftype,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
449          if(iret.lt.0)then
450             call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
451                (/"HDF5 read error for: CLW data"/))
452          endif
453          call H5Dclose_f(dhnd2,iret)
454       ! sample display
455       !   write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'surftype(pixel=1,scan=1): ',&
456       !  surftype(1,1),surftype(2,1),surftype(1,2)
458       ! read QualityFlag from infile_clw:
459          call H5Dopen_f(fhnd2,'/S1/qualityFlag',dhnd2,iret)
460          sz1(1)=max_scan
461          sz1(2)=lo_rez_fov
462          call H5Dread_f(dhnd2,H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER,qcflg,sz1,iret,H5S_ALL_F,H5S_ALL_F)
463          if(iret.lt.0)then
464             call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
465                (/"HDF5 read error for: CLW data"/))
466          endif
467          call H5Dclose_f(dhnd2,iret)
468       ! sample display
469       !   write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'qcflg(pixel=1,scan=1): ',&
470       !  qcflg(1,1),qcflg(2,1),qcflg(1,2)
472       ! close infile_clw and HDF5
473          call H5Fclose_f(fhnd2,iret)
474       end if
475 !****display all the hdf5 data with asc format****
476 !      do i = 1, nscan
477 !      do j = 1, lo_rez_fov
478 !      write(65,fmt='(2i4,2f8.3,13f10.3)') j,i,latlo(j,i),lonlo(j,i),sun_zen(j,i),&
479 !      sat_zenith(j,i),sat_azimuth(j,i),(tb_low(k,j,i),k=1,num_low_freq_chan)
480 !       write(64,fmt='(2i4,2f8.3,f10.3,2i4)') j,i,latlo(j,i),lonlo(j,i),clw(j,i),surftype(j,i),qcflg(j,k)
481 !      if(abs(sat_zenith(j,i)).gt.80)write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a,2i4,f12.2)')'bad_sat_zenith',i,j,sat_zenith(j,i)
482 !      if(abs(sat_azimuth(j,i)).gt.180)write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a,2i4,f12.2)'),'bad_sat_azimuth',i,j,sat_azimuth(j,i)
483 !      if(abs(sun_zen(j,i)).gt.180)write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a,2i4,f12.2)')'bad_sun_zenith',i,j,sun_zen(j,i)
484 !      if(abs(sun_az(j,i)).gt.180)write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a,2i4,f12.2)')'bad_sun_azi',i,j,sun_az(j,i)
485 !      end do
486 !      end do
488 ! 2.0 Loop to read hdf file and assign information to a sequential structure
489 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
491    ! Allocate arrays to hold data
492       if ( .not. head_allocated ) then
493          allocate (head)
494          nullify  ( head % next )
495          p => head
496          head_allocated = .true.
497       end if
498    ! start scan_loop
499       scan_loop:     do iscan=1, nscan
500          do i = 1, 6
501             idate5(i)=obstime(i, iscan)
502          end do
503          call da_get_julian_time(idate5(1),idate5(2),idate5(3),idate5(4),idate5(5),obs_time)
504          if ( obs_time < time_slots(0) .or.  &
505             obs_time >= time_slots(num_fgat_time) ) cycle scan_loop
506          do ifgat=1,num_fgat_time
507             if ( obs_time >= time_slots(ifgat-1) .and.  &
508                obs_time  < time_slots(ifgat) ) exit
509          end do
511       ! start fov_loop
512          fov_loop:      do ifov=1, lo_rez_fov
513             num_gmi_file       = num_gmi_file + 1
514             num_gmi_file_local = num_gmi_file_local + 1
515             info%lat  =  latlo(ifov,iscan)
516             info%lon  =  lonlo(ifov,iscan)
518             call da_llxy (info, loc, outside, outside_all)
519             if (outside_all) cycle fov_loop
521             num_gmi_global       = num_gmi_global + 1
522             num_gmi_global_local = num_gmi_global_local + 1
523             ptotal(ifgat) = ptotal(ifgat) + 1
524             if (outside) cycle fov_loop   ! No good for this PE
526             landsea_mask = 0    !0:land; 1:sea !juded from amsr2
527             if(surftype(ifov,iscan) < 3.0 .or. surftype(ifov,iscan) > 12.0) &  !surftype 3-12:land
528             landsea_mask = 1 
530             info%elv = 0.0
532             num_gmi_local       = num_gmi_local + 1
533             num_gmi_local_local = num_gmi_local_local + 1
534             write(unit=info%date_char, &
535             fmt='(i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2)')  &
536                idate5(1), '-', idate5(2), '-', idate5(3), '_', idate5(4), &
537                ':', idate5(5), ':', idate5(6)
539 ! 3.0  Make Thinning
540 ! Map obs to thinning grid
541 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
542             if (thinning) then
543                dlat_earth = info%lat !degree
544                dlon_earth = info%lon
545                if (dlon_earth<zero)  dlon_earth = dlon_earth+r360
546                if (dlon_earth>=r360) dlon_earth = dlon_earth-r360
547                dlat_earth = dlat_earth*deg2rad !radian
548                dlon_earth = dlon_earth*deg2rad
549                crit = 1.
550                call map2grids(inst,ifgat,dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit,iobs,itx,1,itt,iout,iuse)
551                if (.not. iuse) then
552                   num_gmi_thinned = num_gmi_thinned+1
553                   cycle fov_loop
554                end if
555             end if
557             num_gmi_used = num_gmi_used + 1
558             data_all = missing_r
560             do k=1,num_low_freq_chan
561                tb = tb_low(k,ifov,iscan)
562                if( tb < tbmin .or. tb > tbmax ) tb = missing_r
563                data_all(k)= tb
564             enddo
566             do k=1,num_hig_freq_chan
567                tb = tb_hig(k,ifov,iscan)
568                if( tb < tbmin .or. tb > tbmax ) tb = missing_r
569                data_all(9+k)= tb
570             enddo 
571 !           write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'data_all: '
573 ! 4.0 assign information to sequential radiance structure
574 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
575             allocate ( p % tb_inv (1:nchan ))
576             p%info             = info
577             p%loc              = loc
578             p%landsea_mask     = landsea_mask
579             p%scanpos          = ifov
580             p%satzen           = sat_zenith(ifov,iscan)
581             p%satazi           = sat_azimuth(ifov,iscan)
582             p%solzen           = sun_zen(ifov,iscan)
583             p%solazi           = sun_az(ifov,iscan)
584             p%clw              = clw(ifov,iscan)
585             p%tb_inv(1:nchan)  = data_all(1:nchan)
586             p%sensor_index     = inst
587             p%ifgat            = ifgat
589             allocate (p%next)   ! add next data
590             p => p%next
591             nullify (p%next)
592          end do fov_loop
593       end do scan_loop
595    ! Dellocate arrays
596       deallocate  (obstime)
598       write(stdout,fmt='(3a,i7)') ' In file: ',trim(fname_tb(ifile)),' got num_gmi_file    : ',num_gmi_file_local
599       write(stdout,fmt='(3a,i7)') ' In file: ',trim(fname_tb(ifile)),' got num_gmi_global  : ',num_gmi_global_local
600       write(stdout,fmt='(3a,i7)') ' In file: ',trim(fname_tb(ifile)),' got num_gmi_local   : ',num_gmi_local_local
601    end do infile_loop
603    call H5close_f(iret)
605    deallocate(data_all) ! Deallocate data arrays
607    if (thinning .and. num_gmi_global > 0 ) then
608 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
609    ! Get minimum crit and associated processor index.
610       j = 0
611       do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
612          j = j + thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%itxmax
613       end do 
615       allocate ( in  (j) )
616       allocate ( out (j) )
617       j = 0
618       do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
619          do i = 1, thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%itxmax
620             j = j + 1
621             in(j) = thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%score_crit(i)
622          end do
623       end do
624       call mpi_reduce(in, out, j, true_mpi_real, mpi_min, root, comm, ierr)
626       call wrf_dm_bcast_real (out, j)
628       j = 0
629       do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
630          do i = 1, thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%itxmax
631             j = j + 1
632             if ( ABS(out(j)-thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%score_crit(i)) > 1.0E-10 ) &
633             thinning_grid(inst,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) = 0
634          end do
635       end do
637       deallocate( in  )
638       deallocate( out )
640 #endif
642    ! Delete the nodes which being thinning out
643       p => head
644       prev => head
645       head_found = .false.
646       num_gmi_used_tmp = num_gmi_used
647       do j = 1, num_gmi_used_tmp
648          n = p%sensor_index
649          ifgat = p%ifgat
650          found = .false.
652          do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax
653             if ( thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) == j .and. thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i) < 9.99e6_r_kind ) then
654                found = .true.
655                exit
656             end if
657          end do
659       ! free current data
660          if ( .not. found ) then
661             current => p
662             p => p%next
663             if ( head_found ) then
664                prev%next => p
665             else
666                head => p
667                prev => p
668             end if
669             deallocate ( current % tb_inv )
670             deallocate ( current )
671             num_gmi_thinned = num_gmi_thinned + 1
672             num_gmi_used = num_gmi_used - 1
673             continue
674          end if
676          if ( found .and. head_found ) then
677             prev => p
678             p => p%next
679             continue
680          end if
682          if ( found .and. .not. head_found ) then
683             head_found = .true.
684             head => p
685             prev => p
686             p => p%next
687          end if
689       end do
691    end if  ! End of thinning
693    iv%total_rad_pixel   = iv%total_rad_pixel + num_gmi_used
694    iv%total_rad_channel = iv%total_rad_channel + num_gmi_used*nchan
696    iv%info(radiance)%nlocal = iv%info(radiance)%nlocal + num_gmi_used
697    iv%info(radiance)%ntotal = iv%info(radiance)%ntotal + num_gmi_global
699    do i = 1, num_fgat_time
700       ptotal(i) = ptotal(i) + ptotal(i-1)
701       iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) = iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) + ptotal(i)
702    end do
703    if ( iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time) /= iv%info(radiance)%ntotal ) then
704       write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10,A,I10)') &
705           "Number of ntotal:",iv%info(radiance)%ntotal," is different from the sum of ptotal:", iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time)
706       call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
707    endif
709    write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a)') 'GMI data counts: '
710    write(stdout,fmt='(a,i7)') ' In file: ',num_gmi_file
711    write(stdout,fmt='(a,i7)') ' Global : ',num_gmi_global
712    write(stdout,fmt='(a,i7)') ' Local  : ',num_gmi_local
713    write(stdout,fmt='(a,i7)') ' Used   : ',num_gmi_used
714    write(stdout,fmt='(a,i7)') ' Thinned: ',num_gmi_thinned
716 !  5.0 allocate innovation radiance structure
717 !----------------------------------------------------------------
719    if (num_gmi_used > 0) then
720       iv%instid(inst)%num_rad  = num_gmi_used
721       iv%instid(inst)%info%nlocal = num_gmi_used
722       write(UNIT=stdout,FMT='(a,i3,2x,a,3x,i10)') &
723          'Allocating space for radiance innov structure', &
724          inst, iv%instid(inst)%rttovid_string, iv%instid(inst)%num_rad
726       call da_allocate_rad_iv (inst, nchan, iv)
728    end if
730    write(unit=stdout,fmt=*)'for test: ',inst, nchan
732 !  6.0 assign sequential structure to innovation structure
733 !-------------------------------------------------------------
734    p => head
736    do n = 1, num_gmi_used
737       i = p%sensor_index 
738       call da_initialize_rad_iv (i, n, iv, p)
739       current => p
740       p => p%next
741    ! free current data
742       deallocate ( current % tb_inv )
743       deallocate ( current )
744    end do
745    deallocate ( p )
746    deallocate (ptotal)
748    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_hdf5gmi")
749 #else
750    call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"Needs to be compiled with HDF5 library"/))
751 #endif
752 end subroutine da_read_obs_hdf5gmi