1 subroutine da_transform_xtoy_crtm_adj ( cv_size, cv, iv, jo_grad_y, jo_grad_x )
3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! PURPOSE: transform gradient from obs space to model grid space.
6 ! METHOD: jo_grad_x = H^T jo_grad_y = - H^T R^-1 ( d - H delta_x )
7 ! 1. input gradient in obs space and reference state of RTTOV
8 ! 2. call adjoint of RTM
9 ! 3. adjoint of interpolation from model grid to obs loc
11 ! HISTORY: 11/19/2006 - Creation Zhiquan Liu
12 ! 01/11/2008 - Add crtm_cloud Xiaoyan Zhang
13 ! 11/25/2008 - Zero Jacobian for top level Tom Auligne
15 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 integer, intent(in) :: cv_size ! Size of cv array.
20 real, intent(inout) :: cv(1:cv_size) ! control variables.
21 type (x_type), intent(inout) :: jo_grad_x !
22 type (y_type), intent(in) :: jo_grad_y ! H' delta_x
23 type (iv_type), intent(in) :: iv ! O-B structure.
25 integer, parameter :: AIRS_Max_Channels = 281
29 integer :: icld, jcld, i
30 integer :: k ! Index dimension.
31 integer :: num_rad ! Number of radiance obs
32 integer :: inst, nchanl, n
33 integer :: ipred, npred, gammapred, id
34 real :: cv_local(1:cv_size)
35 real, allocatable :: q_ad(:,:)
36 real, allocatable :: t_ad(:,:)
37 real, allocatable :: p_ad(:)
38 real, allocatable :: xb_q(:,:)
41 real, allocatable :: qcw_ad(:,:)
42 real, allocatable :: qci_ad(:,:)
43 real, allocatable :: qrn_ad(:,:)
44 real, allocatable :: qsn_ad(:,:)
45 real, allocatable :: qgr_ad(:,:)
47 ! type(infa_type), pointer :: info
49 ! real :: dx,dy,dxm,dym
52 ! CRTM local varaibles and types
53 integer :: Allocate_Status
54 integer :: n_layers, n_absorbers, n_clouds, n_aerosols
55 type (CRTM_RTSolution_type ), allocatable :: RTSolution(:,:),RTSolution_AD(:,:)
56 type (CRTM_Atmosphere_type ), allocatable :: Atmosphere(:), Atmosphere_AD(:)
57 type (CRTM_Surface_type ), allocatable :: Surface(:), Surface_AD(:)
58 type (CRTM_Geometry_type ), allocatable :: GeometryInfo(:)
59 type (CRTM_Options_type ) , allocatable :: Options(:)
62 integer :: nclouds, ncv
63 real, allocatable :: cc_ad(:)
64 real*8 :: rad_clr ! RT clear/cloudy radiances
65 real, allocatable :: rad_ovc(:) ! RT overcast radiances
66 real*8 :: rad_ad, tb_ad
68 ! Initializations for AIRS (MMR) Cloud Detection
69 integer :: Band_Size(5), Bands(AIRS_Max_Channels,5)
71 Band_Size(1:5) = (/86, 0, 0, 16, 0 /)
73 Bands(1:Band_Size(1),1) = &
74 & (/ & !& 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, &
75 & & !& 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 36, 39, 40, 42, 51, &
76 & & !& 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 63, 68, 69, 71, &
77 & & !& 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, &
78 & 92, 93, 98, 99, 101, 104, 105, & !& 83, 84, 86, 92, 93, 98, 99, 101, 104, 105, &
79 & 108, 110, 111, 113, 116, 117, 123, 124, 128, 129, &
80 & 138, 139, 144, 145, 150, 151, 156, 157, 159, 162, &
81 & 165, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179, &
82 & 180, 182, 185, 186, 190, 192, 198, 201, 204, & !& 180, 182, 185, 186, 190, 192, 193, 198, 201, 204, &
83 & 207, 210, 215, 216, 221, 226, 227, & !& 207, 210, 213, 215, 216, 218, 221, 224, 226, 227, &
84 & 232, 252, 253, 256, 257, 261, & !& 232, 239, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 261, &
85 & 262, 267, 272, 295, 299, 305, 310, & !& 262, 267, 272, 295, 299, 300, 305, 308, 309, 310, &
86 & 321, 325, 333, 338, 355, 362, 375, 453, 475, & !& 318, 321, 325, 333, 338, 355, 362, 375, 453, 475, &
87 & 484, 497, 528, 587, 672, 787, 791, 843, 870, 914, &
90 ! Bands(1:Band_Size(2),2) = &
91 !& (/ 1003, 1012, 1019, 1024, 1030, 1038, 1048, 1069, 1079, 1082, &
92 !& 1083, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1095, 1104, 1111, 1115, 1116, 1119, &
93 !& 1120, 1123, 1130, 1138, 1142, 1178, 1199, 1206, 1221, 1237, &
94 !& 1252, 1260, 1263, 1266, 1278, 1285 /)
96 ! Bands(1:Band_Size(3),3) = &
97 !& (/ 1301, 1304, 1329, 1371, 1382, 1415, 1424, 1449, 1455, & !& 1290, 1301, 1304, 1329, 1371, 1382, 1415, 1424, 1449, 1455, &
98 !& 1466, 1477, 1500, 1519, 1538, 1545, & !& 1466, 1471, 1477, 1479, 1488, 1500, 1519, 1520, 1538, 1545, &
99 !& 1565, 1574, 1583, 1593, 1627, 1636, 1652, 1669, & !& 1565, 1574, 1583, 1593, 1614, 1627, 1636, 1644, 1652, 1669, &
100 !& 1694, 1708, 1723, 1740, 1748, 1756, & !& 1674, 1681, 1694, 1708, 1717, 1723, 1740, 1748, 1751, 1756, &
101 !& 1766, 1771, 1777, 1783, 1794, 1800, 1806, & !& 1763, 1766, 1771, 1777, 1780, 1783, 1794, 1800, 1803, 1806, &
102 !& 1826, 1843 /) !& 1812, 1826, 1843 /)
104 Bands(1:Band_Size(4),4) = &
105 & (/ 1852, 1865, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1876, & !& 1852, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1876,
106 & 1881, 1882, 1883, 1911, 1917, 1918, & !& 1877, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1897, 1901, 1911, 1917, 1918, &
107 & 1924, 1928 /) !& 1921, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1937 /)
109 ! Bands(1:Band_Size(5),5) = &
110 !& (/ 1938, 1939, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1958, 1971, 1973, 1988, &
111 !& 1995, 2084, 2085, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2103, 2104, &
112 !& 2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, &
113 !& 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2128, 2134, &
114 !& 2141, 2145, 2149, 2153, 2164, 2189, 2197, 2209, 2226, 2234, &
115 !& 2280, 2318, 2321, 2325, 2328, 2333, 2339, 2348, 2353, 2355, &
116 !& 2363, 2370, 2371, 2377 /)
119 !---------------------------------------------------------
121 if ( iv%num_inst < 1 ) return
123 if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_transform_xtoy_crtm_adj")
127 sensors_loop: do inst = 1, iv%num_inst ! loop for sensor
129 num_rad = iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 - iv%instid(inst)%info%n1 + 1
130 if ( num_rad < 1 ) cycle
132 allocate (Atmosphere (iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
133 Atmosphere_AD(iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
134 STAT = Allocate_Status )
135 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
136 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
137 (/"Error in allocatting Atmosphere"/))
139 allocate (Surface (iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
140 Surface_AD (iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
141 STAT = Allocate_Status )
142 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
143 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
144 (/"Error in allocatting Surface"/))
146 allocate (GeometryInfo (iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
147 STAT = Allocate_Status )
148 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
149 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
150 (/"Error in allocatting GeometryInfo"/))
152 allocate (Options (iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
153 STAT = Allocate_Status )
154 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
155 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
156 (/"Error in allocatting Options"/))
159 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 ! Atmosphere structure
164 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
166 n_layers = (kte-kts)+1 ! number of vertical levels
170 if ( crtm_cloud ) n_clouds = 6
172 call CRTM_Atmosphere_Create( Atmosphere(n), &
177 IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated( Atmosphere(n) ) ) THEN
178 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
179 (/"Error in allocatting CRTM Atmosphere Structure"/))
181 Atmosphere(n)%Absorber_ID(1)=H2O_ID
182 Atmosphere(n)%Absorber_ID(2)=O3_ID
183 Atmosphere(n)%Absorber_Units(1) = MASS_MIXING_RATIO_UNITS
184 Atmosphere(n)%Absorber_Units(2) = VOLUME_MIXING_RATIO_UNITS
185 Atmosphere(n)%Climatology=iv%instid(inst)%crtm_climat(n)
188 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(1)%Type=WATER_CLOUD
189 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(2)%Type=ICE_CLOUD
190 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(3)%Type=RAIN_CLOUD
191 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(4)%Type=SNOW_CLOUD
192 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(5)%Type=GRAUPEL_CLOUD
193 Atmosphere(n)%Cloud(6)%Type=HAIL_CLOUD
197 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 allocate (q_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
200 allocate (t_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
201 allocate (p_ad(iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
202 allocate (xb_q(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
210 allocate (qcw_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
211 allocate (qci_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
212 allocate (qrn_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
213 allocate (qsn_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
214 allocate (qgr_ad(kts:kte,iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2))
222 ! info => iv%instid(inst)%info
224 nchanl = ChannelInfo(inst)%n_channels
226 ! Allocate forward model solution RTSolution array to number of channels
227 allocate( RTSolution( ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels, iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ) , &
228 RTSolution_AD( ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels, iv%instid(inst)%info%n1:iv%instid(inst)%info%n2), &
229 STAT = Allocate_Status )
230 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
231 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
232 (/"Error in allocatting RTSolution"/))
235 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
237 call CRTM_Surface_Create( Surface(n), & ! Output
239 IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Surface_Associated( Surface(n) ) ) THEN
240 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
241 (/"Error in allocatting CRTM Surface Structure"/))
244 ! CRTM Options structure
245 call CRTM_Options_Create( Options(n), & ! Output
247 IF ( .NOT. CRTM_Options_Associated( Options(n) ) ) THEN
248 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
249 (/"Error in allocatting CRTM Options Structure"/))
251 if ( use_antcorr(inst) ) Options(n)%Use_Antenna_Correction = .true.
253 ! Gamma correction from VarBC
254 !----------------------------
257 gammapred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%gammapred
259 npred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%npred
260 if (npred <= 0) cycle ! VarBC channels only
261 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%npredmax < gammapred) cycle ! Gamma channels only
262 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%pred_use(gammapred) < 0) cycle ! Gamma channels only
264 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%ipred(ipred) /= gammapred) cycle
265 RTSolution(k,n)%Gamma = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%param(ipred)
269 RTSolution_AD(:,n)%Gamma = 0.0
273 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
275 ! [1.0] Extract base state Atmosphere variables
276 Atmosphere(n)%level_pressure(0) = iv%instid(inst)%pf(0,n)
277 do k=1,Atmosphere(n)%n_layers
278 Atmosphere(n)%pressure(k) = iv%instid(inst)%pm(k,n)
279 Atmosphere(n)%level_pressure(k) = iv%instid(inst)%pf(k,n)
280 Atmosphere(n)%temperature(k) = iv%instid(inst)%tm(k,n)
281 Atmosphere(n)%absorber(k,1) = iv%instid(inst)%qm(k,n)
282 ! convert mixing ratio (g h2o / kg dry air) to specific humidity (kg h2o / kg moist air)
283 xb_q(k,n) = 0.001*iv%instid(inst)%qm(k,n)/(1.0+0.001*iv%instid(inst)%qm(k,n)) ! specific humidity
287 do k=1,Atmosphere(n)%n_layers
288 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(1)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qcw(k,n)
289 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(2)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qci(k,n)
290 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(3)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qrn(k,n)
291 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(4)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qsn(k,n)
292 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(5)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qgr(k,n)
293 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(6)%water_content(k)=iv%instid(inst)%qhl(k,n)
294 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(1)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rcw(k,n)
295 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(2)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rci(k,n)
296 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(3)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rrn(k,n)
297 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(4)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rsn(k,n)
298 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(5)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rgr(k,n)
299 Atmosphere(n)%cloud(6)%effective_radius(k)=iv%instid(inst)%rhl(k,n)
303 ! [1.1] User-supplied emissivity
304 ! Options%emissivity_switch = 1
305 ! Options%emissivity(1:Options%n_channels) = &
306 ! iv%instid(inst)%emiss(1:Options%n_channels,n)
308 ! [1.1] CRTM Surface parameter data
309 Surface(n)%Land_Coverage=iv%instid(inst)%land_coverage(n)
310 Surface(n)%Water_Coverage=iv%instid(inst)%water_coverage(n)
311 Surface(n)%Snow_Coverage=iv%instid(inst)%snow_coverage(n)
312 Surface(n)%Ice_Coverage=iv%instid(inst)%ice_coverage(n)
314 if (Surface(n)%Land_Coverage > 0.0) then
315 Surface(n)%Land_Type=11 !GRASS_SOIL
316 Surface(n)%Land_Temperature=iv%instid(inst)%ts(n) ! K
317 Surface(n)%Soil_Moisture_Content=iv%instid(inst)%smois(n) !0.05 ! volumetric water content (g/cm**3)
318 !Surface(n)%Canopy_Water_Content=0.05 ! gravimetric water content
319 Surface(n)%Vegetation_Fraction=iv%instid(inst)%vegfra(n)
320 Surface(n)%Soil_Temperature=iv%instid(inst)%tslb(n)
322 if (Surface(n)%Water_Coverage > 0.0) then
323 !Surface(n)%Water_Type=SEA_WATER ! (Currently NOT used)
324 Surface(n)%Water_Temperature=iv%instid(inst)%ts(n) ! K
325 Surface(n)%Wind_Speed=sqrt((iv%instid(inst)%u10(n))**2+ &
326 (iv%instid(inst)%v10(n))**2) ! m/sec
327 !surface(n)%Wind_Direction=0.0 ! NOT used
328 Surface(n)%Salinity=33.0 ! ppmv
330 if (Surface(n)%Snow_Coverage > 0.0) then
331 Surface(n)%Snow_Type=2 !NEW_SNOW
332 Surface(n)%Snow_Temperature=iv%instid(inst)%ts(n) ! K
333 Surface(n)%Snow_Depth=iv%instid(inst)%snowh(n) ! mm
334 !Surface(n)%Snow_Density=0.2 ! g/cm**3
335 !Surface(n)%Snow_Grain_Size=2.0 ! mm
337 if (Surface(n)%Ice_Coverage > 0.0) then
338 !Surface(n)%Ice_Type=FRESH_ICE ! NO Table offered, single example is FRESH_ICE
339 Surface(n)%Ice_Temperature=iv%instid(inst)%ts(n) ! K
340 Surface(n)%Ice_Thickness=10.0 ! mm
341 !Surface(n)%Ice_Density=0.9 ! g/cm**3
342 !Surface(n)%Ice_Roughness=0.0 ! NO Table offered, single example is ZERO
344 Surface(n)%SensorData%n_channels = nchanl
345 Surface(n)%SensorData%Sensor_Channel = ChannelInfo(inst)%Sensor_Channel
346 Surface(n)%SensorData%Sensor_Id = ChannelInfo(inst)%Sensor_Id
347 Surface(n)%SensorData%WMO_Satellite_Id = ChannelInfo(inst)%WMO_Satellite_Id
348 Surface(n)%SensorData%WMO_Sensor_Id = ChannelInfo(inst)%WMO_Sensor_Id
349 Surface(n)%SensorData%Tb(1:nchanl) = iv%instid(inst)%tb_inv(1:nchanl,n) + &
350 iv%instid(inst)%tb_xb(1:nchanl,n)
352 ! -- Copy the adjoint atmosphere structure
353 Atmosphere_AD(n) = Atmosphere(n)
355 ! -- Copy the adjoint surface structure
356 Surface_AD(n) = Surface(n)
358 ! -- Zero the Adjoint outputs
359 ! Important: adjoint variables must be initialized
360 call CRTM_Atmosphere_Zero( Atmosphere_AD(n) )
361 call CRTM_Surface_Zero( Surface_AD(n) )
363 ! [1.2] CRTM GeometryInfo Structure
364 GeometryInfo(n)%Sensor_Zenith_Angle=iv%instid(inst)%satzen(n)
365 GeometryInfo(n)%Source_Zenith_Angle=iv%instid(inst)%solzen(n)
366 GeometryInfo(n)%iFOV=iv%instid(inst)%scanpos(n)
367 ! GeometryInfo(n)%Satellite_Height=830.0
368 ! GeometryInfo(n)%Sensor_Scan_Angle=
369 ! GeometryInfo(n)%Sensor_Zenith_Angle=
370 ! GeometryInfo(n)%Sensor_Scan_Angle=
371 ! GeometryInfo(n)%Source_Zenith_Angle=
373 ! [1.3] assign tb = R^-1 Re :
375 do i = 1, ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels
376 RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature = jo_grad_y%instid(inst)%tb(i,n)
377 RTSolution_AD(i,n)%radiance = 0.0 ! must assign zero, since each call of AD model will return non-zero value
382 ! [1.4] Call CRTM_AD model
385 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
386 if (.not. use_crtm_kmatrix) then
387 call da_crtm_ad (1, nchanl, 1, Atmosphere(n), &
391 ChannelInfo(inst:inst), &
397 do i = 1, ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels
398 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Level_Pressure(Atmosphere(n)%n_layers) = &
399 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Level_Pressure(Atmosphere(n)%n_layers) + &
400 iv%instid(inst)%ps_jacobian(i,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
404 do i = 1, ChannelInfo(inst)%n_Channels
405 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Temperature(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Temperature(k) + &
406 iv%instid(inst)%t_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
407 Atmosphere_AD(n)%absorber(k,1) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%absorber(k,1) + &
408 iv%instid(inst)%q_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
410 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(1)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(1)%Water_Content(k) + &
411 iv%instid(inst)%water_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
412 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(2)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(2)%Water_Content(k) + &
413 iv%instid(inst)%ice_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
414 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(3)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(3)%Water_Content(k) + &
415 iv%instid(inst)%rain_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
416 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(4)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(4)%Water_Content(k) + &
417 iv%instid(inst)%snow_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
418 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(5)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(5)%Water_Content(k) + &
419 iv%instid(inst)%graupel_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
420 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(6)%Water_Content(k) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(6)%Water_Content(k) + &
421 iv%instid(inst)%hail_jacobian(i,k,n) * RTSolution_AD(i,n)%brightness_temperature
429 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
433 if (use_satcv(1)) then
434 ts_index = iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%ts
435 if (Surface(n)%Land_Coverage > 0.0) cv(ts_index) = Surface_AD(n)%Land_Temperature
436 if (Surface(n)%Water_Coverage > 0.0) cv(ts_index) = Surface_AD(n)%Water_Temperature
437 if (Surface(n)%Snow_Coverage > 0.0) cv(ts_index) = Surface_AD(n)%Snow_Temperature
438 if (Surface(n)%Ice_Coverage > 0.0) cv(ts_index) = Surface_AD(n)%Ice_Temperature
443 if (use_satcv(2)) then
444 nclouds = iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%nclouds
445 ncv = iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%ncv
446 allocate (rad_ovc (nclouds))
447 allocate (cc_ad (ncv))
449 if (ALL(iv%instid(inst)%ichan(k) /= Bands(:,1))) cycle ! Only Channels in Band 1
450 rad_clr = iv%instid(inst)%rad_xb(k,n)
451 do icld = kte-nclouds+1, kte
452 rad_ovc(icld) = iv%instid(inst)%rad_ovc(k,icld,n)
455 tb_ad = jo_grad_y%instid(inst)%tb(k,n)
456 call CRTM_Planck_Temperature_AD(inst,k,rad_clr,tb_ad,rad_ad)
459 cc_ad(icld) = rad_ad * (rad_ovc(icld)-rad_clr)
461 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------
462 ! ! Change of variable (preconditioning)
463 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------
465 ! cc_ad(icld) = SUM(rad_ad * (rad_ovc(:)-rad_clr) * &
466 ! iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%vtox(icld,:) )
470 cv(iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%cc(icld)) = cv(iv%instid(inst)%cv_index(n)%cc(icld)) + cc_ad(icld)
473 deallocate(rad_ovc, cc_ad)
476 ! [1.5] Scale transformation and fill zero for no-control variable
478 ! Convert cloud content unit from kg/kg to kg/m^2
481 do icld=1,Atmosphere(n)%n_Clouds
482 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(icld)%Water_Content(k) = &
483 Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(icld)%Water_Content(k) * &
484 (Atmosphere(n)%Level_Pressure(k)- Atmosphere(n)%Level_Pressure(k-1))*100.0/gravity
489 ! [1.6] Adjoint of Interpolate horizontally from ob to grid:
492 do k=kts,kte ! from bottom to top
493 qcw_ad(k,n)=Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(1)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)
494 qci_ad(k,n)=Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(2)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)
495 qrn_ad(k,n)=Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(3)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)
496 qsn_ad(k,n)=Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(4)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)
497 qgr_ad(k,n)=Atmosphere_AD(n)%Cloud(5)%Water_Content(kte-k+1)
501 do k=kts,kte-1 ! from bottom to top. Zero Jacobian for top level
502 ! compute specific_humidity gradient, dY/dq (kg moist air / kg h2o),
503 ! from xb_q (kg h2o / kg moist air) and mixing ratio gradient, dY/dr ( kg dry air / g h2o)
504 if (atmosphere(n)%pressure(kte-k+1) >= 75.0) & ! Zero Jacobian for top level(s)
505 q_ad(k,n) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Absorber(kte-k+1,1) * 1000.0 / &
506 (1.0-xb_q(kte-k+1,n))**2
507 t_ad(k,n) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Temperature(kte-k+1)
510 p_ad(n) = Atmosphere_AD(n)%Level_Pressure(atmosphere(n)%n_layers) * 0.01 ! in hPa
512 call CRTM_Atmosphere_Destroy( Atmosphere_AD(n) )
513 IF ( CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated(Atmosphere_AD(n)) ) THEN
514 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
515 (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Atmosphere_AD Structure"/))
518 call CRTM_Surface_Destroy(Surface_AD(n))
519 IF ( CRTM_Surface_Associated(Surface_AD(n)) ) THEN
520 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
521 (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Surface_AD Structure"/))
524 end do ! end loop for pixels
526 ! [1.7] Gamma correction to VarBC
530 npred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%npred
531 if (npred <= 0) cycle ! VarBC channels only
532 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%npredmax < gammapred) cycle ! Gamma channels only
533 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%pred_use(gammapred) < 0) cycle ! Gamma channels only
535 if (iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%ipred(ipred) /= gammapred) cycle
536 id = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%index(ipred)
537 cv_local(id) = cv_local(id) + &
538 SUM(RTSolution_AD(k,n)%Gamma * iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%vtox(ipred,1:npred))
543 ! Gathering Gamma correction across processors
544 !---------------------------------------------
545 !!! call wrf_dm_sum_reals(cv_local, cv)
548 if ( crtm_cloud .and. cloud_cv_options > 0 ) then
549 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%qcw(:,:,kts:kte),iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, qcw_ad)
550 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%qrn(:,:,kts:kte),iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, qrn_ad)
551 if ( cloud_cv_options > 1 ) then
552 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%qci(:,:,kts:kte),iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, qci_ad)
553 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%qsn(:,:,kts:kte),iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, qsn_ad)
554 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%qgr(:,:,kts:kte),iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, qgr_ad)
558 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%t(:,:,kts:kte), iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, t_ad)
559 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%q(:,:,kts:kte), iv%instid(inst)%info, kts,kte, q_ad)
560 call da_interp_lin_2d_adj_partial(jo_grad_x%psfc, iv%instid(inst)%info, 1,1, p_ad)
575 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
576 ! [2.0] Deallocating CRTM structures
577 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
578 deallocate( RTSolution, RTSolution_AD, STAT = Allocate_Status )
579 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
580 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
581 (/"Error in deallocatting RTSolution"/))
584 do n = iv%instid(inst)%info%n1, iv%instid(inst)%info%n2 ! loop for pixel
586 call CRTM_Options_Destroy(Options(n))
587 IF ( CRTM_Options_Associated(Options(n)) ) THEN
588 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
589 (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Options Structure"/))
592 call CRTM_Surface_Destroy(Surface(n))
593 IF ( CRTM_Surface_Associated(Surface(n)) ) THEN
594 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
595 (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Surface Structure"/))
598 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
599 ! [3.0] Deallocating CRTM Atmosphere structures
600 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
601 call CRTM_Atmosphere_Destroy( Atmosphere(n) )
602 IF ( CRTM_Atmosphere_Associated(Atmosphere(n)) ) THEN
603 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
604 (/"Error in deallocatting CRTM Atmosphere Structure"/))
609 deallocate( Atmosphere, Atmosphere_AD, STAT = Allocate_Status )
610 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
611 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
612 (/"Error in deallocatting Atmosphere"/))
615 deallocate( Surface, Surface_AD, STAT = Allocate_Status )
616 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
617 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
618 (/"Error in deallocatting Surface"/))
621 deallocate( Options, STAT = Allocate_Status )
622 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
623 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
624 (/"Error in deallocatting Options"/))
627 deallocate( GeometryInfo, STAT = Allocate_Status )
628 if ( Allocate_Status /= 0 ) then
629 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
630 (/"Error in deallocatting GeometryInfo"/))
633 end do sensors_loop ! end loop for sensor
636 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_transform_xtoy_crtm_adj")
638 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
639 (/"Must compile with $CRTM option for radiances"/))
642 end subroutine da_transform_xtoy_crtm_adj