1 subroutine da_scale_background_errors_cv3 ( grid, be, it )
3 type (domain), intent(in) :: grid
4 TYPE (be_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: be ! Back. errors structure
5 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: it ! outer-loop index
7 REAL, DIMENSION( ids: ide, jds: jde, kds: kde, 1:4) :: hwll
8 REAL, DIMENSION( ids: ide, jds: jde) :: hwllp, global_fac
9 REAL, DIMENSION( kts: kte, kts: kte) :: vv
10 integer :: n, i, j, k, ic, jc, ii, ij, ijk
11 integer, dimension(1) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje, kks, kke, ivar
12 real, dimension(1) :: xsum
13 real, dimension(ids: ide, jds: jde) :: global_2d
14 real, dimension(ids: ide, jds: jde, kds: kde) :: global_3d
15 character(len=6) :: vname
16 character(len=9) :: chr
17 character(len=8) :: i_char
19 INTEGER :: nta, ndeg, ku(1), kz
20 real :: samp(1),s2u,tin,as(5),as0(5),slim
21 character(len=256) :: mesg
23 integer :: ier, be_rf_unit, be_print_unit
25 ! 1, get global_fac from grid:
28 ij = ( ide- ids+1)*( jde- jds+1)
29 ijk = ij * ( kde - kds + 1)
30 ! Collect xb component of fac into global buffer.
31 call da_patch_to_global( grid, grid%xb%map_factor, global_fac )
32 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_fac, ij )
36 global_fac(i,j) = grid%xb%map_factor(i,j)
41 ! 2, Read in the variance and horizontal scales
43 ! 2.1 assign the units for reading and printing:
46 be_rf_unit = unit_end + 3
47 be_print_unit = unit_end + 5
48 if (rootproc) rewind (be_rf_unit)
50 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
51 write(be_print_unit,'(//10x,a,i2,a)') '====== SCALE CV3 BE for IT =', it, ' ======'
53 ! 2.2 Read the dimensions
56 read(be_rf_unit) iis, iie, jjs, jje, kks, kke, ku, samp
57 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( iis , 1 )
58 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( iie , 1 )
59 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( jjs , 1 )
60 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( jje , 1 )
61 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( kks , 1 )
62 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( kke , 1 )
63 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( ku , 1 )
64 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( samp , 1 )
65 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
66 write (be_print_unit,'(/a,7i5,f15.5)') &
67 "Read in: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp:", &
68 iis, iie, jjs, jje, kks, kke, ku, samp
70 ! 2.3 Read in the variances before normalization and write to "be_print_unit":
73 ! Print out the sum(x*X) for verification:
75 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
76 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'VARIANCE:'
79 read (be_rf_unit) chr, vname, ivar, global_3d
80 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( chr, 9 )
81 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( vname, 6 )
82 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( ivar, 1 )
83 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_3d, ijk )
84 be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ivar(1)) = global_3d(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte)
85 xsum(1) = sum (be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ivar(1))*be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ivar(1)))
86 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
87 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
88 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xsum(1)
89 ! write (*,'(3x,a9,2x,a6,2x,i3)') chr, vname, ivar
92 ! Psfc Variance before the normalization.
94 read (be_rf_unit) chr, vname, ivar, global_2d
95 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( chr, 9 )
96 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( vname, 6 )
97 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( ivar, 1 )
98 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_2d, ij )
99 be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte) = global_2d(its:ite,jts:jte)
100 xsum(1) = sum (be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte))
101 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
102 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
103 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xsum(1)
104 ! write (*,'(3x,a9,2x,a6,2x,i3)') chr, vname, ivar
106 ! 2.4 Read in the vertical scales to "be_print_unit":
108 ! write (*,'(3x,a)') 'READ IN VERTICAL SCALE BEFORE TUNING:'
110 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
111 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'VERTICAL SCALE:'
114 read (be_rf_unit) chr, vname, ivar, global_3d
115 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( chr, 9 )
116 call wrf_dm_bcast_string( vname, 6 )
117 call wrf_dm_bcast_integer( ivar, 1 )
118 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_3d, ijk )
122 be%vz(k,i,j,ivar(1)) = global_3d(i,j,k)
126 xsum(1) = sum (be%vz(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte,ivar(1))*be%vz(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte,ivar(1)))
127 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
128 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
129 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xsum(1)
130 ! write (*,'(3x,a9,2x,a6,2x,i3)') chr, vname, ivar
133 ! 2.5 Read in the Horizontal scales, and write out vertical scales to "be_print_unit":
135 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) &
136 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'READ IN THE HORIZONTAL SCALES:'
138 read (be_rf_unit) hwll
139 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( hwll, 4*ijk )
140 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) then
141 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'HORIZONTAL SCALES:'
142 xsum(1) = sum (hwll*hwll)
143 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PSI, CHI_u, T_u, RH_u SCALES:', xsum(1)
147 read (be_rf_unit) hwllp
148 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( hwllp, ij )
149 if (rootproc .and. print_detail_be) then
150 xsum(1) = sum (hwllp*hwllp)
151 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xsum(1)
152 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xsum(1)
155 ! 2.6 Write out the regression coefficients to "be_print_unit":
157 if (print_detail_be) then
160 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'REGRESSION COEFF. T, CHI, PSFC:'
162 xsum(1) = sum (be%agvz(:,:,:,ii)*be%agvz(:,:,:,ii))
163 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
165 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, 'TMP-PSI', xsum(1)
168 ! Rg. Coeff. already stored in "be" data structure, no need to save.
169 xsum(1) = sum (be%bvz*be%bvz)
170 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
172 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'CHI-PSI', xsum(1)
174 ! Rg. Coeff. already stored in "be" data structure, no need to save.
175 xsum(1) = sum (be%wgvz*be%wgvz)
176 call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
178 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSF-PSI', xsum(1)
182 ! 3.0 Re-scale the scale-lengths
184 ! 3.1 horizontal scales
191 as(1)=as1(2+(it-1)*3)
192 as(2)=as2(2+(it-1)*3)
193 as(3)=as3(2+(it-1)*3)
194 as(4)=as4(2+(it-1)*3)
197 hwll(:,:,:,n) = hwll(:,:,:,n) * as(n) / as0(n)
200 hwllp = hwllp * as5(2+(it-1)*3) / as5(2)
202 ! 3.2 vertical scales
209 as(1)=as1(3+(it-1)*3)
210 as(2)=as2(3+(it-1)*3)
211 as(3)=as3(3+(it-1)*3)
212 as(4)=as4(3+(it-1)*3)
215 be%vz(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte,n) = be%vz(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte,n) * as(n) / as0(n)
218 ! 4, Normalize the variances
222 ! 4.1 Get the square-root of the variance tuning factor:
225 if ( as1(n) <= 1.0E-7 .or. as2(n) <= 1.0E-7 .or. as3(n) <= 1.0E-7 .or. as4(n) <= 1.0E-7 .or. as5(n) <= 1.0E-7 ) then
226 Write (i_char, '(i8)') it
227 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
228 (/"Missing or invalid AS1 ~ AS5 value for IT = "//i_char/))
231 as(1)=sqrt(as1(1+(it-1)*3))
232 as(2)=sqrt(as2(1+(it-1)*3))
233 as(3)=sqrt(as3(1+(it-1)*3))
234 as(4)=sqrt(as4(1+(it-1)*3))
235 as(5)=sqrt(as5(1+(it-1)*3))
237 ! 4.2 Scale the horizontal scale in unit of grid-point:
243 ! 4.3 Normalize the covariance for psi, chi, t, and rh:
246 !$OMP PRIVATE (ij, n, j, i, vv, k)
247 do ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
250 do j=grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij)
252 ! Initialize the matrix vv:
258 ! Apply pseudo-Gaussian "right-left" smoother in vertical with
259 ! the vertical scale length be%vz:
260 call da_rfz0(vv,kz,kz,be%ndeg,&
261 be%vz(kts:kte,i,j,n),be%be,be%table,be%nta,be%swidth)
263 ! Normalize the covariance for psi, chi, t, and rh:
265 be % corz(i,j,k,n)=be % corz(i,j,k,n)*as(n) &
266 *samp(1)/hwll(i,j,k,n)/vv(k,k)/global_fac(i,j)
275 ! 4.4 Normalize the covariance for Psfc:
277 ! xsum(1) = sum (be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte))
278 ! call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
280 ! write (*,'("BEFORE: ",a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xsum(1)
283 ! xsum(1) = sum (hwllp*hwllp)
284 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xsum(1)
286 ! write (*,'("as(5)=",f15.5,2x,"samp=",f15.5)') as(5), samp
288 be % corp(its:ite,jts:jte)=be % corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*as(5) &
289 *samp(1)/hwllp(its:ite,jts:jte)/global_fac(its:ite,jts:jte)
291 ! xsum(1) = sum (be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte))
292 ! call da_proc_sum_real(xsum)
294 ! write (*,'(" AFTER: ",a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xsum(1)
296 write(mesg,*) 'Normalized covariance for Psfc: sum(be%corp*be%corp)=', &
298 call wrf_debug ( 1 , mesg )
300 ! 5, Assign the inverse of scale length fields for recursive filter:
302 ic = 1 + ( ide- ids)/2
303 jc = 1 + ( jde- jds)/2
306 ! write (*,'("i=",i4,2x,"jc=",i4)') ic, jc
308 ! 5.1 allocate the arrays for be scales: y-direction and x-direction:
310 ALLOCATE ( be % sljpy ( grid%xp%ipsy: grid%xp%ipey, grid%xp%jpsy: grid%xp%jpey) )
311 ALLOCATE ( be % sljy ( grid%xp%ipsy: grid%xp%ipey, grid%xp%jpsy: grid%xp%jpey, grid%xp%kpsy: grid%xp%kpey,1:4) )
313 ALLOCATE ( be % slipx ( grid%xp%ipsx: grid%xp%ipex, grid%xp%jpsx: grid%xp%jpex) )
314 ALLOCATE ( be % slix ( grid%xp%ipsx: grid%xp%ipex, grid%xp%jpsx: grid%xp%jpex, grid%xp%kpsx: grid%xp%kpex,1:4) )
318 ! 5.2.1 3-D fields: psi, chi, t, and rh:
321 do k= grid%xp%kpsy, grid%xp%kpey
322 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
323 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
324 be%sljy(i,j,k,n)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwll(i,j,k,n)
329 ! write (*,'("a, be%sljy:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%sljy*be%sljy)
331 ! Above level ku, the sljy fields are set to a constant
332 ! for psi and chi, i.e. homogenous:
334 do k=max(ku(1), grid%xp%kpsy), grid%xp%kpey
335 slim=1./global_fac(ic,jc)/hwll(ic,jc,k,n)
336 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
337 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
338 be%sljy(i,j,k,n)=slim
343 ! write (*,'("b, be%sljy:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%sljy*be%sljy)
345 ! 5.2.2 2-D field: Psfc:
346 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
347 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
348 be%sljpy(i,j)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwllp(i,j)
351 ! write (*,'(" be%sljpy:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%sljpy*be%sljpy)
355 ! 5.3.1 3-D fields: psi, chi, t, and rh:
358 do k= grid%xp%kpsx, grid%xp%kpex
359 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
360 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
361 be%slix(i,j,k,n)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwll(i,j,k,n)
366 ! write (*,'("a, be%slix:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%slix*be%slix)
368 ! Above level ku, the sljy fields are set to a constant
369 ! for psi and chi, i.e. homogenous:
371 do k=max(ku(1), grid%xp%kpsx), grid%xp%kpex
372 slim=1./global_fac(ic,jc)/hwll(ic,jc,k,n)
373 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
374 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
375 be%slix(i,j,k,n)=slim
380 ! write (*,'("b, be%slix:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%slix*be%slix)
382 ! 5.3.2 2-D field: Psfc:
383 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
384 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
385 be%slipx(i,j)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwllp(i,j)
388 ! write (*,'(" be%slipx:sum^2=",e20.12)') sum(be%slipx*be%slipx)
390 end subroutine da_scale_background_errors_cv3